M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, December 06, 1862, Image 3

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txriEREAS my. wife Vicrortia BURR hoe
V. left ivy bed and hoard without , cause
. or
proviicatkon.tbis is to notify oil persons' nof•fo
barber or trust her on . try.tiecount;• as I will
tiny no debts . of !her 'Contracting after this date.
Liberty November 10 1862; •.•
. •
Moe of JAY . 00631 E;. • •
• At . JAY, COOKE CO : Bankeri - •
. . , • • 114 3011711 .14(1'RD STREET,
'.' • •
Philidelptdi,"Nov. 1, 1862:
• , - 'The undersigned. 'having. been appointed
SUBSCRIPTION AGENT by-the Secretary of
the Treasury, 'is now ''prepared to furnish, rat
•..New Twenty Year 6 per "et. Bonds.
• •• isr the United States, desig nated ,as
twenties;" redeemable - at •the pleasure'of the:
Gevernment,. after '.fiee,years, end authorized
by . Aceat.Conzre4s; . apProved' Feb.:25;1862. •
.• The COUPON 'BONDS . are.iisued in. sums of,
$50;$180,$500, $lOOO. .
•-•-• :.Thp REGISTER BONDS in sums' of .850,
• •,$100,,.5500, *Sloop and $5000.. „..
Interest at six 'per cent. per, annum" will
commence fioni . daite. of pnrchase, and is
Semi-Annually,:whichis eynat,.. , atthe.present
premium on golds to abOut EIGHTTER CENT
in . .
and:-)111 who haVe any money to inVesi, should
know and remeinber :that these' Bonds are; in.
effect, a FIRST MORTGAGE. iiron: ell Rail-'
foads,: C . anals, Bank Stocks and S..curitiee; and
the immense products of. all :Ike Manufactaies,
Sec:, iu. the country:' a nil.that the:full and
ample prOviSion . made . .for thn.Payrnent •of the.
interest and .liquidat,ion: of principal, by Cus
toms, Dut ies, Excise Stamps and.lnternal Rev- :
enue,:serv.euf . oM'ake . these honds;the
Best, Bost Available and 'Most. Poiiiar • iniestmeat
- • •in the 'Market. . . •
. .
Bubieriptniits received at PAR in Let : toil:Ten. ;
der Ntitis, or Notes.and.ebecks of. banks at.par
ti Philadelphia. SubsOribers , by. mail• '
will re
ceive' prompt attention and every . tiejlty. and
explanation oti , applioation to
.this office. • ' •••• • • •
.A•full supply of Beinas will be•kerit on band
for inaiiiediate &.livery.`. .•
.• JAY.COOKE, tibseription . Agent. •
11\TOT10E is hereby given that W.. Y. M'Coy
has fiGNI rn my office his last . and final ac 7
cohotAis Administrator' of the'estafe .114n
stisr K N ox; .deceaseil, and 'will:preSerit the'
same for'confirmation at the next stated..Or
pharesCourt, to be:held at Smethport the 4th
Monday of Deeemi3er , neit, A. D. 1862..." • .
...Witness my hand, Nov. 7, 1862.
LETTER of . -.Affinfoilf . ralion buriiig been
erenteii 'to the. undeesignedon the .stale
- 4IAS './...C'oo!ti late. of Keating; township,
deceased, ell.p,eisonsinitebted to said estete are
requested to
. miihe . end
those 'herrn?, oldttn.4 against the. 01111).. will Pre.
ant them'. duly a"tli.lif leafed tor eetelemeid.,
.• .• • J. COOK, Ailininistraior,' •
:October. 27;1802. ••''' • •' ; ,
it& DZiltiliti.it'd lawn. or FASll2Ol , l5.—The
• ..11/ best ama avy.t Feehiou:Makaltee In the
wr•tr w..Qoattim Ate larde.tatid [tang Finbien..Pletes
Abe vite.staat 11.4130er of fine *htegrAt'leg., the lale.t ..4
=mot rautabtelaturtatt.ou, three full-astel 'Pattern,. tor
reiwee. art itbett4 er neat itrade- Wel k and Katertti•
pa1.,..rwe,• 7 ; Seery Mother, Dreestnyker, Dthle , ;er
.ant ;wtiy, sk ,el 4 h.totylt . Pueliditect'Qqautvrly, et' 474
lintwitray, DTew York, aphl everywhere orient by anal'
.it t cvat , ktfty r e,oll, w ipt a ralurble Inas:elute,
:Tlro - Orranrerounaber noir fe*d.Y.
, . • ' vs' W Snapp and C H iturrsiws
vs Wm' Darns etel •
vs John Wjlsti k Vi* Dame
en lleV,ltatker et al'
Lssiimois • .
vs James W Phslpi :
vs J • Dick as lip CO • •
14 Merritt Cissis.st
I . .t..lianterbreskp
11411116 .
Geo W Prentiss
, Joseph 1 , Clark
- Irons
• • Titlinms Stanthexe
.11.1 4 ahree and her . .
• ~ ,.hashatul • .' • . its Geo II Cotton
"V Keating .1q al Ts William :look
,itibileon Irons . ' , ' A. , T Aldiieb et al
„John Magee .. vs Jlitoore eta,: .
Lewis Thibon ' „ ' Ti Nni. Whitney et al
William Bache , vs Hiram. Payne'
„Tone bomber Co. . • vs' TeL $ Poster •
Cos we' of J.ll' Clark: ye 11 Frew - sum '
Walkil . •• ' .is Ininielllitigabury .
~ Bank of Port Xeres . •vs same •
Walkill Bank . .•' ' lame
. John tlidlpang ' '.• vs same • .
Joseph W :Harks ,vi Edward ilwartotit • .
Miner • ~ • 'ti T W Cole & Terre Tenant! .
'Andrew il•hulleiv • vs Thos Conover
Nlaydole us& of. Charles .va ' - • • • .
' . , Lit Decker_ .•
Lamar! S Fc4tIITVI Henry W Barret al •
Brewster Preeniai . /a William Haskell
• William Gocd • • EJ Pokes - •
Winans use of k Haley . Ben) Hayirood •'
Alaimo I . WHees. • cos Peter Wilts
WM I use of • N Tailor /a Ghordis Corwin . . r
Niewd Berlina et al: ; ia Charles Davis ,
1411141. • Cummings. •
• Lame • we.Gardaer.o Hoyt
• •Intme • ' va..Albert GI Otto .
Same is Benj. Preto!. •
,Eristnall Smith •' " •vsl H & Jar Judkina . • -•
Proth , y.. •
0611.13 1862
LIST 0F 4 .717501t8-41EC. TERM. 1862.
Eldra,—Adami Levi, , Fnwler A. it., Rad
ley Jacob. : •• •
Liberty—Cook. Iler. ry . ,. , Coleman Horace, Grinolds B. • • •
'John,• Gallup ,A. D.,
Dyntley J. H., Moore Israel, McCabe •Huigh.•
,Norwich—Coipgrnve W. 1., Pat tison•E. • .
,Ouo--I:lonicer flenj. Pretiss Arthur. •
.Aesnin,—Fuller D.; Sullivan Michell.
- ,Cirsts—Hobbs - • •
Zer,reant•-•—lEartiii Adam.
Bradford—Pherguson Ambrose. • •
Lafaiette--Turner Geo, Watrous G. W.
Ar,a,tin crP Daniel,' Beckwith . J. L. flus
aey:Morgati, Sicily. John. • • •
Laratpt lot.—w Beeman Albert, Bragadorn Aaron
Sinop John.
•Annin—Brodli.y WO. • Fe•senden I. C.
Riley Cornelius, •Ta yler GPo.,.Hicka C.
.A'o .-toieh urd kG. W., Rhodes. P. L.
Liberty—Barrett 'G. C., •11.ornahy . A. IL,
Coleman J. C., Quirk Jacob, Lawton Lewis,
',Steele S. S:, Ward 'Michel. •. •
. .
• C Ai g i a — Ci , oper'CYrui..Gleaion Ddnitil; Grow
4G: W.,,Sifford Amos. •
Ebir..d-COrponter Alrnon, • Wri2ht G n. D
• • Bradford—Farr Vijier Z W.,
Whipplt. :Alfred Burton Win., Par
*on, Eon.s. • ' •. : . • . .
Borow..A—ToWnx.r , ll.l. R. • -
.•, •
• . J E. ALAin , Sheriff.
§,riettiPorti Nov.
,1?, /SG?.
Good .;p ( WS icr the • ti(irklcyci
upoenArrcrai TO iserac MOSEY
To be Oisposeii of.an
All'persons deskroOs of.seeurins an Agency
Should send on fbeir , names at onrei. eheloairig
a 3•,ent'starini.to..pay postage ; and receive by:
retursmail . • . :
induce Men Is;
11.IRE' eIIa.VCE
without risk, togethei..with
Relative to this
. .
To:insure 'prompt ind aatiafacto : ri dealings
direct all orders to , .• .
• •
439 Cheitnut at..,• Philadelphia. •
* Apri.ol; 1861.• ' •
'ICOMBTOCK • ' •• :
• • " . . • . •
ja . old friends in,bleKesn 'County, that.. he is
on bind this Sptingor ususl,
Selected quick of Goods in the Olean Market
To . Whole,sale cub. Igen 1 19.61. 84,
I ein otter youbetterinduesenents then you.
caniet 'wen of New Tork,• •
ft mikes no difference whit you want, any
thing inthe line of
Cill at the
And you will find the article fresh indeheep
Ws no use tilking.
always has and,always will take the lead,.and
regulate the market in •
Groceries . arid priovfsions,'
Don't_ fail to call and Jul° me'when you visit
Olean ; I shall not hurt you, but shall certainly
try to do you good; . .
Olean, May 2;d, 1860.
'To Consumptives.
. .
PilE '
vertiner having beeu restored to heal'h in n
few' week.. by• Very simple 'remedy; after baring
puff rail neveral.yearn with a .severe lung affection, HIM
that dread ciseme, 0 ;aPttroption--.ls 0.11111)1//1 (o. make
'known to his fellow-mfferers the manna of.eure.
To all Who desire it, lie will peed a copy, of the preserip
lion used (fr.-e of charge), with the directions for pre
pa. Jo t ami Ming th,i /15100, which they will , and
CORE rot , Oi Nentirriow;:..lnyams - Plumbs:rm. Are. Th..,
Only chi et of the Advertiser ht isiondida,tha 'reseriptioa
is to'bendlt the ladliated, and spread information which
he co•mqvisetn. be invaluable, and he kopea every suf.
fain will try histromedy. as It will cost them 'hinting,
and ciarprore •
Patties wishing the preiatirdlim will pl.ase 'address'
"l C l it"?Yi Row Tark:'
...:...: "C05TAR5" . ., , .. , ...: .
"Only Infallible Regiedies Known."
Theeipreperetions (molifie'an others) are
d'Ftee from Poisons." • .
'. 4 Not•slangeroos to the human family.' l .
'Rata come out of their hetet to dio."
10:)eits and mr. eatalilisied in N.'Y. City
Vint bi r th, City Post Otlko.
Erserithe CitiPrisons and Station Hoopes
Uisd Stfainets,'Shipi; &c.
Iraq . by--the -City Hospitals, Alms-Houses,
thid 6y—the dAito'
NiclaolO,' 4-c
Used by - —theßoaiding Houses', &C.
irsedly- 7 :More than 56,060 Privite F amilir
• ..
027 See 'Azle the People, Press; and _Dealers say.
• HENRY 11.". COSTAIL—AII thri ' summer I
have been,_ troubled' with' Roaches . and Mice. I
was actually. ashamed or - the Souse,' for' the
liaaehei were everrithere.'• I purchased a-bo . x
of yotir Extirininator and .tried it, and .In - prie
wiek, there: •was not 'Roach ni Montle In the
Jolfri B. GivENtii ; No:1)4 Elm St.
HOUSEKEEPERS—troubIed' , verthin,
.need• be so ino longer, if. - they:uie.,"Crisvia's"
•Extirtninatnis. • We. hive ,used it to.out Otis
lac,timiland•if• a,box cost we would - have'.
it. - We' had tried •poisons, 'but they effected
nothitiel; hutroitratt's article knocks the breath
out , idßati, .Miee and 'Bed Rttia, quicker than ,
we Can :-Write it. great demand all over.
the countryl.—ilferiirra, , '
MCIRE.GAAIN•and Provisions are destiny ed .
annually 'in Grant _County by vermin,' than .
wouldpayfor tons of. this. Rat:and Insect.Kil-
I e Louraaai( I i r iS • ) ,
-'HENRYCdSTIAA-LYOur, Extirminatoi
is received, used, and pronounce d atleeided
success. We used a hoof It, and the: war . the
'Rats and Mice arcitind .our pierniaes' "raised
Ned," ,that night was a .raution to sleeperi.-,--
Since th - en not•a Rat or•Mon , 6 has beeo .heard
n kitchelfor cellar.—llfogregior (.Fowl) Times.,
HAVE BEEN ;.SELLlNG—Yourjlxiiimi- -
nator for the last year, and find its SUEZ SHOT.
• Which .altord
Ron, Diliggiat,Carilingtiiii,
WE ARE SELLING—Your prrliaratiolis
rapidly. .Wher:Er they, have bren M i re,
Mice, Roni'hei, arid Vermlri dianTipoar
ECIER 11 . c • nruggistr,New
rli D y—liati, !19schev, &e
To Destroy—Mice, Moles,.llge
Ti ireirripp . Bed Sues
Deseroy—.-Moths, /leis, 'Ants,
Ty Destroy—Mopqnitioes
To Destrer r -Insects on plants . , and insect!
re Destroy--Inseetsiin Animals,.llge.
Deis,tri4—*Very forma and species of .ver
tide drive • ,
"Coster's" •Rs", /beck, &a., Extirmin's
' Costar's".. Bed -b4 Extirminetor. • •
"Bolter's!" EleetWs Powder for !meets.
Ix 26,.50e.,:an0 $l.OO Boxxx, Dirricts AND
FLAITS. 113'amt $5 lusts TOR PLANTA
erSO/I.,Etroweigre..—by . "
All Virlioletale Drugiiiita in law cities.'
All. Retail Dealers—Orocetre--"Store-lteeper.!
llce. in the'United•Stiste.s. .
Wholesale Agents in New York lay.
Harrell, Risley &
BOsb,.Gale & Robison
M.' Ward, Close &.Cn.
MlCisnin & Robbins.
D. S. Barnes ga • Co..
F., C. Wells & Co.
Laselle, Marsh & 'Co.
Hall: Dixon &.C'o.
Tripp & Co. '
Conrad Fox.
Ship&lia Brae. &
hnastrick,Holl & Co.
A,8.& D. Rand. &VG'.
Wheeler & Hart.
• Hegaman & Co.
Hall, MAW & Co.
Thames & Toiler.
P. D. Orvis.
Penfol, ParkA , r & Co.
Dudley & Stafford.
Philadelphi's, Pa.
T. W. Dyot t & Co. . RObt. Shoemaker &Co
B.A.Fahoestoak & I Freilek,Richards &Co
All the Prineiliel Cities'enti Towne' in.the
13:7-801.4 by
And by. Drnrcists, Grocers and Retailers gep.
Ily inCity and Coun!ry. • •
o:7"Coantry tieefere'con Ottler es eboite.
Or ediirees ordPrlt direet—[orif Priers. Terme
&c: is desiretl' 031^' send tor Vireuler'to peelers]
PII.II 4 IaIPAL Ditor—Na. 512, Bre . iadisnsy,
' Opposite the St. Nichol HOtili N. Y.
Yob. 2 1, TORII ---tireis,
Destrm imunitlr
...IPArropoirLlvEßy. STABLE.
rirltir. .SUBSCRIBER ha/ OPeneii a pew: Li v
• -ery stable,in Smitliport,..at' 0. Ben
nett's Ohl ,Stand, on Main. 'street; junt east of
.Mettin ica°,, Wirer' can 'be• found the hest Of 'Hoe
ie. and Carriagei at, low prices., Oeintehda,
make Stnetkport a permanent reside nc e, jod
a!iltti a share of patronage.:. •
§m•Opart, August 440E360. 1123tf.
. ,
T4l . Ccriife . Haiions: , and Experiokacie
of an Invalid.
. • , • . . ..
- 15111111LIIIIIIID /OR TIRO DERE/IT .11RD'A8. it * * AIN.
Ind and I mules' to yearn me* who niter from Nor
roes Debility, Premature Decay, &e., supplying at :the
aloe Uwe these's= of illelf•Oure - 'By one who has curse
'himself after being pet to great espenae through, medical
licipoidthitr and quackery, By enclosing at poet.lt ad.
dressed oevelepo, stomas comas, maybe had it the ma;.
thor, NAIMANIFL mairsais, mg.,. glid ; Mop
ki ps
Omit', N:: Y: . ... . • • • ,
.. . ( "Ey -
' . A ittosrtion-aorite, RELIABLE end tRAC
TlCAL.lOurroil; , devrited. to:the - different 'de
partments-of sod culture, such as growing Field
Cropa;:Qrchard 'end, Garden Frultir-Qardeu
Viletables FlOwersl •
,Treea Plants, , and
Flowers lor the Lawn o r .
,Yard of Do.
inestic Anintelsi &c., and to Hotisehuld
.Labors. It. has also an interesting ind Ihstrue•
tive departnient for children and . youth.. . •
A full Carendar.ot pperiitie , ns . every month.
• Teree to Four Hundred, nr more, ..illustrative
Engrevi'ngs appear. in each voloone.. • ; •
Over Twelve HUndred plain; practical. in
structive article! - arid' useful items, are given
Ihe Eilitors'and Contributors Aire proC•
tical Working Men. : . • .
. . . . . . .
. ..
•Thok• tocichingf of the AGRICUTURTST a re .
Pod to ttO State or 7 c , it9.ry, Litt are adap..d . . to
ilia .soinits of olt-.11e . ti00.. of tho*rpttntry;—if i. 1 , - .a.t.
il:tteinte!itqicatrrs,:forMBllVllo/8 AlintlilOAN'PON::
riser. . .
' -• ' '
A CERN ANTOITION rs 011. dished,: thi.
game . . site And . ..price is ihe English, and coil . -
taining.all of its reading matter,. and its nume
rous illustrative engravings. . .." •
• :One copy, one year, • . ;1-00..
• Si)c Copies, one year 6 60
• Ten or More copies one year,. 130' . ceints each.
o.r. Add to the. above • fatea; :Postage .to
Canaria, 6. cents, •to • F.pglana end Fiance, 04 . .
erntel• to . Germany,36 cents. •
....• : '
Posta.e - anyv,rhere In. the United B.l.atee and'
Terri t ories must be.paid by the aubserib-r, 11 ' 1
only.six..eent..O'• yea r, if.paid., in advapce• at
the oflice.where •reeeivpd: • .• •
All buginess antdotht4commnnieations shoo
be addreaeed to the Editnr. and Prnpriont ,
ORANGE JUDD, 41Park•Bow, N.Y.s Cit.
The commencement .of a I?..W . yPIV.ii a
. good
me for'renewingSultscriptiOns and increasing
he circulation of the JOlllnd of Commerce..—
' We addreas ourselVet to the old ,readeis of the
paper, • wifh•entire confidence to their willing
ness to bid ns, "and extend the, influence of the
sound conservative principle and morals which
have hithert6 characterlied anti.wtll hereafter
charecterizethis paper: EV4i SUBSCRIBEIV To
the..Journpl'of Commerce tnight :do n
r great
service to . these principles, ohd, strengthen us
in our ability to support and circulate:them, by
aenning • us the name of at least: one•new•sub
scriber in bis • toirn. • •
Devoted firmly ad we have been.to our coon•
try'a . . interests, antl...haVing long been Celled
"Unionn' Savers" a* term of reprbach,.ge ire
and shali.,be the firm uphblders of .• -
oppoidao with heart end pen every man; South
or North, "hods an enemyio.either...- Every
form of disorganigation•and.-revolution will find
us'ready-for .the coiobit;..Arncing the loos of
the American, Union and Arnetican .
welank side •
and we propose with all our strength to defend
the nitioo•ageinst the attarks:Or both:
• A LIBERAL-OFFER, •• • • .
• . ,
Ti, encourage thole Whomay Volunteer to
aid' in the, organixatiou•of Clubs, we hereby
'offer an extro'copY of the Weekly to every bet::
mon-who abaft forward twenty. new suberriliers
with the moue*,
may be. orginized in communities .with great
silvantage. The present is the best period for
their commencement. The' reigns , on. which
we can furnish the paper are as folloWs
To companies taking • •
. 20 copies , or upwards. ONF,' DOLLAR each
13 copies . FIFTEEN 'DOLLARS.
8 copies • • TAN
3 copies ".. • • rive ' .
Under 3, copies . Two. • each
The papers be iddreseed to different
perioniat the tante' if desired,' es.,
cePt incises of clubs of 'l3 or. mote 'copies,
vrbiCir will be mailed to one address: •
'• . ADDITIONS TO ' CLUBS. '; r• 1
.•.•• • • • .
may he 'mid. at the following rates t•-•-• Papers
added to I doh during the' first quarter . of the
ebb's 'year will, pay the full rate of •the.origi
nal clot:Prof a year,•rtoring the • second 'quiirter
three-fourths of the . original year!s 'rate, during
the third quarter'one half, and Atirirg the last
quarter: one-fourth; .Arie all such siibrcriptions
will terminate with . the year 'of the original
pro...upsh.oita V. S. Moll
. .
'Where paek e s esor nerorepore or
are received at any post.office directeil to one
'address. and the names or the el!tb or started,
bers..to which: they belong; With the. postage
tore (matter 'in advance,,shall he hand:d to the
postmaster; he stall deliver the same to their
..Rot, thie does .apply to weekly hewepapere
which citenlate free 1n the county Where prin.
ted and publisherf.- ' . •
Inr.Addrssa Eiliti . ro of the Jotirnal of - Com,
mein, No. 91 fi'affstroot :Yew. reek.
• .Editors and proprieto.s
. ,
Thia preparation. made
,from.the best,Jefea Draftee. is
reconimendce by . physicians sitsperior NUTRI rioup
BKVKR RAU for General Debility, Dyspepsia,' and t.
bilious disorders.' Thousands who beep been ontimelled
to abandon the Ilia of coffee wfil use Ibis without Wulf
nus effecte. One non couldn't' the strength ef.tWo,pounds
,of ordinary. coffeo. Pries WI cents. ' , •,.
-• . •_
.. •
' The 'purest end best' KAKTTSG P01111)Ell known..ror
makieg light sweet and natri%ins 'Bread '44l(e/dies --
C "adireoull mi.. 11 Chestnut 5
. •
And sold all Diuggista 'and Groiers,
circ*lNl.L, I'OQ,OOO.
, .
QuotOonirc'orrorteil T -urimplcon Stio.rnattri,
• ;
.4 Watt Street. '.• .•
Publishid by
,CltAs. fhinipzit.i.,• 117 rakl't, 'St,
•• . To„Mall Stitiftfibere • '.'•••. .. •
.fli r eekly,.:.ss I Illnsi-mootbkre....l4 I llfortttily:...7se.,.
•Ife,Peetmasteta or °thin . , .who feint Chiba aM fc;i
wild se the money to advance. we will mind the Riper ,
ter,l'oin Chart:2lfattiett, sod Doseriptive List, es f*
- 5 ioolle.of.the
' 3 eoplee of tbe
IC eopleit'of the A100th1y:....-- -
.will 'forward lirateltoonly to..any person
nending a Mob . :01-1120 at, the - above rates. it
any one time, Our AinarirOn 'eassi Meat
Seek. Aildresa,• • • .• • '
• .•• No. 2, Wall fit.:N. li,',•Proprietors
BUSI-1,;L8:4 the b",..igirOiy Tim
F. °Toy Sapp , ritisetl by Boil . for sole. at •
• Port-AlfrgOny, DoreTbpr 28, tfefl
, .
.. . . .
To s e ll g'onils . for !he . ADAMS SEIVI:IO.SIADDINE
C97III'.ANY. . We ,will: give -a roin . niissian on all
lontl? iciAll by nur,l t gentg, arti•sy.wa:ges at (rani
$4O 'a $lOO -per nrionth,...ind , pay all necessary
;..xpenses....piirMachine is perfect iti.lts fries
ehanism. • :A', child can learn' to :ape:rate it by
half in iinnrs i . in•tuctino . ' lt- to airy Ta'inily....srwing !Machine In nse, - :and : we t lial(e.,
red we'd the-Orii.e to Filteen.Dolla re. :.:, - ••• 1
PAO) machine. is tkairanted thrce . rcers
Address C. nu.pcus,
Gen. Agt., Defroa; Mich.
:riot P üblisheet.:fie a Sealed :Etsvelo . p. ,Prire Sir cftiti
Rndicnl Core of Speiunitorrboint, Serulorillreekn , m,
Involiintnty Eipluilone. :armlet Debilty. end. Impediment;
•to M.tiriern itenerelly. Nertrounneen Coluutinption. ETA.
lepev'end friti;• Mental endlnceptielty', ree j ult•
log from &n. —By Boat, CitEtptirtl.4., M..
I) : Author of the r; seen . onk , k tt.•
•Plow,, rld• room% niql nut bor. in Hite µlmlntl.leterthre
Idmrly• from lilt own. experlennit' thnt the aortal
nnivierpttuicee of Self-el !nee may Ire, ell'entonlly,rinoyed.
without inoilicine. and olthnui denParnue tutrelcal.opera.
krone ; bunging, fort to nenfe, ring', or .enrillelt. Pothtftlg
not mode of cure 'at once nerteln end 4.frwlunl, hr
which evert eufbirer,,no mutter whet lilt condition wry
hr;prirnlrlj:runt mike
Tick lecture will piove a boon le. tlttiusentle end thin'. , j
. .. . .
. ,
. .
. . . . .
..' Sent under Ao,lii In a pinin envelope, to tiny adtlitom,,nil
receipt of elx cent*, or two pootaEo Atfirnp“. by:n(l6.4Bß
log, - .
- ..
. •--. • Dr„ (11 A 8 . JO. Ki ANN,' -;•
.. .
127 Dawrry, Ai emr,Yoik, Poit Office Itoir, 4680.
eb. 10, '22. jr, .. . .
. .
haling purchased thiii We
T` known itand;anil re-furniihed nrtrt.4l
red the House, is-prepared to entertain Boar(
en awl the Tiovelini " . • .
. . .
, .•• .1-1.1. S . ..13Att AND 11.1131, E,,
• Will 1)? v,vPll atappliell, anti: ev'er);trting• done
to:merit.a liberal. share orriatriimitte. Raft
men will.alwaya - fitlrthe ...latch:string" out.
. - Kendal - Creek: tannery'., 18 . 60. . . ..28-Iy.
OF TH r.:
Voltime Vl. New Serieg. •
A new volume of this widely ,cireulaterl
per commences on .the 4th at Janumiy:. Every
numbe'r cOntaini sixteen pages of useful infOr•
mition and from five to. ten Origiial engroyinvi
of newinventionsontl iliscoveriep; . all of which
are prepared eXpressly lot' its columns..
The SCINTIFIC AMERICAN , is tlevoftql to
the inte'rentintirnpular Seinken, th e MeOinnie.
-Manytarturen, Inventions,' A grirulture;
•Connntieren and the :mini/trial ••Ptitnnits
nnd in v . ntualitt and intitructive not only
'in 't he . I,47oric . ahniiiinti , Munufactnry, - but nitli in
the Household; the Library •and the ;.Reading
. .
"ro The 51echlinii and sfafilifdgtutell
'No 'person engstged.in any of the :sti eehanira
Pursuits'. Ousulil..think .of .siising. without. the
orgririerc A;IIRELICAPI.. It. emits hut ((Mr• rents .
pei week;. every number contains' from six 'to
ten erigrivingii of 'n•w • machines- anti.'iriven.
firms, which cannot he.foimil in any other pub.
lie a iim. • is. on establisher! ati!e 'of the; pi', b
lishers to inseit hone but Original. engraoi.ogs,'
coil thole of the first class in the art, 'drawn
aid 'eUgrasetl 'by experienced person's under
their 'oevn:suppreision. . . •
To the. Inventor!
densable to ev,:ry Inventor, as it nor only e/in
. illostrated f telrripiionis of nearlyait' the
beat, inventione as
. they come odt, .bot e - o'rh
number enntains an Official Litt of ihe Claim
of oldthe Pfitkoht . ds-ued.from the United Sriit's
Patent o(fic;e duting4a . week. proviatiQ;.
Kivioqisenrrect Itistory..of'tbe.progr..ss of
venlions in -country. We are olso r.e , dif • I
Inc ); every, Week. the best erien , itiejodrr . n.lsot
'Great Britain, France, lind.'priinooy; bus
•p ecint in nit., lirmiesginio all that i! trpti.pirint:
,in c.ierice . and. art in. IRar I.ld
enuntriet . ..- We .routinize to.'tion‘fer to
'our coinmns rotiiett, extriteri from .ihese -jeer
nrtlii of whitteiler,we muy.:deerrtof interest to
.Chemiste, :ArchiPiris; Millwright!, • Anil
. . .
the SrEN.'"IFIC A) I EttICAN
found a roost , ilaeltul Joutnal to lhem: kinky
netv di.coverip, of aciehiCe. Of . ch ,, miory.. are
arven and. the interesta of tto.
Ahehiteet and Carpenter are not, overlooked; all,
the-neiv, inventions And 'die , ovaries appeitain
ing. to These tior‘nita, being' - pOblished from,
week to week. Useful 'and piaeticil...inforru;
. .
floe pFitsinins tsihr interests of: miflikrfnhr~
end •mil,l;ciwners the
SoteriTitild' A2II,ERICoIN %V b i,c
cannot - possibly
Subjects' a•hich• plionfei• fyii•iiers'nrit •
frreeteil vFill 'be found -disius!ted• the!. ticii:n
II in
T o coral subscribers:;-Tvi7M por ft r 3 : '
a: to.if:,
,Ode , :dollar. 'ficir.Oxe. m0n110 , ,.. ori-,,,, Dahl..
pnyt 'for one complete volume tit ...tie peers;,.
two volumes cotnpri.e • One, yerir.-",fire . .ink,
um4s.'cornmence on the. Orli of. Jemiait and
. •
. .
!. Fire-copieg t ,for.six'Menth a -,. • •:,... - . . $.l
Ten , cdpies, for.F.i3ci+ifoi tha ... ~. -, , . .. , .t ,
.. Ten copies, leir Twelve Malign ••;• ..•• ~ -57.1
:. Fifteen copfee, forTWelVe Mont lea .- , .-. $22,
TiventY eopiim,. for Twelve..Montha ... - . ;52,,
• Ftir all el . u.ba of Twenty anil,ovey; tile year
ly,e imbeetiption la enly $1,40: 'isTaMeit
. ean , he;
tient in at : tlifierent . tones .
end - from ~d itletrid
Pont.offkeei Specimen - enplea will be tient va=
tie to any part of' the emintry- - , ::. . .r..
.Westeln and:Cannifinn rroiti.y or - Peat-afreee
'atamp.i trOcen ,at par.. for subscriptions. Cana
(Hall AUbtleflbetn will . plente 'to remit .2r/ eentm
extra 'on such year's :übserii)tion. tn. pre:+ay'
. .
191:TNN blt6l7(.rqr
•• • •No 31 Pit t k•roi.v • N'ew :17.(44
..i . .... - '... A:Y . ,.'5 . :.: . :::'*..:
And; for the spee . dy"enrer . of the' (Olidwing eentplelntei
ficiontla Saroptlttion AtTrottonsonich '
. tee :Grintineiritre, Ulcers, Sot mei llirttp ti loni,
Pimples, .ruettalos . ,
IllaLu~ tool MIS l 1 In 11)/44411tI011a • ;
• • '.''• 0.110..414 Sift &talk/Wl,' •,
J. C. Attn.& Co. 'Gents:. I Ted It lity to
kneWledge 'what yowl' Cut smelt II livings • them for _mo..•
Ilits•hitt Minn hod t Sartifultuts Infectleu t 1 hero eufferod
from it In vellottewoye for suers: .2itmellnics It , burnt .
'out: LW Ulcers on sue Monts mid 'Orme; tettitotibius It
howord 0101 distioastol too lit lint stuittuch. Two
.yens ngn It look., out on soy' Wad mid- tattered-My scalp 7
tool nuts nits moo. width Usun painful ntitlionOututito
loeyotitt demeriphob. • 1, tried ninny itivillbloss atittinerotul
•ployslchtits, hut without LIMO' teller from nay ell M 1 6 ,: II
fact, hip diem der grotty worse. At height Vous tejolusel
to tend tint Uustiel:lllessimger that you lout priintroti
nuoltiontleo(thirentstrllla), Co, I know from pant tootle.
thou Mutt itnithltog 3 outmode most. ho good: • I innit to ..
Citicititsuil toot gut It, mill 11801 It MIA cured nun, 1 look
It, tie you mirky, In ,aluell dove. of - )t totoluaitifill over a -
month. ntol need utmost linty honk's. New owl Inuilthy -
akin noon - Intittin .to term tuttlor the seub, width ort”r ■
within 01l off. 11y akin 6:11.111 . 6.101111.1‘110W by "my •""
findings. that the disease Mil Sono hoot lily Syntem...l:tat
ctittovoll behove '1 lint I feel 'lt h u g I "not tot) rug winot I toll,
you, huff I hold pot to hp ono of tin mottle:rut the ttgo,
end settudit over gt atcfully. l'attial,• •
• • '‘ • . • ALVItEIt D. TALLEY. : •
St.-A is thorty , e Piro, oio'or Erysipelas/
• 'Vt. tot.. naafi Solt lthcuut, Sortld Aland, • •
liltrgti3Orzo, Soto ny• ob i ~ /.Ihroony..
Dr. Hobo t. 31: "Whitt-irides. from &dem, N. T., 31th •.
Pew., ISte,.'that lto has titled...Mt oternfit into of
• lb am, .011kb thitatonuil 1.1 termlnnto tidally, by the"
.pornororlag ma a.m..
Illa, ill alao aMatlgerotai •
Ifutignoul Erßripelas br fargo doqes of the tame; 0030,.. •
Ito cures the comriont 'AVVieliolls by It.conattnitly,.. , , •
/Trottel' oe s hlte, Goitre
. . .
• %minden moon or h.', ; oThi e . h o t-,
tioN'or your so rooliqrillit ettred'ute 110111 a ig.ityer—O hid. •
elms- swelllitg '‘ nit the nuelt; It 111011 1. hind 'Sulfured. Poet
over too rearms" . •
. ,
• .
Loncorieliccn ar l'cl) if 411 rnvlnot.T•ttroor. .
• I. l Le,rino.Ulcerntlost, 14`...iiinle.Illeenmee. •
', Dr. J...11.,13. Clowning, ~r NSW Norte. City, ethos "
nioeteltem fully comply wills :11to mined of yriiir ngont lit
enyhtgl hive found your tbitaltiettilln li moot excellent.'
otteratito .111 the• tittinererstn coin plaints for which we,
employ midi. eventide,. but especially lii
of tho.Scraninue A 1,1010414, I bere•citresi ninny Ittretet- . .
ate r a ta & of Letienrrinen by 'lt, end imme whoro • the corn
-111,1111 wne chimed hy,ttlerintion of the ultra& Tin Ittcet ,
'then heel( tone want itiretl. Nothing within toy. knob{- '
edge orphan - It for 1110011l0onalo flufliagetucoley ' •
' Edward B, , Jilttriow, of Newton y, Aln., writes, A firm-;
vermin ovarian honor On ono . of tit (Unuilett In my gunny,
whidi 'tea &Med' could hrw
'at length borit'complataly cor.ol ky your yxtreet of Sot-
Our 411iyalciait thatfulit, liot It 1 144 trot lIxt11•pn-
rouldi affurthruttuf, but Ito 101 rfarll rho trita or you
sarguil ill.u !the- Ind resort' before' cutting, omit It
"gloved effuettini. A lier . leiting your routa,rly‘olgltt wenkit
-11.0 ityttiptoto of 111 0 tilatAttut reumins." : . '
• Stud Dtdonia.. '
:".• • • NAM Onfrcra, 11:41.1, A ngtod; itiot •
• D0...t.0. Aron : 71r,' T ehrerfnily comply with the y
veld of 'yam. nimafinild'raaart to you-souto of, the °DNA+, • .
hnvu rettlltted whit your lEbtrottintilla. "• • • ,
thrtio curvet with 'lt, lir oily poetic°, mont'of tho
ytlttin to, fur which It In I erommentledi,ntid havoAnnttl inn
Nitta& irttly wont:tarot An the: coo or 'renoto/ and Ne.ti:( •
Disedo.. 0114.'4 my patlatata hitch Syllhtlltic'ulM,l•d • •-•
In hiethrunt, which horn. cututunting his pi lnici.nott•the .. •
top o( 11 111 Lwulth . l'our ntrenonillld, etendliy. •• •
cured IMO lit nye hunks:. Another win nitackett , by se*. .
• [nullity eyinplonts .iti 'MS 11060. DWI .Ilia Meerut:Mu loot
, ratotrairay.n considerable part of It, au Out 1 honor° the.,.•
tilhertler would 161,01111q101 ids 'unlit ullll hill Mtn. lint It
yielded to lity.ittlininlitlinfinsi
.of your Enreaperilln; the • ,
ulcute imnlnh and IM is will atullm not of course without
'SUMO !1114111116111/11' 11166 Coco. .A 'Women who' hurl Itetdi ••
/rooted:. for the nema ditto loth I:nry vial suthd "
from title nolson lit her lams. They find bucetne sa I,oo.sitfre to the Hl:ether Duetun n demo day rho lingered , ax
eructating heti
du In her 1./Ote end . bueo.:" E hn, teo, Woo .•
ou 1• 4 41 eliiirely try pi ne t•nreerarille In u few. weelte.' l
'know &our Its formula, Ifl4 Itli yriur agent gave me,.ilint
thht-l'totettatloti :Mutt riot laboratory must '164 , a 'grout
remedy; .cetteteiltently;.tliCSO . truly' runlet holde-resulte
with It intro not ritiprieed me, .. • •
• Fraternallyyours,. • a. y. 1411.1311'11,
Cottt,-- Liver '•• Comitileilixt.
. . •
• Vll6. Cal July, ban.
1)&4.0. Arta t I , lt, 1 Itaro boon allllotad with a pain=
fel chronic ////runtatami for u Mug time; which 'mined the. -
*Mil of-ohyelainto, end nitwit to uto lo emit°, of rill the .
remedies/ could lind, mall I Owl Slllll Euro4l+4olll4: 'Qua .
liottla cured Ma lit thin wtette„nrtt fottnred , My general
11001 . 110 Ito meth flint 11110 far hotter than Itelbre 1 woo
altuckeds I think it u wooth"ful mediae°. - 017, .444 A BL:
.lee fletchrlt, of 51. hnulN , wiltent"..lliterti helot
milk.' ell for "yeencteith on - Opcliim nf (Its .ifosiri widely
MY MIMI.. d tt hot every thing, And every thit.g
tidied tit relieve me' and I Ituch hem u hrokon•down Olen ,
f-r 1 , 011111 yente from Ito ether retute/Iten deftmgeniftite • .
th! Lirer.." Sly beloved pustor. the hoes Mr: Itopy, advised '
,nto to tri yo u r tin rhotirilln, Intent* he said Itakcew etc, •
rust any thing yon nuolesten Worth t ryi Ity the Mod. '
log of find It hue 6 . 11141 11161;1010 hue "Luerlfted my'bletal •
lie tunkti new num . of Om: ".1 teervoting.ageht. Tho
•tkutt that - etin'lmi egad Of rim lo noblutle greet:J.:ll°lloo :•
Iriaso,ClinOor D.:isloirge ota
II leerstiitnati Ititition atoll Exiol /a tltsti or
the; Motto,,. • • ' . •. • ' •
• . ,
, A great Toriely'of epees loco been repot to.l to lie Whore '
cm en of thou
,formbluLlo tptopluloto Intro rovidtvd.hom • -
the lite of tide tottusly; lottolie rencp bete 1,111 not Schutt ,
them. Fume of thrul 1 . 1111 i: 160 found. !wont A inerlpan
Alin:tone, nide], tlo. is:tents 1 , !1..ve Vie 0 6461 to
Ovule!' grntls Ln 1111'11'11°001 for (Moo. . • ..": -
DytipOpsin, Ilesirt; .11? Incase, nito,
No In itch uly., 'riottFulatn•'; .
Many lunnoloddorllr.t 0E11 , 1 , 4 idb- 1 1 1 (3 ,4 11 ,, W0 Loeb
mad° by t h o nhorOtlve innyerkf this inedichno. It Winn..
Into+, Ulu Oar finicflons Ilrin virronn nclion,,•und {lino
overromenAbn , nlon Ulrich would by nnhpnfed 1,,,p1 1 0 i t g
roach. „Snob n inniOdy dins long boon. rprinfrod by tba no.
„ r t i, nnoide; nod NVCI are rnbtiduut that' this Avill
'do for than annul nanilcino • ,
Ayer's. -:chprPy-:...PeqOal,
. .
• - FOIL Till: It 11.11.1 MM.!: •• • • • •
•C'ottglie, Colds, lii fl ttOrrito , :Won
-• • Croup, Irrosteli t Iles. ttielplyitt
.• stump' tort,; 19,1 toe-1 Ito •It el ter •
• or cons iv( iv oc• PiAtivutei• • '•. • • ;
. lit iitt vont" d •Ftiigeh
of lite r I)bieszEt. ; • *, '
. T1i10.14 it trifled) . I. ',nowt] th ' iwrpoßti.ony•' .
pliter tor the k• of ilirroi t o ol ' luitg c6lilplitiiits;4lllit. it' •
1.4 le , eleFe,hote to piohlitdi the evlitot.re Of it% virtues.' Ito.
eh : 11,1,11u.! exi4.lloluee fi.r...4• o loglot , .ittol:Collbi.litiid truly •.'
whiolerfol co pjiljimiirity . au : 19utle it
ii • ,
known iliNsthoot tiv.lthr,l tintlons of the earth. , •
• yew ore Ilia mat 105, or twee thin itN, notong. thrill .
who lonvit 'nut. Non let prrauiml , e4perielit.6ol:itis rtrocte—..,•,
Innis 'Rine trophy i , n thOlo•leliht of flo'rlctory over the , •
subtle lied dlingermili Itto throat nod lunge.. • .
140 nll blow the dreielful (Monty of tlictoi dlsOolooliOnd., ,
so they, know, Inn, the efit ' .ctit .rthis . .iemos. we lived not
do more tloot•to exPereAlietn•thnt'lt hos 'new ell this sir. ; .
dld hove abed Oink fog the cort` B Whieh•ba"',
woh'ite strongly open the coolltlistioier mankind. •• :
Trelatai by Dr J.V. AYER&
. . .
kCo., Sawa porf;;C. Ostiipa,
'Bradford; Dolli.y, by
6.alels-eveyylher . e: . ' • .