M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, November 29, 1862, Image 3

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would respectfully announce to the citizens
o 1 Mette.in and adjUntieg. counties 11114. they
. c an Os ell in•Stnethport,'in . the - Stove and
Tin . ..ware ,line. :aa in Olean.- 'l shall, at all
.irnee, hive on hand's large stock of
.. , ..'Ohepkt-Itop. qopper:Waye;*
1!il lioni ad : lionie,kep-peisprOirtil*:.&c.:ke...
Job Work,
-or 'all kinds done with dispatch, and in a '.satin
tory manner.' at .the.loweet.possible prices.'
•.,. Give- me the ; budding known as
Bide Hill'Tin Store",-Formerly occupied by
Geo. Sonethport, Pa. : '
0;74 will pay the high'est market price.,
;goods or. Cash, for any cipantlty'br 'Sheep Pelts
and Wooi. .
. 1 ':, March 26, 1862
At o sick,' feet ite,' . 'anit •
:climpinlnltlgt, 'Are you out of
with soul' system den:
longed; tutu yoiir•Polltige,un
comfortable.? • These ;quip.
tems'nre °Mot the prelude to
serious Illness. limo lit of
dlrluiess is creeping (111011 YOU.
find tiliould be nv.erted• by
timely. use of the
"right rem-.
edy. Talte.'Ayees MIK and
cleanse ont the disordered
more— purl fy the blood, and
the fields nun.; ua ut.
Structell . In %Iteltltlt ' again,
'f hes. - etltnnlate, the- functions
Of the body Into vigorous am
tlrity, pm ify the system from
the absu uutL>us which make
tlisease. A cold sktrs.coineW t6'
here In t,i);.ty, ,nrsil olr
Atrocts, '-nutnrc . l - function,. • These,. if.. not ,-reliered,
Teed upOtt tlrmilSolres and the sorrottuding organs, pro.
r111,14.c •Innierol- - 'sggravailon; softr;ri and • disease.
~,Aole In this coalition, oppn.ssetl ',flint dernitgementa,
ire A'yer's cud s,e -how directly ;hoc restore tiro
4,„ t ;I n t l of the , • lit.. and buoyitt
fcol 11;4 nilwaltli :nolo. 'Wino 14 . trite onii appurent n
tun!. I,l'lidal mast COIIIIIIO,I 11140, true„f 0 , ,Inp•selit 9 4 and dnpgurnus dinlun,perx.• The came
pnco.lre elTeet expels-them,. Gantlet' by eunilur obstrua. -
lions it deningtonouts of the 'littoral functions' of the
y are rapidly, and Mini of them surely, cured
try the 011ikto mans, NOllii . Wllo ItilOW lltu vii hies of, these
Pills. Will, neglect, to entploy them whou'aufferiUg from
•tbe di.otdorro they tour,, . , •
Maio:001U from leading' physicians In• some of the
principal, cities, and;frOui Other well known public pet:.
Boos.. .. • .
,• .
• • ••
phift a 11,,mwarditig Aferchantqt St: L0ui5,..11.6 ..4,
. ,
Do.' - Aign: Your are, thoparagon or all *that la
groat in moatoii,a. ' They huru.eured - my little &tighter
of uletroins sorer Apo" her masts mid foot that had proved
farandole for year a, Her mallier..hrie'beeti long grlet ,
ottaly nlliiate4 Kith lilotclies.imil•pluipla on !tor akin and
•her heir. After...our child'.lvas cured, she also. tried
sour Pills, and they Intro cured•her: • . • • •
. • • • ASA' MORdItIDGE. ,
• .
• As a• Phuully Physic. '
"'lva. Dr. E. Ir. atrturrighi, New Orleasi
. .
• :Year. Pills are:the prince . of ptirges. Their excellent
,surpass nny cathartic' no pewee. They are
mild, flut-iery certain and effectual in their netien on 'the'
boneli, which makes (haul invaluable to us.ln-the daily
treatmen: of dieease. • • . .
. . •• • • , .
Meaditch e . ,151c. killeadniclie,Foul Stonswoh..
p r „:t,././r. Edward Itayd,Baitimore..• . - ',
. . ..
p g „H„ . A i . m. , .1 cannotatitworyou what complaint*
l'have curia v oth... s .lur MIN better than to 'My all that We
tier !real icrith-a
pum flirs medicine. I place great depen•
.denae On an effectual C 11.1.01116 In. my dolly canting with
diesase; and believing im t ‘ to-,tintt your Mlle afford ne the
heat we havo,'l of Course vain," them . highly... ..... ,
• .
.. ~. .p l i m onri, re„ May,l; 1855. •
. .
Dk. J. O.' Anal. • • Stet./ have been. repeatedly mired of.
the worst headache any body con have P.l.* do** or two
of your Pills. .It seems to aris s' ti'lroak b. -.foo:I' otconnok
which they clean' at once. ••- . ' . . -,_„ . ..;..
, .. • .
Yours with great respect, . ED; W. ED t.. 1114.,
,Ctork of Steoncr am*.
. . . .. . .
. • .
, .. . . _
.. Bilious Dloorderi—Liveir COniplgints.
. . .
. • . Fon . Dr. Theadoki Itetl, al New /'irrk city. ' •
.. Not only are your Pills admirably adapted to their pot ,
.pose seen aperient, lint 1 fled their beneficial effects upon
the .Liver very. marked Indeed.. They have In my pm-.
' fice proved. more effebtiml for the' cure of 'bilious cow
plaintethan any one remedy 1 can mention. • 1 sincerely
rejoice. that we have at length-a purgative which le war.
thy , the confidence of the profession and the people. • :
' • DEPAIITIIICKT or TIIN 1NT.R 10,1 4 . •
7th Feb:, 1856.: - • •
..But: I hate used your ruin to my general and hospital
practice over mince you madO them, and cannot hesitate to
say they are the - best cathartic we employ: Their revs.
listing action, on Atte liver is quick and decided, conger
quently they sins'au admirable rowedrfor deraugements
of that-organ:: Indeed, 1 haie seldom found a cue of
bilious disease io obstinate that -It ilia not readily'yleld to
them. - .linsterually yucca, ALONZO BALL, M. rt . ., •
-" • • PAYsiciati UseNdrineHosinlaL
. . . .
• . .
G. Giectt, nj Chictigo. •-•
.- • ~ ..
:Your :PIRA Lave hod a long trial in my practice, and I.
hold theurin Wotan us ono of the best aperients I have
ever found. ',Moir alterative effect upou the War makes
'eels an excellent remedy, when given In 'small doses for,
NOW ~dysantei. y . and • dvarrama. ...their • sugar-coating
'anthem them. very - W:4014.1'614.watt convenient for the cm
of wentetrand ohildiVt. . • . • . • '. • . .
. •
. . . .
. .
. ' ' Dyatoepala., linpnrinyof 'the Bland.
Prout Iteda..V. Ilinuli 11100i•V Advent CA wraff,' Dwane.
Dn..A int) I• havOtted• yearrille with • entrianfluirr
enema 0
falai fatallyotqtrunj; Oleic J. lon called:4*MA'
In Illiti•eas. • •Te..regulate .tha - tiiinqs• or 41geotlen and
purify the 'blond, they tiro. the very beet rarnedy'llime
ever-amown, aqd I can
,copiideutly recoiirmend theal to
any friend!. -.• ,
. .
WAnsiw, Wyfuning go., N. Y., 0et...2.1, 105:
tig your CothnOle Toy proo f
nee, and fluid I.lloh, nu oawileut purgativelo'eleause the
syldeui and purify the Atinlains qf
' • JOHN U. bigAbfrAm, IU. D. :
Constipation, Cala I vattees, 13Upprerelon,
.311.1te tient, ,Gout, .NotAralgla, Drop
sy, Paralysis, Fits, sic. „
• •./orms Dr:ALT: Ts spits, 411orstrIbl,'Conadf. • :
Too mud, mumot Ito sold of your Pills for dm ears'or
ciottie4Nrss..: If others of our fraternity hove found .them
ait CMCIICiiIIIN a,i I have, they should Joht,me in-proeloitn
nig it for the s hettollt of the multitudes win) suffer *out
that cOmplaint, which, although bad enough. In Itself, Is.
the progenitorof Others that two 'worso. I bellovo ar
livenan to.origittalo liror,hut . yeur, Pllla Dine,. that
..torgau and r
.curtr Llte*dititutio; '
. . .
ji*to;ii Airs.' E.
.Ellial:(,"l"l,.yit'i,imt and :Jfirlioije,llatlmi
, .
I,llml one or two large anima i.f.yenr Pllll4, lalten at the,
mr*per Lim* are exaellent pmnipllves of tilt walarat seine;
Van •U hen , wholly' or pooklly'euppreeseil,•mur. Ow v er y
effectual lueiontsrt the &am& had erprf tenriql. They
are to much Ilia 'beat: pliyaieiye hove !hut I l'ecommend
no other to uly . pittlyulew " • •
Neu_ Dr.J Maioltesiqf Ateelo;lis: *lf c'hurch;
• rriASKt Munn:, Suiannall, (1, 18564
.11enniim ;hie t.l ltliefuld htmenteful for • the relief
• yolir Rkill lem In ought ple,lr not report my cue° to .
your. "Np.i.f s•ttled in my 11;10.3 ;111.1 brought un excru;
elutbtg elided in 0/raki,:l./top/set!
Not*lfligthi)ditighail-111 0 be+t of phyalelana. the
411ftelia*Mms• uyoree nll4l etiM44e. until 'l.y the Advice of your
exreherif .0. , 19i in heltlmma, th. binrkenale, I Ilied,your
rllla. - .!1•14(.11. ,urece claw, hish Fill (3. By piFseVerhig
unu of them, um '15..* entirely well: .
, ..
Fr:N ATI: elli.l4llll{ team liouen, Le., 5 Dee. 1555.
T ) n. AYH': f ;WVe been entUely caned, by your I'lll4.ef
'Rheumatic (Amt.—a imienti..l.sitet.m that Mel e 111514 me
fiq yotry.. , .•• , ,.' -. • ..VIN,ONN'f. SLIDELL.
Mrrt nt Ilia MITA - In'm.rl:o.entstillet•
nlol.slgli . husAs, is
d r o l or o ps is it psllllo pill,: from 'am ‘lrt , stlfsl COW:-
ditienrOS flint frequently f4.11,w lfv 11ic5‘41,91.-Iles: Thase
'nntoln no nintillry .
Price, 25 cents per noir, or 5 .11oxoel
,Prepaiod. by. Dr. J, C. AY.F.P. , tiv CO., 10w91.1, Naas.
Good News for the Unemployed,'
• F
ATl.perions desiroui of Securing an Agency
in this • •
, . . •
. .
Should send on their namol at once, , ehclosing
cent stamp to,pay,postage,'unci.ieceive by.
.111•111 E CH.I.4•CE
without risk,' together With
• •
7Z:IA' 'I,V4rVUIL:.U-S3.•=,
• Toinsure prompt itocl 4 satisfaetiiiy
4irect 011.0r4r.s to ,•-'
• • .GEORGR . G. EVANS,.
• .439Chestinut st.,
. .
(1, old friends in AlcKean County, •tha't he is
un Lind this Sifting as nand,' with the..
Selected .stock of: Goods in the Oleic) 114.arket
To Wheleale tiaji Bujers Would. Say,
I can after you better induct:limns than you
can get viest of New 'York.
It: make, no difference what you want,. any
thing in the line of • • . •• '
Call et the
Atid you will fifill•the'uftifyfreitriOd cheep
It's no'nie.talking the
. .
always has and always will take the lead, and
regulate the market in
proceries and Provisions
Don't, fail to Ball and
,see me when you. visit
Olean - 1 shall not hurt 'you,' but shall certainly ,
try to_ do .yougood. .
• . •.- J..• K. COMSTOCK.
~ Olean, Maj.23(1,.1860.
tillliti Atlvertiser, htlyintbren reortoralliw•heolli In ,
1 . toi .wooks, by a very , simple remedy, after having
miT,re,l.sOroral yoar.with a . never., long . atTection, and
that- &owl tliout.e,;() nsamptlon—telltlXlllllA to make
known to bid rollnw-ttitlTorers the niottint'or.oure: .' • ,
:r,;•till,wbo &wire it, ho trill send o copy orilte'PreimciP
tke mind lire(' of Ohargol,'lrith' the .dit . ections far pre ;
~,,.in-,.. nit l :Asst the ,amt, whichltte.v will, fled ovens:
,AC The
only t't',lr‘t...tr the ,trivertistirinottpdtng illit .*.rciscription
Is M benefit We allliatert, aril sprettot informattou which
'lto ttoncoloo.to ba inaluahle. and .he hopes every oaf
hirer will try .his remedy,: nn it will cost them anthing,.
and incay prone O ttio:OOTl4. .. . . • • .. •
Parties wishing-the Ortowription willrblense tottlraia
. . Itay. ADWAIID A.:WILSON, • ,
.. . .
- . • . ' . : • Williamsburdi ''
. ...
(n7:3ln;) ''.' .. - - 'King's County , New WO.. .
. .
1000 CHANCES 70'1#4111E1110pIETI
To be dispoiod . of on
Our Antiliccnionts;
'Relative to . this
AT 01. 4 EAN.!
To Consumptives.
cpTAg57.,. :: ...... :. '' . ,,..,
"Only, bififfiible Remedies Kninvn."
° instasiihr
These preparations (unlike . all others) ;re ..
..s. • - -•
• oNot 'daiigersps to.theliiimen
46itats come, out of , their hojes die„'
10 yes . tii nnd:more eiitabliiiiied in N. Y.•
• Used by—therCity Post Office. •
Uprd P.riions and Station Houses
u~sd ay-City Sisaipisi . , Ships, &ei,
U;al titt-tkie :Oity, .tioipiial!!?..#!ins-M4ise,i,-
r hed he. City Motels—.tActor'—!St
Nicholls,' .-c.
Theft by' - the Boiirding Ifouie,s;&c: . ' •
Used by..moie then . SO,OQOPriv , ete F
. . . . . .
..07See 'Atte the People; Peres, aiul Dilalent. soy .
lIENRY. R. (OSTAR.—All!!he'.sitmme'r - 1.
hive tii!e.ri froobletl.yVith Ranches Old •Miee: ',I
wan . actually..iahioni:(l - 4 . the -htipse,.• for
ROiich ,, s we'o:e.ierywhere:: . I:puichised a box
of yhur ExOrinipator and .cried it; ':anti •in one ,
week 'there. ivai no! n.Roack Or. Mouse , In' the.
,•: • I : Joitri',R . GlVX:vs,'No.:94:tlin Si; •
. .
••• HOBSEKEF.PERS,triibIed with vermin.
pe4.! Ire so no los.ee.r, if .they 'tfse ”Coar,sit's'!'
-Extirtninsto , S.. %Ye 'have.nsed it to . oursitt•
tactinn;and if a hoit cost $5, .we - WOW!! '
it. We had tried 'poisons; hut theY 'efret4ed
tiothini but artiele knoclo thebreath
out I:&Rati, Mkt, aiiil Bed Bags, iptirlOr than
we can write it.' It is inurent demand•all over
the cOuntry.,..:llTe,fina (U.) Gazette.' ' ' ••
MORE GRAIN 'and Provisions are destroyed
anntudji. in .Grant County. by. vermin,, than
%:atild pay for tonSrar.this Rat and Inseet Ril
ler.— TVii.) Herald.
HENRY R. COSTAR—Your Exttrminator
is reeeivedi•nsed, and. pronOunced•i'deeided
success.. We used a boa of it, and Hie . Wax . . the.
Rats and.7vlice; around
. our prendies araised
that• night, }vas a.caution to.sleapers.L- .
Sinc'e 'then not a Rat or Mouse has been .beard
in:kitchen or cella r..lllO,greitOr'“Orvir) Tintes;
nator for, thelast Year,' and find it 'a autta MOT .
every time.
• Oeo.'Rosc, Druggiat,,Cardingtah,O,
. .
....WE ARP.. SELLING-:-You r preparations
rapidly. Wherever they have been used, Rats,
Mice, Roachesoked Vermin disappear' [rnmedi.
a t ECK! STOUFFER, Ortrptists, New
WiUds4r, Md.- • :• .
To DrAtcoy-4tats, Rot &c.
To Destroy--Nice, Moles, bit:. '
• To' Destroy—Bed Bugi
To D e;tiroy -,Ll•Motits Fleas, Ants, &c.
Te Pestroy--Nosqkiitioes
Ti Deserny—lnsects.on plants anti insects
To Pextroy—losects on Anirtials,:&c
To Pastroi+--Every form and species of ver
"Costar's?" ItiV, Roach, &0., Extirmin'r
' Costar's" Bed-bug Extirminator.
'`!Boatar'sfi Electric Powder for Insects.
IN 25, 50c. AND 51,00 Boxes, BOTTLES AND
. . .
3P.Sold Eveirolt9ro-4y . •
All ; Wholesale Druggists inlargs cities• •
- .All Retail Deitlers--Groiers—;Store•keepers,
Sce. iri the United4tetes. . • •
Wholesale AFPnts in !raw York BitT
• ,-
Shieffelin Brns: & Co.
Fabnestock,Holl & Co.
Whi , ioee & Hart.'
lltigamin & Co.
Flail; }Locke] & Co.
Thornoi Fdller:
P. 1): Orvis. . .
Penfold, Parker&,CO
Dudley & .tafford
T. W. Dyott & Co.' : .Robt.Shoemiker &Co
S.A.Fahneetork &Co.. Fiench,Richorde &Co
All the Prineipal Cities and Tawny itithit
r r'Sold by
And by Drnnistg, (3rocrrs rtn . .l Itetailera gen
erfly in City Lind Country....
" • • • • . . . .
frrentintry PPalf , ra, can nrglor 119 abrive.
atl,!lross or(l4rciiirect—[ir:if•Prie Termses.
&e. is. deit rp(l 0:7".5e1i. 4 1' For tp D lets]
. . . .
'.- IFENRYR .cosTivß. ~.,.
P.ItIICIPIM DEPOt -Nii. -512, trna(way,
- Oppoitti.,' tlie St. Nicholas Hotel, N. Y
Feli.-21;'1,86i'-4 . mos.' ''
. : '
'Wirral!, Risky ' & Co.
gash; Gala & Robison.
M. Word, Close lc CO.
&Masson Itobhin ls .;
n. S. Barnes Ai . Co.
F. C. Wells &Cii.
Lasalle; Marsli &
Nell, Mien &Co.
Tripp &, Co..
Conrad Fox.
AND 07111**'
Philidelphia, Pa.
HE ~JBSEY#IBEIi > t'aa opeifid
• ery • Stable Ben
,nelt's Old Stindi on,ll . ain just . .imit 'of
Sithanica'"'whera an i kiefound the twit.
lea and Carriages at !niiindf to
'(neilie,Smethnort : : a permanent reaidence,7 and•
asks • a share of patronage.:
SnethOirt;' August '24,1800. •.•filitk ;
. ,
The .0 onressi one' end,- Extierienoe
, •
. .
. • •
Ind and a caution to youne:tnen.who neer from Ner.
volts . Pre Matti iliietiy,,•&c:, supplying.at the
same time the means of ilelf•Citte' krone who ham Cured
himself after brine pot to great expellee through medical
lmpesitien and Quackory, By.enclealmr: a
,poet paid ad •
deemed envelope, el mote' COPIIII may be bad of the au.
.thor, NATHANIEL, MAYFAIR, Reg., Redford,
County; N. Y. •• • '
A . -rtrowrupu-ooirte,RELIATILEand PRAC-
TipAL 4i:our:Jai ; devoted tulhe.'diflerent
pareminta otiorl• culture, such growineFjeld
Crops,. Orchard end Garden Twit& ; Garden
- Vegetables and Flowere;‘,Trees; Plants, 'and
Flowers. Lawn:sir,...Yardit A tere,of
. ..rneatiii Animals, &C. ; , &c., and to Household
Labors., It has also•ap interesting and instrue..
-tire.deparitnent for children end youth. .
*Alull Calendar. ill'Operations•every.montb. ,
'• .Tereei to Four Hundred; or rnore,, illustratiye
Engravinge appear, in each volume.. •
Over. Twelve Hundred plain, *praCtical, in
structive articles .and uselur items, •are given
• rtie'F f ditoiga,rid..Contt:iblitOr's are 'prric
tienl.Wo . rkini •.. r • • •
.4718 t rhingfr' of I/tn AG it!C T:arg ieci
tined to tio Stote.oi 7co ittiry, hot' are "Orlopoiltto.
then *lan Le of 01/..:tri.tiony of the rdign I.'ry 0-14, me,
s ~ 1 194fieji141. 1 .ates,for
. thitoltole..l).;9N..l4CAN CoN'•
. . . .. .
• .. A GEIMA
.. n NitDlTlONlCl , ibligli . elli.:o,.ite
;la me 1 iitpnd - nilee'nirthp . English; and xon•
•tainin. iiirdf . :it4' rnintnln ! filatter,•Andlts . nutui.-
rowiillnerntiv.e'ellgraVinily. ' :.. •.: ... ' —,
Qne.ropy, e;gfe
Six p•itt
nr cnriles 6 - nr year • 80 . ni.lits ;earth
.e17 4 '..A1111 . tli''-abnitb • rnten: Pnstdie
to. and -France, 2-1
lit G4nonny;26.centot
1 - itiAtnue:anyvvtinro In the United-Stotrs
Tetil l nring mn4ttln.pnill by - the I.ltipscii)at , i,
is 'ilnlY.,nfer, c it.
thn . , .
. Alf bu.inres Opt ()dint .rnm twin inn lions should -
ba'nthireisnd tn.thp. Editor :810.PlopTip•!ni ,
ORANGE - J[IPD - , , 11Park , Rov; N. t.
The conirneneetitent.o a new year
,is a good
time for renewingsithgetipt,ions . and increasin4
theeirculitioaOt the,Jiimnsf.of.Coinrrierce.--;- -
addregi ourselves tdthe old r.atleis of the
riarier,. with entire confidenee to their
nevi t aid usi .and theiliflitence of the
sennil co'ns'ervative piiiminie and morals which.
have hitherto characterized and w'ill-laer.Mfter
rharaeterige this:parier: Event' Stroscrtigen to
the 'Journal of porrirnetre - .might i(gr:qit
service' to these principles, and strengthen us
in our ability support and eireulate.thein,by
gentling es the riame'of at least one, new sob.-
scriber in.his • •. , .
Pevoteit.firmly as.wr hive been to 'oor
try's. interests,'lnet having.. lone - been rolled
"Union Savers" ar.n.terni 'of repirouci!,.eo.trre
and tibial be the, firm upholders of . •
heart and'pen every man, Snntb
or North, .an enemy to eit her: 'Et: ,, ry:
fOrm . o't diserganization and revolution oil) find
'us ready.. for: the'..comhat;.Amsine.the Ides of
the AmericAn Union . rind Ameikenn
weirmkside by side • • '
andlwe•propo oni.slrenef .to defend
the:paticm'egainst the attacks of both.
To encourage .those who mpy . vOlunteir to
aid in the organization of Clubs, we hereby
offer tin extra. copy 9 1. the Week& to every pri:
son whi) shall forwixrd twenty new slibacriberi,
mny he organized in communities with great
advantige.. The present i, the best period for
ihtiir commencement.. The terms on.; which
we can furnish the,paper are as follows.:— • ,
To aompanies taking • .
,•20 copies or upwards ONE DOLLAR each
13. copies ' •rt Fl EEN noLt.ans.
Under 3 copies • • Two. .. each •
The..papers. will be
. addressed to 'diffe'rent
peireona.at the same Post Olce, if desired, ex
cept' in caseS crtibs' of .13:or Mare enpies;
'Which will be mailed torine addres. •
inay'be macleit, .the following rates :—LPspers
added to a char dirring the :first quarter . of the
% Intr . 's, year will: pay the lull rate.of-the .
mit club for'n year, daring the second queiter
thiae•fn:irths pf the original yaii - Ost rate, dUring_
the. thira.qoii ter tine half,:and durirg the last
quarter, otie.fe';;Yth,, one all.eoeffrobtiriptiona
w ill i ertr ii na t e veldt tha.year of the Origihal
.From 1r01 . 6111 . 01 j i
Whr re intik a get of 'neoCisprzy f re.dr. peril cl cal
are••recetv,rd at any post _ office difeettql to noe
addresii, •and:fhe , aames ortlic dub olaubscr,l , "
here . to which' they . helona, with the • poqtar
for,a quarter in advdnre", shall be.hand••d to the
postmaster, he !Lail dellVef the Genic to their
reencetica,owners. ••• .
Rut this thies apply to weekly. nowttpapt‘rs
which - Oldola.rff. 11.4 indthi. enuOt3r,where prin•
ted aii(.publi;thi.ll:' " . '•
: 117 Address l Editorie . r.tbe .I:ottrnal of Com
inrrcr. N0.'91.11 , 0! strrot Neil , York:
• F.,attirs nrid Proprietors
. . ,
This prero rot ion . . mole from the lost .7,105 Coffee..i;
recOmmetelei by physielomi at a mipeeior iirTlll PIOUS'
11) , X,rliAtii E for 'Co norel Deb,lity. I) reverie . end - ar
10, 0iie • i ih iiie d orti , Tiiiit,itofre lin t o rte brio' oonteelleil
to iiheminit •thit OPP of coffee trill oke, t liie without liliii i
•oitii i freett. f)nocen een'aih•tolotstren;Veof iwoliouttili,
r o f orilinory cciffeo.'• P riru ' , II emits:* • ,
K2'.p.,ppr.s LEVAtN
• •Tlie parent and - beat .JAI ING:POW.Dgft knAtra. fn.!
sinkieg tight
.'aiveat•lttil : tititellous Breaa alit cakoi--
Peica 15 eanta. • „' • •• ." .
. .
. • m A Aoryn i". 13
• IT -• •
• Cartier of Broad stud . Chestnut Streets,
And sold by all Muggiest; and fir . ocars.
, .
• ••=4:—'•
Published by Bcpttnr:r.:t l , .7 17 . F rakl.'n.St
•1 '• Subteribere - . •
r Seml..nsOuthly t . ...4l I 1401361 . y.; ..7tlc.
To*l'oetiOstetete.ne , otbere,‘ yr,bp . form . Olebor.aol
'Wiwi WI the sonney In at)venee. we will rend the Repot.;
tes , ran Chart Manua, atkt •Deieriptioe
.• fdl•
6 coplea iiethe*eolci,i, one flea , .... .. 00
• • 15.00ptee of the ?erel•rnonthly • • Ioll'
. • ".10 onplen erns" Monthly .; ,
:We wiII for vn`rd
ernt ui too qy to . inr'Oerson
•senaing club . , .of $2O 'art he.. shOve *tell; At.
any one...time, 'our 'Americo?, lerold.:t7ovi -res?
Add r.ene, ;:.. •
1 - 10.MP.011 BROTRERS,'••l3nnkfte;
2, Nirall. St, N .:1 Proprietini.
, ..
~ ...., TITVIOTHY. ..SE ED.*. ~,,...
. t.......
, .
FIFTY BUSfif4:S Of .11 -braf•quolity Tpt
-onfr SERnirairod by-and:for (Polo et • .
. . • ...• . . .
L. 1-I.•DW I LEY'S.
...Port-A,,i , legohy,..poOni4er f3,;•-,1!)61.••,.,:....'
• •
• •
••• •••••• $4ll. - W4CFES•PAID,,:SIOO.'•••: .:.•,
cimPnriY. Wo tt. n.(:omtniqqion 66..
' nll
99. TA g"n 0r..,r1y
$.lO fp $1 nu p. , r h, : n nu. ray all'nfco'siitiy
111.1ehine iv po, r ler t• in its'me.
hnni,cm: .A rhil l e a r.l oriPtliW it
bill iiii,„hrtilro ia, -, t# any
, rinrhi ne and we ~iuvu
fri/preyi..lbc. no11:1rR.• • .:
ra h rri! vPltte:
••• A . • (3,.iterapur*.,
G 4, A gi., l)'ittToll, Mich:
t't! I.l . ;,l,:in:ii . Sen I r!! T nrrlore. Pricy Six ("; ti 1$
A IiECTVII,E' O',l 11 . NAT 17111.:: THEATMENI', AND
IlAdiind Core orSpernminrrhoen,. or Soniniti.Weeknenß,
Ftntotionl. SPXlINL,Deblity,. /1 11,1 11111 , 4111M011111
to..trrintoo ernerally Ne,V1:411,11P.1 . . Eri•
Ippnv nil Fitt.; Menial tnd Ineßrnrity. renal'.
ttt frn!n r Felf-AlluFn --11 r lii.nt. J. ,CuLrunwELL, M:
I:),, , Awloie 4.f tlt'o.lhetio BrfoA r
... . , .
The Yot rid • re nowneil nut tiOr ..IP title admirable Lectura
clearly r roves (into hie own onpyrienon ' that the awful
coretequeneee sir. Reif: slues. may he effocittalla removed
resilient nitlitilne.'notl witimat thingerourieurtrical opera,.
Mimi, boUgleii, inai simian is, rinzn, or cordial+, pointing
'rat. a mode of cure 'nt 'once: cerloln.nntrefreetunl,' by
which aircry eufferer. no matter whet ,teaconditionmay
be. icily cllef.:ltimm;lf c h eaply. prliately; and Oldie/lily,'
This lecture will prove a boon to' tlitineantla 'and flw
n:amt.; ,•• : ••• • - . ' . . .
Son' ni l4 nr .oftl, in w plotin . pi,•Plnne,' In stny addremx: on
rY'relpt yil.4l:y. yenta', or two royiq yr; Ft..'011 , .. by Rd.lromi,
• •: • , , • Dr.ctiAS. RINE, -
147, Bowery, Ne*:l(f;rk, rout Office ;kir, 4590.
Tri HE SO4).9c,itn;rhuving 140111%13H
knmily aand; end' ie-farnishpd and rn.fjc.
ted . the•l:l4nar; is'ltreparnd tti 'entertain Board
ers 'and the Ti avelingpnidic. • • -
• .B.A11: AN
. . .
Will lir . .wPlit upplird, aritl:..eteryinlipg,:ilone
to merjt:o liberal .fihittP of 'patronage.. Auft;
mo..will itlwOyA fio,l the , <lnti•h-s, Hog" o'ot.
_ ... , , • . .. • • F.M.. PULLER.
....KeOdal i..rek..'tantiAry`2.,.-1860.• ::: ....I9:1y
OF 7:11r,
Volume Vl. Neve.SerieA.
. . . ,
A key: .Volurite orthiv widely eireulatru,l.pa
per.comm,eneeV'on the; I hof Jatfuary: Every
number eon'tains vixtE!'en'fantev, of !men!! infor
mation Anil from' five,:fo.ren original I' vings
of new inyrntiong nod Aiiirolieriook,..o or tibleh
to 'prepaieti exprevkly:lOrit-V . .eol'umns. '
The SC:i . NTIF' lc. AsiErucA N is. devoted' to
„ • , , . .
the,intereste of` orioln r Sei , nee'„ IhA MechanicA
Mt,' l‘fana l artiiros:.liii•writionx,. A g'rictilture,
roinineree the Porchlis genor
ally, nnil ilOil ink!ntetiie .not only
in the Workshon.iioil Ntitioireetory, hot' oleo 'in
'Libiery no(rthe 'Redding
.. • . .
!ToThe .Icellanie'apil Ntiritifirettlici! '
. .
person .ehz.iged in. any of the' thilchaniCa
iterguits think of c‘ it tio 9 t the
Soliaricto Xatniiticas. ;It cdeva hut friur, Cents
'week; every number. contains from nix to
ten-engravinus . of' new machines and, innie . n , '
iioll‘ . , which cannot be (mind in any other pub:,
lication. It is an entablished-rule nt the • tritb•
lishers to Insert. nqni),but . nrtginn. engravirigs,
and those.of the first clans in. the art, 'drawrr
and enracarl.hy'.experioneed oer:tins 'under
dheir own surnivision . .• • •
To the - Inventor! 7 .
11. e .SCIENTIFIO . AMERICAN iajn,..s
-pephol!l6.roiv.!ry rnycri , tor, tll5, !Kg. ,otiky,.c . pa-.
titina •draeriptiona of. nearly all lha,
bast. inven!lona a,.thev rorneon:,Fria each.
number entiti!lns:atilifticial ;List P_f• United
of all theTatenta tpe Unifed tus
-Patt..vt Office d uring the previous.; 0)04
ejving it corre ct irialciry of flu! progress of in
ari.ntiona in 3 ilis..country . .• We are
every . weak, the licst,si.jacit.it.ic . ..joornals.of
Fraoiro,• and q,;rloanyr thus
I ,l:o4Ung . in cur pp.: A .. s cion all Ihhf is , tinuqOrinif.
m mer•hunie4l kri.merk owl. art ..111',thaao' 01,3'
erllll.ll-6.05. lVe shall ropfilloeto
our cotunlo ropin u Par , ;7o ra ..
nals of 'what • y,,r , .ce inny tleern of inii.rear
••• ""., •
C . ll,:rriirirls, • A relii , erts, Millwrights;:: And
,1 Ens!
The. SCEN 7 'i.FIC • d>IfrICAN gill Ite'
loot ClcisonvOrfr.'et science: fl 1.
.arhon ;in airs coltsrno., and, the in forePt h of the.
the new inventions overies.lariposta4f.'
tho'so .heihr..llol . oshod Irom
to . w eek. Useful and ptacticai
tion prrtaining td:thr interests of
unit mill•ovmers w ill' be fotind iniblitOktitt.
§eito.T . tFtstt . . ASPltscAl(44lll4oo,atifitaa* '"
S ut 'it i ollP'O i e h Or nt ' t711 1 "' Ir4,*
tari4ted up s e tt-iti -
TtFIC Ainttnjc ; ttat,:rnost of the innpritivemento,
11'110 inif. l l4F-444.41:14-4
col mil's. - : : .
i• 11. - . Wl,ll :
. . .
To innir.soriVrib'eraiTii)f i tieflail'lit i ft*.,,il
or . :One. Dnitliill'or'eix
pay'l , tor ,;he'.ii4iri 'P lcle:YOlilene.'o' . ;Ots .yriloap" .
two - .4y0u t 0i ,. .i - corn F ikit4 'CinS''yeler.' 3 Tne'r4 , 64ol7:
times cornmenie"On ,;
• • ' `.' I ,'• 4 • •'*
• ,* °°4 '
• ,
. .•
. • , , .
ttoollih "*.?'" $B .
Ten enpies,•.fo.r Twei'vn.Monthq . ...tit,' • ,
• Filtrien:eopie.',..:fOrtteelt;i4ftihitii'l 4l 4llo2
'• Twentyeopiee, for, velpe A , lnsikhs
clubs eytti-Ppi:kti4-
. .
!y fubseription,i., only $1,40; . !lames'. ean..tie - .
sent in at diffilrent4ttiree.al4 , ../riet 4i*i n d
*Pci.g.ollir Specimen COpies will be. Cent !frt.
tie. any part Of, the co9ntry. F .. . • .
' West ern ltuhitoit t ,Post.office ,
at nroll9liiken. et: par, for eubseriptione..' Cape.
(Ilan eatieilhers'w ill :pleitse:iOlrilittiiitrileiifeh l
ex II on •ye a rfre. lOW -6" YiYif•Tiy•!`
Ptitillelierg!!' .
, • • , • - • .e, 1
: •- . 37 ,Pock,. l ro \ ‘ , l org :
• . •
' '
And for the speedy cure of the following eamplalnia:
Se gorilla allot PI e robe' woe A traellihiellee
as Tuna ors; tllrego, Soleil/go ail*
Wdlegol ale. 1 I . evolultnee, liKololgeroo .,
/ 11 A l ani blluit4 l 4 M I 41 DlA* l 4 l •••, , i`fls 0 ,
s o,tottou, Ind 4 41 4 0 13 t C
C. Arra, sC l a. illettle : I feel/;
t. 310 i VOL
Icnowle , l6 Wltht 3 nor filibutitit 1114 lillelf 4,1911,Air
110,111, It ~,,,.
~,,„ xo.„nllote3 Infection, Jritill
from It in t tti toils %tit3o lin . yea, ts„ '. linallilriburtilt
out In 'WWII ,011 toy handl, awl ' ' ' aditlenO - it
tto ii.d 1111po a and ,1 1040 , 01 1- : " I ' l = o l 405 1 . ! ' 'i 4 t 0
years into It broke otit Oil lily hemu L itilu rulfre.4.4 1 ,
and elite will, one sow. n hich'woo polofttkold‘ ittenent
iwyofid thAri Iption. I tiled liforty'turidlollo , l nettle eill
ilh)Afelalol. lolt a Illiollt Ililiell inllntfrialli 3nrialill
Met , the dbitittltir Ole ,t no At lettsug
to toot iii tho uo. j .d motipli4or tiAttotAthAtittist. : ,
alt slltol Mho (Sol mtlilull(1), reit' 3 Jilltnr r , ;3 0 0 1,1 C, dm* '
tlon diet itlly thing 3Oa altOlti ?twat Ir e' ed'"?l,,lettege, ,
elitelmini I tont got It, 0 nil tonol It all It e ejt ey:',ll4eek ,
Q t
It, no ~ )titt nil‘bie.,lll eimill 11 01 . . 4 Or di P c " A * I II C I
month, Wed lIIIII.M 111 lOU botlingt• 2 , 1 11filitb
eltha 1.11.11. Leon to Went miller ;Ilia ticebt • VI tof
wWe 1,11 It My eldu ki MAY elt•nint dial Xiiiintr,lng,
f, ellutte Iliat Ilia divert.. Iles gone froin 10 ripterd.s, if ,
'wit null I. , pii,•fl, ilia I 1 , .,,t mint I ma sityltittlirlion,
3 on, thot. I hold you to lit, ono of !Ito npoilloo of trio ogee
and Lomeli/ of er giott folly. " Youl'el l 1 ,1, A ~ tr, .4,
At,Pitt4t)IA , TABLOY4II , %
St/ An eh otty , a Pier, 'loop og t4ryl4rlflW
• 'rotten , gild. tea IL 4th ersitti, Ante ',
4 .
nisigal orAta, Nero .1143 ,• otfoiilgrpits / , m
Th.. Intuit. 111. Pi ebb, 'lv, lten from'Palrm,N./Ifq,Lltht
, 0 0pt,, Lififi, tlint 110 li io Cared all ill% etanttlitalyilattltt
in ap,ty, Odell thientelloit 11, ter/Moot° Onteltyvbto Um
1 1 c:hovering tiro of one Inrettpotlllu, , nild 411 , 4/ odeumfilitte,
,Ittfratostif A'rn,inflor , by Ittroo doer, of Altelounet gilt
Ile tutus the remove' rrtrerionx bp it , countently., 1 ,n: it
Brosiellog.elt, goitre og Norolltendellookel
• Zoltithin P 1001! I'o , opent, 'l' , lottil, wrflee l'aThirie l beti
ties of you' Sot Ktion Illn clued 010 from a eloilr o ,,,rikbliti
emu/ ewollllot On SIM lieult, o lad& I 1111 4, , !„ 1 nT * 11 0 , 1 5 1. 9 61
over LW() 3 Nam" ' '
Leon orgliron or 'Wit II es, 0 warfOra Tuttagtgif
Uterine Ittlueratlort; Verliolo Ellie .
I)r.J, a, EI: chopning, ef Pleli,' ' YFrilt ' dry, wrltliT l I
most rilearfillly retnt4y irlth'llibinlpoot if ring Egged ho
saying I hoes fourtn„Taur Ittareettnrllle aginbeteetellette .
alter:alto In the unniornnIPMPPIIIIIItn far , 'lthldlollor
timid°, ouch it rummy; lint'lerlolly In , fdtotitlecittereleilli
' of the Pciefnlone din wePIP ' intetertlred fintarflowiewe •
lite well or T.ourniehorn I,y , i , nhil wiling eihentolhoOnow
nlehin Woe MANI ) , ,,, , tifeertdidnillirthe WOW APIA Meg-
otleh Itself Von mion cured, Nt , llllntt within nIP Dianna
eilgo oottolo It for little , ' fonelliedetritlitto ," , ,-
1:11wiull 8.. Miaow, of l'irwlnirx, e., nitre," A den
•,,t one /mot fon flialnr oil laid dr rlll, fe a itt my Nulty, k
7,14,11 hurl dello! nil tlierrnitolleorte twain Orenitgrebon
"'tit !Nintho' r
hernmphltoly ruled Ity,pour,klotroctelfAx
tinottrllln., Our•riltyidebto thoughb , uoilibut hitt „extlellil ,
'lon room afford roller, but , Ins , httrleed,.the Irlal,Of gear
Po eopm Illn no (lin loot rm.°, t before.• cuttlu4, ateltt
Pored sox's*, A nor toongYa" 1,. 1 1, ! I''1. I1 61 I li ..l t.
we re
111/..V11111i0111 pr 14 61.11
1.,0 1141141thrt . . 4. . r ,
By pitting awl Pitigi , ttrimil Itneame.
, . l'lnn ,O nt ,qt ri l j, r 4itir tt it':ltli t' '
Drt..7, O. Arno i ' l .. lr, I ohoerhilly ctinfil th'fhd ifir.
qiwet of your aor o I, 11101 / onnre. to Ynd 1 19 1, 49 fi , r fOO ..IM. .
I bore realised nlrkyour Sorlitiotrllks, ~ ~ 6
1 hat o celled nithlt, lump 1040144iTnitglirer'7
plaints for 0 hilt It In recommended, null on nelfter
effort. ti uly,wouit. ro th thu ditto or P-.../ and Mok
cartel //fewer, ' 011 p new faflente lutillg,6lllll4krolcere
in MI throqt, uhlen *ere triffhttridnr'h{lb palotolendltho
top or , Ills' multi's 'Your' eurOpalrilli,oo , llollt 0 116111 4
cured lam lit flsooseuk., Ohnth4d warioneoell 4. • bgselo.
toolitry nymptuitur lll,lll,l'urieb,lend Onetneerefion feel
00601 tinny n etiOnlttenible mat of It, NO that 1 bolters tho
cileurilor WOolliF ,,, Ull . lolltilil ity•pol k a . fulliolljtimAkt_it
Yletl t l hi Joy niltithilidtittlon or ocir plug rllrlf`"ln, e
liker'l boiled. nod lie le welt Akelti;liortd , slu r without
itothedlellstnittlon to, lint face/ Al weennowltlghot torn
' troldett for lien 'mind tlfidrdor , by Juno:B'llmm_ orgerifor
flout title phalli In ber Ilona: P.Ehertitit'beronuoiellen-
CIIIre to 1110 ttwo her:flint on o datoP doPolorooDeridteo
• .truelidfin: milli Ito her Jolutratad honom rah*, toootu
- tilted milli ely by your torosparilleditafetelniteeloo 1
kooly from Ito notliollllla WII 1411 your agent:gage,Otopeleat
fide PIIIIntIaI ion•rill/111, )oltr .Iphortilory moot be a greet
remedy 1 vonroIl""11.1.Yt Iffeee 14 iny , , return intble results
ittat It have nut Oillt,lll4letr/1111. '.
, .Filllttlially , Xittill4, ' 0. , v. t k tniStilie :ex).
nltonOolilont, Gotta, .Iver•it/oStp/oliiit. •
Itin/Iranlol,Ntri I.,i , ,nl,ll}Vo:;'*ot,' tyffiliAltibi.
mt...i. C. A rtnt .11 , 1';,1 1107# burn inflitlod tlfdt_.,.. 4 f ten -
ha chnolla /r/frtnindoot for a Jeng i ghte, Ofeh nallfq,tha
skill of I , llpolointioo !via 4 ,11 1 ,, k tki d ' IL,' .PPI 4 W e r "1 ,..h e
remedlen I (4 , 04 Itod, until]] e i r i ttel ' 'j tim - fttireoporMo one
bottle cored fun lit twi) Work , and reotozed nil general
. heaith ve nin th *net „I eon fuglnltlTll44 l lll . lo Wk will
Ott:a:loot, / Whin, ft a n oallarro,l IntiAtt , nt J. M.
ilnlei Y. 6,91,0'01, of §1...4 4 /0 1 M,VA1.. 1 ,• bet ,''
tinikt,,,l for yente %ilk ful , ftfirP4t, U, ,51, fig i kg ,
,1,,•110) utl 111,1)1Kolltli.. I Allfil l efrrlctitpt pi, lost
~.,0 1
lulled to rolloye toot nud 4 iorflX .o f9,f; P' , il r +‘ ,',. ,
1... d. kotite 3 , 1 ,11 1 / 101 1 1 1 10 t 4 tr 1 0 44 0 , 11 tu al I • __,„q/
Me ir trrr,, ,fly lullove4 imtiikr.tirmAtty,.., o ,-. 1. „ .l •••
Ito to try 3 our Pnientutrlllii, PrittltotyPt'n PRP ,Slf olk,
iu,.l ;10y 11,11:Ryon tandoori!' worlti • trying. iry tne ego.
lug of Oaf it 11.ie'rui r illf itlethlielineebilifottlikidlif blood
00 , 1e1111.k11.1. )V.401111.11 of •toe. .4. oda .30,tuutni0Le4Tbe
kebt. um', C. 4 II he totlO;uf 3toi in mit, phlf sOpkt enouo.
rlel%llritiff,i'elircer Triin ' a tilt , V,' , seilltstlfeelleinit ,
ill in rig tioti;pleterf O etelell? getftlirieliessi or
ehe. idonfort, '•, '. " ... '' •iL ,-...', 't 'Ol rfri •
, A pent 3 , oviellr,titclool,rivot, , bl itfOrt , t iftirbere
rolee of there, form fil ti lo Loroi I.t.riltl iliaVb . 1 - 1 itcletrozri
tilt, tiro of Jib( telmedy,lfiltootti r eproo ilea will nnt admit
Ilit di, F 1.1114 of thlnta illar Int Smola 11 DOOM O9Alterit'all
A finen , e, %Volt 111 , On:tent , lielo'u Iliatnati stilidollt d ti
flit oltih erode to all who eon f r thrnt, , ; ~,, o•rhitt
nyopolttilii,llonrt Dlitostoe, Vfeer EPIII O I ,-
~ , , ~ey,, Melo nelt ay') AinVdt".44.4lo,4ltt et)
''. , 21t.iii, room . , notqo ohm ., of tharooffecdosoanto been
11,o10tote 11,0 nitelatlro prover of thlegtodioltile.,4ol etlinti•
101,a 10, rind Amon os• Intl rl 'ti' , 4, ol o! sicticel, and tli ' llo
Oyatelallos flaws ,1.. a I which we dt Lvo anupnoed bynnel Its
t e.tch. , Silt II a rummy li v. lott, , ,rerrettoirt , tlli ,tho De
reeedles ol th e i eoldo, nutt, ls4 ,M ', 0 1 4 ,1 d ,'l nt 1 11 0 . .., 1 '4 111""
do for them till ihAt InioliWnO cad 'd ' , i 1 ,
Ayer s Ch,etilr.:Foadilal
rent TILE ItAVlta tttlit Y bk o '` 5 111 1
crs,,aftg, Goble, Irtflutalna', .11Ineure , nunfIr
croup, frrottchtintur 1 X too}p4PplipTh
otintit flute, amid doir,tleet, el, , r ,
o f
(,021,01111111)ItiVIO r 14111471 . 910, , , 4
111 11d V.110e431 f i t '''ll , l ll i... t .l 4 PI
1, t Atilo t Disrupt ,f ~, it ••• '
, Ii ,k hoe 100:143,,1 ii,0,, , ,,,,,ity,h,tma.t0 41%tvimp, soy
0 1 ,,,, fiq • ( 1 0 . , 0 ,, 0 11 ,,,, 0t. and, 111113 roitinleltits,. that It
In um 1,... , 3 It, to to , linbli ,, ti ' the 'erittlineo; or IttOritrure. Its
m 1,11,811,4 PCI 1.16:11e,i, lot . l'ollatio andoltddll, lola Ito trusty
N.l.ll.lerilil I'llll4 of nulnomitry. ilblenl.et.llllVln't alma., It
1101 ,1 iltionglo,ot IMt tit/Wont untiomp,of F,lkivotartti.
ern'afro the toilialliiillaft, On open .filtniiie...lllllo.l3,g 111101
UlO 1111141 1114 80111. , 1101 1011(11 ettrokinltCo Of • ,101,41110cIe
Onion II % lot! 11 olllty 11l Ilona inlillinotitSlVlalant oYer the
,ttlolt, nl,ll ti.lllt,ol 11110 disorder* of. tliotitro , kt , ol,l4, lung *.
. 0 , , , ail itot , t, , ow drendful fluidity of thten dlterciere, and
, „,, t),,.. v 1,,,,,w, mo, 1110 efforts add, I enn.rin 11, 4 t a if ed not
• 110 11101.1 tIIIIII 10 (01.1111 , tileill tillit it MIA nerfaulite rh,
l nen Om tlt did Inno u lien itial,ing the cure" rib r bare
• •Nk on 110 .41111.0). 141011 t)lcienitlltl4oo of tuielflclud. .
Proy grad by Dr. J.C.ILIE.Bit & c'0,,X40.414)111451.
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iir(llor. ! i; i1,'11,00t.3; P§r! . '.4•llotalj) ,40 by
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