• ' ' ' '6'.. OUP i: :. Ottall .at:A(,*,;,',',i,',:.-,_.e,kt,,.•'.-.,, . . . _ . .. . ..... _ .. 'd:',.:'''''.•...-.::i;;.':':-.::-;`.',,,,,',-,:.:,(..s..::.r..- .. , ;:f.:::: , . ....:-.,.',.:,,,;. • :.. -.;;=. :,: . - , : , ! -- 1 - ": . ...- , 1:.'''.:,' . :.:•.. Iliaiiidal ' - ,Dil&:.tih;,.'lBl3"2::' -'':- ~...,-, . .., -: . = .,: . :',,',.1.7-;,-(. . ..i:4:...ik1ii,- ; ;,:;- . -..: ';?:.-::,•.1?....',,,,',-..-:',:-.:.',.',-,•:-..":zi. iF :: : l ikr,ditiPti ‘ 4 L ?LA TFORlit'.; tirsI . PAS T 4E-WAR 4,.. kr,ul l - 4 ,1 , , •••, •..,, • , , ' `, - ‘.., al, hy, • Bit A vote: heArLY" OhAtiottele g iikelloo4llle iet:ikvenib'etitOLVTioi, ' Vernet! 'XX . "46,itaitie410141t6i1V'Qhle NATION ANIb ! is The 't iiiilt t ilNollllii ' ele Loti:itt 1 F. a2 fverbil ihe•present dePlortible L civil • war ai R ' ,I,,liairogittritialltifitifintlie country:by the Disunion , , bit efilOCAltattittliero Stet es, pow in•arms,against ..140lic14114•"Oktna,1 Governments and ..,• in -stlna . • ‘lttlih* 'Ciiittiii; That in' this IlatiOnol Xi • ifiritittija6reas;iinishrag 2 alt' frilives"dir 01114aVlatailiwiiiiV raair'attbaat, wilt treallact only 3hll4lll,ll4rAtlis etbelit,countif; •• That this war .ett V gi d xle" •t4at!./latt;.ka,ally aPittt,ef ep ,,, lontrldr aiiypurpoe of conga eit or soh r .„„e„.,,.,tirsoie lit 'Otiertti Oro ring Or inter '4 IQ ‘it6l'llii 4 fightiloi"titablished inititn. r,diobas flifigow State*, but to defend and main- -*P Ibfkaar Maeat 6l , the. C9netitution and to ''preserve the. Tinian, with ill the dignify, epal it and rights of fbe several States unimpaired, t tisOtlitit iefOrfif kitties* 'objects ~a rii 'accoid .^ Plielisill die war' Ought to sease.'t .. Itetifinl l.'i . ' ,- .44 " er 4 vviclttgatiXcerattxtro.-1 4 Tlie liberty Cif the id.- ~,,,prpts of 44:keel's thapnited States is in ., ,„ttiptsti i .ble with the liberty arid s•ifet,) of the r " 'Eu4OB die r iehilint.' Their slavery Corks an 11 'llieeptittitireitilting•frons stern ' and inflexible • vsiteltessity; to•tbe general liberty in the United ~410,44,ai110W ,no‘, oyiginate 'nor are ,we 7:6- ~,,ttpatrible ite.this ti,ecesslty. Their liberty, if ," tt eXotiiiiiiibli, Could only Ini establishrd..by' ' , ;•4l.lll,iiiii , 'Mt incionteeilble powers .ot the Slates s,tagg ; of -subverting, the Union. And 'beneath , , l eis, gib* of,the Union ,ercitlld be bufied, sooner 'or_lefer f ,the liberties of both races."--Homy SteirPrm.:—, We reiret.to learn , that Houae,"kapt t y N.L. Dyke ''- l iiilitlipiel';s4e'entiiely.tleatlioyed by fi're, the eiteek".• 'unapt:iamb:l the ' laraifure the lasi to the tiroprietor, as well :'l4'tiiit'raibtit; i 'is'areat';' is the hOose has been guestr,.of late.''" • esty tni Alois Dome • ' AT DOLLEY:.S."-L-Tir prokintor 6f the Port Allegan)? House,' has is . , for a Bill - to• come. off .on' Thurii . ) 0 dot; illroVdatrof January';next..' The boys . 0 .1117110 rotwittaber'it:tiallati Dolleys,:as•a bright 'ilitkoistidltiti elites itiA' trials of life; we '4entlft l 6 tbe'Orediction .that those who attend inte • • will pronounce a•??happy New asi,;.-.••9"r7A of 'not lees • than 5t90,000 !las, ruetalned at tbe recent flood, crifek.h. , tit ''o l tilie•DOsiiditati....iVe 1181. , e a' amid to aey to The.' increase io theiiniee'of blikelttitinglp,periinitecin tie great as to 'make it. intpassible foci country poperi •to maie fttigiiiiittielitseivesi. • Severil have alieady -been st4iiitilibeitivitetli,iottiiiis have redneed the size, and as well hive Increased piejlose •to iciOinejt her, et present . •tentinne.tb:be;.• furnished to sl;s6:.ier year, i riad v a rMe, until see. the :me% receiving pay for' the paper. .LWbite'paper which fcirriterly: cost tie; here, how 'Sells, York k / tioiltWiiiii#;fiiiiir cents; -or what cost '52,15 per ‘ 1 itlitifil'itihie"iiitai6. •• In addition to this •t he price of living has 'in. cent..hisl - state:of 4 11 1 111 7 * it impossible :to publish a paper -Au.* thalcrsclit eystene:, vii,e will. take . . in pay.; lir*e!stillini,-, County, FOad and School. Orders, ttillOt;*llowOuce ormoney. • - ;.iterXistexpent , io, : see or beer from • all our sub -9,9..ishilibisi,4itlng. within -thitiCeunty, on or, inhere the,'irtiOunt due is.sinall from.. in.' dimidtflitipt to ue in the'aggregate, coneider. thls r on the part of our friends will enable us to weather the storin , • .-hopialtalwaya, for - ..ibetter times.',' • • • • '- ' A Disurnosner.. 7 ,lti considering, the Senate, of. -Represents vives, last .. .41. 11 ,00 41 114 , 4• 4 0.,: the' adinission :of irestern ovuTilgii4l4o-Peittenden said he appreciated : 'bdet.i*ellitteielistn and valor of the .people ;Wee end the ; desire -which they ex-, . techectuni a true people. . But in this 1.44. 113101 4 0, wee opt governed hy, feeling, but the . • ~1111 vociraipl din 'issf constitutional ••Ictiar. .Gong yeas ga CneW Stateout of ,the ancient 40.1111oryiwitir4, , Ilie,sesent ofthe old Corn (tie*bnlivitll&b,and-;this.b4J not hoot,. given... :1 1 , bn4ll_,Otel aanld keeittade is the, method proposed, sew;ones yenta Isiadeat pleastire.irrespective. ' theßciairtitistioftof-the•United •States." ' sl o enjp4 gaminez. POO asch si it .. wea moc. k ry to IllollighPthigilkillorililatoris Yirginia had ever thelpiwmtate.' • According to his ."VilkiiiOilfibo could mote fok the hill on_ the ironed that . the revolutionafy swop; being §e- ligeremirware notvotitied - ter. the privileges of ' 7 ', : l*Vio4titsfitii":!:ilictifla; , l3ie coolie& the: Union * 1 Afaltigoislis. id '‘•odder . . , , Jeritor as.is lekivetelioo. as i is, vtith- slarpry,'? •-•10- ,kWh itAILBOAD:. toq' 4 - • ' , • . . I. . v:Ohanspaz -. • • „M:PA Yo .N 6 Y. •,' 17 1•h; I K4.•—•: Mans Weroll4oleap at'the follciwing titii;"Sii?" • • '!. • ••• t.... . MOVING WEST Night 'Ailll , i o d i '. . + ' ' :kV Yeelfht :., '',, ,11116 . r . , . 141ik tit . .nviNG EAST. *et • 4 '" ' . nt s. , 7 :I 0 P. M.' liigiVikEdiwill. '' 10:17 A. M. t,7,-464:14 ,, / '''', , 3:18 P.M. . f Y 7 ' l ,li:e,l l .q x ' ' 1;15 P. M. .11.;',174; f61,0.1i fig run ,every day. N° , * 6 runs ` r'O.Vl,`; etliet(4r.. ", liondays. Train 3 .0 r Sat: lo " '''-'liiistribefolind " at k runs -;-..4.'4l,l': ' ,4l4l ,Pit ,iiii., : r 6 Y : r lj un k ir k. J'''',",s'4 •s h i t ts.r.' .KARSH, R°CalVar, Sup! . ''; LE s m ;•' \ •. - I'` ,r . cOAR •iNOT, 6en • 11,40,4 1 , , ,tkr5e . 4t ; - pete),al Popes: 'eicaoirnatO, 11 . efoStIkei(couri;!:ITAIqt41:tos poror,: o • rsil ths:!iellov . i4pg,i,e(ter eir'lese nrccojr .. ..llT:rj r• Olt,' &y Pqrt.e • , . I ask pt.you, for myriake ' ,that 61 the conntly aull'of:the old ariny the Potonitic, - that you ' ueif' Sind ( - Ha et - 1h wilt en . e n d ctirtil4l' - '..6.(ipfatieiplit Within& P6l4 , in all the operatioas . nohtgoind•on,• The dist rsch of 014 country, the honor of our armies, ere ; at stakr,„and 'denencis.e97 upen',,the chesrlul co-operation:of . all, i n the fiela.".' :This 'lisiek is ihe:criais Orour tate . . .siy the. initife'thing 19 all. my friends the Al9 - ly or- the'rotornai,• relitiest haye-to ,rnak9 6f••• them that., forth«lr,conntty's ,sla lc e; t hey Lill iSxt tens to : . :qeritial• rope' the semeinpport 'they ever' have . to. , Me. •• lam in chaigi thei fenees . or,Watihingi6nirend am doing all petit to:rendetqyonr retreat safe, should that beeome necessary:..• . , 1*„ , PEO. 11. ritcCLELLAK,. Mayor General. , .•The reading of this 'dispatch caused• • quie. sensatioan, and -.ie thOronghly . characteriaricof showing a desire tor the success of the Army,. an d a. total i gn ori ng of self: • • • . . BEECHER . Sito:--1-The `statement that Henry ward . Beecher used a Currerse , slang ex. preseion,:in.hisThanksgiting . diScourse, having .boen;queaiioned,;we• reproduce the following extract.from 'othe sego:on . as reported in . the papers : •' .Thit thedeniortiae possession of the South. Dr. Clay. has' .administered the rhubarb of, cOm': prpiniee, - W.ebster biit• all. 'in vain. Now. comes the, surgeon, Tl!ar; he '. with thot. eurgical instru-• meht, the' sword; 'iota open' the bthdy of the patient, and finds- hirn..rotten in • kidney and heart; in lilieraull brain. . • • TuaT's Wtrni's ,T.HE MATTER: Errempn'dous applause]': :Now cafe ,himiaeW bin) 60 and lethinlign! ..[Reiieu•rd,applauac.] ALL FIGHT AND NO PA.Y..—:ChaDIAiII writing to the ,Christian Advoorde, from Wait: reotOn, Va:;saysi health of the boys is quite goOd— • 4Ot .the seventh month ha! .eorn meneefl Once Life) , have been paid by'the, Too.bad i What inconyeideoves we . . WashingtOn letters say the }White /lous e ., it is expected, be the scene Of. many .ino assemblages during the session. -God help the gay ones. at such .a • tithe; they must 'out- Tapley Tapley. . The Liberian d'ansnl London in le!ter itates:thnt thou Rrenumber!s: "of runaway 'Am eticen In toritkM, who ere ih' a ' .most wretcheo ; eondition,.and he 'seeks. niseis . teriee t o chip them to Lioerin— ,vh,.re . eneh one 'will •be prisented . with Owe acres of 11.tpdi They - ge4.izo enipfryn!sor. in Loncioti by:which to viAtapt'li . The Illinois.correipondent of•the Daily Chro nicle, says: tilt is a. singular fact that: what . were Vest,. treeless prariesin this country 12 years ago, are now covered 'with a•very* dens growth'oollrift.'y young*forest trees, 'compris ing the . variritis specie's of oak; hiOtoryi cotton- WOod,•ash, Sic. So rapid hatiheen this change manylocalities; that*. whe s re some of the ear. .Iysettlers located.twenty ortwerity•five years , ago,*Withoitt a tree .around them, they can now•cut and hew* good building timber' a foot . square. ' Prairie lends, when .icpt from theannuat•fall horning. fermerlf practised by the•lndiiins, rapidly Produce growth• of tree s ', Seme of the old citizen**, who greedily located the timber , land when they came to *this country and Were.cereleas about acquiring praifio, now, find the Itittsir.of more value than . the 'former Their thriher h as grown 0n (aster than, they have . ;• • . • • . . • • 7'- 11 AT ESt On 'IOE • POTODIAC. . - At '6 this morning . 143 gun* opened on the de- , iioted'ettyof enil 'up to : the latet-Inement the tiring continued without in'• tetruption.. • . .. • . Its destruction appeari Certain: The enemy , opened their tire at seven o'clOck, hat . thus far have.done'no serious injury. • • den. Franilin's grand division•is criming Ike'river three miles; below, the . - ;city, having constructed 'bridges there; with but slight . . op- Vosition from the enemy. The tunbeats are:shelling ,the enemy 'fifteen* tnilea doWn the.river. . ;; fIEADQUARYERS OF THE. ARMY OP TILE 11 1 01 . 0 AMC,' Thursday, a a..m.,.--Dec. 11... was 'bustle atdaetw, ity aa.tor.d . ay was ;he tiipbfix.ed fortlie cross the men,; •• . • .• •:• r . .. , . . During the.,night the pentOons wereconveyed •to . .the river and the artillery, of one hundred and torty-three,pieces, placed inpOsition,nplin site the cit Y...• -- -' : , ...,. , . ' . 1 .• At .5 o'clock this morning., the 'rebels fired two e ig nat guns, ant'• whiie t urning 4h e l at ter pait.of the nighkrockets were friquently seen fo ascehd•Within their firiee.: At 5 o'clock thicenstructiori of three bridges 'in front of city was commenced. . ' .When the . bridgee i,vere ab out half completed • the enemy opened a murderous tire of infantry , from, the, houses on the river bank... • • Alp to • this time not a shot • had been fired from our side.. .• . 4 . • • • • • The engirieeri ikere driven from the bridges. find 'lMveral.l4ited and Wounded, . • At 6 o'clock : General 130rneide ordered..all .• yhe,giins,to be opened on ths city.. .• . • The'Cannonadn which has continued ,up to the present tiine.is tefrible. Ttie city is On .firac and ita deStruCtion ap pears to beceytain. The enemy . about '7 o'clock this morning opened. with their heasy.guns frond their'Wbrks, ;but so far havedone no serious injury... GetWral Franklin constructed his bridges about thrfee miles bclovethc . c4, Meeting with but Slight' opposition:iiistroops are now cross' • . . 10418.%...14: P. ;.• 'OO5 P.:141. .1;00 A. IA?" T.he , ;untioits'aie pow ,tidiling the enemy' i put fiftelin miles down the, er 'the • = *tie be4iVioneentrating their ,freer' - Rigt twocit!iye. -.• • . ...•4'he content Feted fire . of our 4tteries on the . city inis - h‘d the,effect of 4rivit - llnik•th.ene.„ tny'':ilinfrittry,...and the Work ontlie-bridges'hei again.been • 0 4 kit 'o44i prepaEad to raslk..o,vpr on oop a* thebriALtaa at complete., • • ' ' . . 11iA,9qulotri&ss—•—Di'oon r• 'On the.,Steetegt •••bei.ug, • muds to. .finish the froot:ot Afteoatt,: the ;tobel,. infeintry .•. • • ligain'epened l OUir fire:. The artiliery.in•poei. :tion!•waSltgain• opened en the `town, the result being theq.it....ivUs'fired , in'severSl new:pluses. - ' The enemy have intd - tterilitile.iirtillery.up rte„thillimir, , as, would: 'endanger- their• own reeri E who ersi , holdinr the rivet freer. •. • General 'Burnside has just issued an.order to concentrate:every.availithle gun nporr.the city; Under:the cover.ofl the.. ficerd• vrhich:it isbe: that.,lieted this bridges eari , •te.fitniiitect. • The kilod anti ..vireuncled,'•se fari' do not• smoutitgo.more,than hity . • - • 'Hf.ApqrsAiiiii, Dee. Bth, 1862 li , :po r rt from' the* . ilver; olitione note' sovOriil cluoths ir9rn oxvisuse duript.the Vast foity;•eight. boors. . Lisrgo quaaties , of' sup'plies are prevented from landing.,st, Aqui* and,?oternac pieeks by lOw*Wafer end• ice. • The, fetter • fully two inches . the 'army generally islirovisioned lot twelve days 'a!read. Credit is doe to , tbe Army Quertermasteri Commissaries for, ibeir ,energy; in overcoming great,obslaeles and nniisingtbe 'surplus now on There h V e been no movements of importance to.day, regirnentY are. n industrionely en gaged in erecting huts, bs.if Preparinkto spend. tbe, winter•heredboots. ',Tbe impression, how- . ever, is rttlyalept that tbesprtsent riuiet,will be ST. Lnits, Deerikber . . • ... , Adv.ises .fro m the:-Southwest . to.night say that Generale Hindman raid MarMaditke, "25,000 strong,. strong, ,attternnt , ;d: to toren' •General Elinnt's imsitiontit Cane Hill, Atic.; yesterday, but were , driven back`. : . • • • • . . This moening the rebela drove General:l3 . lunt's picket's three miles; but'on..ibe arrival 01 . rein forcement's the rebels were again driven back... *.z Th'eopithen,Of Oenerel Blunt- is: that the de'- nioqst re tion of the rebels .ivas:rriade . ; to cover .their ! Twat, they were felling timber. all night; probably iiiobstruel the road , and prey'- . Genera? Blunt 's:roreeihi6, held the . ,i'ehels in. check for fou'rddyg. 'Herron's com mand 'will reinfo'rce him to-morrow. Ilasuvrt.te,' Dec, 7, 1862.—'0ur a•rnis . are agairt.rliigraced. The . :39.th Brigade, Duroorit'S' .Division, 'cOnsitding of. the- 104th .Illinois, Col.. Moore commanding brigade;:.the 106th,;Qiiio; Co!. 1...afc1; the' 108 t h Ohio, den's Batiery,:and a small &tech : Mont:or the: Indiana' CaValt . i, Were 'surprised at Aailight, this morning, at Hartsville, • by Morgan,, con : ) , madding:three regiments otcav,alry snit two o( infantry, ..After.fiightina'an hotir. and a quarter our forces'' surrendered'. and 'the: enemy buret• our camp, capturing nearly all the bj'ik . ado; a'ad teems, tied' bafning, what they 'could. not • carrY'aWay.' TWo guns . of • Nicklen's Battery. were also ' captured. •••. • , •., ••2 • ' Our lo s s Was between 50'and .60 • ,killed and Wounded, 'who were ' eft ; on the field. The. rebels less 111 not reported. The gallant Lieut.. Galante ctitewsrt, of the Second lodiana Cavalry andaGel. :Moore,.. were. aritorig •I he :captives. Major Hill of the S e conda Indian• Cavalry, was' wounded, • but.tuit 'dangerously., : He' says half our infotrY.jeught ,well,-but.-rhe. other • half soon broke;.. Col. [lndio's:end Col. Miller's, brigailes were . sent in purstiit , hut the enemy. had forded.Cunnhatlamr river,and 'were out el 'reaCh...• A few ahells sent after them caused a rapid retreat.. ;. ~.• ' Mai, Hill denied - that the comtv%* surprised the . pliair. Was More disgraceful tis, Hartsville was a strong:position. On Thurs day.* Lieut. Colonel of Davils'S Division was capitilqd:whil,e 'skirmishing... Two. regimental .Quartermasters of Palmer's Division were also 'captured-while foraging., The dates :are not reported: • Thirteen wagons with. mules, on a , ' foraging expedition, were captured' on 'Satur day,. . - •. .•. • . A deserter, from' Murfreesboro' •reports Cheat, harriandßreckinridge there with 15,000. men, Buckner. at Shelhyville; Kit by ;Smith. 'sick .at. Manchester; Gen..ToeJohnion was certainly at :Mut freesboro' on Saturday. . A special despatch dated the .7th 'instant, from Oiford, saYs.that 'Cal.. Dickey's cavalry had n'tvrn henrsi.ermasement rebela near co n trceville Fridayriighr,. ' , The rebela are said fo haTe had 5,000 infant- ry; eavalik and artillery. • .'The Federal loas:was. 5 killed 50, wounded and sixty missing. . " • The rebel. loss was _ 300 killed end wounded. . . • • Oman i DI., Dec. 8. • .Newa from Oxford, Niseisaint-0, to Thursday . laat; atatee ihat the rear guard of the rebela, under .the corrinland Geneial Jaekson, had .a akirrnish on. that morning-with the Federal.ad: Yanee.force near the town. • • The ,elfin .body of the•rebel army, fOrty thousand strong, passed . thrOugh Oxford twelve hoiCris before. • ."' .• • The'nuinlyer Ortbe 'rebel•• sick end wounded I said to. be very large. , . • • . • LotneyttLE, Kr.;•Dee. 9: Three thousand rebel,Cavalry, suppdsed to be uniter.Forrest E iptendinoo make another raid Into Kentucky . ore 'desk on Fort. Coulson, were 'at Clarksville to diy. • • Passrimera from Gallatin. contradicts the story of. the • engattement there between Fry and. the rebels. 'They say.uo recent,fight has occurred there. • • . .4 • . . EFFECT OF THE ELECTIONS.--'The release of State . Prisoners at tins Various fdrts where they bavebeen imprisoned, will preitent.i'deal of an gry debate and . . recilininalliin in .Congretis at the approaching session.. Volutninous testimory had been PrePared,.some'of it containinesoine, eutious . discloeuree; and it is.not.to be.regretted for the honor of the republic, ritat its presents- . tion and publication will be unnecessary. We Lave also Seen the military guard '•which hailieen encamped in the President's grousd, for the defence of the'War Department, quitely strike tents.to go elsewhere.—Perhaps, whe'o the members of Congress arrive, We shall have the censorship of the, press remo,ied!--- . N. Y. ' Cops. Correspotideitre. Grfa Datiltlar anaaao. ebeli , dtte . .14 , , J., , - 'fa vs TEviritar t , Gent' Harion's 'foree;e, • ea;:*o :to .rOnfarce Gen. sHeist. met the. enemy - ..yeaterdaYi On CCA vd1,05 Prairie, leis milai ; Bolitli:ef..Fliyette. Ark., and,vvon a deciOd. victory ' . The enemy 24,000:sit:ong,.divide'd into four divi lundar . .Generala • Paiaphs, 111ar rn4drilin, . Frost and,: Aniaa,.,all.,,,u,nder, general 11,i n r d Ma ca'd tha la War of, (lin tehel trans.lVlissisaltinf army, well . aipid,frd with , lB pieces of Theferierily flanked Gori.: p6.sltion at' Cave Hill; aitil:•Made:a den nttack- 'on - Gem Herron to..prevenv.hirn uniting' wilt . ,gen. Blunt. • '1 . Gan. Herron!a foreei ponsisted,of the 2•lth' ,aud-jlet and 20th WlsCorisin;:a tivn e'avalry; in a 1 1 .6,500 •to . ',7,000 roan, and 2.fpieceaor ,'.• . The,bat (1a.,-raged froM 10 A. M. nntil.darlf; and was, s cleperately , "fought throughout,. ..Our artillery, the' rebels trona two strong sitioaS,'and'kept • ltiir OverWhelMing numbers at bay: The' aOthWisconsin-eafttured.a; rebel battery. or four heaVY'guns, but weroforeed (C . 'ahandon.them under ,0 'murdpions The ipy:ra . iilsp • took the . name battery, and fought mhst distieiately, but.Vvr;re alsOmbliged 'to yield Almost • eVery regiineitt . :About:. 4 o'clock ,Gen. blunt , arrived'. frorn, City* Hill,. with s,o6o'ineu.and strongforce'of artilleo; IPA " ettack.(l , the.reheleln the rear. T.he'reb r els „made desperate cfforte Ti capture his batteries, but were. •retiulseti'.with terrible slaughter, We held the. whole field at dark, and beforp',9 o'clock thit:iiigiit . the entire'rebel force Were in full retreat over Boston Moan tain;. • . • .:oOr.losiciri killed and wounded was - 04, - the yebelrlosi was 109.0,- by: their'own admis•siOn §everal Of the, rebel,field officers were urnong.thein commanding a brigade' forrrorly- a ,liriged ler of the - ' ._Missouri'. S - rate Girard. • oroyli few prlsOiiefs Weretalceii. We 'eaptured. four caissons atrinition: Lieut. Col. •MeFitilari, pi the 19iii Vim] regiment, was the only, field offieerorroor siJcr killed". •Major .}-lebbard; . of first. Missouri Cay• 'airy was .talcOn'Trisorier. • . - • . . . EDITOR . S . PATRIOT:Arci.), UNlON:—The fire de: 'stroyed the Clititon.•Hottse,••banli, • pdst• office, and elionf'sixty stores, otlleit d\vbllings.l;:sti, mated Ives s100;006 to $150,000. • A.ll .the best business part of . the trytYn:isinstrred. lon'llon