VOL. 4 . 1 411'..ti. cA4:41,,04)01)-3Elt...i.itOici;. PUBLISORD'IIVNIIIi - SATUR'DAY MORNING, By J. B. OVIATT, • SMETHPORT, M'IQEAN CQUITTY, PA OEFICRi CORNEA °P Pi:llAl° SOIARE TERMS: •- sl6a in Advande Rates of 'Advertising. • 1 Oehime one year • 00 .... . .......... •• • ••• • , 12 I • s ix m onths . A . .. : ... 2000 . 1200 One'Rfortre o rl2llnes orlOss, inseriion's,; .. .. 150 Nt,:h:4ut,c,inent insertien,-;••,- 25 • Itasian.i. , o;trdp, With paper .. • ... • • .000 .• Itute.or : figure work'will be',lnutslo the above ra-tee. .rnraire lines Jlret:ter typo, ,or 'eight • lines noni,sreit, . • , fe rite!" a s,ja ro , • • hesetermS will borstriotly. adhered to. „a .'.,..Eiti6iici - 15, 1 ...Mit' : ttp . i . 1). 'T. .82,EXS, J,cvaLsa,. West Mad of the Astor Inuse, • Smetti port. Pa. paalor. in viratehrk, Clook,s an 4 Jawellary, - . Repating noately Executea and iKarianted. • . • • . •••• 'DR.:W.- t ' SOUTH-EAST CORNER' MAIIST • STREET, SmealipOrt, DR. D. R. WISNER, Physieian' and Surgeon,. Smetliport, Pa, •will attend, to . all profeolonal eullfl with, promptneui,.. Office In dart•. eueund fluor, .; . • ' ' EARABEE'S HOTEL, • . . . . It, I...IRUIRti. Proprietor,—Alleghenj , Bridge. M'Kenit Co^, I'a., -Thir..hottie Is . nituated about uiue milee f rout Stnetlipert Ott the read to Mean, and will be found a cputrenient,siopplug-phtce • ..... . . • . E HOUSE , • . • , . 1 .1, ()swim) Proprietor. "Riaviy, PA, This Hotel is • •netv nn , t Ctunishel in mp.tern stylo, had ample itecoin- • inndliiona, amt iA, in all respects. n First MUM Hotel.; hilkCo. , Pd.ittay 11, 11,60 . . ELD.RED HOTEL, .. . , . . "'Nal. Ws's,' Proprietor , . ."I"iris"hourto la sitriated half way tretwo in eu Sin and therm: A convenient on c4inipo limit , hi:Mei ), attentirp. and obllgliqattend.' ants.., and bow pricer"." "Eldred, Mtirli,lS6o - .. , . ~. . . . • • '--. ' -FARMERS' ;VATIEY-11.011L, • I:r lint4Bu.iNsitup-ted roe] cinetbptrine the'ennd to Olean.: I!thel-11 re pert' norlo the: s cie be aceemniodated on th . f shOrtest Yotle, EIPIPOI4,IIIN HOUSE, . . nippon, , NriCean. Co . :, P... N. - . ti.' IIYgE, 'Pinprie'or Ourninodlour nnd• woll-furninhOd house.` Strapge Und tioyolcio will find good ncoomroodOiono. • POET•ALLEGANY HOUS.d, • - . , . . .tV.IIII D.' 0 , 31.,LKY Peorrletair,'at - ,NorU Allegany, Mi. : Gear Connty l'n.', nix lintel iesitilated at, the June tinn cif the So . l!!tliport and Allegany Iliyer.toads,niae mare east cortimetliport•.: , ' , , ' , . . ' . BENNETT Bop.hE, • -•meth part, NV Kean . ' C . 0., Pa.. E •S. MAsoi,t, Proptlefor • , —oppos4u the Court Iluuao• •A. new, large, • cony/torn •ous woa fu slietV Vous°. • ••• ." : ' • ' GSWAYO HOUSE, . . . . . , :r. fl tnunn Prenrif4er, Ceres Pi. 'This Ilense IS fitted ni) iu's,vivantial - And conirortAhle style. and everyst+ paid hv,the proprietor to the .comfArt Ant.tiste,of life quests: • Juno 3t 1861 • . . . . •. • ' - A. D. HAIII.P, '.••" • ' . i Sarroyor; Draftlinen Clonveyareee.• .nd Real :Relate "A ;vnt . Smet-hpor t, NP bean t.0,111‘ . ;1'i1.. : . ' : B. F. .. . . . At!ornsy en 1 Con r.stillor at Lai!. tifiipptin, Pa.; wilt rif ti.u.l (li, Ltnirt,ti of Pottnr, 51cti'itsn..ifirl Elk' counties, i'i•ninut uttsioinn'nnitl t' Oollecticini... Office, Eitst. en I.P.iii-Biock--30nouil Pinot, , - . . . . . .. . . . 'T'o. Tiose- Interested Vl' Mining ; and -- •••• • . .. .• . ~ . Mineral .Lands: • ' • ••• : : .: IT • EaitNEs offer* his terilete. for the' . examine i i. V...,_ ; - if Mineral Lad in :41 'Koala and Elk cone -41,,, • at r wi ii • izive hie opinion at to tht VALUE, OE' ~ ni ......,.. ........, v , lee engaging .blii•servicen will receiv,e . I :` , "1 ,,, ''.? i re.. intorination: ,Reellenee at the .d.ti 1 er l eiriary and • •Atu 1 1),,,j':7 MEI Mines. -.. , . ~. ...nine.3ool36D. :1 . ~ .. . ..4e r; es nt.; 51 , Kean Cii. . . A. J:..1401.1.4...5E.. . . . . . . ~. Oe,tler in Mayo. Tin Ware, 43innine;i.W.Iii, kn.; vest : , ;,..lor. the.pn b;le. !Squire, ,•;;; , ..intbport . Pa custom. .: , ,work'd , .)ilfs to-or ler J.tnthr ahortest notice t •and In the ....it 4111181.:lniiA Mati.neT• . . " . I,ROWNELL... . • oktior In Ilry*:(l,lnCti OrpciFiry, fiardqaie, ilatv..Caps; Claee, NaSs,.olla., ,&c. or the 'Peale SqurejSmotlipp.rt, THING '& MaLER, ..,• , . . liVholoule and Detal Dealers rn , 1.4 . 1.ap1e Itrul . FaneY Dry' Onor114; Carpeting, Deady Ala de Clothing, and , General Furnishing Ilngda, Don'ts - sod ri,hoon, Wall 'And Window ' Paper, booking 0 le,;nres,Le.: At 01 eso. li . : .1 . . • . - . BYRON D. lIANLIN; • . . . A Met: ET, al . %Air; ,SMOilipOrt; m 4 R.eati County..:Pa., - ki o ent. '6i... :11.4981,4. 'Keatin; 'A. el,'S iAdds •.Attends expeCially.te the Collection. of Claims°, Faattilnition of , band Tilley,' Payment of Temes., - urel all,husinees ipla.; flag to Real Ifstate: ~0111e0 in Tracolin Block.. • .. _ . . , • . l• . S. G. HYDE,' • • . . ATT;-4ANar,kr,i,sw.'Sinotlipoit,'ltVg.pro,n: 6., PC, : , Cotleetions promptly attended to. '• '. Feb. 14, WILLIAM[ .WILBIN,, .I%:!URrlght, - Origge.buildor, ke.; Port Allegllvny,'N'Kenn Pa.. • . A. K. jOI-11801V .. . rIC!: .T.t.'s lo Za3l - EOll - THE STATE OF NEW YOE -' •• ' . ' ' ' . .elinowladgrnents of Death] and , a..• to take proots arra .. ''nrded Jwaald State, (0 0.ier iast.rlitagatli tq be need 11.1 ) 4 TeA.,,. .,,e ap.tte.n4mtnirter oaths or 'afarmotiona onranent to .-. fiANVi of r4tid State, Genveyancer, he.. - 'ooloe.le Land Of ,Die or 11 Eingsbnry,'ltradford, Dlch:eall Co ~ Pa, . 31arolt 11, 7861, -6w. • •. - • • • . .. • .. FOBEEI 1101 BE, •.• . . i ll'routing the. Pablle Square, Wein. 1%/.. * . .: j• 4 ), 1 , . pc Alt I.LEn l'roprietor.. 'The robes 'funnels entirely new and built et brick; and in furninhed in modern' hityle, . The o'reprieter da,tera liimnele. that .hin aceominoda. • tione are not intrpanned by any hOtel in Western N , vr . York, CArriagon run to and tram tho Now York and Erie' Rail Road, '• 38-tf. . . . . . . . . DENTISTRY , . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . ~ .. Da. 3t . ,A.SraAnne wnutil racpratfully. announce to the, ei t 'IV: nti - o f tinn,tliport awl vlcialty, that lie trio fitted up an off MO, MI I tafirepared,to 'attend to all buninnoc ,In hilprofet.cfnii, Artificial teeth inaacte4 upon 'ad ' entian p r i n •ciplo ui an . den mato procerve Inc natural ox. pruOnn or ti o Gino 'Alt operatiopa inllen.talSurgery ',lone in aA" Ifni -winner, ...' . ~ .. ,• . , A. ARIASTRONG, . „ P ..TUE Pi4AOIS 'acid Oopyiyancer. Alfa • Attoraylolor attaw. ' Partiallar attention .givrn to Col looting, Office tiro . Door Beat. a 11le Ben ciat-Uous6;Eimpthport,.Po..- • ' JOB PRINTING, OP EyEnv nEsortrimoN, NEATLY,. • qpi4P . iy.• AND ..EXPEDTTOID3I4 .EXE.OpTE:D AT TUX DEMOCRAT OFFIC MEE •H 1..4134AHA1K, RESIGN IiT,A FM ; oottrietntiyon.. • -• • Thedayiere growing shorter, , • • irtie cue has eioserd the line, 'And the People.all are f coking, . • • : 15"10. . Rearn?"' iti„,.ther Abraham, • -• Onee'n- Your glory ,' , hra departed • • .We're prepared to "let yeti You've rorgetten all the promises. ' • • " Aladdin those sieechas floe, „• Whentrarellog to thi)Oapitol,- • • •• Oh ! Abraham resign!. ' • : ' • Po9r:Old. Father'Abraimali &c • , 'Yeu'ye killed the . unetit4;len, ' ' Vaincd by patriots, 'long sYtie;P: •.. You're gagged tho.'theaths of-tr4Men . ; • Oh! 'Abraham resign ' • . ' Pour; old Fathe'r A.brahatiti&c. . . Between Statea'onee fraternal, •• • ' • . You've drawn your paatp line ; •- You've broUglifna . War infernal . • : • .06 r Abiallatni • • . . • . l'Oor'old Fatlier-Abralx.am, You're imprisoned honest. freemen, • : • ._ And In4ungi)obs-lei them: pins• ' ' ~ -. . ' • ,'',.. For horne,and'wire, and children";. Ah ! Ahinhaui resign t ~- • . . . . . .'. - •- • .• Foor'old Father Abraham; &u You've le:Lip:tad with 3 nLn'➢ro to Forney, . ••' you Melina . , • ham.l And glare with Sufi ner; : ' •., Oh ! Abraham resign! ' • . , old rather Abraham; Ara' The people'will not seralloir.' • Tbat wicked ichenie orthlne To . .znaneipate' the wycejly.tieedrt ". ' •_Oh ! Abraham resign . • . Ppoield Father Atirahaik Sc • Peno . eylvainahaetandrtnned • 03 . 04 tlna,. , • ' And the.llnoßfer boys aro shooting:— • Oh! Abraham reslgn.l. Poor old rather' Abraham, Sc The 'Empire StatehrtieFpeiree • : • .-- '.l . Agaimit thee, Abr'm mine, " Te.leriry Muse . ere'lfteOltee; -• • , • ••• ph: • .Ibiall;trri resign ' • :•••• •• • • • • P,Wr 'Father Abraham; 4:c • • . • Against ,thear; eolomn warnings,, •StOel not thatheartof thini, „ ' Farnbetter• later,Oap. never, ,, ;• % • • .Oh Abraham rerioo • • • ' • , • Poor old Father Abraham, . Once a ppplt's' pride, ,•••••• Your 'glory hae departed, • • • • • We're, p repared to "let you slide.'" milvl THE , ,AHOILTTIOI 4 I . POLICY 'LS PRO, LONGING THE WAR A .SOUTHERN VIEW OF -rue SAnICA,. PorAdi One view may betaken of the, recent. broth_ ern eleCtions.whieh is not encotiraging to•the South. The radical party there. have pursued a policy Vvhidh ha's consolidated Southern. sen, timent, and united our people as one•manitt support ot..the'. war. ..The.poPularity oldis unien at ;the South. was .neVer great. , The. .measure secession was at loot tolerated inthrr than cordially embraced by.titepOjoriry. Long. titter the war. began,. the: nepe.of reccin strugtion.wata latent:. sentiment in:th e : bosorn of . the. Southern community; other:people in. !tin:. •the.Sou'th are conservativ'e. It is.thefeeling iii all _.ngri, cultural cOmmunitiesot was pegulj,irly the feeling of Southern plantereond slave-holders.. Give ustheCenatifutioqaa'n is= had•Lieen their 'tingle demand innll•tlii long controversy, they had witnthe faiatici. • Let us'and • Our -institu. tiona alone 7 watr • -,the Alphit and oMega of !belt . poliricar.philoSophy:: • : • . Tbe proof of the controlling predominance of this conservative sentiment Was. afforded by their "patient .endurance of the, commercial policy sof the• Federal goVernmen't, which. had, bylariffsand 'navigation, laws,: ter more than 'fifty years, continued ..to saddle. al4 the public expenditure upon the planting States.' lisides , imposing burdens npontommerce'Which con ateutly accumulated wealthiti :ha North.) and extracted it Iron) BOnt.h. Not only. did the' Southern, people submit, to 'this petal or the governinent, but they. seconded -the.' policy in their own private :expenditure; yuyinialway,. a Yankee manulactUre, at. double p'fic'e, in preference toriny other, and buying. ,of these more than prudenee or economy would'allovi: Nothing•but the truculent and brutal'policy of theyedical party at the North could nave eradicated the deep seated sentiment front the Southern bosom, and unite (Um as one man in . • • at supportwar; the. wisest, men of the South had been called Upon to auggest a . course of policy for the North,, which would most er4 fectually acure• the Anal and solution of the Union, beyond all poisibility of reconstruction, they would have indicated the. violent and , fiendish course which had been pursued ' hy the GovernMent and armies of the so-called United States. ` ; The radical party, heving possession of .the Government, would seem to have gone work with', malice afore , thenght tO'break up the Union,. and to render all further connection with it the mostabliorent . thought of the Southern papule. Thie . Party have been or . eminerit sercice to 'the,Sonth,.in the.mode and Character of: their proceedings, 'not only by go . nso)idating , public sentiment and combining' the public 'energies at' home,: but by thoroughly disgusting the t o reign.WOrld. with the ; Yankee cause, and en ' listing the sympathies-of the: good,, the Wise and, the.'greit of ull lands in hahalf of the South, The Mirth' commenced this. Wei. With all the moral ideas of the foreign world:, arrayed Ii their behalf. They . had previouly.,succeeiled ip'limprossing the lnieign mind•with falte end , . • In . . , , • ~ ' Sof,T4pOlz;ll: , ::. . 44.2i.N.,‘ . 'ootJ,NT.V•t- , ..:,.r: A :..;,: : , . 5ATu1t.p.ii , . ., : : ' ijE6. . ,.0,: ; ,1.627 , monstrous ideas of the Southern. character.H They - hatiesinee as. thoroughli suceeeded,elbeit. unintentionally,. le': completely . removing that, 'impression ; and'in: lqading themselyes'With,,a degree' of° oditimin,foreignestiMation hai rarely ; if ever-before', been v.tiraught• "upon themselves by,anyreople. They have inflicted upon lie greaVmaterialdarnige inthe progress: of hoitilitiesi but ' they have . f ar. More than Compensated our !omit in :this respect 'by the . excellent reeults . of.. the. moral campaign they have waged in our•fa cor. • • • The recent' success _ of the coeservativesenti' ment of the. North, (for. it ieri*misnomer to speak qf it as a Democratic or partY.triumpto in Obtaining control of the . next Federal Corti., gress, is probably trio:partial to bring abont a refcqm in the.mod and spirit of, hostilities on the part of the North. Congress may be able to'exertbut-o limited control iiPon the Exer. tire in this partieufar. .Ifut -to the extent that I wise and 'elevated rneasureS'shall be infused into the management of the :' war, the Southern cause will suffer from; the twee:slur. of conser: ,votive men to influence in the government,'--- Arikorotisprosecut ion 'o f the war, roopiel with a constitutional adnii aid rail on of . Me: Fesleea 1 golt;trilntept,:attended crnicilliatory words and appeals, for.. harmotty niid . ,good feeling, w o od (I ! moraliie the South.ern cause More than alrthe retit - find . inctlitlia . i.i.stri and: nial4iriant 'brutality and knavery that. harp i:haroctet tzt , (l ,. _the proceedings of the . "raclients.--Richrnond Ezami nes, . : ' mcctriTAN AND -4.tLLECK. The Aholitien , guillotint; has : Mire morri , len, and I he,'army of t ha.- Potomac . hits 'wit its gallant arid able leader. It.- seems 'that :the li;st arid !float powerfutcatise of Mcbfellarl'S .retpor,al, is the letter written hyGea • Halleck, to Secretary Stanton, wherein:the Commander. in Chief lays as charges 'against:. McClidlan,', matters oyerwhich . , if we understand tiiiliiary Gen. McClellan had; no control :whit l'oone significant fact,elsb; wish to'eafl particular : Gen. HalleCk's letter was written in answer to cortoin.inter rogatoiil,t.thitt.hqd been,Pot by Secretary Stan= ton. • - Now; then; it is due to the public, that these interroge tories i and the causes :fermi! , fin them,'.should he Made 'knoWn. Let Ill'etream : hefiaced back to its fountain heid, and it will be found that springs from Abolition hatred and envy. The moment that Secretary Stanton inte . rfered.wirlfMCClellan' s , origiirtl plan' and broke•,:tlp his army' into irpf:. gentientcrinimands,. that nnmert disaster,be grin to attend' our Canac . Hair:McClellan - not heen nci_one can deny: that he : Wouldieng since hise , l3,..enln,Richmop . d. • But this would virtually Mille ended the rebellion; Cdristarrniatien . ...,that the:.•.A..holitionistsilicl not , in his littler, General • liaileck recohlil appear note. to .be, toI ing "the some - erduiid ato hist Mc-. Clellailas • the int ter's villiAers: fl u tile. sirs. tiny Of this ; jetier:will show, hotveyer;'.ihift lie qloes so either th.roiigh is,titorance, - fir:1;1)n pal tizanimotives. li,.C'ertainiy'cannot . be- the former - , and in.e are: therefore lorced 'io the conclusion that Hulled,. hos become pros'elyte - d to the Abolition clidise; lle fiecuses.McClelltin' of Misrepresenting. the yants - of the,army nude , ' his command, delaying his adconedfipen Lee, If: there was arty, ituth,i,n thes - Chit Ayhy was General ikicClellan 'courtmartlaled ? for - . there could be so graver offence itr.the face::of the enemy.. , • UnfOrinnaiely .for General hot,Y r ereri the deficieney Ofslipplies to. ;tlrCkilatl's arthy has .heen:shriply proced,:not by McClellan's •firends, but by those who, from the commence : " ment:;, hate been his Moil hifter, opprinents 7 — Fore:no - St : among thelatte!..itainds the' N.. : Y., Tributie, and imrretliately after . McClellan's Antietrn the .eorresfaande,ntit of th', TributiC lainellteti•ihe'SS•ttiti':4suppli” In tLer ttss bcg,lectresponsible' / chits in not supplying • -- i'ile.tPrri s r°ndt eht s' of the jgeir"Yorx Times cOrloboiate these. statements: The complaint 'of a itickor also pointedly mentioned by Tiaileek, has . not been ,a groundless one:., It is . well, known that iints,..strtsci wanting in the army. "After stating...poeitieely that.Gen..Meigs utten , ed fully to MeClellnn's,w.antsi Gen. Hal leek quotes truin'n iieppath 'of McCilelUn;cla ted October. fSth, as,lo . ll'otk:s : • . . ~ General Niefgs may have ordered theso .ar articles to• be forwarded; but they might as well romnin in Neu• York or Philadelphia 'as . 'tar aS my army is rrnirerned•"' ple6fellan, ther'efore, at that time' could not htive.reeeived the supplies' asked '•for; and it . %‘ai een:tit - ay no fart'or his duty' td took after railroad ollichOs; . • The strongest point, howeY.r, ihat Ha'leek pute•atiainst.NlCiellar. •ScashiS tiegleci.trimake :eertaih'rnovetnerts, against : Peneiai. A 06E4 af - the facts in tho case; ai tiet forth' in thF; Ofileiarreprirt the:COmmissidn that inVetiti wiled the stirreruer . of . Harper's terry; will throw,fight upon the subject. The defense of thissimintautyost,vsaa' in the' hands.ofCol: conduct at . the first battle of 'Bull Ruin, it bins beenqinitt, hast us the day. Col; Miles,,ip turn, entrusted the'coro roand . nti3 , laeylitorf e thkey,ol the , po sition,. to Col' Tom. Ford, atiOhio ~ .'llo..l f ,ti•?, rhore of itiilitary.tfiStters thatra edge.tines of civilization. While McClellan was liattleing mith Lee' tQ 111111 EIRE save:t he Capital , word ciifne to him • thlit per's Ferri.l'Clls'invested by e'lafge foiCe unde • r-laelceon.:...McClellan hurried. Frank .end SuMner.to:the , threatened: pnint,'ElePendingepon Miles tohobt it until re teived. That it was disgracefully surrendered,' ewine to : the 'cowardice;of poi:aorq...Ford,tbe commiselen'vres, ' In its report the :.commission sayfithe Gen'. eral-ir•Chief. 'testified that .Generel Ac. Ciellari,:after received orders to repel the :enemy rState 'of! .Maryland; marched only six.: miler Per 'clay; on .ati..aetitge. when pursuing thlit.invading enemy. ,;:: The Gen eraWn ! Chief in. his opinion; General_ McClellan could and ShOuldjtave re leived and, protected . Harper's• Ferry.' • - . Itwasnotneeessity,tlst AteCtellen,.,, should march..hie 'whole army- to' the deftMee,of.,..lliir . . .per's Ferry, when .thecominisiiion Itself •de 'cla'rea• that the garriant, : it - containeitWaiiqrang • enough hold. it agairst ttie- ehemyland :oen se res Miles and PuriTfor ,turi:ender" . of the post., , .cClellan certainly.could not .41- .spir . elb*ravery,-whire it wee larking, nor impart mqitary.knOivledge to hoobie:S as 'Tom., Ford; To sho\i• thtNleClelle . ri.'als'o did on.. perlyand auffieiently shccor.liarper!..i Ferry, we , need , onlyrernind Alm. reader.'thaCat,til e very moment that the ioWardly Ford" hauled &Own and thihbred: his ,'guns oei•r• the II if F r and Sumner's cusps mine up to hisrelitit. 'The rehels - .-itistaritly fled; not„. hayrng 'tMne to destreilhe Stores, or'cven pari,l . all. the bravo , soldierewhO had been so shame fully surrendered • ' • • 9piniOns may differ •in theuiies, but: there r-an be, no gettingroiiiiil'faets;' and the , facts: in !he present case, show poiiitivol, that Clellan has hfien.rieeih made the victim 'of. the. Abolition . and :thet,General has lenishimielf, :bed); and soul, : to: these nn. , principled blciodthursty, Jacob Ms:7-7.,Thcni. A SIGNIFICANT LETTER. • We take the following - letterJtorn •theNeve York Priald; of th;; . .17th' ifist Thereis' the leaSt.' doubt but.that plutsi!,•su ! nrier,& desire to'have things just as the..e - rites. relittcs thein; and ithas• al teaks:l:44n otir candid ortitt 7 l ion, thatiif flip's& men - hatt:the 'Pait - idea that . our country - a . ould••,he i . euti led at the end of this'atruggde r andditut it t.i.ould be ttnii . ossti.f;:e tbr them to prevent ii,.they•w:ould y ttat Tett: another man 61- a dollar to.cutittnue. the tititig g let but would sfantdatnageit altheir;Wicked.- titia• and lolly; gird fiee lion.) • the faCe,iti their wronged . and oatruged countryinen...R .ad the letter: • • yiAtzigcr:4l, Nov. IG.' 1862 iSfurnored hero that the . .remoyal M Gen. :11M-lellan: supretatt. mointhand, Mid , dt,e substitution M Gon.;turnSitie iM fits hl6:iii; hat secret tiirtbry 'Whietrit „will ,be will Mr the 'public to understand. the; eel resulf . it is said, ol ; the verdict : Cite' re:. •cent elections,: sad-. was ::bi,ought. a hout firs iermidahle cabal .orgiiniied I;y:the -radical-Mel ticians nf this city;.iti and out of the'Cabisiet• As . soon as 1 be result cif, the eject iusit, was deli:. knOW.u.,•a meeting .ofthe Cobble! .was held, at which, it is' uniles steed, Prel'alem, coin announced td the ussatabled . Mem bets./ hat in his opinion the.reslilt against the 'radical policy, 'end e:sp - ecially emancipation Mr: Smith cc hued his , %voids tins( wt. it isaiiidltiat as 'R0011 . 93 - 1 coa srt-al.,,ves i i exproissed . theit cahriay ana: told LinColir that : there,..weie two course.. open Mr him- , he withdrew the preettonation and discarded tlie policy hail been purStiing since it win issued,; the War *Would' he prunifitV stopped,: assuring himat ; thel sale time that 'ilp . on 11M, opening'.congress. Mr. Sumner sail Mr: Wide th‘• Senate, and Mr: Stevens acid Lovejoy in the . ..limaa, were, really-to • make a 'prOp:" . hdlipliior peace with the Southern ierilederacyi . that not am:Abet l'ite'Should.:be lost, nor another dollar sli':ntlif. this tear was., to be- war forthe restoration of sinvely) that ifs'thesegeh:tlemin contrOtle44 . nlejority in the Congress' which ii.m . go,Vera the country; , so . fair:es• the,apPeopriat ions go,inr'enotinet year. they were iiiaPosition to ,dictitte the course of the administration. . He" besought Mr. Lai• cola tO:continu'iin thicourse Mhid.heen per. suing, irrespettive: of the verdict which 'had. dieen git/en bY.,the pedple. ..lot.only• mist he ;where to khe•Proidsmation is issued, and to, ali r its 'radical testarea,i• but heMust, moreover, givelt ,the herieti(ot.ittoerals in the :held: who . believed Thp.adminiitration hid lost thielection heeause'.of its,.non-success in the, Ifeld;, on ucrot n it, of the.. delay _et tending., the 'iriovomeist.. of our armies,: antrtlie , Presthint muit now ti .ail vantage .et the siiirition'lo. , • . remOvii those Geherifls.o he were. atponsible for the'delay,.niiir stibstiiiiia in their,'Moces' - .generals 'Who ilk . (n:y th e ,. tmaticipa t ion proclamation,. but ylio wo uld . Movetviltl yan sieail I upmu the gaga y. ' ... It is also siaied chnspe in tormed•the Ca.hinet, who.. -were the boldaess-pl Ms-tone, that, the . , result ' . had Veen loreseen, and that' the. 'etrieigei bad heed. firovided,.for by •the : who, Mitiil forced:did. larnation:' :We, were da. thit o tl Opt it II r.tvulu-. tibii anti 'cotilil•taictime.step h4i.k • Qiildr'Cokiiiet urc . th't • ' . 21 r ~ • tr , . • . . . havc:followekriOti.to thC.vitriiriee;,of ine,ton. Itle now 4elinitely . . ontlerstooq that. th' , ! . . radicals: have more coingere control of ::Psesi deni inOrh . `o:ver unocrotOoFt • Smith, MIA • sr:, 7311[r-err 'to mire frotri tho..Cahloot ithott 'ly.attor rangri4i - ennd'alter the appit.(l ' ''iejiitrtite,: liet;de of geparttrinen ta. It, would theta'. tore, that s e nre hot 'only to have a radical-pol- 1 icy, but, a! radical cnblnet arid ratliCil 'ienerals . to carry it into.etToct.. - In ConnectiOn•ivitli it is underithOd, thin detters were reeeived here frorn Sumher, Wade Wifaon, : - r'esienden'ind the otheiriidieid lea ders in the Senata, and 'from Stevens','LOvejei tonAlin jand other radicals Haase, stating that if--thketnincipatipn"proc lamatioh should. be withdrawn' the war-must •be stoppe'd and would be iftopped- This . fortid.: dable aboiltion'ettbnly orgn:lized against , th.a -conservative element 'that was trying, to make - itself heard at.the White House, did nor fail4o produce a great npresion •on the Tind'of the • n s Chief Executive.. • • Patriottc•andlionest:lit d laull,•and still obli; ged lo:yirthi to the radicals,-4ho soitiorcoghty hold the Oanty i. t.he Presidet found - lifiritielf trib roost .The,aPprAtirtatienelhat'. have • I;.enirtnNEOSand thAt:Wilrbel'inatie at 'flu. coming session C!nrutieirs will.carrp 11tr•'Lin` coirttcthe'ehil ortiis terlri - of'nffice. • It kr eta red- liihthis .adviscia:haye sucomtdutl.in . pressjult: him with the lirn ' o itio,tlirreii no pa teney in the'prement election; - save ex pression pf .the .portlCi that : it can nor : . wiSe. affect theconduct of. the, War or, the - AapPlies of the government, •t hat lI•ls not meant :sae a the;.einineiritioh pro - cfb Marion.," It is C:liiirted.iri i'nfornie.d circles ' Here, that as semi:lir; Nip resit!: or the lections inrott,r Brute itnis'iciinwn President' he *As.(li -1-;‘4,...d tO•kieli the re diCalq'Oeerboard and' Wtih - draw:: the ; Preidarnritin;r,, bat ; Wait . : tort b}•• the. noexPerreir diIeMMA into which'tfie7tidieltts' hail , pinvided , to plunge him. Tt 'was stated that the Rept:Micah:36W' hurl immense major ity the house the Senatet.:tbal.lhe :,„,: qt ;, ot i ott o r the Pine lamaiimi - tyould be ri-sis . ' 1141 for t Irptlioiliiite,stoppsgti.aallsupPlies'. to the.govertitnent for Conti:mingtilt..Wer t :Ills t: oar tlt ri , !'rpetuation oh - slever,:y oughtliM tV,eostote ornee lanl bienlioust.makCUp lo coati:tee in:the conise It ear turisuirigor- r recegiiite the crinhnier,icy, •.„.. . • .This, - slated, bele to be the lec,ret.M,itre, Gen.,, :Mr,. .I.inColn 'bar; surrern.lered to be rroisduized on',a the:gott en, ate, im,tt;e, field art to so ear by;,(hr 'prrrelama. licit; at :rll . o,.thaf.....annsr go,. And the . ••railicals who Iti,f;ppople: had landty, hoped • were_ tO ~be I consigned to didiviOM.will'hereal ter ride, , the, roustal IL•tfiese•i••pirts.alc to •Le .belittveiLtlia ad mialitia!Tha is 'more firmly comniittled to .Efw ra.dicias vyertnzi( l . l i , e.reiTtoY4l ofatwerai aforetostn, policy tva may , exPt ; t l it uiPli . r•Oe hesini !ler. • ...thattho • Prasiilen!' Li all. ::tha't:hkolijoci •i 9 'ta'coitillict intr. oo)rCrlio.conSiitatioic,' and linallr . resfiarethc. .4 - 0 0 t1 Umonasit ..IVI/3jbptit ilt/ , thr:conl. iesscd •Olas. .CUm„rt.m !or lhe.supplies by. which alone the war, can beproaccatcti. The- exciititnenti'Mre is intense, and' every une . is\i'utellitig with touch ; curiosity a nd tin. Tolle anxiety lee ffeeelupelffla Of, the railitial plot. af,ainst 'the Union. ..fiu'orieMan t• prrseiit 'Mreisce t lte regult:ol butiCorn ns:. spr . eil. by perorpi high" in 'tile ''cottitsels of 'llle, Itepithlicatisthattihn . Principat mumhersiot . that party, iri their, ovVr anxiety to sitr,Ve .the lrre' pressible.niggyr,--wonitl ha ye:, promptly 'come out for pcncr unii the recognition of !hoSomb• ern .- 'confOtlerOcay: incase Mr', Lincoln had witbdraiVn hiliproclumti lion Lind rethin'etl Gen``-', oral. M.cClellit'ai in conimand, . . Tot iMpepi!ithle not to Come to the conclusion. that. hit .been sacrificed' to the •politko • . , •• jealmtsies 6r . ke party in'power; Thp neas of the outcry and the hitteraeia of the accusations tigrt)i.t him the last few tinnnt l ;6l have ativapi seemed su picious. thecOrstatit declaration of the Iteputiticana has . • twilit that ' .Nlco . lellan-I.U'ainOi• to 'l)P .. ..trtiste&,''o, o ,.l 'l; 6 would. :cto'n'othing, and that thtl . .wt‘r 'Nyttiat'ij npver prosptir until he•vrtta piit.Otit of the Way ! AlthOu'g.N . thiyattaeked, his tnilli!it:y reputation it was evident tiaere was made pp . a suspicion end hatred, in 'the back': gFound, and "that this urg e d agaittai while they tolerant- oi.Pope intten• "fni;tretrtni. •The truth is Mlt . e'Clei. lan w 0 kn,,wn to.ho - non . v.rvaifve, suit tit th e .app nr e.the 61.1e0t acts of .the•Feileral :Exec ultve. This ivas ettou l th for tin Stanton and hfs - creature, nn4 the 'Al.olitiort party. Such . was •hat not even .*.hen 'at Chili in su ' vnit•M'asyland and the - capita } ti itAelfoll,l their dettutici rease for e - tiayt- - Illy Irninivn or „I . • H I; , •".:4; \l' I 1 ~ ,r 7: ;.~ .J ''4.4rir - • ''" Vtil If ~.,. fty ; L14;1 z:Not 30 are proved to,,bc thOse 01 it, IliflqoYelehP Re°Pk of the Northern 6 . 4 'ti B • xvll d Et94ll4 1n " (root that morpoot ,became too Atingtoa r man to he left at , the head ot la,trett,citioy within a few ttoy'* march of the clipiMil,iiiNtiat if, relying on the good will of tbe , soldillk*And the chitnged'opinions 'orthe ptopfeiheileisiontlte seize Washisig,ton, and conduct or, conclude the *Anon thpirpp• plea• of his own, pmrtyr 4Sueh khown even in. Retitiblicr;aird thdughv r ibtolilili• lan's fault fa "exeiggive Possi[4!o;eki ih.t I . , !? I 4AeX,'FIPI I 4I iitlk2+r irvhis bandit, goaded bq tpe attal.elw,QC otie. MIPS and led on by; the tincoittagemehtdiskiiiiht friends, might' attempt at the etliii ;4fliiiprira t f v 1164. 3 ,647 ,A ' td‘ia The Republican Cabinet:has !mull itt,,sionkto anticipate its enemy. X.ike an , old i.Veltilktut conclave, It suspects and watchee inilitary leaders, and in it ^ moment? 'ot)torrotidlitplacea one foi another. The of "Mitllellan is the filet elteCt tin Mr. LincOrh tit Die'l6te riectiuos, It is known , that 4141 1 tilmt" d ee pl y. If, wog i n th e ycords'of 'one atii hut own party, .itipsdeil &Iwo" b ' k, s tlf:Ptir,atiNfillilis of the nf.nli hl Ica no II o de ' t Vir(fi r airdinliry . / 4 j ,, J revolution in•lsfeu,'York, must have ,egnEWlrtou h i , di sco mfit ure . 4, hat hla intentlone-trikrihe we cannot till. He"rdefitleteiniiiiie fd terry nal his policyand atipp ' brl hi romp, Qr lie may recdo IPSL e in the populir vet = diet:and cliAnga,ll4alnfai_ao4 Iris sokinet• •,, But to get rid of a Oemocratiu Copigamigoin- Cll,, t illta uppcar . ,(1 to httn,tPo of his position. A Oencllo/ with the reputation at ,Iffiat Of l araatfc coastal battle, and with the growing44lfidence of the Opposition, woetoo dangermui,a,ivtil to be borne 60 near the White House. Bo Mt, Lincoln haa made ilia (gyp But it Is not e'en tiy,!t ..Tidismiss o popurtir.geierttLl.onti,a,;,tti4tri3fer • of fa%verful A . in corre!rpohilenee ttyideo iy,cornplypey! . ftpr, ppb.- lie cileitlation,.: is o flanizttrousi ptine' try„ w here {tatty stiirit, mop ;,liittf e: il effect in.,thc,pr.enent 16,maile,A4Ple11"n" it enirfervativ( 31,11)x. • No nun •will. bmffeece rho i be tCne cliTtft , Prl tif.l6l Cominn:rrtl for,intre ly mili(ery lelOrnals• exult - in t he . fall t he',V e e , PiiiiiirtiOts: on thecontro.ili, no to ly I,le . t 4 .ldres thitt ifiriirtVortit 19 t ieg ref t t , be their owadrttler,' . 11'4; iottped';‘,ilittlifiettnt ' eireomstopee.,tflt,,,.gAtt, : tbe,„l7iiioxßceo efa4ti . ..41snoCiotion. meeting,blr,.,Johntslifforbirotstititn tioupeell.thitt, he }'ould , ituppoft,ljteipofllßltion' Of gen, ItleClell4niti - the",,fireittpc,fittie.gootlitlittor 1 Pr. 1 4 0 . A l itit , .' l,l l l kir"... ;posed Flora inadotr ra :Ittccit l 4 o 'khr,,,l 6 4,lgin• :state ilt . thttthk*ettttying (.41 nere a t yV9 .ildironring irfrbututf etiooitil„pyoryAttx,jenit we 00 11 not 1.!/iP,Al!el° of Fe . ceiltir attil,orgr.r .; oppnlq• lion on the ot her, Cr ,troy,.,,tiffP,E l 4l4. l no ""q eon 4 9 9 . b . 11 14 Yidldo'• 0; 1 hq. Is, now, in the hands pf.,t i thi•ea . teperf desperate c ,Ttti!se'Ng!t's. , 'The Spri rig 64011 4 lerberit can be rhi'd(inht-tinit the.virtitl44Cl 4 l44 York hate deeidett .egelnet, meei.ure.% Nor ie''there, any nneribilh, tbf di. !luting it in revoini l'enneyl!dania,Vbfei; ono, ondNew 'Jersey: iiine , intiopiee . of tnese p . opuloiss St;,!iee mon, and the quest ion' erne i—Emaneipiklion...ank no' Union or the Union and Emannipation•oliana • Lcssiiris ov:Titic,Wan. 7 -The Pufitilo CO: rier uiicouries Woo ii, tvgteet teicher ernt•lent4htetlittie*ncl . the Tioolo of the Sonth 'come to.see the nin,le,or Into which they liave'bed&feetiethen4 to nee, ido, ee cl,iorly th'eFestiiiiiettitokive mon 01 the North, lee is the only koblern. :The melba eiherhind;.Nerill emeige frolvi thewirr iifitkOthe'i'vefortne r tioe of sin timcn t a ob. lbegue, , iempletio 4, 111011 , be de obo4tionized, and inlnd your`own be Ilt'S.t i aven tipori'lte memory 'th it a 'eeioncl civil'Vita - Will tie imliossible. The Detroit Pree,Preas aave: 7 -Tkoi tiott peat. duty'ot tbe,Legialature. of 4 1141aigantOilt!fiater abonid be r4iieal OctipertOnil , 101111,41W0, 11 ." as.ihd:pro!nigges statutes are ityfect,Ogighg .olitionists. ' • Liuv6.4 Piaci: or atm° "1190aFtiaLTaPHsp# ED. D. Mahoney ' , CP 41 41* , .id , 1. 11 , Dubuque •(lovirs)' flerattl,i ,W l r.,..theospoutd t o sussar,. l hcipra h . a...gOv j atninalt:fra,atliCo d ii„qpii !avoid release releaserhim tram prisoni ., that asocoilO-_ net rommeopay'er'Cause , any : ac!iorror . ault,' :WON l ' 11 , 1i1; :44i " 01'4'4 'Olin? loyal St.aty tho Uniteli 'Slates,' his C.cir • • 0 NopoteoliN joi);, : in eit ttiiyi ofi t gi it miao,i tkat: kiltitiotio Jo ;Atm 4l - 14064 . , . •":: ..; .1* ,•111;ter 1141 , 1 , .. 1 b.f.:440r: In' • , IMEMIEN Ei==Ml • ,•• • • •,. v:l7 tr.: II=!=