M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, January 24, 1863, Image 3

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I Snerift' Sale.
Y . VIRI'UE virits of .s.Ptepries Ficri
I).l%Wcia,s, iir;ueq.ouCof the CoOrt Of Couimon
Pleas of Cameron' CoMity, tindito tits directed.
will; 1?e, exposed to public sale' the
Court House; ity , Shippen, on Saturday,. tine ad
of .rainiarY"'lB6,l, at one P,
the lollewing described Lots Ofland and pram
isearsituated in towr.ship.of Shippen, cdunty. of
•Cameron -and State of . . Pennsylvania, bounded ,
and deicribed as follows, -to . .
Beginning at the intersection ot• the.. North
- .
.1. line of Warrant(No. 39Aand 'the weit batik of
..14Ortage•Cree . k. thence along laid North line' Of
warrant ..303., south, fifty eight .(58)•degfees
;east..one hundred and forty: three ( 143) rods'
.-. and three tenths 049) . 0 rod to, a post the
northnalsilcorner. hereof and the neirth,west'cOr. -
. nee of land , of . o 14 Saie; thence:b . y land of said
Sage.'south six (0) degrees,and one, half(;)
degree: west' two: hundred : .a nd se.venty:fpur
• [27l] rods to the*nortit[liank of. the..S.inn,atria.
.breelt,lhe southwestcornet: of land of
13'Stwe.and the southeast .corner hereof,
said: creek Nerth
.thence . .by north:liatilt of
[6.l] degrees west twenty five [23]
. • rods and tiro tenths [2-10]•of.n . totl, to the'east
point of warrant 6107,•th the name of:Johp
Earl ..Warranteei. :thence along the Sonthern .
Mines, of said ..warrant:No: 0107, South sixtyfour
(64). de;grees and - orie half (1-2). of a degree
'West eighteen' (IS) rods and .seven. tenths.
(7:13):of a:rod to witness:, to'a corner of said
Warrant No. 007; North sixty-,one (01) de
,krees west Ono:hundred. 'and forty eight [l43]
rods andseven - tenths [7.10) of a'rod and north
. eighty seven (37) degrees and one half (1,2)
'of &degree west forty [4o].rods to a beech the .
original ,Northeast corner of.warraitt,No.49,ll4
thence 'by. land of ' Froeinati . :North.two (2)
degrees. and one half (1.2) an . degree East one
'hundred:: and .fifteen (110), rods M. - the:north
bank-of the'Sinnarnalroning creek, [hetedMeng
• said north bank, by lamfof • S 'Freeman:South
.fifty three [s3] degrees andlone fourth [l- . 4] of
a degree East ceventy six . [7o] rods and Seven
. tenths '[7-10]'of a rod to the'southwest'ceiner
of warrant N0. , 303 in 'the name of Ephriam
Blairie,.theifce along :the 'west . line's of said
. Warrant No. 303 'and land of S Freeman , Nor Lb
two [2] 'degrees and ooe_half e 'degree
East .fifty . ..five [ss] rods North . thirty tri'o. [32]
. oegrees.and..one half [l-2]of : , degree. East
forty' two [42] todi . ,Nortli two [2] degrees and .
one half [l;2] of a degree East seventeen [l7]
.'rods North thirty nine [3o] .degreeS and one
:.hall[4.2].of a degree East twenty two [22]
reds to 'e post,.thence. South eighty seven [37]
degrees and.:one 'half [l-2] of degree-East
eight [B] toils. to the - west' bank' of Portage
creek, thence - aliing the west bank of 'said 'creek
,and land or 'S- Freeman • North twentyieven
(27) ,degrees . t
welve (12)• rods. and 'seven
:tenths (7 .10) Ole .rodi r North twenty : three ( . 23)'
degrees East .'fourteen (14) . rods .and 'four•
tentlis . (4-1,0) . of rod, North sixty,four . (64)
. degree Sand ,one foitith (I-4)'M: a degree' West
twenty (20) rods and four tenthi (4-10) of a
• rod . and North twenty fi . ve',(2s) degrees 'West
seven - (7):rods end five: tentlis : [s 10]:of a rod
to the.. West line of Warrant No. 303,. thence
:along said •line Mirth two [2] . degrees atitl.ene
half [l-2] of a degree East eight [3] rods thence
.by.the.west bank of Portage • creek and land
of § Freeman • North, forty ,two .[l2] degrees'
east twenty one (21) rods'and six tent hs•[o4o]
'of a rod, antl.Nerth
.thirty seven
,[37] degrees
and:Ooe fourth [l-4] of• a degree •East. t wenty
'two [22] rods to the place Of beginning ; coo
'taining three htindred and twelve.,[342] acres
uni hundred 'and .seventeen*[ll7] sqnare . rod!,
More.atiess; and being parts 'of Warrants Nos.
393dand 61.97,cinii containing :abont.two'hun:
Bred [2oo]
.acres of improVetiland . , one apple
orchird . ,-..' one peach orchard, :ieved.dwellidg,
.hottaes . and Ott tbuildin'gii seven. board shanties;
vne,storehouse,',three barns, one corn house and,
igranary,•one, hay barn,...turnaheds; one:black
smith shop. and tool house, 'one . double saw
mill'snd edger, and three wells of Water:there
on. I
• Which laid lot of . land and premise's. is :cern"-
posedaf three _several, contig,hous lotsothich
•aris separately described , as follOws.: • .
Trig . .
Tinsi—Beginning : at . a Tait in the
north•line.of Warrant''. No. 393.1wthe„name.of
EPhraim Braille, the.northeast: corner hereof
and the tiOrthWest cornet of land of C Sage
thence by'land of said C RSage South. six.,[6]
deireei.and one half [l ; 2] of degree west
• two' hundred . and seventy toui.[27.l]i toils on a
line of thirty three years*tlie:nOrth bank of
the • iSinnamaho,ning creek, thence along the
Said north:bank North sixty; four (6,1).. degrees.
West tWvnty five (25) '..rods. and - tivo, tenths
(2-10 y ri,rod to, he east pointof Warrant No..
6107, thencerstill along the 'north' bank' of 'the
creek - thirty 'three [33] de-.
gries and 'one half [l,9]. of a degree Weit :
seventy nine [79] rods•rindnone' tenth 0.10) of
a rod to. the .S.Mithivest• cornet 'of the late
ColegraVelot and. the:Southwest corner hereof,
theneeby•the. late Colegrove lot:North six .EG);
.degrees and one half, [l,-2]- 'of a ' degree East
two.hundred'arid fortyl24o]• rods to . , a post in
the north, line of Warrant No. 395; thence Monk
said north line of said Varrint'No.' 303 South
fifty eight (SR) degrees East eighty twO(s2)'
iods.arid 'one.tenth ti-1.0) of a rod to. the. place
,of.:beginning beginning:- containing "one ...hundred - , and'
twenty two., [l22] agree : ..fiqty..thrpe' [4:3)
square , rods, More orless, and being the central'
:part of.:. Warrant: 'No,. -393 in 1 the .mame of
~iittliresa!li containing abOtit
one flunked: and ; fen Y(110) acres of imptolied
land;:, ,one orchard,'.' one apple
orchard;one dwelling bowie:and, outhnildings,i
twOY• r beinsi-one.'' . granaryior corn: house ? one
cow.shedor haY,b6A4'oneldaeliStrtilh 'Shop niid
tool ehedattached, and one, board shanty,• upe
. ,
TtigSacosti—Beginning at . a . poit'the..Sonth
west' coreer:yOf. Warrant No. .30.3 in the name
of 'Ephraiirt thence- along the west
bouttilark linei3 of said Warrant No. 303 North
two [nqegTees and one. half (1-2) of a degiee
East fifty Ave (51) rods, North thirty 'two [32].
degrees end one half [P.2]: of a- degree East_
fortrtwo . (42) rodi, North two . (2) degrees and.
one..half [l-2]'Of a 'degree East seventeen [l7]
rods and North thirty nine. [39] degrees and
one..half (1-2)'ot 'a - degree: East..twenty two
(22)•rods to
,a post, thence, by land oc_Seneca
Freeman South eighty seven 187] degrees 'and
one half:(l.2)-of •a Alegre° East:eight [Bl teas
to the west: bank- of •Portage Creek,., thence
aligrig.the',courses of Alm ',west' bank
.of said
Portage creek North•twenty seven [27] degrees
Eastlwelve.(l2) rods seven tenths [7-10]
of a rod; North' . twenty three, [2,3] 'degrees,'
Eisatfoarteen [l-1] roils andtotir tenths (.1-10)
'of trod, North . sixtf (our [6 , t]' degrees and ono
hag [l-2] Of a' degree Weir twenty [2olreiN
and'four:tenths:(4-10). of itrod North'twenty
• (4isj degrees Avest . seven (7) 'rods and five
teeth* (5.10) Ofa rod to the west line of said
warrantNd: 393, North two (2)' degrees and
one'hatt . [lA] Of a degree :East eight (8) rodi
. ?bens' e by land of said Seneca Freeman and the
west' bank of the Portage . creelc, North forty
two on degrees East twenty one 'l2l] reds.
and aht tenthe(64o) of a rod4ind North thirty' .
seven [37]; degrees and onelourtb [A•A . ] of 'a
pegree East tvveityt,wo [?.21 rOdS to the north
ot.said warrant No. 393 the . nee said
line , and land.. in .possessinn'of Brook s 'and
Welsh, South fifty 'eight.- [sB]' : degrees' East
sixty'?no (0)) rodS'and . l
.twoenths , [2:l9 : l•Of
ryd ti;l : poati; thence by; the . old Colegrove
South Si* (6) degrees anit'one : half•of a degree,
west..two'hendred and . - forty.(2.lo) imds to'-the
north bank 'of .the'lSinnamahoning° creek thence'
up.the north bank of said creek North . fifty (00)
degrees and one fourth (1-1), of allegree West
one hundred and . three:(lo3).,:yOds 'arid One
tenth 11.101 of a rod to the placeof beginning,
containing one. hundred 'and eight (10S) acres
'and'hitir (.1) square rods; :mote. or leis, : tind
being : the westerly'virt oCWarrant N0..393 - in
'the name of 'Ephraim : Blaine'' a$ fore'sniil,
contalping about ninety' (90) ACces ofirnproved.
JUntl, six dwelling hotises and'ontbitiiilings, six
board shanties, .one:ttore liotiae,'One.barnitivo
sheds, one double sa w ral! a rid edger; and three
wells of water, and apple; . peacti andother fruit
• •
trees-thereon: ' • .• •: • ,
Tll.: . Tiifitri - -13er , iniano . at n'pelnt . .the,
north' .bank nfi - thoiSinnamahoping' Cieek,-
bearing.NOrth• .stXty - lciur.: : (o4) degrees' West
twenty five . (25)rodg..tind tivb. tenths' (2'-10) - of
' a rod horn' the southwest corner, : pf land 'ot C.'
H. Sage,and being•the eictretne ' east point of
Warrant No. 6 : 1.07 ; thence' South !sixty. four
1611. degrees and one half (1.2) of. a degree
West eighteen '(18)•rocts and
.seven. tenths
(740)'0f corner of
said' *Arrant No: . 6107, thente'alrini - lhe
son thernlines of said . *arrant. 6lo7.North
sixty one (61) degreesiVest •ione f hundred.and
forty eight'.(l46).rods and seven tenths 0-10)-
. OT - 4 rod and NOrth•eighty'seVen (87 : ydegreek :
and. one. half (1-2) 'of a degree-Westforty - [tO)
rods:to a beich the original: nertheagt corner,
of Warrant, No. IMI thence by land • of S:
Preeman North. tWol[2:lnegrees: andcine,half
11'.21 of a degree East one hundred• and fifteen
[i.tl] rods and five :tenths (5-10.) - of to
the north' brink of .the:S.innarrialinntng Creek,
thence al'ong'inid north bank - by laud - ,of' S.
Eterriari South °' flfty:threef(o3). degrees. and
`one fourth. [l-4] of-a'degree, East' seventy six
1761 rods and seven tenths rf-103,0f u'rosl'to a
post thesonthivest 'Corneiof Warrant
,No.' 393,
thence by. he creek line. or said Warrant:No..
393 South 4tir [5Ol degrees and 'one
: fourth
[l'.:4]'ot : a ;degree Eost.One hundred' and three
[lo3] rods' and.one tenth' [1.10]•of a 'red and
Soot h, thirty. three [33] degrees and 'one' half:
[1. , 2] of a'ilegree Fast seventy. nine (70) . rods
and one ten th [l-10 ] -oi.a roil to the place of
beginning', containing • eighty.two [S2]
: acres
and seventy square rods,' more being
the' East part of Warrant No: lo7.:—..:tutimpro
ved. • : •
Inquisition Waived
Seized; taken in Ex.e.cution 'and will .be..scild
as the property of Z. ..Cotvley,.ond James G.
Mersereau, Chauncey Benjamin
- Harrower terre. .tenants, .•at ; the' .suit of
Jonathan. Colegrove, now 'for the use of, John
. • . JOHN A. EI..DRED,
. •
• Decembei' . ll, 1562 . • . -
Cameron• Colinty.
DIY VIRTUE of' , a vi•it of Faiipr.t ~issued,
.10 'out of the Court of Common Pleas'ofCarii
eron cotinty and to. me' directed; I shll expose,
to' Public sale at the Conn . -Flobse, in Shippen,
on. Monday - the; filth day . '. of January,- A:D.
1,40, rit.one o'clock the fnlloiving des
cribed lots of landland premisee; sitna the
township •,. county of Cameron and
State of Pennsylvania; • boilrided 'and described
•as .equal undivided. half'
of the Wdst " half•Of warrant . nurnber -1051.
Containing fonr hundred and ninety-fi've,a . ores,
more or less; about , twenty-five acres of which
is impcoved:-
• Ar.s6, —The- equal: undivided: hall Or - one
other tract eituate - in:the. township of Shippen,
County of ,Cameron; and State of Pentisylva
.nia, deseribed as: 'follows . : Bounded East 'by
'land formerly 'owned*by
"one Earl,
,Noith; by:
warrant' number 29.13, West,by' lands . .oiamed,
by Le'grend Cook, Soutlr.by lands owned'. by .
David Swift; 'Containing two hundred' acres,
be the seine more'lordess.' .
A'r,So;The 'moo] undivided half., of one
other tract situate in the township ot'Shippen,
courity'cif Cameron and State'of Pennsylvanini
iiLsribeil as follows: .Boulided, North by War
rant number 75; West by Z. L. Hubbard's One
hundred 'acre lot; South. east "by West Creek;
SOuth west by lands owned by George Thayer
and - Davitt'Swift; COntainiog.three hundred and
seventy acres, be the . seine more br less;' on
Which is 'one frame house arid out=
huildings, ode Shanty house, one Saw Mill, and
a qUanfity . of.pruit-tieeS, — .twenty acres .of
which is improved lnnd..
Arso,- 1 -one.other tract:of' lanitetunte in the
township-of Shippen; comity of Caineron.• awl
State of l'ennsplvania;, described as - .follows:
Bounded West by Warrant number 2913', North
by lands of, - , Merrick Housler. :rind Driftwood
creek; South by lands owned, by . Warner end
. .
Hubbard,' and East bylandS'ownett . by Warner
and,llubberd;':Containingmhe hundred acres, be
the some mare or less r thit(rttereS of. which is
improvekland: ' •••
situate in 'the
township of Shippen, county o{, CarnerOm l *npd
State.ol,''l'dtlpsylv~niaytlloupded and ,
es follows., to wit: .being part of Warrant :nnin . -
lie . i49s7;:and.b . ounded on.the,Noyt.4 bywarrant
tiuniber..494o o . on the East by lands . ..owned by
Samuel BOrlitTham, on the South by wairMit
number 496 . '2, on . the West by launs'oWned by
15aitid A!forrisoM timtainini one hundred acres
be..the same . .rnore or less, fen.acres'of whie4 is
improved land. ..•, • . • ,* .
Iriquisitio.'u,waived. by' defendant'. '
Seried,.taken in 'execution, and win be sold
as the'pronerty of. Z. L.L.Hubha rd; the saij
of. 11.-T..Taggart.•
- . • JOHN A. gl„DßED, Sherill
OFri6a ,
December . lativA. D. 1862; 1
* - 77
ClarlA'S. Jacobs mud.' ,.
,Nlktry A.
,Boyd 1 •
• vs • .1.: McKean County'
Benmiah P. Bailey, }. Common Pleas
with 'notice to .•, 1 A. D. No. 20
Alvin Smiths .. Se'pt.;' , Terna, :1362.
Served as • large tayani, •.. • -'. •
Summons in Ejectment for the following de—
scribed lots of lanll,'sittiated in Corydon' town-.
Ship, County. aforesaid, viz': •
Warrant No. three thousand ,six hundred and
ninety nine [3690] bounded'North by Wariant
No, 3700; East by Wartant . ..Not.2B74; South
by Warrant No.. 3713; and West-by Warrant
No. 3711; containing one thousand.clooo3 acres
more or, less.• •.., ':!.'
- ,
Af.soWitrrant No. three thousand seven
hun k iced and twenty one [NO., 3721 J; :bounded
North by Warrant' No.. 4707; East .1;)) ,
rant,No, 3732;- South • Warrant :No.', '3131,
West by the liege , or: Warren eountyC.eoetain:
ink one theniand [lOOOl aeres,mare'or less.Rule,on defendant to' appear and..plead.on 'or.
before. ilie third day oi . ,next [February] .tertif;
1863; awl , for an otpublicatio'n necOrding
to law.•• • • -
•••.' BYRON P. HA 34.111; • '
. • •• . . t'jr for Pill's..
•Dee. .23,4862 Rule granted and.Cee - rt direct
publication of 'the . .sume three times ; sixty days
he(ere the return day ''thereof in the .MiKean
Office of ,lAY. COOKE;
qount tnrni,
. •
. • -11‘ llpv. 10802
The' undersigned' haying . been npponiteil
SUBSCRIPTION' A GENtby the Secretary of
theTreasuryi is now 4reriared - to' furnish ? at
... , .
• I:oTe.w Twenty. Ysar 6 ppr 'et. Bonds.- •
'of' the United' States, clesi,gnated. a. 4
eema b I e t: the pleasure of The
dovernment; aftc.r.• five yen rs, and 'lliithoiized
by Act.ol'enagress, - Approved Feb, 25, ]S62.
. The. COUPON.: BONDS alre issued in slims of
$50,.5150, $SpO . , , . •
, .. . . . . .
•,. The . REGIST,ER BONDS , in sums. $:,51,
$ . 1.90,.5600,,'s I pop' and .55.0 pp. '. • -;•• •:';.• :.. .
.;-.lnteyes(.atsix per...cent:opr :4iii:itim, will
eominerice from tfate.,6f iftiychase, and, is ~ ...'
. . PAYABLE IlitrOLD,'
Semi-Anntially, which is' equal,. at the present
premium oil gold, to about. EI9I-1T PER. CENT
:Farmer's Merchants., Mechanies, Chpitalists;
. .
..a.nd'all . 'whd,have. any motley *to . invesr,.should
and-remember; thtit these bonds are';' . in
effect,.a '.FIRST MORTGAGE anon . all'Rajl ,
rOad.S.,.Canall,lanlc.Stbcks and Securities; .- and
theirrimene in:pdtiCts. of all the Manufactdres,
country: ''and thut..tbe full and
ample provision made forthe fiaytnent of the.
interest and ..)irwillation:pf principal; by Ctis- :tatn,tt; Dutie.s;..ll...tecisev . Stamp Rev
enue, serves tn,triake . '!hese bends'tha •
Beg: J ..3loA' Avallabk 'MO .Most. Poiiular Investment
iu the filar&cd.
. ..
. .
Subsrriptipng recMred..at PAR in Img,ad l'n
,der Notes; or Mertes anil,phecks of bank'sit par
M.Philadelphia.' _ Subs cribers by • mail will TO.
ceive prortipt attention-and ev,ery'.facilty'and
explanatipMwill be afforded on application' to
full supply or,Bondi will bu.keat on' Vin
for immetlialc.(l4 , lil'reif.•., • •
JAY . COOKE,',subtripiion Agent:
lIJIFD . .IjII.ES .111sIDE' EASY!.'
. . . , .. .
I would respectfully announce to.tha citizens
of McKtidu and ; adjoining counties' that they
'can do as :well in Smetliport,rin the: Stove and
Tin....vare: line. 'as . . in ..9lean.. ' I shall; at all
nine's, have' On hand alarge stock' of . . ' '.
£Slieet•.ren iC coilpo-Wrpril,
Hoof Iron, and' lluttse-kerlier Ilan Sc
Job Work,
of all kinds done With dispatch, and in - n' satin
tory manner, at the lowest possiide•priceS,
.. Orders promptly attended
• Odre•• me •a: callat the builtling - known as
Tin Store'.'—formerly occupied' by
Geo. Fl. Mason—Sinatimert,Ta. , •
• Tr' I will pay the . .hlgliqst market price, in .
goods or•rash, for any quantity of Sheet, Petit .
March 29 , , 1862
Liberty—G'reen,' Augustus,;lAmpsapspoll,• , , , .
West, Marshall;Abbey,..T. J.; Talmage; John;
Fitch, E.; Cane, Yausickles; Juba.
• Copydoit—HOuligton,-Attmas.....
Boadford—Latierty., Jewett, Beni;
Baker, L. S.
•• .Sergeant—Eas,terbrook,.l). Loxiver; Mu
th; litirtsog; Geo. . • ,
ICuaiirh=Botiil, Jas. A.; Acr6 Wm.;Cal7
Gres .Tds.;Peabocly, b:;
Josept;Jr.i Stull, A. r.; Can,
reponald,, • . J4tpei; Cont;in,• G.;,
I3eniirtt, I). R.•• • -
• Alf Ill;1—:.Bellpivs R. ' HoligeF,'Jcisoph.
teifii.y6:4W---5m it h Etlward;l4oop :
i:7l47nliy-LRai)dalli .45.; Gallup,
rigon •7411 •
J. 1 7
.BLAIR,, Sheri ff .
SmethpOrt, Dec.:3.1 2 1:562.: •
To Consi-1141pti.ve,..
: Plum Advertiser, havingbeen restored : to health in u
• JL 1 se weeks, by a very simple remedy, eller haring
antlered several years witha severe lung affection, and
that dread diseaso i , Conkutoptionlet anxious 'to,•lnake
known to hitt follow , sulTeters the momenta °retire...
To all who desire it, - be will send a cilpy oltho pre:strip
•tlan used (free of eltrite), with the directinns for pre••
paring and. rising the 11111110. which they will 1101. it sunk
OURII ens CONSUMPTION,. A3TIIIIA, lninsentris, &c.. The
only object of.the Advertiser in sending the Viescription
late benefit the afflicted, and spread information which
,he conceives to he invaluable, arid, ho hones (work sof=
refer fr.r big. rQtnedY, as it ;will cost then, nothing,,
and may prove ahlessing: •:• , • •
thirties withing . the pret*ription , will please address • !
ltsv: ADWAIII) A, WlittiON,.
*logs County, New York, ••.
1431.111: DEMORESTYS•TIIIIItoIt OF FA51110N,...-The
d' bust and meet relhible Magitkine la the
world; Oeritains the.larueat and' linen Faultion-Platee
the greatest number of tine. Engravinkm, the Latest and
moat reliable itiffirtiuttiou, three full-elaed 'Patterns for ,
lirenames, and a about of niiw:Erade-Work•and 'Embroi
dering Patterun. Every slother, Dreystmiker, Millener
and hudy, should have it: Publiened Quarterly, et diet
Eventlway,Jdory everywhere or sent by mail
ati2.s.einita. Yearly gij, with 0, xiilmahholiretalum.-
. Thu :Summer neither now ready..
SOBSCTII:IIE . R Inix . openetra nevi.; Liv
• Stab in ietliport,, at.. 0. - 12. pen
net.t's.Old Stand,.on.hfain . street;, jiist east.:of
lelianies', where can beloondthe best of Hor:
'ses and.Carriag,es t prices: He intends 'to
makaSmedport r pettnanent - rnsidl.neei and
asks a allar s e'of patronage.
. . •
Smothtiprt,....4gusi" 1860. •
'.lllO Co7.lfett.ionf-4. aritt Ex'peir,ione
Pulti,Tsri.ED Fon TUN IIYNIFIT ANDA • W - A . ItN,
hut a6rri can tion .to young' !lieu ului•Huttoi tenni Nur
vtrua DObility, Premature lleariy, R c. , ! supplying t(t, the.
enure tinie thu manna of Self•Cuo liy. ma! Iyho lima aura.'
itinuiell altar lieink put to great tut pause! through medicl!
.!mpiAltillll and ituachibry,, Ity enclokiiur a punt-paid!
drosadd on ve.l
ope, 81Frn.e .Conan 111 . 4T•110.11:111 of the au
thor, NATIIMiIi, MAYFAIR, 1160.0, King'.
County.; N. 1% .! : •!, ." Of- rt.)
A . Titotvrtron-i - ionm; TIEL . T'ABLE end PR - AC
TICAL ....fotirnal',• 'devoted to' the different, de
;paii.men of
,soil oilculture, to ch as
. g ro vying Pjeld
,CrOpe', Orchard' find Gdrdery • Ftltlts ; •Cra rdeh
Flowere';' :Trees,: and
were', 'foe' Yid Lawn"Or: Yard; care of bo
:imistie &e., and to Household
Labors.' .Itjnts alsO an inteystiligtind.instruc ! ,
live, depart kneet.lers.hildren . and youth
full 'Calendar ef:Oktatioili.cverymonth:
.Teree. to Fourliundred, illuktra.cive
Eng - r,iiiinE, , E.!;cirpear, in each,;volutne. ••
Over„T. , .elve'.. Hundred practical, in-
. .
structive articles49(l afe give
. ..
The Editors'anti Contiibutors .Are 011.-iiraci
deal Woykitig*Miti: -. • - :. .'.. • ..... 1
.• The leaf/ri n gs or dart 'Aiinicwilittrs)..eiro eon
jined'io no &ate . or 7i,itoi•n;.bgt: are Oiloinle,l•i6
. . ...,, .
tlpt nnwit.i Ofall.oeriione of thie rOnnny—it'i.e, as,
its ini.ino indicates; for tho'nY4oie A iiICRICAN Co
. • •
A GERMAN pablished,mf the
same size and'•prlce as the English, and ccin'..
tairdag 'all . olits reading - matter, and its dome.;
ions illustrative' engravings,,. • . • •
One:copy; one yeaii '... • $1 00
. • Six copies, one year • . 3 00..
.1 .
, Teh or more Copies- one ceitis
07'' Add to the• above rates: Postage
Canada' 6 - cent.S,,, to Eng!and. and 'France, 2.!
cents rto Germany, 33-centa... • •
. • .
Postage. anywhere . In - the - .United States and
Territories must be paid.by the Subsoriber„ and .
is only oint, a year, if paid irr . adrande at
the office ivbere'recivf,d.
'All business and other communications sbnuld
be addri?sSeit id the Editor and Proprietor, . • .
,ORANGE JUDD', .11Park.:Row, N. Y. City
. . •TO . OUII.
The - comme.ncerneni orb net year is•n good
titnefor renewing subscriptions and increasing
he circulation of the JOllillilloi - Cornm'er , ce.
We address Ourselves lo•thr. , old readers oftlie„
. paper.;, wit h•entire Confideneelp their
nips to did us, anti fextend the in fl uence O the
sound•conservativ'e•p . rinciple and morals which
have bitheyto Chiiacterizid pod Will hereafter
.characterize this paper. ':-F.NEItY LIS . M to
the Journal of Commerce mighydo; a ;great
serviee to these : principle's, and strengthen tii•
...in our ability tp support and circulate them, by
iendini•us'the name of. at leitat •onemew sub
scriber:in his town.,
.Dcroted'firmly, as .We have bee n to our coun
try's interests, and having,. long beetircalled
•alinion Savers!' a r s a term of reproach,. we ,are
and shall be the firm-upholders of. •
opposing' with heart and pen every man, 'South
or Iliorthiwho is, an enemy fo , either:. Ev'ery
form of disorganization and reVolutio,n.tvill•find
.os, ready for, the combat:: AMOng:the loss of
the American Union and American principles,
; we ratilt.side bY'side : •
and-we propose With all our:strength to defend
themation against the attacks of both...
To encoa those. who May volun . teer to
aid'in.the,:organizatirm of Clubs,', we hereby
offer an. extra Copy of the Wrieltly to every,pet . ..
'son who shall forward . twCnty neksebscribers.
. ..
maybe organized. in..communities Niith,great
a,dvantagii. The present is [he' best period for,
their', cOinineticeinent: The terms on which'
vtie can furnish..the paper Arens foljbws :—.
To companies taking
1 20 copies or•upwards DOLLAR end
. 13 copies. • FIFTEEN DOLLARS
S capies .
copies .
. .3.copies
Under 3 . copies ;MO'. . each
The paper's Ile.:nddreSsed tirdifreren:
persons at Oie same Post 'Office, if deSired, ex .
ceps in cases ..of Clubs of
,13.ar . mole copies,
which will.he mailed to one addresb . ..,
A. J. NOU fiSE i
may he. made at the follot‘ . .ing,eates :- Papers
adlied.to.al club dating ,t he first, quintet. of the
year Willi . . pay the 41111 rate 'of 'tlie.ori.gi
tal.cduit for a• year, during the, second quarter
three-63(mile of the original year's rate; 'during
the third quarter one half, and durfeg the kit,
quarter:one-fourth,. ane. all such subscriptions
will terminate with the .year - of the, orighial
• .
Where ptc,l;agcs.of nsrarprp.r. or periodicals'
ore received at, any post 'office diieeted to one
address, and the names of the club of subs'eri
h.ers to
for a quarter in advariee; shall be handed to the
pe:staidster, lie. pEall-ifeliv'er the 'same to their
respective owners.. • ' • "
But this floes . 'apply to weekly.newspapeis
which ejicidate .... free in the'colinty..wherti'prin;
ted and 'published. - •
DJ Aidrlrrss Editor.< ihi! .7 . or , rdal 'of Com. ,
merri, No. 91 Wail :Veto Fad., •
PRIME, STONE, HALE is fiAi.tocit,...
• Editors. grid Proririetois
. .
.•. • . .
. . ,
• This preparation. mole from the host Java' Coffee. is
rocoinineiele,l'hy physic:into; as a ioikrier N uT it LT 1 OUS
IlliVEßAli 1.). for (loner:if Debility,. llystiepaia„ WO all
bilious iiisinalers. , Thong:Olds Who have Won einupellud
to abandon the nnenfanilTeti will use thini without iejeri
r us'elfeets. one coo contain:4 the strength of two pseudo
of (irate:try colic°. Price 45 edits. ' ..
!L , Ise purest and bust BAKING .I , OWDER known:l'o
making ligbt , . sweet and. nutritiutto 11road and ealcos. , -;
Price 15 cents. • '
,", • MANITPACTI7Ii s tn TY. • ' s "
• N. ti...K,cor.i.,OcK.,.'hern,Fst, • .
Curvier of . firotid «pd the,4tiatal.
And sold by a,ll Grunion] and Gruoura.
Trom'llnlbiooL's U.S.. Jl,iE
. .
P....sToc KHOLDERS of the ,ItVlienn
; Rail . Net , igation • Coinpany. ere
ftt;reby notiffetrfn meet . at.tho office of 5: 'C,
Hyde". in the 01, StnethpOrt, on the
secontrAferniny of January, being'•the . 19th)
for tho purpose of ,electing .a • Preside ix a mleix
Directors, for the'onsttiog. year.'
. .
• HYDE, q6cret4ry.
Smethport, Dec. 18,•IF02..
All personsintlCbt,e,ll to•me for, cdsti,.•-in Df
'lc.c'ati county; are requcated to pay rho .sante•ro
§(7.ULT/,' • orJ;:11.-...(:111XDWjek, nrUl
in Cum•eron• cotinti will pay tii . P. E.: SCULL;
or:JOHN .. M. •''
• y.
All, 'lttfinfling. to, this call willviryrtnilch
oblige rne.andl save th.ern'selYes costs. .• :'
•JOS'EPH MORSE,' Late %Oft
Sri)olltport, Dec. I lth 18G2.. "
BUSI-lELS. of th% best quafity T.,r
r, OTIIII SERI), rnisqd by. and for sala at
• • • L. 4 1. 'DOLLEY'S.
PortrAilegany, December 29,'1861.` •••
. • • . .
. •.
• '
. , • . .
140: WAGES .
PAID $lOO. .•
- To. sell goods fort he A nAms . Br:witui MAcitirrn
CO . :10 ‘ 1NY; Me will give- a,commission pn.all
goolls•sald by Our Agents, or pay wages at from
540 to $lO . O, tier month, and pay all neceSsary
i , xpenses. Oitr'Machine is perfect 'in its,me.
Chanism,'• A chiltEcan learn to operate. it by
half an lionrs',instruCtion I It is equal
. to any
faoly Sewing Machine iii rise;,. and la have
ridoired the' price to Fifteen pollara.
• .Each machine is warranted for threa•years.'
Address : . RUGq,LES, • .
. . •
• . Gen.„Agt,,•Detroit, Mich,'
[ 9: , 4 .] ' •
. . .
. .
.• . .
. .
• _ . -
. .
. . .
:Tuft Pub!tilled, in a Seated rnrelope. Price siir Centx
„Radical Core of Spertnatorrhort, or Seminni.Weekneam,
I tivoluntnry Etptnatnna. Vecititld)ebtlty. and InniodimMit e
triALtrritteegenerally. Nerronatiesa:Consunititn. Epi•
lepay end Pits ; Mental and Incapacity; result.
.lug from Self-Abuse. ltOnt,J CubvitaWaLL,
D Author of the Green Rank, An. ' . , • .
Tim world-renowned author. in, tit la admirable Levitt ra '
clearly 'yrorem from Isla own experience that the awful'
conmeguences'of.Self-nbasa noty•bu iffectuelly renOred
Without medicine, and without dangeroux anrOcalopera-
Com ;,bougiem, instrumentaiiings, or cordialm, pointing
nut n mode of cure ut rake certain and effectual, by
whiab eveiy onfrerer, no'nettter' whet lint condition may
be. may cure himself cheaply,' privately...ant( iadiaally.
Thin lecture will 'prove u boon to thoumanda anal thou-,
Pont under anal, in a plain'enrelope, in any addrema, on
recatptuf nix cents ; or two Mintage Metope. hr address
tug, • Dr.CJIAS: J. C. KLINE, - •
I')7 Bowery, :York i.PogiOftle,n 45SCI:
TIIE Subscriber , haTing.parchased . this me
lcnawn stand, and 're'-furnislied and re-6t
tel the linuse, is prepared to entertakßoard
eri and the plibtiC, • • • '
• MIS BAR. :4 1 iND Allt : Ko : •
Will be *ell supplied, end . everything lone
'to.rrierit n liberal. share of.patronage.
men Wil . l-iitways find the..qatclv-elring",ont.
• • P. M. PULL.F.II. - 1 .
Kendal Creek. .Tanuary . .2, 1669: • '
Ti..l E (:)I_ lI)•.Ii...EyS'.I:c)NE-.0.".().11.E
AT. 01_,EAN...!
old friends in'lVlcKealt County . , that he is
on hand this Swing as tt§ual,• wlth '
'.• AN'b' BEST
Selected stock of - Goik in the Olean Market
To Wholesale Cash
.11ilyers. I . : Would Sas,
I Can ofier you better inclaCemeigs than yOu
can get. west of New York. •
t makes•no difference What yon want, any
in•tha . line of - •
orzoc• E Pll VIS lONS,
Cull at tha
, . .
And yciu will find the 'ankh) frnsh.nini cheap'
's, no use talking' the
ways has, and always will take th'e lead, and
gulatetho rpatket in ..• .
Ifiraceries and
I)on't fait to call and see me when .yon:
Olean ; I 'stall riot huri.yoti, but shall Certainly
try to do You giu.Ul. ' . •
• •r,. K, COAIST.()CK
oan,ly 37t1, 1,3611
. .
uire•iituii;) . li,.:A'Oo;op . O . ,:
. • ,
ri:prrlq).-B, Y. JOHN' TH.9MPSON,
'ons c9rrected prsorr fgiquAlerl,.
, .• -2 Wnll•strect.
, • ••
putil isnot'. by C
• l'Fysl9 gintscßorricts 1h tepy'Airc*i..
"• 'Po •
• Weelciy,...*..s • ;sll,l!irentlil7...' !
To Postinvitareor others, , whil
want money in iiiivsnee,Are• will send the Riper:'
r,t'o chart:l l / 1 4nue!, and peecriptiet .List, '• ; •
• . 5 copies et the Weeitly, one •
5 copies of
10 copien of thir
•We 'will forivaiii-gr4tuitiithily
sendifii:a.eluti•": of s2o'at the: above...rtitee, ert;
any-One . tilde, our 06141 eosis
.. • . N0.:2; Wait St,' N.. 1.,..pr0 - Filito.o-4 . ' 0
Are yon 'sick; feeble, •
linplainlngt Are yes otter: o
rder; with 'rine systene - Alee;,,,•!.
timed, nod your Ihelinge ins.
mdortaldet Theme - irynipe
nun Ore ofteitlios.preladsi be
aides tl Metro: . Some. Aka(
,ch,chowsthi Is ereeping non ye% ' "..
-elesuld"ini averted by-et ' •
wady nee or the rlglit.retee
ty.• !rake Ayer's, lint% and
ea nee ont the disordered' hie
iers, purify the blood, end' ."..•
it-the told. inovo as unobi. ••
health -
liey siiniulato, the. functions
f the body into elgerons ae•
Jolly, pnrlfy the systole& Dion
. • . lite obetritetlons make' ,
disease. 'A cold nettles iminewliere lictbe bOdy, and ets
strode lie natural functions. • Theme, lr not rellevedt.'
react open theinmelvos•ntid the surrounding orgrini; pee.. •
/laden general.' neurtivallon„ ' suffdring, , - and disease. •
this rontil lion, oppressed. by .tho derangement; •.:,••
'take Ayer'', Pills. end See 1101•1 ilinnalv.lhay restore the
natural, itrtion of 'the' myshek, and tvkL,.it the 'Lateran.'
feel Imt.of health ngsiti.l . What 111 true and aciapparent In
tide trivial and comilion 'croliplalat, Is also true In 111110.•'
Or 1110 littor•Reitteti and dangerous distempers. This Natio •
elfeet expels them.- Couied by similar °intim. • .
tione•nod derainreowninor the tiatund functions, of site
body, ileytire' tepidly, and many of them surely,' cored •
by tho seine 1111111`4 'None who know the virtuel of these ,
Pills. will ileizfeet ,to employ theta when suffering 'lltonn,::
the disorders flier cure.-, • •", • • , • ,
.--Filitefitents from leading . piiimirlanti hl Soinii if
prlitelMil cities, and Inuit other well' kuliwn public! peese,4i,
. First ci•ihrtearding JIM „ :chant Lowra, - ,14 s'
Arse: -View. Pills tiroth . o paragon or WI, Iltat
great lit iituillcine.• 'they Intel, 'Cured' nay tittbi din titier
of nicerous.tores nprin her !etude end.feet, that had proretl7% ,
incurable for years. Her mother bas been long...trio*
ouslralllielett wlttlillobibee and pimples either akin and.:
In liar hair. After our child web culled,' she .eitiO •• •
your rills, and they, hese cured her;
••• • • - ABA'. lIIORQUIDOS
.. • , .• An: se. - Il'amtly' ; Physic:
• . From Dr. R. 11: . Cliritbria .Zirit .orlcemo. s: . t . .
Your tire
t he prince 'of*Plirges. Their. excedleoll, 4 1,.' •
qualities surpams • any cathartlo , we postmen.: They' saw . • .
mild, but. yerycertaln nut offectiial In - their nation oilthit*- - ;"
bowels, which makes thew Invaluable to In the daily
treatment of disease. • : • . • • •' ' ••••
Iliendrache Sickllondraolite t !'oull Stonnietts. •
Fine Lir. Ect,tour4 • •••
• .. • • • ,
DCARDnii. Arch; I.ciintint. opener youlohattiempleinte •,' •
I bare cured With your Pills better.tlinit to say - aU that we •
o'er treat with apurgative medicine. .1 place - greet depetes. '
. de:cepa an offectlial • cathartic - fn. my daily context with
- dispose, and believing:tie l do that•youe afford-as the '
best we have, I of counw ratite - then) highly, • :
' : • L . ' Pirrsouno, Pa., trey i s 18611. -
.• tin. J. C. Aran, Mei I have been repeatedly cored of.
. the:worst hlathiche any hotly can have by a dont or two • •
odyour Pills. It seems .to.ariao from etomschi.
which they cleanse at once. • • '• • • ,• . " , •
• . Hours tvitli'great respect,'-. 1r•
• • • ' • . .Cferk ef - Siiamer Parkin
•. . . • • •
- DILI° van Dleordere —Liven "ContpJeelitatae - .'" • '
• - Faint Dr'. Therrlarelkll,,rifil'i:ru I, • . .;
Not only are your Pills admirably adapted to their psi. , . •
peso as an aperient, but I find their benelichil tairctellinlo
tlre liver very' tuarki , dl Indeed, They liaveln my dance' •
tied proved more effectual ,for .tho cure .of baton
•pluinta than any 0110 remedy I enn mention. - 1 sincerely:. •
• rejoice that'wo have at length a .purgative which le W9l , •
thy the confidence oi.tlie ; profession nod the people. • '
DCI , ARTUDIT oe veto liVintnioit,. 1 •
Washington; D. C., 7tlr Feb.,.1860.
Sun t I havonsed your rills iii my general end hospital
practice ever since you made them, and reliant hesitate to' • •
'say they ere the hest cathartic wettmploy.' Their rept
kiting action on, the liver le quick •tind decld,bd,'.conso•
iptentlylhor are du admirable tornedy-for deraugementa'.2
'of that organ, • I inked, I have seldom ,found clue of
direrese'sii obitinato that it:did not near yield to
them. fruternolly 3 - ours, . ALONY.O BALL; M. D., -
J'hysiciati elf thei:Marine •
- • •
pyheiaterk, lii!nerlacten;•Rolitit, }Norms:. ' '
• • Teem eCII, fif ("Mayo.. • ' . • • •
. „
Your Pills hare bad nirtracticti, slid l'
hold, them In.estoeni am one of the best nperienta haw.'
ever found: 'Their alterative, effeet upon the Ilver.niakemi;
them an excellent remedy, wham glean in Small doetW:for • •
dysentrry.ttittl..dfurrhira. 'their • sugar-coating .
Makes them .very aereptable and convenient thr lho..use • '.
of Ironton and clilltlren.."
. .
' :Dyspepsia, Impurely or the Blood. •••
.:Pront Jett,. J. V. /Emu, Poster of *tut Chunk ,
. .
.• Ihr:Arr.n: I hove need your I , llla.witb. pxtranktilaa4. ; -;•
encreas 111 my folily told iiiiiimgtlacieod am titled le 'Visit:.
litAllatro*a.. - Ta regulate. time organs - of digestion-itu.o •
puilfv the' blood, they are' ipry beat iontedi have
.over. and u .
tatouildently recothuridid them to,? `
ply 'friend& '.; Yours, ".L.V..lll5lEtt•
' N: V.; Oat. Inf.' • :
DEAR $lO t l ant ushig.your Citibank Lillie in my •prat , .
[leo- and full them einulteut ;purgative to clettues
"systematbl,,p L orify. the fintillains if . Cm /Aid.
JOIIN -0..31HAW1A51;
C . otattt.l, satton,Coctircifeso, SnOisecieilatf; -
.flout, IV tittritlg
oy, Pu.p.stlysle4;Pit's; etc.;
k'remt Dr. J. lifontrud, Limas. ". •
Too nnich colloid, lie said of your Ville for thc aura t 4
enstirnioss. •If pilots of our. &Moult). have Wiritid , thetit'
'medications tw l.have,.thcy Manila join me Itiproolahu-..:l
limit for tho of ho moltlintles stinbr froth .
that, complaint, which; eithOuglr bed enough' 6i oleo ir, ie
'the progenitor, or toilers. that fire worsg. ../ believe ,t '•:"
tittne.mlourigityiti,ln.flit , liver, but year Pills &Toot Idnit
organ and cuiv•tho divoso. • .• '
Fiore E. ,kbiart, l'hjskan and .Ilidtaitc,lloslm. • ,
find nne or two doses of your Puna, taken,at
nroller (11110, ore excellent promotive:l of the tiaturol'adore--:
tinnulton 11 holly or .irvilally swore:mod, and also :
effectual to•r/r/m: Zhu eollooda tool ripe, worms. , The, .
aro to) much th,,•himt phynlo du haw Unit I ~ rniOnitnantl':.
no otln..r . to lily iN0m1.4.... r. , • • . •,-,
• • . . .
I•roni Me' Rem Dr. Minikes, of thrlblhrrlia*il:,6llwilt.
~ • .
• •• • ' l'ULcutt Moon, Savannah; '
' , Ifotionn §:t: I - la) ungrateful ;
.your akill hos bronglft toe If I did not rei3Ort . (o,,jr:ol,3l, to
you., •A
-cold Rot 11011 10 iny limbs and brought of oxertt.';'.', •
doting tariertdoir pains, which ,
, 'Una. , I listo)ding'l hod thu'lmt of phyakinue, the
tll4easO grow wkirKo iooloirorto, thita a(14163 of yettr '
oxeollont agont hal thnore.,:br..Ma ci tenale;l..tried Your' .
• I , llld. olTer:ta Wore altr, but km% keriovariug :••
iii (ho 1001 ofthetu, I ant now votively. well. , , .
Do: AVER 1 I illiWu beau' In thrly.cortal, by.yeur ~. •
.lehezinsatip Gout-=.a painful disuaro thathad'efiliciod tn 9 •
',fop year& .i ,NINOItet•IALIPEY,•6
Moat of • tho . "la,:notrliet .tentnin• Melturl.
which, although It Valuable tetnedy.in skilful. hande;'W' •••
dangermix In a public -the::divadfi4
quencen that frequently followiterint*itkulfllio; ;: •,
,sontain no nforrttry or nduaral'apbatence:!Mtfife,f.t;
..1 1 2100,20 o mitsi per Dox,,oODEllioplar,
• . Proparod by Dr J.O.
ATER - & C 941.00 1111411.
13. Co,;ftret.hportr - C,10.!400,60‘4 , '•; ,
nol forth. r.Pott. A llogaiirtiOtl' by
• •
tleolo:s eyofywhoro., . •
• ••.'' ..'l,". •::•'",-•' 4.04
• .
, f4u, •
:• - •