-,<,.. 4 ' ''''' , 7,' >,•,-.-..---- , , --, -- • "-I— ~.,.. —, ~, t # 's:l •":, ,r.: , ',)• d• •• ~,:i ,;,,-, , , u. ~ ':" tat , alt #4lo g Tonotra ,, . ~.N. t ',, , Al*&4l64lo. ; risil Liid•iitaa 2 --fitete willYrtie an i'ftiightitititi of, it large coheetlifirof P.iiitit inns', . I‘4 :lt it Wiirt. House this evening. The •eriter• .. ,t lt , - . .igtilisielitt.4elllr.ctanikttAL a.,,„ix4 4ats * ".-..'"• ' , ifirettiSeenety of theDeavens: ,‘ A .series f 4 t,;' ,- or :illoyeil* ~.k*kronotnical Diagrams, repro ". -tenting theßimiets with the Satelites in actual ~ inotisit besideti'ASA ; tienomena %., •:,,i,eSsicond r4 ir,tieries of paintingkon the leading : ',''. eXt-o,lilC,ill e I,asred Scriptures. . i ~.; ,;,',l,l"ikitd,., t'Outt Is tit Miscellaneous .'ilo OFOUX,III, Tiventy•ent Painting depicting some , '':4 ' '''• ' .. 1 Wr of the tigthe v ßeinciPlit eccles,,f ( tee a , , '-' Stied'. ' ..., . , . • , 1 , ~,., Fifth, . The Drunkards Proiess, ' 1 ..,, ,1 . ki l l Misceliinebus paintings. The whole tO eonclude with' tile - beautildi representation ~, f the Star of our Union'. ' AdrAissiotilecents.— 'Children 10 cents. IlociitiAmßittoani.,=•,lVlajor,RoY ,STONeof the flucktiff rekiment, was, in :this city on S'at Hey en •,his..,way' tri his home in Warren • county. COnsiderine the hard fighting the Me jot has been engaged in, he . looks remarkably - s " mfr.' • He'reports itiont tUaiklikili left fit 'for duti. • K. nimbi( Of !the"siCle ' - haVa recOvered, and • . iiiny.lisiftillbeettirecruited; so ' that in a ..few ••'(•-•witiiStt*:reginent will he. swelled to its orig.: !:::etbiajoirrituse'S mission to hie•nome'is to pSVe ••••• lhe;way . to form.,4•llucltail pri g iiile. •• ..Ite is cOnfidentahatlhOussnds•of• young-.men can he '.(c),Undi.orthstruties of •Warren, ,Potter, Mc- Kea Clearfield Elk Jefferson' &c who will Peck .to once; tinCUnt the'huckr • • tsil, Shookiii the 'rifle ' , snit' match to the de, fends c(„ t air country. We wish Major Stone •. success hehtscisiterprisi,,for as a brave and..gal7 lent' soldier he tidily meilts . it.—petriot •4. • ,Tbe number of Atoops required to , be raise bp,,Oerssylvortio is Obout 75,000. Nearly. d 0,.. 00,0 Will. be. inquired _ tr. fti(lbe. .reglmenis, in etdOitienije r ho is ,Iyit i uota : of ibe ' 1eyy.pf.100,,009. .' • ,4- ; , - - , , , :LATEST; NEWS; We' have ra, stirring . .war' news from any ter, by last night's ' The guerrillas ate falling liacir in.ennessee, and no danger is now apprebentied by the people of Haiihvilie, ' In dm Serrate', on Wednesday, the House res. tiplinatery the *Confiscation kat, was dii6itifid manner which Showed that hold Of the' radical men, that theiiieeiderli,Would nOti:sign the'hill as it ori4- Melly litaird.. , . ....• , Lovisomzs, July 15." The The -Bulletin says that Morgan's band last night destroyed the-long bridge on the Ken ticky CentratßailrOad - between Cynthiiina and gentlemin'resldingnear Cynthieina, sais. Morgan's moieCM;Frankfort 'and I.exing. ton wake, felnt r bie real object, being to. strike • the 'railroad at Paiis, and'destrOY. the Town send •viadicqiVitheli it• Would fake six weeks .to :reis(tiatntetv then' destroy property Bo'urbon i,ctiiitlty., and retire Harrisonburg. , Advices,froM night to'Maytir Hatnifof CintiriiiiitTi 'render part' of the, above ,Theieirata.,reports thikeyening oettie railroad - • track Lexington and Frankfort having .beeti torn upkir:Jai by - guerrillas. • , • . • . • 'Sr. Lank July 15. • DesPatchei tri military authority, - received today, say' that den:" Curtis'-command, about • 14,000. strong, has reached Helena,,,Ark., where ,they; are testiog at present. •• 4iforrnation froni-Corinth to Tnursday says ' :that Geri. liallyck "was Ithire, and'the 'various diviiions of his army is in excellent condition anit.engef.,forvamiye ..optrAticin,e. , .Bragg bus upello, 'arid • some .34,000 more.; ROBY:Springs 'and ;other. movements -are said' to iridicate offensive operations.: "•:-• '1 `ll7iteil has befiirlat' into the canal • bdrg,‘ theantleipatiort,,that would soon cut a „ . chatineln'tbrough iarik''not. :yet. realized. -Thal Widli.4if deepening it three , feet .bas. PM' o guerrillas-near Memphis, arc becoming . , bold ' burning ,cotton, almost , :in sight . O 1 • abei , city. ,- • Disguising themselves as cotton •,-:i, ,, buyers;-, -, they' find lartiere. it is secreted; 'and •.. , . ... ,.. .:".... - " , :4hen.,erinte-irf.force . aniit.bwn it. . , . i _„, , T. R,Sevecr scouts ot .thei Eleventh Illinois Caval . .. ~ .., rye when.,..,tiesr ~ Hernapdo on • Friday, , were. , - , . ~.-'...-el lk rujeki*l..Two.,wate vroanded and coptiired, ~ ' tft. ... 4a baltinee:escal;ed. . 1 " 'l.!'l ,', A.itvi.r . , n - ;', ~." ~ - ~ Itinumorps,july 9. • .t""..-;' , :" . ' valt...ll4;tlinusand Yenkees reached Warrenton ~.....'n•t,:r.yesteribly. p.,:The., : -.Petcreburg Express says ~ s),,,,..k,AatiGenesit,afx.Clellan, has a pundred thous. '•.".....:„....;,:,Pttp,ajoir,,ritßytt :Pou'rox.,--The citizens' Com ., ,1.,,,....:'1nitte.ii-0ri50;.4,6,4iwg in "concert with tho'City tititr . ritatiiiaihriritiert;• will , first endeavor to fill ~.. ',--,.."•"...- 'suit ibe•Dhasik,elitipette regiments in the field to •."-,..'".c.1:'..0 000,il TOta,„:and then ~ "recruit, new regi.: i - - ,-•-"" meottto the nuiitiei iegiireo.: . The Corrinsit ' , ~"" :titet t#ke iold - Of ibe work :with. `great energy), .. - . „viirld. s tifilry prospect of entire . ' success.: Recrui, • 2 -... 3, ," o 44.ilkg.iniadquriSters will'be 'established on""Bcis .. ; y„..4 ! P1A0*.;:" .-:. `...‘ • ''•,:,.....'•,••:.•: lFfkimit*i.i.,;• iii.iioia,••'''.2.',: l• .:.; 45.:,-;;-v•'.1,!.;4" aOnnty-mOs in "I'F'!l"..-I'"eie .Y4s a ..;, -,,•:,'--9,:.-o!taati)reiatatinn .-'-' eeting her'il t.`"! I Y , lifid i.:3.,jM;:oit*.patotii f.A.Ore Poled for sustaining V:',''v,--Ni!',,410.-44(tti. Pea.;!a.Piciaacutingi war . ' "lir 's,t(.....,,raftF.toi,, -Rkr-n,!t.lll,titth-firieit:iiiiiieaik.at -the u 4 n e i' v - iiiiiy, - - , R . : i.,;.;i,;:. , , , , ..,..,,, ?..:,, ~.4. .e f o ~ ,,i . oi o t • t. g ; ii i 06 it is i t i . 4: o a k s p a e t.. a: h h i t: ; in'session, i i 1 - 9 ,,,s it sic. : ,i ,G i ci p u n i d d, i''.,;:r•l.ft':l,44s44#4ojaPatltiOunt.-1-9-1." Legislature;;.ta PT:'0:41)411:r ;. '.- • Y , .?• F 9 Ole ers.: • -o••`•,t_FA,l,-i.-:,w , - 'te 4 :' Am 0 'N. , ..• -, . ' '• '" .., . •,,.. , .*.fttext*'lLo th . linst., ' - to •ANTuorm ECOLE h bot ; 4t Elk .cotTlYs =MEE • • tb4. 7t4 Foksztv, t4s,oV..,Yeate ind one */),:i . u'r,f, • *. SePlig Piumb 4, 1 04IN,Gr - TitADE Ift - 03.1 . 1 4 AYP' NEW GOODS AT • THE ONE PRICE REGULATORI i'..iii... , cy!,.6,,,kiLi.‘, 1 ; DON' f MISS 11' •Ti'iP..ca-iiIAp.'STA)III.:, IYOIOT FORGET IT GiIEAT.BARGAINS dAt'i .13E . : 1:1-AD',-.41.11:::'1.j-lEt ( . IN-1 , : f . ,0 . q,,.:E.0.kTgR -1 AVe ' I ... , : MARK 714AT-!"-! OLD'FRO*AS KNOW ALL ABUU;I' IT Yust. (ionic And dap For .11imehrs. One.piirchase . .will satisfy. the most skeptical that - , tliere,is only one place to buy , first class goods, at liar low 'prices, and that . plac6* is the ONE PRICE REGULATOR. The one price system gives ' the. best sati4fac; SUPERIOR GOODS; h:LEG AO':STYLES, NEW FASHIONS, Wc ES, F.Vgiii . I'4llNG ' l'doU ' ' Ir A Ni :4 T: TILE oNg PRICE REGULATOR, and the., grand Emporium, of &ye' y.tiiing new' neat and atylrali.., If you .fiavd"tlie CASH and want_ tO.bilv : tlia BEST •• '• • ••..• . • . . , DRY GOODS, GENTS .FUR NiSHING GOODS ROUST FuItNISHING..4OOns, HATS AND *CAPS, BOO'fS 'ANT) SHIOES,, GO TO THE ONE, PRICE REGULATOR ? T ) :3ERI' 110 , goods r e•ola rk abl e fir Ylth iupeAcy Mitnnfaature: and i,ow s pRICE.S Tliey,wlll be offer e d ,'• to ycion,t, .the lowest possible • , figure,. the 'first anti rfom 4.41' ihere eati!he ../V O'D E , r 1: A 2.?,9 ltil Price;—to Price u. BtYlesStriet Integrity—Cash. •,' 2 % 'THING'&.MILLR Foirneriy, • • C. H. THTIsIG AprA,?3 . , LL pOsons ko'owing themselv'e , s' iiidrliteo ' to..the:unOersianed not• hpritliy notified. to cull witri't•tilei-,theirAiccoupts or costs'w,i)). be mode. D. 0170'. t[TH . E . R.EAS th e . • lion...ll(ibert ,G. Whith VV President ,judo - c 'ithd:the Ilona J. Dare liritt'and N. i'fra-bodk•A'sseciute - .Tudges - .of the. Courts of Oyer gr.,...Teritiber and Jail beliy.e'ry;.Qttarter.:SOisions of ,the. Peuee, Pr!' Con'rt and ..Courthr comirion. Pleas for' the County Of 51'.Kean have issued their -precept,‘ bearing date' Vriday, the .seuenth, - ...day Of the •jie'et of : our:l.6rd .one , ,thinr • - • sdireiht.'lttnicked and, sixtyl•two; rthd'th me directed tOt . CoarCof '..pyer., :and, :Ter!oiner , ti(l.,Ge Delivery, SepsicihS Hof, the .I'eace,•'Ptpliaint'.• Court; and Court of:CO r nirhini the Borough - of • Stitetlipert; . oW• . Monday, the •30th',day Of. Jane next, and fo -- etintinite: one .week 7 '. - • •' • • •.. ' ',Notice is the'refore herebf,given4o.the-Coro ne.rs,.Justicei .of. Peace and Constables county,t hat - they• be then and there. iti their piOper.persons, at 10.o'Clock . A. P.1..01-• said (lay, with their rolli, - reecirds, - Intinisitic;ns, examinations., and. 'other rerneti - thranceSi:to do. .those - thingi,which their olfiees appertain 'to be• And those who:are bound by, their' ret. ottitizanees to prosucute the prisoners that are of sball be in the Jail.,of said, comity .O.f are t.obe 'then, and thete. to : Prosecute . against their) as will be just. . • • •. pitted. at , flnet.hport, this.7th day .of 1862, and the .84th 'year of 'the Irdeperid ence•-of the : Utiited States (sr• A merica.. •..- •'• •: .; HOW LOST ! HOW. RE'TORED!! Jte'st Publ . ishtil;fp . re.tati4 ErrClope":. . . •. . ' A I;,ECTUItri ON I . IIE NATT,DiII, TREATMENT; AN.) Radical cure iiftiPermatorrhoen; or Seminal NVeeknsss; dovoluntnry Etaiwitincd ,, eninif DCLlltvi mai Tiniledimente tii:Marriage generally.. Nesvousuesir. Consumption. Col • lepsysinit Vital Mental ind incapncity, resOlt• trig from Self-Abuse Ai.e.lty hoot. CVLVERWE.I.L. M. . Anther of ihe di reen'Dookoke. . . • 'him3 v'rnrld-yenowneil nutlow:,•in.this islinirnble Lecture „clearly yroves from Inn own experience 'the t the awl up 'ennssquences nelf.tibusa. roar he elientunlfy removed' withoutineillcine, 'and nviflinutlangerouii Surgicnl opera tions,hongles,,lnstritmen rinpi:or eardisl oi),1 a mode 'of 'cure Att. oncr certain and effeetund•by 'which every s ufferer. no 'Matter whist his conditlnit may he. linty cure cheaply, privately. nod r adically. This 'lecture will provh a bean to tliousipids -cud' then - -sent under seal, in a plain, envelope. to any address, nn receipt, pt sis cents,' or two portage stamps:by address ing, . • . : Dr CHAP'. , .11nwiry, New York, rest Office • M _NE Eb. Observing these Facts and I IM[l'c I ion not. brastikcaviren I ,loiy . ..that nesrlytlve years experience has tatteht tue lusyr.to use them uceessfu 11 y . • • • Watchea Can he safely nod scientifically repaired Smethport. Nolnatter'liow lidp or difficult. the job: 'am I am itottirOliut4 to hoop V 0.1 1 ,11 up; and be fully pre pared to meet every ankaoy cm.p. •• • , •. .CLOCKS WATCHS JEWELRY &C . Repaired an slnirt. notiee.an reasonable terms. In the Store of I.ll.' 4 l.tustrpOi'a, Sian of kite ”.ItIG • w, u. 11.1.1.< 1t.. . . . Ti•,11.--.1 guarantee my 'prices fits worklo he as low, as at any Other 'recalated and responsible shoe and IoW . - en thau at ninny. Please glen me a call •• W. 11. It. 61.1),14 1. 1.0R11'F' , 5, • • • ... • . • arid , .; . • of an, . • • 13IIRLISFIED FOR THEBVINIEFI,T A ND AS A WARN... •16441i1ii ynitivx TALI who suitor front Nor-. vo t isdhodlitv, PreMatOre.Doray. upplying at the oadooti.o‘le the:mean. of;SOIY. Cord fly olio who has 'cured hltoo-lral!er. lotto., pot to tereaVeNtteiao throoFh uiwgrnl ;mprolt.inti and quaokory ltr oncloniolir ppgt.paitt ad, ott.,sed rorohto.. otttoids'onotitP ma'y ho had of the nu.. MAYP.AI.It, Bedford: Kings • Couoly , • • LOW 'PRICES, FANCY GOODS; CROCKER' EVER N. S. BUTLEE COURT PRO CLAMA TION, at, am per mnitelitly located in Methphrt, !mi. That T keeppot• tntly on tin I a good ppiy (Atha beat gelti of materiala. Tools: 1 ...for repairing the Mona parts_ of . differ, it Minh of owy(DVlll l 27• 4 A NEW ARRIYAL 'AT A; :13." ARMSTRONG'S . . irtAXlNC!'become the proprietor. ..of the fire', lj.cery and Proviston.Stpre, lately occo l oed `by .13..F,'Writiltt, iitke.'thia method of :in frienda that.. I haye just received• lbe:latt , est stock of • .•• FAT/CITA'. . .ever offered. •fhec:rieople WK.ea'n county 'ai prices seem' riiit one at any .other establiAtrient. I keep, on hand, and , *re in the daily rnceirit, of • , , FDESIL*OIIOLIND FLOUR, . : • FEED AND . MBAL. • •••:. • . • PORK, sAl.'l` • CODFISH, • , MACKEIta, WIIITE.FISII,, - • , BUTTEit, LADD, TALLOW.. • •• CANDLES:R(OF.. STARCH; • ". . • •• NUTSIEOB;•SALRAPUS , , • -,SODA, INDIGO. PEPPER. • ,• • SPICE. CINNAMON,. • • ; •.• • • ' • -'CLOVES.'CRACKERS.' ' • •TCDACCa..ItAISINB, • . ' NUN. OF ALL KIND.. • .SUGAItILS CE.ALL COPPER, GROUND, •• AND OD:GROUND, • - SYRUPS, NIOI;ASISES, 'KEROSENE OIL,_ CAMPLIENK, FLUID, CANDIES, TEAS &c., &c,, My stock is full and . eomplete, and selected from the best in the market.. Call and exam ine price and quality,.and you will not. fail to buy. • A. B. ARMSTRONG. metraport, May 30, 1861. _ _ • , . 11/ MH.DEMOREST , S MIRROR OF -FASHIONS.—The /TA tin& - Must „reliable Fashion Maentine fn 'lie wodd.• .oontains ihnlargest and finest Fashion Plates:. the grenteint number of fine ..Engravings, the latest and most reliable information, three full-sized. Patterns for Dreeßses.und a sheet of. new, lirade,Work And Enthral derink Pa:Writs: Eveiy Mother,' Dressmaker: Millener and Lady, should haie it Published 'Quarterly, at .17. i - 11readway, New York. guild everywhere or sent *Mail at 45 cents; . 17 . early.'81,'Ivith a'valuable premiuM. .Tho kkinnaer number now ready. . KOLOCK'S DANDELION CUFFEE. . .Thla n.q made.pieparon, ade. from the .best Java Coffee' R recommeedibt by physichins as a superior N . LITRITIODS' DKVERMIE for General Debility, DYspepsia,: and all bilious AlserderS. Thciusands.who have been compelled to abandon. the use of Coffee will use this without Wert. ou s effects.. One can contains' the strength•of twcipouuds of ontinarytoffee. Price 25 c Oita. •• : ' KOLLOCIVS:LEVAIN, . . . . . ' . Tho, puiest and beat DARING POWDER known, for' making light, ;moot dud nutritiouo Bread 'and cakes,- eriCo./5 couta. •'. MANUFAVTIIRED DY H., KOLLOCK, Chemist, • Carnelyot Broad 'anti Cheetxtu‘ . Streets, . " And sold by all Drugriete and Grocers, s 4 . • 17-11 ICE:N.S'I:O N . If, , . AT 01., , EANT STILL TAKEs TEE LEAD J. K., COMSTOCK, TIPS ANNOUNCES. TO .HIS. tild.frie , tids in Alc.KetniCountyi that on hand 't his Sptip..al usual, with the `,.AI .. GESI', AND: BEST „ •• . . Selected stock of Gobils'in the-Pleari,Mitrke.t : .To .. IYhOles - alo .60 - 11OyOro: I'.ll null:.' Say, . •L:.eari . ofler - yciti hi Uei intltic6mott.tlon • It rnake3 no tliftexende . - what-youwan!, , 4!tiy thing in the line • •• • G!zoi . i.hor.,§ 4 PRorisioxs, Call .atihe' OLD KEYSTONE ..And you µill find the artiele fresh and cheaii It's no use talking KEYSTONE STORE • • . b" fl , l'always4ill . take the lead, an reg Mate the market in • .... • ..• roceries'. ',,PkorWopt* OLD FRIEND,4 4ND, NEW ONES, . . . Don't .to•aall 'and ..see• ton . : when you. visit . . Olran ; I shall riot hurt yOu„but.sliall ca;tainlY. try.. [6db. you•gpoll.. . . . • ' • -.T . ... K . ...c0m5T0gN... May'23l.l, !SOO.' . • 5-3 THE li' EEKLT. JOURNAL' OP .C.OIIIIERE - .: .40 OUR SUBSCRIBERS.. The commencement of n new year is it good tune suhseCiptiOns, and increa'sinr, •he cli•culation:of the Jumtiiil of We address otirselve.s . to the old readers or the puper„ lwi•tij entire 'confidence to their tvilling , seas tu'aid us, and' extend the 'influence of the soun•l conservative"MinCiple and morals yvhich . have. hitherto characterized• find hereafter churacte; ize this paper. -.l::VF:ttv: - Stlmomiuttt to the Join nut M. 'Commerce ;Might. de great service •:to thee principles, 4od.sfrengtheri-ns iMpur ability to sUppOrt and•circulate them, by f owling tiS the name of •nt least one neksub scriber his.toWn. • • ••. •. . . . . Devoted firmly. as we have•been to our coun. , . try.'e, 'interests, aid , haying lOne been called ' ,, T.Tnion'overi" rig' a'teirn of.reproadi, we are nnd shotl be the firm upholders of • ' ... •THE UNION AND THE CONSTITUTION opposing, wirh . lfe,art anripen every man, Sontb or . Nrirt.h", who is Fib ' 6nellly to either. •.F.vpry form ot . disorganiptinn and rev'olotion'will find its. ready .far the combat. Among.thvint•s'of the American Uniort and'Ametledriprinciples, We rank .sirfe by side •-• APOLITIONISM AND'EtiEssion - rs;ii .and we:prnpose with all:our.strcngth to defern the. , nation against the ottaCksnt:brith. • A . LIEERAE OFFER. . . .-.- To encoornOw thole wha.rotiy vOloryteer td eni . in the : . orcAoization'or .Clobs*, -we her;-by otler nn•exCrn copy of the Weelity to every pet enn w . hzi:stja . ll lOrward twenty new subscribers CLUBS . . may he organizicl• enrrtmtinitirs' with great advantage:. The pregefit•is the best period• (or their cornme.neemenl.,• The.' term= on: which we can furnish ih'e paper tiro as folloWs 'yo.companies taiCing . • • ;copies .or upwards . ONt'DOLLAR.eact) • 13 copses- • • FIFTEEN ,DO:JARS. • 8 copies reN." . . copies copies tTrler3 copies TIC° . 'ench -, The, tnipre will he 'addressed:lo Jlifferen' persohs'at;the same PostOlfice, if, desired; rx cept in rases-'.of elubs Of 13 or 'rime copies whiCh Willbe , noniled•to One address, ADDITIONS`..TO CLUBS . . Mny be.tparlii at...the . following raterr:--•Papers added to a club. duri . ng the : first .quarter: of the club's year .Will pay the full, rat 'the-origi, nal club 'kir a' . year,.'during the. seconrl:quarter three,foirrthe of the original' erie.s the third'qnniter one' half; and 'clpring .the last quarter ,one-fonyth, abe all suelifsubseripiiiins will terminate. Wilh.the .year of,tbe original' Prone llfilln:ol4' . s . : U. S:: Mall. . Where packages of nerospo pers qrperiodicals are received at any post. office.direeted to one'' address, and the names of the club of subs.crh hers to.which ' they belong, with the postage fora quarter in aftvanre, shalhbe.handed to the postmaster, he . .shalhdeliverthe same to their respective owners;- . • • . But thi.a..does 'apply to weekly newspapers, ciidulate free in the county' where prin. tedend published. • ' • 1.17 - Address Editcrs of the Journal . of Goys:. Intro', No. .91 Wall street New York.- • .PRIME, STONE,. HALE . & HALLOCK.,. • - • ~Editors 'and Proprietors ..... . : THONPSON'Si ENNK NOTE. 19', EMERIAL.RF,PORT Ciiculntlou,, 100,000 EDITED BY JOHN••THOiVIPSON Quotations Corrected by THOMPSPN Bieot•nens .2.Wa1l Street: Published 14 CHAS, S . TZRIVIS OF SUBSCRIPTiON IN ,ADVANCE;.. . • mail o Silbtcribefe- • . ' ••• Weekly,. : .$2 I Serstl:nionthiy,:...sl I Monthly.. ~75. c: To Postmasters or. -others; who .form Olutut and for ward as the money in advance, wo will Send the ter egiotelicirt gattuel, : and -Dessriptive 'List, as fol lows: ' 5 conies of the Weekly ,' one Year $8 001 ' - 5 copies of .the* Berni•tnonthly 1 00, 10 copies -of, Monthly ..... 600 We will fOrward gratuitouSly.to . any person 'sending . 'a mini) $2O '6l . the above . - rates, at any'one,time, our, :American Cold 'Coen Stole: Address, ' ,•• • " ' THOMP.SON 'BROTHERS, Bankers, •••• • „ .• tio."'2, Wall St. N. Y., Proprietors. ' Liot of jOroii Drawn for June Term; 4.L 4 62 .• • , • G . . . t.:Anniii.-7-11. , '.. • .. • 80i0p,g11...A. J. • Noor#,E;i • 5•-...:Rrqdford.7—Poit Brown, Bettj. 15,'Tni:per . ; John . • • E/rird. T: en4ponteti O. T,lllennis,;A: Kenti.k.v.!--;T., R., Tobbe, :OfiTdner . Bairctt, T. Otio, A. J.,,•Qtto, • • Hoop..N• • ..T.aert:y.Hcolvi.dPitt4, J. Al Diiglit '• • .• . JVIIOIIS • An. .5..• A. al ea sriti, •F: F. ,I3ishop.. ; • .• • liorou'gh:Nitth;iiiiel •Dralc..; p.:,l3art!im,•S: Storms. - Ba'rber; Cayti . enter, • Lenox, Wm.:Williiims,'Arnold 'So.uthwiek..,: • ••• ,Eastwood, Wm. Sherwood, •Jphri•Cainpbell.,D..WonOccic.k. A. N Lillibridge ..I.:afaretn.--Geo.TtitLain. .. • : •• • • Norwich::—W. P. Dennison, A•-L. - • 11arqiiion 2 .—J.. -A....Ander•Fon ' Corydon.—LF,. S; Thaw. , Cokiver• Otto.--J.ames . • AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST . . . 111ciitTEIG11-(..oi.Nn,'RELIAIILE and . PRA C, TlcAi...Journal,:tleyoted to didereni 'tie f,a4:trnenti ol:Spil culture, such as; .. gt-Uwinst Field UroPs , 'Orcha'rd - and. Garden Fruits.; Garden Vegetables and Flo!.c . C.ri; Treea, ;Planis; 'and' Flowers for.tor. the LOctf or ; .card of Do- Sec., and ,to Ponsehold. Labors. It has also an intCieitinzUnd instrue •tive,deriarirrient tor children arnl-youth. •. .A - full Cab;ndai ot Openiticinse , iery month... ' , .TFIPP to Four Hundred, or illustrative :17,nravinttS appear In each volume.; ' • • ' , Ocer .I . !'w . slv . C . .Handied plain, practical, in- 'ructive'artScles and useful ,items , , are given The -};iiitoys"and Contributors. are' all prat ricaf Working Men. • •... •,* tP • ttrkt)is, , ,s:o f dui AOTIICUTt ; RIST it'll eon fineft,tp.li .Sta le:or 2 elitor . y, Litt.or'e'ad:aprol the leant,' of oy.sreiion:a of the roTitrr—it is tr. itt Wavle intlicates . ,. for lice whole A :iI.I.;IICAN CON 'Tiscxr• • • • • •• • A. GERMAN EDITION is published, of•tbe siirbe .•'siz and price -HS' the Ertglish,-antl.con litinitul.al.l.of its'reudine matter, and its twiner rolls illustrative ; engraVings. ...• TELIMS—.-I•NitrARIA [SLY IN ADVA,NCE; One copy; one-year, , $1 00 ' • Six eopirs; one y . etir 5•00 'Tittit iTiore'.eopies one year So . cents - each. to the above rates: Postage. to Canada vents;• to .England and France, 2-1 cents ; tp • Gertuan'y, 39 cents. , : • .. • • Postaite anywhere it; the ..T,Joitil'Sta.les tint] "I'etri t ories must he pail by the 'subset - 1 . 1)T. at.d is only aix cent.c a 'yeitr,:if pia 'in - advance - at the office where 'reci•lvetl . .: • ~ • • All business and other ecirnmuniention:sbould be atitlre . sseti to the Editor aittlytoprieint, ORANGR.JUDD,-.llP4rkrllow,'N: Y. City ..TI AIOTHI T S . BUSHF,T.;S of t h e ,br..st•rua,biy.To 12. °Toy. SF.F.P• raked by and l'or Faro ar L. H. DOLLEI".. - ~ . . Port-Ailigany, beCember,2B . ,' 1.5'01 •.• ~ -.. ~ , . . . , /1 .1. 111.19 Ad v ertiser, haying beeu'r9stnre.l.•tqlreal!lr Ina low weeks, by u very' simple,. remedy, after haying snit:red. several year with a • severe lung •affeCtion.A.P l that [rend disease, l uounption—is atixl6., to make: known to Isis •felloar-,:uffere ro i.lie nieans ii cure. ,• 'l'o all who desire it. lie will sUtpl. a copy of the•pr,eol'ril l lion used (free of cliargo), with Ihe', dirertions . for,pri. , puijlLZ an.' .tzsitigali.e. 'same...which iberarill Iliad a stun Clunk roe . KoNsumerugi, .‘s•tilm a 111nia:cnrcts. &C. : Thr• only-0 1, Pu: i.f. the :1 , 1, ertiser in sending tlie-lreseriptiPn is to ln•ro•lit: the alllicterl, and spr9art irifornnalinti. which lie conci•iveslm be invaluable, ntl-be‘opes every.suf. .ferei W ill try 111,s remedy, tts It• will T llr thtim .otio.u, .. .1113.1 tillly - proVe 4 biomiimr.. - , , . . T'a'ctics wih•lling the pres.ription • will please address Itcv. &DWAIID .h. \VIT,FON,. • Williannanirgh. - • . Kings County, New. Sark, PROSPECTUS OF THE SCIENTIFIC .AMERICAN rIIE BEST MECITAAL : PATER ' IN TUE WORLD SEVFN.TEF:NTH 'YEAR. Voliiine Vl.- 7 Ncw Series . . •A new,volime of this vVidely circulated 'pa per commences' on the , Ith.ol January. Every Pumber ,coritaina sittleen pagec•o(.u'seful •infer• matioit and from ten original ,engravings of nevyitventiOna'and.ilised4ripe, all of yv . hich are prepared expresaly tor its, columns.- ' The SolN TIFIC: ASIERIC:AN is devoted to the interests of Popular SCienee, the Mechanic 'Arts; Menufsetures,'•lnventions; Agriculture,. Commerce and the.lndustrial 'Persuits •gener• ally, and is `viiluahle and instructive; notonly in the, workshop and: Mioufactory, but also. in theHoaseholdi the Libiary..and-.the Reading . .. . . . ' 'ToThe Mechanic and Manntricturer! . - No . person eng,aged in ..any of the mechanics pinsiiits sheurd think •of dOing without the SdO:NTIFIC AIItEiLICAN. It costs but four . rents pet week; every nurnb'er contains from. six to ten engravings •of new, Machines and• inven;- tions, which cannot he found in any other *pub . - lication.'lt, is an established 'tile of. the. pub lishers to.insert . none but original 'engravings, and those of the first class in.- the art;tdiavim uncl engraved by: experienced •persons antler their-own supervision.. ' • - ~ • , To the Inventor! • The 'SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is indis; pensable &very in'Ventor, asit not only 'con tains'.illastrated. descriptiOni enearly all the best inventions as 'they cOMe . Mit; but' each number contains an . Ofllcial LiSt ihe; Claims of all the i'etents 'rued frOM the trnittd Statei patent Office . ,duting, the..Week.„previous; that: giving a correct. history of the: progress of in-- ventions.in this 'country. -We are: also . .receiv,- msr,„ every week,,the.bestscietilifie , journ'als:of Great. ,Britain; France; . , and GermariY;.. thuS Placini in 011 T possession, all, thatiis tnnt in mechanic'al - scienCe and art. in -these old countries.. We shall continue. to transfer to our columns copious extracts..from 'these jour nals of whatever we may deern'of ,interest to our renders'.' Che Mists ArChitects FARMERS! • The • St'ENTIPIC:. AMERICAN will.tbe found.a most uselful Journal to them. All. the new discOveries of science of .chemistiy• are • • - ,.yen knits columns, and, the : • interests oft arehioct atul'cat'p4nter ar . e . 'not.,,overlobled; all ihe'nevi; inventions and-disroverics. appertaim-, lror 4 week:l9 - %veek. Useful and mactiCal tion Rertaining,,lnAhe .intereats•of anif mill.owYlers.ivill lie fotind:Pnblishe:d. in, the SCIENTIFIC Asiontosii which- inforniatMn they connefi'fiMisihlV.obtainfromlany••;other Source. Sebjeclsiin•w,hich planyers and farmers are, in terested will,be;foand disenssed FIC• A AIESIOANrITiOSI of the. irnprovements in • agfieultural.implements being illustrated its TTRAIS . . . . . . • . To mail ' suliscrib i r:-- - ,:l'wo Dollars *n_Yeir, or 'One Dollar'. fo'r six months. , o . ne 'Dollar iiyi•fOrOnO . comp] ot n.y . olii me ofyll d ' pages; two .. I :v.olornes '.,eompriffe••one.. year. Tile , v ot ii in 'es 'com Mk l!'.• on. ..t the 'firs t . of. ' . . la.tiil4ry ' Ad. 'al' !3 - . RATES Five. eeiiiee, for -iiir • Aferiihs ....;. . , fren-vores, for Ski : l\loMb - . ' -$8 -Ten - conies, for Ti,verve Month's - sls' cppies,.lVri'rweive Months - - $22 Tiventy . copiem, , lor.'twelve.M6fit hs = -$2B .. Foe all of Twenty and . otier;:t he Year- . IYs‘tthscriptlon Is only $1,40. Natnes • enti tie Sent in tit different times Oar frp . rn: diprent Vost•ofilces.. Specimen copies will be,Sent Ara-. tis to any part.of:the'eouritry.: ... Western and 'Canadian Tr.oney.or•Post-odice stamps taken ittpar. for subscriptions. : Cuna liap please to remit - 25 cents extra on ettett..Year's .subseription_to pre-pay postage ?.IUNN C 9:, Publishers, • . . No 37 POrlc-row Now Yotk . . . Scrdflitii Ki ng s. is's Constitutional disease . a corruption : of the blood, by, Which, this fluid becomes- vitiated, weak, an poor. 'Being in' the circulation;•it pci-vades the,whole bodY, .and may burst out •- in disease en uriy part:of it.• • No,organ is, free fromits.attacks,inor there•eme, which it May' not.dagroy.: , The.itcrofulons taint is variously caused: by _mercurial disease, low - living, dis ordered' or unhealthy food; impure air, filth and filthy habits, the - depressing • vices, and, above, all, .by the venereal . infection. , Whitt;. ever he its origin, it:is' hereditary in . the 'con, descending:” fritinipareets to Children . .unto the third 'and fourth generation ;" indesd it seeins• to 'be the ,rod •of him who says. will visit tbd, iniquities 'of the fithers,.upon • their children.". • Its.effects• commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in' • 'the lungs; , liver, imd , internal organs, is ,termed' .titberule.s . ; - in tho glands, swellings; "arid- on the surface, eruptions or sore's. 'This fetil eq.-. • ruptian, Which genders in theiblood,' depresses •' the encrgiesof scrofulous -constitu tions not • 'only 'suffer. frem••serofitleus .corn plaint,;; but:they have 'far base power to with : stand the' attacks ofother diseases ;..Conse .vast numbers perish by disorders ~. :n blab. 'although nut scrofulous in their nature, ,Are still reridcred. fatal by this taint in the . Of . the' consumption which de- , . • inures the bunt:tit family has its origin direcily ..t.his 'scrofulous contatainaticin ; and many . t re diseases'. of the Hirer,' kidneys, brain, ••mitl,..indded, of all. the ergans, arise from or , agerayated.by the Same. cause. One ouniter of all Out-people 'arc Scrofulous ; . their persensure invaded by this lurking in •fdetion, and their ,health is underinined...by, To. cleanse it from the system we must renovate t . lic blood •by an. alterative • medicine, 'and in.,. 'vigor:Ate 'it by . .healthy food' and exercise.. Snob a incidicine..*Oupply • • 'AYER'S • • - .•" • • . • • it, COmpooad E . xtract of .Salrsapartim,.. the molt effecttial remedy Which .the Medical 6j:111 , ' of • our timed. can devise for - this. every. where prevailing and'fat al malady.' It is corn : • bincdfrom. the most active remedials that have bectit di,eoveretfor the expurgation of thii foul cli6ortl;:r from ;'the blood,, and the rescue of the •..rystein from its destructive *. consequences. Ilcnee it should be .emPloyed 'for . the curs Of • not oalY scrofula, hut also those other affec tions Which arise from 'it, 'Buell' , as. Eneritvk and .'SituNt DISEASES,, ST.' ANTUGNY'S FLI9I, ' itoss, or EILTSIi'ELAS,'"PITIIiLES, PUSTULES,' .131.01'CUUS,-13LA.INS and Botis, Temons, TRTTMR. WWI; SAI.T RIIEUM,''SGALD'IIEAD, RINGWORM.. 11,14 F . O\IAt ' L3II, Symittrric and Mandel:us:l, Do- . Ditorsv,- . 'DvSrerste, D'Estirry,.. and, indeed, ALL ,COMPL'A.D.TTS ARISING,PROMVITLA .; TEI),OII . IMPIIRS BrAioD. 1110 popular'&did in impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for. scrofula, is a degeneration of ;the blood. The : : particular purpose and:virtue of this &nape, i@ to puiify and regenerate this vital fluid, witbdu t• which sound health, is impossible its contuthinujiAilionstitutions.. ••• Aer's cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY.PHYSIO," . are so composed that diseasewithiri the range of . their action eau' rarely withstand or. evade • thorn 'their penetrating properties searchoind cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the humanOargan correcting .its diseased action, and restoring im healthy* , vitalities. As a consequence of these properties, the invalid 'who is bowed down with pain or .pl'iysitai debility is astonished to find his health or .eilergy restored by a remedy at once 110 ' k.ilitple and inviting. ot.only do they cure the every-day complainta of.'i2very body,. but .also .many . formidable and dangerous - diseases.. The . agent lrelow named is pleased to..furnish gratis my American Almanac, detaining certificates of their cures and directions 'for their.use in the fullowing'comPlaintit COstins peas, Bearawn,Readache arisingfrons disordonut ~Stomach, Nausea,lnetigestion, • Pa in in and Morbid inaction of the' Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Apps-. - - tile, 'Jaundice, ms and other kindred. eomplaints, ariskif fr o m a low state of the body or obstruoti ofits Ayer's . : Cherry. Pectoral, role . T1371 ' ierm ct*B.or Coughs, COlds,lnertia; ;Hoarseness, , Cronp,-Bronchitis, Incipient Consump tion, and for .the relief of ponsamptive Patients • in advanced stage's of the • . • - Bo Wide is .tbe field of its usefulness and so nu -inerouti are , cases' of its Ime., that almOst every sectiont,:r ba. country abounds r ill persons pub lid), known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate 'diseases of the lungs by its use.,. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of itsitind is too apparent to escape observation; and'Where its virtue are known, the public :no longer hesitate what antidote to employ ,for the, distressing,: and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incidentto.our climate. While ,many inferior reinedies . thrust upon the community have failed and bean die:carded,. this has friends by every .trial, conferred benefits on the :.iiiieted they :cat never :forget, and pro dueed curds too riumereua and too remarkable to be forgotten .:' • PREPARiti BY. DR. J. C. AXED dir.,CO. LowELI ! , mass. H. Ham & Co., Stnetbport; C.' F. Osgood, Bradford; L. H. Holley, Port Allegany. and by dealers everwliere.• . • .