M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, January 10, 1863, Image 2

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    '~Yil ~a~~'[:''~~L , ~~ y 'n ~?AS^ ~i _ ~,if:
• •
a• • vr,:ran HEART. Y .I;NANINoU
ft...1. 1 1k1 PP: Tritycrtpi! 6: NetYl6rl 4ND IS ,
prapaapo or Log.stair ;
'.'4ll7l;;;k..tbeprelant,4leplaral;ltfcivW war has
been tweed upon cotintry - liy the
Ih 4O es. ut ore' $ la, eg now in arms against
:4.lbiteenraiitatiteal-Governments l and in .arrns
- -; .4 i p sSTOtra). 't..kirss. capital .That this National
,eithigeney:COngreis;..biniShing all . feelings, of
pistribt 'or Yellen, rOlit, Will. i ce . olletit only
'lttAry tt:tatfwhole country.; , T',w; this vrar.
1 ..;•• not-waged, otibeir,partiinany spirit of op.
praising or,for ; apy purpose ; of conqu-st 'or sub :
- • ; position; sr pursue of. overthrowing' or ; Inter,
- feting With 'the 'rights' or established inatitu
iiina or those Statoe, '.tiut.to defend and 'nnain
tp .; taut" todpramaep.ol , .the Conti ita tion , and' to
be. gnial r..s,v 0,1111 the (1104 v, equal.
It" rt . i) riglits of the stveialStates' arrinepar red,
"" s
's t oat It's' hes 'Objecti ire a c crim:
, "-I ,, gilishartstise';Wir ought to ceast.V , '
. I
t; , -140SMAPIAT;Opis l tqhis,purio0 instru ,
a„ , fignijitiry-TecinsityP„wili (ound in
:.T.lnapriaiderk!,..conaninua of We own utter in
,,f . frpitut liildii ye cpmftnt,„!lis
.1 . t a! to . "mil itary re!', o f
.famiticol gen
ern. latora,Mwnag n itaea,:iriesta Ind' la, men, and
umed rrne!afratMfi Ilfoa4;of,freediia—.as
.1 !!: 11 ? . I , 6 f ) PPrt. TeisuFe are geased to citiL'it •
There it . under thisinotlanit ion, wive
iri;the4i¢:litel:l 2 and par,a of itatet,
s alaYithii day On . thificill of eh.
the:rEmitffre, Government—lncluding the
nif!itarY iis . l'hereof—ia
,r.,. pledged. : "maintain the freedom .of Alma
• persons.
• ••'ln‘shrirt, theltronlimation is—neither •more
nor less—in invitation to the'enslitved
tioniotise agsinst their masters, it they caneot
• • ) :.lotherwliis; escape; Ind' their -way to free.
do m by fire and:sword..
As an "inducement to cover by any mean's the
bonds thal holdi them' in;,9servifue;the"Gov
, , •ernment opens its arms to them and invites
them to eerie—wPeaceibly if they can, forcibly
... if they must." It tells that, once , they
'shall not lack einploynrient they will be re
. ceiyed, on : en equality with white men, “into
the armed service of the .Unitert.States; to gar
risen forts, positions, stations and other . plucesr
• . end to man vessels of , all suits - in the Said ger-
Upfm this. act"—unconstitutional an . d: in-
is,leading ieevitably tofiiscord in
`•' Ittelayal States and fiendieh atrocities, In the
Solith—the .Preeident, . expressing a "sincere
belief in, its )ustice and constitutionality," in
vokes the •tcnnsiderate judgment.of mankind,
and the / gracious favor of Almighty Ood"!.
The policy, tee perceive, has prodUced one
rerriefaeffeet, for whieh, whether they
pated it or not, the patent phifanthropista at the
hiedofGlicerameni, rildst oe. held a Ccountable•
The re bels, to cciUnteract'any disadvantage• to
them , which the proclamatieu might wdrk,
.• • 'have adopted: the' plan • 'of shoot's' g all co sir
esarls'eiiiitureci from istir'ermy:, 'They are de.
'-termined'4hat -they -shelf not jive' to poison the
` ' teinds - of 'ilroyal _slaves and instigate
bloody insurrections: :•1 the freedom which
'Litsiols of f ers the‘negre is the freedom of
death; tad when — the poor •••deltided creatures
.i.ecelebrated the let Tannery; they u nwittingly
celebrated the ininguration of ~their, 'oven .ex
terniinatiorp It; is on this bloody'policy the.
•Piesident, itivokes the ofaver of Almighty Gad.
The good new's front Murfreesboro published
i4ittriday is hacked to-day by anOther'des;
: from . Gen. Rosecrans. Which states' that
the leas of the rebel" very heavy and that
iheY fled With great preciiikation.
The Army of the Potomac siill•resta ' on ~it s
, .
laareis.' Reviews 'reit! only odeupation now. ,
Flags of truce coriiinullY pass Irent.the Burnside .
; to the Lei,side of the tiver, end trice 'versa,
having riterence tit refugees.' • ' • -
Th. rebel" hays fallen back !runt in front of
Suffolk, pp that the “stirring_ tinier": we were
to anticipate!, in a despatch limn that ;P—
-een a few days atti, is probably postponed:
According toff despatch in 'the philadelphin
I leiess of yaiteidei, all
,Rho EasiTennee.;
'• • • sane baae been leaned and 'the Union tinops .
!!!"1.r... 8 1 0u k e4 elftk!ville in that state, with
.• putxtber of prisopeis and - 8,006 birrela of
;By the 'arrival of. a` steamer yesterelaYi we
'Orlein:s.datei to the 28th telt" but I
" y, .* "."4" 1110 'ship head' ot
iiittltneOValeniste front Texas. had arrived .
Kok&Nag #i'mi ticAvi-Tbe:chtki Ming iady
sniJelist; Who hal ~i ron • couch lame: under the
tame 01 . Cousin.May Cs rleton; has just finished
4 W cromanet4 entit led -diVictor ia or, The
• - Iteiresa te(Castle-olife.7' iaibe first: new
• yflir offering of. the Nev 7; ork llinrcigiy, the
cheapest-and largest literary, weekly in the
' ..
)•low Too Sui.moui Fuer. :itoour
„poudOut of iho doolea,rcial; .
from fl'urue'idet's : Fo.il)10111!.1), ' Yo., - .ttiui .
hepnily.bit. off tb~ love: au . • hive. for
raiiio.iO/Africtata Ate
• .4 10 i:"•-:' •
~ •,. , ~.. , rte not shed in thei ' '
46;'' criX4erel'arbii'iiive' .. rTY:. Pm,
~.:, i:. .,. ; . ; ~..,,, ~ .
:, llegro;cresnie,in the army 'fi d
140.'9.114)0100Y 4011b)ruf - a
~,,..,: „ ~„,..,.!.,,,- I-• •=w ... , ,lala !0 pmtect them.
Viir`, 4 -, t.l!.,alic.toPereo "quitted on-hie aster', in horse moat
~, ,,44,„ ,! „ , „
. >444, ~.,,,,,1 st .4 'yr. ,'
444',1 1 te;4' rl.''4 not i'-'!..ll!lo'.altil, ei he trots ii • • .• •
1 ..,,, -,4,44.4.-
►iiTE(*.k ~,, . I ln o.• column
WAtt:-'"-:/..;'.'..-:,,.....Oftemurlreelle; Or, hi Will A . .i i:.
,rf4lt.Wilg‘itiiiiii,t,,--i 1 .. ; _._• .• , n -"ched,
;k•-fy.--'el,, :.•, .• r..-, *, !11.-J .ll mower of 5t0ne.. .... ,
~ (k4.,1.- o olfr, i rittatchk4lol4k, i d%ifiAtil d 1* h
V..15-0•15------ --,.,, ..,' Ife a! it be , e v e ,
• A lk,, N N. r4 fA,lfito agik and hi'mnit be ixce di ' i
°.I.SS4,I•AINVViOti b4,:5.14:;: ''- -• • ' e ng Y careful
kt!';,4'`V-fitt-,- •- '.- .- -,, hareebecic. P . •
, i *, / ,-.d.„!,-c.d,0r,,,T4 - , ,, , •;;; ~ • -,;,:., •• -,. ~ . .•.•
whifogtaliMZ-..,'.- J , s , '
ItOtt 'c . ilkiitiiittii :
~.:-'', :, '-'
.i t - c
~.. . , 1..
y 'kr ..:7:!;•
I lan ,altbi. • :',ll
A7 + o~:Cs LA,' n ti7lt 4=:
isrpeTtntetsd.Cenitatisinde. '
0„ , e
litiOthipifepAistiletepiiio id heHo4e .
Tifesef4 • tiveeia Brksjiirigtod,.remaltked:2
irot4,doirei r 'the
resolution. of eontesktiand 640;
nesii - inta retina; 1'81,1;44r Weir;'fhtit 'hie report
Of iheituerte'i.ditieter at . Beartlort;Bodth Carolina.
will shoW• teat; for the . dm* . of;Septerni , er t
I pur general - raperintendente -reeeljeil WO per
other superintendents '
reeprveitsso per Opnth,lor takirig eare.of 'ninety
ilegirdeitf- :This rePort'sho ws1$3;BOO per. monti),'
(sirig at the rate. of $45,000 pet Gilliam l'Or .1 he
eery of ninety-three big , and. iittle,msle end
mile, .tifiren Americans of African . A
thousand dollars.,peryeir wouldsistenish a was-.
tern fatmer for iftieh I s:ellviit.e." But we era ie—
lutierVell informition es to ithis and .similar
infalnoor abusee.",s ' ' ,
.thts rate stiperiotenencettlone : . ofy . thfee
million freed nsgroes veituld cost lie gneeinnient,
oastiyosillioa Itho,htordredlaail ipseatilive
• month,
and . lepries.i nalfoos orvoc ‘l;d„Olate
slionsa 1.,. ply• sOlit 4441,4 per
year; of which Pennsylvania's share, to 'be - paid
in taxation, would beat least 'one toilllOn five
ha,tdred thoasaOil dollars. And this, let our,
peOple•rennber, is for taklng care of thetii'alone•
Abolition- fieeritee of the admin.'
isiia'tiOn shout in hive's of tithe honeet Abe's! ,
itisineipaLion m a'ny:high-sale ; '
tied offices in view....No .yron erthese cormor
ants . ofFehhetr Soule" to the President
when such a tempting Intit is held Out,. It - is
the siiiso, 164 not the loolly-headed me lino,,
they ire, akar... • •.. -
' , -Larriairrra,r., Ky., Jan. 3.
Telegraphic communication is iestored be—
tween here and Nashville. ' .
. 11. iy-1 epoitod: tbai . Gederul Bragg, -was killed
There bas been fightlng: ull day, but no par,
ticiddis ale poen. ~. •
•Chit - threes eie tidvancipa, .and, the - tebels
failino , balk Pt rasa Stone's Rivet, : • '
The. following • officers are wounded•slightly::
Black' of the Fourth . Indiana. ••, -
.Lient; Col. Neff,.
.„ , • •
It has been raining all day ,in the • vicinity
of the battle-field. ' •
tis6o,Nu DESPATeII.
. . . .
.. . ,
There wee heavy eannonocting tod.ey.until
tioon,When the ieliele a...lß:tied our left wing
and .were terribly,.apoleed,. ': ' :
• rael e , Was • very lit ile ,fi - ght ine keel entity.
Our foroes do nol.Yet ocean* Morireesboror
The rebels:.attarked . end destroyed - our hoe
pail .buildinge on l'liiii•etlity.,. • • • ' '
... The - rebels:4?.beini el rongly frinforeed Croat
the rebel army at Richmond, .. -
There Wes 'spirited engagement at Lavergne
to=day bet Ween the Meehapice and Engineeti
under Col..llinis,.and General. Wheaton's rebel
cavalry 7 The latter: %vele routed . .w.ththe loss'
'olthittiOree killed. •• .
All 'contrabantliv •captured by. the rebels
on the ,Pedetal::wagon tt ains ere immediately
:shot. Twenty killed ate lying- Mar
fieesbero udlte. . • • • :
Majoi Steinmer and Captain King, who were
.betip! conveyed away ' wounded trorn the bailie'
field tin ambulance, • were captured •by the
rebels, taken four.miles awuy and then paroled
.and thrown out on the road.: • -
Willich is not killed, but wounded
anda prisoner.
'Festerdmy General Rciseci ar;s iiersonally took
command of the Fourth (Jolted
. States Carol ry,.
aod t tacked Genera I ,W.lie.eler's . rebel Cio wary,
:who were cut to . pienes aoit•utielly. cout.d<•'.
Chief of the . 4 tine k. and 'on
,Tbomas' staff is 'mortally wounded;
A. de@petcb froincol. Anderson to beatiquar
ter@ here arte:l-ii , • • .
"We have whipped the rebels, deeidely,.snd
are at Christian?, nine -rniles South of IMlntfrees
hero; on-therdili . oad." • . • •
' • COL ner.
Col. McKee ix reported
Our loss of tiflirois li!art-rending.
The fighting to.dak has been light. It dosed
last evening with terrible slaughter of the ene
NeletiviLls, p. m.
Tbe first.day'e lighting was all our own way,
but the right wing of our army fought itself info
a bed position: r.'
'The third day we repulsed -the rebels , will,
terribleslaughter,Oursilves sustaing,but alight
Jaii,'S; 180
. .
Murfreesboro advice. repreaent: the Federal
-victory 'as . complete. The entice rebel
nsf fleein g 'towards; Tullakoma In gkeat
. .• LoutsVitus ' , Jan. 4.
: There are thretifeet of .water-on.the cumber
land aboals,,and the river is rising T •
Everythingis going on well , in front,
' • 'Gen: Hosed ens '; is in 14 rl reesttios He ;b‘as
captured. they-rebel cllitins and is nth iving the
enemy.',Cippißousseati is unhurt. His Assistant
Adjutant General McPpwell,is wounded in the
arm The, journars'rlespMehes . say th•.t. a. fourth
bleiidffightincurred last night during the storm
The rebels charged us-and were repulned.'.:Otir
troops Bold-Murfreesboro:; Ois ad Vantages rare
decided. • qeri. Breckinridge's division, was
- .cut•topiecei end routed Saturday. ohr:skir
mishers decoyed a 'large number of ` . rebels'
among our batteries. We united' them with
greitt slaughter. • . ' •'. -
Capt.. McCUlloch, of the 21 .Kentucy C,aii
elry (Union); says the rebel .Gehet al Witter&
, was driven sienOst.to seadness.l:oy the slaughter
of his 'men. Eye witnesses iav that the 'slaugh-.
terexCeeds that oflitloh..• Gcn..Rosecr'ans and
13;csoldiets ate in the heighist spirits. •„. ,
" "Cid . Saturday Col. Daniel McCook engaged
WheelePs ,Cavalry six - wsiles from , Nashville,
routing h im completely.. All is highly chsering
PrisonWia say that Gen. Kirby. Smith Is in
the fight. -"Rebel' canteens 'were. filled with
whiskey gundowder:
The, Murireeaboro Rebel of the 2d says the
Fedei ale lought gallantly, 'and admitta loss of
5, 000: . ", • •
' The :Federal prisoners are sent to Murfreei
bOio as fast as taken. Capt. John Deshi,of
Kentucky, was wounded,'by a shell in the head.
A (qt.. Card,;of the, c a me 'regime:it,' was shot
toy.a canio4 ' • . •
-lolloWing is from the AssoOated Press
correspondent at Nashville:— • •
It is reported that Gen. Rosman" shelled
~'Atartreesbero this motningrriera
forces would occupy it •at noun.. The
jebele übdoubteoty tert,, Our* toreeiGit is rei
parted era puisuing..
's . .l%lcCoilk. a t t se ked • Wheeler's caviar* bear the
Aaiftum sirt miles Iroai'prishvilisi killing &kilt
4hich 'were' leit theAeld, and mii4.
oej. Sevin' Vederali;were
- the.::slb:Whiennsini.Lienr;
.HasOngiii esitomiati
idned aeegeitnts , ol eoriipanies.-t1 1::
and 14,•are, kiiled or disittded. - :
,the tpi6'.-Illinois : is art ously
••• • .
Capt. Aestin, of General* WoodrelPs . staff, is
taken prisoner.' .' '
Payne. , de4atehrs say that . theiediela in their
teireat. are burning'the. cotton whereve r they
coil - get •hold-orit. ; • ,
:The Jews ~e'oneentiate'd here and:at Call°
hive. appointed depidal ions to, proceed
fi tO U . 16 rtinionsh ate apt init. G , i.:ri;ral
,G I twits
otdPoeicpelliriii;•t6nn'..filim the tetThory ocett•
OM -by the Federal , lot , • • .
.1i is asid;. that Frank , ; Ward . Of Antierson'S
troops is killed. • ' • •
All . the reports Rriseeraga having
ritipated to •
, . .
Tho• tolday is supposed. to lie. in the
cintrot , • .
tutsiruptions of
. the rebel cayslry betty-.
,een : NusliSPie ancf:Ctiristiuniimafiel it difficult
to get nciva~ but: everything; thus isr is favor;
able:to the ultiatale. eoceens 'el -the :Fedei
Jllll. 6.
. .
.The Press Of this city, ,has u Pirashville des
patch, which'says that' all The britlgos
Teir . orissee have Veen liurnedf that Col. • Croce
anb, taiteni narriberpr:prisboery:ttrid 8,09 bar
tali 060 which lieiends heiv;•and that 'tee.
riverls rapidlyilsint. • - •
• .
; • -'SPCIXO”; 141,M.,
:Jan. A
• .• •
il: Iluffict-,' Crimintzeider 7 i.t. c
DispeteheelTom.Gen.shermon'and'hie naval
conaman.:er.were 7eceived•on the, 319,,
Th. s,tinboats ivere:enzoden.the eneray's.bst
ferieS and Gen. Sfietpanas'inlaild three miles
from Yieksbnrg . and hotly enia4ed; •
..Frorn.retiel soureesi leirn that..the Grenada
44Aiimal ot. the 3 d' 'sari that , , the. Yankees . have
got possess'oe of Vieksburg. • : ' .._ •
• • U. 8: GRANT;
• • ' . Major General.'
. , • W.tivrrierroir, Jan 4 3. -
..The following vrai received at heedquirters
.• . .
Der line is working to ' Holly Springi - and
Gent Sullivan ' haa Whipiied the rebel Forrest
at Spring Hill, routed his entire tot ce, captiired
all • hip artillerY:and .three - hundred stand . of
. The rehelCelopel"NaPier was killed, and the
rebel Colonel Deshay ' is a ptisoder. ' . •
• HOLLY Sek'iNG, Miss., Jan. 2. '
MA,. Ges. HALLEC.ij OflliEnAL:lpet lo ::p
Gen."Sulliivan•has succeeded in gettieg
out of Gen. Forre s t, and whipped him bildly.7 —
He . Captureil six pieces of artillery, and a grea
many hoes!' and prisoners. Van Dorn -miais
repulsed at• every point eicept this, and with
.. • (Signed). • ' • U..S. GRANT, •
, _ • • .Maj
Wis'nv46TOra, Jan. 3
The followinidisMitch has. been received rt
the Nary liepatimnt. from kear..Admiral Lee.
. . .
• Foo•roess. Momioc, Jan 3.- 7 -Soo. Gidtom
Secreol.g of t h e Ara4:..The steimei State
OlCGeinis•.repoi.is that the MoOitor Winded
Tuesday night oouth:ot Cape Hiliteras, with
the loss Ortwo officers and thiity eight men--:
noires not known=belongiog to the . Mohitor
or the Rhode Idea, or hoth.
thapetohee from Gen.• Sherman; &tied on the
battle field of Vieaburg, 'received: at 'Helena on
Saturday, 21th, say . tbarthe debarked. bia•force
On , the left bank of the' YAZOO 'river, ten miles
above . tbe meith,•and forming•in line of battle,'
advanced tovrard•Vicaburg. • •, • "
After paaiing.keyond the range of . our gun.,
bc,,te, our troops encountered the.enemy, who
aeaailed them in force. . -
. .
* terrific Conflictensued,' which 'liked :tor
. ..
fivo h'otirs. The enemy was driven back' tty•
out shell beyond the itayetia that • girt the''yeei .
c( Vicebitrg,-.andftom` their entrenched werks;
which iverestationed•on a hill.: • . - , ,•
Orr fiaturdar'night thi two •"arrnies lay en
their arins,'two !mynas intervening between
the hostile foreec, • ,
Dating ihtt night.pontoons were constructed
notwithstanding a terrific fire was poured upon
our it en:brthe,enemvunder cover of. tender-
'At daylight on Saturday a conCerted advanca
was mike by Gen. Sherman'a entire forre*Ven
Seeel Ccirrindadiing GelwPMoriais
and Blair the center, and GEIIS. A. J,L. and M.
L. Smith the riglit. ': • '
Gen. Steel succeeded in , turning , the enemy's .
right, so as to communicate with Gen.., Mor
gan's diviaioni which had. been ..aina . raterl'bi t
the'swarlys running at right angles to the main
By sunset the whole Race Was engaged, and
up to .10. O'clock mneketry , and artillery tire
TheWholearrny in frant of Margan'Eand
Smith's divisions VI!!(!) entrenched
sing ground. This position was finally carries!
by 110101:
Our gunboats difinot cooperate with the land
forc'es, but the - gunboat Denton engaged' the'
fortifications on Haines' Wit...
During the action'aeveral of the crew . of the
Benton were killed and Oninalit • Gv!inne , he r
eommatideri.mortelly wounded.
In the action'en Satnrday the 48th Ohla,Bo
Miinouri and 2d Kentucky austained:cansi4-,
G - Banks' forces with farregties, fl ee t
were expected to co-operate with Gen. • Sher
man in the attack - , out they had•not arrived.
1 ; , -,Tanuaty i lth .
ii quiet as sNral *•
' .;Gen:'Stoneman'j,..thio irmytio ps was ire
yeaterday; .Wilcox'. tt h
"army goiini:4p•dii,,, The aSpeaiasce and , rion = .
i,ditioatf the were excellen!. *Veneral
-Burnside aadstair Were present :On both C 3 -
:APO) j :;
i'lassof trare cross the Raymthatmoek almoit
ei , erY itay ! Tite principal business; transacje.o,
is the e:Lchapge of 'Such lcriugees is are Nati : 6i
lead by ttie the military authorities on :both
`'The contractjor'the:' hide.o4:horni and tal;
lory of:.cattle, sYnghtered, (or the army of the .
Potoman, • recently„ entered:into _with 'John
Weikel', of philidtlphis,`,has'bein aoniiled: .lc
is eatiftlated.lhat tha.r,eneipte,. frorh.thia source , .
ahould.ucive . r. he'expenseof herding . ,ndstaqh'
artily; - vnit that retion]lih4"pk
tie'nerf he . (Mind don't rant fify these
, aiticles
with pi ofit. to . theeriselyes and'. .savinw. tod . the,
GovernMent. • . .
l',.be agent •of -.the ! Ordnance Department at,
Washington is here for the , purpose of inspecting,
iheiiiirritiiiition for . cirninti; ierespense to re.:
pealed complaints of a fficeiu: - It hat.
• • •. •• o •
been 'bee' twined that moat of the. premature
eXplosibtis" ditring •:the. recent'battle 'heie; and,
preifdtiVflierito: tide been "'Mined bydbe nX- ,
workmanlike. manner in, which the•foses hive
been'-fixed talkie shells,- andsomfsbattelies'haye'
al iCidy'rephic'ed 'the is ,stork on ire nil . by t bat ci
.More reliabie,,cfkarecte,r.,
. .
'Miljorqinae Onsmisier; tease,i : es
ted here to 7 day.:fo, defalcaimn .ol
'2 0000-
money lost in gaMbling. Simultaneous arrests ,
bavr Vern,' ni:iie Cincinnati;
Louisville and other places; and. about $10 . ,009
hasbeen recovered aCCitira.,
Divirt . Birimzo:—Wil l you do we the fever.
to pei form Divlne Services—in my cerrtp, tbis
evening.'; If Yo - ti can glYeme a couple ?Y hours'.
not ice, I sh ill, be glad ofll, !bat I mey be able .
to:inform tbc coin , . in I've After the
greit'si:cces'i' that GO& haS;stouclisu fed on, I:feel
that we connot doleis than •ailail on rselve'S of
hast . opnorturity to render to Him the ; thanks.
that ale due=to littn alone. 1, for one;.feel that
lhej,treat reeuk is the result of His great mercy,
and would be 'glad that : you ehoidd be theme
diem toaller the tha'nks I feel due frotn this airiny
and. It oin'the'country. Earnestiy .hoping . You ,
will accede to my request, I rim very. respect--
fulfy, ' You's hutuble servant,
Mujor gen. Catia'r..
C.ltzio, hi., Jan. 2
. .
MY Dean !31Er..11.--1 have ' T ent thF d:y ,
your'bruse boys who ate in;tke hospital
here....l had !he privileitto visit the wayside
hOspitali. bet ween.here and the. eanipso am
Buie it . will.gladden'your heart, And it surely
did" my own, _ to .see the:great love they have to
you. When 1 teld them hots: tenderly.' you had
spoken of thenr,"and.hOW you knelt with me in
.prayer for 'God's blessing upon them,.ma,ny :a
brave:fellovr wept for
. joy; . and ort evely. ante I
beard, , lGoii bless the General," while here and
there some veteran claimed he privilege to' say
"pod gac:" I'had..the opportunity
to .cominend some dying men to. God tint to .
•whisper ihe' Saviour's narrie in their ears for the'
• mpg fear of wearying you, I 'could
'write an hoitr, telling you of loving confidence
spoken.by these brave sufferers; who have been'
Witlryou.ln'poff,lind evil report ...I will not.
icanctt ' close . without 'telling .yOu 'how
ivreetis the remembrance of the pleasant service
held. in your carimi nor-to : assure yOu•thari it is
tt, f pipet! ev•
,fiay . : 804 God •t o Nees you `
TOW' , way is rotigN- Many do:not -know. yOU.
:Many jealous or your 'success . . •ManY:
'try to letteryou. But let.PO cloud' above,
thornbrreath, trouble you. Ab i lir,e •you is
'Gcid'ourrather i Christ otir. Saviour, the floly.
GhOsi our tiorrilOrter. God will hear bur prayers
It „may be,p.weary,.fOot . .stire Wfjr;: but there is
.light beyond. Goff Nese you.
'4 'True . NEW YO2l Wzreirm-Artmla.c—ln _every
depailmerif of newiisipes!'enterprise thri::Nniv
Yona.A nous wig 'fa@oriably coMpa re.. In , Poli,
ticso-ina laitaarapan;iin,,llntaindts ; and in Finance
Agrieult.araliriformation, in ~GeneratiAlewrii
and especially in the complelenesaitid
t„llo",,floney, Produce,'
114 offaer / in@riceit4 'superior: T ett.
1!ora lialre'iniaiteliTirstngerrienis for articles, upon
the* great questions now agile'. the
cOant;Y,frOrtra "it); pdis of 'hon." lictratio Sey.
'mow - , Hon. Chas. ItPConcar,SanfOrd 'E. Church,
Samuel and Others of the ablest
statesmen of the day, Its A,gricultural .IDe.;•
part ment; which-renetvei the especial care and
attention'Of tine' of •its elflrord, Yn'additien to
.the usukl.v.srioq pr a rrigipal t.
and selected mat:
ter, Will b e enriched by articles preiaitid
pressly for . •the 'Aitous, byi Hon. WI). Kelly,
W.'C'; 'Watson; A. B. portger, Benj. P. John
sdp, Prof. Geo. W..Buckliinci;iif the University
of Totonio, C.•W.; and . one oriinore
tinguiebed --writers upon Agricultural
. Science
'in liurope. ; ' - •
sulncription 'per . annum,42..
(three copies one year, schoei eight , copies one
year, $lO.OOl twenty copies, to one ;iidrees;
4 • • • ' ' Proprzetors. ,
corner Broadway &Pirk Place, New tork. •
Fr.ebanic.:, Sept. 27, 1862
. . I aru,svith'lpve. • .
Your servant, tor . Christ's, sake,
; • • 13. WHWill e. g. /
'.; .'
A pod many peonte" , . raise skulk the,
Union . . and .. Conoltution, as it ihe ,tut'o•.were !
idnntical . ; but theliuth . is, it )I'the Cansitu•
lion th a t has hden:the;foundaiion and f a th e r , , o r,
adjaci;il iirrret,
"F%IIeaI" . ROPS,V ; Z: l• • ' 4r
Theot never have been , any . :Unio n .
without the t enni s of C o nst n
the latter .
,hetels . no Union. Iris
t „ ar , ouirno , d.of 11- Cow ton by sort/
as E-eelle, that has p oiltwed tombirs. •
••• , .
A .A ; an
wiitei il.ioe 1.;• Com;'. thus,
,fude6 o Ihe ni4.-, , elc;cyni . :lie ( 7 U:oil' end of our
• ;
k•itidlid4:1;;;;• r
111 P. 01• • do: CP in
• upon' - •Cd'.rbis
I rout)
• , Tltis , ita the, Fri lies (ii
Carifedcilieyr iulr l . i ettuce..ti us. ;o otti•
,Eyi:ABL::i111:0 4t::r 0114Y
,way mnvitfaitturet can :esinbi'lsii a !hirable, an .
envible.reputntio6 for, Jheiroonpis,
int a attiiM'iochri .m.bie; and;
then hyscu! rare heepint•it4 to the ,
hest : s..tanitoli.)plexiaiiienfm::thireptitatihk
:tile 6iati; . of,p.
Monioe' C 6.,. Nevi'Toik ; rsta ;F .. ice. for the
•ma nu Nei ore of Chem; ,, Salerh to., le. as the
sno . w.fla!iet.i j6.4t he' idle for light bread
and bisents.. reopt,l•inn
.1 hey _ ? tit!
Maintain; pa heir S'ilat is otuaya the slime
anti- vi,itvairy
,I 4 pr/rOVeP . ., I.ae.:y Di', wiho'sei , le
t 6 dmtiels r and. it sWil at teinil alitiosi eye.
Tywheie in tint , United States..: '-:;:
. .
ISG2, Potts
E.; daughter 0f.?6, D. and s,,to, x r nliurbarle,
aged 6:years Months and 2 days... • .
• lir this•Sorang, , h; lanthily 0,. 196:3,1,0f Mem
h!hriOns ',Cron!), : son or E. and
Blair,; aged yeais 10 'months and 7.
In ihis.So oogh, Janoa.y: i, .IS6I, of, .IVleno
brantioct Croup,.....Fered of S.
io . Octay' aged 9 yeiis.7
• little unto Me' an' io. bit;
tLetal 001,. 01 • • ; •
. ,
• Volume VHF.-- New Serieq. : ' '
A new volume of this • widely pa
ver cornrr.ences on the ist-cil JanuerY . . Every
Plumber contains efxteen•nages of. 11 , 0 . 11 infot
inntion,and from five to ten.orisitinl'en`gravinus
- or 'new
.inventions and iiiscovcriee, all orwhielr
are . prenrired expressly, for its column's. '
• •• To The
. hlechapii and :Manufacturer!:
. . .
'No person 'engaged , in any' Of the:mechanical
pursuits. should think of doing..without the
SclES:rivio AMERICAN. it coats but six cents.
per week; every number :contains from six to
ten engruvins of new machines and
tions, which cannot be found in,riny other pub
lication. It is :, , IPt.ifibliWed tl3!it of the pub.
in t. nnae but original engraiingi,
f;'Co a oi•: .in tbe art, drawn
and .sr.; exporienCopersons under
.their OW4 ;A:f . ! ^4 V.' :On! ' • •
To, Vie vent or f
• The sdi ENT, FIC ..ft lc A it indit;
peO 'o'•e've r ;I L'‘.• .•..^9 I Y 0 2,1-
e . ..;•.• :I'. . '0; oMall the.
1);•• 'fl :0:!. e
1...011;;;....<•..11..0;r..'' ll. :o Clam
0 - 1 . 1-0 to Stkitos
0 • e be.
P I‘.. • .7 0 of
vrj .a r!...a. • y. eco reci4v : .
• ..f .. 't••joornals of
1, • • F. r. • Pttl. thus
.01••e".rr of 0.., •00.- -- 4 00 i.'- isl,irinG
e t' l o' old
coon% e coo- 00.. n.. 1; to
o, v Y., de f.LO of ' qi . o.4t .
our •: • ,
- 61';e'ilist.,,,'.,:A . ,:ch(e . cis;' :);tiltwii.,,ot,..-,,..!i4
found a most uselful Journal to 'hen!: Alltha
new •discoveries - science of :chemistry' are
arven in its eolumns, and the'. interests'of,the
Architect and ceMenter are net overlooked . ; nll
inpeTiOns,and evAirip i.appertatu.
Joel. liegs , ,ttr§ t 44'1 nst 'shed from
week ta week. Useful and prectieal,inferMi.,
tlep.paikaiping to the ,interests of triiitwrikkte
end mill•Ciiivnete-will-be teuil&puldisheri.isr:the
.SglEtty).ric A pcpics.rt which information
'eariebts44ibljr"Otitain freM 'any other
Subjects in which-planters.and farmers are , in.
b'etfriurid 4 diseitniediin• the . Seim
'Tr'Ete,,Asinefeeti;-rneet of the , itriiirove'rn'ailtii . in.
infieuttirrafingileinenta being'illustil . ated in. its
. .
Tek , nooN subacriberio:—Three Dollars . isT ear,'
or no oHSIf u , months. The . vole
limes commence 'in ilia brat of Januar y rut
Sppcimen copies will bir sent gratis to any
'part IDlttlia. co"uritrY.' -. • ~
Western 'and Canadian triiney or . Post:office
Stamoi taken it lu t ir: • Cor:subscr . iptiOns.
sui4ciit'gre . ` 'please to 'remit ;25.cents:
extra on each year' s *. sybscription te. pre 7 pal
•.. , . •
,P,Pri4e' .
• M.soNN'Sc'CO., Publisher*, ..(
No 37 Pirk-rovr New Yerk
.Last .
LL person, Inowing.therneellies indebted
to the undereigned-are% hereby notified to
(411 ind settle - their ireCouritv immediately, or,
. .
costs.will'be mad!.
.D,oc.• 10, 1060.
0., bonisunaptives.
Anna Adrerti 6tj bevln been re:itormi d o rhin a
few - weelca.,V,e very I. clog
611 Ture 4 mirttral.Yettra with, a ',evert . , long rrec,:on. and ,
that dread dismal)", ConnuOiptton—le anzione• to 4 .Ito'
)mown tOrde rellOW-,tille , ere the 1T . 161 119 Of core. • „.
To alt desire It; he williomd imly therpregcrlp
lion need wee or oimi•go), pith the' directions ha. m. 0. :.
rioting and ering the Fame, Which [llk will and e salts
CURCSOP 0041011.141)!1 kfiT,llql ashoscorria. Noe
oory. oitydt of tlrAdre. In I.midir , Ilia err,erijdlort
k beuolit the' aillihtcd. and apreadornroritiatido which
he concriyoß to be bombiabto and be hope. eirery riar,• • • •
rarer will try his remrdy,Miatanthing,• •
and may prnawahlr.t..ing. • • • ••
„ .
. . . . .
. .
'-Parti.en wiahislr, the pre444ripl inn will plunge . neidres3
, - . ...''ltt:y.'l.l)lyAßD'A.' Ny1V07 , .1. . •
, ' .:.'...; .{ t• ••• .;.:.; i • ' •.. ,•,.;:' Wlll.la*NburTV.'
.74.1 t , ,1,., ' ? ... Y:' . ~X iiigi Oiluntyi.l4:oW ',York.
• •
POA'PIUtIFYIIie THE . 8L00D....."
And kir' the- speedy cure of:tbe,following complaints;
Borofald astatherottal mitts Affeettoni,sitolla
as 'Tumors', Ulcers,. Sorta,,-Eanotptionts e : .
Pimple. Pustules,' ' , Blotches llollie
• plainer,' intadVali. Skirt 1)
• 'I. .: • ne, .
C. 'Auk kOenter:"l -feel It MY 'duty to se
khewledge .what .your gneseferille bee done: for me: .
Having -Inlimited a 'fferofulons infection4' have i-buffered
:hunt It' itfinilons ways for years: Sometimes ir bunt
Out, in--I/leers' on, my hand i; and - aline; ‘Sometimee' It.
'turned Inner, in&distreseed me nt the 'Amends.
years Igo IC brolcsout on betittend-ctivered my maip,
and ears yips one sere r which: was painful and loathsome
,tielond ileetriptieni„. triethmuni *medicines and several
phyriefuno, het withOutMish.tellef from any' In
fact, the' disorder grew.worne. , At length I-was rejoiced
• to read in the Gespil.Alimsenger that' yon,had prepared
. au alterative fgarseparillaVfor I knew from your reputa
tion' that' key thing ydu miide moat be good. • 1 sent to
Cincinnati end gotlt, and used It tillit cured.us. I teolt.
•it,as yon advise, In 'small doses of aleaspoonful over a
month, and Used 'almost three.bottles: New and healthy
akin -soon ',begin, to ,folut under-. thescsb, which after 0,
- while:fell bff.. -My skit is now tlrbt, mubi knovi by my
feelings that the dieense bus gone from my System. You
can well believe, that 1 feel whai 1 *Mining when I tell
' you; (hail hold'lbu to be one or the apostles, of the*"
' and remain ever, gratefully. • Yours, •
•. .
, . ", • ALFHEID B. TALLItY.
, . .
'St. R ie:
Titter and . Salt ithimpt i Scald Bead.
. •Filugwornti Sure •
flobert N. Prebla writes freini"haleni, N, Y., I:th
Sept., 1959, that be bas cured 'in inveterate. case. of
Dropsy, which ;threatened to .terminate fatally,. by the
lieeSintekingt.nwrof,our barsaparilla, and also a dangerous
Ulttelfiteßit:ol,44lelul'hY7argo doNse of the same; says
he curer the_ euninion itnipiions by it cooptantly.
- ..llroneliorele,rigiolere or Swelled Neck:.
. . . . .
7.ebnion Stein of Pntsnect;',Nsait, wrltett : "Three
tles of your Sersaporills cored toe front a aiire —• hid
eout( swelling on, the UOCk, whfrlt I.b,sd suffered finis
.over tw o y'enrs." ' ' • . , '.. •', '
, . t ..
.i.enearriareat or Whit es.Oirailme ll'assike.
• 'Uteriiii Ulceration, Female Diseases.
Dr: J. B. S. (panning, of New, York City; *rites "1.
Meat cheerfully Manly with 'the retinest Otyour ages t to
saying I have found your Sarsaparilla a nowt excellent
alterative in the nunterouvcomplaints for which we
.employ much a remedy, Litt especially in ithrinti,Diseaies,
.of.the Scrofulous diathesis. 1 hate.cored'ainny birder- .
ate cases of Lencorrhma by it,entl some where the'corn-,
plaint was caused by ulceration of the uterus.. The ulcer.
ation Itself wart sdon cured. Nothing within my kneel..
edge, equals it.for these frinale deringetuenta!'
Edward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., r; flee, A - deo.:
gerons oran'an' tumor ou one of the females in my funny,
had defied all' the reinedles we.could employ, has
at length been completely cured.by your Extract of Sap
'eaparilla. Oar physician thought nothing but extirpa.'•
lion could afford relief, but •be advised the trial of your ;
Sarsaparilla as , the last.'resort before cutting, and b
proved effectual. • Alter taking your remedy eight WNW
no symptom of the disease relnalos." • . . . •
Ityphllle Stied -..Neiretsrfal -DI
• r Now Oatietis, - 25tli Minuet, IESO.
Ds. J. C. ATIOt :•Ehri, I .eheerfully comply with the re:
.bneet of your agent, and tinerrt to you sone of the elect,:
I have realized with your.Sarraparllla.' • ,_ • ' .
.1 bare cured With It, in mypractice, most of the torn:
' plainte . for which it iv recommended, and have hand it
effects truly wonderful In the 'cure of rename, and:Akt
eerier 01 . 4180/e. One of my patients bad Syphilitic ulcer •
In hie threat; which were consuming his palate and•th .
top - of. his , mouth. Your' Sarsaparilla, steadily taker'
'Mired him in five weeks.. Another was attacked by isel
ondariaymptount. In 616.1ame, and the ulceration he
eaten away, a considerable part of it,'so that .1 believe th
disorder would noon !Taal Ids brain and kill him. But •,
.yielded. to,toradministrution of 'yea' Sereaparilla; th ;
ulcers healed, and he Is well again, nut of course Wither ;
Dome diefiguretion to his race... kworniin, who had bee
treated. for the' lame dieMtler. by mercury was sollerini
from this poison in lies pones. They Lad become so taa'
MU*s to . tbe,weather that on a damp dey eheauffered e:,
. eructating pain in .her joints and'bonee. Sbeitro, '
cured entirely, by your Sarsaparilla• tit • few weeks. •'
'know from itatormula, which your agent gave tne,.tiof .
this Preparation from your laboratory maid be's pa .;
remedy.; couseiptently, these truly.. remarkable.. Meal
with It liere.not surprised me. • . • - • •
Fraternally yours, G. V. )LARIMIR, 14.
IlLenmatLmr •
.pout • Liver Complaini• •
' . • •:Isiterstierthe, Presten On., ti's.. dth July, 18259..:
Da. J. O. Aysa: Air, I have been 'Mildest with a pal
• ful chronic Rheumatism for a tong time, which baffled t.l
skill of physicians, and. stuck to me in spite 'at all tl
remedies I could find, until I tried your Sareapatilla... Os ••
bottle cured sus in , two weeks, and:restored my genet',
timid) so'mneh that Lam fir bettor than befbre I w
attacked.. I thick ha Wonderful medle.lne.• J.NRZAId
Jule' Y . Garin% at: Linde, writer "I bare bhr
afflicted for 'years with -an kilection of the Lisrr, Whi
destroyed my hsalib.• I tried ovary thing, and every this
-failed to relleva.m• and /)0) . 9 tscßil Prcliepdown
fOr some years from:no ot her cause than deramarstem :
Vie Liver,. My beloved pastorothe Day; Mr. Espy, Mr*
wis to try your Parsaparills,because he said he knew ye
and ,•ny thing yourundo was worth trifng. • Dy the bier •
Ins of (Tod ht Ina cared me, and has en purified my Md..
as to enak•':‘ new . man of me, I kel young again.:
beet, that can /w.llaid of you le not ludf goodaaongh.'! • -.
flOfilrrits,Ciligar Turriors, Ettlargeiniess
Ulserallott, Caries attil . .ll:foltattait. I. ..
the lEtorite. •
, .
A great variety Of cues have bean.reported to us whi .
Cures of these formhlahle tiiiirplaltito hive resulted frr
the else of this remedy, but our space here will not ad.o
them. , Some ef , thena .
,Iney be found in 'our
Almanac, which. the, agente hotels aatsicd an plbased
furnish gratin to sll.Who call fur them; • -
pyipepatei Heart !Wean, Fits' Eptlet
&Ero/Allf;4o;rl4l..Praligla- .
.. Many, rernaricaldo ezirei:,of these atter:flout bays be;
, made by thq al torattee poWor of tide inedkine. 'it lite;
'' labia. the-d4l -functions into vigneoua'action, and WI
.overcomes disorders which would •be aupposed beyond
react'. Such a reinedyinta long been required by thd
" cieshiee at the people, and we ayv wallies* that this I'l
dq for theaWan that medicine an 4 . 9. • •
Aker •
s• •Chen.y.
!Oft 4ilit ' lltkilllo4ll7i
Coai'gf ..
lloaroitmies ,
••--`• Croup, •Brelgehlttop laelip!ont
alplas_ptletrh for.. the
• ' Cilnistimpttire''Pattionta
. • • a .advioneed - ,Btoillol
. • ,
at the. •if . • ;
.'!„ Tbi. Ica rooriptijito uotiarll knoviiieo Immo r .
other for'the euril of tbroaiiidod.lutik notnplalsts, as •
le ageless hens td.aubllsh too *Moore of its virtue*.
. ooilvollodolicellooco,kr.coughl Rod, colds, end
Witelefful Anew" if :01a:toner, :dheittle," bare mad':
knOwn tbrongbent'thei•civillssd ioatious.of lb. ew, •
Yew o r e thCoilortllllitlek 'tett f.mIII ,apoDR t 1
whO lints stet 'ono) personal' experteore of Us effect?
• .eolne living trophyln their midst ofltiteletory over.
• subtle sad dangontna .dlsordors of 'the - throat and lur
As all know the dreadful fatality of :these dlsordern,
is they know, too; the eltheas of this remedy, we need
di kebob than to assure thee that It bin now all the • 't
Oaf that It did hove whentetniklug the curee which !!,
won AO otroogly upipi the eopffdeoee of Mankind. 1
Li Prepared - !ay Dr. J.O. Aptalio C 0.., Lowell, AV
• ; '!: • • .
.Chaii.ge-bf liours. •
• ' •Coritilienaing' , MOnday, • Nbvi. 17th, 18r
Trains will leave' Olean at about the folio%
tibtirsi'lilz i ..: •• • • .. '• ' , .• ~
.. MOVING tV.E3T . :-- •
Night FArpress .- • ,
, , . " 4:13
Wey,Freight . ; tips, •
No. 21' ' ' • . 1:00
. . . .
Mail . • • -•..10
Way Freight .
Nos. 3,1; and 8, riro , every day, ' '
Sundays, .hut not Mondays... Train 3, of
days, from New York, runs through to '
kik doeS"not run triDunklik.
NATIIANIE,L MARSH, Receiver:,_".
• .
.A_N - I:R 9 §