° CAMMONI COUNTY Sherifrio • X,IIIIIIIIE Of two write of • - Pfestrisi tiari [f'e'tes, issued nut of the Court CoMmon Plea, of Cameron .CountY*, ondtto me direeted . there will be exposed-to. public. sale.'at 'the 'Court House, in ShiPpen; op Saturdny,:the 3d day . ..of:January 1163, at •one P. M, ~•thelellowing deseribedlote 'otn.landand krona • ises, situated iwtownshin Of Shippen, county of Cameron eidlitate of. Pennsylvania, .bounded' . . ittd.described os follows, to wit , • , . .• Boeinnirig authe intersection of-the ,r,forth Hoe .of erstrtnr N0..103 and, .the:vrest bank of Portage Creek, thente along' said.plorth line Of, .warrant- 393; south. 'fifty, eight (ss) degrees ,trastuni hundie,d and lofty three,;(l4s) - roils 'and three tenth's 014. o( a kid ,to a post. the - otirthenst.Corner hereof,andthe nOrthwest•cor.: :net of . land of thence by land of said ;::.ssge aouthiii(o).rdegrees and orte,helf,l) of a &tree west two hundred and seventy four [274] rods , to tbe.nortk of ! the...Sinnama • sittoning•Craelt,*the aoutherest.corner land Of said C It.Sage'and the voutheast cornet—hereof, ' Nence by the•north batik'of *said: creek:North aixty four [64]. degrees west twentr,tive [2s] .trods and two tent/14[240] ore rod Millie east • point' of Warrant . 6107,16 the name of John Earl 'warrantee, -thence along. the southern ~•lineMcifiaill warrant No. 1107, vouth.sixtylour (614) degree's ,and.' one half (1-2) of 'a 'degree WEst- eighteen WO rods 'and 'eeyen tenths • (7.10) ore rod. to' witness to a corner.of arid WarrantNo: 6.107, 'North .sixtrone. (61) de 'Arreest• west one .11,xndred and forty eight [l4Bj .rodrand seven tenths [7.101.01 mrod and north eigbtr seven (87) degrees and: one 'Miff (1.2) era degree weertforty [4o] rode to a beech :lie Nerthealit'corner of ‘ warrent, NO. 4951; I..then . ce,:bytand . Of S. Freeman North two (2) ' degrees 'and 'one hall (1.1) Of e' degree Itastone 'hundred and fifteen • (415) rods Ate fhe north bank of the Sirindmahoning creek,,lthence along said north.:bank, by'land of S ~Freeetan South :fifty : three [.l3] degrees ancl one fourth [l-4] of a degree East eeventy six [76] rods ond.seeen., tenths [7.10] of a rod to • the southwest Corner •if Warrant N0.,393 'in' the name of P.phriam Blaine, thence along the west'. lines of said Warrant No; 392' and land of S Freeman North two [2l degrees and one half . [l-2)-of a decree . r an, fi f ty•fiv, p m 'rods Nortk thirty two [3l] :4Eagreea and one '"half [1.21 of. 'a. decree Ede , forty tWo [42] rods, North : two [2] decrees and eine half [l.2] 'of a.degree - East se•entern [l7) rode North thirty nine [39] 'degrees and ,nne l t alf [l : 2] of a ..degree East wenty twol22] rods to , a post, thence South. eighty seven [B7] .degrees 'and one half [1.2) or mdegree h:mit eight [S] rods to , the west bank 'et Portage • ereel6 thence along the west bank of still creek arid land of S Freeman • North twenty seven (27) degrees East twelve,(l2) rods'and seven ' tenths"( 7 -10) of a rod, North twenty-three (23) degree!! F.a.t• :fourteen (14) ' rods,, and tour 'tenths (4.10) of a rod,' Not th sixty lour (64) ,degrees and mie•fourth (1.4) ofrt degreeW.est twenty (20) rolls and • tour tenths (4.10) of a rod 'and North' t wenty five .. (25) degrees Wt st serer' (7). lode end five . teothsls 10] of rod 'to' the west line of Warrant No. 393,.thence 'along said, line north tti o [2] degrees and one balf.[l.2] of 'a degree f:ast eight [B] rods thence by the west bank of POrlage creek 'and land of S Freeman North, forty •twir. [42] degrees east twenty one (21) rods and six tenths [6 10] 'eta Tel, and North thirty' seven [37] degrees and.one fourth [1 4] of a degree East twenty two [22.] rods to] he place of beginning.; . .r.en. taining three hundred , and' twelye [3l2] acres one hundred and seventeen [ll7] square' rod more or less. and being parts of Warrants No • .... '393 and 6107, ind containing ahnitt .t tr." Kin dred, 4900 - acres of imriroced land, - one apply orchard, ona peach' orchard, - seiren derellin bottles afid.okbliilclifiga,:seven board shanties, . . , one atore honse'three bawls; one corn honse and granary,'cone any' barn, two sheds, one hlack• 'with:shop 'and, tool house,- one flonble saw mill and edger,-and three wells of eater there- , • . • • Which• said lot of land and Piemiies it. corp. posed of:three ise'verel, contiguou4 rots, which' are separately des . eribed •s follows: . „ . • Tut' Frest--Beginning• at. ,a post in the ' north line of Warrant No. 393.1'n the • na,me of Ephraim Blaine,: the northeast.,:corner hereoT • and the northwest .corner , of land of 'C Baer . thence bysland,of said C. LI S:tge'Sonth , vii: [6] 'degreetand one half -[1;!] of degree west , roi hundred and seventy lour . [27d] rods .on . a: 'pi nt Of thirty three years to the frith bank of :fi b ? Binnamahoning ereelr, thence' ilong no:th batik North sixty four o , l).degrees' .Wesi.twetay , (20 rode and two tenths '4l:lortif a-rod , ici,the east point of Warrant No. 11107 ;better still SlOnntt-the north bank' of the Nortls - thirty three, 133] .grees one iiilf [I:2J 'of - ''ilegree. West seventy nine-1 . 79).r0ds and one, tenth (1.10) 01 a rod to ' the', Southwest corner of • the late „Colegihye lot and the Beuthheit . derner hereof, thenee by.theiate Colegrove lot . h(orib viz :degrees and One half 11- 'a degree East ica;hapdro,d,' aid forty 42 tal to a . -pasf.in the north7liniof r WsirapeNO. thrneS'alone said north line,of laid ,Wariant 111 h. 393 South, Ilftyetght , (sl3l . degreow, East eighty two (82) Soda 'end one;tenth"(l. 7 lo) of.a rod. to the piaci , containing 'one, hundred andi thenty trio 122].scres and forty three (13] -Itiquari , rods, more less. and being the ce ntral , , • ., ,pa'rt of, Warrant No:: 393 in the: .name Eptiriim . %Blaine, eforeaiid r, containing about • ieine , hnnired'and ten. (110) acres of improved land, 01141: peach,. ot eh.) rd, one- Opplr; Triichard;,otOs dwelling house 'OW outbuildings, two ~ b arns, one, grads rj or corn bioiae,, One ectily.shed or bay 'barn, one blacksmith shop and' tool 'idled attached, and one board shanty, .unc 'nen of Seater. ' • . • Toe Sloonti-41eginining at post the - south -west 'corner of Warrant N0.:393 in the name - enf Elaine; thence along ~ the west boundary lines of ,said Warrant No. 393 North, two [2] degrees 'end one 'half.(l.2) of - a degnee East fifty five (35)' rods; North thirty - two [32 . 1 'degrees and one half [l.2]' of a degree. East . forty two (42),r0d5,-N - orth two (2)degrees and . one half [l'2] of a degree EanitseVenteen [l7] 'rode and North thirty sine [39] degrees and 'one half (1,11) of a. degree. East. twenty two (21) rods to a post,' thenee by.land of Seneca Freemen South eighty 'seven [B7] degrees and one half (1-2) of a degree East eight [B] sods to 110 west bank, of Portage . ' Ereek, thence aleng•the,conirses of the. west bank ,of said Portage Creek North twenty,siven[o].degreern East twelve (12) rods and seven tenths [7.lo] ' of a rod; North twenty three. [23] tlegrean East fourteen (14] rods' and teurtenths (4.10) of a rant, North sixty four [64l'degreeVand one pelf 0-2 . ] of'. a degree Weir. twenty 00] rods and four tenths (4-10) of a rodNorthtiventy Ore' (23) degrees -west seven (7 ) rods and tenth. (3.10) of a rod' 'to the west lino of said warrant No. 303, North two - ,(2) - degrees' end, Ens bait [1:111 of 'a degree East eight(B) rods' 'thence by land of saint Seneta Freeman and.the west bank of the Portage ereek,.North forty ftre 4433 degrees East twenty pi] rods , . . end ,sig ton.the.(l-Ipiiiis nod and Nortii-thiity seven' (17).:degreea one•fouith.[l.4] of a pegree East Meaty tw0 , [221 rode. to the north lintref said warrant'Ne. 393 thence along said, line. and larid in possession of J., Brooks ind . Welsh,* South llly eight [3B] . degrees East Sixty ens (11:1) , rods and two tenths 12-10] of . a . iod4e post, :thence. by thelekd ColegroVe . 191 booth 112 (II) degrees 'and ens hilf,Of a degree, West twe.hbridred and. forty (240) rods to the north bank of the*Binriamahobing creek therice' up The ilerth bank of said creek North Afty•(3o) degrees ; and One fourth (1-4) of a degree West one handred 'and* three.(lo3) rode . and one teeth. 0-10 of a red to the plate ofbeaMningl Containing • one hundred and eight (108) acres , and f . our (4) square part_ rode, moie •Or 'lisle, arid being the westerly of Warrant ; No. 393 in the neme of .Ephraim..B/bine.'as aforesetid,— containing abbut ninety (90)"atrecotimproved land, 'Muse,' and outbuildings, six etore.hoithe, one barn, tyro sheds, oni'dci'uble law.mill'and edger and three' ,Wells of water, end apple; peach . and_ether fruit ) tries thereon: • . . • Tiai . .Titao-,-Begliicling s ` .a'point"'.on :the north bailie.: Of the.' Sinnamohoning .Creek. bearing North pity four (94) '.digrees' weit twenty fiVe (23) rOdi and• two' tenths (S4O) of a rod. ft orn the sauthwest.cornerOf. land'ot ET..Sage and being the .eitreme east point of 'Warrant No .' 4107 ; 'thence' ; South.silty four [6l] degrees and one half . (1:2) of adepree ; West =eighteen (18)loctir fend, - seven . *tenths (7-1 d) . a' 'to'Witoesiel l to a .corner - of kaid*.Warrant No.' .8I07;. Ihenee; alobg the senthernlinee of said We rren t No. 6107 North efutv' one (81) degrees West one .hundreil sod forty.eight (148) rods, and severitenths (7-10) of a rod and North"eikhtY 'seven (87)degyees and 'one . half (1.2) of:a degree IYeit 'forty: [4o] rods to:ab.eeh the erigirial iortheait • corn;l - 4951;.,thenee'hy nr. S. Areern North. :tvro Li] de,0r444 , end one halt [l.2] of a Aeiree'Eestone,hnndred and. At - teen [ll.l] rods and' Ave •tenths :(5 10) of a mite the unrh'•ti'ink of the Sinnennehnning 'creek; thenee'elO.ng said • north hanc'hy,lend of .E. ~ Froman . • Smith fifty th'ree (113) . . degrees and one fourth [ l 4] or. a di.giee, East seventy six 'L781,400 and•ieye et tenths [7•4o] of a rod Ili a. :pest •thesontit weit eornevotWa tin , No• . 293 ; thenee'hy the creek line ••cif said-Warrant No. 3.93-South fifty [521 tteirees and one •fonr.th 01:11 Of;is 'degree. East one hundred and three [l63] rods and one tenth II AO] of a'. rod and, South thirty three . [33] degrees:4nd one half [l.2] eta degree East seventy nin.!•(72) rods and one tenth [l , lo]..ora rod in the place,ot beginning, containing 'eighty two [B2]' Beres and seventy square . rods, more. or: less; being the .East part of•Wariasit No; 6 . lo7—unisnriro.: Inqisisitieri Waived. •• '• • • • , , . .. . .. Seize.4;t . aken in Etrecutirin and will be !told aq the•cmperty et Z..C. Cawley, and Jame, G. Nl•rserein, Onanncey J. Mnere and Benjamin Harrower ; :. /errs . tenwi6, . at •th• amt .of. Jonathan Colektnve, nov ' ler the i.e oi John' :Magee. -. , • . ” ,•• . . . . -;.: . • ; 's . . -.- :JOHN A. ELDRED: • • „ .. ' .• . • . • Sheri.f. .EXE . III7OI Orrlci:Snipitti r Pe.; . t • .. . . -.. . ' .December 11, 1882. . .4 • •, *.. Cameron viounty. • SHERIFF'S SALE. BT VIP.TI7-E of a' writ of Fe s ii racias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cam eron' county and to . 171.. directed, 1. shallexprise to public sale at the Court' House, in Shippen, on Monday the. 6lth' day of ,January, 1863.; at one o'clock P. M., the following des cribed lots of land ancl'premi:es; situated in the township • • , :county of Cameron and State of Pennsylvania,, bounded and described 1111 follows, te vritr--:The eq . hal. undivided half of the West half of warrant number 49.51: Containing. four hundred and ninety-five acres, More or less; about twenty•fire acres of which . . • • . .At.soi—The..equal 'ball of one other tract situtiteln the.tosynshipof Shipp!), county 'Of Car'ieron;' arid . State of Pennsylva , nia;.deseribed aii; follows: Bounded. Fast b'. land formerly 'owned.by .one.Eart, Noith% by warrant number - . 29.13- West hr.laUde owned by Legrand Cook, South b 3 lands Owned by David Swift:: Containing two'hundred , retest be the same more or less. •.• , • .• . • ' .ALsoi—The: etinal undivided half .of one other tract situete.in the township ol 'Shippen, county of Cameron and State of Pennrylvanie,. described as follOws: Bounded,. North by. war rant number '7,1, West by..t. L..Hubbarit'sone hundred acre lot,. South .east by West Creek, South west by lands owned, by George Thayer and - David Swift; - Containing.three hundred end seventy ecreii,:•be the lame' mOre r *Or• less;.:on. which - is one , freme . d.w. Bing - house end'oist• builiings,orie Shanty' house, one Saw Mdl, , and a 'quantity, of 'Fruit twenty. •acies 'of intnroVest . , • other'tract eflond . atuate in the tosins.lo,6e.,Shipp • Ori„ county of CUmeron and State,of 1 1) ;;nrispivinnia,'.described as' follow's: ,Bounded „West by .l'arrat,tnumber 2913,.Ndrth. by, (ands of MerrieleHousl'er 'l4l j Driftwood creek, South "bi lands owned "by Warner end Htibbird;'ind F:ait hy. lambi oWnod by- Warner and flubbard;.Containtrtg one hundred acres.be the same fijore or thirty'aCres of which is Insprilsed lend, • • Ar:so',—One other tract °fiend situate, ih,the ,township, Of. Shirmin, coonty of 'F'zimeroni and State 6t PerMsylvania, Buudded and described, as follows, to wit: being part' of warrant num ber 4937, and hounded on the,North - brourrant" number 49.19/pn the Eis . t by . fandi owned,by Samuel Burlingham, on the South byi warrant number 4962,.0n the West _by lands rowed by David Morrison; containing ,ono;bundred acres be the sumemore or less, ten acres of which is improyed land. . • • . . . . . . • Inquisition.svaived by difendunt. . ',- Seized, taken in execution, and will.,be sold as-th . e rooprily of Z. Hubbard, at ,tba suit of H. T—Taggairt. .24DR ED, SffERIFF'S OFFICE SIiIPPEN, PA. •I December lath A. D. 11562: Clara S. Jacobs •nd Mary A:, Bop! 1.., .• • .. .. vs '. ' I McKean Coun ty . •Benajiah P. Bailey, '). 'Co'mmon Pleas: ' ;I..7,.f.Yritb • japtiee:-Ri.` .. ,.1 A. D, No, to.: Alvin Smith.- ' : ' ! - sept: Term, -- 'l'B.B2i Served an !erre tenant. , 3 ..- ::?.,... , .; .. Summons inAectment lor-the following ife-, s . eribed lots otland, eitnated i nCorydon , town ship, County, slorese,irt vii: ' Wairent NO..three, thoissand six hundred end minoty-ninc (3604.bannded. North bY. Warrant No. 3700; Past by Warrint No. 2 . 87.1 . ; South by Warrant No!' '3718; and West , by Wi4rtint, No, 3711; containing one thousand [looo]`acres mere orless. • . Ai.eo—Warrant_No. thrPe thousand . aevrtn hun4redand twenty one [Np..3121 . 1; bounded North by . Warrant: No.. 3707; East" by. War. rant Nis. 3732; South by Warrant Na, 3731, Woo* by the lino of Warren county: contain. inßanc theorand [looo]..ieres memo! lens.. • ;;Ruliiiin defendant tn.iriiiear!arid: . plead.On or before the third 'day of neat Vehruaryl:tetirt: 1,1963,.and loran order of pablicatioii-aecording BtRON D. HAMLIN: • ' Attiy.for Dec: 23, 1862 Rule.granted Ind Court direst publication pf the.ealne three times;ainty.days before the . return day thereof in the . McKean .offioe of MT COOKE, ALJAT , COOKS : kCO, Banker' • • amity , inneiY . , • : •1 Phtlacisiohts, isov;], ]402: - The innderitigned „hevitit been' spiminted susscßnivoN . A G.F.NT,ll.the Secretary. ot : is no*, prepired to tureish, •iit once.. the' 1 • pfw..Tweio:" . i'ear 8 . per ct.. Bond s. of , ‘ the United' States ;" designated, is ,'"Five Twatiea,"..redeemable at the pl.:envier 'the Governineiti after .11ive yeers and jnthorized by. Act of berveress, approved Feb. 25.,1E8 2 : 1301 1 !DS ire issued in summit' $50,, $ 80, f50p.." xlOOO. a . • The REGISTER BONDS In 1101/cl i100,..55,00,.51000 $5009, ,Interest at.sia per: cent. pi ,anuuin will ,commence frOm.'date of purchase, and is . PAYABLE IN GOLD, ' Semi-Annually, Which - in eqttal,,'mt the present pr,..tniiiin Isn't Olt% to about' EIGHT PER VENT PEN . .ANNUM. . P;irrners, Merchants, Meehanics, Capitalists, and all vt Ito have •any.rnOney to •Thvest, 'should know and rern:.inher that the•e• - ;Brindsare . ,: in Ofrect,li 'FIRST MONTGAGE-'opon ill Rail roads, Canals,, Batik Stink, and Seetiritiee,and the itornense'prodoets of all ; 'the Manufacturea, &c,,,Bce:,.iu the:Country: • and that thelull and ainple provision trade CO: the payment 'nf 'the intereot and liquidation . of prineipat, by Cos tome,'Doties, Excise:Guimps and Internal Rev. entiei aerVes to make these bondr . the • , Best,. Yost, Aiiijable Investm' in ihn--2ilarkei, . . Stibscriptinna received at PAR in LoOal Ten der Notea, or Natas, and cbeeks of banks ar par, PhiWelphia. 'Sitbsciibers by mail re , ceive 'proiript attention and every facilty:arni eaplanatinn. will be aflorded on application to this - otkce. '• . • A:lull . supply of Bon'cls will be kiPt. on lignd (or immediate dolivery:, • • • , JAY COpRE, jdubscription 4gent NORTHERN• CENTRAL RAILWAY WINTERTIME TABLE Three daily tsains,triand 'from ,13111iimcire mid . Washington city. • cpon.cti o ns :.made . with trains* penbsylvania Railsoati•to•and,from Pittsburg and the' M.st,- TvVr: trains.daitrto and from.the N.irth and, West. fl . roinplt: Sosque• hanna,•Elmirkand hllltforthersvN • ew York, _ ON. AND APTEn . MONDNY,•Novernbor 17, the-Passenger Trains of the Central Railway will, arilys'.and driiait . horn HarrisbUrg •tid Biltfmnre• as follows, viz: SOUTHWARD 'FAIL •TRAIN Paves SnUhury flSily(4xe - spt S4ulay) at 1.45 p mq . !saves: Harrisburg 5 20 p. in., and:arrives at' ,BsltimPre st 10.20 EXPRESS . .TRAIN' Laves' Sliribury daily (exceptpuuday) at 11.20 p. m., lea ves Harris• burg (except Mamlay) At 245 a." ip , and ar jives at Baltlinore daily (exeepi Monday) at ..HARRISBURG'APCO*MOPATiON Trai ravel.Harrisburi rixily !it: 9.03 a. MAIL TRAIN .lea ves' Balrimere - dail) [ex .t, a [ex cept Sunday ] at 830 .. m.,.tiarrisbarg a t %1-.45 at Siinhury at'ai.so p, :;„ EXPRESS TRAIN. laiVair Baltimore daily,at 8 40 p. arrives at Rarrifiburg'at 1.50 and lenves.liartit , bing daily.(oxi•ept Monday] at 2.20 n. in., and artivei at.Sunbury at 6 20 HARRISBURG ACCOMIV!OtiATION Train (..x(4pt Sitnilayi at 2.45 p. tn.; and arri ves at, HA'rl iebure et BP. an. .. . For terth•!r informltion 'apply - at ,ttio _Office, in.Pennsyliania Railroad D.pot. ' - Smporinteuilsolf. . Herr . ..berg -Nov 1862.1i29. ADIIINISTEATOR'S NOTICE. . T „UTTERS of A.OrnintstiatiOn'.iia' , .ting been 4 granted: lc; the,,andersienetron the. estate of tAlaa J.toott r 01. Resiine township; deeeased f allyeianns indebted te'susid:eatate ice requested. to Make itTitheilia pay - inept. and those having - claims against the same will pre 7 '. sent .them dulyauthenricated for 'settlement. • ' • L; J. C'POIC, Administrator. Oetober 17, 110. , . • "IIIAPIE,DEMORLtrid IIiAOLL FASILIONS.=—Thi -MI beat and 'vent rlliAt4e, Fashion lilaga•ine in lUe War td. Contelut Ilia larded and lineet thekreateat nuitilier . or fine' Hugravlori, the latest and mostrullahle Information; three toll-sized Patterne'for Driimaes, and a sheet or new Lirade.WorkAnd during Pa:torna. Every blether, Dreaanieker, .and.Ledy, , ihnnid hare it , Yutdialied Qua' ter!), at 47., breailway,•lo4 , York, Lai d everywhere Or cent by uiahL it iS canto.' Yearly el; with I valuable premium.. • The diriamer comber cow ready.• , . • F SMETHPORT.LIVERY. STABLE... , . MBE SUBSCRIBER has tipened..it:new . Liv L. ery Stable in Smelhporti at Ben' nett's Old Stand, on Main street; .junt east Mehanies', vvbereean •be (mind the best of.:Hor• sea' and Carriagettat He itifendi to make Smethilort: a. permanent iesiderce ; and asks a, share or. patronage. • • • •, • • Th. 6 .C.,joiafe . Bl3!.9ns arid' tx.Pia.rie4oe priaasnEN ton TUB BEN BPIT.AND AB A WARN I- Ind and a caution to young Monique infer fronfiger Tool Aebillty,. Premature. Decay, d c., supply Ing . at the 'same tirnelhoineann of Self , Cure By one who tutseured himself after bring pot to great expense through modionl !mpealtien and quackory ! :By enclotlng a pont,pard droned envelope; euunLE comes luny; be had of the thee; NATHANIEL: Eaq., Bedford,' Rings • ' • • • . vt,.)• SU fisomericilif 'AGENT A Triciarridu-hobo,RELIAIILE and PRAC TICAL Journaf, clevot r id' - to . the-di ff erent de partmenteCof tere; such es oowine Field Crops . , Orchard .and Gard eri Fruits; Garden • Yesetablei 'and: Flowers; Treee;.:Plants,• and •Flowers far the Lawn' or . Yard ;' care of Do. mestic Aninaele, &c., and to Household Itiiiisilsoinarinteresting.and cnetruc; tive department for children and youth,' • • : -A Inll'Calendar•ol Operstions.e.very.menth; .Teree . to Four Hundred, or more, illustrative Engravings appear in each volume. • . Over Twelve- Hundred ,plain, praCtical, etructive articles and umettil items, ,-are .given The fAiti;rs end :Contributors are iII prat ieal 'Working Men. • . • . The • frothing: or . ikff • A cp lcututtut are ron6 Feel tone State or, 7et i!ory..borare adaprod to tko . wooto of all sretiorty of the oottntry•L-.-ilyo, oi. ilor . amointiftOrrsi fir tho:to/koIOA IVOR IcAll Cos. . . . A GERMAN EDITION ie p.ll)li r sheil,..til thr 8011 e. English , end . con: raining ell 'nf - its.realitpg inittei t and its some illustrative engraviiiks.'. • • , • , • 'TERMS—INVARIA LILY • One r.o . py; one $l. 00'• • Sixsopifs, finit year. 5 00 , . . . • '.TPn nr more' copies one yPrir ;:190 epnta . each: '•'l3' Wiid to the . . nbiwe . rates: ' Postage to Canasta 6 .cents, to England and , France, 21 eente ;* to..G4niany,.36 eente..' ' .•.. '• ... ' Podtage anywhere In the :rnited Stale Mid Tor ri i nripsailist hp paid•by the ankierribpr, aid Is• Only,Six b ent, a yrar ? 'il paid inladva aria - ikt the office•whete 'reeeivyd.. : . • . . . nod other rommtioi!eitiontislinit otidfoii.oil' to the Editor 'and Prolirio.ol, ORANGE JUDD, , IlPdrk-Row, N. dft . . .• _THE IFFEKLY . JOURNAL OF COMAERCE. • • • TO .OUR SUBSCRIBERS. • • • ' The commencement of a new year. is . a good time for cenevving . sukseriptiotis and circulation at Commerce,— We - addresurtruelves. todhe . old rearlers of the paper, with*entire 'confidenee.to•theirwillinu riess dodrid us, *arid extend the influence of the sound : cdirservati'Ve principle . and inoMjs which . • ito h it) chara c ter !zed . 11'lltrly In hereafter r.huraeterize.this thf; JUttinitt of . Conirrieri'e mi‘tht. do . a . great service. to these pi inciples, And-tort:it:then Us in our ability to support and :c•reirlatedbein; by senttinit us the name of at least one lOW SO , : .sCribPl , id his-toiNrd, . ..•: Devoted.firailras we have beendo cirri eorin. rev's inferests, and' baiting lone been called “Unfon Savers" aS . a*.tertri of reproach, we .. are and dhbii be the' firm (iPh . ohlerit'uf.•. • • THii UNIPSI*ANI:irTHE- CON . STITUTION . oripueing wirh.heact aittypiin every m a w , Ur North, who is .an enemy . to.eidher .Eir l ry. form of diSoctlanixarinir and revolution sidir find us reltry..for • the cbruhri F....Amon:: 91... Mes of the American Uoion and American principles, we'tunk.side by side • . .41301:11701V . I:t111.4 4 VD . . and we:propose islth'all..otir streßath.to defend the nitric!, hguinst .thri-nt ticks of hoar,. •.. • A" LIBERAL. oFFEIL'. •Tn diner:to - age ; those who' may yoltipteiq eid do . .tbe* organization:of • Clubs, we hereby ; offed• an extra copy. olthe Weeklydri evo'ry per, aon..who shall turvituCd twentyneW.subscribers with the money. . . • - . , iiiay he organized - in m comunities With great Hrlimiritae,r. T . he•present ig the heat Period for theirecironien . cement. •Thos' terms - on ,;which we eon 'farnish the paper Aare as follows,:_ Tnvompaniee taking , . '• -* : • • . ''' '.. •. . . '-.20 copies or Upwards. ONF,' : .DOLL A R each -13 Copiec„ •.. KlF'Tspr Do' LAWS. 8 copies — TCN. " . '4,Copies "rl%, " 3 copies'.. }irk - Under 3 ",TWo ' each • The .papers will he addresSed to different persons al 'the same Oost.'Offire, if •desired, ex cert in, eases..ot 'dohs. af . 13 or mote'copies, .which will he mailed to'oniaddreas. . • .. Its . .tv,t;LUBS • -.., may be'morirr at the. frillowmc..ratis _added to'a'elabllorine the first quarter.of 'the club's year will pay the frill rate of the 'oriti• pal dab for a year; during the second quarter hreO-foiriths of this original year's rate; dirrine he .third 'quarter one; half, and . dirrir g the last leerier - one-fout , h; rine•all stich'subscriptinnsi terminate with the year of the• original ProwljtabreoPs Mall; • Whereepitehages of Wereti ., ;rners periodicals are received at any post office ditecteit to one ailtlteas,,..and the names.nfthe clitb of •stiblcri. beret .to which they hailing,. With the . postage for a quat'rer in advance, shall.bit hand.d . to:the Onstrnister, he 'sf:all &fiver' the lame 'to their respectivo owneis: ' . • • . . ' Rut : this (hies • npply . to weekly 'newspaper which ciiculate ir , e'tn the county' where prin ted and published . ... . ,• ~ •, -... ... • .- Dj"' Addres.t• Editorfi of the Jo . ur r nal of Coat metro.' No. 91' Well nrret Now Yii 4. . . . . PRIME, 'STONE, RA LE.& - FIALLOC,K,' Editors and Proprietors OLOCK'S DANDELION. COFFEE; This Preparation, mid• fectin the beet Java Coffee is iticoinniendeit by physicians as a NUTRITIOUS ilaV , RAVE for' Orne,;111 •Debility.; 'Dympepsia', cud nil bilious ilistirriern. .Thousands whp have been„coniiieGil to ehttnilon' the time orsoirevywill use' i hit; withinit trier' inis elfeots..• One can.contsins the strength of two pounds Of ordinary coque'. • Pelee tib cents.; - ' . • . • KOLLOCK'3'LEVAIN, " The plied an 4 beet . :11AKING'POWDER-6nriwn. for mehieg light • sweet end eutathilrefliread and cakee;. , Price )6 canto!. • • '•', • . , :•11111NUFNCTVERI) • • M. H .KOLLOCK:, ChPm;•tt : : Cirraer of Broad and .Cheitaai Streets, . ;. . •11lILAPBLTNIA , ' Andiold find thioopro. A. N. SMITH Smet 40'0; A uguit 24, 18e.e. • n23if 'of an Invalid A.MER;C.Uf ,A.OIIIcII4IIRIST . • • . • . • .. ,'•': .STOCKHOLDER S .STOCKHOLDER S . ;wrocKHot,D.P.Rs- of. :the.l4l'Rean Rail Road and Niieigition'cpmPanyare. hereby-notified to meet at. the' office - of •C. Hyde, it the Horpueki of Smethpor:t,• - on .t'he second , Monday. of:Janiusty, (it being the .12th) . for the purpose of ,eleeppg• a Piesiiirnt asepix Direetors,:,lorthic ensuing'yier. • • • , 3i'iwsiarg ' 3criethport,Dee..lB, 1862. " • . . • ,•• •, •.. .• . . . LOOK AT , THIS.! • • • All persons indebted ta - me . for costs, iti'Me s .:, tein el.flarity,• • are requested to pay the same to er J.- R. CHADWICIF;iiiiI all in Cnrneron efiatiti P,' E. SCULL, or JOHN M.:JUDD—immediately.: All • 'attending to thu call will very TOO ., oblige ine and 'save themselves eosts.e JOSEPH: MORtiE,•'Late•Sbeir., Smeii bport,. Dire. tlth 1802.••• , • ••• ,•, . ' • • • • . • • . • TIMOTHY: SEE• sD • SHIr.LS of .the- beat ijaality Taa Calif Stip, raised braild for tale at . Port-Alleganj,•Uecembei 280861. • • • . • • • -...• • • , • ..S4O..WAGti • . .To sell roods roil hilcA DA Mg StWINO MokoHttllc Nate-any. We will•give it'commission.iin all tends stet! by our:A - arnta, or pay witgea'at from $4O to 4100. per month:, and pay all necessary . .4perfses. 0or• Machine is perfect' in'. its me• ehaniem. • 4chil.lian - learetto operate it by half in hours' instruction I ' It is egitil to any fiewing,Michine in' use, and we have retbitid the price . to . ilteetr Dallas* Each Maehine hi warranted for three. year,. . A dilreis , C. RUGOLf.S i Qeni Agt., Detrott, , TALANnooD. HOW LOST ! How 'RR TORRE! . . Just Published. inn Staled Rnrilope,' Price Fix Cents A LECTURE ON.Tifit NATURE, TRP.ATMENT, AN Thidiral Cory of liperionlorriMen; nrScwinai Weekti..ll4 Inyoluntory Einiielonroßexual Delolty and Impedimenta to. Marriage generally. Narrowing... Conatimption. Fppi Input. and Pita; Menial , n 4 phi•i4iral Ineapanity..resoki inalrom Self.Abure Au. Ituat.:4 'CULatiiiwaLL, D . Author of the (herr! Dna,. A 6. . • The world..ranoirrimil.auttior.i In thin admirable riorduro Moony •rroyril from hi, own ea parlance . that the awlul enteiminericairof golf-ittinaa truly tie elleetualfy removed to hoot, Medicine, and withoot'ilangerrium Mineral Opera. , Dona; boitgiem, inatruneeta, rltua, or, rdrilieli•. pointing out 'a 'mode• of cure 'tit MUT . certain I.llertnati by. *which .every:holrireri no metier .what Ma rouilltion'tnay int 4 Curo.hlrn..plf cliennly'.. Privately: -nneraditmlly. Thia lecture will prole a Irmo to.thallinanda and thou. Sent limier. lea). In, a plain ertyi.lbpo. to any addreaa, no reeelPt oral: cent:sr . or two' roidairri atampe; nddrietni. ' Dr CHAS , 12 KEINE, 147 Bilweny,.l!Jencturk, Pont OfflcnUns, asset: • ...:.•••••KENDAL'tREEK'HOUSEi MICEANPA:.; THF - Sti.bisnritinc- ring purchased , well : known Apt Ill), add 're-fornisdind , and re-ti t= ted the . House, is' prepared tri entertain Board 7 nia.and public.. • 13Alrl, A N' I" A. 13 r. will tiP Feu sripplinit,.and everything dune to'tpnrir a liberil :sbnin luitroniee. -Raft-% men. will 411ways . 4nd the - "littch•st rine" Ont. . . . Creek. , Tapitary .2; . 1800. • , ~ • , •... . . TIi.E . .OI:D EYSTON,E Srl'Oß _AT . _OI . 4EAT , ..! smr, TAXES TILE LEAD ! ,T : .ii.,, COMSTOCK. sn:r.;SPE,CTFTILLY ANNOUNCES. TO 'BIS' (rientle in Mclce'an Countirthut - . he it on 'Nod this Spi rig up..ustial,. with LARGEST AND. BEST Selected stooc of Goods theOlron %Market o. Titoloalo fa . sh Buyers Say, 1 can niter yne.bPttei In(lncenients •tian..Y•l Can ". et ,west of New Tork.. ; It make& no . diference what'you wanti'ani king in the line or • " . GROCERIES 4. PROVISIONS, Cell at:the OLD KEYSTONE AO you will find the article fresh and elieaj use talking, the KEYSTONE •STOBE . always has ahilalways'will take'the lea4,,and regulate the Fnarket . in . • -* • Groceries and Pa•orislons, OLD FRIEND S • AND NE* :0144; Don't fail to es!! and see me wn.: beyou °lran 1 . laball'not hurt you, but ihollcottaiuly . try to do you gond. • J. X. (JONSTOCC Oleeisi Ii ;y 1134, 1000, ' 3.1 BANK NOTE, AND .C6l 11111 M. arevath., 400000. EDITED DT JOHN TIiOMPSON. 'Quotations :ecirreileti , • 2 Wall Stre!t. , • - • ,• Published bi Ches. Bt.orioiu."Ai Pieish; th. TsiiiO • OP-insicroirpion , nCiovonoo l • • • : To m2kt,Stibstii,b-vjsl • .WeehlY, $2l 8 • 0 31-tnpvi10,.:`,:$11 ?SC To.P•Atm'anters otherS,Arhe 13ihbesiid for • 'rat d dii•On 'honey In advance, eriP' will mutt the Riper. ter robs Dhare Manuel; awl Desiriptive ;Lite, as ..191- , ecoples of theAt i eekly t Oke 06 • 5 copies of' the 10 oopiem of the Monthly DO - We:will forward . gratuitousirto, any person, sending:a e b 0f420. at • the' , &hove .gatea, at any . one' time,' our, 4lmeriran Gold, Coin Tcs Seale, Address'', • , • THOMPSON lIROTFIERS,..IIen 4 kere,' . No.. a, Prorrieters. Fo 74' S OATSI~ABTIO • 'Ar q - y6u e4ll 1t et le. And: Ponwintolifig Laieryon owl is -4/rdes“ssltts ypn aystasu de. fls.fried;pout 'yam' froltiogkurt,. 'tittutortittifil Tbitoo o7nif .0411.3 tiro otbal 'Atm soritueQllussn, 11! siohness Is•crrypluiviptui ; yolk. , end olutultt 'bo-imurtod tilitnly use Of .tbn.rlght .raus• lattO ktiors, YIIIq, and • .ulsinsi, out thoullifftlorod'huw and. lot tho, , flultift'muyo, on uaohs. - - structot Ifettlifi uguln. stluittlate lb* futtotlnua: ' Of the bully Leta ttubrudie M-, System froyis , she obstruittlens tualiss.l • A'cott. settleil Oon , o'olloto 10 1116 1 1011YI tuul ob otruets',lltr,uuturOl .(Mretloot..,l3,utoo, ,If nut. rtillovek foort throo‘lrot mot thew usouloliti* &liana; gials. thiritoK gt.ukitl'• tut gruvollou, dlisese; Wlille.ht this lnbditluit, opurroid fly tho derashgernente, .talte Aver's .I.llll4inul.swe. hon . directly tilt) , restart' Mte fro it o! !talon •of tho Relent{ putt will, It, the buoyaat. t,illhur of health uguln .tVlott Is true 41111 uto appowout flit. trivial tool vo'll,llol' true roiar or the Arm. plruro,l Mot 'ilitUverimo tliolorouoro.' The um rurgotltr effort orpolorthouu Cuoit.tl übstrua. .lone :lout it.rougonorufn of the 'Worn runetions.o( tba thy , merry of ttioiu Purbly:rerni 4iy th e *ln). ipottio: who'know the virtu.* of Moo: P,itim,, will .twoth•ct tn_, Ittoof whom! outtioiing tiny • thietit.fl.‘l.l 14.1 enrx,.: • - .Fitatenuntfl' from loadloir''.1. 1 10 4, " .111. Mite, the. .vrlusipal Wt4,e , atid fnuu otlow uull,l:nunts , jusblla insp. , • • • • Avms • libruwirrittra • Maihone qf Lent 4 - 11108, • Dn, ,A ilia:. Your flub ire .the parniou ot"„ e ll •- , greet.ln tnedhine: !they levee to ed . ley {nth/ domineer °fit leerehe 'totem Intour her hinds and five that bed proved • . . fur •yhute. • Her ;mother, low hien genre.; °Hely eltlleted with Idetelow and phoplei on her skin and lu her hair.. Atter v o w WIN* nut cured, she alai IMid • your' nett they Pal* cured h u t; " '• . ' • ' : ABA.' ItlottwltlDolllA., , ' • As a traintir • :resin Le t H'. (briar/01 , 4./4u , Orle, ans.' ' . , ..IlUur..lllla ore the Prince of • tin Titeli intatillere 'plitlitlevl enrolees: any uolliortlc we teeeere, They tire hind, but vwy , rwtairt nud ' albauiud In. lhulr NELIJ,II howelii.trldelt tuakee their Ineoluunli tu. ue to ties tlatei tteatinint olilieruxe. ' • is' • • • .lleadac lie Sic hilliest me e,ross, „Stomach.) • •, : • Frosts Dr. lithuot I. laqt . . 'l3 cA l a Ilan, Arcot cannot:newer red ,nalrat aomplitode T have coral, with your Nye iiiator than to stay oil 1.16,11 ws • ever trod it ia pargaitit4, in - Oil:int. • I 1,141'5 . greetilepen, denies Oil All effect nal ottharila In my 'mitten wish diokyll(1. ill 1,11 believing mil Ito I but y0nr.1.111.1 aired vs the Lein we itre,-I of autteea value thrill Highly„ " . •• , • .Prarenone, May-I. • • -Dn. 3. C. - A ere.' ' e, P. novo' lava repeated ly cured the wood h , o/doc/ot any 'bitty 'eon hate by rdree or tee .ybur. Mlle.' 'lt townie' td 'or* from m Ihui iternach, espial they clenneent awn. •• • • • •• Youra.wltli *met alk4p!tt, • Pnnords, - • • " Clerk ri,/ Syrritrcr (7arria4. • 13111ami Dleordere... Liver 'Conlyiiatnta. teems • . Dr.l7a•faxtpre 1141, qtaYory. rorklltt. • Wt. enly. are yowl? Pub hntrablyadepledl to their per: pose an 'out aperient. kit f flod their himellelnl offish , Nam the Liver:vary tont ked Indeed, They have' In my, pnue. line-peered , more ode:Auld :ter the eure , ,Of pnw, plattil4lhaut atty. out reintely I eau montleu, 1 skiverldf. refuleu that's,: hurt el length a pilriPillve which is war: thy Che caddekt: of t ohe.prefeevloti stud the people. . . • • " • • " DEPARTMENT OP. TliN'/NTIRIOR. . ' .IViethiustott, V5.b.,1868. have rout your title In lay;Miturnl niul Pract icy ere,: you 11111d0 tiliflUs OM/ OALINUt IIOPI tut* LIP any they 'nth the . Ideol' riftherfle we employ. • Their relifti-, .latitig natty:Lon . the Ilene is eulelt aud derided,. come 'win ily they MO 1 111 - IMhillrublu.rethotly for deratigetatuda Of 'that. organ." I Imre seldom Towed a case of Ldiritu dt.eilti ant miethiati that It'dld hot readily yield OP • Fruterunlly yours,' 4LI)NZIYMALI.,•6I.I)., • , • ' /yierisiott ,if 1/4 At4),rlndi ['DION!. Dylieutery, WOMlair. .• ' Aunt deotx; 'Year I'll In have had e Mug Irish in ny'pruciles, and IL hold them lu.kehimia:rionti - or the 'beat apeslialti 1 have aver found:: Their alterative enact upeu,ths 11vor:tusks, •111e10 au excellent-remedy . , when iithro In mask doses fOr ilseioyery. atuh 41.erhOe.• '1 Nmkue noon very tiereplahle and tourepirst Lae Hip tee of womoti cold • . .. • • . . . . • !sap uriltr.. (of 1148-Allobd.. . ‘)f Ail grjt,Ciiurs6, Bashes.. A I - here aud jiiar, Itiiln wlili aelrannlintiey• tikes, in coy fataify.and uniolig,illiete I atii'sedled to vleft hr dhe Th '.rveulatio ;thei.sav i ravis et thigentlou .purify the Llue l .they itru. the likty t ort' ritootly iv Peer huou, mid lo a n owillilleritty 'rsooinesnatt,theht to 'my • •;• inure, • V,.112)1h14. • . I .Wnnaow , Wpm:lust er64 Tr.,1101. •ThrAa. yilut,Glottpkylia In my pine..• Aire, ci Ilml.lbetit tin intniiiinn °bow,' II"' system cud o.lrlfizirot, qt. the 1 , 11)41.' •• ; ; .• • . c'lllllN' 1L1 1 301 . 1A 33; St.D. . • I ; .Dritop— ate.• • . L • ' 1)r. J.,/,','l'uotah.l; , 'yotir tis.chee of sosefts:hric ef.our fraternity Mee found them . • an oflleasinen 414 . 1.11.0. they oliotild:Jo(u.!iie priselaise.. - tog k for the ,heneh lc t the tualtkuileewhii setter frost '•• bat rottopittitit,.*ltich, lii itulf, • . I. 'yr:vet:llM. of Wien: that ere worne..; Inrlleve t'r'ance hr OriMINAO. ilin.iivin•,lii!L.7eur 11114 saint that orgiu gni l curetlte disease. • , . . •• _ . •,• , • . 111;n1 3trs, ..9tuarl,. eloyaraiir ova 3? Daft, 2Let.m. Y find one or tivolarre".to.ne arynni Plllr , taken at, neaper'thee,nr!. mieellonvill•oinotiveit hr the tic:tuna &mt. Ifnu uloisi. wholly or. partlAlly and atPctunt to fle;f111R. ; 11 a.shmaNk,anilurneack. ' They nu are no elf•li ho ho. , t I.lhyato we t Lcio ai , iewoinsion,k cp 'ether to my pattettie w , • • • • . Front the' E.. Pr. tfoinkee, of sA )lAlliorltet ellwreh. • " l'et..kbett Ifiumm.,,Sorunnelt, du.; 3ftni 6;1851!. Slut 1 ulmuld tuimlitiirtil :for thu Fella 'your ~kill Iw hiought if I Old, out:1111;qt iay - CB.4C to •you. • A 6+14 ,i'ettletl m' Iltillp(41111 tirilhglat on.excro 'eluting iotepidllie jutios,:w lack moiled In'. thr.Oae rAntnnl limo, • 61411111 I:14'1.1141011o. Not orpliYAlrluiri. tho svurfot and Illo,iolvii , o,Oryttlir. excollent moot in lialt.loptiP, Tilartniiiki,'l trlrd your Their elfrets . wer, pluw ‘ llo.lo re. peoxevorlng Il the Sae or lloiru, 1 pm pow etaltely; well. • •.. Sr.NATZ .thumilik.riktmi rouge, 1.P...F.L,Per.'1 8 51 5 ••• Do. etittrrily enG,4l.pv your 1'111.. - et. PAeoPodie Cesut-.. Oben* yap for yearn. : SLIMILL.; , mmt rr ihe' injno,i,li• In nkiir d bnadn, Id • dangutonio, In Tenni tli.,tvulrtil 1 , 1111 . 114. • ... in""" titht tieglinntlY fnllnw,ltn Incantlnn. wr m il l . 6 u# t ya;!,llatanclyl.lto!.r. * * l lloo, - , 25 .cents ier,Pai Of 6 X4O B for ,'• Prepared' b 7 Dr. Ja:f.' .1111:1314 -004 Lowell Man. likErtin & sthotspor,; 13n H EINEM