7;zimcip-:, , ,,,;:i..... , -,,::: i:-. ::...- '.1:te'0, , ..; . ' ,., 6. , W.V.:.;:::: . ! . . - -.'' ,. ;.:, , ,v ,. ,.' , ip?,3 . :**ci5:4.ijkg!•,.4:,!,, , ,,::. : . ,-...,t, ..,::.,.: Alt lout' itneittorta , . ...t Siiinrda*, ! TO' 26 1862" TICKET. . . . A Iti) ly4) OEN ER Al, • IS fAt oi li~ ( ion 'county )ty.coun t y , • We'iirei.portpiiteil to 'plitilth 'the. fofiewing lettOt ' trout' Oitleili,§otOte tal.;..W.right..". Nets hcip!i that the friemt tliiit l h's still 'stir-. . . .W. o*tatr.. : tiear • letter • for your son .Georioe,.ninrari'kei.te find out to whom to . 'direct. a letter. •I; have,. t herefore, .talten': the liberty, to open . yii . ur later. A tea I have 'a and niesiaget.o send . Yoti; . gh.Thistsdi9r,:,Tune 26th, while. we were 'enuagett..with ,the enemy in our own camp near I(lechaniese . ille, Your son fonighi like a:hero; fought until, a ballet from .the enemy's gun 'pierced hie'head . ; .11ehth lot lowed instantly, and without .pain. Our Camp mourns:ttie hiss of so hrave'and goiid a' comrade.. In s him I Jose one of the most willing men - of My company.... • He was well- liked - by ..eVery. body, and. Fain . ' "rolled ilown.the chaelca bi our . powder-bhirkened.aoldieiS as'Vre stood around his dead body''aftei a fight of foiir hours':. I return your letter: May.ther Almighty God .sustain you in your affliction, , and may 'ynti consoled thelossot .one of.your family,. hy . the reflectien that he, died. to gloriciusly for his country's flag; ' . • .• .1 am; truly • E. wRIGwr,, `Ordetly: , Sergeant, V; C.. GOV.CURTIieS CALL I , o:ll. , Titnors.-L:This Goy? error issues a : proclamation to the peerite col Pennsylvania, in which...is recited the Presi:. a o t.'s . ie q iiisitfon on this State.ler twenty-one .new regiments, nlio .M.llll the rogiments .1110%V . in the field.... Enlistments Made Tor nine months.in the new regiments and .tor twelvemonths in the old. • A spirited call is Made on the inhabitants of the counties, cities, heron ghs and, township', ihrotiglieut our !orders to . theet and take active measurce for.the irntriediiite * Turiiiebing of the Atioteof. thel: - Statp . ; :Thciso who can n ot go iheireelves4reexhorted ,to contribute to mow, iide.bounties, .equel,at . least, to.,tliose,offered by adjoining- ..• 'lri a , schedule ileiignutiitg .the ; number . - of . , , 'p . ompanies • 'froin the,several, counties of the State,'we notice the' quota from M'Kean and , . . . . Elk; is one company -tor :the new regiments, .addition to; 'those' required for , the regiments. . in the, field. , The - .Tironlatnarnation con clutles.with . thie'stitring .l e appat d , Otir fieroic sons of. Pennsylvania have moistened ,every bettle•field with- their blond; thonsands liever bravely • died defending • the nnity•of',fhe'R!,publin 'and the iatictny of nor flag, and Sother • th'ousanda have:fallen sick and .:wounded; and their Maces : filled.. , • Freemen.of. .Pennsylvania! Friends of Gov: .ernmeat .:aforder and of our common nation , . nlityl- one earnest stynggle and. peace . Will again rlitcrit'upon happy, presperous and united people. •" . • . • ". . • ?rim STATE Castatirritt; —The Chairman(F: W..ifiliatris) of - the Demcitt.o State Cehtral , Connnitte; bus coiled a neekit4 . 'of its mentliers,:fo be convened the Merk oh'ints I,' Phill“100hla, on Tuesday, the . A full etteadance of all the teem. bets'isig.geptly . ; •• ' • . • . . . -• • • . Conlvin, July Headipiartere are officially informed of tile arrival of Gen. Curtis' army al.Clurdon on the .)Oth.. :After alanonto or laily skirmishingherein the r ebels worifted,'6,oo . 9 made ,a 'Stand on the "Ph on the CoCh Over; near Round Cul. Harvey, of :the . :334 commanding the advance' : of Gan. f3feeleYa:. division,' alter wardileinforeed,hy two Companies, attacked .and loured rhe rebel 4, scattering them in all directions,mnstly all going toward Little 'Rock. ;They. 'also evacuated Guval'e.filuft Later . edviCcastste that COrtis'•cidvance has IrOikebtd galena: . liiiiarcny is-in good coadiricin and spirits: Provisions are scarce, but supplies are coming frorn,Mernphis. , OP VAN Bunitsi•—:Ex-Presidetit tin Tan Itiren died at resitience,.nt Linden . • • .vcnitli.at two . o'clock a. - m., the 21th inst . ., in the iiitWiear of his , a e ~ His health has been deelinin for tbe past . yea . r. • T4e-.lPempsylvaniii R. R. Co. will rontribete fil!) , thousand dollars to provide . for the bounty • " •- - • ' to volunteer.:;_[.. . . .• . . gen,..HALLnott hos beer. made:General-in Chief, of the Federal ' . armies flake in 'the field jt.is said this appointnient is , paitieularly tic ieptible:tO Pen. Gin: Dix . ; acting for the United States, and gen. Hili,Acting for the rebels, hair& made an arrangement'ior the immediate and general ex altange of . prisoners. . • .. • ii C;Uorillaeztiru making successful" raids ids in Tennessee Iccutucky, Trid ions; end Missouri. iti•••hbe'iiitter:•State the:entire •.• . „ - An amendment to the Tax bill, added just bernt'll , Che 6 14 1 Paseage nt the bill in Conress allows Abe Seetlary. t 1 postpone th e o pp er e. "`he act I u n til each'-,tune ' eri he may , rlttillkP, M 'ri 9- neegliently the operation of the vrAttba postponed t ill , Au _ , or S e p. ust ~.setr6er;t :, ti •4., „r e v; All rib -4 ed"iiiivi44,feebteig°" ‘;',ll. po l o, 7.5 1 0V,int0 an omnib,lb . , 1 14,'1nen), 411.44 ''4‘`li"l7s `gainari the Mxeedtive• Order W4ltt7llii uT~~h\T,'W Slll\ GIN, .lul?2 Intl its r:y . uii hilt • ni irfrAinitti South Citiolirin,' qecirska, I !OHO, 1 nlm !no; isinint, • •Tyxas . ; rktinkui, `n.rArrl) - ninnnPr setztt , l•onti. utt:;itny . •:plopp - ffy; !it tti personal, of tthiArinty•titi.necessnryor eon peril.. ent for iteir . st;at , rit I .enmainntll,-* . fni•-stpplies, or Or 014 gr• initity.tk . pnipoto;s: property ,may' ittiOttsirOyiqi Inr • mope 10 objects, gone shall treStrtiyett in ..sn;tlniunnitSs' • • Tbar 'Military and ha r al-enintitand— ern "ifhall:'eMploy borers ;ksfi . t bin f r om juid,,Statei-1) many pri , !onfi fin A trican,:den,, cent UN can thinflyafitageously . t.nry or . naval pnrpOsen, gwingtbem,reasnnalile 'wage!' fOr „ •• •• ' Thit'Ll.-I'ltati an' to both plopert y and•persons, of- African descont . aecoanis shall. kaki suffici.f. ently aecitrat‘e;:und in'flet iil, to. chow iptantit • - , en'ah'd amounts, and 'tram, whom propsr ty• and such persons shall',have asu . think 'upon whit lt compenaatiOn.', con, be rnadeiti. proper canes: and the •see.eral flerf'a anent s of of this Goverhinent• ahead . to atol parinrin their apPrdpriate parts fninf,frfls execniina of these ordera....• . ; • . , By ord'er.of the. Pre,idenr. • Seeiyol War UNITFC S'6ITES NEN 4TOTT.'--. We take:lhe.tol)bvi.in,g'froin - :the • Washitiglgui car roNporidence ni . 'the New, .York .E.ire-c , of , the 10th iniff.:•.lt. is ~i eadet&. o rninint, n ep- i n • ~• tbit•journnl: • .• — k•• • l'On•Monithiy. averting last I went from this 'city to New yorlt.„ I A.lls seated : in:4 car itt whleh was cr,ie of .your Coriestionilents,:oc copy- . Ing a seat With United ;Oates Senator. Petheroy of Kansas....ennyierriii Lion between. these gen-, Ilirnati Iti thhi.war, atid.:partienlarly' urioo the:late or , curiences nedrniclimrind: tereited in the Siibject;lierti:e heed tompr &fluid not furl to reihernher what passed'. "The Senalor Soot' retriarkkl that. the 'Wan was hotjirosecuted on piitltiple;• hat : he 'lie' iPY - ed rd] conservatives willing 'now to trearwith the rebets arid Make a" peace •that :he' : thought Seward committed 10 their policy, thil belir4erl the object East to be to feel add prepare the :I..ay for it ;.'nhat he would Prediet;.arid. risk his credit thereon , as againsi.the claims ot:SCwitril.as .ptophet, that . within ten'ilaysovettures would he made by thprehets : to i‘l'dleltan, by him -to' he sent ttp,to.the White House, and thereto he jumped 'at.aild accepted; that • : 111'Cleiliiri'Was•seryi,ng ithaithe' best exPerienCeil Inform, Richinond : was hbt probably:suffieieht to dispose orbirii : ; that, if' the whole army 'there „were sacrificed, and Ire' therehygotctid *of, vhn chase .Would_he .Chrstip lorfthe 'country: . for Oen - , it was probalde, -(he pen* I woold'tdse up: and .demohd a piosrOution of .the •wai' ovan priacipte---doo •frevifoin;• ••••. • .:':.. "The Senator added; in veldt, rintark. that e:Trimed*to - hn of the. ,:nzenty inooin g;,nt,on Tro.,/,,0rt.04, that hi should hr glad to'see'itrOltri to find fir4rlitn4:ton ins . ashel, for 144 would upon, thee'yes ,t?f the . th. , 74.ivelild not be opened;and.thenle . e . n.atildhle • .21),51 for pritte'iple -. f • . !itlereis suinmary ,of whet I heard, Ai .11R...conversation open and, for - .l4oveho jiliesetr •to hear; . l violate no proprie• Vvhat I IhiiV.e fhe Sen;itnt: (ler ham!. his • poiithiiias opi. was willing :shouhl he kiip . %s;ii. Oiheis'inaiked iiln BS well n • s . • . • <y - often an PXtt,a copy- of the to evPl ypPi. tre' ..1) aI I li. wd twenty sttbsciiber l t with the moiler.. • .:• • '''• CLUB:4 may he oriOttiz. , l eorrinroriities•-withreat udyi+ntarit... The present i , the, beet period for their .err)rnrricienient. rth.s • on. ti•hicli we foroish thA pap' -r arras ' yivolnrtnnie• - •• ti,kiod . • ..••• , 20 ropies or- twwirrtls . ONE pou:,Alt each r . opies . im - 413EN no,..r.A . r;s: •• • "copies • • '- • TIX . . " • • •• , • -.0 copies • t . ..TTlef.3.ropirs • 1 7 ,:v0 • • The.paperi. will he, addressed . to different' persons ai the snore. Prist Offieiti'ir rept iie ~ a ces of •'eliihm or 'Mole copies, whieli will I;e mailed to one addrese. • •• . • • . ADDITIONS TO CLUBS may. he made. at • lie•tollo•i , d.niz• rafes ;_.Pipers added to a dob•iloring tiro quarter of the (OW's year will . .pay thehal rate'ol• .the oriizi••• dub fora year, duribu the : second quartOr of. the original year's r ile,,durint! the. third ter. one half, and dorit'g t lie last quartet one..fourt. h i each sotrsC . ripti, os. will terminate with the . - year of the original • :Where pitelrages of witnparors..or periodicals are fereti . ed at any post ofiire•di . reeted . to one address, arid the. names of th,e club pi subscri bers: 1,6 which they helone, with the postage tor a quarter in advance, ihalibe handechottie postmaster, he 0.811 deliver the earite. to their restectiveoWnets. : • . But this does apply to weekly.newSpapers which chrulfite true in the county whe:re prin ted and rniblishod. „ • • 1:1:7 - rilddi•ess Editors of 'MO . .7ournal of com• ti f • froil,.qr;:ce • ' 51'011E,.11AL1; &.HA'LLOOIt r . • Editors and'Protyrietor.s M DEMO"( T.:BVA _M lIIROIT OF F ASIII ONE .--Th e best and moat r liable Feeble]) I%tairri'Lne in 'he world • • .Ciuttairia the largeatand 'LlineAL Fashioti• Pla fee . the. greitte.t number of' thie.Engrav into, the latest and moet , rellabie inforMation, three fulbrilized' Pattern.' for Ereesees. and a sheet of new tirade-Work and 'Embroi dering Fa :lernit: . hlether,.Dreeitmaker—Millener and Lady slintild hone it . Putiliened Quarterly, kt 47.1 lirondWay:•New-York, nold everywhere or emit by mail' at 9.1 enta. Yearly El; with a valuable premium, • . • Tim Summer number now ready. • • 1 at.. That I urn insifently local ed in SinStliport, • " 2nd. Tbail.knentnii , atantly on blind 'll. good' , apply of tbe.bost qus , • ty,of unnterials. ,k.p ' for repsiring the rstions parts of differ•- enL kindi of • *. KOLOCK'S 1 DANDELION COFFEE Phis preparation. made from, the hest JAVA Coffee i. recommended by physicians as a superior NUTIthfIOUP nyEttAitt; for, General Debility; Dyspepsia, hint all bilious•disorders - Thousands who:hate bean compelled to abandon the use of coffee will use this without !dud . 011 fl PfrectA., ,One cadcentalriktbestrength Of two pounds of oidinar y coffee, ients. .K0 . L1 7 :0 . C.1c'3 . -1-EVAIN t . . . The •nurest and beat POlStEn.kunwil, for making ; sweet and , dutritiouii Bread and cake's,— Price 15 cents. • • ' . ' MANUFACTURED BY . • Al: H.: KOLLOCK, Chemist,• Coiner et gicitt.lAnd chestnut Streets, • • - ivrmADer riuA, ' . And sold bp,all Driiggiate-and Groom •• • . . -A- O:LIEA.N STILL TfrIUS THE LEAD' t A RGEST .: it ND . .. B t.ST OLD. KEYSTONE KEYSTONE SPORE 1. K. cbmsTotK. From Ifulhrook's U., S. Man • .:.•';'• .:• TtIOMPSON'S •• • --:;• • BANK NOTE- . .ANIi lomirliaii'lEPOlßgl: Cirralatlon, .:1176,006 • ED :.19,116i •.'fI,IO,MVS.ON Quotations:corri.cied TuomrsoN 2 , Wn11 - 51 : reet Published t 7 Frakl)i. . . /7rSLIIISCITIPTION IN "ADNIAI . 4r,n; • • ' .To !Ilan ift).sciibers . • • Serni•montillY,:....sl I Mo'nthly.,.. 75c. Postutaathrs atliers . ; who..feran etabS' aryl for, waid A's the tneoey hrodiabei. see will send the Repoi •ti:fr...roin rhicrt.:slanuel,..lol(l Discriptivf ,List ,7's . .5 copied. ol Wnekly, - ohn , Sear.. : .( l o - , ..• rtfeoptes'or.the . .... ... 4 ,01 10 copies of the Monthly .. , ... 00 . • . . We will:forward ankliiitouily . to 'an . ). piqson wending rt . ut the' above .rates. at anyone time;. our Anerican ' 'MONO ON .110:11'17,.S . ; •I - 6nketo, N0 . .2, Wall St. iv. 17..,..Proprietpis. . . .AMERidAN: .AOtICULTURIS T. .'.•A •ritunTen ABLE dnriPßA C- TlCAL''Journal, devoted to the different . dr trnerds. ni soil culture, sireh ns gro•wing Field Craps', Or.chkrd .and •Ga•rdeii.•FruitsTh Garden Vegetables arid FlowerS';:.Trees,. Plants,. and Flowers for ; t or 'Yard en re of •po•• nnistic • La Imtg. • ltha s also 'nn interesting and iustiuri•' .iive•dririarttnent Jer,children and 'yorith, • •• A Intl Calendar ol•OpO'ations'eyeri'montli,.. • Tyree t q Four litindred, or more, illusirative • j'Agravings appear in each. volame. . ~..• • °ee l ' Twelve Hundred: plain,. practical, in strurtive articles and 'are given • l'he Editors arid Centribuiois ull .. .prae tical Vold; n ?ten, . •. • • T/r' t , itchi;n43 of the -Aujitrji . :Ti.lit sr are ru'n' Pod ..to•ort Slat!. or 'l,itary; trot / err' ailqprtrl' . to of . 01l !kr cottnt,(- . .= it jt, 'loop , ' it'd' rai , s, for thew/tub. A :111:11ICAti ebN TINENT• . • • • • ' . . . . . ,-1 (.3 . A N .EDI . TION'I. , . p:lblisherl; . .of tlo , .ERNI' larn4 sizi , i!i,l•prlce : as.ihy..l'..llglisii, , apd co'n . . - t.iirlina..All..of its rp t iili . nL., matter, and ilsloone,- rooq illo.stratjvp'l , loznvii;:e• ' , ' ' TERVS-:-.IN VA RI.AIA.I .- ,IN A DV A NCI , .. • : One epp2i,, - 9ne yol,r; • $t 00' . .. ' Six roprpfh nr0 , '..v0..11r•- - r fi r 120: • Tim or ro;-,r . ,..rr;ii,.r. nry , p , ar f30.i...01s eacJi. fiTP A , 1 , 1;10 thi .;11?OV:1• r%l lls : . P.0 ., 1 a 2l+ 111 rpowlii 6 rents,: to F. , ,glaml nail 1 7 1,0rtc.r., .t. 1.1 e6it , ;to G I , r(On . n.V , -36 A001ig....', • .. . • • P,os.ta 2 e.nO3 irhri. , in th ,, ,Unitil'St6tr3 . ,.a . nd Ter r.i i nr,49. M 1. 1., I hr tinid,hy•thi.sjilißet ib , r,- aid is - orrly-Ai.r. ernti a //ear, il..piiitl'•irrodyunce. no thr.offiCti,viAere rl , c,iv;ol, All Inicine.s :Iti,l rither'enmmuniritti . oni,sliobll.l he. ; 61,1 i pqai , (1 to,tho Edit - or. sy.(l Propri'woi . .. . ORA•NGT: JUT)ti, - .ll'Vdrkfßoiv,..N. - Y. City °THY SEE D.: 1? IVT Y BUSHELS 111 e lab y tn. 'SEED, ra i,ed b and for • . Pori-Ail..gany,.Decernber 28,- 1881. • • rT(> Coiisi:iinptives: . . . . . rput. A Iv!rtihe reitort..l.foli ,. .:ll . l , in ' I • dew' Week,. by :t very Filgt:te• remedy; tat,. .ufT red ~eeerdl ye t 0 I , ‘ 4itiee,tinu, n tico. n , dpnidi , dlr—is nnxionq to . Indkr kmrn LI (U. )11 . 4 ' 10111 , 11 . •,111 , ,,r , thP ,mnawia of ewe'. . . , • 'To ail trimdesire it „ will ..en.l a. riii.'y'ef perserip thin used i te••e-rd cilargit), wi'tb the;•,di'iertiens for jie: pa, inzlind using the snail., which they trill fiad u kdtioi CA{µ g, yl3l, CoNrInIPTI4r."4, ASTei.u.‘' lisinscptTda a. Th?.. redly:ol:j , et of the seatluethe is to 1.1;'11 , -fit the alllieted,an•l speriptdrifierivatieu co.rdve', t,n Ln tavalualdrrr and he hopes wetly yur, freer trill erineAly, an it -Mill •ecret theta nothing, and may prove a lett•Ssinr.•:. ' , Parties rviAtin c t the pressriptiitif Will please. adderas, ItSr. A 1)t1' .1 RD .A • W.I Id:OS.. • (97 .7 1,ne.) .Kings County, New York.' PROSPECTUS. OF TH I . • .• • :S CIENTIFIC • AMERICAN,' Mg- WOlli.D SEVENTEENTH YEA,it , • Yoltimi; V!.4 'New SeiiQs. . ,'A ne,a• yolurne of this widely circulared . pa-, per, commences nn qui Jill °I January.. tvery number corMains six'tr.en pages of useful infor . I . o;krioii and frnm fie tO ten oriv.inatengravir,2s nrnew ins'entions and Allscoyeries, till of which 'are prcbarecl-. exm essly. lor ity columns. The'•WINTIFJP, AM P:RACAN,iti, I '-decotetl to tite,iiiterests of POptiliir the b4echnnic' Alts,Mattith,clurek, Irtventioris,'. Agriculture, GarrlinercC trtul'the,'lnibi gefier , 1111,y, and is valuable nntl "instfuctive not only in the Workshop arid •Manufattoryt : but alto in the H9usehold; the Lib'Fary .the Reading Room.'; • To The. Mechanin•and Manufacturer! No person 'engaged in any •of the mechanics Pursuits should think', of doing' without the SetsriTitic Am:nick:v...lr, costs but four cents per week; every-ourriber conteins, from six to ten engravings.orni.w .machines and inven tions., which cannot be. found in any other pub lication.' It is upestablished ruie of the prib- Ushers to insert none butoriginal engravings, and, those, of the first class. in the . art, drawn and engraved •hy' exPeiidneed persons under their own supervision... • To the Inventor! The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is Indis• pens Ole to every- toveolor, as it not -only. con tains- illustrated descriptions of nearly all the best inventions as , they ent , '^e out, but, each number, contains' an ()Picini List of the.ClaimQ of ”!1 the Thitent. Vs , ned - Nom the United States PalenrOfEce (luting—the: week previous; thu• givitig a correct .history of.the' progress of in.- ventions in this, country. 'We are alsOreceiv• in„ every vveek. - 11te best seiOntifir jßurnals of Great Britain, France, and Germany; placina- incur possession .all that is transpiring in' trechaniral .cience and art...in . these old countries. ' )ye • continue ttansfor to bltr columns copiouv rict raetif from: th'ese jour= tittle of whatever we, may •dem of interr'st .to =E=1•=1111 F RNIF.RSI • .. . - T,be SCEN'IFIC Ai tRICAN be found a most uselful Journal to Ihem• QIl the new disenv.erieg of science of .ch"roistry 'are arven in ita calmest' and the interests of the Architect and carpenter , are not 'overlooked; all the new inventions and discoveries appertain ing to these .pursuits being puhlished Item week to week... Useful and practical inforna. lion iiertaining io thd'intetesis and. trill i!cive'ners. w ill Ve Touniridiblistiecilq - ,'r . ihe SqipiTivicAA R CAN n they' cannot . priisibi.y . olittkin :cdfier,, s'ontee . .! Subjets in --,v. hick planrera and. fnriners.itlee - rer es!ed dish sled ln. ihe'• Ttric A:iipiicArviirnost of tile', imiii.prni leent in' airictiltdrallintileniens being illustrated, in iti. T}.ll3lg 1 : . To' rnnil•.stibsc.rilfersTO,tc; Dollnrs'a Year, `or'fane Dollar for sr months.' 'One' Dollar intys forone complete volume of •1.10 . two .volttmesi .comprise one •Tfte so). nines commence' the'. t .of' JantiarY ansi • - ". .:• • . • • .. j..E . RAI ; S Five enpie;,'fgr sic ATont,lis' =- • Ten•ceplis. ; 'for Si. MOO - Ten' iiopi64,lol. Ve o'n I I . i . c • Fi (teen :c4le, for :Tiveive DTonbhv - .TWentycopies., fOr.Twel;a - : . 3 f lonth's ,For alt dohs of Twenty and over, the. yeni -1 y Only.sl,lo. 'Names ran be sent in nt 'different ..times. and 'frotti different Poi,t.offiros' ir Specimen copies mill be seiit gra tis AO. any part,.of •thi . country. . WOstern . nnd Canndinh monei. or Post-Offie6 stamps lakiiii.nt.pair for subscriptions.... Cana ifinOspbstribers jilease • fo . iernic 25 rents .extra: on each yoar'S . .EIAPCOPtiOII to Pre-pay •• • • UNIV. Pnbltshers;' • , . YOrk. .. . .. . . . . • . . . - • - • i./ r -', . A .• mi . TT . . 1 r ..,' rel . : • • • Icit g . .. 1 y-:3 , iL•;:'' , . ,4 :4;, -. U . 111.11,8.11.1110 :. . 0 .r., , 01;,,:.;. , ..,;•1 _.. . .. "'''if ""-1 , -"s,:tfFgl -. ;•. , •.:. .. -AyER,s ~ . -.....,_ g. - - PILLS r„) -.0-e , -.- . :... -.: • r . , ,...11. •..••..........• ..,ii.A.1,,,,, it l . 4. ,..ii . 1. : Ai. , . y.)ii' } . , , ielc ; t0 11. , ;1. 0 i1J . , ,,,, a i n 0 i . i i :: . --' j '. * # :'. ' l 'j t '',' l ',l'l' t • l ' ' '':: : '''. l 7 : : . u o' ii I r: f: Y ol ' ii e % i n ' .. u d i ' ; - .rt„t Mi LWAUKt F . ' : . iii ii .k . -Y.... -,-- i - .,...t: . • .. ,• and,6 - ; Z -' , -- ii::-: .. , _ i. , ~ 1 . Ti . . ~ ,-.• • J.-fir e E , t . i .. k, : ,, . c ,,r,, 4iri.l.• 0 t aq.1,., - ftymp- , t.-111 , .211 I' 011..11 tili, ill 1.411110 to , . I'i i ' . ' ..• • 'k'Y. , .. ',..0 . 1h111 111ti0.,4-,' ~ 1 , u , lit f '.'.' t- 4, ' ' i s ', o otik's . , , .. —.' " ~ ' o 1 ...",-• ~,, , v1 1 , 10,11,S It. VI eli111111.! upon yon, ...4 rk,,,,..(z... - . 9 %:i.. I.tul Ovo‘ Id I.,••att , oetl Itx :1 - ~ ,,,:7,, , is. r••,.,50,,i. iLso•ly 1..,, It( 11,6 rigiti.•letu : ~7 1;?_' ;its.:;l .elly, , Tql, , , ..1:0.1 . 1 , . i i iliii, lio '•-',..-:,...,-,,Ti1ci1t.,..1 vlit . Ow iii4l/1 . 11111 . 1:11 }III- Cii>• e ,, , >64 ., .ri . V . 4. 4 ,-;, , ..11,Coy's —, pill Iry lie 1110.1. tiriAl . , ,Ri.'f.4);•,ftif,kil.' lot. 1.11...A111i:4; 1111)lt i VII 11111111- ' - tr,• -• '';',4•:',•":414,u,,•,0.114. OrtliCilqi ill : . litt . illh ' 14,ipi11... -,t,tt.01,t;,. t 7.1 , , , ,..1..p.. ,t ~...,.., 'NIP . , 051111ttlaitt, • tlif• Ititictioi,4 ".... , ....„:"'.: l . r. , ...1 ,0 A ~ - 1,:: ,i 1,1, hiii i ' i11[14..1 101 iiliri itti . ..i - , i7,', 4 ,..i!ift. , - . - w- i , :: '-:':', I iviiy. pot L . 1 ,1 thu t..... , tputt.rnttn ' . .., - 7 —". ' iltit 14 , 4 riot 101 l ,t hill) iintku, ,lk,•114!.. 'ri col.? 71:1111 , * wurcp•,ll , ) , ., ill Ow 1.;Iv. arul ull.. , trill'H . Ito 'natal n! lutl,:i, , :o. 'I Is.•i, •if wit; rellevkut 1.1..1, , 1 upoir j 1,,, t4ll 10 , 11-1 . 011. Sill . il l lllldlil forg.tuts, pi t.... , lit , i. , ,c p..9 , .1 a lmv.mtv.tiltm, ..tilloiitig, 1111 , 1 511,ai...0. ll' hilt 1., !1ri4 . e,,,,1111110", ~k1p,..5i..,..1 1i.;,. I 11 , ...leritiigi , litmit.W,. 1111(0 A ~.r. , .. PM, 11/fli ''l 14 , ,iv f liF,.,•tly r1....y . ,55.0 tore ilia it:Omni ittl os . i,ri ..r..,-,,,•H ! . ~,,I %yin, II Inn 1... y. la 15 .,, in4 ", i ,..., 1 , 1 , .., ;; ,ii, wi..l ~11..,;:u.-I.liiippikri,it in thi: tilt - hi 3,1 ,• ,, .11,1 .11',.1.1i , 1:0tit.. i , id., ti tio 11 I.llmy •411,...1,-op • t1,,1 :1,1,1 il.i' '1,1.014 ill.. 11•111 1 ,0 1 ,.. ' llll , Slllllt. iilln,,iiii . i. ,Ir v., ex • 0 •1 I 110,1: 1',114,1 hy 01•1111.1 t. 01 , t4 rut, 11,14 and do t,,,...,,t1-isl ~.4' Mt. 'ill .IVAI P11156.14•ol. OK, li ill. tip'y :11 . i. i.pil 1: 1014, ,wito- ~ 1 111..1t1 milt oly:ritrt-I. 1 . ,,...t11,:,. It,. ~1;.,,:), . ";1 , 1.• wli, 1;1:,150t 11, slit., ..if 11i0 , .., NO.; u, P.l lio,de.t I, 01111;loy !Win will., stillosing truni . :+t,c , -ill :1110 li ',III lil.l.llll,!fil i lVLir 1:1111 in 00110) of tilo liviii,..ill.ll 11111..., ' Mill loom. piltvr - .11,11 know'n ptiblia.Por , . . . . . . , . . . . • I', ont ft rliant:4 torris, Ph. 4, 1S7,11; Afra . :•.Vfilir or nil Ihu t in great in !,t , ,u,•;.0.. auk, dmight,T 111.,11 t13 , 01:111,i fi,t that j!ild . pruto4 h•fir.sl,l.l • tier aiorlioClut4 witli t.I ,tchei uitolidairtvg,4l and •Ait, i• 111 1 ,1 o t o .au_ed,.nhw also tried your nut they lines cured Itor. • ASA' ,MORGItIDGE. • • As , lilt) y -1711ey '•. Porn • Ur: -i. . . . . . . . ~ . ~ yo,,r r i,,':, ‘ ..., Ilw jli, wi nr 1 ,, g ,..,. .n.,,i..,,,;,:ii„,,t, „„,i fo .„, ~,;-0 4 ,‘ay rat,lll. , I ii , ,r0.1 , 41.H.L.Qx, Thli.y Urn' liiiiii 1.01 -,..:.; v.”lnitrond.oll%. , iii , tl hi th..ii . ) ,, tr , ii 4, i) ' 11. }! , 11 . 04: ,:,i... , 1 -. sit Ikt, : I lil!iii iii , P ' iiiiiitb,lo . ( I) 11.1 111 . ( hi' :1.1,4 II Iti•il4l e,Un Stop ac) PI . I fill) nd,/i,,,,;(1, . . _ . • . '• .i) , 18 1/1// , 11 , 1:: I c 3, ...t an,w, Icm . p.hal complaint. ii..0., ! . - ,.'ct wi!li y.ms• l'ilk .I..•lt—n• Illan to ~,y, , 1! !hot we ere; ll'e t.t tv,th ,: 1, 1r.,. (UV, Mt , 1 il.l ..... I Ith,t.t. (..... ,, ...6.1.1"'• Ott I t : tt t. WI t •Wito,!It:11 I . :1111'1i', i, in lily t hily•cont,'.t, kvir it 1/3,.:1,0. /111 , 110 :1 / 1 .1111: /1 ., / , 1!1111.11 3 . 0 ' 111' l'ills.afl urti us.llpt . 1,4,t..,.., 11.4.,.., to( I! l411.0,11:11111."1,1,1/1 11/ . 4115. . . . •. .. . . • . . Pftr,nrnii,-Pa.; May 1,1555. . . . • . - PM J. 0. Anil. Fir :'T 'has' , ' 1 , „, , a 'l4.la•Asilly rart4l of. tit', kV.'ll,l' b.,. t'”: •IIIIYI;OliV 4 1.110 ~" .I ,Y I , ~1.i,,P r. " 6 ' . ofpair -1111 4 ... it ,••11i1 1,1 ui i.e lawn a faul stomach, Is.hich try ctaan , a at,C , ll'".. . 1 r ' . . • . rt.III grt:ot..ring.crti ' 1:1?. 1S: 1'111:n11, Ste, r rt. Chnivi I)l.s49rclers vei• • • ri Dr. .Tll?..lun . T 11, u. (ff . , . • . Notottly Itt.o . yortt. It.lnitt.o to I pito. till ttp , n - Ittpt.. lArt.l-1111.1 Ilirir 1 , 11i.11 , 1:11 olfoxt,l you tt.,t • Eirer.very trlo.y lokvo in toy I.llLc- I too io1.11 . !:41 - ,tl"..ettiltl;.63r . cot of ktitotts . i.tont• itt,ttam fttait'olly.t.t,.l,tit”tly 1 van I sinc e rely t , 1.11,4.11iVe which tit tvur. uty 1113 cob u. Al t o pe.„Ldu. . .. . „ NIEntOR, • Waxllll . lgl.4l, ISMS. I hilt, 111 y goiktriti nud hognital pre.?nil 111.1.10 I.ll.ll . ll,lliPirminot h.`sitato to 111111 Ow), olu the bum . I.lithotik ,Thoir 11%11 7. biting action 111 the titer isAtifrk. 1111,1 decided, conee.. gdeull3 . they 111 . 11 1111 . 11(Itilitablo ,1 dviniqielitrii . tel of Alva urgaii. • I tut, 6..seltlosit funpil Ia eitso bifious that it did nut I eadily 3111111 to . 1.111411... Itut.rnally . .), , ,lll;:, • Zl.l 11A.1,1, M.. 1)., • the'll,4rine Herliilll. • • Dyseiltcyk, Diturrliceti, I,;.ktinx, Wormia.' • .". Pima. U. ace, h, qf474 ;dojo. • • • Your 11111 hncy had a log I 1 ial in my practice: and I, liblib,them in V1464:111 us 01i0 the host. aperitintit,l have elver 16uigl. 'l'lielr Wheal ive eibi•tif upon the liver makes them an ext•ellent remedy; tvlieli,niven in sunill thoom for dYsettlis',4 rind diulrhiee. '1 lair xugnr- coating makes them vet y acceptable and courenient for the use .of women itiol .Dystiepoln, ipn)iivlty Pron . ' letv. J: V. Moirs, Pisti,r — if ! 4iicen4 Clirch, 11.10 n. , Arse: I have used yuar Pills with Pxtraartllnary 811 , 4 4 ,4444 , 1 in my fondly antransaug attr-it) 'am called to visit itt distress. .To regulate the otiattits and piiiiry lily biund,'tl,. nru thn V44l'y best remedy I hityo .rAerlitittivii, nod I catreoulitleittly lecnattnentl them to' my frlinaltt. . ' You's, . 1111. •' ' ',WARSAW; li . y4lllllllg C 0.,, N. V., Oct. 'A, 1855. , . -PeAn•Sin: 1 am nr.M.; ).nir li.al.nrtie l'ilid in my prnr tier, mid lint' Ilium nn .xe..11..1.1 mirgallvo 1.1 clamtxu.lhu sytatint wit] pnrirll On.: jialiallinK 1!1 the tolnint.' ~' " • JOHN . 'U. * MEACHAM, M. D.• .'. . . CollNtiplitloll4 COY l iVelleg9, Sapp vxmclon t itlkottmot 14111, Gonl., Die viral g in, 'Drop.. •• My, (4.c. • • . • : •I 11,, l Dr..7. - P. lairgh”;•Mniiim,/,•C'pitydrt. l'oo mitcli cannot lin 'xidd of your for the cure of cnatoen,ss,. if ethers el our fraternity hare liiund liletu as eOlctrinux IN 1 1111S,e, they shaubl juha Inn in proolalin lug It for the 11.41040t' the multitude!' 'rho suffer from that complaint; which, although Mid enough lu iusor, Is liiu progenitor Of others flint aro worse, I- believe GOS lirrnros l mn iglunts 111.'11'm, hitt your Pills utryct that . orgati !mil cure the dienme. • ' • • • Penn* Airs. L'...c7rort,•l7lysiciall ow/ OThlintre,,lll4lmt.. ' 1 I) t] tote or two largo dace~ of year Pills, hatep at flo) proner , linie, are excellent protoollveS of the 111111plItirCre (1101:{111,11 wholly or partially m appremed; Stint alein nltty In drawn , the F/oni./. tool ....tem/ worms. They, mud, the h t tat itt*.eie that'. 'rot:outman& tto otlotr to my patients', •• • . FYoflt the Rem Dr. llwker,rtf The .IDtlindist Ep(r. Church. IYr.asat flortr. Pay anthill; Chi 0.1R50. .11nalnarP out: I frtlitolltl Ito wofulteful for tho'rell4 yolir e.I(111 Ivo+ loottglit nm if I MU uot, retool illy (luir to yon. tottlltol in fly Ihnloi and lirouglasoi oxen wortt/bioptitoi3, ondotl In to/troitic Hot/mit /ism. lottl lo ott plisml t tjititti, tlru d Ittottsotgrito• W . 111.4..0itt1 " sritrite. ottlil Ly llottotri into of your exoollontllout. It, Ilidtioore. In Mooliourlo. l.trled your .1'111+: • . 1 hob. ,41;:rt, , i o 1111;arauVering. in the Into Or thorn, I Oil, Itt4 otititelytoon.' Sraare CHAU/1111, !Intro Dn. AVER: T boy,. boo. Ow Lc put. Of 11im.a.41 I lott !ilia, NIB Wird wu• for yearF. • I'INCEta SI,I 1)1i1A. Qom -t 'the' Pills in market entattili MerenrY• 1111 . 11 It, altisamit vattiabiti•Eininsly in 1,4;111)11 hands, is' ilaigi•tons, in a puldie front the arssilftti cones titietitps that frequently follinv its' incaution , In.e. 'these' egintaln itii'inerettry stilmtinice winitc.ver. ' P . rioo,.2s . Cents per.lloz, or 5,80xe . 6 forsl Propared. by Dr.:. C. AYER & CO.; Lowell, Nam .. .. . . .. . . . H. Hamlin Rz Co., Sin'ettiportf C. T.', Ostood,. Bradfordi L. ti..inollyy,Tort Allegany'aii.l. by rlcal.cs'ev.efyWbe . re. ••... 4