• • ' • nt,'• ~-., 11 'ff'F'r t''rrici..7: -7-1, (3 - en,F,'3os 4 i: 31 !!'.: - 1 ,, ,, ;. , .1 , 2 , -. 4 ;,, t r io - n . pm., ~, , „. , ~ . ~ • .., ~,,E,,,,T., ,N,, : ,.. , • W:AsiTINT 0. . *Wipi3.-;`*',,,1104..,..,,....;;4 ' • .. .i, ;.... ~,.i..e. Potomac up to „---;....:,.:1-:,:poin, 0 a arr);°,.' " qui et :' ... n'd.the --?.`cit.;l`j:',.;•Ao7et,,l ~.% t iise,, mi is , t, ~. 5..i..:!;,;-,4l,itt,:.hrif,,fiqn,)Leiittt..i..,,, • ; .. , . .- . , :,,, ; !!., ~-` ,','",..,-, ~„ i n -nood 1111rits.,--.. .. ~1 To ,1115 • 1,-. ' ' o ''';• ".... •'''... 4:tir,,,,f. •zeeIE.I.T.,A% • . . TA ''''SOHti:tin"tiji4.s TO OF JlMit, .'! .' -.q4',,•:;•-• ~4 6 1 1 7; PN TI:111:9tilt." r . ... „, c t d.,-. '." ~,, A:,,,„.„. or THE C P T 9'' , ' ''..Hli‘"4l;4lt l .l-in ;;Oli't L ll tAilled , /o/Y. 4 : CaT1;1154'..,1J.,r..r. ~th, poeumar : , 1' ~:' or gh'o Army , of days hove skgers; . , ,• . ~r .hd last ten th e .. .. .‘ roar pO i j' ll1 V 1 )-•,4 ''' tiduranco todr;cels 41 t. n e "t or , and • e .. ' ill i' s P it . , '"- ~ -,- Attacked by superior ,e• , .• I.Ameria,tlllole..- ' f, reintoriennents,yau l", '-' rii'd.withOut.aair .o. ' bire‘ at operations the troSseiNd 1P..c.. -P.." • e arded as ' '-,'B .military exPadisats• - ... Clottardous Or •, . al, il . your trains' ''hiiii Saved all 'y , i,. • law. toitii, butt ei , 'l:` •-. ' -I'. dhs'e*aert- !.. the ene .", .'. ;and . 411 Y°""A - • s and colors from :.,. :ilangin keturil.gull• • • • . • r . thion youtbien . ' os sOiterl day after 'day With -desperOte .fury; I.y tn . en of the same race aosi .nattpo i strilfullyi maaaed :mot . • , eveiy 'llisdvalage. of ' number and •-••• • . • ,• necessarilyposktion alio i you 11 tve, in every eonfliet,tieate'n back your . foes with enormous ':fourlicontluet .raoksiyon amOng, , the celebra 'l.ed question that. each of yoit may,always":wilh• pr:de . laY, .; 'b elong to the • . . tiriny'of.thicPotomac." • • • You:litte'reethetl this new base. Cotoplete;io Organizat:ion and unimpaied in spirit: The eneiny s may ta , any. tim e attack ycni.- 7 W:e are Kepared .to meet them per sonally established:your lines. Ler them come ‘antrvra.Willeonver! their iepuise • into ~..• • • • " . • •. • ',l'unr,Govirrninentis strengthening you, with • the resoarces-of a great People.:'.: • . • • our. nation's birthday, we declare to , nurto`eS,:who - are.rebels'against the . beat War, esti. that this army Isbell .enter the capital of '• the. sci:ca lied Confederacy, That .our 'National, Conrtituticat Prevail, and that : the'triiitni.which ra n alone insii inieriial , peace and exte rnal security to each Strite t must and shift b.e.preeerve4 cost what it may in time, treasure or blued.' •• Ganann ll'br.iLLAN, • •liaj.gen..CommfinOi g . FORTIZES • MONROE; 'July • s.—Fresh troops arrived heia•froM Washington, : yesterday,'and went up the Tamerriver , in the eyening. ' Fotir staiali steamers, 'with four barges in 'tow arrived , a( I:"nitress Monroe; this mornin g ; laden .with ;artillery - Teri, hories,.l4a;, and were toubt.;" lessboundnii..the,river, • • ... • - A' ikiirti'air'tOoli place yesterdai:morning nearaurleit .wing,whi'h result' d''n th 'detCat ol the rebe,W e took.1,1)00 rebel prisoners, , ls.•: • • and threi . srnall;.batterirs, and our , cavalry loVved them up OW they passed ••beyinni W.hite . For'thelaii tivo (lay the Yebels have phomin little' „iljtptimitkon fight, encr yesteiday re linquished 4 , their ground batteries almost without teiiitatiee 1 Ls he Wiiiien /,sa',ger is :peripittait'io publish' . ttia following letter . ,fraliPro. t:;iiiiCiAr,.of that .plaee,' to hie tnothor.., .1 ha I,viiier. is a :meniberof the Raitrnap's. Guards, and •writes Ofortly: after tkie.terrible• battle of Monday ...• . . . . •• Dr4a Mormsti: I arn•yet in the land of. the' been two days'. fighting and corns' out, unhurt.:: seems , that God has spar „ „. ed my life td•fight ;the old . flagcr2i ;more. 8 . 6 hit. with : a .sbell. the • ftist , dayl- r lt did not hurt him triueli. He is .fitfordtity now.' 'The Raftimeres:Guard now. :lil'acren boys are taiien.orkilled.but,three,' - Jatnes.Walker Peter; • Rose and myself.: Mother, r have done my' , • dtitY2 It would eureat sight to you to see • • • • : • The fluUktailßugirriant now numbers, 120 'men, wounded ,and allohat we can arrourit tor:. 'Pit and lioscoe Hall -and !bp Trask iMia, airs iiissini...The others' you would . not ari;yi.;, , Attii4:Aaker Was in a fiight. don't know yvkietber-be is dead or ,not. We ere l e little "band of brothers" now ready. to meet the foe. Yoa will hear all aboup,the: battle ,before this •reachea you. 1)ont Worry 'about me. Good bye! From your Son, . • 1 . 4iiini.rtasi•Ene",rN :Npv, Yonw.—The• scpr. . of,eillteitctiatikele,SeVetely Mit by'retail dealers inlsiTew York;.' the' IV oild's'ays: • • The ve. and , six per Centi, premium s on .silver change.4l,:ctimp,redwit4 , the 'paper • currency in Asei i . urapidly'WitbdraWing: i t Pirone .ci reit la t . The rat ai Li rade ot the city neon° t afford the Vex; this , piemiuni-enbjects it fo . .and hence ,what ate known ac.tehinplasters" are making Iheirappearence-onnvery.eide... They are now very. frequently'. tendered to . .customers in' the • .'restautent.tilind saloons. thrpughout the 'nit! ) andAteo'seiliiii‘reatlilyaccepted. .As :the eorp .. tion of silver,change.is- constantly - going on, 'months . deubt eie it -en ' 2,tireo . 'irithdrawii°and its place supplied by the pa'l l # l ;4 3 l, o Jo2 l l* i.P•PaY;pf retail dealers. • . • • . — b b00n .% ' A7:77 '.- ' may aow e I,k/iii:S4lPc;tillernPdYil,di,e47gby McClellan and. ' '' i'ildi‘ .1 ' . 4°41.11 ` .!le tb % Burnside lintl }fun-- ''. ' itad; l oo'.*Of '4 4 •! 11, ,,, .'. l Z e ri l mt-riekens and the. Gaff , 4 i isi.:.l o(4o4s4kbr' z. eit.. by ,Getf. Butier, , t''l44'..' i*t"'",ttli!.l.' west ~,. - ~, - , ' ' - .• 4344 fittirlo#,4l4:lll., Oili-, 9 , , -st i,lsl e a'c , " i'' 0 de) 1, 14 k-1 . 0.51, ' 4ili :kb*4,l?lPll",, ~: ~ _ , .. : 0,41.,-,!Al,qlf -141.51- 4- - ,,tei, , P:iiii the aoa;40( ),•"', sii:t* stit ' '' a ' ` tkl :Al. - ''.. .- ' 'r adder .t 7,ra„...,, v ..c( , 1* ltiattia pow, , ,t!:' 0 .. • •°' '...ffillettiAtukrr 4" vlliiiieg-4113141r::::-Thel.!!!!: '' . '4.,i, ,„-- , -- i rkika-ottil4o -,.. ,-. ~ - iioii ar 13iir . ',1ApiA,.,7,..,,,,,s iiihi(..W,if.'o4lllk. .:- , , [lie tr..01,"4 ektl.l=yti.ilitpiii!iti - iip; i fr t4 '...,,,,r 'l.-:>iiio,,f-ivr; - :iip4.. '..,..,y'i,t1.y.-,,,,....;....,,....-..„::,.:,,,, ,i i iet ri l m , ; ,, t;•:...,.. - :,,:.. , , , ,, '.- ~ . WIIAT IT: , -,Wti . .(;itile(l telitloll , - 111eKeart Miner, forae2es convention foi the ptiritniie of choosing Ilehr gated to. the Stata Convention, &c., which was: te:hive..beet . .lteld,at the Court lloeseTott Tue" . day the Ist ‘Ve sgould .like . to l's :to: theiesalt 7 ' The/I/bier says . nothirg 91: it; and we are assured masses were not.thet:fi.• Sinn IVai,aS, ift, this 13orough.htivebecome . ripisaftee,; especially thme . on M a rini .st is trae;have,begn.pui : in ,the balance becorredatigerens to travel.' : Whether they. will'jm' reptared the present . stimmv.„ or nut,. we . -dannot 'say;, but 'we feellt.tn:,be utfr • duty to put the public on their . o,llll:against attempting in travel.2lltheM if they, have, spy regatil.M.their own safely. FLos.mi Ilorm..—:Wii•take greet pleakurein announcing to the ptildiei.. the • impottent .6et . that Our .old . iriend,NArtt,tv.D.Nxti'i, assisted by.LESTon.PAnistr, has - r!:tut:iied,to 11,e "Hail. war House.' We :eiti assure. thetravellimr. public.. that :these gnter.iirising gentlemen %kil l , spaee'to making itaFiratClitsS Hotel' and the.,:guesis •eomfOrtable and .* at home'" while underits hospitable root ComrLimet , i•rnay.— We - gee' our .Townstha 0) BA6ici , Fi, received respectable 'vote . - for Surveyor Gt•oer ! ll,,at . the State' Conventzo The Post is informed gou'd authorit},lha t Gen: SCOli has Ween:ln.Vashinatint several, days, and has-a room at tkie War Department. CALL iron str;as:'f'nonss.—lf will be aeon' that 300,000 t - nore tnen are required, for immediate 'service, Of this number: retinsylveniiis.vi;ill furnish almot 50,000. 'We r e •confident . the qtiota ruised . without a resoit to eon- . Lieut. C. C.• 1%10556, fins onened reerukting Offices at Eldred, Saielliiiort, and Briidfor 2 rl, to fill up . .the '534, THE GOl'OßNoo. 4 ti PROCI.A.II:ItION PENNaIrLITA . NIA,SS • the nantd:andby.the:authoriiy of din oentinott , iveal(h.9lPelliesylvri,!irr., pItEW : ( 1: Cr UTZ N, Goveritoi of : . A PROCLAMATION.; : . Jum 30th: •- Note men arn'enciiiifedfor .tni.ettpression . nt the Pebellion:' 'Our regiMinits in.the field ain to be recruited tO...thiroriginalstrength, ' and in addition new' reginients are . to b& tin-flied ~Pennelviinia has bitherto.dota her duty to tlie-country„ .11tir freemen . ereagain called 'on to volunteer in her defence, that - the .blood of her sons , who have already. fallen, may not hove been sked:in vain, :and that we may. hand dOWn to our posterity'' the' blessitigs, of.:Urion and eivil.and political liberty which the derived fronr.out; fathers. 2 . • ' • • the'number of.tnen' noW required, and •.t he 'regulations fOr enlistMent; will lie made known forth Within Generals'Oiders. Mean While the Men s ofrennsYlvatchr Willhold ihenuelVes in rea diness for.prOMpi. compliance with the Oecess: ary demand npon their' ,gall.ant rind. patriotic: 'Our . riobel Commonwealth has never yet 't'al• tered, and muet st:.itd firm now when-her honer and everything that' is dear to her 'ere at stake: Given under my handand'the great seal of the State, at • Harrisburg; this, fourth day 01 July, in the year of our Lord one t housand eight hundred and sixty-two, and. 'of. the Common= wealth the eightty:-seventh. • •• cid. B. QUIGLY ]3y the.povernon ' ' ELI.SLIFER ' We lay bekire out-readers,' this morning the proceedings of •the' Democratic. State Conven. tion held in ihiti place on . the 4th instant. .The Convention was composed' of the . moit substan. tiai end respectable' material, and l 'ita proeced ingsWero conducted with entire• harmony and an eye single to the Ikeltare of the count ry,tind the 'success .of the:great Constitntinnal -Pleer 'upon . whieh the Perpetuity.of : our imPer Deified Union stands, • N evei' 'in out experience . a!'COnvention 'so' entirety 'con:cronea by unselfish patriotism. The riviry be6liteed the several candidates nominations; woe a onerous rivalry, "exempt , frorn the slight, .Infason of nPrsone4 '.The tale ,i. 4.7, 4cq . it .016*Ii1.•poitOitizt;. Saturday, July'l2, .1862. •• In tlie,.fnirtial list,' pahliihed ; rl the killed ant/ • '‘vounrle.ll,- near.. itlehthuncli i s . th e ' mune. 'of . • .. e•Grio, 0. OVl'n'titilleil.... ' A Ithengit this harne,• ... .aniore the many - that' liedi fbr, their country',. during : I hifse seiren . '..lays,: will .ye . .:6, t e. ! '; I y no, tiecltiy the genera . ' .reiller,..si ill to lii; parents, nn . ii ilehr . rola; jces, the ..a trnboticeiriatii. is.tis• . • ••• .. •... • , •, • . • . . . crushing 0 thotigh.lte:were , the only 'site, .'l'he bereaVell friends hare:the satisfaction *Of . knovii; in . g;:thtit . he merhiS death; ii.s : a:snldiefshonlil, iiil,e'LlfSoargeofl4•_du duty.: •, ,'•..,':' • Tim Fi re PiVITTOT,L-4h19 IA the, title of.a. new .paper.'esta - blisheci at -.enlia,.tsll. T., by Stebbins:Sr: The'PenpleSof this contr.:: ty.tire semewhatecrptainted With . Mr.Stebbins,. . . having' , heen connected with the ./tfiMn.. of this . place. 4'afriet: is 'a.heat, shining. sheet, and :does Credit.to .its.proplietors,• 'Fran, its titleure should expect it. to be ii.Deinneratle . „.. paper, ei•we know of no other' cOntsq .caii take,- end payietic. FloWelier that nrin'y'be we wish them suecess.....:'...• • ... • A. G. CURTIN Secrotaisyj of t/to Conimonweatt4 DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET kuDiTort GENERAL; •'- XSA.ILCSLENkEIt, n on' cti.nnty :SURVEyOR , GtiViRAL, JAMES P: BARR,,uI Allegany cower e State Convention aim of the. dategate appeared to be that of se., curios the very ['es anti 'eree t a . Platforin'apon;m:hich the Whole- 't;ortserv . ative i . pernire..or the State *pan seordboty."siatid:l'.. fa' bOth tite;ie;E;ndeavOrs theyaop . cpedothacoiniog . tirrtopu6lic ~exp! ! ctiii ."Tfi . e ticket and the in the btstory or :any . haye.the..eanelasfonsor h.c..oayenlioribeeh re• 6eiv:ell wi4lrSol large a Alegiea, thus ; departt4ltroni settle thehighesthope3.-foi they.lptpre of ..the country . tittittittitotts dete'rtoinatio'n to .spare . llo .6cUrll: the triO mph 01 the'petober plea: tion'itS the laSthoPe of a . :olsirade r tt.'apd 1)1,;+;i1-: • - I?or.auditorGegeral'l3,iacSi.r'vt:r:ic,of Union cuuniy, was - norninirted on the fithibultot. The .nomination tviis ratified - by the /mania/M/svoice the Convention', and the rival caiudiilules were: anions the first to congratulate Mr. Slee ker upair . his - enccess• SbaNkeit. resides' Ile is a lawyer: by prolaSsimi,:and enjoys-a ill' r - ge•Practice in his own and neji.ihbo,Orig anviatile• rep:Mc:lion for beliness ca - pacity'and strietintegrity. : Ile is a Man ofmniirre years, and /Vould : make i most..capable; can:Ltd:4nd efficient Atiltital. General: 1-h's life hks been mainly deVoted to the:For:alit; cit his prolessian: having miuglr, ml little .. in' .publicHile. In: the. :year 'li"i,ti. lie Was elected to the. State Semite. for ;the term-of lour years,; and occupied 1/i, 3 aeat;antil 183, during one Ofthe.mo : st pericals.bl our, Sf.ite history. . Last (all lie was: the 1./eMociatic -caintidate.for.yresidelit - : Judge in the-strong Republican: : district ,corepost;d of the . counties of Union, Snyder iind and such . Was I he:ad - IV/di:nee Of . the. pamita who knew.his worth.' in his capacity amid integrity: : thatlte Was : nal Y. deleated by a score'' of votas. ; * arid that- tlitimg6 mismalarStainline its . to the •place of Voting in.one lowri6hip... We are Its sttredllitit,tly,persotwl esteeM.ln Which,he is held at home .will.agaiMbe inaffilPsted at th'e Octo . borlpetion...Ve eurtgraittkite the conser.S• vat i ve: citizens 'Pen nsyl V upon he,oppor atfordtd them of e.lectiti4o4 , rnan. like Mr.Slenker, 'and the Derneciatic patty upon I.lit';ii'fortunate. selection.' ••••• , Jas. I'.. B.titit, of 'Alf nominated for SurVeymi•Ue'ner a IMurn-the...;eond ballot, the•candideti being concededto the' West..ifter •the notriiiratio'n of an Eastern, man. f6r Auditor . General; • • .‘li‘i•• HA Mt has ueen for Inuit}' rs the editor cifilie Pittsburg Posto he Democratic orgiin . of Western : Pennsylvania'. and, the only daily .Ijentric'ititic' newspaper in the 'State be ..side ille'PATlt/Ot'AND.U:4IO.':. fjc •is a hard -woilting, consistent'. Democrat, Who, in. his: important -sphere,:has. most vAluabli; ervice•to the PiMiocratic . . , party ,anirconstitutional - prineipieS.l-DOing•battle in ' one .'of, the - larkest ions . of the Stare,-sur.. rounded Ity oVerwlielining•.'hosts of t be:enemy, his ''faith bris•neVer wavered. and his' courage iu M.:Milf . tif the right never flagged. We•-record •11 . 1 ti nomination. with peculiar pleashre;.and 'lett to bear a. good report frorn, the West on tbeSecond Tu'eSthiyof9Ctober next. • The' reit) Mtiorspiali. fur. thentselves„ reported to Convent h'e committee f they ;were received with the most Unbounded enthusiaSM.' . Cheer. after. cheer front inenthers • of. the • Conventitin and the ertliviled ;galleries . [reified each, resolution as It we's read They ' fully Joey. • pirblic ..eXpec tat ion a 'onsritute . platform - Pt tiriuMples acceptable to the Conser. rthve,.,liritou • mio.sits Without .respect to party 'minim:: IS`— in ail itsv;gor . .• "Put: UNICN As IT dial suppmf of the Goveiontent in all.constitti . [Omni mea s ure s Im,the vigorous prosecution of the.war for t lie .Crufst Midthe . 'to unneeessaryi..illegal and 'Uncoil'. Stitutieinil•ineatires: ; Opposition to the•„trea sOnahl.e•sehemes Of...the Atiolttionisti;tenilinit •to the ultiniate seperat . ion of the free.and.slAve States. Opposition to the corrupt practicesM. the party ittPow . er, whereby the public money by.inillions*has been squandered . upon part iztio faVo' ritei; And' opposition. to negro' equality and expending Ythe 'money , procured by, taxtition; . And so Much needed. (Or • the suptairt of. Op , OoVernment, • in' and parnjiering . worthless' negroes. • These are :some of the main leattires . of the Democratic.platfOrm upon which the country• Must stand in order to Main'. taiii the Constitution And pievent.; the ultitntife separation olthe slave from.the free.-States... Deinociats I •Corserizatives Pennsylininia the political citinpaign irgainst• the 'Abolition 'enemies of the Government, no less• irnpOrtarit that the•military•eampsign. against its" seces sion enemies, his.opened most auspiciously.— The'COnvention has given us a gbodticket and a stable platform. Let us devote our energies from this •time until , the day of election to the regeneration of our noble old State. Let ifs set Pennsylvania right before the • country.L-Let bar pronounce in. October, next fort he Constint- . titin as it is-;--the Union . asit wasond peace and prospertty May once, more dakvii upon our un-. happy' F'atrist 7.1i40n S:rATF:* CONVIiNTION . ,--- The..Demoertic State .Convention', which met at, i4srrisbarg an the was 'composed of a full delegation; and the proceedings were inarhed with the utmost har , .Mony. 'The platform ailiMted; though as old .us the part); itself,' is eminently 'conservatiy ‘ e . and enough .for'any true -patriot . to stand .On." The following are resolutions,' which were unanimously .ailopted IVtimu;Asi The A tnersican CiMStitution was, 'ordained and established by our fathers, in'or der to form a More. perfect. Union, establish justice,,ensure durristie. tranquility, provide lot the.common defence, :promote the general ;Welfaie, and 'Secure the' blessings of liberty to posterity;, therefore; . • . . • tst, Thartheonly..object•of the Democratic.. party is' the restoratio? ! . •of the U.niciti as it ,was, the preieevatioie of the Consti -ttetionla's it is. , , • -- . That to the end that the -.Union .. , • be lestore l nod the . Coilititutiort :and laws en' tbruog,h4tit what!' eicte.nt,„we :pledge 'our hearty apd•Unqualilitid . -sUpport.'to tht'Fed t 'rrai Governhient.in the' energetic :i.prosecatiOn et •!,"' 3d, Rtio/ved;'That tbe*tte•antl . , --ouly Object of the.walL is . o reuture .the Unior 'and elatikee .Such a . purpohe alone, is'NvOrthy; the which it costs bu'ot lita,and of treakire; - .: with .s`uch'purpose 4/0 - ;4lFaii 'Nye. hope for success. . nd °those' who [thin sec tional feeling or' party or private rnotiveu Would live any'inher - dyrectionto the efiVrts. , ar our armies are' quittst, end unworthy to be entrusted will] flower,- wdOld ednse afl our exc . /J.loos,- ext ruOrdinary and - tinpdralleleci,..as4 hey are, to prOv,e•lotilii in the Pad.' •• • .' • ' r 1 - i!t y ' view-- with. alak ivade - ;,'abinu,of tlie•-dcp'urtMehts of the thit a return. tojigid. eeimo my and accoyntability. - is••,indispensuble..to reSt•t he systematic:, plunder of the. public tretts 7 - ury, by lavpred partizans, and : thutin view of the recent startling. developments of. fratidi and corruptions . at- the .I rnetropolis:itid throng-limit the country that to an . entire' change of administration, to be i roperatiVely• demanded.' • •• .•.• 511.:1Zcsolvert, That the-Party . tanatieism:oe crimeoyhietleyer it Itna:)'•bo thdt.s'eeits to fnriitbnlsliteesof. :San to over-run'tpeNOrth:tibi.l utter in)u, conipotitiott with the I;:tboring..inassos, thus degra tling..and insulting' :theiri.tuantiond, by .plitcin . g them iho.on 'nogrnos Iheie'n6- cupittion, is, insulting toltiur twce, arld nierits nurrnostempliatiOnitl •unqualilien.l -tiondbania- lit h . .. Re.ydreft, Th a t den'unizim.• 2Y.;;:ilearit All;ilitto,ii.Antend Si;:eitifet Se . CF3'i a§:the.*:cp, aou're . es: of 0O:r jo'estint . .alike rrier,ornaide totbeQqnsfitutiop and biirar . . .co4/e to the'lTaioo. 'The oily .waty:to.rt roe- , 'tore(' Union, and . t 'W i th rattly:fling pithlieriiy is 'thionih th e overthrow or both. . . 7Th. iir,so/i:ed, Thabire,DerriocraFy sy ; ly:itiia. Is Njiially opp . ose(i •tp itll sec . tiquel geok,rdpiedl fiat (ICS, Whickbasy their. lisps fir.contirrued partisan success on.the• 11,0'4d:1;05in. ernant:itratioit and hyliereritical 'because-,m eithe.r Ic , . . hpntl'ff.t.o the Constitution; and boih n re inters led lo aid disunion • and•:subAiert. the ccifis..loll .und .to - ii.Feverit the rtistoratibri, unity Mace and. entit.olil among the States )11'. • • '6th. 1ie.,0/ard. That the ContAitution 'an the laws are sufficient , ' for any erve'rgen.ey, an. het the.suppression of the . .freerloni. of Fiteeo Ind . 0 1 the press,rarel the' .Onlawittl arrest ta •itizett. aril the sompension.ol the writ - reit7n! I.,•iolai ion of , the (.7,onstittition . , Sdatcs, where the civil authorities' are .unirope ded, is ,. tirust darigertitls'l9.riivil liberty, .am should. be tesislvil at the .ballbt,box ; free'tnith in the land, ' . .• • ..• . . 90). .1?..1;5?10:11, That-this, is . lit gni.erfirrieM• 61 white tnen,. and was established - eirtusively for;the,White , race; thaVthe.negio . race•:are not entitled to ;mil °ugh! not' to be atitrotteji to po• liticalor:ocieletfoality with the ivhite .1 list that it is our ditty tp treat them with kind: ne'ss emir cuiisiilrabion; as no 'iriferior•ond. de potoletit ;rare; that the right of the • several 'Slates to ileWeernilie the posjtiiin; dunes of the raeols a",sovereien. right, and Chu - pleogo4 'ot.the'Constitotido require usiai loyal citizens, . not"to •inti•rfere therewith: ' • 10!11.."?..o/t:ed, That Congress ,htS. no power. to depritic any pericn fits pxopetty•for any criminal Offence; tmless thai peison,hos - bi;eir 'first duly convicted 'ofithe. offence by the ver 7 , diet of, a jury; Mni tint 'all' acts Of . Corigi•ess those passe - 41..bY..i1ie: House of- R ep = . rtiscotailyes, which -- sittne'to •forteff.or-Yott: &cafe tne estates of nr - imfor otitiirces.pt!Yi t ich' they have oot dreen convicted upuit duet - rid . by jury, a retnicou>titotional,:and lead to otipres: sion and ty±ri4. Li is un - : josiificgron fot such acts that the crimes committed-id .the 'prosecution of t ire .rleliellionlatir of unexa mpled atrocity,. nor is . here any such' jUstifidotion'as State. 'necessity linowitto our government or. . . . ife,iri/req, That the Con • stitution and, (Tobin and the Isws,.rnust be. preserved and maintainerhin all_' their proper and gightful•;in piemacy; and that the 'rehelliatt • niriv in arms .all'airgst them most'he•sptipresSed and•paidoWn, and that it is ougdoty triThse all constitutional 'maasuges necesirary.and.prOper: to that end.: Res'ol ir4, • Thai. the soldiers composing °yr . :arc:lies merit the warmest thanks of: the 'nation,' Their cMintry• called and rpriblY did they, respond, •.i.iving; They shall know a na riOn'a gratittider . 'Wounded, a natioir's.carg; rind dying, rhey..shnff live. in our' migioorirt!;,. and Monoments : Shal I be 'raised. to ,teach, posterity' •fohionor . the phtriots urn' heroes who offered their lives at thrffr • .country's . widoWs-anrh. orphans . shall, be:. arlotited•by - tire nation to briwatehrid over, arnh • gared trig as ob jaets tralrworthy a fiction's griardians • hip.• • . LATI , .wr- NE WS . Lt atrpears though'all was ii.portatt quit, on he 3d, thorn was. actually a little warlike . twirler on thatdak. , The•• enemy. opened Witt shell, the 'spinhonts replying: it }vas finalt diaeoveretdihat the attacking forCe was small and it was accordingly attacked awl disperse( hy. Gen, Davidson'ss 'brigade, who .succeeder in taking, ai number of prisoners a id. six L'unq. . On the ..4h Gen IVVClellan made an advance of ahouo Imirmiles up James'rlver. Fresh re inforcements,'airlired of Fortress Monroe 'rrom Washington, -and went up the' James , river on the eVening.of the 4th.'. . 'lntelligence has been,yeceived 'that the mail baat. Juittaia was fired • Into, on her ti,ay - up James'river, on the :7tti,. two.rnen and wounding six others.• . The gunbnits failed to . find any permanent batteries Ton the river. We:have meivs that the rebels haye erected an iron-clid battery a short distance. -below Fort Darling, for the .purpose of aiding that 'work in , the repulsion of our gunboats when : they: shall go - Alan) , of the - prisoners taken by us are .said to-haye belonged to Ilea'uregarcps army., No.civillens 'are hths , :per'initted at Fortress Moproe,Mr with the army' on James Scime .RichinOnd.papers acknowledge a loss, of. 30,000. -in the recent .battles,'. but claim a' victory., The' s rebelGen. Magruder: was not captured as repelled.' , Informal ion' from the Shenandoah department now tindercommand of Gen. Pope,.is of .mea ger. haractei-.. 'On the 4.th a division of, Gen; Mepo.welPs corps•took . 11P, the line 'of march fin. There- is a rumor%that the rebel battery on 'Jamei Island has .been again . ;attacked.by.the federal troops, this time under command: of Gen.,Stevens. • . The wife of .Gen Scott died:in Rothe on the 10th.nit...„The General and 3Nl'rs..Scott had hot-lived tegether for year's. •. .:Contederate ,stocks rose from 92 to 97, as.' a. result of the battles-.which have recently taken -Sliaell,thiles that h.exnects the filth-, mediate" recognition of the cutifcchfracy. . i'onTiecss„,llp:46l4 July 9-7Ev,enfrlg . The steamer Jonizita,•while:on het.Way - up . to Haiiiion'4nu . tfiOg yesterChiY, in ilfout,4 tn . ileq of tha . t...Prace, was fired into 6y!ifib.rebels and one mail .4),jufe.o 7 nokie:lea. Thdl,living was fro'm G iebel field pieces the . bpp9site'side 91 th9 , riv ' ei; and a)it...t19,1:1919* . jhe The..stedmetivai agiouoit at the. time. Oitr gunboats went down aitd drove out:fhe,feheis.• • • • A reconnoitering party was sent . otit.yesten. day and found thi!:iebOr pickets. a•ithib;l mile of ours.-,-vvki6ll:l . .:a to the opitiion ' h re. that another Pattie is. close at 13rOnshyprIc3.iire being thrown 4ip . .at Hai 1611 ? .a'botit . Fort ges's . ..lqcit:iioe,.!)y our fore's encompetlat that place. .I.'he'svoik id progr.i.sE,ipgv.igorauly Therniomcdcir ..• • Jur,v - 62--Gen. BUrnside has a - rifyciditere, is ; lodOking well, and.appears dihe spirits, ' President Lincoln arrived here' early this hatda Shoit'inteniew with BuCnside„ tad therifriroeteded up , the James flag ollicer Wiles arriv e d here _ this morning; . and . niiiiiy . rumors are afroiit. here 'as- fo 'the Ob ject•of The Tehth'Ne •I"nrk regd._ meet, whieldhasibeen reported an badly cut • to pieces; bad: oUly killed, 4 I wounded,....and•.3o many - who, ..in, various Ways, got ':serierated from their regirnehts, eye no'iv daily'" refurnipg,,thOs greatly thrnirtiShing the numh?.rs'.whO- have been reported `U , sd'ost. • Therediave.been-twO thiee artests here . th!'s.ium,ninotrivng . !he who tins received orders-to isaV'e,.and rgariletl t hem n'tl.7l,rktOwn-are'lbeing pu in ji , sritiet. order.; • • •'. • • The; President arrived on the pteaeer Ar'id accoriiven . ind by 'see.. rid' officere, iriclndittg (i is li . eye,l) ., aniong the latter den. Ifalleck . . The. trutif. boat • from Harrison's. Landing does not often arrive 11!4 e aftUt : the b&tt :f,or Baltimore*.has:sailu'd, t hus fleftiying fora day . . the frausmissihn by mail, of. 'l6t- IrA*Ails,i; - rpN,.. - jilly . 10 The .Naugatuck Torr,ing; IoT. New No intellige . nre has been. ree . eiv.ed Army of the" Potomac for several days.: past, furthei than, it • 'IS imprnyin . ,g• strength and P rlic i Pti.c) . .V.tcmsner.G, July T. . The rticirtat*frorn:aliol.e anaelow'cimiipue to shell thiieity..ofyirksburi!... • • •Thu- rebels have' nv:imrilber guns mounted. on carriages wkielf i'hey transfer from point tg•p . oint ' , as•theprevrou , untenabbe by the fire of our gun's. • '• • Oeit..Williams has planted a field bait..ry'on the'poini:oppoOte.:the city, which' causes. eon• sidorubfe.antioyance to the rebel gamier The work on the canal' which is to make an inland •village of VfesburgitogreSses j ,'nnd large additions have beetimade to the number Of the eontrarlands employed, • • • Bincevr:L-Ladies, if : you . . would avoid the mortpleation of htiviog - poor bisleu4 for tea, When:you:have con - Tally, use only D. B. Laud &.:Co.!Cheinical Salerad 'lt. will pr:6d, one the same h j appy result everYTime; -no that you !oily knoWl.vhat:to depend upon: Yoti can get At of any . renpeetable• dealer in the 'country lieen been shown adoeurnent signed b thri'iNTa'!,.drs'in °lli ceo . f the:xi t iis . of the' United Sititos.and Cartitita,':certilyineto the. superior excellence of Ayer's Corripound Extract of Sarsaparilla nnii.to. the value a i all his remedies as articles of gVeat.litildiOntility. :Such avid.. enee froin -aource : hears'ns .. ofit tri• 'trinphantly in .the position Vve Gave ; loig'tnain• fained.wfth regard to . bodt. yeF,'s :prepara.: or'srnore'par;tiettlarly our advertisement of )em..'.NO publishers .deed b ride opposed .then. we are to the ptotnulgation:of quackery in any . ihape(bitt wu neW When use. hegani that his remedies were above shy srusp [clop of thot tlfry, Were about•the best it . is possible . t . o•pi mince for...th , leurir of.ilisbase, and that they. have y tl> . e. confidutire of all comma=, uitjes,whe're 'the . y are lirm . wif. Nut•aloue cause 4e.l):layors of.lhewhole . coti.otry 'believe them us . e.ftil.tei 'their • people; but beeutisel we kriUw frommxperien.eohat They are So - tO ours, : do pia belio, , e We are. rendering a substantial 'serviee . to oui readers in,rnaking their virtues kriOwn'to them.—[Courier, Princeton, IZy: NI Alt Rf D . . , At.Pori-Allrgany, Pa., July 2d,. by 11... C. Cornforth, di Smethport, Mit. FRANK, M. COLE :%I.tri and Miss ' ANcjELia 'Homuna, both of the former. place' .: ' . - ' ' In Renting toWnsliii), on . Sunday, June . 29th; JERLSII.I . I3., wife Of H. B. King, in the 80th year'of her nge. - • . CAMERON. COUNTY Sheriff's Sales. . . By. VIRTUE of sundry writs of 'Veedi4,6/4. Exponai. I , :eniliciont - .E.iponat, is sued out of the Court. of , Conartion Pleas of Carrieron county, .Pennsylvania, and to me di-, lected, there' will. be' explised.: to Ipublic .sale, , at the Court liousein. Shippers', said county, on Monday, the 14th day of. July., A. D: 1862, at, one d'eldek P". M.: , • ' • • . The following desciibed Real Estate' situate in thetownship'ot .Shippers, .County, of Camp ion and State of 'Pennsylvania, hdunded and described as viz:—Beginning at; a Chestunt Post on the North: banlc.of :the inahoning Creek, bearing South-West iron, 'the • Soiuh=west corner Apple-tree in the Orchard, heing•the Sduth-west. corner of 'the Freeman Lot; 'thence North five degrpes.East two hon. dred . and' thirty poles to a Oat; fora corneri to 'the North line of the oilginal.;stirvey; thence .South fifty-ninedegrees'East eighty perches, on said north line,to a post on said lrne,for a corner,' on tlit;.Northline.of,.the original survey afore said; 'thence South five degrees Vest two him= Bred' and.sixty-five poles 'to.a- post ISn the North bank "of ;the Sinnamahoning creek; thence on the silid..creel4lhrongh. all its wind .• . . • . fogs, to the Waco of ,beginning ; containing One hundred.and twelve and one-half acres of land: all .iinproir.d, one pivelliaillouie. two 'Berns and, .Ott-fionses,"two 'Welk orwate . r, . and a quantity• of :Fink trees,' and one Blacksmith Seized, taken in n txecution . and to 6e sold aa of Cowley' or Jonathan Colegrove now for..:t he Use•of John • . • The following described Real Estate riituate in the township of Shippen,county of Carriermi, and tie Scribed as follOws; to s:Witt-‘-Bounded North by , warrant N 0.1033; 'formerly. owned by William Bradiet, :East' lands of C;fl Sage, South, by warrant or lands . Of ,Weat',hyllands of SanecaJ:reeniam containing iwo'hundrod''and thirtY-4 . even acres of lunditie .t garne or Tess,.. having theteon One Dwciliu ' two Shore'. BotiseSione.pou'- ble Saw Mill, four Barns and thrt.houses, 'and One Blacksmith Shop, three.. Wells of. Water and A qunntity .. uf Finit yrnes,and'a bout one hOO - and -860 y acres ,of 'lmproved • .. . Seized; taken in PoieCtiiinn,' and iyikr . he Sold as the property-of Cowley, at the Suit of Jonathan Colegrove nOw . for.the use of John . . . ."., '• ' . JOHN A.. ELDRED, 8 k ii 4 ... Sheriff 's: Office Shippen, •Cameron' Co. Pa..( • • 'Julie 17, A. D.-'1862.: :- 5 I NEW CASH . .STORE OLEAN PRICES nAreD rlairs MADE EASY ! ! . . .. . . . . . . . . • I vionld iespeci fully announc e Jo the citizens of...NleKe . an and adjoining • Tot:Miles. that . they ean.do oa I , Vell•in Smethpore,ln thO Stove and 'tirl , wate . 'lini- as• in. cole4n. , I shall, at all times, have on band a liirgO stock Of ' • - . - COOKING,‘PARLOR & BOX STOVES !, TIN-WARE, . , alteet•lrun' & Copher•\Vare; .LEAD PIPE AND PUMPS, Hoof Iron anil ilunse-kerpers Ilartl•Ware, Vic. &c Job Work, of all, kinds (lone with 'dispatch; and in a satis tory manner; at the.lowest possible prices. , • Orders; promptly, attended to., • , • , Give me . a coll-- 2 at the -building known as Store--ojvasite. the Post Office Smethport,. — Pa. , . • • Match 2°086.1 DE,MOIttIST'B.SIIBItOIt OF . FASIIIONS,The ILL, best : and ,tirmit' reliable Fashion litagazine in the' world. Contitins the largest and • finest Fashion-Plates, the greatest number of Ilya Engravings, the latest and most reliable learnt:Won, three full-sized .Patterns, for Mressses,•and a sheet of now Ilrade.Work : . and •Embroi .during Patterns. • Every .Mtither, Dressmaker,Millener, and Lady, should hitve it.. Published Quarterly ' •at 47,t liroodway„New'York; sold everywhere or sent by mail at 2.s'eonts.' Yearly 81,Witha voidable premium. • : The Summer number now ready. `• KOLOCK'S DANDELION COFFEE, 'This ,p'reparation, made'froiri,'tiie best Java Cotßie,Sa ra . cornibende4 by pbyaicians as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE 'for General Debility, . Dyspepsia,. and' all bilious disordors. ; Thoutia ods. who litr . .e.tienti compelled. to ahauiton the useof coffee will use this without Wort- Ous etteOtA.,, One can contains Die strength of twopounds. of ordinary cotton,' Pric'e Vs' 'CCU tr.. , . 'KOLLOCK'S . LEVAIN: The purest aul best' BARI :cc; nit !mown; fOr liuht, sweet tied nutritiou4 Bread. and pukes:—. • M riKACTVRI:M • • • M. H. KOLLOCK, ChPniist, Garner of Broad andChestuilt Streets, vIrILADEGAIIA, And ,sold by. all. Dritggi!its And Grooern. • • " • ..SMETHPOR LIVERY "STABLE, : rpHE SUBSCRIBI?.R . has opened. a new ery;Stahle in.Smethtiort, at- 9. R. Ben nett's Old.Stand;citi.Main -street, just east. of Mehanics'; Where can . be found the hest of:Hor ses and ,Carriages'at low.prices: ;He intends to Inake•Sinethtioro a . .permanent reSidence, and asks a share - of ilatronage; N. N. •SMIT•H, Srnethport, August 2.1, WO, rt23tf. MERCANTILE APPRAISEMENT. L ST, of Venders of Alerchendise and their Classification of Ill'Reati county f0r•r862.. Sntethpqrt Borgirgh A. N . . Taylor, HanrS' Hatnliff, Orin J,'Humlin, W. S. Bro kynell B adfo rd Gabriel; S. ,Smi t Smith & Barber, L. Ih Dolley, Notice' is hereby given •That a Court of Appeals' held at the COnnthiSsioners'. Office in Sinethport:on.the 15th,. day • of July, next, at which time and plaCe all persons ag grieved by the foregoing, apPraisement will be heard itnd.soch iibateinents made as are deena, ed jest and proper JAS. E. BLAIR, •. June 23, 1862. . • ..1116riaMik Apprai4er. • A PAIR OF . REAL • NOVLTIFS And one Without a Mate.' "THE PAPER NECK-TIE." (PATENT APPLIED FON.) •• This, tie ,is made entirely of paper, in 100 dif :erent styles, and in perfect imitation.of silk and ether fabrics. 'The price .is.so low that a' gentleman may wear A NEW TIE EVERY. DAY, and yet not be Charoble tvith eitrava garice,Orene tie . can be worn . from 3 to 5 days, if necessary. to.econornize. • . . 2d:-=THE : RELIEF TIE. ATE:VI'EL -JAN: 0, This is doubtless the most .peffect silk, tie ever invented, and is just what•thc . name Im plies, a perfect ""Relief" from all further trou r ble in tying' bows. - 3d.---VIE LACE EDGE TIE.: • •- An exquisitely beautiful articleit has only to he seem to be admired.. BRouwzß,. , • Sole mannfacturero, No.3oWarrea k Street; New York. N.l).—We tr.' WIMLESALE JOBBERS' ONLY. . Country.'Meiehants can order ur. gdodS of ANY' WHOLESALE HOUSE *lot : whom they. Are dcalino,. A:J; NOURSE,', .Proprieti)r 14 $ 7 , 00 14 7,00 14 7,00 1! . 7,00 11 7,00 14 7,00 11 7,00 11 7,00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers