M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, September 27, 1862, Image 3

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. • .
• • Siierlit ...;I,`Lsale- •
AIDY, TIRTUP . ot w'rits l irrt Puf ia,c
1 , UP a ntlScir:c Pai-as Sat /Ifortga,ce : Antl •
Ma. .E.xpotts; out. Comt. of Com
' monPlmtit MP! Orl county„;
•: ft. niPAireCteil, Iv4ll'..x,pose to put)lie. sale at
the Court Hottse .
eotitity-; on
Monday'tiletlth day' df . Ocfober, A. 1).• 1562,.tte
one o'clock' Pot..Otsaitfday..' . •
The following. described real , estate. situate
in the tbwnsli p of Shippen, county of .Cameron
and State of PentiSy•leania, hounded And
edas • Beginning . at'. a•• chettritit
• post 'on-the north bank -ot the Sinntimalunking
Creek; bearing S . UuthWest• - •fi - orn the :" . southwest
"corner apple tree- in .the th
. orchar '
southwest corner of the Freeinam lot;.thenre•
' • Mirth five degrees east two to •and thirty
poles to a post for a • corner in the north. line bf
• the origin s al - suryey, thence south fifty nine de
, grees• east. eighty.poleson said north (hr a
in ; the north line-of the :original survey
• aforesaid,. thence south ,tive degrees •wesi
. • hundred and•sixty:five poles to a .post on the
.'north Rank of the Sionainahoning Creek,• thence
up the -said creek through.. all . wiliilings• to
iheiPlace of beginning. ; Containing one. hum
ilrod.and titelve and one liriffactes.of land, all
41'• iropyo'ved,,one awelling . house,two barns, black:
• smith t ! hOir, otit.liduses,•ene Well of
.water and
••••a qinsitity.or•fruit trees: • • , •
• • A r,so, l'fie - foll6wing desetibed . real
Otte in the toWnshi.pofShiPpeh,tofirity•bf'Carii
•• .eron and Stete-of Pennsylvnnia deieriiiPti a's 'oh.
lows: Beg,innlim, at a .white .walnut the south
, • east, - corner pC.Warrkint No. 39 thenco.seuth j
fifty:six perches_ to a • -•titia'r tree, thence ninth
rtydegnees east thirty eight Perches to Linn-
WOO, thence 'north fifteen periihen.•to - a MOM.,
Yv, thence north thirty-seven degrees east.fwert
. -ty three patches . to a sager tree, thenne. east to
the .west bank of the. POrtage, .thence ;north
along tIM west hank'of the Portage niriety:perch- .
es more or less, to. the north line of , warrant
Igo. 393. thence .south fifty nine, degrees . ' east'
. seventy five perches. more or feSS to the north
.east corner cir said Colegrdye old -traet; - theitee
. the'east line of said tract. south live de-•
grees.went the north. batik al : the Sinamna
honing'thence.eaSterly along thenorth :bask of
the creek to a, Post' opposite fine. lands •Sif the
big'lslands, the creek ;to .the
south bank, thentie tloWor said sough 'bald: to 'a
cotton wnorl . the northeasterly ;corner of wai
:rant No.-9107, thene,e Smith roity • two (I,gress
• West thirteen perches toe.hetolocic;thet i cedortli
ltizty - lOtlr degrees west one liondeed nod thirty
'five perches to a birch,the'neti north tb.the ninth:
batik of the said Sinnumafioning„thenee
ly'to the teitiimine.: 'Containing, sole' hundred';
land fifty ictei more. or less mcaity•all
land, eight dwelling houses', otie• store !h u ts.,
two'bariis and out houses, 'one-sew twl,
wells of 'water; 'a yitantity . 'm fruit trees ,a d,
Seized, taken in execution and' to .he' s o N ;i5
the puipetly:rot Z. C, Conley -at . -tho huit 'or*,
JOhnathan Colegiove for i he 'toe oi Jiro
• . Al! these certain pieves . p,irrels . or trictr.ef
. land situate ip rhe. tnivn hip el P:qtaer, comity.;
Ceineronitial ptatensf pettn.ylv.;niaale•ctilled!.
as•lollous,.to .roil: . lVarratit No. 5138 five - . 1
thataan'tl• four hundred 'forty eight ,
twig- uta beech the Ilottlarta4 coiner or
warrant thence •three.hittol. fa and' twenty
Perches to•a.birch,.thertee west five. hondreali
wad' eighty three..perrhes to a post,'••th-itcel
, north three 'hundred and t wenty. pi•ret);:s ..to a ,
Post ~•thence • east .hVe Ininalred 'eighty thre • e
pen hes to the beginiii9g.: Containing eleven
linnOretracres airs! aklowance -Of six per cent for
roads &c:, - be the'satne more or-less.:
. Anothet- tract of • land' sit nate in 'the
township of Portage, county cal 17drnernri anal .
State o'f'Pentas.ylvania Warrant' .5130 live
thusanil four linnlrettanittliiity atine - loginnint:
at a birch the pot fheast rotiferof said Wartant
thence. south.three - hunlred.artittaventy . peivhes•
to a lion,.thenF:e treat f/Ve_ lOnotreaeiglatythree
Perches to.a post thence north al/rev huthlre'd and
twenty. perchessto a po3t, thence eastti
•dretreighty• three, peraihe't to the' beginning
Containing eleven tion,ifed acres. and aCowaric'e
:of six 'per ceric for, roads be..tire Sank! more.
et annther tract of land - situate in the 1
.Idwriship of Por,tage, county .or (at - riot:Ott . and!
.State•df Pennsylvania,
,varrant,)'o...(s44o) five
thuusan'd four. hundred' and' forty; iteuittnrolt nr
white pine•Piene not th, tittee.hundeed and,l
,twenty.peretteS to n white 'pine; th'en'ctr east)
fiVe hundred..and eighty. three ii!trultes -to al,
Post,. thenCd.stitith•three litindred and 'twenty
' perches' to
.a• post;..theitce• weal five hundred
And eighty-three perches td the 'fietiirinittg:H
Containing eleven hundred acres and ullo r satrce
' of six per ,centlor roads tice..her . the Caine. are t
or less, On‘said warrants 51 1 10 and .51 , 1 CI
scree' improved landwith dwelling-.hodse - and
.a well of •witter.- ..•
. , .A.notifer:tract, sitnate in.lhel
township of Portage,. county. of .earovren and!
State. ol.Petifisylvania;'warrant Ott five '
thousandjour 'hunch - ad itnil for fy.one beginning
at'a Maple . . thence north .three -hundred and
twenty perches to a_ white pine, 'thence east
five hundred and eighty three perches to - ;i,post
thence:south throe hundred and 'eighty, perches
to a past, thence west five bemired eighty
three perches to the • beginning.. "contairiing
eleven hundred, acres and: •allownneO,' •on Said
warrants is 30. acres of-implored land,: two
dwelling'hnusee, one barn, and a spring of Wit •
• teq . also :a-steapisaw' mill and- four dwelling
houses . , and a plank. road,, with thirty-acres:of
improved land acj.ining said how mill . . -
ALSO, one,other'tract of land sitnate, in the
township of Portage, connly 'of - Cameron and'
State of-Pennsylvania, Warrant No. (5.142) five
thousand. four hundred . aud tort yr-t wo„ begin•
ning.ata lynn !he northenitrenrner of said .War
rant thence south three hundred twenty Perch
es to 4 -white pine,, thence,. west five .hundred.
PA! eigtitythre,e perches ter a post;lhencetiorth
three hundred and twenty perches to a post,
:thence east rave hundred : end eighty three perch
es to the beginning... • Contatning eleven han•
'tired acres and allowance .of 'six per
,cent 'tor
loads &c. •
, .
Seized and taken in execution and to be 6o1(1 ,
as the 'property of W, W. Updike; Prudence 13.
Updike, Louis J. Doyle, With notice .to W.II.
Green, et..al, as terra tenants;' at the suit of
Wm, H. Gifford, John' Newland,' E. N. Hart
executors Of Ephriarn Newland for the use of
Elisha Gifford. ' ••
. .. .
. .
. • :'—ALSO,-- . . .
. .
.. •WarrantNo 1407;
„Bounded Mirth by ~ lot
1143 and. li.'Sip , ri - on the Smith by.Ke.iting,
and Sizer: on the West by .Mlnard nnil . MOrire:
on the 'East by Keating' aqlia No 1407.--
.Containing 60..acres,morn or less; aliout: fio
acres improved; 'one well 'Of water; and a
qiitirnit al fluit trees; one sawinili, one heii , e
and oiii-houses. . .
Seized, taken in rxerotion . niiil will he 5.01 d
as the propinty of ih S.zer„ at •thri. siiii of
1:% , 10ort; for the 114 i. of Georgr:..,W.
- A I.SU--
`OnO pther riecr paictO:pf lard difnnfe'in
Or township of Gibson;' tit CAmoto
State . .of P6nnsylyania .being paicof vvir•
. .
tart; (0.152 . 1 ticy thou'sn ui :Noir kindred
and ol!itnintog: ci 6t huiedrrd ,and
thirty acres, liciaz thii 'sant - a Cruet of In nitcoo
yoyeil to,Gi;orao DeVerantix deed
June . 10th, A \. D. 1)556, recorded
in-dead book. G, paga 200 Sco.,.the. 'smite ',being
Seize'd; tttlren itt• . axciition and to he silhl:as::
the' property nG Geort!e-,S. I)evfredpx. ut the
suit ofJoseplt i'llorknoi tut!: j , •,:, •
Sheriff's ciffie,.tibippol,.6a!nerof t ,CO:.Pll::*'
y '
. .
17 .1 1?.b • I'I:3I . ES NA' D k RA. s i'. ! ;.
. .. . . . .. . .
1 would respeOftilly unoofince fa die cjilz•in
of 111eKCiiii and ailiiiiiiiiiii, counties 'llat thi s
ciiii 'do as 17ell in . sniFitiniort, in ilieiiiove'llii
Tiiiivii,re..linii. as, in - .Plinio. I shall,io. a
iiines; have o'nliarril'a large sip . ck o(' -: .••
.511.66 t:.l:r . 4_, nS: , C'o ilj - ) 61 . :' W 4 ../1,.
lloot Iron:and Eqs4cilierk Hard : ll'4 . l'e', .k4c
: ,
of alt,ltinds done with.ilisp,itcb,, and in t.isatis
.tory rnentet,at.the lOwest pce,bible prices.' . :
Orders pturriptly attendect.to:
Give, me . a call-.-at the bndding k'noycn
Store",—formerty.ocstlpled by
Geo. H.:Mason--:geteltt'nort, . '
•.11Cr . 1:WIT1 tiny the trigheE,i Mal kP
2onqs'of caste r lOS any,ritiantity atSheep Pelt;t
end Wool. . .
March 29, 18.62: •
• 'tit Venticrs.i . tfy‘l , -rcha and:thtt'ir
61 . :11'K can county for 18(32,
S'pnetl;,',or! B origh
A N :Taylor
B•al )1'
Gabri , ?l
. .
'Smith Fz.llaiber,...:
L. 11.
t a C . Ollll . 01,
1 , 1 , ..111/ %V • ay
(itliet.! . in S . d , atdpar als dlr,a ardady.,
11;•Xl, at 1V . 111 , 11.11,'Ili! ,radj.live al! p ,;d,r d ,d. : -;14
riaaad fur
Laa rd. and.sac I.l4lt..inadids: inada I tyit•P;ll
ed jiist aril limper.. •
Juivo f4a,.185Q.
;-, And ono ViTtli9ot
j Ist -PAPEEL .NE.CK-TIE."' • :
roit..) •
''f insiir i•,. - mad;.•entir”iy tat 100
f er e n t :in,l in ri , ..rlvet Hpthtti.‘n.,.;f
and nthe-r - 7abiiv,s:. t,ar
ir,:ty • w:oac.:. - \..'C'EW• TIE ER . l'
'inn] c14,,i - *ll.i . le
inc, e. b .
t- t' to
. 5 tita
tf. 'orwocznit.;.: • .;
2d.--THE'RELIEF 'TIE. : . •
- • : - . •(,..ITE.NTiu) 15c0.).• .•
lttt doto)tiesi 111 , ..tn. , ,t pet (let tu]k to
r.ver.inveitt. I, and'is:,l~ist calla( 11)i!
Ova,' a por'fect " froth all fdythr.• non,
3d.--:-THE LACE EDGE TIE. •••
be-seer, to• 1,. admired. , .-. ••,
. • • • :ltanutacrucers; •
•• , :76 Stioet;N , W . Yl,llfi%
N. 13.- 1 11'ir
(iN Al , .rcli,llo, can trill
of- Ny • wlior.r.k ; ii.:A.:• with
~ , NomthPrart, notating' Inn,
:The :and A.,Atlri
• •
1)1.:111:1,5111;1.) BENEF,II',.INI) AS
• hp} an 1 a caution, tAi'younz ple, no duller tr,itrA is.;er
VOUS 1,01,1i11V, Ikea(. Aippl:i.ipv at tine
same time th.. Almon, of Self. Curt, .11v one tv/p, hos eared
hito . AeliAteter heiwz put In , iroat..elcpeA•ccottrovph
i I,llpesitlot, alid quackery, Ify,erielpkintr. pnBl.pahl ttil •
Alret-3ed rovrinp....SINGLE COPIPS, may of the ad..
I thor.rNATIIANIEL - I.IIAYESIIt, 1 , 1,1 Hiogs
SATIETEI_po - Rr_r
Li 2 0 V ild
. .
TIAITINQ be the pronrietor- the Gin
"). 'eery o od PrOiiision Store, :lately occupied
by b. F. Wright,• I.toke this Inethodor
'foiming.trq friends that .I hive just i tOceired
the Ijirgest:owch of '
eves. oFered •flie: eoelitY
nt prices which %void!! Berm rafi.ous ..at any
othereCublishmenr. I keepei,i•harid, , unA are
the daily receipt of • • .
• Fra:su GROUND FLOUR, 0 • • "
• C IL' STA RIM, • 4
• •sPIOE.-01NNAMON.-
• • • - .OLOVDS, CRACKERS, •
• ' TOD 4000; RAISINS •". '
NUTS, OF ALL ItIND 4 . • •
CoprnE, Gnotn4n, • •
' . ...• .
xtfinsuNr. ort„-
: .
- My stock is' full antlL.eornplete; and seli'clett
from OM beSt in the Market,' rell-and, exam ,
in.° P . r . we and quality, and, you, wip,nor tail: to
huy. i .
. f 'A. 13. ARMSTRONG..
',Stnetnporl, :111y, CU, 1801. . ' • •
, \ : .. r.,r; iwi,hri, .k,,...viii.i 4 , th . 0,,,h,,,, iivkl)teil
I. . . .. . .
...i. , iil 01. grid,oriiviird nro -1)..r. ...by: not i ti.•1)1,
. . .
6111 arid ~ i:i.tle their acciiiiiiti iiiii - 9•41iiit..1v,.9r
coFt's, will be rnild.o. • ' •', 1,,D. ,Ort'o.•,
.611: CoWraa's artielerknonlcjthebreati.
oat•ot• Rats, Slice and. 11ed hugs. (picker than
we can write it: is over
count • .
• :110RE'GRAIN aredestio . o. 2 l
'tn . ..Gr•ant•.('ontrty" by v.ettnitt,• than,
xoold . pay for 'tons Rat anti la erhliil
Lronaste , ( Wiso '' • ••
• •
HENRY • 11: .COSTA R--,Yottr• Exti•rrrrizna'ar
•is reeeived,' os'ed, psonoanned it de'cided .
4.3tecess. *, it•ed or, apd the way the
r o ts. and .)I•iee. around oar _premises ~r aiset!
Ne.. 1,"• that,nighr was a eritition to 0 0 epe rs ..._
t44. o • n o't a Ral . (11 . ; 31on r, linel , ll heard
Iritebofi:or - rt.ll.lr,— ,, 2lLrerfz6r
. • 1.11 IIE.E'S SELLING—Y,inr
ri,,toT for the ids! Y4• ! ir, arid find •it a r,tirti.: siior
II .$7OO
11 7 ,00
1-1 7.0)
II 7.0 U
14 7 . .00 '
14 7,00
11'E ARE . '51 , .:1,L1NG:-.-Yea pn-para tioivs
.Is.. I .L:1IR.
J!-rraun I.' :Ijµrai cr
Roach; Se:, Extirini 'r
'Costar's" Bed-bur. , Ettirininator,
P.'ostn.r's" Electric Powder fir Insects,
50e. lin:rmusrAsi,
L KS. •rii , ;t i'/:•1...5.1 - 013..r1.:0:
• •
St;ld L"ve r
All . I.Vlirilesale. jii lan!, eifies:
All Retail" I)fi,ileis;--Gioctirs—Sto • re•keeper,
• tlie•Unifiii: States. ,
Wholesale Agents in ICie‘v York Bity
& Co. I Ilarrall,
Fahne;tnel:,ll6ll &Co liiish di I ,
A. 13.& D. sands &-Co.I %Vitra, Clow &Co
'Wheeler • . 2‘ll'll:4 , tion & Robbin.
. I D. S. Co.
& Co: F. C..We115 '
Thonvis & Fuller. I Lezelie.';‘l3r.qll
Cl/Viq • •• • Ilan, th'xon S: (2“.
1 3 1n1011i, PQI leer Sz'Co.
'Lindley & B.taffoid.
'F. W. llyoti & Cu. ' Rohr. Shnetilakr &Cu
Fronch,Richards,Sa Co
All the Principal. Cities sift! 'the
.37 . 7Vu14'1y
And by •Drug;ists, groe , rs tind Retailer§ gen- .
acuity in City and Country.
117 - Cimtitry Dealers con order, as - abov , '•
(.11. address orders climet—flor it Prices, Terms
f:ie. is cle(i send for (2ireuliir to Dealers)
• r
14 11
r) f 1 1 It
41 C'.; l' 11 I ,‘,ll
''Optio.Ote the St. Nicholas Hotri; 1. Y
; .
..:, '.*COS.'l7Aills",
`'Oilly: L:tfallibe . Rejuedie Kno ivii.7
I)evtroj•i IHStulltt
I;YER:Y FOR i• A N )1.
'I h(
, :Frk.e.-ftottl Pc)isoiii , ."' •
daljgproug..in the . burmin
come pui of lh ir.hnles In the.''
, .
. .
. . ,
1G 3. P41 . 0i and more - eitabhsheil in N: Y. City
I,rrrti by --7.0 . e city- r9s't Office
trse,ll;ythe City.Prfsoni And Statim) }rou es
T:srij7q-ZCity bteamers, Ships, Ac
ci!y Ilop4a1; ins-I,louse.
Used h . li—thC. City 11 . iitels 77' ,St
Nicholas,',4 c
'U,s;,fli .. , -;lhe r,nrdi.ng•lii;,\lsPs';.&.4
Usirl,by-Linbri! t han 56,900 P'r i F
Pcople,l 3 )es:‘, and ,Drglos
• HENRY R. COSTI9I:- , - MI .
thP• sdrrimPr',l
hare.heetE rUableif with. Rom:hes..l'phi 211.1e,e.
asliatired, of the hotcse, • for' the
Roat; hes .we re . evry . Wli . erit... tilt hased..d.bax
of your .Extirminatof and IThAtr and . iti.ooe'
wPek•'thatti u Roach or. Mous'e. the
13.:(31Ypts, Efm, St.
.1-10USEKEEPERS—tro - üblpd with' qtermitt.
itattd ha so nti toolf4r, if they use "Cpstrmt . .'6"
E.xiirminalo..'s„ We. !rave to our .stttp,:- .
tact-top, and if a to cost we.Wotild have.
it.... We . had tried • poison, hitt Chtty. ;greeted
Ui:o.l~o;r:, : Pr : ue sr Cardin;tDl,.O
I'o:Dr, , froy-,ll;its:Ryae.ll; Sc
n Drs tt o --•MiC tY, .I‘t ol: ! - .; , !stL.
Drtivp-- 1 13 - e.i.! ^ tlsi
;.,.k, &c
TC r.At y--.:kloFozitiit:ues
1?/.11-:n 31- 7 .1 . 1 , );.egts Oil plant;
./),stroy—Nser s A ip!iJa.ls,
ry . for In dud npieri,,•a v'er
Tripp & Co.
Co . nrad Fcik
Philadelphia, Pa
• .
TA ..
tLF lost inast, due in 'be
war Ymblinisj'lntata•
lataai au!'
'lnuit rnlinble. informiitics9, thiv.!+• il,lll-Mtr.t.fl ratt49.lll,lor
nud 31.'elinot ItrAde..-Wnak and. Emtvni•
Patrt;THA , Evary Mother, 14.,.,:qua0ze r ,:
and I.lnly,'Oonld Lora it.% I'ubljoinalljaart,.l, at 47.,
ya,k, - gold t , veryivbera .ny .pt by mail
at ti Sits • Vaarly'.sl'. vtilvabla'remiata'.
T be, ... , uninnar na maim r '601 , 4 r emly . ' •. •
7 N - ()t ice.
. ,
il-IPI.: 'cOMMI..SION7 7 ..IiS 11;:.0I,,i1161 kti . .ac .
.1. •A V t.• Of I 1 1l'ilip ' 01'41!911,• in cdr,oriit i t?.:, . !bp
.(..,,ud e iLp m t, Poftas.;.?
,itti . ;l.:lleg'wity .P,i.v,:i.. 11 I,il'
Ilond..c.rmOinly, will. opeO.iookA 10r..:-oliki: rir:
t ion tr,..l.ll.yStrwk:ol 541,1::i..' . 0 - itipiny . iit 'tle' Von
tili'.l.lll.6P.,e. 1p Spot!, poe! . : oo ' ll ;or.Ql l s' thi .. .151.11
'di% y - of .:iiffpikobOr,:,-1,.1)....t81;'2, pt '.": ' o'clock,
P. M. df'fjolid . (1•1, - . :.: ..
... . .• . .'
''.SP:(•iltpip t; A.iigtit :... 1, .186'..?.. :
, 1 .. •-.. .
• .. ' '.:
. • ri.: 0,1A'111"1'.1,'...,' ~ !
.. . .
• - ..1 S. A. 13 ACK 1,1:3,.. .':.-•
- • ..
.- .:.,...'•
~ .' • 'SA Al'f, .C: 11Y1).1.....- -
, .... .
ittotrit)c)ll.r..6lN).;, unit PIZ NC
tltteote.(-itt. the ()thereof. de-.
ttrient)..ol ..0)11 culture, stiel)s . grotv)oe. Field
Crops - ,• Orchard . tot
. (2,if)len . ;
r'Veg et dbles. atifl 1 , 1)1..): , ets ;-•• otor
Flowers lirr '.110.' how)) or Said ; ear)) of Po::
irietit • otitl - • to Houseitold
a hors t.tf and itist rot
flrt);Crtittent.'lor cl)ilttten - orid >ninth. •
A toll eftletolar or Operot intl , ' every month:
t n..F,Jui-.llim,lrt•d; or tnorr-, illustrative
Eli ' altiVitto! appear in r. , ac,ll.\•qhmil ,. , •.: •
The , Erlitori arid Col)tribwnrs •aie pac
Wq'T I. in:: • : • • • ' •
, (faihitias orilte: : Aonle•t;Tri:tt4 are eon
liat«l to.. Ira State or 'le,illtr , y l bye,,,;• ad u p,d . t,
the «totiot.t Of - all the : coon t i
its vurnn intllrates,for the' whole A3IIMICA:I Cu,'.
'A GOINIAN p•diliNhPil, of ,the
Hip! rop..
taining 1.11 its:i'eatlibu riiaqt;r, :tug, iimm:
Ppgriiyit,gA; •,
C) i ropy,ope).e;,%r, • $l - 00 • ,
S,lx S•P hr 's, 00
. „ .
on . y..ar.• SO . cents
Add to .db.e •Aitivti tk;
6inadit 6 reids, .td E. 4 , Tancp,
tTsd ,
. .
fillyll. - h,re In the' I:),itod Stote3
bp puid'hy d stik.pfilp :l ,.. as , ( l
otdl' ' , ix .a ill ipit'11 . 6 , ..!
lefiko. t• Le . ' L i • •
:A and irr rofrltlrigii'rlttluni SIOVItid
beaMirs , o4 .ho't n
N'. V. ( ' it:
Tbe' - oitirotr!ocr•roNit,of.a nets g9nr,
ilrrl l` for:rerfe.tvisig
•he cileo!,ition of th,• ,hoolit.,) 61. Cotri'lljoref , .
\Ve hddi- . .;53 .to•ihe ohl.r,aclers
part , :r., ehtir—eohfihieitee.to.their
no.ss tn.ald us, •06,1,extend the ioflorhee of thi.
sound eonierva , ii•o-prineirde apt] mnth; ks:hieh
h.rve ellardi : tPriz' , . , l•and;,ytll 'her,:uttet.
Illy Jottfino of .Coinmeme poeht . do
t viee, principles, a wh4lreligticeo os
.Uura y , tippoit
:,1.11,;: t oa us !lip
,rnime of at , least one
ern' uh
srr,l toylf, • • •
Ira Ve hr en tai ouro . n , J
I nn..l ;n::
••111,1011 11..:2 .12.1212 rt r••JUJ:t i•,". , C are
'1'111•3 UNION ND '1 . 11 . 1. , :,..'ef)N5Tr7.'t. - I . lo's
~o po,i11;•.• ev , ryrn.tii; f:
or. North. wi;t7 . is on elioniy to
Torn) of 'l,lO ,
u. "if,,f ) ; fo r •111-C. corribd - .11)Ylo 1110 . 10”5 . of
t tip ied
f; sole' • '• .
Li 0 L . 11" I"'J S.:llS;iJ:'i7;;iy
;1:0 Wt . ' Frith all
tho. / 4 11,4 . )th . .-„ . •
. .
Tti . I.llripti NI ' ' P' 'WO:S . , Ni'lin li . i . ay Vo , 11;1111.Tr'.1:1
i.. id in Ihe o'rzanri.,l tio II til 12.10.5,'. til . ' l 'ik , ..q-;•1,3' .
ATP r ;16 ; vx it - ,a ..7opy of 1 F ! (;• i1 7 ,t;1: l'y h, (.%. , ;-.17 1.. t. i -
F:0.11 NOIO . I . tEl 11 t6i . voycltvvi•lit y'..- ile. , ,s. istist•iib,r.s
\\ i . Ol t!'it.. in'orwv.' . „. .. • : .'
_ .. .
way h❑ org..itii2.-.1 . iit'cotorpt/ilitit , 9Wltli groat
ailv.airta..lll(i-proserii'i, tpr.1 . .1.!5.t pOriod iqr
them. •:coin . inoni!'e9ient..• .Tl,o 'terrn , .f: 'tin which
'we vim forni,li the pqi-wr. a r....i.. tollolCs :- 7 . • . .
Ti.) c4)l2irianie. taking . :
• . . . .
.''3o 'DOLLAR react
]3 ropirs.,: 1.3115,
8 copies •
3 coliii; • •••• •
Lin , f'r 3 c6pie4 Two '• '• r ach• . '
pa pi;rs• will: h,' d,ill'rnsw:./1 4lifferetir
pry gins 111 c sa trio: Otllct , ,
rept it., races of el:Db , . of 18 or itiolu eDpitt2;
which will be itiail,.(l to one . .aildre,,.. PO ,•
.• AT)Dpirnilq n Tray: - .
a.bletl to Club during lir first qu . ;ir6.r the
.club', year 'pay thi• origi•
year, iit'iriroi the serplid quarter,
'clire , ..ti;tirths•of .1 he , original y rate, dui inv.
tide thou (palter the. la , t
. 111 a rtor ~ne all 'such Oilii.cripf too
will terminate with the year -Of the original ,
club.' •
Prom Ihgrep,(?4. U.
:Where paelages.of ?roturpisper.v or pol'iodi
are' received at anyposr office (hrect , 'll to one
address., and the *narnesor.the•cltib nt'Rnbieri.
hers to which they,helona, with the . po , isg,
kir a r i nairerin advance, shall he hand,il.tn the,
postmaster, he el all deliver the satne•to their
respec.tine' oWno4. ' ' •
. • titir clues apply to* w...rkly.peis-spaperF
ciicrtldte trrc in the Cotitsty
Ifi' arid riubli,shr(l.' • . •
rir". A ddre.i,t Editor,. pt n . , r of C c ;
,tient , . No. I:" stmt New • •
. ,
Editors and Prop - 00tn!s
. ~. . . .
' Thia preearstinn; mad e front the best Jaya floffee, f.
racinnmende 4 by physicians tel a'soperfor NUTAITIOTT.
FIEV/UtA(11; for Gl'nom] DeLady, Dconftiw.;.and nil
bilious disorders. Thotisindu whet hat e. been contnalled
to abandon the urea, Ott coffee will'uso this Without (ri
ous effe. One can OOOttliDO ri l o,6trei.igth of Oyu pounds
of ordinary coffen.' Prico.2.s accts. - . . - . •
. .
. • .
TIIO. pn root ;end beg lid lit N 1 POWDER 1:11,vn.11)
maklnn 1104 tilt not and untritintwllread. and cali?a.•-1. ) i•Itto 15 cvntn.
Nt`r.• C:T,PR r.l)
. • • M. II 1:01,LOCR".. ChAnil , t; • '
Come?' of Broiid a ad eheid . unl 'Streeti,
• Ard a 2old:by all brug isle and'firoco_6'.
a . :tjrrrlm•n77,
11 : 10.11.1PS()IS'S:
Iou,ooo. • -
QtlOtilllollS 1:110mt,s0:4-11ito4.11Li:s.,-
all . ,Sfretl
Cii.‘s .. ..l3t.oN • nri.;,, SI
. .
. . .
. .
.• I'U.R.IIIB (F SI lISCIN ll'l' lON IN AI/ 1'41 , i(71 , .;
——• • 'lll mail Stibtcrtb, , rs ' •..
We..kty:.... 34 I, en'A.n) l lllly„,'..sll :1111ti ly. , •
, ..1'3!:,
- Tol . oollotintot, or ~0 0iorl,, 0 his :rwro. Clolio. 041 , 1 . fOr .
said 11, (110 11,11110 S 111 0.4r/vOOO. u 0 Wlll . Soildi )19 , /error
ler ('‘iii( Chart, fltunotil , nod DEA criptiVe L AS/ , xl . O . ful
fi ropier of flu; Weekly,- otio Yenr
•tlor .
copier of fioi MoOthly •
.1 . (); atis..perßef
.61 $2O u I • .1 lie
tl3' Ciii ',.(V,t
Seale: A (hi(' ess, •
.r Rom ps.aN crtli-Ervi; hi;
: • Avail ti( .
- •
. ,
• • •
. . .
'..- • . I'l'lllollW. SE 1i.:1)........ '---
- ro IFT.I: - 11U5H.P . :1,.....' , ..4 't
lw -1..0 foillfty Ti):-..
„1, ...wil y SEED; roi,,oi- I . iy iind ... iiir. I , ide• ;I i . . •
•• . .•
• r It - DOI r 1 , 1" ti;
~ . . — . , „ „. _
....Tull:A ilpgany,' Pecvial;',..r 2.1; 1801..
$4O. IVAars PAID 100
.• I;A:t1:1 SI:10:4t . 1 M i f NY:
I We. will Izi.nS.lll;ommit , Oop on irll
;;00(19,561.1.1,y our A 2 , ..111 , 1 - ;
,9,1. 11.1 y wan2es iill . loro
$lO to sl6o' rwr.41,00?; BOLFpay iiU 11.01*Pse.i4y
Onr 15 'WM1471 . .111 itg
• 'A i•h i Ll c:111 'l4.4rit to
h;ilr 411 I , ogtr'
.tt is tqual II; any.
In mily Sovirig:lla,chmo ..in and We. liuy'r .
,edur'ertlh:&p . rif.e.to Du11:11s. -
•• mai-11111e is tvairailipill'hi
' ildiebs . C.' ttIYOGLEti, • •
, Gel). Agt.,
N..E.A.1;11.0 0 II:
HOW LOST r. How itt' TOFLED:i!
, .
I.l,,t•Pltbli.4lfd..in - I'ricr.Six Cents
.. •
A 1,1;(71'11.111::.ON ANJ
.It . uliNtl .o , 6re ~ rerolat, 4 thoe- t : or >a udiutl 11"erAurr;y,
In u o mi.noiroflttiwttli
to M LI fiNto gett,iills. Not I;DI•
1 1 •1'..,..ttvi Iqt,, kticno,citv,
, t 4; irom ' -11 • 1 Itont,J
it . ortho f:r.reti,...llovk, d.' • ••• •• ..
. •
Ivin . hl•l v ii
1‘n0..1 atltlt ,' , , hIA aditlirabl..Lrctutov
from Ins ..m - t3 li*lWrioiet• that the:a?•11)1"
0.. 0 4...111..nreH of efreCtllliii V rililitVl,rl
W 1 ,1101.11 Hirgleaj oporn..
ebrfllttll; pointing
iltif ii unit, of Cur° tit .otioo re, trkin alntt
which of try , iff.fror. 'loM:frt . what 11l etqz , litioil may
too eboaply, polvat,,q/, and radically..
Titiv JOctu re trill pro VG a but 11 in 1111111! . .Itlibi and tho.l.
otyler .o.s LI, In n pinin aivolopc.,, to tiny tidreen:
recei j it - of Nom,. or tuo lo.toldross
lo;;.: . 1rt..011..ht; (I I;l.i:in,
12.7 ito.wery, Nevi'll'ork 4'ool .
Sy. • •., •;
rill I F,..Sl,Lseritierjkiviti4 . pilri•lmio4l :ibis w<' II
I" !onwn stand,'ltml re-fu'rrlih.tl; aid r . e•li t. ,.
ii...!•t [,': 11 , ,ww, -is pr' , Rart;l. ttr.elitert2in 1303 i d; ,
',ls and - I lie :oria - voi j , ; : t .pubji ! .... .- .. ...
.• - 1 1 1 S 13A r ti ~1. '..1 i..,1.-1; r:, E. : . • ,
to s!inn• or NT romige. t •
%(ill'l•ltcay's litid the '.:.1.ti,...1z:5!rir.t . :4". out,
• •r. M. rt 1 L ER.
Crve.k., lanticis • •11360,.. . • . 3544
. J
' 1V,00.1)
ST:: V r!:Nl'l , ,' Eti'l.'l,l . Yli..s . . l'
I'ohnn.• ci.--
• • %Vide! y:
num tn:rtoe . n ‘l,l usoftil • : infor-
rtiiition . rrr.rn vela tell'o . riginerengivines.
arnPw I firm,
are ep;ireil ior It •
The. .
NT,i . A 1:1?le.1 voted to
t 111 , ....V;,e flank"
P11 ' 0.11115 grime
all : r and in Vail:4.lbl/. rtlrti not
. 11111 r.
if, I In, in
Litirdry god:. the..y.eading
Rrinni. • •
N , 5 1119 .011..1•II , 134 ,, IYY1 t , }' 1;1 tile .
..-111 , Idit 111.1,k Pi', 41 . 14; t hit
I . .tr:lt - . , :Ttrtr'.Asll:ttru.t.', li ' rus ksr but tour :t•ttnt3
pet: t.%rtt itttothrtr yttittnitt. to
rn ,: zitzt . ; ,,, sign •to . urlr rrlttt , hiries 1111 . .1 *
‘v:lttl'lt'etrtinot Itt•-rstsnil.in day:colter putt..
Irityttt t.tsttibitt.ltttrl . rn'e p u b.
.tisitittz;:tt t it4itta e,lttri'ri'vitigs.,
and t hos:rt of Ike first elms in ur.r, dun 'n
ertirrtifitti by •rxrittrietnertl. lirtrsorts
[het! o‘v.tt
ro ihvelitor!
penbable to esi , ry.inventor:aii'it not only urn.
talon illustrated degerilitiOnn nt.nearly all the
hest involitions'Us or;,e. each
.nurolier coinniinsuu Official List of. 'Clainis
6r 1,0 thd,put tntA is' riiffain the' thitpd-s.at A
Office fifirine - the v.iiek' .pruvi'ons; thus
e;iiiinti; :t; correct liiitory of the nrogfr , s.% onti
ventions iri this •rountry. rlso ee,iy•
ing,:e'rory week, the inist seierHi'n. jot:m.ls of
Great prit.i,in; .Fra4to., and GUrtaing; rhui ! .
,in ouf.pOosession all thittls:tkanspition
in me‘chrtnieUl science,. and no i 0 thesb •old.
.countries. . contirons •to
our columns enrions
,extrai!rs tram : t twee jour
nuts of whatt.,i.'er deem of intiireat
our readers. - ' , -
:tl,ll . wrig,l;ts.,- And
Tbi: SC f; jr - ' 1 Fi .OIERTCAJI will Le'
-(none! 11, most iisoyul Jimiiret)..tri ihirn. All the
now. ilisenvi:riTs 01 . wiener,, of citoniiistty
wry'or; in its . cotiimns',,iiiill the filt . erests, of ri.
A.rettiteet itnil . eni 'tenter .
or overlooked; . nll .
lho 1 :1 0 i; jie..4oo'ns: and d itjscoverit!s • a'iipoitaiit-
JOl4, to 1 tie§tl 'pa r.tti rs: beirg pubtiFhed from
yite's tyotott.....T.Jsefitl qr.! r i itirc.frA,
".. . . .
. i , .,; , :.7,..V.?11i,1"... 11 . • . . 4 Y
i pt 4 , s ....• :
- . r^ t o•' 16 1 r 4 4- OittrA.V ) ltio
.: .. t,. re , :,r‘ ,, ,.., t ,"ip, : ',l' -.- " : ' 4 •.. ' '
,:i'A ' gfi:kalA Y- ;A .".: - - • . . .- •
' fel ' e7Mo )(lrlP l ? :. "1"1. $1
• •',
' 1
:;, .. - 1 ,
4w, . ~ 11r
..A..r d yo ,‘ pick;
fi p , e, •
. _,• ~.. 0. : Cotlhllingi ;Atoytu'out or
. '%..Zp 4/ .4
. , 'tn4.l, l l),! ' ll t rlcnntliq • nteal do . '
'IC T. , - "AA 4 t7-ir A i., A . At . ' ' ranged, 1001 rune funlinini un• .
•. - ' ',,,tilei:a ‘ rl4,4 4:.,,.6,,,,,A.r. . w.h.. ..y.p.
. ~,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,:-.' ~,,..1 , , . toupi tile u!tr . ti, the prelude t.O .
:-I. . AA A . .. ! ,. - ..,v , •I. ..
, t,4,‘ oo iii 9 ell.Y. Nunn.- At of .
. . 7..;11,i,,i,........., - ... 8 2 . • , ',4. oklono, In creeping livoti you,
?„,,C 7 :; - :, ,, w ^ .:. nnil kholinr.4Av' uvAlVtd V o i
. ~ . A .. ce,c, .......!,, ~ 1 11;,„4 , liiiiuly, WO. , orntlyt lot' ~_ .
• • ~.i....•'?.. V . ,.",04 ''' ;,..," ' t . .',D,I)' .I',,liei': Ajiiri''' g; iti
l'••• - “Ze . ;`etr e 4e.At ' . Cle/11130 Old tilJkliztOrdertd liu• •
Cy„ , , .',. - 0 ,1 , .. : ~...• . 11,01 i.— puriry, th e blood, and
~. ikkri 1, e .1 , •net ;Ulu .lln lan Illu!,, en unolk.
' l'.( ' '', , .I', , g . 4 i... ‘,l nil nand hI .Inuiltli . • Kinn.
„4).... 1 i)C, WI ..,
~...) . 3:1.t. , "Alloy stiuninan',llau fn •
vr„r.e. k ,140 , ,, , ,:. ; at , .. or tho liody OW ft1;6VAIIII act.'
..';':-' 1, ..n•j... , •^: ' • ,, '" ,. ..1.ti t ry , I ty, purity ilioqiptulnl frum
' '''' s • 4. ' ----. . -- ''''”. ' , 1 110 ul , ,,lt'UOl.luilli ylalelt nork.•
11 ivi•to , ll: .A en1.111!;1.tl.i Ainnen111:,11:11A1,11n Luay, an44l,
El:1141'4 111 . r. 111,11 I nuctioniC.Alinan, If 'Uhl • ihrlnv,stl;”
10W...L00M t11••111•i , •11,i uitti Ow viilrt.iiiitling orguile, pro.',
~, l in:i itg."git;la I 1.1.;10 . 4,',,,1.i0i,.. P IMO' , lig, .101 , 1:.Alr49 1 .;,:
• irllll.o in' 0.1 , 4 ontollann; oppreohnd . lit tin, tiFiluittni 01141, ,
tul.tn.nytir'n I,llln. 111,111 IMO 11,111 , Ellerolly thiy.nontoihiA.l44
',him n 1 0 , 260 of, the 'Ay.ll Inn, /11111 With IL His buoyant'
1.,.11n..A 9r 1.0,d th , 9 01,r.,
~ ‘t'h:‘L'i, th9.llilM so appal/4C 111
• thii 1' 11111 111141 C.•11i111011 V(1111(1111111i, 114 . 1000 14440 Ili 'Rudy .
of too th.ir , 0u1, , t RI/ 4. Onlignruino tiiilomporfi; , The I.lii.
••j, rgittii, eiT,4l 0 i 10,10 1111,111.. Cc1.1•1•,1 1..,) , slimier nnitrun.•
ii,of., 111111 11. al,gil , oboilili 91 'I Int nal vir4 ftrnntitunrytthe
• 1..1v;-11..n.y ms t.. r. ni.11y,..n14 nfyity 'of . ilialnluridr, cnred .
. .
by I 11,1‘114 • Nall, Wil;litilOW lhu W11 . 1.110A of Woes
:4 , 111A, will ip.gl,/t U, ethyl,/ 11.14 1411gat•kulre.rIng
the ilpuctiqi a i buy re, : , al. •
• ~111 pcm}11:(44)1111r.,
priadpal hud flout Whim tv linuwit, por-
ordv , A• (boil firvtlou.blo' to 'cilia Clio dolly
hull q, •
• .
• • , • 4 , ,,11
,Pf. /4094 41"%"4:4044_.•"4:1,,t!YL•u-111
Dri !Clink A vim i I cdoOotitirtriir S'ou h ens COolillitn
0,014 P: 1 4 1 1 "Wir Pulls Clam Rill/rya/1 iloil •
etterkiNlii,ith ttjha)i(ire,rotrfiwitie. grant flo
11,,0ve 01% 10; in? 1111117 tdritimrt•rvill/
41104%4.4m.! iwiinviog- iloat your Pilin 'trot!! us Cho
bek , wq 11.11.1,y lof conyco ioloo 112001 141cly. tl .' • "
Vtitinuitri, fi1ay.141,44,.
• int. J.-C: A rim. 11lr:.1. Lava Lobo !rotienfollly 'call 'or
lira woo.t . hoidy.i ! , oy; body •rofi bone by o drab or twa
of, your • Hill. I C •to.emil -1 - u urblo, feosiz fold or ado, .
winch tboy olthinso tceolona. , •
ivlth VAL •• •.•
agrk Steotottr Marton.
•• • •
• . : .
. . . .
-. Nat only a re your fillyolllulrobly - ailupted to Wait. per.
lorot a,: /in oporleut, Litt I 11,10 1 / 1 011 - bortetlchil offectaupoa, •
'thu.l,lior Tory mill ILIA indeed:. Thor iitoiridiaylpa‘4 ..
,too In iiV.l Mill to elfortuol :for, Abe Tiro ufl biliert.for.;; ; :
pidint.l flow oily 000 moody I con linnitiOll; 1 iiudoreny .
1...kat..0 quit ire lit vo M.1,01)4111.0 purgative which is - war- •• •
thy, the , coo tl , louro . villiu pit:llo4m atulllio iloarlar l .
~ .. ,
.. .
. • .
.1/EVAIITISTNT 'pr Tint INTY:IU011., } '
-. :.. • . •IVl.nbitt4(ott, 14.•17., 70 Got., )13611. '
' Sla: I-11,t. 1140,1 your lulls 10 my wt. - tit:TM ittn) bajtpl).l)
prm.lice ttt tot . tollctt )1,11 tititi.lgt I littits, ail t:;imputhoaltate to • •
any they td•ed lid bent callttot tic' we, ognphiy. 'Their Ivo- - • -.
', latifig • det ion 'on 1110.1ifin'is ciUNli . ..'4lll.l tt1ie11144.0.11110.'
,ittet t cly tiny syinit eduiiinide rytitedy forlthicAMelente s
01 that organ. bitloodi I Tho'vo•sol:10::: .found wows 0f..:
1ii,04 thtt.,t.te no ttl.st Nati tlitttit did not 'Tidily' yield to
:Them. 1 Inn/ 11/illy yew et. ' AWNZO 1 1ALf.t.81,..D. ,''
J l, 9.llridn'tif.MO/tirfin ittoiopitii.l , ..
- Ilyeentery; Dinrilloca, Itelar. Worms. • ."
. • „ , - I', dm prr.. J. 0 (1, 4c4, IV
,04409". t.. f. iY I . ,:; ':: r ',
• .
. Your NIP: have h u rl alio% It lal it my practice ' end I •
bold 'hoot In esteem its 0110 of Lk., Lent %ler fininl.l 11'414 . ...
over lOond. l'holo 01torattro effect 4mi-the liver mutter
theist lill.U/VllllUln-leinedy,:utiqtriyiretr Int ofttat doses for .
tihou: d peo Geri acrd-. eitorrker. - Tliint '6l4Kr‘coal It% ..
ritttki,ctlittalt itly.acceotablo and couvouNnt 11hr the use •
ot tvototti laid children. '..• • L ' • .• : •• .-. •
r) e.s
- . • . .
kytipapnta.,. Inspitiltyof.i.ll4.Bl . o64,,j '. '" E'
Ptoio liiti. J. I: 41:,...5...11,5en. ql,..l,lpini.Gitll'iihj iisikft: A " - 1 !
Dil.'it vco:. I lotuu need .1 nor-Nils wlth. extraerdtuary
' , - 1,- ( , :m io my tautly and 19,...,4 tluo, I tint calloil kividt/ :.
in ,1i. , itte,,,,.. To. rett (Onto the organs Of Allgestlon in ~..
1 , tVt‘ I, hi.. ,i,'enth 'a ea weutnio‘u tilg irecanunebri Midi'
toy II !wide. • • , , , Yowl,
,•• J. V. 111 Ma. - -..
.. • .
WArsk.e, l C3on4(nf; Co., N. Y,, .04 !ii; 48, ' ~,. . '
1)L ‘tt.lz.lit ; l Ain Itt,lng,youi• Otitlkill! PllEad tity , ipticY .. -..
• tic.., 00,1 PIO .thea, ntt e. , ,,tuflent 1141,4 t h -a to doing* to --. .' 7
- , yNtrol null pro ify Vo.: ,11,11-11:1:vii f% 11 , 4 tolood..- '
...... •:. I . 7. _
• . JOIIN G. AIEACIJIA Itf,•li. D. I ,',
,„ 4 ;,.• „, , I_J g •-g. , .
Cnneitip,ftl.l,ett, tdigt-Vegt ‘ liOmiqM , lPPreg",°.P .. 11 .. •
. lt.lt o ttttt 113.14111,- C:;on t, /IYeatilkligs4i liipoip . 1 . •
ey', Paculysts, Vita. etc. .;„ , ~.,,,, ! ..1. . Vi r :
" . Prot, i 1... J. it I iigaigo , ,•.l.li.iiti,g.ii, Ctaihda. . •' ••.,
• J. , . , • •
',Tun inleilt eon iiet'tin'tqait or your l'llls.fpr Itte,ow4sllo • .
c..shrite-,...t. I (oilier i'ef out rintoreltrintvo littlflgt MP - : •
.on'unclouti in, I hut o, ih'y clintiiil • Jein me In ptixdotlin.•
iiii it I.lr the benefit of the otrilllgatluti olio saline from , ,
. Ova. ',1,,,,p14i,if, who-1,, iiiipinigh Ityl. enough In itnelt.111•! •- -i
the •pronetaiou oroihors lint uun worn,,.. I '1,..11,.wi 00, ,, • ~ ~.
1., ..,.//- tr.i.rs..ilmt,. igi I tio Ifotirdait. your Pills alkiet Of* • '
organ null Colu the. , le,eiim,. .. • •.. ' •,-, ,- • , -0, . .
r . , i Nut. i, • 1 . .
!tent Mr:. E. Ailli i, Ig4linoion 'OR NOW/ , - ~
I Intl nnf! ,, 1 . ..1{1 . 1) Jut g-lt itotuket.yetir-111111nilkulthe m t t A t i l
•1 l'oper't lute, oil , exottlual ii,--,e . .egyee,, , ifoo gait 0
( ~,I! when eattals of partfe;,,ry„eturtiOtegl . .,olid atii 4 -...1 : 1 ‘7' .11 . 4 !.
off,citio.l It ..4.iyo. the Peo, , , ell",ettetfnli, 'op ' .ff , .. .11.' J."
n rola, ono It (ha huit.llSt , iiie •!tO . Ittafe,Vutt, ,g4040131i5•ku. ,, r 4 1 . 4-
.uu ell." to iq phtieliti,. '', --• ...,_ ,: ,-,..,thi-,f, y ,,fc ~ ~,, 0'
''' •01, 'agg (AI,
.I . ,, , ett.'ic. Var.: br...Jl4tukesie JUJI,aII '3 l -1; . .....
aiit t
• r , ... . • i 4 4 1 -..-„-- ..
• . .. , i'L`LASkI irlittl , r:4sl,ll . 4r . tt'll +RI Vs, 4 1 tri - 30 ,,,
. • IXtifittr i . tiir. 1.1 iiillo/11) I* .1 rititti , , , ijigleFlAtr?ii tte.. -
..t.,,,i. chill lute hreotth t imp; WY • ' tiCktfko4 otylcsof *A:O ',. , X '
dole, , it- coil 30100,1. in
.MY . ' l '". h 'l' !),, ill l 'ke .F W*„ q u ' ' '''' - '''' ' ' j
ciethig 41 , :ili . rytifie: } liiii,oo,l4ll elibti :111:& iiiti Vii49.lfin - :.i ,. t .r i
.k.m. .:I , N,t'w!ttuuundluy4 hod OA Yeg'ci,r,olllt,ll4o‘._ittii, :.n-u'
4ainu.t, 4.:i11iv,W4),{,...:,,,rt worse, 'to tii, by.tub Itax.4llqPcii-:-' , ,
.. cculfoci Ygoi,t.in,woittsnerui.Ve. Titi , rkUrizhi,l4ll' ppir
Till'. 'no , Vr. , ;44 ,48 viel. clow; lint itiro. - ' Ily lerstivering ......*
lit. (I 'u,so il itiqut, Into 'IIIW eut it ~.13g',v011.... 'L -: ii..,,i,-4,70)
Snvtil eirr:mhrte; itpbui 611eNinali.
T , lta've bi.on entii.oly:eitoot, by your
(6 pil!ii3Or,
. iilnfit 11, tit bull .16.1111ctig4
'Or ypu'r,, • A...cyc.o..yr
. • . ,
• . . . ~ ~
• . Ear !•fnut• 6r. thu. Villa in' rinirket cors4la- Ilifig4ny. , .
vhich, olv.;ough ~. vatuoite rrmoclY•in, bkilful haints,fs
clangorcutj In in public pql; frnn "Ito 11,1 ' 4 af. 0 0 2.,.. 1
_,,," .
qu.,,,,. a.m. 11 . 0 , 113.11/ ll' flni AV WI ifICIMOMIX Me. XIMP.II .
COI i 1.1 ~ no mercury ui , mineral rubotnnto Ntiattoro;: - i• ."
. ~
• V i'lep, 25 oeut3 poi Box, or s,BO.iesvfor $1,...
,Proliarod b,, .1 Dr. J; . (:)..l.irErt 4. CO., LO,WOII. NMI,
' & Co., §tnethport;' C 7 ' F.; 08/.00.i d e:
Bi.o.11ord; volt
lion Iv:11;144w;
!mit tt4ll-etclie:s 14141:iiiittirr:11111
Sql/iNVI . An'iCA N.lll!iVi ti4tOt'ine t r ig:9 i . teY
elks r t y t t ll 4 . y. ' dlitatntrittnitvi : 'eflie , r • ge,
Suhpvas 1641t - I,laniers and fititifeis ' llse! • itt
1 0 01111 tli;o essiglln. , the Sethi 4:.
,nrir! A 5: the mo: oyettteia:•. in
ite , •
, "
1 a ) 7 .: l'vy6 DO a 1:s•
&Me IcT , toont"ba.. Oaa•
v0.1y4)1... .11ES • jasicao;
'1 ivp - Valainet, °tic ' Sul
Iftilt.9COriiifieirlii! , 411 •
, l'ir,!..!•pl„4ayuvy.pri9
, f ,:• 1 4 1 . a '1,114.-
, . .
rnpi6;;'hir sia Nlonttts -
Ten enpii...h; M0i,01,4•' -; --* $8
• I r0,M114 1 -'1 1 1` , .: .415
. ~• • •
... •Fl copo“., Inr Twplve Months . - 4.22
'l3vetitylopil:A . ;.iiir/I'pv Ke* .
'4ll til);, nrl' y:ct ;Po i 's% EFeli ea r
I '1); t•olriter itot t•Mly.sl,lo. : Names' c4 1 ..4e
' vent in at iitiJeo.; Nu! fromriititierent
Po=l.'offi4 et. tvccitrien cOpiq
. will be.eri4 pm!,
• t to tiny purr of lire country.. '•
• : %'..s(c . rtruttil.l.'ittititliutr: It'onry:gy,rist-offrce.
.cia Itths!rjOii . *4 Cana
iplcusc . tO. remit
~25 'cotrlt; •
exit 4 on cuclt tall)!tertIOP111:it?
potrtagc: • ti
• 3111;v1V . CO:;• -
.• N 0,37. Pa'tk;rowlie .' " "' N I''lofrilk.
on; a ./.lArtirredir,,fi,Nrydscutt it(St. tiraitatb: - 4' 1546.
Du. Arun:'Your tire 011.1 iturtratiti *rag
' E rma hi Tile), Imre curtelloy littlo dulakfilitr
upon Iter howls ittitl teal Wet lied proved'
I nruiuul r•• for your. liar 1110010 r been . loug view. •
uttele nitllclud trub Itlottiluetand pituphirt net bor akidtled •
In bur holt. A,ltut our child woo cuirocl oho * lo o triad .
your thily butycuraul
• ' : AMA ifOlialtllll9lZ.'.. l .
• As. st
/s;mo Dr. i,. ,
• roor.ll 1..
116 0 I Ile prilwq of 41 tirtpm. Moir , excalliOt
-' 4I rINLM , stilY
1011.1..t0n-VPri•ePrtnin nlOl 'illreCtititt s to tV,Ir nalon on thi
Po'ni . Vr.j'pradora . l4ll, of Nrui. I.lii•k!CVOt