M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, September 20, 1862, Image 2

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'oinitu Eltutoiritt.
eittuilay,' SePt4:2lllth, 1882.
..-::.".. J: , 11::.A1IpITOR QiNf4Al,.. - ;
op : Ate...kaiak:4y COUNTY.
Fut coNokted,
WILLIAM raproic
of Erie county.
1., PO4, X it*** 6 itrATIV, ES.
RR, 0,
,R* EARLEY, Of Elk county,
'tai l . 3. BOtER, of Cleicrfield
-.• •
r oOtritir soya xArcols.
- 1 * . ,7/9. Y. AI:pCOT.,
of the de
@condi:lto ot Africa in the.Uniled'States is
eempatible wit,b .theliberty and sillity of, the
Zereitriatitleireendint:' Their' slat.efy for ITIII n n
eXtetifion, linnv stern. and inflexible
iieerrasityi:re ihalestertilirbertx iri the. United
.W. did emu originate . .nor 'aria • we re
apriniigb ferlbiineeeisity. l'heii• liberty,' it
• ilnexiirei.posidble4 co:Radion!) , be establiebed• by
viehiting ineonfectiblepnWere'ot tbe States
efi.iubiertling this Unicin.... And beneath
tbeipiins ef.the..union 'would be.buried,. scionet
or liter, The libertiesi -of both iiiiees."-,Witrry
?r 4 ;Phe'ci Ftlffiled.
. .
ogolrvigistlircitrtm: FANATICS AND Alms' ,
eggrilieirieliirginsigi,' n4rnorshle ores.
glen, ' , Mazy WILL OVIIRRIDE titlt CONETIT6I 4 ION.
agto 4itisgtatviitl, ugV•VIn
Wit 'filing& inf iknis"ni igen . IFJTII TURIN
IN INeNXIEN ',itinzerrinti'llisig.
FALuitr.m, ru1.41,Ly.. BANKRIIP,T TRE
CbtiNTRT I' ANV DELDCit ninon." ' •
A. Sraarrins, 14 ill be at'
Itidgray: ofeTti;arley abr. '39th (Con (
wesk)ielluilettaiA' 4;er thlorz'atrurding, th'e
Intraptatail that Vitinity opporinii!y aOr
inielltitniialleairal his 'firOfessional services:,
'ilrlibriaine la in'exc'ellent - Dentist, and Will'
vesicant his work to,give entire- satisfaction.—
TIN tiaisena ofElt county. will atinly 'their in.:
traitiog hands any, work they
Neadire 41 . *: * •
• •Vkh - Cutivirdsiiptt.—The clnrsinera tie Con.
lei+ dos , Mhi .was h eld wetilllufaYt list;
anis conducted with the iarnoat
dia're ; to, nominate the
br:‘ , Viia;flir:thatfrike;with:* dettrtilfnation to
!•4 111' : count for ilia Con
-6‘041*7414:110/111611:`,00 it Wila.l The eandi.
staliat trp , ailpYriypri:ttihi,'arid,haves a ''rfptita -
Ift 4C 0 4 0 100 er
1100 Aitete ' • i•f3 t
. e
publish the.preOtirrinVe" in(Mill refer to 'the
Ta t I' i ftrY4l"rtiq 11 1 1 X 7 ufai ein.,WedneedeY,
' Mal ! h Meintisti - ittehrledi the 'Court. House
• betiffiNCA Olittr44l etetllOWilli... , -,:z We, regret the
disiPPeillgentin Wee signet 11,Y, Ike!. eon. a t tend=
ali4 l .44 ' :ktiil ' iti:iiikii.... l .s ) h.d'heei) ihvitid:
itith . re 0 : Willftalq Who had been' :absent
fraltwitipisie,arribing while the mreting was
. ..• .., ..
e 2 MAPP-elec'Aieii!eted `11" shirr( - ..bei , maitirly
. i i ii k, : l o_
~ q l- : ;,l r i f i e! !!d . lY /4114 loudly cheered' •
Tbre!utebaance,of ego large • number of the
. ei4/01ritaloktouitty,;- showed that loee and
4. #1e . 4t.4 4 140i Off.' Cipit,itUtiOn hruf:net been
'ereljeitirrittiirler the ki s higler la no i' 'teachings'
asel4llo'4lby.spi . episy• in fo r
4i- perillons• times,
'lrkiirslo 4:7 4l4o46 4 :iliiiiir 'PI I ' M . of 'their - bops
fit44110141.?..t4 ,A.,...2,1,1: 7 ~.... • f
Learettcsca. 7 -sVer °wk. of . fins
ce#9tik'antrd,r -, b*PliPnr,'9,f 11 .' 41e Y ,9 !! c PuP t Y'.
reictsted The morrsinat ion -for,Repti sen triti vet at
theitelmblibietetivehtiritil .', '"- '
(I:)Vfv.Sociitrato, of ,WarreO;'' io f 1,1 i; Reptib
. .
in . thhrjtetrtet. • It
t 'had'O, tscontlit" in
Itiri,F,.. ( yese,r,it.convention, grin delogittee
• witheltaiviatiyiith.their candidate, ahoth.they
Sonia' of
our 44'publicon •friends have doubts cif ' there
4touih in ttis'ilistrito'eleet both
et .
::. pter„upx.uWtinettion: ; :of the enioilleil Militia, of
1. hiliiiiiiirit r ia now eomp)Oted. About fifty'•:per . -
'Firetr4r9ipifertiided . ha ve 'been'. found Bt, fur
4 4 1 #
..: . : q iiiiiliiiatiefaethinii:ix ' A I • It'
• ''sf Lo - , .. : Prene t•w 4 c
tl' •:116 • Ilpectlde .. Sour es . wi.ean judge
.11e ;#lll#o4teiii!..!46vherged . theis: dirty without
iiiiitlinilil.iiiii.ifieittifullY.. - . • .. • .:
.....!:' , ' 10. 1:::: " ".:rt. ' - ''''' .-4 ' - "'' . . , • . • ,
4e r ,O P*00 ,41 - 1 4 ;11 9 1 enatcie . Simmons.t
2..Witifi,4lireitii4.iir if iOcittrit - -.: knot iCk will,
.7‘444,44i;44..'0 . 0 ; t4it t 4* a tet• vaate; ha ! ,
*i l iolidtbOiti,o. : , :fcirekcif:.,puOic eetiii
:,;:intiit;lolo4,ll94,4-:iieOgit, hie tj o eilltltud S.
;'4'.'' , .:ANO l tiiMitOiAt'ffet?itP:P ' Is* . .-
. 1
'::"";/..,':•:',;::::::.,.: '',' ', 1 ...' :::, ..,...• • .' ' , • • '. ~
cONVENT!ON,: .. •,
Ptirsfinnt fty from the see,,
e9tiniy; tn , ;t : at
COtrrt gnieibiuiit, , on •Wedneedny the
it4t;,lof ttre'!i;urptise or . 'nnminntintf caii „ ;
dulateg to be rippoiteitnt,the'en,twing'eleclien•
The 'Convention .wtio iirenniied • by.,
Williaii Bnrtnn .Prettdent, 'find J. L. Bean
. .
The f( Bowing poesons kesen!ed.eredenttels
Liberty—W DilVi4, Fitch B
Bradford—Wm. Burton, Philo:Ackley;:e.,T
,• .:•
, Perry, Charles
Woodruff.. .
. .
Annin—F, Slierw9od ! , Corvrin
,treating.:-Jemee O'Paly, W. F. Ormsby ) , I
L. Bean.
Otto . .Trunee McCord, Jesse Garey.. ~ •
Diiylic•M. thy m.' Broder.
C'orsq . eilL••M.Suotlerlim.
Stmehynii"t—Miley Baritvel!, A
B. Armattimg. . •.• --; •
s,.fee —Peter, 13. Lucas', Lawrenc
Ndrioillt—Geo;•Sinith, 4. L. Viiorden„-Jatiles
The Chair n . ripOtrited a cointittttee of three
o repo . rt on cretterittale: . , Cntnmiitee reported
no' delegates 'entitled to' conven-
On Frintion,A; ,Armstione,
and .l; L. Worderi' , :vt:ere appointiql it'Coinnlittee
on resoletions, and report at the evening sea-
On motion.ihe conventkon . ndjourno to
On re-acie'mbling the Ccinveniion procee eJ
. . .
' For conrity7reasurer,.W.,Y. :McCoy mei
;..ett a Majnitty . of . .all . the vote4;when on . trio
tionthe •nominafloo Was made. arattimons.
For...Commissioner', A ndrew'Rileyhaving the
mjority of votes,, was declared neminated;
For Auditor, M. E. .Suntlerlan was tinanc
motisly.nominated. '
~ .. . ..'-.* . .
'. For Dig , iet Attorney, S:C Ityde, was shnli
nated by acclamation. •, .. - . . ...
On mption'the Congressional delegates' were
instructed to use . rill bond:able means to secure
ihe•nornina don of A.S. 'A t nold; at the Con
gressional ct loin, ... '•.-
• On mntiOn . . IP . Backus:Watt'imminated for ,
Senator, stilt :to the decision •ol the Senn
.terial renveretisone . S. C. ilyde, A. M. •Benton
and J. 13i Osiattoivero.selected as Senatorial
delegates, witb powee•to substitutt;.• •
On motionqh%followinzipelsons. Were eke;
ted us, a Standiti Committee for the ensuing
, .. • .
yiar.--.Y.13. 'o'viatty Wm. Wilkie, A. K. John..
. • •,.. • •
son, J.,Carter, and B. D. Hamlin. 1 , ' • . ,
'' The "committee on resolutions, repnrted the.
following, Which were unanirnously. adopted:-L"
,k, Reintveii, That the Peqoerecy:Of
eounty„waiying thi,espression of their •etews
upon.gitestions rot rendered imperative' by. the
imperille,d 'COndition, of, their country; hereby_
. •
nun: That (hey will . eontinne to tender.-the
government their and united supp. rt in
tgell64'ol. all, legititeate means to suppress the
ietnllindand,to .restore the. Union ,it was,
and tinaintain the Constitution as it
ving that. ihat sacred .it:strupnent, frninded in
seictornkiy pur lathery, clothes the constituyed .
•anthoritiea with lull power tosacrompliah hutch
purpose.: . .
`Second.. That by the, following , resolution,
unarlitiously passed byrongiese iii bly, 1861,
the-Govertiment Was ,pledged' to the Policy, - Ili:
'euteated therein, 'and tetfieh 'cannot be departed
iron? without violation nf public faith, cis:, •
oßesofceff, That the present deplorable - civil
war has been forced upon the country , by the
.of, the-Southern •Stat 4, now ,in
arise against the. Constitutional -Government,
and imam)... around the espial; that .in This
national emergency., Congress;, banishing ,
feelings of mere passion or. tesentnsent, will
recollert only its duty to the whole country;
~that this war is not waled, on their 'p.rt, in
any.spitit ot ppprrssion or —for any purposeot
Co..quest ur subjugation,; ;or purpose of oVer
'throwing or. interfering-with. the si . gbts ores.
isbliehell institution.' of those States; bpt- to de.
fend and maintain the supremacy of' OP 6antiii
: Ind to preserve h all the
dignity, eqii4lity- and rights of the - save; al
States unimpaired, and . . thst.as soon.as.these
oljects. are *accomplished the war Ought to
• ...Tl)sit we are Willing teS
_act in the
coming eie&ion With any class of loyal ciiiiens
Who egret. With,ns in•ihe principles herein og•
pressed; that we hereby invite the compere.
4'511)01%01 . citigens in givinethe molt emphatic
.apression: to these. principles.. by -supporting
the ticket &intimated : by this Convention... ~
.Rosalved, ,That the. proceedings of this Con ,
vention be published in .the
.111"Kean . Couury
On motion, aiijourneil.siNelie.. • • • •
• .• • • WM.. BURTON,' Pres'ti
J. BgAttp.Sec'y. •. • • • , .1
EFIRLI. ON IN RAIDFOR.D . court rr.— tlnder a
call, signed by some five hundred olithe. mo.t.
resPectaile 'Republican citizens , of, Bradford
county', a large and , entjtusinstiVals: conven 7
thin - assembled in Towanda last .Nlanday:. •
....The'ribi•ct 'of the meeting was to repudiate
the dictation of f Wilmot & Co.
dCnt•people's ticket was placed in horaNaation.
.headed by:Henry W.. Tracy for Corgre‘k, with
Col Allen M'Kean and Major ,T.liiiih To\ll , for
•ihe Legislative. , The 'Wilmot ticket ie I. l d bry.'
that.. Republican Prif . , st,George W. I,andimand.
' ce
tilled out with similar material. • '
It-is ,
. % Movement .splinging from the di
.of. _their Own party, 'and' it cannot
said that it is a Dentocratir trick. • •
Our .c.mespontlent. (and we 'are . . sorry tha
want of room prevents' the publicatirm•sof hi.
letrer) informs us that . the MOVenleat, will
prove a success, 'and that' the reign of infernal
R-publicanism is at an end even in ""my
favnrite ezpreision Or Proviso
John C,• Adams and4lr. Tracey addressed
the iminepse audience, and produced an itit.•
pressien' that will bear good !Nit at. the corn;
ing Every loyal citizen will wish
their; God speed in 'breaking up:suchli neat of
traitors as,ltas r eince 11348, /disgraced the once
Demdcratie County otßradford.,-...par . .4 Union;
.] S;r4,
'The ki.eisf : but m regutno ibis tiopiin
' . Hi!avy is now•hearil:at Ssgers town.
y.e,t received.,
341 E Gil Es.t:i 4t A TYLIZ 9 - 1 ; SDA ;
'• - • BALTIMORE, Sept. k 9.
A gentPrnati whO,Wit' the- battlefield o°9
o'cloek on * Wcdneedity.night.confirrps tle state
ment of, the.reporter ot.the:Assosiat s d . tress at
headquarters in•every particular. . . •
'lie 'says that our foree, occupied the posit
chogen by the enemy a!,..the..commt;ncement 01
the battle; and thaithe rebelkwereAriven back
a mile and 'a hall at all points, except tiPon
extreme tight,. which' they siill held it the .
Close-014e chq.: • . • •..
.our.infortinint yas.all'd.iy. within a 'hundred
yatds Ortlerf;" McClellan, and. Says ihat the. re:
salts of the .4 iy . were regarded ;find hie
St'atiati , a glOriuusvictory;though not a Cruel
There wag no faltering et:any pointvf the.
line of, on,r..whcile army.
Put soiiiiers were . exultant At',thelree4te . .ot
the, (by? 2 fiiht, and . G.O;. Aleclolan we, iti.ttp'
highest •. ,
The *pinion ,ot an.i 'those
around-him waa thr final rrsult %tout& de;.
pend on,who rOf , ,reinforermente first. • .
itit.rmant say! - thatt - nothing had : hi•sen
heard on the "Id. of 'the cap!iire of
Lonusireel ot.the killing of : Genet.' I Hill, and
that there it no troll)' eirber t.
Tw.nty thnUsaml mote, reirgofrerpents
,4tpeeted ...to reach • the fi,.h.t.y,estertiay from
, .• .-; -•':
• Our:informant thinks the toso of the rebel
bully cqual.to
-The vtith;oicin who furnished us of the. tore.-
: •
going intadligsnee . is one of our trio,t,, resti”cta,
hi.. and inielligent citizens, and, say:that ' :whil,.
the - baffle of Wedneaday Wae,not.atleei;
one.; it wawa contest • in which'all the adv,,n a
get' Were. with. Gen, Mr:C . lolmi, 'Who Occupied
the field of%hattle - at • the.close.ortlie‘ day.-
.. . . .
: •• .. • Itirtratraini.ts,. la.', Sept. ID.
.-. ollutant Slaluson,..cd.the 17th Intliana'Regl
ment, who escapru.l . ;•fintn Munrtitiville tonne
dut tely - titter, the stirrentler of that:Owe lo the
rebels, ha's • rear‘hed this ririt'.. • • : ','•• •• '
He repoiti thot the ifarrison tlieremumbering
frirrO 4,000.t0 s,oo6.men,'comprisinii the 011 r,
!he 50th; 60th, 68. th :and. he'69l h Indians
Regiments, and..mte company. of cavalry and
ten piec-s or artillery,
,have .soriendwrod.
•. The'.surrooder. was 'made • Con Wednesday:
Morn ink'onr In ces being cornptetely siirroondeo
Brallg's forces, 'estimated at 30,000.
Our loss in killed and, wcuinded 50... •
Tlie • rebels acknowldie a loss*-0110 on,
Sunday, •
. .
I ; Frtroistcs, MA-Sept.:l6.
The' roll Owing is to the Baltimore American.
The intelligence frnin *the rh hi 'mot n in t .;
is the most ebeeringrhardeter, notwithstand
ing the bad new from .11 trpet''s Ferry,'CreJterat
McClellan was
.pursuant' them vigil
Most . ' distresqin:. to -the e9emy.
pursued 'the e,nemy , oa-Mttiula y 'morning,
life re•terves and a large body, of fresh troriptc.•
The enemy. Cookthe 'road towards the'river at.
'Harper', Ferry,.. and at sheptdstown . ,:stiifj . .h,..
aas.pnrsuing' : them' ancl . shellingtheit• retreat
with great . In seveill contests, qr) . illoo ;
day, where ' they 'made . a stand,: nuf tio•op.
charged - on them witb'snith' vigor that they fell
back with'great ',haste... The battles and
vintages obtaif...ed on Monday are thoughtdo he,
simerior in 'irmitudittier to tbotie of . ..Sunday,' • ..
DraYtoti's . irititti Carolina •Brigade is enrirel
gone, either 'wotintfed or . pri , t nnere.—
'The 17th r icidean, a new'regirnentoneittp;'
thitt brigade; first With bullets and finally with,
• How , ii:COIIh.WAI . IJlioUntiell nod taken piitt-•
()nor,. and 'Will 'be back .to 'Fiederitik' :sootier
.than he boasted he w0u1d.... . •
• My•Clrllan'Was rinahing•on therit . last evening,
however, very
,already seek to
the rear 8,0.00 iv ioriers.anti four battirit'i!•••.,'
• Col. StrOge, of the •IPth lritginia, and .Col.
of. the 3d South Carolina . ha tile • .weidt
killed on Stindityla , t. .Their. hL.dies Weielett
in nor ' • . • •
The Sjtuth Carolina brigade...was' severely:
Gen. Hatch, commdmiing_Keyus' corps,'who
is Sick. is sligily wounded. . •
The M jor of !he 16111 . Penriaylvahia, whose
name I.do not remember, was killed. Capt. ,
Brady, of he 111Pinnsylvania Reserves 'was
killed. C •
. .
•: lleantsaurto, Sept: J 6:, •
The'prierrnars, arte4moilre.d. in number, rap:
tared ye'srerday'by , the flovi.'Yordr•and Illinois
cavalry', und•eedd to dhonnliorehore,•.were this
niarning brought to - rhi4;city, and sent to camp
Curtin,' Clueffetr Fitzhugh; a resiiir . nt:of the
Vicinity of d'hnmberebi i rs, was among ( the'
niirriber.l - 1-telto brrn . durnishing. infarmaltuti
to the • eiremy.mint:e their raid in'•o Maryland.
• The dead body of General Gorland U'ae found
cancelled in on of the....vraeont lit tir , ..dny'
the same riarty . .af .ravalry,'•betwein }lagers
town and Vefilliamspgrt..... • •
T. Ilagets town lo , nriin in
working pr4er..
Despatches rett;ivett from 1-lagerstovin .say .
that . MiCte l lia'n came im with the rear of, the
retsat arms; ar t ,Sharosbore-anci that , a .heiXst is
novri.in progress. • • • • j.
Hmtarsauttao4clt. 16. • •
destiatch• just: received. at headquarters
Jackson has' re.Croise4 the Potonme awl
n; SfcCle laii has entragpl'hiin . .with tremen
...force this lide ol.Sharpsburg and 10.1 ile•
,orn that plies:,'. The.' hole rebel arrny in
Maiyland will be . angihilared or enpturod . this
night.. No 10)4; ean:• be found about Hagere•
frivrn nod Williarrisport, and nOne . tvro holies on
the other side of the Pato/rite. • 1,
• •
„Putt..4oßt.fttia, Sept; 16.
A .peei4l, delitiateh to , the Talletin, from
11 rrisbur say , : -4- ,
Telegraphic and railroad ; communication to
. .
. . .
lagerstoven v l / 4 .ns.re•openet! last night, showing
hat that pipee had beeit - totall,VehanilOned • hy
he rebels and re-Oerlipied - by coin troops. .. .
• ..• Ibirtiiisnuna, PA , Sept.•l7..••
•. The' • batil. fought yesterday betWeeli Sharp's.
hurl and Middlesow•n 'dosed without a.dufiiiite
. .
. -110 firihd .has been' heard. trait) Hageratoven
since d n!eleek ) ; esierday: . . • .• •
Straaeleis eerninc into Hiq. , ,erstown "river
that General Lnnestreet. had
,be.en killed and
I . bat. the' rebel4 . had been !tarot' ridocl:
The straggb•ra oleo say, that the ammunition
d provision of the rands have completely run
• PHILADELyI . IIA, Sept. 17.
revatch froM liarrialvg to Gov' Curtin
at's that' the battle at Sharpshurgere.com
me 'eel early this , morning and v.aart yelp the
gre: kit fury up to 0.45 . a. l‘r.
0 Idtes't advice, from•HarresbiTg nay that
the'Stakeiroopi Aire forward to air
. . .
' . A ,areatbeitila - has ;been 'fOlight••aml.'we are
• ,
eicinriona, Thy_carna , ge 'on botii• si.lea, yi's
4i%. put.
,Gh;O. Longstreet 0 was. wbundeil, anil ta.,
ken pritoner.'
___,_ • -.. '.. '
Hsitisissulta, .
.Tiestiiitelies just rece,v ed .. af• beadquirters
'rani Hagerstown - sa*:-- 7
r We have arhieveda glorious vietori..-:-
Loartreet it not killed, but.is Wounded and a
gen.. Hooker was w,puniletl. !lie
No part4:alara are reeeived.". -
%Vann(led iiffieers Who a t bare. toqiigh.t
WeSteto Msrylurnl, say alai: *when they
lelt :it 7 'o'clock this roornii(u, .the battle com
menced 'at B ukrtt vitle, which . is •about
'miles 'from D
uteritle... • .- • ,
• 11Am:insulin;
Reports just come 'in •he're, state 'that the
whole reii#4,•ariny has. been driven this . way,
and are ietykiting,:n,Hi;erstuvo. q.
• Lonwpreet is repoited 'esigureit, and D. 11.
Ten .thotisand • PenePylv'inii mcliiia *Hi .meet
the hie'dt.Hagerstovin to 'invade Pesinsylvaniti
. . •
'severe..engaßement orcarred : : yesterday
- hetweeti,oni 'ar - my•onil-the neor - :bliarps
hure, in vthich the enemy- were well' throbbed,
with; teir-fic slaughter:, •
.. .
Five oi their.tlead • were honed hr
Ls as early es.nineA.. AL to day,and•the.work
was still aninu en. • . . -
This Morning the battle Terorrimerred at 5
o'clock, near Getty's , iille.• Jo rkson joined : Lee'l
forces at Atitktom cre t: lr, WTile ourlo,ces ativre .
re!ntorced by thtifylbousand men foam Wash' .
Jackson's: reinlorcements.tO Lee art
6-pe edat 10.000 Tripe.. • .•
my last 'advisesvictory illuminated
:7 4 1floran:! , ,:rds,•• and i p - yes • o m
trerttt thor.the-whole rebel army of Vii•
ainia is.annthilated. •
Coi4l , letice aryl .i , rthiptjafiki
admittition nif Ogn.:&clellan'and the
. . .
. .
. .
We haveinidoehtedlyvvon 'great end deckive
viCtnries hnt . h ye.terday . and to-day. .. '
All the (arta I:previntivly tel , :ir4thed yon
have'nnt, however, been fully conftinted tip it)
. .
•.A mon. , our trprAii;.s 'are whole•batferies'and
h.ntie'dn;l4 small giffrls arid prison , ;rs. •
:Tire rebellion ig'vtrttially ti b it ed.
. lin"Rnßurttri, • Pa„ Sept;
".Th.' Governor State! , th:tt 72 000 men.have
r%sponJ~il.to his etrll for' tbe .detente of. the
Slate, antl:thai . • expee'R 'that the nurn'ted .
will be dro•reased•to 109,000: . Thes,alllol art.
hoink, - fornished 'with prioto,Ments and moved to
the State border ' as possible. •
Buottsedutto, itder, o t:epf. '
The'biattle of Sonth ;tleitinrain was' . fought
esterifity, rPwhing in a-corriplete victory to
le'Arirty of the Poiomac... • .The bat
was located inn gorge of the mountain, on the
road between Midilletinvn end Boctnes
Dui : ing the forenoon the firing .was by
artillery; endeavoring to
.ascertain the ; rebel
strength,ond position.
.About 12 o'clo. k the
corps limier
. eneial Reno was oideredto ascend
the mountain on the lett, and Makeam attack
on the inemv's flank, At' three o'elitek
Iteno!liroopigiet into aetion.: The rattle. nj
forathout 'half an hour
.vt as Aerribie .
.when • the enemy' gaVe way ; :leaving Mir' ine t aiii
po•iessiotaof that• portion of., chip
lots on thisaction was . ca.t.sideret
hie. We hail not-a„Generetl.or ofliver
pireihit this point. exeeptipg 111ajnr Gen-Iterto
•%iho. wag.kitt e d, aMinie4ll :passing' Ora
his botlY.Gen.loker,Cornmanding McDowell's
corps and t P o evsylyttnia.Ktaerves, ascended
. the mountains on the right for .the pure' se of
attack nn the rebels,: left. He 'go'
tioopli g into' position and. miriied.upon 'the
enemy about t wii - htiOrskreliate sunilmsm.. ;Herr
as.in the case on the other . ridge of the Mountain
our troop 3 were:successful; driving. the. enemy
helm's; thena.with great . ,.slaughter,.- The rebels
entre:red hire more than'at any point of ti bet.
tie fidf.; 'Gen. Hatch, commanding • division
imileiGeit, Hooker, miss woundlid in the leg.
GeneralGibfrof lei!IIP ? composed ' (4 the
21;6th•and7th . Wiscousin: and 19th Indiana
regiments:wets ordered:to riinv . .es up the: e . tirge ,
of the mnmitain:.-Thlsbrigaile did not get into
action:till 'after dark; which' last d till nearly
brigadelost..about 120 'kil
led and goutndetl. Amongthe.dead js•Captaiti
'Catildwell, of . the 2.1"
.i l i,corisln. ; The 'rebels
eels driven.bock for about a mile; .when
bone brigade 'Was po'rtfon of Seim
isr!s corps, who held tho'.liclitisn elOring the;
The rebel.tiorMs'ergaged were. Lonist refit's
H Hilt's, - ,fid A. P. HilPicrirp3;
.tiad, Mir
troops hail Iwo 'honis longer of daylight, :the
ire•ter:portiOn of th : reberarmy_ Woield have
been token Jrisonere, arohey were •surrounded
on three 3i - des, the , onl:riptcle.of escaping. brine
a. narrow mountain, 'which the, or
titlerr would soon have made impissable.
Among the rebel
.nificere knoi'eti to be killed
wvereGeneral;Garland, Of. Leesburg... 'and • Col.
Strong, of the .19th' The' . .'lattet
body was obtained te-duy by a tlai of truce.
At •daylight this morning:our:Jag:vet: (eers
were realized. :The rebels, under cover cdnight
had left on their way to the PotOmac. They
went to this phase, from the rriOnn
tains, and - there took the road tov,valids Sharp
burg': . 'They left all their dead on the field ar,rl
those of their wounded not able, to Were
foetid in.the churches in•Bcion'esboro.. •
Go). MiCiellan was on ihn.field luring' the
whole day and night, conducting all mriVeir,,ink .
lo 'person. Between ;1,500 'prisoners .' wrr
taken daring ..the •day,..Mos't -of them by the
troops tinder"G I:looker. Yesterday G•••if
.Fra'riklin . ?s'corOS:adyanced to a moontifin; . prs
six notes nearer Harper's Ferry, 'where he en.
gaged the enemy, holding that.pasi'for ah . nut
three hours, restating in a complete root, of the
enemy and heavy doss' 'Our loss in action was
about 210 killed and .WOunded. Tho . reborlose
during, the day and night was 'fully 15,000, kit
IPll,.wpt . infled arid missing. Gen. Lee aeknow
lidge.d to the citizen; of BCons,born that '
. .
had been defeated wifh terrible. loss in Oiled
and wounded will probably reach- 3,000. We
lost but few pri4ners., . • . •
H4aalaavaa,. 9.pt. 1.7
. ,
.W„Astiocro2v.. Sept• 1.7
Stitt.; ?• Withid if iui•redsu tti,irmeans ut.sutr•
••istence AVotild it brlog ihru a lii•2luti
ocial ? %t'otilcf,iach a • loro•el tyaauitp
of races; Gu,l - created. .% . I•ll..utlT-r:
.enees, alul•wiqc . ll . ditil•feacvshis pki4i.l.•uct•
I , .kry qihtl exper,iete.:ll.,pp..l . rthr the int et
Of this coentry , o:)epte he
ieddess doll svt9eh er;ae.th Ahmlitiutiism. has
10.1 he life of this. gw.es The
St' and acne to thole ti•lto. hate
tie'en seekieg to dlleel it into
nos tithe next fanet.ie ploo' 4 of this fant.J'te.
"rlnss of, uteri. Toloti , ze lour millioo;"AvittOJul,
the .a fhi;P> of a free goveriirnent,' , Nhen".the
jowcrs or•seli goYernrire ,r, even in the•case . of
otir,elves, is. yet in
lke 'Throes 01a odonblitil
exp . .rimeni ! . rase
,in whatever
.you may choose,' and who can re3i.t 'thP. - eon•
viction'tjiat Abolitionism ,is a •elf-ilestru c tiye:
taniitekto for .this country? It can only de
;110y what the wise, ail :good; and gieat Ten
this:Reiinbirc" - haee "estahlisfied. •Wiihi it
has already done, iii the view, i= n signifieent,
. .
tore, ahanld; the people by weak and' Ipoligh
ereiii4li to clothe it,NCit ;flit4cial power.
. we hdvi. 'retired the brink of 'Nil!, it is. still
nit trio Inte.t.) sevrecit. r noble inFtitutions.•! et .
he Union aerureliag.l9 - 11. be the
watch cry ol -the ridttnn, :611 le.
We roil haY e* bin lil r in, any . lorrn
of pailiolit.rn >hat tint thdserniinily th : •
ledet of the
Horace Greeley . is an acknowledged lead:' , r of
the R^pulilirpn party; llls'paror, the New
York Tr,b %ni, is t acVott iPdged.o — rgorn of tlte
pirty.,.' Th . r doctrines that he' preadp , s,
i-;niiinents he , 'expresses, ma i; therelorp, he•
fairly rOnsidered.R . ap!aldicaß doctrines and n
timents... In. the T,iba ps appeared originally
that most irilitmitue son:: addressed to the .
nag ' climmeneing , hail the
flaunting lie,", 'from which we extracri .
verse: • •
• "Tear lre! . •
. . Half na Int`the starry bag! • •
losult.tar sunny sky • . .
• . ' • With 11ato' polla'ett rag. •" •
' • . •Dentr.,y it ye lvtin can. ' •• •
' • .
Deep et , ok It is the • reeves." • •
in reg . arit •to t.is Stars and srrip.s; our g s
our glorious N onsign. TI 3 'opinions .on
his right at. secession iHAo pluinly , expressett
• n ihe T He soy.: . •
"The right to sPertle may hS n revolutionary
One, hot .it ex six •rieveriheiess.' l .'
" Any 'aiiempt to compel: thorn 'hy twee to
realm!' would heennirary to • the proneioles
?nuneidtiiri "i the iminortal D - eldintiod of Inds-
410.n0t sPe ivhy. it ('the I/Pclaration nt
tint P•cps•ion
if live' millions 01 Soutiiirons front the .U:nion in
Greeley on the Yincoy '
and mak.es•liim about good a secossionist as
D tips nr S:ilneW;ll His
feelings t , novard. the Con . ti Int ion and the Union
;arerioito a. eloorlyeroross d. T10 ,. ../rprreor/ of
,havi• g . doctored: 6 , 1 , Vn 9nm:end..tor'
ili•Constiturinn.- • tie nation is • fizilting ror
that,•.,an , l that rimy. All other nhpcts of the
war ere delogions."- Greeiey•replitnl: 4.fs:et
• The'rlation'.is fighting for life, its.oisin
life,,shil is iletermined to' live., thnush all the
paperconstliutiomi on earth - be'scattered-to the
In relation to the Union he is equally as ex
plicit. He says. '
• “SrAlcing 'for entrselves, vie-can• honestiy!
. .
: Even adrhitting,;.for the.sa)re•of argument,
that' -ile very' is a terahg'arid sin in:-itself;..it.
does hot therefore Mllovethat every. scheme.ol
li be - titian is 'right ar,d good.".' • We: rarrear.ily
conr•ejve how God Might Curse and blaSt ,h false
srheide, even thorigh it,' be. acittioa ledaed to
Stive ii,,,right and gin'iii . end in view Whatever
we:rnay he mspOsed - 'la S . qi , • of •the'end,:whieh
,Atiolitioniits' have in mind present
. cit
'eunri,gances, t heir eirgurrized . plarito . accomplisii
it is srocient them as ranaticacd the
vilest and'craziesr Sebald,: if• sliveryb.e au
at 'all, it a ',tiara/evil, and as'such luToks
fo 'Nowl age ,, eiee . by which to be destroyed or,
iemoverl.... A t)litiotiists giyerCup these;
and now look''.•to the'..' s sword: itselito
be,' fanatic, just .as Much sI),US loi a mutt to look
a'syricies•for the Spiritual . regeher a :
tiOri'm lgoreMier; they kaili the
sword through: fcl.4 psvicaces, Making ..the.
eration•dislaves*,•the real imipose'ol the .vi'ar,
while; the ortk,mrble ob.F.ct..- is 'Stated 'to be the
Preser.vutiori of 'the,Clooll.•• It ii, frinaticisMtti
tiOstm the permanerit stfceess of -u . .lie. f3e-•
41des,:the'icherhe r•cets oil the principle of pie.
iiimptiop„.arbirrary and',rolihery.
What rrght,is claaneil antler Ihrj.:onstitutinn
tobreak•over, the guaililll.•,.
teed pr. ris.a.tvea
. 01 the.. St.itL' , S And hat
I /gtlii..)llslll.#i can any class
,C•f•' Men chi tin, 11l
v,ii , ..tine.p,opeyty, Irmo 'the them
oeielbtarn Wit flout
L ti aqi.n 2 that bald
. puiei; : y(,'6l.ligi.teoy-l)
Can u,beliellie . \.%t;ictt,
ectit ion,. tYfiulil ilia ,he tvliolef,tit.ier,,til
UM/ 'ol!it , e! I e 1111%S 11 . y.
:rrlut [OIIA it e (111111.u . et1 Tutu.
jei • Uye jildiCeS and lilt% It
'let! 531,0 (I;ol'rki
by'shite IV4' for a.
Fui s ther, it,r, Ihit,
rreeul•warthe,sidves,idih u th-;tiould
. . . . . .
I i brrdle,l, - l'a itA ily Well iii s ill.lt-,1 'ilit,,l .qinigi Q.
111 . 11 1! . %'iiiild lit\,,t . 'oilit. fi 1 - , iii 'rh.. etreJni.ii.io6,.s
of tOk cou'otiy, , ritbo - .40 the ~1..i/t., ho [lln Ive',
rpli it Bliy,:11,0! - ,i,"‘...5..of 1114,16;11y; or TO the
• „ .
Mo. ?
A bolinolosurt.
Jo;t ot
. . ,
, .
f!t. itt le. ut iil4.l•lrr, ,, poti,ible color.ql.peopie of ;lir .
S.,uth turned tivi:r Opoo the North. ... The con
'ttitio ol.tho,:e. nOw autotig 11F, 'a .3 euf,tl'll,q - ,1
with that Of- II obe . ot the,' *So..ol:is - eettatid)
,tilficient to I'llll6llC' alq 'rell.:cttO;i, t0h.111,..t
It (could oe no heir' it to the yt.tvestheai,elte-.
l'he very hetes,ty to 4.0:40-to! , tn.. ty wi,vli.tbe
l'Off would be •Iheirdes'ilii,
C (I( thii• be. t ht. 1(111111 - ttr'efid had ill wt.- ti by
h:)6(•• (•() itch (.o(.ettk!ii tur ami 111*-
I;•ne.st . (it 'color( 11 rac , 1: Faila;
hypc;cl i:•.y • ,ol,vay; rrf.rt u t w 9( Ii bud in Valid •
Aii(1.1.% hat berwlil rid be r ,il( the rm•an tune
t..) !he popr :14buring poptilapon of lb.' tree
as..e.verindrittaineilHend to tbe.eleVation .irii6
.00tinifrd ot ' t bite r•ices
`.116 veryliiinigrfor..f.trity that it might 1)6 *so,
ii) . l be , core. It 4:m111'61141s
80, say' 11),y, "tve tilrio to COl.Ol/IZr!
. .
ears 1 Colorize /JIM xpcbr.t .t/t ni to. i'ii;ll;dg.t:
'to all tie it «•ill iio iri the lu
say that for that . Old Union 'me have na.i.egrets
and no ' wish for its .reconetrUction. Who
wants anyVniorr iS 'nothing -but a senti
tr•atio laekrr Fourth of July oratiOns
. . •
Thew ire 'the 'sent intents.• of it'.Ropubliean
testier-Hot:oe noir Who theists his advice upon .
theTresident,. abusee the bravest . and be'
generali' , id, the army, dictates . policy to
AbiAiiion-13..TOlican.party,' and irociaims ne
-60 einancipation ai•the price of his adhesion
. .
to the Administration. „
~ • '• •
. . . .
s'..-I( 9 l r he party . .entertaining such sentiments ;'
and proposing such ineOsure 'the very teeth
Of the Constitution;, is a loyal patty, :then we . '
confess rur do not
. belori& the • .1(
• ho.,ulty,.tressoo.•is.l virtue
.which hen
cherishSs the apple of 'the eye
• ...But rtirely .
are, sity.s.the , Jorfri : ta4..of 6 . )mmeroe; • WU" ,
blertia,our.petici., theenemies of opt-
GOvethro , nt,t he Oolish . entbusials, 'or fanatic's.
'whoim ginm thri A rneilci , tteo.i.titOtiOn'o'
:of refurrn deiuunil i y Ore men who .
sriever..lf.i,toed the 'prtr.eirileti•Of notinop.l%
Urociti;v.hfigt; all long, d
Stat:s.-ore to he - gov , •
etrit.,l bytnor;lt.r..forop.rs,.aocithaLth e 'time .
. .
. .
. .
ha. roine, t....r.,•,- ..
tabits In,. judge.,;• .
tbe . worl,f,
a1w.;:y: . b...:2 0 .. , ;og . t.b?.:l,s , ly'es . •To be tile': iniutt
b9t•:iii) ftw.e.Tiog condem-
11di 10 . 1/, It IF . to awn spe,"cheg,,
The of
•!heir. al • hl niy iv the (tOot line. that uni!y of
v•ii:itott.firjOripios..itoit _al rad cal
tath+i, is rwre!.Try to Uoton . oi Thiy•
Oiood . that St;;te.' thiol•i•
‘.91 , .
, t 1 on;liliO
n :cif •
p 0).1 (li4iori. • thry
orbet fry ltvow hnstmhly to
I'ue UAlu3 doles; thin be, the . 4ijociplt; of
. and cotintri.;.s therr; have been
such riD.o, The havo,•foi : w . mritintrios doubt..
(:;( ., d'to . cuts. ttie*earth
ind str wit wilh , thr wrecks,
Th..ii ?rack alone the .
ma 4h of
pf,oses kere and there to
10mior their' exiegellee )0.1 . to
wood• r ovtir' ht , ll , si en oi
rti m to (1 , -.s . ticii . .6 . atio ne . • ' •
fp • 0r11 . 3 . .11 - 1111i to' lilay in. the irey
ihese Oren's. m.idness: U..; arid .11 , alone, is the :
agaii.sr 'which they • - da.icthe yral , es 'of
their insane desires, their ilestrosring paitions.'
hiinself hie th , ,Censtitutionof the .
[Tithed StiteS, of is hich •he is:lh . c sworn
har they ooil.f.cr:erthrow. '1( ht were
hot•of.their •wa3
,whn can .Threse,,e the future
fermi? ,-%Wir look to him as thO deferider"of the:
yonstitutron. Who are We'T One:•colitary .
izon ofthe best conorry 'd'od e!ior.p . ermi , ted
rr ti to all f,is un
':,line in the 'midst of popular, mildness thee
cefting r.tr Abiahain . But ihe•iroice is
net ours done.' is the voice Of the glorious.
.past with speaks to him ro' the !Ones. of the'
Fathers iThose.4l vesale , with us. It is 'the
the voice of fhallicing nation, millioria on , mill
lOils of Whorrimtter the same Words, to day.. It
is . the coice. posterity, speaking from'. the
=womb of time, that iirj:hiqi to save the
eorstitufion which was madeenOr for the dare- .
!low of a homanlife,. but tube the blessing of.
all men and all : nations lin tiLthe end'of thrones
anrl.earlirly pnwers.—Patiiot•dc
.•.. . • •
E4•41.0ii: Proelirnstion.
,VIT II I.:IIF.AFS," in awl the 13 . 01 seetion'of 'the Aet or.
11 tie. lleperal - A-senibly of Pounaylennia, palsied
dir3 entitled Act.rehtling to the; electrons
of the Oonuoi.Weulth,” it is enjoined on the Sherif( of
every County, o 'give notice of such election to be held
and enunierowd insuch 'not what officers ere' to be
el. cted. • I n pursuance 'thereof,. 1, 'JAMES El BLAIR,.
Mali She .tI e couniy of McKean, - do therefore
teakn knot, n owl tr ire this public notice to the electors
vfoe,d county of lileffesn that is. general election' will
hell in ":tile- said enmity, in the Second I tiessliy
'October next,. being the 14th day of October, 18114 let
the election of. the following officers, to wit:' • • -
, One person for Au litor•Genriayor the State allies...
. :
Onr porsup for Sul visyer•Cietterel for the Eitsteof Peels-. •
sylroods.. , . : .
. One person for member or Congrens, ror3fie XIX COD—
gresdotiol ' llm.rict. eonme;otoir the coon:lee of Eels,
% arren. NicKeau,,BoVeht, Elk , 'CUMt r0C1,.. J. Berson and
Clearfield.. , - .
. .
. . .
.One 1 .cie..11 for state Fenstor for thr XI District. soni•
prhood .thu C4.111110V8 ut 'flogs, Potter, • McKean, as 4
T no.pe roans to rep retont tho connties of McKean', kilt
Jt.tfoll•ttn. and Cleorflold, in the: Huns. of Sok
tly ... of P. rinvylvatil ~. .
On.: purvov for County Treasurer. ' • ~ . •
.Cou person fob County Cornolitoiones... ,• ..
TtVO periotos fdr Cotiotyl Anntors.', .. -. ' ..
. floe person for District:At terney. ' • : . , .
' • Oto..pifsot. for Coroctor• . •
All the qtrtlitiod Electors of said
,crianty of McKean.
eh :II hold their I:actions in the soverAl dletilcle is lel- .
Wis.: •., . • , .
• .
The town..hip nt tonin, at the, river school house.
the Boroukh Stuethpore, .t, the Court Room la
The to-riithip of Bradford; at. the 'school , house Is
L it!lAtnn • - "
Th . '? ',..vrilnhi. , • of Ceres. at the 'walk of'E. J . Barber.:'
Tho to,nship •
of Corydon. at the 'school noose used
• •
1,111 , 0,14 of Eldred. at the Eldred Hotel.
wo•Lio: a• the Al trleti PChOO3
, .01 retiship of lietaillon; at , the schaot.house neat .
Mirti•uni. • • ' •
ii.vittsdp . of Heating, at the Court House
•Itnott , port• " .
Th o towoolip or Liberty,. at the setto,l house !ti Port ,
The.townvhip of Lafayette,. at-the sehool'houlie twit
Luther barb.. . . .
The town•ltip of Norerteh,it the how° of CAI
The townehlp'of duo. at the oehool ttouso in.Preeth,-.
. .
.The township" of,Stirgeant. 'at the bowie of . 1, 1 6 0!
• washin of Cohn .re artha 1 .0n.e of Wm Toby.
-Aat 1„ no ilait ever • I e.teon .."xcepting die
o , the redef• whi; ..ii 1 IA I *an) 'p.
t lit of pr..flt end , r oovc ,- nmentof the
on tea or of tle or ninny • or lee/Jeri*.
,linh.rt : who/ leV a enmuil d oft •r nr other,
•ai e 0 Meer or hgent. xlu iv or Mull to eta
nioVed ,deter T.; Lyrzi •I Ext.en!ivO, or . 1 4010114 y
deplrlin nt a I bin stite. oi of the od Statori.,•or of
nuv'inc..ri routed it , trint ;. rn I nI , o that eve-y member
of l'onirroaa. and 4414..nra and of the Op.
fret nr n ii minen Con or'l of rn. c')y or 6eiraniiiiionor'nf
nny lair lied dial 'lift. of eiterel•
sine at tlw iinmo titor the '...111•0 of ,Ju h. (1, lupin etor or
Cork of an I ti in in tilla Comm. And 'that tee
Diapre/.ir nr othor.ollierr of any obel. eleetfon,
eh Oil olig.hlA'tii ally i.lll, t ben,Jo be eat od (Or. ' •
- Anu. in a'dbv the (on Aot approved the
.1601 , 130 n , A ri4ll„ it - la enacted that the 18 1 h tile=
lion or an Aet p lased Jule :id. 183!1; en d. "Ai At*"
14 (lie n f the Conmmt wealth." 'hall
n r ef be f. , ,infitrUri prOV(.111 en n ilitury or borough'
officer frnin “S Judge. Inspector "r Clerk at any
comp .I , r. , peell el-ction thia Commnnwealth,
AO the Itetorn Judge of the Trepective dlstrlets.
1 . '6 , 14..31.1 are rrquired to meet at Krellw.rt., the COMA/ .
seqt .de dd eonnly. nn Friday after the..peCl.lo Townley
r then and there to diacbargo, the flatlet,
r,-feed by law.
ri under my bent atol cool et ernetbpere..
the I.sth d.iy of Septemhor. A. 11 1862, *ad of
the Independence of the United Ptstee.ello.-
. "eighty. tdxtb.: . 3IMES E. BLAIR,
- • Shore
. .