M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, September 13, 1862, Image 4

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    'l*}LE7,•orl)Kll;rsToN * E l- : 4 Tolz „ v ,
cY.TIA !
...)• ., :,ti:l- , lcciAibirO:Ck
' • l ' . '/~ ESpRGTTIILLI VOINOiTNCES . .rO
tit,l\l . c . h,c4n Cou . nty, that is
. .
• LATIS,O , :s.:r • A NDI it EST . : .:•
Sele6teo :stuck-of Goods in, tln
-.,,:. 'lo:lllis.,,il.;;.ilii.:.cia.sli-,,,-.lfii;i':(.i.:is..,l*.,ll'i;iilli'ii.'s.,
• I calf. bfli3r'•yott . beirec indiicetrieliti;•than sni
crqi.ket west pr. *Now •...
makes 1 19 ;.(iiife - yettlis whit you mild ;
s airy
thing in' •
r v I(; A - ~
Call at' the
And you.‘oll find tlie'artiele fi eidi oid cheap
It's .111,e
dlwnya las :and itlway's will take th lead, and
- . .
`regulate the,market
Ora fericil and • .lirorisefals•
. . . .
Don'tfail to.call 'nil(' see me N'{' beii you visit
Olean ; . I shall not hpit yott; ilia shull . certuiiily
, try to do you: good. ',. ' , ... :. -
_%,... i.. • •
Olean, May 23d, 1860
Jonrnal; , devoted ih.; . the'ilill'ehmt de
partiipents of sod culture., such as growino:F . ield
Crofts Orchard. and, Pardpn. tiits Clarden
Vegetahles•imil 'Flowers Trees, Plants, and
Flowers .lor the Lawn' or '.Yard ;
mestic. Animals, &c., and to HOuschold
Labors..' Ithas also an interesting andinstrUc
this department•for children .and youth. ..
_ • .
A full . Caleadar of Operations every Month,'
Terse to Vour.Hundred, , or more, illtistrateve
.Engravings appear in.eaclt %minim. 1
Over-Twelve Hundred plain, practical,
structlye articles andusettil items, are .given.
every yaar:. . • .
: Contriliutors are all [frac,
The. teachings '07(41 A Gil IctrruniSr 11;Y:
fined to ILO State or - Ttritorii, bta are ed to
the wants of all sections of the' cotottry—ie
inditaies,for . [aloha!: 'A riltilt IbAN C
• A-G,ERI44N EINTIQN pnblished, of the
xamo ..size and . prlee. as the. English, and. con,
taining all of its :reading foatter, and its. mime : -
rows illustrative engravings.; . '• • - •
One copy, one year, . .:11' 00
:Six copies, one year • . hOO
Tim or , more "copies one year: • So cents each
tX77,Aiid to 'the
.alieVe rate's: Postage:
Canada ;6 eenta, to England • and Franee, 2
eents ;. to German y, 36 cents; •
'•Postage anywhere in the United Suites aiir
Terri l ories must be paid by the snhaeriber, atii
is, onlyalm.eept., year, if paid in ativiinee a
the office wher e received.. •
•••• .
• All 'basin - ass Mad other rommtinications
be addressed to the Editor antl,Pf9tirietot, •
ORANGE JUDI? ; dlParlt-Row, N, Y..
..ltt.best and viola reliable :Fashion Nototirie iti Ulu
world. Contains ilia largest and iluestyashion'.Plates,
ihagreittest number of ilrin Engravings, the latest and
Indat.rellable information, 'three full-Isiadd Pattern's for
I/misses', and a shoat or new Bride-Work and .
doing Patterns, : Every Mother,
And Jl.ady should. bare it. Published Qu4rt,orly; at '47.1
Broadway, NfilV York, eold,everywhere or lienl by mail
at'2s tents.' Yearly $1; with, a rideable pren,inni.•
The - gummier number now ready. " '
,Tsts(Publish in:n Sealed En talope.• P r ire S,"..rCe)its
IladicarCitre of Spermatorylloart i
. or Seminwl - Weelineas,
-- Ineoluntnry EmissionS. Actual I/entity, and I roped ants
to Marriage getterstlly,;Ner6temoeog.' Consumption, Epi •
. .lopay And Nita; Mental i tid Vliysi cal I Ile apaei ty eau It•
ing horn golf-Abu - se. &e. - -Ity Runt. JC u E M.
‘,,,:',;1,...A4th0r 'of the Green Book, &c. ' • • .
world:renotrised•author,,iri thin ad mi rahlo lecture
reoyea from his own experience tint the au tttl
• - .--enusequences of: Self-rtlnula may be - elfeCtuallY removed
' • without - 311010k, 'and - without dettignroia surgical Upon.
'•• tione, boogies., Mateo naan ts, , cordl4l+, ,polo flog
; • •Out - a' rondo •of :et once certain and en - actual, by
• which everyfiufferer, no. matter what its condition-may
•- ben inireure himself ch'eaply, privately, end radically.
-This lecture silt prove u boon to thousands and thou•
&rut - under. Seal; Ina plain envelope ; to any address, on
- receipt 'ask contii, or 'two 'pootage atainps, by address
. *. , • • - ...pr.•CIIAS. J. C, •
• " '
.127 Bowery, - New York, root Office Vox, 45k0.
.ob: 15, 'W.: 7y.
•• . .
• -- fiXT I-ITIREAS the. 4ori...Robeit G. White
yv President Judge, and•the Hong... .7;
:liitg.and N. Peabody Associate. Judges of the
• Courts ef . oyee- - .Sc. T.errniner. and General Jail
Delivery, Quarter-,Sessions of. the Peace, gq .
• :Onus? Court. and. Court - of Common "pleas 'for
.the Cotinty, of NPKearrhave issired.their precept,
• bearing date Friday,the. twenty-seventh I
clay o
June s in„ithe . year of our 'Lord one • thou'-
'. • ;.irarid eight hundred and , sixty-two- , ••and to me
. ‘,
.....'directed, for- holding a Court of Oyer and
terininer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter
. the Peace, Orphahs' Court, and
Vatirt : '.of Common .Pleas, • in the 'Borough of
:linothibirti on filoriday, the 22d day of Septeco
..Z.Ailiricaxe;•..and"to continue one week. • •
fa therefore hereby given to the Coro
' of
,:the .: . 0 0 ,14011,-;, , ,4dstices e Peace
.and Constables
::.3c,3ol:ciktbStocitinty,that they be then and there
pereofie, at 10. o'clock of
gliyi.wpi..the4 rolls, records, inquisitions,
j.-44iteinsiip0, - -and 'other remembrances, to do .
their Offices appertain to be
trzt ; ;igpg _; And those who. stre'bound Icy their rec
.6..„,:.:,,Eitonif.toii - ; s4,:icygpeppra the prisoners tbat are or
said . .,county" Of. M'Kenn,
Aka' prosecute ..against
S .. aiethpart't Ors . day of July,
• .1110 . Mirid"Ytire Ofith",,yarfr."..::of
itnited ?.IttreEt of irrieriCa:, • '
• '...!AS;:g,•,.l3,l,4lß;lsheriii,
. .
. . ,
" .1 wotildrt . q.p(tclitilly tinnolitice 10 Iliti 'citizens*
01' I:Ili:K.0..0 olol' . atljoioitig- voutitit.4.:olt . -,1114
iO . ll . tlt,t as . wisl.ll9-:S:tictlipol t,-.110110 Stove . and
'1'111..%Iltie• . 1100.- as : it,
ofeso: •• -1:0,1111,..itt all
imps, !Jaye oil hand's 1 . 1„0 sitick..of - .• 1 , - - .
, .
.1161 I run aad 'llosi...heqerl,llard-il'are. b.:,..&4:
of all liintlsdaniiiwielt disptdrei,•and in a
tart' itianttet;.ai, thn 'lowest. piiskihre
en'ottieitly enntled to. • •
tete tc:eall—Lat the. as,
Stare"---LtrirenorlY'cirenpied by
. .
pity the* highest market .prier, in
guQd . A or cash, Int.,any quintile) of 'Sheep Pelte
and IVotil,
. Ma/0129, ISLV.I.
rp RE.SII BSc 11 . 1131.141. has opened - a tnew
eiy Stable iit tiinetlipott, at 0..
nett's OM, Stand,. an Main .stieet,'jnst.nast of
whe fa be loundllae. twst.or.ll6n-.
sns and Cairtaktes at kw 'lle, intends -to
§tyinthport. n pertuane4 ,fesidenee', and
asks a shar'e of, tint tnnage
Appeals held at. the Commissioners'
Office in 'Sniietbport.ein. the . ..lsth day of.„ltily,
next, tit which time nail place 'ail persons ag
grie.ved. by the foregoing 'appertiseMetit-Will be
beard and such abatements made as are deem
ed just 'and-proper.
• An'a ou •
NECKTIE,"' • • .
••. . Ar p . m En voiro • . •
This tie is mndeentii':ely - olintri, in 'MOAK
iereni styles; and - ja,lieffect imitntion Of. .silk
aini.other fabrics. prie,e is so.invi. that
.gentlemaii • may -weal. A NE‘V.-TIV, EVERY
'PAY; atni . yet not be.chargAle'with..e*travit
,gance', or nue tic camM, worn from 3 tb 5 days,
it itccrssarc. to cconontize..
21---THE.RELIEF TIE.' : •
• (PA'4NTI:I , JAN. 20;1801.). • •
This isdouhtle'sS' most perfect silk. 6e
PVerinvezited,,witi is just whut: the fintnelm
plies; C luirlect "Relict "
1.4 e - in tying bows. . ' . •
3d.=.-,THE - LACE EDGE TIE. - • ;,. . •
n es juisitely bettutilel:Article-Hit has only
to I)e;see'n to . .
Scil,th.Wllol:llA LE 101191 M
ONLY.' Cnn rtry I\l; , reliiipts Can ordei. oui
goods of..ANY ''WIIO,LESALE HOU:4I with
wh'om they.are
. . .
.. . _
i1111.,15118,P FOR TIIIITIENEFIT AND )4.S A - {T,AIIN . _
4hid itni - s
la olution* fro plait); moo who suffer Tr;otit Nor
veue Debility,' fireirilitliee - Doefty, &c.,"titipplylog• at tho .
aatoo time OW means of tlolf.Caro lly otie who has cured
„Ili tosolf al,lO livin4 pot tit 'prea.t oupo axe throOgh medical
BOp . noitinn and.iiittoikarY, Ily•onolniiinz a pitst-paiii arl•
droFiied . euvolopii, A I Hlit.E .( . 01' lEH may belmtl of 1110 au •
thor. •NATIVANIkIL AIAIFA lit, .Eaq., Bodfardi' Niogf ,
(oh. vf .1
• ..
V.111'11) - - - .V.a..M . Tt
trAVING become the proprietor' of the Gro 7
11 eery and Prevision Store,. In tely occupied
by S, Ir. Wright, I take 'this' method of in
forming my . 'friends that I have just received
the largest stock of..
C) L F iss—N "Pf: 1 C - 1 14 -4 I
1.;,. , 1 I) PI PEI ND PiriiieS,
Job Work,
EinethpOrt, At ust '11,1860:: •
. ,
'IST or Vcntlt:t's of Mt•rehtintlise
J • 01 , 111Tein county for 1562.
. , . : ' • • I.lCfr;:s4C
••• . •'• S:pt•othport J0r0,t74,•• • • •
.. •
A. • • 11 ' $7,00
Henry . . I.l', .7,00
Orlo • 7,00
W. S. Brownell • 11
.• ' • Broniforq. . •
Gabriel' ' •. . 11 ' 7,00
C. S. Cleavdramilv . •• ''7,00
Smith & I.larinif •• - 1. '• 7 00.
' • • • ,Lihe/ty •
L. 1)nlley, : . 1.1 7,00'
ia hernby givvri that. a Cdurt
Alerc:an.e Apprliser.
Ju'ne 23;1862
SMITIL•e4.BROUWEIt . ,. - -
.•••• Sole Maioifoctio erg,
No, 313 WarreriStreet, Nev Yolk
,111 . 1 d Ek.
prltil Ty;v:alj,cl.
~S. 4 AfTE) 7. I7,J.APORT
. •I\ltsV • AltßlyAL AT
ever offered- the people •of APKean county
at prices , which would
,seem r linous at- any.
other.eStablishment. 1 k 'on hand,' and are
in' the daily reeeipi . of •
FitEsii GROUND FLOUR,. ' .• • • .
- FEED ' AND MEAL. • • • •
• • RUTTER, I , AIIIL•TALLOW:. • • •
•.. • -SODA,, PEPPER, • .
: 'CINNAMON, •• " •
' ••• • • CLOVES, CRACKERS, • '
. .
•COPP1:11. GROUND.- -
' . ,• • .
• IiEROSENE OIL, ' • .. • • ,
CANDIES,.TEAS;, • • • ..
• My stock is , tal! and complete,
,and selected
from the best . in - the-ma,rko." Call and exarri
ine price and quality, and you not tail
• , • ' A. B. ARMSTRONG
Smathport, May 30, 1861. . .
A LL persons knowing themselves indebted
..a....to.the.undersigned are hereby notifiedto
Cap and ii'ett
s lo, , their accounts immediately, or
- costs will beiiinde. ' J.l), OTTO. .
'Mc. 10; lkuo. '• .
7. : ‘4 4 OSTAIL.Y-' :':-
....•,,... ..? • ~.. . . ..
"Ofily , fnfallible Remedies RnolVii."
iM.:RV 'FOP,Nf A N p . SPECIEs Or
. ,
. . .
J ht' e .1) I (unli 0114)ther9,nro
'0 flom .
!kiptviinuis to:libolittintsn
"Rats ci)me. °tit iif ti cir.heles'to die.''
yedts. ..ipliiii.urefesttiblistivO in city
1.1:$0/ Iy- th, t;ityPuit (Mice
he Ccify*Pijspii.s arid StatiotiPousep
U. .by --C) I y
City' litiFpitalq,
htt —the , ijatu4
ified,by 7 :the, Buttilliiig: Houses, tv.e
• •Phiprictoi-
• ,
Meti ellan lAo,ooo,Privite
. ,
. •
trg7Ser , tolua Me Pr:aide, Press, wid
• 11 ENRY: R; (t11:3 Ah.--,,A11 . , tfd . .SIIMITICT I
have been t roubled;vith .Roachei: and Nye. 1'
Was actually tishaamil 'of 'the house,' for the.
,Rodedies :were cveeyWhe're.' 1' purchased a box
.of your Extdrininator and' tried it, and `in one
week' tunic was not. a Roach Or Mouse, in the
'lloa4e: • •,loon B. (If • vmvs,NO:
HO.USEKEEPERS-7.tinubled lir:rutin;
need bun() no longer, if. they. use 4410s‘rAit's"
• I.:Xti tninatms. We have: iisCd it to jar'
(action, and if a box cost . .' • Fvi, we 'Would; Lava
We. had tried poiSons,..bnfihey. affected
n o thi i ig ; brit Cos•rsit's a 1 tjele knock's the breath
our 61 Rats,' . N ice. a n'd 'Bed 'Bugs, quicker than
we can .write it.,• It is in g'reat.tternand all over
the comq,ry . ..-/treelina (0.) Ga,zette,,
•:'•10 ORE G R AIN' and Prmiisions'are tlostraved
annually • iri '-Graut. Totifity by. vermin; than
would pay for tons of this. Rat and Insect -Kll,-
ler.--.-I..wnister- Jle . othl. •
HENRY R,: COSTAR—your Exiirminktor
'is -•reeeiVed; • used, Mid..pronounced-a decided
snceess.'-'.We used it. tin crf it,.andlhe way-the
RatS and Mice 'around.. Our - . premise-it ''raised
Nod,", that night: was a.caiution to sleepers.
Since thrn.uot a Rat or Alouse has been b e ard
in kitchep or Cella (Fern)
. 11A.VP1 BEEN- SELLING---Your Extirmi
natar•for the last year, antl•fin.ifit • ascan Slln,T
every•tithe.' • • . ,
• GEO. Rose;Druggist, Cardingtok 0.
'WE ' , ARE SELLING--»..Vour p•reparitions;
- WhereVer • the)? have-been used-, Rats,
Mice, - .Roaches, and Vermin- disa)Meatimmrtli
a•tely: ECKER: sTo.yirEß, Druggists, l~en'
‘Vindsof,..Mtr., '• :•• • •
'o Destroy-:—Rts;'RoO.ches, Fec.
To --Mict;.;
. 1),;;Ii . o y—Bed
To'.Thstroy—M - (itti, Fleas; Anti, &c.
To Dotioy-Insects on platits-,and,insects
To e.;l rny—ltisects &c
species,' of ,'er
irsc iNI.Y •
"Costar's" Roach, &c.,'Extirmin'r
Costar's" 13ed.bug Extirminator.
"Bostar's" Electric Powder for Insects.
25, .90e. AND.OO BoxEs, 130 r mus AND
FLASKS. $3 nod $5 SIDES 1'1.4e; e.t-
121 - So?(I EveiywherA—by •' •• • -
Dr'oggists in. •
• All IF—Grocers 7 -Store ,, kPep.ers.
Etc. in thd.thiLici! Sfates. . ,
Wholesale Agents. in isl'e**York Bity
Shi . Pfidn• 8r09.,&•C0
hoestock,Doll . & Co
0, - SOnds & Co
11rgotoon & Co - . •
11411, & Co: •
I'. D. Or is. .
Penfolil, Parker '& Co. 'Tripp & Co.
Uydley & Staffordi I Conrad. rOx
T; %V..Dyott & Co.
B.A.Fahnesiock & CO
All the Prineipal
.cjtiet. and towns in the
0 - 7"8 . 01e1 Ly
'And by Druggists, thocern ;tad Retailers gel)...
erally iu Cit and , Cmintry..
tri7Couri!ry 'Dealers can artier as above: .
• Or, addi esti orders direct—Tor if P . rices, Terms
&c. is desired 13:7 - sead.for circular to I)ealers]
ritITIOIiAL DEPOT—No. :7)12, Broadway,
1164'Opposite the St. Mcholo,s Hort.l,
,N. 1
Feb. VI, 1 , 361.--tmoNi ." •••
ltVesl roy4 ,l nstturilj•
VE Meal N.
Nic hula e,'a~ c;
Mural!, Riisley• & Co
Bush; Gale & Robison
.M.l3liii,l,.Close,& Co
INl'Kiaanh & Robbins.
F. C. Wells & Co: •
Lizelle,'l\ . larsh . & Co
Dixon '& Co
Philadelphia, Pa
Robt. Shoemaker & Co
Fiench,Richards & Co
4. 4 611 T, • ill 0 N A
. . . .
Tt i e-Itatiqports...i.vhich.,c9nveyett ratel
iiriFoueis tip ,tattu!s River VesterdtrY,
silk otitaPiisoa-tanditir, by nu, order
'frorrj Geri. .11celellati. ThesC areljiw prisoners.
from k:ort.Delawtire,linq the cause orthenT:be.
'i's said:to he owiug to
. sOrpe 'dittb•
'cuityin't he cxcban'ge of prisoners with the
• • . .
. ' - N r. -: fi • ' • • ' •
,tnOntioneil :in tin.
iJL ' Ayt of ;-locorpofatioil,.in • Oorporaling the
C•cititli.isilt.;it,•Por!agq. ond A Ilvilitor Ili ye r„4l.Lril
Bowl, cOuipaii), will .optitißoolo lor tottb.sci-ii.i
-tiotrlto the Stnek.of. mil!, Coinpatryti,t. flip Ilito•
10' , 2,11. Ilol)'i'ZiolSioet'lipor!, on Thu!'s'i!ay. the 1St!)
:d a !,' of : ; :,I ). r ein bei;,A......j).• 1,81;9';',. at :3 ; i.i.cjot'k;
• I''..M..,of.'saiibloy: ; • ~.. • '..-:
.''', • •''.•• '; •
Sincilipol poll, A lig4C..it; 15.n . :!....- - - -' - . • ,
' •• It. G. WI11 . 11.:. • • -
. .
. ,
... .
• •• '.. .: 'S: Al II:\ CK US, •
. . .. , . .
...• • •'. . •••'' SA:NI.I.,G- 111'111;;,'.' '
Lis! .I) . iliyn for Septet!librr
• • - "(ntANt) ruror , • • • '• ' '
A7certinir;--13prlid4 A. J einju h,
Gilli tl
. SV. S.', l!clipti.G. A 1 ..,
••• - .1%
Ittadlord.,---13tom'o W 1)0110 I I.•
•La,,,maik . . 1.. 1)., c . )1,14..E. C., v,,itighn.l.-..
i;c•.'(;:,.11 - itirilvesIter,
• Norwirli,—Tiisher I lenry.': • • •
"Wert •J.
. /fiimihi.'pr..:L-Stanton .1. L. ; •
gh t • • '•
•• Thit g v. 2 l,..-43!itkiiE S. A:, KiV:g
well G. W. •. • •• • .-• • •
. .
. Chnrlrs, f3issil Thomas,
Cooney Eng , .ne, Fuller IVo'clruif Al
man, .IVinsar 0. lc. .. • ••
Smntiel, LOyejoy..Wm.
Norivich..-4BuTilir,k C . It., Dickinson E. 11.
Davis . .T.es'i, Gunning, F.
' • Keating..-H3io,ssM•Danicl.,. - .Kin't.i, IL 8., Stick
• • Ce.req.--Cal t cr. V. P. I.ca.naril.r. W. •• •
• linzd foril,—(!olegri.iyo E. F., Ciooks
Gutia turn Siittpt
•• • I::hircii..--Carprintex .- 11 T.,. Doyle. corm:l4ls
t Was. • ', . •
//aailin:-- , -I.liarsh Occi..T., Stalks Ilnritce,
. on O. 11.- •
Gocip.ton.—"l'empletan J. J. - • ' •
• Serc.int,--Totteli • Wm, F. . ••• , • . •
• •
1... . .••. • . E. ,qhfo•iff.
.•Smetlrport, A tic,2.uo.. 12,1 siy!.
lilt WElliliT ,14. 1 1:Vkl, OF COII3IITCE
.. •TO
. 0U.13, SUBSCRIBERS,.• •
. .
. The commenceMent.of a new year is a !pinl
timefor.renewing.suticriptions and inereasing
rhe cirOulation of the Jouinal•of Commerce.--•
We addresa'ourseives . lo the. fill! readers of the
paper,, ivith'entif'o: confidence to their ivti in
ness aid us; apd.Oxtend thu hilluehce of the
SOU o:conservative princlple• and morals ,which
(rive' hitherto charaeterized:and will • hereatter
characterize this paper.• Rvd.itYSttnscminna to
the Jour:nal of. Commerce
,might do d'gfeat
er.,vicd to . these priueiple4, am) strenvlien
in out - ability to support and' circulate them . , 4
sOnning -us the name ~ of-at 1 - least one new- soh
'scriber in
.Lis totvu. , •
' . l)eiloteil firmly as we have been to oure.omi
try's. interests, and.uharibu; lonu . •bee'n
Saireri" as w term of reliruaek, we are
and..s.hall be the furn tufuliollera of.,
. .
opposing with heart soul pen . every man, SVututh
or 'North, wiwi is an Urtemytu either... ,Every
form of dianrganizatiou aid, revolution till] find
us really • for .the combat/ A wow! the lies.°
t merfean uWel ican'iwini.fpl es,
:we 'rank stile by
. .
A 130 1, IVIO - A . iy AND SE
and.we propns - eVtth ail our strength lc; 'defend
the nation against the at tacks of both. ;..'• •
. .
'encourage: those who tnay,voliintesei't
aid in theorgaiiiiation of Clohs, we he!eb
oiler an extra copy of the .Weekly to (+l:6'y pet
.s.on who shall forward.lwenty'liew subi;eribei
with the riAney . : • .•• •
01,U iris
. .
. ..
may be organiied in cciniihunifies ivitli'•great.
arivantege. ' , The present is the `Lest perinki for
their colpmeneeritent. . The -terriA on which
we can furnish the paperare as follows,:- : : .
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rmpi.es• . • TIC .
3,copica • . vivE
Undr copies . • . Two • • Mich.
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per;ions•nt .. the.t..anie 011 ire, il.(l4;aireil,ex
cept in eases -of' clubs of 13 or. more copies,
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will teiminate with the''..year of the .original.
..From:froihronk's U. 2: 11
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Lint . this does apply to : Weekly ne:Wspaper,.
whieh eitenhite' free in the connty wLere prin
ted'and published. . *.
ILl'7 Addreisl'Eflit6rxol the journal of Coin
moire, No: hi IVrtll street Nrni3rort. •
• ' Editors and - Prop ii toes
This preraratiou. blade froth the beat
recommended by physicians as a siiperbir
El/101AG Al for General jai
billow; disorders. L.l'lleosaiebi wl r. harp boon compelled
to sibandon tie Use of will use I idaivi theta iciuri•
nue elibets. One eaireeetairmillentxongth of to 0116111 MM
f ordfunry . ciATo9. Yride,:2s cents.
. ThA fairest and . best BAITING PC111'1)1111 I,,nown,ln'r
makthg light, sweol, and nutritious Bread 'II zul cakes:—
1 .. .ric0, 15 uents.• , • . . ,
.. .
• . KOLLOCK; . Chopigt, ••
Upvuer Broad and- Clirtiimat
And 001d.by all Drugsiata aid firooori.
.- ',."..... : Ti - iolii.Psol)" , 3: - ~-,.,'..
BANK NUE .ANIY 011311:414 .41'.1)111L
11,)I1 7 1: - 13•BY.. - .f . pliN .',1112.M.1;50N.
Quofatipris 'co•rrectod . by
,T . it)mi;o•:4,Eitcrity.lis,
• • ' . .2 Wall Strovi.. • •'•
blished. by ilt.qm/i.0., • 1 .17 t4takrn.st
• To 16:618tibt-cribois•.' '•' - •
To I , o,ftimo k tern or. (Alloys,
,vOlo . ...forni
1 . 10 tolv:111e0. ‘lot
5 e v piex.,r th” . Hrtna-ivadilil c.•.:
Itlil-opieii"of the
: 1 . 7 e 11 fdr ward .g rat ui fon.ly to 'any jo. , rsi:oi
'ei k tfiog a nlob; Of $2O at t Vol t
any One our -A wer,iciti; . -(7.01 , 1'.C0in.
I'H OM 1.!•:;()N 131:10T S,
' -No. 2, Vali ::31.* I'rovrietois.
ni r nti.v 41! n
• •
• r flljoTiilX. S
.111.71 . 17. BUSHELS of 11111
;!sEtai, , rab..4d by . NIA Falet •
• • • L. 11, DOLLY Y'S.:
Port-Ailegifry, Pticembei: 28, 1 1SG I
To 'sell g;onds
We. give •a Cotniiik'sion on
n . oods• sold by ourAtienrs, or pity . i'sitz,e.s • at from
tilt) to..sloo:nci rnotith,l and' pay" qtt : n e . e,ssa, y
Oui 'Machine , perfect.in its flic•
chanistn'.• A nhild can 'Valli to •otierale it. by
hal (anhoori l intrtict i s o•n.t. • is egtizil to any
family Sewing.),lnchitto and mi . traYe
fed , ;red the_ prio2 to tifte01.11011;1r.
Each machine is waistinteq'tcOhrie
.• • . Addre,s • • ' .
• • dlctrnit, Mich:
. •
1 19 .- 1 11. •:
'llll.ll, LI Von s ri• )113F:11 . T Fit 11 1.-.G,1
A-1".....; , 101.10t4b4
Jo•.n.1•1? CI
()Li!, I rnn,
Louit;a' A in•i•
Utibl And • •• .• • • I.:. 'wo If rnt.inf
'En;lt-ing. Pt 31 ‘%
J • • • ..•. • •• s••• 1 l'ni!••1•
Joli.n)l.lp,^ ,
.1! J Ninni•
I /•:%i:: Thil‘tin • • :7•••••• al
Rini! •" . rzu-nn
Itat.llo •
,Turnel;timfinr Cir.
Ihni: • •
of of% I
11';'tlii ill It: .
Jelin I' M:r
inirew IL Lintlowy
11:ty‘Inle 4.c irf Ji m Arliel
llrewi.ter rrv.i.qnan
. . - .
. .
rylllF:6-ikbscril,Pr havivig.pu rehaFeil Allis well
.1 ktioN:plstanti, tit,itl•ri.•lortiki.leil 'aj.,l 'iy- ill -
tad llte.lloiwo,, is pr(T:ire.l:to iqaci tail! Board-.
ers liiitl tlie.:l',lnveli.r . ig public. '. ' .
. .
\VIII 1/P Wl'llf , lll/11111`11, • 1111(1. dam ,
to merit a libel : al . sluire jia I TZ,tlt;
met] will alw'ays final thoedatal),sirina" oat
,•• p.
- Kendal Crerk,•Janaary,',l,.l6o
. .
A new volutnc of tads laiticly•;eireudated pa
per commences on the ;fill pt January. Every
nurnher contains sixteen pitge...ot -oseful . infOr:
malion'and frOm.liye ten..originalengrayin2s
of neye invent ipns and dislioverie,' of : Whit:li
itre*.preptircd expressly ; ior ifs columns. .
The BC,INTIFIC AMERICAN:is devotebto'
theinterestioll'iipular Sci iice, , the Mr chenie
tii,Mantitacturesi, •Ini•iiintion's., t.r.rieulturii,
ClOrdme'ree - and the "-1 i i trial Pdrstiii gerier
ally; 15 I ll : a[7le. ,iIW ructive: net only
in the W o rkshop and. Manulactery, bet al n in
it he,llolisehold;the Library and the Reading
- Tri The ikTeehititlc antl.'.-Matinfucturpit
lib person eneag'd.in.any- r;l' . the •rnechahica
pursuits altOuld think of doing, without the
SCIF.NTIFIC t costs but four cents
per week; every nuniber - cOntains front six: to
ten eng,ravings.:of . ite'w machines , and inven
tions, Which 'cannot be found in any other pill,-
lication. It is an established rule of
,the,' pub:
Halters to insert none bust engravingi,
and those of the fiyst.eliiss in the 'art., cfraWn
and .engiaved by experienci.;d persons wider
their'own:suPervision: - . .
Tensithle to every triventrirots It not only. con
chins 'illustrated
,descriptions of nearly all the
best invention's , as they come:mit, hut 'etch
number contains an:Official List of the Cl . aitps
of the Patent; isgiell tram the UniteMSfiktes
Patent Ofßce Jim ing the week•.Previotts; thus
giving a eprrect . history, of the progress of In
ventions in this .entintiy.' We ate a 18'61' rie6l;•
every week; the bent scientific journals of
Great liritain,...Fratee,
,and Gerinanyt thus
phasing' in our possession tat hat is trate:piring%
in mechanical science..:and 'art' in these .old .
countries.- We shall continue to transfer to
our columns copious extracts. from these . Jour,-
dais of Whateyerwe.miiy. 'deem of ihterest to
Chemists, Architects,
l'be. SCENT' FTC. 'AM ERICA N hr
(ound a most nselful Jonrnal, t liern.- • 'All the
new discoveries .01 of chemistry are
aryen in columns., and. the • interests .of the
:Architect and 'carpenter are not oyerlookcd; all
the new inventions and ilisrnveriei tale
ing to these purs uits ' b'eing , from
week ' to Week'..' . .l.7Feful an•l
Circulation, `lOO,OOO
.K n. 1;.:. :1 I_'
. '
v . ,. NI - n ni.' ,! " •• •
t . I ,
v., .1 1%
vs .1 k
.) . r.:rtsitt ut.
I . ^ Th. h Ci•t4l,l.
L It 1/;;‘ , 1,01. '
,LNO. CF..
. .
I I Is.ll.\'it ANO•ABLI
Volunie VI.-- New Series
To the 'lnyoftor!
fitih pett*ing to the' inier.ests of
. millwrights
it s nirrnill-owd!rs will be foond riubtistied in. the
,Scri:Neerle AIF,RICAN • which infortplit ion tidy ,
cnrinot po.ssiblry:obtitill'frodi any 01.1114. sap rce.
SLll;feetS AVilleb : lll4lllers farrrieg nie. lo
t:ere:4nd trill lie found t'he'
ri tee - inceit
implein'e'iits being iltustrliteil in it ,
colittim's,:.• . .". • •
• T 4 'malt .7obsc I Oiet.s;•--Two I)ri
or• r itio}lll4.. fhot•-bollar
pay, for ',filo .:cornp;o to v,;!ti tile : of .lrli p og ,q, ; .
wo • volnim+R • Oile s yra V 01-
9I1: tli , e hr.,t y 114-
. %. • . . • :, •
CL if'.,l;
.1; A'r.l-',s'
. . .
. .
Fiv.e. i7ip . i , ' . . , „ for , iii: 3,loi,thi ' 7
l‘ - .
Teri. ropii,:s, 101 Si x I . tics . 1 . • 7 ~.
Tvii ri.o;iie,, .for 'l' , ,r;plve.l6riti.rs' ~.....
I! .. iitqt , i), c.opitq, lot 'l' , . v . cii.r!.)ltollS ::::
l'lxt . ..riy coriie4 . , 10'1 : T V.:PI V9 ' 11 0 ": 1 Li .
. . .
:For ull:clnlis ni.*Ctel . ,.ty a . l,l4 . hypr, .1.1,(.. 3 .,,i-
1 ) . -,uhse:riptl6,1 k.., ; *,iy.:',...1 ; 1). . Niui,,i..i can b,.•
F. , lii. in at :.ditierent •tinik.e and yi.o'rn .11i11,.roilt
Po'it.plike..S2TPeinif'ln'eopiati will be sent gt a :
tis to any part of .tile ‘4111116'..
irdnoyor Post-office;
,tanipq 1;11;Pn at par fol. stlll.si:rip!ionq - ,
(Flap spbF . eribt!rs to remit 125..,cettt<
PX ya on each yelke' . .sulisci . : iptipn
UNN&• CQ, i Publishers', • ,
• • No 3i P4tl: - -roi,y new York
. ..
V.. ,-- ;: - Fr 7 .5;' , ..g - :.:7. , '•: •' .. A...k.E 13,? $ .... •
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~- , ,,..;,...,,,ye,....' 1. - ..' . .',.1;.., , ', ....i v. Toth , Iy-i's 'l',lbt, and
.•',:>,-;:>-,""?%/41::,,Pf ..,.,,'; yl ., ni,,.. ,,, t th,. ,ii,t,1,,, ,,, i luti,
iCli;',..r ,- . ..* . , ', ...;;? , , ....: , ...; . ,, , ,...; , 1 v . ., ~ I. , ,cify, Ow 1 , 4 . ..4; nti.
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''..,.,....`.V:!..,...5,..,,.-,:, 1.,.-y ~:,,,,, , ,).tto Or% ~,,,• It AIN.
:::',......, •1.Vi,,q,',1;;;:......f;',.....:; ~1 h,,rlgofult.
.:'....,--.;t:,...L14,"•,,,,,'--f-...21 tit p l
y, ..pttelty II P: ,litent f, ,. .ttf
. . ". tit: , ..I.:trur . tkop• -• .thi , It Iii•lio
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II41:11 : 1N II i n11:1IIII,I .I . 11:1'.11:•,. ' . 11!•..,• If nr.t rolinviod.,
11 . .1 ,1 tti,...q," Ili ni1 , ... , ~., Awl 1.11 , :VII r0911 , 1i - hg ~ ..rp4tts,p. l , ! •
' 1,1,1 .7
”. g , 5,n , .r , 0, :14g1AVAII,111. .5111 III:I, .itll , l 11/AI • 11.111:1,
Whtl,.in till, . - :1 , 11e1: , 11, l p . 111n.H ., 1 • by' Ow dor,,,genmint,,,
flikr, .1,' , .f. TO, an , l .14, 4, , , , 0 . IjIII , IIIr tlopy rvet ,-, rt , Om
sill n,/ ~ f. nctit ,. of the , 5.Q.,.1 , , , . ,tl,l ivi/ it ,r ti,,, buoyant
1,•,,1it,..,,,1..b.,•..,.1, •qt,sin.. Avildt 1i . tr ,,,, 3:,•1., apparent In
•thie 11 - ,eiA . , 1.1 - .. ,, , , t1 . - o . ~ , ,,,, , , ',,i ,it. 1,,,,,, ,
J.,, ll' 11, 111 AnIUY
1 , 1 11, • t - t, , .1 All I ,1.,1,; ' ,.,,, , . , , , ,1141. , .tupprl, Tin, HOlll,l
I.III::, :I' • ..'T . t ~, ,,.., ! •,11,.., ,,, C., , ,, ,. .1 I, ,1,1111,,, ~,,tr,lo,
tion-i. , ,,i t .;..,,, , ,,,?..t - 111.. toitin:ll 1111, , , , ,,n4 1.4 Um
I, il,, 0, I :, :,n , ril Hiy. Awl ' tnttly r..f th,,,,•,,,,,,,1y; rnre , l *
I') I tt,..y, , ,,ii • ti”.‘p..•• N.:l/.. II bb, li. lii 1'111i1..... , 4 Uwe°
Pt . 11... , T it, 1t;.;:1, , t -t , 1....upi0y
,t I?t , ,t, ,rlion ,A1Iletillt; (rota
11,.. di, ~f , ;, ,, -, t 1; ~ y ray...'. '
5tAtin,,,,ti.f,. , ..1 1, 1.1. , 11:1, , ,. phy..16.1.118 in pow , of Ilvi
Id i ', .tiptil ci11.,, , , ittal .ft °tit ~....2.,,r, ~,,11 linovlC public, pot,
. . . .
• .
' . .
. •
. .
fr'eLon' a Flrrwaraing ge.? , !•2lrtrit t I R.. 'Am's, 11. b. 4: 1 , 6 r ,.
. I)it. 'A v•::: V.ltir .Pill !ire Ihe-priragon c;t Ail ihnt. 'is
P. ,,,• ' 1 .t. rtt , -1 1 ht••••• 111
• , 'Y'llait - r
r , tt.:•l trry lotto. ditoriil,r
rd' u1ret",, , , ,,, r ,,, i11, , ,t licl` 'II t,.14:311.11,..1 that had F01 . ...4
h” iir ,,t, , ,,, f,,, , y ,,,,...1ier•pi•rt , ,..,,, , ~., •h, 1v.. , i,' lug grOrr•
colds a fror: - ..1 , Ni.!!, .1,T..t , Z}1^... and 1,,01pir , 4 011 hut xhiu tout
itt • he'r Init. .liter cur chit % Iva.," cured; rite ntre tried
your rilhi.,•fttni they Ittittr cured bor.'
' •••••• . • . .As..t 3(01101(11)0E..
As a '.Fa . zally Plloc.
AVM Dr. E. Ti: (Ili New Orlean s
• TOllr .
are tho of "i.arg",,. 'Moir ..KNAloar
0ra1...1144 -nurpa•i.,:*any rall, n l!i•• to
1...ry can t.tin f:tr,,ta..,l
hoWel,ovh . ,ll laa,ktai tlieuidnY,xlLiabl : L 3aillt tha .1011' , "
lienclnclku,Slehliend,acht!.;77ou2 Stomnolt.
.6;,(8. i)t. Ethr.,i-4 . i1.4./7, ii:divvote
. .
. ..:
Pz.in Brio. A Nr.it: 1 C . ,t11110 , fi11 ,', ".,r N Pit.o..!oli r o mr,bant..
T baxo vire./ witli your l'ilk 1,0 1 1 'r 1111.11 to S ty fln Viul :111
ee4r (real ,4e.it?l a 'ptcyj ow. , 'ml' !'ring. I il,n •,. ±i,lll 41[11 , 11 -
dt.lte on 111 l l.f7 , !: 11110 eatlrtrti , . In . pep ,I,lty ,c1i3..+1 WWI
• Iliiiqlei;,111) , 1 1/.4101p4 ati I iii tipt, 3 - .0 , n Pill , ‘ 11,,, - 1 ii , ‘ ow
I.est wo 'Joao, 1, of CIJUniO Artille 11).111 111.0.15. • . ~
• PR. .T.. 0. • A TM': :SIT': r i 0;,),..,, ~:e i .,,,t0i1y. . ..1 or
the, w;q - ‘l. hotthl..htt one 1., HI y, colt li.tty by it 'thist. (1r • tan
.of yoir Mil.: 1 t .f.ettiO. IC' arine- Item 'as fetal stußiaol,
which they tflmitte,t nt'tto,...: . ,
'i..l) . Y.ollyi With great legpoct, • l',1).• W. PRE:III,g;
, • • .• .. (!,..r7; qr. Ste•i on er Clorioft:
llotil Canipla4tll4
i % ;i111: Dr. Thendire 13.,P. if .1%:,. , )7,1.? (...iy.
T`: ,1 : 0 1.1f ro , y,nr aihtdriL!,ly I.lpoPfl to thnir par ,
t ho . Liv,:er'vory niarkHl y pria
.tko Inut,J tiq, (Irwin:ll 1 , 4. Iho rule or b: . /it4trs
pfaint; t :my I,llt. is l A•3:1 11/016.11.
- 3 601;t1 llnd 11"11Pri 11114,tti‘o sy wer•
thy tilt! contblenco ,
I?. C., 7th Feb, .
Fin': I Main aatal 1;d1. ui nip gefieral lae.pital
practice )ata nat.te them, am! cannot Ite.illitte to
say Hely are the hest' t:lttltattia'ave regn
tatitm action 00, the Ih . ne (a . VIC HIP]
iliroully• help ore au Illilllll.llMl.ll.lfirdy t;.i. dot ;mgemetita
of. that ..,:rge.at. Indeed, 1 have pellem: built a Cll4 , at
that'lt Old nat:feadily . yieltt t•
them..: Fraternally youra, . 111:0NZtrUsl,1„:',4.
• .I'icy':,feign
Dyacutery, Dlnii9uvn~l[e.)ni~;'iVorme
I Dr, (:I;sc, I,c ago.
. . .. .
. . . .
Your I , IIIA horn 10k..,1 it lottg . I 11%1 ,ill lily p'i linlleller. d I
hold 1 loin 111 04,:elll 11, , on- of .. ti,.l.c.g.ailorklilni hunt, l.Vor.fol/iol. Their alloi:lttlVo 0.11.. , rt 111,..11 the livor.tstalio4
thom un 0;;...:11..t,t ycipp.,l3.l i.. iii gr:.ell lli roll!Ill doge.* for
hilloul il:tlil:!”, , , 40111 . tharr ',0... ' Their ' !War -I,illiilr,
jII.L. S hll,ll ~•, y nc , epiablu, tuDi cent enient, liar. the use
Qf Nvoleeh' and elithio!it.• . • ~ • • •
. . ' : • .. .
llyspepslu, 'flows rl!i of . tltO . Blood
. .
' Do. A vi.U. : 1 have un4-1 l`rddlvitit .oNlriortlipay
F. 111,,, fir my 1111.114 ON:, I on C.1 . 11a4 to rfilt
111 !ill I t I.e 1.11.,111 ‘.(•dlgustlon tun(
pnrily Illoud, key ern Wl•nnundy I han,
leernnon'n; nud I con, CCllthir 11!.• rtla , !11111101111 them t
iny friend:. • • Yunt.i,‘ . • 1.1131,1 LS:
• . Wyoming (In., N. Y., 0ct.14, 1c55..
tn SIR: I nut usitlFyonr l'lllo In joy por
tico, and find them on vxcrllritt, piirititKo to clooneo the
system .I thd rurity•the fountains , - !1' the
' :GAIN G. AI‘AULIAIt 11.1)
. . .
. . .
.Constipal low, Cos tiveness; Su p p Tess lon,
Rlicuma ',lsm,. Gout,. Itlettrargla, Drop- ,
sy, Paralysis, •Plisi etc. • . .
: _ ./ , ','on Dr. J... 1: Vutv. , 4li, Aftmire,4l, aurae. .
- .
. . .
Tee much rennet: be e.titt oryonrTills for tbit..
eure of
"ratfiren•As. If (Allele op our fraternity have 'band theta
as eflinachna nit I have, they should Jolll'lllo in proclaim
big it im¢ rho boooit or the inultftmlas w.he suffer. hoin,
that eninpla;nt , , tehicli, although hint .e . irtiiittli in itoolf; 11
the netatitnitor or pthei s' that ere worse. I .belleve Mar
treenrs to originate in the livev,but y6l . o'l'lllo afluvt that
organ and Cure the Oise/tee.
,' •' " •• •
.Vac. E. .11.ysiciatt aril .11V4Pr(fe, lintna.•
1 11 ail ono or-tvo large .1;;Ire4 of your tAkva•nt•ll,o
1.t.;.0r l into. aro pm I pr•iltelivrtta the 71(16telit SfCre
-12,02 N• wholiy ar pro 11:111:y mupproetel, and. Mee. Tory
or—ti'" IU ele.ll2sr . 111 e 2,1011121211 2111.1 expel 1122121111. They
trout pad' ibe bent ptlysic lines that 1 rotoiniaand
iw Gther 111 my pnlluuPn.•• • • •
• .
ita 104,1, ;if Ih - 4. me4p,n,k,t
. .
10 1111g1 . 11i9fill roe the teller
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~,, t .11,Wit,11, 1 1111.i1111.1 . I 1111 A OW 1,1 1 11 rhynh•htnki, tho
alievio'gt OW :1 , 61 , 1! twin he the ndvicn of Sour
eXIT/1011i iutdut 111 . raltill WIT. Dr. 11111.,1,1 . 11110, I. 1111 1 11. ynu l•
11114, I‘,`:ll' , :0'evt.1111')1 , ny'pravynrine
in the uuoof thew, I 1911 i nc., !.11'110,1'
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Ff.llA.Tg. i'/IAMIIRI:, llntfin 11(illo., L'.. 5 nrC. IR6r..
tot...A i 3: o : 1 lotvci fwen', tztintly,ql.l,liy }Asa fill, or
rer•omoto., , : 'lt --o painful titr,,,, tlrtt 11,01 Itillictml %to
- VINI.'.ENT /414.1)15.b. • .
P 1.114 In. mlnhol conlnin
nIII ,11 • 840 , din vrilnalnli.. 141:0111I i$
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ryllellr., 6131. 111.1, • MP6 6
01111011 rlO lii lily 111 . Millt . 1 . 111F111,1:111C0 w hltM.r.
Price, 2 cents per Box, or s.lio:sex
Propnred Uy. Dr. J. C. AYBR Su CO., Lewen,lirqss
11.11amlin.k Cn,, S.inetliprqt; C. F. ()kerma,
Bradford; L. 11.Iley, Pcirt est.!' b.:
deale:, everywitere. .
- SIS`
Pliv;r:cttn. Ps.. 714:4y,1, 15f.5