, W4 ,- ' , Q 10 `,:.i , ) , .:`,1.•; , ,, , ..T.v.3. : , 4%.,,., 7411- , ~ , 0 v4:,, ,,, , ,, , , p., „ :, , ?., , ,,.0....„ - , , ,, , ..-,_,:.,-H , I, -;.. 1 ~:', .f . '.' l• - : . 1:0i -- - ,!; , ,'Az -, ;,• , ., , ,.,•;::: . ,.; .. : ' ~ ..;,,,.,.., :',..F.`;',-,;,.iiiiii , lafillible- ikuidielilKnown• e .),, `'''L-t- . ',•., ,s— • ..., . , ~ ~..,, 4 „, „ .. , ....•-:',:__ 2 . ' iiERTTORMAND SPECIES OF . Rim• . . .• The at (Ohlllce Othere); are ' • - uNOt•diitteriti, • .4 • • ut their:holis to die.”. • /0 jean antrmore,ettablished' in N. Y. City: .I'.4Y"ltis.City Poet •Office Modify—die City Prisons and Station Houies. , Mot 6y-City Steipners, Ships,'&e., Alt-0e city. .Ilospitali;.Alms-1-tous!es, Died &y-ths City Hotels 'Astor' 7 ,St, Niclwlli '.• tVe is bi.-theßbarding Hopsest' Med byr4iiiiire,4iin • 50,060 Private Famil ie 1127igeesir4a9 Eke . People' Press and Dealers say . HENRY,It.OSTAR:-.—A 11. the summer I. have been troubled- with ,Roaches and'Mice.- twai actually eebamed of the , -;house, fol. the Roaches were everywhere. - . I purchseed.a.box of your Extirminatotemd. tried itoted in one . Week. there - -Wai not a Roach or .Mouse In the house r., ..Yenx B, Gnarls' Ne. 94 Elm St. 11015SEREEPERStroublej 'with vermin, reed be sone - longer, it theY MS. “COSTAR'S " Yatirminataie: •We. have. used it to our setts faction,ned box cost , $5; we wotild 'have it. Wehid ONO 'poisons • but they .effected • nothing s' tristCokrie sirtiCle knocks thettreath eat of WSW hilleilindßedDrip, 'quicker than we can Write it 'lt is in great demand' all over the countty,e4ira (0.) cit,ateste. MORtGR I AIN`, and Provisions are destroy ad by vermin, than would par tor tons of this Rat and Insect Rerald'. • • . HENRY' ; Tt...OO$TARr-.Yeur Extirrninator is received, used," and pronounced decided success. We'used a box of it, and the v..ay the Rata and Ake ayound-oir premises "raised 1fed,”.00,,ni04 wain caution to sleepers.-- Since then tilt a Rat or Mouse hes,been • heard in.kitchen, or cellat.-=Magregor (Iowa) I HATE BEEN roue' ..Extirmi stator fotthe list Year, . and find it a Suite SHOT 'every time • •. .ose.Rosz, Druggist, Cardingtoit, 0. WE s.ARE,-SELTANG—Your preparations eipidly.-'lWherever:ther, have been used, Rats, • Mice, Ritsehest Vermin.'disappes t EinsaltiC Druggists, Windsor,'Md, ' . . • Roiebei, To Diatl4—Niiie; Moles, ice To Pesti!. ir e d Sugi; " Fleas, Ants, &e. To DogroY — Methit • n , 64,44.4104quiticie4. ... • Inseas To Dksird* Iniects 0 idintsand .To bonroyr—lnneets on Anim els, &c. , To DestrOy- 7 - z. , Nrery form and species of ver. "COstst'ir 'at; Roach,. Extirminir d.Costarie Bed -bnglztinninator. "Master's" pilectrio Powder for Insects. 111,25, sOc A$D Sl, OO Boats, Bo TTL_S AND FLASKS. $3 and SO SIZES FOR PLANTA , stems SHIPS' BoaTs Thyrkir.s, fse. p7'Sold Ea' IsiOlfere—by i • All Wholesaleilruiglitejn large cities. AlPRetail: • &e;jitibor PrAred Airqea. , • • Wholoud, Agent, itiNoiv York Bity; shiefitiliO'Bris; & FahnitiWtilleit&to. .. • A.A.& D., & to. Wheeler/It Hari: negamliti Halls ligclietteC( o ;-• nemas, &" ' 'T.l34'oltatiT • renfolk:Nikerlit Dudley & Stefard. ' .• ' AND.OT.4IMS. = ::;..1.,f'rti109441/119s,Pa. , • T. Sheemake! co B•l4.lNthatcielritt'ci,-1 Tioni s h,Richardo & Co . . . All 'add T r owels in the .• ..::PrartgErsTATEs --:.• ..z.. S rialPo 13,T, .‘ " • • • 1 • : WEEMS , ~e-Givects and Retailers gen - • 1 1- ie4bove:' 11 , 1° , ' illpder - toDeialeis - -- . ! k •'• , ?' , " 4 " 00,nh . .‘kiikV, 11, MIME THE OLD. PLACE, THE CHEAP STORE, We'arit,lDcitenrxiOa . gair to T-TnOlersoll, OLD FRIENDS luslcm , ALL ABOUT •Harrall, Risley, & Co ...Rush; Gale & Robison 14:: Ward, Close & Co M'Kisson & Robbins. R. S.l3arnes & Co. 'F. C: Wells & Co. " Leanne', -Marsh • & Co Hall; Dixon & Co: Tripp is . Co. Conrad'Yox. BEM 'SPRIII .0:-.::_,TRADE. .:,T4 I W, OPENED., NEW:OOOOS : T.' -, ..:::..,....... , .- .. .,'.....;1 : .:. .......;'.' . l. -.THE,.0.1VV41.00 REGULATOR I! , DON'T FORGET. IT GREAT BARGAINS CAN B HAD AT THE ONE PRICE: EGULATOR I MARK THAT !! low... Ones IdUst Come And Judge For Ihmselics. One,purchaie will satisfy - the most skeptical that there Es only: one place to , buy, first Class goods, at very low prices,.and that place is the ONE PRICE. REGULATOR. Tlieene'priee systerttgives the best satisftic:. SUPERIOR GOODS, ELEGANT' gTYLES, NEW ,FASHIONS, oj.D.FAVORITES, LOW PRICES, EVERY THING YOU WANT AT-TH:E ONE PRICE REGULATOR, and the - grand Emporium of every: thing, new neat and stylish. . 4you have the C ASH.and wanttobuy the BEST .• • DRY GQODS, FANCY poems, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HaVtE'FURNISHING_GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SWOES, EVERY 114W.,11 GO TO THE CONE PRICE REGULATOR; , THERE VO will .find •gooda,ternarlFablf for tit* • . . beaut 3%,, fopetior.", • • manufacture.and • • :• • LOW PRICES• • , • . • 'ThSy will be offered • t •• to you at the lowest possible figare, the: first thnnrlefibillitu. pride `thete can be IV 0 '.V .E* Ir./A 2-,10.1V. fternember;—One Price—Low "PricetNer4; '9tylee-Strict Integrity—baeb. .• . THING& MILLI / * Qin 3o 4, ' ' • C. H. 1 1 ,HiNG • N. S. 13 TLEE. • .0161 Aiiiil•23l . . • ":Trlal Vat for - June Term, Ai • .D...1.80i, •.. Rlduha'ti , stzecutoie is WM,L 'Gibson • DA EasterbroOkvs Winllsracs et a! . . . • . • • • v4uhn Wylan et al* •• • Abigal Shad . • • ,vs D Lanpnade,, • • 111111118 use of J.O Backus ',vs Jared Curtis • Otls'lrens"..! ' . 'J C Rankin! Ss' Co • 2, ' • Phelps, llert Fiske ,•; vs II Freeman et al Imeina Atm Labree ~ ' , . Va110,511 Cotton • • ,• Fred II Smith . ". 'yi Solomon Sartwell of at • F Mirk . 1 ' ' • Ts ,Franklln Fuller • • Gideon Irons • ". , va A 'V Aldrich et al, Sheol Dlstriot - o,lßratlford•Va 'Jae F Clark . • Levels Thibon .*; • ,'ve Wm Whitney . , . • ,Klng and Bell , • :• • vs Cep 9 Ferguson. • • • Win Boach .. Hiram I'ayue •, • . Tunalmmhor • Co. is I, 9FoSter,.. • • '• Wm B Pierce es John ' .Wallkili Batik ,• • • — ea Daniel, Kingsbury Bank or Port Jarvis • „- Same. Wallkill Dank • • ' vs • same . • ' N Prawn voildee of Walker ea Rinaldo D Ingalxby.• II U Benion•use ofjoseph • • Mann . ve Oe . o W fil,Selter. • ' • . John B Manning' •• VS Daniel Kingsbury 0 I, Stanton Adm's ~ es 4. A Anderson • J.OOll for, Keating of al ea F Lawson et Id. ° • . ,J.Mtirao 'late Sheriff "for B . •.• .• • ; do Cue . • 'es Corlett] and bleCoy - . • blaydole nse•or Ohs Fla:doss It*Decker . Proth'y. May ]862.:::• • • :" . 0/34tr . . Ak.LL persons, irno%Ying themselyes indebted to thetindersigned arehereby ,notified to call and fiettle their aecounts immedintely;or cestsSwill.be Made . : ''" J. D. OTTO. DOIVT : 101ISS IT IXTHEREAS..the Hon.. liobert -G: White .VV.President Judge; and the „Hons. -Ong and V.. Peabody , Associate judges of the -Courts of Oyer:& . Terminer and 'General-Jail Delivery,'Quarter: Sessions . of the Peace, -Oil phans"-Courtand Court of POlllllllOll.. Pleas-for the County of M'Kean haye issued their precept, bearing, date Friday, the 'seventh . day of :March in the .year. of our Lord one thou- Sand eight handred 'and sikty-two; and to me directed, for • holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer 'and-General - Jail.Delivery,Qoarter. Sessiona, of the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of Cornmcin . Pleas,- is the' BoroughOf Smethport, on Monday, the:3oth day of June next., and to continue one, week. ...Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coro- . ners,.. Justicei of thii Prince .arid 'Constables within thecounty,thatthey ben' and : there in-their pr oper peranns,-at .10,o'cloek A. M. of Said day, with their rolls, records, inciajsitions,, examinations; and other remembrances, to do those things which. their offices'appertain to be done. And those who are-bound by their•ree ognizances to proseeutetlie prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of said county of. M'liean, are to be then and' there to. prosecute against -them as will be just.', • , • • . Dated' at Smethport, this day of 'March 1862; and the'. 86th "year *of, the :Independ ence of the. United States of. America. • _MANHOOD. HOW LOST ! 'HOW , .RESTORED !! Just l' oblishoti, in a Sealed Envelope. Price Six Cents A LECTURE ON TILE NATURE:, TREATMENT. AND Radical Cure of SPertnatorilMen, dr Seminal iTeekness, InvoluninryXmlaslons : Sexual Delnity. and Impedimenta_to Illarrlnge,generally, igervounnesa,.ConsumPtiori, Epl• !easy and Fits ;• Mental and. Physical Incapacity,,result• ,Ing from. Self-Abuse. Root. OULVERWht.i.i M. D., Author of the 'Creen'lloek, ' • The world,renoweed author, In tills admirable Lecture clearly Troves from his own experience that the-awful, consequences of SelL,abuse may be effectually rempted without medicine, and without danger.* enrgical opera lions, beagles, ,Instruments, rings, , cordiale, .pointing. out a• made of cure' at 'once certain and cßertunl,' hr which every guiTerar, no matter what tits condition may be,'lnay enre'lannielf cheaply, privately. and radically.. This lecture 1011 prove a boon to tlimmandis. and thou- . . Sent undri eons{ In a plain envelope , 1.:. any.addrillA, on receipt ofaix . cents; tir two-ptintage lawny!, by adatTas lug, • , ' • '. . • Dr.. 0111 AS. 3. - 0 KLINE, .. . , .....127 Bowery, New York, Yost Office 80x,'43811. 04,15, , 62. ly.•; . . . .. . . . 'MONEYSAVED • . .. - . . ~ ........ . Observing these Fac t s .. . . ... . . •_, • . , . . .. . . .. .. .. , • .. • . .. .. .. . . • ~...ThAt I rim 're!— .• .•..1 . ., . dr-r, \-,,- ‘•, , -„, -, P ,--.,,, L , main nutty located in .-- , ... ` . - 4 .1 - - Z • tre.' Sinctliport - •. . ~.t.' .. - L ';. 1 I, " '' l L...l__ ' 2.nd, That I keepcon ' 4:: ~ :'" AK. - stoutly on hand, a goo d 4 ~ i' i . i k j '.' v Clk:'; _ . 7, supply of the brat quai -1 • - '..-.• -", s---"" v,,, , r . P1 - - - Ay of materials. Toole, '..."-';? . (- -...i : ". - .'i - 7 Ste, for repairing the • -,.`: r4ye . ' ' ':';5 , :.;]e_,,... ,-, Tarintiports. of differ. '':',V - -: .ens kinds" 0 r .• . - Ik; - ioifkA 4 : 0 . -:. sTWATCFrEs.. .-- -- . . and I. think lam not braßthig when I soy that nearly lire years experience hos taught me how to nee them Successfully.. - . •' . .iiii.'Woteltes can tia'safoly and Helentificallyt repaired itt Snietlipert. • No matter how tine nr ilLfileult 'the Job, eel am determined to keen peeled' up, 'Ad be fully pre , pared to meet .everyqind any edge, '•,. _ • . . • .: CLO CKS, -WATCHS . EWELRY.SbC.: ... ° Itenaired notice notice, en :reasonable terms. In the Storeo r. A.ll. Armstrong's. Sign of the "1110 CLOOK''' . N. lL ISAKCII. . . . ''• N•.11,--t gunintitee my ,prices for work to bane low as At any other well regulated ant reopeaibleshdp and low er than'at many. - Please giro Me it doll.. W. U. 11.. LOW ,PRICES; • . . The - ór • ' ptitILISItED FOR THE lIIINTIFITANE AS A WARN '. Ind pnd n caution to,yonng'men who.' suffer from Nor= vonn Debility, Promato re - Item), e.,_ oupplying at. - the' inniti time the means of SelLCure. Ily one who has eurrol himself after beinq put to'gre4A:penneihrough medical !mpoPition - anA quackory, : By . anclosfintA pnat.paid ad • .IreSsed envelope:Am:nu; comes - may be had .oLthe Hier, NATHANIEL .I%IAYEA 111, Esq., Bedford, 'l{ingn County,' . N. Y. •. •• • . • (n5,v4.) • - SAT I TI-IPORT (G t :la O,V 2.g.2.1111n CROCKER L AviNG become the proprietor :'of the Gro cery and Provision Store, lately occupied .by FOVright, I ,take. this 'method of in forming my friends that I - have. just received the largest stock of • FAMILY GROCERIES, - .. • ever offered the 'people of M Kean county 'at pricei which would - seem ruinous "at' any . other estahlislinent. I keep on hand, and are in the, daily receipt of . • FREsIL 0110IIND FLOUR, •• • • FEED AND MEAL. . . - PORK, sAI,T, CODFIsiI, • • BIAcKEREL,•WMTE .. • ;HITTER, LARD, TALLOW. • • • • CANDLES, RIOE,.STAROLI, • -• • NUTmEGS; SALRATUs, • . ODA, MHO°, PEPPER, • aPicE,:CINNAgON., • . ,oLOV.Es. CRACKERS, • —• T00A.090,. RAISINS, . • • • . • NUT'S,cle ALL. KINDS,. • .• • ,• .'SUOARRS.OF ALL KINDS; • 'COFFEE:. GROUND, - ,•, . • AND uNCROUND; . • SYRUPS, mOLAsSES; • i KEROSENE OIL,' • • CAMPUENE, OANurgit,:rEAs, &c., &c., • • Ilffitock;is• frill and Ootnplete, and selected frOm,tbre best in the.market.. Call and exam ine price and quality, and, you wlll not !ail to buy. , ARMSTRONG., Sraettiport, May 30,18p1. • L~ist~C~~.11: COURT PROCLAMATION Sheriff. A NEW ARRIVAL AT A. B; ARMSTRONG'S THE OI,D KEYSTONE STORE. AT OLEAN STILL TAKES THE LEAD • ' RESP . E . p FULLY ANNOUN CES . 46 . - HIS old triendsin 'McKean County; that he is h,atiti this §pting'at usual, with the ..:.LARGEST •AND BEST,: Splei•led:stock' of Goods in „the.Oienn'll;lniket To Wholesale Cash Boyd's I Would Si,a . . . can.ofter ybu better indncemente than,.you can gel. weat. or Newyork; . • • • . :It makes nodiffereOcew what you ant,..uni thing in the line . or • r• • GROCERIIS P.ROVISZONS, Call at the OL.D KEYSTONE A.nd.you will Lind. the article fresh and cheap It's no use talking the KEYSTONE STORE 'alvvnys has airs always dill talo Oa . . lead, ant regulate the.mArket in• Groceries and; IPi*o. OLD FJIIENDS AND NEW ONES, Don't fairto . .call' and' see me when . you visit Dlean ; 1 not hurt you; butshallcertainly "try tO do you 'good. - •.. . ••. ' • :• . CPATSTOCK.,,. - .oleaii; May . 23d, 5.2 TUE WEEKLY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. . . ••Tha commeneementof a nest/ year, is a good time for renewing subscriptions and increasing thireirculatibri of, the Jouinal orporninrCe:.-- . We address ourselves Co . the pid:readers. of the paper, '%Kitir entire: confidence to their aid •and eitend the iniluencelof the sound' conservative principlii'and morals which have hithe'ito charucterizedind. will hereafter charactiri'ze this Itvaar SilltfilltE . lr. to the JOurnerofCdmmeree might :do ',a great' service to th6e principles, and strengthen us in our Oliility.to support, and cirdulate.tlrem, by sending us the:name of least one new soh, scriber in his'town. • ' Devoted 'firmly as'yehave been to our ceun trk's. interests, and 'having 1 . 0.ne. been ti .calle “Union'Savtirs" as a term.of'reproach,..we'are . and shall be the firm upholders'of THE UNION AND THE CONSTITUTION opposing wlth . heart.and pen every , tnan, Smith , i.if;"North, who is nn enemy.to eit4er. E'vety form of disorganization and revolution will us.ready.for the combat: Among; the . .toes:of the American Tlnien.and.Ameriean . priniplei, I.we rank aide by side ' . . .06L1T10N1,5311 . . :iritl.vve propose .witli.nikour strength to defend the nation egainst the,ntinclis-ot both, • A' LIBERAL OFFER.. • . To encouroge those , who may. volunteer to aid in the organiption of we hereby o(fer. an extra-copy of the Weekly to every per son who . Shall forward f.wenty.. new..subscribers' (jLUBS . may. beorganized in • communities.. wi t h grf , at tkilvantiv,e'. The present is the best" period for their commencement.. The . terms -on' Which we can fUrnish the paper ,are as To companies taking •• '. • ' 20 copies or upwards ..ONE DOLLAR each 13 :copies 11rIEENDOLLAILS... :S . Fopies • TEN P .a copies stye •• • ; 1 '; Upder'y copies . ' Two • each' The papers will. be addressed to different persons,at the same Post Office, if, desired, ex ,crpt •in:cases of .clubs of :13 or more copies, which will be mailed to one addres;;.:• . . • - 'ADDITI ON S' TO;CLUBS • •. maybe made. at the, following:rates :—Papers added to a r..ltiti-dpring•The. first quarter of the cloli's year. will : pay the full rate'of the 'origi, 7 nal club forO year, during the, second quarte r three fourths Cif the original year's rate, during the third•quarter one half,and.•during the last quarter .one-fourth',. she all•such subscriptions' will terminate wity the:year of •.the' Froinibliiro'ok'. U. S. :mot./ • Where packages of netosiapers or periodicals are received at any post office directed to one address, and the. names Of the club of 'subscri.: here" to whieh they belong, with the postage; for a quarter in advance, shall be handed to the postmaster, he shall deliver the same totheir . respective owners. •• But this does apply'to 'weekly newspapers which circulate, free in the county Where prin ted and published.' lJ Address Editors of the Journal of Cent-. meree, No. 91 . ,Wall street Yew York. PRIME, STONE; HALE & HALLOCK, • . Editors and, Proprietors BAR NOTE , AND:COVEROIAL REPORTER. Circulation, •100,0.00., EDITED BY. JOHN .THOMPSON Quotations eorreeed by' TitonriioN . BROTHERS, 2 Wall'Street OtibliEhod by QRAS. BrANDEt.r.,,.ll7•FrakPq St TERMS' OF SUBSORIPTION . IN ADVANCE; • • . . To mail:Sub!cribers . Weekly,— .$2 1, §eint..nin . rithly, I lifonthly....7sc. To•Pontirinstere or °them -who fClub,nod for. ward ne tho'inolicy advance,.worform Club, will Bend the Reps,. ter (loin Chart Manuel Awl. Descriptive List, an fol. lows: • • 5 conlen of the Weekly, ono Tear ... . $8 61 ' copies of the Semi-monthly— , 4 00 • : 10copicn,of am .. , ... .We.will forward Oatuitotialy to, any person sending a club of $2O at the above 'rates, at any one time;.. our Antaricetn.:Gold. Cops Test Seeder.- •Addresp, • • . • . • THQIVII?.SCiNSRCITHERS; Bankers,. . • No. 2, Wall St..N..Y.,.PrOprietcirs. 'Liot off . Juroig Dia*n for June Term, 186 Anniti..:-41. C. Siinpson. : • p'tooongA r —A. J. Nourse, %V. Y. McCoy, and D. It. Shepard. 13rOwn,- Hitwesn, H. john Ciirpente•r; G. T..Dennis,'A. Aillarden',l , :tfaha . Moo4, . , .• . . • ,Keating.-T. IL Ttik!bs . ,...Gardnrt Barrett; .Erastus Cuitis, J. T. Otto, J::Ptto., Ottp..- 7 Wm. H:Spiller. ,• • • T.ibcriy.—Calvin Piths, J.A. ' Arinirc.-Jnmes O'Neil, Isaac Tubbs, .S..A dleason,T. F.. Bishop. . • • - .# . urorigh.—Nzt!hariiet . Brad to? d .—T r ..„ Bufden, S. M. HAtvins',..l%ilo Lamphenr.. :• • .../fddr"re;L-OsetirCarpente . , Clins,.Svrtink. Ke a tin g • Aaliy, DaMel ...Lenox; Win:••Williami, Arnold SOuthwielt; • ' Liberty.--.L. M.' Eastwood, Wm. Sheiwood, John Campbell, D,'Woodcoelc. A. L..ll4..EastWOod, 0. G. Griffin.• • • - Lafdyette.-- . -Get Potriittn. , P. Dot?nis'on, .A..Anclerson - E. K. Libby: . , oridon S...Suntlerliti, Thos. Conover:. Otto:—James TWomnbly; • :• • AMERICAN. - AGII:CVLTURIST ." .A'TtionTuott-cote,4ELIABLF. and PRAC TICAL ..fournal, devoted N the diflerent de partments of .soti culture., such as g:rowing,Field Crops , 'Orchard and: . Garden .Fritits . ; . Garden Vegetables and : Flowers; Trees, Plants, ,and Flowers. tor..the Lawn 'or Yard ; tare 'of Do: theStic to Hougehold Labors.' it has also an interesting anti instruc tive department- ler . children and youth. A- full Calendar-0i Operations every Terre to Four flunilred;br more, illustrative Engravings 'apPear in each volume. • . Over • Twelvejlundred• plain, practical, in structive articlds and -useful 'items, are given' 'every year. . The -Editors and. C'elftrilinfors are rill • prat. tical,Working Men. • • • . , . .. The' tectryling.s of the . • A GP.lL'y'l' Ull ST ar'e ron - lined tno State or leiitory, but are lidgperd to tie! legni . s ofgil. sections of thrt: coluitqL4t is, as its name indicgtes,for tio 'Thole A MERICAN Cos-' . • . rtnexr. GERMAN EDITION-is published, of the: same size and price as the, Engfisli, and ron 'taiping, all'of.its reading matter, and its nume rous illustrative engeavirigs. • . ' TEB.NIS—INVAIIIABIY IN ADVANCE. 'One copy; one year, • $l. 00. • •• 'Six copies; one year.: • 5 00. • Tenor more-copies -one year SO cents each. . :'137" - Add • to, The abtive rites•: Postage la CripOda o cents, to England .and France, 24 eents ; to Germany, 36 cents. • ' Postage anywhere in the United States and terri l ories.must be, paitrby - the subscriher, add isonly Sig: cent. ;: year, if , paid. in advance. n t the office where received,. . • .A . ll, business Ond-other immmunications should be,rithlressed to the Editor and Proprietor,:; ORANGE 'JUDD, flPdrk-4oW, Oity TIMOTHY SEED. • . . BUSHELS.of tliv bpst quOty oTlix SiEn,'raised by'nnd 'fo'r Pale at. '.• • 1. • •L.'N: DOLLEY'S Port-AilC'gary,:Pee . qi - Oer 25, 1801::: To Consun-iptives. . . . . . . . • !UWE Advertiser, having been . veslored .tedlealth: a 1 few weeks, by a very -simple remedy; after paving itiffe.rtid.several years 'telt h a severe long alfeet,ion,.ithd that dread disease,-•Clonquiteption—is apttleas,Xo make known to 111!1 fellote r sufferers the 111(11111i of rule. • . *. To all who desire it, he will sendya copy of the rescrip - ,tion used, ( free of charge), with the Attentions for. re puting oral using the b . 19110. WlllOl they will fled a sunk Cray m i CoNAIDIPT . ION, A erne t• Itito?4olliTlS. NC.. Me only object of the advertiser in sending the iri.lierifftioli is to,benctit the smut spread information wird' lie COOM•iven to 10 jtivaliotble, and. he hopes every sof feral. Will try hit remedy, an it will cost then nothing ; and rosy proven klecning, • .• . • , Pur ties maiming the p Ideate uddresn ' ' Itnv. ALWARD" A. WILSON. " • •• (ri7-the.) ••• -• . ; hinge Coray, New York. PROSPECTUS or I'HI, SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. TIIF;'1311:Si PAPi.:II, I I7I TILE W9P.1.3) • • SEVENTEENTI:I•YEAR...• VolumeSeries' volume of this widely .cireplated pa per commences on the . : ttli . ot. January.: Every number contains sixteen pages of useful : infor mation and from-fiVe to ten - original'engruyings of.tiew inventions and discov'pries; all, or which .ure preparedexpressly)oi its. ccilumns: 'The . .SCINTIFIC".AMERIt'AN•is devoted to the interests of Popular Seienee; the; hleehahir Atts, Manufactures, Inventions; .Agriculture.,. the Industrial Pursnits:gener• itl,ly, and is voluable.atl•instruetive" hot only iui the Woilcshop and lViantifactory,' t ale in . ..Ole:Household, the . Library, and' the Rentlihe To The Mechanic and. Manufacturer! No person engaged in an of the IrteChanica Pursuits shritilil think. of doing without' the. SCIEN'I'IFIC AM:I:ICA:4. • I t costs but, four, cents per week;'everynumber six : to ten enravings.of new machineS and inven. tions, - which cannot be found in any ot Ker . pith; lication..ilt is tinestablished role of the pub liShers to insert none'bot.origivnal engravings; and'thase . of the first class •in• the' art,' draWn and, engraved by experienced' Persons. under their own..snpervision..-.'.. To the Ini,entor! ' The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is iridis'• pensalde to every irtveritor t itisit.not only . erin tains :illnntrnted descriptions , of nearly all the' best. inventions as they 'come, oill, but• each number contains au . Official List of the.-Clairns nrell,the Patents.issued•from the'United States' Patent Oflice 'du!ingf he week: previons; thus giving 4 correct .history of tbe• progress•OCin-, yentions• in this country. We are. also receiv mg, every week,. the best scientific "'journals of -Greet Britain, F:rance, and 'Germany; thai plaCing in our possession all theCis trenspirinit mechaniral "science • and , ar!••in . t4ese' old countries. We shall' continue to transfer , tip 'our columns eopkins extiacts *mit thes'tt• jour= . nals of whatetier we may deem of: interest ..to Chemiits, 'Architects, FA RMERSI The: .SC'ENTIFIC.' AMERICAN will be found'a most! selful Journal to them.. All the net 'discoveries of science of chniniqlry. ate . . . . . ! ... vet in its ColUmns, and. the intereqs. 61. the. arChitect aiulcarporifor ore not oVrilookvd; nil . inventions . . , „ . . . the neW and.discoveries' 'appoi,tain ing JO 'these. 'porsaiis being; .published froth week to , week. Pselol aini.pinc.tical informa tion pertnininz,to th'e' interests of . :milk'riglita and trill I- o wnrrs." w ill 'he fun ni.l4aib.l rskrii In ~.i h e SciE:s•rivic A ainnruare Which:infOrnialion: itkey. cannot,possibly'obta,i,n'frOni.a4t. other. source. Subjects in' W,hick planters Auld fa.riners Sre,6bi forested will' be found tlisVinlsed 'ip : the 'Seiniv:: Ttriii AAErre/I . n; most of the irnpr . iii is miititi in aerictiltural implernents;.beink, : illnltrated in its TF RAIS.. . . To mail , czbgeribern:—Tivo' DOI!ors a Yeor; or Ooo:.liothr for six 'inoOth:9'.. One I.. Dollar . . . ;pays ' fur ooe ,. cOmpkete 'foto o)e . ' of 41'6 p a ON .two : . 1? . yea I . :', Tne.:.vpl - romtrirneo, ori:tlie•.first oeJaouary:•Orui cLT. - B:F.A.TE .. . , F'.ive..copies,..for.sik. Month's -•- - I,'en-e4ics,-fori:C.Mor.th'q . : - 'l'en.!...'opies, for Twel..6..Ainitilin'. ,Fifttiencopies. - , - tor Twelve Months lor • rrir all clubs l'Avent y -and over, Ibe ' , year: ly subSeription can: be first iri at different times and. from'different Post•titlice. Specimen:copies +,•i:11 be'Sentg•ra. 7 tie to any part of the country..:... • Western and. Canadian rr.oney or •Post-otfiuc. •StaitMe talten arnar, 2 tor. silbscriptions.-••C'anar ilien'snbecilbers'wQr please to-remit 25 rents ektre.on each year's .subeCtiption . to pre-pay . . postage... . ... • - • . UNN & CO., • .No :37 , } ) tlz-icltl New York • . . Scrofula' or King's 15 a constitutional disease, .a corruption of tho blood, byl'iyhich this fluid: beeomeS vitiated; weal:, and poor. Being In the circtititiem, it pertmles" the whole . body, and may'burst out. in disease on any yert of it. No organ is free 'from its tittacks,'norda thereon° 'which' it may not 'destroy... 'The scrofulous taint is yariously . caused by inereurial diseaSe, low.-living, dis- Ordered Or 'unhealthy food; impure air, filth .and filthy habits, the depressing, vices,. and, above • all,. by. the yefiereal 'infection. :What e.ver be. its origin, it is hereditary in the. con-; stitution; desecoding "from parents to children unto the third tincl.fourthgeneratiOn ;:^ indeed; it Seeing to he the rod who says; "1 will -visit the . iniquities •of the fathers upon their children." n, - • . : . . • Its . effects commenco.bydeposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs; liver, and: internal organs ; is termed tubercles ;. the glands; and: on. tbe surfake, eruptions or'sdrOs.. This:foul corL ruption,:which genders in the blood, depressoi .the.energicof life, so that scrofulous constitu 'Cron not ,Only suffer, from scrofulous Com= plaints, but they have far less power to with-' starlit the attacks of other disease§ ; • Cause (jountly, vast An.tinbers perish by disorders . . which . although not scrofulous - in their nature; are still rendered 'fatal . by this 'taint in the systoni Most Of the consumption which de - niate,4 theluinianfamil.V has its origin directly nt this serofnlous 'contamination ; and many' tl !!bt. UK' t I ye diseases of the'liver, kidneys, brain, mid, indeed, of all the organs. nriae Ana or, ar aggravated.by. the• seine &Lute. • : One quarter of all our people areicrofulous'; their persons' are. invaded by, this lurking irk. fection, and their health is' undermined- by it. To cleanse it friim the system we Mustrenovate the WO by an alterative medicine; ands.in vigorate it by healthy food and 'exorcise. Such 11 . 4Ndialle we . supply in ' AYER'S • , Compound, Extract of Sarsaparilla the most effectual .remedy which the medical skill :of our times' can. devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. - - It is-corn hin ealiom the most active remedials•tbat have 'been discoVered for the expurgation of this'fout disorder from the blood,'and the rescue of, the . Fvstem from. its' destructive . consequences:' Bence it should be employed for • the. cure of not ottly. 'earofula; but. also those , other affee tions'which arise .froni . it, such as Euirma and ; SELN DISEASES, Si: ANTIfONY'S FIRBi :ROSE . , or. E13113IIIBLAS,: Illi.o'reut:s, 13 LAINI3 and Botts, Tttifoiti, Tarrrat and SALT . .ltiiimm, SCALD llriAn,.ll.mcnvonl3, ltnymmArcsm, SIITIIILITIB and Maneeniit.Dis-. 13ASES; :DYBPEESIA, DEBILITY, and, :hides(, ALL CO34PLAINYI3II.IIISING YBOat.Vrrt.t-. • rim •on . . hrimitn- 8L00n..• The popular' belief •in intjntrity.of the blood'? isloundedin truth, for surofulti is a degenerlitiori of the blood. The pat•ticular puypose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla to purify and regenerate this - vital fluid; without which-sound .health is itripciasible contaminated constitutions. . , Aypes C6thartic Pills, FOR . ALL THE PURPOSES. OF A FAMILY PHYSIC!, . are 80 composed that 'diseake nithin'tho 'range' of their action can rately•withstand or evade. them Tb•eir penetrating properties search, and Cleanse, and irytigerate eery portion of , thttliuman ism, correcting itit diseased action; and restoring ito' healthy vitalities, .As a consequerice.of these properties, the invalid svhb is bovrad,do*n with in ur debility is astonished to•flnd his 'health or hnergy.reStored by a retnedYnt:once .i.itnple and inviting. •. •.• • . ,• ' • • • bot. only de they cure the everyday complaint's or every. holy,, but also, many formidable and dangerous diseases.. The agent, below, named Li pleased to furnish gratia'iny AniericanAltnariac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their use in the following complaints: .Cattivs ness,• Ilea tburn; Ileadache . arisingfront disordered' Mcon Nausea; hidigestion, J'atnitt wad Morbid Imi - coon e l f the Borth, Flatulency', Lou of Appe,- tit( , ,, ire, and . other kindred totnplatnts, a froin ttlow state of the body or obstruetion' of its functions. . • . • Ayer's Cherry Pectora, FOR THE SLAM) CURE O? ; Coughs, .Coldt4. Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup,•Bronchitis, Incipient Consump. lion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of . the • dtAarse. Si) ‘l , lde is the field of itatisefulness and se nu merous are -fen Vows or its etire.,;.that ,almost every section u country abnunds in. Denton'', pub liclt vrlio have been restoredfrom alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its isc. When on co tried, its superiority"over every other 'medicine of its kind is too apparent ter.ineape" ' observation,: and where-hi virtues are .known; . the public no longer. hesitate, what antidote to employ for the'distreising and dangerous affect:llMS Of. tbe' pulmo'nary organs that are incident to our "climate. While many• inferior rernedies....thnist upon the 'cxuninunity .hav& foiled and' been 'discarded, thii has gainedfriends by every trial, conferred:benefits on the afflicted' they eau r :never. forget, arid pro duced cures too numerous and too' remarkable to • PREPARED' BY ' •• DR: - J. C. AVER ,IL linrnliri Sr Co.; Sonettiport; C. F. Osgood, Bradford; L : H. 12°11(1, Port,Alletany find by 00fre everywhere. , . -'- $4 - -$8 - $l5 - $22