M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, November 29, 1862, Image 2

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    • • , • ;•:. • - • •• -.- •. .
' ' ' • • • • .
ipY"4Y- v=4 , .
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a it* t
tt74 l ' . e Y, 6111 '!.04T
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c't•,40‘ 1 1,4 tt4e.reourse
,ateupon us, unit'we
'atioubt;ietile:tiole:ail t ititit . lhrtu; o siti reestablish
•• •••:• , ••••-•.•••• , e.••-••-:••• , .••• •••• • ;•••••,•• ••• ••-•• •
i '• " • - • • •
itl.:•*•it , , tare sure. : that• thotie authority:
• . ••.ttityi. •certainly irofe
nptttit!E el lithe nOt:int . .th'o
is eot,fpi: the: tfPiPti •
. .lii . Wablellifer s en;e4o that ent!,•.:tht;n it. 'le 'the
14eMo:itemitiMietie-iteud hoe , eve,' ,been pm ,
• Et ki:eti'hiiitittli*Ottitii,' now, howeve r
thiCinany vity punt' Pitts pa gen Maw) s will not be
'401 1 44 ?.‘.411311.44 very am
theOtifrifp: to Ake la I v . at ion ipt the C011n
truyt•filitirthe'tfrtiti'' foi.•fectniatitictlort eenneti,
he'v , nd
. 14 ibis Poii# , :takOn 44d•Y!'ke-cf• 09,ul
' 'Ptieteadiasir *
apular , votp,; tali en irk , • •
t.h . e
•Ne,eir , England;"betwetql the
pretioeittOn'l*::ieeive 'thti( r, Stitei' . ‘bitck into
the "Constitution;
• eikikivith.tha•righttO have. ouch' dome
• atm :meti!otlons atilt may e hOpie;lid•a•proposi - -
titan; to tecegutie the independence, of the St:6th , ',
era Ctititideticy. • ~ l i.migtit•Ve• tie
..• the
a'eert in .school. or liOittfthiliis
„, ya pit ar e Union,
Tt is painfalliapparent Opt, net "withstanding,
tblir do 'notintind shift the Ueidn
shalt eieiS Iteriaftei' oh' the teriiii"of
atituion;' if it is'te 'datbrabe. bli the:Stites'.
The ratio of alive representation, and. the rAiall'
tier', of fugitive elaiee;tire 'teriturdi'of the CO-,
stitiition which they eeritleitei ebtinr:
tibeen the'rtiSitiienimeiof these and'the recogniH
tion oliViiSmitheretbefederacy;inany, of them,'
an my judgment; fain' toitele;' woujd'prefei the,
Clatures' i of the'
tortiiiitutibe'Wkai pristialy ca4df the aliena -,
t'ion` id h oslliily of the South, end fear they
would n o t . thit aversion now to rentle‘r
the. Union whst it Once Was. Let Mr. Lincoln
try this question if he would solve the problem'
:at thiSKition's •
obiestbeilsrat'and tile that I would yield the:
bworsiissstiy:othes means calculated to render'.
Ott,llltiott.,,,v4 'tat it, was. ~v'vhat I mean is, that
if tliiitrnion, ana (lint Only , is' the ob' , t• 'll4
,ayro: d will never find the belligerents in a
te(eptitiltideM consummate that . :VVor); than'
they are now, and.that ether agencies, 'should
promptly, employed:. to.hp., man irj
deibiimi and joyalty'to,the Union as it was and
to lie i ttnciplee . of government • transmitted to
sas hy , - ,uerl:atheirS: ,The maintenance and per:
petuation of these 'AO he, the i - object; nearesi.
beattoshether, T.„be in, private , or publi4
much esteem, ',l•semaio.,,
TA D. Aiipcsocin, Esq.. Philade..) p , Pa
We• Vet 'LI
ror.yeao : post bee!) a custom eitiod
the,obeervinCe,'.' among.the oOpoherits
• eCthicotisrvetiveDirmicracY, to derlare that
..party dried.iind"buried!: “Whit right' , ~ said
• leading ;Republican , piney in' dui recent,canyasti, •
"has the Democratic party to kick'. the co‘4i
of its coiNin7" ' The people have antwered •
'that iiiseilentlmjuirtby eirchanging .
. With ifs , ' enemies! Atodern , Repiibliesnisriv ie
now, ; dying, if .itot, already atone r deadl,
• People' havn condemned:ita principles, repudiii
ted iti policy
,andwill continue this good work
'O ne toy:buryirig out ol iii. false
Ttie Conseeitaile' and Demccratile
'tarty , : of..thie'Republie are , soon CO seize the
'veins ef power,'end conduct us aately.ihrougli
the, per4s. that now sucrOund itsi "Tia
• lorig es' the Union lives, and its
'corn° trill 'belhatOf' cOnstitutionel
The Pertulieratic partyle not themerO creation.
ierhe,:.represeatative - of , tlie
principles that + ; underlie Abe Repuhlic.' , Foltr , „
chins may
. now, end , th e n, delfat: it; :had ‘ men"
may endeliior io dile it for
end ilishofln ablo'dads;;'buttft""came out
suiritektihd^itiorir.:vigottna froiwivery reverse.
: lirtt; the people.lrepieei tot , ve re e
at,hand,No more: shat I. false lights alfure,
• • tNien froinithe lanri-marks our ii‘thfre titt up to
Nit a iftidii'fiti'llieiti'thrCluih 4k need:
ed tevolutron.hae been' inaugurated in 'Ohio,
Peainlylvania,' Indiana,. and Nevi York,: that
• 11.14.,not..go,:hackwardsi, Fanciful tEeoricai
upW ii,glittering genets tres,'' have,
'Mid their day. Henceforth the.lliiioo, the
;Jitter tie'ittellitais.'of all successful toll! icht ac-,
,: , ),The. peep, ware for a return. to.t
Thexihnviand,wili continuelo„demand
a etilit,togetritetioi of 'the funliamr Olaf law,
:' - intilliiiifrobieriatie•Oi the rights'Or all sec-,
• ilia, "ist.fliel r When thii i, made the
Mishear pallitieak ineteed: v inlet iona
, ~anittegOlpitititmiqf tkielederalcompie t,pence
wilt cootie ao4'Teutin with '
--0 torever.2eac
Rirsll. •Ntwtriirkits:—.A rebel pnper
published in'Louie fin° is :pri riteti ofi
side of °Mifflin *All paper. Tile' lipuston•
`Telegraph: and , the GalviAtou • News -
• come down4winiall brown wiper:such its
gkoceri ffse. = Many .of.the„ Mississippi , psf,
pets 08 4ngerifig m the last. ektilge:s-of rP"
friction. -_.They Alf sorts iPn"
aste'ebeperiand:colors cxlfibitin:!, 'l l lll
ingeynipmics Of tliC fatal fl,eWsli:tp:r rpi
demiein rebel 1 ' ;•
~. • uPournm , npatts.— necessity of
'' Hllia 'up the itimenta in' the fie'd, has
• - • - •' , '‘.lleitelii‘•new 'order from Adjittntit , Plener.
through the' • reeorornendetion
;: of oritocir Ourtin,%byowhieh the drafted'
have the privilidge. of ,Volun
fekituents, either.in:cOro
*Or;!l(ll44,s.:/Intler,lheir.Owtt selected
k-,. l lo,ln,Order „requires all su‘stituten
.. '"•' : Aoo6oo i !P.4l9Yea.. t d". e ?ter_ipe • pla • regi.•
ineffie,t_gi distinetly. under.'
'•'" ): lijojilio•it:?(tiii - 6'14i1l •ivoring'tlie'ar
14,:"izi-i,:aiisuti,ltitupl, . .
• •
.....--- -- Al . 1
~al e el . 1 ..7 , ..'' ' .';.'
an t cfu WOullt wtniatrat t ,
' vi i.v ., -;I•A -5 . f.- ~ .•„
i-- . •__-_,_.---.....,-.- . - --
,1'- `•',,,. ,
Zi,cEailirclatTo* l 2Bthi 1 8 8 2,
' Y ' ' ' i e'” ~' ~ '','..; 1 :, • 1
P /1,?.01$ RA: -9.2 i WAR
.thr :A: . Vol)2: - NEARLY' 11YANI MOO'
PASSED, TILE it/Li:6%1711M 1tE . :61.4/110k;
diThat:the-present deplorable! • War has.
beer'toteed‘ntitin the country by the Disunient
kit bi-the : SOuth'erti'States, now in. arms against
Ilietalislitntional,GoVertitnent,' And in 'arms
around„ tbn • -Capital ;'. That • in ..thitc.:Ntitional
.eitiergeney c'ongreas; , biiniihing, all- feeling's of
there tiaastott- Or resentment; Wilt- recollect only
tho Whole:countrY ; That '.this-war
itnot Waged; on their pait, in any spitil of ,op;- .
piesiintr &lot any , porpOse , 91 conga orit sub=
jitgation, pursose Of ~ .overt brownie - or., inter
rering•with;--the ;righte-or "eitablished, instit.u.
tions'of those Stat.a, 'but to ; defend and
talw tha-suzireineay of, the , Ciintiiitution ,anti -to:
proserVeltie T.Tniinfe with aliithe-dignity,.enteal.!
ityand:rights-fot the several Stites uninitiaired,',
and that as soon as these. objects are 'ACCOM- .
rdished the .war oaght to cease." •.
. .
ie . ptillenti Of A irtee tbe: Utiit ed Suttee - ie .
compatible the liberfy and 'l4 fey :the: l
..Ourepie,nde : teendent. 'Their":llivery (oriels in]
e*CFq)tipn,.isiiitink'fiorii'stern'and inftexiblw
ilteeseltY;to the sgeneral iti 'the:United:
lAre:illd'oefetigiottte "nor are We. re.'
i(ir'thlelfeces4lty. Tbeiv liberty, •it
It'WeieviKeisible;oh,ly be' established; by
violating the iricohtesiible pOW . er4 ot the'Stutes
.e4id . 'Of subverting the Union: -And beneeth .
'the t'uitti of . the Union would be bOiled; .sooner:
,or later, the
. .
0 LiPiCIAL VOTE. ,Y.—The full returns
upon. all the candidates of the. State Ticket,
shows an average Demogratic rntijiirity. of
10;045. The vote vote for Governo'r Was',
Seymour, '367,003;' .Wordsworth,
The,Derrioc'rats elee:ted . 17 of the 3.t..rneni•
hers of Congress. . , • '
NEW.Juaskzi.—The Vote for Gover•tor was
Parker,—Dech, 01,314;- " .. 4 Ward; Rep. A 6,715.;
2, Folfrot the 'fiye 'members of Congreis are;
- •
. . .
li,t4Nots.- 7 -The,vote Qit Slate .Tre...euier.is r -
Sto . rne;.Mm. 130023; •Butlef,
IVe bti've not the list of Corigi•ossmon belor'e
us; a . natijority,llowever, are Derpoetats:
A:4,0111111t .cONSPCACr.—Thp pipers
Chargethut since recent' elections a
Spirt)" - haS - been net on foot to restore' the
Ttittaat r.!---SPoitrnen will 'be d i'g
toleain that'there Will. be a',.Tutlliey . .. t ghbot...at
Part-Alleganyolext Satorday (tb.ath Decen.
ber) . it'whieh :time •and placean
willbe givenfer'tcsbarp . • shootars" to kill a
Stack of'iarriefai the witiTei.: A full.sopply of
fat Turkeys will., he ~s et up" et a fair, distanie.
Lt w‘ll Oa) to be thnre'keitt Saturday. r. '
, .
' .COAn..PoosranTs.—The scarcity etad. high,
pride Of Coal in the, Northern end Eastern.mar
'ketsi at present, affords a favcirablcopport unity,
adVatne theoOel interests:of our own Callll
- We understand,:. , parties controlling the
charter for a , Ttailrind TO the. mines Urn the
valleys 'of:the illieg'ank: and Potato creek are
now' egotitition: with „capitalists . with a !lOC.
to.an early completion Of that.road, rind with
stioog hoperof snecess. HoweVeCit,may turn
oat wohain'an abiding faith that the road Will
be built, and Bonn. •
In the meantime we adviserthat there be in
increased. sultply of coal,mined anekePt On
'hand, foriale during the entning.winter. Poi
reasons: already stated the demand Will he idr
creased, • Last winter. there wits'great..delay
and.loss , : - C by. not, -hiving an, 'arlquate . supply
mitiedi' factit was exhausted the first week,
'of sleighing. Let there b e' no delay dt . licklin
working our mines; the business is rernunera
.will also make :our cod More' ,widely
CAra.. : Tugp.E DE , TI R*S OF ,PEACE;
In'the ales of the London Time's received by
thelaSt stertmer,.says• the Detroit
appears a card from C.-;drittenden, of
Nashville,Tetirt..,•'! Which furnishei
itlence'ofll disposition:CM -the.Pait 01 the reh t els
to terma. Mr4rittetirlen expreesee
hl 4getitife concurrenc e in' the views ex pressed
•,. • ,
by tho t raoe, ifs, to the policy European
terference in our.untortitinate civil strife'? tor
the:reason that-any suck . pressure brought
only hear upon the Eederal government would only
rekindle the fire of its Support.antl increase its
energies.. He then4oei on . to. say ;.
.11Ve of the-Sonth•a re waling, to say. to lbe
North iWe will meet yOu half way vr ill agree'
to a'suspension ot hoitilitei, that a Convention
of all the States may be.called and egeto6ll4J
come to by its decision,. be 'which ive,ingage
ourselves' to abide, prriviiled'said convention be
I Jett . to; deliberate , in absolate ilisconneetion fronn
and., - indeperident of- goverunnent control anal , ,
.influence.; • •
rtSiich itta.etlto 7iitanim'ooo /Peliii„ of every
Itippeate4 to io .the
t,qt/tiot Wee! past • two months; 'for, be it
have. just succeeded: iq.~gecapittg'—esce ng
frardirirnit land, : frinri .my borne, and all 1
hoist de:ar,on earth:,
• •
. . , .
4,, rotirs;.very
4, 11. c.,.CRETTENOI;;N). of Nnstrville, Tenn."
- :Eretn 'sariotts. Ot her sources the aims intima:
tions*Cotneatid We 'trust that all 'li . rejecti wild
Meet with the fayor pf:a :fair and candid discus ,
siert by the 'press-ano the PloPle, with aaincete
desire 'to find some. Mi . upon 'Which ,this Car
may be hroUght . te a close ,without the sad al•
tenni t uf 4.sep,t ration. he Stains.
_.,ry., .. .c-:a-,s.__rr, wu ...•, yv .. yr,✓rr., - ti
.. .. r` ° i.Y...,
{{,, au would stand .by Burnsidd,
• lAI a , . • .
I 'ygi,pve liYi me,.end all will •
.belW,Oll. • Gond,
by " Th4te were the partii)g.ljiirdirOt Gen:
et f )ella n thy, A rmy of- the . Potio?thie.. .
•.• " .
inia;iqntici,turopci. , 'lt is . Sqepe . c! tiin:rettrrn
at .61 'iryinw..hb;
chances U.
new . B . anik hae
. bee r.estaulisheclat:Eca.k:'•
lin, ealled ) th,a yrnitriFo
. Bank. ‘ Its : issues . !ir,, ,
.seepred.liy atpcl4,. under, the
Cittmetal banking' La µt. of. t.bis State .
The'Nev%:hurilkro/d.,:peaking of the Ca LIMAS
of Itepubltart defeat iii the recent eleet)o9l;
rusys:.. the •• F4llllllO. i pi! t 1011: Proclamation'
strengthenhdrtho rebepiunirrithe.Southi At..hrtrt,
disgraced . us ht . Europil , ,end
hastlivided,us at:,the N •irth.;:.Ttiis, is the plain t
simple .truth, knOwn arurread
ARTE:11;10. ~IF/FqITED .—Artemis . Ward • ti'4lc f
.tha.t .41f:flees:there's, dttrerent.; management at
'the : year •right off, ;‘,esl,ll
hie. to disguiS r e rooster,
arid make tracks for Canid.i' wntle the GOddeSall
of Liberty'veill . have, to go out . dotn'-gen'fal'!
hons . ework'attwO doll ! its a week.".. • :
. ,
'file NE*: JERSEY , Sl4NATOnt—Tlie Trenton!
True American is not, at 'all pleased with Go vm
choice of .11. S.,Field to fill the.,v4 6 ancY'
ii the IJ. S. Senuta. ,-The„, Americana.
He declared in a.puhlic..speech, that 34 lea.:
.dery of ;the . DetPocratic'itartratid the'edits
0f,...t he Democratiapresi: - New JerOey.. *ere;
-trditogi tithPart - , he eared not What ilieh ;pro-
Auttlio - ns ritigtit , be: He:saitilliat.the rraWw.ho'
'..vves . eterandly;talking. , , about .the tattoo
was, a. t rai ter,' 'jfie:glerted, 2 ip the , nti,slaverr
thn..fanatice nt.,Washinglon,
itr.'nlludio~.to it,! the World d'oes: Move!"
Is ii - nuaniag:tiholitionistovho put:ct...the robe
:otliepabliennisin the -heifer. to carry oat 'his.
failatical ideas..ln speaking of ..the Republican 1
party, he said it had accomplished even more
Than. any of 'tin supriorterscOnlil have sitpriosed:
it possible.' i
of' t'," he-, said, Atwfio
timid fitive'helieved that we ' , would haVC.,
complisiied the'aboiition, of, slavery jit the Din:
trletal - Colarribia and set tired, an emancipation
sliot,t..a time?" • "These Measures,"
he declared; !tivere, worth nil"the - .blond and
t.rensure expended in .1t • this ts,hoi.
the rei.iicaign . ..1 . :4.JF thorough at'
heart, then we!clo'olot,linow, what is , . .1. This is
Field, appointed to repreSetit the' Ipynl
Constitution ...abiding ..State uf. New.
W.ilf,may the people .he . surprised. - •- Well 'may
the.p op!elte surprised. ' . Well - may. they won.:
.4;:r• that Gan eraor 'solar 'forget
*hat Ls Aro 'to the; ernphatic: expression ..just
• moire by the people of •New Jerseregainat rad
Wasliington, -letter of. the 21,s't;" to' the
dommerclizt; itatesc Smite apprehension's have
ti,een,erifeitaine4' 'for • thosth • Who `"Fight 'mit
Siegel," but to rla;y`'it is tielieveirthey..have
Eallen ha - ck,in rid ihr;i:Can
any', atteriiptrn ! %da'npon them.- '.'" "
Otiles this Morning wt;re :Centi•evtllp,
but iheyebels bad appeailid ib forc,e
iliihertip-thaTotrimaertil 'no;ir be'sate
.• - .
fidm.a repatitioh*of the raid into Marylrind, /5
the,Poiomac crin,nolodger,be fordad, •
. , WASII . INUrTON Nov. 23.
An ()Meer who left 'Ga., Burnside's army at
one o'clock today_ reports. the situation: un
changed.. . The rebels were said. ,to have 10
guns of large calibre in position at and , near
Frade l iAsburgh..
0 . 11 Friday, Preeitle . nt' Lincoln' in the course
of .an interview;withuncoriditionai.Union Ken-
Inckians; riisetiased'at..fength, the question or
ounincipation: "Hosaiil.he :would . rather die
ihan take hack o Word r ot. the' proclamation . of,
fronthori, and he . d.walt uphn the advantages,to
the Border Statel' of his schenie for' the gradual
abofiahthent of elaVery,,Which'he urged , them
to bring fairly before 'the .people. They
assured him that it shoUld'he done: .••
Mr; Lincoln ills& ria•Pressed higAt;termination
to enforce rigorous' menturel tOiithhe State of
rebel sympathizersotod for that purpose' enew
provo Mari.hal *General, whd!litis hie heart!in
the,Wdrk will be appointed: . • .
.Seeretary Chase's repcirt tindoubtedly . ,'
•coofaln an urgent. renelninotidation, .slintiorted
by' elaborateairgiment,. J
to :Congress o take
measures for . 4he sitbititution of the govern
for bank curreney; by' -
ta r
king the litte
l'and provision for the - circulation'
IthrOugh tho banks of theldrrner. . .
" Tt wait rumored at . , Fairfak Station, that am:
Jackson' was on hie, Way
,driven' from the Metin-,
tains with a force of 40;090, men with the in
ienjion of making rt:dash upon Ourdefenceikat
Arliuigtpn Heights. - - '
11,e'rper's Ferry'Alie' letirn . th±it the ene-.
tny kedriing 'ti•striet 'biciekatle'on our, front,
but iht;fe was pO'collition'.. between the tWo
foiTes yesterday: , • !.. • •,
The river tit that point.- is noi,rising.is .wa
.ritt,:mi:lntt, VA Nat - : 26
expected the: railroad 'will be Onished
to•Marrow - lrorp Aqttia - Creek to the'Rappa.
bannock;:ppPOShe Frederickiburg. • The bridge'
over%Potormic 'Creek Wa s• reported this morning ,
artnCarliecimitle.ted:',, - The cars carry•supplies
as far as Brooks Station; _ six miles from .trptia
Creek, which greatly aceomedates our troop
NotwitliOnding the' late 'bad eondition of
The rciadi, Quartermasters' supplies have been
promptly furt.ished. Long lines or roads have,
been eorduroyed.nader direition of Calcine] In.
•galla,' ChiefQl
lllrte,rmister of the array,and
• • •
are in a'ocal coifhtion. •
•, The camp firesOf the enern, , are constantly'
in'crea'sing within Sight...of Falmouth; affording
indications of aitginentatiori af;tlfr'relief faeces.
Lee has joined Longstreet, 'and 'A; 'P. Hill, D.
H. Hill arid Jackson ire known id be on' the.
Yesterday the enemy Were . busily.'eng,aged
in eprottructing'. addilinnal -works in the rear
and to the left'of Vrederieksbnrg. •
;The.ears hrine: troops and supplies I egularly
to the rebel troops, stopping' at a , paint' tbree.
miles frOrn.the town. • :
. . • , . WASHINGTON, Nov. 26.
, .
_from the front is unintrest
. .
The enemy were to:ciai linolivn to' 'be holier!
.ing in Funnier eonnty,
~at 'l.7pperville,' Salem
and' Warrenton . email rebel force
-asceitained to twat NI die, in Loin.orr county;
• Jl.,'ls f s l ' 46
AttGOß t 0% •s'
t 144.
1 people.: on coost;A . 1';
te tt - 11 , greartlit cite
of 'ei . reiterli;rti . . ;It is repieiiiiiitefr that itilitea
' "' th' I r thepita te
- Alti
frier .atibi r ,yrting o , esottetion„o, t?smo,,lappeoied Barithis
ofternorio, aria sfoereil tOwaidetSufliyan, , iTh'ey ,
hilow of 'tiovesselAil be the're:at this
• 'thinii• fly' Moiiit.s4,TkO.: amount of
money thrnWn away annually in: the Uni ted;
Stateir in thir.porcliaae.ol..flooi. to be:i na d e ..i n L o .
heavy'and anufholesome; breed, - Kouid , elirrow
all' the colleges of.-the. Union.. 'This immense
wastage is , lessening year-by.yeor,'as.the . cele
tnared Chemical Selerous comes to be linoU/n ,
and wherever it is. kno,"l , n, our word for iF, no .
otier,wtll• in used., `sold" at;
'w4pll3aal‘ by; p.
Monrce•to;;Noiy;YMlri,rnt4 widby fiht class
, .,, • .. • . . • •
,Tetripaiattaa SO , oiet7 t
, A t tie SOciOy. WA held
day?evenii g; 'November : 1862; it
plate av Temperance Lecture - .
delivered lif.'Rev.
• . P. E. SCULL, Seat 'y: • -
041 3 .141C1'S 'COURT.
. . , . .
N OTICE is , ,ti . er:ely, given ;hat IV, yr:
.'has.fife'd in , noy , Office his Inft,ond final , no-.
count ai Xdininistesa'foi•. of the estate' ' or Itts
.ltlgT Ni.deeessod,.and %VW' iireeeni`the,
seine for.confirrnation. nt thene.xt‘' - etsted 'oi.'
Oleo's Court, p,4n held lt.Smetflplirt .the 4th
'Monday' of pecernb,erikext, .
my harid, Nov,., 7, 18G2,. •
CrK. SARTWELL,Tteoisfir::
. .
6hvlng" heen
oatit - ei! to 'the .undeisiine(l-00, the • r ta .. fe.
of EL..is J. Coax, ,late ,at - Keating., toyoShip,
4.11 pet sons i,nitebtet) ta.sB d es to te are
requested .- ti? •rr ke inimE;(liate - pay'amat,, and :
those pre.
-sent thern:duly.anthvntieetet.l.loi.'settlem'ent;•.-,
L. J. COOK Atli:waist rei - 0r....
October 27, • .
'KA2I Al CO 11 1 71 7 ,
1,8 6 2
• .E•••••fP.7rr7;l.-=; - .;:9:-..,
r ;• - ' , ;'
• • -7, . 4 1: IS , ,
E. - ; - 1 r, 1 . i.t.,; b * Li ' iV...i F. ~:`,l,t.
'Cr%' •
- •
I 0
~I i~,~ycN,,G,-.m.~~~1
xi 2*:,-ti . ,;:ri:. : FixTVt EINE;
1 , ;'1
__ CJ t ic ~- aN'GPi
mew m~~c~~Ntmoaol
~ ale yJ. iJ Jw lS V,~J ~~',
1~.~ 1~ O-t Y~O~lit.`~N-~,
vi i ~~U a:< ~=<~s, r W , ' .+fin
El 1tLi.t..ttiv:i.8i....A.,...z.4.
• - .
__~ ~-- ~ a•m ai
Eepublie'aps .SMALL- CAPS; Oppcmitio .
Itorhan lower caso.. ,
Sleiiira Sale
.• , .
,BY • VIBTAT.D , ...Of a wri t of ' Yen . diejoni Ex. •
...I.lp6nas, ,isgued but , of. the Court 'of Comition
Pleas or ItllCKenn : {:oftfity,':ithd to , me directed,
Abere will bo . exposbd 1, - o . pUblioleuVott,the Oburt •
liotteela :theilorough.of Sitte th port, on 3fOriday •
the 22d day, o f December,' - 1. D:lB6l',' the f0110w... - .
„hut real rotate i . •:
. Thelollawirig neat Estate, tots of Nide; •of hate 'of
"16,11*mA - wile and.adjaitent Whs . , tleraugh of gmeth•.'
. riet'ilioutity : of Aegean , end ,titto iidlpeasyleardn, to. ,
, Wein lot beginning at-a ;post ; coiner foui, 'perches'
se ,
th of the' south west corner,of square N's • oielity:.
!Ilea In iiimethporti thence by line of street ,north sixty-"
ninc Ara•rees poet, thirty-eight perches and- sixtenths.
ore sOrelf td a! host •corber , 'tliiinei3 'orniti•blnefeen
.peechekto spot .corner,
, t tience south eight degrees
weal sixteen perchoeand o tte tenth of a perch, Thence
filnu tli Seventeen degeoesf.iiiiet,. nine .perehtisi,thenco .
„south thirty eigetdegeees lest, tea perches,. thence .
'eolith saientr.„ofill kindf.ttiriiiiinfitirterif iiikrete 'west'
.4w,euty 7 llvT,perchea,atia elf teethe of a . patch toe pent•
gamer,' thenceborili. thirty. six pernlielf , and :Seven•
'telithaof4'perch to the plicci of beginning; eontattiftig '
vight notes and thirty-three perches, strict mensui ebe .
.`shii . eitireelnerti ineless; .Alla said lot being ltn.oteh 'as oat
tot kloi 17. adjr k ining swethpor.t.. ' .: . .• •
- 'ticiond, Another let'suljointn? 'firrielltpriit', 'beginning .
eta poet Corner pap perch' west off the, center - Qr. llii
*end street from the east side of the villeite. thenie •
neithlbliteetbriereheitto . 'ft , - pout corner , then cetrest'
,ltsreny One - perches to a poet Cgrfiltr In ; the, line of tot
Conveyed to George hailing , thence by'lid line south '
:' twenty. threis perches to a 'post vorner in thetitie of the
north street four perches north of the north 'east 'Cor-•
. - bee or aqiiiiriitgri. 25,.tbence:•-by add line north sixtyf—.
nine degrees Pant twenty-hie 'perches and ilie•ientlie
of a perch to the place of be - gintling';'' enntairting. twp ,
aeon and fifty eight, perches• sttict tneastire;'; be, the
same more oeless. . • . .. ..
- The &bolt& tiro dote claireed.hy deed from • ;OM Kea
ting,.et, al to the said David Creewi 'recorded' in ,oath
hoontyin deed.beok fr, page 41. %. •
lia , rd,-.4nother lot, Beginning a r t a post-corner fur
perches anuth of th 4 south - e tat corner .of Sottare,No.
87' in Bmethnort..thence by line of 'street north 'nixty•
• nine degrees emit, thirty-eight perches tind.eix tenths
.9f a perch'to a pOst corner; ',thence , eolith', forty r olne
• f•erches to a post corner, thence north sixty-01. w de.
green went, twelve' Perchani thence- north eighty de..
green west . twelve perche.f, throe° oprtli,nixty.-three
degrees' kept fourteen perches to a pOst corner. thence,
north twenty. one perches and nine tenths perches, to . .
thetplatm Of beginning; containing nine 'wren and elulity
ei;:l4. , perches, -Strict measure he the -same mere
lean, being known as tint 'tot No, D 3 -claimed by deed'.
from Joint Keating, to said David '::` , row.•recordetl.in
lifeKenit. county-in Peed boidc d „page
Fonith i —Anntlier lot known an out. int No. 211, be
, &nine at a port corner standing thirty.four. perches,
'south of the south 'went' corner. of. square . No. 89 in
:Freetliport and being the tionth west corner Of out 'lot
No. lit thence Vitae of 'Held lot Oust thirty nix perchei
tb.s titint 'corner thence senth nine perelten Awl eight'
tenths Of perch -to ft.post eerner 'thence ..11111 fir Xty
tree degrees Went nlnenerchitS'end one tenth of a perch,
theme south seven degree's east fifteen peroled thence
tithrth sixty -seven,degreen -went twenty two 'penile.
thence north eighty end -and .ODO' ,pe lf datereet - treat
nine'petchep and flee to itlin of a flOrell to a post corner,
thence north Hilt tytfire perches and nix tenths of
POralp to. thenlacto of ; beginhing, , coot Wilk five acres
and' twenty.tek 'perches, strict , ineanure 'he the name
.niore. , Or loss, excepting and reserving- then:eft-ore
lot heretofore - conveyed by the said Divid Crow to
Chordis Corwin, bi - DTed; 'recorded In Deed book 1,.
of temi.courity, on page 219, said let' said to contain
.• .
ere_ over acre, with eel/Sin wnkr , priiilegee khete.
in Mentioned:
froiii;John 'Keating e al,. iecordlitl4i9 nald - mtleVy.ho
DaeCbook .0, 4 , • I • • .••••••• , 1 , 1, •
• •ritti l ,::• Anothef lot beeinonfAt goat . ,ittiin'ding
fifteed rode noillt and wren. fiteltenthe , rode eftat,
;rtke, north - corner of the.plorollh EhileOpott.
thfne , e north twenty eight iode:to p ,t, tlitfiOn "Weer
tiKtk, rodi' to a inlet co rue r.,thince south twe;oti eight
rod* to'a willte oak cßrner,'',4lrence fooy.,rode
the.ploce ter2innin4.;•cookaildeft'se,en 'nonce.,.
measu he the lama our rel/C least' ittnt being panto
Warrant No. 26116; by'deod froth 'JobtrilotrUnn
and wile to David Cro .1-emeriti:a - in :Aid County, In.
I.teeddtkitt 503. • • . • '
'•'Sixtn..:A'nOther' lot knoirn'as. intra - re No: 86 in the
town' plot Of Sineilmort filbronald contclninr one, acre
and three-fifths: of in;•actW.ef..tand, hy..diett
from the ePi e lniectene re.of,6lo,Ne,e,n conntyto the 'eahl
paiid (1,6 W, rectinled iniefonhir jp - knto, Vook
.Seyenth—Another tot known to, eenare lfri - 86To The
tOirti plot:of Bmetheort nfoietteld; 'containing ono acre
.and threntifthe of en nor,,. Orland, claimed by Deed
Nora Reneelaer t; Itirth "She riff Of.'inia CO4 ntY',
iteknnw tedged'ilkitiy dBipilinCiggietered .iu "took
IF.tOth—Another lot knotitilte'loPtheit Nii. 87. la the
town plot Of thy ethe . 4 rt,aforOald,,,conteiniew cop sere
and th ree fifths of . tete` nt by deed'
Ithilingnm nip makrDneidEf,Ww: meneet;
reotrvipg ilitvr;ght ()tray over the above -dp.
edrilied.hite he!retnfein .rorreed..try the tietd.Payid'Orow
to be granted to, the ktrdlean'ltait Roy' and Narigniron
Company. and excent'sg 'and 'reiertint. Aldo 'the right
nod Tritildge*. heretofore granted by ,the Feld,Diyirt
Crow to.A.a Sartirell and oliordhi Corwitt 'an to the
*nit 6 ele tev. froth 'the t•dart( past friiihroult out-let
'No. 17 akoce in,intirreedr . . •
,Tnonitlitloullraieect: • . :—•
. . .
Pelzefl;. taken ixeoiltion,rnd :will:be 'obi..o Bl 4W!
property of Wltliam Rainer RE the OR of.Dalrid Crew .
Executor of David' Crow, dedeake,l: • • ~' •
/ • . •,, , j)1.14N1 E. BIAIR. •—:
• ‘-; "Pr.
.• • .
orrot.'Fitietitpatt Pll - .;• !I'.
• ' • Nov. 27, 1862. '
.. •
• • '" 13hEiriff's'Sa -•
1111Y.V.111T1,18 sundry.*tits or VENditioni
~I..lle,antsr, issued ontlof the' Court or. Common
1 , 100 or •.edinity,' 'aim fin:rue 41,1rr'Oeti,.
there he exposed td public sale at the .oanrt
.Hootte; , hOlie,liorotrkth of Sinethport, on Monday
22nd oag,ot SePtember, A. 1).;,1302, nt one 6'cl/ink
Th e felieu . ina.fleal F,;shtte; sitnate intlie;town•
ship - or Itradro . rd: chnniv - or *Kelm. Pa., bouod:
'tled.ahlolln*s„tit 4 itt ,, Cnmnieneing at. a post on
eh northeast 'cot Mr 13t t. thence ear l
one hundred, and s 'xty Una 'eight:tenths' rridS ftiti
pest:, thence nor•sevinity , oine 3aitel • one -hair
rntls to it;poSt: theneet.*est one lin mired and . Mer-,
ent,y-nine rods td post; On.theereek; thenedup
tho.,6reek.: - tO the, uleeel n,..lkg . innitia•e•eentaitring
9nvEtttv•nlini end livit:tentli ; s.neres:more' or less*,
.beingilOr..Co,. 132 of the allantent or said: t?y,'l::-.
shi ott , wirrant NOR 'l3ldity;
. -A't.so,—thre,other lot in said , tirivoship,,eonitiy
and State :tforesaid,. coin meneine post, ttrih
N0..173; theme.° notch seventy4lTe,rod,7 , nu , ..:•€t nr
less to o beech' tree; thence West to the' :creek,
the no . rtltwest eorner orlnt , NO2 112; ;hence
ipirthweste . tly by thn ttreek'to the son t h west..:o l 7
tier dr rtirrr r tor s!;rolot. so (•:!liod thence
east ti)1.110 rood: !hence smith twenty rods on the'
road; theneeeost•to'the hound first. tne.ntiotted,'
t.ontilning n inety note, mik
h!e, :e or less, beitut lot
':No,•l3l , ,troni fifty to; sixty cc: us imprdy...l:"lwn .
I:•Ant•d'AvehinwhotiseS. , one; frinled • . .barn and
twentf to thirty.heoripg. apple : ••
Sei,.ol and -ttken in Exenit' I on. puff
,n•ill be
- ,61d as the Tn4:perty of A.'T. Neirell•st • tht' suit
cri:.o: if: Davis, now for the use Of P. , W. Knox
.• • •• : •
The; follnwing 11 , al'Estatr:, ...bounded. north by
land'of Enoolrpollyt past
,hyland Alva Lillt•-
. Inidge: sauth,by tariff of dinies Otto: andpreSt by
the Highway, enritaining ‘ sevehty-twn stymie rods
,nlore.or less, till inittrovpd,Oneframed Storehouse,
iin..• tannery find nhoe slinp: situated Ih Liberty
toiVnship, l'a.• •••.' • .
Sized ••tind taken in Exonutinn and will
sold as tho property of C. 'Chapin, thd suit of
Charles S. Jones.• „ • _ " • , • -
t . 52
• 1r0t.n.w.9• .
Tire following Real fl4ate';-lieginning at n•post.
in the road being the southwest corneir,of,Nn.9l
of. the allotment of the Ilingliam.Lamis in lmfas
,townslijp: 11161'61 eant, one bondrect and
elglity-four and eight.tetithslierchge to'n'beeoh: .
thencearnith seyents2four.and six -ten ha per Plies;
thence west two birinirerl, and forty, and seven
tenths.perehes; thenee along line of road, north
thirty-pnr degrees east, ninets , perchei to the
place of. beginning,
,eontairitnG,n net y:tivo and
three.tentVnermir, .witli an 'allowanee. of Mx- per.
cent. for. rondo, Aer. tra he the'sarne.ore or less, it'
being oftheMilormenfof the Ilinglmiu
Lands.in Lafayette, township, lit'Kerin, count.Y,
State of Pennsylyania, and.part of wafrant'norn•
tiered 2204: •• .•
- •
- • 11.(11: ) .
-77- lAo:l ,, it •
' •
m qr
. •
aril! 1.3
At.sci.—Anotheettactof land, • beginning of a.
post in the road being ; the sontliwest corner f
di of t h at alletment:of :the' Bingham lands ,
in letfayette • teWitshin; thence mit one hundred.
and niuety-seven. and ; seven-tenths -perches;
thence tiouth.fortyseven and "ci-tenths perches
to, 'a. hemlookt• 'thence' west two' 'hundred and
twenty Are perches; thence, along line of road
north, thirty. degrees eitsi, fifty-fonf .and flee
tenths perches tbthe piece of beginning, eon.:
taining fifty-eight,nnd eight-tenths acres, withan
alroWance of six - per Cent. for roads, fix., be' the
Hattie more: 'or less, it being lot No. 97 of the al-
lot:neat ofthe 11ingliam lands in'Jtafayette town•
ship, ?('Kenn 6)onty,.and State of TennitYlyania
and pert of -NYarrtint numbered'. 2257.
thin waivea.) • e ' .• . • ,
, Seized and taken in Execution and wilt. be
aold the - Property W.illiati2,l3ullock.at the snit
of The Itinghara..Truste;el3.- • '• '• •• . • •
—ALSQ-L. '
1 . 3 LT
. ,
The . following ilea' Estafe, vie:
• Warrant. No . . :160.0, containing 1000 acres more
Or '
, Wnrrant No; 3720; containing 1000 .rierermore:
or less: . • •
Worrant No. 3702, containing 1000 [tares rniii.o
Warrant No. 3721 containing •1000' aefea *re
warrant 3720101'mA eight acres improved,
one framed,house, , one Shaßty,barn, onpeaw inill
In geed:order for linsiness,. Nos. 3690; 3720,
'3762, tinimproVe4;: Cofydon. towtaltip,
Seized and taken.in Execution and will, he
sold as the priMerty of B. P. Bally at the suit or
John N. liungertorti. , H,l • '
The Real Estate';*viz: Warrant three
thonsand 'ohe' hnntired -and : , thiitY4one.t , (3131.) ,
containing one . Ahousand ac,res, 0000), more or
unim prO ve d, 'et tpato In' Hamlin 'township,
11. , fiesn connt,V s .I 'o 4 • -
Seized and taker in'ExeCuticn and will be
sold ns the.preperty W..A. Irvine the. suit
oraeutncicy Trust Co.'Dank, of the State of Ken•
tucky; use of Stephen Boileau. •
.lAMBS E. BLAIR, .Shergr,
, 'She:tiff 's Sale.
Y_ VI,RTUI rot tz;
Expi - na.vitiquedotit'of the Court or Cammoh
Pleae of MeKetin:Collnty, - .l'N. an() 1:9.Me.-ilireetS(l;
there will be (.:posed topublie stilo, at the Court
HOuse,'lnthe Borough of Sthethport, on Alonday;'
the 22(1 day of. Deeeinher, •• . • •
The„follit;ying , teal estate': bounded follima;
itttlte north-n%estgorner.ofkqiiire no..
38, hence , east ieigto twrches to a peat. , thence
south eight ilerches lo,tlle, centre of said square:
Osense w,eSt. 01g IC . porch(; in the line :of 'the
street tlburaby snul eeMirth 'eight 'perehes:
in the place of-liegio nit i g, being lots •Nos.' one.,
710. tAV(/ ill iignare mid I,eit, - , 4 , ',pay ',Of
eairant Nn . t.11:165; 'Coil taint rig '9f
'an note flint meastire be the genie more orless
all improveil,;one framed; house, ono • franied
harn, a quantity orfrnit trces, good A:mullein of
water, sit mite& in 'the borotigh ' bf. ; , ,.3)nolli t iort;'
McKean county., Pa. • : ••
ni.so,-Atiother trae t t,of land in,Stitierci
58 hi the o.nitigh of brorth,p(iiii. , Kitimit as
the' side• • hill store liitfdrioerl V , Occupied by
G e i. ge . 61 . ,0 ' 011 as a - ,builuded .stitdb
aMind west by Orin J. Eamli n'eAtit , and store.
,n4lli by:P. Ford,atid Nisi by the strh'et;
wining what=land the store' oie•uP i ° B' ' bh:he,
'same more ':or' less,Cimproiad, • and. ono
. store
Seized, and jakon rkeeittiOn, 'end will; be
- Oldt.te4 tbe'.prolf,erti , of E. S. Mason and
Bennett, atAlie.suit of, Levi Calkins.
.1 . 401F.$ • - 111,411 t, Sheriff.
Sherif's Office; snitttpott;, Sept. 8''1163.: ..
111 . . I LlB EB2
• 4.' , Tay 1611.- • •.. sir retid ,
• "•Fit-itt : '''' iffair'
.1( kiltaitettreoks ariM fat el.' ',••, , ,'""t„ ' •
Tel :Wm
Qeo.l•Paehtdes : Ilar i t i :e. et . "
'Aldge 8h r., .. 1) Lau
J F , anise W belpi • '• .
Otie 'rosin tvi • sil'Jlt Nee kris Jr, Co . ,
Themes 8131atheris ' ealifcrritts Clerk etial ' -
Latina 2. 1 411)oreo aidrker
Win•Y 'Keeling et al _William black • ,•
CidairoSrees., • ' . .te A"T'Aldrich et el : ••
• .
-JOM) Magee - : • 'Ye U J Moore.etel. •
14,4, Tbibon • , Whituoy.etar
.William ,• an Hiram Payne - • ,
Tana Lumber Co.:. ' B , B,eates ' • •• ,
Cox ia.:e of J 'Clark ve I) Yreersmi . - - " ,
se Caplet Klogetery., ; • -
'Lila • 1.04: t.**ol4 ' 1
Welkin-Dank.. " . . ...same.. , •.
/oho U Meaning • ' •• • ::
Joseph W Slifka' ; .:• •;ts Edwatd Sitartaut•
.•: •
-0.8 Miner •-
•- T W Cole & Terre Tenants
Andree'll Ladiovrt te'7l)VeCosotir •
Maydole - too of Charles. s
' Yields. • . •-• ti:-Llt,Pecker
Gamari 8 Foster • , ye teary" W Bare et :al •
, Dreester•Freeman •• °ye Williero Haskell . • , •
William tkitd • ; :;. , 1 1 "-E 3 F 6 baif• • :! '•
Wioasenne . R,lll‘ . lsey ta.llenj, Haywood. •• • • ..-
Alorere , - • ',Peter ' -
Hall ueo of N Taylor'. • .
Bordeu et al. -• • . • •
jam. • • •• wellOpkies:4 Cinaralege ~•
same • Siardeen.o Hoyt
" • ye Albert .OltO
".Sams -•' ' • : : .;.•te neertrehla • .
Itrieltus M Smith , vs. 1114,Jet Judkitui.
nib' a: arepsiCk ; • ; '
,:9 Wb ito
V V Pmekileglik44tseronc4tho -
Ihigahalirlyerehticljr...Assbelaia)Teialioo:Of the;
COnits of Oyer Sr. Terminer and General Jail'
Delivery', (,Inarter- SiisieosOf the Pea Or,
Ftbana!',Ciititt ism!
,Court:of :Crimrtron'i:Eleas fo.i.
'the - County hoVe,isSue',d tOit l P,rceofit,
bearing date Friday, • the thiiti-ffrpt :day' of
October, in,the ',ea . ! of • ottf 1 ? ord one 111611-
mitred eight : hundred
.and,p;ixitqW2),• and to mer •
iiireeted, • fbi'-'hOltiiiii , lit'etruri totbFli.:!iiitf
Veitnitler owl. General; Jail.;pelivory, quarter ; •
tssivits of the Pea ee, ck,*phans' Court, Ain('
Cortrt of Cotnnion Piens; Ja.: - the BetOugh- of
..s.ol.e.YbFiOrti Itlxinduy,, , the 22d dry,ot.,Decern- •
tier rts.xt;. and'to'contfrate•one, , •week:
Notice is therelore lierebY grren'StO the Coro--
Oei s, ~loticea'si.f.„ the yeave and Censta
within the . county, that they . , be"tben and .there
.in it' ,00per ptirlops, 'At .3 o:rtiOe,li ;," . M of
said day, With . their -r011s; e,enrit.,
exa nati' cax and 11., other remerribraitc'es;
hcise which `ikei r Ofttsles appertain to lie.
done. A those who . a re, tisiond 'by : their rod
-211 iiill(l6S 1 prosecate the ittiesttiei.7:thitt aroorY
s h a lt i' n if j f,jairof oiiitt" , 9:pnrety of .11 , 1'.1Cebny.
are to be theii ;tett there tix.prosecnie oiainst
thstn as will b e just; . •
Th ite ',.lat• S. sthisrr:,thi.;4lh tray Of, Oct,obetr„
1862; and the 86th yea:r . ..'erf -.the it-depend
ence of the . Unit eti Stares of s i Vrnerire.., ••
' • • •-• • 5A5 , .•1 7 .;.-11L'Alft, Sher .
LIST OF JunoL'l 3-- DEC. URN: 1862-
Bid red -Aden. s Lev fowler 4.. R., Rath.
Libett#—Cook Wray; Ototemtb;i.
GrinolJs EA. '.
.• . ro cc' 0:11t1IP A. D.
buqtly.JZ.ll; 3 liinte..lsrarr,
' • Noiieie/! 7 —do I g r,.+;e' W. 1.1.,... ° 4 ( fi50rl
perj: lirojis. A rthtif.,.:
Mic tat
-- lis W •• ' . • • •, . •• :
Sr.,/ Arnbroie.
Lal apt te—TurnPyi pio, at'rotiiG , IV.
. .
Keatkn—A &re - Daniel; HeckWitli. J. L. 'Fus ,
reylMorgan; Sielly•John.
,„ , •.
. Lopvsiti--130man Albert, HagedoriAiron.
-. Hugh; Fr..serulen J.
Riley Dernelini, - Tayler Geo.; Hicio - C. • •
__Norwich G. - Rboiles P. L.
Libertil--Barrett , G.
Barnaby :A.. H.,
Poleman J. C.; Quirk Jacob, 'Lawton LeWilf,
Steele S. S:;•Ward . •
Gere's—Cooper Cyrus,'Greason - baniel,. Grow
Eldterl—darpiniei Geo.-D.
Brizdioid=-Fari .L. C., Fisher Z. W., Hol
deri..H. Whirpre Alfred.BOrtoh -.
sOns.Enog.' . • • • •
' Borough-Townsend J. •,. • •
Ho:;iliO—"White Jciseph, ' •
J. E: BLAIR, Sheriff
Smethriort, Nov. 12, 1862. .
• •
- . left my be'd and bo rri without cause sr
provocationohis is to,notify oil persons . not.to
harhor. .er .trust . her :on my account, asi. will
pay nwdebts' - 'of her contracting after this date.
Liberty, November 'Ur 1562. -'
• .
014(40 'JAY COOKE, •
, • atrpsoiitivp, - ApsNr,
' AC JAY , C001(E
114 S'iRNETi
‘.rtiligdFlphia, Nor, 1, 1862
SUBSCRlEl9q.,..AGpiy.by.she. ecrary o
the Treasury; to fprnish, ot.
N . ov Twenty , Teat. 6 . pei et. Bond's:
of trilled:States' )
TWenties, , ,' redeemable at 'the pleasure - of the
Government, after ,five'years, And authoriked
by Act-of Coneress; approved' 1840. •
• .
The. coupoN .BONDS are issued in'snms of
$5O, $lBO, $5OO,
.$1000: .* ,*> •
The'REtIS'ICER BONDS in sums of $5O;
$lOO $lOO $lOOO iintl4sooo . ".
Intt ( rest tit Stx • per cent:•per annum. will
,commence from date Of , purchase; and is •
•• :.• PAYABLE , ' AN .00. LIN •
Semi-Annually, Which is equal; : at ,tb'e present
premium on gold, tO 'about EIG,HT,'pER CENT
PER ANNUM. , , , . •
Farmers, MeYehants;;Nlethanit.i , caP r tali m !
shd-td Lydia haveanyJnetteY-to. invest ; shout
itinaw.and remi.Mber :that.;these 'Bonds are; i
effect; a' FIRST 114,0R9f GAGE nifoii:t ! ti
roa'&; Canals; 'Bank Stocks and Securitiei,. ero , ; ,
Elie iminetii4'priftlticts of•all theNlinufect
&c., the.counti . y: and OW theft
,„ r imip . roVisipq trade,.(nr,'theri yment o n the
interest and'llipildatiati of principal; ,
CHp , Dot ice, Exeis'e . Stamp's nd 10.! • ; re m , Re 4•
pone.. serves to make theset.'onds th e
Best, Most Ira liable and . . lllP,st t n o, s t me nt
•in. the . Earket. •
, ,
at - Rit&r,p e ; i ll Tin.
'der Notes, or Notrs . 1) ntleheck dnP bapt.a! Par
by, mail will re,.
eeive prompt attf• e il oo
f;1/1fInAti , 4111 ' Oi.:111' application to
every_llqPlY And
thin i
A lull sopr . ,ly'd tondo :v itt be kept on hind
for immidie.,te delivery,:, „ .
'7AY COOKEL.l'SnbaciVlon.Agont.