M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, November 22, 1862, Image 3

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    •wft ,
sT E
CBS !:
• , ••• • • t
• --- "-• ' •"
_liyould respectfully announce Ibl.the.,citiv.ens
ni•JitfeT“aniind;adjcdping., cOunties..that they
'an do. Os _ Safethport, in thaStoee and
Titt-yitt it "lina,, Olean.. • I shall, at :all
steck of • • .
Sliestit,-ii.op.' •C‘,;.pi)til:',-lyet:l-0,
' . .) :. 7ll:till'lt . ti . Oidllotisa,•l,;qpio .11 . 1 i 0,11`40,: P: :.c.:l.
'Woi - -
•• Jot. an kinds done o Ith dispatch, uiid ui a ; sot's
the. lOwest poissible prices:
protnptly attehtleil to. • •.: '
_Give •rrio calf- 7 -41t.tho' building knon
Store";--foriperly occupied by
Geo. H. Iglispn-:--Smethport,
CO I:iVill•pay the highest .that het priepi in
• good's tor, 11'4 IVO ,
of:Sileill Pelts
q'ilititt %Voi. • •
• Ogreh 29,.-1862.
Ara yuii vtit;
Ong?. Aro You out, or
with your
,system tlo
tuiuoit, it nil' your t6tifilitot.itu
ui,l)l6.l.ti4,ll!? Thom) iiyutp-i.
tho Itrchldo' Ur
motion:it- illtiote.. • I t 'Atntit' fit of
.novpi WI; upon yoli,
iind ,dlolllit bo -fivorteil. by- a.
tifilOiS 11A11 . t right tont
t.tity.. -Tay: 'Ayi , r's'Mkt
0111.1tto Aitioriletell Lm
-wort(— purify -ISO: blootl, mui
tut; lbo 1111111 MOTU ou ;mob
ructoil lit otgolti.
l'lttiy'ittilimfiito the hinctions
'of tho body Ittlo vi t ut(tito
tl A ity,. t ilitify the; slim from
the oWtructions which mtto)
.A 1 spate.. cnld enttlen iw,.ntowlielo' In the booy, and' oh.
. ; Istrue.te askant . faitelios, T/10,, If- not relleitul,
reeetigitni . theirwelven - and lliti sin ri ou 101 l orattiin, pro.
, aggravnthm, "iffering, and ..illnenne,
• Irktie tkie condition, Nun...llet by . the dointigratent,,,
take Ayeen mob ee , !OW directly tiny ramtore the
,liitural ;action Of the .nyntoine and.
,with it the buoyant
-feeling of koniltk itgniu....3l%tit in tree end nu iipparenbla
trivittniiicbconinton ceinplitihb le 7ilny tree In ninny
IA the deeirneated Rml dilligol l / 1 18 ItIX I v111114.1'9; • 'Hon MIIIIII
. purgative.effeetpmeile thie. (lunged by 'dialler ohntrite•
alone atitf.dierangennittle id bile ant oral functions el the
,body, they arti 'rapidly; and many of them surely, envoi
tlls saline irrwure. ,NUliil Wlll , know Ono vlarips 1)f 0(180
I'illq, will neitede to employ Litton When suffering from
tinidisordent thej , once. , ' • •' •
• ~, l idetemonte front. lending' lltynirldne -itr- POMO of the
prinellial.cdtfes, and
. ft•tiut ether wellittlOWll piddle Tarr
14.unt dibrwardifor Mercian!! of O. l iniia 14 , 1 i. 4, 18611 -
, Dn; Avrni lour' Pills' aro tho paragon or oil that Li
i irroat In medicine. They . have• cured my little daughter
or ulcerotto wave upon lair hands and feet that:lml proved
•Jincurabio for, plans. long grlev
. <>wily nfilleted unit blotcho4 n t plinplee on hot skin and
in her 'mfr.'. After uOr Obild , was cured, ohe alse„tried .
Jonr,.l.llla, and they hail) cured her.
Aio aPhyiilp,,! - • •
. • - •
• _ , row Dr. ,14. W. Ilirewriat,/,AIR Moths. •
Your•Pilis qtro the prinvii or.linrgee. .Their.oxcOliont.
, quinlities eurpuse any ealliartid w•o • poseoee. Whey are
bait . very..eurinin Mid elfontual in thuir action on t h e
.11hOwahrovhiell• makes them iumloablo to. ni In tho dolly
• 41iieatutpotiordisease. •.0 • . • •
. . ,
11,11414,44u,S kilo's%tln eli o, Paul 8 t Oni aib..
: ,rfionk.Pk, lrtwm d Boyd, palliators. • • •
I:laminae:lA reit : I canna answer you wsa€ complaints
X harocurecrwith your lulls het ter than to toy oil that we
~ror treat with a pargatrve I plaru gr6tit depou ,
den6).ort au elfeotual cathartic 'hi. my daily coolest with
.dlesasoOttid believing es bat, your Pills afford 'us Ihe
biusetistilive,l of courso vul lid thew
• . Pirrsnona, Pa„ 51ny I, 1855.
• Sir: lave beau_ repeatedly cured of
„tha wontt, /feudal:he any, 'body ran bans by 'a dodo or two
„..or, your seems to arise from a foul. stonwelti;
Which they cleanse at once, • • •- • • . •
..Yount with great respect, . •
S(eaniir Potion. •
. .
• '11:1111otti - Dlioe•deril —Liver Coni.platitte. •
i pnliitro your Pills admirably adapied thelr,pur ,
Tw9.tit an,aperient, hut' I bud their honeficini.effeclisuppu
lleo:dAyer very **irked Indeed. They have niy.prao ,
lice proved more etreetind for .tho.oure . of Vilious cent,
,ylaints than nury'ono rehtedyl.enu mention. 1 'sincerely
rejoice thative have at length a pnl•gatlve whiela le woe.
,th 7 the eaufichiecu of the profession nod too People,.
"' DEPArLTMENT 01 THE 1NT61401,
' 'Washington, reb,,.lSStt. •
have used yeti r Pills In my general and laisplial
• • pnottee poor Anon you maw them, and cannot hesitate to
are tliO,beet cathartic we employ. Their, regu
' lilting notion on the liver Is:Oleic and deeitled,,couse,
quently admirable - remedy for derangements
of-that, organ... 'lndeed, 1 have seldom found „e esso of ,
disease ea pbstluate that it tlld.notrendily yield to
Client.,:;, paternally yours, A.I.OICZU IiALL, M. D.,
• . . qf the Atueiqo
• •" • .
;yr Siple!riteryi Diwrrhisp, Heins, 'Werans.:'..
` ~YOUt hero bad a• opg trial in my practlee, and I
;irdetlielititi, esteem
sue of the best aperients I l i kes
4ever.fetnni..'•ThelialteratiVt3 (lirikt'Ul 1311 the liver Makes
. "Beni akti,scellent reinedy, wliun given in small doses for
ii,sretsterk :mind #iarrlecea....ThOr sugar-coating
Artiatiellieui . ;•ioorrAccaptable nud convenient for' the use
S.4o,tivniiteit and children,
....z.:•ri , xspepoifii.;mpuf.kty - of the Blood.
!;.,,froat.f?no. - 1. &Alto, :limier ni ',faring entirch,Vottpa.
.''' , .l;iin'Avtief.rhave lona your Pillki'w.llll extranrdlnery
~b cceeti'itility and'anton4 those I em called' to viatt
, 11i , dlatreoft: • -To regulito the argane I,r digeation' and
~ '.., l lltrilYvtlie blood, they are the very best - remedy I bare
• Airer , linonits, ant I cote conlltlently'rectituntend .them to
~rey YOll . lB, J. V. 11151,811.
Wyonitnef'ci., N. Y., Oct: 24, 1855.
,DEAR Slrt : I nutnaing year Cat harlie l'lllB In toy prac- 1
, 41Line,Attil.flnil,tbent ou etealleutilargattre to d ea n...th e
;6topituu wail justify ills' .finusluisis t t i the Uwe, ' •
. • .
. • •
VOitiflpialonicostlviness, Suppreimidn,
I:l4ott.mii.tisau, Gout, •Nettralgla, Drop.
' ay, rarialTs4s, Vita, - etc. • ,
.- . . ,
'.-- Fh•otii '.Dr...T.It litughn, Moiditd, Clincigig. ' - '
' • '
. . .
Too'inuai mullet Ire enW of.'ypui.Pllls for the turk.of
Costiveness: : - If otliers of .ourfraMenlty bnye' round 'them
es ofilenelend ate .1 . have,'tlioy slinnld jeln me In proclaim
3tikt,it'for the .benefit or the. multlt.ndoe wlni suffer. from
'tboCcoznplulnt,*.iillelt; allbbugli' bad. e..doinfli In Heel'', Ia
Um, progenitor or utlievt . tbut aarr 0e r 0 WOl5O. I bNIIHTO en.l ,
' livenen I. originate ., Iti tbe . llser, but your Plllo affeet that
organ end ur..., 0;1;1114W:ie. • .
. .
Perm. 'Jtray.E . ..&'uart, - Phyriedait end 4lidwifc, Boadon.
.t'ldind'tine or two larlia'doded of :tmur et the
prayer time, on excellent uround I rem of the rthldral JEC/W
. thou when oheily fir pilythilly owl. also Very
' dtfettitol to cirayt.te the ..theaind, and expel mnnae. 'They •
any eu :Mich the laist.:phyeie we 'hare that I recommend
• .tad Miter to my patients.- ••• • • • • ' •
Pure the ietV. Ar. Thtekre, if the MethodLeiroir. CAurc//: •,
- • .'PO• 11,1,1 Udder, Sorionati, (in...lan. IL .156.
• "Leandro: sin : I, ehauld
.be rings therelief
,your skill hoe'bromilit inelf I ahl cot report .my care to
:A A:4l , teetiled In.iny brought . on. exorn•
unthitoioAtitie,t . likh - embet hi chronic rAtunia-' 1
1, , 1111111. • :VOtWIIIIMitiI,IIIIII4 the, bent of ibpietann; the'
grunt antitbi rid vltn of youi
",•4 expellant ogadtin lialthanie„Dr• Jlaeltentla, I trled your.,
Tam, „Arbor elfeeteweds:oleic,l ClFnro. lyterrorerlog '
ihel*de them, 1 um now mini ely well. -
DetOu'ltougu,,T.l., I Dee. 1855.:
' hard.heen entirely ens-ed, by your of
~..i.:„. : 44,904../ke:(. " 147 , a painful dieenee that had otrloted me
Dille .hi:•mothet..edntero Mercury,'
.remedy elcilfuE.hunde,-Ie
from the. tkentllbl .consez
follow Ito incautious nee.' %lead
';,,CfoaralrE , llkift,rdtlry,Or•;minerul aidbetanco Srhatero,
: ‘g2:Pr:iilitoWato:44 : per - oii-or 5 Boxoi for $3. - .
•••-rivoutiii, }';11. AYER & c 0,.; Lowell, Vaasa...
WATC I-1141s'
MIN ER s ' : PI, 11'14: li : 1 :' WA RE
• . - A.ll,pers o nqesiivtiS of s.eq . vitig:an,.Agsiis , /
in This . .
'Should send on their nuinr.i sit onee,,ehrlOsitig
3tentitninp to tiny phBtuge, 'end receive by'
return mail • •• . :
Colitajnirig .
G./1 Rolll ll!: CILIAII7I2I
without risk, together yriih
instireprompt. and satisfactory AcalingS
direct all orders to • • • '
• , • •, GEORGE..G., EVANS, • •
• • • - d39.c.ll,stnut it., Philadelphia. •
.April 11, 1t361.'... • ..•
r4` FT 8 (4 . .. 1.) ). :K Ey tit° N1.2,' S .I.' 011 p
11 .old friendl in IkleKeun'Conni.2i,.t that he is
on hand lhis'Sritine, ds.nseal;
. •
.• •
.slock of Goods
To ti',holesale 1 hsh . Bu)i , rs I :Would' .Car,
can Ofter.jiou better inducernentS.tban• yo
can ;get west of sfeyr, York..
if makes no difference what you witht, • any
hing.hi the , line of • ' • .
Call at ihti
Arid you the article fresh and cheat
Ws no use talking Itie
always.hfis and always will take the lead,,and
regulate the market in
Gi'ocerleis Enid'
Don't fail to call , and ..see.rne. when. you visit
Olean.; 1 shall not hurt you - , but shall certainly
try.,to do yuu good.
Olean, Way 23d; 18p0
. . . .
• • .
.'• . . To: Consumptive*. ...
~I m E Advertiser, having been reitored to health in a
Jit few wake, by a very simple remedy,.after having
coffered cOveral yearawith a nevem lung affection, and
tbat dread diecano, .oonenuiptien,ii auxioum to
know', to hia.fellow:tuffarere the mane of cure. - .
To all who desire it, he will send a copy or the presorip
lion used (free of charge); with the directions for'pre.
paring and using the .same. which they will thid a none.
Cquo.vne 00N - SUAIPTION, th 1151.1, JIRO:1611'n 8 • The
only objezt of the Advertiser in sending the Preseriptiou
is to benefit the cOlieted, and .spread information which
•he concelvedto, Lt idvaluablo , and- he hopes over, inf.,
ferer will•trylds remedy - , as it - will, coat them nothing,
,Itticl may prom tilidessing. •
.. • .
'Parties wishing the pres . sriptlen will Illease addinss
• " Williamsburghi •
Ktnga Couuty,.Ncw Yotit. .
Good No.v for: the -UneroplosTed:
piou . •
dinpowil of on
.11 PHEarllll.7l
Orii•. IndOiTmonts,:
At . A.K - Ii; ';1\101N-EA7
Aelative'to this
AT :o:LEAN ,
.T • fit --c-cinisiTio—c,K
• : :: , ...cps.T.A.47.: : ' : :,
"Only. Infallible genieclies Know/1.7
Th6siiprepaluiloivt.(finlilfe all hpysiare'
• is
"Freelrcim'Po'ons.' , ' ,• •
"Nci! tlaugOqqa'fo tlia human
Raly come out of
10;yeii . LA ittid tnarm.e s ttibJi!;lliNt , in N.
City Cost Uflire
1:1:;ed :Gy 7 -11)etity Prischis and St t itioii Ilutif es.
UA . 4 by,--Cif.i , Sie'amrs, , §l.iiiis; &t,
q3eul.by--7the, City Ilospitfils;
Uaol . 4.4—the. City .klotvls
Niebo . l,' 4•c
Iy-the EnartlittljoueV,&.c
Used ?Aij. more than
L.. - 177Srtisvirti the People; Press rud Drales,ys• • •;y;
Pa R. — COST Alt.—A .the ' sooMier• 1
have been tiobbled -with
. fipaiihes and I
Was actually ashaMetl 'of .••the• hloivie,„ for dhi;
RonehA we'reeYery where.. • 1. purchased a box
of YOtr . Extitiniiiatsir and tried, it, and
week there. was'mot a Roach or NdOwie : ln the
:ylllol.lEßEEPEES—troublue wit
need lie,-to-nn longer, if • they -ose, , kCosTaa's't
Exlirtriiinatrox. .•We have; used it to 01 . 1 f sans..
fay tion,•and, if a bo x 'cost , $5, , yve 4,0u1d ,ha te
it.. We hail 11.14 imisousi but Hwy yfrected:
pot . Wit COST,46 . S articfG k-nnckS the breath
nut -Ruts, , Mice nod
. Ihedsßugs,•-•quicker'ihno
can write it. It da.in great deinduil all over.
thin count" ).—/Itediuia ((d..) Gdoriie. • .
• I\IORF, GRAIN atidProvisionsare destioy ed
annually • in . Grant County •by vermin,' than.
woubd pay for tons of losn'et
ler.—Lancasler (llriS.)• Ifehdri, , • • ,
. HENRY R. COSTA Extirmimitdr
is' received', „used,, nod litonoanced.a.deeidetl
success. We ii,..td.dt box of it, modthi worth':
Rats.'met • Mice•,aronnd' our premises 'trained
Ned.," that' night }vas n cabtion lit sdeeliers.—*
SincO the s o not a .Rat•orMousn has.beeu heard
in kitchen Or' cella r.— Abg rego'r. (Lima) '77 met.
-tutor- for the labt Mid siMa..snO•r*
~very dime.,
Gno. Ross, thuggii,t, Cartlfagtoi, 0.
Inlet] dIE
ARE SELLING—Your' prepriilitioris
.Wherever 'they have' beet) need . ,
Mice, Ronehes E ntitl. Venni!) I.lisXpro'nr . inirpertil
niely.. STorirrmt; Druggi;te, New.
.WindsQr, Md. . 2 " . • •
To ROachei,.B,:c
TO :PeStr.nl7-",Mice,.MbieS, &c
To. pr.,trop—Bed 3ti'gs
To Fleas,.Ants; S4,c
lc Destroy—MosqUititie
. :Drift.4 . —liisects on'plants
Ta Destray.--:lnsects on 'Animals;
. . .
To Destroy—Eveiyforo) 4114 vhecies of ver-
Costar's" - ita'., Road', &c„ Extirmiu'r
Costar's" Bed-bag ntirminator.
aistar's".Ele,Otric Poiter forinsacts..
IN 25; 49,C, AND . S I,OO 13axr.:4,13ortcn,s AND
FLASKS. arid - $ 5 SIZES FOli PLANTA-. •
• ,
,710!•15, Sums, BOATS, licm:f.s,'B4c,• •
. •
07' Sold, .E . o.iiyThdre—by• ,- •• .. .
, .
All Wholesale Druir,tista iiflatgeniifeS..' • •
Sce..in the United States. ' ' , .• :••
Wholesale Agents in New York Bity
. .
Shiellfilin Bros. & Co. I
ITarral.l, Risley '& Co
Fa hnoitc . clt,lliio &. Co, Bosh, , Gule•& Rollkoq
'A .BAP. Sands . & Co.'. M. 'Ward . , C Close. & Co
Wheeler & Hart.' l
I . M'ltisson & Robbins.'
1 . -legarrinn & Co. . •:' D.. S. aariles & Co,
Hall, guckel & co. F. C. Wells &.
Thomas &'Fuller. ' Lazelle, Marsh &.Cm'r
P.. 1). Orvis. Hall, Dixon & Co:
Penfolrl, : Parker & Co. Tripp &
Dudley. & Snafus • C'onradVox
T. W. Dyoit Bc . Co' t ßobt. Shoemaker' & Cc;
ILA .Fith nestqck Co'.'Co.• French,Richardb Co
Allithe Principal Cities and Towns in the
_Ai - T_AITI-11.?Qi?,1 1 ,
,Sold by
. .
And, by. Druggists; Grocers and Retailers den
eral6r ill City:and Countiy:.
13:77Cciuntrk Deiders can order as . above
. i . .
Qr athlrssiorders direet,—ror t Prices, Terms
&e...is desired C send for .Ciicular . to Dealers]
DEroT..4.No. 512, ,Broadway,
- -Opposite the St.'Nichotas , Hotel i N. Y.
Feb. .
IN:xtray • F'..,l)lBtr . l4llr
Philadelphia, Pa
. . .
, . . .
r . l - I[ll 7 . § 1.1.t3C.11 . 11F.'12 hakilfiened:rt new I.lv
L ' e . ry..St.altlit' ia Srnathport, ;at 0. R. Bea
ni.t - t' 0111 Sta rid, an . ;kraitt ' st,l'ivt . .., jait , itta , t of
. A.lolaiiics , ,, tvhot:ti can lin:lnand.tlta liest.pf - 11pr-
Istis t . .stal.Car'rittge.4 at low faites....', Ile ititend . s to
triake S'rtiqlipor ti.. p'etainett resid4ice,- and
aSks a share - of patronage.....
sirplhport, Au g ust 2.1 1860. - I'lV:lff.
•and aye
. .
E . ) rtli: 31: 11 ItENIIFI T.' ;I NI/.lj
heliat I a eamtiea te, Ten xelmi juilr.ir, from' Ni,:vuue
j)6l;iiity; r o ma t, r oli,'cny,.& tie
1)111110 thee the ineany PYul" "1." hug runt
bielself after heine, pat to grya:c e'PetNe Iltrt.t!Ok r9-ti."l
.!'mpe,iteni.and quaekory, post
envoltijm' • siNcd:F.; en, 0n..1," he het! ertle , an:
YkritAmEL :.11A YF.I I . 1 1 E'Llfor ,1 .•
Cetieti, N. V: • :. • .
, . . .
TIC.At; . JourOal,..dor:otea tCr he di lchent da'
pal ttlieilt.S . of ns
Crops, 'otal Garde n Froifa
Vt'Ach.lbl'es -and Fl'oik•-ers.; and
llowel6 • loC..the". , l,ovn Yard,; 91 .0 9'
mastic - Animal arid .
'l l tdis.. also . an ii;toii,sling and imirr
ti en'deparrmel,t ldi• children and- yea; h... ••
• A fullCOOndar:Ol Puraiffin . '”ye . l.3 . / . Mora h., •
..'rqietito Four .11undrcit, or more;
.4 7 ,ngracingS.appear io each cOlume.
OVer''l we've. IlundrOct pinir., practi6ll,•iti
stroctice articli!S. ands usglul 'vie
_ .
lind • epli I i ib.lit(irs.•i re d p(a c •
I ipal •• , •. •.'.
!rt4ltincs...o the. AGilicirTr.itisT • rri•e .
feed to aa tetr .fltaitirry, hat are ittlaw'ed In
the wants of SPHI:011e . of thil ll . ci as
me iarliceel r.e , :far the whele Amuiti &AN'
• ',i'V•CEIMA•N EDITI O,N as ~ritiblishvil, of the
g . 411111 ! i•AZI! • aqd •a:s.,t he litigliSh,
ofits ntntits
roiis illustrative eugraviligs. !••••• • •
. . ,
• Ow copy`; one: year, ,
• Six copies; one year 5 tit) •
Ten or more a pies 005 year ,S 0 cents each.
Ailit to the above• re!es • rost,tv;t , to
Canada cents., to. England slid France,
ccmit ;to c;nrtnatiy,';3o cents. • •
•Pkistdge Finylk,hrta Iri the '.fillit'"!•l States sand
-Tetr,i l ories must lie pai.dbyllie. sUbseriber,, and
is • ayrar,,if paid in' advaiire at
the ()Ike where •
All bilsineiiJ•iiiiit'otlitiVeommut-iratiorii , kublii
be 'ay :to t . I?ruprieloi .
ORA. Ncli D D, 4 I Piirk•fiu*, N. Y. Ctlv
The cotraneneinnencola . 111`W year is - a good
time for rttliewing subseriptioro and.inpreat.ing
the eircntation-of. the ,Intirnel of Coftnneree.
to the 6111reatlers nt She
_with entire' cunfillenee.tti
- and e . .xlenti< - .llfe influence ,if the
sbund consersatire:pritteiple,uncl nioratit which
havh [tithe; to eliaractelig. , ll:ancl will
,herf:afte . r
ehardeterize this paper... .I:':6,:nr . :..ittmchfitrit. to
the Jolsrimerni Cominefee..rnight. do a great
- .service to 111ese . ttrinciples. and strengthen us .
in out : i:6l4 to eirculate:thetri, by
seffeihg it§ the . nanteni at .least' uneTheay.sub=
seriber in hiS t(I • .
. .
' Devoted-firmly as. % , ..e.hrie.e been to. oar coon'.
's interests, and liir!iii.l2:.lon:e. been r iced
Sc • yen" a a term or reproach, 'we. are
unf;sfu 11 be the lair) 'opholierg of.
AN p. THE coNs'iTiT-rtoN
op i ..).inv,- with •lieart and pen evpry•nia . n, South
or, North, who is are enemy to efther.•
,foi in , of disiuL.itizt lop and revolutiOn will find
.for COUlbit T.' A11101:4 11) . Y .i6r'S of
I Len n 'Union 'and A mei lean minis 'files,
*we I••tids.,sidediy side • . •'• • •
A1101.1'.,"10.Y1.11 , •:.1 ND E .tiSJON/B.lr.
a - a,l ice propoer•wit It all mu: stri.t.reth•to
the Rat itNt • ovitiet tliti - attacks of Loth.•
•. • A LLBI4 7 RAL OFFER:. •
To. vliColfrugii thoe . NVITO triii . V . ;yolt.inte . 6l - to
aid in the ;organization of - Clubs, ire '.hereby
offer an ext ra cowl . of theYeiikly every..pet..
son who Wall forwat . tilWentv ncty inliseriber,
with the menu, • .
C:1".1: us
. ,
ineyrbe.oi cormottoititis with grea t
A 11.1; alit:l'4e . The lireSe is "the hest nerio,rior
their eortoni - incernent. The 'terms ori•
we rip) foolish the paper'are'as
To'cOmpiiijwijaking • ' •
coities or'upwardsDOLLAßea'rii
13 copies . cIyTHEN,P6I-pd: RS, •
. 8 conies . • -inti,NY ."
I cOpieS ' ' '. TIX
• 3 copies' . "
Under 3 itopie's w?) each. •
The pipers: Will he' nil:dressed .to.different
persons at. the same, Post (Mime, 11
rept in' rases'. ol'ielubif of :'1 3 or 11101 . e copies,
which will lie 'innifed to oils.; kildrexs..
. .
may be Made at• the follow)]*'rates H•Popers
added to a yl'ob . during . be. firsr inarter 'of.. the
club's.yearWill: pay thelidl:rate of the origi
nal clob for a year, during the . •s)Wond miarrer
'three-fourths of the oiiginal year's rate; during
the third quarter one half, rind 'durirg the last
quarter - one•finirt. h',' ane all such subscript lens.
wilt terminate ivithrhe year or the original
From Hulb;woPs ,5%—.71T0-il
, .
. .
. .Where puckngis of nemspapors or periodicals
are• received at any post office 'directed tb one
address, anal thC names of the-clohot 'sultscri . 7
hers to which. they helone, with the poslage
for a quarter in advance, shall be handed to the
postmaster, be...shall deliver the saMe..to,their
respective °wile's'. • .
.• • .
. ,
Mit t -11
his does apply to WeeklYc,lvsoaPefF
which . ciicidate- free in the county where prin..,
ted and published.
• 'll:7".Add;ess. Editcrso/ the .7ottryal of Cetn
.7llol'i.o,7Vo. 01 at all street :Veto York. ,
• . • Editors iirid Prop
ThIS preparation, mode from the hest Java Coffee. is
eerie, inondeJ.hy. physicians an a superbir NIIT ill TIOUft
t EVEltAti (i'Swsl Debility, Dyspepsia, and all
bilious disorders. Thousands who • hove been compelled
to abandon - the use o f coffee Nvil I use- th iti without iejn r 3•
0115 effects. , One can contains the strength of tivnpouuds
ordinary coffee. Prlcefl6 Cents. • • • '
The. pnrret And beat. BAKU:IIi EOWDkill ktion:n, to I
making light,' inionit and nutritious Bread and oakeel-
Price 15 (Anita.,
• - . • MANUFACTIIIMD IfY • • •
•.• KOLLOCK, :Chemist,
•corner.of Broad itntl,Chestrittl Strett!s,
, _And sold all Druggiets•and Gropers,
,• .
, . ..
THOMI!. - ~___ .. .
- • • $0X75..•: .. •
Cirettlutiolo, 00,"0.00
1i1) '1 rb.. tiy',Jol IN 111,(),115,.,..4):5i
Quotations con erlF 4 d . Tllo3lrs . 6s BRoTimus,
2 NyallStreet
Pu'Llihblic.t . l '.l'y 'C111.1!;'...i11...../I;j:'1.:G, I 'l7l 1 , r'a kt 'r at
• - ni , •':4l.:6 , •••cn r••i•LI)N.
•• • '• ••• ma ri 1,•• . • '
wevid . y,•••. $2 Mo:.la Y 4 7 , 7 c:
To P
ost.lll, 4,5 or ' othois; vrlst? -form forj,
431 ,t1i41!..y 1111Iti WA! the
Aft(/' 1(1.'3; 1111 , 1 DeS‘Lrip:h...! G e t, a:
5 - cu , UII .
s if 1.1)..1' Sonii•morithly..„ •.
,if flio Alupt.lll!. • , •-
rot Vt, • l d c ritilitnu<ly,'to. any • pal n
,e . ml ing -a e1u..b... : 0f• tier : rat
Sorte-.: : , • '
. • .Wa I St.; ;V;
. . .
Tutor Tilly ••
BITSIIMIS of ih. host (poility Tim
Vril7 rtit'd•ell jOr Salt) :It
L. U. 1), 0 LLE N."-S .
Part—; Docerober - - 1 '
To sell i un,, ls f die Siiwrs , ; 31ACII: NT:
Sold by our. r 1 Nnts, or pAy Wage : 9 at Iron
$lO . lO SILO v x r n i, li pay all ry
l'erf e,'t 111
to .opeiate:ii.b .
tohill' an hour .t an
family ' . We. ha v e
rl,lne•r,l the. prive . 1. 1 . 11 ." 15 , ; .; ".
,Eitdcrunr•liine is "A‘arratitr , d
• •
. -• .
. . ~•..
Al.A._.:'..s".rto.co ).
.1 1.l.:(1,'TI;19: ON Tit Tli EAT NI
or :. 4 ..tnicial
I nvolutit nry 3).!1,11Iv wi
t . ; u" , i ven..l , lly.
awl Alent al tntl I it.qt.,•;l v. !rsult •
e; nt.t. M:
Il . ,111 ,- 1.0r,. •
. Tito wnr . l.l•rt.ntov,n. , (l ant lair I..ret urn
ip.vn -11101 Ow all till
irithout rw.ll'.. , ino. and Withrjit t .
jnot n fin pli , ntintt
p 4( a nt,le '..f re - ,„ 1,1-I.iin aant
I‘l);‘,llLevt•r:v wn to lii rnirlltiun tr,y
hn may,ru ' 1.1.0.:r privat.ly.. and radix ally;
lecture mill prove boi,n Inn llmumands. and' tho(1-
4 . 1;141, -
. .
ell! un.l•sr i , 0 , t1, in a nny 1,1 on
' • ('UA:4 .1' 0„IiI,INE, •
127 13nwery, New York, Post Office Box, f.V..11
"b. lv. . , " •
. . . . . .
Till:Subserilwr haring puri•ka,seti. this . cell
kni - nvn stand; and re-fornlsh,..d .and 1:,4.11. , -
tr.:ll the ti0n , , , ,..is prepa'r.sd to entertain Bir,t,o
el.'s and the T t av e ring_p l ftli c ,,, . -....: ...
11 IS 13 \ AND .V]
, .. .
. •
Will iv•.:ll'stifplie4l,...ll eve.1.31111:i 3 ;
to merit iv 01 pat rivtinf.te. . 1131t
rntkil. i 1.1:811.ti.a s find the ! . 4.lti!ch-Piini2;", out.
'V. M. .
Keilditl . tb.ok, laundry 3, 4866..
01' !Ili
AMERICAN,....-.. •
MyCrLiNICAI. . .1:111.:
olum; New Serie:,
. .
.• :meiy % . olomv of:this • svicie!y .vireulaird%j,a•
'per eo.mer,emes (in the •Itli :Every
on.ml)er vorirams sixreen . ba;.. , i, to.eful I nl,,r,
I rialitm.aitil from five tit tein oii Innl vii4rpvim4
of. nqw•loveol Mo..> 01)11 d I I of h
are prepared expressly for i!s colprom.'.
The. Se t NTI Fla' A is (levet ed
.• -
the inter; is Science, the e
;.% tir.es, t
C'oinnierre and the hid tist ria
:3i1,1 is 'ti,alua ve • not ,
in the
.lSrorksliop and Ikfuntilit . eto6 - t, but.
ihP.lloitsebord, :the .Libr.ary and the
To The Mechanic . aril Miinufeetnret!'
No.ptirson enitag'ird. in 'any of tnechanira
porsuils sliould — .thirili of:doing without the
It.co.os hut four cents.
per weeki•every number: contains frorn.Pix , to
ten entirWvinizs':i2f 'new 'tnachines" and 'ine rt
tiqllS, which riinnot be' found in airy other pith:
lication: It is an estahlish'ed rule of the pub-.
liSher's to insert 'none.bitt original engravings,
and .those,of the firs,t 'clnss 'the art, drawn
,erittrnyed .b,y ;experienced persons' under
tlfeir own. supervision..:, • , ••
To the Jrive.ntai!
only every_inyentor, not , only con
tains: illnstr . ated descriptions of nearly. all the
best inventions as they - coire,out , bp : Leitch
I - orther contains no 011icinl List d lthe' Claims
'of nil the Pntents'iss . ned .from - the.!lnited States
Pairmit.Office dating the week
giving a correct 'bistrOy of.t he. progress of in:
ventionsin this country. :Aye
eyery week,lbe, best Scientific:joi:flak of
Great. lii•itain, France,' and• . Gernitiny; Alois
placing in:par possession all that is transpirinit:
in •ineeltailicril.scie'nee. :and art in: these, obi
countries; :We . 'shull continue' to . transfer to
coircoinnins copious extracts: fro'rn these jirtir
nals-of Mialavae• - we . may •leem-91.-intaFeat
our.yeaders.. • • • '
Architects, • Afill‘Vrigl,t, • Anil
The SCF'..l\l 7 rlFfa ./01EitiCAN . will' be
feituda rnoit Usdful Journal to them . : X 11 the
bew,stliseoveries of setene'e•of chemi'stry . .are
t V
aet] in its' coltimns,:and . the interests. :of the
Arehiteet and carpenter are,not overlooked; all
the new inventions and disroverieS eppettuip.:
ing to' these. pureutts being : published from
week to'week. Useful anditriletieul inforria
tion peitaining,to the - interests of millw, rights
end ptiblished 'id the
Scier;Trile f•AMF.IIIC4N whierlitifortntion.,tho
cannot Imssildy . Ohtnin froirf . anyi. other source.
Subjerts in.which' planters antl•farmprs ere in- .
Itere.ted will be.iolind diss•tisst4i in the
. :1,4F.57.1C:11N; inn t - nl' the Ira provcniFots in
eelirulturei iitiptettic - tirsl,tiiiigillitit,rnti:4•itt. its
• . . •': •
or 0mi...11.01111r for rripv:li4; One,•Dillwr
pa y 3 l'or pne
I wri c . .b!upri-'e.mll"
wes ut - ,JltrivaT.yo, aril
toF pie Nliantl - 1
.Mot 1114.
Twelvklonths ;-
T . ‘y , tt).cjiii; ,, ', 10 . r . T1,i;cjyy',340,1;113 -. - ~..:-,s:2‘ii
•• rttr.all.clnV s t tztul.ovcr, the y”ar'-
ly,slib..scriptiprl,k only $1 . ;40: ran be,
•sent. in:at. :ililierent zri(l. - yom.
copi , s will be tient g .
t;IS Fri any . pait . c.f .. thc canto ••
.Western. arid Cana:liar'. rratiey or :Post.-Cifice:
(alien CuDi;
T i C 11.111: fo' cents
sub:se' iplion to pre-pa ':-
v, a 7 Pa tll:::ro.,wNe
Antl for - flto npotiiy uf the fifllotring oPrni)lainfst
; licrafitlaa•litl f i cuorilltttittAlToeticiiitiottich.
ns• 'l.`ft atttnn,,t.:Jetrs - t :'Sfir e•s;
.. Plinples;s: Illatttltes, ••11col1S,
111aLtt, ftittl . all SLiii Ilits * eases. • , •
• . • ' °As; AND, 11111., ttlijune,lSs9.
C, ft Az 1:"44.' 1; k•nts : f441..1 if 14 ditty to•nr
- Itruon 1,14 , f y•nte Sttimustrillo. li,a Jinni' for tile:
• /1 ,4 i l !g 1 111a4, /1,1 a S 4 I liana slifertSt•
fronvit , in Nan Iva, t'outet Mill it Itirtt,
I . out in' l'kut, on my..itatolA mid-atlas; muntutiutet: it
tun h o d ~,,t n;,li/4,,441 InSeat 1110 SlAana44ll.
yeas. q;:0 .141. ani my bout anil•crul,r o l, my scalp
and t•ore.. y, Welt Nuys 14 . 1,,r44 nuni
• 1443iint.i ti , ,•;1111. •I IntltnanY inedleines aultsttsoral
• .1,11;•••1••Utt.t.ltn wlftentfuntvit ftli,f from liny t tymg,
tiro tit-tailor u»(,,.. • Atli! N. , ,t It 1 Was' I,4juilaat.
to If :ti:. in 111, 11, 4,1 tiger flaat • ypin lint( prepuretl
ttlr4l f ,, r I 1 / 4 1144 horn Year reputs,
Olaf any thne.• put att;tlu annul be Ins;tl.. I sent ti..
; , ;u n ', , ttnAti slot p an t it. att•lto..,,t it till it tturctl nt4. I took
. ;,3 •vit sniall t,,on of a tvto.pc,onftii over to
n• --n o, , a 11.1 1144 , 1 a1111, , c tines Lt.ttle.s: Nor arid healthy
,•: , t.." , •0t. - " `' * •e*•*""" alr!er tint ascli, srtsfela , antler LL'
• 3fy chine I.; alai' I' latest , by my
111. N. • t o ^""."," )))) PY. V't!!' l, 4
I tn4l mi 11 Ito: .
saynig.avia.ll I fait'
the ago,:
12.• TALLEY. ' • r
• •
0 . A. 4 11 oti " 111 "9e or ErYsil?elo , s , w
llii x, wo. Staid
,L.Lead„. •
• • 1fe..1 of,o t 1i•:. lit„ to. tl'Onf ~ Y., I.2 th *
1••• I t ti• •'.d.•"fl itivrletMc ewe °C.•
thr.,,ton , l I. Ii rtniatto fatally,' by ILS'
.lier , oretirr oat • ',11":g6111; 1 4. 111 / 11 traungeroira
:Mai : faun: ftrgrt• "i 0 ) " . mu"; iwya
12y it nur!.stitutly.
Sliorlc ft rteele, it i•e or
: Lot
• tks of. • yottr , .••••ll,,,ti•nritla en, el me 11.111 a 6'rd/re-- a 10-
c4.11p f 4-11111; ui tha..'lluLtl:, dhieh 1 luta . bun.... 1 trona
' oval two •
• . •
Lent: 0 rrini , n or‘Vitit es. (I do clan Tumor, - •
riflel: It e itf sou; !Fet aI in •Dlsetts•o st.
Dr. J., 11, I. Clunining•,•of Now' Volk ;'"1
ra.. , t 01 , 44(11111p , 1.4.11) Wllll llie.'re•onott of your agant fo '
hay.ii, 1 bait. follual . Sar-aval.illa'a 111.144.0xCellOnt
nib st in title utitoptotts. confvfnintt for . ,whirls stria;
../I.1•! 9' snoli n 'tot In .I . llinale Dir!ates ,
qC the t•‘'roful•tte, tliatll,-.:••• Vltava cured tininrinviter,
ale futt.:: I;t• it, and Pinne'where, Mu anti
plaint Avi.l,ttatu.t•ti 'nip Ulcer-, •
ut ion Shift' lulls mum 'Nollang,-wittain my ktIQWI-
olg t .'e 9 , 11, it for the•O f,tualo tit•rangontenis."
• ' , Award ft. M t ni,,,t, of Nt , ,lntry, writes, "A.dait•
rents ortiti , m tin m u : of the fumates ill lay
: ' L is h had Jrlicd: all lite tetninliett pin punkt employ. hos
leen rotnpf•tel3• entod by your Extract of Sar, •
, tparittn. our if t e N • iefo t - thought null:lug Intr'etirpat
'poill.l,a6ai4l t ‘41144; tut , Inn tolvised. :lid trial of yOur.•
Slusorm ilk an Ilia 1.1,t • ivStill . 10.49.414 . 0 cutting, nut it
Voted r teal. After litlthu: Your vonedl'efilla•weo B •
'114., 63 aliktan,,,f , , •
nittl..Mere,nriol rklmense. „:.
' N P.',. Difl,l:AM3; 25tlt August, 1859. '
. . .
Da. 3. C... 1 vim : Sir, I*.t , lietTully catnjiry with the re
^a,-et of yiairm.reatematienort It, you town of the'ollects
1 . torte ~ . ,P., -.1 ii ?Ili yetir rtterapaillia. •. .
. • I 111111. ,11 . 1,1 0 itjl 11..111 My fil'acilOO, most of the corm ,
. 13.11r1s b:r it hid, it in 'vv. - mune/ides], and bate foundits
t.ll',:ts truly wand, Cul . riii.llis' emit 'of Venerehl and Nen- .'
T eni.ri nr5:,,,,, • Ime 1..1 lay' patients ligui Syphilitic ulcara.
la lii, tbrait, Milielr a ere - ronsuniiiii; his palate -and the -
lop of Li- Imo: th., Your. Bursiiparilla, steadily' taken, .
• • e ul'od him in hie amok n.• .4nOtlioi wits Attacked ,by sec,.
Loadary e'3 idpbanv la lib: . taise anal life nleriatlun land •
.ra!oli naay a.0.001 , 10ta1..10 hart of it; is diet./ IllelleVe tilt.
Itiv , rd,l st , iild :-,JIII 1111/'ll 01.1, brain and 11111 Min. hut it '
yi..b.i...,1' To . ate 1 k 1 101111h1111111111 Of ionr. Saraparil la ; tit. ni....1..i . ,M,, 0..1
0 , 1,,, k,• 1... coil Mmin..nOt. of •catirse tVlthout ,
i,. disli2A.lalitlo h
1“ his iy. A woman ,vliu had booll
I, ,et., .1 P.r tbe 'sena: dint:l.l4l,y I:twenty wall satTeiing .
• to.iii ibi, tu , isati In lion liiiiies. "They bail becenie no sou-,
I,IW ! 1.I.1 1 ico 1,..:11,),1.1101( on a damp day nheaudised es- ).
, i-: iteintlian 'l , ..in ii; lier jaints • and baited. . She; too, .wan
• :eui,..l C.olivly by your Nueepoxilio'lh ,ti few weeks. I
• kie,a.litiiii its rerinula, which-your agenygavo lee, that .
tha4 ('reparation. ft ell 3 our laboratory lutist boa great"
remade; et t iat.st neatly; these t i lily -I mai habit, results
midi ii, Moe loot t,lll ill lard ins, . .
. , . .
.... .. iftah , thallyy"ori,- .0. V. LARIMEII M. D .:.
RllOlllllll I Ism; . Goo t„, I: ti , ek , Complaint.• .
' INN:pc:oo4w; 1.,,,b,t, C , :; - 1 . 1 ,. .,.1th J1.1)",.1851 1 . • ..
. 1hi..1.. 0. An it: Sir,l-havo been µfilleted with. a pain .
.hit' ,l o'onlolth.ql,oobslll.n,r a lung Unto, wllleivballleil the',
skin , r 1,1 '4,1110..1111d S1111:1( 10 111 n ill spite' of all the
init.:sib, I eatild hod, hold I triayour Stimaparilla. One . ,
11.3 tle viii ed. Jae. is tau weeks, aid'. restored may 'general .
laelitli • ;ii tuiali that I - iiiii Tar 'better. than beliire /"was
tilt:ad:dd. •I I laid :Wit won:le:ad medicine, 3: - .FREADI.
• .. Jul:, V. th-teliell, of St: Louis', wrlten I "I ildv o2 been
eitie 1, d bii- 31'111 r1"0'11.11 1111 oPelion ,if . the. 'Liver, whieh '
d...m, , ) , d in) ls•oldi.. I li il'erprything, and every thing ,
Ti.ii.. , l la:: Omer um : ,• aaitl I analieen a brokensleania lona:`
:3: hOlllO 3 r iii ii 'fi. , lllllolii or emus,, thrill delltnerOalt Of . ,
'O,• 1,11 r . r. . 51yiteloed pl. /I', the 1111 V, 91r. lnpy, advised . -
• the ti/ 11T 3 . !1/01 . :"1111. 1 111/1l1 11111, 100'111/Ye 101 said he liceo.fon,..
tang pm ili
, and any Haii.l,l,Al M o th-trying. Ity the b ens- -
lug “I• (lid It lien cured the. null /Witte 111111110 d ray blued •
Ili 10 111:11.0 In 11013 10110 ofinn.' .1 fool young again. 'Ma,
;Lest 'Ono can, liitb,ll4 if you W . not half good enoirgli." - -,
Soh I re inn,Calte.eit''l'i 111 l ors, litellargeni en i.,',
Uletriet i 111 l Caries axed 'Exfoliation or - .
Lite Ittitteh. ' _ : . ..
A .10,11 t Utioty of roses hltro been reported to its where
row, of Ito,. fortottlohlo cotopittlittn haru resulted front
of tills rowody. hot our spoco.htoo will out admit
. 11.11.111. Fouto of thent — touy 110 follild in our Atueritliu
hotoute, which tho 'ouptits holow 'muted aro plottiod to
gratii to ttll a luieall fur them. • •••: " • •
py.pcpsin,li , nirt DlRenait,
sy, • '
ltnny.ti•w;ithiiLleotireF alloine affections !tali Iteen
intolo by Iho nitrrnlhu power of fbiti medicine. It iltimu
liqoi flu, %hal ftinidlons inte.vle,ortete action, and tffus
010114111 M ditiortit.lll 1(11(01 101.1111 1w supposed beyond its
' 11
Such 114111'4 11 . 1. lupg been required by Mon.`
3811 1.'n (4 . I h i ma i da,•and a a are confident that this will,
du' for Worn all that !medicine eau do. '
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
.POLL T . 111: ..11Al!11). CC If? OF
• .
• .
Coughs,: Colds, influenza, - Hoarseness,
Cl' Itronehil is, Incipient Con.
s inn hull for the
of Cons unaptive Patients '
• fin 111111 . 11.1 1 ( .61 Stages' • •
,of the "Disease.
rrid, 1s d'ivmedy . to anilines nuy
other for the corn of iliftlitt 1111(1 111ug Collipillilll9, Clint it
Js useless here 10 . 111 . 111111 , 11 the evidence of
unrivalled Mr.:Hence rot. soughs and colds, and its truly
wonderful cores or. roimomiry ingenho, hove' made it
known - throughout; the civilized nations - of the earth.
7'r,v ere Chu eommultillra, or even families, anionic them
le.isotial.experfenco of its effects
beim! thing 1,1•••••!ly in their midst of its victory over tho
sold le of till* throat and lungs.
.1s all 'Mow 1A . .. dreadful fatality of Moss disorders, and
lig 't hey lOW, WO, Cho effects of this-reitlellY, li nt
thi melt...than to aware them thaS it' has. new Olt 100 vn ,
Men Clint It lit have %Oen s talikttm the cimis•whiell have
won so strongly :1116,0 the totifideure of mankind. ".
Prepared by Dr. 7. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Maee
. .
.11. Hamlin & Co.; Smethport; C. F. Osgood,
11radlOrd; L. 11. Dolley, Port Allegany and by
leale:s•everywhere. • ' • : .