M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, August 23, 1862, Image 2

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    41P, traxt:tgoliii
Satuiday, Auifist-23, 1862.
''AppiI'OR . GF:WER AT.,
ISI.EPIKER, of unkiin esunty.
- PENta'A
. • .
BAR* entity.
• .
..ttittltibili , of :the 2Deme'critie.:.Comtnittee'.. , ol:
111iticiit11etittpty''erf , teqiiefet1 to it ; t6e
.Bennitt:~nuee In St nethpnrt,on Saturday next,;
jrt'it.!j Ibr, t6e- .. ptititoie of. a ppointing
Vottiieesiettel anti. 11,•prieeitti tiv.e:priege tee.
- 1-leattart,..o4ri , ia . n?' •
'S mpthlicir , A ag".'6,,11 862.- '-;
• -.., •
.Vm.trarrias..;--Yolunteeringr%hts been r ater:
- did to Nein county from, the fart that large
bounties- Piatebeenp'aidifor•• recruits in' thr
neigbirrint' tat.e.•• of •1 4, 1:;1Vs.; • *Nile in thle
county oblocal .bounty-.has peen
Met numbers hare lilt tbe.county and enlisted
:•rn conifranies;:fOrming •Y: i• This- should
It is,itgitinri ltrw . for a'citizen:of this
Stall io enlist in any, otber •• State; • Our eiti
zeos areiliovever!sitakink to ,the importance
Si making' tn.effort• to., assist fn furnishing
'filen:,for,tbe sleryr• Meetings
. ere .being 'held
throughont the county , and. :funds_ are being
subseribeff lora bounty hind, - It is hoped .
recruiting , :will be' brisk, •tt but few date cr
maim which to fill the'qUpta volUntarY
enlistment!. -; .• •: •, • •
, We ;understand Wailtrof Cow Lea is
teed to raise,a Compenr fat_ the .Buckisil Brig,
aarj thal. A. I. Witco: la recruiting a
Company in .Elk County. . . '
'lle:ietap of information froin Gon. Me:Cle4.
knit( nrtny reieived.yeeterdny,,.contained the
ilntelligenee that the.rehe,la were on Wednesday
nieving', in forde.frout,:.Riel;mond toward , hlai
apparent puipoie of :11t
tetriptint,10 retake that position.. This report,
coming :through “desorterg• and .eontrabanda,' ,
,deserving of doubt,. .". •
A.report.cOmes.f.rom Lonisvitir, Which is not
*Havel. them.: It. is to:thofffort ihit Morgan
atias in'incwased. force' of cavalry, 'has ent.getf
lErntocky L cati , o - rel Horksvillt;, anif annoinicA
,his detertniaation to push his way . to the• Ohio
• , •• • - Asamrs•rost, A•lig. 8. .
. ,
.The following order , bas just' been issued-6y
the Wei: Department,:-: • • •
W,athirigiclll•City; 1:I; C.., Atiatio 8, 1862
~./frit÷.*,4ireCtion'cil the President 'of the
United:,Atites, ifereby.jordeied that. Unto
furthir.orders—ao..citizen lobe tjralfed
intci.th& MUNI* shall be allowed io•go•tO 'it tot:-
' alio" coiintrY, and salt 'marshals; deputy marsh i's.
sod military officers oh the .Unit - td States are
directed, and4ll police outbiitities, especially
at the'poris of the on the seaboard•and
On'therJrnatier; 'are requested to sea thatthis
order is faithfully carried infrrefr•ct. Artd.They
,and.'diree - tetl, to tit - rest'
and detain•anyo person or persons.ab.ut to de
pait;froriillie United• States iii riolationoOf.this
order, and repiirt . .tet Majorl;:e.Turnen, Judge.
Advocate, at iltrashington Ztty, for further in.:
striiation. respecting the pelson or persons so
arreated,ancl : • •
Scered—any persotrliable to draft who slat
absent himsel f •frOm. his coundy or Stet e .before
each draft is triode:, Kill be ariested 'any
PioVost '.Marsbal:or 'Other United' Stitt:4. or
State officer, wherever he may be found within
the. jurisdiction of the qnited:States, and ,lon
yeyedtO the nearest militirry port or depot and
itlaced on militarY duty for 'the term' of the
draft; and.the expenseaor hia - oA‘ n arrest arid
conveyance to post ordepott an'a also the'
ec . rn of five dollars es a reward to the 'officer.
.who shall make such direst, shall be -deducted
•frciinitis pay. .
"'Thud--Thit • writ 91 beroby
susperded;in s iespect to all persons s9•al resti , d
and detained, and••.in roSpPci' to all persona so.
ar-rted.rtnd.derained, • 'and in:• iespect 'to. all
persons arri!ited lot disloyal . pi•aciic..s.
. • • •••EDIIIN M. STA NTC:11`;;•
'• . S(ierrtary*df,l;Va . r . .
• .6th..
Wudsvrort .by direetior.l of/. the . : War
Depaita)edti . to.d.tY arrested• the ssiitors - and
pabiisbers of tthe Einjo76 .
‘yitti„iSsoing.tfeasonable - ,postets Faleidated to
.retard.and :om . bari.tsS re'cra tlrrni bour.the
Slate... , :The whola liartS. left for .WaShiiigton
.this morning. .
'73lllsNswic!c; y ..6
. . . .
F(ll:l6 . .—ATety Idtge war topiqing was field
h,•.re' :tq•niight.` .Spe:echae were triadl;by Prof.
lliiviirock, of Neviv rorlc, awl others. .
.' .. '.
It wits' annulin&e,t; Oat fcitir
voirtpapiP,s•ove'ritn4 above :11taine!s qua • had
alieady-eajittad.' l • • • •• •
The Memphis Bulletin ori'the'3ll, 'reports' t brit
oecurred7 m fro town on Sunday,
biivi7een a' roree . 01'.4.090"VedernIs and. the rub.
.#:l'o . oo e y Jeff, „Thompson. The latfer 'were
tied: with ifreat'rh;..paper s give'
ito r peitieulars. Vlore fighting is net id.
„ • . 1 . .
'44e .Misaippiaii says that ;Corn.;
rum, wmindo - il
ran' the F e d e ral
„ . . •..
• . •
ktl'etrteur..;.lroutjaseurribia on Sdl r,
buyne.d . the , station
. .
- Ithotis . anil'll,l . llllllu.i. al fed coati ,
Ditaltlnifo i•cklitnence - tpe 15th )n.stant:
. • '
:INAsttiCurron Augnif4;
o ! cier •col I ing for mil i rio
the aev.Oraf Siotes hay just ieet) • ispoidi-7
,WaShiflatoll,.l.) . ...C., A ug.).692..,
Ord red, fte.tt:—T!lat n draft of three, him
dred thouianertiilit 14' irOirediatelycalled
.ioro .the:itervii•e:of,the' United . Stut.en t . ,to.serve
far ame'onths§ ,
Rai her - - 'frischarzt;il.--.
The . .Secietary.of War , o 4 ill . .ns,ieti the (pods
to thiStatei; 'and establigli -feituhit ions. for•f
. .
'..:Sarah—That it. ri.iiylitate F.111111 . ngt; hy, the
'15 1 h. 61 . Atighst, tttirnish its qiii.6 - nt the addl ,
thnriZe,l'by law, vollinteets,
ti lie . ..rrisde' up hykr—Fp : :.
The Seere•au, of
War regiilst inns for this Mirpose..
Thirdr—Regolntionis *ill. he iiri;parM , by. the
Was Depart Folio; Mid presented to the
Pt si.
dent, 'With the object o't securing the. proni.o.:
tion: of offieeri of therirtny obit volunteers fo'r
ineritoUous‘noil 4istinenisheil ill
Presentioir noniinafi : on unit appointment iy'.
the rkilitiEry seyvieeiof incompetent or.iiriviiir•
thy :officers.. The 'res. ions . Sly) 'pi ov.ide.
for ridding of ...so.ch:-ineotnisetelit
personshs now hold
By order of the. Preaidpnt. .•
.secretary or War
WAPTINOVM - ,,ility 28
. .
...rommainfrr Porter i of .thr..tii•rtar•flotilla, a.r.
rived. hpre , this•morhine via Fnrtrf,” 'Nertn!no.
a fact• Which is: considered of significant impot•
•The.Navyriqartment'lla. learned that, our,
btnekarlims fleet ri , eeptly raiitq'red the Tohal•
Cain e . a large, ironclad steamer, r.fr
Charlesttir. . •
'• tihe wag attemptinelo'rnn the Mork:o.4 Rile
is heaeil . i r ilAdan'yriai arms. and 'ammunition.
She was ordered to New York.
A ---Franeia J. Shunk, v.
e eon 'of the late GUYernar Shunk. n:rl a grad
uate of Wes? Onint, has: , WI: are fied • .1 ,
'learn s : ho;.n: appointed Chief or or;lnnure
General FApe'aiii•visnri..: Thi. ie•a high. hnnet
enuierief! .uOnn hraVe and • ivorthy • ' , nunp
offierr'whn h net ;meiviee ever
eine; the h;einning . of the, hope•
to hear of promotien at an enrry day. • •
The , ft 11•. the d r
steam,:iGnPl n:•nriy tylm . huir ! rlod
perbo . .nu, on .bOiArd,.w4s received Sa!nidny. .
. Rev. T. -N.: Conrad, who barti
pronOingtni:th.. SonthArn 'mp:h'rntiEt Chi;tnh;.
h a . b.. en ar rt” ( -1 liy . thfk : Pri;vmt ; A1;144 an'!
a;nt to 1 . 117 . 0'11
foinmnnicatin . n. with
th;,;nrmy.ntol t•mnting hicscholarp 'as recr
uit* to th . n,roiel ntmy• • -'
Thr, Star of to-dap nrs inforro . oit
tho rioirrio*. of
. thiit . eity.nro
'ret nitsoointiOno foi.thoi•notiOOFo of :prnt Fri ism,
Ihototieltiettitn nntiripation of nirint,nini miat by
(hip lahnrinti ota , so"..of whit PP, iimilor • to ihnioi
whirh.lntely rrcurtrd In'•NOw, Albany I tdiuta
fittovzOil datantimheti in tho intierin
fnnnl employ sr.e aiding the-tie t .froes in perfect
itie. their oreaniz•itintitt. Out' infortnant' is O
colored man of this city. • . , ; •. •• •
• T he‘fellowieg ordeq', nethorizing the afresf
of pergoes discouraging enlisintents,... bar bet4n
. . . .
WASRINiiT ,, N D . t. .. A •
, Ivist 8. 102: I
-• .o , dnr , q—ri.'st • That all r nit PA S , ates•M.t r
shals'arillSoporintstolsots tw ( Chlel. of Polies at
tiny tnwo, city, .Or ; dish tot, Ire riot they are
hereby authotixstt and &recited ( to arrest, and (
iinphatitrany ( risrna nr persoos who .. .nig, he rti
gaged by art, ilisk;h or
( Si in ihscoarait
ihg(snlunteic(enlistinstitit, ir. w ( f ,i
aid aril coroft.rt to the, enemy; .nr . tiny
othSr - disloyal ton'etke agaittst the Waited
Srerwl.-;That an immediate report'. be •made
to Major L, C. Turner, Judie •Adverate;. in
artier that 'such it,•rsn'its may. be tried' betere.a
mitir:try . •rnrnmiasion. ,
Phird. The :..apeners of snelvtvyrt and in
prinonrnrnrwill l,e cirtified.tn thr Chief Clot(
of the Department for at”trement and
,Secio,aly of War
The boat-ft'dm :A!..mti'a creek has brought. tip .
overoneltindretl eontraltoa(ls, who age
trorn Caroline County, ot.
theitihdee been aWay•florii - their homes tor. a .
'considerable They. were sent 'to the
creek on Saturday last; On their ariial th're
they were at once,ditected to the contraband
qttarter. Arnohg thern.e!e'per‘onsoftill IMPS.
ages, and Sizes, including .a am:inkling of Infanta .
hat ely 'a week sld.• The women lot' the. int;at
part lugged the eltildrM Indian fashionj'and the
men byre oh their shoulders immense buhdle,:.
ONEA IV! N. Y.; 7
FilIC AT OLEAN, lc. . e
lare;• f hree , sco
Ty 611,1411 e 'ccCupiedhy the (leans Times and
'other coiisisfirig at store . S. offi
ces:. Sri;, were, ( I .:io!nre'd I y frros fat niart.
There %SW :near Inr•ard prnp..4l3 ity Floe awl
warer. ..The . tirc id glippn(l n • 'tic
%irnicor ari incendiary.'• The loas•is - wel! insur
• The Louisiana, with 3,17 wounded prisonors
from Richmond, 'arid the Kennebec, with 219,
arrived this morning, undei oplers to .
sifi , von R. H. Gilbert; Medirat'birertor:of this
Dmarim.io; 12.0 of the slight • eises I!v.heerl
gent to the Chejape.i ke.'. Hospital.. The. severe
ea,es be sent.ln Philidelphia at -an early
The Kroncliee, wi!hmnly alight ea.tes
onboard , , has been (intent to • Point- Lookoitt,.
where they will have every accommodat ion.
. .
•••Tli:e:totiooal at Witol.•
jiitno; boldly derloreF.+vv.i. , cionte
thitt,. , theiarie of ~ i titurrtilk 'enfen Ta
F.,, T ', rvto:inp F , Aug-.
. .
ThP• tioi - rpbrts whir) cnnveyYrl:f6Y rebel
ririlihtvqs ye.terit..yo44.re
1-ntriebn Linn' .49 , 4 .by ' ord. r
troin .G ore.the prisonerg
friirn Fort In*.ire; Kod:thi , rotio;:of [hop,
in !itop.,ieit. is FAH to he oiv,iog.'lO:'sorne diffi
o.,ltiflo the 'exchot . .ge.*Ol prispr . jerk,' wirh - the
rt •of iti:own ,
t.t tcor , ;:incii . rp'n!•ntiriff
Congt•T‘pori,,Pl;rtaiv. arid A ilo g hny Rivo'r R , it
Rpod .C:runri.loy, will nripn 'toi snhsrrrp
,bion 4n 'S!nvlt nr at
!wit • 'lBth
Srr A ngtsi:2l: 1 . 862: '• • •
'WIIIT E. • -
. .. • . • .
•,: . • . HYDE,•
.. •
.• -'•.:•. •. Coniipisxiniter.B
List of Juyoiti 1t432
Krathoz,r-Borbook - A. G.,Contief: .JPretriiah;
c;.fforll ()viol' G..:
9//o. Bunke! rfL'Cu'rrirpirzi•:\f. •' 1
i•aqlorfl Golloff H... 8..
L.l 0.w10. , 1); Obl.. E. C..
: .Gorns:—Hookott: •Q., Lister..
Lint.. Dennis: •' ••
Norm • , • •
• 7,70,iy;.-- . -Ro4'.T. H.., Stone B'. G., Shitty
.; •
•Eldied..Wrie . ht • , •
if,— A ritr)l4 . F A.
S., A.,lclug. RJbert., Sint
. •
—friths .
enniley Charlrs, Woopt rat Al
man, WiriZt , r 0.K. .. • - ' • •• •••••
Orin:-T1 rlilu in Sar.iirl': Lnvniny
Norivifh.-1 - itirilirke . : - R., '1:/n.k irispn
11.1;J•is 11,rvi, Gunnirni'F; C.., • • .
• Krati,i4"...--Ifrii'wn I.),inint • Kinn' R 13 Stick
L'eilna 61 ,
F., Crnnks 1,1 I 'm
Car(er J. , Onno,,lnlin,l3trt h,.rford Jnai, Sul to
Cor'neliw ,
/,, , ,Pipiti.‘-;-F60i.1 Wit.
Nta ,. , G,41 T., Si 6)6
IlnniS ntitoti 0 ' .•' •.• •
'o,4lpion.-9'. m pf .1 ,• • • ,
'rot tOi f*.
• A 1 R.:Sher' , ff.
,Swioliport,'Ati2u . st 12, 1b,62,
The . entr!'rrifil.eetrieat a• ;few year is a. good
i . eaSini:
he cite . illation oi Joh' a liii.i:carniTieir;e, 7 ...
tV,e add resi.' niirsiil r.aile,rs-o I . the
with etitirii riiiifilerir'e In tl.eir
ii.'•st;.'t! , aid it., .rl4lexteiril .the ,t
•null 1 . coaserya'ive;pritiripl : , •anil which
.h.i re I it he'rto her• a r:ti'r
this li,dper: EIiER '`T,11` . .131.11111F:100
.IIW „IMO 6.11 of Cflllllllll.l an.
y ro .iinpoit a i,id•e 'rt:lll.lfe herb,
....en Alia tis the name of ni least gal , •
1/eiinted flinty ac we hali,; heeti to.; or onto.
and iia , ' fito.ri called
• 4.T.Tii.ina Save' 511 , 101 . 0 t 'rep: oailu, e' rf
he the . 4nm iiptoli!er. , of
hi•arrandp , n man,
ar•Noyfth .4:lin ft ./enemy In, eft ,
for nl, •li‘firinit•izaiioil and rl , vnla4 •. ill find
. 114 r.)1 . 113/ for *111e• • rplpha'r. Affinity. The•ln.s6
the AmPrif;ail'l3ninri :and A . tritilican-princifil , 4,
i• 4 1 ,k s.dr I.y, aide • ' • • '
A4O ra 'No iv lA . At' •E,c7 Ess m A - 1s Ar,
'!hr ;014 ,
Tn -"etivriorii•2 . ,.thos” . %%ho'rrlair voltiniefy to
ril .in tho . of .('lnhs,. ‘l.l
'. , X10) ropy of thp,V l ,cTkly to eyo!y pet.
stnn who . ,h4.ll'lar.vitrd twenty nets sttbseribyr
. "'
mny he, oht,anizoil •iii 'rernryttiltith;s with great
advarilev7.."fhe precenr'ic the ,1 he;t:ps , .rin rot
tornirienermerit., The rt. ritig . ..on i4ieh
!.v e enit. furnish the paper . .are ai . foqovt.es._
t . O kin!! ".
20.,e'ornos or tiPivarde . OfslF: 1)OLL Wench
• 'fa roPios . •''FIF'I'GEN .
oo"T.Ans. • •
enPiPS • • 1 1 r I VII •
The pa pots hr. :i . obtrpssr.q diffprerit
porsons al tbo . .amo Post 'desired; Px•
'cow in roses of Only. of 13 or'
_mole copies,
‘vhioN will No 'lndira 1,)
mayh, Il i a d, of lonnwinv raga : P•ip,rs
tptrle.f firqt qua ithr . of
year will pay th, foll rat, or "th, ntiri
al for .n Year., .'orini at, s,rot d.4aatrer.
three-foorths of th, yoar's rob , . rhirinti
the ritual rptrthrpr:on, half Hod riarit gibea
quarter one all Rile II Rith!cripti.D.
will ieioninate with the year. of the original
From IlaJbi•noVN' U. 8. Prqi/
Where packages of: nentritvoW,ror periotficals
are received at any post office ditert"il to One
adilresS, and the names of thr; doh 01.-subtieri 7
hers to which they dieking, with-o , e Postage
for a quaiter,ifradvance;shail he hand d to the
'posrma=tey; he, sl all diluter the same to.thrir
respective- owneis,' ' ,
. .
Rut this (InPs apply to wePkly PowsPapprs
. ti•hi c h eit cnlat! , fr e in the. enmity where prin.
. ~.. •
ted:a (Hl' witiliched t
"tea' kir/pos.l. Edt:fcr.r.9l" the •Jannia/ I,f Corm
.mare; NV,, 9 1 i V.P.stor;;et :11r7!•: Y. ik.' ' . -
PRIMF, S TONE,. ,St. LI A r.Loi-K. ..
and Pfnp.ii'e.lo.
.• This itreparittion. nitttla 'lrnni the heat Java Cnifee
recommende4 ho pltyaicinos as e' snpeftnr MYTH/ rrou , ‘
v..itAilm for General .Deb liry. Dyiipottaia. and til
bilious disorders.: Thotivlti6 who liar o boon pornoelled
to abandon the wino( coffee will uii • o I his without trio) i
ous elTecta. One canneon.itinii the strength of two pounds
of ordinary author., priceliS cents.. • , •
The 'purest and best BAKING POWDER known, foi
mall -Et 1401, sweet and • until tloup, Bread and cakes:—
Price lb cents.. ' : • .
Chestnut Sir eete,
. •
And sold, by, 411 Druggists Uzi Grocer/.
i . .1 7 ,11(13iP5T - IN?$
circuit:awn, 10;000..
Quotations corrected
Published BLoigoi.T.r . , 117, F rakri)
• • 'To:Mail SubCcrib«ry• ' . ••
vc'Oek ly, $2,1 'llerni•montlify; .1. ..$,1:1 Mon thly., . :
. . . . .
. .
- To.Postreftetere or athere:.who form o.lMe' on I. for•
weld en the inOney le.kll•arem we. mil. Milt the kepor...
ter. /..041 Chart Manzi, I, and Descriptive. List, IL , del•.
. ':6 *coptee of. the Weekly,. one. year:. :...,...: f. 9 60 ',
. ' 6,cop'es of the 111ef0t..M0nth1y...,........,.. , ,,: - . v-6.i. -. •
' ' JO bepien of the Itlontlily . :-..'.. ... :......: .. :.: . 6 llti-' f •
sendiiig trir Rib or:lhe a I , (viro — rato ,, ,s'.. at
any oiie time; ouy • Awritho Gold. Col& :fest
'Stale. • A ililresc; • ' •." .'.• •
t. 1 . -161 PS.ON nnot
N 2
o. ,' Proprimiiis;
• . ...
. .
F wriiy §E.O; r;ti,eti by . aptl inr to
. o'.
• . ,
• . .
' . -• Sale: • .
fily - v - iiiTur . ..•of..il writ Expq•
llos,l . sti?• 4 l.out of 1 ht. (7011. 1 Common
Pleast'ito it'ooitty . , add to
there, %%Ili be ''expoStiil•to at 'thk
Cmtii House, the DoroMthmt on
Angitsi 25th'. A. D. 1862,:iit-km'elo4
P. Nt„ the toltowitig: R. -al Esiy
...Re:finning at the - south:oast ttmniirof war
.sss6,',thent:e westwardly by the Son: b
Mile Of !be, aaid 't,st.irrant .16 the c'enter ,oi the
same; thence >+ith east:
: ling 01, said tdriirrlirit
Dithell; thence' east v,ardli. ibe
•;:ciiith line ot 'said wart:int, to the east.. line
saitboarrant .;- sOuthWardly by the'east
line of said pariant Co the•plititt;.Ot beginning.
'Conte, nine br. , e hundred five acres' more
or"- less; being thr'soittb.ea,sr of, wart ant
N0.i'5356.., in' the ttiwnsliip of -Haittiltim,'ii.tyl.
'county iv .111'41.0a6,• Pti,, ithirMiroott'ir MM . th
pie'pyrty or Daniel '
Ars'.— One miter , I
..•1 Begtimina
pMi tied i t tOne's'ar cyrii%r of
Itir bit). 237, thence'imiii h . I 7r4 to H. pit
•14 . 1 ~ 4 1111'.•ahr 'corner of Int.. N v .
:•ast'2l2•roil , inure or 'T).tst n,..i
i•(!irrr.if. or Na .229, tlynce
net tii724'..oila mole of 1 ,, 5'5:19 a pos . l an.l. : Zicm,s
the9ce .5% osi .11.1 roils mot... or less ro a
ston..ii,.ihoHce 103 roils' more er less
trr. rt.'Po.r and si ones' at the Mir! hiwest, ner of
• N0r,...228; thenr. we , i 1.02 'roils ini!re
hr the : plaite of. beginning. ,
Howbeit and xtv, one. and -Filo •I.•irlis.,vi es,
•I)..ing-1,,t Ni,. 231, Hill! the Jot
No .228. and pal °Litt ariants."..N...s„3oo6 and
extti.ptitig' and resetiring tiny' arms sold
to I,l'zigotier.lLVl ihe'et.st side m said
ALso...OtipmfhPi• !.ra•et of 1.111(1•: • 13..ifzionip0
;it :it poi? vn I ire riOtth•si4.• al lb.• t0..(1
tie of P)! , 97, • f I.ent.;«rio9l.• eiVio-I4 mon.
or •fOlt at Ow- ofitf
more: Or
1,-s :to it .pO-I.ori. 111 e 'road ;:th - vc.e.: fly file.p.a.l
.:0.. ! 0•.t.6 - 1. yto C. it,:
Irl 11;4 F.o! - T., nine •
or Jog part ri7 lit , . N0..12S
wailow NOS 3.dDSr altoof 'six
lon atril-.! to. -.the: foli elf 111
• 8ri4f0.41 .•rbunty
the ptop..rfi •
- Seized tat o.n in E
colion atpi to cold ft
lh«'s.ji,t irf Trlin:.o mnnyb , iirth nt
nia aa.;inai Ennh' P •r-oils, D;toord • Kin , i,loo
arol J. F. C.'airli.• • ' . ••
?PO Sh,oriff.
01. Tl-1 r
Trte Resr MICPAti I. 1 : 1' lilt itt T E 1.1)
A now vnlnnio of widoly eireide'er pa
per'e . otorrenee:Q . on !kip, 4th of J.timary.• 4:yer)
noiniterentitainq cixtoen pages'oi Jona
motion and five to lop n't
or and avienti , s.:fili,or whirl
ore prepared n?ip.ressly tor ,its c 0.1107111?...
Th , ...SCINTIFIC A NIT.:RIAN is dei;rord to
thr inter4lts ol h.pula'r
A ric.
ComrnOrre and•th, , Indystrial
allyoityl is vdtiable anti in-f.ructive not onty
ir; the•\Vorkshop at1:11.• Mdflufaoriry, hot
,;I . lco iii
tho Frops,.hol,l, the Libraiy' and . Ihe,Rea,.l.in:i
To The Mechanic and -
Nn .pe.r.on etiat.4'.4l in anv, nr.
, hnidd '
SCIE:;4TIFiCAMF:RICAN. Cost ' l.lll . our
*Neck; every nnmlivr e; , ntsin s frorrisis . to
Ten engravinss'ol•fww mavhine's•.. and invrl•
tin e s, tjvhieh.fanno (nowt in . n
lii`attinn. It isatueitabliShrd.in'e n,r the pith,
aishf . .rs to insert • none but ettiavinits.'
and !hose tit, the first class' in the all., ditiwn
anti etigraietl exp. , riencql • perSpnS. tinder
their own sulieivisinn. . .
To th'e Inventor!
iThe..geIENTIFIC A ind's
pei,aahle,to ev. ry inventor, as it noc.only co ! r.
taina ileseripticitis of nearly all nh'P
hear_ inventions : as thSy corie on;, .hit's
number Official L'afof
of all the Piliedfq Is=liell Itom the Onitaif s
Palen? Office (Int ing • the week previous;
_icing it iorree t t • hiitory of proirass . of ill.
vent fonsin country. We arc alga raraiii•
every weelc,:t ha hest, journals of
Great 'l3rihiin, :Fraurc,. and G-rinany;
•nliteine loom 0(1 . .1...5pit:t0 all tha Cis tisnariirini:
in: mechanicol iicictiSe• • and in l it :in - . th ese. a l i t
countries. We confirm!e tti fn
our columns. copious, '4l raeis' from • t hese. Jour:
mils of whatever we 'may 'deem'ol interest "to
our readers.. •
Chemists, ..'Arehi!erts, Millwrights , •: And
NI ERIC A N will hP
round 'a most itipltutJournal to.ihPm. .All the
new. discoverips of science of chemistry, are
arven in its columns, and- the interests of ;he
Ar hiteet and carpenter are not overlooked; all
the new inventions and overin appettain
iag iheia , 'pursuits being ,published (rpm'
week to week. Useful.cind practical infcitritri
...• • " • •
Imo pertaining . to •the. .
and ; Vr:illbe • biatindpublished in - the
§ moraine ; A tilittlena. itrliteh;finformaiiori:. they
cannot. h ly Ohtani from- any 'other aourre:
Subj.rts in r+hkh planterslinl . fa rote's . are in
ierestett will' be Mond . itssr.d -SeIEN•
Tint. AlnEttleiN; • most oI : lhe . improvemistits in
Lt.:al implements tieing What ratd'in:.its
Cpitinlns:. • •.' • . • . „..
.. .
.. . . .
' T o mail anbaeriVera:-:-Tia:o• • Dol'ars a Year.
or 'One' ,Dollar for'sii monihs. One . bona!
pays forone*.-gomplete vojame. 9(.416
,pagesr .
Iwo . yolome.A ..compri'r'e . one year, :Tni• - vol ,
nrro . a commene.e on 'the 'first of:january, aril
Five . copie s ;. - for - sii : goittli4 - •-. $4 .
Tin cupiP~; for Six Mut i • - -$8
for Mo r o s
FUtePri.c,opiPc", for Twelvevlllmiths -• - ..'.:52.2
T Twelilo.nific4
Fot . •lll.elbbwoll'vrtnty artriivor: the pntr•
ly•sukFriptirni Names' can '
sail in•st turrips . int tram ttiff , rfn!
Pei t Sporinren• cnnti , a wit be Sent, gra
tis In any part nil he' rniintry.: .
N' •strni sail cs:nadiSii . .ir ynt Po . st-nfriee
Starr pc I;tkr,n- ,
nut. J't.to•
10 - 6: rn i t 2.5 retit•
r±arr•r„pn each . y..ar's subai•riftintri is per-px~
. .
N 0•37 Pll . l k•ro w Yo s t k
• -
• iN •
' .. • .iT •:r"‘,.t.7'v...,,,..
7 . , A -
- 1 7,E Res
t:''r: , ;%,fl i ;ii;q' 4 '
'r j " ,, " Y, ) GATTART I ... 0 ,. • .
~.,.,,,t v. ,, . .,.....• ... J. ) , _ ... .. ...
9 -.0 , 1: , - '. •,,.. ' ' l-1:14E5,. ..
•..,7„,,,.„6.,..,,,...,,...:...A. tr 'you'-ic.l:, ;0;16. aivl .
• L.--• ,
~ ,,c a' . i 4 e' ... . compkii. k. il. 4 ? :Are ion t.411,..1
.. (7 '''
"'''''- '.
i of -1'11.".::,',1.,:...'1'1r i0e0,';',',1,1:1:.',-,
' , - , -7 . ,,,,;:r . .. r 1,111. 01.
.: ..'. ...,. 7 .
I. u.ll 1 c E .,. ~!*,., ..Cllllll,ll , lkl . hle r. ..4.'iteae • MylllfF
. • r 4. hilOyAui El E. 4.,:0i1 ,. .. li,l. til . k. t!ttt:n the prelude L.
-'' ' - \ ‘11 ,t . •.•' 41'- 1.,. '',"; P• ' , o 4: * r ' i. " ll/ '! ...N i k it i :' 1 6: ;e :. 1il; " 1 1 1 ' 1 1 :11 - 1 1 ;011 "r.
1 : , 5 . .. ' -•.—,,... . -c,,,rq o o,i 000d,t Le'• ~‘Ol- 1 ,4 by As '
1: :-.,. k''',•,, 1 : : "•04",'f.5 r ." , , ,,,, ‘ "1 34 ' , i . ,. I inti•iy, 11,1! -- 4 thir riAht.ll , n,..
;...-,...-.,;...9 ,- ;,,r4 ? . ,_,, '1 a , et!,. T:l1.1. A.,Net .. 14 I'lli•rillid,
• . 1 '". ,- ;. , ....5,.../ei aa (0 .
.. 0..,.,..:..f.ttt I . ll,lll,l4llereit lin.
iCI . " - kri - ? , ,f '." 4 "Aril: , ll ' ,tp,...•.-- , put .ry •fhe I loud, 1611
.. 4 t ' , " riVIA - ,,j . t , `.,re... ' ret I 11•• iiiilifi puma. idi 1111011..
t ir
1., 1 :0 t . ). ..r1eAtij1,..,er . ..17. , - - S„ 01 111' . .1.1 .!u ~ IttrAhlt. .iniani.
eq.. ' ~I ,', VOW, Thpy ,linntlahr thil innoi..tie
~ , ? ....1( ~,,,, , ,c of the I,tty,intn.igmtin4 l 0;
•..... . '''''. . -r-,'''.t... lit I - ty.. 11.11 II V lit fro')
--•••••,-. ;•-:•—•-•-•-"- , ii„. ;.!....11111•4;;;;;; IIIi; I; 11111,t;
. 11-4,!..10. • 'A .o,,bk - ...tt1,,. snlnenhoi I. of 011,110 , 1), awl ott•
...tt n,r,-1 , 1., n.tir,tr .1nn , .•tj.;t1. , .' l'h . ..str; ir it..t I , 3ll , ffed,
I,let nivi, it,,,n.elves mot the intrrompling 1?1 . . , nunptt0...hi.•,..g
. ..hi.•,..g 1., , ,,.0,.1.1.' - n;iv:il,li:ol,' •vii 11i..4. 11111 Ilhieasll.
While In'tli , rooptition• .ppr,e41. , 1 I , V tit.. deritugententa, ,
'Like ..;\ pl . 's: i',in , u. 1.11,1,01 111v - 111+ e.... 11 3, they I , ntere tint,
trtttn . .ll'll..tian of - the spn.qn: nit , l .tviill It Itio bnitylint
,r.eling , 41,,,,111, :i s an. .)%11.il.iS trni , ',in,l n.. ultiolyut, In
thi4 "II ~...,1 ~,,,t,,.,..n,,,.i•r.•tuphnnt,14 e 1 . ,: !me in ntent
or ii,..1. 1 , f.. a1,e.1 and ilititger.“ll.!ikir.ltti.eri.: Thu 001110
‘iirgairl. elrefq I, ref" thelll. - 0111•4 4 1 loy,sitnil.t . r tlll . 4nic•
; 914 ;;;;;I;lntogrin..irtfa , ,f the nittnint rtinOions .it s the'
~4 1%. . !hey gilt ripi.ll,v..amt 7sl 14 , 01 ihenh .wels, cured
.y I hit . sal. Illentl. l .. NVItIO Wh., kI,TV Ow irtn. , -,t nt . 111010
. .1114: Will ilegieet• to 'cninloy thour when simirzqing„l'reul
he Ili 1 ,,, 1ers .1 It , e 11.,. • • ••: . . •
Fhd•m•Mk ermii l;notIlix plkyslO olin in • noili6 - Ilio
ivd f utlith• public. per.
Priori a. Fnrwrirdillg Alercloant taias, rvi,. 4, 1 . 13511'
Ild. Arras: Vrorr aro the lethiguilor,nll.thuL is
gr , lll,' ht luedleiu... They liat•U eur.'el nay little daughter
.or uleer..n4 uure4 . u.pun her Is:veil:mil feet that lied proved
flea bee luer beeu lung grlov,
0"16 w ith blutalueeand phuid. , son her akin dud
in :her hair: — Alter elaild:wai cared, ehe elm+, triad
-xuur and they. have.cured her.
• A S ret itki I y rhyalc.
11; ()than:.
• .
Vnilr 1.1111 . 1. or !rhurr excellont,
'any l'Oey urn
1,14114 nun 10t.,411.11 hi lhrir 111`tilin On OM
1,11.C444: 11“,1 invalumblti•to ue , in thu tinily
IndJ '
. '
. .
licadsiche,SJCitilenqnolo;roul Stornacth.:
I • ro" Dr. 1410,id•
.• : •
. ,
• Dr.tn . .lllt.i. AA km: I caunnt 1 ,, 1 7 wv , ' you ,N
n] .1.6411PP , 1.1t.
I. hov, c e,re 11, ith y!ait 19114,G•t tor (him in',..” 3 .,,,ti th: , t ye
ooi. fro 'd'er , jl , ,•lE yonTin'ooofrdiciire: I Pharr- pent ilo t pon
'ilirn o niviin oll'oetn.ii , intlun tie in luy dully cylfrot with
iii , ioi.n 'lin i hilio‘iii,i ioi I .11.11111 . .30in. Mill alliiril us the
not as hove, I' of e.. 41.1.6 vatilv tlYill 1411,1 31 : - • .
'• ' • . "- • • PiltAtsmtn, 0,..'m0v.1,.1f.r,55.
•T)n, .1 Tl. X TLR, • FII . : 1' Iniv.i I!! ! aa . rrputadj3. cared of
the iv, .t, - P . .4 , 1 , 4. nay itiltiV 1811 butt, hy a illa%;••ar Iwo
f .l y„,,,. pm,
.. it' a.4.a14 IC uriso from it Pad ettaancli,
which Ilav ylaan•al at taa.a.'
' . rama . with great tavocl, -Itll. W. l'ltKillir; ‘.
' ..•'. ' ' ' Cli.r , .1 . 4 1 Sle.otl f r Clori.fl.
. .
- .
1311 Loire" l3l,loi'd ee 4 —jiver •Chinplallatts.
t' Thoorlfiro, IN1; .• 11,0: C1.!1
IV.it only aro your ,
ro I Iwir ptir
-1,-w.ln4 nu apurh%ut. hi! I. foul I to, I,,,,midm or r oo flop
I fm. f leer %cry infit • Tlicy letco II `lily f roc•
Ofeelinil fur Ilan (lir/J.or v;tiow
.111•11MV Thall'lM S C0n0..13; 1 con a:0
own' inn, 1 sli;.ly
rcjtiln, flint liitce:\ n porgnt ive nlrieh le wt;r..
th) Illy ctinllLluiocu.ol I.ll,inorno,ntn uud Uiu people. ' •
• ' • ))I.PAII . I7.IENT OF 7111. 1:,1 Lttiorr,... • .'
' •' " *.' . , 1851 i.
. Sltv: I Miro 114t1 yo. 111• ill illy pitnotallll.ll
111111111 L: Myr. hllll . lq p. 111111.10 1111•111,1$11t1,11111..1 /1111.11111.1,.10
Cli) IWO ICn 1 / 1 1,1 vllllllllllO iio tooploj , . Their logo-
Offing 11 , tionAil •tholivei• tleeillod,, c91”10.
.11191111 y (key 111111 W 10111111.1110‘ lulucily lin 1.11411/ A:111 1110
of (kit olg3ll. .11 , olood, I . 1141 eape iii
4//1../11 ;i1,61,1!1 nu .41,119111 , 1.41111 f ~,or rrhdlly 'yi,•lii lu
111,110 , 1p14 U. •
. I
I)3Nie terj'; DinrrJlavl, I.tcl•x,
. .
Ye , lll. l'ill+ 11:•\,. litt.l 41 Iling 11.141 iiim i,v K . m
~ tire, mitt' I
hula . 111i'1i1 iii - 1.1.:it.4,141 1t,.1:i0 t.i i lIV ' 1..,1,111 , ..1,it'n1h I hit. I.
1.,,f••101J, 'I livii 11111:11L1 01' ii lint 111 611, (OM ii,Pr /Milt. •
1114,111 tilt
. 1,4111 [VIOL 11 , 11 . 0.0..11” . ., 41r1,11 Ili Hipill June,. 1.4
d,,t,.,,,,; hljniUl. ri ,liol i1i.1er.,0,. ,'.l. I. lltglit-t,iii . jog
tii•dirq thr,ttr .i..r . , ,10•1111,afIlf 1111 , 11' , 111 l'ol.iol/L• r.11 , 1/1.1 Ili.
t , l ,V 011.04 1 .111 1 ,1 1 . 1111 , 11,11 . • . •
fiver.; liiOs el t:y . 'of trio ftul
p,•„”L R, • .111,1
. Dn. Attu: Lhn we : :1'401% , III: 'PO, Ili 4111111 ' 1 , y
th. , •,•,1 1;,v1,11
• 1,141,1:41., .1,4.t1igt,t1. , ::
1.11111,' Iho. ldund. tiloy 111 111. Very 1/il,•
1.11.:1‘ 11, awl -I . ly I nr , •u,ni il,I IL , au 1..
ply, •' V. II 01
.• • . ett., V..
' I Pill, lit to, plat
111,.. MO 1 . 1111 i•Nt•otllo•itt. pw °hitt Ito o
itytilt•lii mitt itrir/fy.//,/0/4/./imix tg . //ti• hfo,tott. •
' .1,11 1 GIL •
• .
C(ttitlpli t lon, Cost 1 cu.sacmg , 511, pirrto.imlco,'
• Itli et..llll(.l4ist, (Loul,, Ticoollgio,-11)::oi
o,y, etc. • •
16 , 111 14%11. It l'ungloit. • hirr 1, . '
' Tmuitiltishynilitilt Ire rul , l itt:'yittit. for Ili,. corn of.
I , IIV lirdrruifv hay,
11l I 1110 . t., l lloy 01 , 311111 j,lll 1119111
Itt: ,
it (Mitt
'Ili& 91 ' I . i tt illit o
organ mil cote
, . .
. ..
~rel Mt Alb . .. E. ,‘7.r , rf,. L".:. •.',, on Mk , b
111,1 .112ilinile, rt: •
.I'llll,l 11114! or 1 , ‘ , 11411. , ..1 , , , ..4•r , Ill' l'iliN. 11110'11 la Illy
jr;,i44T 111 . 11 1. ;1111..`.7(4';•III•111 tol'i.lllolil.ni of f 111 il;liolly, i Yr tl , •
1,014 , I." 11 ‘ 0 . 011 .1' ”I . j`::11..1411)' 51111111,,....1. itllll 111. ~.-s- 4fr,.0
4fr,.0 HA' In ~/.;,,,,n, 11. ...<„„„,, is 1114,1 r.rvol 16 , ,iyi. They
- 1111,. 41.1,14 , 1 H, 1110 h.-+I •Itil.ii.,lYll Ipllny that,..l teuvalinpon4
iltiDllity. In ilatioalts.
F'o oyi the' lAt...nr,ltawi.'is,V .11..th0t141 Ppix. Church
' 110 r-r. ; , arunuoll.rLi. 6. 1656.
ll , ,Nntirn• Si; :'1 14,4,111 d. unglitterni , for:111. xi:lief
' ynnr 1 , 1011 huv iill.111:14 no, If,l riot 1.,1141 Joy r , u.st , 1,,
you. • A cold 4,11L1.11. Li nPo Hlll6lllllll might un klxcrit•
,•180,14 nenfrly, ion•na, Willell.l.llll,ll' Li Ch,y/il! 01 . 1111111
Nt.t \VNlMtAtiallig I /mil 11ti1.1,04
lli4m.,..grewswor ! At l .lol Ilie VICO f‘f yout
-expelleof ICgOll lln Milt/• h1,,00h I Fried yinir
Pill , : • 1 lo•Ir l'irt.eiS i.e, Ity
In in MO of tholl, lam ui.w etitliL;ly well, . •-,
• F.N. , ilC' cii.imurn. unto!, Umlizet Per '
Die..AVEit I lime 111, HitIroly•ellrol,
Rhe.onnuiic 6)ut —a painful illiienro flint 1110 Alllletatme
• • VINCENT 51.11./ELL.
: • .
. .
•• 4Z7 . 3105t of the Tills hi • market ..enittitin :iferettry.
ivitivii, alilionAh a viduaidn remedy in skilful hands, is
'dtngernns In a pnhlit; will. tent the - dreadful. cense
quoneea Met freenently follew UK iliMitlillitt like , Those
contain no inorcury'or tulneVar autistanco whatever.
Price; 28 cent!! per Box, or 5 Boxes for U.
Prepare!! by Dr ! 7. C. AYER &. CO., Lowell, Maee.
H. Hamlin & Co., Stnallipor,t; C. F. On.ood,
Bradotel;*L..H.biillai, Part Allegany aml , by
Jesters everywhere.
woull,respectfally annondee-ta:the
.McKe.in.And counties' they
can'tlo as :well in. Saiethport, in the:Stove and.
Tin*.ware • line: / aa' in 'Olean. I skail,..at all
,rues, hive hano la'rge . stock ,
of •
51iee6.13.;0n.1 - C
. - .
Dool Iron and lonselerpers Ilartl.lVare, &o.
Job Work,
. .
. . . .
.. .
; - ,t ull-kinds iinni. with ilirp.ireh; and in ii "sat `s
tory . .rnanrwr, a. th. 10WP.S 1- pi)..sil.de-p'rices.
.... M (I,ers pii)rnwly . attended to;
G v." M e ...I . c .111 -•—• at' The''i,iiilding.r.dvii, in
, ii ...Wrlii irn-,Store --olipUsrte the' Pet 'l)rfie..
fl.ifithpoi.t. Pa':: •.. :',
, Vl.' reh 20; -1862.
H E S LTBSCII I BER ha's 'oi, ri
'Tpry'. St'iil)l. , in Sl'lll , hpoit .
p' 'R.: rem,
tiptt's.ol.lSjand. ..11191 .
Nyhfre can .i4''iniindtl - 0.,t4-4 01: fru:
. lbw i)riC!s.
rniike Sinf;thport.a p'f;irrinent'•fesid. , rifr, a'no
asks .a sliare•ot patronage.' • •
• • .
August 24,1860. ti23tt.
F IS I": hpir
. 4.A CI ,isifica.Non county for 1 . 862.,
..111 . ettpor . t Buri,uhlt
N. Taylo r,
Henryl'laq' I 11,
. din nrljn,
W: S., B'ro
Gabriel S. gryiiih,
C. 8; 'Clea vela rid - 50....C0
Suriith &.13arber,
Notice is hereby given that couit of
Anne* will.be hetil
. at the' Commisieriers'
Office in Striethrfort.on.fire . lslh•day of July,
nexi.,•at which .time anal plaice persolis
trriev . eil by the'foregning'.ripprakement be
heard - andlnch abatements made'as are deem . -
ed just'antl proper. • .•
, Illerrante4 Appraiier.
.7Une 23, 1862. '
And 011.21 WithOlit
. - (r.(4EN.r
This tie is..trode.entireiy•of pdper, in 100 dif
terptit styles, .and. in perfect imitati . .n
nul other fabrics. The price is sri low Oar a
:I..4 , tlernan rimy • Wear A NEW TIE ,EVERY
DAY, and yet not heicharaable with exrrava . --
, tancP, nrooP:tie,can'bP worn bolo 3 to 5 days,
if nee-ssarv.lo econntilizm:'• • :
2 . ,
.1.--. THE RELIEF TIE. .
KPA•roirco iiiri•: - 20;•1801...): • , •
This is dcorbrp:ss the most :peffeet
ever invented, and hm
juist*Wbat the aeim:'
a pPrlect.6.lleli,el:''••ltom-allloriher ttob
hie in tying bows. • , '• • • '
An exquisitely beautiful 'article-4 has•qay
to be seen to to—admired. . . . : •
• •• • • &ir . moula, titters,
Wirr.inn Strerit,.Nnw York.
•11 to WHOL J08131 . ?.11S
ON Country
.-rch finis can . our .
.anols . of; ANY WHOL.O62‘LE-1-10CSP: 'with
whom . they pre dealiue.• 4.l—tm.
The' Conieri . sic)ns and Exi)eviene.6
or an • Invkilid
Witt.TqllED FOR Am) AS
ifnl An) n catitiqn ynttn:t Arnett wlin.-tuffor front- Ner-
DM:ilitv.Prematur,e'D,nv Ac; nt the
Hain. t I.nwthe . f
Self. Cure Hy on , vitto h.-en fed
mini+` If arer ht'in ' to Pr , . P,11P.0 . . e hur 01 . 11101 r aI
.!nitr.it. 'nt' ova ryl:teknry • 11.y . encInt-intf n tvint-Inthl nit.
stNot.n cntrinit ttinv in' bad off he n i t -
NA ['HAN' EL IlfnlcerA. Ingn
Cou.:tty.. N. y,. ' .• ( 115: " )
- CO ifiA 1.4 1 7 4
viNc,; : h the Titnio.totor , nl tho
1.1 CPr . l' o'tl Store, I itely •;re,,i;tl"l
by met
iorrripia ryk.triri ! ili'ttiat I hiive: just recitivpl
the- stork or
• - - .
.nfriireil Ihe p eo p l e of.' M'lt-an county
. which wo uld
lit prices seem riiiibiis at tiny
other estahlitthinent. .1 - keep on hand; and are
in the doily receipt. of • . . . .
• ' FEED AND:MEAL. .•• . ' ,
. ' tuTTER,,LAI.D. Trtunw:-
. • ' NUTMEcS, •:TALIIATT S. - . ... • .
' . , . -soDA, INDWO • TEPPER . ; - . '
.aPICE.• 0 KNAHON'. - •
• - .. • • 'CLOVF , ' , . CRACKERS,'
• • .*: ':', TODACCO. RAISINS, S. '
NU'S, ('F ALL' KlND'''.
. . .
• • " • SUCARRS ,ckw,L - KINDS •
• .. : -..
AND HNOROC 'ND, . - . . • -
. .
. .
. •syitutis, vciLAASES, ' ' ' • ' - •...- . '•
.KEROSENE mli o . • .
• ....., .CAMPHENE, FLUID, • •. .
CANDIES; . TEAS Act.; Ac.. • ' .•
My 'stoc4 full and complete, and lelvted
rum the best in the market . . Call and e.7t41T1.•
hie price a:Ti d quality; and you w.ill.not to,
smetni,urt; May 30, 1801.
Last Call.
A LL persons, knoWing thernsplyea indcoled
ll to the undersigned are hereby notified tb
call, and. settle ~th eir iicC • ourdolMtps i dlatelY or
costs will he made. OT 0.,
D0c..10, 1860:
A. J. NOV:-SE,
'l4 $7,00
- 7,00
,14, - 7,09
14 7,00.
14 • 7.00
14 7,00
It 7,00