M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, August 30, 1862, Image 3

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    31mr:i ' tituoi , F AsTi :Tb
ctstaid• ndet ; atilable Flshion•Matashi.in the world. •,Onntalos the' leraest end fittest Faaltiou•Pletea.
the'greateitt ntimber of due Fdiravitigs,.tlie least arid ,
meet reliable inforinatioe, three fu 11-lilted Patterne. for
Dressies..arid a sheet or nev. ItradoAcork and 'Etribrili•
dating Pattern's. Evbry Mother, ,pressmak an. Millanar
auld Laity; should hare' it Published Quarttrty, at 47. i
liroidwayi'Now,YOrkl 'sold eaeryw . here or sent by Mall
at ti centre • Yearly $l; with it valuable predniuns,
The SUmmer.natober now toady: ';
MAIN - 1-I.oop.
JustPuStikheci, ireaS&iled Pr i . ce Siz Centel
' A liiioTUltf: ON TIIE NATORO,' TitE/OM ENT, AN'
Radkal 'Oct re of Ppormab'rrhoen, nr Seminal. IV e'rk
Ip i voluttory.Emi4sions. Sexual Debilty. and.Tinpedimimis
to Aliirriage genrirally,Ne'rciueneas 'Consumption, Epi
, Inlay mil Site; STental toil Physical .Inca Pacify, result .•
iris into Self.f.b °
use. Ily eli
D.', Am lior•of ibe Green 'took, ha. :•
- TtPkwfiFlct-Tenowue,d autl,Or: 1:x.01h) Lecluie
.clearly prevon •frem big ; own experience
. .that!the'liwiul
couseluencee of -Set Gamer, ..may ',effectually 'reminfed
wit lioft Triedielan,Atid'erithouc, ilingereue .turgioal
u opera,
tioris;lfougles, instrument s ; rings, or cordial , ; ,pointing
oat, a mode of core at. once
,ceriain i.ffeetual, by
whiclAer,ory ,;ufferer, matter:lrina, ins pondition may
be,•irdy cure - himself- prieately. and Yadkin 11y,
:This lecture will pinve boon to. theuimoda end' thou :
-Bert. under Roll; in a plain Jinvelo tie. to soy itapirene. on
. receipt of air coots, Or twn.pontnite stamp's. by address-
Jog, • • Dr.C . LIAS, J. C,KI,IN.E t '
12 . 1 'lloWrri; New York, Post Cifflclloxi 4596 s
. , .. •
ArEREAS the lion. Rober t. G. White
re , l!dent , Judge,,it mt. idle:: lions. J. Var'•
ling Intl N-. Peabody A..sSociate 'Judges of the
COnq of 9yer'& Terminer and . General - Jail
Delimy,;(litarter: - Sessleiii of the: Peace; Or
. Pharuf Court and Cinitt of 'Common pleas.for
theGlunty of M'Keeri have issued, their.precept,
bearbg date-Friday, the tYrenty,seventli'day ol
June, the • year of ,our one thou•,
sand 41;M..hundred and . sixty 7 tyvot' and.to• me
ddrecttd; 'for holding. a Court..iof Oyer and
"Permtier.nnd General Jail Delivery,' Quarter
.Sessiols — of the Peace, ,Gipbans' Court, and.
Courtnaf CoMmon pleas,. is' the' Borough of
• SrrietlnOrt, on. Monday, the 22d day of Septem
ber'n - elti . and to cent intie.one'. week.
Notite to then-lore hereby given to the Coro
ners; Ilqices; of the Peace and Constables
'ciithlidtheeniinty,-that they be . then and there
InYthei t proper persons, at • 10 o'clock of
'sAid.dar., with' dheir rolls,:recurdc, inquiSit ions,
exdatitioiong . , and other remembrances, to do'
Ong.- ilings..whleh their offies appertain to be
lone'; nd.thosr; re bound.. by their . rec.
n:rniz itree to .pr; ,. s , cute the prisoners that'are of
v rill bl'j 11 tliefuil of
. said courity: . of Nl'Kettn,
to tp then and there to . prosecute against
iliem'as will he just. '
, • . .
!late , Smethpatt, this 2 . 6t.ti day of J uly.
18 1 32. and the 86th 'year •of the Irdepend
ence of the'Uniterl StateS of .America:
3. :-K, •-comsTocfc
'EL old iiends in McKean. Cpunty, that ha is'
4iin hand Cs Spin its usual, with the '
Selected rock of Goods iri,thoMlean Narlite.t
To Wholesale Ca.h Bu,yers I Woola Say,
can ott , r'you better inducement,/ than you
.can get 'west of New York.
kt make no clifference wkaf you want, any
- thine; in tile.line of ' ' • • •,'. •
Call at the
And you.will ind the erticle free, and cheap
rt.'s no tile talking the
always has and 'always will take: the lead, and
regnlate the marliet in • .'.
Groceries and.r.rin4lsinnir,
Dot*, a to-eaq and see re when' you vjait
Ofeddrl shall not:hurt you, but shall certainly
try toll° you good
Olean, May 23d, .1860.,
. • • .
A TuoaTt:c;ir-noun,4ELI,BLI: and PRAC
TICAL Journal, devoted Et the diflereut'de
.parrments of soil cuitnie; suo as : growing Field
.Crops Orchard 'and Gardek nuits ; • Garden
Yegetablea . and Flowers ; Pla"nts,• and.
Flowers, (or the Lawn Cll. Itrd care of Do.
10 Houeh'old •
,Labors. It has also an.intire4iwe and instruc
tive for ehildree ad youth•
A full Calendar co Operai'ont every month.'
Terre to Four Hindred, ni ritorei•Olustritive
Engravings appear, in each i?lnate.
Over TWelve Ilundred ptin, practieal,in;
strurtive•articlrs and .uselul , ttems •- ; . are given
every yet , r.
The Editors and Contributlrs'art . all prie
tiral Working Man. . •
The tearhinis of the ApßicNi9itey are rott
-6,e4 to no State or 7‘.?itory, but an udupred to
the hhints of ( illemettont'o/ the catatry—it is, as
its 'raw. i odiealf:e, for. thilohoto l iniaions-Cos:
A GERMAN. EDITION is puldislid, of the
same size and price as the Englisli• and con'-
taining all of its reittlirig•nistter, and Its nume
rous illustrative engraving+ . •
One copy, one year, 1. 00
Six copies,'one year :000
Ten or more copies one•yekr 80 cents each:
•Ilj' Add to the above 'hies: Postige.
,Canada 0 dents, •to England 'and Frame, 21
er:nts; to Ger Many, 36 cents
post:age anywhere In the Vnit s ed Stritas and
Terrliories'must be paid by tie subscriber; arid
is only six cents a sitar, if ,p4I in advance at
the office where:ieceived. •
MI Iniiiness and other cOroonicationi aSould
be addressed tP•the'Editor si Proprietor,
- °RANO. JUPP, 4iPark- ow, N. Y.. Ci t y
:. i ,•,.. fciDist. - fArt5r . ;.. ,..: . : :
VERMIN, x:rito'hni*l:oß,
"Only Infallible Remedies Icnown•'
Des!r476 . litstanti* : •
These preinrations:•onlike all olherss' are
"Free from l'o&ms : ". • . .
4 tiot dangerous to the huma!!.i i ina . ily.'•!'
"Rats earrte out•ot•their holes flt die."'.
10 yeais and'more estnblicAed in N. Y..'.Cify
U:sq by.—the Gity•Post
.U..eii by—the City .Prisons and Station Houses
Ussd Li—City Steamers, Ships, &c,
Usi'd byHtho City Hospitals,
Used ty—the City Hotels ,Astor'—
Used by —lhe Boarding.flouses,.&c
Used Ly=more thali 50,000 Private, Farnilii
llS;"'Sen what th e People, Pre ys, :On r? Deqirs spy
: 'HENRY. summer 1,
'have bee . ntroubled with Roathesiand Mice, 'I
was' actually ashamed 'of the botise„.• for the
eftaatihn wern•etiery where . .. I purchased a box
of. your' Extirtninafor and tried it, and in one:
week.: there was not a Roach or Mouse. in the.
Hou•se: JOHN Na, 9.1 Elm St.'
HOUSEKEF:PERS—troubIed: Wiih: vermin.
need he'..so no ,lotater; if ,thq
,use -
Extirtninatois. We have' used it to our sans - -
tacticin, and if •a,box,cost $5, we would have
.We 'bad tried poisons, but they: - effected
nothing l' tut COSTAR'S articje• knocks the breati
out 01 Rata' Mice ond• Bed Bk.'s, quicker than
we'can write it. .'• It is in great demand all over
the count ry.'—'sfecitinz (0:) Gafrite.
MORE GRAIN - and .Provisions art; destro eil
annually in.. Grant. County, ' by , vermin,'than
would pay for' tons of - this Itat.and, InseCt,
ler. Lancaster Heiald. •
• 'HENRY R. 'COSTAR--Tour , .Extirminator
is .received, need, 'and .primaimced• a.,deiided s
success. .We used a box of it, and the way - th-
Rats and M ice around our tiremises• giraised
'Ned," 'that night was a rantion to sleepers,,,
'Since tiiien reit•a Rat or Mon-e has been beard
in kitchen or cellar.--Magriwor' (Iowa) Tines.
I HAVE BEEN SELLING—Tour Extiripi- •
natorfer the last year, and find it a. SCRESHOT .
every time. . ••• ."• . • . . •
.• Gco. Roar, Druggist, Carilin'gfon, 0:
. .
. WE: ARE' SI 7 LLIING—Ynur .primarn•tOns,
rapidly.' WhereVer they haye . beitii.u . s•ed,
Mice, Roaches; and Vermin disnjipeir
tiVioilisori Md. . . •.• .
To - Deseroy—Rata, Roaches, ,&c
To Destroy—Mice, Moles, &c
To Destroy— , -Bed .Bugs
,D;xtioy-Mothi,,Fleii.s,'Ants, &•
To Drroir—lnsects'on plants and infects
To Deitroy—lnsteis on Animate,
To Pestroy—Ev . ery form and species. of vern
"Costar's" .Ra ;Roach, &c., .Extirmin'r
' Costar's" Bed-bug Extirrairiator,
"Bostar's" Eteetrio Powder for Insects,
13:3750hl Evellity.heri-7by
All Whnlesele Drug:tilts in large cities:
All Retail Dealers—Groce'rs—Store-keepers,
.Stc. in the. United States. •
Wholesale Agents in New York Bity
, Harrall, Risley; &:Co
Bush, Gale &'Robison
ill.,:Ward; Close & Co
M'Kiasno..& Rohhins.
D. S. Barnes St. Co.
hiefTelln Co
ItalmestoCl:Xull & Co
A.B.&D„ Sands & Co
Wheeler ik•
Hegaman & Co. •
Hall, Itnekel
Thomas & Fuller:. •
P. D. prvis.
Penfold, Parker & Co
Dudley & Stafford. • •
F. o. WetiF &
tazelle,.Maish • & Co
Hall, Dixon:&•Co:
Tripp & Co.'
PhilaAelphia, Pa
T. W. Dyott Co.; Robt. Shoemaker &Co
I.S .A.Fahnest,ockict I
o. .French,Richards &.Co
AU the Priaeipa! Cities and Tov : ;ns in:the
And in? Prugaista, Groerrs and Retailers gen
, • erally,in City and Country.
. =Coati! ry Dealera 'can orilei aq abode. '
Or address oroPrq director if Prices; Terms
Sic. is detiirolX7 send for Circular to Dealers]
'T — Ir)'?)•1‘1 1 11.1
t • 4 4 I. I • •
PRINCIPAL DEPOT , -NO. :514,. Broadway,
Opposite ,the S. Nicholas Hotel, .N. T.
Feb. 21i 11311 - .-4)Tioa . . ". •
„the .transpOrts .Conveyed the rebel .
'prisoners up .mines Itiver•i(egterduy; were stop
ped this'side of Harrison Landing 14,,ian.ord,er
from. Gen: AleCteilsn, These:nr . e the prisoners
..frOrn . fort-Dedrtware; and the caOse Of them be•
•ing stopped is.sa id:to lie owing for some; •airri:
culty itr this 'exchange', prisoners •.xith the
• • •:' . •
kIE CQINIMISSIONEYS .meoi.ioned iri the
A ct' s of IncorporatiOn,lncor.nci6itini the
Cotidet.port, Porta . v.aini A Ile:iany Akre! 11.61
Road Co.rnpariy,,will 'open fooks- for subscrip
tion:to The. Stock'oy - schiCOrnpan;; et the Ben.
nett.lionye, in Stic,thpOri . , offl'hursday the-18th
tiny of. Sew ernbe'r, A. - D. 1,862, at 3 O'clock,
of. said day.,
SinetkpOft, Aogust 21;1%2, -
In in 3';
List of Jurors Drawn for Sei,texn4.r rerm, 142'
Keehn:.—Burbank A
.D:',Conher Sererineh,
.Wm.,.•Oviatt Pelteit G.' 111',,,
Quo.--Bunkpl,T. M.,'Curnmines '
• 'Bradford:—Brown W., IJoU U ••D-:
Olds E. C., V , egh.ti.L..
• Ceres.liclq:kt N.. G.,.ll;trroes-
Beakody N. W. • .
Lane Dennis." :* •
Tiehry. - .•,
• • TAterry..--Riee..J.: StOne B. G.,
Hamilton. Fir.ontnn J. L. •
...•: .1.
J., .; .
Tl's yE S • R
A rnolil
L'arol:gb.- 7 OetekUS Kihe Robeirl, Sart
well •
• .•Anni); ' (' ha Bissil ThomPs,
C.onnek i'Vcoflr,off Al.
mon. - .
Otto.--:l3.l(lwm,Su•nuPl, Lovploy Wm.
• NoriirA.-,iluidick C. 11'., E.
.Davis' Levi, GiMning,•F. C . ., . ,• • •
• K,..ati4,-r-Bru%:vn I.sitniel,lCing H. 13.; S!irk
lesGrora.v. •• . . • .•
...Cere.--Cal . ter • V. P., Leonard F. W. •
. .
. Riadlord .Lcol.q.;(0,••••• Y.. F.', CroOk 'Wm
Co.r:ter,'J , Gono.John, R;ltherford JoY.n, Sutton
Silos. , ..
. .
. ..
E/dred.—Carpenier T. T., Doyle COrbelius.
• I.,frry' ettn::—Fostt.r ICIIn.', s . . -•. . '
Ilamlln .—M a it.li Deo: T. Star'ks Ilin'oce.
Hanzi/ton..:- Sion 0. L. .:- • -:•.
Cary,ion.—TPmplyt.on J. J. .
Serkean t:—Tott ei. ll7En. I
, , - •,• • "
• • E,
Sqleitipott, Au2ust-.1.2,..1b52.
TIlEi IVEEP,Y. ,ItUNAI OF C113111g(E
• • The commepeement of a new year is n good
time for renewing suliscriptiops and increasintj
'he circulation of 'the ..IPurrial or Cornan;ree . .,- -
We addf•ess.oorsdveS to tlie•old.teadetsor the
paper, rivith entire 'curifidence - to trios willing
neSs to aid .us, end extend the influence of the
sound con'servative.prinriple and morals .which
haVe hithekO characterized and Will herr-after
characterize this paper. •EyEasr Snoscarilpg ru•
.Journal.of.:Corpiperce . might do a greai
service • 10. •these . pritiCiplesiand stiengrfien us
in our abilitY . to support arid '&rcritate tbr , m, by.
senning 'us'tbename of at • least can new•spl•••
scribec• in his town. •
• pevcited fi '
r'mly as weliave been to our cowl;
try's inderents, and having •lone 'been. called
?Upton Savers'"• as a derm of reproach, are
and shoirso.thetrin.iipktlrdeds
. .
'Opposing with e 'and ben every man, Seuth
oh.Norih. , whp is an ineiny : to either, • Every.
farm 01 disaretinizatine.and'resoluliony
I.iS • ri•Ady for
. ibri combUt... Arpcitiit'the'loPs:of
the Attleticati brriion. and Ameriiin principlea,.
wo rank viia.hy side
endive propose with all oiltr.strenlth . t? defond
the nation against theattac.lcs.rit
Teo enrouraie thole may volunteer to
aid in th.. oreaitizatiort of ,C lobs,; we 'hereby
offer an extra. copy of the Weekly to every rel.
son who sball.ttirWera twenty new inlasertbers
tponey,', • • • .
mnybe organiz , 4l''communities with ern
aciantage., The present is the . hest period for
their commencement. The .tirms•on Which
we can furnish' the pappr are as follows':— • .
To companies taking••, •
20 copies 9r upWards' .O F , DOLL .A Reach
13 Copies FIFTES po.•
• 'II copies • • . • ". • • .
. 4 ropies ••• .. • rtir• • •i'•
3'coriies- .• FIVE.
'Linder 3 vopies • • TWO , each - •
perpapers. will he addressed 'to difFefent
perons at the 'same Post Office, if . desired; Pa
.in raqPs of, Oohs of 13 or "mote copied,
'which will be mailed to one•••addres - , " •.,
. .
may be made foilm.cm2 ratP
added to a ofoh . iltiring the- firstAirar . t,..r nithe
club's•year will pas the full rate of. the nriqi
nll club fora year, !urine the'rseroud quarter
three.fnuCths of the miginal y'eer's rite. during
the third
. qoalter one half, aril dull( gli:e:lutt
quarterout..fourth; ill such fubscriptious
will terminate 'with the . _ y . car..Or the oriOn . iil
From IT, S. Mail
• .
Where parkaies.9f n , Tryprp.rs or periodical;
are reecivetdat any post .office directed to one
address, and the 'ilatres of the ebb of aab;cri
be'rs .to which they helens, with tte' pOqlnge
for a total ter ip ariya tire, shall be hand •dt . o. the
postmaster, he 'Wall thjiver . the same to their
respective olVnets. - ' . ,
, ...„
Tut this does artily to. st...oltly nesysNpers
Svhich-citollatp county. where prin
ted anitpublishid. .
Cr - APc'sss- . l.'discrs t4e :To,.frnal of C 0771.
.fi.'qfi street Von: •
Editors and Proi)rietot e
Tble preparation, made from Lott ;friva flaffee•ja
raeortintende4.by phi.ticiaris as a fat perinrN UT RI 1011 S
I 1 EV FRAGE' far Grtueral and all
•billoup dimrdeta. • Ttowiand.4.ltlin have been cninnelled
to abandon thn uaa of eaffee. 101 I u<dlhta Nitliout frjui i
aux effeeta. : One ea n'ttlit a lam •the btreni, , ,th of tetapouudi
of ordtuary eaffoo. Price '26 . • centa, • ' • •
, The pnrext . .tind beat BAKING'POWDER bnowu,, for
nutking.htht sweet altd Broad And cakes.--
Price cents.'
117 A C.TTI Ft ED_ B Y • • .
.Hr KQULOCK; „Ch - emiPt,
Broad :3,rd • C 4,5 1 .14 tre•st.s.
• .
• 404 fold by 011,tragiO . 044
.:..:.--.. TfIOIVIP.Si . :).N'S'- . ...'
Quatationa corrected by.jitomPswr•Dnbllicits,
Published by CHAS. BLONDP.l.Psll7:pialtl'n
To rnairStiliseot •
Te • eklS • $ 2 . :emileenthly;;;..;l.lfoiiibly....7fir,
To roattnaileril'or othora, !rho foisin,Clubs onT fir.
wriitl no thy toonoy in
,nrivonoo.•ire wit' n'enii Om:Repot.
ter !'gin Chart Nattier/ oiott Descriptive List
'ii c 00.4 9f tlio4oekly, ono Tiiar
• Co pion of filo minnoulhi ...
'Of the' Monthly ..
Nr.w •
, . •
• ,
,117,;1,- ; INI erateitriu-ly.lo .
sending a oiulin - cif $2O zit . .:t Ire 'ahoi.e . - rteq,, et .
any o'e.e lime . ; Mit TrAl
13,R0T 13 , 61 ke
.• Prppiietors.
• TI 011-W .--SE ED..
131....3.11EL5ik rip.. 16 , st •cilitilitrTlAV
..u. ra;:ed by and ni • •
• DM.LEY'S.-
r . 'ol: . t • Alt , gany, -. l>rninher . 29, 1801. •.'.
: • -sh • •
. . . . , . •
D, "Vi•liT TIE of wr t Vatn.p I ' 0 1 . 1 ET PO
jj (I .5 'I @.u. .1 out of: the Coint Cotuno.:
Ple , a4 . flauphin:rounty;add - to.
•ihete :expiset.l to phbhe sale,. at the
Cow t or,Stn,lnport, tin
Monday; A uftitst, 25th. A. D. 1862, at . 1 O'Lluck
'P. j\l4 tho! Inlloii lob R , al4:srate :
Beeittninintthe 'south-east corner of war
rant 1) . 1o. 4:56, thence West ward!) .I.ty the south .
'litre of the said warrant tmthe renter of 'the'
snare'; thence' porthwardjy
.with . east
line of did watfa it to landuf contrieteil. toChne.
Deb:•II; thence' eastWardly parollrl vitift the
sintihline Of said.warrant,.Jo the cast
said warrant.; .tfaence' youth-wenn , : by the, ea.t.
lirre.Of Said.‘%arrani .to: t he place of .beeinning.
Contamine three hultdr.d.'sixr,:fi.t4 ueres mote
or less,.beina the south-east part ot• wartani .
No.' 5556: in •the toWnt.hip of .I•Fatniltonl ant .
county p 1 • Meg6ari, Jinimprovi und tit-.
property of Daniel Kirig<bury.
Ono other tact A' hind: • 134k;ginnipe
at a . po;t, and stones`at. the not th.:east corer or
lot No. 237, thencv
. tioth 1751 rollq to 'a phut
itt: rho' nooth•ea'st cotifPr.of•lo't No, 237, thence
..,,s1 216-tO!1 , 'lnor , !' or 1.9.‘ tO.O post :nr
nt.fhe f.i•tfi.f!act einn , r of. lot !4 229, thence;
aoll'72i tod!more . .ord..s4lOa . post alid: , tonea
th,eni.e %veil I l'l s o'r.lens 10 ti . phf4
rid thrice 110 . 01) 103 rpilm more or- less
to a pot rind 510 . 110 F) 01 . 1110.10012•Wpf.1 coiner of
101) N'ot.:226,4lVene. hest 102 rods , ',lmre o.km
to — The place of` Ot.e
borne. lot N . 0..231; - and
No 228. Aim! pn t . ni %%11'7,.u7 , 300 . 0 and
rest. , v ,, g 0 , 1011 , 51 , 111
to T. L. 'lr'. Stiovnit , r on -the of said
, .
A tso.— One other tract of loud i PrettriMing:
at a Post on 'the mirth alitY al the Mid and east'
linm of lot. N 6. 417,. tifenee north morn
Or less to ber:.eh stub at the north west eurnir .
of lot No. 125, thence east 176 i ro.da• more or
less to a` port on the
!outhWaidly to the.phiee of beginnirig.• . Con;
latningrotty nine ant tom tenths arms* more.
or.l(!st 3 ; b;'ing part of h t Ne. 125 'and . part of
warrant No. 3498;' aboursin - improved,
one log' barn and one hems , : ,s.l ed In
Bra dlotd 'township..: Mr : Kean'imunt y Pa., omit
•the' property of Enos Ferrous. ' •
Seivtd !.aliPtl . in Exrcy:iuti.an. , l.t6.br sold a ,
tixesuit of The'Cninmnnwrallit . nLP,:nn-yy4
nia - aEniiast Enos F' ! ;:roils',. Don/el ji,ng,bury
• • • • JAMES E. BLA fFi iff.
'SbPritr's Offie'o, SrnetF:pprf, 24. 1802.
NlF:cyroqcni, PkrEa . •'in•TitE ,
• .:VOillIT.. §eriPm: •
volumrthin .
prr cotpree . ncr on, t h e th 0.1
!wittier confajn's sixtPr.'n pa;!, c or 1.14(.(u1 infor
aritriloni five — tcl . ten
o.rnew invent lap , grid •
arepreparedexpretiE.ly nor its cohirrin,..,
th e inf e i-este*. e i P.pelitr'Sc l iPhr . e;•th'e,l4e;lianie'
Coinweree and the loritt<trial Tem
:ell . );elvivaluatile.eed- (no rui:live net only
it t h e : NV e i-kch e n..et:ri '.Matitaltwory,;'bet '411 , n iii
the Household, rhe,. library - unit the Reading'
toThr Nler).lii!eand 'N[anuf tetnrett
1,1 anti to 4'11 , 1111 , d.-
. 1 - 164111tS' •1101114 . ,of t'oing I lout it
SCII.TIrI:7•AMC.IIICIN. It.coqr, but tout rent•
pet We, k; riumber eentains fore , ix to
ton onotnoitis 'of new• rudehtne.• aud
holm, exiotet be fetiod ittarty & her. pub
'l, is an establi•hed ru'e ot the piih•
ushers to ins.rrt none . but.otigintii encravitics,
and tho=e of the first . eht , s
.in the all, Alta wo
nod fnaraved by experienced person% under
their own, supere,isinn..
.to fho.lnventor!
pensable to every inventor, as it not only. con
tains illustrated rlescriptions ot nearly all ihe
bust inventions as 'they. ror-e on;, btu . :each
number contains at. Official List .t he
of all the Patents iscuod tram the United St at•
.Palnnt 'Office duriritt the 'week previous; thy:
'giving a correct histery aft lie prnr"sg of in• .
ventions in.ihiq country. We a're.rils&ronniv•
every week, the, best scientific journals of
Great' Britain,. France, and'Germany; thus
placing'. in our possession all that iS
in .mecbanical..:cinnce art . in 'these old
cnuntrins. wr shall contiMie to transfer to
our columns copious extracts' from lhere•jour
nriliofWhateyer we may deem of rnterest to
Chemists, .•Archireets,
found a most tiseittil Journal .to I hrm.• Allthe
new disCoverie;:nt •scienve of ch musty . .ate
arrenitilits columns, and the interests atilt ,
A rriiiteet and carpenternre not eaterlenked; 01l
the new, invetitions antrdise'overies appertain s
ing to, these pnrStifts- puttlisherf tram
week re week. Useful aodizaetteal infettrie:
tiOn intereSts of millwrights
aml thill,o‘sn! , rs will
.1n! fouMlllibtisheri in. the
ScII;;VTIFIC 'A MOticAN:volleh'info - piiniimf. they
c;!nnot nrti9n . f.rorn:any uthrr. sourer..'
Subj,.cis irY viiichllldntSTS'aml:fsrmsis nu.
terysjed will. be 'Mind •disetissd in •..the - SCIi.-.s,
Trric'Amr.nicsrl;, most'6l the
asrivultuisl ittiplenients
T En ms
tTo. . . ..
tmail Kllb g c 'I i b y'r :, : 7 . - T‘y o . • .
Dol'ahi' n.renr.
or' One , •Dollir. kit sis . iponth.s.. ...Ono-, D(.llnr.
pays lOr one 7 i!0mp).4 , ...v010rne-,of 116 poe.as;
. two volnrr, ,, s ' cornpri , !.! 'pn'e }Tar . .. 'rile r 9l .
nmes'comme . nVe 'on ~the firs.l . ot Jenuo'ry end
• copie s :for Monithtf.; - • 7 7 $4.
'1 en frit' x MR, ••• '
. ropleq,' for
'Fifteen copiet; for l'vvel Nlont ho '• ". ,921
. ,
Twe.lvi• Monltis • - • 1 5 , 29
1 7 01.'rdi club; orl'wenty and aver , dbe.. }roar:::
rF'nnly $1,40. Namp.s. ran . 6i.
"runts aril IroM.
copir's besent grit .
tit any part of .thr , ro'untiy . / '
Ntarnid,' token : t—pa r for , tibliciipt chrin:
dian t6' temil 25 Canal
faubscriPticin lg'pre•pdy
~, : nPiN-Br.-CO..,'l6llliklirtn, • •
37' Pailc-low..New . ik
1 , :•-c.tr• - • •: . -A ir E .R.I s .
1-4,?1 , :,) , 44'4-" - ' . ' •• . .
t.,,, f , : i 4l; , :., ' 5 5,...: -• G .4. T TEA WI 1.0
~ .-..;, y; • 1 :F 1 .. : : ....
R , ,c•c • r c :;!.•-•.• .. • • • •• - .. . ...• '. • --.
I . ' offe I rtzief;'),;:i • ar.,:yotl •tdck; &ILI., Omit
~....' . • o' -1, - ',, . ,compl , ,iiiihitt 'Aro vett Ght'or
• . r 46.5 1.,.. Alt . • ot;tor. • whit your njOttent • do..
; •: 1 7 -- 1 r , - ""c. ' , w. ,. 4,:tiki '. hoottit, wet' pstlr . i.llllo at.
• ; u.ni ct 1, iy,,,1„, - -',,,,1nr6,1,t..? 1 litLYil s) mi..
No L 0 ,,,,, R ,
r t.: 4, 414 , hio. mt. orteh' the prol Ode to
, 1,,i 4 ,...;• •;,,,', ;':ill , ' tooltrojo.,lllhr.6 ;eel& 111. or.
• ~_.,...!,,,. .. 0 ~.4,...",,,....,u0,,„,,t,„.„,)„.
i.....,„...„.....7,i;.„.. nod thooll ty• at tote,t' by' %,
',., `r.4.,, ..?"„„ • ~, . .,..2: tlowly liPo 'or did right: tout•
c. : i..--.,..tede c , ", r6l " i ~I.);
O.'s. tqi:voud .
, '';•••,et,q4e'eV,V,,... L. ten '' , .4 91, , 011ot:dorod 100
. C11,.."'11,,?• d .V.1 0 ,5,1iftp1i
~ 11111 A— rolly • the. 114oud, mai
titb , T . o.,p 701 . edi 'IA the 11,1104 'mote uti rotoli•
, ?,, ,. e ' .r.i . .1.,' , 2,Ver . Atrort , nl 10, heelth ' ortOn.
y;: t lTrg;, .. , riii,,,:rP,AWt. r 1 1 to.y. it honlitte Oh renctirta
t . f.f , r t:Pe..„:i. tii;iy,l, .74 , 5 of, the lardy into, s Itt..ovui or,
- - ,,, ,V.,nr. trite : poi Ito ti,.'lo..iviii fr;en
the tdotruottotte wltkit tuakti
- dtpirlso. 'A -cold 'act tilts .9nooto•Itoro. hl I.llol4ollr,'ll.ittl.
i•rt)t,ts Ate luttOrtti 1.11110100: ll' rolle , col;
. rr 0 . 1 e itOd 11.111 . '111.11.)t1111111 . !5 . 91111‘14, pith
1111411 g figgra %%01011. Yllll.lllq. 1.1010.3 e,
tt bib In tt1it,..111..btj,11...4 , pkyt0t.? 1 by Ilto ttotangtoneitt%
•hot.. A t; e t • t . Itow. ditto:lly th.oy.twitaki the
not oral Iroloo ..1 I Ito..eytooitt.'n otl , i'4ll 16 I.lto teuyint
1 I tow:trout-10
Itd, I n , c i tou,.} ct.in ylkltit. 0.1,6. letip In tgnny
onto,otrl nod .rototototte ollveroput./.• Tito !wino
porgoti , te ott,o .01111ucl by ehoilar utodtito-
Iton, otol 'ter )tit; an ,okt of Ito. pmf l / 1 - il , of th e
11 oh. : 1.1,..;y I,re rapidly, owl molly of then: etir.ly, cured
by thite.1110111,11.11:. :,0111,.'11,11(111/1V 111.) ur 1111110
aill th.„1....-1 to toorloy ttotto glom ottflorlug thut.
tho 1 . 11f • v totto. - • " •
. • • ....
• .. . . .
:thiliNtip•ras rr , in 0.yr,14,10 to come or 'the
pi ith•lpal 4.100; 100 Owo. arbor Ircll IciAuwu .i.191,11J per.
P 1 ,1113. •
mi a r.:osrarti'ing .Ifercloni % . f.i..7,r?tsfr, FW. 4
. . .
. .
De.' Ar:II !• Your Pille,.iire..(llii ft:vegan of till OHO. IN
14 ,, , , 1 , , 1,, Au di,. 1,,,.. They li l tvt, qui:l,l my Mlle thuighter
or ', 11,1.1 . 111.1 ,, ,i . 1,1 ,,
upon her Ihitelm 141u1,1**,.t that boll proved'
.n r,• o'4. ,1,,. ),,,. Il i , l ow noi• bpi boon. long grlov
vw.l,- 0i11i , t , , , i nun ;,I,Jteno, ,not-ntowno on li*r eklq-and
lu hea h.th . kn., our 011111 van oared, oh* ales triad
jchir 17114, foul they hare curud'hor.. - ' '
, . . ... .. .
. : ... ASA -.MUG RUXIII.
, .
' ..A.s- on' Tranilli Pll rola. ' . '-
, • ' jr; con ii,,.. 1:. • li'. (hcheriihi, Now 'ol.leurts.
Yonr I'oll •arti Ol o ! prlnre.or infrior,. Thelr excelaut•
r 0141. telliertle . we VI/ 41'04: They
mil,l.lroll v.l V e.e . teln end le - their te:thte.e. the
1 , 04uk, erikee them invalunblio•to n+in 1.114 daily
liexdndltr~9ie4lieadoet~o;P. n 1 Rtomnch.
Pr.l' 11111 re
IDcsat Bs:). Airit:•l rlntint iittowor von lohnt coinploitits
I host. cltrad wif 11 your I'lll4 lirCtor.lioto To. soy till /hot tbe
e14r',1)5 a 7,,crogtire . I phoe grist ilstoms
doo,is or, An f;lf,..oniti rallrnr tlu In with
Slll.l belieivitl4,sl4 40 h3t Slllll . l'ilt9 uflortl us The
tooit wo /on o, I of ell-woo - vol:to tlioni.litKhly. • :*
• • • . Thryinilso, Po., Mos 1,1846.
11g. J. C. A TO. 'Sir: T haVl' . lloll - rtlfrniferliy auted of
tho T ot tiny by n ihse or Iwo
4.4 . 'lt $e..1111 to 'iris* ft ton
. 11 foul stunisoli,
ishirla they t'it:olow •
Yotira with gm it cooped, 1:1"), .Pill; rcr; it,
••, • rter!-
1/111ous . Dbro . rdoi•m—Llvor.Compla . kittle.
P Dr. Tiafmipp , r : r,kiro P;wl• U/v,
only nto %,1“,:.1 ,- 111,, , linto nlll.. o.t.ipti.rlito their Im'
fins: , Ito on uptirt;mt:hty nod
Ulu Liver 'Oil . DIM) 11.1 It/tvt: ht my I , . 4 tet•
Oct, vt'ovtitt in, , Eu elk, I lint ,for • •thin rot e,ot L /was c ntt•
itt.ility than Au v.,t9k..tumt..ly I etoi loptili,ll.: I thictm•ly .
lie bill,' itt 'hi tl,:ifl pivy,altk ?WE,
thy thu cultlidupw of tiro 41.1 d tlw ptlullh1;
. . .
. .
DITAII7IIf*T OF 1114 Inl viun, ' I'
. ..
• . . ' W*,1 1 ,04 ) , 1): C., 1 (1.1 . L'ob, ItIVI.:• .
. .
Siit : I•liitve tilletl ' , Air till.' I 11,10• ggi,rittl HA !ikwitall
.prout leo 00ne ilitivti.)utt until°, theiti,uwl calanut huni!aus In
ally, 4.1 mu 1110 /1 . hi1..1.11ii1/likili IY., uolplvy„. Tinar !ego-
Imlng ,i,liun En 1110 ft.,' k• quid: Itivi tlvellf44, c 09.0•
quntaly alb)... MO 1111 11 , 111iIitti/le. I vulutly 1.1• thl:111401/010.11
of dila ..gaii, 11*.d. i 110 , 0 .f/itil , 4l, f./1111 , 1 It c 0.6,3 of
.thltuuscit,e 0i,.b.ti..,:al tout 11'11111 not r,elWily yluld.W
thyui. • tsat,opiliy ),,uIA, A (.4). , ZJ IIAI.I, :t1:1).,
•, • •. • .1, ,,, tC , C1tt l 1149 , 4u1
• • atfil .
• Dre cii t Li lin rrlirma, Rclnx, britig.,•
1`; - ..<4),•. : •
• Your leiVe 14,1 idellis Ida in my practice 140'1
hnl•I 01 1140 lILVq hpe•rluute I Lave
ever 1..1.1d. ellerntive vflect upon the liver nvekte
thew 1{1; holt birt.ll I I
dytostely• Oita Theft: eggur•eaaiill
nivd,yq 11,q11 'Vet y licceptuttlq•p.nd.eouvueloil.tbr the use
u r t t i till cud Minh ell.
Dispepr6n; In!iiiirtCy or
/ion u. Ihutes, I • 1 i! . / . .,h/e era Con ch, I:ortro..
Dn. Ault:. I Aoso ten , a , l9Jt with niN portlitrtry
ti., Irl My.
lu ‘ 1.01 1 .:e, • To • A•t.ttilalt.- thu ~tl l .ltii Atf thEogtlon and
t1:0 , .t 7 l..e•t r.iu1t , 13. , I .1.01. Vi
1.1.1 known, nod 1 oat OueoLlnitly tacnoutunlh than V.,
u. trlt.otl, • ' "3'..),101 J. V. 111 MLII.
IVAfts,c,v,\Tyclitavg cq, V Y.. 001 13, 1 5 5.
•Dr.ifk RIP ; 1 /1!:1 IVO /11,! .411 l't.!lan,!;.: l'3lll hi my . prnc.
tler t. r ,i, ft ,,,i(o( (1(4,((.,(1.(,
r a w ,. , , •
Con o! . 1.? pnt t,,ii. Coot 1et..1 est,„sin ppronslon,
. 11,thettiomt 1.1w1,‘ Got, t, llkop
fiy, ts, •
.1/ (I,,lorfs.
o l i t h c0,./.1 L.,
q ..11,r , I , lll< mire of
111•11 , .14 ,, r i,ll.slllty taco Anilul l trial
a,n,•tbimrj , nie.ot. I 1.,y, llt .11•11,41.jtkili Main j , r , 11.'1/...-
h/1: it 1.4. ' 014 la •lit :31111111tildii ITIMPIlltir. (140 ' 1
ta, dia1....a.„;',1 land
11,0 3,l9:Wltili , i` )1',41 I 4141,0'
(n,)1,., Eti ("V " lAt+,./1, , Ira Ifta litter, Init your tijout that
organ and enro Van dinnnin.
rr , un M ,,, 1:. , S 7 f t'i? 4, Ph t.,mn and MA - hei . ft, razt,,n
titlft or Pr 'ynpr ntr 1 "
oxt•-llotit pr.
ban .111.11 w!4,11,, ur M11111•111 , ,A, Alit/ 1111.1 'ory
efiN•ttial 1611 $l4l/1/1 . 01
ue nn hulk Ibn bust ply vi au hubu I. ro:unnuond
Po ottsur lu to) rattow.... ,
Pm; fia. 'nem Dr, 11 , ,,e,es:r!ithg 614, Church
•• 7 'l"(3.As7.: • i flY••••1.,•C,
. . - .
„ lieNotirn Sn: 1 - thot.lib be. emzhii.44l Pq flu, selirt
vOnt hn.• Inonnjsk. ino If I - not fl;;drt my r uin M.
" A ilt•LtIol fon! I fiCuu 0?Cf . 11 ,
riMittg . firm n fan, r;t; ,I,ldl ende , i In rkntrar rioonon..
*S: , ,t‘v! 11.t.1,1 ;i1 g . I f. 4 tlifi 14,4 rif ph,l , l4 ,, n , fite
.dltnno.n mow wrn . ,n ucd nor•W nlini tru of.yotlf .
f•Nrtillen! 11.:nnt Onitintnfn. I tit.l our.
J illy. heir I.arueverlog
111 the .
10.10 i 011:111, - 7 !no ft; 10,,Iltiruly well;
. C:l4Mliflt,raton
to 00, 11).inn !WWI Mr111" , 4 eur , .ll,•liv * your PIN. of
L'hrem ,, bc LA...!- tiutl 6:0 pltlktod 1116.
foi• ,rlil .l t. • - • 1:1NOliNt B 1.1 01:341+•' ' •
m,.t. or .W3.1'1118 .Ilinrket 'oontoln Mercury.,
h ioniody
dmtgannil...ln . a riablle from:tho dromithl • tonsi-:
.quen , os that frequently'rollow I incipitioum oto"..:Tbsoo:
oontAn no mercury or Aninoral ant*tnnoo uliatoior.
Price, 25 cents per 13oi, or 5 Biesfoi.sl.,
Prepared. by Dr. J: AVEIt .51 , po.,Lowan,miss:1
H. }ruins & Cc., Stnithporti F, 03,gotli
Bradford; H. Dopey, Pott Allegany,rind
dritt(r:s ' •
x L'u.~T':~ acres ~s.Yz~i~.n,~.
0 l' ili]
. A • .. 1..4" ,‘:': -17 4-c . E ,. ,. ~.:$' 1
'.. .1 . 1 . . 4 . RD Tl4.E:e:iiAp ri''., .i-i:i:lt-:;'.".
respe't,!fullp:nnnottnr , n he ait.4tl-
nf IA nil nfijnlnink ,
rau (IDS .''welt Snin;ll'nfirt;•in.lth!'-§tOve,softl.
.1.y:1!.1 line.. ea - Otedn...„ .1 sAndli at ill
innne.; 11 stork•ni.', • '
. . , .
Sheet- Iron' do . Coppcor• Ware;
• r
PIPE. .4./V D
:Hoof Irori:,atillliiuse';kQepe,p 114.01,11 7 aff ,'4c.:4C.
Job Work('
. .
of ell kinds 4010:
roweg! : poE.9ole..pticei.
•01"tiere or.omptly
vo . Me
'hi" .W , l ll .iw S'l'nie..—.cppcipitc the. - .Port- Office .
SmeihpOrt,' Pa: '
- Aur.sh 29, -1962
• k• k
rp I SCr B8O11113.1:1t. :has opePed p •
cry,. Stable.. ipSinath'port,•p,t,
nett's Old Stand ; 'oOlai;p, Aircet, gust rant' of? .
.Alaliatden", wpgro can bfir tound'!lle
!es P Pt] Carriages atlo‘y.pricei'., ; . 110. n 1. to,
make' sinetliport- a pal mupent resictenc!:, ;ari:(l'
aiki it' sPare.of patronuge.: • • , •
Saket)iport,, uguq • i123V., '•
.4" ••r,ile.rm Al , rcbantlii•e-:44Al .. thoir
Li el, ,sl,ifirliori.of ITlLfrin
':•' cvAlls-LlC4iiss
mmaiort Bororrigh
A ...N..Toylor,
fl my. Na•nlin,
Orly J.
W... 5 Bra %.,vnr.ll
S. Smith,
C. S CltrivelanA & CO
Smitiv.gr Burbtr,.
L. If. pulley, • • • 14'. :1,007
...Notice. ie hereby riven" that,A.'.couti Sr
%pprals will be hilit at the 13umm . iwiliners'
Otriee.in Sinetliport tin tbe day of. July,
which. pine and place all persona
the foregoing' iippralliumilikt will be
..ard find each übate . ments Tads ns Aro 'deem
juii.t slid proper. " ~*:
S' • A?fit
June 23, 1881. - - 111enwroide
. . . .
•• • And one Witliout:lo4Ate.
• , : (?ensr APPLIFfiIOR.)' •'
hbia'tie entirety ogpaiiero
ferent siyleti,. end in fierfeetiiritititivi of 'ail':
,nd other fabries.• The prim in so tow that a
lentleman . May . Wear A NEW; ETERT
DAY, and yet not be th'aritable widh , extrava*
tie Pen by worn.lremi 3 Zip 5 dnia,,
if neeespary to, economize.:` . •
: . (pATENT4D J AN.
. 29, 18611
This is fioubtlemi the mild' peifect „silk tie
ever invented, 'and is jolt what-the name
s , •Reliet "'lrani all iur;h-r troa•.
ble in lyitlg . bowt.... •
An wscjoisittdy beilut , ful al ft has oily
tre seen to 11,. tultrill , • ll,i: • '••' .• • •
• . Sole Manufa , turers,
. No. 36 Warren Street, N 0.%
(.Y. .try M • reh'.nr4''elii, our
whom they are dealing..
lie Co'nfeeeierie 'and F.xlierienpiar
• of ax% • . •
..111,1 - s.n .1. 'mil Or-al yim nu atm' aurlar . lrOm N or.
••Prettinta re Wray &c:,' 11l
time.the moapa t,f Self. Cure • Ity one who has wind.
Irtt=Sif nttnr. beim.• pu'tio gient ¢apeaaa,ttirdugh taddiell
itiro-it-nn and qutteksoiy •
.• By pacloidna.a pnet.pald ad.
I re•aed m) , alrip... iNok.i.'cbrit ra ,may he had alb'. an.
• her.. NATHANIEL AIAYFAI.B. Efl. , BadlOd. Kings
ed:kly,,'N. Y. .* • •. • • • ..• (te6•4.)
sAFF , ,,r - r}.-LpoRT
, CiD 1N.2
t.A.7O•NC; b!.?.!onla' the pionrje(or of the Gre ,
4_l te.tryand,Prov,istori.Stor, 'lately occupied
by B. r.lv f i g tit,•l. t, .inat hcid of in ,
forming my tql!nda that jOat recaived.
{hp largest atue' k of •• • •••:•
. .
over. offyred :the pgonle :of.. M 'Kean couot,
pi ices . which'w,ofild seeinjuibous at a•ny
.iibtirc.vi?.b'.rsbinejit.....l. keep on hand,. ;Ind' urtio
n the qi,ily,r!,..e.elpt • •
)•.* (:);(11;',ND FLOGB., ' • • ,
ta,.conrrsif ;•. • .
11,10 E: i;E I;; WHITE Visa; • .•
TALLOW'. • .
NCINIE , ;9;.:' , Af..II,II'I'S.: • ••:,
riTPEII,• •
bi'LCEI.y..NNAMON. " •
To:4Or;O.,RAISINK.' '•
VIIiB.I/1?-••AILJCIICESIt. • . •
813 9 ' #.T 1 , 4 .. CC. AAL-
- simrps, :4010AU1E11,'
. CAtit'ITY.NII.:YEUT - D., 1 •1
• • GAN,L)113,T441.8 4.e: t
My' staelc is fa 11. ndyromplett; and solittot
Foal Fp r p Cal t. ruulr ass tor:
ia” Pt:it-trawl qu4lilY l , l lo4-16p; jvill , not,,fail to
• • A. Ir. isimailtoNe:
Srmttrport;lllay 303.1841,4 r
A LI. pet sons.dentweinietlietnettilte ,iialkadob
.1,1•1;•to•the undetgiiriadlato hOtObriooooo to
call and ietTle,:heiesecOttlt'. - keitudititOri.to
costs will bo madti" :.;
.bee. ;11),; ItlrXie% •
• o,l'
. • ProTWerioi':
14 $l,OO,
14 7,00
14 '7,00
14 1,00
14 7,00
14 . 7,00
14 7,00