AMEROPUCOUNTY Sherif'e Solo: ' i Y: 5O UE qf tiro wrlti.of ;.'Plearres . Piiii •.' .' : itoefrir,,ipsniedOit of:thepourt _of, Common '..,PleaSO;f:Pameion . Countyi indlis oe,directed • .„ Ihe4irvill ~.tis, exposed to Ifublie .pale. at, ;the t.'.OttAltiouse,' in ShipPen,•on Saturrirry) the 3d • . lay if januarY 'lBO3, at one o'clock, 1P.'14., ' - the Allowing rifticribe.d . Lcrts of l o Okand prim. • ..,, iies,Oriated' in townshili o f shipseri, county. of . ' tamlrOn. and State or,. Penrolifiania," bounded . , ..Mlescriberl as:f•ltritrva, to V(t 3 • ' r . • '.• " ' ' . •• 13,ititt ini et ate intersectiOP of. -the.Nortb s .. le of uratoir NO; 393 1 ,4 the westl)o'4 o r - dirtige Crr , Oc• thenc ' e 4l°l !g'. said NOrth line. of • %arrant, ar93,.smitb' fifty. eight (58)'ilegrees estonehandred and forty,three (143) rodi .:. , ad three ientris 3:10,)',0f a 'roilto a post. ,t be 4; ,;',l o psi cor n hereof and, the 'nOrttivirepf cor. ise of land-of, il . Sage, land citaajd ~'Se. south i i i(6),degreet and one half,(]) of' . n dii,t, o •i d• of' , twit '.litiridred-,ed . d. seventy 'four 1 [2l4i rothrtajhe north. bank of. the' Sinnama. . .\k on i ng ceek,. the southwest corner of, land o f 'said C //sage ... add the ssiutheitat ,corner hereof; t,'„c o etri . the . north hank of, said':cieek Niarili l i fy ilpir [94]:degreers -t vvest twenty five [2s] yOloSil two tenths [2'.10].01 a rod tq'the east pdptif .wa rri.iiii. .N 0.. 6107 ; in the name ofJOhn :Ed.rwarraritee,• thence alone: the . southein . f Sof said Warrant. No. 6107,isoutli.iixtYfoui . . ) degrees and one., .half'(l.2yraf„ri: • deree ! I s; , e o i f g a h . t r e c e d n : t ( ( . 1, 1 8r witness roOs o t o o d - a c ir o e r v n e e n ro 4 t en sa t, h id si . '. ar rant No. 6.107; .NOrth sixty One.. (61):de-, ryes west one. hundred. and forty eight : V.lB] ;oda andseiren tenths; [7:IOJ ola rod and north eighty .seven (87) degrees and onekialf 0.2) of a degree west' forty [4o] rods to a beich, the Original Northeetaf collier of warrant No. 4951; :thence by land. of .3 . .Fr,reeman .North'tvvo(2) :degrees. and one half (I'2) ofsr:degree'East one bundree• and :fifteen .(115) rods:to: the north 461 c of the Sirinainahoning creek,.thence ;along' said . nerth hank, by•land of S Freenrian•South ..1111y.three [531 degrees and one fouith [l-4j of .a degree East seventy six [76J rods end seven- tenths [7.lo];of e' the.ebothcrept corner.. rsf warrant No. 393 in' the name Ot.Ephriam Blaine, thence airing the:.,Vrest ,lines•ot said. ICarrant No. 393 arid land Of S'Ffeein,in North two r/j 'degrees and one half 4.1-21 of .e degree East fittv*.five (5511rorts North thirty two [32] Plegreei and one half [l-2j of a degree.Essr forty •two [421 Jock, Norih t'vro . .[2] degrees and one,hair [1.2,] 'et a degree. East, seventeeM[l7l rrAle North thirty nine[39l - degrees -,and oure half [l-2]"of - a' degree East.t went) , two (221 tods•to'a post, thence South .eighty seven . (871 der-reer. , •anttone.• 'half [1.21 of a degree East 'eight [h] rods'. to The west bank: ot Portage arreek,lhenee along'Ahe weir bank of said creeks and land. Of 3 "Fre7mtart ' North twenty seven .( . 27) 'degrees East twelve (12) rods and, seven tenth's,(? 10) of a rod,'North'tWesty three (23) rlegries Ea.t :strsorteosi (14) rods and loin tenths (4.10) . of : a tort,,' North sixty four (64) '.degrees, and ot.Surth (1-4) of a degree West - tvr enty,(2o) TM and 104 r. tenths (4-10) oh. a 'rod andWorin twesr•ty five (25) rdegrees :siren . (7) sods and .fiye . tenths 1.5 10101 a rod 'to' the. west line of Warrant N0.,393, thence along paid line north:two [2] degrees arid one balf.[l-2]or . adegreeEast.eteht,[B] rodi•thence by the .west bank-01. Portage creek ihd land. of ' . S Ereeman North'. forty two [42] degrees east twenty one (21) rods and six tent he [6 103 of a rod, and North . thirty.scsen, [37] .degre . e.... anti one fourth [1 4] ot a degree -East twenty' two [22],rOdera the plice•ot beginnin. , ;.cot • tairring three hundred and twelve 13121 acres gone hundred and Seventeen [117.] square -, roil,; • more or less, nr,d tieing parts of Warrants Nos. .893 and 6107. and comaining, about two hun dred [2oo] „acres of Improved land, one apple' mroharti,. Dire peach orchard, .seven dwelling Anouses'and outbujidings,..ieven, board• shanties, one storehouse, thfee barns, ope coin house and gran•ry, one' hay barn,, .two sheds, one Mack; Smith shop and tool: house; one. donble saw .mill and.edger,landthree wells of water there. - Which said Int of land and , p'remises..eom posed Of.three iev,..ral, contiguous . lo!s, which are - separately-defcribed as 'follows z , Taa FrasTLteginning at a relit in :the . north line'of .Warrant No. 393 in the name ot Ephraimßlaine, the northeast corner hereof . and the - notthwest corner of land of .0 H Sege , .thence by land of said C H. Sage South,- six [6] degrees and one hill. [t.2] of . a decree west two hUndrediand seyeary.tour.[274]; rods on a • line of thirty three years to the north bank or Sinnatnahoning creek, thence airing thi , =said north bank' North sixty. four (64)..degrees 'West twenty five (25) rode and two tenths 42-10) of a rod to the. east point of Warrant No 411 . 117 thence still along the north bank of the ..creek.,.Niarth,• thirty. three .[33] • greet' and one half (1 2] of a degree West . .seventy ninei79] rods and one tenth (1.10) 01 -a rod to the :Southwest . cored.. of the lute . •Colegrove lot and. the Southwest corner hereof; thence by: the late Colegieve North'six [6] :.degrees and one. half [l.2]' Of . a degree East 1-WO-hundred end forty [2lo] reds to a. post in ,the north line of Warrant No. 393; thence a l ong. sald.ncrOh . ltrie of said Warrant No: 393. South Airy eight (58) r!!iztees East eighty two (82) • T O" sin( (lire tenth fl-10)of a rod to the place ;of beginning one hundred and ':twenly two 1,1221 acres and fotti,three f 43] ; square rods, more or- less. and being the central. ,parfof -Warrant No. -393 i n. the. 'nettle' ot ;Ephraim Blaine aforesaid.; . containing about hundred and ten (110) acres.of improvled ' ; land, one 'Peach orchard, 'one apple orchard,'one dwelling house and oistbuildings, . tero barns, one granary or corn house, •orie cow shed or hay barn, one bleckernith shop ,arul tool shed attached, and one board shanty, une' water. . . • . . Trrß Ssoono—Beginning at a pest the South west corner of Warrant No,'-303 in the Mime' Ephraim 'Blaine, thence'eking -the'-west boundary lines of said Warrant No. 393 North two [2] degrees rind one half (1-2) of a degree East fifty five.(ss) rods, North thirty two [32] degrees end one half [l-2] of. a degree Last .forty two (42) rods, North t we . (2) degrees and one tat( [l:2] of a degree East [l7] rode.nnd North thirty nine [39] degrees and, one half (1-2) of a degree. East ,twenty two (22) reds to a poit, thence by•land 4 of Seneca .• Freeman South eight . ) , seven [B7] degrees and . one ha1f.(1.2) of a degree 'East. eight [B] todS ter the west bunk of Portage Creek, thence along the coorses . of the west bank, of said . Portage creek North twenty seven [27] degrees East twelYe (12) rods end seven tenths . [?-101' of 'a rod, North twenty. three 03] degrees.. East fourteen [l4] rods . . and-four lenthi (4-10) of a rod, North sixty. lour [64] degrees and one half [l , 2] of •a . -deerea West twenty [2o] rods and bine tenths (4-10),er . .a ro&North twenty •five (20) degrees west seven (7) rode 'and .five. tent hp (549 Oa rod to the west: linen( said warrant No; 393, NOrth two (2) . oegrees and :one halt [l.2] Of in degree East 'aight . (3).rods • thence by. rind of said Seneca Freeman and the ..west bank of , the ,Fprtage creek, I;slOrth forty .; . -two [42] *pees last „tyventy otyr ,r3l) rode • . 'and Aix tenths 0410) of . a rod arid North thirty seven [37] degree.' and one (Mirth ti-4] of ri itegree.gast tvrenty.two.[?2l rods to the north line of Old Warrant No: 393 thence along.; said line end tin ion of . .t.• brooks and Welsh, , Sotith . flity eight [sB]: degrees East siXtione.(6l) rods,and two tt tithe Mlell of a red to a post, thence by the' old Col.egrOv4 lot South six'(o) degrees end one half ore degree, west two hundred end .forty . ,(2.lo)..rods to the north bank of the. Sinnairrahaning 'Creek thenee up the north lank of arthfcreeliNorth fifty (50) degrees and one fourth.(l-4) of 'a,ilegree West one hundreti. and three.(lp3):. rods and one tench [Of/]'ora rod to..the place of beginning, containing one thundied, and eight (108) scree and four, (4) signore: rods,, moray or leas, and bring the westerly part of Warrant Nci. .the name of Ephraitir Blaine tra.aloieid,--• ;containing about ninety'(9o) . acres ot improved land, bouees .aniloutbuildings, six hoard 'shanties., 'ode Store [Mese, one barn, ' . two sheds, one double s'iw mill and edger, andthree wells of. , A : voter and'apple;peach and other : fruit' trees .therenn. . . • - . . . • Tu Tisiar r. — . Beginning et Witoint •on the' . north '.bank . .. of.. the Sitiptimahonini Creek: hearing North atxty lour • '(04) degrees . . west twenty five (25) rods and tWo ; tepihs2 . (2,lo) of . X rod from•the iotithwest corner of lant.Of C,' H. Saie and' being the extreme east'point'of Warrant No. 6107, ':thence: South • sixty (Our [ 64 ]. 4egrees and one .half (1-2) Of: . a tlegiee . :West..eighteen ...(18) rods :and• seven tenths (7.10)Mt rod .to 'Witnesses to a corner of said Warrant 8107, thence along. the ouihertrlines.o! Said Warrant No: 6107 Nort' si.xtfr•eine (011 degrims Wet one .hundred and. lot ty eight (148) rods' and seven . tenths (7.10) •or..a rod Apt! North eighty . seven . (87) . ilegrees half (1 '2) of a degree• West forty NOT . rods to ri.heech the original- tiortheaat corder. of Warrant. N 0.4951 thence-by. land pf S. rreem • an NOrth two [2]; degrees' and one . nail% [l:2] of a - degree East one htindred and ••fifteen . [ll3] rods and five . tenths_ ('3 40)-of a rod to the north hankatf the•ginnarpaironinir, Creek,' thence 4+loog-said' 'north bank. 'by ;lend 'or. S.. .Freenan, South - fifty three (53). -degrees and one rdurth,[l:•4]'of n itt;gree, Ea at seventy six [76] coifs and seven 'tenths [7-10101n rod to peat thesSOnthwest corner 01 Warrant No. 303, thence by, the creek tine • of Said '393 Sotith fifty [ . 50) de • 2rees. , fourth [1 4] of a • 'degree East . orteloindied• and three I 123) rods•and one tenth.El 10] of 'a -rod. and. .Sciuth thirly•three [23] rb;.erVes and One half [l-2]• of a degree East •vev.enty nine (79) rods and orie. tenth . [1:10] of a roil 'tn place 0! lreginning;rontaining, eighty two [B2] acres . and seventy•ikquare- rods, 'more nr _lens, being the. East part •or 17arra nt. '3107 -*--iinimpre •lnqtlisition Waived. .• • Belvd; takeirin Execution nod:will be sold Its the pcopeity of Z. C. Cowley,. and Jarocii Meriereati, Chauncey J. Moore and B-1 jgmin terra tenants, et' the shit, : Of . .fotithan Colegrove, now. for the use, of John. tiagee:• . • . , . • JOHN A. ELDRED. SEIERIFF'S OFFICE. SIUPPFNy .Pll • December 11, 1862. .. • o.meron. - .Cou4ty. SHERIFF'S. SALE• • • BY VIRTUE of writ . of 'Ft,/ Ptirid.l, issued out the.Ccitirt . M.COmmon Pleas of Cum eionscuunty• and to' pi i directed, U shill expose topublic sele at the Court lloniiu;Un Shippen, On Monday the fiiih day of January, 'A. D. 1663; .111 one . o'clock . P. 111., the following des cribed kits of land and prernisot r sitnated in the township • ~.county of, .Ciimeron and State of •Perin'sylFabia,. bounded and deiclibeit as eq.4 undivided half of the 'Wust halror s vVarrant s •Miniher 4351, s Contuining fotir hundred and•dinety•five ucres, 'more or of which. s • AL 4 o;— . ..Tbe equal -undivid.ed 'half .of one other•tract • situate in fhe.tovvrishipoe Sbippen ) eounfy of Cameron, and State of PAnts'ylya.. nia, .folyowi; flottrided: • Eair . by. lead former . li. by oi t e Eerl, Nat tb *arrant numbi!! 2913; West. by' lands .. owned by..Learend b) • lande S#itt; Conte iviO • bundred' acres, be the'eamn.rbore or less; ; • ' ' Aran;i-The..e . qoal undivided hill of . one tither tract situate . in the township of Shippeo; county ett-.(ameron and State of Pennsylvania; described -as foqowS: Boundod; ,North rant number 75, Wist by: Hubbard'opne hundretbacre lar,,Sonth east by -west Creek,. ; South west by•lands owned by Georke Thayer.l and Dayid,SWift; Containing. three hundred and, Seventy scresi - be the ,sarne more or less; on 'which is . d w Bing house 'O ont• buildin;4e, one Shanty honse, one SaW,MOI, and quantity of Fruit tees, twenty. ucres,.of which is improved land. • Ar n;—One other tract of land stuatein the; township of -`hippen,. county ofCa . :ovum' and State- of P-.nnipbsuriia, 'described as follows: Rounded - West by Wanatlinimber 2913. North bY .lantisibt Merrick 'Donole'r ond Dolt wand creek, 'South. by lands owned .by Warner end Hubbard, and faints 'owned by Warner and Hubbard; Containing One hundred acees be the; same more-or Jess, thirty acres of which is linproyed land. • , •• . . • . other tract of bind situnte in the townshli? 'Shippeni courity.ot Cameron,' end State of PennsjiVania, Bounded and described . us' follows,-to wits beini, part of warrant num ber 4957', and bounded an the .North by warrant number .1946, - an the Bast by lands owiio by Samuel 11iirlinghilm; 'on -the South. by W4trobt, number 4962,'0n the West by lands owned by David Morrison; Centaining one hundred acres he theearne:more or less a ten acres of yihicia is improved -land. .• ' . •.• • • ' defendant. • • Seiied, token•in execution, and will be sold as,the,prOperty of Z. L. Hobbardirst . the suit of- H., T. Taggart. . , •• • • JOHN A. ELDRED, Sheriff. . . Sustuir's Oritce_Stireexx, December 15th 'A. D. 1562... • . . . Clara S. Jacobs and .. 1 . . • ..''Vary A. Boyd -. I ' . • - vs . 1 McKean County • t . Benajiah p.. Bailey, . Common Pleas' wish. notice to .. . ' A; b. No. :20 • . . Alvin Smith:.. * Sept.• Term, -1802; .Served as tern , litnant.-) . _' - . . • Summons in Fjeciment for the following de... scribed lots of land,. situated i n Corydon town 'o4, county alto elaid,, viz: • - . - - . Warrant No: Ihrp. thousand six hundred and nineiy•nine [3600] bonnde , i North by Warrant No. 3700; 'Fast : by Warrant N0. : 2874; South by W , .rrint No. :3718; and 'West by Warra s tit : No. 3711; 'containing ono thousand [looo] acres more or lesd; , . • ' . . ALso—Warrant No. ; three 'thousand seven 'huntlreeand.twepty one [Nd. 37211; .hotinded North by -Warrant No. 3707; East hy War rant N0.`3732f South by Warran! ~No. 3731, West by tits this of. Warren vot4y: coottiln• . . . .inor one .thanFllnd it)oo] . aeres otore . or ' Auk/Orr &fondant tri,snirar and: 'Mead on or bofore Ote , 'third, 'jay ot , neat.[Febroary . litorin, •Iq63;,and Or,oor of publication according BYRON D.'NAM . LIN;. • • ".. • .Att'y ior Flqrs Dec, 23, 1864 . Rule erented and Conti:direcr . publiealtoh of .the game three titnes,,el i ty.drys before the return Ator'thereof in the. McKean • • . of JAY COOKE' • - .• ' .• • • , 81:1 080A1P110 . N.AQENT At JAY. • COOKE CO- Bankers . •••• 114 swirl! THIRD •• ' • • • A, 1802. The : undersigned' having .'been Appointed SUBSCRIPTION'AGEt.,/T by the Secretary of the trisiury, is now , prepared' to furnish,. at once, the •.. . • .• . . . . . . •• 'Ne* Twenty. Year 6.,per Bond!. :. rif' the United; Srates,•. designated,. as ,' “Five: Twerrties," redeemable•al. the 'pleasure,Ori he ; GovernYnent,'aftey five years, encl . :. antherized . b . y• Act et Coneress,anproved.F.eb.'2f, 1862:: 'The COUPON BONDS are issued in slims of $5 0 ;$ 180, $6OO, $1.000.. Th e. REGIsTF,R BONPS Inaurns of $5O, $100; $BOO,-$lOO6 and $5OOO. interest at six per 'cent: per annum will commence froin Jiate of. purrhase, and Is • . , • • PAYABLE • IN • . Semi -Annually, which is equill, 'at the pre - seni pr'ethium on gold, to 'about. EIGHT PER CENT . . . . . . Farniers;Merchants, Median its, Capitalists, and. tilNs,bo have• ;my' money. to ifivipat,. should' knevi• and iertymber that Ponds 'are,- in . OIRST . MOttI'GP. .nriori . all Ralf roads,'Cattals,' Ba . nk Stocks Mid Securities, and. the immense products O( all -the Manuraiitiires, country: and that the full and ample provision n'ade;for the pipp en t o f t h e interest qn,!..lignithizion .of lifincihat;'by toms; Ditties; FAcis, ;Stamps . uod' Inteitial 'enue..seryes to.maltethr , se bonds the' Beg, lasi -Malta'lc : and Most l'ol a:iii. Ipie.sttefit lii the J(atket. • SubieriPtinna received at - PAR in Leaci•Tcri• der States, or Notes and chec4s:of at par. Subscribela by Ceiee priimpt itt.entjon:anil- every far illy 'and explanation will be Afforded' on application to this race. • • A iult,pupply Bands wilt . : La:k'ept, on Land for Imiitediata •,. ~JAY COOK E, 'Snlnioiption.. A gent.:.• N9 RTpR.N . pritI:AL RAILWAY; 'WINTER TIME TABLE,. Thrpe - daily. trains to and from Bitidimore and Ihl'ashinittoociry.. .connect ions made 'with trains on PPnnsyjsania Raillona to and Iron', Pittsburg and dire:Wrst, Tyr(*) drains daily to an& iroM ths ,N4ll grand Weit, Branch,. hatina,'F,lmira and all Northi , ro.New York.. O:sl.A •AFTEI; MONDAY, 'NoViimbM 1.7,.1863. t Mt. Pass . piiger T:rainsdf. ti.oNorflrerti Ct•ftral.Riili'a'ar . arrive and . &mut fidin liaridsborg antd.Wiltimbre as fagot:vs, SOUTH W A Rp MAIL TRAIY ldavr9Sunhurydailv(except Sviiilasr,) at 1.45 p. m . lea veS Harristimg nr. 5.20 p. 'cp., and arrives at 'Baltimore "at. 10,20. • EXPRESS TRAIN . loaves' Sunbury daily (exet;pt Sunday) at . 11.20 p. rn., cleaves Harris: barn (e'xcept •Monilay)at .2.45 a. m , ant at.. Ives at. Baltimore daily (except Motichi"y) at HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION Train leaves HarKsbtira daily at 9 05 a. m. • NORTHWARD. .- . • • . . , . . ... , .. . . MAIL - TRAIST..I ,, avcs •fiattimot‘e . ,(taily [;.x. cPpt Stinday],at,B 30,..„Ciatri! 1.45 p'. m.; . 10.1, airivpa at SatMtMrat 4 50 p.-m.'' . • EXPRESS TRAIN,IOai , F.6 13altimar;.+Iaily At 8 40. it.•m ;at rives-at •Haro.b.ire. at 1.50 a... 171.: and leaves Ifarrigit.tte, tlaitylexrrpCitimia.tV) , at . 3 20 a.'nri., anfi . itriivt4 ut•Sunbury a CG-20 • . . :. 11A RIRISBURGACCOMMODATIOti Trin lea eea' Balt imore• ! laily (.;:Yeept,Slinday) p, m and .riives . ,at S'p. m. " For furtherininrecOmn apply at the . Office, in Pennsylyania Railromi Pepoi. • . . . . S"peria.teaf?erit.. Harr:almef., 'Say 14. 18.62.029. . ADMINISTRATOR I SII4OTICE . . T ETTF.R.S 'of Kilininisiratitin to.the 'widen:tot:id on : the estate. of EL:AS J. COOK; late: of Kratin2 township, deceased, all person's indebted to slid estate are reque,sted to mrake immetlirate ptynient and those: having, claims against the sante will pre sent then') duly authenticiited for raet ' • - L, .L%COOK Administrator: - 'October . 27;1802.. • . . . . 51E..Dfili1ORFSVS MIRROR OF l'AsllloNS:—The beat . and most rii.tbte Falittion Malta Intl' In ilia ~o..nttles the largeAt and (Wag. Fashion . . Plates ' theirrealest number of fine' dingravings, the 'latest and most reliable information; thred PatternS'frir Drefmes, and a sheet of, now • lirade.l7l'nrk and' Nrribroi dering Eveiy :Anther, Dressmaker.; blitle.ier, end hadi .should have it '•PutiliOned'Qdart.rly, at d7o Broadway, New:York: euld everylvliere. or sent lip mall at 2.5 mils.- Yearly $l, with. a valuable premium. Thu dimmer uutaber now road/. NEW CASH STORE OLE.ANN PRICES RAND TIMES .111 ADE 449.5. r • Iyonuld'respecpully announce to the citizons of McKean and . adjoining. counties that - they can do as in Nmethtiort,in the S:oile and Tin-vvale I,ne. as in.Olean.. I shall, it all . times, bane an hand a !alio stock of 00OXINO, PARLOR dr, BOX STOVES 1 TIN.WARE,, Sheet , lron COpeper'7WaT;e, LEAD PI PT' 4 D. PfIMPAS Hui Iron and lionse.keepera IlardlYare, &c. Job Work; • . of An kinds done - with dispatch, end in a satin tory manner. a , the lowest, po.eihla priced:, Orders promptly 'wended re. • . •-,- .Give' me a . : budding-known go "SilP :Hill Tin Store"—formerly occupied. by Geo. Atison—Smottmort, Pe. - • , • 13.7" pay . tlie -highest- market priee,ie Roods or cash, tor my qttentity of-Sheep Pelt? March 99, 1862: • .A. J. DiOURSE, ' • Pearl/A! • • • SMETHPORTIIVERY , STABLE,I.. TH :S miscAnkß has openedHew l o .lv ery Stable in StoethpOrt, 0. R. Best nett'l Ohl Stand, on Mini istreetiluit east of hichattie's' o where can be found the beatp Hot., eel ked Carrin ee'at lo.skprjess. ` Ne: intends to make Smethport. a permanekt..reehlenek, asks a. share of patronage. . • '.• ; . S M ITH ._ . . Smethpiirt, Ailguftt 24, 1880: • • ••• ; t4e .' aii.d7Efx . i3prion'q . e . •- . .. of • • , - ..ppvntifittEli,FOtt 111,BRENEFIT AND. A 8 A. WARN • • Ind amt • caution to young. nten.who ' matt. from Ner vonaDobilltv,,Premato re Decay; An:, supplying at the' aame time the Meetel of SylrOuro , • Ity one rho hex Cured himself after bri pg.po t to great:67min through medical !ntaoettion and qoackory t Dy.encloeion a ,iipt•oaid ad • dromedonvelopo' SINOLIC Correa may be had o f the au, - thor,-NATHANIRL MAYFAIR, Esq., Redford. Ring • (nO•v4,) 'AMERICAN AIMICULTURIST . . . A.THOR.TIIOII.O.OIN.6,R . FILLAIILE and rRAC• TICAL Jlourrial, devoted- to de partinenis of.soireulture, such as groiving Field Crops, Orchard nod' Garden Fruits; Garden Vegetables 'and' FlOiv . ers Cl`rees, z Plants; Flowets for . the.LOwn lord';-care Orin., inestie - Animals„ to s liousehold Labors. It bat ilsolin interesting and Nati:ue. tive detiarirnenrjot-children and youth. A roll "Calendar Operstions every nnonth. Terre to Foly ilundra, or rinOre, illustrative Engravings appear in eaeh.Voliime. • Oyer TvVelve- Honked , Plain; prs . ctieul; structiye Ortielesandsusetul kerns, eres:.given .• The F:ditnrv_aiiil Contiibutors . .air ttl &me': 0611 .• •'. The trarhinza of tk, arif row; lined to no State, or 7 oitpry . ; bit . diP cylay.o4 the ,tangs of off settigstv..of Met co , eohle-- it (.1, mi indf . 'rest;s.r,for,thitehqr,A . :tik . l7,l6o , Co'4•. • ./s.cF:RNIANT-DITION ts.'rililtSheil: of . thc. espy; zit ; end pulse its :the Engliiih, : ind con taining .811. of roes illostraave engraviiies'. •.•• . • • . RI Aft.'Y IN ADVANCE.-.: • ;Ope,cripyi iinc-year; • •$1 00 • • Six copie,s, one your..., • 5 00 _Ten orrnOre copies One' year . 85 scuts etch. C?" Add- to the T.46.A1 , Poottige . • ti• Canada 6. cents; - to 'Et.cland anti. rritrice, 24 ` eentFi . to - cJiorrrinny, 30 rents. • . • ..roctace nnytichert.:ln the Unileil:Sprits•nnif Tel ri l orieS srpostbe paid . Ity'i stitiscoilt ti is quiV..oix teuti'o..rar; . ll. paid in advilin'r' . .the oflic;?fitiliere•recoivi'-d. • , • • • All Itotiness ort t rotticr eipnrrinoitiiiti.not he odiftested fn the: Editor •noil Ptnyirie'r9 ORANGE JUDD,4lPiiikißdw; N. Y. Cit TILE WEEKLY JOURNAL. OF CO3131E110; TO OUR SUBSCRItERS. Tha. commencement of a ,new year is a ;!one! time for r.enewins , ,, . he'.cireoloiOn thi• commetce.— lye-addre . ss onraelver; In .the paper, entire s'onf'ni, , nee In•fheir Hess . 11 aid pnd 6. ex6ll:.ll.i . r', tin. •nund censer:vatic.; prilipre and nnniela which h'ave.hitheitn,characta,laorland .hareaf , er 'rhsracteiize this paper.. -EVEti . V.Se 11 . !.' CR I BF:11. 1 . 0 the„JoOfnal of 'Commerce' mie.lit :On a cent .etvfee to, these principles; 'and. st setzt,hen lIS tn'soppert and e . :reillate iherit,,hy rodipa na the'ilitoieof:Ait:leaSt One neve sill.- scriber in 'his t0..v0...• . 'Devoteil.:6rroly es we. Vo .tiein ooncootri tic's interest., tone - • called "point' Savers" a.. a feirirof reproach; e e itre and shall la'e the firin onholder 111 . THE .UNION• AND..THr. •CONSTITL'IIO . . oppn,,iiie• with hearfarid'pen ev.;ry'rripii, , Soath or. Ninth, who•iS arenerny•fdeithes.-'weer form of .diptirganiXa!iori and 'revolo , ion'ycjii find iis r.anily• for the : combat. • Aidione. the Ides.of thr'Amurican, tir•oim' and A mei kin by side • . • • • . . .• . . A N.b SeCESSIONISM. .laud we prolin.' with off O!ur sfre±niili to defend the t natiem att;!ll:s4q.bott). .. • A LIBERAL: OFFER , . Tp. Oncooraon thoge : who may % , alantc!er to the orO:foilation of . .. Crabs, :vve 'hereby off”c an extra copy 'orthe Woc•kly.lP . ovory'pet. , Frit i who ihall loc . vilird.tlxoptv'neft.tokc.cribrrs the tribney.• ' •.. . • . . may he oroganizol in oim enenitiPs with great advantage: Thiopres , ent is toe best•perimi hp. •t heir cOOromemeo>ment. The. terms on. which we: - 01n furnish the'spaper are es follows,:_ To eorvipionieg takitia. • 20 copies or upward's-, 9NE.DOLL R each 13 epplos • • ESN DO LAGS. 3 copies . , o> • . I.7eoler 3 ecpiea TWO :each Ti d e •pOpers. will'. he nildrAssed to different peronnt at tbe ,somo.rosCOLTiee, if desired, ei eept: in rii•ces of clubs of ..13've mom copies . , which will be mailed to One odilres.', .. ..-;•., . . . . . . •.. . AD:Oll64v aru vLVI3 --- S , • . . may'he mad, nt :the followMe, :taielt : 7 -•Papers added to a club' ituring.the, firit•quarterOf the club's year : will pay, the . Inll•rate of :theorigi.: real club for a •yearoturing. The arroial queir , ,..r three•fotirihs:Of the or igjil l iilyear 'a rat . .., tlitrilig the third trotter one half; and durirg ihelakt quarter one•fourth, • are all . istieh tulorription will termini,te with the : .e . ar'' of the original . • From :Iluihroi9.l.! • . Wherc packages' pisrisirsprC,ti.or are teretved At any. rinsi. 'race directed 'to nne address, and the names•nf the slibseri• hers to which they lielnne, with' the' postage for a roar Niro in advanre, shall be hand d rn the pnbtmnster,,he del.ver the 'same to, their revrincrivenwiiers. • • Rut this does 191rdy to 'weekly nelOtp pit . rf which circulate' free itithtt county whererin.• • ,• , • (cr. Adtli•es.t Editgrs of the 'Journal of Com.- i ner e,; No. 01'„Wairstioot Nein • York. , PRIME, STONE,'HAILS & il A Li.Or . • • • •• . • Editors and' Prop.riptn.F KOLOCK'S DANDELION COFFEE. . . . . . . ~. . . ' Thl4 proonratlon..nwla from tho tiont'Jttvio - C,olToo 1, ti,oomniende 4,4 phritician... n 4 a 1i111;01i, NllTlit 110 C` .3 0N... 11.4:t1F: for 0. natal. 1), klity, Dr:Tototht,. and 'al. billouo tllNordrrx. Tboustod , 'tub. hire fiopti onm:..i.lled . to oh todon ih,t one (If 'entree ,Will-MW I h;o witl , rut id ol 1 . num t MAN. . Oiia C - d 111 01 il 11 inA the strrn,till of ttroputm,t4 of ordinarj, online,. prire"koentt* . . KOLLpCK!.. - LEVAIN, The pureitt and beat 'BAKING POWDER knowii, 511 maafrit light: swiet arld'iiurritium Bread aud,cakeC.- Price 15 cents.. • . • • lIIVMPACTUMP:D-BY ic Kor.t.or. C'hornt•t. • Corner of Broad end Chestnut Streets, HILADICLiftIA, And obi by •ll Druggists and Grooorg. 1D6 , A. , 1 . • . . • • • STOOKEGLDEVN MEETING: reitrE • STOCKHOLDERS!. ,or.. . the ..M'Kein: NaerOtitm 'Competyy-eile hereby meet thp'One:e of 124, 'Hy9i,. in the florough , Smet.htipit;ion, the se cond Moinfay of. Jr i ‘ efry; - (ft the.,1,2t.1) for the po T ppl ! e ót, electing a P o fesident iintt;sit. Direetprs, lor.the en'euing' year:• '• , , • 841 1 /11. - :.C; HYDE, ve4 f iry. . • Smethifott; D ec.lß, 186: . • . . • . • . • • • •. • • . . . • • LOOK . AT THIS! ;* . . All persona indebted to' me. for iests; in Mc- Kea n.coont requested to pOy the same .to P. E.. SCULI.,,.of CkiADWlCiti anal ell in Cameron, county tiuilf pay to P. E. SCULL . , or JOHN : • ' All itteroline to this' coll . %ill very,Much oblige and eIIVP .••••• •• ' : • JOSEPH MORSE;, Late Shelf'. Smelliport, - DOc. 1 lib 1862. • •..• . , - , ..• • . . , . TIMOTHY.. S E ' ' rtIFTY DUSH ELS of tbe; beat qualtty oritx SESII, piked by end for rule at •.•: IL. noLLSY'S.. • . . Part -Allegany, December 28 ' ~1861. , . $40.. WAGES PAID. $lOO. .r . . TWsell:g:owls:for the , AD4O : 9 SEWING MACIWIC . . - COMPANY, ' We will gibe a eointniesion -e•notis 4°1,1 by our Agent's, oi,p,:ty wakes at licirri . $.10.10 $lOO pee morttb,, alit! necessary ,*peogen:..4olor•fil,ielline• ehriokn., rbild exit leaf,' to 'operate tit by hnli' nit bou InstrocilWrl igutat:to.arty" 4toiily..S.' it Ilarhinq, in nee;' anti we .'have . red,eed the' pri,.e 'to Fitter', 'Dolton,. •Cerh•mOrhioe is'sioiraorett ft f three years; . ' • thlrris C: RUGGLES, . '• •• .•'' Gen.. Agt.;Vetfolf, . . . ...INIAN - .1-1.(:)D 0. ..,.. -'..,., LOST I ROW RE - TORED I r - • .• . • . . . . . . . . „ . . • .I:qt l'bVishri 1 .iti a Venl:d Itirtion. Piice Six Coq. , ~ . • .A lA-Ttf UP.4:9! , : . Ttni NAT•TTIIIt...IIIIIAf:tI r.NV, AS , !. It•ilin..l 43.c...0f ':•' , pertn.lnrriinkn,' or 8 , m1,,n1 Ve.tttt i,,, Inoittt,• , l•itml . -1-1,4 vrx&tt lIelotti• 'tin , . Tsvi•eitlimnlN 11 , MA• rtlnP uni...tntiy 'Nei r,'ils, c;to ...Cl.l.ntntaltm: ro .1 ":" .„ 01 Fit, ; ‘i . 01.61 .1•41 l'it,nlent. Itic , irretly,. itinli . tht , rnny , .lr.,t bug., ',c, —llvititt .1' Cutilborit.t., at. L) Nu line , f oho Green Root , . kn. .• ' • .-• ~ 711. 4 sw9o.l.renonti•A Aut!..." In IlllnwlirArni:le L.clui. .e 1..3,1r 1 r•'•vi,, t•not hi. own'ovpnrienr , . I.lpt Ai., AWAII (!..,,,.1:00ISCPA !If Stlf.:llAP , 4 TT , . 4.. etrrntunllY r.'inG,n l l. yr 11,,1it ine.llinr'..nturFPhnnt anngemun.pur.innl otwrs 'Vial t,l.ciginn, ini.l'll nenls, rln;n: or cur/11.1C; . vnintlnit Imt A muds .rf rote nt 41111. ','CrtAlfl and . fret tool., by. .wb ~ frh eeery .u(1%,,, tl,l ity n-tt , er• ,, .ni. •1,14 gnat 11t1..n- fluty 1,',... 1n.,, co..° I.lmmt•lr etwi l dr . nrit'At , 'lY: •IliVi indir , OY T - 1114 • !venire inu:l ',Torn a. Slot xt to thoooandm ,ttout thou n.trft, . • . , „ ~ . . ..•. . • S.l O it nder poi!, In n_plaln nr;vo•lrjm. to Any ittidr4ol no 0.-evipt - of NIV C 111119; i.r , t‘i., t,•-•.,t...tniilr., by ndkqesi. .1n;, , , *. .• :' . 1)r• C. 11.18 ',/ 0 lit t't, . • • 127 nowerro . .rieW York;.Puyt o . fticr 80it,'46130.. 01,, 15, %I; , Ir. ~. . . . . .. . . . . . . . ~ . . .. . . . . . . .. . . • • .••.-• .. • . . . • - • KENDAL-CHEEK HOUSE, KENDAL-CtEEK, WICLAN CO„ . . Tit P. Subsetihr lry.rvinp, 'purchased • airs •tv . e9 latown and re-foriashod txil ti t e'.11011 . 4 , .; i 4 tire pa refl. to Pilreratiti Boat4l - aitO• ate xi . ii I.s' EiA il,';l:.N'.l) A:33L, l':.1, - s'opplied,..olol • overytning. dune to" fro•fit libe.o oote of .patronage. idtviys Ott. • • • •,. ,r. at, FULLER. • Kendal..(re,{:•Tpnunry 1800.„• . PROSPECTUS OF Tilt SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Tim 111.:vr. MitClt.6lloALTAPfilt • Lll . llli, Vontp :• 'SEVEINETEENTII YEAR. *. YaN New Serie. • '• • . 4-11Pw . voltirn. of this, widely (*minted pa, per cnipto enees on the . 4(frot bnut 'Every . 'Every sntnber contains sixteen ptpfes - of • itsefal :ipfor , m~tion•aud fr 0 ITI free to .ten origin - al . engra sings of new inventions and .tliscoveries;all.of which .IN:prepared .e'xpressly 'dr its eoluirins.. • ;: . . . . Tbe §CfNTIFIC . AMERIPAN is : iiriioted to (hr-intereFti 01 Piipeliir Science, the .IVlechrinie . M' A etp,.anuideturel, inyeritions;.kerirtittnre; Commerce a n d the Inibistrial,•Porsiiiii• goner: .01y;:iind iniitreetive not only in the Alorizsbori $llO .PiLtnutitetery, b : nt elm in the Eleuvehabl,.the Libiary' find the Rending Tosthe Mechanic and M . innhicttlret!' Nr; per , nn engkg,4l in any' of the. rnrehnt l ir4 purgutte . r.hhuhl • pr doing. without the Simir:rinc ATVIERIC ; AS.: It -coeis'bui Sour rents. pet • ' , ‘•er k; every number' cottitins 'emir oix•to ten ensravinea of n.'siv• mar hint% m (mind and' . invem . tie; whirh cannot he' "nd in li,ntion. • It in an'eitabli.M.ll..rtee ot Abe. lishere-t . o insert [ none but - erigravinge, 'a'nd those of the; first rhos in: the arf,• tirtswo and engriti;;;ll persons under their, oss n supervision. • • . , • . • -To the, ,Inventoil • • .The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Is inilis pet.babis to ev;•ry OlVentOr, its, it not hilly . con'. tame of irmaily all the brat inventions' us • th , !V'.c r or"e' bait each sH otrwi . di List at.ibe, Claims, nt .dl thoratenti'is-Ord:Crom.the United States Ildtp't:tptlire dilrina tlqt fpr,.viott.; ,ti;of !flog rats.of in... • !root loos ill 'lli. r , oitnlry,' :We tog, Pv..r3, , ti•••jouroa Is id' nod G•1:11/afty; it fs litel . fi , Z not'lin ,, ..asino all itposPinlig n Arfeehanical .ei;•,,,re 'Eliof art •in mutf.ri a. 11'•• plinllIt011661,10: : r0, tour e4 0 1 1 ,,o(); Co pious ',•Xtr,if . frolO .oils of wh a t,iie,r'we:nrqy .or ro.4ler.g. - • , ' • • • Cheroits, RA RMPASf .The' . 'A f:RtCA :he, l'onnd a 'moo ierelrill .linyrnal to lapin: . All.the new . illicotreele: of ceienec of 'eh. rp,k'ty ,are ar , ;enin its' etiliirrillor i anti intetesti• or t 11 . 4. . . Ar. hitect cal pentee,are ant nverlookeil; all rho new-inrientiolia. and ilia , oyeilea ing 'to puronits . being 01111i/tiled from week to sitrak,... Veetul arrd.pkactiOil irtfacad: " " 114 i - tfon yiertainlng • n tali. hi, 'APititcAi 'WhielOnfiirfane* , tihnk, -. ' , Sutij;.'ita in whish teresitidwill:beiinund - dirtnailed bainn- • r/r.lo 'A bisiifikii; la tigricultural , lniplitainta colornini, . , TERdf3. . . . . To mail!.artbicriberei—Two rat, or One Dollar foi . pays for one complete: veinal, of. 416 'pe*eioi. two volunina',tornpriae- One, year,..,.Tne omeo commence en the first, of Janneri:end . „.. CLT:B "RATES . Five oopiee, forisix Months. . Ten copier, for,Six 'binning r, . 4+,18. Ten roping, TWfilve Month* , Fifteen copies, for Twelve Months Twenty copier . , lor Twelve'Motitho .74ii ly.outiscription Is enly $1,40 Nimes: eon" be sent in at differint . trmei • and! tritkitilleient Pnot,ollires. SpeeimenX.oideS yrill tie sientlini. any part of the eduntry.. , 'Western and einitdien .koney dir:Post;litten stoning taken at' par for eubsiiilktiora..:"Ctins.• dian sabieritiere :115.eints extra nn each, year's.' aubseriptietrr.. to . ' preiivay imouge talpNN !''CO., rptilishetp,l' 37—Piiik-io* . • • . ATER' fir .-. A.THARTIC. -'l.-"liti:Ls• • • Am TblV 04ky'11.4.0)4t:t Rd ibitkaidsli? ' •. 1111 jou old ut . do, .•ltti. Yteir loyetern dew' t..0.1;014.1 yearilmelltip ea-• ,a.f . .adakrar , 'Xiitrie,eyear• ' Ida' ow Dads thulavittde' la itaum • alhead: • Saatchi et • llthuis If rfeeldiag sea 'pi. . id eltuttld. W averhuf t.i '• • lody ilia' of the tleit, Feat ly. 'falai .'flystli WA:lad Nihau itut tholinorderga hat' . 01114=- panty' the Lltigl; awl • t'•• thd , a.titla tauf.f, his mliii.. ; it.AO.l • Ili „hualth • Agehf. • Iliq't,tuoillitte hid fullatiuti . r ti n , addy late vlgthiatip 143. .... al illy.. I.sf Ify taw , pyptaut,fraot. •• ' ti. olodtdaddnee A 1.14. • wake ditt9ttat.. ' A. i;.lbl itatiltni Antniqv Imo ' illtlati.lAStly; tali& li b - '. ! , 11 . 111..1N Ito rilltdrad (mallows,. • l'liusa, , , If , W.A :Iralleved, . 10,10,maul d... i.....diui idol the lorroiledluica)galle,•.ptit o..(hg; • g,•oer,d• 111441 . 11Vathli. 1 , ,0r61 . 1,itt, • .01.1 ! illreitai • 'Il• kilo 111 I.llin 13.11.1111.111, N .fit . .44.04..1 by. Om' itortitiiptirAmo, brko• A roe,. l'llltirlitttl mttr.lttor .thryntly I.lbl r4tUri , :{ ll P utt ie../ ..11 , i , 1..1 . the .Fr11..16,11111 7 1 \V 41::It AIN , VbyllAlt 11. , •l i mi• If 1,...1111 non. .1V11.0.141run.'10,4 Hi itlip tiattlyt I . lli, it i, i.d butt t'buriatbli-o.tbldnitil.. is !Am Owl tit away. .nr 1101 . 1104 p 4.10.1 , i 11.11 AtingstroUl. .H.. 6 ,1111.04 .1.0 MIRA P , lrtettlVo elte..tiwlti litititi..' obillfikit'bbAtatio• di.o.. lill.l, 11,,rnulgoitor•sitn-ifrAllie mkt4llllbbletliimeoft-tho Irtly. illtiy are haddly i opelioury. of gown eatidy• t nare4 • •by t lb. sattbk)ibtitsti... P , 141110 10 II.) ICIIIIW I l i., VIIIIIiII dr 01111/4i PI/ 1 1, .rill IA1(10ii h.:1.0'111116y thout whod iituyaribetkinit On .4lretttlorkt Iltiv btait: . ..' .. ; . 1 ~. " V . 4. ''., I 611 ' . Rthtl4l,oll final. bstitlloq, itltYptttlami - Ilis .14110 ..,, ibtit pitllolol it10.18,.10..1. Cram • ctibtur well' If aelal Iddi ,, llc pap , , . • -• • 'Emil cc nwilannv „Ihrehrtht 4,5 V: Milk it& 4. , 181 9.' ,'lan. ilre,lt: * Your • 1414 'ere Ihaviirikion of . o.ilstlior hi .at mat i......,01,1... , . . Thoy have•cared'aty,iltile thteghlat . of ultrei'mll flynes 1011 WV 1014110'111111 feet that his; rayed IttrimtblrtAbe T imm.. Her' incttlior bmv bfietC:lo ' igiii•6' ouoly 10111.16.1 ritlit.l,l.4olool nod plitipbbotailitie aid . 4 611 111 her , lottr. t' A rivebltt -blind 1v" , 9. 1 r4 !" . OW • your till., awl thoy.hafe cured lief . % '• . _,- , _. •_, •'• :- • ~. • •••. :'• ' ' •••: ' ••• ASSi 11101tURISIUM. •• , ... • • ...:.; " • Al A , - raglan y. Physlo., ' ',' ! : %' O. - .. , , .. • :.Proui: Pr. X. W. (ta/cukiiht, New'Oriiital.; •.'"'". -• • '.YOur '14117 are .ilie• prince Of ponies.; 'niche lailialtiant qttalltivi mal t ase any •cattott•Cla pareerran, , They,, .1)11111.1911 Cm tabu mitt 0ff . ..0N0 lit titelr tieti . ob en Mi. ,w hir inakee'• thou' Wont 'titbit; 1ia1a1.113i1,161, 1 / 7 YfCptflln of /9MM • • ) • ). • . • • Stentaabli. . • . 'Theta Dr. 10.1wera,lioyd, ).* • IMAtt. lino,Avi l a: taint cot•e4 *lth your hotter titan ta sayatithot,tes ever trent n..;(11 n pernalion.n)ulicine, — TVlnee "mit &pear .tionco an all etructoni etititertle 111-. My deity contest with .11140111o; hod bothering in I' do that your Pills attard tta, tha beet, we hart,, lof mulled Valuo'lltent,hlgtely. •. • '..*. _ •', • • • I"l7'ittennUi;l4l,., attty NO. J. C. Arm. hava.lawa repetteelly autrataf the worst hiogloolor nuy body altet,lntre by Wetotte*:t,teu• of your *. It: twiner la . arise front a foitt.itoiaaabi, algal they ( , h.,anre at. •• ' • Yonre with giant' evert; . . ND. -W. rrtEnpr.. •Cloikrif 12111 a na blatirOerit VotirtetalOti. '. Amu Thonglory4l.l4'itrlVrin Tin*.olll , '• Not only are yoUr INltentlentruhtY ettloptOri to their plue• pose etv'etn urietient, but t and thrirbdoefichttenite upon • the hirer very marked 10.10wt...-'OO.l , hitYcla dy Prate' lice: 'Korea 'worn uifutlual , for the titre bf, kikene. es* planar than any ono t•ontotly I eateinetition.: sluaihily• l'ajoiCo that we Wi) 11l 101$1b a ijargat(ye'tils*SE, , rats, thy , tag catelitioutut 01 the iirafeaslots and I,la, • - ' • ' • • Den:ll:Tian Of Vile 11!Teekels s . • • . ' • ' . • Washlngton, ith Wat,..181114: ' . iint , ll yo . s.itts I hist, ur Pltta lu 'my gentual, and'hoopll4ll prnEttoo 'Amor strict, you tuado. thou!, and tratinut Italtabo lb. any they 014 (ho boAL rattiortio wu 01014.,i'Nblilr two. Jaling Art/011 WI thu Iltr, l l.` le quick and decided, ;Owe. quoutly they ai• an aditilrablo ronnaly. for dt;rauttluaitta th.c . :uriviu.'• 'I iptiod, 1 % 1111:V0 .111 , 1014 01•11 of tin.e.oseto, obstlnato that It tllcluot readily yield to thotu.• krittertsolly your's,. ALONZO lIAGI., hi: D., • • -• Narioto Armipoltif. , . , . , Dy . • '• 'lrony havo.liaita long In my poetic% sad , hold linnu lu oittean as ono of Ilia Lwt hpetiositsl,lumo evorfonlid. 711o1r nlterallro effect upon the 11,10. twain 'filial' no axcallent litnedy, iv lieu etnici 'Ldinui. am.lesikry taurrkro.-_,Wbolr illicw4o44ing vutktg, ttioni , !pry soieptaldo , ankl conyeulinkt *,r tlo mr of wronon . Dyttpezialtt, Impukliy orthe . . .Un. Al*L.l•l halo wit4t(!reiNi , l.lllo with' ititttsloAlwWy aneam Iq :Hy Jonilty Intl 119151, 1 i t ,' ogled se Ito?, hi olotre;;. - . 7A rmuliito tlo, olgolo; digaiLlosi po;lfy the .blood, tliorrtro . liat;;,very +Wit rbtokii.t blow k ;moo, Awl I ceii cunflJrully reewromonil thiop to • rpy !donde. Yupro, '4,11 1 41D10.... •". . Vi' maw, 3Vp441;;;: c6:01..r, Oct. 1141044 • Dpit ncgrg,ygnr oachvlta . PlM Intuy proc.• r0k4 . 8.111 thou; nii - ooc;;Iltett claims the syrOgui runt polf,y4/ . 44 fre;4l(4l i O n, of w lAtood,: is •. • • -• NiA,011A11.34 • Con s tp,t est, Onsili , eileio,itapctillsilloir • • *. /tit olt matim Nu "•,Q 12 a strata 10r0jr.' '•• 'pi p.. Par - Is, • frctN.Dr.•J. l'a oaks; Afoqrak OmmM: • • Trvi) wuch eanpoC IM nci id of ,yoitr'l'llta for 11180E1os of cristirenrxt,lf 011kors 9r our fratorioltrlatviw W,eul thew f`filencloris nit Join me In procllaw. Ing for tho 11,0 inttltltudex yrlio*uOr'fstilt . (hut eoinidallit, visit:lt. although bad, umligli In Vogl(, In pn,,zen I lur.or ottiork lltat r.helltoro:tofs ' fleelint In nriginnln In Ibei llvu,bnl your flUs,OEFft. auk nrpni 11.1111 (3110 11113 . 1.118M141.1. . . P" . .m , 2wrz.'7; Maori, I%yeetrai and filichnO, 3.1 n .. I first! non or two 'urge d0t0.2 otyour .proper tiow.ap IH , OII.IIVPH at op urtlnlw! pt/r., hers iahru wifotly purtfatry r 4 1111 , 111010,'11f1/1 Oft; : rt11 , 11 to r/r.nt.tlt li.tainh nod expel eiwesee,. They H ao mllOl Nan 1+ , 4 phgslu aru have that Ir reausompid nu otlitmt.o wy i.tfooh , . ' . „ . . • Po ow 4le nom Pr. /tilt'', rs, 1.14 e .4144,yrig ppikeip ! , • : I kinT4'.. .11M. fc./Rtate . • 11. , 'rnn , I/ Sur '1 Awn' Id inntrateful 164 Ir i .11.1 tint report iii.6m4.10 you. X 6.1.1 ti l pll . In ntv:llilartslll , l brought uu.kniClll. folic pi WI, IV I) 101 . 1‘11.1nkl In' ihrhwic Eknrwiti• Lin,. liml or litiptellittk: the Fin* ~,,0 4 1 •1 11. 1. svi!i.m..iititll, by the ullvitir6f iour 1 : 11 . Nrychre4lo, - ,/ yOur I'lll, , 411. , 16•111.et4 iverollOw. By piiisovortuji 111 iliu wi of ilinm, - . ss:rtAtilCltA*llnti, rotiiit It Eingp,' DIA S'lpie.'lo66. . . • . . ; Dn. AVEIi :4 lawn lo.o,,'...ii:tirply eliVril; by yi t iiy,l.lllo), of Alkeirlll,ltiC la tali iyintrizful ,11,9.1...,, , i1itki bibl - qiiiilybAl . trr .I'br.i•yttri , . ~.. - ' -. :.- '' '-"..' '''.' ".y F.N9ENT M4l Dlitif. ', - . . ' it.t , of k. n .Tl)lol4 , E . '4.r.ntnbi7..lll*llt,T, ' ft,. PAlrrat 16..tvnit.ily . 4n skilful 11 RIO* Pi dniteempA (kt rrrolP'l ll l l ; , (lrmildful , .ipbnii;' ' qttoncos that th.11..w;e..; ni) Prig°, 245 'ools:**l44:ll::::*.*s:*ietif**.L, P;Fil Biiid ford; . I::.:L'Pikllal;roit:Aliegf:ll***,: - •,detli:,,eVerritaiiitli. - -' „ •