M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, December 27, 1862, Image 1
. • : . • ••• ', ' '.. - -'' -; .' '.,:.•,:'''.• ,'e .., ..; .'. • . ' . , ~ , „ . .. . ' .=.' -'. - • • •.''.. ~ '‘ . './..--:'--,..: ..!;‘,. :, ". , ~.', .. ~.... ... , , ,; - ',-. ..- ,•- ," ..' .L . , . . . ',., .. ..x., „ . '..-1.-- - ~• ~' -, , ' . ' 11 , " ~,.. , ; • ... ...... -,''ir . . . T :-• ' : - ..,, • -:, '.' -"'. - ' .. '., •' ' i'' " 4 ' , i ; - .'',- '' ' ' -- • - liftin • ~ t ( • • ,t ' . 1,. ~, . .s. <,.., ,i,i1,.;,, ~-' '. '.. • • . , . , ~ , • . • - ~ ~ . ~ ' . , , ' .c , t, ..." is a . . ,-.. i r : , -• 'i -•..-. ~ a '• . t ',i, o' ut i,- 1 „ , - • • - . --."-- SNI POR'ii. Nilicpitiv , rnirrN7ru -... ..Rl 7 f,t4iiktajititit•glttitop;qt. - Saturday, Dee. 27th, 1862 . . • . . .. ' . .'#o CHANGE IN rut . cApirivr.-The President 'bas requested. Meiffrs.7. Se.v . rarcl 'ail!! Chasq ' to continue:iii.officf s end Illey..hava resumed ' their 'iluties. , Thus ends Ihe liar! up. The Independent, distinctly. Chares dist the opening of 'the Mississippi. is - purpoiely delnyed by the Administratioh 'in circler: to torce the carrying trade:info - favored .railroad channels. :;'[,says that '4,tcertain• interested 'monopol'ists, 'whmhave large matey investments in %Vestetn 'railroads; _have interfered in,jhe Matter." It was said, a year ago, that Secretary -CA*: inox had suffered the Potomac to be blockaded and the Baltirndre.iind Ohio Railroid.to . he bro ken tip, in order Jo give the.cnrryin7 trade to I Penrisylvania railrbads in 'which he-was inter= . . . It is said the A drninstration . .areah . oat to in- N;rte.. Foreign, fr;`teri..erit tpn, • 'as solutiOn. to 04 present difficultipi: ' Foreign' ,, .nations .Wish . a 4iyisitini• : • . so doesi the edmipistratton. They will therefoie k the lieli)• of foreign .wattotis , • to accomplish ° that which.it is...fe . 4tetl the con' servativi , s ri,•ll . prevent. : ...... •. ' '• • '•'. . . . . . ... . . 4 NOTABLE' PanCL.AMATI , . s!i.--in our e olumni . 'tes:ilay, that spOrating plyastire to'all eyes,..lhe elegant and .entertain:rni ,Nrie T;irk Itrerefiry ProelilltnS its intMliii;ll9 .for the .New }'ear of 1803, It is a 'ehi•Aming !'guide, philosnph'er and friend". for . everybody,'and enables, the ininj, • • .... .• • l'rerrnee. by lin enriver"ne r l - mppilyp) , lfOiter' . ''; greve fr.gay, frOnt lii;ely to Revere." 'To ' :without- . the Ml:l:CtiltY for -.a week Avould'be:fik" rnissinr thp'. face you fope best, fora tier , and its c ub fort i 5 /i/i!tlY ,to:oittnaraber . that of the Union . .. • " • • • The. army of the Potomet'' thilfrcforrlinz. nri'• ,;rars . .eimply ths'ohliraHerof :a conduit •of •flews.froo) the ..th•iough it,tite'lea rh 'that a. yeti large steamer ladtfn with &rich , for ihe . Conri , racy•sifely:or'riVP(t in . a Son lb.' ~ere,p,?rt on the 18:h 410. , .11,4 rariimeo . oalsfed 'cif a theavy.htock shnAg en! lrldoke6randtio, ..irorrense Gun. Bonham, form ;•rty. a member of.the house of 'Repreeentuiives,' has heedunaoi.: xnously eleeted dovrrnor of Soutt. ', Carnlina it .place of Gen, Maxry Gret,.ra i 'vrho was ; k ;lied JO' .the' late: hat tlo -at Fredericksburg. 'eriu/r,SVisc_ is stion'ely:. talked bras utandidxtr. ~ .4oi. d o'V.ernor•Of Virginia . Lexington, ye'ster(la Tears. , I•ft•fi . entertained of' a. raid by and Nom. fli;rey Marshall, who are itrtvOqing.from•wegt... .ern Yit nla into Eacterti:Kohttocky in. l a rge ,force:, ;We,are said to he rtmly:Scir.them.. . •DPs'art 31( yer, the • , 0111- , cit.' paper. of •: the Colfnty" has ed The . . scigned by. 11ti-. Al.z,r.s, the pub fiAer; to.use hi s own worilsHoihat,a I iv: ... . • .ca,gnot . be.niade (torn pahlishitig a country f .." like. OurF,;ith the .. sinall.patrrinaize, Ithail6q been rieentothia:np(l , all other papers' • . • Out' political. feelinga are ygratitied that a ,Papet ( advoeating the 'tn,incip!es and poliCy'that a Repui)lkan organ'. must ,necessarily do, has :ceased to disserninate its noiion " Ihro!igh' our county; in this': feeling every ennervatk , e' . ;person who loves' his. Country and respeeN .the constitution will respond,On the contrary we • ,have no, personal wishes' or. vindie . tive.feelinga ,that arerealized :in the downfall:of an oripo .,.sition risper,; and 4e. part with its .pnblishe r • with regret, our businessandOrsotiat relations haVing been pleasant. . .. • Should there,.fn.the future,* . be another:oPpo , sition paper started in place of , the WP ; hope - and trust it may . advocate a. poiicY.thar :wilt not be so perllon'S to the country .A$ its own interest.l 2 -.. In this'..connection..we',Would Say that the 'DEMOCRAT does not pay; we venture the asser- Lion that for the year Pa * st: We have received nothing for our own serVieest nor Will the 'dis• continuance of the ither paper help the matter. We intendto impriive the Ett3somt..r'and 'con: tinue ite-regular puldicationv 'but that will be, , 11 e,Y9 ,. n . d . o . ur'efrotts ,lesa itissisted by our party frieuda.• . . . . . ''beet this week. Our r beiye had the:•mikfortunlo , pi a riage:of matter; being,Coutt. vt.eek. :11ATTIr f i op EItDEOICitSBURO.-:- We AM unable to get lisiof the killed , and wounded from ',this•.couilty,liut will publish it as soon :as re'- „Fears are e'nt'ertained that Eider:Cornforth, of thia'plare. is )(pled as nothing • has - b..en heard frorty•himitice . the battle. We are lowed to:extract. the. fallowing from a • private • lett . ei,rrittea nilmnoth : . , • • •,• poor .Potzirrielit ie badly rut They wi , nt NO: the tight,' Se t 14.14, - .32,4 ea r• ,oiit With .101. • • Norm of the. ofli; . ceri - 'W t .re, killed . .with the .exception of Wm. D.D.'Jeukins is.miolitt!..ao is pro: Ijother..l4 . I;4!gway.' . 1 . Ilay!or amt 13. Wriehr ) of 13r4(1151,1. ore, koovvo ao he A pvat rnay'of . th;'boy, from wif. r auart eir..pi qg 411;1 it :14 spripostta , ; 0 AFim hue beelf . l4ri f pfkoners, a s !Were” not found among *the'dimil 'and are no! 'a -Fiona tfie•yi:citiodcd. Bro‘'Fn and E., chatiwitlF are slightly Yerittrbt , .ii ; and ln fact ihere'le trot. anyone in: Ih4 ytliiinent but is IniOisell tilt'. rt is' impossible tn . fintl out cixartly Sihd-were Jitlled and we shall .11ki?o‘SV:tri'a- few; cloys, , tyhett if It'll. ^icito you From ,the !ot.trer part. the - towis the ridge on mit,leh.it is. 'truly. aliipos abruptly -down to a eutopardtiittly level .or undo! ttingt conniry, yvhirh stietche's kir : tom,. utiles, dtintp the Rap• palittnnoek.. 4baut . a couple of mil es be k of, Aft.. river it..rOse into a : sVotiJed slope. At a point nitre, an,T.21141f below FieJericksbu4 : 9 .intntootts.ha.l trean.thro ten accuse on 'Tht..-,:clay . mottling, antl. on Filtiay t h e whole 'of .. ife g,dpft titut.ionottter the' catninand . ol'..Atfjot; tGenetal Ftainklitt; htni' Marche& over the , rivet . Day . light:ofSasurttay ktund the force drawn tip rit battle .airay oa . thrs hroad piatri akirting . ., be • Itippitnintiock. • ..• ES!IMM!!! The . battle ground, ihcitigh very marshy in sOnie places, pre . sCuted a flue field. for turnpike leading 'to F.reile, uicksburt runs about. of a mile .ircm and ,ne a rly parallel to the 13eyond the. railroad, and'still : Isrther beyiinil, the woo iyr.ingc. of hills:in which _ .the 'enemy w er'e . stiongly e'titiviiclied...Ahnut a t'mile and a halt. horn Fredelickiburg,:nearlY on:the:iiver edge, is iitudted'A. N. Bdraord's stone mansion, alter OlL:English •.. ; The -Mae of : appe . arcii. in tilt; ni2f(tlovYs : The ..sixth army, corps,' thide'r Gen. gmttb,*(Fr ! i nklin'S forr'e) . 'en the' composed of three (liyMons, natnely:'Gen:New . tonon the eXtrinlerieht and reit; Gen: Burke on. the centre, pnil'Gener4: Hoyee.on the left.' • 'The first army Corpf,Gen. , Regnoltics, ea tending 0 . 01 further to . the left, drawn up in the follo:ving order : Gen: Gibsoos, division ou the right , connecting With,Gen.:Ho'we's ; centre, and General' Doubleday, left tionting.ro the' , soutb.Ward and resting nearly. on the This constituteirthe order which :our 'foi . Ces were drawn up, there being three distinct lines . of battle. Opposed to our right, : under Gen. Sumner, vvaii the rebel ! left, under Gen., Longstreet.— Oppiised.:to ourleft,. under Gen. Frinklin, Was the-rebel . right, under Gen. Jackson.; Lee was in corrnindol. the whole rebel ftirc. • • , 'The'Plan . of Pener'al Burnside,egreed upon, council of inns to endeavor topierce tbe.rebel centre. Early on the rub:fang oi S turday'the'order was given tliiitfininn6r'sleft, com,pssed of the Ninth. irtnyde L rps,'unditiconi• man d: of Gen e ral %Wilcox, .shoUld• tie • extetAled until: it .. reUtheil'Gentital thus 1011 4Thig buula .the river fur two mites , left resting oh ttfO river ut the point ,Where the. lower ppntoogs cross . , and itie: - rigilt•on . Fredericksburg., .The' lelt whisl4 • of .:Ft;anklin' coinrintiiil;(fitity'thcinianirmen);sh o uld thlin be siyung around, ids. oh .4 in extremeright,' rest ins on Fredericksburg. , ihreeisiol 7in irffinovvre;Prupk n• would divide he'reb:d line, .1 4 ,1 (e • possession of .the railrosl;(the tio, or. r'e'reat ), and in on the'fFink ol Fhe rebel wtiik,i'hZek of Pi efle : rickshtirg.: this :trioveimitt develoretif,:a . div.sionwes, • to.tte Sent up' fritirt General Sitniner's:coinintind, by,thit plaiikro id "Icirtr? the'r!..le 7 -1 there e,.4p11 . 10 §kiciny ailure in this; it was bope4 the cekiperalion'oi franklln would presentl:. , mak, lucce?.. THE. MURDEROUS BATTLE , , AT . EREERICASBUG. The Mitile'of FiederickibUrg;'whiCh has been raging slime 10'cilock, morikingi. Without . a moment's pause, was' elosed'hy:'daykivi'sste night. -,itederafion, iritsnsiik, ir.:not; also, .In the, losses it 'hasOczasioned; it cays the clYinu?; of the whole. seriel'of thebattlee of the Campaign. Thernation wijl . etard aghast at the terrible price tvhih ha's been paid for its..life when the .realities'ef the. batile field of krede ricksburg are .spread, before . 1., have:no heart, in the mood which - the events of to day hiive.iriepireci,-to write other than /a . .held record ofkitcts, •-• The thealin 'of :oprations' to-day e'xteuded freni! Fredericksburg on. the'right, anedowe the' couch side of the Rappabanock 'fur .two • Immediately behind the !oivn : of Fredericks" burg the Jand . fortna a plateau, or sinooth field running back for about a third of a mile. It . . ft en Vises for Jetty or fittr yardl, forming aa ridde,of jothelleit fist about a (Pte . :ler..Of a :mile, wherd Debuts ittilscel; Dell, - a ravine•faiiiisid by the Herd river, which 'ea - Vies.info th . e . R.lppdlianloclt west of the. town; • • ::!st the foot :of the ridge telegraphic road,- honked bya.stione welt. • TO . the • riiht; along..up :the•Ticer, the ridge prolongs its2lt to oppoSite:.'Fillrnhuth.aOd 'beyondiand butteries Were.pltieed •-;ri every advantageous position. Back•of the first ridge- ls allot her' plated and then'a preonil terrace of w = ooded Jul tiG•cations' were placed. - • Detween . the tea' of :.the'• town and the first ridge, a calial run , :lightandlefrandempties into the river some ilistancaaboveSiilmouth . . . . . . . ' • 'Thii. plain,.ofe 'third ota mile tlee,p, b'et wee ihe 'subtirbs of Fredericksburg and , the ' firi ridge of hills, ;was • the ;theatre of operations o ilid•rikht grand,ilivision at the tinny, unite, Aiijor • G • eneral * Setriner. : On this narro‘s'tli • de t ie 'our.bfeve troops ~nreil. nod swept,,forwari end beekwao, id the tide of battle, tar les long A worti,.no"., on:the scene of • operati?ns o he lift eranJ givisitto: s ; . • tarn. Hooker's corps was clestinedlo act as a ;It was with. alarm and 'pain I lowlife 'general 'Yvan: of confidence and, gloomy . forebodings among men whoa's' Sound judgment had .learned to trust. The 'plan ..of - .iittaeking, the rebel strenghdld direitly in front Would, it feared, proye..a:mcist.. hazardous enterprise; and One of Which there is ncsuccessful:egamplein military history. It.Wea . doubted: that the co . : operation of , tha.riglit:and left, accnrding tothe. pregramme,wcitilif admit of • 'practical eireem: tion, and things were at loese . ends; !erhe chess beard," , said Napolendat Wagra . rn, confuiedi there fs but 1 that can see: thrinigh that' the. first applicable. part Ofthe remark. visa ito our own case.. Bat did we all feel eqUally contident• that there' we, in our. ease an 44". that waw • About • 11 s'clock I Crosied• •the neek'on the . iipner.pontoon':hridge, and priased . through Tile , town Of. Fredericksburg; along the Main street..: • At' 'this time busk skirritiiking was going.on in the outskirts of . the town, the rebelsharpihorderi rulobornly•conteating.ev. Ary inch'of the ground : as our skirmishers ad. vanceil,' Caroline, or Main Street, was °mt. pied by General Kimball's, Genera) Ferreo's and acting Pen. Zook's brigade, with portion.• ot•Hancock's divisioni: the latter,' 'with his artillery; titled the hanks 0f... the. r i ver. in the rteighboihoodht the . middle'crossing•, which:is just below the railroad hridgii:' Other troops 'front the OUrps of . pon'erals Wilcox and.Couc}i, occupied the Other, streets.of the town ittitrer . the, line ,of adoanett, Ou'i batteries across the : river; coveting the . advanio of Our, Iri the, meantime' Franklin belt been for .. .e rouple'ofhoirre briskly engaged with, the •no my on. the.lelt. The,fpree of . Ftederieksbutg had drit;en the-rebeli. out of the seherhe el he rewn' and.rested : their enlemn on. the The t4nr het; novrcotne to attempt an ad vetiee inn the' rebel positiOn.• • . • The orders ' were 'to move rapidly—charge up the hill'auit take. the 'batteries cirthe point of the bayonet. Otileti easy to give, buti ah how, hard of Oxecutionl . • • ' • Look at the positron to be storMed. • There : is a hire -platedu cd . a. .th . lill2of a . mile which .. the .storming party will .have to 'cross. loiloing sit they will be esipoßed to thefi fitt elthe enemy's shaipsiMoteis, MiSted. be hind wall tunriiiig a)ong 'the . bese.of ridge--bl. a double row:orrifle pits on.-the. rise of. the. crest—of. the ; heavy b.4tterhis behind strong field morks•that stud the top of the . hill of a ply/eINI inf f inity force now lying iine . e,;.led 'behind thise,tof 'fire from" the:hat reties on thel6wPt range—of a double enfilading. .•. • . • fire hrn cannon to.right of, tlerb.". Sebas. topol.was.nuChnlf ea sarong.. . .. • . • The line of ...battle was. fought by - Cotteh' - 4 - • . nrp.. (the . second;) composed of the diViiiorrs of • French;. - IJaheoek . aPd the left of the fioe,abiltting.ort Sturgis' division 'of IVO i•ox's (-Ur-pi,. (the piOth)... edvartred was' Freneh'i; 'corni;osed of 'ti;O'brig,fdek of Kirnball, Morris and Weber,: supported by • ...• •.. cOck.'s iAicin, • concigt ineof: the . brigades o• CaldWell; Zook and' Meighee. Forming- his.men under, rover. of a. Oriel' knoll in the rear of thitovrn; siti'riPishers were de— ployf dto theleft toWards Hazel. del! ,Sturg.is, • , upportine,''af the same time, - moved up, and rested On a paint on:the railroid: .• • .•• The'morrienr they qrposed thernselvos•op the forth'hurst:.the•,deadlyhail. Froir the rat pits came the..morderous• aimed (Pis- . ;- from . tl e batteriesi tier above tier, on the terraces ; shot 'planekhf re ; -from .the enn.: lading cannon, disiributetrop the . prc.of kvirele. • two In. ,extent, crape. cross aboivert of shh . t•rind shell . . can, for my r s eSOUTCOSsie unequal to therotask_a(lrlline yoliohe situation of that gallant bur4oinn . or! division.• Across . the plain for awhile .they swept ender this fatal ere. _They, wire' literally Mowed ;down . ... The btirstingshell Made great gape iO their ranki;• but the se are presentlyilled by the "closing up" or the line.' For fifteen mortal minutes at least they remain under this fiery surge. Ott vitard.they pre'se, though their' ranks greve . • tearfully. thin.: They have passed over a great part 'of the interval and have' ul most reached the bane of the hillo;ehen after brijadeof rehels• • rise up on the crest 'and .pciur in. fresh volleys of musketry at . short range. To those. who, through the glass, looked on, it. was a perilous night indeed: Flesh_ atid blood could not endtite . They harp , ' , battered sod broken,. amid shouts and yells lrom the enemy. , • Gen. French's division Went into the fight six thousand stiong ; late.at night he told me. he could count-hut htteen hyndtedl; ... ... • - While the broken coluMnretires'imits oiipi nal position in the outskirts of tint town, tore-• form for n new encOnnt re, let,us see what goes on - on'-the lel t Ar daylight, the forces comprising - . the jog! 4randdivie'no of the army apm l ered drawn On hattli:•:.orray on the broad'nlairt below. Fred ericksh'urg and skirting the Rippshannock.. At eaily morn thel'hitipeoth'iVia . ssachtiretts Penmylvatiii, Buqrtails, and t wo or three other regiments, were qiptcloii In . flortt' an skirmish era, he' , ' ,. evtl.Whorn and j thsi rebel skirmishers considerable ilrin'took piece. :{"artigi'vriell's 'bat t!4y,'Oeconti plenied nt. the right of G'itiatiree- divieione, openect. .fire upon the rebels...• : • ,Aitibery .Bring now became general along :the whole line,•,whicb..warietktrned by there, belt. 'orders now'cameto.ndesnie4 and shone; o i cloeir,-Gthsons' and Mearie;s rneer4;crrnesing • GeN.lifencle's tornsinand, eonith;ting' of the i'enn#Ylvenid:Reeenaes;iiris the log OrOer; ;First brigade , ernbreci:nethe First • Second, Poe linktfred.. and , tTirenty.hrst :Sixth • rginrn,nrs... 4.thole ecend•.brigide...,. Third, Fourth, Si.eerithand . eighth;'cenike;snil the ThirAl , brignde;flickson's) Filth,'Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth, at • t be. right, • The atlvince_resulledin'tilmoit stitihthening. our which' 'were befoie sOmewat .of a crescent.• • . Considered'', cell stones. was met with,.yet, he ferCes continued to moVe'forward, ~until at mid, day the line of :battle was three guar/erg of a Mile in.advance of,,.,where it hadbeen at . the outset, .':Bu.t.now .tame-the reserve 4re ot. the enemy with tersific force:'•Shm, Shell :and . .„ canister' were poured.int our ' men from various points, while the rebel infantry appearing, fired with rapidity... They continued to press on. : SeVatal batteries moved :forward at the. sametime. Asour troops saw the enemy giv ing way, cheer after cheer rent the; air., A beat 1 :.o'clock, 'Gen. : Meade ordered charge, which wag execute , the 'met; pressing . .. on the,edge• of the voky crest; skillfully peneirating, hv a rilavenirsit tho flank, en opehing which happeaed to oceur be: . tweet; the tiivislona of A.• P.. Hill.and Early's Grigade.capering • several hundred .prkonese belonging to The Siaty-krst Georgia' and Ti3i.ityr drat Ninth Car Mina: ' ' • • • %Vhile ttfe fight w'aii prop-ening at this.poip the'enemy sent four heevy eOlumns down on OUr 'lO4, near,the, river. They: Were bend rePulsed 'and driven back,:however, by Gen.. Doubleday's division. Owing to the lock ofreinfiKcimento, Gen. Meade's - commend we obliged to fall hack a iiiintier of 'el mile, Where they 'remained, three s qaartero of a'mile beyond tlie,ground first occupied. Vpr,:heivy mußitetry -, firhig .eiltrinued alone he khr, nrithrr aide gainine any mateoli ed. art!age.• 'Al?otifhalf-pasi th. fiis Uric. of battle in G , n: Gibson's division; was r'elieced by fhe second,. whin'.ToWer's• brigade . .now commanded by Colonel. Root, charged over an open e.ld beyond the.ralirhad; and down into the edge of tbewlio(ls,occupYing brew works.whicb the enemy hod ,constructed here, and capturing 200 prisoneri belonging to the-Thitty•sixth l!rorth , Carolins and a 'South GarOlina regiment. , . • , . : : Cibbotia': wa§ 'severely iroundi.d in the right band. thPY : hOld•. their but, vvere . eventually:compelted -io fall A bntit2 n'cloe?": Gen. • Birney's. G;.m7.4 - 16oket.!ii Granil - oittisiQn,.Wbich . bad ,b;en delayed for lame time in crossing by ihs niyos rd tothn &tilt to ih stippOrt Meatle!s Dividon.• Gibbons b a il be . . emrie.miteh ctiCyp. The mticketry"Refit hen very t!ea . vy; and this division: s uffered se ailjui . ning the. First "ecirps,. ur4er wap the'Sixiii.CoriiS under General Smith', preslnt: ,ing the folliswing formation,, in . three !jure . Of battle: Geti.•Newton at thcright,'Oeir. Burke at'the center, and.Cen. Howe on the left, con. nection with Ht;)rildO'cOfps. . Here follows a deseriptiOrr of some .of the moyernen'ts and conflicts, 'with. which our 'read era are alreadylarnilar, attd we therefore Omit • • . • I~ight Out in end . to (tr ooeratiOn't fide ) with the:exception of occasional disehatg," a from ant htavy stirs,• The reenlte . 'or the 4lay'a fighting on the telt, en diversifta f in its ehareeter,';‘vas to give the kit possession of a' grim rbont•:five inindrid yard/ in extent. So far as ststborniy holding ta ar, even.gain rig somewhat, on e en emy, the Lett Grand Di'vieion deer' ved - cririit; It hal f however, wholly failed . to oetforM tactical manoeuvre aseigned to It. . . Retorning. (mind 'Gen: Sumner seated on the front seat or an opyoked 'itenbu knee ltte la!icy Houk., directly opposite Fred• ericksbnig, at the point where the first pontoon bridge•spaqs thes;ream.• .Tbe old man looked anxious and. fearful.• Things were' riot going well with hls command. For three houri:bis men bad been ; fightinu , at ioarrut—oddsl . They were much exha usti. do heir lois was excebsive an!' nothing been aCeornPli4l4o; The hat, teriEs had b e en brought down' and planted a the .heads of the — qeefe:. The trOops we.e hug . givg the ciiy , closely rciescepc the lea riul file , Where"je`.Fianklieilf'Was the . :.e'al`er Inquiry. . i•Eyrryishl‘depends on Fianklin.'s cUniing on' the flank." • . • FionlOin's,positiop'was ril.iirkly - Oseryablo by Ilia !intro( trtolce'ind'r-fir . .:l-cdoitple of 7 miles •to our left below. HN , was titakitig nn . nearer., At-3 o'clock an aid arrives froor.Gew. :Couch •:onay.that his (Potietiq:trono t 41 /C 0* ryas not kee - pirte, . 2 4 p/1, Gois • :Witcot," . rhplies Geo..Boron:or, ";iii// Aim ho I/0 ksop par. to!lA'ihe'Steva,V: AO At 3i o'clock•Sturgia; who bad beoncdiaglnC• , . te aria F e absloata as' OtO preieedthit 4.1 H; hi} "` itiat.'6ll riihti• I s held, by a biigade.:(Maion!sl which. wor4oist . , ammeibitioat . ' ' Suipner i iiisnds4'•messrige begging .13ifenaiiid that rikilit iiii4trel:l 9 4 , enough to 'ior Jackson has just . throWn rainforcirmeniti. and • ;•.:,•.• Menntinte the reeereeihnie edt heeniohclusd ',hooker's central et yet.hienengaked,indeed; are yet mainly on:.ioira.side of the' • taell 'Gen: .Burnside,t hit he had beNe t. 4, 'ali'tthearis;'theov 91:116olier'sin. 111 : ; , • Burnside replies that he hal : directly •order? . Hooker to go in, and that:every ' : arian on , side orthetiverslill •• , ,„ • Af Hooker who had ;met • yet hainiseress-the riviir,'proecteded cteer,'retitark.• lng to, a, etiend that`.he it Waif going to put this thing thriliugh*:" • . iln halfart hour predlgiotis VolleysCiftniwketry— iinhouneed 'that' Hooker, With his ( reserves; is engaged:. ..il', Inst'astiailting Coitiron'conalet: eil of t hedivisions' of Ilumnbreh . Nlonlsi ant, Getty' and Sykes..•.'' • ,••• .• At this (line Gert . .''Burnstile cam . e dowrito the. „ . La hipsei nod, in,the garden•faeing the rill collOwtd the ,priigres, 'of the, fight ; ..; Ett'ertially calm, the leading, player• in !hie; ireeriendeu„ game was agitated 'by :inch Intensity Of; te`pling as One'c'in he'pated the:garden •That cr;.tit,!' he , tiassinnateiii must he parried- to.nigh • , • Creeping . np On the left dank -by the 'lett Getty:a trotip4,ener:eidetl . in gaintriclhe : 'slone Ovall which we had been unable all ilsy to wren= ch from the rebels. The' other toter* rushed, 'for the' stet:; Our field batteriet, hi thereatriet?d'aplice,'had by/On - of-1;0 lit tle.' rise_ hroligbi ../Illorouely into play.... It .wasAlte fierce, Passionnterclimax of the bottre• From both Bidet t wo lades of .berteriro :belched (pith .. their. : fiery iniseilet athwart the.dark batk. gronnd of the hi t ht. ~• . • ' Volleys of musketry were poured forth. mitt' aS we hove no•parallel of in all our exierience . al• 11,A war, and which ,seented as though ell.the demon, of earth and air were enni ending togeth er. Rushing iirs'the crest Mir troopli had got Within e . stone's throw of the , batierie4 ; s!hep. the hill top swarmed forth in neW'reiStroj'ertdente of:abrls`itifsnti . 3r;,,a'ha rushing upfin. our Finn , .irova thorii bark.rho turn of o r .diat. !such Tht , day-was•lostl retired. • Im . inclintley• 'cannon : Iffti';'''riiiiikWf:y ; ceased ih.ir t rOar:intl in a crkemeni a of . 4eailisuctiedtgi:fhaltorforfury of tho hout'i '.. , Aspen. Burnahle,ta riiiq . , vialkod'afTib rorigli: tt;'egiti:iden, and (nrnirii'i.d . bil - 119i)!e!, galdneend bank tndiit .bf.adq!itirtprp, whit :lb augh ii and, feelings peisrd lb mirab.n ii•Tainal. • Nn.t.illuisieris eiruld. mi ke 4 fin. be} ieve. tOttli iriepa ry: had been ••, . • . , Shrill 'we 3ay then it n defeat.? Certainl,);• if to have started oul , to:ecentnplieh it .certain objectiind to have failed in dui,* so , be a' t,;st o vnu can apply ntiotiter'term-te; the (ttish'ot of.to.day's battle.. In • . ~ , • , spite of oil the: glocsei of oificial telegrams which yon - may receives.it seivins:pere,to•niot, vi . •e , have suffered i defeat, tet iti hope:l6a when' fully prepareil, the assault ,'may: be renf.itt';! ell with new tecticalcombination; tbe.rpositinn carried, etni the : day, ritrie‘4d...., If it be tiot.iio k Saturtlay;.the lath' daynr,Derember;vnttist • be itevoun s h;d a blaek day in in the 4.ele'ncter . • If you are (14p0k4,*(1 to indulge In eritienm On rho 0,01 of Fietterickedure,il not he (If : finial to tioint Ifs treat!and iittlic!) defeats: . : To h ! tyr..hiarle4 fornrtl, trtainee of men aganvi : the fortified vior . ke of the:flirterueri u'ilf certainly's' mimilestation oiitarinr,:l4tter.ll : * perm( by .the ptUifenee. intt, 4150, a fatal orror to have ticked the wtioli: . s u e . • .e•Bs•nt the , planou the eretimptiskinerit.,of , tam: manager.. {Franklin'.. iwint.r round ori the'rebil }lank, namely,) where`."ll; e j em . in t o . 9 f 'ha Regarded as a position ordeferiee; that vrfiti.h . `the reberleaderahayei taizah.'uir . union in the manner indicated, .ttrill•• result known, none could , rosSibly the imore rna . gniticent or mere • imnregnehtel• With .. 6ltyl thn'irseiulnenthe}i shOutd hold il ar.sirist thre. toneaber . nessilants. And •• s ,that . number „or • ind-ed. they .appear , ,,neeer to') hove emOloy'rd, mr Thad aflOeit' rir . • mber. EVery time. e. tvltiro4l forward 'f,resh meri,'t hey hti, really ieip.- forr•:nPritg to m The Ct'nf.:iteratP ii•ittirrS their 11•1.,witi . oess . 'in ~this . 7.ls•holn . mntrir. well to let us so f.ssiry into Ft e..tte.! rickvhrirt firiliellittfia If wh . rti t hey' (.6011 hai , e ., hisiight hunittv! In be upnti ity'itsnit - ,was the: veriest rtrnp - 41SY evar was Ave . have 'walked Is It any. Wonder t hat, with anch , ailosition-. on the inside of an are a - Circle nt.heterkes... 7 ,! ..Mid . upper, aeiflier anrround,ing•fireer.-: Our 2 t.r , opewere . ()yr: 410 over as,in brokonWinti 'battered in the arteinpt.to . takeitt 1 . 4e - tren, der is that .adrnitable:nittelcWia7biiC49; It is;a ' boprlead taaic, now, .to 'go~hac Oyer; be foijo,s ' el biu,pdPro that Tbtie-Aialis Ihis 'dire t !et. rpt4il.):4l: n ita! re ; tr:a t is responsible tor, the tivioryinvorittbilioptoon bridge, days beyethil der, tfitaik Pos.hicr t T p , P4411)14111.14 itiqu',eition+wfilcorne,by si4liyao tt , * Whet the upehot 41Pi d, 4 f J,on. , . Ft lb 2 k . „The . it Ina lUt7jett:. iidt" chev,t of i ill s . o e`r! ' : 2 lll 4 /i'l!eritleelf...ol. 0( 41,3 111`most kllnv b! 4 the dieted, of prudence 440- , wijilol resit?. tine trmr ris loon possible' ry the 1.1411 i I bilk* t ly.ippihiehnelre t ik '10;^ • I ;t •• - ; • •,„! SiVq, (4 , 1, : • • r la. Kest inm, Suedsy the 14 inel4 freereit eon lonsu and Sarah tAnußurbitericiegell,lll4ere.. 1,1 months. end 14 date, ;ft s .-(• A.! Soria Wis.,l Deeersiberktot,ol/110/,441ta. ilkunz/oCll , isTcuttrer, roneerter laeriKeitehvm. n4lde bter of Brevrelei end lialdahviritietan. ege‘l4l.y.fere !pout her 44 1 41,1111 M b: . TBE. PRIDR.OF NEW SOW 1863 N • , • P. ••, V.O.R 1 : n•- • " OR APi : IRR•QP.AMITFAN9;:ftrA , . • . a .I.Cpiredt wfits•op'rll,olthrt‘oliiilt,,,, 1 • " • . 'totem 0141'0.4,n, os.'pt(ilf•tyi • • TlitiNEVi rYORK ,, tiltliCORt;. O . t - Nzw-iitlArtv.: ttlirwith no ,foti'r A t'Wittlefoffeet .0011 their feirfrooos,''thot . dthio, liobliohohu,blttore I%law..Yositc Moiovail!.hekrioviledifo'fhl•rtinwo . - ‘ierincloptify th e ir TONI. ifftiffoiliiiittitt!iltArts, lootoicitlocopc s iiml tO Okto•Titir Ititw•roxii Mittyititire'lo thtlirl"r (1,813) will 14.cielki.r. iwievory" foitO iffbrfOli to Lirt4rot or* than ever . bp fore: Prrela lit icin, :no.' - ti.mpo'rarr "gehilitiOniWbilt firstchtes, litPriiry'vrotekti; hird•bitOil fo.. *fiat to the troited• duo foa 3foik.r aiiiatitai'mf ;•ntpry . .;••:quid molohjtivAisky mioh :roorn print of Yost eir - day cutting tiOnaribeir , taipat «. , ven"while 4 thrtafife'4l-10ii OubiehOtioo pfkro, 012111.111104'411 its gr oat. Sta of ROmmOdetif r Peliqt„ Hottifithlt , Eisayist9,. Story.'re , fiefe, otti mioon to rhalto•itioliffir..oterfor- 1f1193 . :‘N.* •It li . t!le•Oik'oopoi'lof.rt.'OrY heino• 461 fdtty col Wrinii .01 t•e,qlng ttiattorpof'•'iviekcoostitut• en unporitlrfotiE , t• • "••; 1• , .:•: . 1. , : k ititiVINIkIIiViTORX OP G, Milic,oronooool'atit too onto of. , .i.ll),_F;. UPI« Wico 4 ,l l ;! !'l 4 l l ?f , P" 0 .1 * • • tornito •••-.., • ..• . WIT •.. 4r ik il, tt g : ,l3 XENTl.:i..: ,- : , • • • •. • " . .. , The:husband ready irto his - wirri, , lthe , k,Stother to hen rhililren o ihm loser 119/hivilwort•beart. the soldier. to his , comrades; .stnifl this diliage ,sehoot rytester,to the ! eirele sronn'ACtlist stash.-- It -is familiar to thrsight of eterr titan, Seeman -knit ehililAutoutienuntry; andirso , regelkAsinti- L.seribera in I coontrird ,in - 5 - Eiiropa.t. ,, Tet Natro-Yota Vexes:kir istalitividentified aritlitthe erandrst pstrlottam;>of - the' sigri•••for, several roemip.rroLits brilliontitaCtusld , hirsis Muir fit our noLle irmy, sort Anyir made ,themseltrirs ia lemons with the S t word ki with ,1 . 4,,emc, Thy ; prenVilluitraiing a itiit Of, ' L l'ii „Fi . ";,.,Xerix Sfinetitr;th'e,',lnimitahre,,,pir ey,A,f,ly•l4llo paper t h's liiiiliest'it b rtilt . iit'es Or' ine Ail i and yet this le rger r literary . treiTkltroortiberdrivi.-pro mites to surplai i tail I's in 41 1 ,1 eke reritidlituktu ring the Ile re' Year I , • , :, 1: ..-ai.;:11 eqorriifq3 ' .- • , ~, :, ....wi...: , A..' ht...st fuit t , atti , The 'first Nisi frnelr 14r`fiStrik*I6CiiVit'i:flir the New' Tea r,"ro' he can't tmerfeed'ilt 'ilii 2 l sie 'o 1 anuary , 1 8ablicWitted ''' ll ' n "'' ''' 1 , vicrogrA 1 1, mt , astir ~• 1 • 1 • rr rr . ,) rl r• ,, • 4 , k:sW:ir/lA': . 11.... f ' . Tho Hiqlroosi)e,'C'ikesilp .I.lmt ~ • • • - i' si ,- eKTI,.4 itAir!c.k#4 . iiidi,:r , , ~) aeries or simper - oostinPv ,, livistil dielidittPli•iss., • ..•,' , trisis,,li ~L astasees,"rkalAra , 1,01, , ` , 0 • .. ~ ' s •:' 77 - '7 1.',0 , 1./3,1 6 t ftttil. The pristlyetitifils n 1 thii thatitiguiskiet(itithggres need' no e o log y. . , Ppi, iia op) siOrk AP Chtblivii ilic• pronounced therrAsuperior An, asy,othe,ri,rroy. , : - elettes puttlibbrd,on,lhisreils Of, the,..o4latAtie t • 'Rni the_true test of tileic,JpeFAl le,( s yg if kAp l h o (uer ;hot , ' they are; !LeigerlYtlAPPAidAre,effrottler 'i.fipir,. pu4l iv! tisii,. iii 4 ,t,be,i . M.s.mqvotx),,,t)y- Eh. ' .: Eeei it h. prei.i. , XtrAlleY,ol ll 4 Orel AkiflDOW:, Is le !' Yictorin,l.! , is ((slit erluni4AA kri_tsm. , ,,lockatsptis ,of. pkt , ,i.o o.it Net,cq% A hilit Pkbicillibilvtiteurett so larPl:a Phdri 01 1.PiNioA94 , r1)%10 , stiq,,r44 Sin .ornes ll 7,r‘ToMol.44s.itt , tette) f i ttotit-teßoikl.• . Tilt. NAw, Yalu' . AiiiititAlitorigna§4%. ktt Pf._w a ms , , ii nci L o .t ioil it'll dkrtgritintitAirterossi t _ ~, A T is subscriber', it is ,rtliculaFi7 fR , 44 5 10 eNlFlrnikter. $ l .l morrtiiit. cor:s4l Ysitr; , ,tbospit4spoloii,,loo • Sp; six espiiiitorMi oixliSA.rnistfsi * , 1 2?)1 1 tilb i, ri , extra c o pydws, .1q kit . ' , liiittr4stili firt,lt; 4 l ss llll . Sig rSonthe , subiteriPtioo, VW tem/a& '4o_. pg tsriroWsit!is*,o4ol 'most Pft ittli k tßett Alike* . it (y. snot sfialoo, , s•A_.,\VAltkift qt.CPAIMIOVAIllikt'llt banks nt put. Payment must.itgyaudialkly4ag if . advance:; ..L -. ~ - .-.;:i . a, 7,45 , - - 411:04.1A il!:L . . • C,77 Specim g9Plq s, nrntto frP44i9rAlll4l4lll - t0i4c;341. ,. 4 ~Andress el) Irttere 4.llatfili,l44,llllflMsPneill'f°l4 to s, .C4k/tt4l‘itghlw AttAr4ilreiffcr; , , Propri;ftiqrp,ol:lAft..J.VeNtaProiniVrit.m.ary:f. . 113 Fui tpn F1r4e.14 Dtinpsh,Vivrk.,l4kiy. 1 " 7 1 7 . : 7 •••••;<, c: •ti W.V087,1g • .•., • Y'S : .9 1P 9F2e.i!lbco • ' • • 144 1 / 1 2.:vi '• • •••• 4 • a! 40:0StA 4K. 'r. ••,:> -]• t::1:03,•P:. M. •t; !•-:,•:'..:;,1:00•1Az;t1.• • EAST -Niglite,Lxr r i; s 4r. '.'•, ' 1047 ~t o e ig . li, • , •-• tWtty ;Fiat - ev4loy efit 4 %..;ll#;'o , ,iu,n! '' Su ßdltYji N 4.4 but a;?'j..l4. 1 , 11/41 1 14ANiEliii , MAR11: , 11 0 eirivit. , otliftkittlt if NOM. OAT • EB=Mil