M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, January 10, 1863, Image 1
~,••••••-•• • • . • • , •• ; • . • , ..• . • •, - .. • VOL., 4. I fain tottit,vlDetuocrat. riniLIOIrED INKRY SATURDAY.IIIIIRNING, By J. B. • ,METHPORT, M'KEAN COUNTY, PA. *ME, al. Ta. COBNIO! Y PURIM lIQUAUII 411,11 EC• • - SA SO 44 Oranoc axt OfiAdvertismg. • 1 oibroiii ono ywe.. .. ; ;.. .... 'OO ! • ,"..; .... . . .. . AA . 1Y 00 ; • : . ' *IS Oro aquae, at 12 riikos or Us. , . bu0rt1055i........ .1 60 00 :Noah - . 35 ';'/Issalooss tools, IrM .. . ....... ow •.' Burr Sr Igor* :Work will Os doubt* tbo 4bute. rotes., :Twirvir lime, Biotic, type, or . iligh1:11ooknooporoll; Is. • CT Tboro IsrsOu will, br ~ --,:.l3#inc6o,',.iiiio'(.!ory . „• 4iervissor, Orstbaula • Conveys, cor;• sad Real Rotas •iiretbort, fieao countbTs..- _ . • PRIDE OF NEW YOU. 180378 Specialty. *AND Mt i*VO.F: MiRiCAN GEN4Is . . . . "Cortrw.e wilth t• with eau, 'iateatiorowsoli, i•Idoso.". • HE NEW YORE MERCURY; FOR 1.41k1 N Ick;*g • - •••• • - . It Wit% TM fear . orWar!,s . et- upon literistit - feitunrs, . that • The . pii . hlitheri..or Tog . D.ltttgt'fr oho . Meg.Phoy ; pektiricli4lige.th‘e how. • ire HUE loyalty of their.TWJ,.siurioßio r.# M. aritwune—tothcm, Riot k:ill, theCruir Ih w YirigeV . ERCUPC thie he richer in ;Literature thrithah ever:holm:o: lt le . .110 opals, t Aral no •tehriirii t•getiiiation.”. but .r Aral ; which l av ttech to the United Sea t'iti lor r, «r .century;. an . ll •th.. .)! Rt toutttlitintFOrryeityr , tay',sre , 111. n tstent.eve.n a Ip . ie th,•y: iso.:lt.eir subr et ipt . l.6 . prieR,'YUIS•NE gt' YORK •i‘l KaCirßY: . elra•rr, ra: I. ira eat S taro( Rurtianc;.lis,. Potts, tfiitory-Tiellerr, Eiitt o r , .. arid *pro 1111SPO . t(1 itriater, .• It is the:tne.p..oPi . hoihe.. • I e•fort y. coiumne.or rea.ling.tnitt - q'pi!r werk.cons.itutt ail .htipata . toeili •• ' • . . . 'COIvS.-RV• I TORY OF, TUE PIIITERTAiNIPL . Atiti its Navels, Miscelsifrou,'Tsles,l3e*.ior,ps 0 Woe, C3"sstp, Fe ii tiln 11,1iailsules 01 Hu ner,:and combine to opi, tomize hill the rettisrins of , , . VVIT. AND 'SENTIMENT I ' The,litiibatid 'read@ it to his mother ~ 10 childreii,•ihe lover ,tri 'his 'sweet : heal t: ..she'aoldier, to hi 4 comrade's: ~and the 'village. school master to the circle around the stove.— It itt familiar to the . .ight or : every, man, ,vvorna n 'and child ju our clintry . .. and hua ree,utar is ' er j,`;eris ih several countries in Europe. THE ifEscrunt is also idenr:fim w i t h t fi,. pa: o 4l,lli p ;trlOisaM of th. age; tor .ae'veral trieMberi o f hrilli , l;! t no I :high rank in .ou'r nage arrrajc Maai ' th!'mr.lee e as ifaMOISB *II I ti the as • .h 1 h" :great iihortraiiiii • artiit'Of'•TUE': NK,:uv., ...bleorcustr,.the inimitable tizrley.• ..!!'eee paper the'hisheat iitributes of ,rhae Art yetAhiattrgest literary ‘ve ,, kly . or e 9 1 1)" miaerrtd surpiric'i t sielf iu Sall theatit'reepects ,sinetkieliew keit t - • Tiketa-ist DavrToll Meketnev Novriote for the Nfleff Ire r obe - cominetteed ,te the itteue ;.°L,llll4i/Ya,,V363; is ' VICTORIA; ; il / a .i . llH,opirese.of Castle Cwre; . . •IT Crlll6lNSAY.o4iltt,iiON, . • ' '•• ' . . inin or • "eiPer aowsi, , Y.:•ini.air., ~, "all insto," ..t.imAil;lins•"..*.a , as . . .. . . , 'The productions (1 this Aistingoishettautborriss seed no eulogy.: .Public opinirin has long eince ininiouneed themsuperior ,to any oihip r nor. , eletteepublitihed on' tliii side of the Atlantic ; end the:tine tilt of their 'rneritia found,in the ' fact' that , they are, eagerly renioduceti, stir' Ih4li: publication in' the biannual., by . the . lEnglisiOrrge. nisi, odd that tb ' e new title. "V)srtrie,',' is fully equal , in intornst , and iiepto .fo i ;stitber :of Ouse_ vilcb have secured ~ o pieirgeW shire otioublie mi. end eon Okillrfleefir teetikeleend it to all story•releir r.s.. For , taw Xelfx 'amend perindical-dortleis in -Arruitte!i. ,To i isubieribere, it illignfarly 'mailed every Sato,. ,day morning, for $2 a; year; : three ,e9Pies for .six copies for Sir; eight copies'fortl' W , ith .aa extra eqty,/ree, to the;getteivpof !he dab. 'WY ‘mantbsr.subeeripliens received. Alsin pwits plainly the ware a I'Year:bra Office; Como and State. We like tbe noteiret all solvent ,banks.at, l!ayinentaist invariably, be in X," Specimen copies sent free to Addreie all lettaroi and remittances, post paid te • • • CAHLDWELL & WHITNEY, • • :.prepr i ieNro nJ ihe Arlo' rah 4ilnre,nry, • • 113 Fultnii 5t14.4. N • ••w.York Cpy.:• piEw woßg AND cute. tipLizgo;,tii.i. • . .., . . Chaiie of 1-Tovira .. Comrp.licing- 11..04y. IS9V. • 1711 V, 11542., frrains ill I, : bavei,ol+.lm'o, 40ifilit'th0 toil.,wkr: bou , s,.:vtz; i. ' ••, • , . ••.• •';-'" .111 MOVINO Niehe Fxpree's Wdy 'Freight • -No: 21 MOVING EAST,, Nieit Expr'esla ,fitwk • TEMEIB Py.!!'y doy:.: Suml 4 ) , R l ' h'i' nqt \ Inn .if•lt't Trh in 3of lit. .day‘ti, itotri : New,ron..through:to Out t lnew•n.it rim In Doillork, •., • ' , . NATHANIEL AHSIL R•ceivor. CHARLES .511 NOT; Gen'l Surt,'. • • ILLUSTRATED, SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. Tam BEST PAiRR . A new . volume of widely circulated pa , per cear.ences on the tat at Jaituary., Every 'timber coniiins sixteen pages of useful infor• million end from five to ten original of new inventions and discoveries,all of Which nee piepared expreasly tor 41; amns: • TiThe Mechanic and Manolacturerl No 'permit engaged in' any or the :meehanjeal ,pursuits' should: think Of doing ,without the Sontrertrin Amixamatt. It ems bot si= yenta ptit - week; .every number contains from six to ten engraving, 'of new. maehines and .inyew. tiona, whieh cannot be found in any other pdb. !Icarian. IC is an established ru!tt ot the ashens to insert none but titiginai,. engravings; end those of.the Brit elites in, the art, Airawn and engraved .by „experienced permute,' loader their own • , • . . The - SCIP,NTIPIC . 'AMERICAN . . pensable ev..ry inventor, *kilt not:only' Con ain'', illiitrated .- deveriptions ot nearly, all the heiriitoentionio"Alter.7enrettint; tnit each ',timber eniiiiini an Official I.:ut or ihe...Clairn• ot.oll the Potent!' from the Cfnite4 State" Patent the . ''ive44.•previnui;, correct : history of tt , e mote"! or in• oetnionio inthis country. fecejv %no, every week, hoot, 'elegy FA, journals of Gr«dt..fhitdin,. fur a_ fa,niit Pot all that. :n . sri.nee r &En 'art in: these .pl.l. countries. We shall ent,tiniie to tianaher :to cur ephinins ropiciiii'ex , t'eete front thele jour. quillof wt.ot hoer' - we fildjt' -deem of intents!. to . hemins, A rehite,t!e.. Tbo .• Sr.FrIFIC....AMERICAN hp 1911 a moo ua.lnel Inurnal: the. vi; • , ei.ot ,, of . ch miv.ry lane . , . . • • , I.Aen 441(4 nail ttrp intereit, ;;Aei•hip . 411 ineentione'Aind . ilis .appettsin• 'ln three twins ptiii'isheil f rom tn.-vePek• Ucrful nml nisei hl infnr ,an tinn. portiviiinn to the, intef”iitii of in 11Wrighte 11 I'm 11 . 1 '"wP.ts wilt bo found in the g,otercrio .c . .A min fc,pf • whiehlnforinat inn they eenpni p -.4ifily 01.taln frnin..nny Aniniee FY.trjectii in i 4 hirh,phentwrs';nud Fii• T eie ne 4 in eiettp.l bp loin the - FC•1:4• - rim A MERICASi; inntd of - the 42ri , tiltuial implements being illastraled in its • Tn mot it anhaeriheral.;—Three...Dol!are a Year. 4. One Dollar for four months. The : nmes.commenee" on the 6rai of January and . F ! porimon copies will be sent ,gratta.to any part of the country.: 'Weatom'arnicaniaian eroney or Post•oftiop ormip. !Apo ;at par for ..nheriptinng. ("aria diap sith%criliPr.i"wil(plpesto to rtmit .23 ceoto tu,bacriptinn fa:pro-pay. EM;iMi To Con.iournptives. •. • . Isar advertiser, en •rigtorio - to heoPh_in a few weeks'. by very remedy, arter,hayitig eat red I Nth a SWIMM ifin g :air.Cll°"• in d thatAreld disease, '0 .neumptionl-1. A i i :101/1 to, maim known blue felhiwointferers the means of rt:." 11 . . To all who desire it; he will send a copy of the eterfP „ -tie need Jr.*. or charge), with the directions for p.' o .• mineland' ming the Name. which the, will led a aim CORI yor Oonsonrytoni Arrnwa - Plintientrig. &e. The only oil , et of the.advertimel , in iiendino the .'reacriptios in to hen .11t•the afflicted, and 'spread. Information whieh be entekhreti to be inmiluible, 'and be hopes' an& Corer will try hit remedy, aa it will' coat theto,nothingi and it:ltY proven bleating. I. 4 mo : wishing the prelariptiOn'wiltPlease" : addrinia. • • • • • • ' • Jim ADWARDAL , WILFON. . Willfaniaberrh, gings'csionty, Noy Tptli. • NEW CASH:STORE GLEAN • • • • , ~194/D MM. MADR „BAST P! • . reiptelfully nnationnen,ick, thccitinens of •Mcgi.n.and:-.ojoniing . nntifis J)lo . lhpy, canvb in,r.well its. sOnleitspiqt, iij , th. S:OVII, end Tin..iinr• Jinn as 'in 01,0 n.. "all times, inv. on hand a lug. stock of • COUVIO, PARLOR BOX STOVES TIN-WARE, 4/eta-Iron & coripewWaiiiii , ' • r. D PIPt. Aliptmos, '',,p0f . 1i:1i,;tt:,(411 . .: go.is'k . kfepet 'piptlfsr,:ide.- 10:09'.•4..11' . 4:l3`P. W 1;05 P. NI lioO •.4.3!'. , 'Job Work, *I 1. *. ; itlk,kindi V intv inann.r.. a • • nivo the I till;lilig I:lnein „.gi•I•;.• Hot S , nr.."—('nrwerly Orctipied ht (1 a. H M. ,, ovi-LSorte!iwntt,.Pd. . ',Mr) :v01 1 p7y,7bP h;v.h.st . :( narjcpr rtr'rr. it , yonds or eash,, Int • any quantily k ol'Sp .rolto . • • March 20, ..,A, :',I 4 ;OIMSF.. „ .•• • • ~. Pap:adcw. /9.17. A ~'3:19 I.IIP M ce l 1 , r :• .1 SMI3THPORII.;• 1113(EAN::;COUNTY;•:PA:c;$ATNItRAT4,',JAN::19;.,1803,:: ..• • •,. • ••• • • ••- •" EIGHTEENTH, YEAR. VON* Vlll.--:"New !Wien. To the Inventor! rA,Rmv.to . F.l TERMS 1117NN k CO., POliehere, • ..• • N. 37 .Perk-tow New York ova covirtar. MMS . . Columbla'aroope hie ktrlcken hettp,-. , ' Big tiar. bedew thejnuntlitin !Stint!, • : In I ',int) , grit , ,I $lll4 •nd Mil:igh the lind fr.ei hos k 4 .:! I. biird the irilf tit inseri t ': The, awn t nyt i n en1111.1014,4;41,11.; „ . . ColueDiasiimiiras teritaslost 7 Mei bousiii.4lWpoited -by . rothlesi Who wield Abe Gaels sirOtt isorrasji;ak pacopWsllghta distroyed Her blood;,6o.oat Ocinaiitutbit - yolo4 1 . 114 iligtatefAii 10 in ljes.coil: : What ibies Insolent and rids, Dikes tbaioi, 11111 0111; soli Istria/lot linTritt Ala Or War f . T. *marl .1,11 . 01°40 t!ii fi ‘ prtUe gretl4 . isattar relini, • hod roliasie At: • Oar owa houiseli•l4's• rur!oul, ' - 7 Cumuli's ills aulborsof our irpoo, • • 'And iniditiea ri tuthe h • our, W0411.11y niobroluhe b lnk "A Who stops to . i due • Obta tie owilwea4 :power. , alai. 11t hi ao forelp ass madtfike wil fersom tit woa , . : w* Bat, brottorp swel- deaily Ausslig to . tab, sutra . ilawia lifi„ tie*. . Asi mid ole timoderlai • 's,pul, Th 4,1441114 ball Obs MSS! ! i - No,b,sW lot *lndio.), . . rat bh . tal forllood hettoniao the atki Tip thoiimaa Up a I-La-at:of* Ili, •• , Io idm lod gloomy ptld. ' Lad when' the bloody Work It Aowai, • , !chat ato harp who boa.toet lima; ' 'Atka whoa tkti'vletOrYi :.. • What aild.W cares to know , Who force! , nr the foes Johei lone sliiieriy • : No Spartan. tre..trlillia.t toll,llt, • '• Whose •Irtuiet.lligtrat toolut Is natight- We Fee to Chri•tlao Isnil; . Ain't I +Se 4hou , al be he gui.ll4 itir Which pr.bris to other tnr,lo4 thus •wsr, • .Tu.seti • nt Unime..,bascis, 'oll.Korint ! tor of !owe . Ogee, .15to,b,tfle the troubled WiWowttt time . Th toomitt4.bpi'lrg dlui Infuse thy hiYitur Rptrti . Aqd et net :to bow .'• Aivt 141nbly_owp our tin. . . . . . TIIt PREDtItICE3I3URG MASS'ACRE t.ietott thionehout . enntry apiinSt all . to I.sho . m .),lame t . aelt”s -for 6.4. a; Silauehtt!r:',of brave. men .. at F! . ederirk.inie . intense. 'Almost ey'etreonnt-y irt this state lost , Some almht Te'a Oat ill inody ; s r . .,41 . bnotless.,eonteit, , and Jee!ing ol::venieance, as lenil:ierhatistieal lost tfiaaattiora 4'14.4 illiblustirs a lilt of is condi n 1 ftorp I.lt • rcur ty t r,ina ' ,, Tne r:,oi. LiorolO,,Srdn'on,Heck and But nki, e,, are no more ykloahle than Ole' livesof t horn - they' marcheti out 'to i..fleittltl:ttiattlef 11 , 4' trifttery.,, Why. then; hunid they,:be. ri,rnorred. to , like and 'rnorelei nur proplr,u•ithon',mercy?.'l mvAn lowiekr - .140. imyol .rhe.Polom!ir, Rs to.Riehmoinl, it, tkiey,, hkve to.kn nil Orel). a,' ration hi,. le li r a . it wit row &rel. 'lend secni:•il unit Orr hy alike. - 61,the-reepo;er or regnirit nt men or the 'fri: , res hieettiott of Flenv. n We wish to G.pl the the men who eitti.eti . 1 he bitehkry ric , rotrderieb`ebbrg heJ• beep ' , The haes,ol ; aomo . ;ear: ralati VPI Itieada have, been,sarli,licedyi thin unholy' r . &ermine tor the" Gott : acc:ar4fil —;and wehaveolio ii rey tnr th.ii:r.ll,oo(l4rer. Mrr the venteailae at Hia'afai Earth attilliatJ 19 1 low• reoo l Ponaniti!biticwith thern•" . , , . THE, 110011 . Mr: ThoZloYf r'!Pd,, Writing trent 'washiag ton,' says , . •• • •, tiTheAbolition Pres* hue linitrd' and PEI' 1 ppm . fed' the'whole pe ol:le of !hs.Uslh,:lllll.l4. this lerpetuld s!amilloas, t tqlirl chH.,4 w ould have' been deserted bythelr . pow ,alivoted lul losrets.” Me, 'weed ',lei ilwrji heeU'of; this mind, Some 'of 'the trieveYean.fiti of the lately‘. rßdieal editori ire'now• beginning td di•CoVel: sod ec knowledge . the „result' of their stupendnio tally.. The day is apProiching when all can see it. Nor 'will there to: &my lack of even amthirtheir own . range,. Slany'Of tberp .are :already taltinuthe Wk. track. in . hnpe t , of Abe „torpat'it of.•pnblic indignation which is last gethering. !This tact, however, abide Wile 'close' teesatlifaCtinti. No &tie's.' of,.puisishment•to the goilly .will'restor• the blessings, of which they, haver despoiled !Om Republic:7 , , . • - ...leuroxhirct Or wan /Paczs. • . oursrrn, , re q:!taintl . i c and . anarp, iy says -' . r Tbere : !! 'i ? y'.titikti.: en•nriy terribie and jnwilint r ztl . givirsnee, . is to M) —ugh°. •nt.autlinr:ty-.'5•11/P . i.11,1 re. • tjoori thPge 1.71&.d A-hrarile 11, nnin j.do.r ror •no - i* r. in Al - froa r 6nirt h 4, t.ny t y . an •r Mi. 161 , fdet . invi N , if)1111 T.• . 1 rif ;6..6. nn . 4nll Ahl1ld;,1 and unhappy ciiun'• r'y! '• -T- . . • . . . Trl ' VloVr of I,lir gra,itAa.TalVP . ttlitt liii..priviitei., . . Ahtki,mn hi .Initilloniar ghippine.i. 'we w.illil , i!ttgo•-t to the" Pi . :.li 'poi! Wtieti.er.iviti . .ml , l,llol , h.'''e;Vl'li l4 :ll .l .l;.'iiii - h4li to'iPotte'.iiprion'm4;i; , ii .terleritig th..l the •Atititeme . 114,100 E:" 044 ^"g:' to the - Solith«re r,'oniedetavy . ,amil preliefiti9e it fr,9m,covfnitiot (urk4er,:ilepred4lioue.—Zrie r ; ticrWnA.,i~a>,iy,Yt.. BLOODY BIZEMRIEIM3'.. Many blOody-mirided • Aholtlinnists conCiml thejr. reel sen,timente, iliAM'Under saner gilled "punt ken's. end black'irsts- so Henry .Ward Bniscber.' He belches out lhe'teel ino.of . heirtleltho * ut "tint, "Rd Fivei'ut— regrAFl.to gig:MO!' that,• indeed, are.commoo to 44 of hi, schoid, = bui,widch the more prudent smother ,in their bosoms..' We 'hare A Mt" of theegefoll'blowniglaissonn of Mr. BillOttr's . !Bind, which, as, they" eeigresent the beauty end. quality of icettiaine . A bid i t ioni •••• I , se b as is Fhtrished by Charles ,glianner, dell Phillips,'Wade„ Levajoloy and 'others, and flow controls the ?Midden!' in Igs whole policy —tam worth, meservins fgar.prisen 'moans— ion.and future use... ' - We shell opg , n with a sentiment amprested by the Rev. Beg4her in his licent ftiternity tine it Beaton', - . ' " , „ .. ;" need . more !natty!. ;' „ need more' blocaisbel. Blowlsb4 is the Wine orthe GoJ feeds th'e'm on' blcicii," Herl is another . from; he. l . rirlepttrisat : . • :•We have brit nor tibii-4minhina : host of precious . lives-snit.let us thank God 41114 we. have them rii giver and 'plenty wori iii r ,• if needed,'' • • • Anil - ,again . —more blued and more blasphemy fridu the ssnee.soorce • . . • ..4nce•Christirias last' art it, itar in the hea t eerier no. angel vpiee., hive guilt itesvens ,„ , --•.1 1 . , a,ce 04 *lirlh., i(,)0 I , eannoiN !oar.' have lillei !hr. hiirelinih;.ile. "...-Gi'i.vinehts have heiqi ••&reit Alen': men . v.O see', the.enliii, mint"! ,' • S'l•driiers •D he etteei. Wives are' 441 ; . eel .ntere wiiiiiie . e't;ni have Wei). Or. 11 1 die grow: ,tiiinv•rnus: es drips of dew: - Yet Ihe *heel , 'ollie, High shhve thi• rod,. iif,bitt tte '•itutt th.i:horeiy of _men,. Oil the: voice it the sir cheer he, PreSii I. Onnd wit:! P•iti:p,'whert the ,more! :evil' ls Griptw' hen'thosti hate inankinn are . • • „who h•t . boiled limn power. t. . • ; , Unlit thei. none • heed hope fot . gitiet,. . , neii,rvrom for a nobler c0p . 4;•,.... air . r4ll' .4«n• are But they 4110 foll'for On-I svitnanses ond trion'l' rty 1.! I•hiscofitin,ot , brioligoLtii. Liberty. %V at,. lahtlnmriui it trnir , S4san at a mice..ol blood, as, the *si:oril vv.is innsomea." . . • Tiera ver; ijay.e.ibe,Atolitinn- bright side deli- . iolo.o;fior (elk t r,: . "-A old . y tii-fribor or-CroYgoP‘9. t ha.' he I Ii reltevei . . VA,:ittOikiwti; awl '•!n 114 opiti , nu vri , weie 'now. .nraler v te:tory rtllJ 11 11)11111•.': : • '• !. • • ••. • . . . , . "Tite..nwrribe . rof riqyer..49 h id aprV.KPrcorn -90 ine, vleW. The r. , -ver.P,. 1i . ....5a1,f, r . ,•si 1e.1,1 ..,... . .. . h'., joritviry - plelom ithiti !hr . o.rnancirmtion '4l, iec:f!nripliich,l - f ! iit." , ii,-t%i, , ,ha4 hoil!.oti.i.l, r . 6!. i,y - itirofiehly ' ,lt Er , ilori , :kol4(A,P.., 1 11... r? 0, i1.: UV! .401!g•li,1)ai. 01,01 .et• T i .g .rt ;have bryn ,uj)ri .ht!,.0.1.i'v ,, 1y qiiost , .i.n. . • ~.7'. -,' ~ : ..• - ..,:, ' .. 4. l'h:-'s IA I 11.• brieW!'fii.te: pf '111.! .61j..e1, lint; it LlJikil:,yd.l.ke in« P . P . i , i+ well :1 . 0 10 . .. ii 'u t I hi.; of ev!•rythii!g ". ,Th.! cravit,e of • the ni: . .n.ferathege. yaw oyresin.hornan shop !- 7 ...f0r o , !I enroll)? be I.lt. !lord. It .!erows, cl of i.'!!!!i•pl., With them, Ahni;fici:orli!eVes).!ig . 1. „ ( 1 . 4 0 ow. , • Withtiot •!!!...'orme Tory ia , r.gttrdtte :in . . aconitipli:h it they. stould 4 , •511. ttlate..riteiy . beai' 'ln the hild to be sacrificed, tttlinti4b' the Onion 4hobildlall and river. ol.; : blood dowit a w ay its frttementeh"..,: . H.-- • " . Sei , r the Roheater, Union , , r t ; he eir . o.t, the, raitti!al pitty c , laho ark nolii•leiftv. limecher.aa a lea 4 who aow,he:vei.ont rol 4 . 4 0 1 . PrelliglOnt.; Pond, fo? ~ ca hat 2. To achlev. , , ;',victory over in .arma age ipat loyeinmeilt 1' irsiorr9lir„tin !co Gbr blubilugelemrly she44(.Y ? iekAuii :a•L`J•uponrin ilrmnul#e ere ;by, tbe. I#emsietiont , t I hore s . 111 . eri. .16 bright aide of th,,:.suld ct.i t w.. b•ten . the enemy, theca. is.no 1...1101 olfert •night hive been ort the oto.r.t.:trit“iipn Tbt ervet.e trnikpol•:the.rm,oripdtiont,prp . cts. mittion an se,rompfisheil • 'T!iis is ;I?iikty' •ind , eckiseriti.s.r-Pissrinii 4 . • • STattVEID TO DPITIi. Ths Cincinnati Time,; : ot last Monday, statiti, th It Mfg.' platy - Ann Kittnoiii tile 'Onto ifif a. Union :'soldier. died at sisirv,stion that ellY kirk' hod ,rereived no piy for tri:Othi, in conaequance ot"tibik , h' tii s poor woriiiih'illeit from actual wink' of fool) to 'Mit sin' lira. I:harp h.tvrt been obahly rorhans . of just"rich ems..s. end the hinilol"eir ri tin ichl . thos perilhen ttorh *hit tdititr t tit tqr siinsent to meet its insairm.ins with the sol th 4, hea lc of trio iint cites .or v.tnett.itittp:' Whitt' tin,. tle o th' wits lit covered,'' tot() children, one *in, thrtr: , iti.rtoorn .tae-were clitiltin g . it' •Jenny, to this: litelttsa brnlv; all tiler: i'ertiaini , !, whit to th m was M.,srPbt . oo ih.',," "-* N 9 E.Tp . --- 7 ;!Mr tioret.l 11111 fpr.ifia vier r,iiiiielii. , n. - •G;911$ utk I` , l I j'i y al un r , 4 i•ln•s f i ;In t,'!.1itn11.46,4,,,, tiii,ll ! •t •reli r vrA nt . til,ll,l.ls:Ari.lei,e,o„tfr„kPiroi• to ;Wii,hi,34,ton • Icr give air • of .tewdr, sorp.. . • naively . siiiitortrill vier utikh . i.harawri thn...l; l •!ho 'APO .hr w lit •r k imivoil : i9rffy.„th,r,)s44p : st,..inyi thPfa.li that t,• 4,fornryg to pipn!..,r• rumor, . than • an . ffi " '" ' '' Vtt " 4011. , f I 111 • Ilp esn, I , ilei•in x '‘A:ay that wo.ll.l'iain.. bii it iiir.ifoitig# Wait to eoile . • • • • • ;• t Eidala i ttON• . 2 • . I. By ii~e . Piesidelmt of the M i led naloi.ef PROCLAMATION I' . • • •-• Whereat on ti . le:q2 l laar:or.4.•Saanbar r in :14eyrar.of 'our - 1.0rq,,,180F, a pi ocifinla:tiOn jaapi,d :by pt . ihii!rtlnited;; . §l : lifa:,.. ainopg tither Ming's, the: jeljeWieg, That on the first 'da'y of . ',Tannety'„ the , yeat 'oilr Lord. 1003;- within in State', or ilesignoted pert of kst.tt.,, the people Witereef shell 'then be in 'rebellion the"UniteirStatee;lliall be' it 'eerier. ward and ioreeer free; and the 'ExeCutiviGliii. eminent of the- United Mites, '6)i:hiding the inilitere and novel , thererif, will re. and maintain, the freedom of inch per lona, 1011 , will gn:nolliet Or iv : mirk petsont,orany of them,. in anretroll tarty may /flake ter their actual free!loropthOtS,,the.Etter . u, threlafilllinn the,lirst flay , of ;January .bißrocharration,sle f lanat,; the.Stlitea antl porta; . 01 Sta tea,•if any , in ivhiebtbe people thin:yin fres .peetively then. be ill 'rebellion 'against the Usileetl'Sfatf4; arid the [bet 'that any .State and. ' , • . ropi-eeented qiNcri.s+ of.the Unitet.i (4.()!Pti !440,.) et el t;itioni. mdniityrif I b.', quk.l fird ra •• 4ii such ste)p'rhwll htiire in testimony, br, 4.or.thiii,ti•:ev,loencg such' Slate ii i thr peq4ile: Orreit• an, the:Voile ' ' . . -• 'i - ..-. Now, 'ttieii.fore,' j, A, linilte m 1, nro, , tl,. ,Ptemt ,lerii . 01 the. Untied Stat'ti,iiityftior,pf the . ppwee in.me" veste.l,• ie Commotvier.ttrithtel of the Army . - 1614 navy 0t...f he Unite4l Sttitelt , in tithe on 'lei that et riled 'rebellion - . against, . the 'itsthorit . mildt gliv't , eotneitt of the Uftitell Stett , e c tind es k . . H{. 1 . 14i1 nrcepAury' wxr MPllFti.relor-poropieNiint the 44:411..bfilliout, In. on !hip, of id' ti try,,in the: ye'ar.,o(n;i'ri.ni;l:tyli!. rhulisnnil 'Night I u. d,rrli au,( H.v.yrttre.e i ,?;til ..with my pittp,) . .4.. notro'.elty, '!nr tin I el 'oneheitritegl'.tia)ft.i . ioin:th.• .ti'tioy 'an ildniiplikt , ttir Siaie; und o paiiv, of, SI4IP; Wherein the, p respot: t: Vely. Ilf! (hl/ tidy-64e- , htdjion ngninnt the United Store,' the Itilldwingi. pinto , hei+ :oil Saint- Brilaril,',Plorri..mineg,JOl-r• - A 11d ,00.1nPo ;he ciry 'l%l I •,1 lulua ,Pi 0614, .i!rg : , Sii,;st.h Notth CAroliuX ext.#ol...t ' if,.ifirty erg, nf t r gin in, qqll, , also kfry,„ A crikmAr , Vpr,k, A, He Poit.kmbt!rt)::ntiil. which ;..itriert.ril, Oa re, , if thy.. And by. virt uri , 19rAilriu. to Sto tfp .0 mi . ,' f s to the rxor tt; thi.,ttnif States, ilicludirLi •tirt th'dftdof . ,. 'reco:thti,!... mid maint•irt:thie freedom of % . aid.litrAom.: . 'ffrid,.; 1.. hereby. , itio!n• urns periple..so lerlared to t!efref,io f ink' !torn. o,l;vinkne!,,,ilnlioyiin,,pfrertuly.Fol le'neeroind t corn iiirm!..t hit ciLe.3,•vi44.6 they.:qabOr faithftilljr foi l reaqonit;ll: And,( Grith r l ilare'and iraVP 'mei) rn!rit a erinditin;t t 7 1 .1 rd' info tk• the to ri , nri•for!#, Ntntlro'll nO,t• othir nn 1 to man vc4,01,.ut IlOrt I Oorvi • 10.1 ritin;it fle pirmoiolv ~1 )11ivpil • • on,ori °floe iee, mirqx ry n!.e.44i ty,l ennehl, , re , .•: 1 4.1 i 6 'n 1 or Oti 0, end the gips . ritme tovne or . • .. Atmi~hty kv . 1;'77r.111 hind sn,f se3l of the' Unite;d • S . ite, in k. afflipni non , ' a 1..? rtV nl'loa.h;neton eha fir.4t 4,4 n noli;tord 1b63, pail n sta re! . of. Arno ri- en the fighly.seventh. "-. '." .t • ' ARR %HAM LTNCOL,Pf. 13V A, Prf;siftui.t; EL , Sro•ARP,.rret 4 TY, 7 r Stilt°. • • I ; INAUGURATION ,CYGOV ,, SEvmotrt. ..,.• ''' NKvf' 2, 'Th f . inrogifrntron of Gov. Sf.ynanur took pldre. . . • . , . . er ,beer) , Goya -.1V,10r20ri ,. dPLyptrd,-.11 the nlientim new G'•l/ i the . roo • , • r. 61:, I AA! Vio.Si Wi Paint tiorttint.tit.: , allitaktiti to , totifoitol',Or„iirs,.. ! Th' nep!P,ih~ore now irroiice'it, II 1 sion,rittuoi,, Iheir 1 ii!Stßli .oust..hitee, to.cf!lt . atpl Ihe ileloisinti nri ler• which they me fief if4:!to he .t h t ...1 7 ; 0 , 1 0 tilt a 2 orwo be. ha e fflhf 4 tifiti.tethf' in me rfl.iS4 -41,l present:i.4l . e, , rti . o.t 1/4!iiiWOti.4l ron their i!t •AiKt.ih'etto'n l 4we Jimyet;. sjitium;swiyil. , , 411 rt 02 „ '• • 4v, -••••",• . •••• to 7-4.,-;•••••: • •••••• • 4 , WI ; • •':•'•• 1121.110 ' At the confloiloh OciV.lMoristra add ssss %Lich ,vviis . WarinlY - Poi. Seymour «.1 . ;«, (erred I'ooog - deaf ,Governor Sernour.libanked, Gov. Mottle tot the; kind o:lll4itiort orbit iiiod.vtvishes congratiiltilikd f liliriottjh7;iiiii:eruili of his ed ieireik;n. , ( .40% :'•lui P 1,4' 19 Yi 1 ;!0 1 —r bat * sutvmniy,s.worn•;to«support,'th % e ! Ga l ati int ion of the I United 'States; and shille , iipport it. I io stitirn idp . Orer ;CiniOtitution of rr.th " Std ; : 4' ew with jai .,ll!„`it. powers Cid rights, , nod , K shall upho.htit.,,/ have 11 Weral to dischaigiuthe tint les of chronic/4f Governor or the Static and with yOuetile'tTigy shall be : 1.6 4 C iTil;3 l Jutione laws aro meant.;, for the lguideelee.olyour conduct and for your protection sod welfdre. The'llnit law roeordil fili my r iibservaneo Is that deeldring thot it shall be thertluty of tho Gaertner to maintain end 'dormidtho saves. oliitity and jorisilictiim'ivf thi Stift. fitim Of' 40'eonstitutiei rt 'that the Gilierttei• c,erti that the 'few mo (it; i attended iu by. the tab. jls! w ,ti,e jai I (!!ITui;P: While ,; ill) Wlll4 thatv . r . l , l(!? ciintrol gvet:otititmol arbir,a,h/'(..yeteur),,aientereti Itust't . ha beitert9 ha ht9!.t to . or . ..kettles he counirY and it!ti.teo ea it. per. :was, WHAT CONGRESS' MUST DO. ktiritv't6Cit lIorn• isle mid. iiiesplendiii.,ni a refi r Warren.. te - hcfate . 0re1:1'444,c :theri - wee no eri my tin tny'stirilgfl)'lieiwatiii.ihe latter point . i one, !leo. on to Rich. fit hiti r ioi t tone ir!• 11/11 h(a • iiiipplire qd or ry ()I ht.r occeseary thine been if cid Yed ity of re.sql.!s•at- tVa•holgron.. If hese, !bloke :Coitigreee. .nog r; laSMn tinoii thet ul p}i t. • Anti if lifter wailing on , this side of the Rap. painunnock the tnetny )90 a se. rI. o .rainVlOntra en gthwar. lesr‘r,lied by our , porreipointenton ot Weilneity t t, se ha, h'een asserted on SOltgOOd au'hnrity s HurnSide Wa;hing• iotr in t h !`"," llina P l ae .rlt`a tike o r i v er and sinsi thoscv!oilts, win be vcry es.y for annr,sm,iti discover the fact by calling for Ou ' rnsfde i s'oidets: , It will not An to ,sh.ftAltis restimasibility from nor hetiii, tp,snot her. , Congiesetntry drag • forth the *nifty pi,cty„ chat heinay rfceiiie the male• d ' e r io naandaTilb`ries at 'tie evnilifY• Fawn, !hon.end brroes ktiledand ismondent.in vain (alit ff6t,, cairi t)lifemantl.•iet •butlfifed mild • 151 1 nrAa, salliarwhP inr along breast— it "sire irof form of the• rebel art flirty, demand •re 4 conntrymnti a peal& soffmigg frit ty, OA ll Pcltn l a.LitO4.sN , tlinor the Arrosit (lend nor ietoer itmtnit,•ll6eltiot nowt would Orit.iiibt %Aim hitrit,oecessitry.tos•ive the Maim. put,i; must,-not bit tfurseanahnikin 1111:2! • • ' :•• .',2II4ASONiff tO ERR tESS• • • 36 • , ha ;•Pl•r #ll, , , t i PPl l ? " C,§4}9lP'r n hft I "bn $* S iltf •- lit ' Edna t, y,;ylr, e ' Of a ity i um of .Thl'f.:,;nsti.toriiiit, our,il;46ll,rociiVie`o? ifii ' eit ' lo'tivre 'or wa r • giv„s Ili • 4 irt,or and .• it apii.pito.t .q r tat wo ly ' a arty warr.tnt in the • .01 t..0.,a - this tok or rosortos tho• union a , it. was 11.1 , 1-r tll' Co.i•tit tit 101 l /II I , t tii ia• - one of:the .th•tirdittey.wh.c h •,h4vo • ear . rop-e!..,1 onftl • ;.•• •• - .., , nxe,pa . .,411.vr.".? ,, ....t . 1 , 111$ pi , it, • Union r.on faaii!r -4 ;:t s tiert - ;ty ' ra. ' .. -`. tii4rl , are, mop y - with • r l,,rrry to , he iizo t, rilto l. d , by ~I f. . , •• , . iiiitiaco!leti, l . Ahoitt initial?". • . Theft.; .5 e3 , f)l,,ls . :,w,lrmA„FFFy, l )F . for,, , no spitcel!pfri!,,,o(• hit til I !WI tho Union, bat toitltyietif 4 'ply eatahotit at tiiiiv.c.r.• .• Si ill, .I! r .i r e.ter of ,throolrnip;At rotiori thpll. - .liteLovo.o. th •:,Cll4 Jr:pa Coolqiii -0..,0! ;Viva qnd dfi thy, -.who; fot i eopp ta-ti to iut . ,:cinh;pHtf,;i:.trieto4 )60.. . Whiles .1114 t cyrnay..-rovialakipf hefor: . 'A~lLrellitlrltbburr 1,.1 ter ‘yoitor eilys rajlwr ,Fintitshm.seepe could tb•.;'liolghtlii.ii.it t 'bi4riiptl aitr ;:t : I 'en‘a• A tirittlr 14414 - - ;trii4itf:tilP . atitil day. cont. iionderouta di— in Inn, ut,te!fv,"qlor,!,?lllo;As,hti'lFaq'ird the "I,u'• :in(ler.larcrk;•l' , ‘•,,i'nu',4l , bare 'heap kt o l man if rwitgiki t t4' ll .l‘ n -,„. AO 34