ltlti 1862:: , Stittrday, ling MO t• • ' AVTIC .BTATE.TiCKETI AtAITIriB, GE&F.RA.L, at eatin,y. • .J*Mt.Siy?,•,.o*ltti•ti* Alicia ssi ciurity. Yt)lt `r.,:..ii,ti;:xi,ii,l'i).+l - ir0.4.. ~: Eriesclipty • , rOR 111:illESErlf.tTiVL9 It,r2AILLEY, of 1:j1k of.:Cien LATEST NEWS • •, • • . . . • Tile, topic'af absorbing interest . this mottling is the state Of affairsavith our,armies gistia.' Under the veil thrown over the field by the Wei Deitartinent, the prospect has not up appeared.toeclear latelY; .botthe 'oflidial des pateltor. Geo.. P,ope, added to other accounts, 'pule* cheering face onAtie new.. As all will toed ivery.lirteof the detailed infuirnation it: is unnacceliary te occupy space wi th . summary; iiisaufficient to call:atten Lion . .the fact that rope and Burnside hero effected I.junct ion with lifcClielfan, that the efieray 'was' twice rodteci to sharp battlis; and that he is in a .indst • pre. cerieui.situation. No possibility of. an attack en Washington Scares :to to euist, and it is not . eaay:to' erazzy a n idea even . really,Occupied the rebel heart', THE ,Srlttiitott—lntense anxiety heti been, .felt by the public in. regardto . ..thit military operation 'in Virginia and the fate of W . Ashlng• 'too.. •Thepast week has been cm.e cons!ant•hat., , The rebels under Jackson had penetra• tad by way ofManasses, to within thirteen miletof. Washington, while the Federal it my wasteing pressed by Lee with a heavy'foree.:, Our latest news,' howeveri• is more cheering, the rebelebetve been dritiert back from IVlOnas sis and ,every where One of the . bloodied battlei of Modein times is , now being (might on the:Totornae. It is repOrtrd that. 1 1 4Clellan halt command of the entire army. . . _ . Ficaitc Atiiiicos.7-A Native Burnese, Morio Sues iddresi the citizens at : the 'Court Hence. Smethport ;pi) Wednesday; of , iernmion., • He will. opeak of things •of interest , in the i3tifinese 'Empire and close with . a des. 'ecie.ioil.cifc,HeCthen and Chriatian 'Sabbath. • A'llol.. ,oceit in oine.of principal _ games ciill•be.exhihited, and the mode of playing with • it. • • This le'e tore' will be 'free. , •.. • , . jo 'the eveniag,•Mong Shady Loci, in full Ear 'meat cesterne,:,teldeliver an lust riactive snd intereitirigirecture..on.the ,menriersi custorni !id ieligloitqf hie people.,' :The vvonderitil bite of :the'lasi.:l3tirinerie God given:, and the tyiede . ,ef herithen preaChing., Also a.descrip tion!li Gorman; courtship and marriage... At :titeeteiee of..the Lee:lure be his inative largesse, and .iing in five different die beets. • Dooisepen at half-Past seven o'clock— admission, tw elvecents: children hull price A melting of the.eirizerto •ol Smeibport, and vieinity,is tallied at the Court Hove, on Sat:llr elay. the 13th Se s pteinlier; by-the ,Trustees, for ata,plitimee of making _arrangements te—Tiur ehaae of a nevi site for :a Burying Grotilid' or •igke aition; in regierl tore-teneing the old one : Trintioo . :Titt Posstnevr.—The bitterness. o of odolitionism towards the President Just now ts4isclosed in various ways, one of whiCh is worth mentioning. In a certain office. in this city the' Oceispants whet eof..are abolitionists, hangs a portrait of the President. It has formerly.hung . right end up. It now hangs down, and it is .now tie traitor."- , - Chicago Timer. • •• •;Sinee Mr. Greeley 'received the letter from the President,' he is said . .to (eel: shout • fon! To•day he rebukes, the “eniiiou e , spleen" ... of the fellow; who had not the honor: of being rebuked by the n President. • There is . a Cory ' told' .of an hist:man who boasted.: the King did him the honor of addressing him• Whim questioned ae to what he Faid, he 'an lowered, he told me to get. out of, dais way Greely is' not. a' jocular • 1011(4, and we fear the point Of this will be lost upon . • • A. Hicavir , ..AßatvAt,—Tbi Mobile Reit,igle r 'authentic statement of a late -heavy arrival-for account of the Conf;ideracy at a dierifirietat port; 'chit million pounds of poWdir:and .15,000 stand •ol arms , are among -the items of the 'argo,.the aggregate value of - .which wee such that thelgovernment agreed to pay, £(i00,000 . . .iferling' on deliverv 7 a sum equivalist at ,present rates of exchange, t° about $8,000,000.' 'lt 'is 'tate! the' effeet.of Gen. 1 1 . ope's order to forage On the enemy has bee n ,to cleanthO while country" in front ofhis army of 'everything lin tde to be seized under the 'order. Horses, cat tle; irain,ferage ? . .bacon, provisions of all kinds and eiert'idieep and , pOoltry, had been swept away and cotried beyond the'reach of our ad- vancint (reef, comPelliug' them to rely ex ijtnir ovin'euppliea as they pro ,' , -/Privit'over 4. completely devastated country. S.tu9bidx._ 4'D, 1380.40 . Ni -7; o , En. -11 Pe' ie . eethe appointment ' of Super.. • ,'. ;..:J'ilic r_"o , - 04 4 ' ,. ' ti,,1iic5;,...1i,414,,v3iiii0, o.oyaq Broad Mountain litenriellt . ,7- 7 ~ .-, i , 1- .-- n gait' iipan of large, .... ' Arliiioiii"),.A;279"! !'.‘" actical, weY so frank, : l4e-','4l/..' -.40410* 100Ineff.P,ZEnce t.. ; And ',boy ing '''''.7:114"..." -fikrit°Cid r ".'7 i n ' ' c"aii lill'tieu -he egrull •''',..r.:.;,4io4ll/1.. ' •-• ~ai ' • ~ , . - .. field w herein -- •• rt - ~ 3 . kaarfrega ''' .4l : : . !''' ,: :•':,:-•.:• 1 19 1 ! . ! t •.•• • • -I tiniiii•-•"•!, '. • . :•:::f.:liskii* , ..,. .... , ~....,. , , ..,.,. , :' .., . . .. . . )i „., . . .. , F:%EItTED.-!:;AVY!' ti. I:1 rn that ih . ri?.6:yoling tilen .fi , %!; kieliill r;:caunty" . iinit.'2ope 'ln .'Cdrti.ln . ,. fo'r 1...4i of F;l;,.iiiiivdra Itki...: inti;;the..iinited. Stntres. Stales sr'.riiic'e.7. - ': T. 64 lior !ig.iiivivsleseriion ,I* •s!;ittit) ihnitlO'bri.eplOrceil...vtifth'i, stlfil,f"il.9ell.--Ivrii 7,l4 W ikriPiti•• :'. • . .: ' . ..'.The.t'aluive'. coining from artyother source il?ati . t . he o;6Hiller of the, above paper; would ire : welt • ft .firmigh. :BM ir,coines.. with a .poor grace from one whM-if he • rfiqiieht , rh e r . e w a s no otbr , i way . ot t lipirint: 'his 'own neck oar from a rfrail,•wo'uld ttskitter"joieither Cana: blinsOt•iii:ll,lle, fastnesses of the. 11,1clictin the littereof tbe ab'ove. Wr . litiow.,tiitit while the Sontft was thlkior war , , before, - thir''altick. do Sfitittir; and tellinetn'ill.fie•Met:hoW7readk:an(l' I i he Was; and - hots' et. rn'usc ket if war broke:mitt: tfibught'the South_ cad rot iri'eninast, know 4tat soorrafter, when the. fall of:Surnter electrified .164 whole'North-While proof hero.oLDrainsvillo., Col. 16, Nr .wasraiiing.hbr Rucktait itegimeothe — agreed tri enlist . if,"the' Mr.'Citritiorth,' pastor ni. the Baptist,Snirrilincirt., would. ' .Mr. 'Coro'iorth imrtiedrit..;;ly enlisted d..a -private, but was troubled' - with a sinii• int of the.beciri. about that.. time: . • ••• We do not seek to uphold the. Conduct of .. . . thott , lthreo • young tnon,!', htit...w hen' a porsoi criaa;•<;cpottrona," it is. well oti o ptili to lopl; a hii ovia.recortl.—Coba Trw' P a ti'iot.'• • - • ' . . . . . . . abcrye,-reomirii:froM.any other . source migh.t..have been a Bond Joke; Aim knomidg•the person who :wrote it, and '.knoW rno,' . .that his : motives-are.Of 'Lb ,- basestkind, kind, it is . ,lrinked. upon an a -sliMiler, worthy, ogly'of the person who is itSanibor. king 0f... our anxiety 'to shoulder the Musket, sve are astonish(' ; ire man was more ready to fight'. —solar, as words worn l do . it:— 01 . 09 . be; • .210' like the men.we sing of. who ~F •ribf his oxen," be.scild- °ten' and .hnto2lif a' WI was all fight, bound to enlist at the first, •cal-l: : But•strange ta , saY when evident that `Aris,ri*nuld.hp•calltut for, - a nil jiist before the c ill 'was made, he had, bosinegs' io•parts nn Itn . pwii,•ag.teeine to he - hack, in..twdl'Weeks, sineesvlsick time' we haile hearti . nothing,. (tom him till his.lateMithr.eakin ••• •• • •AbOot otti• agreei ng to enlist if ,the Rev. CornfOrlb would, svnirld 'silY:St is a base falsehood, as we have prnMised nO'One,'Vee any termc wbate . yet... Fi run our acqoaint.ii , ce with the'rtiithr ;of the.above r;•rnailni,: are. not Sn'tPriseh we exp'el , ' ,l l -from-what we have learned he has said sea ist' us since*mir partner Ship was; di .niv that he was 4 .. r.1by •us, 11 . 0 we presume he v:ent to. in the a brwe Mr. before you eend hack yOur to'aF;sajl • you hail first letter make clean' you r onl where people; knew you only to' decpi'se and detestl.ou.—/Ifirrir... .•.Our reao.e.r.s will reColleet ihat : the:Writ'eri of the.foregoing.paragraphs w . cre •loye'ingly i•uni te.d'.' in running the macliina during the last Presidential campaign; and, havitig-lahOreil aozealously the.cnuie of tlissnlntinti,, it not atialig - e: that n ,, thssolut ion" of their bus' 'ness relations should have been so early result: We.fiml,therefore,soan IW:er the, sect , ttsinn .nt South Carolina, .a-trytiCe thi,t the hereto . fOle film 01 PzStebbins lABS tlisbolvetl • by'mntual •comer!, atal th.eV at,wpte 'oite I . )e entrvi' sepnritti , sovereigns, em . . . , iics , •reti:to do any Oct that 1. , ep:tratk, eitizos of rieit shniild' do: • Kilon . ..roi.tiOeil the old-buil niis,• Wltila Siohbilis, it is lioned,.sOtiglit more honciratilO.employrosot: •• , • •,'• . .'.,.. . We do iiot copy tYte extracts,fOr tile : purpose •making public the lAA words.each sAys•ot the oth.r, but to exhibit a fact tuttthose who. bored the hayilest, and seetned niost.' axtons to' bring on the present 'year; .havt;'not sbo‘:b.. eo reesponing, r anxiet to share, ip .tint perils and prokeentiort. It ,notorious that tlie.pre;tetit'pubtt:herrot..tbe '.llfiner. %sos the most bitfe.r:ripponent ot compromise, ing said, • longlie.fere th ! t tall or So:Titer, : tintt, he tt,wisited no settlement unt . il cite .lul; , ,lr'ed thousand -,solitberaeri weri: 1111-1 . 1!" . avd that be*tt.v . vould beyne to heir) tidtt.". in fait,' nt thafAitne; there was 'not . ',writ/ter man in. this. . . . . . county i9fayiu of . var as a s',4tletiieht .of ou difficulties.._ It'is'‘il . , o notoriops that he...wo;// ae he could a rrange• his. business.' 'At that,tiMe Miner ()Theo was ,well • stoek• 'ed with fire. ainni, and the war spirit imied pretite in.thatjoeality. . • ' • Since 'fhat lAutr.. Aas raged;.. and 31X. S' nefghbors•,.eitizez , s . or Oe. enunty, have voluntecred .Isaving.holll(!, and 'friendS;and all they 'held to defend Abe .government and nroteet those who remain.-.. 'Many'', are already' numbered : With the''ll'ead , . Milll) . ' .more are Maimed; .seatrely a family that doesmot already mourn the loss , of a-. or ft the.tear' ?ages, oreeni,.!le mand is, Made lot Ing'relt roops; Iktykean room y respenda. by another company of Wave 'soul , kind still..the publisher of the MI tor, who alone cOunselle'd a reSori.toWar, as •a settlement of . e ar difficulties, 'remains at 'home! A new department . has been created under the name or the Depurtment of .thriOhio, coin- Wironsin, •Michigan, 111ir}ois. Ohio, arl Kimttickr, irichiding Cumberland! Gap, and .the 'forces thereof, whereof Major Wright has been appointed' Commanders, and Will immediately assume command. . • , Todlie El11(or of theVl.iceigo Ti.tnes: • , A NuTE...ritoar SAM HOUSTON, Ja.--1.. have heard .that a maticalliUg himself. Rev. Charles Clark, and professing to be a stn . ) of nor Clark. ol:rexas,ind son-in-law :of . Gen. Sarri Houston, lately made cents in statements, *concerning the:alleged death oi'his lathetHn law,.at- a poldic, meetimiin Roston.. •- - • this.reVerend • gentleman is Certainly. an imposter of the blakest dye, as Gov. Clark's eldest child is a boy twenty years of age .and my :oldest sister is but a little. girl at sehool. I left 'herme •last' March, and my lather,Gen . ...Houston; was themin betTer health-- then he has.beee fof Years. Lain. respectfully; SAM. HOUSTON; Jr., Prisoner of Camp' Douglas, Aug, 2,1892 ' Tim MUSTANG ,OF TROOPS.—Capt. Thomas 'Henderson, of the 6th,ll.'S. Infantry, and Caof. F. : H. Be . tee,•of the 4th U. S. tniantry, - have hien orderd .torii'ort-: . -t he fohnrrat Harrishnre Pa., and the latter : at New .York, to assist in .musterini tioops into' the United' States is it list !if: .Ypliotrirrs from') . . .ihis . 'County, yestertlily : nuiriiintfotridiif enp: tal n:1 ELI DiOil ,Tnei•nh P. Cline, L (4)11 . a nal Chas-. O,car'Mloody; Wm.:Brow:I; • ‘‘'fri. .1, igilje; Silas A. Poliolve i‘ietville Hold York, Geo'. D..Strieklatitl; ' -John Siyink; •• • llelos Otto. Cyrus•W; •:' • . Kinney, Eteriry N. R ., pileY, Tubbs, S. L Pr9yid,. . . Cy; 1 . 0)1, .AF lior ono, I. II b9nxnn, Coloarotie,• 'Burl mime, Q ca r I:l)orrw's . . CoCritY. - Wariier, • 1.0.h1•r F. yens , li yD. Catlin, • ...11.,rii..411111. , % r e1i5 , Catlin,- • (:;,orat . • 1)•el.:;•• "B•..aggart, .Syy r; - 1.-G. Bey is', •.* RA Ili The .;loutil'al IvArtts t bat lilty 1!;11i'• O. SCO'. t!viilebii M. 414,11161,1,, I I jell of'! (141.,1,11ty Of so'veral e,tntps• , leriVivA; ant! pr.aniOlo io trturr, bat ith • tho • !A•Itol , - force js ..arexzit err - it : pt . al Glasv ,,, ,,Morgni ievoi at ildtisvil:eAsith 2:000 med.• .• • „ „ • ' • • • •NVA.ittN , trois , Anguo . A .deFliaich received - at Salt Lake ycsteiday, say•s:— tt . A, i.tenciat war, '‘t ith tribes E a ,t .river is closc' nt ,hagd. • An . interryption of the overland;rnail doily oxpecteii, Nothing 'but 'prompt and declsive action on the kit oi the Government will pre . The lines should . la,e protttelvd'hy Solil • ters al 'intervals of.a hundred miles. • Genvi al Paige's lot se' is toh small and col. •Connot's force is .100 - miles west, • Owing,.tol the- infoonation contained in ths tlectistiti, the 'Post' .oflice-..Dcpartment • • hakinsti uried Pa.t . ..l.llasierS -to c , i , Ll ''lte Cali toyni.a. mails by ‘pay of New . i'.ork. until tutther MM=Ml=l This Conventior. Wess.mblitil.:at ;Ridgeway,' Friday last and placed in n o midatimi•NVilliat Patton - Vsq., of Erie'c'ointy, as Of: Democratic Candidate lot...s'4M:tress. in thiS• District, The proceedings of be laid be; tore our reaileisits Soon.ll , ' been Preseat .rwe 11,0 V boWever. ;the domination wit's•matle unanimous and that the •resolutions rdedibacceptionatile. . • rt•alsu aftotils. its Meat. pleasure to. ary'tliat the delegater , to the convention frorrf,the ast ern coittitie; gittre aisuraiwes our Candi. (141 P NI) ,, 61 (1 Ate% e. oat hev . wet e well et-i:ince(' (Corn' 'thew:own o.h.,,tor‘hilirOi, haf.ktiecided, change:was Litiing'yd id the pub lic, mind, and that the:Weiit philanthrophy of the 12.:publican•Catidttlitte had pi weed art expeb• sive operation to them,, and , , that: the qOestion ne . ttra could nut he oo,:hed down the throats 'of the :People' of this COnivessionat District, oven tinder the Whipitilidspor.ol•Re: publicairOlfice holiJ.rsratol,.oflici seekers. • Mr. Potion, one Candidate, •tkell - knoWn to the - people 'W rye'' equity :as it thorough business. Man. and . 14ki Ile 'Tea II lolly cap dile of disChargintcthit 'duties pei tattling to a irt.-rh. , her 01 Coagresi,: lie will, rail tat'_ ahead ot 1)14' ;Picket, and aided a='. lee will bc, by, the utjmpnlnr.' meesti e5..01-'the.last Coagt esS,•all .of jt hich,his competitor voted' for ; lye loOk%•lor t ith c'imfitlehce to his erection.. With. in Patton DerpOerat, in 1.11, , 0r'0f * the whale 11'nion,,and unimpai'red.eolistitiitiOn,..carried oitt by white men for - the beeetit of the white. pace., John P,itton, the R is and Aholit tohiSk 0 . 1: the Cried v.irhool and :icould.shajirthelegislatidu or the, country to , . - n . qtro and ialsr hint 10 11;4 iligitity of the :white With.. Who can hesitate as to the candidate that eut4hf •to stipported. Itrarren, Ledger:. • • • • • • • . . Special cl-sOtttChes :from ftnro. Intlinnapolis say that the Mayor of . I•Jentlerson, Kentucky, has . gotie over to the 11 , .4hel spit that all the members of rhe City Counei I . wer, arrested . for •relusing . to toke the oath or, allegiance. They were subSequently released upon• resitin int and giving bonds in five thousand dollars each. The'property of t he' MayorhaS Fteen.seiz' etkanti a new election ordered . . Ten Indiana iettimeni a,. 'tour enthpa cies. of cavalry:tmd one battery bay .. .! already gone into Kentucky. "I.'l,V° •ot her regtmcfits were expect, leave last night. The - commercial , -says:—“T& - ddy..g." stationed at the railrOatt tinput'autt all other avenues s leeiting from the State, vtha'vVill cause all •persorts leaving to exhibit a pass fon? the irtvos, Marshal." • Louisvit.Li:Aug. 19 . „ The Governor has placed the cletuils•and work of prefiaratiOn for the, draft; tinder • charge of Col. 'A. K.NkeCiareot gentleman whose ability. to perform the irnporia tit duties is well. , and' fa-, vorahlv known thrOughont'the'State.• • . •T.hree more regirnents4ere,organized to-day' end will go for ward lo.rnorrow.' :The material for the formation of . three or lour more. is also in carrip. These will .be•Organizeed and sent forward is soon as their arms arrive: :Cocinpa nies from all quarters 'are'constantlN arriVing.• .The time designated as that tMonwhieh the draft wins to have taken plate, has been chan-: ged becauSe:of the impossibility of procuring in lime . Corrict Osiesimerit lists from all the ioun -tie'S nithe.State: postponement is - no evidence whateier against the certainty of its liking, place. . .4:pu: . N7Y-I.lsr ' • . Putitarh I.larbar ) R. A. Treat, 11.ob't. 'Graham; 'Ehlred,. • ' 'l 7 homas Gond' . Cummings J. i),.(!.HVY:indsh*.p; .J..l3..Gjensnn;:. Wv.fyley. Oede liprrtion'Youn4, Sl9runr,: ' ' 11..ptto; Broc•kliam, - 'John Mead... Ilarou&A, • . V :IL. Baker, Daniel 13.Pc1 With la as 'G[ImP? L. •,soldms t;,17 A 27 MME:11=11 Hnttn!snuna, Aug., 27 REPIt.ES . ENTATIVi: CONVENTION Thr,confereo.fro.tmthe Plehrfield Jetroi:oon, El It. 'and . McKean . ; met Convention it: St. 514Fys o . ri thtirOat,,.A,tig ' 21st, 186?, lor the pop' b9e of. ootninltinr, for Rrnre=entatlres ; : . On metier!, Hon'. James L. - Gillis . was: chosen I?rtaidentrand.j3..T:•.flastingi Seeretary.,,aHer .the :5°119%1.44 perspits iiresented . . their • E 7. 10a el 1 lOY A., Pltimphreyo, Wm:. Porter. • i‘lrßean-I-S. C. J. Davis, F Jefferso . n.--j0r..1 . Spyker,lc. L. Blood, .P. T' • L. s. B!..ockw.ay; 011-mO'cion, of Elk : COuntr . :%%•rtstiornirintia by acclamation. .. • .•: Dr..T..4; Boyer;ol, c'oun6 , , was • . . . unantniciusly. numuptril. • • • ..fhtt• were offered and' . 61111114ously adap:v(l: - - " . • ihii•Conventhrn fall); andoii, the 'proceerittur. of: the perilOCt.tiicSlate•, Con, 'veiition: held .at ilarrisbat.on the 4th of .'July . . les6lvvrl;.Th'at tie also endorse the:ealrof the. Chairman of the State. Central Committee for' the different. counties in.lfie Stale; t(*). hold iirrs meetings on the: ivy day of Sep em' her. nexi; . ..fni• the ptuposeof eefebrating.t he an riive4saty of the aclOpticifi.orthe Conif itation, of the United States.. . •'. • • _ . . Get liel That thp.neicfßepresnitatilirCol . , e . rition Ridgway on tf)eldThuri day of A og,rist,lB63. Reserce,i, Tridt.the proceedirigs of ,11158 top erit iori .signed i y.ihroffic ers :and . pobliOed iiiirere . o'i Democratic pip-rs,throrigliori! J l'res't . . CONGRESSIONAL :, CO?iiiLATION . . ']'hr emit. I,Jps . nun the r:ortioies . ot -I.:tie 31'u i I . e , ', Jr•ff , i , .or , Forest.. Elf:, Canretou, I\ll. , ti o ..i,, :,, n i i,I•.C. Lea , fi.1.1, met . ai- the' . Cuurt Hurls to 'R.drr,ks a y., • Kitt comfy, pri . .Priday.,..Acr,u . 22.1, 1862 ,t or t.h. purpose of 'sele . ettott.:a...erinrit 11.1te , to I ernt , ' , l.ii :1 ht 'it hove -: nao - tril .entoiriii i the !toils , . of .11. , p. , .srt'orrr.tirir . !,s, of the Uoire Sia ies. • • . - ;The called to.nrilef T.. Len in ihe.ehair, .and Geo. 11-FiloWm] B. T. 14ii i .tini!...Secre'aries.. The lollowing !heir ele.den tUils- and were Cniiyeniinn Cameron,—Mesiirs jackson, 11 , non,;g:., Cl;a, 110 d Lepha Si(‘. si .• ••• Erie—Thorripsonr three votes. • ; • leflerson7--i.JenkS, Blood, Hastin~e: • . Benton,DSviS. • WarrenJs tres, -1-fall, • Clerrients.' • 'The .Cobvintion... then •Tiroce • eded•to mill 'pominatiptist • The names:of several pet sni. were. On.the rourtee • nth bi,ltnr (ih rest ol.ihe names being' W )Ilia Patton, or Erie , received the, atianirnons niii inn of s.piil•Coiiveniion : The follovPitm' resolutio ns were then presented • anal • • T hdt enilolee the re d o-' Intions q 1 the. flaiiisbu'ij.PeMoarat M.Stitte Con vent *land rii-adopt them as the• ethnilar.d of Mirpolitiya I faith. • • •". •;.• . 71i , ed:,Th.1f . in maim a.n c . e of the , cnl I ; hi the the Deini;e:rntiv: Sate Cehtml . Comity! tee the•stiintling cam tMt:tPet of the ipver.a I counties.of thieCongree-. pistiiei PillL( on th e. 17th of SptifenMyr Ilex! to commemorate the, of I hi• n.ioptinti of the •constit ntion of the Udited Stilt tp . .rPnet.v ptirpletigei allegiance '.to it. • . ..•• Boofue4, That in. William Pattom'our nomi.' nry for reengn,Ze the m'r.tntorth. .times; earr.eqtly and. use 'all honorable Means to secure his ibtso;' , : , , , t, That' the. next Congressional Cott ventine mettt at oe'th'e . third Wetlrtes da'y of , Alitnists 18 . 131. *. . . • . I;..vared,:That th.t. prtie , ediegi i,f .thi r a - Con ventton be s4nett by the.offieers,•and I har'al enn;ervativ..e papers ti iet.his•Cohgre'sitoail 8.0 !•ct ,be requestett pu blish the Fa me. J. T. LEONARD, Pi•esdent: Grtor.Gr, - . lezocs, Stet etaiies.. . B. T. II tTraus, • . timuusnuna; . P . a ; Aug. 27 . . • TUE DRAM' POSTPONED IN PENNSYLVANIA: — Order,s huve been issued postponing the draft_ until the 15th of September; 'till which time re6mits ‘;vill be riceived Mr, regiments in the Volunteers for the accepted , regiments oat yet lull, ieill be, received till the first' of, Sept., out' . "wit hopt • paying - them , the government bootoy pr.ailValiced pay. rr 13sFoui THE. PEOPLE., that D. & Co. ' s Chemical Sal,eratus will tniveis . 4 ity parlhrm allthkit - the nroprietors claim:that - I t theretnreit is not only,i he Gest and Sdleratas in the 'market it is also the chea.pq9l;ilS its eff:iets are certain and uniforin, 'aldeon;f:quently &Pails no 'bread or bi:,(uit• It is for saletuy all respectable. Whol6nile retail dealers in the' country: TuE 4YO:4I)EIt MICROSQOPE.. Nyo ersland it is.thiough the ng,.-nry.ol.this coarse .diaWing•instrnmriit ai succeeded in findirig MIAS3I ?pt, charaet•or: Of e tl;. F t:, in this section have aiindant•evi. , enc.i. in the FEVEICAINti) Annewhich protineei'wbim absorbed . throu,gh, the long. into the:blood, long been held.tcrbe a vapor 'or something :in the vapor of swaterfroni decayed and decaying vegetation. • Undeia great magnifying power, the Doctorlastourid this vapor to contain die tinct organisers or living bodies, corresponding, precisely ivith.thoso found in theitiood of ligue . • • .• suhleets; They,..are •13,4optitnr s : less , than . • ro . the nnked eye; but havedistinct,clia. racter and fcrm. He thittks' theSe , are reproducl tive in decaying matter .or in the blood,. ; and hence their long.enutinued or .the , . remote eff-ets of themin, the, system......l - le, that' they 'resemble in character , the . . othei . . mentative poisons, or. such tab the virus of rabi es Or of a dead borly,&e,all of whichare.ltnown to reproduce themselves with great 'rapidi- . yeast in moistened flour, so that th e .;01 : 0: 'test quantify 'itnpregnates the 'Whole mass. Yeast through a ric . xerful..magnitieris seen :to be a forest.of vedetatioq which grows, bloc some and's...ries seedin a Ahoftti!ne. Mia'sm is not dia tinetly yegetnble. bus las mote the apnea raneeof animal. Wei-although its motion; cannot be perfeCtiy ing'nished: What . the Doctor claims .t . o . have .ettled' is that it is an organic substance and he has further fOirtulind embOdied in'his <4 Ague Cure" r 1 1 t ) iv 11 1 drs-,. troy . it. 7 -[Leader, Si. Louis, Mo. . . . . - TRIAL LAST •. rimt . BLI•Ti . TEUM 1862: ..1V Knupp..i . cA )i Burr ows i-fi .. Garalslloo ki Wm Ilarug et a 1: • , : t9•Jo.11111Vyllti: VW,ltt ‘ 11:ittlx Ts -I. D Lanywirlit:i , , .. .vii:Jnaltso l‘r l'lletrut • : , • ' vit lf.C, Baeltatt .F. (to' - • • • Ts•MtFritt elt:rk,e lal . ' • A N Taylor. kklasterbreak 5:11110 Abigia shed Joseph' k' Clnrs Otis Irons • Thomas Struthers LOyina ant] bar • husband • Cleo H Cottutt! Mtn Keatirig et al vs William S`ark Clark' • a's-Franklin Fuller Julio 3lageo- - • 'vs .CA . Moore - et nl Lewin.Thihou • • vti.Wm Wltilnity et al Bell vs Gn!),STotgusun et al Bache , vs Ili mu Payne ,Tuna 'mintier Co . vs L S Foster Wallkill Kink' .'l'l .0;01) Nittgabuiy . Bank nf. Portjervis . - • va , same Wallkill 'tank, • • vs - saws ..• • .1,11411 Ittnntlitii; .• •vs • olive.. lronejth- W Starks- • vs Flwartl Syra stout AUtirest it Ludlow .. . Vu ThOlk, ('obeyer Maytlitle ban of, Charles • Fields • • . •Larna rA.S. Foster Bronster.Fresmart t v 1 re j i• e i N ?l o i 7l i e n it s , " . ; ". t il,7 4 ll[ r . k Protley • July 25',1662 To Consumptive. • • • . . Il HE Advertiser, ltivin,; been re.ttofed to in a ' tesC week. , by a veil e nipid reigily. 'atter Lai ing' suffered ,!•ei.eral.) i cAr+ with a, that' tireaddile.l , ..; 0 n.piontion—,ls'atioloo. to .ii,aki' knon,n to cry ',hi. in ii,ps eule. ' , TO la who desire it, he "Will -eniPtt copy of the.p thin tined (tree nt charge)ocith. the directions lot 'pry• 'pa, Op; and using the .saina..'whicirthe'v a ill : tioil a 01 . 110 Cotie V.IP C.IISUOIPTII)N, :.STIIIIA ttnnycntrtd, 11 c. Only el of tile.ailve'rtiaer iu aiiniling .the ii.totienent•the' afflicted, knit, Freadlinfortnat inn whirl, he coneeksa to he invaluatile, and he hordiii (pier Will try his remedy. ar it 'AI in s. c6..t 111010 nothing, and nutty prove a biessinii. ..• • ' Parties wishing.the tidilreFA' • Itky. AIIR'AIID 'A '• LCitig'a'CoUptf, New York. .• :, .....H A T-top_mL;s : ... i , MADE.TASYI Good News for the Unemployed: 100 . 0 - COANCES TO.MAKE :HONEY NE MILLION DOLLARS WORTH WATCTIES , JEWELRY„ 5 . tLV„R . ..P.L...,T0....1yATE, TO be 4.11511 ... n5nd of on AN ENTIRELY NEW AND ORIGINAL PLAN ! Ali persons desirous of securing an .Ag,ncy NEW ENTERPRISE, Should send.on their' tiarnes'at once, ehcloiing a 3 eentrstamp to pay postage, and return, mail • r If EMIU.II CATALOGUE Containing Our - ..lndueements, .1 RJR E CHaIXCE, 4 A.-k.,E..,"15.''_1;0N.E17". Without r isk,;tog,e!hvr with e 4°, - " " .1:1? lA • .1.1.."(fy,yv,,,,,, Relative to this NOAT,EL . :PI,AA.N . . . . To insure prompt ,and' :satisfactory dalings, direct all orders to. , ~ • • ~'GEONGE G. EVANS; . 439 Chestnut. et., Philatlelphia•. , April 11, 1801..• j'SICI INTING; OF.KVERY DiBORiPTION, NEATLY,' CritiPFL AND D .F*Eptrxoustl ZXF;OffTED AT TUE DEMOCRAT 0 F C $4O. WAGES PAID $lOO To sell . goodS for i lie Absn:it Stwitt: MACtirritc. We will give - a comrois , jori on all eii.ds sold by our A cats, or pay,at from, $.40 fii--$lOO per month; and pay' alldicei:ssary rxpi..nses. . Oar Ma-chine k . lierlect -in its-me- A child can I;ittrn in `operate it by halren hoors'.insdructi on cqual to:any , family, Sewitig Machine in use,' and .we have 'i oa the price to Fifteen Dollars. • . . Each Machine is watianted:fri.three years: Address I.- • . :• • Gen. A'gt . -..; Dfdr . oit; - .Mich;'•• , . KENDAL-CREEK HOUSE. XENDAL-CR.IE I , M'KEAN CO., PA., . THF Sulfse - r,ilp , h v i;ng, purclidsd...oiii :well •• k nro:v,i , e-fa - re; fit 7 ted - ttie.Hoos6;is. prepared 'Bodyd ers and t aye!jiig ppblfe. • • . • , 1-175 11A:1t . .. \NO AT3I, E, •' , . . . IV. ill w',ll an.Leverythirg .done to 'trii•rit h° ..!..f.ii.4r:trSur patrottilge : . the-tlatch-stying" • - F: M. VOLLER. • Keiidal 38.1 y A. FrliAuuk.:' wout4 respeCtOilly announce to the oiLisons or Smethport and vivinity, - that ho has 'fitted.' • 'tieau'olTieo, andis.prepared to. ottend to. all 'husinosa in .hit . Artilloal. teeth itls'erted apin3 sci entific piinel'ples . , ends., as 'to preserve the uotttral ez • pret,iou of fa,c43 All operatiotis iu Dealer Stiigery . . done theakillfirl manner. • ; • . • . 1 Gt. u:turlct Tuo L EtCli aml..ennveyalicar. Also , Al.tornek - awl Onanselor at Law. Particular attention. • . given Oflioe une 'Pao r. Illistnf the Ilea, ' nett-lauuse, Bu,elllpolC t Pa., .•.• •'- MWM s - 'l -, ..-a1ri..4i.t.41.0, FOR-PURIFYING THE BLOOD.. And for the aptte4 'cure .of the following complalatei tier Ofnla Anil roftil 0 its 'it ITertiongisinieh na Witirttirs, 1.7.1r0r5, res., Eruptions,. Pimples. Pustule ..,• , -11roti. hes, 130118 E Blaine, anti all Giseninnt. • Jutie;lBs9.• ,1,.C. Arne k Co. fait it my ditty to at knat+ledg,ha[' flutto for trio.. • ;... o afidon, I •bste eniTeretl rewn , it in rm ii ris wi,p, .3‘ . ..11 , :,•101 . 1t , 1i11/1,3 it .01a ill 'UlLeiti 1,11 . 11, Irtiols ,- colm•Ull;••A • it turtzetl.loWlllll ' 11111111W1 1.. .. 4, 1 into 111: the ,tutiiock. '' two years nen It Id ta• I:tat 011 trio 111,1111111t1 • 11 , 1fot•tuy tichlp nod sit. 1.011111 awl lumlieorno . • .•I,ollipt ,10,111 , [1 ,. .11. I 111•••1 butt 11111110 m, 31) 4 plipiotatl, Hut teniclllolerfrolic ail, fatt,.ilte Akio M!..1,. At fi•llif.llk ie tell in the ttielal licit' you out prig...tett; en elteretive IS,lll,kva. I hot.w . frotii vor. Iluu tlett :In} thlwt Cull 11:01_•auuaLLu oil. 1 'soil: to. Cuol t? tutii 1)11 , 1.11,411 till It f:1 1 1 ., 0 1 1 111. I took it, 11• i 3.41 ill !.11,,ir.41 , ••••,•3 it. a ;•41,./i,ilful oter-a mon:h. - owl i't olto,%tdhri, Nr‘i until hcnitLy 'F•1,111 . .441 t; Ibl in Mittel: 111••.f.e31 , . ?‘ loch after u. : 11r' , NIDI 1 toy ' feuliugs that 1114 c.- , ,e1.0n toy ci,r, in. • You.. cat, e'iljdi I 1-; I „I, I out nls uu oitem,l tcl.l • yon. th",kl I • .• . 0.•.0f Co.! 14.0'36,1 of the ttgr, Uwi I ollt•if..l•lte • 41,11:1.11 11: trll4.Eli.. Tel ter ,it nit: Salt !tile init. -Scold head, !tin glvorin, Soye. Eyes, 1./ropey.. • • lin. frm" Sl-ne. N. Y., 12th" he. 100. , couksil uric ittv..O , rato Ouse ‘if %tin h tiu,atoo , .l W terminate fatally, by, bel . pet a cluilgeflitie Mibynadt Ei . ll tir.i cr lyv 1ar....,..11n:e5 , of tilt, smut) tbnyti • Ifs oute:t the (:.+Ili111.•11 7:79/)1 , ‘%,,f1 , 3: •Ilioikeliorele, Goitre or - Swelled Neck. Z. , 11111011' Flo.ot . of 11,1 ea, Tf,to+. •• flea Of ,) OM' Slll.l4•. l lliira cut, it !lie I& 111•1- ' root NlV•tnill4 Mt the Cleeli, Viii-. • 11 I load etllfered fattFir over.t st:o') • • • • tette cir a:turn 09 NV II It err. 0 t:nrlint 'rumor, U(erine , illeki• lc _II. S. rbanninp.. Sea'. Cite, 'writes . ; " I 1;:11 , .• ,11E•it )1111i agent 051011 . hire f tong your, ,Stirsapai ill,, 't Most ystrtilent. • , alterAt re 41 illO' ii•oncrolts ',mph tots fee which we employ Sll , ll a 1,111,1 v. ltd V- in /trotn. Orsc , tscs the Scrofulous git.'lo hoe, cot •••lAeoliy inretres 101 0 00 , 00 :1:;•11E•E•1 1 IEIO by .0. tiler sOttle %Otero - dui com- Voila c•iitsed ty.tili'sr,tion of 11 1 .. sJrrur, The ulcer, ali i al itsolt was sooti rims!. INet him: 11 111,111 1115 knOwl- ' it f.r.llii-o'frooilo it o runnonnints,` . . . • ritivtiril liLti b... of, New " A dun-" - .• ot Inla.O. coo Of flirt flaunt -sip toY.fainilYi 1,1,11 had genet! .1•11 ow k enos 110 C'nlllll ellll , lllo, 1110, ' .1 IoIIC I / 1 110EE•11 fOinpl.-EE-1),E1 Iry your Estrser of For sapstilltt ' .physioitin thought hed7iing Lot, extlrpit•-• lion conbbalbu .1. relit 1.1. m. Li &hit:oil:rmo trim of "y oar ' Fareaptii ills as • the sit „'sort lagore Mel -It . .10 rived Meet ital. A ger told ter your remedy eight wceita • nu symptom of Ito tinoase :Congos." • • • 13yphtlia nisi ' 6;1 Ontri.Bs, 251 11 A ingtO, 1559. Do. .1. I'. A ortt :•Bir. I eireerfigly•coniply with the' re• most of your Intent; rind report to you autuoOf the °Bettis .1 b•iy.., realized icith sour tieri-3011Pa: • •• • • '• I hale curet with it, in my•praetlce, moat. Of the root.: plAngs for w !gob it is tectominaeled, and hate fitting its . elt•ent truly 90udro ill, in the curd of l'enerratatui Ner curtal lity patients lied Syphilitic ulcers'. to hitt:boost a 111111.1 1 .01 coltsuioing his pslato Mill the of hir hteadlly taken:, til t .-,! Igor 111 iEVIE 11 PeE.S. AllOl/0•C wEEEE-uttaciccil by 6-CC . °misty gt loPtalt, -in IEII trail, uud the 111CCIIEEI011 lied I•niot a way uttort,tlerable part Of it,tso that I latiliitre the ihwonlor would 0,1E41 IenCEE 111E1 L 14141.110 1,111 /Elm; but It •31•• 1 t1 , 141 ip tilt tentitoistiolion of your Stirsaparifla: the Wats horleg tool lie ls'sreltagaiii, trot of ,Colll,l Wittinllt. SOIIIO ii 11411,4111 liie Lien:, • A wounur who loot .ttital , tl -10,- the tame•lllootgoC, Ly itietcury was. suffe•ing . rot. Tti.ty had lleClilllo SO Sen. Ski,: to the ykontlag" that 'on a stoup !lay the stltTereg • eructating logo in her Sire, 100,.wu . It tow ',kooks, . • .118 formula, ti Welt your egret mitt's - tint that • this .I'lspalailon . from your .loliiiratin y.niust boa . gait remedy ; 'consequently, 1100 • bid) , rinnurktible 111' It hn,e not Slain 4.01 1110.- • 'E • • '• • 1. Iti CjilLlPly 0111,1,. -G. V. 1,A11 • 1 31 kilt, WV. • .1111eAttiln Isini . • otit, tlVor Coin plot Int. • • I.NitEOt.BIO.NCE, VIE• 1•1011 duly, 1869. Dn. J. C., A vi:n: - .81r; I hose' boon uttllnfed within pain. fink It he ;2:mitt evil . for along time, u baffled the • chill ietili3ohiniis, null merit' to nlii.lll 61dte of ell . the bionolioo I could 11101, until I lihtoi your Finietriirilte. One robot we ; two It eott. and restored ?ay general, 'Roth!' ro lunch Owl 1 ton Sat.' butter than lieforni ton ottn0lu01::.1 think ft it 11011110 E piediciue. J. flte.A6.l. , '"'doles Y. Gvlrhrll, er StArittis, writes: 11 .1 bate -been ' - for years with an opeliwn of the Liver r wliick' d.. , ,irourd 10. Itrulth. I tried everything, end ivory thing fndad to Into; end I hove been n broken.doWo wan for rook, Yr11111' . 1•Coolil 110 other 0111100 then derongentent of the Lit tr: ' My tattooed pastor, this edvlsed, '. toe to try your Sarsaparilla, Laatuee 110 said hokum 5 01, , (111,1 any thing yen simile was worth trying.• .11y the Woe-. (toil It tiro clued we, nail law 00 purified nit'llioncl as to twilit. 0 nod 1111111 of Inn. 1 feet young. again.. The boot that can lie sitid or you it notlielf good - • se I.ll'rl, K.Cittitaer Tuna Enlergenivnt,• •Uleernt lon, Curies uJul. 14x.follut!oi4 of • A groat snihty of rases lobe been reported to us where rum , of shish thrinfilable caugduiufs 111100 . rowelled from the list or 11111 rein,,dy; log our space hor n not:admit t 'Solna of. thoos sound -our. Atneriritit -1 loin her:, log• - or m,niad 11111,RICASCIL to .forobli gintk to 011 who udl • ytipn its Ift..lionvit Ohioan°, Fd t 3, Mein hi)] y No . ttrul girt . ; . • 14111.10 tiro• 5' their affections hate hire made by t h e 1111rnt ivr lm ill et. of lint OECEIWICO• It 0101 1 /` teS, Ilio•V1/41 •,1111Et•Iltilis lain vigorous - Hutton, Cud thus . nvorecalos 11 W 1011111 6 reqllll/ u Of•CO b by eyond it& renoh iinels'n 1'011.4 , lia,ong' huei l ired dm no ceesltirs o f th in i, o pl Eo WU 1110 slut thin will .do for thew 011 Unit invilicine rdu do.. • • Which'affoid Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, . . . Coughs.'COhliie listinenza.; jlonegcnesil, Croup, Henn( bit is, Incipient 'Con. ' sunipiion,• rind 'for life Keller . - - '. • - of' ConstimptlVe - Poilents... ' • ' In. . St n geM . .• ' : kir, the Disetie ? e. .. .' - . .., • ,• , . Thls Is n. repody:t•if Hors) sal) ) . boon u to•snrysss nnj i•thre for. the cute or ilooat and 1111 . 1 , ,4 Ci.triplitilitel, that. It k Into to Is t,..1)111 them Nuns, of PA virtues. Its ~ e elletdo rot iuuphr. end eolds.ntid its truly nottlh•it , d' ones of nultuoituey tlioeuse„linvu ninth , It known throughout.' the tintions - ut thu earth.. Fein or.) 1110 rl , llllllll . llllleS, or oven fulitilit.s' umonit then' Who boos not tiottur ve'rsouni of its elruste—s sumo trophy In their •hildot vietoiy over the owl dsntunotis tilsordors of 1110 'Oudot - and lung& Au all tntotv thu ArsOdrill fatality' of. those disorders, and ae they, k now., too, the effects or thltillituitlyZwe need not do more than to mistirfilhom tlttit It hits now vlr• lass delta did hove nlien mokltig the stirei which have Won So strongly unoti the cup fidenes otnnuddnd....• byEr. J. C. ATER tid 00.,.L0w 41, Nam. , " DENTISTRY role 'rim tt.t or