M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, September 13, 1862, Image 2

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    -. i". - - 1 1 ; : , '%.7: , ,L,:tk„,
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-66111 iouittp Elcinotrat
• t •
',: : .0rt.t,*(i4,7,...'ePt... 1 .0ti1."i. 8 :0 2
IsAtic SLENKER, of Union county
JAMES P. BABA, al Aileggnr CI UntT
Foß' . C an
•• of Eiie coatit y;
DR. C. R. EARVEy, of. Ell; count),
DR..T..i.. BOYER, o(Clearfield Co.
.. • " , . •
.•"In•acCordance.iAth tile. call:of the Chairnian
of-the Dernoeratia .State:Central Committee;
tha.Pemeciats and all oilier:loyal citizens
ItacKean county, are respectfully and earnestly
requestedto iteit iriMassthnetini,at theCourt . i
11Odieln Scnathport, on Wednesday the 17th
day of St 6 pteMber•next; at 2 o'clock, fr..M., to
commemorate the•adoptiOn of ,the Constitution
of the United States of. America.
;viyilt, of Elmira,.N. Ilpn. B. Ciimmot,
'of Cuba; N. Y.i B. W.'Llicy, of . Warren, apd
`others are'engaged to address its: • Friends Of
theConstittitinn turn out and devote one day
•to the preservation of the great. Charter . of
American Liberty. • -.1:
.firgrcler of ,Counly Cdrnmitt . oc.. •
• • J. C.IINNILIN Chatiquati
smeibpoft, §eptetilber 6, 1862.
By direction . of -the'Connty,Cemmitttie; the'
Denrti;critic.. Ceunty'Convention ., ef • McKean
county 'Will meet. at . Smethpint . oniWednesday,
the 11th of s,,,torober,.riext, - ot 12 o'dock M.,
thepor'peee of plttcing, in nnOiiiiittion suite=
ble persons (or County.: offices ; and, the selec:
tion of Senatorial Delegates. - The voters . .ol•
the several Townships
. within'the County are ,
requested to .'lneet.at their' .several places .of
holding election,, aftd. select three persons as .
'delegates to said Cente'ntien - , en Satuirlay, the
13th instant
J. C .11 AMUR.: •
Der!tneeat ic do's, ?t try Commit tee
,NEono;EquAl.rfy,..."7llP of the de
seetidants of Africa the' United Stales is iri
coinpatible with the liberty.and sdety of. the
European descendant.' Their 'slavery int-I'lB.lin
exception, resulting front stern and infl ,, xthle
necessity',: to the general liberty. in the United
States. 'lltle didnotoriginste -nor. are we re
. • .
spensihii.for'tflis necessity. Thcii , liberty,: if
• ' it s vccre.licissible;.could onlybe e s tabilOwd••by
• , violating the incontestible povvertiot the States
isnd.'or subverting the Union.. And beneath
,'the ruins of the Union vcrOld be buried, sooner
or later, the lib . erties of both races."—/feniy
Pivit*y Fulltiped
. .
•-• "IF THESE :INTER.EAI;..F. , IDIA'rLC 3 AND Aancl-
.said thefgifiat Wfbat; , r; •on a ru pircrralile oce.a.
Titosn GIFFEII:WITit '.711E31 .
IN 7,'unin.priniot4, OR pARE,LIOEETION .THEIR IN
. ,
SciFf 'NEW Folt. SSI'ETIIPOR.T.7W9 were
shown.a sett Of • teeth . ,. nth Ili) on Rubber base,
.by„:pr.'Sp"ragite, and it deeidedly the beet
thing.'We ea: of the :both as :to
wOrkinanihip ; for dental : ptirposea,. • .We
would adeise tillwho wish anything in•his line
to give •htin a call. • • . •",
• The manufacturers'of rumors yesterday c'on.
. fined their efforti 'concerning, the Maryland
'vasion — ,to a pleaiing.variety olstoriesas to. the
occupation of Hager stovvn the' rebels: She.
'etiseive despatches assured us that the fawn
was taken • forcible possession of by fifty, by
twenty tnousand, and two hundred anti fifty
• 'thouiand'Of thieneney: Then the rumors sub.
'sided into generalities, and 'fixed do numbers.
We have, by waY of FOrtress Monroe, an
• aCeount of. a brilliant' victory in North Carolina.
On 'the Morning' of • the Oth 'inst., a body or
1,20 D rebels' attacked 'about . soo of 'our troops,
• Wa.hington,,N. C. A desperate fight 0!
.•taro hours ensued, and then the rebels were
.• signally beaten, and, 'compelled to: Ily, were
''ptrstiedNor seven miles. During the fight, the
Ouidiat Louisiana gUve'griod 'assistance,
rebels with marked, effect.. The gull
: boat Picket was blown 'tip by•ajt accident s to
her megizine, and 'Capt. Nichols and nineteen
men 'wire killed, and ail . wounded: On shore,
ihe'frght, oar losses were only seven killed,
41id'fortr-seven wounded: Or the' ilebels,
•i• • •
y ere* end' a .large number : made
priaooets In the let Regiment
~` .Slf'ortls Carolina Union troops wacengaged With
~...-:,fd,tettngutehed bravery. Lompames-B and D,
Cincirtnati : shoie that • eire!ra
h -rebele .-in
I S' - ' 4e";iWilieOerir to. i crisis... T o ,
'''''. ' i lrfeik'' ' '' ' a :o' not " accurately know, - were
ii1 ' ' :' ,.4... ;01 1 .1z,-!!!' 1 , 4 :,,,... .. h e . e i t ,i;',i n d sidirnishing
."'..;l3'°''iiit'r.dai:iliP-41 utsPn ' t '' '.
" 7 ' ' The defend
•:,--..,---.4is..ioi ~.6ii.thiiwgbo'cii the tay. - .
' ' 4-
. ' sl the arrieal of large rein
-,- ;N -1 . 1 - t tlii ' ilierli'll'itt- I , l goan .
:"i c ii cs t i — i n * tißitirjed soldier's - gioes•,.stabllity. to
- '''.'
number of'newly - eiriired citizent,
'''',-Y:''^:4lubi'k i ' ti ll
considered perfectly -'
..:.: -
- , `46P''4 , rfalpviiPPiis ~..
tln DEFENCL . OF 'Pr'ifi
11A Itit 19 . 130R0, S , pt• 10.
Goy, ei4rt in has I . s3l.li!ti n orjer is ( ollouk:
. •
. ..
: . ..
. . . .
10 srietv a.. the dangerous. in . yasinn now,
thteaienfnieur . §tate', by the'. enemies of the
gov6inment, it is„ deemed ne'eensui) ; . to c olt
upon 01 the•ablo 7 hodied,: ineh of Peeps) . Ivuoia
, iirinni•diarel y • fo r t he 'tin tense:or vh,
St; r re, and ,to''bereudy for.nia rek ing . qtders . upon
o'ue honr'e...rintice:ip.roeeed.tO•sueti.finints of
- rendeivuusia . tire G'orie t um . l'o'ay diiect', it. i,
Ist "I'liat`c'om.panp Mganiititionsbe made . in
acooidaneo.::Withilni hMIO
thelavra of the United :. • 1
may be 'sudden, it is dessiru
hle that 014eis aril inentheis coin'
puny provide thernivkii- : -iyith :the hest: arms .
they can secure, with at lea4t. sixty re ands, oi
amunitionlo Stilt AM! hinds or a tins • in.- posses
sion.Ol Olcli
the.Sers'.l Buch . persOMi„.. us cannot
'secure r and : hi-Mg arms with •,therni.ivillbe•far-•
Goverrim , mt after • arrival:-at . the
the.Plac • S • of reniiiizs'ous. • • ; .•- . •
officer-and miirribor • of .a compariy.
IshaliprOvide himself . i ! vith.good. stotit'clothing,
uniform or otheriidse; blanket or .haversack,
reedy to go intocampwheo'Callati : into.sereie • ti. -
-ttlf---EiirhCotripiayorganizing.mi.be Mirfee
ted as soon, al! possible, and report the name of
the MI; the •ltrintier Or, mCo,
anil,place reridezvotia,:fa thoa6 headritiar
,ters; in. order ihat• they*ay:Vd promptly noti :
Tiedto move when their. serOces are'required.
,stll 7 —OrgartizaT ions, when 'orderef to . move,
wil'be furnished_ with transport tion the
arrival ;t*tho :rend.ZV Ou.
they will lie
.lerwed ,into re imente. '
organizatin.ns 4.slh , ! • Govelnor (Coinmander•in
,,chig of Pv:nnsylvifily) may cl!ject.-
. . . . .
7th.---So far' s,.l . ir . 'li•tiealile, anens .may : bn
foiinil 'cons'istent i.vith the iiitei:esi 'althe . r;nb•
lie :ervice,..orn6iniestrain the saint! inciilitifis
will-bo:p . laiieil.iig..thne in h'neli liirger imgini
zat ions as;piay be lornuid. •
Bth—Or~auiz3(inr.y formed under
. .
prod a in a tion are e,uueitly ; n•.to adopt
. without , ti
• s • c ITP',3 so r un'iis may ne-
Fi:.ssary to comply with this order. • • • ••
. • . .
.•otti•HOrgan'iation,i'calre,l trii
(ler. this 'criler'tvitl.tte it'll
time oily as thitiiressing ..for- the
State defence rriixy
By order, Bce, , A NOREW
.WttEn'EAF , ,in the pre§..lt...positinft
is expedient that tneit . sures sfivuld, be ,taken
,therefore, do earnestly recommend.
.the; - iMmeiliate ,iornoation Ihrough . aut :ti;e Com;
inonWealth, of voluntaer COmpSiiies and regi•
ments, incortiorrnity. with 103 . militia act' Of
fSSS . . • Arnll will be disiributiol to the orgaiii:
-zitrions an to be 'MI me'd,.agr,entify the pro
visions of that :
. .. .
.. .•
It is further recommended . , that-,.in ord6r to
give tine n s pporitinities for . drill' and instruction
iill placeiot buines , s Ire' 'Closed !in:ily
o',cle.k, i." 51:, ko thlit p'ersons, employell'lllere•
in..miiSi; aft . e'r that hour; be t.-liberty to, attello
to their . inilitary . iiiities, ..'.. , .
. .
. .
The.Cheet 61 alaci ity tLe mrn "of
POmsylvantii have i ith.n.rt'ea te,lyVn theinseYea to
the nei.vicnpf . t he icoUntry.iiiis - Me.seil.: heavily
On her . , Military reimuiees. lam •reitietatit to
'ask het'. pe'eple tivassif re
an their, safety; tequires.that they should do so,
it is* in their - b'ehiilt thiat•l'plitiorth the "scorn
mehilations coat lined, aid mge a prompt corn
pliance with them.
'Given under my hand an the ereat•S, , ill of the
State, at.Harrishttig, this.Fottith day oh:. t , p.
yeni Loid ant.,..thOnsand
eight, hit', died and sixty- two, anil•of the
tponvilen)fli . the - eighty-seventh; -•-
.•• .• • • ELI SIJFER;
s:erret(!ry of Common'wenlo.;
. .
ROAD.— . lre : tinder.stand that the' :iiuffald, aLd
Erie Rdi!road' COM:pall . are
. tnaking prepam . ...
tions to fill .Ihr•great Twenty:Mile
Cied4.netti North E.itit Station. TO •;110 this
it Nitl rvgnire nn. embankment i4OO feet Ina
and 125 leet.high—a great undertahieg; but .a
dpiiTable:orte, nei•ertheless, as the safety • . 01
the road at that • place would die- areatly in
criaied.On its completion.-=Erie • •
. . . . .
, .LOW . W.ATER IN. TIIF'. (.."11.10.RiVEIt.—The Ohio
river..at — Wheeling;. Va..,.is .Said 'to be lower
thab it:has 'been. bir years, .Cant.:o l lVeil lnad:.
ed a flat . at.. Steubenville, ,Which Only draws
seventeen inches. The' :flat is now aerotind
above the Tlitee . Sisters. . No:.tlescription of
itearner now makes any attempt' to.havtgate
the river... '. . . '
From Maryland.
, A special despaieh tO . the Bulletin from 11;tr
risburg represents that all..is quiet there. No
rebel movents have ..,taken Place towards .
geratmi n
. A force Or our cavalry under General Mc-.
Clellar. capfured Barnsborough, in the rear of
New Market yesterday.,..
The operator at Hanover says that refugees
from 'Frederic repOrt that the rebels are: en•
trenching themselves on the'Mririocacy, and
that they have blown UP the'iron bridie over
that river. '
. .
The rebels, presumed, hae'e arrived.at
sane pOint on the Northern Central Railro id,
ai the telegrapliiine has - been tarriperet. With,
and the iyorili Yankees" , beard .by
thO'operatorbere. It ia.not.thoughrthat rail
toad comow!ication' has yet beeninterrOpted.
Later.—lnformotlon from Hagerstown .is
ttie effect thit the rebels 'have not yet entered
that,place. • . The'Maior
. hre arrived at Green
castle anti says' that Jacksn'c 'advence guard
'at 6 o'clock this evening was saicfp be within
six rniles'ot.ilag . eratms . p. .
LATEST room FanoinicK.—The latest intelli.
genre from Frederick City . and the region._ or.
colored by theirebels is. brought- by Geo. Co•
jumbos OToonop; rea'ched . Baltinibre'
.yette.rOpy aftt.ttputt,.frpm his eountcy..'seat.itear
.oi ! •ti'verton . ',ot :far from ii iipe'r's' ferry. He
.641 ... bee'e 'othere : tor some • days priin ice '
ri:Velzieron.ing the -fivttr, :and . .eutlettly. toittid
t ; c ms ,ll.,,vit'hin. thn enemy's
p'ot•aant business co tittett:lto In .Baltittuire; .
xddlcil tiftitp,tir ul plat glt the
'only train lett On.his ,lace, and started_' off fur
Frederick' City. ' •
. . . .
.Vi'e have , not had the - pleaSnre o f.aec . ing (1 , 11.•
'o'Potinel,•hut learn'that it is his Muionjtotn
whatho niiv that' the.ene,triy has 'no intention
of unvancing either., mil3allimoto , or '4,l'44.hitig.
tun.. The. impression On. his. Milt was. that
the,y . We're Meiia'riiiit. to retire befoteiNleelellatt l a .
army, and Would noon reerMa.tlie eiSter r at some'
of. the upper (Ord's, .Scoutin.g.parfies 'Were. out'
.seiati s titn.; the.country. for hoists' and 'cattle, and
Wcittlit pr : obrittly;.eriter the bordet counties, iii 1
iienn . l)jykriia for this•purpose, if sufficitmt - tirrie
wasgiven , fhem to . nereitopifsh theirs purpose....
•' 'The.preSerice,of troth G e nerals Lee and. Jaes
son near,Frederieli evoUld:eithei .. . indicate' that
i the.ex!iedition is . ii-incist hazardous one •or . that .
the •rniiis of the army has . te'iillY .accompanied
'thern, , atid -that the . liivaajon ,is a. reality, and
iii,t'n fortgit . g raid. teen if it IS merely a raid
_ • .. .... .
for stilyi.rtence stotesits secess is.undoithteilly
most iMpertant to the 1 . 1.4be1a; laid the Brest flee
iii these_ two promjnent Generals 'May be ac
counted for on that ground. • . ....... ' .. . ':' '
. . .
. .. .. . . •
•• qur inteliigence from Washingliin . .ii that the
Rebels have fiillen
.ba clifroin Cleneral:McCiel
lan'afioni; and that be ila,,a6i-aneeilaii•miles:
beyoild,Poolesville;'.frCith which - a Rebel picket
guard was.driven out, lify!r•.c.in6 fighting, on
14(ivlay 'ailfinociii.. ~ .. . .' ....: . •••
~ '
. . .
. . .
. . .
::Duainr!sa - veriaagain suspended id-day, and all
the rrOlitary.orglnizationo were ordered to re- .
port irirsereic'e at .8 n.'elock'in .the rilornidr,. ..
: • Three thpkrsand f laborers •'fiave been ordered
I. eo to work . ; on trenches. ...... •
. .
y.aki:hpriti'esrec . eiveilinlotmatitin
hite last . night - Oat the rebels - w e reacNaticing
. • C NC I I , :ti A . 'ri, Sept.
• . Half p'ast .10 o'clock, P. If. .
A: fruip•o(.3o tiirbulances fltiit. of ,ivice
yeSterby 6110 m i -ion for the use , t our
wounded rt,chmoraf... : When' th - ey..,.vere 12
miles.distatitthey•wsiis arderrB to. halt_by the'
riiCkeis of General They. &pl sn. and .
thi.offteer.ir corm:0(1,o( the emluilatice:wurl •
tnkenhefore General Fleuth,•sYlia:iliformi;a him
wi t s not
was then Made to General.:Rtrby Smith. wdio .. tto Icivil)-ltip.v . lm4 part•ol ',',....1.ri a tit —,-,. 3133 ,
promptly allcrwetiour ambulanees to proceed.' .•MC‘R-1;5,ii:0C",‘:;..'',1)'.1',1,,.1:iiii.....,•.::,..,,tii,r,nircic r o il: . ••• . ,
'•Oair,s'couts.report that OM rebels are..mOvi,mi :.• i • '• parcel. of hind 'sit •
' ••.. ••• '
lint ell and dose.••, , e ,l n • , • ;... n
at, a
in two divisions,;numbering 16, 00n.men; - • • h . - . • . ' fallow'-: • ••-
K C I ) i . , t i,. ..'' 5 . C..1( _b.‘r . .:5! - corm r of lorN. o .17 of s Cho
Eicrly"th't:t . .rniotnin 4 ii large, tebei.ciivalre.
~,. •, , • , P"t• " 1 • 1 tilti•in tilislye.ll.o. ItiWll , lo‘p.. MC
force 'alt milted- our pislrets on Liclting River,. 3 '.....in c...,,,,,ty p . ,. ,11 . ,,„,..,....% \ ,; , e . t.. f., 3 ,.. 5 ,,f 0 i i .1i ne : 0 f
ari.virnz.thern had; . a.:mtleseveriil6l whom 'we'le stator. tot '
,No IS, an; litr . totred 'arid thir t y. • i Mee
~,,,,,,,i,d. • ., ••, .; - ... •, p•rebes iiii.d now I eiitlis of a porch; to a Beech
• lb.. o
south , Wost corner at lit NC .15 tint in ti' '
O . uriwholefOrce over the, river 'was dra'wti L i P . ' - • ''• •
e.ist hoe Of lot -No 40, coOvooit to kliirace 1,,
y.. lib.d
in line of battle 'to da ; . .
.. . •Dooay, thrice 'iotith by...Ea-11'71e of <MAI
One of our . Ten was kil)!Lin ' '
'..ne picket'sliir- I!", , 'lghly ogip p.?l'cbei and f..i.0 'totitas ol •irl i
t i ,,,i,. to ~:pin!, II,"' n6ll h west. (-Omer Cl lot.'
N 0. 3 ,0, iltonee.'Ea4 hy iniith drie.of said. lit
No 50 two' lid,droil sixty' IWO :11eIehes . 'nmi six
tont ti id' a p.;rorto a •post iit the, east lino iii
wanrent N0.3132', th-noo Nor th row Aiigj.oe.imil
on.' hair M a :lettroe.l:,,tat by eait. i.el or soul.
A41.1.111.t , thirty•iive porches and nin.-! tenths 'ol
'a- perch to'a post' tha shotlioat corner Or hit
N 0.45, tbenee'..'et •do . , onlh line of...said I id
`,.`•13, ripe mindsedand tki.eiat.y soven P•ici,..s.
anal two {volts, of a 'porchda'a po's . r, tho.Looth
net co•rner . ot said lot, • thence TIM till)}. avoo
line of: said bat. fitit'two "peiell , . at! 'thre e
teiii•hs ol a 'porch to the place 0. he'giOninitt'cen,
taining 'ninety-seven at. es amore..or,le;s woh
fhi usual allow. mee of 's'ix poi. ; coot for, roads
.Btc.,'heing. list No .11 of the allotment of larols
ot • the estate nt Samuel -I[. Fox in Lai . ..your ,
t'ownshipa rot par f. at warrants Nos. 3,132 and
:3133 tpdle . K.:-..in county P. . Utini,prov; 4. •
• ; .sitt,si; Ole at hor pioceor mrrcol of dan.l'sit.;,
iated. and describod as, folloWs'i,llogintliog; tit
.ari 011 Sitcar the 'smith -oast corner of warrant
No 31 , 32, then,:" is::',rill ono degree pad one trit I i
co: a dogroe oast.. tw . eitst line' of 'said wa'r'rant' .
siXty Kim Peri.lios.to a Beech,
,thence Wit•-I,i'y
somtr. lino of daiabz or the Birighani estate, one
hilndred and ninety six' toirobes and 'olio:tenth
of a.Prirli do a• Sugar, 'betide S'uttli,.by unsea..
to,' laitit, sixty' percho.s 'ai.d `fire' . tenths, 0f . ...t,
poreh.t.i . a , ri.,,i iiitho sow Irline of_ warrant. Ni'
3133. ti•euee Soutli eighay . . eight ..Yliftees and,
ono bad( of. a alogreoeapi, by south lineml said
wurraLt, imo bandred ninety live •ro.fcheo , and
into'tenit of .a p-rch to OP. Waco of Beginning;
Containing sevelity,roie ;Imes, and nine tenths
of an acce;.ho t ho4..i'me mare or I.PS', with• 't he
ustra:ailloWanre of six por -cent fur' nnuls Ste:,
to,ifigiti . t No . 49 at' the allotfikeri; of. tire estate
'or Samuel N. Fox in Lafayette. towtiphiri mid
part of, warrant N 0 .5132, • AlcKean ..C0,,. Pa.
r..lnimpro. , e(l. . .•
..... ..•
... • '
•AL.sa;.Ons other , piece or parcel 01.1alld; BA
ginning at a 'lngar corm r al
,wai rants numbered'
2215, 2255, :313'1'. 3.132, thence . by east line of
warrant No 1132 North, one, degree east, six.
ty tour Perchei, to, the'south line Of lot No 41
of the allotment of the 13irieham knits In La
ftiyette iownship, Mel.Gittit enmity Pa.; there..
...by said ling, .Eas'ttiny' eight perchei - nnit , five.
t6rith,of a rich,. thence West , two loindrod
and fifty-four; perches and 9'ix•tenihi.ol: a porch.
.thence Noi th t Went y•one . pet'rhe's 'atid seven
tentbS.of a perch', to' the. South line of warrant
No, d•l32,olaotice . by. said line. Satith_aiittlity
nine ilogroos G,. t, otte.hundroilatol nitim,y•five*
fiorchos to the plado of briginnihg.; ',coOtai tong
fifty-one', acres wad
,56V . P . 11 teilthSpf Itrj.nere,.
with the usual alloWanett . of; six. 'per. cent for
roads, '&c., be thesatile miser or less,' it bellig"
lot • No. 57 .of the' tillottirent of . the. flintil;arn
hinds in 'Lai:lntl.! township Nleßoitit county
Pa . 4. ' amt part of warrants Nos. 2213, 2255 and
3131.- • • , . . . • -
. . .. . .
The' ativ:inct• count of 11in enemy,.about 3000
infantry' and 1000 ilyal,7; b'aye ben in sight
since. • elv:veli O'clock; about from
Co .ingr'orr.
• .
The Southern telegraph line is working to
Russellville and Franklin.
• The train for:Franktort this morning came
back frmn o'l:annon's' Station, siiteen miles
,east, fearing . an:attack from •
HARit!'!.;nurtri, Sept: 10
Sept'. 10
excitement in •th. - i cily is intense
•. • '
has been going on all the' after
• , .
1 1 ,ate in the. afternoon they were moving to
the right; in•h'enry masSes, 'to pass about tw
miles frO .
m Fort Miteheil.
A'tlnt.ilfi will no d'onht take ploon to..
lEve:visG- . --..A . batile-may be einened
Our pickets were - enu . nt;P(l tn :One' of
thrlni wias and several wounded.. They
have fallen' back a mile..' . ,
.T.at.!lsvtc.F.; Sept. 10.
P'aff.. Moho rd. ~ • (r'nrri Mt: Sto rl i
reparta tiamphre} there with' 1,000.
troapi:, and artillery, .arrest•
. reported that's force of 'rehel'ca nlr.y
took . p . at'a • Pm!inl or nigbt•:.
. John Nior; . ;in occupies 'the .Observer and Re
.porter office; at .Lexington as . hCadquarters.
recently . onronditionally,
'released by . the. rebels, • arrived 'the Galt
!Cis rnmnierl. that . about 4;000' rebels (Com
.Lexington last Siinday took possf;'ssicin of Leb
anon to-day.. •• • •-•
Numerous and conflicting repnrte are in 'clr
ctilation. indicating that . 'slciirriishet . ari , at
Tnylorsville,.anti' °ther paint's, biii•anthing re
liable as tri the result can beprnenred to night.
Affnirizi, Tenn . ., Sept. '8
In the; Contede . rritn. §ennte, On he 3d ingtant,
Mr:•Henry, of . ; rentiens,ee,introdoeed a prone
4itinn to extend. ItheSeqiiestration. Act - to eitk,
to take the, oath of allegiance to
the 6nfede!ate"Goverri . minit.. • •
on.the 4th the' bill to extend
-the provisions of-the'':eonsrription• .petertlls
hetweeri the .tigos:of.6s, and 45.. . .
Yaney; of AlOamn, offi.rif a suhstftute:
providing for .rerinisitiani upon the State'E:c,
einitives fortheir (plates, fo be raised from cif?
fzens betiercn such eges.. . . '
A lengthy dißenssion ensued; when •the sub-
stitute was•rejoeted, a'n4 the Original bill passed
by , a vote of 20 to 2.
The Grerrada Appeal .01: the sth inst, says
that n fight took place, at Denmark; on TileS.
Any . list,.het%yeen The 'Federal' . forces and Col:
and Confellerale cay.dlry . ,
whiclt•resulted '9• a dru Vt b
federate loss: IN 5 106 kiii,ii..o.'wo•tindk,l.
.The todfede:rat'escurilifted 200 prOoners und 2
of . .cannon. • •
Ticacleep . ntrhysilaCed chatittnociga., 4th; rpst,
.slate that tile' . Fecfeilt . l furties hav,e evacuated
tow . pgl4; A LicE
F.)lETlAj.'nfant, .datighter. of: J 9 Viin . ,i• Prnelitle
Gifroril; nd day
fiok lle'tut t:by•dooth removed'. •. •••• .••• • • •
. Ftorn this ('31.1 Uorhl'of earn.. • ••••• •
•,•.•• T.rttin lontod rrogni to
Tc r.,100. - no'iiltrays Infr, •• • „ !' •- . •
• ; Whiun no'rule ever came, - -•
~ • :Cr:chilling miDter . biLliA; ~• . • • '
WherUthirin.t.thun•frhgranco ererlotto,
•In'thtyri without o night. • • ••• . • , •
• ,Wk; feel it 14. a tilt r • litoco',, •
Ohr • dn, hug doe, for thee. - ••• • • • • • .
'•• ••• ..'Atnourrut the hogid bond itbor.4, ••
• •
• 'Moto Earthth could'Oyor ' -'•• ••••: ••••
..:• •:. • AntLyOt cuir'honie. istonely no 7—
Team; will unhidden , th-rt• • ' • •
. . ,
' For hor.w In.for a reor 414. wdukO, • , •
- 'rolt , delohely round nur`hearir.• • • 4
• 8011,do o ton:: to tnotin the!), .• ••
' God hum burchthned •••• ••• •• • •.• • ••
' • And we I rool ovin to meet thee, • • • r• ••
• • .Whore partingder taikuown.•••• ' ; • -•
. . . ...
. • . - . :. . lacrill's . S ..
ale:. •
. ..
.11 . Y VIRTUE '.. ! l'..uf.df.y . ~ii.ts'of, ' lren4iticini
-, 11 -• 'Expo It a 3: ~ and Al i;z, -r,;,,i4,ioE.i"Exp , d , ; s,
~.,,i. . .ut ,l. i i..: (:;„.,•, at Common. Pli . j.F, of.
.‘lci.i.e , in Cont6 , ,an.l to gnu dif et tea, )tft.l e will
lte :xpot..l• to jiattlic s,ale,.up t h i e Cutiit .110 use
in the„boroc,gAt of Sinethput I; on MOttil'ay Supt:
22.1 .k. IL 1862,,L,t .1 .o'chiek, e. NI.; the 161.:
•1...wint, , R , l E‘tutei ... - .:' .
The..lullowlitg. Renl Estate, viz: 13i , iorfing•
- .it. n. ,13e . tell, the ~noifh7 w est 'corner • tb. I efif,
thence .: East . ~ - . Etgrify•twf:): ...pef e:11.!;•.."
thy - ice in patt-hy line of 10tN0:' , .1.f3 of- the a;. ,
lattinent of the: Binihattt lands' in' Lafa) el te
towniffiff,.one huntltett..intl . six notches; thence
by No. 113
. .4111. No,. , .10-I,:.West: eighty. t • Wo•
r.peivites,.thence'.Notth - One Intuited. awl'. Six-
I ~ petchos•to the., place 01:heghthing; COntaittiod
Ifttr one and two tenths acres, . more :or ..1e. , ...5,.
tutu thti usual - allowance of-six percent ler
roa,cls'&c., it being lot Nu. :i Ori of the'alloi
trieut of th 6 I.3ifigllarn lilfidi 1 - n.Ltaayette to%‘'lf-..
' 4,1 1) MCK , all c‘ollw.ly PA ~ : cud p'art'ut •%rarfatit
[No. 2:257, 1.. - thituptov.ei. :. . - ,
.A.t.s.i.:•An,;,in , t tr.wi..ofiatl,:fainnina . at n
.3q.,:cti I.lnl no•th vcpl.co" . rifer.l.4::ljOt No.-1-i'at d
Hi 1::, ! , ,t I.», of I I:It .Np 404' c0nv0',,,,..-il toIlO, Wt.;
L.l.butti-.1 . ..ty in 1...-114:,q , 0e towt.Ship•..lllcl(.. , an
cw'n,ty','l'n., thonco'Not,th One and one f.tirth
of .i ffei.tiee wetA•t:by ens( line • of said:tot .11101
unsealed' raffil.;,,rt)tyiive...• rfelf , -, 4; a. pc.o,
tiferWe' s E Ibi, by fioseatod lafifl, one 11 9 fafred .
.•:,--ALSO , —.
. .
arid iblrly Alai.e parebe, ao.l.•tif:ten.th: of. aI th a fp . 1 1 ,0winc , .14 , 1 F., , tP : ii; i m ,,,., , 1 :. 1 , 1 .
perCh 'fo".p p6st in %yes) fin. of
,f of No :. : 17, I i 0 .,-. 3 . . ~, , j:
~ 1 3, „it u. ir , •,, ...• , ~'• - -•'•.- ..
thei,ce S.futb tine and,ono fourth of a: (1..2 ree' , t 1,,„ 5 ,,.„, f , ~,,' :,, o c ,„., ' I
a P ° :"-C^P"'T ,..l “'" ! '
efts:, by ..west . Ittto or sain lot,. nine; y fi.e • Ch ,,,, ! ,,,., (-•„,,, .: , . 1 :
.1 . 1 , c , . '°( . 4
Irt,. cdffv”,r.•if to
1--rr r ifei,ro . o post ilp e solith,We , t corinq a lot 1 ‘irt ,,,,,- . . w ,, , ,,,.. ,
~ 1 1 ....0 by line or , c.f , l ho,
Fn 4 I . ; th- , non Wi.st.by•line lot said,lot No ..4 1 . ; r ,i i ,,...;
~. ' nt.'.'"„r‘ l . : and . ninateen pot the. and
one. Intnil, , tl doff . rilfrfy' thief? parylies afl(l.. Ow , I , 3 .
, : i ' n '':' l l .l l ' ' Ol. a. p; , rcli- fo a pf..)s.t.colrxr,- sod
Itilit,ll.s or d. perch In ill, plare of b. , .....1firti1i . a;)•4 4 ( 1 .,•: , . 1t. ...n .1 4 , f: q i:0 . r . l , T t h 's e ' , o ,,, i , ,z! l . , l o o f l r i o n f e lv .?:l' , l li t i o l , l) l . : :;
eciffiajoing . seventy frye'itc;,es; - be tlfe. ,$..),,,- ~, . , ... , .
mole ' 0 1 .h. f .:9,' Wolf rint. usual allowance' of n i x , •;li t l"r‘'' . . f i ll T" d "I d . I '" n4 .r.Pr.ch6s to a
' , • - rit 1 ot. rranttls es.c . tn..)). lot 'N I , :i r •• • i ,po‘t coiner, th.nOA Eastono,boud ton and thirty
cir' , -. n- . - " - -.. • .th.`l",f‘l ': „,.:,'' 1 . -^,.;%_ q.,,,1 rl?ree ter t tli: of: a
. poroh tn. a
outlier lot, Pieti.inriine at, n Beech
the south east lot No 30 Of the idiot
ment aforesaid, conveyed to Luther' Davis,
.thence ,Ity line of Pit
,No :77, Simth seventy
nine perches to ti lleterti, amid East li'tty . tour'
perylies and ei4ht tetiths, of a perch, tojt
theitee South forty peKches. and . .three terirhe.
a pi-treli,Ailes't niie butitlred and einlitern perches
and eight tenths of a perch -to a Ile . erhi the
Sf)III1i west :corner of :lot Ni therice West
one htindred and. tWo purbei and
,iw . o . ..tr:ntha
arta Perch, Thnce.Ncirtii 'eighty seven.perches
~ . „ .. .
. • ... . ; - - • •
and t'hr e'e' tehtlis 'of te perch - , to a 'lderlock, McKean couritY, -stare . •*of •PennsYlYttna, r and:"
thenCe East. fitly tVtl perches and tnree tenths,
.part of warrant numbered 220;1. UniMptoved,..
of a' ptiftd“ . 'thence:N .- drat' seventy three -per- ..... (Itignisition•Waivd.) .- „. ..4. •
.• .
10 , e • brill • of d • p0 : c h.1 . 0• ., tv 11,..p . 1100k,, ' •..St!.etl,. taken in, F.trectition . and will he eOld':: ...
!hence Fdist'sfirety ofR. Perehes and . five tenths .tix• the property , of . Dattlr.l . lioldridge at the suit:
cif a porch' tn 'the West line of lot . No, 80 afore of .Pinghatn Truste es:..
... •
. • •
<died thence by the line cif; said, lot Soot n forty .. • ..,
.. ~,_. ,_...,
rine pi., ches e nd•oite . tenth '6l a
. percle und'Epat • 'The follnwloti real •Est aye; •• Coinmencing at -.
. tii enty -: we, per c hes• a ntl•fivie tenths or it,ot .. r . rit a post 0•• Coe.Sltt'th lin,. of Ma in street, at tho .;
to.tbe placeaf beottinitnt; Contadnint! one hull- r Noith . Text - coliwrofill..ig - rqui -, nunibr r( 4):l nn ;' .-
dp. ' ,l - nn.a (6,-. 3 , I iv , aen.s end tlio.tenths of ell thenceloorth SS - I.2 . degress'itioat, 11 t h e ~,•,; , ; h
..lcre will, the ii , nal, allwance of .. six per cent
.line of
. 111,1111 .. street; twelve, rods more or. less
t 0 ,...,e4,415&.0., be the•sarne More et - less, II be- to . d . ,pasyq., ill , ' Northwest conief of l o t No. "
.ing lots No /9.; 11l and 'll9 of the. al,fotrtten(l thille4M, °thence . Smith" I . I'2 , degrees East;.
.'if the Bingliarn . lends in .Litfayeltte toietishiP; I Wenty toils more
, cir lesito a post on
.the north
K • ..
MePiitt-Vf;tintY, Pa . .; alld part "of Warrant No• line 'cit Corydon strept'i4 pp . sflt,lih weat•corrier
-2:2.1 • ;
.sr.LdnimproveiL,' :•.,'', •.... -.. 1 . '1 . ; - 4
i •••.; : ''-'; of-..16t No - .:tw, , ofy-one;, thence S . 11th 88 . 4 . tlegreee, . ;
•••11. 5 ,1:5i3; : A notheY; .fiegioning it .1 he:•Sooth at ti c " . y,.. s t, 't.iy 'nor tt...4itit,s• of: CittrYdoty'st feet ; t WelVe,
nil lot' No 106:' 'conileyed .to - C. ;L.' . Taintet, cans mitre or les . s.to a' postat the anti . th . Weet ....
! i p. 4 4 1 ,ty . !0ur . . perches . . and.. seven . d en! 11S, ef.lf *tiOrner'nf lot No• . 4wt•lttysboor,. thence S - olltk • ''
porch from the south crest" •cotner . tne) . eof, :1,1 -2•dogrees• West, . Ittsenty„rods more, or . leas - ..
thence by 1'111 . 6, of N0 . „4 18,, 'oorivoyod to noll lo the•phiCe • of Ire:ikitittine, .eontainiti?.,one .. and -
& Morse, Sown one :hundred. and I welllY :one . one, belt' acres•tinyre or fess:, beim: Vddlage lots ..
peirbes and (line. 'tentha:of a pitch'; 'a : MI - lilt- I St
,Nos.., 11, 12',,2.8 end. 23',•ip the ..village of
- Brad-:
ohe hundred :it'd i wt;porehes and .seven tent h s turd,' M'e.Ktin tnoliity.. Ea.: •iormerly• Littleton ) .: .
of a Petoh•fo the East line of lot No 83. thence beintt•pe,t of old l'ot Nol l 23nntla•part of: War: .. •
by send tin; and east line of lot No. - 07, Not ili . rant.39oo;. all . impaoitedi Otte Framed .-Hoitite,..
one finntlred and t twenty . ..•
one - perches . and nine 011e:F1111T10(1 Bern, tv.ildanttly.oc•Froit "Fr e es, .-.
ten' hit.ril P perell,llience•pattbythe sontit line -e goo t:w„11 (4 : \\ 4 111 . 41 ,.... . . ~,,.
~... • ,
of lot Nn 105 - tiforeshid, Ea9t . 'one . hundred and.. ..Seized,•taken in - Est- l El4Tbm' ' and. will be sold •
tore Per elms and.... seven tenths...o a f p'erch . , to . 'as the pi drierty or Sends N . .les . , of the snit of
~ h e 1 .,1„, o f . .!)ediollogi • (7.olltliitline• seventyOdpiel:KitneshitTy use of Philo < , .kley%Adntin•
three acres and eyttilt tenths ill 'OP a .re. Willi istratOr of John S N- . .le:s 11. ceased." • . .
the nand: allowance•of six per •ceni • 16 t ... 11 ..° 1 ° 19 ' ..
•••• • '•-• :. ' --. ALS -o , —. , :: •:•• • ' .. •
&:-.., 11. e. the `eme ,-64 1 - , ,. . 0 0;'"• 11 b • ell . "-i I °' 'N° . Th e ..follnivin g. Rya I-T . -stele ••. ' • -...-
104 of the allotment of 'ine.ilingh . am. lands ••in• •••13 e gi o ni t i .e at a fie •ch einothe•North west . .•
I..•elay'ette totvid•hyp..,Meloan comity 'Pa : , ttotl .
corner of. Lot No 59 it • t ,r allot:merit of. IdieK . -
part . of. . warrants Nos. 2251, and .2227 - . ,
.." hiFh .
.horn Jarvis in4)116. 'Township, thence
.Wrist •
. „. • - ~
1 reels' of• Lind number yespeettyety , 19, I 11 an d
eighty rtvo.and Itin" . r, tenth; pereh4a to a' lideeeh .' •
.1 t i 2i •tirtiltnProved•. (Impt•lil . ton• waive( •) . thence North tivt•initodrod and ,nineteen- 'and
elied, Laken. `in E V erlllloll.ilMl Will be ',sold .
six tenths perChe . o tn..al:3 . :.eCh; .thence East%
as..the... properly pf Solenon....Sartivell,'at.titt' efell iv ; tWO and tour. tent ha•pert l h . es•to'a. BerOht; : .
suit:Of .A . llen A ydatilo-3••Tioitittorse ' , -: .
~ : theirce . Sidi th . t.,v4 . , biro,' t rid attiP nineteen ant,.
. . --4ALSO.7-- , : . - . Six. tenths perches to a Beocli, the place•pf..fas. ' •
•..Thp.(ollowintl described Beal Estate`.
.. . . eititimei . Containing . one .littridreif. . and• eight
...Ifegidnidyr: at an Elm in.ille, east line of lot
acre- aiodnifie tent hs 'olan acre - with•an a 11 0 ,..... •
No 71 of llie-aqelmen""f 11 ' 13in .t. 11. ' a•rn l ands.
. I " anee.of. six - per ostot ftt•r•
...Roads .1 1 .:c, he: the •
8 4 ., 44 11 - M4ll o Vonship, thence Eant one' be . ' ,
""e' t
~ •,,,,pe. more m lea , " I t..beine 10t..N0:, 61, o r th e.
a ....seitenteen ' perches. to .a Beech , t h " ll.e . alhoire:l4r of the jiit., l ,cham Land: ill 01 totc;tva. - . -
Sou' h seventy fent - perches on , ' three • 1 °" 11 °' • ° i• I . Ship; itteKean,:coonty, State of • •Peltn•:;•;v 3ci j a ,..
I 1 pt..ireii to il Ilt.4 . iji •thenep West OW! ' bili)111Pt1 and
part ~f, warrant'. tuitnt„r . e .. ii
and 4.-, ve titeen's pet ehea, t herlC'e:'N . o 9 ll . • ..s' ; !' ° l l. Y .l L imoset); quo PM waived:l -., ...• ..... •
four porehes and thre.r . te . rolio of a p.t.rett to. tare 1 : 5 ,. ; ,. 704. , , i . wk , ii .1,).F....x,.,c.,,,,,,,,.;; _roil
place of .beginpitm.; eoptailline Ill' y' ..I w° errli . d !. as .the pr0 . p,t . c.4,1
, c,
1,-,.:, C. V..aodß. Stitt- •
and Your, t.,;n111S:01; ililine" ,." ' th' ''''" i'll'"n" sell at 'the . snit cd' ,.
- `,ii• hum Trustees.. -
ot. aix per octit -1- .o'r . 11'oa.,IS . Rar . ..,- be rice , •om! , •: - .
.11 or , or less. 'l' being, loi No 70 of the 1111 °''' - 11•1' . ' yip - .r, r . • • ..' ..- •- -
~i,,,,t.0r I he . Bno lin ni lands - in . Bradford , town- , . i•u ... ot 4 y,• , ) • aeries. of. yen. E x., is—
.. ,e4l out of•th ..: Conti of Common Pleas,:
ship; and pant of warrens nornbetest 3317.
1 40.;
M o K ean c ot ;.;; yi - en & t o me directed, there -,
r(oq4llsition waied,•)• • . .
~ , ,,,,i . i ., ,,,, IA „,,,. in .- E ..: c „.„,i 0n ;„•,1. .01 he- ,0 - 1,1 [ .i;1 1 •1 1 .e ......,xpos . ed toj-mblie sale att he Coort.bigose
8/pollen otSmethrfort, nn Nlentley,•Sept.
as the primertv of Jere.l•Cirtia at•the• „i t . ~..) f . '".. - tite
• 12211 - A. D. 1862, id 1 o'clock, I', M.•the.foilow-
Binghato Tru : :tees. • • • • - .
• The followins ' Road 'Estate, viz; Lot No. 5.
ard . ,iinetli part rd• - I,l*No. LI, •in Id:eating sip ve , ,
- 'cralleieln?.••ls3.ao'rea Of 'hind; holpfded.as.. lot- ,
.ilowsiNtrildeby.fatnt at C. B..cillieitand the
1 Tnimangtvent cm eeic,' r • Ea.it hy . the •• Tnnnen.
°want ceeek, Smith by lends of .1....,•Ward; and.
Si ...ph, Se. Ward, and West hy..fands ot ,S. P..,
D:ket• - ranC . abont 65 acres improved; one framed.
114,41:e; one' framed Barn,: a ',ire quantity -of
Fruit Trees; aml,-Ittiovim ac Fbi: Bolivar 'Dipole_
... A'f..so,- A nother froct of land hounder! North'
,be Wei of C. S. Ttoter,EtSti by-. 144 1 ,1 of F.1...0-,
`jmninChatolectlain; South by' 1-tot of •X , rbi-,,
le a I-I • Br;lt, h, ' zin,l kVesi .by tile l'llnuangiVant
ereekt . .conte:ininabout'o acres, about' tan acres
imProved, and known.., s the litoOk mire lot. • ,
'• • A oar,,--- A not hot tract of Land, hounded, NOT th
by fan'( 111 A . f chi . intld lildwil 1 - .::,ti.t•ny idnd of.
1 - I,!nidrhin• Chamberlain ..atid.J . ....F:' Melvin's
Eidate,.South by. lands.tit J. F . :11 - 4-Icl - it's. :Es-.
tale, and AV.'S( by. •thse Tudnang.want - ,Creek;
. ciortOining, one hundred and thirty acres, aboitt
sis - ty lire acres iinprovotl,
n ottr; frarO.tl.. Elam
i ,'. ; h 0, 4 , 4 ,•0 4 ,..ds •',ltto..hed, one lark Iltlrse
Bai', nth , 'Corn 110.y.t . and iitok - il.op, .cue
frerittltl He, Pen and f.14,1in114,440e; and one nice
, 'Wellitoz, .l i on'se; a • large quardity ol .Ftuit
poqt-c . ornel -- , Iseicgth.-;•.ioarn - -c e',icariie, i,r. ••
lot cnoveyeitin Willi..int Btirliagaine, 1 het,ei s by
16 ,. e or ..ai , i ,iOl and tacit cOnveyed ., to. Salmon
M.Rese',•Ni;rth;one hundred and twenty per
ches to a po , i.cdrtiet, thericel.itat ten' percihes
'to a post corner, thenen' Nott . ll'i;ight-, porche: -
and -',' teoh.'• of a : p...rch to a post.' corner,
being the south east corner•cil a .lot .convoyed
'a A,s t . ;.ir.t well,- thericti•liy - line of stud lot,
..North. lily one• degrees. and a.half ••01..a A l.g'ree
w:,si,•thi'rty;one p:•rcheii 'to a Dear norrier in.li , e,
road sieti h of. the ''.llarVin-'rri:cli: hi iilgg "and in.l
iiiii linii of .CP,orilia ChrW.ini's. I.inil, thence i
by. lin . e of
, a siir hind, Poilit.h , ' Twenty. i
1 .,..i 3 0;t p ;.,. c .t..„:::-. to .the pliWe. tit, 1,11 , 41r.ning;.1
:rniiitaini-tie and handfed ii IA tvk n:ac r , s sal. on'e ,
hoeilred and tWe'niy : four perches airier toita.
lire, I)4' the s.arrie more pr• less, being part,ol .
•w . .t.t:tnOt 1N'0..2059;• ibait.tEightv• a . cres .. impr,o-
Co.!, n a e friimel.lloae, - o.reialiiiiit v ;:floiine,lo - n ,
tr'itineif llama., dole' foonrain' of Water, : a large .
(-riority nt Filii' Tr ,, i.... '. •' • : ..,... -
.S4'-zoil, - itil•;••n•iii Eki•ci‘iiirirt, arid will ha Fold
;•, it ie ; pu i r ip r iy 0 f,.11,....17. IVilli'.iins'..afid•.Wat.
11'ii1iduns, ad the sitar V Per.ry•Carti..i. • - ' •
• , The fallowing; Avid Esiiite. to . wit s.
.. Ite, t iniiinitst.a •Sria.ir; thii.N.itt.liF..tq'crirrier
0f10rN0..51 of the,ailiiinie'nt at the 'Bingham
I,..tnila- in-. La fa vote
.'cownship, I hence': 1 , ...t5t
fifty' ei.glit: - . at.r,t iyo..-"tenths, perches,.. - Itietice
Snothone. hundred and 1 six'ir.eiglif perches,
thence along li'oe of State Read,'Nartleeightv
eie,i - degrees War si)c. , y.foitc piiielie ,: , !hence'
North tWo il i 'grees E,ist one Hundred itryl - ,ixty. :
:11cii and nine:tetith.a - perc,ll-; , . to . the-Hlce of ,
liegin : einlZ:. 'Containing Sixty acres and. i , ix..
' tenths of an 'ai.re:witli an ailoi.i.iiace 0f..-s.ii per
cent- for gn HI: Fir, he the 'aline. niote . nr I ss.•
It being bit Ni. 83 of tlie allo'in-nt.ol the Bing:
Juirit Lewis 'in •Ipiliiyette..townsbiti,. il , frlCtlan
'•Cnitnty, 'Stain of l' , l nsylvania, . and
.piiu ui.
.wiirratit 'auroner . cd 2•25.1. .I.liumptuved.... .
[lntieliition Wiii.veil] .
.. ,. •
.• .. -
Sniz-il, taken - in . Ex , rutinn and will he :sritil
' A, the [ - nape , ' y ni Alpha Mor=e, at thy itit al
14illi,trn •B Chimer. tut the" tine- 'Ol- ,Williiirpl
iiitighern's . l . rustces. . . AL . -. • ..- '
. ...
The following Real Eoitte',.lo• wit:',. - -
' lieginning at- - ii Oast in the East and West
Stale 11 , 1i1,1, tieing the. North-west corner of Inc
Nit, 115 of the allotment of the . Bitigh.im lands
in La !Syr . ' te.tosi'nship, .t hence not tit' one• bun
tired sad •Sixty set/emend
. two-tenths . perches,
hence East 'one hundred'. and ten perches,
thencl .§nitlh one htipilteit:. und . .sixty.eight
and I wo• tenths '.perettes, .thence • along line of
the roatl,,noritt'cighty-.eight and one4ialf de
grees twat; one hundred
. and ten perches -to the
place of beginning,: 'Curitainittu.on'e hottilred,
.anil eight .aert!s and niriii•tetiths - ' of an acie,
' with-an allow.ince of .six pvt:*rit for Roots,
Ric.-be .the same mote nr lesi i: - beine-.161 N 01:
. 113 od the'allatinent of Ihe. Bingham, 'I, .nda iv
Lelayeite loVriship ,:iisliyan cOutify''Peati.irl..
'iu.ittitt, •and pi , rtof will'riint notrthereil '.- 2233;
'About AV4. 111•Y1-'$ . i . I . proved, And one Ing•sininty.
' (Wriiii ,, ition i.vitiyedi
f.iti.iseil, inken in exectition,:and is-ill 1.4. solil
.as the pronertv'of . Afpha Alersei at 'the [ - nil at,
William P. Clymer. for the tis'U. or William.
BinglianaTrustetis:.... -
. .
. . .
71 0 .followin , described Reed Estate: •• .
Bee inning. et inad,_ being . the
Stjuth wlr r jot No' b 3" the "11cit nj , :to
of ; the ilint;ham LArayette Towns - kW.
thence West one. htindretl rinidnipetyseight anel
seven tenths perctlisi, thereto • North about
eighty•two perches, thence South' eighty ; nine
degrees twe•Jointlred errd.filty one and lour,
tenths perches, thence -along dine . of the road.
'South:thirty rote degiee l s west nite,ty l iar an d
seviM tenths pershea. to the place of lyeinnine:.
poritaiping one hondre'd anti ten acres- and nine
tenths, of tin acre, with an alloMince .9( six
percent. for Roads, &c., he the -same more or
lasi; it being' Lot No. 92 of the, allotment, of
the Bingham „lands in r.Lafayette township,
.•. A t.sn.4-.Annther t vact,of :I Intl, Bnno. , kd
by I,iffil Mervin, dereas , d, South by
I,trd6c . 0 lioeb.,• West bf 1,11;11 of C. C..M el -
vi by the .vonthininil.F;Oven
t t..vo 'Gf land; b,-; . .the same rnori4
one ,fr tln.o. • E;,int.
ar,,l a quill tt Tr . i.og, eon I:vveltr;iter
' A r q triler Tract -of land,, Boi lyd
South by law) ol raisrbt , ', and: North
lasd 'of Dartittl.Kinn•batf; and East •by tlte.
bitihway; •Contiltoitie . tibnat one Halt of•att acrd
of Atilt.' all tottitto'ved; =iivated iir
,the villa‘e of ,
Br.athlt:(l,.'9lttlrean coatity'Pa. - '
'A A not of Bounded
Sdittti by laud of P. A b dr, Fit and Norib,dy•
Datit;l E.ibe'qbary,. - West by land of.
Warner & GhattiberlaineCt»'itainiettz•forfy-Imur,
;tot! on,. hull ...ttern4. he the mote or leas,
one'. any, lovioyed. nir. log_ tliotptn', one log
Barn; All the al; : tee tb,e.elitindtlands situated
- . 1 . 0 the loWliShtri.bl•Bi , ttlfitrit, riftiKean
Pa.. (I ngitit.it tan ty a , .• • • • •-
Sntz tt1,1,ah..11 juid will be sold.
as I he, • eat . tlterty Of .14,eps.h F. ;Clark, at .'the
bairhl,Wal,lkill Bank, also Snyder and Grtilth,
The following. real estate, bounded. as follows.
D , g,mning at the.northwest coiner ofsquare
39,ihence cast e - tabt perebes to.o post, thence
south eight perrhes to the renter of said square.
thence west eight, perches to the brie Of the
street tht-riCe by said line , north eight perches
to the - place of beginning,
,being lots Noe. one
-and two in' square Nn. 38 and being part of
.warrant No. 2085, containing four tenths•of an
acre strict Measure. bO the same more or,less, •
all improved,, 'one framed house; One or,
barn, a quantity of fruit trees •good: fountain or.
-situated in ',the-Borough of 'Smethpoit
McKean chanty, Pd. • •
Ar.sn, nuother tract - ofland in, squitre No., 58 in
the Boina , b of Smethport,, and known as the •
Hill Store lot, Icirrnerly:o.c , upie.l by G. O .
J'l •rsnn as n satith and. wcgt
by'olll J.,llaniliiN.int and store,,nol h by P.
Fold and east. by by the 'Oleo, contaipirui, what
till . the More occupies be . . tbe, We more , or
lcm,'iarpm id aunt one OK, 110i,gp •
Srired - taken' in e'xectit on and to he solii
the R iopert - - of E. S: Nl.isoirand D. Bennett
ut the, suit of Levi Calkin... • .
' • • .
- All the title niiit intProst of Pecri . nclant
to tht tollowint.ttr , srritteil Estate; itunto
in ICitri:ing tow tCeitti county, .P
mt the north by•lliintintrin ,
I.;iiturt, on the we 4 by liingliam. Litrid; .and
Ad" ) .n i tn`leii on the 11ititthient
on the iiasii by. rt. ChtulAirikl containing
one hundred and eiiitityrtu'res. Anon' fifty nerell
improved and Minot 30,..setes partially cleated
one 'ttany. finosp, .one tranie.lntrsis
tnirn,. one theme hat n '3O X .10 (e'et suit rlt ant s
trait trees. rfottneily by,i4o.4t.
cbku'd •
• in•ex,ecti' . ion tind .to tie sold ILK,
tho proper Cy . ol ren Or
'King... . tilt! . suit
ins Rua! Etastei . '• •
. .
. .
• . JAMES E. BLAIR, Sheriff
Sherart•Ofilee ••Sinethiiort Sept. 6, t?:..7,2.,*.