HARD TIMES MADE .EASY! Good News 'for the ;Unemployed: 1000 CHANCES TO MAKE S MON'iTI ONE MILLION. DOLLARS WORTH WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER ~.I) , LITED IWC TO be dkposed of on AN ENTIRELY NEW AND ORIGINAL ..: PLAN ! All lit , 9lf6U3 ': Oi . 'CU - 1 an• ;Ig:ent, NEW .ENTERFTISE . , . fiihoUld..A. , nd on 'hair , rtf.nf and rkeib e : by ertt4ru rria'o ..1: :I' it k.5.71:1 11,.'il CATALOGUE Our Inducan.oolB, R. R E CH•Ia•C MAKE MONEY withOutrisk, together with MV IL' RelativO to this NOVEL PLAN! . Toinsure prompt' and ',Olfactory dealings dir,ct ail ordite to • • , • GEORGE G. EVANS, • 439 Chestnut st.,.Philadelphia. April 11, 1861. • • THE•OLD KEYS±ONE.STORE AT 0.1_,E.A . :N . STILL TAXES THE LEAD 1. I . K..COMSTOCK E§PFCTFULLY.ANNOU:siCE . S TO HIS old friende in-MrKean County, that he is on hand !his timing aP usual , with . the. • LARGEST AND .BEST Selected stock of GoOde in the.9lein Market fit Wholesale Cash B :yen I Would Say, • I can eler you better inducetnenta 'llan 'you tan 'get weit of New YOrk. • . It:makes no differanca what yoa. want, any thing in the'line of • • GROG:BRAES 4. P.lovlsioArs, Call at the OLD KEYSTONE AM you will find the,artielo fresh and cheap. It's no nse talking tte KEYSTOXR STORE 4 1 w , y.7 . ha4.ft'n:l ill7..nyq will take the lead, and iivstate the fita..hat fn ' • • laroerries Mad PrOWSUMS, , OLD FR!ENDS AND NEW. ONES, . . Don't h it to rail and • goe ynn visit 0 "nn , ; I : h, I! tent hart you,'hut •hui.l ne;tuinli, •.yoa L t,» J. • • • a: :.coM:~ro4c: 0fein,.231, 19•i0, To . Corisrun.rptives! • . trin A.lvArtl 4 or, ' b .ringgll on. ro•t n•tql to li , al h lu ll 144 week. by a vnny , rnionty,i.il haviog roto'at lva ',IV. . I tllig , lffooiitll, ran. defa I :irJoi..o, 0 ti•ti li.ti•tri— a , inakt km.wo to 4ml' • 0:o, 'ho o. Toni! who d0,..re.11, iie will , end ncooy.ol tit& osed tnr n of charge) alto thr - Al , ll;iiioi 1 , 1,r pro , pi.• on I. t , ing 1 h.; • 'who. Whitli Chit I.a ill [kit a brat CUM: 'e le 0, sac:4l'log, • 13-, list% o 1 h only n... 1 of of th« ..ive.rtker in send , r,/ rho ie to hon jt the..iflli.tte.l, an I ,n •Kpre4.l, inforation bo . on•lc:iinti to h., invaluable, a ••1 ho hope.. °nt.% go.. ryor'loli,try bin remedy, as It will Cunt awn nothing, nd .nay prove a bitteptn , t, : .Partes Malting the'plloirilptlno will ol.iike • Rte. AD IVA RD A.. 11. SON, • ;Lipp . Nuntyi bler'Yori. NEW CASH STORE D : T.1211E4 - MADE ! I would reipectfplly announce .to the citizens of M . e . lte..n and' adj"ining...,!..nunties that they. can do as well in Sniettiport 7 Yn the.S*.ove and us. in 'Wean:'..l-Shall;•at all prides, hava'o'n hand 14 . 11;sige stOk . of •. COOKING, 'PARLOR & BOX STOVES TIN-WARE, Sheet-Iron e Copi3er-Ware',, LEAD PIPE AND PUMPS llooi . !ron and - lipase .- - keiTei.s tar.dlfare, .: b. t4i . . of all kinds (I fne with, dicpatc-K,•ancl in aatiF Cory' mariner. a•: tf?„.• lou•osi..•prissibli prices: • Milers . ornmptly al fr.nil..(l :•-• • • :.G,VP mo. a tho I adding. krovii) n• Sidr H i ll Tin 01lioccopked by • • G:771 will p.i y'.lho hr h 9r. , ,;;,,korr r riro,it sonde or cast', tor. any quantify. of Sl.ot , r-ye Wool. • [41,29; 18n SMETHPORT LIVERY. STABLE, E St.n.3SC R 11I: n,•n' •Liv' ;5! ki !,jl9if , I. • 13. n. rteeT's 011 "iitst . ;.ll,i hI car Ife (our,' t a I 'lTri 10 Snt , •t!'.po''f nor,. and a:di 'a '.0 . 11 . ,re.0r {'ratty• ' :' ' - A S.NI ITI Sni , ll:port-, t. 1S60: • MERCANTILE- APPRA.I6ELENT. / r ISI, !:,1 rch.at.lll , .. and 1_.:1 LI. s:E,) fi c . county for 1 .862 , . CLASi LIC'.ENSE. .....Srnethport'.3ordtqk A. N, Tnylor, ." • iTaq Ifni , ..• liarulin, • • • %V. S l3rotrn 11• . Which affot G.!brierS..S.triith, C; S ClPaveliimfit:Co Smith SC i3arber, 11. Dailey, ' • 7,00 • thAtl 'Appeals he h ld ar the Coinmi , itti,eri„ ,o(fiee In Sinitibrinit on the •15 . h: day 'of July -next, at whieh persons a_ eriet^ed by the furetediriz .apprakein'eni will h, heard' and such - abaPnieillts triode as hie - tleetT; ed just and pf . npyr... ",. .• 23, 18G2 A PAIR OF REAL NOVELTIFS • And one Without tt Mate. • .PAPER. NECK-TIE.", .. (PATENT APPLIED Fgqt.) ' This tie is trimleentin:ly of piper, in 190.-rlif ferent:style's, -and in'pert'ect Imilati -n of silk and other fabrics. The , price is so low thar' n ientlernan may wear,A NEW 'TIE EVERY DAY, and yet, not ,be chafe:able With. extraes: eance; or one tie can be worn' from ado Slays, if necessare Jo economize. . . • : RELIEF•TI.K . • ..• : • • : • (t•ATE.; 4 iTI.:D ram. 29, 1861.) 'This is doubtlesi the meet : pe; feet. 's'ilk,tie ever invented, and is just what the namelm. pr,(lect , Ftdiel hem all: fMfh • er tro'h ble•in.tyitne.bo'vei.... •• ' 31--THE 'LACE. EDOE TIE: •• • • An exquistielk besuttoul article ! --it has only to be seen to-he admired. • •. • , • - • SMITH. & BROUWER,. r, • Sqle , Mptmlarttirrrs, . • No. 311 Warren Sti4t,liew..Yerk. N. 13: 7 -We ell to' WHOLESALE JOBBERS ONLY. ' 'Cobwr) , M.webi l nis -Can' e(rder •gools ANY WHOLESALE HOUSE Whom they are dealing. . The Confesecons 'and Experience • of an Invalid.' • ptIILTAITED rOff TUE Ilk NERIYAND A 9 A WARN {IA RO I a nation to young. men, who Futrer from her row' Dal.llftv, Premature Wray . &e.; rtirnlying at the lame time thulnellllsl. f Self Cure . fly one who has cured 131rwirlf.afoe'r Min • ratan great or pevea ?firm gbinediral ltnpo.ftion and quarkory By encloeind a post.pfild ad. dra.sed envelope. IMMIX C4I/13 'nifty be'bed of Om ot . tbnn NATI; ANIEL Al4YNAllt, Er.q., Bedford, Elegy County, N. Y. • (rl6-v4.) SIVIET.II_L-lORT a 0.0...(0-,a:2.74'• liEV -ARRIVAL AT A, B. ARMSTRONG'S. l AVlNG.beenme tfie proprietOr • of the Grn. very and Freeiqkh !Atel.Y oreupiert by Et. F. Wright, ke - 4613 method of k krmkg.Oni- Irkas thiit Y hove.JOstieceived *the lumeßt - stook of • : ,FAMILY GROCERIES, . ever offered the people of • NT 'Kean epuntv At prices vi.bieb would seem on pus at. any, other establishment . keep on band, toad are , n the (laity . ' (tROPND FLOUR, ; • " • AND ULM, PORkii L 7 ',:CODFFPn. • " /./Arlin(t.EL., WHITE Prolt, tarr rElt, LA' D. TALLOW. ; DAN'DLDS rm.uns, erprE ß ., • , • ..c . NN‘mov.• ' . (lA"e. FR. Tit AC 0 Itlrs'lVQ. C\.;. ALL KIND°. .41.:DAD.V.3 oe. ALL . corvr , ;11' 7 'Nt), AND t.N4; , ;() _ND • • •' . IT N E. r.TITD, Te,V 4 d r No., My: , tork 13 nit. , irt,r Pl.sehr.,.. 'l•nin Iwpt . (•nll 'ti-:.pnire and qu*ty, and y:10 A. P. ARZISTRONG Sm.t , Tnri. ln. Iq4h T.rft:C: , ~~ F 4 LC nertmn. It%nrri.N tWonr..J v , "t ..V1 to tho oiri , lorsitvlea,are h .rphy vn.l h.(l rill omi' '.We owiraccou . nts . Coitsw4ll ade. • . D. arre• Pe , • • Job . Work, NSE, tot 14 .$7.00 14 .7.00 1-i 7,00 14 7,00 Btadfo rd 14: 7,00 1 . 1 7:00 11 7,00 • :lA5'; E... riL A In. i.... ; - . -. .!: cp5TA47 :. ...... VERMINEXTIRMINATORS. "Only Infallible Remedies KnOwn.' DO4rOys EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF VERMIN. . . . . . These preparations (unlike all others) are .6free..from.Poispne." .• ;.' ''.:.,. .• '- ' ." - "Nei-danguioile tu . ..nhe humeri' femily:.'! . .+Rdts.eibitie nut: of t h eft h oles toi- ; • •.. •• e . . • lie." • . . . 10 . )ears and more established in City Used 4—the City Post Office U..ed by h v e ty Prjaoni and . Stet ion Houses U.3a by—City' ~teamerh, Ships, .&c. Used 4--the City tiospitals. Mms.flougeg, Used by-Lthe. City , Htitels—• A`i 4-c Ucrd by - 1 :03e Bnartrng Hati . srq, etc, Ured bytrora than 50,060 . Ptlyat . e Fenrsili . . . . .17 . 8.re.w4.71rhr PreAc,•ooil Pr 4. . HENRY.. R', C.Otil'A'R,--A.T.:ti.e ~..aniraer ve • ftiiiche' atilt artnalk: for y ..rr • fora: : I piirerias,;ll.ti b. x of your F:..xtiriti!liator, .iird ijo k• ;het; 11. , a‘.1) , r:Aloose In i 1 1. ... , • .ii. 9t Elin . ~110U.Sr.k 1.. P Ef{.S —1 ' wi• vermin. ..0.•.! n•• 10 1111 P.11 . 2..1,. if thoy use ''COSTAR'S'' to our safis• fi let 'a, aii i I !r !ox t.. ,but, 1110. y. '.lf-rigidf 'Whin!! p, 1.11 ( 'OS rA ti.:l) . reii . that,: con write it. k iirer••at over (o:)..Gaztor. :MORE GR.\ IN , a'nri Piovisions ari-• dkstrnyeit uulliall\' in '(iriili'Counl,y by vermin. titan .iouldpay for !Jill= of Rol. dad 'loser t .• lIFN'RY R, CO•SA'AR—Your . ttirminatni is .0 , 11; na;proominred • box the way lII IM our "raised 5"tr," . 14 , 0r nietit..was.treautioO to sleOpi.rs., Sivro , t , o-ti not li4al•or h e.. , 11 . I HAVE. pEEN - SELLING,- . Yrmi Extifnii fidirjr for lb list pp.v , ut d 6tid it a sues sitoy .yriy Gm... • • • C'irilivaton. 0.. .VE A RE SEL USG— r pr4aration%. orthrly.: ' IV heri;ver fhey have ,bien-usell, ICI ire, Rooches, Ves, tlisejliear im.rriedi• rly. 1....tKr.a. & I . .TOtIFFR, Druggist E, itufsor,,;vlLl. ' • • • . :.• To• Deitroy--Rais,:Roeches;,&t. To Destroy—Mice, Molesi &c To Destroy—Bed Sup To . Dq;ti•py--LM °ibis Fleat, Anteii ,Tc ‘ De3e . r . oy—Nl . O squii Drrtrny—lneects on plants and insects TO Postioy—!nseeta on piet . oy—Every fc4a) end sp . !cies:of ver IEII2 E 1 Costar's" R a , Roach, ekc. Extirmin'r Costar's" Bed-bug Extirminntor. Bostar's" Electric Powder for Insects. 1.4 25. 50C. AND $1 00•Bnxts. BOTTLES Al:ID , FLASKS. $3 Rnd $1 AMES TOE PLANTA. • TIONS, SHIPS, BOATS, HOTELS, &C. 17 Sold Ev Tw.whn -6p . . All Wholesal , . Drog.trists . in large eltieg.': All Retail. Dealere,—Groters.Store-geepers &e. in the Milted States.. , , • .• Wholesale Agents In Neie.York • Shi.B .1i 1 . 1 Bros. & Co. Risti.y• & Co F.+llflogteiek.Hidi & Co. I Bush, Ruhisisn B Co ;1 ,Li.wprd,.00...& Co &Wheel r Oar:. • ' I M'Kuison 11Pudify4o & I D. Si Barnes & Co. J• 1411, C. Welts & Co. • thi.rn & Fullar. I :41,irsh & 'Co P. Orvis. • • xnn & PistiroP; Parker, se. co: Tripp & Co. • Dudley & Stuffritq. I Conrad F. , . • rhilado 7 phia, Ps. F.W. Throt t Co. I Robt.-Shormaker & Co . stuck & Co..' French,Riclourils & Co Al( the Principal •Citiea-and Towns in the UVITED STATES. SNIETEIT ) ORT, 77."501d ly And by 'en .•r a p t ' Rod c!Hintry, fri7rnti'ory tl, t trflo,r tic abr.vn: • wok• Ter!P° (1 , 5 ire.l, [1:77 s L'actil,,r to Dt•alers]. if I.',N ?•) 7, )?. G.o';'i.l.q: . . . ... PRIV,IPAL nEPOT— , \n..lg. 1.3 , 04 , 1w1Y, 0p..nm:ir1..t , ,, Si ISLeliol4B Hotel, N. ir Ttl.)% . 31 a je.01...imm.. . .. !. • . icoi, A . 4. 5. The .tiansporis which rontf.eYr of boll; nriponfirs.ur.Jiinrii;ES River veltOtinyovere; OAR: perl this n 1 Haih.ann otch'r., tronn : G.fn. The.. hre the prisnne'irs from Fortl) , la kt`n . re,s and life t'a tise rif ings- . stoppeq t . O he awing :10 some (iii eplty in the exchange 01 prisoners • , . _ • •• 'HF CONIAIIS.SIONERS me t inn 'lry the I.. Act of • Iniorporn incorptind ing Cotttlerqmrt,•Portdan and r\ Ilealiriy River Road ComPatik, Open . Biinka . for 4isttnerip, tion to the tockof •vaid Company att tie Rem next lipusp t to snrietapbrioni Ttiarritaythe ti ny of Sy'iptmolnr,• A: D; 1862, at 3' .o'clock, day",..; .••:' • ';•. '.• Stretttjtott f Aniais:P4l; • • •:. -• •'• s:A. BACk • • • .. . • . iIYDE, ,- -•. • . .•• . ' :• • Commi,t,tioriors, . , . oil 'WOO Drawn for Sri Wrnbei TOrmit462 driAniJoioßs . Karti)4-- ~13u.rbahl; A. D.,Conitrr Jereti);n ri.l . lThrd WrriO, Otint'. W.' S o. Peiton G.' 'M . ..• Wrte.r c..., , •oiro.--rmnk,q T. m.. Cumririrge M. • ..:.• 13 , :nd r ! irrt Styw.n • fl. .‘y:,, 1),01,41 H. , -''B I. D.. 01.4,7 it , rifraVß9', L•-gte.l Peabody N . . 'W. • • • • Lane Dennis. ; Stinn.t . J L. •:.- .. • . • LII I N't) J., • • • I-' '/ A r[l.lll ri.lo,i2ipivii A. /3Wai , ch Bissi .. . .. • . . . (30nt. , .y Etki: 110, Ft)ll. , r C6•zill , i, -. .1P90.11111" 'AI mop.lVtri..l.l, OK. :;:. . . •... -1 : ... ' :-. I taroOrru.- . --1101; Si 11ii . ,.1.. Loy:iesy .IVIII. • . ..A70,7i. , /rh... fionlivk:C. R. D,.kii,suil .F., IL 1),.0.)".;,..1.;i,.G9hi1inu F..'([:, . ••• .... • 0 ..• : •:- /ri../rii,g' ..:--Blown, 1)opipl; KiuR.I I .el; les- 6 . ... 0rge. . • .' . ~ . Ci. , ..,;—(7eQPr::V: P.. tr!nnfrifi F.•W -R-nniforrt—Herrl..j.itn F. . Ca rrl4, J„l.7rirno*Jolrri, Ant hr•ifonljulai, Sin for T. T., Doyle , toy nnlitn;', /..rrfrry . r , r(f.—Fnorrr . Wrn. • : • • . • hrt,”i1 , 71.-11ir! , li T„ Sta r ks Rotrlc4.. . SArri!on U. T, • - .• .. r.zr Pt ni J. J. * •" J. F. • !IL AI R, Sitnrif.f Smn . l,llport, 'A uittist,l2, : ' - THE WEE6I,I'.JILIONAL OF COMMEECE. . TO:.OUR SUBSCRIBERS—, • The remrne,:reTfieet a' no yrar je a. aooil. r!ole , for toi;sciiptiEins and incrrslam4 Ira circnialiun of ii;•j0010 10 , COMMi•I 'a , l(.l,l ,, ss . o.fis..lvea r , 41.1-ia thy pap.r.; w , th rohtiricncc•to . m;ss . t , i na,. na ?cad thci,,flo .nre n 1 t)').; prii"iCip and 13..vc it hCi Cliarm•f« , ,a c id w , li hcr , of r.r charar:et;z-.:,ttirs paper::,'Ecagy • 011 t " to t 1; evfcr,v.ii ? ca imourability In •unpoii and c C.colatc 1174 m; by ...paoj a2 115 110 e tiarzieolut Iruai clue new sal • sellh.r iri hi• •I.wn. • : •,. .• • bave : been fo qui Coon• .try's= itit.q..ata, ifml having lotia • cap.,' S;tvc'ia : " a , a .tosro of teploa . cli,waarf, nnd'rhrtl hr thc.lirm . • •• THE UNION AND TnE..cossTtruTroN • h heart end p , 91 South or Norih.'wlin is an 'enemy 19..e'ither' Exert` f orm of , I!corenjl2:llloiCa ni)'ro; ill 6ml entlihnt. t . • Among ills..kra 'it. th',;•American.tiviion soil A mearen . prine_i . pl. a. - .. . w we.r.l tit; qi ,ide • • . • "1136•L11, - 10,71 , 75.11 AND S ECESSID NIS 41t And we prno”e with ;till ouir,6treve. , h to &tend . 'i'lle'natto f i a {;most the et tff , l;4'int both. • • • A:I.J.BERAL Tn enroiirikee:.iir , Ose xt lin may velonie . f4,tn aid' in the nrVl.9izatinn of elohs, we: hr.ri , tq iin,eitra'i.noj, , of the,lVeekly t i every son who. o : nill ., torwktrd• I went V new sobitt;ribei, with the money. CLUBS may . lte arennizetr in Pornmnnities with event advantage. The present in•the bent ,rerin , f in, commeneement. .The;' tetmn Y nn which We, ran furninh the paper ni - e as IniloWnt—'. To enrnpapien reline •• . • • . 20 ennt . es of upwards bor,r:Aß . eneh - enpieri ;• irtri!terr i) t.nre 8 copies • TEN • •" • ,4 copies : • • - TUC 3 !ivies . . , . . Un,ier •3 ,ropif;< • TWO " each 04, 7 , .vOll :lift ruitiro;s4.ll pPrF.i , ii's 1)1 thli - same'rnst 'c)1:: el ti hF of.• 13 or: which. µ.ill 1); ,, tn ono. 1151 , 1re4,.. ' ADDITIONS TO CLUBS . : may he tn•tele at the . fhlioW , ng 1.14.9. t . r..P , PPI'S NiffP , l Ini.iii eliib rhirjr g the frrio cAtuarter 04 tt i. eltih'i , year will pay. the fall rate.of the itrigiL aril chili for d•year, , turing the' tieeorici quaver three+ tour. ha of the original yea r's 2 re te, ,iii ring , the third quarter one half, 14 rid thrricg .the I it .. qoar . tili' one.four'h,. I , ne a 11 . atic prick alihreriptiun‘ will' terminate with the year 'of the original 'Prom . . . Where•perkages of nolotj , nn.rs of nsrindield. are .rseeteed at any lino offive eett-d to orIP -address, and the names-nt the doh of enhcrri 'here 'to Which ..th'ty:helone,'w;th for, a quarter in advance, shall h,. hand d postmaster, he .btall deliver the am” to their respective ownets. this 'floes apply to 'oceckly;nol,4l.papor, vithich . riic4loto fr e in the comity where prih. ted'n nil published. I:Cr Add,:ss , .t.:(1 [tor .. nf (hi' Jou-nrilofCoin noro.. .No: D 1 1.1 7 .01,i Arpqrt .v;.„. r „, k .. ... •- . . • PRIME,' STONE, HALE k' Ilikr.T.Crli: 1•:/illolli ,t1 . 1) , I . P1 . 01111Mti) •... • • - . . . . . . . . . . •. K31 . .C.1CX 1 3... f1.V.43:1_111 C I FrEE .. . ~... r . • - Thi* pr ,• Aron% tb 1 , 0.1 Jqvg I. h. r I Ir.A-.E•f., •r;• '1 I: 1 I ,r: .-1 hultnuw 0 .1-hrd , r4+ l'h : bo,h 4 e 1.•• r • r , • 'I tt. , .; i "'" 11 ' 0 7- '"".'.r , '. o'nho.. , tw. "roc , h . try r...-E4 -I'. I, P: 3 c411t3. , . . . _ .. .. - - i',,`' •: LLt.:) . C . K , -,.., LEV Al - 1 k . i . • , . . . Tb n rnr , Tl a an !•ent ~A II : TVG 6 ( l ',v DO: + trwa P' ..:1'.•.1 ."•. 1: X l ll. sweot•niil invrl I , :ti,ll43.:.titrf i ca:ef , - PriO4 16 con!A • . : '• • , .•. At.tv•F•lnTr•Brr, By , • : T.or•K' • . corn,r, oil3ioad oird ritehttita. Stryets... • . • 'And ao:x1 try all Druciiihm3 and Gwtsq. .'•: . .. - :'... , .:TIK*IPSC)I'B'. ::. • ''.,,-,;. :B,AXK: -. 10 . TE IMI.-copEric!Ati'.lßuLTE Cliculatloil, 100,000. EDITED.(3Y JOHN QuotritiOhs BIIUTkIE,Ss . . '2 Wall Sfrert. i, • • Published by CH 'l3t . .rirr.aELL., 1 . 17 F;ra'kl'n , . .. , . . . . ''. • . A - MOO . 0F allalettlPTloll IN 0.1:11:471C1•4 : •.. '. .•, •. !.- '.. ~ li,:rriinf;sithferifwist•.., %$•.!,1. ) , ;;•.'..52•1 :o'rni,•toqiitliry,.....:sl'lhtoplllly.. ~.;75c . ;To Poarmatteys or' otliora• svto turnt Wutot , an 1 far , wa 4,12 the in”. 11 17 1:n adva,.ca': we .tr.ll' end the liepoi• ter:, ( . .citn . Ch . art "Iftrn,ll,l, and .I.kstrip,tive.,Liqt, at Ibl. . .. . • . • .. -• 5 copin'or 1141 ' , W , ',, , cif f ' 00' 0' irimf 00 ` , 1 , : c00 . e 4 oernl•rnnotily... 6 0•41 • 10 00004, '0 . 1.111a 111atittily .. ... . forvvo ri!".o.l*o uit oft .irtp • Ony'llOrson .Mending n club .$2l) tit at any ore tidie r ,' our. AmriAir . iio Gobi . 00 11. 47c4.( Til9m . PSOisl .13 [Vail ERS,;Brinkr.it, Y., Riiii‘rietrirs . . • • • - 711TOTHY- . .SEtT,D.: • • fj j FT r BU$ll F. 4.5. of op OTHY Skpirtai,eil.by.onil for polo at,: H. .110r.t Port-Ail.gatik, Decoilbt•r'2q, 18 . 6 . 1,• •. $4O. WAGES , PAID $lOO Tii yell. Lino,ls for •EWIN•O M AO:l014F. .C. ' 't% ill s iiii•oininii•sion on nil Sinn•pr . rtl Gitt••ll(.ieliiiO - fir,ri.t, in• its rno•. Ai obi! I :6tii.lvarr. to .oporkit#:.it . ily /11111 II It ittruily $ . ri.dwird is. • Guth mil; mine is thiroo, ••Attilriiss• '.III7GGL- PS, • '••• Grn. A gt. Di•tioit i • Mich. „. . . . •TRIAL LIST FORSEPTI:IIIIEII,IErtm 1?Ol. . , A N Ts) for . •. - • I'4 %,• hie,nl, and t; 11i.u4•un n . • . • . •, . th ni•I;e0 .: . . D. I'...A•e.,brunke ' . '. C.I St ,i); .!ft CI iet d ' ' ' .. o•• tii- ~' .. • ; '‘ P.' J t'd 1 li rliti'S: Wsu PAVIA, - Shied rod •vA .1. LI I • re•• "A 'a ,- - • J.,, ; ji"l. Clark . ' „ .. v.I•J tows n... 1 ,1,, i p s .• .- • , • lt.i. 11. ri• :. • .• ' - . - t1 .."li' IlArk. V , Co yi n tons ~ , , - I.utne• A • . - !.A. •Mer , itt .Clarl. et Al "1., mlna A Latrou end her •• " . . . • 1111 0 And • ,•" • '', 5. , .(.1en 11 C• t'r o .• ' . IA"In V livetioret el' • •,1 , I V‘ d ' inn -lark • ..1 P•C'lrk - • • tA F.Abklin Puller' ' • • '•-, Sol Olt Nee . ' _ ' :vS I' .1 Mn,lvr of kt • • ~., 1.4. I- ,11.11,nn . - . -,vs 1 1 141 1 1ln:0y eat ' ' R.n , ,k ;teal ,' . .• • -r• Oe',', l P"'r..-o on et al ' 111 i; an ils v bs ; 'l,l - 11111 , 111 R. '... Tuns 1"n..-her. rob. •-' • v. 1/.- Ptvner ". • ' ••• '. • , At,a 111 nor • • ~ el ':1 , ta . I liAogAllory. .''. Ile k.. , I no,t'Terrls • Is. ,10, 0 .. - IVA' 31 . I..)k' . - vs konti .. • .", . 3 , be P Munrne '.... •', is :.•iosile , . • • . ..,, J0,...101 II ..q , rks' . , . v,i,flrl,vard..eArtook • ' Attires, II I,u low; '•.. va Tin itonover. 3115 , 104e' a 11 of Ctrarlei.vs . -. F1e1.12 " vs 1. P-PorUer ' ~, Larovll 8 Fo.nor •'." '-;vs I- en. , ,e IV tsft'vr et it • ' . nresrpter Prienilit .'• • -.' vs WI linen 11%,..1,11, •.. , : • '• • •JNO• It. CLIADIvICIL. ' •• • Julr.lB,-1E62: •- • " " • , ' . ' Protbly... KENDALCREEK . HME, - - . KENDAL-CAIEIC, III'KEAN PA:, riturf l a. l e.l this well T.k:iletvn stand and re-fiir:hished ar.,d re 6-- red the prepared. to rntertein Board ers.end the TievOing pul lie.. . . • ::}ITS BA • . Will tr~ drier tom'tit's hn Eel of : per ronnee, wayi . fihd . the . net: •i • . ' M FULLF:IVS . Ere . pdal Creek l'aritiary 2; 1800 . . :as ly PROSPECTUS OF Tlih SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, THE J36ST'MFCIiANIP4i. PA Pl , ll. IR Tut , Wont.n SEVENTE ENTI-11Y1'. A R. 11,•4 SV,;" wnlely p.r Mir fittlrPf; on Tho 47h nr Jennaryr. r) . par!.. of ,i)%eft.o rtntnoconil trim five' to t. , np - rigini,l rnuntvin of new invn,,..tion anal Oic,f .wineh ~•xpr!, . s.sl)j tor 'O . !. rojnflin. .Tbr , ('I.I" , ;tIF . IC,' AM;RICAN is 41ev, f ir . ,41 to rhr intor t sfq. o f P puler Mrr•hanir A JTanubu•turec, Invwiitiorot. Atifictil(urp, .Cnrrirnr , rrr•.iirn! tiCo lildlist ri4 lly,:riis;v:.lu:itA.ttiCrttr ! ,tr:lirtive nnl ( ! roy 1, 11, •Sf,rnui'arrory,_but also 11 , .the the Library 'aild the Ritoin.p. .T 6 ThevNtechinle and "'Nf.inuideturett .Sl.; env . 6r the • 'rnoi.chanien Otts.,•hnuld. thud: nt.'ning • %Oil hnsit the Aminin,N. .11 enstnhut-Intir ..cvnt.‘ wiekr evtiry nurphor contAinii , to ten ingrasinc.s. of now- rna'r t Inns, whteh cannot, be,( ! tund :in any other nut. Ikatin s u. It. is. nn establi : .ho4 rue or the. ptih Ushers to t flier t none but end Ind., : 'nl tne . fteptclavtt,.in - the err, 'dravep I f n i{ engraved- by .xp-rienc:d perisci . under Their iS obi) : , Tn th.. Inventor! • • • I . hP AM itICAIsZ •is 1n , ! 16: pe• sah'it to est• ry toventor, rt It'ont only rot• . tents illo , treett desertrttions.of nearly 'ell the best..rrYenttnott at , thoy not, bin • e.t.t , ootit't - rr, .in List of phi: Claim or' thn the (.1; Pl . t•t•t Otriett dgting . v,p,.)<: pr. vit'.11;;;:,?1.1i ving it* corri•o..flion'ry or . in 'hi:: enquiry.. %%'e nr' rlso P!Pr'IV . .. . . 4'4, i'Vr•f v vroelz.:.vp.bvt . .4. ..r.r..' ; ri..: .jot , TP , I , '' :r. ,,, t ' 'll irt :611 , l'i. i ,: r o t ..droi.•(;•r.r.r.v; rfo, Licull iri.n:u. pri.,,s-ioil a.trili,,r iq tr'aiNiiiin) ; 1 ,p, , ,h,.iii, , -i , e , ,, , ,,, , nu'! arf it! 111,se: (X. , •nw.rri• c, •\V.P c•; ,1 1 , 11)I , a - 1/A7n - , ver iy di.l ; rn.of I; 111111ZIE chemi.t,l., A rr.hi•P‘t., k n m r:11,•1 Thp F:N--1171r'• PRI(' It "n•m•l a.mott 111••• 6' . . 1,1 .611 , +:1 ii.`llll . Ir/iv '"%," •4' . 0 . 1e , • of rti.n , lc•ry as, on, m e kr.'h , t rt ;itirFe. , popt , ,r:trei tt overler,lo , 6 7;1 1 ii..w ap i ies wyok Irk fill 00 Lir vc ittfoilra.l,t'• . . . . . • nem twttnirting.tcline., t0...tr.. ...,. vvrig,,t ! , . -; i t lilkic• r. - 110.. nil t76 - IN ti;• tit% Ix illl lloA to ticl pill : 010rd in-the, SetLx - rit.sc.',As!Extcit %,,4, Tit. irtoh Mr at ' ti 1r cannot" P? 4s .it;ti!.+oJettli 1 ron) , 4:;) ..,,t ,iso i . Sobj..rts ltyvrihieh,,plitnten; . ..A 411. , r :Of, 3 ( left..ted will hi:toiii,d - djs, nitwit:in . the: Sclax.i -rtrlc A miiientrtr : triti!tt - rit-the:4 inirt . rivr tiiitic..in lit; tie till ut al itliplt , tv'ett..s.l.:,ii,l; illti•I ratAil . .ili' i 1.., COI i 1711111 1 .: .•'... - : : .."''',... ','., .I;l`:s: ‘, )f3,rl . .NKlll .. . . . , •T„.n nn i l bn n I ng . . ,4 ,PI; :—., ;. 3 .0 0 : P • i ) fVf 6 '' ./!:r . w . r! •Or, °fie:llol.m :for xix.'irnn;ti.. lip . oirar r :• ' pays fi,rno! c9T! l .:te ., t!' 4 Tr„of, li,k r. ~") ~ liirtpa. V OApi4o or, :.ypor:',i , oe • 451wi s . onii.!.,s ComniOnci 'on'ilio .1iio: of Jenuiry and .t7LT:.I3. '.RAT IL'S' -. .. , - • - . kis e_ eopn y - i , for six oßtmi ~ .-.1 1.. .....-„ —. Tell comics., for' nt M or'iiKths 'sue , -1vai 4.6 t5." 15 . ' . ..'Terl'eOpte.s;-'l6(l".ists,leiTTOhlfir , ••- .• • : ; . $l5: I r lift'veq'CiTii.),,i;arr. i iol ,; tk,4pritbe 1 7 St e t ... Twenty s opi er ?. I Wl' .1 . tvetv e .Nfonihs• ---- $26 Filr.llo C'hilAra of . T.ss•enty. If ud oiri!r, Iliss . -year;..- ly 'Enliaciiptioic . is noly 5i,1.0. , 'Manses.- ran' list- i, sent in at'...slifbSirnt lining tied- from di ritty . • 'l6-i , otkes.. Spr . olinen'C'eiieli.ill 4Fiti *V I 1 ff... any OA 11 . ' or. ' i bP • 01; • 1,111 TY.. . •.. . •.. AS r PSI. , I II ;111 • 11 • Calklld ill II IT o : Hey or Poit,ollian • stamp's; ialci;n . at- Par for- i sitl;insriptfi 4 inat. Cana•: jinn' sub.ci iers t% will 'pietist. to.•r.mit 45 rents ' ! .x fp, on each y'sar. l is.subseriplion:tpliilp-pay postage, • , :. . .. - • . .. - .. • 3 5,4k-ioWY,NinOnik FOR, PURI:VYING THE BLOOD. • And for tlio speedy con; of tho rollotrlog•Cotn1111adillr:v(0 kicwofttln at 1 (I,lir 1:0611,10u vi A iro'irtiloilittoust4 . nu Ul, Norcur ItrUPti,,P,litfe I.' Int p/ l'at.t to 'lOllllllll, nut Sall taiLlal Invent olt• • Ind., Ulla :lone, LW?. .1 e. •Co. .1;t111/.3.111 , 1‘411- iiiy.tOttly to sc . . !eft yt , r4. !tit for mu. .: lan 11 .1.• I have stifterod vtrlntis sv”Ytt eitt , Z:6 4 l34ftlityti !t' hint • ant uo , I,lcrio tot hit+ lilt 11661111thUMN It toi 1111'd ill 1L1 , L.11- , 1/'l6 i l,l l , r , ;anal• •• p ittotii.ll hi (lit wu flll 10.11i11111‘1,J1C1.1111 toy scalp • alittl.t.ttin ,fitt ii am v.tltifiil stud lootheottir 'lteyood fl 4,11;41..11. i 111'1111.1113 Inrdlcinrr it10 1 1111i1041141 , ,:: . HIL.I tIJ 1, Llll. .1..11%1,11211110114 /011./ 1111,91111/1C• in g ~ / ./ , ;.1. At len:0111 11.0100 i. 1. 1 t , ,t‘l 11, nit,it, 1 . 1 1 ,, , , ,..t , tw:Q1,11. ,39111111 ii ispott lot "111•111111, (:‘ , lll raltuf.L. ti , ol 11i.o. did 11,11, •, poi iitllll.lilll.4 !Jr, i.•ttirtd. iieut to CI nein ooli .11 It till )1 11.111.1 , d tiro. -I took 11, on 'Poll iii cii hind or it tvlitlioinliful over 14 w.~ , ;ainrr 6.11tj0. rtt lV and bOnlilly . lit /OHO ti4lll,lollos sitar • niou 1,41,41uy siklAV ItinovoitZLiviyl4l, feeling. tilitt,Ott hua pone /1/,.1111110114,1004,4 Cali I,rll 1 / 4 .110111 1114! Ir, hut I cur n...‘ big when I toll yt.ii, 11:111 1 1.4 , 1 3 to, 1.1 in. Olio 01 111.1111,014/US of Uov !CU, mid 1111410/11110f 1;10i:1'011y. • A Ll'l 1.11 D. TAUNT.' St. A ta,tlarrity'al Hoge Or . Evy•lfirlaii I itsaal Itlato ttttt t Heald 11111.,a %rotor, Sore Ey es, Dicuyitilp'..'. , I)•. i',l.• ". Pi, Wit trallen rrolll SIIIIIIII. N. 1.,191Y ' Bopt., currd oft llt rotund* ame•, / ..,,,,, PIO,/ i 1 hit't tlaaluthaarl ha hartoliantaft (Molly; pit/ ,COl 111 T .11t, Of our tUtrvoi,orilio, nod oleo ul.lllllnimoss Atabgrut.4 I.`c4 lorp,o, float., fir Ole, &B . 4 ; 1 Ito etittia the Jerooli.oir , Ilrouchurel et, Goitre or. rtoppert, Tempi, %1 rho: "Thive 'KO tko ,•1' pity eni,bui , i,lll4.v . uiml !runt It.Uoihre—,..a We' noun oat, lilat gala tau Haack; aarlah.la I'llo eutlema 'Shaw Abell c Orrhaut. or AY I. II ett A Ovarian-Ws EtuiVism3 I. l ,ll:4)rittlPlA, FV11141.41 WWI= Ur. Choo 'Shur, ,‘r Nor' York City, wrists; t tuo,t rt,l.l.llicily,[l3llll•lS Willa the request of your 11. tr y aoi log I hove room' your listronloitillli 'Kiwi dive hi the iiiiitiettein roniplitlltto utootiii 5111 h ilv. but ovverliti)y 11.014 ti“; F, , ,..diil.4tut hart turr4 ;tummy lustier. stir """'s of f‘"sl-111301.1 by It. yono opus the MI. pll , tnl itiWNA lattaerlittlaii hrthiaiTba,ulltots, t% nolo' calaval, Nothing' withiliclikt vtl,o womb', It hir (howl Chum,, Aeriontesueuto.. him tow, or Nett lair,y, A 10., wrist*, e A dew 01.0.1(1/11/111/61. rat 014 of the liiioulue to my Wally. * lout defied 11 tho.reinedlok Re ,t lento!, brut ehr . 00l.deiy cored laryaur pxtruct °raw. ruwnllla. .liar, phyttioloit - •thOught•tiotitioirtnit iputlZg-i••(• math! 'Mord riallor hut Ito tialirl.o4l * (hai r tiltit Or Fa:pap/idle* nag OH tact' ra.atlrt hotbio colt log. , Intl It , Inucrd rirorlod. • A iYor thithlP.vottr,reutodrultglit, oreolto an.r'y,ulp torn irtrydrlol.lllo.l4l6l/111110 , • ”alv • ' Syphilis:and Mercurial DI . , Nur-CULEAms,2Btit itiiitiCti INK rin..l,r. A {tot r °heel fidly comply-with lbw rev • n , -1 "I .b ‘th‘l r.i/orf. to ~' ao4Jo• of file . •. . . ~ 1,-, ronollzerk with violoreulakiii .. i:16,,, • /4,- - 111 1, 11 ,7 " •I 1001 l aiiroool' nll 11 II: in niy articor; moot or rho eon. • 1 , 1•0n , a bor whirli. It Itt 'ritettittittrittliklt ''• t•lrtittei truly :oottyltteht) Olive cr 'I) uly:ontlontn Inutityi , lll,lllo.l•llapi hi hi,' viAro initatortotook'l3lll iNotari ortd els • top of Ili, ' lnuulL. Yuior t,Luiv pur,ll4.,;..ssidototakas4, , ,,c, lid. him in A siottio• wAA iii•i .1.110 oil' mi. it itilY neunrilloruldu I.lilioro ihf ,Ism d. r j< ,aid ioasit ;Inch / lOW fait, to mud klll pljo."„ Hug 'yl,• ! tbill 'to Inn orlon ito tor 31,111.'tiiitaajrapfillut the!. h.• hu eutiraa'pithiaut • xoum 111/.11,01e A. WV/11411 yarn' loa4•ol o iatia ci •i mu rd tor tics 'oniolon itOrono - olrr oquicoiry,,..rituoi;WW4 int", Llth. itt•lnttl hut: buitiNtr • 110 hell losc,notiS Mf u. • inlv o • too that titlit 611 ' 411111111p (icy Nile Hillirefed fir • ' 'cruyt.thsF ilnii, In lour Jaloota and lama*. o.blit o woof ' loy,yoolor otraio•aillior i• • froun'ino onroatoloh go riortigoilt giro M. -`••• I'l ram/ tatiat he • gtMt ottaitttotitt:ltlly. lily 'ruiluchlcalllo M. with It Inge liolt ono too latod,tilen • '' • J;• , 14 AV. 11 Frattanodly N. loAlt1:111roft p. • • . . . t Cloilt., • • 1.14/ er. temploolallo' , . • . -. 1 oi•r , ..hoi.o. r .: . Pi'o , too C.' , ., V0....,C111,Ji11y. IA 1116114. ' • lOr. J. f': - .. Art' O: Hr, 1 Gann - .. l 6.4ll4lllkitsirwllllttrt t 1)1)6116 1. - 4,n ~ , ,t ,ret f - ) ». if long t lino, uirlikli lAN ' 1))).)11 ) I pr)3.l) it )6, nitil 41i14 ko •licu In spit° 'of all .• ipl6)11))) ) 1 ))))))/)1 11;61, until Iti hid-your FarnitlnlloB4 ' . pa 1.61)10 rut).)l . 11, ill 1.../ weuksi. slid motored flu • • 1)6:111,.,, rrowir riot '1 um fur hotto.r. idluo - boß , ro / VII '. al:, k oil. • I Litiiiii, ii. it wiuntirlGl inllnik . lnG. .44 roam ...1))I))/ V. ,f7,1,1o.11: r.f ff.-1,, 61ir,'Arlt441 . 4 t • billlli 'nitre bill 'nitre 11)4 I, ) . 0,64 v)I th rim) • //o:cfinin al. Ski Law, lib! a,.,.... nce il) t t..ittle, )1 7 lan.' (6)rx thlngqi , ndevery ton ,d (Li 3-,-;;.,,,, min: 1 1/04.0 totn iiirrolcowders' -1 woo. ',y... , ' r,.-in ~e c.the , r rens, lluilt ficrase***ll ' .• fl;, i. , ..r. .Sly 16)11)v).11 pliatnr, Molten. Mr. 1417,1141 .. too In ir:,- 3,11). i oi,floiii - i.i-lliti, lititiifilile 1ii3,141 , 41111P4111/::t M id. , ilt V tti Ili.' )iiii li:i.i:li WOO ,wicriti triiiig..'-'ily the iiik: 4 (:,..i a loo,nord t0...m0il Low $0 plaided Lo/ Wide ' ' .liii Pi iiiiikii ie th.l,V. All II I/ or loc.; •• 1 r... 01 y uungapao. MO •' 1,4,t ; 11.t.ii: Cote WI e.dd'ofyi . ..o.li )lot Goff 1G0110F 11 : 1 1 1 0 1 )) . ' . '..' . ) E",r -It ler 11A Cittir'OetiillifsPb;'EfitilAClDlllll4lo. ' UltAiritAtrili, Ciltbila 'l4/1/11 3CZ/r041‘141.1111, too ILu:roa.' .., '... ' .• ... . • • -A Gina 149!) , tyef ronms 1.41'u l)0017. iyflOtiiid 111111111‘41111, 7 . ' . I'' ' tilii•ii or mi.., ionoi.f.d,lo v13.0/6111114 bill' 00014 '11:C of., ~ ~-, I lib nof tel in i»..1):,•t. lic 0//r 91iios I.iir, will lion's ' .. 'lw,. , Fr iiiii - of il i i la 'l{,µi•lo. fulllid Ito qur AUMMinIIIO : • 1 11. lir., while 11 , 01,i' mg/qt. ll , ii ~ / 1111 •1 2 en./ 40 . 80 4 111 . ' .1 'I II ,d) 1 , ,,•6“:4 li, oil IVliia 41111 for: Illem. • ~ fiyoliokfit',lloArt'lNsonoro,'lF'l if.; • ay, Mcia/luitoi) , .- Itiout;iolulla. ... --... ; • ' /I , orr. m. 0 .. hofq., r•;:rer Gf &bora iffootiouo lavirbaiii - viodo Oi- ilio iiiiiii i iiiiva liniviiiiifiGiaolo l llolllll, - ,„;s OW._ Ink% 11)6 Fleet fmmtfruu Into I l Jrroths - not./01);,G1RAIrektli nvarrnulvd ellnorti,in n1)1)11,111610 Ito rolinpoood beyond No ' •. • rued). forte n. reinc)ty 1161) Initx Cent rrojulrod.by 0,0 yo. • Nr,111,,i of tho"pn, p1u,").,u1 coo lire COnfidetile I.l,istAliklyolll . do for 116.1tin11 :164 modllno rein do. .!,..- i - ,„ •'' ` ' : " , Zly • • C 61,41 'N6'44 cs . . - . . ' , ' • •.' . TOR TUB N.A.1.11.1 , .C121 . 1.; • ClF.' ; ,i••• .. • .o'• flThrf fzi•;:ft c; • ,Coliln, isif.htthiati. • ITOntrie.44llll. :. .... • CoI-ff ~,,,• 1 . ..1.r.)1C.if o.lh. ' Inc, tplene eon.. .. • • .., •, c.. N 4.,1 1 ,1 tau,lN It d i'rilt (hr hail 4 1 ,.., • • . v.::: f'''.'ll ,i• Ilia DI 11.6 , . 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers