M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, July 05, 1862, Image 1
..w.. - .a~vra - • A's'?„, • Y s t r - A , • VOL. 4. BATTLE ON TITE ,CHICKAHONINY 0 .. 'The attick - ..1,as `made Fru, manse tOice,.wh . O . ..crossed ',the Chickahomiriy river, near the Tailroadi above MecbapiesvillP; on Thursday aftertinnn,. and. fob:Pit:desperately butiweie unable to driye.iotirrrien back asiugle rod fr66l their .position; 'notwithstanding that we had tr).c:ontetitl, id ad unequal combat,. w ith nearly or quite ten, to • .." . , The only terces eivag;ed'nnthat day, was 31e- Call's division; which W - as locatedon the opno-- site side-nta aikampy- ravine; abriut a mile -and a.6)(bielefrom the dbiekahnminy The'bettleittited.fron about 2 until' 0 P. i 1 When the enemy drew-off, reneWii;g the attack at. the break. of. day,: and alter several . hours of hard . fighting,Gen,--gctallN ;Division tins or' . 'teorett to . 111" The soldiers, supposing the order was giVen fronife,ar'of being overrowered',, said they.conid hold' the. gifitind, and, 'heggeil that the order might'be.i:oulte . rnianded, whicli was refuSed, and.they '' Gen. : Meclellan was on the field during the afternoon and up. to a late hdur at nighi, direct ing:the•mdvements, and exrdesseq himself v:ell iatiafied with the result. ' •• . - 11:k41 1 1.5! ATTACK ON' TrIT:r.SPAY ' On Thursday, about noon, Ow' enemy Made attack' upon General Bionernan's forOes 4h . the vicinity of Hanover bourt.liouse; probably for the purnose of accoMplisiling, out-flank 7 ingmovement on' the rjglit., and to engage our attention in 'that directidn, • Shortly nitirward they commenced, avigorous cannonading from. the ;works situated nn on an eminence opposite Mechanicsville,:about one and a half mile ilia tent; Fits° from two batteries,. one aboile and the other.below.' •" • - .- • .They were replied .to•byCampbell'e.Pennsyl yanii,batteries an pi..ket daty,,one on the Me fhaniesOle road, jui . ;l, 'another from behind earthworks.at the right of a grove. rtes r,Enrc . s CR9ss Tics ciitcOAIIOMNir , 'About 2'P'. M, the' .eneray"s'..lnia'ntry and • . ',quadroons' of eavali - y creased the Chiefiahom . ivy in immense' force,.,a'short ‘iistance above thoViigiriia Central Railroad, making a rapid advance;through lowlands and forests, toward Gen. McCall's diviSion, who were entrenched' - . • on . a hilly woodland . across a Swainpy. ravine, about : a mile'ia the rear of • • . . . . PART, OP 'Pity. PENNSYLVANIA ECEETAJES dA ['TAM)* The • Eirst. Pennsilvatiia.ifleS.(ffuc,ktails)and CaMpbelya Pennsylvania battery were:oh Picket doty, all. of whom; except :ode cempany,..fell dackbehind the breastwOrks and 'rifle-Tits, .where . a'.lirie of battle Was drawn:Up... gomPany K•of the Bitekterils;.w:mwere on picket beyond .the 'railroad, were:surrounded by he. enerhy) . and the lasi' that was knewn Of Ahern they'were trying.to'cut their.. Way throuih an immensely superior force. • . Their . futeis not known,hut it is, presumed.. that the .. ..greater. portion ofrihern were taken. prisoners.. : • • A TErirtipLk: CONFLICT, . . . ' The enemy' advanced down• at the rear Me : ahanicsville, one loin; marshy ground. to where our forces WeredraWn• up behind. ri fie -pits .and earthworks, on as eminence on , the•mortherly side of the raiinei-• when. the conflict became most The rebels with the • . thoSt de termined courage; attempted to presalorward. vier, miry ground, but the'bhllets and ;rape- . abet, 611,...am01i g them, like . hitil; until, in the Words- tif.an . .ptfteer, <they•lay like fliei•oveht boWl'or sugar,' and at. dark. withdrew., The. cannonading, .was kept up on bojh - sidesuntil about 0:P.1d..; when the: battle 'e:eased. Our tordes were Fnverecl" with eaithworksand aufre'r tate': in the afternoon the enernYOe 'charge withOayalry.. About 100 .of. them Crime' ' Dush:lng down :and attempted'. to cross 'the vine when the . horsecheearno Mired. A Squad . : raon ot'our caVitlrY,seeing the poeitionin-which the enemy were pieced,. made n charge down the hill, When the enerny.abandoned - their horse's • The ineonfry:fight was then renewed,and ac: cording to..the statement of my informant,.Sur :geou Humphrey Of. the. Pennsylvania 11ticktail Regiment,.cOntinued until about Seven A. 'M., when a retreat was orilereil,ivery much against . the . will of . the Pennsylvania boys,. WhObeg . ged, tobealloWed to .defend theirposition,Which they felt . confident , they'eould continue to hold. The outer fOrees . .begari to fall back• Porter i S Corps.were same distancO below, near what is well known here Os Dr..'gitine's residence... .11,F.TREAT OF TILE EtGILT WING. • At the break of dail turned out of my corn . . • fortable bed (the wand) after the fight of the day befoie,lar the right.wiifg; where thatched been an ineeasanicannormding for some time: • The first that: ittriceted my' attention was the irnmense - liiie'lof baggage and forage wagons, exteading-aboutinurrniles. Next, came 0. °"" hleade Of runbulane'e ftir on ) the next emirs- . ericethe . View 'was ehanged. . ' Next eatne Stragglers:, who never happened . - • to - be under fire,but - can report lidirbri•adth es. capes and personal adventures; with the finale that cow' regiment is all ent'up, and only about aso of us left.' • : . • • Next came nlong the sick soldiers .on foot and lastly d negro, dragging one foot after the, oilier, apparently very reluctant, and a ,soldier 'at his side, ilamiling beniiive . he . ' A. moment alierive• fle:tervidiql • the hill, td• . a, .ray : inci•k'nowq as.,dairia'.• mid:: halts!' for an'artiller:y.batfery cross iii the b~idge ;' and ns the htst the train riaSs,n, eti aver, an order was gi‘ , eriltodistroy depletek4egitnent. came over the eminence, and seeing•jcie - work'of stopi ti?O:•eaeriV are close upon soma of thciii at th same time, glaOcing backward:, • •. THE SEc:tslil 6AT'S ' 11 . AiCIA. . . ' 'Two botiis'pfteiward:l.l4 d• entimynnie..ler • • the woods, - and finally. a . . generalt e rn;ued. "I'he' cannonading teas terrific; aroj mu=ko6;.jeoti unde,F 7 stood' by those whO'have . hrard. the.: crush . ' of ittimimse ticesin quirk succession . . . 'Duryea's gallant 'Zourfves were lying upon the: iroltitil for two hours, ivliile nifr hatterie ware shelling the wooili.over them. - 'l'., • Onatly, toward gi lrt, t h'e.• enemy attempted, to bro i l the rentie:liOe'M front 'of : Thiryna's. Zoutivp . 4;.ailiitheMusliet6 , firing berarie'most terrific; laiiini;.:soine twenty Orrii - Orty..aiiiiltfis,. after which there was a.Shortly aftet. :. Waid.an atterirpt i }vas,made:lto through the: which - was iepulscil, 110 half •am hotir later another ittatript. was mails On the left',' with 'the same result. The battle had them been raging . fiir sortie foot' hours without any apparent . chat4e. , rir a4yantage oit either • Reinforecrrienti : of 'artillery ,and" infantry then • - earne'sdeadily.along over ••,the_hridge• 'marching through the he'lft and dust • over the ffilkto the „ field of battle. The enemy, their . seemed to make their last-despera..e,_deterinin ed effort ,• and . Came 'near fore • ing.Our mrn • back into the: low ground betwe'en • the I.lill.and the brit e, whOeihey enuid have heel . ) slanghtered • by tens of2lli'oanri - i before they could have' crossed that. jong;• oarroW'bridg., .Wagons, artillerr,••a • mbujances.% and mere were hurrying: toWarcl the.bridge,•arid a pallid alnrost in suitable, when a sdr prig guard,was placed. across e, bridge I=== • At, the •time' whe . n 'the enemy ha'd' almost . reache'd:the Main hoSpitril, 'one half mile from the river, Thomas Francis , ,Aeaghei'Orisltmen. came over the hilt . ..stripped" . M,the bare arms Mid ordered to go tOworic.. They &ave,.a:yell and went to work,,a.Ml,.the,reShlt 'Vitas that the enemy (011-bark, to• the. vocidi; and, th,us mat, tars stood pj) toAlo i tlock: yesterday. o,and4yj morning At darlCan inalll'.along the front of the entirc ,. lirie:,arid was renaweclat-2 A., M. in front of, Generals Hoofor,,Keidnya nd Sum ner,, . suctessinlly,' tvitliout-matefial . - . AN6qliiit ACCOUNT • At Wlrite . : lions() 'on Wednesday: Matters . Were:Progressing us trionl; with' 'the exception that there hail been a check.in the:land ineot stores of all descriptions, - While those oM the •landing . .m..rh being rapi:lly reloaded in wagons and • Moyed ofr towards the left flank. • Several. Steamer's With larkl string's of vessels Indened with foiageand sub,lstZMee. had sloe ted:down the river with orders to proceed io •Gity Da the James River. yherev'eisai• in:thesbUrse of tran=Portation. occf4ionet con .Siderable comment and ;speculation, hut...was ascertained tn.bir the fultilinent, of arfo:rtle.r.di ,rect from Gen: McClellan. :Some supposed it . to . he intended for' the: supply of a portion of Gen. •Thrnsirle'S :army; which rnmor.saiir had reached the Janes River : to co-op'er'ate, With, •.• AnOrder;:was•alSo:reeeived Iroin'head iipiarters..eaily on . Ntleilnesility to Prcfaibit tiny ohe froin forward to.the lines oiCany eonSideration whatever, unless the parties be , This order. was so peremntQty that even: those connected -with 'the...press,. some of whofn liad:coine down to forward their report by the. Mail. - boats 'wereprevented-frOrn returning, and others who had smuggled theem: selves through were promptly sent hack.. 2 , Ott the same day Ged.,Casey came doshn and took Command of .the small land forC'e, not ex ceeding 6o o •rrien; and in the Citeeing.was noti fied to prepare-4 1 aq moment for the' entire evacuation of tha . .post;l,and the presCrvatiOn as 'far aspracticableof the public'propert.i7.. ar oilers .were also ,sent to Col.ingalls. He immediately comninnicated with the fleet, and a diiiision of men, armed with axes, proceeded during the night to'cut, doWn-the• trees around White House, and..subsequently all the way along, above. and below the Ptimunke . y bridge, so as to . give them free play.for the use of their guns. On the . same - evening we had a report from headquarters that a diviSioatf the: rebels; the forces of Stonewall_ Jackson' anttOeneral Ewell were approaching and threatening to. open the way by the:right -flank -for a raitl'on . the White . !louse. In- the. meantime the trains on the .railroad . Were.kept. running night and "dayoiarrying - forward nothing buyimmunition antlrriunitiOns .of 'War,. with siege and roCket trains, and field pieces: The down train of ears, due at. 7 o'clock on Wedoesday dvening, had, not - . arrived, which added. to the excitement'among'the suttleys . and; camp folloWers. At half past 10.o!clock in the evening, ho\Vever, the train arrived,bring ing•dnwn abont ninety wounded men, it having been delayed ~ tar thel: aecomeclation... They } e igyer neerly.all of Gee. 'Melones , Division, and 14participetNlin the gallant advance on the rpf the,,center on .I .)Tednesday . . . SMETTIPORT„ 31PNEAN COUNTY, PA., SATLTRDAY JULY -5 ving the enemy from their rifle pits,'and report rtg.,.titot they' , lisd securedorid. held 'Whot -Was knoi,eo as,'l pscrn llill, en important position• eon - it - Mangling tho'etty!qt ßiehmond Phis is" - the 4 , lmrioriont'POitili'•nlhided:.:to in the' des_ pafclies'of Gen, , Meclellan detailing the.''af air.. The entire lossOn our side' was, reported:to:lie about tWO'hundred and'tvl!niy.Wetintied amt : po . l'arge number 'mounded,' were, however,.very slight, most of therrilieing nhle-to .(roin tile 'cars to the hOkriTtallioai. 'Thus coiled the eeents oflVedriasday• • .2. :The fact that , the.gunboats lia(l' ialten - tiotr:in front of thelapding - with theiiguae, out aitd, . 8. 1 1 60.0, and' the sweeping . aWa'yo.l, the 'trees, Whiekwas 'still progressing,. gave re sewed ar'alvity;:t6 the rush of . the camp follow. Crs f6r .'passes hy the' :oil!, beat to Fortress' 91.1. Our popplation commenced.'to; be' . .rapidfy...deplet,eir... • • . . .The down drafn (rain the front reported (inlet, With the exeeptiorqof - certain mysterious iiioverneitis within" oar lines that were not un:- derefandable to , The inlown'se stOck . of stares, and flirtige at Disp4tch ,Station; 11 dude's .froin- being carried 'off great rapidity, and .subsyquently . learned, tliat an itrtnekse train of ivagons had been -running:fruar tbat.:point with l ortige..aad staresi.a titlthaf the krea . test itetlvity in their rerrioval was being..abervtittt In the 'was : linnqup . cic,that not a.hala al. snAhel-of barrel of heel Or it box of er..;eliers was left. • 01!;fi • •Throughent the . day at. White - .llouse•the . . ;reifies( v igilanee , Wai j observed in and around Mire headquarters of,',VVri...Ctisey,.. who had Pitj.bed his tents on the beatifilullaWn" in fron't of the' Vi oecujiied as the private quarters Ofthe . Sister! of. Ch‘lrity---and here'let me,adilthst it is . quite ii. emill ' buildiiro, having', not more than six small moms in ii;theoutbUildings and Servaritls quarters being seperate from ,the . 'residence.. Geiieral Washington himself could notcomplain of 'the uSe'pfit by these ministering' angels the sick and woMided An immense train of , yngons,was also, inOvinglotward from the subsiicncri and . ..cominii§ary.departinents . throughout die day,,arid- the itnrnenSe stocks' on shore were being rapidly diminished.. The trains . ori :the lailroad...were - still roving for.: ward With ammunition; and continued through- . out the Scouts had also been sent out idvariil'us.directioris.dUring the . day, , and preparations, were mnde for obstruciingthse . .Ar thrsk . -ne‘V'parlie wa's, 'occasioned vy.the, - . di:tooVViV that bSles.of hay'liad lieeh piled over and about all,: :he large masses of :stifsiitenee stores on the lending 3 ,.ifidie4tina the probability tlrit/;i(:rtight:•heeOne rieCes . ary dot the iii ht .to apply the torch' to: them !c, prev,ent ahe ne,:tnto tilt: hands of the enemy. • • ;la tioriS were going on; indir 2 ttin% the pi:oh - aide 'intention Of evaenaiing . On; snofe, he..numerons:eteameis and tilgs, - prolialiiy ito in number, hnd been busy towing. dowa the river to West IPoint;' adis. tancepf through itstortuous wind ing,. lo . ng thies.of. brigs an barks laden with 'store=.'' The vessels that were . scattered 0)(3'0 iti thavicinity' were idso collected together in separate groups artchenchn . red stream where they could be easily and rapidly' taken in tow by.the Steamers when the time ror.their. removal arrived. And in:order that the rear der'may imagine the scene here-presented, it . . . May he proper_ for him 'to understand that 'not less than stiven hundred sail of vesSels Were) two days PreviouS,' at anchor at the White HOuse and landing and stream:along for eight, 'or ten miles down the•riV..er. In'the mean time . the : work on theconstrnetion of the rnilrcad hridge : over - the...nr.munlrey, just 'ahov.e: the la:adiag, was iteacily p . roifessing, a• large.force of workmen` being Constantly' it work. This fact tri contucton with the evident movennents. towards a. speedy eVacuation, , i)ewildered the speOulatiOns of the uniniated, but Colonel In 'galls; underwhose.:directions the evacuation was progressing, .moved about as .coolly •as.a .sunirrier's morning::. . .- The.morning. - train:bropght down 'the grafi.: tying, .news' that the .lorward:. movement,- .of General Rooker had ',been 'entirely. successful, and that he, held . the.enemyrs eatip;and rifle Abetit ones hundred more Of the wounded arrived,..and•were.rerrioved. With .the other,st to the hospital 'steamers, where the Sanitary tOmmittee.with theirlarge corps of surgeons, and thriumeraus Sisters of Charity in n'ttend.., done'all.in their .power.to render the piactr . felloWS comfortable.. There are'also large number of volunteer female purses in at tendance, whoareunremittipg in their, aten; tion , and kindness to the.siek . (1 wounded; , The : reports from the frOnt on Thursday•ev ening.continued favorable, heavy: skirmishing having .taken: place izin:the right, resulting. in . . . . . . the repulse of 'the. enemy,:and . 11 few more of the . wounded* arri:iteil, who reported'everything• prOgresSing moSt.satisfaciOrily, vhilst'allthe. indications were that 'a :general battle - along the whole line would lake .place next n day.-- . - , The trains were kept in Motion,allM;ht.car rying forwaril munitions . .of war y . whilst. the Wtig.orts . trains:Wereistill linimillte . ,r:oads, with. 40MM kqtry ite'req. : '.• . : . •. ~.• ' ,: 11111'i : 411f 01,0011til .0;1114041i:: Saturday, July: 5,1862 ; .ie: - `I4.T".IsTA OW,T .- 7 • • AvAsiuNdTor4,,ruly 105p,...$ • Gxxn.. hi the. wiitlonl 'of the vh ws.expressed to me iftßo pa t riotic . . . . *inner by you in the cbroniunication .Of 2Sth da3i.of,TOne, 1 have decided to n eall .irite the'ser viee additiOnal force of 'thine lindredrhoui-• tindmen.. 1 edgiest 10 . 4. reeorintiend:lithat:(fie troops should chiefly • of: infantry; ._1 he quota of your State would . . 1 trust they. May be enrolled ,without' so - as to .- 3>rip . g thisunnecessary s and.'injurious . civil war to it speedy end satifactorY An order fixing the : A . llo6x. of the resilective . .States will be issued. by %tbe' War, Department ABRAOAM LINCOLN . . . • : - LATE:iT NEWS, , • .• - • Fonriti.:‘sl Alcr4non 'July 1. from_ the scene of action yesterday, ten miles above city. •. •Timt diVision of 'obi army has been fighting fourdaysprindi has retreated about 17 miles.. The fight Of yesterday,. was moktlerrifiC,.the (Memy having three, to our-one: The battlecomMencrid with our land forces, and alter abobt Jahr hour's! fighting - our boats, got in Lange; and--poured - into. the.- rebels a heavy 'and - incessant fire. The rebels' stood.. about two hours and then retreated. • • Oar. troops , have captured, notwithstanding theirdisadVentagteS,. a . la rge number of artillery pieceS, and.2.,ooo'"prisonbts.. , • •• A mmig- the 'prisoner's, cepttire.d ie the • rebel general I‘la . grud • er. ;.• • -- The plitee Where thiS last action Ipiilt place • .is neai:Turkey Creek.' :The retreat of-146 -rebels lasVevening was i.Vith . great • disorder,.end their hiss nu. been very heavy,much•greater,it is thought, than ours.. There is nothing'-definite, lioWeVer, in regard to lases. • . '. • , retreat forced'imen'General-McClellan ' -by the superior numbers of theenennyi,l learn. he hadfc,i.spike his'siege . .ganadnil leave. them, .3n the, field after burning the carriages. The nature‘of the gronnd rendering it impossible to . ove them. In-the 'retreat many ofour sick and 'wcittn-1 iled . Vverenee,essarily left 1)0410.: There .are of course innumerable reports'aiiil:Ttlinors here, bvt I.,gend'obly . What appears to be authentic. The Great Battle Before Richmond. • The, following is from a telegtaphic :sill iSSLICA by the Olean . Times; to -7.'ne.Siiay, last Afttiat timo Mc.'Clellan?s:army wasin'a crit ical situation, lint %vas still Unbtoken: . . NEVE YORK, Jufy •Itb,'rniilnight.'. .• 'The World's•cOrresPondent here. irom.the field of baffle.' hefore.giehniond on Tuesday: ; He•says.MeClellaes adyaftee, thew was 'three rrilfes.porth-west !laid iiYs fowling, a qtr is it hiss fifteen milesof Richmond... The enemy wits terribly repulsed in the,lint qe of MondaY., which was, sanguinary in . the extreme.' Gen. 4lentzelmnii taptured eight generals, ari . 'd a whole brigade of rebels,, - sixteen hundred" strong,; ineinditii their coinnels, The 'eneiny's fighting' on Monday w.aS . fierce in the 'extreme.'• Geni. " Kearney, floolier, lirehardson and McCall. participated.. The.re.. serve - under. McCall' suffered seirerelY, rind Gen. , Mccall.and key rpl4 probably_ taken' prisoners as, they are . . . . . . . . Gen. Mead was severely wounded. • Pens.. Dernsaad Brooks, slightly. Sloneivall*Jack. son was killed , All the prisoners corroborate R.• mlersorst of the, Tredegar Iron, works vas mortally. wounded in the action at Savage Station On Sunday. •. ' • , baring' the action of Monday, .the.gunlioats, Galena arid ArooStook shelled the river road with splendid effect. McClellan's army,, though . greatly' 'exhausted from lack of feed, 'were still in excellent spirits and every drop of biped will flc,v'before any disarier fal• the artny. '• , • . • : • " All the:, field officers of ...Duryea's' Zonares heretofore ,reported killed and, wounded and missing are alive and well. '." MBE The associated press -Ivite received a disp,ath, saying •iliat.,the Rehmond Dispatch adrnits, the Aeath'of •Gens: ,Stonewall Jackson - and Rhett, of South Caroline, The - total loss on both sides so far, seven Jay's fighting-,'is upwards-of,lOrty tdlOnsand; . . CAIRO, JUIY Advices !Mtn 'Arkansas are to the Ofect that Gen,,Hitdmaa, with some. 43,000 Rebels; . was ih the immediate 'vicinity :of S . t..Charles, and that Col: Fite!) had abandoned the foit; spiking • The sittiaion Gen.'Curtis lit' said to be critical, he being Unable. tri bring.upplies, and his firo!Y being on half rations for a week'. , Reports have beencurrent here to-day that corrimodore rairagut giveii the onthorities of Vicksburg until Monday lae to sntrender..: , . Iteiibrts via Columbus by passen4ors,are that 'a tight hail taken place.at•Holly. 'Sprin6 :and - a bombardment of.twolve hours' duration at Vie kabarg,.bilt. Ibe time'ef.neither.engagernent, It is. evidenfiy..thil;;4itirmitiapon how det o' while speaking in tile noose of Representatives on :the 15th of April, i 942, that . thesair . ctity Of, institUtions, unde'r a state , of.actual' invasion invasion and of Wattle! War, whether..i'ervili , ;• civil,, or foreig . th. is : . w holly ..tnfounded, and that the laws, of Aver do, in`ji.llitich:caStts, I die 'pre eedence. " Ihi military nothority,".suiol Adams, !'ctaltes,for the time the place municipal inStitutirinS, and of slavery.' ameni; the rest . ; and, under that state of things, so far horn its being- true that the States where slavery ekiSis'hhve the exclusive inAtinge.nbit.- of, the. subject, not only; the President: of. the; ttniw States, but the Commander riower to order the Universal' emancipation—Of . . • . clititelemen.whn nre intimately - .actittainted with Ptesident that he nnt atteipilt.t . o exereiSe' this ~p owar,!.°-ariii it ig• very eartnic that he did not think that . . Can. Punter.,, as . commander:of the • army iti South Carolina, had..,‘ , i)nwdr to order:tlce versal die .it is equally true that there 'are thqSe,-nceupy. Ina posit tons, .whoare . co'rifident that.cireurit tanes ; - the* Pielsident ;to ex -- ere ise this po . ‘: , er, ns n )ocesgly i . and that those'generals whosnay riot .shos.i a wil lingness to do' Foi ...will. meet with 110 filYoi t liiendshfp. •' • • : • . .:'The j'epot t of Judge Holt, and of Mr... Owen, . „ COriiinissioners, 'appointed. to investigate Ord nance cOntracts;'on. the receipt of two notet'of five; thonsand.dollar.s each by Sena torSimtnOns. fOr his services in proCuring:,a contract for the. trianufacture.af gutsy has created sone.aaton ishmeut. It is rumored that other rnembers.cil Congress are tiititerested'" 'in - cont 11C t.S. • ShierdS . Was nitailitnOtisly rejected ns I.llajor-Gentra I, etands'as the.. scape goat,.on whnuireo-s2the hlame.of the tnistnan• ageineut 'of mat t.!l S. in he She a nandoh va ll e y. Jourpal • • Tur... - Writririlor!sr..--Mr. Raymond, in a ler rer frotri the se , lt . ‘Var to the Times, thirs dispsses' of la very little thing cnone in Wash- Ing,ton, omen very grand scaler--". 1 • see that complaints have, ieen made at Washington that 'the White Rouse.irdnot oecnpiedas -but is' kept inviolate from our treops by a . guar'd It has - been said - that even the Well is guarded, and-that soldiers a re . not a llow etl to :go to. it for a drink of water. A : great dear of Ind igna• '(ion has been invoked itertiust Geo. iMcClellan ondhis , account.' and. - some gentlemen of New. Yark..are reported to have.informed -I,ineoln.that thi‘r wariA;ne parsuance df arm -arrangement - .between - him - rind (en. Ler i ,the ()Wrier of the W bite IruSe, that in calirot war ; they wuldprotect each others property.this is very stupid,: very . - malicious, and very, 'cofitemptible. The story' of are arrangerneor between .1 he -1 wo Generals is, 'n r-falir dien. :The White dlooSe has bill and would holidort oritside . ;tiot More: thiM ft:dy patierit4.. rt.lir et 'some' ilistaece'frem tare InadiOg place, :duel in the.. judrfmerrt of -pr: TriOler, the Medical lbrector; ills not 'needed, for. he:rail puirros . e's, as. tents Ira been par vided, fur the temporary - , care of the r.vOirrole . tl adthe tandieg. - It Is 'guarded. from dot ruSiOn and injury paddy, Ipiertese the orders.of *the pray ale to protect oiy.ale prepeilS-;:endritly beeeee it.rs the-site of IWashingtOn's-_early . hornet-both, in . . eery' jinrginent,;-perfectly .pirrt and 'conclusive reasons. ;Thri well is-guarded„ solely tr prevent its ,being . exhausieldby,ove( 4alts; the water li-drier . r by the. soldieis . .cord• . stantly, although excellent: water is' abundant and much more aecesirible: I trust the - White Housewill*Contioue to he protected from inva sidu arid injury. It is a very , *mall.. price to pay out of respect do, the Memory,of ton. , r see; by •the Way,' that the. letter riub• lisped in some :of the Papers,. purporting to *cOrne•froin Mrs ,'Lee; and ,ehrtrg,lng. the -Union, troops.with - hai.ing, scotched rind desecrated the' House ) is-pronounced alos gery. She acktowl edgei the. care with which- it ,hasbeen-protec ted.- . , . .. . . . . . . . . .1 observe by . Y_esterOy's. papers,- that:9ecre tary Stanton has ordered .the “gtrard -, .t0 he re moved". frotri'.the -White Miele: . He willex cuse (in; Or saying 'that he hag leen.misled tido ',doing a vary foolish thing. . lint :when a ca/heat Minister' noil:es Intne:onibe his God,Aere.,is no' 'telling to. what alnumlians his Indtellip vial, lead him, . We' shall . now.get the reputation of being utterly reeklss. of Washington . and,hrs memory; 'and 'Without any 'offset: ..There are twenty houses better adopted to hospital' 'put- poses than the White House—and- every onoof them is' tintoui•he,l. : . _ . • • .. .. , . 7A•letter to the Providence. Post from Wash ington says the latter city apPear4 to be 4 con= bination of the vices. of Now'YOrk,..the cunning Of Philadelphia, and the respeetablp pomposity of Boston, without any. 0f,..-their •ixttendantvir . , . . . t o'clock A. m MERCANTILE A.PPRAISEZIENT:' 'ISI. 'of Vendera'Of Merchandtse• anti:their I •Clossiftention of M'Kettn county for 1862. .Sniediport .Borourg k A; N. • . • ' '• Orlo .1. Hamlin; • - W. S. Browpell Calnii3l S. C. Clenvelanif& Co. Smith t<c' Barber, . . L. 11: Do , ' ' ' 11 . Istatice: . iis ~Pc11143 Appeals will 114'-i'tod,. •thir'Ceynrnlseit(iiiis' 011ie° in Smettp ff ik:on the 151 h day etjulY, next, at which':lmtie and place all . personi ag grieved by tbe,foF going appinisennent will be eardai n l id stich p ai? t aiements made Ar! deem l j e st 'JAS. E. BLAIR. ) :. . . . Juno .2 1 , LSO.. .11er, , ia 74 Ole, Appraiier =ZEE =BE RIIMIM==MI 14 $7,00 14:. 7,00 14. 7,00 1:1..7,00 jitarlfo J, 1 7,00 14 7,00 11 7,1;10 ; y:,v r min w rcr t 417 pdu sertr yv k 111.04#4et 0., N„. 2 4..aVtotip..Rantr., Partortar.s:—lfesterda - yi'bc. ' "t4,44:''i c ',.1.1. and , 12 oFclok; prisoners arrived..by I he . . :' . urriberliirik:; - V . a1,14 . , ; ": . , Erain::.~rom Flank's division + ;They were , t rotigh -, ,Mark et.- and ".Fourth . i . , and Ride r oo immense deal of attention... looking set,.and are no improvement' on .already: here.`. They were yotlag . .and old "ed, itrid'nrit a Ileennt . auit . tirrimir4.--Llliirr,4llloi7,l Odor!. • ' CAMERON. COUNtr • • . . .SlLeitifri•s- baibs. - • : ijor.VIRTUE - of ennary '' wife of,'Veitrtier'oiri' .D 7 . e' 1 i0),./4$ rya filiF.Vend Wont . .ExponetA; titled out or the. Court Of Cornnion . PLene .of: Cameron county, 'PennO , lvenin, and to mO,d,i- - rectell, thore will be exposed lo:pulilic• enlei 6 nt the Court House in Shiprien, • snit! county,' on Monday; the - 1401 1862, at one o'clock P; • .. • ' .t"! The following , dei - cribed• - teal.Estatesifuete In the township of Shippen, *county . .of. Came.' roll ei+d Stitte .of Pennsylvania, hounded.,-an d:'r. described`as follows; • viz:—peginning::pt .Chestnut post on the . North bank-Of ;the I 'l l o - toning erhli . , : beering n South'-weeit:friitn:oi South'-west corner' APpte:tree •- in ; the okkiar4. 6 . eing.thet Soot h-west 'eorPee of the Freeman ••••• Tatti then'c . o . •North five degrees East, two bun,/ - antt thirty Poles to' a pest, for.a tbe,North line of the:ofigitfal . .sniv . eyr Smith fifty-nine 'degrees East eighik perefieiiioh. said north line;te a•post riald.line a for,tvoriari do th. Northlineof Ithe'etniftsi Saidi , thence South five degrees, West two hull- - dred nod skity-five •Pples to . a poet` . s on.tthet, North • hanic•;;of• the' 6 . itinatruthoni,ng:i.cleekt thence up the paidtcreek, throuh.. al . l 4 11 .:Yjr 11 1-,.•.• , ,e,.4 ings, to theplace of beginifinglichtittiTpiiigco r5e:, , , hendred antl.tWelve. and one.httlf air's of !tiulzv 'all imorov.d,.one Dwelling House. ttko'Berps - • and Oitultonsee, two-Welk, of: Wtiter,-,rto.d.,a qttantity of Eritit.treei, •ttrul.one 131a.cit'Stnith Seized, token in Execution and . , the property ; Ot . Z. C; - ..Cowleynt the'rinit'of Jonathon CcolegrOve. how for •.the une - of Johrr The. foltoiving described heal Estate: si.tuate• in the tOwnship'ca Shipper' county of catiteroni- rind ilescribed es *fellows, tO ,witt—ttloiteded.' North by-warrant :1 . 033, owned' •': by William firitelictEasi by !arida of 4:1`11!.' Sage, South 'warrant 'or lands Of West by lands of Seneca Freemem .containing' tixo hundred anittliirtY-setien'zieres Of -bin4lsl lite 'same more orlesa, having I,thereen;". Woe Mrelling HMules, , two Store Houses, one Pc:Ill.:. ble Su w,.54 ill, four .13arnti end:Out-houses ) ,';,tsedi.:' one B . ldcltimit It Shop, three : Wells of` .Water. 0f14,.. a quentity . of yrnit Trees, and about one httn r .,, tired and sixty acres .of ImprovelMands. - :Seized, taken In Pixecution; and will :be sold the property' f Z. 01- . .Tonat ban Colegrove now.for'llia,ese ' Magee. . . , ELI)RFD, &tor , " • SherilT'R Office Shippep,. Carnehin (- • .41tine 17, A: D. 1862. . 1 • NOW...CARWQOp, 0141 - I:AT , . . . f i. • , 11All D •T% JIGS AtAhg. Bti .! ! . . . to I Willi 11l respectfully announc, I, e 1 he F vent; of McKeon and adjoining counitia. : . Obey chn do as 3;vcill.iii:Sinethpon, in. thira „ii'and . Tin-Wu ea ljure, ',lts in blean. • .; ,I. shill - at all times, have on hand a . .ittirge atock 0 1: . ii- .... COOKING-, PARLOR BOi 6TOVES I IN T-WARE; • . • & • , LEA D. 1 . '11:?..E 4ATD.P,IIIffP,„,t.i lloot lion and llouselieepers &c It, Job Work . • . . . of all kinds tione•with . dispatch, ond,l9a;•satts • -. tory, manner, at the lowest poseible ; prices: °:,: Orders promptly. attended to. . Give' me •a' kitown. ll, %• the Williente Storti—:opiiosite the Post.: Office.' Smetbrort, Pa. March 29; 1862 111 Ml 3. DENIO.II:EBT , B l'ailltalt OF NA81110g9..-•The best and Most reliable .24:Mien Magaflne in the world. • Oontadns the lamest and finest Fashlon•Platetti the greatest number of line Engraylegv,AlM - Jeteitt end most reliable informatioi;.three l'atterneloi Dresses, and a sheet ornew • nrade.Work during eatterne. • Every notherf Dreamnaker;•Millenat. and. Lady. should have It, Publlened.Quarterly, et .1174 Broadway, New York; sold everywhere qt. at &5 cents. Yearly 41 . 1, with a valuable premium.. . The liturnmer ;lumber now • . . ' ••• KOLOCKI.DANDELIONIOFFtE.:...-: • • ThlepreparatienNiukle. Oom!the:bestlaea`teblieiVini . recommonde4 by. pbysiciins as saporior NIITRITIOII3' BEVIIRAGE for eneral , Debility' Dyspepsia, • "Lod. blltous disorders. • 'Thousands who , have been cedupelled • to abamlon the use of coffee will se this without tojutb• •• •• • .; nee offoots. Ono can contains the strinittkot tWei pounds.. r . -of ordinary coffee. Price 26 teute: t - • • , KOLLOCK'S.LEVAIN''"'-' • ••The'-,pUrest.-and. hest DAXING POWDDR making light,:aweet and patentees *teed and• ": ; MAKTFACIT.T.IRED M. H. K01.4.9C1C, %Chemist, ~ Corner of Broad andlCheinarat ti!reetit • • ‘: •,• Anti eold by all Dniggiais,ina 0n046.. T SMETHPOR s 4(%itf tgcl!li a .9911e4'.kwiriPi,e.1 5p 1 4.0.14 , ..(2 1 ,1pc!0) nett's Old Stand, on Main' street, jolt' tog. 'Mehani es', *here 44n i bfoo!rad bOteittfO ",..,4 t. se's . and CarriaieriielrimoV4,4 44,40.440 itiake - Stnethport , Pllq, 34 4eSt lielti*Sep t,11414.0. - asks a share of patronsge...i.:Ar ¬ hpart, ugnst 18 ' 301 ' ' Y. 12 30, 4 1. . „ • . Y ritIMRI ~,,.....,-..,,.,:.!:-.: Y, A:(ii , Alduott '%141c3 - ", --: , .A. 7. NOURS.E r ', • 1 .. ,Proprietor;