M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, September 13, 1862, Image 3

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• .i• Sheriff's'
Y . TIRTuF..6I• stinil wrdt „Mort: - Pariizs
ahilSrice•ETCus .S . .titilitn'tPrzi,P and Vrtithti
gni nit of i h.; CuiPd,of
r ripn Plries . ..6l;•C.CmerncoptitY,Pettlisydvatiitt,
doftpedlirected, I,:wlll,•cipose..to
the . Conft; flothie• in Shitin-ii..ln.sahl - o'n
:Monday 'the oth day• - of (l.;•tobrir, 1). ISo2yut
one o'clock ot - ,a id ihitl • •;••'
i n wini 2 ; • ,fi.qoli)i• it eal. e.st Fitnate
•in •Shitipett, comity 61 CairterOli
'anil :State.ol Pc ii ylvu , uii htiiimle d ante desc'rib"-
ed'ns follows,
yiz: Il,riginttine at
post 'on Ow north .bahlf of the •Sinnitroahotiiipd .
13reek,-:bearing : SouTh west ffd)m . the 'Dont lidsiett
•Doiter apPle'• tree' in ?he' h rehard,..beittir, the:
.8611thwicst . .10!;:f
1 ,01,..4't,0 a tins..t envoi-T . :in. : l he. tdl;,rild . ftne of
•fhttortm-.Pali.T'idi:i.ri-iY, °Pince ''spittlifiliy nine dr
-krees nast eighty pole , ou•satil ninth 'line for ii•
corner; in the ninth dine of .the .. ot ii;ine I survey
s . on ft five, cfcgc.nes: :west•dvU
hire pltlllo to. ii pool - ;p2.1
'north brink of the Sitittanhitiowin.2 (rmat', thence
tip the . .said . :c reek .throngh.•all ftsi - Wiiiiiline.s 'to
•Ihi::*phice:ot be;indlitcs.. - Contaditins: onM.tinn•:
dr.h.l and twelve- aini.oite 111111 acres of Drill;
ilpprnvril' one 1 - 100ge, twohicCns. - blaelf;
smith 'shop, put holkeS, one weft .pf . ..water.•ainl.
..o-quantify t ri . f . s " ' '
desctibTid real este de:
Mete in 'the County, ritCanl•
iron dlhhStaty of Pennsylv.anill c1. , 51.ri1;e(1 . d5
lows: , i f walnut th!-!.sotttl'
eirci Corner of ti Arrant : : 3 1 / 3 - .. - -the e .shoth.
OrtV.:sk:it , rebes'to a ca l la r tree.; thenee 1/ . 01 t fiH
thirty. degrees east rvirclies•to
north .fif teen poqellii . . to it hickii:•
. 4-ir,.lheiice north thirty-seven eastiwen
sii:TiT tree, thence east: to
. t he: p.rr,q, , e-, thence . : obi 1.11
hj o pW7. l lle'West Itill!k of 110 , Porto_.' ninety pereh - i
mo '1,4,...t0 the' ninth line of re . .or.
:No; - 303. tdhinc,,i:siittid-i. lie y: pine die:Trees ..ida , t
'severity . nye p prekes.more. or .leas to the tio.th .
east carper 01 sail( oh )
t tram thence
aid line of 'said - Ira:ft snnth live•(1;.-
grees'wt.i to the north hank of the .s"itinarna..
hotitoft thence:easterly-along the north. bank of
the creek tisa fwd. oppoidte the
in e. ..klahils, Ihenlio :hi , creek the '
soutli bank,. - thence saitl•sdiniili.bahk tn. a
cOtton wood the tort boa?terly-. corner •of war-
N0,.0107,.. .son.th .lorry two degrets
Westthrrteen petelies•to . a hemlock, theitee:ho.th
sixty fourileere - es west linoitted anidthir/
•five perediesto'a hirVb,theric : a. mirth to the north
• berth od,d he. said,Sitinainanotiiihi, thpiice 'easter
ly to the beginning: Containins . one, hundred
land filty ac(es mote or les4:-neatly all inihroyed
laridi eight . dtcelliirr kiottle4, one:. store house.
bains . ittul Out' liouses,.'tit'w;- :sece mill, tiro
,*ells of water . , a quantity of fiuit . a 1 d
I,l,lelitstnith Shop. '. • •
Selz•d, take:l'd:l:execution and to be Sold :ns
the pi ovri y COhloyi oil '
Johnittlian - Culegiove . tor the use ot Jo.; Alitg , 11.•1 7 ThileY , • 7,00
• •• Notice is hereby given 'that a .c0...t of
All these pat:eels or.tract.s 6 . 1 A pp , "aii %:v l "l.be at the :Cattilni•sioners :
'land situate in tin. toTiodifii rl I , :irtage.,.ciinnty 'oll l Vcitf.•Stnt - qhrtt I on like I,l'h day 'or duly,
ut Stadeof.l'clin-ylvdnia xi, at ,c 'mob all
perso'us o_.
•,as tollo a's to out; W.:rant No. .519. fk'e ?.,iev."l-1;Y..1he'10",'L),1.4 w
ill be
thuaand hundied andeightheahl and e.tich'abaieniirtits tinide, as
. afe deem
ping ,at befiett the nurthast 'col n r 'of said ed justiand ptinpeci - •
t.Varrant..lhettce. • three , limcdret and -• twenty •
perehes' . ttia.bitch, Itien.ee. west' 'hue.hiindfed -
and' ct:..thdy tlirct , :peivinis, to post,. thence
itorth•thrile hundred andfivendy j•ioiches .
•. !. h ence : Cast !pie titre . C.
the twginitiitg:': Containing
. .el,
hundred. acres and a,lloW•tincif of six' per cent for
.roads the - saute owes or less.
Another, trout of 'land, s:tii:ste in, the
toitinship-ot 01-na•ii.c . ro-C . and
Penti,yivanda..warrant . No. 5.1.1 d• tivtt
'tfiti•ethil.tour hundred thirty innii . d.n.ydnoine.
• iitt:a bitch:the rioilhi as corner id said: warrant
11:ence - staith h ove buo/li.p.land t
•-fcCs thence: ive4! five Initiated eigl l ty three
petetti;t7 to 4:post thence nO.llllhtee
t wet oy- pei fines, to A post,-thence test five
sirs d' ei~ary three . perches ..tdtoiii fie;4l
Cantaintii-4 eleven ituom e.I der;.6:l'..fl I aii9W,,rje,i
of-Six".her,'cent A: ti10:54.119t.
or less. • •
• ALSO,. Another tract of laitiEstßiate' the;
townsitip cit Val lege,' *county of (2attit:rin -and
State of ludo-ylyanin; - t.% at rant- N0..(51.10) . fiv%..,
tuooalid four imittire.raitd, linty, he: Inn adi
a wince
. p)11 . 0 thance' nutthi . ti.rite lidiotita.l an 'ill
t a tenty perches to a wadie: pine,
,thet t e'e
five h u ndred and viet.ty• three f).-trehes 'to
post, dhenee'sutith three ittindie'd' and ttiVenty
'perches tu•-e:pit'st,:tlidi.ice•-we.,t. tiee
and eiglity•ttirae. patches. t0..1 he 'lreeintring.'--
. c,: ti r ai imigeleven dintittred icres,aodtillo
per cant tor retails & hr the. •arne mute
warrdnls 5110 q.tol 5111,•i, 40.
ac t .,3'lmpt . oval Win& V:t!ti welling boo'sand
a well ot w a ter, ..
t,. Another. tract of datid situate.. 'in .t l i e
•.tieWitsiiip of Partaige;. etiunlY: OECan - teinit and.
• s t. ,, i - 0 1Pi. i nsylv.anta,warrandNa. (51-11) fire'
thousand twit' bundled and Jut tY•ine. bet:timing
tfitince twill, three hundred and
leweitty ['etches to a white,. pipe,
.thence•eisd .
five hundred en I eiehty lits ee perches to a Post
thence sOuth three huinfrrtil and eighty 'percitini
to • a post,.fhittice west fiVe • hundrecl, eie,hty
three . perches to' the beginning.
eleien lauidrediacrea and . alloWanne, on' said
warren's' is 30 litres' of imposed land; two
dwelling muses, one halo, ettil-a spring:of we.
;ter; also a steam saw mill and.- lour divelliOg
mouses, and a • plank road, with thirty acres of
improvediand a. joining eal.!
Opc Oder tract 'of lantd.sitif3ta in the,
,township of Porlage, : coui;ty of Camerrin a.ed
State of.penniybrania, -, .rrarrant No. (5-142; five
thousand four hundred and tterty-two ; •beg,in
, ning at a lynn the 'northeast corner at slid war,
.rant thenee sunth three hundredtwe'itty perch,
ea to 'a 1.0 it e' pine, thence west rive hundred
...and ei4l - ty three petches to a po>toltattee oorit,
thiee hundred add p-rci,e , .. Ina post,
• thence east tivelvin 11.11 three,p• NIL
es to the liewnrit , .4. Contdinihd eleven ;am
• died iv res and stX . ' p-tr 'rent for
. Sestied and liken' to ricaention. and' tube sold
n , ci! Pritd , tirel3.
Upti4;n Louis J. DoylP . ,with not Leo to W.
Green, et. di .a 9 leree len.)nt , , tit soil :of
• Win, 11. GaTorii, John 11, E' flart .
' . .ctreetitiirs of Eleirinim NoMaild for the use of
klisha' Contd. • -• ' •
• —A CSG—
•' Doe:other, piece Or:parte)
. .of land situate in
-the . lown-diip• of Gibson. eoinity of Carn;•ron .
anidS'ate 'of I . ?ohoc . ylva oift, heirs:; par t of war
,rant• No: 'LS 152] five Ihnu.aut d loOf • lopidred
and filly two, vow:Onto : 4 eight hiledr..d
t hifty . acres, ieisol the stone• tract of 1.. rot von.'
ve yi,l to G -orate •S •b-yerealix •by deed 'idited
June Mai, A.. 1). 1816. (worded in Elk coooty
trrileed bitoVq, page ?..05,5zn.. 1 the same Gump
• Seized,- takenin execution and he.sold as'
; the property or Geor-,te S. Iley'ere.itix
suit ofJusepll
. .
Sheriff's Office, Sh'ippen, Catmeron; Co. Pa:
Serterbber.l3 . A. D. 1862. •
• -. ..•
‘ , ...cetki reß • pectitilly ;trtnounee.iWthe,.eitiv. , 9s.
, Adjej in; "untitlttes. I kut
can do \';'t' lit S:ill`t 1111Ort j i tie Sto ye' aritl
1'n.,.w11,.t• idle. • its jit: 01e,,,',. 41 all
;tines, :buy e oQ,tierid tt•j.ugo o Vat.
c o i lver•NN'f&e,
Lia , ' A D AIVD
llose : keepers llard-ffaie, tc.
: • :Jib
.. , .
of all hinds ilnne.with o.ispalch,9ml in a: siitis
tot y 99itinny;a!
• ••
" • 'inn a• t he. liiiildii4.l;nown 71'
"F1.1 , 1 . t . 11111 Tit; •lt , 't9t . e". 7 -li4n erly - ocenpiett big
Clt.n.: • '
. 'he; hittlin . st •prira: is
t opik Ri - ea$1);:lor any iitiant ifv 91 ShetT
end IVnnl,'
•.* Niarcji 'JO, ••• .
•• • ••- , ..P1,1171:110.'•
. .
. .
;- r HE, I SLI.I3t. , CRII3i,II2 lia:i.opelmcl a nets:. Lit z ,
1 er.,Stalilo•in Sino-hport;. at. 0. lt , Ben:
no - v':pH Stand, oh' litin sneer, just ea.l of
iNl,:haules', where cambe tOtoel,lllebet of llor
ses arel.(lhriiaAes at.lowprieOs." Ile intehtls to
make Sniethpoit. a permanent resiikime, and
aslts;a sha re of patronage
SmetliriOrt, "AA t.posi 2.1, 18GO. '
. .
. .
of Vritlers.rf Mycbazalise andtbojr .
.. Cl:,,gsificution of county for 1662.
Sfizethpori Borough
Yrlo llatulip;
W. S'.-8r0w.n..11.
: . • B.ra,ifu rd
4 Ceres
smut, & Barber, - .1
31,tran Arrniiier
'Junf. ISQ2
9110 • \ i t 01.1.1 . • .
i . • t APPLIED n.n.) .
L. This -tie 'agar' of-p4er, i n . lOO
frr'pnrst yr , i, ttno . dti •11 .0i: silt;
a . 111. 1 6ther talirtes..'"f)le prix . ,, tow '.ltA I
1 e..4.11;.i11air:: TIL EVERY
DAY, alitl.:‘ol.liot, w;
t earl 'b•- , tykti I ictin . 3to .5
if nee! 5540, , , to ~ro,-mtLiv., •
•• • •
• • oi.sl,ENT'Er,
This iS htilf.ict siik .
anal ii. jiistihai -I he :maple
ble in t vitt. 4 •llcti.s.• • ' •
iti.s only
tube itti TO h. • ,• ' •
.• 1 7 , OIT ,
• . • 4.!
• . N.•;•• ,f; War rpri St r,t, N....yY.,t•k: • •
ONLY . ..• com,rv. •101 •chii . hr,l , r uui
gnu IS . OI . ANY WHOL.ESA,L,E 1-10i..75E
isiliorn . thil ate drill:m.6'.
'rho 'conressiens Lind' Experience
1 1 an Li-valid,
in,i eztutioiLt oho i..uffer from Nor'
Brune the. the 11,t1131 Selt.Cttre Ily our who has cured
TOOL to oieat 05116 a hero Eh noel4,tl
on'tod'quarkery fly eocloßinea poot•Ttle.
dre•sed envelop.; 'aiNo% C. con F 4 rime be had 01.1 by no
• , 1
• COttOtY,,N• y. . (.5-vi ) •
(fit ILI IN
NEW' rtitlyAir, AT .
.. .
II.LYING hecome 'the proprietor of the Grp
eery undProvision Store; lately occupied
by 13.1r-Wrighi, I: t“1:e this roethcid of in
forminG my frie-ncis that I ,have jug received
the laqest stack of ' . •
• .
• FAMI.L . 7. GROCERIES, •..
*free offered the. peopie• pl counlit
at nriees 'which would - seedi ons' at, ally
other ii.toliltithrrit.nt. I keep on Fiala, .§:nd
. arp
the daily riiceipt of •., -
• .•
Jt''OUND • ••
AND MEAN • . • . .
. t;;KE1..1.;), Al4lTr. •
Dt;'1"1 - 1•;lt, n. ALLOW. • •
cA'N - DrF RICO , •TATI"11 •
• IN1)14;0 ?PER; . •
• .Nsolo,:,
r •
„ , . •CI Or- • CllAt - NER.
• ' TO :AG , 0 I.t.ANIN , I, • • ••
AU t .ALL '
• tilic.;ArsliS OF ALL KIND' ,
ciorn,n (-+Ttn-rA:1).
AND 11N61:01 ., N0.''
• SYItITA. Of.,A 4 SE, • •
til.:llo , q'NE. OM. •
' CA.NDIFS, yl•:•Ai Ac ~&c..,, • •
. . .
My stock is NH and...nniplido*,•;6A.olpeted
Irmai Ilieltest in 11i..mArIcet. (' all and exam •
ino.litive and qu a lity, and you. iilll nut fait 'to
buy . ' '
smpttwort,,m.iy aO , -1861. • •
ISt Ca,ll. •
A L yviisnris heowtiii! theniselve iivlehterl
trrthe uffilersivneil are hereby nolitieil io
call arpl cattle their aCCOUIItS
costs will h ma,de. J. D. OTTO.
Dec. 10, 1860,
"Only Infallible Remedies Known."
l'llo,ce ,prepare,tions:(unlike 411, oil/era) Are
;,Free Iroio Pojseea:" •-• •
. dlio/1 . ;q . 0/it:tis /Ire Ikutoact
`. , •lrars•CO(ll.: Crui•l•olcheir•holoi
10,3 r s and morO . pst . atilisiied in City
Post Office'
Used I ? y,—the 4nd:Station liout.es
Ships, &c
t's6t by -- Ci ty Hotels
Nicholas,' S•C
U. , ;!. - 1 Ly-.lhe B n6il . lll;;;"}laus'es, &c
Lry::i rrore n . .50,00 . 0"Pi iy'at a . Pamili;
• . .
See telo;t.t .D.nalea7
HENRY R r COSt•Aß:—All..thr•stirrlmer' I
ye been, I ronlileil - with R oa d ie , an d
teas actually as-harried' of he liquatt, -for' the
Roar were t i,viiry\%hi--;re.• 1 parilia'seil
of : y oer Extir,nmatot arid •tt het'. it, nil : in :one
kvaslini .aißoaiih or Monse - ltidllid'
dloese-, G1!:11.!,;:j.N1).,9•LE1m
'•••• IIOUSEKEIitPERSHIroiII3.I.III t-erfnitt.,
need be so'no they nor
E x titinitiatoi - s. AVe have' it-to - out-sat is
lactintr,:atel if - a lteiti . ,eost .have
:had- tiled potsoits, 'lant.they . 'elf ettel .
ogthitta f hot Cos - rail's article knio
Oul•or Rats, l\lieti on I lied- Blif.ts. 'rlie'ker . that.
i!iin.wtii'e It is in'areitt den - 1441,d all ore?
the eoitilit-Y.—llb:diad (U ) Od.z. •••
• M,011.1.7. GRAIN anti Provliions'are (141 1' eyed
- annetilly in -.Giant than,
'o'oeld pay for tonit'pr this - 'ILO. and Insect Ktl
ter,7-L,ltraft•r. (11' .11'nrold
HENII.-Y COSTA ft-7Voitr,
, •
is'.reveletid„ protionneed, a 11reidr:11
We' thief a has of it, aidl the, - way,:the
flats ., atiid.l‘ll 6. 'a t om] our pterniceS. itraised
Ned," 'that nie.hd • w:l5 a caution
Since tot 'Fla'tit orepa has {P.m d
in kitchen or vellar.-":llltst'rigo'r (1 , ./wa) Tido
f-HAVE Eir.;E:c
ini'torjer the loci year,' and it a . ,si• - aE sitar
Rase, Driluaist, Catiliegton, 0...
14 $7,00
14 7,00
11 7,0(1
14 Tdo
It 7.:00
14 17,00
• l'il , ', . ARE S ELL I NG . -- Yliii . r pr.Tar:i tionc
I a pi,11);. . W herever) Ilt* , .huvr iwer) w0:0,..1 . ?.1; ,, ,
NI it . P, .Roq,elles, it iiil Vo. ntio:Als.9ippa r irnipedi..
.ito!y.." . F:Cliglt & : STOCriEFt,': Druggists, N'e iv.
IVi tidier, Ald, ' :
.. ' • . • •. .
.. . .
To Pr.ltr:q.vßiits,'.R•oat.llEl,B:C
Destroy—Did Bugs
- Ant;, &c
Tr. Desiroy—Mosiitioei
27.i . Destyey . sects on 'plali!s and'insecti
T. Thstroy,--Iniects;o.nAnimals,'&c
To Pe.ifroy- 7. Every fnn atlitlpdcirs of r
TOFtlir Rog eh; Extirmier,.
Costar's" Bed•boglrxtirminotpr
'lloSter's' Electric,. Powder for Insects.
Ni) .11.0 .Roxes.:
• 2k,,(1 iz.v.!‘yon P.t.AN CA-
. Tw s, Suirs, 1:',0 HOTES, &C. •
. - ••
er Id; e; e-by
All !arr.' cities.
110'.1,.11—Groci•rs-'-- - Stnte•kee:prs ,
&e. in the United Statp:ll.*: ,•. :
Wholesale AgrOs in Itew,Yerk,Bitsi
Broq. R.: Co. I ll.ltra RiSloy
r;htororic._lln l l S.:Co. I BuOi, Gale & R,bi.On
A.B.&D. sands 57.61 &'0;
Wbeel..r.Ss Hart.• • Robbins.
cn. .1 D. S. Barnes & Co . .
H.ll, Rtirkd &.Co. F. G.l.Vells &.C0.., •
Thotmic &huller. La Zi r. I r 5 . 11 & . Co
P.l),.orvis. • Boil. 1) xon & Co. '•
PenroO, Parker & Co. I -Tripp & C 0...
Dudlei& Staffcod. Conrad Fox. • •
. •
. . .
T, w. Dyott &;iCo. ' Robt. Shoemaker &Co
B•A .Falinebtock & Co. I French,Richards & Co
All'the Ptirteipal Cities and Towns in the
ET : .E-IPp Pa`,
:r-"s"l4' by
. •
And by Drocliiti, 'roerr.l4 Retailer*gen
era/1y in Gity'aocl.couptiy.• '
• •
G-Srentint'ry .DP.11.4s nftler as -
.01 . .41 PSS ord , ..rs dii ect=-1,,r Friers; Term
Rce. is desired — .sond to'r Dealers]
11E N . 11 1? COSi
PRINiIICAL Pe.ror;...-Nn. 512, .
• Opprmile't he St. Nicholis
Fzik.. 21, • •
DOitroys lus*tly •
Philadelphia, Pa
FrnRT•MMO:JROE, Aug, 5
Th'e transports :which conveyed the!
Rivcr vWfterday, wer,e stop•
ped• Harrison Ln'n.ling- by. an order
troen ore,the phso.lier°.
feat - 6 Fort Dridt . vitro, and ihe'fanse.o.l.thi.nl . 'he
!tiff 'IS. Old lit br. 6Wirw:t.ii.. soffoi
reify in ibe , exdhintte -ol .prisaners trith' :the
rebels. .
. . , •
'SHE COM NIISSION•rAIS rn'unt totted itt
Act of ino.r.porittint",
Roatt.Company, wlll Open Book% tor •stiftscriß.
tion to the Stodi•of suit! Company tfte . l3.n.
nett 1-lousn', in Stputliport,Opj'hurieay th6.lBttt
$11( y 16C2, at 3: o'clock,
.• 'pratlipot t 1,1802; ••*. •
. • . ..•
• •• • . • '• Co,, mis,sirvierr. , .'
Linit of JuOm% Drawii !col:4004:1114cl; Term, 1t162
. .../C:gti,.7. , —Burbiliik A. D.,Coor(J . er.valiah,
Giffoiti Oviatt J'elton,G,
...Otto.- , -Tunkei T. •.M.. endirtikas.:sl, - : • .
W.; I)..)llofi'fi• 11•;
E;C.,:V.,lighii L. R.
Lhigruyes • Liste.r,
Iy..o . iryly \'; : • • ' •, • •'
.1. - 11:, - ..516ne - B. C.; S4rit.
..11 , 1milton.- - -,Stqutorf J. L
• —A. rripld 11:, CiumiouhaTi A.
./ . 3i;;;46.-4..8.fe1“ . i.F.. 5.., A., itkg 161)t4t,.Sar
Crffittey ullri Charles, W(;odrutr,Al
nlnn,',Wit , D. K. • • •
ly Si1111.11.1:.L9V;i0OVIII.
E. 11..
• •
Kini 11. 8., Sfick.
cr -V. 1 5 .,. Leonnt:d. 1 7 ; \V
Rrad/ro.d E. F.: Crooks
Carter_ . 3 . 01..11,-ROtheriora'Jui.n, Spitpi
.. . ,
Eld Tit .—Car new ry T.., Doyle Cornelioi
/;,,'Thp,tre,- 7 .Foster:.W,lll . . • . .
„ .
. • //,, G(11):/1'., Sr a 11-ornce;
114 mild; . S dill 0 0 0 :
'co ! .—T ernpi: , tpit J. J. • •
Seq.canc. —Tut t T• - • .•• ' •
. • • J • .F..• -RI.. A l R, 'Sne*iff.
Stn i-hgiori, August, I'2, .1!"0'...2.. •
Fhe .cotprneneetneiir .4.:n0 w );ear—is ii gdorf
tine tor rehe.ving sid , seriptithis:and
hn'ciretilafiou of .- the:jouio. , l or Coinmei
onrs'elves• to the ren'ilers'Of - the.
:with entire - confidence to. their
a id up, ;it'd 'ex• I Old I hß•itiflß , Ree Or OW
iionserFafive rrioriils Which
h:ire.i - itheyti;ch.tritctetize.d and will:lieretifi.er
r rar'tet t his 'paper. EVERY Sou;citi.or.tc
the Journal of — Coniriyitce• mitiht - . do
to 81retif_it hen us
iii . oOr .biTityto. , oppolt and F'rettlatc•tliem,:hy
‘erfdirigitis the name leasCotie neiw:sub
scriher ir, . , . • ••
. . . .
De , tred as•l.Ve have. brori
and Jl:t . v•na lory2 cOlf?,1
•‘171,10n Sit ve . i aa. Tet,ni Prii•p: pa ill, arr ..
1": p: • •
:111 7 , 'UNION A.ND TOE •coNtiruTios
h. h.ar t 'man, S.;tal;
..N ,, rth, 'who .is enemy. 19 either
form ill find
n r ,, tly tot the i , prribdt. , A tnoplr.
t he : A met icalf. and A thet kan.princifq,
BO t../1"10..N1:1, 1 / S ESS 10 NIS
t) fr... ye wir . 091' . .c.IrPI , L!' JO defend
ng.4l;;:i We..014a; k. 44 ,
boat. •
• 41.•..LIE:ERAL . . •
. . . ,
T. , i.nottt F aVe tI.O;o io' v"vOloninir to
- :.111 •in the... or ttti iza finO hereby'
nn 't , ); fru:copy ofthe Wrt-,kly,- ev . .-y
.otct.t.l,nst'wll fort.yaid.twi.ntr.ncirr snbii•rit.t,trb
with t he 'money.. •
maybe orgapivnt, in -eornmnoitie's eat
.1111;:inilig!..' The firesent-ig ttie . best. period for
conimeocenient. The term. on' -which
we.e.an.fpltiish the pdper it're
To ii.oinpaoieq te king
20 copies or upwards , DOLLAR eaeh
13 copies .
Under . . two each
, . . .
• . The 'papers will be eiblreserd to'iliffe'rent
perr,nns al the eelne_l?,oiit Offiee, - ifthii . retl,'ex:
reps in,rae ot, - cltitpi.of 13 or row e•copies,
kyhieb will be niaileil . i6 ono adilreg , :.. - .
. .
:nay rnailA at • the . , Wlowing rates : 77 Pipers
ailitoi to a dub duiing the first go.irrer of tlir
thib's yeet,:will pay the'full rate of !he 'origi
nal club for q vier, during the seronti
thretqourths or the original year's irate; duririr
tife third quarter one half, Snrl' during' the last
quarter one fourt h , ariealt such subscriptions
"will terminate with tie year of, the ',original
Fewii .- .lrvihroo . k's 11,,5. Mail
iNVWere pekagett.ot - 7:rm:papers' or'perinilieat's
are:recetverl.at arty : past offtre-directyl to nee
aiiiiress,- and the-•n'ames of the club of
sub eri
hers towhic4i 'They terrintt, with the .ilo9iage
far a quartet' in e!leapee, shell Einetl,-,(1 to the
p,e,trytilier; '!:} allidelt;ier the liame . to their
au'n'ts. • - '
Mit !Hs. 'rlot. apply t9 : *scecklynowsfiapor
~ yt. , ir i 7 ritroWito. fr. eia tii..!. count y. 'sv here prio
le d ~ t „i pobliNhM... .- •...- ,- . ' . 1
'',..1; ,- .7 ilddr , ss ' I::;iitors of i tkr In,nrnal of Con
!nen .
..;100. '..11. 11'.11! strrof Nc t o . y . ,„, ? . •
1 OM E, STOIC'E,- H A . !;E ft 11 A T.J.Org, •
' : : .. '". - .1?.011 ors a u'd - Prop rirtiv
Thl. m.04,1r0m. ,
the hest JAe rniP . e
recut:lll,ll4o4 by lolll.l,lllr NO' titi:lOU
Jt F. for 'cl•nW•ul In I, Fey amt iI
Thou , r(i. l}tte boPeu
to lib ty.d ,, tt .tbu'ur.of u•cs ut
fleet I. Onn cnn rrn :041411:e Vi...ru.;l}, of Iwo i.uund.
of 6r.tinary coffuu., Prit.o...rb-cets,ts, .
. , .
KO.I..LOCK' - .7-,•LEVAIrJ,
' • •
• The purest ILO . I.ist BAKTNO POWDPAktorm, fo
nO , i , :g litcht - 4t.ruotlitid uutri iotur Bts 2 A aud ,11 '"'.
Prlco 15 until. • ' . - ' •
, .
• 'AT • K0T.1.00K.• Cherni.t,' •
CoineT t oi brand and Chestnut Streets,
• . ir,AbEr.Put.t,'
. And cold 's; . ! 7...bruzgit' , ts - Ind STonon
Ine;v 4 l: : . ; . • • - • •
. ::..THOAIPSON'g ''; : ' :
ittiK , NOTiIi:A.Nb.(IOII3IF,RCIAI; lEl'lO
. . . • . .
Qqotations''corrpetpd BrioTnih3,
2 Wall Strat:t
Published by etr,6...l).l.6Npicit, 117 Fraitl'll'St
. .
. • 11:1Z.M9 c/F:SL•TiSCILIPTI.ONIN, ADVA N CE; '. • -
• • ' • •To .mail • SO; crilwr.T
vFeekly,:..s2l: l'Ikill• wont My, ...'.31.1 51Onllily:.. :75c
' To l'osturantoriff 'otlors, who Orin Club 'ac Iror•
, Niwt, Ili the ninnnv, In atlvni)ki. wo .:6•111 mend the f lep . ar'•
re , ' ,l len Chd7t Manua. ntni•De'sCrifitive list; o 4 ful
5 topics of. .Toar
6 ." 0 10 ,1 4t.t1i0 kral.moriihryit.t t
•.ctiples of
Wt. will fortraril griiruitiSti.ly . lii any tyrsOri
!*onding ri;elob 'or':s2o ut 'the armve• rates', at
onr•Americdn. Gold
'Seale. • Alldresq;:: . • . • •
Rom PSON :Bllo'lll ERS, Banke'ig,
• • ''• No. 2 . ; IVal,I.St Y,,-Pyquietorg:
: IF . TY 13 ' U 11 .iwst
l - 07111 SEEn, by .11 nil (or. na n;if •
- •L. dl. DOLLEY'S.
Dri•rmbef 28; 1;86,1....
•• f9r ADAMS Su,wino I\lAcniuF
Criniriii•t.. • - . We v, give .n on• 011
.tnn t i4 fll.l by our ts, j) . ty, weittr' ItOrn .
$.100•11; , r tririoth,` - u'ui.l par all nerosuury
,••xr•ihes..: .01ir Al,uhicc t4,lorlrrt i
efol.V 1 0'or6 . 4ire it by
liaU nn ho)tri'intort•c.tipn 1. , . It is tcptat to
-I . lo.ttily.S.wint.t :1111(16w.. .in n•-r, and it-tt have.
ihr,pb i c to tg.
. . .
• C. RUG'(.II,f,S,
. , • Cep. Agt., Mich:
.• . •
Al 5 ,tlll ler ''ra.W ri unilp a tali; I.lBulrosso
fj ENAttilbrotoks , rt•til '
• .11 - no. vu Jollls Wyl,a & Ww Barns
•Ahlgol rhe l val) 13111111...q , 1e ." •
.1, 0 0 1 ,11 F. Clark
.• " ys J 5111104 . 1.1 • -
sm., 0,04 • • . va Ilan 1 &Co .. •
Tlnsuas vi tulhota • • ,ca Mcrritt Clark of al •••-
L“eus.t: .A LAkrue anti her • • •
hu•a Gaol • •
Wei V Restful; et al .• so ililarn llnek•. •
3 F Polak • an FrillikPn Fuller. • • •
John M wen •• • • 1 , 9 J•Moore slat.
' • t .
•Leui , Frnhnn, • •• ' 111 - 11. hiiaoy 13•
801 l • , si Prr, uon etat
Ni Buns' Nebo'. , Illram l'ayne •;... • •
Ttsna 100,7 Co, he Frreer '• •,•
Wrokll link • . ea " •
nark of 1... rt Jerilo • • •
Wok/I'll:0k • , • vo same
ho P . clime . •
Joyph'W-sisrlis . ••• 1 , 11 r 4%1 , 11 • ,
1;u•lowO vs Thcs Conover
of Charles•vi
}IOWA' , . NS li 11 Decker
Larnitrf .9•Post se • • NA W Burr et 1 ; 1 .
urew...tei.Preealer WI Hem llnck ell
July 29,1E01'.. • • "; :•. Proth , y .
. .
ii:ENDAL•cREEK;mIpAx. CO„' PA,
.. .
. ,
. .
TllE'S.iillc'iih.4 hi . ,vitts, riiiivliasp , i, this well
..I:nr;wn sta ri(l,a nil: he.•liirnialisth and r e. fi , .
t.,1 the ii eu .ie',is 'prepiireil t. - ?
- aii.l-the Tr atel iir, •Ifti 1;1 ir,.. •
. . .
. .
:. • .His B.An:AND ABLE, •..:-.
. Will be well .iipriliel.l, :and - eyci.rvining. lone
o'lti;rir a •liher.ol share of por.onpv.e..., Rait
urn :will alwayslnd.thc .+lareh•alFine"., nut. •
1 ~ .: .• •. ' , .... F..M. FULLER..
:',Kepdal . treelc,.Tablizkr . y. 2, 1860. ' . •38-ly
Or T[4l
:/11;c1P041CAl:PAPElt irTua Wo*I.D
. . •
• A now vnicim, of (big widely ria•
ry:t , orliilTenres.on.!tie 4th of Jarmar.y: Every
number contains sixleeti . pages.ot oselol.infor.
mu tioli : and five.to ten oiigirial engravings
of, - neiv ineehrions nit& 'discoveries, ."ill,orvvhich
are prepared 'expressly tor its' coluOins,
Sc•INTIFIC:'.•,4AIF.ArEAN it.dei•oied to'
the interests r Sciopce, the tifeclianic
A rts, - Ntaintriernrei:, - luveotiorts,' Agriculture ;
.Corn'tiicrce nil the 'l,,,two.itelePpr.,,piti'.gonec
in the Krnrhmtinn talor:.:il.,,,ul'aciory; bur:alio in
sod, thu Reading '
To The M eche era. Manufnetureil.
Nn per•on . engiceed in any of the meehenica
purciriti r , biatild think of,dointi without the
Smktertrsc It costs hut (Our ,rents
per week; every numhey .ettntAiri from six to
ten engravings of mw machines and inven
tions,'whichannot Mr found in any other:Mtb,
hratinb. It Nan established rule of the pub.
fishers to insert none•but original 'engraving's,
.and (boat of the first c!ass' iri .the drawn
and engraved by - exprrienced.persOns tinder
their own snpervision:. • •
• .To the . Inventor! •
. .
eyrry Inventor, :in; it no! -only . eon
jesei..fttlaiii of nearly all the
first Inventt . ortS . 'they. eofre •ont, -601 'eheh•
,urnberrontains.eli 01110.1 L.st . 'of.the Cleintt
nt ell the Patent: trem:tr. , •Llttitetl S!erttt:
Office 4lotinv..the
: tiring rt_ correct: history of . t e—pronjP,nn Of if/ .
;,entinns•rt :cotint ry. 'll'e are. elso roe. iv.
sriowifio jotrn'als:of
t;reat. .thus'
plaetn..2 . in our ilo , : nession•all..t hot in t arispitilur
n. m i•eim'oird nri , . n . ce and 'art in ,Ibes e , old
continue to tiiinnfeHtil
oar copioon rxtrnets:fr : om
„o s s o f ~,I r oc,•,, , er we may ',deem of 'inturost trr
.r;\.rtm r,:rs!
. .
.T.b e • • srEN—IFIc RJtI:RTCAN . , wiII .hr
rnutitl trtogt'u9t , llll.l.lnnrnd to tlt'nrn., All the
of nehmen of eh, mktry ire
a r VAil in itti coltimn‘, and 04( irtt.srrstq' o 1 tha
-11 , f - titf•ct and cntptntPr art.,tiot nverinolintli nil
y;f• F. 74 inc;.ent l ionn tint y incnveries
ihtle pur , uirs"
to - week.'' Vetful.arrl ptcricol inbtr.ls:7
. .
tion pri..!ainlng. to the jr,ter , ..4li of
nora..o: it t ht,foun o 11U14411,
S6Iif.I4IIFIC ER {CA N Ni 0 T 1 19141011.:thel,
cannot . poiiwi t 11 . :10 froi-0,14711Y!'. !?thir,:,6uttei.
Subjr4l,i iu wfikh.4)la:itv'E , and farme:is
. 11:Le
1 Cia r ii' (;l I h
harli , tilitn 01 impilernirtrs . -
To mail *Attie' ibefl:•---Two Dolini.ea Year,
nr• foraix. 'monals. !Ono . ' Dolliy
paya for one complete, .vtiturne . . of 416, pigi t A
two vo l t rmes c•ornpri:;e one yen!: The—vol.
Utileft COMUlrtlee the fir t of :Januail and
July: - • • . • • • •.•
.CLf;.l . ItATE:
. , . . • , . .
'Firer.qvilivii . ; itir".ll X 1,1 ' 1 .00" ' -, -''''' - ''' ...h i ' s 4 ' .'
TPii.,cop.i..F; ) tor Si .. .t Mui...l t,i4.•: 1 - • ' ::: ~- ... ' .. ...58
~ •
7 . oll•eopie_q,
,tor. Tive I ve 41°11111v.
~..,- . • 7 's 1 5 .
Fitter n. co piky forTwelveS!AlcO
liti..- '•'• .52P,
T‘yr•rity Jor IhiA ye -Afont
• : ror 'e hs. Pa'ent,.. and :over
iy s tifpie r 1 piiti t: NerpeP can Lk ,
tpmi•o• and . ) Foiri . tilari*nt
§ .1 101.1(6011 . copi,!, will be suit grit
to any 6ar!,of the country." . •
Nc'e,torn'alni Collodion :rronr.y,,br POOtrottivo•
i!tarOpl'inkt•n:ot g;ubiierintion!:,eaniik
!Ai oti ',ititoierfberi ,to. remitcent*
rxfra on each .year's • se bacrip(ion.. to prepay
MUNN:Rt. - CP., Ptiiilisberw,.
• No 37 l'sArk.;rivy New. York
. . • • •
.....14,-wiNo., : ..A . YEItt •- •
F.,... , '41.'.41ifi16,
4 . '.:, - - • . : .
• 4..,,,i1reA-4 . . -
. t..,:f... r .. P.ILES.•• • •
\'., ,.,
e. ,. ec , nr, ,'.." ... . • .... • . . '..
' , ,,,xfe,,,, , fe .-.. •iy,., 'Soo sick, • foelde; nol
.....-,:, r.r..• if. s' • • coutitlutoltaff 'Am you onto(
‘ ,/".!;;Ps:,t7i, 4l _,‘ .a . •in d,T, v, I i li , youss Opal= '4lO-:
";:r 7— c, -7 , „r l cilri . . Ei,,,,NLl,Atii , l your fooling, un- •
1 . - 0.111 ' t e,, , , 1 '. ki3.5 .. rondo tmou,r. - Throe equip.
hi I twon k 1 ~. y„Sli2 :. tour tar
i onnii t . lio s ri:ninne
( ti , , t :
l i'.. - ,;' ,:': iY i g• ' ' fif';olA , rii . :a 4 4. 1 1 i q t rut . p . i . m j i l i i i i .ll:l l3 ) t ma., :
1 .-
'''Prf.7.,,..Y7.7,,,A4ifiri mol elfool , ! bo avitt.rott by •
.....---',74 . ?:i' $. 1 . 7° 1,11 . '+ 1 , I t i'' • lY 'l' l , l ti ' , u o '' ,f '• ` , " ,; ',1 ,61k,.. r ..1i
Q ? ...: , ,....'e...e"..Q., , ~. .Iri4,' 01, ' ..1 . 0,, , , ~,,t Oh! illsorthira . il Idle
1C 1 1:".j..N ;'..,,, ''''' •= 4;v mom— yul'ity .tini blood, and.
r . t4 01, ,i-k11,11.4., I.ot um tlttl,ll move. On uno!k- :
C),,1.-;01:4„,70.•,•• hit itetol -tit ...hoiden:. win.
Cffifettßp. 'o,,PrYliter 'l' boyaLlotoluto pus finstiona .
• , ..,I,,,sst• 0., -(..,tj'
~.., Or tl/0 loilly Into rlgneouo ao,
':?_/"4.' , N5...1 - 1, .. , .. , .'l, tirity; putify Lilo' Arlen' rival
- ...x:: ""7 i I ii;" &mu 1.1.1.. ms v,lolOi teals
dltitttso.v A rola .1140 tut ,nOtnimlnirci lu,tho lowly, and °L. -
sumo, Ila Iritnint imittioni. 'Moo, ir not' mfay.ed..
re,1,1 vv. tr....,4.6.a. Mid rho einremtuding nreito, - eto,
',lilViiig . enimil .optlliNntluit; •Ntalritigi .110d.‘dlisue.
IV Ills In Oil , 1.1/0.11.11,111, 1101 : 17ii14:by Om tiornueuunita,.
Lliki , ' , One. ('ilk. null to.O lom 2 ollroctly dud imitoro rho.
&hunt Airtion of dm Fip.fon, end with . 4 liree buoyant -
.N..ilnit,'"fli,Pclill Jtplli . What 13 [Op itUil on dimiurrtif iii - .
tide Mviiii a.l romurou'icimploini.li Ow Imo lii imtu)•
of Ilesp.lloniel timi,ilamiutuioi dillontirro. /110 IMMO
piretiro offrui m.nol/ Ilium,. Coeuirti by 0111111 m obstro•
[Luis +illll'.leCtlOoll .o 6 4 of filo not urn! functlono of the
lolly, t !My 311 . c1 r.ipialy, owl moil of Ilium aoroly, curial
by Il i , ~,,,,,,, 11 ,,,, ~,,,. N,0 10) illo ktioiv 110 iltiiisto of limas
1011. r: will toitirm to ompiny Lilian xliiiii sulralug plan
llmdlo i lore lily cur . ..
Stattuntittot tr's , sti Nudist:4 Itltyotdasta in .0100 Of •11141.
pritivillia . clUoi, 1111 . 11,reUtu WOW WWI 1611.1W11 PUIJUX:pIVt .
. .
.••.• . . • .
nrn a Itnivarqlog.Neraltaig if St../..0rd5,./1h.4;1*
9 -
Da. 'A VIM: .1;•toir l'llln are the Itaragon of all', tlait le
groat to titetllclatt, . Ditty have carat! ay little daughter
of tileorotiv Hai:411 . 101111ff 1111,111iN Illiti NA 11111111 , 441 pnerimi
Idninthio hat yearn.. Ilex mother ham •Itutatloug .grle9-
oouly ,duktutr with idiaolie4 mot plinplosilli Ipir.ialts and
lir 1,6 r. Init. Al . till. tow .1014 . WILY ctital, alto aloe tiled'
your Pillo, and they Wait cured hur • -.'.:- - '" ' •
. - J. • ' • .....LA. DIORGITUDGE. , ',
. .
Ili"a.lrnulily Physlti."
Yi:oni Dr. li. 11; pricat4
...•. . .. .
.. .
•Ymit Nile: me tho prlnho of jodre. Tholr exoelleit
rptolltliei enrplms itny cothortio A i'll INlKedill, ' They 'ere
mild. hilt Very cortaln oral ofT,cinol In thole action on the
hukvek, orlikh nvdtoe tbuin Invido4lo.to ate hi - the daily
irdatmcat oc aloaeo.; . ' • •• .•- - . ' • '. .' ." •
. ..• .. '
. . . . .
llcaduc4eiSlokileadttolic,rouil stonacioia:
from lie. lilwoi J 114.!/.c1;
.• . .
• Dttrt Mo. A V Kit: Lentllia notivor yoU telial cOmtdointel
I,loreo care 1 with }yourPlN I;Ntikir than to soy ct 4 that WC
jryl,. 1i . 41! SU/U4 allUrfraile. /Wag C 17141 I,irlace - great dopeu
da,,,,o 0 ,, , 0 , °tr a ct an • ~atuatia - In, lay daily attato.t with
dito,fad. anti l , nlioVitt litl Ido lli:IL yintr l'llloatford ' us the
boil OR halo, I of blUilint Want/ them highly„.'
... . .. .
. . . . ... • •
. .. . thltnuna; PA., May 1,1845. •
Da. .T. C. 0 rrat. .Slr: T .I,ovo Veen relkeotualy emit! of
the wur,t h•,lda...h.t.:iimyriotly c. 0 ., lieve by 0 doze or two
. ithlr , l'lllg. - :It ii , eilii to irid+3 row a foul .111 0 0 10, 04 .
which they Chnikvii it uncil; ' ..• '.
' '1 -•-- • •
l'outal with groat ivepoct, -"BD: W. PIIIMLN,
' • , 't Terk qf Milliner. Clusilm.
Dr. Theodore ,pe#?rf
lint:only orb your ntOotroblyOtlitottyl tV tholr por
rosu nH 1.11 “110111.1t1t, lot I 014 I Itvir loitlittnChtl UPOII
thU I.lYoe,Very ouirktul 'rimy Iri nay pnia
licu pruvwl 1110 f NC the -cnre of bilimtr 1110011•
plaints than oily uou ruiliudy I cuu muittiou. • I;miu6guly
atjuleu Uiet vu havu wt 1b11,41.11 . 1i Width ill 'fur.
ouullauLcu t4o kuultuouluss IL - 1141.bn people. •
• ...
... . .
.: : .-' ..• ineAurnamr 01 , WIN 1111'17.810% ...
'.' . • , .. 17 iiall luglom D.'C., 7 tla k'elii 10W.}
• SIR: I iin . Ye'll.4l ytuoi l'lllet to my grollunil and hunioltil
'PractiCl3.l.ll . iiiii. ),m-litutlo Llim,,oml mama hUoltatio to
imy thuy am 11M loot clitbikilfil mu ompluy,'. 'rink 140..
110.1.1,114 lidlinj:l.ll . Ulu (h•l' lo ,(411i1;1( and ducldod, COMO.
quuntlyLlmy urn lawful!) ALI° rummly o ' dm kligildiugli
of !lint moo. I iul;•od; 1, have eublum f6Eirid' il cogs of
t.l.us cii.ie..4d - b.', , L ,, Liiiulsi I.Uutit ilia a, rthollli , Sold to
!Lim!. .10410.111/111.11Y Y 61461, . •411.1,);7.0•Ii41.1411. D., •
." . • . . - .I.6jsi'i:u,i % /me Milrille IluspitaL
. r
, .
entary, Dletri'linta t . lieltix, Worms.
• . .. Jib. 1fr..1, 1.1; thccp,'V! Cfnicygg, ,
. .. ..
• • .
. your hiore It n long trial Ili iny 'traction and•l
'bold tholit in 'ilitouni nuuueor the host
tivir 6,411.1. ;Mai alisu ufftict upon the
dives whiniiilyeliAil wimp doben for
'Ol 6 / 1 1 • ilysttilerq oil dipmh64.. Thor
ninkosiliont very iccuiltutriu, Awl ctitomulunG fur the u‘e
'of wiulituil
- .
- i Dylipolin . m
impurity of !lie•illood..
V: "lima, Jt iLw tjddatnt Chiirch . .80.1{404
• Mt. Ay 1.. Lava ut . itmt pig" With extinardhiary
MICCVIA ill toy family . and nuolog ptioil I oin callott to yldt
ili.toods. To regulAto DIG orguoii cligertiodr an 4
purify' tho •blucyl,.thyy nrft way littnelljr 1 have
syur' tolowsl, ttud luuuconfidently ,.6l}o)llthemi 0,41.t0
toy fdoods'. • • Vuuni, . r
• . ~
WARSAW, WyOlviing CO., N. Y., pet. 21, 1636. ,
DrtAn:Bin: I' inn mill:gym:. Cntlinrlle .I , lll* In my
Wm, find find thoin - nn axon:tont pull:salvo lii clamusa I.bir
iymAni mudymrify 1/,d finoilaiiis mil/m3lnod. ;
'-' ' • • ' - - : • J011:4 - G. 31143.0uA51,.1r. D. '
Constipation, Costlytmens,,Setp. prenslon,
,Gotttp lqortralgla, Drop..
PYJ rtsketlyz.tu, Arno, oto.— .
ON De. e,ritaghn,..V.ntrpol, attludzi..
. much cannot Iw saki o 1 yrinr 1711 a for lhe onrit or.
bdtitrm J., Jrnthute nt of t folornlty linvoliiuntEtltt433*
as eilicatiqno tni I Int vn,'t Itoy qI ihl jolt) inn in itttnintni.:.
ing It iii Hu., bp:want ion moleitotlah who saw from
that emnjaidNi, which; ntihoad4 enough In Itialkti
thin 1.1,1c.f.P0r or otlinrs U./ Avntno: I tielliq.o tor
t i ren „, to 6,A rno t o. I n Illn Ilinr,,tint your Lila karat that
ot,rgitn und sncti I ho di ‘•
. • .. - . • •
'Peon: 'Pre: .N, Si lizal, rh,ViiCial tmd .14'eso(re; postal. .
I 111!•1 nn 0 (Jr 1. , ,VG. h1rv...14.08..,r ycmr, l'lllit,litkeek itk Lim
prove, I it.u...:a (~xo..ll..irpir,tilk.tlyi49l. l llt.ll,iiiiind ,14111.
.00, 1 , 1”111 ' .11 , 113 . lII r lial • 11,111V rilillprtwiott;iiiiil • aluo very,
05, c 1 1 ,0 I. ff , I) )010 1b.,. 04//111 . 1./1 mid f , p , ',?...0 , ... ...Thor
.0 .0 1121101 tlio 10,4 .1,11354: wo . ligvo,titat, mommuii4
11.., Labor to my.patioth, ~ .. • •.. , -, ' • .
• •
, .
• P..a.n 0,4 147% Dr, lf.iltilit's, rtflha'Afelltorkg..l44.l. Church.
• ' • Pri.....sxl 181i1S.
: uo , ,rrn Whir 1.1 r; Ibu .rollet
0:111 moil:101M not M00d... ply eusab.to
iltad arid brouglit, op eXoru
- Xnt 1,44 d.piisiticlojio,lhe
‘i111:,N,11111.11-4Y4110 youc
'ix, , olloot tot i t 111 - .P.olGto(4 , o„l)l..)LiatoDilo, I total your
•I•lole.viT.Tts tV4`ll 411i,i;htiri.iir'a.. ,, fly iurbovoring
• iu (1.10 tiAO of 04.110 util•uow t‘iitlroly;Utol!...;
Srtikrr.-rumoner.„l7ntnit I•QAprzt.i'tii:AlN•di 1886.
Th:Aysty: I 'Oro bon,' r0t1.r4 1 .1 fturM,' ;ypiat ut
disar , ;o. iltt.'lol'ol l cted.tUr
'tor yil.i.?; • ' TINOVINT-HLIPELL.
• •
, ~ „
'xrif . N!"st. •tio , fn • iiiArk - pt . .ont.in 'mercury.
crbL i i ;initlitinglt n va1µ5,(40. rrulpity in: Pk II .banda. 14 .
14 p 01.11 c TUE. J'ront tho drondful forise.-
. .que.1,,,:0.r. wllloitly nlLnv.llMliicatittn l lßtie. Ulm
c , n,hlll . ll.illdrettry l ll'
T . 1 1.44b, : 35 c6l4tii pot-Ettsi; - "etle•lkixmistoi
r . :iiiatedliy' lir. 1.0. atzr. 64* gm"
. . ,
IL Hamlin & Sineibroftr. Dc..F., o ogooti;
'Bradfaiiil; L. H. Dolley, For!'AllOgtiny by
dealaq everrAereit. • - ' •.•