cOSTARr...',..,: ~. VERMIN-IXTIRMINATORS, "Chlly Rettedkis. Krtoivn.' DeAtroy,s 'instantly ryEkV FORM 'AND .SPECIES OF VERMIN. . . These tirSimrations (Unlike others) are "Not dangerotis.:to the l'tumari • "Rats come out of .their . ;10 eets and more 'eiteblisheit in N. : Y City Use - 4'4—'6e 'City Post. Office Used d!tY.Prisgns . ano Station (louses U.,jd by—City ,teamers, Ships, &c Used 4—the Cityhospitals, Alms-Houses, Used by—the. Hotels NichOlas;' Thad 4.-Lfhe Boarding• Houses, &c. Used thah 50,000 Ptiyaie FaTitle I::&'See aohai'll!e People, Press,. and Dealers say ..HENRY it the summer hays been tt'oubled . with Roaches and Mice.. .was actiiaq.:ashamed - bf the house, -*for: the. Roaches were everywhere. .1. purchased' a-box of yourExtirininator.and tried' it, 'and in one week there ..Was not a'Roaeh or Molise in .the House.:' Jem , i . .B.Gtvaxs; No. 94.EIrri St. .• 'HOUSEKEEPERS—troubIed wit h..i/errnin . , -need be so no longer, if they, use '44Cos-r4a's." .Extietninatois... We .have rased it to our satis. faCtion . , and if a bok cost $9, we.wobld have Vl4l . ..had•tried ,poisona, but 'they,. effected , nothing; CoSTAI.'S article knecks the breath out of Rats, .Mice•find 'Red 'Buffs quicker than . we can write it. 11 is in greatdemand-allover. . . the country,—Medina (0.) gaz'eto.' • „ • ' MORE. GRAIN .and Provisions are destroy en annually in -.Grant' County by--vermin, than . Would pay for tons .this Rat and 'lnsect ler.—Ltvicasier:(Wfs.) herald. -HENRY R. COSTAR—Lyour' ExtirminatOr -is: received, used,.. and. prononn.ced a decided, success. We used.a box . of it, onti the way the Rats and Mice around -our-- premises 'Ned," ;that night. was a Caution to sleepers. : -.-• Since then not a . Rat or Mouse has been .heard. in' kitchen or cellar. — , ../tra.greker (Iowa) Tintes: HAVE BEEN .SELLING—Yotr -Extirmi nator for the last year, -and fitid it.a'SUILE . SHOT' every:time: . : . • . Gytot-Rdsz, Druggist, Cardington, : • 'WE ARE SELLINO . Your ...prr;Paraiio,ns• .rapidly: ' Wherever they 'have been used, fiats, Mice,Soaches . ,•and Vermin disappear immedi 7 ately,• Ethcei. Sr. S•OnFrE.r.•,' -Dra'ggists, New . Windsor, 51.d.' .:•• • •••• • . ' •• To Digroy—Rats; Roaches, 8:c To Destroy—Mice, Moles, &c To.' .Destroyßid. Bugs To Destroy—Moths, Fleati, 411'6, &c .Teffeiti:6y--Mosquili9es To D.est'ro . y.-.lnsects on . planti-and insects To . M; 4 -iroy-Insects on &c Destroy—Eyery .form and species of ver,- DEEM "Coitar's" Ra!,.Roath, &C,,.Extirmin'r ...Costar's" Bea-ling Eitirmihator. ".Bestar's!" Electric Powder for Insects. IN . 25, 50C. AND $l.OO Boxts; BOTTLES AND FLASKS. • .$3 anOS5 SIZES FOR , TISNS, SHIPS,.BOATS, 1 - 10 TELS, &C. • ' ''&,?l &uelytu/ in=bp All Wholes* Druggists:in large cities. . • All Retail pealers—arpcers-Stare-keepers, &c. in the Unite'd States.. Wkoleqale:Agents in New Yo - rk Bity Shiefl 8r05..& Co. FahliestocliMull &Co. A .13'.& 1). Sxnds & Co Wlieeler .&.H0r.... - Hegarnun & ro. Hall, RUckel & Co Thomas Itr. Fuller P. D. Orvis Harrall, Risley &Co Gale & Robison Nr;Warcl, ClosA & Co APKissop & Robbins..- 1). S. Borlieo& Co.. F. C. Wells & Co. Lazelle; &-Co. Hi . lll,'Mxon & Co Tripp & Co. COorad Pox Penton!, Parkej: & Co Dudley & Stafford.. . Philadelphia, Pa. T.' W. pyott & Co. Rohl . . Shoemaker &Co B.A.Fahnestcick & Co. Fre,nch,Richards &Co All • the Principat Cities and Towns • in the UNITED STATES. SMETHPORT, [1:? - 81d by And by Druggists, Grocers.and Retaileri gen- • erally in City And-Country. n7 - Country Dealers carisorder as above. • Or. address order's direct—(pr if Pric'es, Terms &c. is desired 1327 send for*Circular to Dealers] HENRY , 11, COSTAR . • ,ParNorrim throT—No. 512; . Broadway, ' • . .Opposite thc'St. Nicholas Hotel, N.. Y. • Yeb..2l, 1861.-lmos. ' . • SPRIN:q:::TRAI-P .*:6W.,0P.E.NEP.,...., 30:-.* . Z1LaA0 NEVIGOODS AT TOE...On.ritIO:E REGULATOR 11 THE pLAgE: THE CHEAP' STORE, qIIEAT.BARGAINS LAN BE. D T ONE PRICE EGULATOR 1 \Va 'tP.) MARK THAT !! OLD FRIENDS .KNCMir iL ABOUT :M6v . Ones , Nuil Cute Alid Jntkc Fur: I h eitceli es. One purChas . p.will'satiarY the most skeptical [hat }here is only. one place • to bay :fi . rst'elpss `oods, 'at very low prices, and that place the ONE 'PRICE REGULATOR. The one price system gives .the 'best satiq'ae= "SUPERIOR GOODS, ELEgANT' Y F,ABII I ON §, LOW ITICI'..S; rNEßi. " liiii6 - ,,Y011, WAtiT A."1"/:11). ONE . ITICE REGULATOR, and the. grand Empbriurni of e . ye)y „thing : flew neat•and - stylish. •:If you 'have - the . CASH and 'ward to buy the BEST . , DRY' 000DS, YANCV GODS, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HORSE FURNISHINC;:4O6D.§, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND. SUOF.S, P,yER v I..fitiv.,, GO TO THE ONE PRICE REGULATOR; . THERE. 00^ will find :goods remarkable Vat, beauty, 'durability; super rpanufacture and W R th6y rill be offered t.oyou at the loweat p05..41( figure, the first time, and . froM thire can be /V 0 DEyIA2.IOA). Remember—One Price—Low Pricnc—Vet.i, Styles Strict Integrity—Cash. , THING & MILLR. Formerly, °if!) April poN , D MESS IT llfon._ Robert lc. White V V President•••Judge„atutthe lions. J. Dar'. link 'and N. Peabody Agsotiite Judges Of 'the .Courts of Oyer tSe.. Tertniner and Geneial Jail. Qtfart.fii Sessions of the Peace, Or? , - d.CoUrt,ef 'cUrrinton..Plewfor the Count} Of ilVlC,einthaVe bearing date Fr.i . day,-the of March f, in fh,e,..year our'.Lord•. obe thou sand:eight hundred and ...six•fy-tti•oLand to rne directed;.' fat .holding 'Court ..ot 'Oyer. -and Terinifir and 'Clenet:al:'Jall • pelivery,-,Quarter Sessious of the Peace., Orphans' • COurt,. and- Court . of, - Corntnon Pleas.. thb . ,Purongli• of lithethport, on 11,londayob'ellpfh day of -June' next, and to•ctintintre One •, DON'T' FORGET .IT . . jsdheretore liereby',given to' tlie Coro ners, Justices of ' the. Peace .und .ConStable • s within the county, that they be thennnd 'the_re indheir propei:persons, at • 10 . 0'ebaCkA. 'ol . 'said day, rrecords,. examinations, and other remembrances, to do those. things wliFehtheiT Offices appertain .to be, cidne. , • Anil those. w} . °. flee bound 'by their.r•ec ounizannes to prosecute the prisonefi that are.or shalt be in the jail eL,saiil. county of ArKean,. 0, - re fo,be•then. and , there to 'prosecute . against thPin ; as wilil. just. .• . . • 'Dated at Smethport;:this 71!i InS' of .Starch'. ISt ':and the Stith, year a - the Irdepen& eace a . .the-United Starep of Arrie . rica,'• JAS. E. BLAIR, • • Just P fiS.iled EniAelope,' Pike tii.r Crnfi A tax . ruitn ON'TIIE NATCRE; TREATMENT, AND Radical Cure 'of tipernortorrldiea,'ur Seminal WeektPagl, .lavoluntne;Y Erni 41ilous. Sexual-Detalty.sail PeopedirM•lll4 to Marriage generally. Nervpasossit: Consumption, r.pi• lel;sy and Fits; Mental end Physical incapacity, rettill• n; from zicif.S.baso.•,tee. pont. J ll , Aut hey of tbs 'Gre•,, lido).; C • • • The world.roilon - ned au thor,•in this adadrable Lem re, dearly ; roves from his'own experience that the;ittritil consequences of tialf-alsiss ;nay he.slreattrally removed .without medicine, toil wlthout duagereeni sergieal.upers- Mons, bangles, lastruinetitsi.ringle;ur •,cordials, pedaling pot a n u de of 'yore at, once certain 'and effevtual; which every eufterer;•mi stetter what Ma conditi,M may to. tans curs himself cheaply. privately. tad radically, This lecture will prove thousande,and thou . ; ''' • • ' Seeds. . . Sent under aral,.in a plain e in any Udderae• on receipt or ais cents, yr two. 'inAtage stunt, be riddrese- Inn, • • ' •.. • • Dr: LIIAS. JI.,C; KLINE, OW) I.'AVORriTS., ' 127 Roivery, \ew••York, Post OfficO Box, 45E41 e 4.15, 'Cr:. • • • " j... - z - S.i - O . N7E - y 5'..A.:.v.1 - ArLD • , . ' • . .. . .I Observing ,these filets . .. , ........" :,, q Thufi.etn petit .,-. . <:.-ki - r.,,...' , , , l. ttliittrtly Inotod in _,,,,,, ,? „,..,..-----, . - 0rt,r .. ... ~:-niett bport. ~ • . ~..----;:Lz ..',...iiir- .. -M. . :intl.-That:l keep eon, '. 4 i t i ity l*l-U 0,, ,A',7 :. atanily on nand' a jtood i• rri• Lott 1 t_ *..,,-- te . Luppl ti- the ron.• • -t:, fair= • lir ri du tte iahr. T rd... 1 . : I' . 1 ; - ",:t.i )'' ' ~ _ .' r• - .l . :''' . Se, f 6 ; .re r y . it irtinu ° . the 1 1 ! . ..‘4 - "! '' ' •'` 1.r7,- , .i; ,i ... 2 rations relit!, of diffor- . - ''.. tr, _ ,- -nt .- . rot kind, of ' , . -Z. - • - .iod I think I- ant 'lint b, rodirig*Vilien I ',ay that, riettrly lire yea ra exPerietico Lois taorlit.inebow to UM. then, FilrgepSfillly. • , • ' ' ' 111 Watelies con by safely hod Releptilleallr repaired i 1,1 ifouotlipoyt • Sninatter how•tine Or dinletill the . ..j0b...1 :1 ,, : 1 in doteriiii nod to -keep plotted up, aUd.ho fully pre- 1 pared to meet every and ear-case. , . .• . I' CLOCKS, WATCHS , JEWELRY-&C , '• Itarialrod on shirt notice. an' 'moron:0;10 terintr. . Tn the'• store of A.. 11, Armatrones. SEgn of the , "IIRT 0 1 . ' , OCK'' :. . . .... . '. ' ' - . 11'. 11.'llitICKII,' . . '.5• II —1 guarantee toy 'prima fo.r . ..yorklo be aa low art- ' at any other-well mutilated and reaptibmitile Alton and l o n.. or Than at inuny...PlCake Ors men con: .W. Id; IL LOW PIUCFS, 'five pLRLtFIIBFI FOlt FN . EFIT AND A$ I , WARN . - a ono tioti to.yrutic m«nttlio• nullar from Nee. VOLM . l)..hilitv;-Pfotnatti re Donal-. &ft,' turplyinir nt the ^m'ea time. tit" Mottle , of Self-Cute • ity on« ASIIO haitenrod hinawlfalior tto great onnous« riotgli.ooidi , :nl . and quart:my . apelominter a posts paid ad. dresneitentalopo; uJErt.e riortEn Tony bealtaW of the ill that, SI AY Bedford ;;Kingn County Y. . : •• CROCKO L 0.12 C):.V...4.M:7'. A. B, ARMSTRONG'S, • , .•. iIA VlNG'bec9init the proprietor • of thp (ro eery and ProVisiOn Store, • lately occupied by. F. Wright, .1 . take • this. method of in forming my friends that: I have' just fe.eeiVed the, largest stock - of . .. z • ,•• FAMILY: GROCERIES, • ever 'offered the purple or• 114'Kean county at price* 'whiCh wolild 'seem rIliliOUS at, any ntheC,istablishnient. 1 lreep on fiand, and , are in the daily:receipt of . • . . , . I'liEsit.ttinfllND Forn; .. . • FEED AND HEAL. . . ' •"' ' • ' ' ,' •.• PORK, SALT', CODFISH; ' • . MACKEREL,wttpru FISH,' • • • ', .DUTTER, LUD,. TALLOW. • , • . :. -, • CANDLES. RICE, STARCII,. , • • NutuEcs, SALIIATUN.. - - ' . ~ • :.9DA,•INDICO. PEFPEII,• • - . ' '. . ... 2• • ;.. ,POE, CINNAMON.. ,•• ; ..- : - • • . . CLOVES. ORACRERS,': ' • TOBACCO, RAISINS, , . . • . • NETS.,OF ALL MDR, - .- • . •'. , S.UGARRS CF ALURIND - S, .COFFEE. GROUND, ' . . ' • . .' . .• • AND ONGROUND, .'. : .; ' . • • STRUPS.•.NiOLAi;SES,. . KEROSENE. Otl, • • . .' • . - CAMPIIEN.E, FLUID, . '" ••• • , t CANDLES, TEAS, &e., Ac., MS , stock is,. full and' complete; and selected, frern he best in the market, .:'Call and extra-. inn ptice,and qualit y, and' . you will not fair, to C. THING x. s; •BuT[,:t E. ARMSTRONG Stnettlport ) . May 30, 1861.. Trjal List for Juii.Terin, A.: 'D.1802.- , Rhinhart's Executois-vs -WiLLL (Dimon .. • Eastetbrooli • : vs Mull's:mei .tit a! •sumoveJohn W,ylan et al.' ' ••• Ahigal Shed .• • • • 'vs LI) Langtusile ' . .saine uae of SC Backus'. 'NA - Jared .Curtis ". 'Otis Irons . " vs - j C Bachus A: Cu Pisko. • Freernan'et al Loyins Anti- Ltihreol" Vs, lien ft ,Cotton. 'Fred f• vs Solointin Sartwell et, al. J. 1 , Clark • • vs • Franklin Fuller:. , •.„ lions . • -vs •A T Aldilch ut al: Bbool District Of liradeurd vs Jos F Clark '. • • Lesris•il'hibon ••• .ysi•Wlu Whitney • ' .• . Kin.< and .. •-:•• •vs (100 S persuson •• • ' Win "leach ••-• vs dfirain Payne' .; . • Twill. Lumber Co: • . • Wm Ii Pierce •-• ". vs John King Wallkill-think •-• • vs Daniel Kingsbury •• Think of-Port dart is .' vs •• • saint, • ; • . Wallkill flank • • • ' ~scu t s • N Brown vendee of Walker vs, Rinaldo LP I ngalstiy 11 Use • • , • . '1 lum va:CiSOW Nether :•T Jelin • 11 farinitig • : •- .vs,Daniel•Kingsbilty ' o :jeStaiatou :• • ;vs TA'Anderpon • ' J Comes for at' vs -"` Lawsint et al 2 - • JJilorse late Sheriff lorsl-11 • •• • ' ' • •.• 'h:. Cos . • '•as Cumin and. McCoyllny dote use of Ohs Ileitis vs L,,H Docker` . • ' • 4NO'. OLIADAVICK,-Pratlaiy MEM Ea's - C.C411. . . A. L... pit rsona - knoWing themselves indebted . ..LA.. to the. undersigned are hereby. notified to ealhana 'aettle. ;heir -aecounfs tininediately,.tir costs will be made. • , . - J. D.•01k0. "nee: 10,• 1889.'. . . - .. • -- .- .'' : ."', COURT PROCLAMA TION .Aer: A N - .1-10 OD. LOST! HOW RE:TORED!! of' tl:y.t.Jilya .S ALE TEIP Q 13,117 NEW A.1 . 0:1 YAL .A Tyrfr-i . 'o iiit . ) S.'l . .§l i pti, ~: -A-.T' . O.II,EANI STILL T4kKE . S'TM . LEAD !. .•, • • J h. - COMSTOCK,. . . . . . • . RESPEpTFULLY AI!iNO,UNCES:.I'O..IIII3 ', 91d friends in Blelieaff Coupty„..lll4, 4e is on band..this •LARGEST ANI) PEST .. ' SCieitted stock of Goods in the Oleatt.Mitrket iVunuld. n . . . . 'T can olleryint b.ettrr inducements titan yon can get Nc~S • . . tt niaVeg no tlitni-isetire wh4t'you '‘vati!,:'nny thing iit the.line 01. Gnour:RiES 4- PI: 01 7310 SS% aE the OLD . ' KEYSTONE And }•uu.will had the io;checii) It's no Uge talking the KEYSTONE STORE atikay's 6as'and alaafs till takA, tliofeud, iind rri , ,ulate the. market in : .• Grovci•iet aistl OLD FRI - ENDS AND : NE.IV:ONES; . Don't fail toall. and • tee me. when:: you visit Mean ; 1 s shrill not huit you, but shafteeTtainly .try to do . yott goOd. • ' • - J., K..- CoMSTOCK. Olean, kaly 23d, 1860.. • THE, WEEKLI . PONAL OP C.O3IMEITE, ..: : To OUI,CSUBSdRIBERS. :. . • . . The cornmenecinent of a 111i.' yeaf in fi gond. time' for renewing pnbscriptioni and increasing the circulation.of • the Jourttal Of Commerce. kVeirdr.treqs.mirelve*.p to the old•retulers or the po s trier. with entire* confidence to thcir‘ir.illitig.; •nyspt4 aid us ; and e?;tertrf theinflueiice. of the sound roitsetvative princstitle*anlimnrals.Which have Lithe' to characto-izeil riml will •Itereaft et chararter*ii:e.this:riatier.' . Evfinr t:risenttmit to. tlte . Journal of. Coouneico might, ,do a greaf ., service •to these pririciples, ant) strengthen .111 i iti•our ability to support and circulate tbt!in, by seating tis the name of it. lemit One new P 0... scriber in his town. •-** • . . 'lleyoted fii . rnly 'a . s.we have beenio,Our roan ) ry'a.. intsrests . .•anil haring , Icing. been called " , ,Union SayeiS!'as a tern) of reproael,,Wir are anikshalt-he the firtn.urihnideiF of i'llfil UNION ' •• .- ' " .., .... N AND' 11 - 1 K CON S TITUTION.. opposing With heart,' and psn'every man; Simi)) a or North, who is n enemy to either. Ev.srst foriii of disorganization ond •re.olut ion vi ill trod its rsails . for the combat. Amongths.loss of the Atneficiin Union .and American pi - inci,ples, we rank•side Ity.ide . •.. , ''. : ' - .... :. ADO LI AND sz;vl3,s.s.m.ivism, nati we propose with all our itrength•to . dererid the nation ftgainat •the attack's of both. A' LIBERAL. OFFER. . . . . . . . . . , To :encour4';ie thus.who'mdy . voinnt.6pr. to ttid in . .ttio - orgainjzittion of .Clubs, we,by otli , t. anextra-copk nftim Vri.eliiy , to eh.. son who slop tor,wilitl.t.wints'ness' sobscitheis cLup,s May he orgtanizaif,'iti eomintinities 'with giear irdvauta' e. . The present is tne best period for their c,omrnetirettienn . The terms nn whir vi'e can furnisli the Paper are qs follOws,:—•-; Tn'ompatties • •11,0 copies or tiptvar'lls: ONE DOLLAR eat. , 13 eopies.„• tn . :lL:Ass '•R copies • • •I . rOpies 3 copies . . . . I.l4ider..3•copirs , Two • -twit •.. ' • The..Tioptlrs will be :atitirpssed -todiiTereri To.rsohs of t}, same Post fllfirO,' if - desired, ex cept 'lit rases of eltth' of .13 or mole Oopio which 'will be mailed to one addres.. ADDITIONS , TO, CLUBS may be.rnaile at the following rains i--Tapers deh'iluri4, the' 'first quarter of the year will 'pay the full iate'a . the arigi= eel club . fora year, during the •.Seconil quarter three..fourths of year's rateoliiring' :the..t.hirli (porter one hUlf, and. during the last (leerier; nue all such subscriptions . .will•terminate . with. the year of the' original. 8. - 111,111 WVhere'peckages of nowsporys or periodicals are .received at any. post .oflicetliiecteti to one nittiress; arel,the names of the club of subscri bers lo'which:they.belong, - with the . postage (or a'quarter itiadVance,Ube handed to the pw ! tmaster, he •et.ell' deliver: themame to.their respective oivnets.' • • • Cut' this does apply.tti.wPekly newsPapets which.cricalate.tree in'the county Where prin. toil and published. . . . • tc," itayr,si• • F.,lite.r.r of the Journal of Cotn*- nieree', No. 9 1 Toll.street New Fork:. ' • PIUME„'StONE,. HALE & HA LLOCK, . • •:' Editors and I , oprietoia . T I- -.IOIIPOSO N 7S - .:....:-. BANK .A.OTL'AARi COMMERCIAL EEPORTEIL Circnlntion.;. 100,000.,i EDITED BY 'AMIN THOMPSON Quotations corrected by BE:o•ruuns, Wall 'Street Published by Cu.tu. ' Bu*vi;i,r,, 117 Frakl'n-St: TLRsjS :OF EDEF:CRI rrioN IN: ADVANCE; •' To mail Sub. , :oiibers • - vre010y i ,..,34 . , 7Ao Pentoiefifere‘ir . otliers;.whO• form Clubs. and:for ward um trio looney in advance. we ,will send the Rapor ter rein Chart ilfoltutl,' null p escripatii Id. rUI• 10WP:. • 5 copihn 'of the Weekly, 00040. lIN • C 0 pivs of the Seml.looothly,.,. ' I • 10 copies of the, 3lonthly • • 8 Ott We will fortyni'd any porson senclVng:a club' of s2oat abOvi, rates,.at any on time, our Ainericaq • Gold.'Colts' Scald, Address,' • MOSIPSi)!I BROTHERS, Banker: , , N0..0, Wall Proprietors. List'o[ Jurors luucuts. , ' , . . SimpsOo.'' • Boreue, ,and ••• ,• .• . . 4radtord , —Goit • tratvi, ..Benklpiv.i.o, II p. Turtier, ,Toiln..Cor r vin: • " • • . Ciftpeoier, G. T. bentrio, 'A A. BarOrii;F:liihn . .13titeett Erestui. Curti, J. 0tf0,..A. J. Otip, Spillftr. • Lilartte.L-EliSha.SlOrsiti, Wm: Hopp.. Pittis, J. A. -,..; TRAYFKAL . Sith RH ,„. . . . Gleasoi?, P.. . • •• ; r,i , 2411%;--N a lianiel ' •., )3r , ±dluid.--Trnniau Sherman ; L. Drake; J. 1?,. Baiden, Ackley, v. 1.1. ,r:;itiri rod. Curfre.ritr;.Cll.6l., . . . . Keating% —*Eugeneßiel• Wm. • IYtllip'ms' s Arnold . Lg/'rt latiit Cto61311,1:3: N113130,11e 'Ent wood . , O.G. Grillin. • " • Lajuy 1 5 iirra31).• •• jlro.3t.irk.-- W.. li:l),•.litii9'ut),. A': 1.. 'A:4lorQoi Li14 . 6y.:. • Son.ferlit,%Tlas. Cvnovd,r..' • AMERICAtI AGRICULTIJRIST. . . . . . . 4F.L.IABL'E 'and PRAC d'evutcd'tu iherdit}~rrrit if l: paitinenis Of . (111. cjilto re, .sueti as :growing Fie! Crof)s ,• Ornharit• and. Carile'n.„ Fruits:; ' Gai - difr V . 7e;tettqaten . arid r.lowera; Flowers 'tor. :the Lawn. or tird';' . care or.llti !nestle 'Anirrink; .and Labors. It 6as'alsu an inte . restine.and irisfroc Liveddriarinictii lor children and. . , . A. full, caleildu r of Operatibri . evers•moptil... ' l'eri.e . t . ti rour 1 Jundrk), or inort!, .illust fat i 't, Etu:tlayiiikF ,. eacti.Ooltim: • " •.':.' 'Outer .Twelve IlunOted plain, practical, in- Ctrintiyelirticlvs: autl..uselill iterni,:iite ifoien . Editor? and Criiitiiburore are' 'all 'pram tical Working :1 len, • , • • The ,I.nirtiiites of the :Ault icpTcrii'vr ot : o rou lined/ to mu State or 7(iN'tory...lntt lira iin'optod ' ft at; f:111 f the , conntry;:rit i.t, o, 001011 , indirates, for the wholn.AstEittcott • 'A GERMAN EDITION is pianiqted, of the saive.Sii.e.aria.rorti as - t he English,' sin! enit toinine sa•ot its teadine'rnitaer, and its name rouslansteative iniigrueings. • • • RIA IsLy IN ADVANCE One copy, one, . $l. no: • •,. Six copies, y 0. ,, one nr • • • • r•• Ten yeak r ' i t3o cents each. tibnve .rate':'. Postage. 'in Canady .6, cents, to Eoglanii unit France, 21 to GPrOldlly, • . . . , anywheru . In tlie:United.Statea,und tnyit - be.paid bktllo sui)saii4er, and to only•ux eents.ef . yrar , ;• r;ao in advance 'at . . .. . . . . , .. . • • . . .... All liiifot)ess linil other rommiinirations shoul,l b e . e•bi t. eq.e,l to t tii. T. 4 .;litni' and .i'ioprietriv......• •• • 011.A NG E . JU DD , 4 I Paik-Row., N. , ,Y.'Cityr • . . ....,.' TI M •• •OT.. H • Y —., SLED. _.—,. ,-,,ir.Ty . Bust-1113:6f . thy vpst q uony tiA . - r ().,-„,;S1;, rttil,ed by owl tor vale fit • . . '.. .• . • ' . 4.;. H. DOLLEI"S:- . ' Port•Ailegitriv, DeePtnlier2l3'l.lBl. .. • • .. • • . . - • . .. -,...• :To Cohstinaptives: . • . . • . . . Pinif:.A' , lr9rtlger, haying been yeAblred to beal'b in n .1 'lege •weeb..., by a eery , minipill rebeily,:after buying .ulf;rod ii•itial yO?t+ with a tif•littr,. IthwitiTudtion. And tinll,'drea.•l dieut..!!, •C•aeannptien—la anai , Ma In make k never to bie lellen....ntleref4 ilia-mem/A of rate. •, • ' ' rti all Who.dtnitroft,.hu it ill P 14141 . 01 ropY tif,thekrarrip tfrp nsrtt Linn; nichnigr I,,tvi tit the, direntions tur pry. Eq./hr.! 11111 11011 G tiro "'Mlle., V will • t(tal ' a Emit CII II E city Ctoistratriluv, AllutiA fiftwamins. A; r.. l'hir , (MI): r I ed llio .44$ ort.l.orria arattlint 1110 :.'rusariplints it to brnrlit i Ito ,ifflictod, And spread Inforitnition'whivh, 1111 1,1.11/6.iV09 ,tet ht'i in'rithinble and ha hopen' snort' not'. (et rr still try 11 fo ' itllll./Yi' as lt trill cost thatn lioileing, 304 :oar prove 'a .•.. • . . . . 1 . .1 . 111 wishing itl , . 111 . 11.1101,i . n 1. illplenqe IniarQ,ll Itti., ADWARD . A. 15 - rttFON, ..'•. '.• N 5 Illfanitturvh. • kfiugs CuLitity, lair York.. ' PROSPECTUS TH SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. Tni•:•l3csT '• SEVENTI;;E'NTiI YEAR. Yoliiin«: 'N,?tv serien ' .-V new . volame:ot.thfif .circulated pa: prr f.;'innt.eeneff9-Un the •ith of JanUary. Ever); .number enntaini, sitcfeelt Paget; of .tiseffil mation and from five. to ten original ent,traviiigs• of tied V.entions all, of which , 'are prepared exptessly fur its 'eolutnns. •. The SCINTIItIC •AMERICAN .t/itvrited to thi inti.rests :of Popular Selpnee, the Alr'chanie Commerce and the Indust iul Prirsttits 'teller rjletiVe• only in the Works \ hop and JTunirli ciory,, bur also in • the liousehold,tite and the 'leading. . , ThelMechanlc.nnd Manitlacttrreil N, persan elf - gated jn ahy 'of.the'. !YIP(' hapi putauits .110111(1 think . n 1 , /nitiV, witbOot the. SeiesTirje A.MEIt ICA VL Ir costa but our ecnts: pet week . ; every 'number contains' from six to, ten ne'w rOacilities and jnven ‘Vhich cannot •he found in any Other pub- It is ail i.stablished ride of the - puh. insert noneliot otiginaj'engraYingsi, cu d theae 01 the first class lii the 'arT,:tlrnun nod einvileed by experienced per,soifs under. 'their ow ii supervision., "• , , Po the..lntenter! SCIENTIFIC, '.011.:13.1C.-tN. is itidis-,avery inveittori as it;not - paly ccin, illustrated descriptious of nearly al!, the best inventiorts as th r e‘t i•ti . r"e .each. outithereniitains 'an 011iciul I..tst,nrille Claints of oil the Patents isqtedfrr;m the Utiited States Pa teat Olike.duting the - week previous; 'thus a correct' history or tlie .. ..proilyess ventions in this colintry., We'are also reeeiv: ing, every week; :the he at seieritthe' jnnriittts of Great I3rjtniti, F:ran . cq, iintl ,G,ermitOy . ; O t i s . placing in our.pnsessinn.a.ll that is trawirint: . in mechariial science'hrt iii tfiese old countries. ,We ¢hall .cotqinne .to our coltinins copious extracts from th'ese•jour: n4ls Of . whatever Wet rnsy :deem interest to our readers. Chem.ist4, • l'Architects,,.,',. FARMERS! The - 'SCENTIFIC ANIERIC A • fond a 'mnsilitseltiil JourilSl .totbem. AN the new . diecoveries . ot..,s4:ittlil'tY Of: Cho.inkiry 'ore . 4.,t,,,;,'4:w;;;,AL::%!i4tt‘,.x1ea4,..5A1'i144:4,4 -- 4 - 4. -- il Ih iii 1 , 1641(144 . 6 - Vhg'AiliA4iti .. ' ' iletll' flrvh)tOCt 1,111 cliriitintei'arr•.nbt In, .o i retl"cm.P4ls9! , - b 6 'pas* in'? 6.1 i rlO 1 I.R . and .'. to tfieitt!..'iniri;leili k blf ithiObti ri - o ' lti:ii(fif: : : . week: to vi,.cla. :Useful 204 priscriat.:ltOilt#o,4i:" ,tion prrtnining to th'e'iiitere;)iti. of 'riijilivigiO!ti '',. atni mill , c)}vno i t4yvill,,i) tonnil,!fi.kibli'slo(lAn'-'1.40.' ,. SoliNvile • A mkti id ,:x .tiviii44i/iiifti'rnilifiiilf 'lhri..; cannot po.sibl y.,olitgin frotn.,Opy• c!!!f!i' 'in?lfree• Sarjects. in ik:hicli.pi s anters and fanners ne'O' iti-.: iereited will tie' tonntl - ()lienA.6d I,rf:4)l*: - S . elo-.. T./ F/0 IV.‘lgkeloA . :4 .. llloBt or the improvemonts in asiricultural imptennt.nro Wing iflnstrived in ith' .1 •colttri)ris. "..; .: .,.; ,•• .i ~. .. ,' , .1 ' • TERMS. :';Ti 'rrilil',e6bse~ilier PUrci Doll* it One •Sfdi' 13 4 0114 r, pi!ys two.' vpriltni4 vole` omen cortanerife..op tir.slof Jeutiory:atil: • . . C LLB .'RAI' $: in! copleq,lorslK 113 - - $$ eopie , j, for Nfontlig:, . •. .rilli3e9.spiliff!i, for Twej -,.'5•.522 iorl'Wervii Mont ly hutieriptinis is only Steil.); .Natgile *coil :60 cent iri nt tunes nod Ifroni, different' Posf,offirev.• .Speckinen gra,: 110 Oyy 'pat . l of Ilte•couociy...;., WPM pl 1111(i ir,'111111(11in . 01111ps 134,m •rif par;Conn-. (iiku motvicribers will pien'.4`elo '.ss:c . entx ext.rzi'on : eur)i,, year's *#ill?sc..riiktjo.4,.,tprepok'', ; • I/NN .&:. Publiobers; • 1. Np Ayer's'gaisa H patilia • A compound remedy, in which warhave bored to produce tho. moat effectual ..altekkailre that eanhe made. It is a concontrateda4traut •of Pare • Sursaparillii, so erarillined'''ivit h ",tithor ' • substanees,of still greeter alteratiVe to airgra offeetive antidote 'for Sarsanarilla is reputed to•cure. It is: barred that such, a remedy is wanted 'by'. theie' Who stiffer from Strumoits complakitliantlitlititeno • which will .accomplish their • trawriatist , ..provi of arsons° servico. to this large clemi:of .our 4fllioted llow coMplettly,tkis' sompound will do it : has been provcribi. ever= }input on Many of thewonit caties,te fou nd of the following complaints; ••••• SCIICIPULA , - AND ilkAtOlTLOtte • Cosiiiiiii* Enurrions ann . Ennirivn Drseasse;• Iltresia,•• Pranks, .Binvosias, Tuitions, Seur.ll.lllll/It, SCALD HEAD, Sitl.lllllB AND , SI:VHILIT/0 ,A - • rect./one, Manch:mai Dzszia., , Dnorimr, Nett - nature. ou TIP Dourneunex, .Dneturry, ;,Drs-' 41,2 , 11)12 , 11401qT102{, XILYBI.I.,ELAS, Eusis. Oil St: Anrrainv'e Pine, and incl*l tlieVrhole class df cOmplainta arising ,'truer , TEI 'Stoop. • • ' " ' This cot tpound'will bo found'algreiii fro motor of health, *lieu taken' irt the spring; to ' expel the foul humors, which fester inAhe blood at that tenson'of the year.•••By the time` ly ,expulsion of them many: rankling disorders are ;upped in the bud: /Stilltit4e* the 'aid of tins rime'ly,..epare thiunseiiree nom the endurtince of 'fonl eruptions and''Ulcerous sores, through which the . system frill strive to 'rid itself of Corruptions ' if not'aisiateirtci:Ao • this through the natural chiouiebs of tho , body by. an , raterative medicine:.' - Cleanse out. the ' vitiated hloodWlienever you and iteimPurilius bursting through'the skin in pimples, eruptiank or;sores; cleanse it whew you• and-it irob- • attracted and sluggish in the veins; diens° It whenever it is foul, anti 'Yotir, feelings' will tell . . you when. Even'vidiero no particular disorder felt, people enjoy better health, andlivo longer,, for cleansing the blood. Icisep..the blood, healthy, anti all is well; . .littewith this pabulum of lifo disordered, there . "''Citta to no . lasting health. •',Sobriee or .latei'isititethiniE -must go wrong, and the great \**4ll7 life.'is disordered or overthrown. ' . • - Sarsaparilla'has, and; deserves the reputation,• of accomplishing thoso ends. the . ivorld lies been egregiously deceived by preparations of ' Tartly becatiso the drag 'alorio hay , not, all tho virtue : that is °Lamed for it', but more' ,because many preparation.; . pretending to he concentrated eirtracta.otit, soritain- hut little of tho,Virtiza Of Stinapitilki,.• or any thing else. . ' . • • During late years the. Akre' boini a q‘-• led by large bottles, pretending , to'girekquart of Extract, of Sarsaparilla formuo siellar,'!Alest • Of these have been :frauds , upon,,thivsickc they not only contain little, if 'anyi •Elanappi..• • rills, but 'often no curativerproperthislihatav- . • or. :Ilene°, hitter and painful:disappointment has followed tho use of the varionaitraetsvail;* Sarsaparilla •which flood thn'in'ark'et; tuitil'Otr 'name itself is justly despised, , ,tuullaiiiitfieteme synonymous with imposition and ektrot;',•Atill we call this 'compound Sanaparillei oatiatend to supply such a remedy-as shall 'rescue name from the 10ad'ef,,4 10 .59r1 3;440 0 10s upon it. And ive ltdritwonciviiibiAid for bolieviug it has, virtues. whiCh...o.•gresietiilige • by the ordinary tia to 'cure. In order; ti;, securts:ttisiirj,onipete eradication hona theaysteira'thettimedrjhbuld be judiciorailttakerinccording. to' airectiediii.4, the bottle. , rupetlED DR. .1. •C. LOWELL, IVTAsS. _ Price, $1 per flottie 9 Nix Bottles lb" $l4 Ayer%:Gerry 'Pectoral , has won.for itself such a renown for. tho CUM or. every Variety otThroat, and lung Complaint. dint it -is. entirely' unueCessaty for` ttal to recount the • evidence. of its virtuoso wherever it kas_Jellsliraq'O' playact: •As hati long ,boert in 'constant - Igo throughout thig section, n*ed•not do iiierititteig assuie the peopie its kept up to the boot it ever has been, and that it, ma.y.berelied on do for their relief'.all it has pierhciappyl 16.40. • • . Ayet's Cathartc* : • .. volt Q• Costiveness, Jaundice,' 'Dyspirisr , Dysentery, 'Font Stomach; Liyiipeiaii H eadaeh, , lihennaaism, ,Erap!ions and SkifDissfustes. Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tone, Amara aim; lilt 13boian, Yosms, Gouti•Arcu' ratgiqi,;aio. Dinnej ,P4l,' and` 6r • • They are sugar-coated, so that the 'tnost.,sensi- • tire can take, them pleasantly. mid• thoiliaroL the: beat aperient in tho world : for all the pugpases ors; • . Prioo 26 cents per Box; ..- rums for 14...00. . . , '1•. Great nimbere of Cleigyinen:Physiciane; eteteel-_, men, and eminent personages. have • lest their names to certify the unparalleled usefulnesaoidiaso ' • • remedies,:but pui.spaco. hero notimswit ineertlon oT them . `-;The i tt ititenti.'l4loo waist* nigh kr retie our, 41 , 1 niXtutio4l4iekkAtfaigikbith are gtven; With alai) deOFtiption,iligfltkifal i r!. cornplainte;atid`.ther theadierleqpitilitirld ° lowed Ter • D9: 1 44 XPipu.s:oir i)rwguivarlKAP 4 4 4 . l w: other preparations' they' make m0ttv,i110t1t.. , 00k.„ , ..,, end'tetk leant the best aid here it. • Y ; . ou'Remedies areio 's:Alialf Co., Sntefhiiqte„Ci',C., • Bradford; 11...P0 Ile y, - Poit Aliegtritithactii. dealete everywhere,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers