VOL. 4. Wtican 4 7 .,01uttn• Eimioirat. 1 , 131MM-it:I; V.CILY •sATuituav, atanNimi,, ‘: • • By J. IL OVIATT, • • • SMETIIPOity, 1111i.E A N Li NT )!", , PA p9itNEit QG P UpLIC SQVAItE - $1. 50 Advaneo ' • . . . .. '.....'.-.... .Rates'OLAdver.tising I oo!unin onoyeur ' -! :I;''.- . ' - ' .S ' '`.` • : 4 .‘ :-,.,.,...,,, ~ . , . '. . 1, . " .. Iffir. months...... . - ' .•4 . • c& 4‘. ll . ...,.... ...... .... . ..... Tine square ct 112 lines.ur Opts, 3.inciertious.. •,I , ..tch .aubmequeitt insertion, • ' Boainese•Oordoi with . . .... 60 ROlio or qgure•workiwill bo - Oot;l o e ohoio• ,rateo; poreire linos type; or Light "!Inca ,noupareii.,lo ogOore. •• - : • . ' .• Tortrii'will•liO strictly, idhered Vt19i110 . 6•••.,-PitectO.rt. T. .sEgras, - .. . - . . . , . .. ati . ;visi.en,-WEst End of the Astor 11)use. Srnethport. I 'Dania' in - Watt:bee,- Clocks and Jewellety...lteparie .ileateli Executed and IVarautod,'-' .. .. :. • DR: Y: 0 . 7, ; • SOUTH'-E'AST CORNER_ MA 1 INT. STREET Sift d.t . pbri:, Pu DR. L.R. WISNER, t'ltdaietdn ant Ourgeon,' §metltport, Pa; will attejrl to 341 prdfoivioilal cark 'itl.jtrumptn...aa. Office in:art• 'well 13toOkOtocond 'floor 3 '.3 • . •: LAItABF!E'S HOTEL, , . . - • •, . . . It: biatiiis, Xriiiii.tetor,—Alleglienj• Ititho, M , Ke•iii, Cle , Pa:: ItilF lioiitie is eituited shout Dille Iltil9.fhon Sinetlipert - ,.iiii tile ,rint.l io.Ulint n,•airtit ill be tutted it convenient topping-pleco' . - .- •• '., . .. ' .. • lINDE Hulls 1:3 0.000. k, IbritPl ' new null furnished in niodern style.; has nnipit,;Leebm .ut niation3, and is. in all' respee.f4. a First CIILAN . .4 wormy; Bill co, P1.t..14.ty v. I , • . • ... . .. ..ELDRED - HO'LltL,, • • . ~ • • . .. Italy Wiwi, Proprlotor l'iliti hOUSU' is bil.uuted .half, ~, , LS, earreee'S.nlethpoit and 0 A .ceisvenieel: ''fide mm 1614,1.13 hoes I, e.t.tuutise - and obligiu4 allettd• dets,.e.udloi.e pricer: . • •' •. . • Eldred, 'tiny 17,:re60. . • ...- .', • '.' ,' . ' , • FARM ERS! 'VALLEY 110 TEL, By. T:'(}orruswis.. Thh! house is Ai tuuteti üboli t fkre i lo • from iqlothport on' tlae t . ‘oiLit Wren. l'lttann re pall and °the'. s C. 411 be, arieo”ltnoclatu4 on _tb`o 814Ortei , t wotie • ' .. • EMPORIUM . HOUSE, • . ehipperi, - NVlCeati'On.;_ N.Praptle'Or . A CutilMildloll , i and well4ailiistafil bou3e. Strange •fi and t.tavlerdavill Sad rod accumalodationc • •.• ALLEGANY 119,U,52., • . . . .. . . Eiooti . B.'DoLLlnt, .lit'oprintor „al Pull Allegany,' Tic- Kesso.llousity VA - . This llot,yl' issituo.t.kl at tho.juilc , tion or tho Sinothpurt aai Allegany Myer ioAds,uioti miles east.of Smoth,port.. •' '. -,, .. . : ~ ' • • . •.. BENNETT HOUSE,. • • . •• • ael.lttiort,M'Kean,,Cn., Pa: E S. MAgnx, Proprietor th..Cen rtllfe,l ie. A nom', large, anamodi outs ani «ell lairliblied heap°. • • ()SWAY° HOUSE, . . - . . „ , . . E J. Bs snart•Proprie tor, (leresd.'s. This Housti cos fitted - hO hi SOPltalltial :5101 coulfarlablestyle'. owl. every at -tontioa wlli ha phi tfliod 'iii•eprietor to the comfort . siallaste of his gudsts..' - . ' . June 3.1101 'r' I . . . . . 'A. 1).-11Atitiq, - . . . • . .. Si'k rveyor,• D'rnr.t.nien 'Conrepri cer. ona• !tear - Estate '-.A.4out. • Stnutlijtort, , \ltliticu county.; I. .: % .•- .. B. FTHICCIf.ETT . . . . At'ot'ney am Can ts.Olor at Law... Sid ppen, Pal.; lint at-. _' lani Ilia ttqurta of 1.',.1tter,...316.1iann: and Lik' counties: . - Pencitat attetv inn - pai d. lo e a llactionJ, .PlTice, East ' , ant F.all•BlOck.-7Spc..trl Er iu 0r,... ." ~ ' , • • .. ... • . To' Those Int;erested. in •Dluung . , and • . • . . . "Xineral Lands. • ... •.. . , . viri i i . . liATtNtlit ri.Tilitv lii , i stir.i.ieen for•tlii. eintuina s VV •, thin tit Vl.lneral tianilit-In M'IC .an.:tnil Elk thitin tii.t.i,- titil. will lice )1i0;' 401110'11 ag Al, the iVALtiIi . OF hira ~ ke. '''T , loo). , •tiiflifillg'' hie t id.. 11 will ren.•lve .o.lfil9ieit•inrv,itn,l.reliatilo ititorlntitiiiti.. Real tenet , at ti:. Altinker•lllll 7ititi , i, '.. • . .. • vi • ,Ser tnt, 31 n ii . 113 r."., June 30: 1 , .?56. , ' ' - . • ; -.•-: pfovit.o; ~ • . . , . . Do 1...10 . rq S.i . .',.4.'Tili WArt.,,Jappnn..d Ware, ..k.a. - , Nye, and of llso.Publit . .i4uve, rhuo!lspor, Va Cli t, .'ln - work dolie 1.0 -- orde'r ~I.Lte. ekorte,t notico, and la 1.1.). . : ,tho.t stil.staotill to.viorr. " . '.. • .• . • ''.• •W. S. .1311 OWN . ' Diutteir in Dr' 00 . 011 A; Grocgrien Orbeicerr.X.tr.lware ILith - , hLrast vide o i the Sal 18 ro t iiinetliport WHIND h MILLER, . , . . , . hYholeAalp and Itetil PooLin: i i i i Si api a and Fancy . Pry ' .Goode, Oarpo Pug, Ittnoty ,Ma,10.(7,10 . 11%ing; and. Ciento - al ' Yarn - hiking Goods,. lipoth and shoes, w!al and . Wilidow L`aper,' Looking Glißiles &c_ At Olean., N.Y. • • • BYRON D. HAMLIN, • • - .... . . . ; Arroicfar AT. Mori Sinethport., - Al'lCean '.County. Pa, ...Agent for Messrs. Iteatinr - A• Co's Lands ..'Aii..lldB ' .41.41)668.11y to the Collection. of, Claims;. Exainination of 'Land .Titter; PayineuCof ,Tuxes, and ~II business rela ting toltesl Ilstate. giflee in itaentin•ltlock." ; . • ' -- .. . • _7 • • S. C.'HYDE, ' • .• Arroixst-AT-Lur, suiottiport,-•Wlctmn co., P i. Collactioni attinde.d to.. , . Fe6v..14; • •:- • • WILLIAM . '• Practical .15Suchtuilc Bridga-builder, Port Alleghouy, .51 , Kcan.ciinty, Pa. • ' COMMISSIPNIig FOR TUE 'STATE OP NEW TOK.K. X./ to take won& and acknowledgments of .Eceda and .lithirinAtrumento to he uscd and recprded in said State, and to admintitor ontlw.cr 5111rtnation4 puraw , nt to the la . W4 or said State; Oonvevanccc; Pc.. Office in Land Of doe of•D Kingsbury; Bradford, McKean Co', Pa. ,Dlikr4l.l FOBES HOUSE, . . , . Fronting the Public Square, Olean; N. Y.. JA.mck M. '• Mii.t.iin. Proprietor.' The ?obeli House Is, entirely now and built of brick; - and is furniiihed in modern stifle. The proprietor lla4t ors himself nail. his accninmodu ' tine are not aurpasied by any hotel • in. Western N.iv -•York. :Oarriages run to arid mom the. Now York and .: 'Brio Rail Road. •.: - . • 3S-tf. • .. DENTISTRY , . . . . . . , 'pa. At. A ; $P11A(1111: . w•Juld respnethallti , announce to.the cltir.tonn of spi,th v art*.iin I yieinity, 'that ha has, (land up in otrien, null liproinienii to.nttend lie all tinniness In .hl.i profession:, 'Artificial tenth inserted upon nei outaa principles, and no as. to peeseevatha natural ex,- . - pression of the lane., All opeeittionn . in Dental Surgery' . .linu& In a skillful mintier.. - :. 10t A. E. AINS'ERONG, JOSTIOI7 OP TLLI 1'11100:and Onnve a yancer. , Attorrusy . and Onunse I it at.. 1.317. Pitrtie.ltar:atentin to Collecting, OffiCii . Oue Door E:Cst of Lie lieu nett4louse,lBonetivott,.lta.' . JOB PRINTING, OF EVERY NEATLY, OPEA£LY ANI EXPEDITIOUSLY ;XECII,TED.A r • THE .pI3:.:\foRAT , 0 FP President's Message. hIsL•LOW-CITIZENS . 01? 71-I.E 'SEN ATEi AND your hist 21UllLL11 .aSse'mbling .'anOther • year of health and bonntifui, loth:est dins p:msed, and:Wilde it lies not . piensed. the 4.lMighty 'to, bless its 111111 a' return or. rcace, we ctln. - but press on, guided by the, best light , He giv'ts i 1 iriistin, that : in llis , own good time., anti wise way ail be well, • ' The correspendencO touch 'foreig ,f -fairs, which has taken' place. during the last' yea r,-'is lierewith . subMitted ili virtual'-coin Plinnee with I . :l•O'gnest to that effeet, made by tlie:House Of _Representatives 'Dent. ,the close of die last session °tigress. •If • the condition our. re4tioi,. With other, nations. is Tess . gratifying than it.baS usttally been at former" periods,: it , is certainly more . .&itisfitedor'Y. th an a nation so unhappily dhj hue t: it aster- O C imglit reasontibly : have: appieheteled,.,• In the month'or June is t,: there : Were some grounds to (expect that - the maritime powers, which at the.bozinning of ottr. dornestic . atitrisrdy iurl unnecessarily,. as We -think; recogniged.-lhe int,urgetits, 'as tv : helligerent, wtaild soon re- TedO'frotii Alm t poSitionoy hich 'has: pro%vd r -otilvlOsS Injurious to.themselves . than to oitr ow ti . country. But thO temporary.,reyerses • whit:lL:dna walds; befel the national ar.M4,. ex2l2gcrnted our deitizens abroad, have s hiilpfrio Iziv;‘,l ibid.-act of simple jostice:. lit , civil .witr Oda . Chano:cd -frir the, inOmont the -ooenpaiifins 1111(1 intliit's of the'Ameticati pOop;O has n,...c -.4....SitrilY:diSturhed the social etitalitions, 'and alfectpd very" deeply the,. prosperity ii the . nations with which: we have carried on IC Ci•111111VIVt , diet has Leen . Sfoadily incietedug Alirouglasat a:period of half a century.. . L:,s at - the carne; time ..excited- political am titions and . apprehens:ons, Windt dnivc pro : dueed a profound agitation 'il/rongbout civilited ld this unusual, agitation, . we have forhorne'lrom taking part in any., cdatrove . rse bot Ween foreign state's. and Let : tweCn parties, and :factions. in such 'States. :WO-have attempted no propagandism and . acknoW no. revolution; "lint we have. - htft. to every nation the exclusive:conduct, find :mani:et cent of its oWn., affairs. Our • $35 00 20 00 1.2 00 20 00 12 00 1 50 . strucg,le has . been, of • • COW'S., contemplated I . oy •foreign bons %vith reference le:sS its Uwn,bierits than to 'its supposed and .often exaggerated effects, and the. conseqUences rettulting to those tuitions th e msod r es .. N ew ; • thelooss,..cOmOunt:on the part of this. gov eftinrent, even !Fit were jiist, would certain-. lv be unwise. The trohtv with . Great for the . suppipssimi of the' A fricati.slave ;trade 'has . been put into operation with a good. pros: -poet of complete success'.. It is an f occasion of speCia' ,Pleastire to acknowledge,thatthe , excention of it on•the„Part of her . maj-Stv's . .governinent has been. tuniked. with et Jeal ,olislespiet fur the authority of the. United States and the ri.,:t,hts of • their . moral' Oil The conventiOn"With:Hoinover tot tali• i 1 olita . on, of the Madt dints .hits been carried. • under net of . etrgress ToOr that purpose. • A bloO:ide i ups of:beacoa , : t ce n t 1,l nett t't-la !dished. and vigorousty cult - treed inn season of great. r ittnnercia I 'activity file the pre s ':::!! withuul cntntnil. . . ing unintentiornd film e4 upon rtiret:zu time an I..their•sulijects. o war • cnrring•in a cOuntry . - where fo - rvigT!ri re"- side.iml ettrry -on tinde.nnkley..trenty n:F.ct;a:‘,.arily 1'616111' of .complaints . •nf the violation of neutral - rights. All.such • •.collisions tend Mo . excito end possibly to .producel - tnutual, reclama-' .tions bet Ween nations which have . a -cotn- • 0 - ion interestinpreser • vinor peace and friend -•. In carer cases of: . thesii, hinds I have; so thr . as possible; lim n ed and redressed cAiin:. • • whieli. ,bave been prescuted: liy ft:ieially powers.. Thereis, howevin., a large and augmentni number ofidtiut,tril upon hid] fhir gov . ernment is nimble to agree with the governments whose protect- , ion is den - tended by the chdinants.. There are,. moreover, ninny cases in which, the Viiited States or. their citizens Bidet' wrens 'from . the natal or military.nothoritiee of forel!rn nationk , 'w hid) .; the gth•ern nieni of these states are , not tit once prepared to have proposed .to some of the foreigru states ihusinterested•mittual conventions to: examine and adjust sneh Complaints.. This proposition has beep 'Matte' esPeciill.. l Y Great .Britain, to FranO, to Spain, and to- PraSsia. .- . • . . . In each•case•it has been kindly received, but has not yet been • formally adopted... I, deem it My•duty . to recOinmrild nn appro. priation in behalf of, the . Norwegian bark A.diniral U. Tordcns 'Rioln; which Vessel was - , in . May,lBol,.priivent-tt.i.iy the coin : mender or the.bloekiiding force off Charles ton .frorn pOrt - with it . cargO, notwithstanding „similar '.priVilege :.had .shortly before Iyen.4 . ratited- to an English 'vessid.. • I . have .directed .se - cretary or State. t o cause the, ptippri in the to •be etiminunicated to . the proper,committee. A) p I kat io iis ;iv e been 'made to :me. by. many. free A tniiriCans of AfriCan' descent ti-i .fitvor their einigratilin, with to coloniti!ition 'as NVas cimtemplrrteil , in .redent nets*a CongresS... Other parties at home. and . ahread, some . froin, interested •rnoti yes, cutlets upon patriotic considerations, and still others influenced :by philanthropic Ben.; tlments liave.-F:tiggested: while on the •other hand, several df -•'' • . - - • .. , . . - . .: - -.. ••.,• - . : - -.: ..;,.-,•- . ~ , • -2 ~...... •„- -, . • - ,:., . '-• " • ..;„ • , -'';- •.• - • 'i, - . -:.• . ..,•• „ : ',. '•'' .: 1 1 .-. :i !...:. . :";', - 4 0 4? , 45 r '-f . . . . . . .. A ; _,..' .: - -. 1. ~ : -;..'..--.'.. . . . ..-.., '.' ~ -, ; • y• : :•.'.,•. ."....-' "• , •i , ,,, •,, ~;,. •,'t. , • ,i • ' '.''' ••71. y?....1 F.-.l^ 5 ' • • , . . . ' .. . . ' . , ~ . ~ . , . ,• • . - , ~:-.' „'•'.i4-: . . ' • 1 6 ' •• '•: : . • .'•-' . . '' . ';', tl .s• . . ';• ' - ••'• , ,'.. : ... ,'.: • :'••••;• -,,,,,:-• 7 . • , ...i.., ~., • 2 .. . .: . . —. , • -. . - , . . - . ... .. . . -., . , .. •, _ . . • • ' ' ' ' . ...Y . •..• . • 2 .-;:;!•.. f 4 X' • ' • ' ••.• - • ' 1 ' —•-.- ' • - • ''' '.'4-- ' - -' • - ', ' ' '''' .- - SMETHPORT,iIPKEAN COUNTY,'PA.; SATURbAY, DEC., 6, 1862. , , Spanish-:1 niericatrßepahliesiinve edo prtest ~ • • itgaip.st. the ae tiding orsuoi . colpnity.:l, to: then. territorica, :Uniler • itiesti';'circiiinstaiietii have dedincif to !norm ane colOny.'. to soy suite Without - fil it obtaining thp consent of its government, %r•'ll.l.t an agreernent • its part: to receive - and pro tect ; imii gratitsln;all nn();,I hare at . tlin slime-time offere'd to ' tlin:i4M'er-• al St a tes situated. iti the tropics, eglonies•there, to, negotiate with thetb; sub . !. ject 10 . the 'advice: and . consent•br . tliti:Senate,' . . to- favor.the roluiitary'e 011141MR : of of pit - .&Uis of t hat: 'citiss to. their- rkpeetiVe territO 7 ••• ries;up6m.contlitionswhietr-shall lilt ctliinl,. just .end, hopiatie...Liheriii and: Hayti - . are as yet the. mile: countries - to•whicli c&il vista of kfrietiii descent, from. bere 'pooh] go:with dertitin(y - of . being- received and . adOirted . is Citizens,:and . l.regret.to say Abut std' . • ; Per-. : -sons cooteniplating colimization do not semi so' to•eritigratetti thoSii•cotintriesas •t 6 willing, 'As tHrik:thiji: `inpAvst dOnlAptis. 1 - hejieve - ,.howeiTr, the. opinion rtinonm:.-them• in this respeet -is irn 'proving, and -that there will be auginviite:l,.and !erable rimigriition to Goth coMntrieS from tile, Unitiol.Staboi::. • : The pew. commercial triOiti hetwiom the.• the - Stilton :of'• Tor k . ey . hits liven carried: int,if execution. 'corn- . river;.:lal and, Coosidar .tr ea ty h as -he e ls tinted, subject to the . S:•ii•ite's corir . titi.:with • I . iiberia, - •and rt . similar wiiiitint;o • ti2:- is. now or Ilarti. •A' • considerable impro - velne ti t of Atm.:national • Cbinmerc:r is Cspected..to result 'froin .thean'. Measures. • Oriv relittiOnS With Great lint aiM• Prance, Spidn, tmzal,-11,115isia,- Pros:: oral A Ostria„..tht: Notlim hinds, Rouse,. :tins ;other • Eiiropeitii states remain Milliatiirbed. Ve ry I'm-or:Oat relatiOns . •also 'continue to be ; I;U:int:line I With Torlsey; Aloreceri, • China,.. and ••• .• • • Dtivinr•• the bet, year, there. has not only bemi of oor . .previotis idntions :with:the irtli•pendent - •.states of Mir own • contiia;nt; but more -friendly sentiments tham.hare heretofore exi•Aed - are • • he! iered to lie• entertained. by tbese imarlihors whose ., safety 'Mid . progress.are.Bll • i b fillillit!fy • con ni;ctol with 'oiir own. `Phis statenyint es •Ti.ecildly applies Ciista Rica; Nit:aro:out, -mit Chili.— The - cioniniaSiM ter the convention' ith the Rerutotie, of New Ore n.ht.c:lo4;ll . • its sPssion Avithont . , ‘vorr. - submitted • to it. to:revive the coneention; that it'inay . bd abie to to more contpletr justice : :Thecottimission between the Units:it States'aini the Iltpublie.of ta Raai hiis coinpleted Inittc9 its i.., , j)01.t. I hiive favo'reii, the, pro jeCt :for,:coniiticting, the linitlal :Statess Europe' lc At lantic . telegrapli, tint :i siiniliu project to . cixten‘ls. the telegraph iron Snn Piritliv.ke ol . l): C‘MlTlve,t , • l ?.V _ti E'ticiHc telegraipli'.with-the . wyd' Which is {Rill; lensled the . Rassiiin erniiim.• • •, l'hs• tssr:;;tocids orftli• Uniti:l.Statos . •with.. utiiiiipottant exception .have...) : eiilitiPtid tt' dista4-5,2;1 11l ;ire ex - - tot:4d% ; istia evilien'e. ni . prospaity ,ass-jus; I Oita s();11,2 ttiin ;our] I): in n con hron . to h (irL,riturz rti .be t) thy•'!+'c) i•solliceA (7,, e . RI) Lew, ttios::. tAaritp.iits d-ridrip( , liii, rapidly, ai.;• ‘votil, have n t:•utlwicy to improve tlnf .rv: or the gov . prlttlinlit . and the people . .. It k wurthk•,of y 0,11.1. w!:4:thrr.so!u^ ext r:t . . orl!tlary 11, , :istm.;s• to ifro!noct! . . .. . . .... . .. e ; , nee t, .b e 31,l'epteti. ; The Anel': us - 1 .w h kik sooge,ts its , •ll as ipost likely:6.k: c.freeti . v:? 'is il scientit: explorition or the . :mineili: re .9.iim9-iill'hese territories with ,n view to the of its resnlts nt home :find, in . . fOrei.i.ii , cointrick— . .resnlbi iihl w.h cannot fait to.,bc' auspicious, •Theetinlition of the finances will efaim youk - uloitclitig , ht eon . - "aifferation. rftw vast , exPenlittiro'ine)tlent. to the military 411.1.n:iv:0. operiti,ns regurrL , . se+ for the suppiq'ssion of the r!ibellion fume hitherto.lieen toot 1,-ithlt..prinnptitii9e.' and certnititv Unusual in • similar (;iVetnnqtnn. . . . . . has . turn fully 4:oUL:tined. continUUricu!;of the war, hower6r, and th;: . nn.eas.ed...diodJurlin)tUlt.s . . . . nnvlo nee essn'ry by the. iiligmented . tin•ces now- inthe 'fieltl,Aleinuncl . Your. best retitle- . tionsnst6 pie`be:4 nzriei of providing thu. neeeFp;iiiry revellife without injury- to • busi nes: end 'With . the least possible burdenkup. on-J4 , 0t% The stispeusion - specie. pay menti Fiji• the hanks soon .:after the cOni imenemniett of.your last.sessi9o, !nude huge issues or United Status; Botts_ unavoiditbie. in:uo tither 'wit . y..co,tili.l theiutyin;nt:of the. troopsThod sAisltictions of . uther just comp- 1 ; 1 11+1.1Fr snei.onoolieBlo or..,Si ‘yelt. provi ! ltd le,i4l,ktion: of C0n 2 ,1.1.s •corinp.,.• rei-Avabi - lity of !1i, , 50 nottss for lomui• and tlotio4, nn I tnakih . thi.rn n “Iyanl ..t.. , titier".. Kir deht4, thvtii ttltivc al, Olrrenev , mid' brie sitii:tti.4.4 pur . tially.nt filist,•itzul 'for the lung•fi•lt ivkftrof en tinifiirin to the pePplor ilnlrl6 . tise.stuni.itv.disemitits nti I ex, ehan ,, es • •A. return to• syeie paxin . however, at the earliest p , m . io•l dorop•itablo_with regard to all interest.:, slioula ever be ,kept Fineftiations in ..the. value of eu rreUiey ,are alwaSinjtirion.i,nnil•tq reduce these flue-. tuitions to the lowest iiossible point, will al; •couvertibility,• . ceitr vertibility• into churl,, is . genet:eV ••. ..• nelc now •. . •lt edged to •he the best 47trest Ugni tiSt 'thorn, and . . it.iSr?ttritmoly doubtful whether United..•Stnteti Jitts•qt, WO . jpleoiti,:tt . ni..l••Stiftkiit . !bily• 46'4e' f or; ha %Viints of Ott; pt:Ople CIIII perintinelitiv, • us'efully,.and 'tddy, there' theii..nuy other ino:lo *in :Which • snry •proviiiion for. the pit till& %VIM titfchn • tie' thi.C.gre.iititclvitntilgeß soft: :Ind, nil iforti7:einTeney 'know, •of•tninc . which promises so certnin results,. ttnd ;tit th&•sn 4..ittie 80 tinobjekirinnble, the•orgtinizotion or blinking' - itsocititiOrfs under n generel net . of Coti . o•ress„ well •gutor. dell in its provision's.. Tri s'iteli.ussocin the g'itc . ernment•inialit • (Milts!) • notes, on the-security. of.t he 'Utiii.ccl Stntes . bOtithi 'the . •Trensitiv • .. • . • • notes, prel tared .tintler . the. supervitubn, , o. 'proper oilitters; being it ItilMoir. ..sppeity • urine Mid seen ritv,: :Mil . CAM %Vail tie rllwties into nt once prolvetioluir ntininst • the . evils .or eurrtmer p co.minnrcp by' client) nntl Soft,. exchunge's.,:-• modelotte reservntion flout,. the .. interi•st, on' lilt boods ictiuhi corninlisat-Alie Uniteo.: Stotcs Tor I lie pr;pa . ratiot;nnil Of OW noti.s;lttiii it'golierill'unpoi‘'ilif.li . of that. pfirt. of - the deli( einplo‘ . o.l.trs • securities. public credit;:•inoi6over would 1 n,,grently'imprriviid; mid:th e ; :livir o tiation oh now loons' grptilly the stonily iiturket fit!' ttovernMitiii . bonds . , 'which the adoption of . • would. - erente, eult•io..,•tin • whirllotto rit . eommentlittivin of - tho' of con weig - ht .in tnyjti-hrinvitt, .Would reed:twit: its. fai r as liossi jr,tin.intereqs by the .oppoi tuttity.•••Otnre, to exit.ting- institutions tti'rthr ! rittlizit .the net substitutintr.otilv the. -Secured .ntli form maimed eireulption for .tlu loc:n1 Attit various securiol :Intl untiectured now iSMLied by .thetn. ...The receipts • into Atie.treilsury frOin Jill • sources, tneltitlitt . i4 loans and the' preeednit , vent' for .the fiscol yeltr.entlimx on the .:.30th Juno, •••11362, ' were $5811,885,c)47 00, of which Sum $49,050, 30.7: "02, :were. derive," front thiettnite; .$1,79,5,331 '73, Prole the Ili rect. tits front . public lands; •:$15',4,.21i3 77, from titiSce.l . lntietitil. •i 597.11,787. 6 . 4 from Wan, in nll.fortnit 8521.1,002,404, The, enviiiiikr. $.2,2+57,005'80, wit the ba,ltinet: from year'. The disbursements du riug the same pit hid Wy4r.: for iaorigression:Oiexk.utive,and $5,039,000.29; . ' • for foreign int i. r . vipil 'Sr; $1 . ,,t439.719 33 ; for rniscellatieniis:',x-' pensoSi On'? 'mints.; !intik; posinfili.e deft clßnelr9; Ofill.:c'tion of rev'erine, and - rolier, like chiriges; $44,129,771,50; r;').; proves under thelvnerior Depot tineht, $3.1,03.085, • .11.;' alder ..the. 'War Department, $394,399,-' 407,.30; littler the 'NaVy . .bi.paititir . tit. (174, 669 . .69 ; for'interegi no' $13,100;42'140; and Fri: the. ,Piv i rrietit of the public debt; tnelisiling...reiMfmrsetheme:.ol I.•MPPIOI.V . IO4n arid., redemptions, $l/9'.1199,'- f2ia,o9; •maliing tin 'Ottere.L;pte to '5.270 $ll,- 700,3.', n-l• leaving adsolarire iiry out the .1 s ilidy',"l:Bo2;. of 813,013,3'!G.81.. It. shtinld lit 01r.,er'ved ttpct the sum of s - qO,- 096.921.09.',iipe; . 1111'0r reimlarieserrients and redemption of tha alsrvirr. the loans made, Ina ybe propel! ) . ifer diluted *. both' leeedrus and expeoili: trires„.'.le - aving the. actuadreceipts for rile year , -. 51§778.S 391.9:7, and he .expenditin....s; $47.1„, 714,75.8 iii,. ',Other' infoiniatitro cii: t'he pub. tit the finances will Lie froind in the repot( „ of the Secretary of-flue' T'reasur'y, to .oliose st a toment and yr e ws I ;ins. ite.Your mor.t did and considerate n ttetitioo: oh rhe,Na.vv• and nredierewitii 1,1.4.1 1 5a..ft• t a .9„ .Thiase ic- ports, though 04; atC •.scarcely inoi,e than brief ulistraet of, very nu. inerous anidectensivutratisiieroli .. drol opera-, . thins conduct eid hiough besa tient, t:tents:, Nor c:mitt t'tirirriary".of '4liern Orroi anY.prinCiple woulii its :being.. much'. .1 he 4.enot is t hero sel yes; thereforn,cnntent. tnysell. with toy int-t..the.i'esot b..rot•e .you, and ail( tog your at tent iou.to them. . , • . ' • 11 gaVemie.pleasnre to repro t'aderitled'im.. priiy,einent in the firroncial','en'talition Pontofriaa Departmeitt as eninpare r l with :v.v . oral, preceeding.years: The r'eeefios Ina !h e flied. yOrir ISO ainounted 0p5.319;290,40 which. eiribritred the tv"v.o l,l " . frua'' all .ttu: States of the Union for thiee•rinarteri: of that year. „Not'W ithetanding: the eel ! sivi ion of, it, etiue,frain siererlerd • States doting yrrair: The irirruasr of the or resporrilence'nf 'the loyal Sluff.% has heat suf ficient to produce a.revenue during the so the year of . .$8,299,1320,90,. being. only . T. 50,009 leas .thiin was derieed . frorn all States of the Union during the prevtous..year. The amount exPended 185 wz;t, p12,005 ; 760,- 11' .. the I.,st yer,the a.viount 114 e been . 'reduced to $ll ,125;36.1;13, showit;g decrease''' al abotit $2,481,000'10, I ox:Pololif Ores as co rip - trod with . the preceding year; ithont•s3,-, 750,000',. as oompareil with the' fiscal ; ytotr .1'860.: The-deficieitry itt . .t cl.t•pot t meta for ih prei,iou year 'Vvis;.sl;lsl,o69 OS- ..('fir yr.i.ir it was reduced' tri $2,12 ; • 811; 59.. Ti,,,,,.f.ivoral)lqll-:•olts are in pert owing Ce.set irovoi th-.> insin reet jointly stratei, and.i,n part to a. tut...alai . review iill..eiipeiUlitiire.4Frrtliat department, Inc he interest of ei.onottiy.' The ellieioney of the postal service; it b.ii,evett, hits' a l s o . been ;nigh improved, PoAtio4stur G ru eorral oneriel a corre:stiondenve -thionzh the (pro of, Siates,,W4,lllforeign govern ineirts,,prOpmdig rept genr,iqves, 'for tle . :purrin4e nf" sjinplyving the rtespf 'foreign postirge umi'l6 'expedite ifie. foreign mails.: . , This •propoittion; .eqtially Iniportaut to our gilotittl.eitizens and to ':thevotnnuiti:•ial lerests ;of 'this country,' faveirab y entertained and turned to alf.governments from. WhOm replies:llas beep receive:. rusk I'ln,.innu its miu .„ . ..tvitys Lu rc Irn lino pkirpoi..! In wise li.gisht . --• .thn at tention. to .. the Suggestions . !cif the.Postinettet:Getterufl in report spouting the further.leesistion'.reqpirild,in. ltin Opinfoit; _tore tit. benefit..of 'the, • pasta! sett/ice. Th6r soch.r, r y, tire. futerior reports . ..cm follows in regoril .• • • • •Vt . .l hinds lieve ef4iseli to he sottree,of fi,,lst 'July, 1501 . ,.. . 164.11e.30tb: septetobe.r, .1462; . the • en tire 'rash oceipts,from the salu.of were $137,470 26,'a'euin much leSs Om" the ekpense Of onr. • land sysTtein - during ....the : Sarno .Homestead Law, - which'.'' wili take efiect, do !We lift t of. Jaiiiiery next., offers such indoce , . vients to.fhp settler ihni - soles,for cash cannot be expected tom ti • ektent. •stillicient, to foe,,,i the expenses of4hO General Lund •0111e,e . , the; cosi nod bringing - the land. • "iottf,no , ket.. il iserepancy .betVieell !he' ./11/Irn'of money . Itere, staled Os:a"ising Sinai the 'eale:of the seine alerivetl morn the . sam. belle ca . -, es. tepOrted frim the Treastityl/epn4tnient,•ariSes,, us ( otifferstatol'. hell he periods.of time, 4huligh opparently.,, Were not raally coincident:at-the beginning point, the .T"oitsury.report, 4iug n untisidehible 'wn -pow, , which" 'had 'revionsly'lteett .reported hin • I soffirihntly to.greallyoverteitch the.surn ,derieedtietti the tin't. , r . i . trolOs 'inst... repotted • upon .t he Interior, end not ..by:t he 'TreaS: ~• . , lia t upon our fionliera 'have; .. • . doting y.eatiriatiilesteti a spirit of have. Lei; tl.il in nis in nii.ji• tritfra 'ociiiipyliig 111, liiili,iireoUntry south of , 01,4 ,allegi'.inee to,. the find lriwlll3 with. :the . 11/,„ le.)iilto the of fhe :this city, ri'vforio'g 0111 former hl of :the 11 . 11111. with States.... lie iill'egits 111111 liiiis' : iivere gd 1;y t 16 ,1.011 ,• 10 mitt. 'pi() W • i th I . OHO I AT. Uniled IPA - t 'prilection .401,11 I,lii•if i; ipol,itions- 111 . • Ilse S)m, , X.: 1 o,liolPi in •1\1111 , 1 . /ta .. atlas h«J the 'nrnG•lnruls in 111 11 41 llillV 1 , 1111: rani , I:4oeity, :kill lug ‘l.orniii,. 11iililren,' ti,i , x[tered. and,' I.o.nie.ins of iliitelise -had- . . • is est irine ted that - not le.ss.rbent3oo sons were .kiilett e hy the littlitihs;.uitila.latge 4111011i11. of property %VOA,' I . lt•SlA'OyelL. thisnitt . hrettk veal ittilueed rs• not. rlerittirtily known,.atitrettyteinint, whielt rifeit he nojit4t, :Wed not in be' staled. • .11thirmai ion" W:IS re. . csivad by 11u'. Barranfra,n) ilatrgatif about tba'tiala 11041i:itka 1111;11et'd, that a t;iintipaaval,s abt,ick ivy ; j f ;, b0.ma...11p11 the while' sell jaaa.a I,S by all: thr beia,:,tea and !be Rnrliy Mdant,ii'ni . . • The . Stai,..ol Myna. . . MUt p',11:15 Fll i'ir.r . el;l.l4rt.a t war. A large . penjoa .ber . 1)641 ilepepul,,ited, unit a ~evvte Inn st..sta4led by t4e. - ,le,.trerlioi, 11,A. State riiaiiiielt,t!(ttue . ll ttir Ow lip - 0'0,11i,, :51,11,,i Ili , eliara - ntee fixture hostilities... Conindr;i,iner, jr1 , 14,11 Altalts .%611' f-e1) , 111t I t yO lr tvli,!l 4er. ~, ,, . lii'diaagyete•-ti) 4,1,0 ilia lie. t..../r)01,1f61:,.., 6)od . ni.•.n'arn. irilpref,spil . with. 111•• I i , .1 cakt . pl,l - f 9 911 . 1fitt st,,t.rrivtit time • pr.(igfrnis (}au ha , brrM Madre, jll 1111!.Ptit 01::Col) fir . ilroit.l, st4,-. iornp!pijnri tit. t n.all and . • . . . . ;,1. , ,0 the Lvi.o.fahli; or lion or Ciftw.ress.upori the ... lirotcts-fid\v o.llflittv.'bf•fore . thefri'f.r etild'i e.- 11,4 - thr. e l iff.fert 1, a of the urf.f.tt cannld in.l`iv v . it a L a hil rapidly . t rid . . . . , . .. iml e-le-chilly-to the, yast. Interior : region leri•imitter: to . he fintiei , . , ,,l at tome greater, en:4ll'l.l l'ill'optiaa . having .Firepareil and kid 1;qii.141:y,;,.1 at • no, ...i.r1y..1,6,-,sonte. . . and valvdble stittistical inltirgiat tom' upon Ili& subj.q: r . . injlitoy s witl.c6troDorrial the. an awl .improv'og , tiii... Illinoig river is nF••uind in the reimit• •of Cot. • %Veli"te'r !O litmovlrani,alitt'ed Cl.n.r4res . s: atteplionti) 'COt•Orry' 010. tb•o: Krovisior s „of I klYt .oi Silty I , lt•tt: lia've canted tbol)•paitmoot of Agricoltiiro of •II•to• UnitcJ';:' tri be Orgitiiir.P.l., •The' . rnissiortrr ink:tiros 115- p•riod of it 1;.t4 . , reportrrieot • exqr vrt Pio of cornet. pniolito iron. .• hut 11 tit boirfe . • anti , okrool,. prornios. to ,fr.;rt •Lo•oqicial silts in tittt.lot.oloinr,ot of corrt•ct.kriOvtlerfc4 iti:lfure, in 1.h0.• iouroductiqn.ot new . prchlorts, {rid inAtiO . . 'action of the. agrienitutar.'etati ,, ties ..tbe different Sratef.l a is() tttet it will norm be pre:' in‘red, to . dktribate rg;'l Y. cereals, ptants, eatting3, and l!na already, published and liberally diffo,ed poet) luableinfarrria., two in antic ipa Ono of a 'mor4 1'1;1115 rate;:iCpOrt Vl!liCh will 1 , 1 . .i - ?ue time be .ftirrii,bed; . sires embracing snme . valaable teat a in 'sc . ienc,! A , in pro4r-ts'in die . Idbrato , y. The crea . tion Sifp4Tirtrafit:Wit9 for the impi:ediefe.benefit of a large claw n: our m'ost trust • tbat !loon uehic6 if hzl4.. baau . or, °Ally -tri , et,3'our::ippiobiLtion, .hut thJi it will at 116 d slant thy' all b . )1;(1..:!..r.,1i1:1,i . p.1fi,m, Dr 116- fil!)-t 1 . 11'1.9 k, uu , l 1) , - . c . Ottlo troi•fot sporee of `,131v.1 ptAlte.t 0 01 . r‘vPot): 'f , ky tii'••• " 1 " h is lere.Y , lllit .1 . 1110tUill ,: 0. • in 41 t'C'o!dillico• ..lite , o.lo . $+: 41 , 1 ,, 5 ,;, .1 inlb Gerund ,pir,l:. Atgioph of . I tiow.-)e=pevi foll:;r • I ' , Cif Iyuril illnn ltor t, oi.iy 'hie Poilrl "COilip;•11s;It! , I ::: , 11,111 . C111 1 114 1 4A1 m.iy lie slit toconsist' of-its tt.tiitor3;,' iti . rworilo soil its laws.. l • , ..rho rept .t part, which is of , : • . geileral pilt;set h ,s7way soil another generation but Ihe •rairtli fOr over. II is.of i • inportarice,antl duty ktuti 'eFtitriate ihis rit. , ;:iTr ending two; TOst Ole •ear.th.'c surtlice which lli ownerl.t;nd. 'of the 'United §rattiiiirt wetl aillyitertfOlteAthe. linnic.of•one r rnitiatinl adapted for two or .mOret . ...lts• vast eicieni - ntiel; .its variety of. clitnato!anti-pioduefioies Ate: it ail , irtit tette age'for',orte lieople,lwhateveii .they•rbight.liavelteerrinktmet andflehrgtaphs;--iii; ioetelligericeolinveltirrhihi t !ICAO to he bo.ritivautagionec'tionehinatiirneffieSi. • In lit' cityour, the tOtal.inalinqueerpf. tlieunio ri ass rent , " . tor. the tretenees between. thet; . peeplevf. the too seal di4tiq lalangintge4Whieli• Veen:tot improve, , norl:whkh,;thetele.r6-Uhej. rofteirea t " Orte section ;)I .oOri,cootstri:be • - lio•Yeti,lavCry.is•iight,.arttl extol.. detioVitile the othir believes ;114 . ,prong..irriti odgiit out tobe exirrided, , T.iiis:.isAlse Tite.fuittive mleve,vliituto 'of tin ! nti; the; tissW,:rpt eupprest the A Wool)traile.aro.pach‘ . •,. • well eoroseed perhaps . ar ithy,luw.ostritOrr,er,.a• - . ht it continually wheie the morn!. scree of, tire' people irnperlectly 114.) ,- - , Th,i• rola t body: of the, peoPle,ablider'-; dry' I.ealytiligatlart ,in Moth .cpses,..and ;few , bc'euir ovvr in - This I„thiritht . .cantiot ba •p ,, if . tterly . curcil, arid it would ha.w, t ose ;cases utt er the separation of the that, hetote.; : •.The hneign sli)ve*trethi:pp . .w. feetly." tor', •ulthcostely...;ri-,.. -in ene..sec (inn While' fugitive Sfaves por.ordrintrtiirliy..,surcentlei.ed would nut be si , Trendered at all b3 , ' the others.' spen king,' we e.e with Sepeidte; we ii/1190t rcinoc.e . hur respooiee trections from .. trach,Ot hey, tiorlbitild:ari irnibissable tti•ueii.therit.• . A litibband.und.wife:miy.,.bu divot cesl atpl go out 'of the pi tisetjeirland •he- . yond the reach Of•each Other,, but, the ditlerei4 •• i •on e . elk n ry 'can not..do • 'thin: „ eam:or but reinai'n to ire 96 istre,•.atill'lnherCrourse • mast eoutihtre.h.e. r t w,:etf't Ibep to matte that ‘nte'l yours e tooio:tofVunti,i4eOutt or,lthure,satht-' . lector.) , atltar. sepal:lllton 1 iitab, befOr,4 • - Cllll th4 . l:it reit t'em easjer . 'that Irictuis 'eon , ilea he low.? Cso .t relit faithful ly •10Ticeahet wren al ictii thatl.laws..ctrn. mitrng, Slip:hist) you :go o . wari..yoe., can. not fight al tv'eys; and •whtin lyterroocii hOrti„ on • both end _no .on either, , you . t:ell ht• fig . ht he -- ; identieOl 4nestions us to . . . i iermy,ot nrercouse are again up0n.y0u....; • There•ii.im line, snit klit or crooked. siiitu 7 .- national.boundery uPorr "Prtice thrduirh,.froni:rclott , meet "quiff tit , fine Itt.;t WeCti the free twit, slave.senin; try, awl trade little rnet,e; . theri one third of its . 4;l : lid; dire. ricers .onsy: to „he •. ero34ell F . 111,1 . pojiu ttiil,'or soon . tOlf popolirtr) • pod, .both:sides,. while . nearly allots femnining leptit h.ore roerely sniv'eyec'S over. whichproph. tney .. walk Without • any toilet iotintleas of . thieli;; . prcseirce..• No pert: 0f .. .1,1, !iiitt cart .b . e made .any. , rrios tuft to. p tee Wittie.d.it.doWnpa...paper .Orti , tichtn!•tit as a• n • 'The . fact of Seoaratinoill . Vtt.; coores,.gly . - es up op thr part of.: t to; Obligaiioni.npori the. 0.6. ding. section,, the•fug t Ire chive _clause ! alone. with all other (knit itothinal ithilentions upott the sect htt strectled.frorn ? txp t'.l .n 6 isat . stiptdatlbli, vyoUre! made to tako.its phice. - 2 . Bei .theta is'anhilter yreikt' intei for region -bdini,led east'. : ides; Ott h liy thellrifish.tlotninionSi.:Weet by- runtintains;:tind south .. b . y:the . tine' . 'of-ctrin'and tot ttin . ructits, and ' Which inaudes parCof Pew of I* ,, •an,.en'Pe, c. .of . /C ifttiCiii ) Ohio Indhina Michi , ;nu •snori,•lCanias; Iowa; Mitinesetaalut.t leer-• • iinrie , r 91 Da Irate h, . .• Colorado, •• half ribovC ten !billions 'end will.itaeo.lifty rnillipns wittiln,fifty yeiirii.• • :, it not. rireeentr • il by. tiny or mistake. 'contains nioreiltsn'one:thfrd of, • ' the country owned ' the',UnitetlStates • . eeri,tioty eFf•p'nfoilotti.m; - Masitte . hit . s . etts'alrea• • ' , thy in, it would..-heirm more than, KeVeo!Y.fiee • mil lions • of roople...,Al.glariCe: af:l6. • map sliewS t hat,..territntialy ' speahrillg,:_ .'eat' hotly of . 1 he.tetniblie.- The pthei Okiti - 11 re hot inarginal borders to: tbe cent.'..rettfuo sloping • .west the PaikY Piloinqa 115: lielPeciliC • . a nll'4llB° 't 1 . 1 e richeSt in lindeceloPiC'fitiollia4s, : In t hie; product ion. gr s Sl'sj in I a' whi . ch'proceid themOhis . geeat int erior.".regiOn nattirially Ouls 'of •tii - e: ~'• . fru pint freits'tbe statist - Erl- the sinalitifOpprtiair.df the' • • ieaon .which. 41 ,. 1,y0t1:14.ri -. br'l4l.oi , ' into , calti'v'tilion,anti c rda's i 1)g amount of' its prolin*CtiZ•ii'iliriii • • he rolerwhelmed pi oro•ect - ese'ncinl; •itni . hie '':ri . giorlh's • no. sra 'coast, touches .roa.peerin'''n'itY''•'W6e.re : ! ,A,i'.part of ono.: rotttOii; its .porprile• • bow •` Gail, ' .0 whom y forever - find, .their . way gurorie by- . 11 . •;w Yoi It; to Soith Ameri ca `ana , ilfrica Icy Nt cc 0, ft,;arus . ; and 'to‘"A Frenc:iscoj:• . But. eeparate ;our eorivitou countr:/latb'. tWo. .• i.utinlll; a ; •=(lesignatinl by the ririiseefrebellion e'very man•nt.this grearinteijot' . .tegien is :the' Cbv. cui cif (rorn . 'One 'ornicire 'of . thOse.ontlete, ant rteilia ps by 7 bit . 'riot, but by cinharrassiug ur,it onertaii . trUde • 'regulations. • ;Ind this is' true. : dtvilltng Pla a'triith" - i' tarot th 'nor at ti r , o l 3 e hi,dnypott or place imrth of It, nil liclllC north'. Of it,' con •• to' ) parr or .ithic.• south .• tipop 't er m. di'creted by a'. g . overnuteritforol:tn i he ' • ei;7ltilvlA7rnt is n ; 401 ititiabillhii , ,etist.. Which' of the 'Alice wnrilitb-t . th q.le .1. b.}l ter •• th•Oiei.ther, all ot -right helona. .:.that p• ! ,01;1r eliii'hheii , •successors t forever': ; I'm's' • They - tv if rool , : ssk . • whiriee! line of 'sell I r jou .4.11;111.1re, ... - butrsc ill. a o rather.. Thar 'i.e. 11 - h r : no 2'. re.Ltioks 'an'init , aii,.ps to unit,'[ W 01141., too;'Siolonie,h.,of . ce . acc'ess to this Egypt'of: tho ytst, wlthon , oiTll o l. ••. national • liottoda,iy.;,. ...9er..hational..- attire: Sprok.iloCtrom our permanent past,aPt.fr.arly • the :bunt we inhabit; 'not from :oitc ,nath) . nal h 6 rni.sletirls. - Therein no, ru3ssible., Of • this hit •wOuld"rroltipikehd uotnitigatetiiiii El=Eil • "4 •rr, p _ ,