M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, January 03, 1863, Image 1

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    ~r?~tv,.;~+~nagwxr~~YriN o:ac!e,^,+,Nn'..~~ii-~;e.a , .>.~: ~
. .. ~ . , • . .
. . . . .
:•.'•'"u . . -
. . . ..
yOL. 4.
ill trait iountv cittacnit
By J. B. oVIATT,
oFFICres.-11. consr:ic OF ruin,re FjauntiE
Vi4rctS:':.-' :.; '.: 1 , $ 1 ;50 .ii'Aii:V.a:lace
- • R rtes:ref A ver ;sing.
Cblurnn eneluer ",.
1. • " ineutitu ;.;
Otte Aquae° of 12 line!, or, leeft,j'tl , "oillului,
... ;
iii nihe~a ottilti.• with penile., • •• •
little or. o. wore r ; be double. ino • il:ov . o r
Toot tiott4l,lritiler •-ty' L lot, 'or. eLlit pries bouparel
riktrei n'rpiaro. •• • ' ' • '
Tibtee tornta will ite wilterei'L to.
B.lotiti.,6'. : :',liiiteitait, :
burFesor, c.,P'r. Pllll . ItPli `I tie
••. . • .
' lt
Vrit, eiripe . upviflT rase,
1 lutvut to - pl:lite to I.lettto.'!-•
17117:"A it. : •
It is with i n°. fearol tti ' ar * .s etlect:•upon. their
literaty : initimes, that the pi bli=hers Of TIIE
.N M Lni; un i x acknowiedge ilk, 'town.
yerittv, yiot their. TwoMii\ottoo..ritoni-smt
• si . r . ismitOotts, and.anneunce tu . thern, mid to all,
that Ttio Now YylIK \lsaccicr lur, tlin fear
i(1803)' Will he richer in every I utritrY oriPolite
Literature than ever lie (ore: is ro ' opistait
speculation, •tin temporary "SOYISit r ;".• bu t
. I . trst .- cluss literary Weekly, which hasheen fa.
'troller to•theiiUnited States. for a titter - 1er...1.a
century; and
. vildie•the wishy-wasitYlnesh
room prints of 'yesterday are , eni tinttidniva their
talent even while they raise their subscrikitioni ,
price; TOE NE . W. Yotii . Mottottov maintains -
1 peat Stiff of Romancers, Poet ' s; Humuristi,.
FissaYists,'StOryt.Teller.s l , mid Eilitros. pod pro
mises to make it;sAl'i.treater fur 350.3. -..:..
It ii.t.l.e•one p,sperlor Its forty
coiirnri.of rending inalierper'yreek coniiittite
unparalleled ' • ,
Nio6ls,•Miscelaheous Tales, 4eahtiel
fferaS,.,Griss4),:Feaillt•tons t 'Bioaqsidaa, 'of Hu
MOr, and4OliahMl , Editorials; combine` to" epi
tomize - all•the charm's of '
, .
The hushdrof reads it:ta.his• wife, the' mother
to her children, the,. lover to sweet-heart,,
lie-,soldier to his eorfirsdi.S; find - the village
schoormistei'to:the. circle around the' stove:—
It is!familier to' ; the every' mun, woman
end. child itt our . countiy . , rind has 'tegolar'sub
..scribers,io several ctiOnfttes . . in : ..thrope. Tnk
Heir Yott MERCURY is•also identified with the
pltriOttsrn of the' age,' for several.
'tfiemti:•rs'of its.briihant,Stafr hold high rack in
our: tiol l le,ormy,:iiitil have made themselves as
tarnofta With the Sworrl as with. the Peo.. The'
,ofeat . aillostrating aitist . of• TUE NEW YURM
'll , lEripurtv:i.the: inimitable IDarte'y,':give's' .the,
vaperthe highest aitribotei of -Fme Art :and.
yet thys largest literuricierkly.of
olive to Sill rfc15.1..1i,.....:11. in.u6l these respects dn.
ring the New bear, I. .
. .
. ho, .1i rgt. N0v ,, 1 et t
the bic.comln oiFol -In the is;;tie
nl JallPilt)"4,llB 63 . is ":•.• , •
• VICTORIA • • •
;rho TTeirc =~ (7COlisilo CHM.,
. .
. ~ .
• '.
.. . .I.IY C rt , IN Slit. C.I4,F;Tf.'S, . • •
irtITEUR 4.17 ••Coll-arG,"l.;ic,"' srol , . CAMPIII;LL.,".“B I,,
.„ .
..., • .51:::/ , ;." —l.43l.iiQtY ' '. & .o i 6 •' , . :
" ,
pro;ilictit9is'l•ll hi, .
n«,,tl lop!:
1111;:i - 101 it/
011 I cw. ic;
nitit-the,true to r t
,Orttioir tri'eljt is lnuurl in ilic,
fad t they .are:-.r.140.; «,
their .AlExctli:::, .9y.. t
- NK« in7.y•ll.l9,thai ti" Iwo;
“Vicio:6','' is, faiy, lit ;,it«,i,e.4l
of 9 1 0, t"- "Ill" at v 4 "rh 11 ' 1 "
sir large n share it p iblir iiititrov•at;
earnestly t«l+At!ii. , ntt it '1,601 ctc);y . .ri....1 , 4r.5:
josEw :1117.ttcody by 'id:, ..te“
, . .
.me,i t o t t..p«;iof'tical • Cal el'S 111 . .-' I me , jc Ty
stibscrib«ts; it' la reitutatly
.tnarled ..•tv9t . y .
morriiitg;loi s2' a. yoari.tht. , «
x . orti«s' tor $9; «iglit..copie4 (or sl.2:•w . itV
extra 9PY.,./ .116 ; to the g«t tor; 9p of th« (qui!.
: Six tporiths!:spbscrili;ions AIM7y ,
iv , its plainly the name of your I'o'e C1)01
!end, State. We •ttike the notes ot.ull I , , alvent
• banksiit.par.; Payment must -invariably be in
. Sl7' ) Speeitnen ant free to all . appll-.
. .
Address all letteri and rernittanees, post paid
proprietors of the 'Nein , re, k alrreery,
113. •hrtv .York City.
Chaiige of ilours.. • -
Cornmeneing 'lVlnnflay; Nnv. 17th; 1862.
Trains .will leave Olean at abqut the folluwin
hours, viz
Nixht Express
Way Freight
No, 21
'.Night Express ' 1:10 P. M,
Mail • . • .• 10:17 A; :‘l.
Stork , • • ' 3:19 P. M.
Way 'Freight.. : 6 .. • 1:15.P. M,
" Nos. 3 3 rtn(l6, Ton every by.' No.. 6 run!
•, Sumlays. but not Mondays,. Train 3; of
as'y§,• from Nrw Yoric. runs . through to buffalo,
"but.dpes not ry'n,to'. Dunkirk., ~'•• •
• NATHANIEL 'MA Iteceiver.• • ,
•••.• CHAHLES'MINOT,•gen'I Supt:'
the Order
, 4 :llere UP Wee the ente‘e!., lend .end
Frnin the lip of who Slum tipar; . ,
Ayd , •11ery !*.' ;.:4, the woed ihv licit 'replied
''-than a:st:ence . fvl:.
tithe nuiunetcerCollinrrd tho cu:n
Ouly,hls : recir,in,n:li;d • seen•lfhe Inll :
‘i•ohniltld he' eth.1111:10t 10. • .•
. . . ..
._ . •
There they 0.0.1 if in the raping lighi, . •', , •
Theilelll'.! . l3 9111.1 tty.; 1 1 itil.p'at : y . , ! III! ii 11):()kkli
'..:A: plain to I:e..ilold al ill e . OpO . d bu(;lca, ,•',.
While;!O3,.!ygLithiirt , d.tliO illacie of eight:_'
Sr (10
12 CO
-0 (0
1- (0
1 50
. .
. .
• . . ..
The.fero on'rlie lit 1.-Ade . wrie sph , 4t,...i ' with' Idriad
And dorm Or tl.e. corn
. .011mrcthcpopi0Fgl'enr,
Were i 'Oder sto'or, tlion the poppies krierv; . .
AuweLlolsou dyed waelhe rire . y:e rlood;:" .•• . ','•
For tlie ree:h.td`trottsed front the . ollier•Fi.lo,
"1 . 1.1461.ty, !tithe lace of ti.muttlerouttlit e
tt:t! L . them duteu tet,
A"rt , l their lite blood trout to eutui. the 'tide
6 11i;rbeft tho llteie.callio'
Tn•J Sthy , .l . rt sUithprn:into.thu:.lli
.I.'& ring betwOon tlitth this[l.ibeit cline
.Wouoded nud bleeding,. to itoiwei rtis-uolue'
"EaraKerr!"—:and a vniaa ai:swated,",Pere :" • •
,• "Mr/ern but no mau •
w'a're t o.brva, t g.su'LIVU 11'41,1
Lia,a 01.1,1,1•;I:clep6
.` :"..—theri a e,
iled cur ttsginvet4
:• tztoigt!vtig.,l.l9t:
tbe elivr9T" ludittL"
'Close to the vsail . siile lifs;botly lies; '
1: pau - seil n manu•nt i u gave liiviSucci
. ,
lie Inunuerc , dhoi
And Lk ttL CMy: 1% WI I•ye,
"Ewas . a - 2vic tory-3 dea , ; '
Pnr tl2t eutarraity'x wl,)t.a" c.ilN;
Or a taT t tand Ichd ot into 11i , ,
Numbered lalt;tsv , :nty tL tt.inntt eve4••.(fait!:.'-'
TO , -WaOliiraton erareTtimi,ri
or fin •A tric en • C.gi ttlett'is . 11116il • ho
•orgai4rtina of ttihieL tiie l'te*Otlet,t has deter.
mined, trill• be eppliiyid to 17.11nriLtlei
utter it I.littillidVP•lp.en•ntr , tieil
by our fl6•C.s atid'artniesi tenniens.ec black
. resident tfreat • riv:ei
'when. freed and firmed,
protect riaco . l.ll• . cort]mr.re.e from mott•sthiinit.
Other African' regimer.ts
. I)",!‘erni;loyr.,l to
rri§on the forts below .Nvy o,leans•tkncl..o.:2.
the.coast which. ore .exposed to'l.hi:!di:scases of
a sOuthefn clima . le. Others still will doohilesi.
-be used to enforce:the procraination•Offret;ttoin
for the benefit •of th.'ii brethren.' lit is iSoi•
raised that,Gerieral Phelps will hev . e en A.friccii
comman'tl:- It ine realization Of Gen,: Caine
. .
haye alrady, had occasion M.toachMpim
the subje c t Mt' 'neArc.cold'wryr, and tn , predict.
the,:ptirpases,toivklitch.tlte:.Ptt , .olittMdtls M 2F .j.f e
to sf , e•this kind of militia put. = ThepaNigra'ph
reulites f. 0 1 .1 y kvh t .we lia\it.'iirm•
say; the. 2 i1L . 4./1. which site in the counrili of
the Preattient, "theit . ntifertse - black. .pn.phfat inn
eesitkitt 1.0 n• tht ;'rent.; river ict'h;t treed tthtl
.irmod.". They itre•""tn euforce•the plol;frn4-
t it'll! of frieaoin joy. t he lienefil'ot th . eir.be•t Wren ,
. 41 , (.1 to protee.t the ; etini,e . erce of the • 701.$Aii,:.
Goo! Ilea vefi , *l haraiim,,
at ! po the people Ehr
;taut. ‘thilt-.t he rirag.h.rph lNe
fri . o.10;,?'11:11k of tit; ~ ! .w'r.:pon o •
horde : of.
00,01 ki!!! the third
kill and rpiry not—(!litik of
rlii= 1,,5,t
Gnat Go;,l.l•can,
age homati iiOpiehie.,lrha'i:olk, mail
!fa at * men uI renhil,.a:l . la . ,Presideut or: a'
kind (.:' , .; . .itiaii . oi•Oialai r tvhai are . 50' ' rale 10. 3. 1
;0 every instiller of hiii . rai . nit y, who hive so lei
'fiat . .at;tten tire laieuat
.that they ran plan a hl'itlP
nholec;ilemuraler 'such -as 'ibis 7• :Sit
• . .. . .
loose, ,dopr , .) , upon s,iciily,•rhi! tw.y)ii . :.;'• man'
fics•of iiie..m,:vlho,,s..,.as.indl;,..tlie..,lll,;vk m4ll
et...z...11 . wlth the I , ig!ltiol'st trillltir , (if bkHl 1..th,.1
ritl2; . , fire of: itis' . .itittit;t,t:l-I , l , itt . tt it
• .
his hapas'shemeans ef.hiwless tllfe
outrage:, To wlibin Wois:d lie be to pun<ible'l
TO whorl} dooabo-owealle4iiincel' Whet _ laws
haa he had : any :hand in . ; makistl for hi= own.
governance? pnce with the power in his bonds,
skilled in:ttte set of massacre and , lost; he les
veits again to the normal condition of . his race
and lineage4-bitek 'to the barbasism..Whenee
the contact of the white race has hitherto alone
removed lino. • Does any . man , contend that
servile. insitip:iti , n.is not, of all the her' Ors
known to historY, the wiiri4 ? And • will any
man 'show ui whit moral 'obligation eiudil bine
these people, twee- in arms, to restrain lhern
lioirf any violence, So keen them froin treacly'
ery, even to 'theirs professed . friends;-to--hold
them Subjection even 'So. the laws • ..
this }vas "General ditMoron's plan ti year
'Rip," thi.sperions ProfessiOns'of. conserVat ; ive
feeling he has mride ,, since his laree'of a.missinri
):'OI . P. 'M
1:00 . A..
to Russia are 'all a &grunt lie. Let this hon.
est Commonwealth; -.whose history begun• in
peace end , lEMmerance, never suer again the
disttrilee mt . such''a repreSeritative.ns Simon'
Cameront.orany other . man of: doctrines such
as these.—Patriot 4- U g ion. . • .
Llte ClovelaMl'll. , !Fahl says that. s4.Presifleni
Ginrolri•tokee no step . baclotard. .tglAihen man
ham. Odvan'eett• - the . 'edge of a • priOriiae;,a
'ptep - backWurd iOmneh better then n atop forT.
. .
. . . .
. . ,
. ..
• 1 ,
‘,., ..•, • -...-. '..-,..
.... .
. .
. .. . ~
..,. .
... . . .- ...
..sm,ITip.o.R . I,..:III'itc..EBN:;.cptiNTY,. : ;.PASATUA . O.4.Ic ; :,4BN.. 3 . 1 - . . 1864.,
'The- following. letie4is wriqen ..to' - the eilitor
of the Boston Coitrir:r.by, an Zfli4er 11
of .14eW
• • • ' •
: Hampshire reg,Mieht,- .
the. ivar: - We
dPeni: irproper t . e:say , tliat.theyrrtter . vetetlifor
fiemeet iti.lBsG, net( ter I ir.eoiri.iii 1800 'l,ltit
experience hritigs f . great - .,chen,r,4s of ;,
. 4pinign . .
.we -4:46,t - know thathis . .geneiel
are 441 4s before. It is. be' bas
sery-Mliefeet iile4s . ern the, negro questken . ,;
= 1;
.To the editor orthe'.l3osio.ti cduri.r . r. .
. .
• •
JJE . Aft . :bi;en . '.oll,Vlge . (l`' dilirox.
my humble skin rii • toikaid suppressing the rr
hellion, during the past sixteen months r.and
wl - roirtil s , onethintinf ihe
t•contrabaitil":da theSirdh carnlina, t,G : orgta
c'oast', Ltiuet t Ind I • y know
.somefbint2 gf.hirri as well .is 11,0seifiai
home; • and if tnnse ever• as one hatrliiig gi ea t -
than a nother',. forced down the throats of d
asti;•rbusifeorile,' it is . the : :.Prrt nornt contra
bariils i .• It was . .no.t - onotialf for..Gcn.' 'flouter to.
1.)) , ;1•11i112
010. 2.05 , 1.h111; , 111. Wi1h . 48.000 -nr.:511:900;
of I hese cittivoteitsolritt4S,"—bitt•th;i:
FrenCli hinsf.go to I.3l;t.foti'antl • trilou. al Weir
'.Gre , .t God !=--.IIOIN irolll.l a tylan,.‘l,.;it h the.loi•t•
hop. • heron,. I.ini,
.s+:ch'a Flaterw.ii7r. ft 11,e I irrfitOr) : lo'llo
or.rn.nriollc t by . Feilera.l
even rsfirge. halt.,•atid
qnn) tier main Inud, m I,efell from tinir . r . (l.Sti•t+.
*a . ml, tie, • rt.=
br4.!' , ).! r• lii tilt off
. .
De; ynti'rerrre'mbe:r I)Prarni. Of Genera I
11,1,1t' i'cl , r4;i•n li! . .ilz•:•;;Ir"•111)11)ly 1: • •
tare immortilt Biizin'dcv iiumbe red. four' hundred
Jou, na :"
W,ti , ITINUTON, no'se LP, ISfi2
of 43 , 1). Buxton is not
by who tv;itrbetf is:ni . .ttanii.atibn'tit
:h. , con? tinbaink - ill:0 1 . , glweltisiNith ntPrest."'
. Tb,rt , ,,en),1,10. imply that. regiments lialee
bee‘norfisnizeil by bisn,..nnil is probably believe:l
by. n'titilY:lCoo., be'eort.e.cted by i.otne
not .illosei!:to , got before nn &tartest
people they are fai . se in the :ex-
.11.11..Beahfort. S. C.: the.:2s:h *lir•rfrl
a:lierite'oant'sr comroi.;sion 'in the
F.l. on amount orill•Iiim1111.;, At .fhat;
I pos-itively assert, th . ,r , rre:irirents"yeferred
above*, (11(1'..riot number hundred ne;ror.s,
and I think much short 'of that.: • ....I.
• Wiirriotell
or:twoniiider,s, di:es:sed in re , ! hrecches, into
On't he '2' .2 t .•
<or voyneer:}i.it dale) Ger,erel fiakton . told
(,7heOeneri,l). "'did no(
intend to rdise : aly Mare•enieied ie2imentS, rx
eep't•tire Primp . toe
toid•me - tierser;elly nf t he'-q hoer, , • •.• •
I.leg.ro• ire' not r'ne•ntil% lietnlmg; in the.
bepa'itneilt of ille'Soritri, and even a s•iu'rriti : neii
run pyrite. therr , , when proper I,irrie•i•onies.
11,'.• v. 'll r. French, Jat-ly almoner . Of•I f
rd sol , lier,7 is r:thislofered
1-I . ;•nrearh , - , s is
,k , .hr for you te steal p. , •gs an,l'ehirkenS from . i
yni,rrn - asters, for they stedl• yobr babies front
D y'ou I now .how Ih y trcrtrit owl rpos•
A Intat ia..startatt off that can run • t'in and.
mvn tit! irnirmrnrbl , crrolis In fhaticntint ry.
1111011..ttloy Caine to apl ittt t the rim ktes
.treettilcftlst possibln ; not: - tliFn
Are lorccd on bon tit. h t bo, tip to
tktlevotcd, a:ldlers," as they ,p'ant
iif ,., regruitin2
chat ypu..cli , ,o'se--,1:: call it triodVrn. nidg"
. . •
s. crop St..
3 on! es :eachers In the celebrated
hind of ideontt.ps; - and they . . hot,li told tpe the'y
their eallirg,ond left it in rli.ausi•
flnitdreds of c'thers 13.70u1d
, ri.qoil.thkyvar.limi been prpseented , :vis 6l ll+ for
the restoration of the Union, and not for .the
~o,rirl.adv,rhrement of the negro. . . •
, I inclose'you a copy of a Irtter which I wrote
while in B?aufort, and vouch for its trithful-
Please stake such use of thee hurriedly,
written items . as you may. think 'pruper, and
believe MT
-.:110SiOn 0011,i07"
,PISCIAiSURES 1 1 11.10).—The public have
ready been infortnell of.the enormous frauds in
soldiers' cleiins discovered : ir.this - city
eoverint near a„million dollars, and 'implicatitg
more thin a tbousand individuals in :New -Yoik
We are now' promised an immediate
v"sliguttpn by the ,Conaressional Committes
into the purchase or charter. of transports 'for
the , Banks Expedition. :If this irst -. subject is
stirtedlup mitieb . ,..som , qjmes rtartling may be
expected. The rriininality, involved : in lb, fit:
ring our . of poiqinri of , titeßOnl4S Expedition
hasronse'd incli , znatind Which The
lapse of ts:t.'elts ilimialib. it is felt on
all . shleitbat this sordid trifling %ki th the Hies
of.pttr brave poldieis must be atomic&
Wo.did not read'eareltilly tilt! page'cif Thanks
. 4,iVings'etrndris :in the CinclitnUti'Datly Gaz e t t e .
List Vriday,•litiviug - ,..rttnottneea politics. as . a
study, aitcl . picachers..
saw ennugh to ,know . that the preacheti leave
out of vie,w individual sil'Otion;the,practe,ce•dt
virtn.e, , ijnstieti...vhsstlty and the, judgtn'ent : to
.come," and expatiate on the'potlitical state o f
the nation; aria • while leknoWledging„•that wr
• •
upon themselves to de4no
where the pa: ickr'i a I sip lies,
,lo a n mariner, r,ither
savoring of the pirrti'z4l thin the 'prophf!t•,,,,
aliuitt the till ,1 . god, or tioiritin
. ..to 'Ellin • us
eVf , nts, , Niro.lcat;wlie:lostris eipral
13;.--`ever) p'rocept•or. - the roortirlssr: hitters_
egvull,y.all vitas:,: Yet the fiqd , thern rivellort“
en.ry, ginttony,,lyiritt,
I or slavery. ':!'here stit6rit.i. in this:
These nOtTa . re fneGOd. It they did;
they dmdd iateone entirhuSanother.--
..•\tid it is esOtle.ot. - Iliat welw4veother inittuities
the 'state ot:
pnlili setitinp;ni which• eiistenre
of politicirprr.ctieis.pssible.•iiirl Iticra
• r • '
in.ttit - is a
is patent • lilypil , y.
• - • , • .H
A.priarho.r.isostensittly n tearlier of rtiigiort,..
un niter , truthti. etrtnilY,
whose loisinexOt is te'Clil'in.fit.lrittipaSsion, s lo t
nppnee pride, ungc;:r. aiul envy. These torn inky
nal.-iries an •pr,;achers; - 3 , 4ii in 'their disr.oUrs:nes;
they ser.larn. alluddto relieion-eke . rpt mock:
if,' neither k{teal, of the jttli4trieht hr elf. , Htity,
odd'illWays.tornentlwrath and
of trarhinO t» n
,to ropr'ess.them-
Clitirehes ari hdiltfdr the Gwt—
pit. men assert- t itle: in the roortiti L r,•
hottes.,..svith the,sume view with which they:
asseintile nrnurid telr t titt ph ard riewspaper'pli•
wherieleetinis retorci,:nr , ; cbmink in ;qnd '
riorri the pulplt soi 2 est - s. no idea
of ( . 3 . i . A1, or of littiWan
T. Cnfrn., - ‘ - SPen VII:g',011
Idle - it;berl Gi;n4 , rdl . Cl.ll,l/i i rt . 111,;
b a ttl e t
elder iti 0)4, Pri,sbytrrtiiii
Cflot CI); dt , tl on nett ve" ir,OO,ber 'of t . tit.l ,, i.asti . c'al
author, and cul;tribur;r
to. 'the idigloos pt•riodtc . . litorat Oro. or ..t.he.
courrtry.. His :religious corntnutniok ions lave
iyeareit in tl.in pppr, ietymi;ti 6itn 113'.:1 II
able unit *;, , entle;toAli 116.1
Lincoln V.as elected
• ..
d'ener,..we made speciaPo : KOrtiorii. to se..briOre
the people, PFpeciully our readers in.§ommth;: the
dutY..ol ennstitotmonto .
ohedietice tothe'goVernoment by *l)oins ., ,,erer
amloimiitereml,.notl we tuitto:r tost.te'd that me
.sismolleo to.t he doverdment.-would, rrh pOio
Mr. Cotmh:e/mtsthri fitsflo:resetif.this chtm.:tt tr ine:
anti to iniistommouthe' fighr minti : mluti he
South to take imotnediat . e'srrienures to dekii , er
people from thO tfofteml . l
States. —; • • '' • I
trhen ;re' such rilch ns Coq i h and H TI: n
Preidon : all of liti•ri j i
for iii!elligent, : iebtistiiin el arti‘lers; all of
;of Iliern !nen : of
prityer:ns. va!nr, we mori.aod morf.
North. mutt ro piey.
awl so.liye,:atiti' aC' - tt) hay' ,
the Lord on onr.siile, or•wti'yn i iilJ..inil in tilAiO•i •
I be' trition: yet iltereis n;n .t drtnri• t hou.
our have 17gtin To
.•' • .
‘.. The:pre 3 6ytoriant.as Ow, •
• I.l.was. , .yelllspowp thoirgamq. Grorgie a's a
aad lirowineat,
w.is knowl; as .. e,olici , toi'l ' warm
hoartetl la ono l wor . k ., he w.l a-.:
aband.io. • pAv,int:
by'a4 early Eloaft), hweroct.tl, as a ..nytinsittssi
to: hen memory . , a , bandsiiirie IA Oiling,' is' 'di , '
ttityn.ot Athassi aryl .gsve it ns a Sstilinary' for
toe instrilStuni•of ysslig It-js .konsvH
now th e '•ii Lu c ky , cob!, Institute"
modal of : the love'of a father, and,the.benevo
lenee of a Christian citizen. It. is ono of the
achleslthinlis connected with-"this sad war,
that a rnan,so enfloWeil, and capable of such ex
tensiveiand permaneneusefulneis, shoot I perish
tnitlatof.theileadly..itrife:of the battle .
field, and fall with his.hand uplifted aiptinat the
the rfihtful governmeet *Of the land.
GENERAL. TOM Ti uga.—Chailea S. .S 1 rtitfroi
the ver;table 6 , •neral Tom Thurrib,-is'i residing
Itre:in . his native totyli.,..llehas tiayeled near ,
ly the world ovei; his mother, two.sister's an
.yonger hiotheiinifspeuitent, The litkledenero'
is now in his ".itith year., His habits are apex.%
eritionatile, and his it.tellecCarid getieisf bust
ness . ahilify - are:such that he-persoitally.ritterols
to his . o , .%;iiiinance!,and . .tranad'etz'all h . o .
nesS appe.rtainiog to - leasity , his . 'hrtaes, •iihd
loaning'hisrriOneyon bond and , mortgage, and
looking kier . hfs'estate •
Very truly yours
. The petit general owns, a fine yacht ,hearing
his'own name, which he sails" hii6elf, with a,
much nautical swill as, any : <6Olll anti" who
sail out of Brifig'enort harbor: 'He ah.o keer
a fine pair of Shetland pnniesand.a splenOid
liniselorlhis own drivini, as a highly
trained,,paii . of busting His rifle and fish..
trig tackle, were of couise:iriarla enncssly to sui t
id k , re i n
' .
his ditninutiv,e size, und he
14;1.4:months r ilince•the littleGenertd
tuide . 'a Free 'lfe : hasalicady‘taket;Pitve . '.de"..
greei andd-exprcssee adeiVrtnination to- arceed
t he' mystir reached` the top
•Gedetal 'Forn,Thdinbhes al
:l"*.l'ed a tire at exey`ettlent`, end Twice..
re .
h'ne rot e'otippe 11E1 tp.es•
ti it 11. hi ni . sel gain' Iceep , b!rthe
w h i l e quietly 0,v1;1;6•flis ej;;g ant littieitio'ulsti
ot %A'llich it quite ructud;•:
hiipCd one rif tfitsu diya
.to mnriied; t , gin•
hish.e vent!' loo k,
gupti that thc Cdre s bt aitupfliy, ruffled to`my
ordinary Out Me enough to occupy
- itlf..ot dna' . preitelit the, hece4eity 'or
it ilin a , ! - ehinz; he'exc ite•rent ota traveling ex,
• . ••• • • • •
.• .•
Gl.llell4is . s . otpe of be eon.:
ttitties liberal! to c tomtit blo'ci!jes ts,Oioi-hitthly
'ro.srwete.ci . EIC , VIas lieep
'Offo t:tOl the . Cori:dotat:y. for r . ti 1 IC ofhceni
b .u t' hR
1 . 11,1 t • •
. •
• • r THE irjs:lPi.T, 7:
ThP' lllo,l on TtaVe : / 1 ) . / . , illsetisses s't
pr u: iv; a C'tql1I,o'111.11)11 i . 11,11 d “iOVe; thi3
cenclosiMi; • • • • •
We Anit . y . .Ifti §inith 'once More, bet:
rdilY' Moie 01:t . he Ihnt•shol.
1 . 4,11 i t .:;-,u6,) to tarns ciur ideersafy, thi •
Snuff ) will no thole ptrl at t
Union twe years • 'hence •t liait the . Atnericalt
at that clafe fol . ] pail cif ace
tish • •' • .•
. . .
• tdready.expresseclionr.stiscdulo . lilt
rn(.lrrtm this doctrine, which we helie've 'to
lie too . st:iiiiiiiiiis;to onrotian4 iittereSts2thitt .
could .pm:siltly he adopted,
,',TitureJS•llll relleeil
whk . nr ell minions (n ejirOy,shotild he shill
np 10 . this Fre u d of war whicili•Eudi...
ra I iq,d , ,• , , : 1(4 . 10 . 15)1vil OnVi s c tor y or .
never is tint `into the Vim' tilt coy such mad
theory: not bu 6 (kir ships
ceinManced the haute.:We did nitt pursue the
Pope.plon of raikingme cafe of our renr.• • If - we
11'1.1:i :sic Wt.. Nye; tt., the'. vii:a.st titicidei th:it the'
Wend We are - not to..day in, the ter.
tilde poiI:jolt, that the tn:vs.tshumrc oppoCed to
'otitt..n wit h sla vt't 7 fiehlerii wallld have us.soppose.
If wr ciarmot get le' rticlirriolid by the s . lAord, it
is. not therciloiv to :be taken fccr . t.tronted thatwe
e,in, never go:i 0 . 114111 a ull, the rrirfh'u(l at.
satii no the Union by.tt'ilil Mochinnat inns
a• 1161 r-; do riot accetif tire. doetriiie ..that
ip,i and, that:the fine
I'e'sre not prrittuitol.to,talki
of n tine or think of it. line,. ' I ;N/it ere' not much
•inciined even. to disMitisSuCh:questions .2 6.l lire
suggeiteif Uy 136stuil . sct , rErsp'uroi , ;tits
ir a I papers; .Who toy . "Nlas:sitehtiseits
pm! Soui Ike toliria triode .the war;'?. We. tin
not Propose.. e.. 1; yet to think. of leo ving s.•a•
- rlar.et Cs, "or Snnth Caioll oa, or. birth cif het:l . ,.
oiti -of :. I he : • WI. he. gc.iii.lerp;:o,
Hh . 6 nip/lege 1;41,6 rs 'MO he titear . Y of .rI)f;
/e,•,'t hay . there is t.k t ion 'for . 111 he' gitiod
Ohl tmericntttili'll corivertflon,—;
heneyst4 these get : tlitifen gibe ik up.nuJ soy
they cannot Say . e the tition'en their plan, I littn
the coriitereatie•emeh Ameriea.svill erictein
heir sirenrifir enil r . ay . lie Tori . 011'111. nbt
lire statcsreiti . yet ! ...:.
are -Prnfifiets :in t h , lend- Wholia ;le not' hoW•till..
t Icnee, to the•folse IMIIS• of the yndirals, . .
f.id tritemethod of lOokit i ttg t 0 . 10 tpiestien,
et . a p , nr . pable • termination of 'the . 'W;ii:lty• a .
,c 0111. 0 .17! •i 5• to imagine
onrn ill fos.loe, 11.11 , 1 F plans .
mut, n rti,zr;n plans Which
tic; SMlth e Mr' Nett wrirtld.he , .willing to . tilis;• •
.• • .
Ond whi tailting t ho're • isfi i o min
Who c'ati tell tvher . e f av Pti et • Wieelf! 1f veil! 1101 !
enif: '• 1 We ex poet no t.tond irnrii ln,theill :na.
rids iirlrern'Sootherti tlidieale. ,Fltte i vi:herti
rtvo ;jorTr.r:f boce hid theirs day,: we steal see,
11,i; old priii,Ves: Mt% ion rising
—Jetioifil of •
More . and More, openly: the' R publican
clan.ileelar,'whatitiey:e , idently helieYelo:' he
the real citaraete.r ind • par Pose
DiagtiVae.l, one ,flier anoth'i!r„ thrown oiri , , and
what. they, once -vehemently. and abutively
denied", they now 7 cenfesaL-nay, proclaim and
d,clani..' They males
in; that the:war is ta it.holish negroei, slavery' 1
One 'can
,ier; With. hal,(..an eye that Mr. Greeley
was riot in 'Flaying "there. is prOgre&i ,
rptestipo.!? Thus - the,Bottin correanonden't of
Tribune siqe, in writing of, the terri
ide:los.ses of yoittig Maf•Eactineetts officers: "We
yield thenn up; almost
. I,v,ittsout 'S. tear--:lai .
egar Alto varlosrtis' 4var-34 Assa i , 1;11 et is and
Caanlinivinaile .. it h and. we demand the
.futy . and the.giory of our
. 011,0/are inthesacri
"Tnis war is .Ilasseehu,9etti' ,warr' There:
von have U plaiirly atserlrttar
led: and now. engi , u•etrd by Sumner,and..
rison, and iindre . W 7 -44' the wh01e.91v.0f, ,,, 0ne
tdert. " far oticsi,ardd' whd.se : cnvorrt it .his . heen :
.toc'elehra.te nrgrp.festiv,ll3 in Afassarhtittettsi.
an . ;et of.Angesttra.mrdinglon:
01 the . Cnnetitution,.and by fattens deelamatidn,
; tainst• a
~Uninn whish they, declare r,tci.be,,' . f
leave with H.:11,'.". I(any . .Dernocretih
one year ago bad. Made the dociiratiOn t4t• thl
' " t . "`
was ,Sumiier's lied' Gaines' ivret : ;!.thir zetesecel
wonld hnoe:been:that,a lu hlypatrlefie oodex
claaibely respeetiible
have PRI4.
oreire;:or, perhaps on e,•cof Mr. - 14neel tlelota
,Secrete ties, ':belongitg 'to. the'. piety:4(o4lre*
ipeech and f ree preei;"' . arou thitititt the
dering iditor lUto
pinion.. ; But tinie,god. tte feselliffir.bll o 4-,doso
their appointed. work,- Vybat.*fai I.l2enitreesee
in a COneervative press hoe'. riOvi'lbeeifttie the.
?!. P a ! !!!!!!'n In 4!°l!qt
• 7'24,
. .
• the late' ' interview ,w.birii, the .border State,
, C ol )4res4rßit. if sid Y'..itl). Ole, 'Pii4l,defit 3o cede=
~ elopeil the fact.ttiat he'..will - iitclociiP.i.b l : l :•piii•
clatFiiirii)il: ' '- ~''• • ''. - '' . '.' 0 ".%q ?,1 . -.. '
• The Pre eideputeld thotteletletmeti‘Ore.was
an a nti.ilevety inarfrAnd,coneltleteti elayity to
he. the- r.ight Attu rebell IoN oethtlpo it
in . o'be:jeppett,eff." - ., ye
ry arm t he' .81 en: aati'Pleiitreilt of
the Uelied Siateet tikeelifieicittle itiipoliant •
matter:' It. le ihiratteiittleAt'Ablikham: Lin;
relit; a rl”,ia heti ! o h* ir iblvinde<upoind;bli is ,
sot ielietl .thet. he.. 4 ihe . . ie:eot k . tt beirrOxedp.
now soitB4ent
teIOVC, qr . .lllaki:'fiAliaiillllo
febnl!ion will'ettietble% before theirlrregistible
Itend,:acid libettx: will be. peoclsimgo:4o,lh•
. ,
• PeNNstoAron' Wotirciitv:—.Thrcii!gtf 'the' !n•
trrersolon of ~Gavernor- ( ;iiitin,"Arrangoittents
hay . / bean madA .for ,tho, immeillotejerairial
ail 011, the •oit:k nod wonhded
whose ailinekti .1)*111 'pliant; to Poipto, Within
P11:4 P 0,0• t a ~'.01....-1,11,E•,..WAR
Cotaottasa., vtere NEArtLi". tokaiatott
• •
Ktemao Tic fl FOLLOWING!, akhot.trriort,..iWOßlll
ruhasts TIIIIXOTCF'Or ' TUB .ISTATItitI 'Will*
icrhat the'present deplorable clvir
hien fot red upon' the rouritrjr the'Dilunian!
14 t$ of ; he'sm i t horn Slat ea, noelin arms aininit
the Cnoetitutfonttl 4ioet.rnateii4 . in spins
•an;tiod . the . Chpitul ; :Thar thin rational
erre rzeney Corthreas; all, forlipte Of
n If.J• r):1#!01) . or,
its fluty to the v‘:holeicoulltry i That thlo'whe
,k. 4 , 0 t wasted, on•tbeir patt. itripipiiitto?
Pt ession.or for any Torpor. of . copqopht'pr-tub.
log4tion i .nr puraoserol,oyerthroivio4,or,,Artter
coimi ith the •rii;lds:or foatitu
t idiot or I hoar Stat. , a; but to :defend 'ind'iriain !
rain the •aniireertriy of.• the COnalit'otio)l shit , to
pre:eive;tltelittion, with all . the . digliit4ViqVal!
ity Ind r.ihhta.otthe.severikl gtalett sahlroptitrell,
'art,! .
as 3i opt; rt'a thi'sef• t `• rli ). :ll.einn.
pli:hed the 1 . •
. • . .
To Consumptives
)11111.1 vertleer, baring beerk . reetutlid AO health 121,
lea' ~iir4k:r. by a riury retowly, aftei..baving
- sc.o'rli With a *tfarero
''t/pLt <boo I aibp.ire, .o,nruiaptiptl=l6 auttloul, Atilßaalto
lta iivoi 'to I:1.1 ielliittirriltratiara the thouoO or curb.° ' .
all. a iIQ damn: it, lie will mititltikcolof 111 . the
1101 9suir ( of rge); . yrltii the"- eollOntil ref 'pre.
pal inz.nibl urifit2 ilio..aamo,..4hlch their wlll.lllatil Uwe'
'Cum: ForNossinii , ttox, 11,01olarst r tee, The ,
eitly 9itkot , or thn Adrertlaur In erndlni this' C.reietlptlpp
1;i 19 lor
. 14 .11v.the •
Leol/c,le,tl,:an.l elireed , lnturptAilloe-erhleb
(99,e..1veg,tr, itirula mat lie liopaa- !eery lief.
corer eitqry hie min:may: L
. I'l.ft. will. eeist,thenimmililug, •
and ipay.prove a lile.slatt. • , .
Parties rr:l.iltiosObt. 'prei.iririttatiliilkiileeitiNdtrika •
• • : • • •,, . As!: Apiyp WIJSQN:.
• ' . • Vlllliiinsburab; ••
„ .atop Opiiitn lark.
. .... •
.% •• • •. • • . ' •
• • . '.••• •
T 111: 01,D
J , -;;KCOMSTOCKb - 4 , ,,
.13 - F•sPEcTnitLY. A NNOPIsgE§ 141}118
11: old fricpda In.l4e:lreari is
on )and !his
• . -LARGEST: AND , BEST , '“- , ',43'1
Selected stock of Goods initbOlniiiMaiklit.
To Wholesale. Cash Buyers I . Would Say,
. • •
1 can abet .
bOtter irtddeirnertts.than' you
cart get weatot,Now s Y,or4. ,„
It rrjekeenolitTeTenee t whet you wept, cry
thing in ihe line of
Call et.tbe
And you will tind the artielo freah end cheap
It's no use talking .141 V.
, •
alwnYi aly,Lny's'vvill ttiltrifd,'lnd
r,gulate ;t•iie; rnarlief . in - • •;:
G roceries, ti4l4,
TY t yio4,‘Dtit ottail t
t,,flni to , eqll !icor'
shall h ,,;•• , fr "Of
°llia, Ma 23d, K;' PO,llSTi)Olr..
. : •••: - , - J1 , 1„ , • ;•40.111
fr i.4 l .
~' ~L 1 .;', . 4
, ~....„ ..0.,,,,,ft., , ,, ,„ ;
,),,- ~..'' • --
~ : r?.-z-1...:!:;-_, . ".i.-, .
ks.,. : .,t .....•••,,,,, •
' t .',