M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, September 27, 1862, Image 4

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    iipr0f4,72"4: , ,...,'„
, ~,
MADE: . ':::E.A St Y !
(food News for - the Unemployed:'
1000 CUANCEs To mAKE.mokEr
'-;NE: -.. ,,,m1L1,10N.1,00LLAR5...W0RT.
To be disposOd on
All persons desirous of securing n-Ageny
. ,
' etitipld send on "their names at once, e hd os i ng
. a 3 cent stamp to 'pay postage, and receive Ly
• •
. • '
Our inducemenis,
witkeutiisk, tcieethei with
7137Z2a .7/1912MILILS
Relative to this
To insure prompt and setisfietoiy dealings
direct all orders to • ' •
439 chestnut st.,
April 11,.1861..' • •
' 01,E.A.N
..3: .. :K COMSTOCK
eld.triands in AfcKean County, that he is
. .
On hand th is Springy' usual, with the
. • LARGEST. 'AND: BEST ! - •
Selected "lock ot. 9onda the,Oleen Market
To if Weide Cash Bnj•ers, I Would Say,
I , can der bOiter inducements than you
can jet !rest of New. York. ••• •' • '
ititnakeu no difference' What you want, any
thing ;alba I,ine.of • -
Cell at the
VAnd 'yeti 'will find the article fresh'and cheap
It's ne use talking the
'ways has and alwaya will take the lead, an
egoists the market in . ,
.7 1 nrari . r*Ttie:r 017181,0111i',
'.• -
• •
LlEft4o,lo,mill. and see me when you' visit
011044 1 shell not hurt you, but shall certainly
doyou good. ' , •
, • ' J. K. COMSTOCK.,
/So. May 23d, . 1860.
. .
,•• . • •
. .
.. .
. .. .
0 ..... ' . .
. ~ .
• ...
...1 - 1 0 cotipumptives....
...or' r, !teeing beetfiestored to health inn.
1 ___,...._. -1 111 Witia_ , by • • yery
.simple:•remedy, after haying
likirioldi years with gleam* lung affection, and•
51ia,.,.11-41411dialci Comumptiow—Se anxioun to melte
, work 11 14 gs .asifferers the meane of cure. .
__' It , 'PA hodidoiAybi• will send a dopy of the prescrip
wweitliiiitt . tre. Mr eb11,111), With the direotions for pre.
poijii pi th , 'earlk which they will dad' &SORE
..regiry .iegineAdvertieetxn sending the I , rescriptten
Ills it: the .`stillcted, 4 nd- boreal] inforinatio4 which
liiikoseei lo..b;ct;invalgablei,
'kir Win 7 kia IreaniCY; 4 ' , I r. • . Iviik coet them
. nothing
itTik.he hopes every Nur
.104•1:4t,iiip);,:ping:..... .
iy'llrartr piiii*Pie liceagript.lan will rt,..ime..,1,4„„ 8
~ • .-,,..4.7! •• .. , ..,: - ,...t...i. - •.,!psy,:4l.,kliteiti! A. IviN.FoN, .
,"....'... ,- ;.,47 ! ::',.':, , ,,: , : -,1', , ,~'. . ,„ ..
4•7 1 *.).c, -;..., • .• '. Kings oou 9 ty, Now 1., 4 .
~ I
_,.• . ',.,-.
W:C/'%,..51 . 1:.5T0RE
n 111211) r
. . , ... .
•1 woollt.iispeVifolly a imoup.e'e tp . .l)l...e'llizrieft
of',l4loltijiin.tfrid 410,i.iirOn'4 c omit irS !hat.lbq
.c.n.itu as . Wdl.iii •S:!et 111 - Hirt, in ille*loy.e.lo.4l,
Tirware.•liiie.. as. iii..olt.i-T... ..I•shidl, 'at 4 . 11
iitpesi• iiave oti.hit rid a.l.lgti stock of . • '. • •
Qop . pel.-NVitt,
LEA DP.IPE,A.AD i'Vi)ll',S
. .
of 'k . inds:oo'lle ‘Yitlifilispateb, - attil.in
tot y 'inanner, at the 'lnivest-o , sihre
• Orders proinlitly nitenibid to, ~
..•. •
• Give' rile a
'Side 11ilf Tin7.:tnte"--...forme . t)y occupied by
Gen, H. .• ,••
;••.13 - rwill pay the highest, martint'price,,in
goods or-cash,..inr any qu'antity of
,Sheep Pelt
and-Wool. • •,.
• fifierch..2o, 1.802
ryll - KSVBSCRI:I3ER.IB ope•noir: . l ne - w
11 -cry ila1)1 in ,: . friet•tirort, at o....R.•.Bennctt's •
Old strpoi,'jnst of.
Caieia:.; es 0. row pric:O . s. .He . .iiitqiids to
Initicemethifort- polipanent. residence, acid
. •
, • 4 . N 5,111'1`11
Striobpoft:i Atlgtist . 2l, 1560.
." . -1,2:311
'MERCANTILE oll"1 3 11AIS.E111ENT...
.T 1S T.:44 and thvir.
Chts'sificatinn . ..IWK , i,t'tt county fur 1862_
..• , : •
. •
A. Taylor',.
Orlo ,1..
IV: f3to
Which afro'r
Gabriel S. Stni . t 11;
SrC. Co
&pith 'fit Barber,
Do!ley, • . • Ll':
..Votice •is hereby given . that - , Court. o
Appeals will he held at the Commissioners'
(Ace' in Sulethport on' the 'lsth 'day of. Jtily;
nexr,'''af which time.and place •all fi . el.ollS
grieved by the foregoing. appreisemetit.will be
heard and such abatements made as are deein
ed just and praper,.'.
Ju,ne 23, 1802
And one
"THE: PAPER. NECK-T.l.g.'.' •
• PATEN'r •A Pll.lln 1 , 010 •
This tie is inade , entircly of popei,.in 100dif
ferent.scyles; ainl in peilect imitation. of Silk
and other fahricS. The price .is.so low thal'a
gentleman triny wear r 1 NEW TIE EVERY
HAY, and yet not be...cliall4ahle with extraint
gance,.or ouirdid yen be worn. irom 3 to fi Odys„
'if necessary to "r.o on otni zi‘ . ..-
21---TH.E'RELIEk TIE. . •
...This-is doubtless •tlie.mOst peifeCt •sitk-,tte
ever; invented,:. and is
,just' what the 'home in--
plies ; a perlect- , ifteliel " ‘ flonvall lumber trou
ble in tying • , ••• .-
Ai exquisitely beautilid,arlicle—ithtis only
'tp•be•sevn to'be aider)ired.
. .
SMITH..& •BIWUWER, • • :
. - - • • .`" -sole 11Lintilacturei's,.
• r No. 36 IViii'reii'Strefit, New- Ym.16. 4
N.' 11.—We self to:WHOLESALE .101113E,R§
ONLY. Cimotry ikie'relN;dits can • order our
godds of ANY IVIIOLESA LE IiCKLSE , with
whom they are dealing. .
find :141.x.).16`vionce
017111,151188 T AND AS A
i• • hal an•l a eauthiii hoyoung ikon who' sutler , from
1;otts..1)nloilit).•lo re Ducity;. supplying at th
gamic Li me the 1111'1111100f Nell:-Curti By one, who has eure•
Iliniself•af ter hoing pull to-greet.esperuill through inediela
hniumition Mutt quaeltury. By ou:toeing it poet:paid all
'dressed 'cu r,fn . lllHy he had lit-the all
thor, MAYSA •
llt, Erg., Bedford, ;Icing
.County, N. 17:, - - (ns.,•t.)
. . .
ITAYING„become tbe.proprietor of the f3rn
1 'Feu, a id Provision Store, lately occupies
by .11:' Wright; I take thin method of .in
foimiirg my 'friends (1(41. I 'Jove justreceivet
the largest stock of. • .
et ' er°ff "setitz i rwMiir i l . ePrii
Fkoep on hand ) . Ind, aro
"I the daily receipt of . • ,
FEED AND . • '
PORK, SALT . ; convrsii. . . •
mAcK,EttEt„- WHITE FISH; . "
cANni,cs. RICE. STAIR:II, • • '
INDIGO. rEPPI.:II.. • • ..
; . 11dAR1 . 14 Cf ALL UMW,
!: COPFEE, CD.OuNti,
: . sYMlPS,.mobAsst;m,
• . • .KERnsENH ott,.
. -. •
.cAmpu•ENE, FLUID ; .
, ..- . • CANDIES, TEAS, Nc.. ke.., .
'• .My stock is 1 . 611 and complete', o'nd selected
iront the:best' in . t he marketi Vail and exatn . -
Ine.kico and quality,.nnd you wili 'not' tail • to
, • . •
Smknport, Max, :30,1861.
- • • • • ...
' - - EaF,t 0F1,U..., . . -
A LL persona knowing'therneelves indebted
~A.. to the under9ignecl are hereby notified to
call And settle .their.aceonnis immediately, 9r:
Costs will be made. .. .J. D. QTTO.•
Dec. 10, 1800... ' • - ..• ' • .
Job Work,
Noun P.
him . re
1-I $7,00
11 7,00
I I 7,00
11 7,00
!d 7,00
11 7,00
11 7,00
- ...TA S.•E: 13E, A
filercan Ida Appreiisei-
r 11 i
......• . : - ''7(()TA . :RS•!..:';' : •
"Only Infallible.ltemedies'Known."
..Illesfitoys 1 us t3otij•
Tho. ! ,rirl:parat
1.1 i; ?. tainityl"
•'12.915 corl,;.:sliit ui their holes.iri)
40 , • 1?-js and rnurr t.;:t,i1).1.111.,1 , 5 ii) . 1i....C1Cy
Use•t:4 /?!;,--.1 lie (..; ili,. Pos t ..olfit;.r_
. ,
t lt , ; city Pii,tottit a int F: , l it on tiotiF,es..
U.xd l,il—Gilq.bte•gru ~s,.Fhi~?~, ~r
City4l'm= , ..4.11y1.9•1.11ttf.t..)
Vscd. Cfiy' 3foicls—
I~.ieirolns,' ~S•.c
Iscif 1 y— : rriot:c:.tlinii..:so,9 . oo . Pii,v . zte . F amilir
14e . People: D snit.
RY R. COSTA 11..—A II the :-i7fliint!r I
have liecti t iaiubled with ll • oaclice. sod - I
way- actually •itsii.iiined.of 'the' house, for' the
'Roaches we rv,rywtiere.. 1 -pfirchaSeil a . feiS
aff it, and •liriaie
thej tviis.flot ii . •ll.6itelt or .Moove- in..the
Holise. • .16:t1'4li: No; 1) I E . :ill St.
4101jSE.K.E1i:VERS-Lt rholded
dieo.! br . ..Hi they' tisc
‘V.e have: it to tin r.
mo 11-IlOy coat . 4t.e would' .have
it. -flail fried poisons,. but-they
urficle breath:
out of lliits_, Mice ;mil lierEl3tiga, quicker than
.%ce ea ti•vvrifi iii';:si•eaf de maul ',III over
the country,'=Rlerliira (o.) • Gn.z . otte. •
- 44 ' 4 11•10 . RE GRAIN and Provkiiiiis aro destiny e'if
annually v•ei Mill, than
V1•0111i1 pay-for tons of lids Rat 'alio) Itisf•rt• Kira
I h banctisier
IIEN'Ill" R. • COSTAR--liihr_Estiintitiator
--success, .- We, nisei), a•ifox of
,way the
'lats . :Anil -Mice nroimil our pferniSes
t hitt niyhtwas ti. caul inn sliiripci
Since. then not. a Rotor Moth-e•has, been
kitchen or cell af• (up( I .) . Tithp s ;
I 11AVE.'11EEN SELLING—Your EA:tit - mi..'
natott tiir the last and find it a si:11-: suoT
every lime: ' • '
G4:O. Rosy, I)rth4ist, Carilingfon,
• WE . ARE •SELLING 2 —Your Treparai
rppidly Wherever • -they have.been timid; Rat
Mice, Roaches', snit disappear irntheili•
,ately. -EciiYat & Druggists, ' No iv
:Windsor, Ald. • • ' • . .
To Des! roy—Rms, fionOies,44c.
Ta .15 es . tro# 7 -Sfice,•goles; &c
T() . • Di , ..t'roy-804.1 Thigs
To DeNtio'fiL,Moths,:Fleas, Ant's, 'Sze
In De3tray—lnf‘ets on plants and insects
lYsstri msects on Animals, &c.
To .Df.stroyi—E:veiy form and specil.s.: of. ver
`.Costar's"' Ra', Roach; &&., Ektitlniter
Costar's'.'Red-hug Extirminator, . •
Boatar's" Electric Powder for . Insecta,
• IN aoc:.AND.sl,ao Boxr.s, 13ofry.v.s nNn
.n.AsKs:- - $ 3 and .ss.!itzlis.roit1 31.A.iNTA
may be ot•z•tnizA in roinwittYlities %rift ~t ea
advantage: The pres•ent is the Vest polled hr
00 , k cmnnrnrrrnrvtt . 'The trice, on rvhic
we ,
can ftirtikti the pap.er ate' as follows
To'cornpanies .. toltitig •.. .
rotties•oy. tipwayds ONE 1)O T. A rt. ear
]'t copies • *, •-•
:k (-poles ' •
.• •
• •
• .1 ropirs• 'Ns • ,
Wholesalelgents in New. York Bity. , • . •
Snlil. EvelOaliere—f)
AlllWliojesolo Prilpikts in'lar~e cities.,'
' l i ce, in the United stutes.
Shie(j•lfii.liro~r R' CO
Ft1)1.11 . 1 6 StIlek . ,11111.& CO
A. 8.& n. Sands kCO
IVheelei• • &'.ll+irt. •
ISM; 11 man 4.•
IVOLF!•i.: Co. • •
Lazelle, Mnfsh & 'Co
IYll.6in & Co. Co .
Collad.Fag. , .
Hall; Riicl;cl.& Cis.
.e< ,
Ponfol!1; Pi:id:Pr& C 4:
Dtidley,& Staff9l(l.' .1
Philadelphia., Pa
. .
I'. W. Byott & Co - .. 1 Robt : Shbelnar&
B.A.FulipetitoCk & Co. Freoch;llichards, N. Co.
All the PritiCipal. Cities nniiTiiwns in the
7 !' . S.D:I4 by
. .
. . .
. .
And by Drug - ni§ts,.Gricor's .aild Retailer's ge'n
• - PritnY in cit'y. and Ctivatry. .
. . . .
07, "Coontrk Dealers can oriler•as - nbove:
Or address prdors direct—for if PriOes • , TerorS
c: .
['send for CirOular 19 Dealers]
Oppo ire tlie , St.ls:icholns Hotel, N.
Feb„2l,'l.B . 6l, 7 ltnos:' •-;
A Tattiz't c1:11:frOIN,. 11 ELIA BLE and. PIZAC
IcA -dt , eoted lir the •iligeierit de.
such nsigrotying
Crops. Qt - chard
and ...Floviifi.:;•Tif.l!f,, Plitlit4,:
. I , lowers:lor time ; core DT Diy ,
mystic Animals,
•Limimdrn. It has..also:An interesting a nil itis:ltue
tin's youth.
CalPiiciiir of Oper;ili.iiiii : iivi•ry
• Tiiree tri I nttr Illintlyi;(l,'itr.tripr..i . i, A . liusiretive
appear in each yoltirnii,• •
~tijetivoi. a tticlo ;Anil, tird
- 'SI.
..tre .611. fiac..
ieil .11',.?rking . • •
.''.• •
fillenitto :iffile:o) . l2:o' (Ida to
dr•• nt tr—.ll it, ! , , ,r
‘riNE:s•t, . •
. . .
'•A' c, 14INI,UNI EDI'FION pgblishe,cl;.o./..ti
1': u;; and 6,
aining id I On I din;; 01 U,'F,,..t04 j 1,3
i.lloorati . vf ,
• • .•
I;LY 'AD V. : VN
Ode rdfly, . $ 1 01)
1,110. • •
1 . 1.1(oe - rnnrt.•',..ppiri: one , y,ar SO cow
Add . , 1 . 0 Ily itld,ve (t:!+
nada 0 init;t, to
eon) to Oer t'vati.v . :, 0 co•rd •
..Pmtipre.arlywht!to limo finite ! ! Sifiy , ,3 to
iiio'riei3 inmost
if Paid 'in il.tiraPce.
(it6 , •rrnriimnhi ntirins thou
to nddrrc?ed'to tlri; and
ORANO . F:..,ifjjit), Row;
tmirimmmommt of - a ear ic a eland
eirpMat Im Cornnim
011 t old r , odifts or The
nets f.) . ai(f its, mid. mil crl iplimmee of the
soun , l (.mrsorvioive tool morals ‘vllidi
liave Lith,yto•chanjef(Mizo , L.m.(l'wtll IMtmafri-.4
harav izt• this ppm. , 1•1 vim y lis&ml00010
the JOurool M Coiliii;'mee. jnii 2 l, .do a . grrat
'1 , 11C1C . 1! io plir.riples, 'aiidstren;lhwt u<
in ( te.111,•.n,
. . .
tho noires of ot
se'ritier in Irii.towo.-
. I)evotq .Wl' bade bopri to nur coml.
th;'s • interest=, and - linving lon''2, 111,m ratted.
a ,tfirm of.trpinarb, u r apt.
slid shall heJhe 'firm 4,11i,1.fer
11pii.rt - n'tifi p.. 11 fiv..j-y. t p; lll ,. S', oll ti ;
or . .Nort.l). %Ott? is as ttiM.My to,eithet. Ev...ry
form of•di , ...o;;atrizati...l:-.atlEl lied
foT •11)0, rotnb.kt: :AlllOlll . ilm'ln«s 01
this A !no! A mei-icati.
'we rank
. .51 . 11. , try silts.
110 Id T./O.:I'I,CA! A 517612.85' TO N S. 711",
!I:111. 11111/( 1 ..? . 11 1111 . 911 r strefir4th
ILc nation a g,,linst. -• •
• • A
. . . .
. .
To tlirotri . a;le 00,4 • ‘ 0,91 may. y!)l+3n-leer to
tei.l in the' nLianizatnni.ol (1m,1t,: 'we' fief ehy
9fier an extra copy Of Oti.! W- , ?:id - Y- f 6. V.I ' Y . I' , q-
Si/11.Wit0 shell nirwititt twenty new aub.ctiber
with the tnoney. :' ' . .- '• ' . '. "
1.7-nolor 3 - copi'; !! > • .'• TWO.. each
PaPPTS . 1;r , addressed •fo tlifTer,;n
Porons at the 'ain't , Fost..oflice, if.desited, ex
cept clubi la or mole. Copies
which will be rna iled .1 w one '
Hariall, 'Risky S.; Co
finsh; Itobisbn
AL•Waid;CLOse & Co
I). S. thirties : Xt. Co
may he inimle at the followin:i; rates
added toe club during the. first quarter Of the
•elah's.year %vit!. pay the full rate of the .60\0' 7
elablor a .year, ti' seri - Hal rinarter .
threti.lonrths of ,the origin l year's rate, ilarinet
the .1 hull glint ter..rine half, ritl . daring' the last
(planter : one-fourth, ane all 'sneli stiliFeriptionS
will.terminate with the, year of . .fhe original
club; •
• Fro . v
Tll. '
1!1e1 lowaages of netospiprrs or periodicals
are received at any pOsi ofhre:tlirected•tO 'ono
address, and the names of the. doh of sobscri
•herS to which ,:th'ey.imloml, with the: pristage
:for h quarter imadvance, Shall be handed to the
post mater, lie sl.all deliver the 'same to iheiv
respective_ oWneis. • , • • . •
,•. . .
lint .ihts does. apply in %I.reldy nowsp9per
rhich tit ciliate free in the - county where pdn
ed • and published., • - • .• • •
Addre.v:e 1:1111Gr., the.: .7oorna/ of Com
Wieree,l\,ro. 91 l'ed; Altfyl Nor }irk:.,
Edithrs Mind Proprietor
• • .
Tlll3 prsparation. mall° .li rimitha best•aava ffliThe. 1
reciontmentlibl by ithysicians its a inperior
It I.:I'.F.ItA(H.: for ll , naral.'ll.bilif y, I)ppiThia, and al
WHOM+ disonit•rs.. 'l:hou- tials who. lytt, lawn ernanoli a l
to n 11 311110(1 1110 tip id . i , ,,f1:#:.• will tika•T /04 without' b.bt, I.
1111.4 tqliaals: (Inn. vo II I,9lllliiis lhotitrenglii of two pawl.
of ordinary iTITe,I: !Tire ;6 pints..
. • •, •
And (tit TUNG Immo, To,
mak itio. 111.110::•• 80 -. ort oil 'nutritious. Wood aoft
' „'
,• Al.l, •
.I.krllall t.lreek,
• U1111.1 .1 / 1 .1.1'111,1,
.And sold 1?y all 1 /rug,gists,andGrocors.
pus-v 1. 1! - '
. .
:s mlnitort. OF, FASII lONS —The
bent Fifirltien dl;v: itrue' in the
;vet. Id; largeit, am! finest ifashinii•Platee
tlit , areate•t nember,nl fine 'Engravings,l he, latest and
'hued reliable inrormatiam. l'afte'rns (or
, fireneys, - ,anil ii ithent,oe. new tirade-Work and, filmbrni
iMthig 'hvery.3lellier..Drin;smither.
amf.larly, alrouliblariVe It l'ufilinfiekllnarterly,.iit
thaueliviiy,•Nee,,York Hold eVerye.bere are',i by mail
at 23 - Yearly 8! 1. a valuable iini
itionie m
r nuber 'now ready.,
IS T- )
r.rflE (;9:V1..\11.5.41( . .N.1•;RS r'i,,, , , , ,t,.,,00.. inr t
.1 . • ';\ ..t. ~f ; ri4rorpoi.o , .., t , , iiw0ri, , ,,...1r;0.j,• , 1
t'.,0 . 0f.tvd . 0,.; 1, 3 "11 . :1:... , :.•: m.,1,..%11,....,::iii'v f;; , ....r rt f
1.6,;,.,1•(;,0. 1 .t,,, %,i IT i. 1 ,:;,,:n.„0.: - , i,,,,.: „h.,•, ;
tarn ; i—. 0, ,, :-. , , t,,,0, of . ;:0d.c . ,,, 1 ..iry . ,,, i 1::,.
,:,q I iii r f , i,.. in si'il, , r hp.. t,, ~i, Thui;t , ;iy•ii..,; I!,
~y ,-,1 .S,..i;t ~1,,b,r; x.,.' Ny ISO; a: '73 Li:*.,..10v
i.: , ..r01,p1,,t, August :il, 1S(V:2• : : ' .
R. G..1kr , 111:1'1 , :, ..
• -
, .
. ~
..-. • .... :. : , , . S. A. IIACI“J: 4. • '.
.:' . ....,' :•_•: AI'L,'C. lilliE,'
. ,
TB E . III:Elia ,101 . .T.N.11; (IF coni.ilci:,.,
: (fllf'
... . 7113011:1 3
.if.),lN.'S.' ..... ~ ..
- .100:()00
.(2119ta . tioris 'cork - ei , trd liy T.If0111' , 0:; PV°TIII.V
2'AVA SticirF
• /.1.7,1'.1.1!
. . . ,
. . ' •.. 'Co ril.ill til , it'-crilif.l , -. ' ' -
•• - .. . ,
v,1.-, , ''.••!,:-., ..,..-'i2. I N.1,,i•,.1 , ,i,thiy,•.•. ?LI 11 , ,r,iy.::
' l 6, l' , -t0 , ...•••!..1',4 ,, , .otifv.f ' , srlio I 1,. Itl .( , .111 144 ~ ,,'1 :rt, r
,', /;1 i , • l ip, /110111 , y ill ;011,1.1;er'. 1,3 t I: ,11 : 1 1 i1 ,. /: , t .,,, ,
'''," 3 ' ,; ,, ,1 ' U1t ,, / t.',llii,i 0, 1. Awl D., .' , ..lil.lii', 1.;,:: a , , 1,1;
:7' rnpi^v .0' the I\`‘',lo,y, ,rto.
Siqui•vtotithly..... •
111 v , •141 , 4 . ,.,r the 'A.l,onth,ty
. .
. •
itirward any 'person
4,./erling a ,: - 1.11h , hr.:521) ht the al ore rates, at
a y.nne. time; our Amerman Rpld Cioin Tes't.
OM - PSON ifft crri Bai)h . eis,
I IFTYEL, t .Sof
i . smtV raised ithd loy Fille•at
• • • • •L.-I.I. : DOELV,r•S: s'
'Port-Aileg'ank - ;•Pece'mbtir-2S, ISGI.
T n Cori 1:6 . A1/411S SZ:V:I`, , , Isr.
sorifityppr Apints,-br p Arr, , ,eq ar Iron)
sl.ot) aril pay . all ii . l2eessary
;.xilotie . .k, • o,lf bLichii r is peLfeet in itS.me..
"A operate' it.by
lan' an liciiirs . 7iiissilitition*lViiieipial -I.q any
and we . .tiiive.
;alp?, the price t,n .Vi(teen
Eacti.,lnachine is 6.r thr” , 'yeais:
AfLlrriss.•. K;1,
• . .•. • • Gen. Apr.; 1)e troit,plic h.
. • •
;\l , 2\_N - Iroo - r - ._x
Ju , tr u%CiAt. , .1 . ,1/ . / ft .... .q..• 4 1.77 t r'. .101• . • rri r', Vii, I', ,t 4
. , . . . .
.t. 1.J . .1_:T I; RI: oxiii.r, NATI - iw , . TIiEAT.III',N ; f , AN',
16 ' 1• ' 'I: 4 :'''' '; 1 '.. ,, norrJi ,, . , ..t, 0r : 4 0tniti it NV..4.1,, , ,,,',,:.
11 I drurlrply Emi'o,.),,, ~, , Nii.il Dt•tpllty, !11l i Irm 0 11,,111.-
.II iI , t . r! '7 , , , :1 1 r'.l',c-,"Si•I v . 0”.. , 4,-, ( . .., , ,,1,C,0n l'.; I.
Jir. ,,, .tt1ti.Fr',..„;,110i,!...1 ti,l 1';1 . t . ,i. - ..il I zi.• .11,1,11 ~,:'o' i ,
hoz)) N.1'. , !.1 : ‘,44
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•1 , .,117 I 111 i
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nr:b.rn.ri , t-, in. 0 .111 , .:1611-.;r41 upintlact
nit ta , ale•t , t' ,, ltta• at a t la!:; a)..1
Lich Brian crqrli I
t' ;..ntl noir ally..
1., n Own—,
4 4, 112 1 / 1 1.1‘...1. , 1 t. ' in e11....1u 111/Yr
vol•ipt iddie cunt, or 1,,n
I, r cir . •
.1'27 lioNveh...Netv S. Hi 11ox.
. .
. . .
Subselilb this
led thi.•H9Lise,-ig propir.cl ' , r U
tcrtai 130ar,1 7
e't 010 thi , '
I-I Ali I
W ill b ;tll4l t.yut y ni,biz
to.mrrit a liiiera) • stiiii:col . pat iob s av,-..
will always firul.tb;!
• . M. 11;,1..1,1.:1:.‘
Kendal Gret..k, 15130. .
, • THE
IV; . c \ IC GEI.I: , FI I!! Pc Tit E t. 6
• S.E . S:I‘; P.N,TII YF::IG.
V 6111 trw Vl.-.
• A'neNs; volinno of 'cirri airy!
noon ,noes: 010110'1th of - .larpfdry...Ev,:fy
numbt•r cOntain. Fitt nen In 1.•,.;•• • ,• ol"m.rfol ihru, -
tnn•ricin and.iforo' liv! , to ton
of rand ion , and of 11111C11
ito prepare u 'express l y tor . i(s colzitnnz . . „
The..'( INTIFie A M ELM: Nis devote& to
thelriterests- Piipirlar tirieocr , ttt Al , .(llirt Dip
A 1 0 ,,. \lantitactures,,•hib nliong, .A tin,
Corpmere.e !t,ittt . the I trltistyiel
amt-is valuable and in- , 1 ritr-tiwe nor- •niii
in:the \Vol Itshop INfiintait'etory, hut alsb in
the ilousebold,. the Library and the heading
Room.. .
• . To - TIM -Mechanic and. Manitfactitret! •
No lutrson engaged in any:it( the .. inechanira
pursuits etionld think' of doing •.tt•ithout the
ScittsTieic A.urr.rc% '11:(1).qq . 1111t foc cuts
pet. ‘N'eekf - ei:ery number contaitrs six. to
ten engravings of . II‘;‘•t machine ' s. mil inven
tinbs, tyhich e . annot In -- found in any other.pidy ,
is' tin established yule of the pub:
ushers tn.insett • notre but original engravings,
tr( .1 , t7 .irtrl,c Att I, (bitty',
and engraved' by r . :perianced persoits :under
their own simernisinn.
To the In;‘;efitor!
nensahle to every inventor, as it•not only con
tains, illustrated descriptions of nearly all the
heSt inventions as •they- eotoe. - mit, bat -each
numhei containSati . .oflicial List of ilte
of all the Pa tentslissued from theLinited States
Patent Office timing the :week"-previous;
giving a correct history of the -:proitress of in-
Vontions in.ihis country. )i'f6re also receiv
ing, every weelt,:lhe best scientific - journals of
Groat •Britain, France, 'MA: Germany; .0 111.5,
po=ses inn all that is traosMiing
in 'mechanical
.sciiMee and'. art •In• these old ,
emintrieS.. We shall . continjie to tisnsfer In
our cormuns enninas extreets front I lies Joar
rials ofwhati . .ver-NVe - tnay. deem of iiiterest tn
Chemists,.',A riqiiCects, •A ri
. . .
The SCENT! Pit! A AI•EIIICAN -'will Le
found a most asnl Journal kto there. All The.
toT. ilki'nveriec of si . .ionee! .o I • chorli try• Dry
arvo'n. in . s and bitnrr;sts cif the
A l'enit , cl and on rpentVr are, not n•vorloolcvd; all
do:110W invntitionti atil discoveries arpoitain
int to these
. 11'11 . '8101$ ;lying pnblinlnut Crud)
%plc]; to 'week. iitul practical 'inforina.
. .
tihd pet t o 111 lOterr.st. of
inUntl•poblishp,l .the
iizoiis,:ciric • A :dun Icliiiili,.iitfotmat ion they
liannot possitily.ohtaill from any. other teuiee.
which riiiiiirts aildfdrtrieispre,
rill,be found discussed in • Oe •tietuit-
Tu.ici 'A:iir.iinci-:;:.rtioq of the:. improvements in
illustrated in its.
'~ f:RJ:S.'•
. . • •
•p„ rni ,;; .o . li' el ih'efr:—Tw o :Vona rs a Year,
o r th,e 1ii..!1,6 19-I.,ix tn0r0i . 5.....bin. i)onar
p ; iy . I: . iir . i I.e: cotnplote volume - 4if 'Ili; page's.;
li , ) ve'tim,..; etm,Pri , e. one ..,‘ , :ii,r.....Ttie vol.
1.17:ea commeoire , 611...1tie. -fi:rsiof January and
. . .
Five ciipii; 3 , for six.. Month s. - $.l•
Jen copied, far Six bfuithe S,S
Ten, copies; for Twelve. Months' 4 - ..s f ; l
Fifteen copies, for . Twelve Monthi -' • •'.52!.1 .
Twesty-eopie:s; lOr TlVelve Months.- 7;7 $214:
. .
Tip;:ontt: , atid'over .-rtiC •
,scripti ,
.subnn n0ty . 51..40. cap" he
sent in ;it. dlikrput tstp(!s and 'from, ditieretit
Po.,.1;o111cee;. Sperilrli:ileOpi , 'S will
ti§ to any part of !be.councouncountry..'•.-
. .. . .
• 'Weste'rp oandC . narliari.rrooey or . Post-bffice
stamps, t,tn..nt par for . sobscriptiooe,, C an a.
(111 - ' ititiscrilip . is wili.lpleaso. re.triir.2stents
e..kir'zi:on each year's sObscripticip
,to prep
BIITXNB.I.. CO., Publishers,
No Pailr,row Ne•ir.York:
Are '.yOu alck,. feeble, and
complalnlngli Arnyou out of
With '.your system de.;
ranged. and your feelings AM
Those. sympl." ,
are often the prelude. to
'`A„' • terser; S9mo fl t of:
`TA sickness 19 et eepiug upon you,
1 end jell be ttrorted by a
timely use or tlio right. rem- .
•eily: • Take Ayer's •Pllls, and
clod tisentit ihedlisordered hu
t' ctlipurify the blood, and.
. lid tlie thuds more tin noels.
huh again.'
hey nil/mutate the functions
Lie body into signrotis
system from'.
• .tliii-oledructlone which.inake
dkeisti.• A cold settles • sintiti.whi4o in the body, and ob.
itS nattiest finirttliits.;• l'ltesel. if n•it. collared,'
rend nisei themselves and the 'fittrinilltdilfg grg11115; into- •
donor. gowral a;; ; :tavalion",::•nliering,, and , dikease.
inn lido. arlrihni, opnr , s, , e.l Al ty the d'orangelasnts,
1111 , ;a11.1 leoe directly they'restore•tha
the sod tett it It the ddieynnt '
. 11,1, 1111 , 1 c„llll,pftrent ltl
thi+ 411% i;il ;111,i clotitit , 9l 1,,11,!.1 OM. tdro Ono tillminyv
"1••• ;lc; p Tho, moo
; • pu;•coiii, ;'<p.•l4 'will.' C.;;; , ,,1 Its bituilar olist clic.
li et.; will ;1 , 1:111[•••1!1:.10 14 . 111.`.11:11111(1f,f11:11,6.111{1. tPr 0111
f , th , y :it - , I epittl); iunl r41:11 . .j or {born cured -
I,s no-ntll, ;to• wk. 10)4 , ,V the tit WO; of those,
yak; intploy th,"ut wincu"sufferlog trials
the f.tl;,•
• Stittom -met. plip.tclans hi some •et .
principal ;lilt's, and frolii oilier well Itnowth public per- .
. . .
.From rk rialmtriittp 3 / 1 4 . Citqlli qr5t.,..7.011i.1: IV/. 4; 1854
DN. : Arun: ;Your l'ill6 nil"' the pnragA - It of nil that is
61,it in ii16 , 11 , j14.... Thep bay.. , nr i . ,:i m y mu, d nug htet
orlil.,t,n, ?.n re tkp,;11•111.r 11411.14 anti NO, thou 11:+,1 provod
111.:11r.0.16.t..r. yvar6. - nor in.o.iier 11,161 :on long grlev
ouvly. a1113 , -;.q vr.114 1.1..t . ,1in6"6".1 plinpl..6 Ott ber 6kin and
in i n .. l . 116. r. Au, .61(' .611i11 ‘,1.4 - Cured, 6116 nl6o tried
your Pillo. nu l l thoy ltaVo ciii',l bur. •:
As a 7Fnmtiy P!iyHit.
From Di - . E. 11. (lirlwri'uld, ictvi °deans
. . . .
Your i'illii nra tite,prinre of jittrge. Their excellent
ritiliti. , Hlfitrt,i. liziy. cathartic we tiosseee. They are
alibi. ion vv , y 0 ,, MI , . 11111,e1PCItrli . iil .tlii,r,action' on the
licover-i: ,ielih•il. 111 . 11W1 them Ins:Linable to us In the dilly
ti eatnion 1. of disease.. ' • • ' . • •'
,Iliintlttehe',SicylienchchofFoul Stomaich
Fro.. 11 ,yd, 11,alintvre.,. ".
. .
Da in lige. A tit Joann It. nitswer'you to/at compliant/
I base r. , wi.4 'with 34otii• l'llls better Ilianta,say an that toe
,erer ireqb with elpyripltirl.vie-briat.' 1 ',bob, great depeit's
den, pll MI ,a , ctii,ll rathirrtis :in - My tinily contest with
disease,:atl'lielieving.gs I..biAlist your Pills shunt us the
best sea hare, I 'ereortise "valite thorn !Uglily. . : ; ',.: •
• ldny 1, 1855,'.
T?rt..l. C. Aim. ' I have bi 4.11 repeatedly cured of
C, our holy ran tuna by a (lose or two
of ymr 191.0. It xrrtn3 la odic 'trona a foul - stomach,
1,...hie1k they •chnn3o at Mee. .
Yours witirgreat lopect,
.. , .
... .
~. Clerk rff Monier Clarion
, . .
. . . . .
...„ . .
.itlllntila . 4318ot:der - a Lliei Complaints.
' - P,O;a 10...:17,e,y6A, Bell, O . Noy ./ . Ir/: Cda. ' '
Not only II re your 14114 lelnfiraldly adapted t their par.
rm.: as an aperient, lint t !Intl their beneficial eflbcts upon
tip, Liver very trial lull 1n.10,1. They. larva. In my prao
tka ma% ad rner, elroet tail In' the ears of bilioni. own
-I,,laint, ilnklillllly ...IiTi...IJIL:rIyI.II:th hiwilloh. I hirleer47.
1..jr , h,0 that he hare at leli4th :t• I.lp glitiv(v mi 1.105 in war.
thy this conlll;ace hi Ow in ufq:shiou and thoTeople: •
. , :4 ..
• • . . •• •• ILasltingtou t ,D. C., 11l rub.; 1850. -
Pm: I liaVo n . sed your Ni l s in my get oral and hospital
pcartice ever sine..
,yon mule them; and annot hesitate to.
say they ale the nest 'cathaftio we .employ. Their regu-:
hiling, action on,.the liver is quick and decided,. Conse
quently I hay urn on admirable i otnetly for derangementa
of that 'organ: I ndeed,l Itave seldom' found, a cue of
b.ili ,, ui iltmise, no obsiinate that It did hot readily yield to
.11tenn liatertutliy you' S, , AbONZO- BALI, M. D.,
.1 .
' . '. .
.. , • Vyveian o f ille:Martsp! Ilpaßif•al.
Dyson ter)., Dlal.rharw, ltelax, "Worlds.
oni Do. .1, e51!,: . 6 . 1" Micago.
. ...
' . your Pills liars had a long trial In:lny.prilellce, and I
hold thorn ill ustrein ,Its. ono 'of Ella best'aperfunis I haso
pi qr fnui.l.. Thule ulturallTu rffect idiom tho liv.ur inakee
them un Uxeldlonfrunietly, ishen given in small doses fur
bilious dysentery ittael sliearri ! er, Their 'opr-coating
makes them yvry nceeplable and.coniesslunt kertliu-una
Of Women and ch'ildren. . .
Dyep~liv in , Impurity Of the Blood'.
./.'eu: .1, 1: 1 fieii4 Paster pi . . Advent Curet, .110114011•
111, ett : linvaleoad •
your extreerdlnery
hill:a... ill my fondly And 4,1111;11g . LIkosi , I amaallad to •Fdt
in dikdole. - 1110 organs of.aigoatton told
purify dot blood, they aro thu very boat remedy I have
ever koowul, nod I cnu confidently recommend them to,
friend,,, • ; ' ••• • Youra, Y. 111516111.
• • IVAniAir, Wyoming Co., N. Y.,'Oet. 24, 1565. ,
hems Sin: I am ilFlog your Catilarlic in my Prac
tice, and dill, 0011 101 l 'oxe,•ll.itt purotivdto cleanse tiro
eystem nod lotrify.taa finodoins Um blood. ' . •
. JOHN O. 31111A011.131, H. D. '
ponattrin.llott, CACI Iveitegi.Sitppresaloat,
'tic' tisin, Clout, Neuralgia,' Drop...
.sy, Pitralyels, Pits, etc.
''Pron Dr. J. r. rauffll...4llorib'eftl, 'ainada. •
.' Too Much crowd' ho maid ofyour'Pille for the ours of.
cnstirenrss. If othora of ntir fialornity'have !hand Uteri.
(01.0iiielleii1114 hod have, theyehnold jolwilie In proclaim
lug it for .the benefit of the intillituden who Culler from
that complaint, which, although bud enough 'ln Itself, in tho . 1 ,,,,guit1t. 9 . or (ahem that are wont°. I baileys me
ripeness to oriKisinto in the I hon., but your Pilltraffeet that .
Organ and cure the dlatatee:
. .
. . .
. ..
l'rone. .firs. .E. Sour?, Physician and .Ifiritto:fe, Horton.
.• - .
I 0 iri 000 or Iwo largo 110F0n orynur l'lllg. t.nkon at tam
prop(r litho, al n exeolloni pronoiivri,of the natural seer e...,
limi xlivit , Willlll3'. Or plliliaity 00porrwArt, and also Tory
elTorl lial, to ,rfeauxe Om sionforh' nod I , llllel 10011110. They
ern 00 11,11,11 UPo iloot. phyiliC 16 ill Oil Witt I 'recnommend
no other to my jowlenkm. • . . -.....-. , ' ''..
. .
Front Me Itev. , Dr. 1 laudies, of the AM/India! tpie. Chair:ch. -
..• . PpIASKI JrpfltiN. Savannah; On., Jan. 0, 1056.
ifonnimn : I nhonid. Ito nogrntnlM for pa
envy skill 6n, ought 1110 in
.did 1144 r,eptal my ovum to .
void n:dti , od. in to V lillakf And knoll:lit on 3varn• ,• !
Tinting y:tea/gin pinto, , t Lich . emittil OproniCyhrtnna.. , z
tisol. Novi, illintan.ll,mll had Om bent of phynkhulx. Ihn !
01.!nane gdoW WM . :4,1111 , 1 aorno, 11011 1,!,' the advice of - your .
exeldlent avoid ih lialt4not,... Ilr. 311, , flvenzio. .your !
hell oIL rlx wnvoslu,, , hot ran,. lan!sernring
In I ma, of I :1111 • 10,0 oil ire!),
SEN . Atr. ('IIAVIUM : 1;111611 R4 , tllto, Lil., 5 Th.e..1555, , •
pit. A vuu : f 11:tv, , IH•el) ~ , ,r. . ..•1) ~,,..1, it„. p. „„. 1 . 1114 , of,'''
ia,,;,iwerfea,,,,i,i,::, ~1.4,,,,,, it,,,t . .b.,.1 litliii.feti 1110 -
1e a . 3 .;n),:....•. . ~. . •VINCE , ZI 81,11)1.;1.1.: •
• -•
of . ,
Neatllll. I in rontljn- Morenry.
.:w6i,ll..nltlin:•ll It I' 1.1t1(0110 limids ; id
da,gm'ong ii. n public r..p.• ho dreair9l ( . 01181.1-
(1.1.•11, , that
. ( . . , ”11 1., 11 , no ,11,1.4:111.y.1.1. 491,101‘c0 mbnn.yur.'
,Prico, t 5 cents Tier Box . , pr.s :1305c0n for $l..
Prepared by Dr, J.'o, Alma& co -Lewell;mau.
11. siniqhporti F. - Osdond,
141.1for.1 ;
.1.: U. Diilley I'o4 „Allegany .i!p..l.liy
tlettit;is everpOttitil. • •
.ASA 316110111iGID.
En. w. nnEni.E;