M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, November 22, 1862, Image 2

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Br . a' vwrs-..NEA./(1..1 , .f Ni AIO.IJ •
,;'ff#oyl*E::rot.t.o wpm nradi;ti.rioN o ' "Ikil I eIIEX
•Nni.,t;lN :iS .
. .
'•'•1--'!.;. , ghat'thepreient..:delilaretile. civil . war haS.
fel 04.1; alion he: rontttry, by, th e: n fee- .
pl. the ott;tierti States, no W":.in arms,against
GOverementi 'and i i i
aeonod ithe:.Capitat;... Thar
,•..In this Na(ionat.
"Cptigrese, banishing all .feetingb . of,
:::"I.xitereitisaionor, s ,reientment, ree'olleet
- 31efluty, to4tie whole eeantry•4'.l'hat.thie war
nat'waied;ao-thA;ir part,' any : .trik 'Of op r .
for.any purpose. of conquest .or:t,ti
cir : .pursose of overthrowing or. inter-:
with:, the right cpr estahlished..i astita !
'r.-•.• : .gitiaa. those•.Statee; baf.to.'•defehLt and main- .
Constitution: - :tsin ihe , uiprtrrlaey 1. the;:: o 'oil to •
.4resierfie : •the Union, with alt the dignity,
ity and ' rights Of, the several States unimpaired',
aa , sOcin.as these 1 objecti - are areete. ,
the War 'eught.to •
~14Notto Eqoarati.iThe liberty of
reendents orAfriei in the United Starry is ih
. .eompatible.viitb - the liberty and s.ilety of the
. . Ettropeendesieridant: „yheir aleverytortne tin
10:tefititiori:,.resultini from
. stern..'and tnllextble
. ;ilteCittasity, to the generatliberty'in the. United
...We did. not oriiinale nor are we
aponeible'for. this tieee.es'ityi Tbeii lih er ty,-• if .
*ere possible; 'eeold only be etablished, by
er : *issliting theineonteetible' powers:ol tile States'
... , .and , :of , 'eubyerting the. Unhin. And beneath
the ;rains olthe.Union , would be beried; emitter•
fates', tbe:,liberties ••of both- rticis.i'--/./etoy
FANA:rtcs..6,ll, : A EGLt
.Ttorisis.:AVEF, GET POI 1:11 . ' IN THEIR 1:12:11;5,!'
. 11E14 the great Vjeb!iteri on a'.meinornble occu•
, „. . •
. 46 1,§ 0 TriAiti: C9??lt:r DiiiANcE; Cit r;
01 lIIN, QR DARE ok:svolsc - yrann. i
FAIA;INILITY • . LY • 'I}AS! t 1 T •TM i
AND DELU.GL IT WI T • B Lor.m.'?: . •
11On fathers didn't. intend the Constitution
. .
'for war times, why didn't they mike n . .petir of
- Constitattotts,—one for - .. War and the other . for
•• ,peacersolcs•Preotice.• . .. • ..
In inothei part:of: our paper. will he found
.the Stute, aleci of . M'Ketin
, •
eoenty.. wilroe b e e n n t hat w w ere defeated
An the ConntY and ` Congressional 'District;. al
' the Aepublican•majority, was' materially redo .
Ho'n S. A. Bab kiis did ricit sticred. in over.
:coming the 0,000 majority in this Seuato'rial
- diitriCkbet:did Suceeegin redtieing,it one half
Sioailltl..es 'elected over t.'ourtright by bu t
little 0ver.40 . 0 votes.
• ,Elrs - : Earley and Boyer were Wected'hy•
joritles ritogingfrotis elovealo thirteen hundred
*The groat *ates of New Yotk, Pennsylva.
• Ohio, Indiana;,. Illinoic; Connecticut, ,New
And' Delovvare have gone DenioirailO;
r.: while the.Republicen majority has been Inrge:
ii.recineed in all the other States. We rejoice '
- with 'the.peOple . thai we re • to.:be coon rid of
'..tiadlheribein a Presidential election this
tell,lhe.Staiss which Went' Dem Outside would
.have:eboaen e'Democratic.President,' as they
Lein' silaree majority of the.electOral votes of
the lit . * §tatea.. The count would have b iOO4
• 'Ns* York :
• Perintrylvaniti.
, connetticut'y •
.Maitra • , •
Oregon' • ,
- Ne s tor .Hrimps It i re
Kansas '
:Minaesota• • • ,
. . . . ,
Total - . • 123 . . ua .
•V'Diiintic4,l4ic majority, without ' the bOrtler
Am! , Ifttes,,Ba l Tbese latter would increase .
'Of. the 123:Democratic elec.
'ittoial6ticttfe, , •all but .;runtla were
. given to
t Vieifdati . t Lincoln an 1800. Was there•ever
'ittach r)
'l'U l'iliCliereyvolution in ..a . o'short a time
Ccingresomen 'ere elected in
• ,14isstate `• tistrict -- R a ndall,
Lit per 4:
2ti DiatrAct--,O'Neal ~ • . • ..
.34 D'iatriat—.KYres, Rep .
• . •
sth Dietrfft 77 Thaye'r,•Rep. ' .
• bisirict7-Styles; Pam'. • "
7th Dietriti--Rraornall; Rep. ~• .
:Rep. • .
• • - •lo:4 . Disit:ict=trouse,'Dirp.
.... •
llth Dietrict-d'ohnson, *.,
• ..-:l2rti'Diataiet—Denriisoni . • •
13th Dia(rici,-,Tracy, Dem. • .
14th Miller, Dem. •
Berne . •
..).11/4 . 'Dietriet--Coffroth ; Dern.
Rep.' • -
7 :"!.iol.litistriet.4." Hale; Der n.
,i... 4 ' , l3.lilalif'Diatrict 7 ,-Sehofield, Rep., , " •
~,-..)'fAikth:A!RlCt7-MYT.S!,A Rep.,
~,. •
~,21- k j)!Joste-,,-Dayvaon, Dein; .
y. , '.•
4nretieak Rep. , •
c;;,:•-0 . 4:iip . /40,iiivot#A#1.1_1at stand,
• ' '
, '•
, . r . _ ' , • ~ •, ..,. .
.:: Win:RIVI; it is it gOOtt 1 II illg.lo riidt..r tkuilais
, Ittio4liid for ki.his.!itierey acid liwing.kiniffiessi
111,e!.(yfprp. •: 2... ~. , ''. : - ''• . -
in. Goiferdor of the COM:.
rii; . n . o.-etilth .n 1 Pylinsylvania,' tti ieecoiriniend
14 - Tirrhufgaai.; ihi 27th
be setaTraitby . theriop • fii of) h
As a day ol.sOlemn Piaydr and l'ha
.•.. • • . .
to the Aiinighty- : 1-giv ,lininidel thanks'
I that lie has. heedardeld'il'i!.k pleased ;‘?l"tec t
.our free. insli tut ions andGuyernini:r.t, , and • to.i.)
keep as frotn:siekaess . .and pest to
eitu,s.e,.!he.eeith tehtieg s for : Jh lier..iuciiiisa su,
that our_•gareels .are . dheiced a iih the btu V . lt ' 6l
1111 d the' di. H
dr en, that'industry has thriven: a modi; • hs and'
lhborhaS its r eikard;. and also, tlittt
ve'red,iS from the bpi:. enemies •Ond
filled our ofN'efs.and.rneh tile : :fteld.'
. . • , • .•
loyal anti iitreid.l;piri4and ilium vie iory:
and that . be.. has" i)opreil'out ujioif.lis (albeit
~,vOrtliy):othdr great and. Manifold bldskings.
Buseeehing Him to:help:amlgoveip
steadfast (ear and 'lo've and_ to into' Oin
minda.good:desli es,:so ,that' by' his continual.
we May hire a right,judgmentcinthings ;
ratiVesPeciatly, praying Hirrito'give.toC'h;ist iari
Churches graPe to hate the thing,which
and to utt . nr'tlia -and riglte-.
outmess,do,daying oPenly• t whol6_
'cania¢l of
God . ; and most heartily ''Otitrealing Him to Lcs-
story uPoir . our ;rulei's wisdom and
ca'ritestnns4... tninic;il' and
" and .
in action, that the of
lierll9, ariiilhatbeithtftei
peace. and titiielpess 3 inay; : tro'in generation; reap
the übtitiihint friiits of iths'iiierey.i.tind iviiti joy :
and iliankfulne§s praise and inagniti: his holy
ender fiiy greet seal of the
State at kveniket..fi bete
tier,in the ye4f.of our
h'uedred iin(l:•ef 'the Canmon•
weaitlr'the eighty seventh.
.:'••• •
• t . , .
• •
rhilfidelpilla • AIM', .LiEN: • t.40:1C.
. .
.• : n
• •
COUNTIES," • } 3 • .
A dainai ".2,066' 2,555 . 2 2.056 ...1.1,557,
'Allegany, • 7,805 12;323 '
.7,551 12,301
A rmsyong, 2,176 :2,250 2,177: 2,258
Beaver, 1,73.1 2,268
Be4l'orili • 0,3:20 1;679 • • 2,302 ' 1,11711
'Barks, :10,•15.1 - . 4 .4 150 ~: 10,162 • :4 . .551
Blair . , • . •• 2;485 ' 1,009, 2.4.73
Bradford, :1,761 5,521: 1,5 . 10 .0,800
Becks, - • 6,10 t I 5,858
Butler • • • 2.615 ' 2,770 '2;635 2,770
Cambria, 9,734 1,533 ;
,Cameron, 136 '196 .. 134' •op
• Carbuti,.. • 1,007''.. 907 : 1,697 • 99i
tentre,,.. 2,867:,' 1,856 • 2;682 1;859
Chester, • :4,8,70 7,224, 4,887 7,928
Clarion, • • 2,355 1,3913 2,377 1,382
..2;107 1,31 . 5 9,160 1,305.
C1int0n,1,544 1,157, e,531 .
Columbia, • 4,952 1,382" 2,956 1 1,36 - .5
crawfordi: '3,589 . 3,096. .3,558 : • 5:010
Cumberland; . 3,516 .3,539 2,6 . 69
.'3,276-, • 4,150: ' 3,289 • 4,137.
Delaware, 61 1. 2,779 :' '10.91 '. 2,772
Dlk, • • . 586 275 599 2:77.
Erie;2,723 .2.718: • 4560
Fayette; , .3;00. • 2,709: 2;663' 9,719
Fianklin,• 3,140 . .3,157 '3,130 • n,lOl
Fulton, • 1,909.. • 726 1,009
Forest, . . 82
Greene, 2,859 . :919 9,808 •.
iluetington,.. 1,823, '2,400 • '1,816... 2,167
Indiana; 4,596 3,396 1,589 . 3 389
Jefferi;On,, - .1,581 :1;412 . ..1,480 1,414
Juniatu; , • 1,5.18 • 1,063 1,518 1,095'
Lancaster, 6,532 .11,471 • • 6,529- 11,189
Lawrence, . 1,043 '; 2,551 1,052 2,515
Lebanon, .2;213:'. , 2,200 - 3,950.
. 4,750 . 2 806 . 4,713:
Lezerne f 8,389.. '5,768 8;182 . 6,543
Lyeoniing, 3;521 . 2,068- 3,31 1 1 2)508
• 082 ' • 78.1 • 1123 783
Mercer, • 3,0.19 3,427' • 3;045 .
. 1.1,113
~ •
.1,468 ".1,370 . 1,160'
9,116 . i . 456, 9,199 : 442
Montgonierir, 6,765 5,118 . '6,762 5,117
Montour, • 1,230 . 765 .1,238. 7b6
.Nnithempton, 4;160 ..1,960.' ' 1,997
Iceorthutinb'd ; 3,008 • 2,085 3,079 .
Perry, 1,959.,, 1;917 • 1,951 *. 1,910.
•33,323.'30,121 ".53,280 "36;129
'Pike; 767. ' ' 135 '771 • 128
'Potter, • . ' •, 7
. 1,103 . .319, • :1 ; 085
chpylkill,. ,075 5,481 . 7,977 • 5,103
Snyder, •
.1,253 1,592. .1;245 •
Somerset, • 1,115 2,465 1,412 2487
Sullivan; 608 • ' 279 .••. 612 . .. ' 280
Siisquehanne; 3;915 2,749 '"3064
Tinge, 806 . '2,792.737 '• 2;791
1,155 1,580 •• 1,129 1,602
Venango; - 2,28.1 1 2,211 2,283 .2;209
Warren; 1,213 , '1,868. 1,215' 1,86.2
Washington, - 1,163 3,734 . 4,111 2 720
Wayne; 2,700 1,819 • : 2,759 • 1,318
,Weitmorei'd, 5,040 .3,693 5,029 :3,690
Wyorning; 1,345' .1,124 1,347 1,162
York, •'. 7,396 4,310 ' :7,413 . 4;317
Deniocratic • Abolition
• WORDS OF P.R.I7DF.NbEe—The NOV bl.lj'ypo rt.
Hera/4 a republican - paper,•saYs . : . •
To oar inindathe: elections just:taken-place
are a popular condemnation of • radienlism;—
they are ayvarniegto party lenders; they are
a,deelaration in favor of a 'restoration of the .
countrjrto what' it ~Was originally, end they
.are'a : .vote in favor of peace:atthaearliest hour
It•can be Mid.on hopprabl terms,. - - If the Re.
Publicans tilill read the writing' upon the Wall,
and being. warned, 'reject , leaders, and
measures of •deubliul:•utilfty, t6;say:thp least,
they Will yet. stem the'tide and keep in their'
own hands the•adjuitment of the'present (Ines;
tions that, must soon be . settled.• 'The peejole
are capable of self-government, and if : they
cannot • de that 'one way they will another.--
The people'will hav&the Constitution and the
Union', and everything` else will have to bow .
before that, object.. • • •
I,* the Coveriior
So'crotary. of Ole .00.17111.1011:V:Olith
Total, , 218;981 215,266 2 . 18,65.1 215,485
Stenker's majority, - - 3;715 -
Barr's.tnajority. • • •*- `'• 3,1'69
"Is r it..p . Tooble pot. to S.C.Ct ir • 1,.• ru e
%s:it II ...flak t tlo.;O'Doinbcruc . tlo
'holsl lint
agidOst Onbfwi , o) . •
.inat ter-,how, : u tip L t! !ops, onlyytipclliviOrire.tpd
op to t ; tt yo• i 1?
.:5!„ . ce 410,;,
Cotton -$1 it,s 4t O, •
31?;1:dit.a)q,, , 4); i , .•.lplgtii;ally -tr !.
lolIAelIcll„t•han that
he Nurllh•rn tatLh.tnocrots Avo6l(l,•p.irritoot
their Juke) be: pail ct
Ole vo nay it: might •
,:.or the l . lle ; .1;rovO too
Niviiqittl to. be . - I:otiiptre.Ll: , -o4Ol' that - it Le'
lreitrr:iiet. - the: Cot riAi Stttfe:s -elopc., •ottylod....t.
1?” un . h aart 01.:1 !! ••ive
szi rily' (leo 1.w111,1r . 1 . 1" p bc/i.iPed
irate, them i74 , ;•niA re;eithi }idly T te :
o mi.. aVa' t /in, tlla . u. I-i. • , ,
• IVe ttitieS. • Here is a pepe t
whit b utters, uulrlpsliinglyy theaunJsst ti cube!,
if I'vritiug and publish ing"tvep: :treason in this,
country, end': grow;i Inie•rse tiro same. !iinr
with toad denuneie:ttOnS ot:the,vast.itusjuritya ..
soldiers• of the .lati • tli:as•ital: :
. A mere dull - ming, c:onfessionAil guilt :than i.
continued i n the alcove ientenee's. no.tniin
mudc'bincrCuin, (104 lespolisibilityi.lor.o.•
mintier of hie hfothar;‘i•ns. di iveri. iito.
The.tuet that- the 'l'; ilia nc . cilh ith liiends
w,:ts in the interes,t of the.rebeflio'n at the: ()ill
set, ttlill..While.lomlly'dynourkeilfg iatheis 1 . 15 t I.
trirS Illic)11611111g wig argione.ots •io Inyof
or lei tha
Led to all. then.'
Tin, 'in favor of •seeessino, hewer'en .
was thai'p.ii . )er on t it 6411a.if
,the qf Haan, thir on tlc dechinktipn.
.'• . .
. now.pineetheia.ikigtifhenta and sinte:
tnents'in' . ,
I • rdm 11;0 . .71d111)11! if NW!: 9, 1800
. .
11 Clioceituu States
. Elia lipeotypi
:ttlutithry • eon tlo,•bet ter not of the.. Untiniihatt
tit t; :rot' on hum go ifi'p - erai.,
right to pceeut 'mutt hint a.. retiollititinary
itevittthAesq. -• 6 . • • •‘Vi.
oust &nee •insitit the- right oh any State.to.
rosin in thei Union unit nullity an il . defy the luws
thereof... .To teithdr.i r fruit t I,e Union is quite
another ter; and ‘tliene'ver cenosittelahlii
section of 6A - Linien•alialr• deliberately resolve
( 4 .,, t 0 out,
'ue .Trull rruf,t--ill rger~ivy rhea:, us es
tle,ti'gotol to Lori? it in., Wu 'hope- never • to live
•in it republic., wherein' inni • siction is pinned to
unother.by • . , • 'i. •
• Frunp. , 'llie ihirne tif IYar.26, ISGO.
11 the (Mt rind !:aroeStly
wish ',i%ithilr!'w peitei‘infly triirii the Union,'
they. slaield - alhowe . ..l to
do so. Or a theMpi to erimpef:thern ; liy. (dice
.to remain avorlll be eantra'ry.• to ihe'prilleildeS
enunciated in. the immortal Declat atien 'of le•
dependence,. eon tr;ir:• tn.the tunitarnenta I . ideas
eri 'which huturialiberhy.is based.' '.;
'Pr a m tile Tr/ bo a. or *bee:
. .
- II it (the' Dtelaretion in' loileperolence) in s .
tilled, the seeeision i'rnm the .I.3r.ittsii Eirliiire•of
three inillions oV'ealoniiiis in 171(1, Ire,.ilo not
. sue why it"Wobiti'init- Justify
.tlie beffe:kjon of
jive iniilions of Southifitiers,'. ( Jon i . th e union of
Fro 7?t, thir..7 . 71 7 ,1 . 1); e:r,/ 1; . 1r,;14;:y.f . 13 1.361
We haye.reivkij.coly we onee . MOfe
insist 'that the gveat• rititiCiOe' — eMlnidierl' by
Jefferson n. Ihe IPela tat ion et ...Atom - we n. hole
penitence, thar,..Governrnents de'ri've thrir' lost
tio . We;isfvora the consent 'of the
'sound moi just ,, unit that if ihe' slave - Stat , 4,
the . cotton State.s , or alie.Cell State: only ehoosi , .'
to foi'm an Indepenileht thev.havo:
clear metal right to(lo so, •. • • ‘Viiiinev'er
shall be - cleu . r,that the . gFeat hotly of .fhi•
Southern people.. hove . ' become 'coneluvively,
alienated floM the UMon,.zol 'anxioniio p
e•ilri• from it r ive, (Idohr -hest to forward
Prom -daft Y,, 47'0 1.1 .18(12.
. . .
Is it ptissible nor to see that it l's the rule
tv.ith the Northern liettioefa:ey. to. hold . out
against- any.iletiaand olStave 'Tower,. no
mat ter•how otitr ugeous,•only until ES pre4Sed
w•it,h tnintaetc, and then to give Way to '
'Hence ;we Ovored in the infatie:y' of •Seees
sion, the, polier'of. letting the Cotton State,
go, if it should appear that their people really
desired to cut looselron' the. flint:in t • tlVeleti
then that the Northern 'Democrats
'snout to, their itia;elerate'habit„teally : take the
part'ol,the'Slave PoWtir any . etintest that it,
might Ettauguritteor.provoke with'the' Union -7
that the' eombinat ion would probably Nave' kit'
.pow,erttil.lo.:be'ecirinefed- 7 nn& tho E it'' would
be better to let the Cotta Stotes'
ing no. inore• enemies .on hand 'than. tee 'could .
successfully deal with .We•believv teen;' as
we ealize now,, that nvents:wpirld fully Inatifyr;
our re6oinntendation. •• .
. .
All the specious
. appeals to the. Peclaration
of . •Indepehde'nee and the right of .secession
were:therf desigiletr oply - es u coifer.to the real
desire, to *disSolVe.—tho • 'Union because' they
could not hopa 'destroyslaverY. in the limorir
It was the hnowledie that tlik North and. The -
Ssiuth 'would be a 'unit to•preserve the Union,
whenever should attack it as
kepie with death and a .cOvenant with 'hell)
,which induceifilie editor's of the to
wish that the SouthShoultl...b&let•‘go. in peace.'
What a confession in a paper which tor. four
weeks' ha's:beep shouting “truitur," . !csecession
sympathizer,"'and sundry.similar epithets, at
men whom it falsely accused of a desire to let .
the South gor • • '
••, Whitt..a blessed condition t.he:. riationc.vuuld
.be . in if 'the tre . v.onable• plan of.these men had
been' realized and radicaliSm had cutaine& the
manageMent of Ihe.North, while the SOuth
was• allowed to gid" Herd we are Assn red .1 het
this real object al • the . .seeessiOnisin of the 'Tri=
'sltne people 'was the desire that the Democratic
liartyshould'not have the. assistance' of 'Smith
ern Democrats, hilt that' the .North should:be
left with the radic'al party 'in poWi;e; ; and
•iog the NeitheroDemocrats ‘.4lont'opriosed, to
that power, Whe - .could, au the plotter: fanefed,
,be -dea't' With! .'.FroM the:coMrnrice•
ment of the work of the radical abolitionists,
never.heen 'doubted by'.. wise' men. that
this was their real attainment of
power in the country;' at the • expeae 'of 'the
dissplytion of the'Union. So.long as the'South
,remainedin .the Union,: they felt fhat there.
scan a constitutional obligation. resting on ev
ery American to defend. Southein s.itate
. . .
11M01111 WOrtk Non:horn; asid tiOt t 'thefe,
fore;Atto• •pna: fa ktic - Of :the , gioat:people
alivay.s„overcomo:ilind .kaOp:down iadicul
rikein add.measu'r'e r s'.' Hence hCy . de;
- tared olittfon of the ,
North .Im - rigor:feel. tho ConitXtut lona
obligal Ole' a OCilitionis la had an. long
of Sou th=
lintigine!.l a land 'coining' up,
of •
oar): liee.lo , ,pNicli. iitdielit,) to
,oltl",fitinoifileall . lid :thc but•
t.o'inri . K,:eyeiy one, ol§e subtnit.to their
rule iu r@higiun, politics and social life. ••
• ..
, :(6nlysbion is extorted • 'how iiiorn't.i' ! (.o •
despair; h hen the. expel iinsiit }Jai, bir'sfi tried f
oral it is fuo . ntl that th.e.tuaction - a;gai,iir i t radi;
'consul is suilicietif to plift6 . • it' in'gtuinolity, trt
•the"l . lie-culisersative element;:ii'.not•
.• .• • • •
nd .thc.huur of 'c iri
.viction:aiicr . condyirinatiuri .bringS'•outthis t•F •
pct that.the
• s ous which•wei6 liletirad heretofore as justify- .
'/'riburfs'.! doctrine. - of
aect'esion—the'l)eclanitinil of
. • 10ependeriec',
the impropriety....orTinning,...bile part • o': the•
Onion r bayonets--all thCse •n•s - •
Signed feifsnns tire; but decrlitionB,,blinds,
the insatiable: lust for ..
'pow.'er, which made the rut.llCal inc.n • deSira'to
dissiikcet•he Uaiort.'su mail : age I
• .. •
the;...Soi - •
.The lesson .of tl is exposufe. is a . good .one.
rtietiori against. that style 'of. thOught and.
polit ic;ll action ttht It the tleSiinate ,rtidical
hirsintguti and- is' going on.. Thousands
who vol.ctl with thirrittli:ctil.party..frotrian idea
of, ditty to. the .Aihninis.tra . tictii. exiress them-.
seir PS:IS/lair mid 50u1 . .., opposed jo"ratlicalisoi,
,lnd us tbey..sce inore:itrid tnors , ..of ihrSeexpeo.
sines ur Ills Itae chat'acter Sri the lettders;itrd
the true . dossigits•of the rtianagqts:•,:* . ill . leat'o .
them to their ans.' • mitntisity..... If the work
goes on 'as now, cloy is pot far 'distant whet
the: aholitjeuicts wifl b:e fewer thatiat any little
Willits) teti pears; nent hot people Of, the: North'
will bicaloir . st aS one trtiri devoted to the.llition
and •to the old piiiicipleson. which it was orig
to power." These
are CiiiilLMC }tineiples.....l:ipt)rarts not partizan
-principles. • .Tho„virtory this fall. lb rota potty
victory; lithe radio s ottiintig tit4:ll
c'ioostires as this; co - user:cativo tedett . ers . .
:rest; for' the true griod.sense-of •Ainerichns
make airright.Juset oat of Co Innier •
• The Louisville fcternat; has learned (rum. the
hit4lieSt n6111061)1 a little !ricident itt . regai:cL, to
()Wyo:Lovejoy,' worth
the first. boftlo 01
Bull Run. When our 1100ps airs
prel•flpitate retreat, the day..having been hope'
lesFly lust,:linrodene ton federal officer who
I . ol • tonlit'isith terrible. ; tleiperation tluorigh
the. billtle r and had since won': a :•I‘laior
GenerntsbiP .in a: le:, and:oh-,
:trolled hiin since adciee as • to the. conduci, u s i
.the ietreat. ;: . Oliic • er - Paid:ria'atlention to
:his remark, not even sOetning trea • t:
pertinaciotta Loveyv then said.. "I think
you don't 'know 'me," • "Yes, Ido know you,
.cen Loyejoyj?',replied the. officer
know BUt for•yot, and:suelras you
these calarnitie/,, wnirld:neVer • haVe• come upon(
Get ;Out of toy eight thir; • iastatit., you
biack:•bbirted s•dcdrodrel!' • ' Hnd.herd the,•ollic'e i :
s'whrd. all reeking with
,' rebel
• blond—:‘ , ,c4 I, will clen•ve: you to,the, earth: The
"icoudrel."waited•ior•nn.iCennd • hint., 'He par •
fect•ly dineitno'aefirst, slight . 11 %• s • it' was. •
. Coisii:•r.vries
. beiutf eleetion,tiroiiiiii. - CaiflS . M. Clay; .sen•
teneel:GO.'Sey moor'to: be,liung;
ever, on yttesilay co'rrititedthe'leptence to
two yeeta:Conlinernent in tliolixeautiv..e, Man:
lion at Allianyi . r.ZactirnlStati Jpu
13elow we..givriieports es lye . . wo ..hr!re
them from lute . impels ni..te the probelitc
re tits of the.' eleetiotts..held on Tuesdly
lest through Out the ditferent.Btrite. ,
rleiu.York.4Bcyrnonr, • Demdcrat,• for
GOYernoi; is 'probably: elected.:.• 36 'Conn- .
ties.gises IViidswOrtb, Ett.tpublicipr,- '48;640
majority •,>. and .233 counties give: Si Yniour
45(3,451 ilinjoilty; including , 32,000 flom
Ne'w York City. • • • •
Congressional 4eleiatiou as 'far as
heard : from; will stnud 17 llotnocrats to 14
RePtiblicans,. DOtnociats to .1
Republican Pitt down as 'doubtful:. For
llsseunlly . s7, Democrats • to- • , 50 - Republi
cans wore. eleefed, with 15' to •Itear
In the 31S1 District, Foutou;RepuhliChn
olected, by about 5,000: .
Jersey.:=-Indiontims aro , that the
I)eipoorats lidre swept,the State. •
•.• i??org,—Rettiros fr om tIM State are
rather meagre, airing hardly any
Chins as to the result. •
Irrisrionsiq.—The state. is .IMtly.contest
.l)Otti parties. • • John. Potter,''for
CongresS, is, probably
,r;: 7 elected,. "nit the
friends of Brown,. Democratic • eandiate,
claim the victory.. . •
. . .
...ittichigrro. : —Senttering returns . indicate
`the election of the whole Republieam•State
Ticket by majority of probably riot 'less .
than . 5;000: - . • . • •
11/us,vachuaett3.--- 7 1teturns from . 132
towns give . .A.ndrew. 45,332, li
. DeVU3;29,-
.Andrt , w's majority in the.state'WiJl
reach '25,000. The returns .so, 'far, .leave
little doubt of the election ofnine-lidpubli
cans:to.COngreS,,,. The Legislature'will he':
. i.it.r . oniz . ly Republican, • •
• .1.)o/rilvai,-e:-:--bannori, tjnien, for Gov:
ernor is rdeeted.',. The returns from 4 ;,owns.
give .a.Union majority of 1,079 to 0: Dem
St. LouiB, - Nov. 4.—The entire 'Coun
ty Ticket of the ..I.lndieel • Republicans' is
e.keted,...,'lteturns froin Jhe interior !Ire .
meagre, but the annneipation.tic.ki.4l•Rrob
elily elected... • • :
131ow . ;Tepub1ier:ri, is eteeted Ockngi.eSs:
froni,the "it District . by.,sAo'.insjoritY: .
• - iltju . ;tt4... ,
Ktiox. Radinul;in th Ist. Distiict.:'
• ;..iiirnstth.--LSll‘ntti;ilpg.r . 'fr6in tjo, l
Stntc indreati i:10t;otr: the en
Statd • :11'0+ , 1' 0 it
CongrthsS,,is probably ele.eV , l uvcr
l'arrc4 Union, rind •Nialtbin;bmnbcraf. •-• .
uneert,;liti as. the rd
ttii:n3 col in . rather •
O m ni:bus sect( r, . 2 or
iye liibor.for thii good of. in- . •
iin by Dri Ayer ;S.-,
. 1 4 -t 4 :1
pliyir.m,fy the,
• belk, nOnotiolize
frir..; tna•tio. availablt; - by •1 1 '" 5
• , l;heri'y .I. l e.ctorial Plll.l hz 4111 ..
alike—irot only hi this 'country but • in • all
wlitt..rtt.eiyili(,:iti.:l.l) and: .cOrtinicireo •
hitve zol miry- tlill.lilyn•ali
fy..atal laq c of tlic.lse gvntlenittit ' - sti(ll. rt
doh:digit to - nntive. town ; .iVe: gill rr.
wind 'ony readers of the bal!iiwin : i influence..
spretttls'Over •the: . whole •
cotinntittit c y ; that thein[. - They...ure,
fetY in • this cot z tntry, sod
little lthown,but,:tsk, thetexile...;frinti: •
e. iiiliorn - Get-111141Y,
er the chit le bu !Trinity - Church . does: not
make his lafart . m . onth, , and
his cyt , s sulta in. the.i-ncolleotiolk .it
of the i -- ..b , i1111 'note's'his e.hililhbod;Xhia : b6y , .
hood, tip.; bi - hoar'
at l 1 . 0 soft approach of evenin.:l l 'ift.ll::3
land: • . • ,
'We wlsll' our genenius ,A 4101 1 .1
( : 16 , 1 1111 S MVPS : C.(I menrewoula•
whether We: ton :entmot,
reori..,zittreetien..to otirl chit
dren en(P . ouiiie)vt. , 3 loyv.ileaTaer '.nd.fitrdn4^-,
er and:longer thd piece' we our kerne.
fittl..l3einirer.• - • •
h'Eean Co qty TLenperance . Society,
. . .
- , A I,teted rneetfmr..dt the Socity. will be he'd
et the:l3,lE4lst ctireh . ,.in Smethport.;:orf SaioC
tlay.evenimf, - Novernher 29, 1 :5 62 ," - at ' , vhit ., h
lime -eMdmiaeMe:Temmtmance Lecture will tie
delivered by Rev..r.,. A. Srkour.v,„: . i ..
K. SCULL, Sen'');
4 .- „riorrespinilmt.o(the• - .S;t:le Pali the gbv:-
, ronent of Prance %%litys .frorii Tunis..
Altiers, • "
Oa Collvgi; of I,6a26,:rnay•
and iirobiii4y -do .accumidikh a tti6at
qattie of stirrice, but • the . therica .111.6 . 11 R,
16:11/to 'hese iliscoveriei to !,rai . :tic . al
...Many 61 Gtt
. 19 11 io n; in
-13,ere, .A.lnetira 6, and A r6.lrittan
t h e o,ist, Pr". 4: C : Alor•Of
!'.0.? modioild.!constt.h:tfjo Ibis — coon-
Chorry .N?cton4; r: Ns, Sarsap . ;:illa .
and Wane Cure: onn•titnt , remOddes,
b ecooc o jlo:y afe-m;'..- • sy ..pptiOationoure
iu tlO.ir thtt coil denee of the.
people. \Vddlothe scien . ro Nedioilw
to a hi,i4or In , rfoo,tion in our con! Irv;
(France)thap any oilier., , it ',E.l.oikes a 1 7 ; unch ,
nits as a 1:ttl , singadar ti:tat • all..Arnerican,
pliy s ir!ain should tarnish thp:inndiral. s'x,diand
rem for Ourßrinciple Plocince.. -••
to cor. readers that
these sepr;cior ‘vhi - chthe 4:6Teror' s
princinolProliTce ( " fnA T' r '
jea may
LlN*,,: ; Smeil4p . ort N. • •
VIII . :11.E.'111.14)t IS
So thnught, 11r. Dot, und v . vl,on set hirrs, , l
oh . out tho `M1'01;. of . pro4ll.lci.jg rin article of ,ille
raus free floiri all —imp!' ro an(l. (I,b•torio'ir
sobstari6s;' , which' cool 1, , e• sold tts choap::a
any..pthOr,46(l-inato I titer letter.
Titea . rticle p . ioduccd
Soli at roldi by 'r , ;srolobli
grocers ev'cry . ‘ilio'n;.)Sre house
wives w 1,6 desire:lo make biscuits'tO'.rol
(6r DeLithd's Solorattis, and u;e non,
In Seigeanl tiit
rs',aship, of
.. Diphtheria, Nay. 7
FIZANCISL.fIowna, 21 years, 8:mos• ,
• hi Sncottiport. Nov.
,I1; - .MAacus,"spnof fah)
olive k,...aded 5 years, - 5
trionthsiacid 27 clays. " • ". •, •
Ai..Nlorldian Bill Hospital, D. C;,
J051:.P11 Or•ro, of Co: (3: 150th . Refit.
agetr22 years, eiriOnths end 10 cla]l's.
• In:liberty township, of Diphtheria, Oct.
.Al.i.n•rma . l , :Li.r.N.; daughter of Philip and. Betsey,
Ann.Culp, aged 10.. years:.•
RoSy.m4., son of Philip and: Betsey
'Ann.Culp;* aged 2,years and '6 months.
Nov. 19th,
_§aatunt., son of Philip and Betsey,
.Ann Culp; aged '•1 years. ' . ' •
• . .
IniCeating N0v:1.9,1)21A, daughter
of Leonoid and iltnina Bartholomew, aged
S years:
In, Liberty township, , CAP.O.y.N
LYNX, aged 9 yeats. • • ••
In Kea ting' Es NOR, Re
list of Aueu STicicLES; aged
. 97 years.
IT bust and, 'most reliable. Fashion 111itgadoe in the
wor Id. Cout.this the.largolit Pashiun.Phites,
the greatest numher of Hue Engraviug., the' latest anti
Host inforniation, threa full-stood Patterns for
Dreasses, and a shoet of new.; Heade-Week awl Embroi
dering Pa .ierns •14very 3tother, , Dreesniekee, Manner
'awl Lady, should have it •Publistied quarterly, ut 17..
ttru:blwity, New York; mold everywhere or sent by mail
nl 2.l . centa.., Yearly43l', with a valuable ,
The butt mer plitober Hoe/ready.- . .
NOTICE k hereby:given thai W. Y. M'Coy
- Alas filed to my office his hiStami tir I . PC;
count as Administrator of the ostat,e;.of..
. „
daciiiiiied, and will prvni•nt the.
same' for confiimation .:t.tbe.rik!xt stated Or
.plian'a Court, to be at Sinethport- '4th
Monday of Tileaninbar'l , oct,'A.
.Wfttiess my band;Nuv..7',.lBo,. •••• •
• •
C. K.:.SARTWELL, .Rc Teter.
RS ..AdMinistratfon"..having. been
granted to the undersigned on' Om estate
of Ft.,....dts J. Coon,' late of Keatim:
deceased, all perions indebted to r...d estate are
requested, to miike iminediate Haty . ineat,..and
those having claims against •th.;l'satmi•ivill
seat them duly aathentiMiteri - tor *settlement. •
. : L. J. COO::, AdmtnisiratOr.
October :17, 186 p. ..•
A N •favlor•-• • • •• . • vs. W Knapp and CII Burrows-
D ; WoOlarns et ajl o ?, '
• Iltllllll • , vs ' Jetts Wylito m Narn a
Prentiss ,:.vs. Ilea' .Itatker et al • .
lartiunginade .
:Joseolt , P vi Junes W Piteliie •
Ott a . Imam. . ' • rG J U Backlit, &Co • • I' •
•.! Vs'itlerritt litarli..et [01.:
fr iv Inv Lind hdr., . . • •
"husband • -vs Gra Caftan .
Ifeating et at . as i•I `luck • • ; •
• • :• .A'T•Aldrielt et al
John , •vu C J Aligns et al'
• Lu„ is Thilms ors win lVkltne.at al , • -
• is Minim Payne •
yap,. Im,thiler eq. ".• "vs •I: a, Fi.ster :• • •:
et1N,11... of J 1.421314' : vs It Freem an .
41,u ksl Mini:. • • • ' 'Daniel litugsbury.
•il•Ok • -•if 'Port Jervis , *. same
11.41M' ' : • VA same ' • •
Jolla It Mantitti-J• • , *.• vs , ssuM
rimiks • :vs : Nita-all Swartont,• • ' •
.tri3 W Gala, k 'retro Timd.uti
Lm,lluWv vs Thos Conover
11 tydolu • use atknoult.s .
isirottrlgi Foster . ;vs W 'tore et-al
tireiv4trr Freoiriaiv vs William Ilithliell •
William,(rm,al • " . vs J. Polypi, '
Wiisana 11,11,i 11A.61 • 001.1„
A I. WO I Wit,° vs Peter :Wilts •
'Hall 50,,'61* A N ' r raylbr vq larordla
,Cur)Ciu ,
4102'3xi! Charles Davis - • ,
,na Intl • . -vs. Napkins h' Cummings
s also •' • o.ardner
. .
. • Vs. Albert LI 'Otto .
• 'same ' : vs itei.f' Presto • .:
Crastus It do,ilh' .vs 1 It A Jer Judkins •
?reltlV . •
Oat. 13 1i62.
. .
Ft' the . ' Hon. Robert 131. t White
V President Judge, and the. Hons. J. Dar,
ring -Ond IS. PeabodY -.Associate Judges of the
Courts'of - Oyer 4 'l'ertniiter .and" General. Jail
Deli Very, Quarter • SessiOns of the Peace,
tddt.us.'.Colirt.tind. Court . of. Corninon PleitS for.
-the'County of 'lNl'iCean have issued their'preeept,
I):tartng Auto. Friday, the Thirty-first 'day'• of .
Qctu.ber, .in the year of ouy.'iLord. one (liou- .
samf• ei - t4ht hundred and_stxty-two; and to
directed, ;fru h2ltlittg .a" - Court Of Oyer, and'
Tertri . :ner-and - Generat Juil Delitiery,".Qurirter
tiet:tsitint's.ef.•the Peace,- Orphans' Court',
Court , Cotnrnort-Pleas,'.' is the • Borough all
Smetbport, on.. Monday, the 22d dny.of Decent-.
tier next, anti to.continun one
Nbtieeis therefore hereby giveit'to the Ct,iro,
ners, Justices,of the P.eaite , Ond. Constables
within the county, that they be then and there
in [he'll proner•jtersons:;.at 1 n•o'cloek•A tr+l,•.. of
de y;* wit their talis.,.records, inquisitions,
extriinations,.and other •:Temernbrancei, to do
these..thineS, which their, offices apperthin to be
And thoSe who;'tire'hOund by. their rec
o4nizapce4 to proSectitetheprisOnersthai are' r.
shall be in the jail of-said. county of, 111'Kean - ,
are to be then :trod there tioprnsesule against
thenm;as will be just. . , • • • • .
• - .
.• SroOthport, this•i'th tray of 9ctohei,
151 . 2., m1.,-the /ear ,"of the 1r depend—.
e'nee Stares of. America: • •
JAS. F.. BLAIR; Sheriff.
Lesi,'Foyler• A. It.,
ley Jacob. '•• • • ' • . • .
'Coleman - Nonce,:
Grinol;l , lB'. : • • ? •
wle - y• Soh ti; p A.-
gunili:y -J. 11., .Nlonre 1100 1 .:
. M. :..• •
Otto-.-Llunke'r Benj. Pietiss , Arthdr..•
Nliehak. '
• .c,;,?-2-:.11ciiti1...4 Win. • • ••'
Idm. •.,
• , 26.0 n. .•• :
.Laiii,yet.ti•-l'ir'rrier . Geo, 15iiiii-ops'Gr.
71:AVERSE .11!1:11g5
• 'l),i flirt,. Beck wi th•L L,
y Si • . • •
I.irfuitrrre—...43otUriair:Alb'ert, Hagridoi
• .• • •• •
•,IZ 2 li;y kg• C. • •
1•'• 111•1.i.uU'r/r—ritirAlirk w od,s•pl
.G: P....irn,ihy AN.;
••• Quirk. 11C0h,.11;11UitC1-
I: °'` •-ward .Micho).• • • • ••.•
ST'''''h! 5; " ' • Giniiirnll-hir.• . G"i"OvA .
. •
G - :•W:„Siritie.l..krooq. • • • • • •
• •
•• •• • • Goo.
nnn- H ot L: W.,
.1;!.ri . .11. :1, ‘S'lllA,le . 1111.11;1 -P4.1.
s6ni- Et,0 3 .1:. •
.• • . •
nor° irg 0w hsen d •
/Lzurfin-H-Milite :Joseph. • .•
• Sroethport, Nov.. 1.2 - .,.1862. , •. •.:
VV".[IF:RAS my-wife. • yi . crani,or. BURR has
lef(rny bed grail boord Wit:bOut caUse'..Or
. prueocatien . ,.this is' to notify all Persons'not to
harbor or trust her on' my account, as.] will
pay nO'debts of bey.contracting after This-date.
. ' , Liberty„November , lo 1562.'-'•
Office of . .JAY.COOKE; . • , •
..JAY : COOKt'S6.. CO: ; . Bankirj
• .
114'sourn.TIIPRO STREET, ...
•rtamaelphta, Nov.l, PM;
The undersigned having been appointed
SUBSCRIPTION AGENT by the Secretary of
the "Eressury, is pow prepared- to furnish, at
once,. the ' • . •
New Twenty Year 6 per . et. Bonds.
of the - United States, designated' •as
TwentieS;"redeemable at•the.:pleasureof the
Government, after five years; and . authorized
'by Act or CoM.tress, approved Feb: 25, 1862..
The. COUPON BONDS are issued in sums'of•
$50,1180, $5OO, $lOOO. •
The REGISTER BONDS in:suma of $ 06 .,
$100,.5000, $lOOO and $5000.. - .
Interest at six per cent. per :Mum will
commence. frem date of purchase, and is
Semi-Annually,. which is equal,` at the present
premium On.gold, to abaitt-EIGHT'PER CENT
• .Fariners, , l‘lerchants;Mechanics, Capitalists,'
aud•all• who have any money.tO invest, should
know and remember. that these Bonds are, .in
,upon all Rail-
CanalSißank.Stoclis - and Securities,'Ond .
"the imrnenge.producte: of all' the'Manufactures;
&c., iu the country: and thus the full and
aMple.provision made for the payment of' the
'o,H-et:Can't liquidation or principal, by . Cue=
toms, put ieo r Excise Stamps and internal:Rev-
I!rill I?, .serves to motor: these' bonds the
'Best; 161, Most Poitulir livestment •
•ill ihrket, • • •:.
. .
.• Subscriptions iceeived at PAR in Legal Ten
der Notes', oi• Notes and checks of banks at par
Siibscribers by :mail. will re-; •
calve, promps'attention a nd every facility and
•explana lion will be afforded on application to,,
ibis office.
. A full supply of Bonds Will beletil. tin .band
t'er immediate delivery. ••
JAY COOKE,Subscription Agent.