M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, December 06, 1862, Image 2

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0 s Prot aine
oordely,e`w,, : the --p;tesiug gen eraf.ons
eoristiiir smith 'theipassing
tbttvim.i! -1. , reen-nme nil 'the adopt ion Of
the.follonini.reardii tio 4ncerti c le.i. m
• soriiiiPihqrsialstitotion.of. the Un'i teit:Si I,est
1.16.9q9-41:? By,l Senateandtfunse .of ,
"StMeii • of
- . - AMeriva:ituorireic assenibled; 'tiro thirds;
" - M - bath;Hisekes cniieorringi rhat the fdllosving .
' irides, be' ..!Priatiosed..to' he , kis; i ft' res or.
:e 011 1 , .0 11 . 1 9 119 ' th e' illeversil States: a mend:
meats ;As .tbe...eqtratit ming of :the United:
•` fitsvery:: : o ,qt:;m ' iy. of which..articles, w hen
by:ithiree-yfourths'cif the .aaid kegisla l .,
rrist . imier-COnsentionri,,::.to.be as part or
ifericlir 7 4.4.Very'tate.'vviiereirt Slavery 'nave.
, .
fikielli s 'Whiek4ll4ll-,abolish - the'-inme 't herein'
ateortierstrast,'qimisi before the first day of..
..,,lanuart i o its the ,yearel 011 f liord one thonsa,rid
shit bundrieditsball - recOlfe compensation from
tiris:!,oSited State" at 'hillawit, to
'. ' rte President ‘the - United • Btates shall
. . • ,
deliver, Such St atebonds of t he.Uni t
Stares i i bearing int - fleet -..the rare;
send — .tier smith's; 'to an ':-
. equal to the . -sett...mite sum of for enelli
'shown-fir have :heen:r.t hei•ein,' hy the.
eighth' , census of the . United . srater , Said
• tiondirtii:be" "deli.Vered' to". : inch ".Sfate b};
•stilments;-"or itirinie",ritticelf at the completion
of:•the.abolishrrient; accordingly a's . the acme
abaft !siva' liieniradhal; Orat. ohetirrie,
• in such Strom - aindiritercVcshal I. (.iegitifo.yun
Upon. any'such":.bronill only' -from the' piaper
tithe of it 'delivery' is aforesaid. Any srn - te
haring reitiltred.tionds - sis afor'esnid,'und
vrotedi,....i*intrpdtiang •or foli.iviting • slavery
.. therei n; !hilt refund to the United. S'atei the'
ortlie•valtic and
- • • •
• . .
who Shall !mite etjayediaileal
freedom 'the 'chances of the war; at titn,
before the - end Of•the• rebellion, shall . iv for ,
ever free;"biii all'ownera - of. such, Ikbo
not haVe been disloyal, shall be comnon.sted
far theri,"it the same` .rote as is
.provideif for
Statei addrdinie : tirbent of r.hivery, bat
in such way that WI slave shall , be ttiriee.ac-
• • • - • • • • • . .
ItCongiesta: May' appropriate • mOney, :and
otherwisir provide, tor colonizing . tree colored
parsons, With their own consent, at any place
or plscei l villthout the !Totted States •
I beg•indulgente to discuss these'propti.ell
srtieles'at.acdrn length. Wi thout , slavery the
.• rebellion` could. never haee -existed; with.tut
slavery ft could not. continue;
• ' Among 'the friends , Ofthe, Union there is*
• a great of sentiment null of policY
in regard 'to slavery and the Afriean race
• amongst 1114. Some .tis'on ld'perpet nate st.i Pry;
sonte woabf•abolish it suildenly;and without
seine Would boli.h it . gradu.
and with . , compensation; some, would
, • remove' the freed people from among is, and
110fric . *o ' uldrOuin them With. us;,:snd there •
•• are:yet oth er minor diVersitie.. • Because - of
. • these
,niinor diversities, - r ,.ty,,ste much
strength.in'stragglea among ourselves. 'By .
mottlel concession we should liarritonizear.d,
act teeettier. This would• be compromise ,
among the friends, and not with'._th,; enemies
of the Unien. These•articies. are intended to •
• . embody.i'phin of "such mutant ' concessions.
plan.shalt be' adopted, it is assumed
'that ernanapatirin will .follow—at...teast, in
ieveral•Ot the Stites. •
.• .;
As - to: the Arst article, the main points are:
Gist t6i.emanelpatiori; .secondly•t he length.of
time for constimating se'ven years;
•and thirdly, the Compensitionl..
The 'emsneipation will be unsatisfrictory to
the inhoestes of pelpetital . tilaviry,' but the
length '',Of tine° *should greatly' mitigate . their .
• ilissn(isfactiOn.„ .• The time ip•ares.holh•races
• • Irom . the 'esils of , .sudden derangement.--,-
tact; freirothe rtecessity, of any derungement .
• •whilst most of .these whose habitual course
of thoUght will be . disturbed-by the rnettake
.liters'paafett away before, its cons:um:lion;
ThOyorill tiaver A nother will
. class Wi •
the'. PresPect em ancipation, but will
deprecate' thp length of
_time.: They will feel .
that it:. too little'to the now tieing..
• 'staves,: .-',lBof it really gives them touch, It
from' the .Vegrant . destitution
tirbiolkoivat.largely.attend immediate eman
eipatioit ioithe localities where there numbers .
are very great;and . it gives the Inspiring as'
isorance•that: thetr•posterity shall be free for
' ,4ver4 .l Ttia plan leave* . to each State, choosing
tq act under :its to abolish slavery now, ny at
• thii orid,of therentury, ot'at ,any. intermediate
tiMiii,iit . ; . (mdegrees,eittending.Over the whole
any,pad of . the period; and :oli g es,no two
:• , Spit/ c rit.proreetl also provides tor
eitopenautiriC.tod generally the mdde-of ma- • .
.•• king it: .. 'Tbia; s it . seern,.M eat further
• • 'Otitis/4;i the dhoti:lllde thin of those,who fa
eips' eially of those:
• •
who ire to retell/ the eionepensat ion.. Doubt
-Icif. .00toe Of those..who .
,are to pay, and •• not .
yettioe c aWillOhje . ct. 'Yet the Measure is both
•." juit ari4.eirpoomtcal. In a'rerteiti sense, the
libotatiOu•of.slaves in . the disti act ion.of ,
acquired .by deseeot, or by.
,ptile6o.iltia'aame as other prop :l ly.
;Of 0 * for having hero-of-en, said,
that thy peoPle. Of the South:are not more, re-.
spostsiblejor the, original ipsodiaction of this
• '.,preirty,tOrt era Off •,smiti; and when it is
temenStigeilAcivi unhesitatingly Use
• eottoo .l ';otollogar,•andAhare the • pro fi ts of
dealipriii.lbettli, it may, not be qeite safe to
• •eay . that ; AteSouthjhas_hiert more responsible
. • ...MIR the:North .for : its !enntinnance...• If, then
for.O•romman • plij...et, this properly ii to be .
afterilicad;43 itoot just that it be • done al u
gommon.ch4rgel.. - ;-,
, • . And It as' money, •or
,money mord
. • easily paid,•we• can preserve , the be . nelits of
• . • the Union.bY this Means . , , than•we can by the
al.° 'econorniCal ' to kit?
Let us ronibler it then:..' Let tie ascertain-the
••, ittin we have expended in the war since coin;
• p.listited emancrt Ilion miss •• proposed • 'last
t' l a rch, and consider whether, if that measure
• - htd . heen pminntly accepted by even some of.
.." ' t 9,1av0 , 'St Ilea, the. Aiffilff , . rot
mors'..te.close the tt•ar :,ahirn has
• 6 len•othcrwise done .. • •
. ,
-•.• ' It• *dile* meirre - watild save Money and, .•
• • •••-'ir'thair View,:wituhl be a prudent" no t coo.
ts not So easy
t'rfa‘frp , y;ri'lln •th tr
ing-s to pay nothing; 'but
'O.h'iei'to pay a large .surn'than it is
trier. is easier tn pay any sum
, '''.....,4h,i t re ,n *irarsi; , ablev„than it isto pay it befere•
'Tne tear requires large sums,.
..-.2!. 4 ?''*rl!,t*,;iirtia' I,h:erg once.. The aggregate
egmponsated emancipation,.
• • •-• •
fetriti le < 00, read y ea h; . nor the
4i4041.f . *,, , , , tiki; -4- : : ft " r.,. / .14 ii i the urn rig patios'
, ..• , S. ; •
progtSe • :11
iss ,k - umht.: not ; •probably .
wool* not cigar, ti,!.fDre.itie end of Ilse 7h rty:
Seven'Yearp'.. t'lhai . litne we.<hnll,prob.rblp
have a rrutrsons, :sharti . :
thr Litin;'
tiein't,tead - tif thirty-one: millions, ea.
no*: -:.1% 'nut only , rcr; bnr,thojiterease prom;
11 . 0fitiltitititt`fier* that.period; Wilt he: as rapidly:'
tis.ii4ore;,necatise,'otir,territhry will not 'ha vo'
beeoMe'full. , ' I. not
At the. SAtlii!lpll 10 ..ill9fetl§f!...WhiCh
we.ha . ve on an ilverrige;,lrnm•ciiir:
.osl nuticipor\censiti4, -in I 799;:tilitil' that
.ls6o;, We should, in ..Itinpi'have;ii tit:mutation .
.of 103,208,4 lti'',.".Alri•l'Why may We tint. can.
tinue that • ratio far: heynnil that. period.' Ger
ablindant' , rOuiri—or. , broad,. national 'home- .
feud—is iiilr ,ample resouree.-.• Were bur:
territory at limited ire . I lie..}lritiklsler; Very,
• ceitalidy ourf'pop.iilationthtibl' not expand.ws.
vritell:; Instead of rt , ec;iviag the foreign born
s' no .we . should• compell'ed ,
.to:sentl part
of I.lwnative horivewayi
.110 such';s not Otir
condition: We have two.millitins nine hut!.
died an'd•iiiixty;three'. :thotisantl igiinre miles;
Eitrope has three millionS and ;eight- hundred
thOnsand; with a nopillatiOn averaging seven-
If-three to,the square mile: Why May nut
our eonntry,•nt sonnbtime,•avernge,:as'nuny 1.
•Is it,'ltios bertile? flue it more wastOiliridee
by moitntairiS...rivers - ; laktfrt, des'etta or ether
eausesl..` Is it. infertor,to Europe inany onto.
."!'ntlYantage;'.i.• ; .
.. . . , .. . . .
. . . . .
The plan
. 1 is propelled al permanent' • consti-,
- tationsl law.. It cannot ~,keerrine:alieh with..
Out Ille ' eonetirrenee of,, Kist, - I wo•thirds. of
Congress, end, after War d 5,... three ' toutthA• of
'the States.. - Ten reqiiisite Ihree•fnurtha of
the Slates will . ,.rieee 4 sarily, irreltirlea setieo at
the since St.ifes: ''f heir erinetireeriee, if ob..
tained,.oll give assurani:eof. , If elf. metrerally
adopt ing . emanerrirtio'n - at no distant Ny, upon
the - heit• emiriit laid:tat
... .terrils.• . .. This. assn=
ran e' wie iir
ld l eint:tt.e.strle' now, and • save
the Union' forever. ';':.. • : , ' • . ' ."
I.tio•mot farget*tbe r•*avity,;..rhieh. eltntol .
:characterize a 'paper addre.sed to . the.Cangress
of the nation, by .the .0 hie( •Maglstra 6(.the.
notion': • Nor ,1 *d foig.et' thot'sotne of
- you ore
T ys,•ti . i.orsi nor that
_more 01...y0u have more
expel lance then in the .conduet public.
affairs,' ter I trust ,that itidhe*Yiew of the
:great responsibliity , reating, upon me, you .will
p l eeive no . ,wailt-orrespect to yoursOveo,in
any undue • carfiesthess 1 may*seem. to• dis :
.*'.• ••• .*.•• • . • * • :
'it. doubted; then:, that the. plan I propose,
if•uslorited,Would shorten the :war,
lessen its expenditUfes nt Tetley arnl'of blond?
It it doubted that it woold . restMe the : nation . -
al' a Mho° i ty. end' .nat iprUsperity./ fa, i
.doubted that we.here—COngreso and •Exeeti.,
tive—can:*seetire its *adoption T• Will not the
pond people .respond to.* Intited and 'earnest
.appeadfrom*ii , ? Can "we;•root hey, by any
other means; NI) eerfainly t 'or —so 'speedily, es'..
'bare these yitalobjertg? 'can' suceeed
ority by 'eririeert. It. is• any of.ns
imn one betietl 6 hitt "can we all do better?'''
•:The..dftma's of the quiet:past me: inadequate.
'to 'thestorm v. present.. The occasion is' piled
hiih With dilfieultY; and we onOst rise 'with
• the occaqion. - , As nor case is 'now,'
,1 . We:
most think on4tv-end eel ,•1! - We must .
o Mielves, and then' We 511.111 . • save
out Totfritry.. •.. ' . .
If then we are, at some . time to'he as Pop
blous as Ptrcipe, ho,w soon?. As to When this •
may be we can judge by thc past stud the
present; an •to when it will be.,. 'or ever, de•••
Pends much - oh' ivhether we ,maintain, the
~ .Several of . nitr States ire aireadir
abbve the,nvei;tge or•:.EuropeL,seventy three'
and n third to the f,qiipre 111essechn
iette'hati 7,57. ;' Rhode Island,*l33; Connetti,
cut, 99; Nev York and Neti , ,orrery; each'B9.
Alsolivo 'great States, Pannsybianin
and* are " not' far • below, thel,;rmer*
:having 63 . *; atudthe latter 59." The, States'
.alreadyabove the European everOge,..exCept
NeW York, have, increased inns rariidEv raiin
since passing ,that point,as*evefbefore; while
'no one or ihern•is equal do . some other parts
..O . F our country in:nalitral : capacity for suitain
. ing 'dense °population. ' • • • •
• Titkin * c; thii rinticin.ie•th6•rtzEr . ,rerrrite and
-we 'find its•popubition nd.l,rntio or . •ieciefiso
'be the isovero. - 4,leci.ntoili : periods to 'be Ili .
1790 "920,827'.
'l,BO • 5,305,937 .-35.02imei.ratio of i
7,239,814 .38.45: . " . •
... . 9,838,131 .33.15. " "
1830.,... - --12,809,920 33.49 ". ~• " • "
1840 ' 17,069,453 32:67 , "
1850 •- " •
i t ico 31,343,790 _35.58 " " -
This shojvs an average deeentfyil Increase
of 3 : 1'.00 iNir Cent. .iW'population
.the ACVenty yearn from our 'first to oUr`inst
census y6l. taken. —lt is arch that Elk.. ratio
of increase, rit' pp . onepf thesc:seVen . periods,
is either 3: per cent. - .. below or 2: - per cent.
sibove 'the average, dins slipwing ; how, in.
fluCtible, and, Consequently, how.reliable the
.of increase . in our ease ;Assionitig
that it willleontinuCi !zives Abe follo‘Ving re
1880 • 58,91,7,213
These' figures Show , Itintour Countiymay .
be ns iiipnlousne 'Eueore . noW .some
point betweeti..lo2o and_ 1034, ' say: • about , :
1025:--4lin; territory, at , 7:3 . 1-2 pursers to,
the swittre mile, being. of - eitpacity to coil
tairi 217,180,000; and we reach. this,
'too, it we do not. ourSelyes 'relinquish the -
ctinneesliy.the folly au 1. evils of :disunion,:
or by long Mitt .exhansting sprinaing,
from the only .great t.lement of mitional dis 7,
.c 4.1 among 'While it Call not 'Le 'fore,:
seCif exactly: how Mich (Me huge example '
of secession breeding lesser ones indelinityly
would retied the population, civilization,
atidismtispolity no one call ddubt that . the ,
extent of it would be . very grunt null
.'l`lie proposed e mancipationwould short
en. the : way, perpetuate insuro• this
'increase of the pOpulationJuid; propOrtioni:
ately. : of the „wealth:of the country. ',With
this we sliciuld• 1;a/ • - 811 the tanancitnitien •
would ,c6st, together
.With our 'other - debts,
m460118[1 -we. shim ld pay our , other debts
Without it:- If we h ad allowed our old 'Mt.
liens! debt-to rYnn 84 0 per cent. per inuittm;
siMpleibterest, frot, the end. of our Reno;
haled try styuggle. till to-day 'WithOu,t• pay:
ing end thing on either- principal'or, interest,
each man . of us-would owe; loss upon
di t ht now than inch :men . :owed upon it .
Then, and'this beenitse,onr increase of men
ihd.whole .perio,l lute beeri greeter
1:6 . 4 pc.r: Ceti!,.; •ntyl hats runt faster Ul a n.
the interest".upen the debts Ihus'AimO
:dove , olives debtoi'liation• so long us it'g
. .
. . . .
pepulatiOninereases'ilister than ,pntinid in-'
ter* nceirmilleh•is 'on .. its debt.: •This Piet
wuutd :no czeusit: for,. dcbiying. Ole Pay . -
niritol'What is. justly due, hitt shOwS.:
the ;grent..iiriportance •of time in tbi»..con
neetien,. the 'great.ndvantage of:Wpolicy by •
which •We shaHlOt have to pity until we
n etinbei. ft, limidred nhillinns, whnt by n.dif-••
felted policy. we
. shouldhave ttpptiy, when
the, number ishut 31'.00,0000.. ',lna'word,it Ows.th n . dollitr• *ill 'be Much. • - biirtior
to pay for-theair than -will he tidollar for
enutudipiition • on, the-proposW
then the latter. will cost no. blood,
dioe§.li.f., it will w.a.'..iwink of both..,:
'As to .the siicond•nrtiele,. I think. it would
In. .
4.6 retorn,ticr,lidndage'••tlie..
class : of persons therein pr l ni tetriplated.:4 : -- ;
Sonic. of - them; doubtless, in the, property:
sense. belong to' loyal, .oWnerS',.. and., hence ..
proViSiOn. is niade in this Article , , for CoM
fien;:ntini aue.b... 7. . • .•
• *The the i rd,article relates to'. the future
of die freed people: It does,. net ,oblige,
.but Merely 'authorizes, Congress to, in
colonizing- Such . as consent. ~. This,:
oughtnotto. be . rekarded...ltB objectionable
on the. One hand kir:on:the other, inasinnek
as. it cerried.to. nothing Miles& .by
consent - or the -people.•to : he: ;deported and - .
the . American .voters, through their
seinatives in cong,rc4.• • • ....• ' iss .
I :cannot make •it better Iteown than.it
ail ready is that I strongly 'laver colonization,
and .yet..l wisli 'to . shy .there .is an objection.
urged arrainst.thc colored person remainintr,
in this emintry .Which is largely
. irringinni•y;
'if not someti urea inaliCious. It IS 'insisted •
Amt. their. preset* . would and dim,-
place white labor., and. 'white laborers: If
:there ever ,could . be a proper time for..inore
rg.o men i time. surely is
,not now.
times, like • the, present, men.Should'utter no
thing lo c h they .Would not willingly
•• be responsible thrOughlime•and. eterpitp...
Is it. trtir., then, that colored peoptV:can
. displace • ;any . • mOid white labor by being
free thun..remainhui shiver? • If' they.stay
in Abell.. old plaices thcyjostle no white li--
borers. :11: they . ..eitve their old places, they
leaVe (milt to White laborers. •• Log
ically,. there is neither more nor less orit:
Ennincipation, even, without' deportation,:
' probably '.:enhance . :the 'wages •Of
• . White labor, and very surely would not re
' quee Thus. the nuAtoiroirY. amount
of labor would still have to be-. performed:
The .freer) mould Surely net do Mork
thaw their old. '.priiportien of it, and very .
. probably :for - 11.. time would. do lesS, leaving
Yiiii'inereastal part to white • laborers, bring..
ink theiriabor,into 'greater, -demninl, And
• consequently ;enlinticin7 the waabs of . it.
• yith..deportntion, even to a limited extent;
enhancing wages "to' white ;labor is mathe
matically certain. Labor is like any other
commodity in the Mitrket; increase the de
. man &tin.•it,' rind you. increase t he' price of
Iteducelho supply . of h by'
lack• labor
polo oiz the 'black laborers out, of the
country; and by preciseli•so Much you in 7
crenie.the demand for and • Waires•of .white
labor. .I3ot it is dreaded thnt the free pep ,
: ple. w ill swarm, , forth' and - cover the 'WhOle
hind.' .Are they •not,elready in the.. bind?
Will liberation make•them
. Any More no-.
',nitrous 'I '.l. 4 lqtially distributed among the
whites : of the whole ,cotintry, 'there would
be' but one .e.olored .persir to seven .whites.
.Could the One in any way. greritly disturb
There' communities;are.manY . pow hay
id • Moro than. one free colored person to_
sevrin whites, and' this without any tippn
nint consciousness, of ..evil :from
,it:: - The
Distriet .of 'Columbia; and::, the' States of
Man-land and Delaware 'are all
dition. ;The Distriet•has • more -than • one
free colored person to six Whites; and . yet
in its frennent petitions tO . Conwre s; I 'he •
liovelt• has never , presen t ed the pres ence
•of frc'e colored. persons as ono of its grier . -
-- •
But should.: Emancipation •Sonth
send the freed people North? • People" of
any Color.seldorn; run unless,there :some
thini, to' run from. Heretofore,; , colored
people to, soate'exteittibave fled North from
bondage, and now perliapS' from:both bon- .
(Inge end destitution ; : but if. Gradual E
aneipntion ordeportation be ndopttd, they
will haiie neither to flee froM. Their :Old'
'masters •w gite them 'weges. Rt! least un
til:new laborers, can be procured, . and the
freedmen in turn will gladly. give - their :la
• bor for the wages honies • can :he
found for,thein lc 'congenial ) climes.i and
with: people of theirlow.n 0160 and race."
• ~This yropoSition' r cati be. trusted , to the
mutual- interests involved and 'in hriy: e vent.
clan :tit the North . deeide for itself • Whether
to - Seceive'thein ? • Again,,as practice proves
more then theory in any • case, - there
been any irruption of, colored. people north . ;
ward because of, the abolishment 'of Shive
ly "iu District last,Spring.".
. Whet lieve.said of the "proportion'" of
free colored persons to the 'whites in the
'District is from the Census* of 1860, hay . -
ing no reference to 'persons called :contra - .
„bands, ,nOr to these made free by the "act of
Congress abolishing,: Shivery" here. The ,
pleil consisting of
,these articles is recoils
mended,. not dial that a restoration of the
National authority would be .accepted with-
Vitt its adoption, nor that the war; nor. pro
ceedings under the . Proclamation of Sept:
22,•1802, will be stayed 'because of the rec
ommendation of plan.. Its' timely
adoption, doubt not, would,. hring
and:theribY.stai - both:* And not
ithstanding this plan 'the ..receinateridit7
tion that Congress provide by law. for com
pensating eny Stets:when may adopt emu . -
eipation 'hcfore'this plan shelf; have ,been
acted upon is hereby.earnestly . renewed.-4
s only be ati . atlvaneo part- of
the plan, and the •Same arguments apply
to- both. • • • . .
76,fi77, -, 72
251 0i0,91,4
. .
,• This plan is .recomtnended• not ns :
tneand, not in exclusion of, ` but., additional
to all 'others . for 'itstoring and
thit national autboiity throngbout tha Un
The t;u!,,it.et i.s• present , ;,l exclusively
ite , eypn'nuilicql.iiseect:, • .The, plan;
ennfident„:Secure pence more speedily : ,
tharr-can . be deny: br force
'wbuld coseless,,coraiidering ! anitotints - ;and
manner - of pay tnent - and .tithes of paYinent,
and- the. atnotints would:bee:4l44lBH .than..
• Will bellici•tdditiOhal cost of the war; if
-We rely, solely el - toe:force. • •
. 1
It is.rnost . it
would cost no blood at till:.. .The :plitfi. is
permanent . cophtitutional' law.•
It cannot become : stich Witliont:the_entieni•-
reoce of;:first; ,two thirds of Congress, and
afterwmd throe lorirtha of the'•state.S.'.: • The:
• rt4paisite.,thice, fourths "of the states nee;
essarily: include sevenof the shtie.states.--.
Their cenettireneeif obtained: Will Ore : . as- •
stn . :num:of:their . severally adopting einmei
pation at net. distnnt: day upon :the- new
cOnstitatienajternis. Thisassurance - wo'd
end the stregie ttoWittyl: sae, the Union
forever. Ido -not forget the gravity_ Which.
should chanteterize.n: paper addressed to
• the o,etigrel3s of the nation :hY :111e. chief,.
ntai b iStrate of the nation. nor do forget
'that r icimeof you are :my - seniori, nor that .
Many . of youl..hriVenoro eXperienen than SI
in. lbe conduct .of public nffiirs; • yet Itrust
:that in .View lofthe• great resPOnsibility -rest,*
inn' upon me, Toti*.vill . perceive no Want. Of.
respect to .yoursel%'es in any 'undue. earnest •
may.SeCin to 'display.
then,..-.that - the plan I propose; :if 'idol).-
• cd, would shorten the War,. and Oink lessen
its expenditure of-money and of bl odd I— •
Isrit doubtotl,thatrit :would restore. the' na
tional authoritY 'and • prosperity,'
'imd.perptituate both indefinitely
. -1s•lt doubted that. we lien',. Con: , re:s,
and 'executivo, -tan secure, its : :itdOption
Will 'not 'not the good people respond .to a uni
ted mid: earnest apprail front. us?' Can . we,.
. can
. they; by. any:other meati; so Certainly
oi•-se speedily..assure 01030 object;? 77.
iWe.can . Succeed only . .by concert. .is
, 'not ?. ."can 'airy of - uS hitter?". but
"can .We,all do better P.' w tsocv
er'ispoSsible, Still the question recurs; !cen
we .do' hotter?'.'' 'The . dogmas . . ef the Met
past.are inadequate to . tlie stormy
74o'Occitsion is piled' high difficulty,
nre,niusi rise with -the.• oectision As
our Case is neW,.sri must think anew .
• and net anew.: We Must' diSeptbral our-
...Selves; and then. We •Shall'save..ouri country.,
• lellow-citie'tis: • ; We cannOt'eScaps his-
We, of this Congress, will• he,reincrnber
cd in spite of .otirselves.' . ...
No personal' significance or insignificance,
can spare one or (methyl' of
• The fiery trial throngh which we pass
will light us down in honor . or dishonor, to:
thelatest generation.; . •::. •.. •
We say that we nrn f n the Union,. The
World •will.•not forget that „•while we • s
this we do know, how to save. the 'q
The world krieWs we do
,knOe). how to . save
.it, . We, eves we.here, holdthe power And
.bent-the.insponsibilty. • .
In .
'freedom. to.the free,.honorable alike i n what
We give and what We : preserve.
• ' 0811 nobly save lOse the.
last best hope . of,the earth.
.s. Other means tneystinceed.. This could
not' fail.• '• .
Pie:way id .. plain, peaceful, gciaeroiis
just_ a, why *Lich; if followed, the: world,
• will . forever applaud, and God. must :force
. • • . .A1311A1.1A.4 LINCOLN
.W A3ltl GrON, Dee. 1. •
sli'ttcau• tc..l:4i.ttg:ll34pforOt...
Saturclay ,Dec. 6th, 1862
Titus .STANDARD , , •
, . .
"That the present deplorable civil. war. has
been:forced upon the_country by the Distinien
istkol,theSouthern.StateS; now in arms, against
.the Coostitutionai Gov,ernmenti - And , in, sirins
around the Capital.; That: in: . this,..National'
emergency COngress, banishing all
mire-passion or resentment, will recollect only
its.duty•tothe•whole.cOinitiyi That this:War
is not waged,.on their 'Pm t, in' any , spii it of op- .
.preasion or lOr any. purpose...of conqu'-st.or sub,
'jugation, or pariose•of 'overthrowing or inter
fering with Abe . ..rights or established institu 7
tioni of those .Statrs,. but to 'defend. and main
tain the sdprenuiey of ' ihe - Constitution and to
preserveAhe •Union',. with all the tlignity,;eqwo.
ill and: rights. of t he ''Beveral Stateis'onithpitit . ril,
and..tkot as $O.Oll tts'theke objects are• aceom
.pliihed the war ought to cease." . •
. .
. Nene.° Enttirxre.—“The liberty. of the . de
scentlants of Africkiathe United States: is in- :
compatible with the liberty and . safety
: of - the
'European descendant. Their slueerY lorms'an
exception; resulting from stern and. inflexible
necessity, to.the'generalliberty, in the . .Ushited
States., VI / reilid not ortginato .nior are We re.
sponsible for_thie necessity.' Their • liberty, .it
it Were. piiisible : could only be established by
.triolating 'ihe inconteitible powers of the States
and. of :eubeerting' the Union.. And beneath ,
the ruins of the Uoitin would be buried, .sooner
or' later, the liberties of both races."-I.ls4ry
The 'President's Message, whic . h we - publish,
.treats almost exclus i ve l y of the Negro. The
. •
reader cannot tail to See that. the African is
'made to personate tha Lrnion.'and Government.
For Lim we are. draining our blood: and treas.: .
tire; for him we are asked. to load generations
yet unborn with crushing 'debt—in short, it is
gravely . proposed to; reduce thiiti Millions of
free • whites apractical slavery and :destroy
the industry of the 'country,. tit'at futn..milfions
of blacks may become—paapers•• 1V;: will nvt
attempt to criticise this *afoancl State paper.
There is 9o'importent.rieves. 'The, t'iitamac
army is oppo'site FrecierickSbarg,
TITS Ecoxo~ry of Hsnr.rei: • . Thie busy nation,
ordl. mericans. have' 12,000,000•ti . orking , reeple,
whose . sehtces may be' estynatee it . ts2 a -day,
and 'their annual loss by sickness at an ;.average
of tan.days•each in givea total
105i1if5240,006,000 'it 'Sant tbri.e times ai large;
as the.holo'cost of - tlie , :•o:”ner:al Gi:lv!!' l ),met;
the Army. Nitil; pf,il omo,,
.islatota f Fereign The,aMount
weighs over hundreq•tons: in pin's' gold.. ' •
A large proportiOn of this—costly suffering
might be. averted hy'''atten'tion to diet, cleardl.
niss,and . above.alr, by the •proper . use
. Of "the.
right . reinedy season. : When a
. 25 . einv box
of AYer!s Pills wift avert an' attack of illness
which it Would take several dads to''-recover
Trim . ; or i.dollar
• Ayer'S.- Sarsaprilla,
will expel a 'lurking disorder that would bring
the *siiffererto . his back for.weeks or - *nths,'
does it . take, any fi' g'ures to. show the irroderoial
Olity of the, investment? • .W 1.1; 'n feyer and . Agne.
s rankling in. sour, veins, and Shaking yOur life
out of is it .Wrighrthe dollar it costs. 'for
to have' - the Villainous disorder.
'eXpelled i lvhiCh it- does . sureli• and .quickly?
When yon haye taken rt-colir i 3 it prudent to'
wait untillt has settled.. on,..the• lungs:, when .
days or ; eeks or, months must be spent in try
log to ture iteVen if it' can be cured •St all, or
is it cheapes to take
. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
. - .
rostinz a few shillings, hndyemoye the trouble
beta'. it is serious?. It..takes no vrisdorn to
decide. • . •,. .
TyESetiKor said 'tbat bread is
the staff of life.. What if the staff is so heavy
that he livho'lea'nS.upon it cannot •lift it?. 'Such
may as sell havo'no-slaff. Bread tO'susta?n.life
should .be light. and n'utritiOus;'sind such is ntiaile
by those,tvho itly• Solely: upon D; B. Deland &
co.s el • ebrate • il Cliernicai I,vhich 'can
skyey's, be found in of his patronti.ivill be
• In: Noywinly,.flov.•lo, of: Diphtheria, 'Aitcn
LoufnA;dit'nglit'er. of Jnbn .- G. ,ant Lucy Ann
Boyer; nied..6 ye - ars', mo.nths...and
Three daily trains to and from Baltore tint)
Washington City. 'Conneotioi.s. i‘in made with .
'trains nn• Pennsylvania Railroad' to' and from
Pittsburg, and the West, Two. trains daily In
and from the North and 'West 'Braneh...,Sitsone
hanna, Elmira and'all2Northern ivow ,
• ON'. AND ,\.RTEC. MONDAY,'NOvember
1862. The Pa.st•ngei Trains 'of 00,Nartliern
Ci•ntialßajlway will.artiv,e and. depart •fiom
klarrisharg and
,Baltirpare as : .
. • .'•. SOUTHWARD. •
MAIL TRAIN • leaves Sunbury daily (eicept
Saailair) at 1.45 p.. in:; leaves Harrisbare; at
11:20 p. in.; aid arri v es at : Baltimore:4T. 10.20
p. • . ,
EXPRESS TRAIN.Paves Sanhttry daily
(except. Suittlay) at 11.20' P...rr.,..leavea Harris
burg (except Mamlay) •m., and nr,
iive 'at •13.11tiatot..e. (16,4•(except . Monday) at
le av , ea,Harrisbur daily 5h 9 05 a. m.
MAIL •TRAIN ..I.avcs [ax.
cePiStinday].at 830 a, m., : flarrit.toire at r. 45
p, m., arid arrives at litinbury . at m.
Baltimnro daily at
8.4.0 p, arrives atilasiisblit•Lt at 1;50 a: rri.,
and leavesllarrk•barst daily 'except flitiindaY] .
at 3'.20 a. m.iand.arriv,es at Sunbury at 6.20
leaves Baltimore .dailyiezrept Sunday] at,2,46
p.'rn., and arrives at 114rt'isburt at
' - .F9r fyrtherinfnrrhatinn• apply:at
.the, Office,
in Pennsylv,dpia Raidrorid Depot. •
. .
Superintendent. -
' Hitt:el:o6 . z Nov. 1862-n29.
Sheriffs's Sitl4.
BY .of a wrjt of Vinditions
ponatjesupd 'out ,of the Court, 'of Coininoci
Pleas or McKean County, "and to me' directed;
there will be exiiosed to publie'sale; at the Court
House in thellorough of Srnetliport; on Monday
the 22d diy.of Deeetuher, A. D. 180 2 ., the CollOW•
lug real estate: "• . .
The folloivink coal .Eatate, lots or. parts of lota of
1 iod sittiatad i wand' adjacent to the Borough of Smeth.
prirtcotiotY of JlcHean and State. ot.Peosylvorda to.
wi': • '. • . . .
First lot beginning-at a pest, corner four, .perches
South irf the "math west corner of square Sc eighty
five in Sinithport,theinee byline of street north sixty
nine degrees east, thirtii-eight perches and six•tentlus
of a perch to a poet coater ' thence "sroth.. nineteen
perchers ton poet comer;- thence south eight•degreue
went - sixteen perches and ono tenth of a - perch, thence
-mouth seventeen degrGes west, nine 'perches, thence.
south eightdegrees west, ten perches ,, thence'
south . 'seventy'. one' and. three quarter's degrees went
twenty-tire perches and six tenths Cr a per Ah. to a post
corner, thence north thirty six -perches and seven
teothe of a perch, to the IdAce of begirintng; containing
eight wen and thirty-three perchen, strict measure be
the name tni , rior less; the saidlot being known ',abut
lot N 0.17. adjoincngStnettiport. • ' . .
Pecond;.-Anotherlot adjoining SiAsethpart, beginning
at a pout corner one perch West of the center of- the_
necond street from - the - east sideof the village, thence,
north thirteen perches to, a- - peat corner -thence west .
twenty' one percheeto a pont corner 'in -the line of lot
conveyed to George Darling, thence by siid line south
twenty-three perches o sApont corner in the line'of the.
north street four.perchen north of the north oast car.
nerof square No. 25,. thence by Said - line north ntxty
nine degrees oast twenty-two perchen and 'five-teethe
'of a perch to thus place of beginning ; containing, two•
acre' and fifty eight• perches -strict measure, he the
same more. or, less. ." • .. .
The above two lots claimed hy deest 'trims Jabal-eh
tine; of el to the paid :David Crow,
.recorded in said
County in deed-book G: paged I. • ' • - , ~ •
Third,—Another lot, Beginning at a post corner four
itierelieneouth of the south end-corner of equate No,
87 In Sinethport. thence by line of street north sixty
nine degrees east, , thirty.eight perches and nix tenths
el a perch to a pont corner, • thence south forty. nine
perches to a post Oorndr, thence north sixty-thsee'de.
green Went, twelve • perches, thence north eighty de
grees west twelve,perches, thence Ninth sixty,three
degrees Went fourteen perches to a pOnt corner, thence
• north twenty one perchen and. nine tenths perches. to
the pine° of beginning; containing nine Ceres and eighty
eight percher', strict ineashre be the. came more or_
lens, being known as Out lot No. 18 • claimed by deed
from John Keating to said David Crow,
"recorded In
AlcKeau county. le 'Deed book G • ,'Page43 •- •
.Fourth-v Another lot known an out lot - Ne.:go, be;
pinnies its post corner Mending thirty-four perches
.south of the south west corner of-'square N0..8919
Itnietlipart and being the nouth west. - corner of nut lot
'No. pl. thence by,line-of saki Meant thirty:nix perches'
to . 'mat corner thende • soap Aline perches and eight
lentils of - a' perch ton pont corner thence , newts mat!
two degrees west give percher, and one ten of a perch
thence nouthicer en degrees,eant fifteen ',creams thence
noutheixtyrnevsn 'degrees west twenty two . perches
'thence ninth eighty one and one 'half degrees, west
11100 pet oboe and flee tenths of a north to 'pest cerner.•
hence, northAlti, Or r tiye perches' and • nix tenths of as
.peroh. to the ,olnee of beginning. contleing- fiverlaeres
and' tweittii,es per , hen, ntriat measure ha the nem
more or lens. excepting and re/leering therefrom
Irt Ivretiifore conveyed by the *ald , Dttill drew to
13horilleco by Deed,. recorded in Deed
• r sand county, on page 20. meld , lot 'nefit lo•eontain
come overeat, acre. wlthoortaln water privileges these
in rneotienrd Said - out lot - No. 2 1 'claimed by , Deed
front - John Keating etch, recorded in said oonitrin
Deed book (1;18, • • •
' Fifth— Another lot begliminr at a.' post 'standing
'Meer' tods 'north end:seven and .4re-tenths' 'rode egst.
of .the north corner of the Dor : nue) r
thence - north twenty eight nods tow. pont,: th euce,:nhaS
forty rods to a' ost corner. thence south. Avresity *Wit,
r0.15..t0 a'white oak corner:. thence 'east' forty treks te
the placesrbeginown4 containing 'seven • Acres,' Aria.
Tionourre; be the same indre or' lens; and .1u ing
.Warinot NO. 2065; alsimedlsi deed, front Johnlinimes
and mite: to' David Cron;'. recorded in said county, id
Deed. bOlk p ige 503.. • • '". •
„Sixth Another lot known on'square No.. 8 0: in the
town pint of Smethpnit aforesaid. cOnfainine . .one actin
and three•tifths 'of •an acre of land, claimed - by.deed
from the Commissioners of liteltenn minty to the said
,Dayld C.ow, recorded . in said county in Deed bunk
page 260. •
Seventh—Anotherint known as square No. 86 in:the'
town plot of •Sinetliport aforesaid; containing One WO
and three fifths 'of . no.' seen , n! elninied tirDeetlf •
flown Renaelaer.Wrlght, Mills Sheriff of said County,;
acknowledged . May 26th, 180, end regilite red . in Dank':
C.-Page 4 6, ' • 's ".
Dightin:—Another lot known as iguana No:•87.• both.
town plot isf Smethrort aforesaid; emstaining one sera
And . : three fifths of an nere •of I.nd, claimed'by deed .
from Abigail Burlingame tonafti'David Crow':. except=
log and reserving. thoeright of .Way over the Aborei des'
scribe : sr lots heretofore agreed.by.the said' David Crow
to be granted' to the McKean Rail Road and Sing:Mon
Company, and oxerpting and reserving also- the right
'and. Twirling., heretofore granted. by thir . issid
Crow to Stns' SartWell (lisindin :Corwin - .as fo.tbe
: waste motes from the Mill dam paa.ing.throughent lot
No. 77 above mentioned.' •
. .
Inquisition Waked: .
..'.., , - , •-.
„• ~•
' Poised; token • •in raeOuiicin end will be sold' •
as the
property of William Ramer at.the - suit of David Crow,
.Eseeutor of David Crow deceased: ' ••
' 'Blignirr's OrYi . cu,'S.Melliport;.Pa.-...-
' • " N0y . ..27i 1862. , $ .
. -. . • ..
B onfra bales
IV •
V.IIIT 'of sundry writ... 3 tine/Wool.
nouns-, issued out of. the .iotiCt.of.Contniorr
:Pleas of , 111'Rean county, arid to nie;dirtiited.
_there will be - .exposed to piablielcale at the'Cotirt
House, in the Donnish of Sroetlipoet r Otlgonday
2 2 2nd oayof , December; A. D., 1802, at one o'clock: ,
The following ilea} Estate, sitnate.in the tiien
ship .of Bradford;
,co tintY 'orfiliKean, Pa.,
ded follows,-to wit;•'Coinineneing - at a paid 'out
the northeast corner of ltit NO. 134; - ;thence east
.one hundred rind sixty and eight4Mßhs rods to•a
jiost; - thence mirth seventymine: and one half,
rode to a post; :thence west one lnindrOd and siiv=
enty-nine rods to a Post on the 'Ocoee up .
the Creek to the ,place, orliegin fling, - containing
seyents..llinenud tive-tentba acres more . or less,,
beinglot N0.•132 Of the allotment of Said , town.."
ship ; on'warrant N05,,3310.and',3317.
A t.so,-4/ne other kit in said. township. county
'and State nforCsaid, Con;Mencing at a pout,twen
ty rods south from the .SOuthivest COther of lot
NO. 173; 'thence south seventy.five rods more or
less to a beeCh.tree; thence west.to' the creek,.
the; northwest 'corner of lot NO. 132;:
northwesterly by' tho creek' to the. Southwest cork
ner of the Vorty.four acre lot, so called; .thence.
•erdit to the' road; thence south twenty roils On tho
road;.thence.east to'the bound first, mentioned,
containing ninety acres ,mOreor less,' being' lot
No. 130, from fifty to sixty ao•es improved: two.
reamed dwelling houses,, one - framed baFit and'
twenty to•thirly ' acing appiii trees..., .• • '
:Mired and, ta, - M iu .fiXoeution, and will be.
Sold as the proper y of. A. T. NOwell at the, suit
U. Da for the use of -V, NV, Koox
and C., H. I),‘ • . •
The follbiring Real Kstate, bounded'. n . eith by
loml of Enoch Dolly; east • byland of 41va. Lilli:
bridge; zonth,by land 'of James Otto. andirest by
the oontainitig.seventy4WoSonate'roda,
More or less, all improved,oneframed StMelionse.,
one tatmery.and shoe.shop; .situated - in Liberty
torrnsliip,,WKeen county. Pa • " • ' .
Seized and: take' 'in Execution and frill ba
sold as the property of C. ,Chapia, at, the suit. of
Chailles S.Jonesi . • •
- 1.1:30-
. .
The fellovring.Real'E.tute, beginning at a post
jir the ro.til being the soutlitvesteurfier or No. 91
of the allotment of the l3inghant Lands in Luray.
ette township; ..thehee east one hundred and
eighty four and eight-tenthslmehes to-a beech;
thence south seventy-four it n d si x-tq ni ha perches;
thenee tvest,;.tuo uml forty ,111141 Seven
tenths perched: , thence alone. line el' mail,' north
thirty ; fintr degrees east, ninety perches to the
piaea.pf beginning, c •Maining ninety-two and
threelenthameres, tyith an'Utlowanee nl-His per
moll. far raaifs,.itia.; bd the same more.or less, it
being lot. No. 95 or the allotment:4th° Bingham
Lands.in i.kfayetfe township; hilKeati confity,
State or Pennylvaida, and part of warrant nom.
bered 21164.
ALso,—Another tract of land, beginning•at a
. postinthe road .being the senthwest carrot. of
No. 64. of the'allottnent •of the • Bingham land's
in Lafayette tavtiship; thenee.east ono hundred
and ninety-se , en and seven-tenths perches;
thence Hindi forty-seven arid.iwo-tenthe perches ;
to a lienilock ;:• thence West two hundred and .
twenty-tiee . porehes; thence , along line of road
thirty degrees oast, •flftpfour and ,-tftm
tenths perches to the •plaCe of ' beginning,.con
taining fifty-eight and eight-tetitlm acres, with an
allowance of six•per cent, for roads, &c., be the
same inolv ,being lot No.: 47 of the al
lotment of thejljnghant lands In : Lafayette town-.
ship, bounty, and State of Pennsylvania
unit part of :warrant numbered 2257. (Inquiet,
•tion waiyed.) • . •
Seized and taken in Execution and be
sold SO the property at . the 'suit
6f The Bingham Trusteei.. ',• . • ' •-•
-Al SO-,
. ,
The follosiing Real EState, viz: '
Warrant:No..3694l,tainlng loop Rome xxiaiu
or less. .-• .
Warrant ;N0..3720, containing 1000 : 'n4rqa. pore
Warrant No: 3702, containing 1000 acres .more
Warrant Isto. 372rcOntainini.1000 .acres more :
or loge. • • • .
On•warrant 3720 exalt eight acres' ithproved„
one framed house, one shanty barn, one saw'mill,.
in good order for business. Nos. 3699, 3720,
3702,- unimproved,. all- in Corydon township,
M'Kesn county; Prix, •
Seized and taken' in Execution and, will . be .
sold as the property of B. p. Bailyat the suit of
'John N. Uungerto rd..,
The following,Real Estate, viz: Warrant three
thousand one hundred •and „thirty-one. (3131)
containing' one thousand acres, (1000) more or
less, unimproved, situate in Hamlin township.
M'Keau county, P. • "
~ Seized end taken in. Exeentlan and will kie
sold as tini property of IV. A. Irvine at, the snit
of Ken tueky.Trust Co. Bank, of the State of Ken.
tucky, use of Stephen Bnnenn.
' • . JA MES .E. BLAIR; Sheriff, •
Nov. 29, 1892. '
l VIRTUE or sundry w . iltacif Alia* Venditikti
Expon a* issued dig of the Comt.of..Common
Pleas:of McKean County, Pa., and me directed,
there will be exposed to public sale,'at the 'Court
House, in the Borough: of amethport, en Monday:,
•the. 24 day of December, 18C2,.. . • .
• • The following real estate, bounded as foilowe4
Beginning at the north 7 WeSt corner.of sqeare'no.
as. thence east right perches I.6'a post. thence
south eight perches to the centre of saidegeare..
tlimiCe A% est eight 'perches, to the line of the;
street. thence - by said lino north eight perches
to the Ono& of b eginning, - being lore Nos, gni:
and two in square No. 3r; And heing ,pprt i of
Warrant No. '2Dils,-.contaiiiing: four tenths of
an acre Strict measure be the same more or lase
all . improved . one framed houSe, one
burn, a glm' .ty of fruit - QUM+. t, aid fountain of'
water, sit or: in the berinigli 'of: 8 - met h port,
MeNean cc , '•r•Y; Ta: • - ,
ALSO,—.. her tract of land in .square Net.
'5B in t;1••••• Lint nigh of StriethPort, and known'tut .
the aids hill 'store • lot 4ittuarlir-oecuitied . by
George Ji.ol I I.,tirt shop, ..linended south
and, west by e )90. ,T. Iland.ti's -lot Mud, store.
', l oll by P. Ford amt. 'east by-the street. con=
mining what land the, store occupies "he. the
same more or less, inaprOvotl, and' one stow
hi itse .
Seized ancl• la ken. in • oxecnt ion,. and' will h 0
sold a 4 llio prOperty of E. S. Mhson and R
Bennett, at, L . llO suit 01 Levi Calking.
• • . JAMES E:13LAIII; Sheriff:. ,
Shoriff's Ogee, Sinethport, Sept B •18,63.