vosr 'RS ?t,,Vi3:,,,,;;Vt0M1N-:EXTIRMINATORS t.-Y.'...',iiiiiir'.. illfiili,lge ~:lt:eiinaiu, . I.Ciiown-', ..1,1'::::::•••-•::;..:.';':.::-'::,:r.:-....:,''.: kv-p:R.'yYortm AND 'SPECIES OF . VERIIIIII.. • • Thelre preparotioris,(onlike„all 'others) Oro to (lie' lorOtan of their holes to...tlie.?' 10.p.ta'p 'ltiore . establioo in City Usq CityPoptPffice. - . . . ky—t he:City Priscins.and Stalion Holisp; . . . . . . - UA . sft kg—city . Ste.a,nferi;.s.l)iii,.&c trseti : i.y / i;Ei Oityl-toii,itni,:: Ain;47:ll..lities;- Vied by—the City. Hotels -,-- 'Astor' --4 St Nicholas,' iVi Uwti by=the Boerdine Ifouicl, Ric Used 11 7 —more than 50,000, Private Famil Irr.Seet.te me the Peoplei*Priss; and Dealers Any. • .'.,- HENRY' ft: dOSTAR.—AiI the summer - .1 . have been troubled - with Reichei, end Mice. 1 .:Wirr;aeteally:estiamed fhe house, •for the :RisiChas Were ;everywhere. purchaseka box Of your Eittirminator and tried' in one week thera was nof a.. Roach. or Mouse in'the House`, 2.Tairts B. GiVaisi, 9.t HIM St. , 1-1015.SEKEEPERS troubles) . with vermin,' need bit :they. use . t.Coszmc's" . .Extirminatins. 'We. have -used it: oar set's; laation, end if box cost !tin, :.we would tuive had tried poisons, but they eQected :nothing but dceWsn's erticla knocks Hie breath exited Rats, -.Mice and Bed Bugs, quicker than we can write it. - It is in etent demand all over 'the eertutry.---Arediria '(0.) G a ze ip'. ' MORE GRAIN, 'andProviiinns are destroy 1.(1 Oounty,, by vefmin; than would pay , for tuns of .this Rat and trisect Eit ler.-;:Loncastir (fri,l.) I.le . rahl. , • • HENRY It. POSTAR—.Your Extirm . inator . is : ,received, used, and :pronounced de,eided suecess,;' • WellSttli It box of it, and the way the Rats sntt , Mice. around'.ouf: premises "raised Ned," 'that night. was a caution td skiepera.— '•Bince.theri not a Rat or Mouse has been heard oris cellar.—Magregor • .I HAVE BEEN SEJAING--Yonr _Extirmi mator•for the last:Year, and find it a seer. bliOT every. time., •f . Geo. Rose, Druggist,'Cardington, 0. WE, ARE :SELLING=Your preparati ons ".WhereVer they have been used, Rats; : Miee,Reacbes,:and Vermin. disiiPpear SToinwria, Druggists,,New Windsor, M;1. • • • • &c. To:Dcseroy-Mice, Moles, &c To Dest}oitLiled Bugs, Tu'De.t.roy-'7-•Moths,'Fleas,.Ants, &c 7 Ta DertrQ~--~lotiquitioes, TdD e.gi?y--Insesis . On. plants' n'oxl inserts To Destroy-I'lsec te. Anivauls;. 84. c. • . . to..Poetr . oy . —Pa or y form and spenies, of ver • . USE ONLY 440 05 1, 1 4 , 8 0 'Ea% Ror t cai t &e., Extirmin'r `..Voistar's""Bed-bug Extirminator.. "B`ostar'ir Eteotilo Powder fot Insects. 2s, ;SOC. AND $1,02 BOXES• liarmus AND ILASKS. $2 and $5 SIZES TOR PLANTA . VISES, SIMS, BCIATS HOTELS • , . , 'l3*Boill'Etiefynt!lare-L-by .• • , • • " .411 Nkr . ititlesale Druggists in istge cities. , All Retail. Detilers—Gror.ers-- , •Store.keeperi, • &c: 'in, the •U tilted States:. • • • York Sly. oes gen New in • • e Drhs. & Co.- 'Merrell, Co l'ahneatoek,ll.iill &CO. Bush, Gale 'ar Robison .X.,13:84.1.i , ;,and5 . & CO. M. Ward, Close &Co Wheeler,&:Hart. , • M'ffieson & Robbins. Regisnan 84 D:,S. tames & Co. & CO. F. C. Wells & co. • Thomas &' Faller.. • Lazelle, Marsh Co _.Hell, Dixon & Co. Parker & Co. T.ripplc Co.. • 'Didier& Stafford. Conrad 'Fox. -ARO OTHERS . . • Philadelphia Pa • • • t • • pyot! . & Robt: hoetriaker &Co 13*FahnO4Pili ,french,Richards &Co All the POficipel,Cities and Towne in the :U.k.e.riO.: : . .i'St.:AtEs SIz.ETI3I?COZ~ :X7"S9lil.by • ' . , ' • And tiY ,, ,lllltiggiete, Grocers awl Retailers gen • , .rally in City and CouottY• l• -r ountry • • ' enter abov e: c.le4esiPld t J Si ei r ° or if Price,, Terms 14451drPPIO151":11dVf07'ireuler to Dealers] -Boadwa Y' Y'Y'?.:'''PliSitiii.4TATtSt.,N(cholsts Hotel; N : Y. 7, ,4 • • ' • SPRING. 'TRADE IN - C . )IV (y_pri - ,,wErt, 4,10 OIMAR NEW GOODS AT TIM ONE PnircE IMGRA111111.! I'HE 91;1) .I'LACE, • • TH.E'.IIEA - r . ST9RI , :, I.ON 7 - Folic Et rr GREAT BARGIAINS. CA HAT) • Al' T IE ONE PRICE EGULATOR I rilollie,i.:A.v..ntlixec,l:to I jiiiltlrk4.(jll., MARK . ! ! OLD FRIENDS .KNOW ALL ABOUT IT Now Ones 3lnit tonic Ainl.Judge For Ilionsehes . One.pnrchnse will Etttisfy.,l4ii that there . ib Pnly.'pne plue6.tobuy first, clans goods, at very low . that-piece is . the ONE PRICE REGULATOR; Theiiiie price system gives the briar siiiibrim SUPERIOR GOODS, ELEGANT, STYLES; NEW. FASHIONS, .9I t II . ..FAVORITESi LOW PRICE§,. EVE 1Y THING ; Y9i,P.WANT. T .ONE.F.,IIIOI'REGVIATOR, and the greud EtorloriUmof..evely peut'entrety!tsli If you have the 'l.;4.ll:eild 'want to bUY the BEST: - • • . ' • DRY GOODS, FANCY GENTS FURNiSHING. HOUSE FtrnmsfuNo..qoobs,. HATS AND DAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES; EVi,'RV,Nky ie GO TO THE ONE PRICE REGULATOR; - THERE . Wiwi will find 'goods . remarkable Mr' tilt! . beauty, dirability, ,auj)erix rnahulacture and 4,0 W,' P R IC E S They 'will 'be elrered to you'at the lowest-poesiblf. • • tiger°, the Ost.time, anti from 4,1 A. price. there-cadbe . DEVI42IOIII Remember--One Price . —LLow Pricet=NeOi Styles—Strict Integrity - Cash. . THING & •' rormerly, Oler 1 April '4,;3, . . ' • • Trial List (tit. Anne Tehtt A..' 11..P3(3`2.. . , L• Js Executors vs, 'Will • • D A Ensterbro'ne, •• ' •vs.Wol:l:Sialee of at' • , ' • . - JS:11110 , • . V,' toil 1.0 l et a 1 , ;.. .Atilgol Shod ••: '•• • D Lareznis.D., • . • Jaisel Co Ole • Otis Irons:. • . . •ve'.l C. Bardius A:, Cu.' PiMIPS; !Dirt A . VIA.) P. • 11.,Eretointo tit al Landon Ann: Latiree • • • vs, hi .• Fred If Suiith . •VA Solrolosi Illtrtivtdl of al .' ,J N rclark vs. Frititkiiii Fidler. • • • tridents Irons • ' • ~ Vv •'t T . Aldrieluet. al . - Slued DlStriet of ilredforil vs •iii Clark ' •• .• • Thibon •' •*, • • 10ing'ind Dell • • •: • vol•eo Sioe're MOH • • Win Reach • • . vs ninon Payne •• - • . l'eno Lowlier Co. ' •• SEoster '. •• • Wan 0 Pierce . • • vs .lolitt 1;11i% • ••• '• ••••• {Wall klll . llrink' • • vs Daniel Ii ingstei ry Dank of fort JerVle vs • • sums ' • - Vinilklllltmik • • '• os 6:0110 „ .. • • N Dretru vendee of lA'allcer vk Ili tudolli I) frigatshy • .• . 11 LI Denson, use of,Joseidt • ' • '.: Deo W goslier ? • . • • II Manning : qv DII 1110 MOIR . • 0 L Stanton Adm'S • • vI4 J A 'Ands stun. ••• (lose for lieutinkid *. Canyonal• • •• ', •. J Tutu INterilflor'Sl - ••• ,".• • COott, • ••• • vs. Corvritt.end McCoy . ~ Nlaytlole use of Clot Fields Ds e h., r , ; • • ' —J 80. IL 011AD,NV I CN, ProllOv. • *May4, IPO2 - , • -•- • **tlVj.,ln• .. .. . ALL persops- kriowit%_thiArimelvea iriilehtell .n. to iheuritlyr4igriell ere hereby notified 'to 'call a9d'settle their accounts irrancilintelY,-or. costs will be made. 1) •'. ... DON'S' 'Miss.: - IT u[jl.ll.llilliAl . .s• the. Hon. Robert G. VV ,President Judge,' and the lions. .1. Dar; ling and,•ll...Perihriily Associate of*.the Codrts of 6yer.'gr anirpenerii I Jail Oalivery, quarter SesSions of the' Peace, Ore. phans' Court:arid Court of ;Common Pleits for the County of W.K . ,erin have issued their'preeelit; bearing ;date • Friday, the -• seventh ;of ..March in: - the 'year. of' our .I,ord'• 'one. • thou-. send.eight htindred and sikty-tvimitod 'to. me' directed,- "for htrldin, a Coiirt of Oyer, ,and. Terminer. and GiTheral Jail •Defivery . ,:Quarier Sessions.' of , the 'Peace,' 01 phans' t, anal 'Court' of Conatrimi Pleas, in the Borongh of • Smethport x Oil .Monday, the :Mil) day pf. , ,f nue .next', and to continue elle . Week: . • Notice. is therelore hereby given to the COra ne'rs, JustiC.ris of the p'eit re and Constables Within. the county, dint iliey be 'then lind• there proper persons, at 19 o'clock A: .11"1: 'of said'day, with their rolls, :reeorils,'.imiluisit ions, examinations,." and other •reinetobraficeri. to do tho . r.i . things which ofliiiesappert appertain to be done. :And Rinse who 'a re. hound by rec-, `ognizuniies‘to proscente tlaa priSithera that airar shall be in.l Fre jail said contity of Nl'llear, are.to..be 'then-and 'ther'e to prOsitclite :against . their) as•Will'he jest. • '• • , • Dated ai • Smethnort, this 711 day of IV al ch . I'Bo'l, and • the - 80th, year of the la depend- . 'ince tlfe•Uiiited•Staies of. America. MANHOOD.. ROW LOST ! HOW. REsTOREriu Just Published Srohd, ire Si.r Cents . . . . A LEC'HOIE ON TOE N.V . 1.711E, TIMAMIIHNT, ANI) . MIIIIIIIII Cure of : 4 po ematorrituen.. (u.Sourinul 'Week II l•fil, 111,111110Mb' .EMINN)111121; Sexual Del.olty, um! 1111)..01 finqnl.' tip „Nlarriage'genorally.; NOM-0118111.1$ ." 1101iFtillitatOil, lipl• lepsy. and Fit ; Alentul nit! i'llynicul lueupuoity.. reiwlt. fug front Nalf-'l.l.use. be. —..livitout...r. Out.euitwithi,, Al. D.. Author of Ihearecri Luck, Au;' . . Thu world -yen owned author; ili this inten rahle Lecture clearly y rev - ea - Iron] li la own 'experience ~t hat the awful euffieirit'acua or Suif-abusa ouy ho" effectually removed without medicine, and 'without I,langerous intrgacal opera tionsfbougioa, rings, pr, eterdbkii; pointing ant it mode, of Curti lit once eertitiiralet^effeCtunip by which every sufferer, no matter ,wliat Ins condition may. sir,,, blittitelr This lecture' will 'prOre a boon to . tinittsaitils tlitih . . . . .. In , Sent ninter,Heal, inn plain coil:10w; foa.n.Y address. on receipt of nix einOw,' or tArn poett.age• stuannr, by' addre e ,s. Ing,.: - Dr:04.15,...1.. G. KLI li 11, . • ' .1'27 Bowery; NeW York, rest Billet Box, :4:70•36. MONEY - S A_VIM Observing these Facts .L 0 PRICES;4V.. • . ~ • . . • .. lA. Tlnl,t I ann ppr• .. 17.: , ,• d e r .-.71-rr...0. :. .. if. nunn.ntly located In 4 ,......,:'561,,,,,„' • • Fint•lllion t. • .; • . : '''' '': --,.. ' •1 , , -- Me - g - 26.1. Tint nI keep co'n. ; l l' , .. i , ?; . ( :‘,. ..v . ): ry, i'f . titantly.iin hand it goo.' ji.• ' , , (0, f supply of the beet - rpm!. . -- . 1 1 ., ',/ -......_.. • ••„ r, ',, r .", " ity,ol' ookterialit, Took, - e _ - :.. 7 7 , .7.J F, . ;• -_,--..„ Attt , for-repairtna . the if 1 • . - 4 , . -- ~.; ,• ) yttrioutipar . ts ot• .4ilien, '3:Kt - ... :I .-.;:- (mt. kitok ftf - . 4 44. ' •• ..% . „ . _,I - EiTtls :,..... . . , ,--.....-... •_—,.. :. mot' 1 • I Itink. I ' lLlil nit ,Itt toting when r day-that o6hrlyriru.years oxporiettee lot's . ittintlit, oto:lotsv to list, thou ttocossiolly. . . . . • . . .34.:Wol.efies cep- be eoleli:enil "eetuot Moony repaire at Smoilipimt. • No pother.how Quo lir Itinlimit the Jo . Rl4 I . ttortleterminettto kerp poAed up, nod be folly. pre pored o . ineet 'every awl II 11 V e:liiti, ' . CLOCKS'iVATCHS.JEWELRY&C' !town rcil illlalin r notice .an co:41,1:10)1e t twins, I n tile Store of A. Arinfitronien, Sign of thy . ••• . A • ti•lay prim.; fur Work ta.be-as' low an it,toy other well ryvalalwl-aral !than and low er that at .inany,• Please-give ma a call. W. 11. It. T.ILE/ CP 1,11111,181111 D FOn'TIIN.IIIINENIT AND . All A. WAR*. DARIO tt C4Utillfi 10, ytiotor . then Who..itillTer front Nor. .vous.Debility. premature Deetiy, &e.,• tot Cplyt ug nt the came time the comic orlioir,curk , Ily one who lout cured Ithictelf after tank pot to }treat e . xpeeme through medical tospocittitO'sutil uutlegory . , ettelettine a pou t -paid nd itrabaed enVel.P .. COPINti may be haul of the tie thor, 'NATIIANIED MAYFAIR, .11edford, INlngc County Y. ' . , (05- v 1.) CROCKER , (a . .().(okam . '),n• HAVING become the' proprietor of the Gro . cery and Provision Store, latelroccupon by 13. ft... Wright, take this. method of in forming my: friends that I . have. just- receive( the largest stuck of • FAMILY GROCERIES, ever offered the people ot"M'Kean 'comity at prices, which would seem. ruinous at any •. other establishment': I keep . mi.hand, and, are the daily rece ipt, cit ; FRESH GROUND FLOUR, • 'FEED AND MEAL: . • . . . ' , mu( ~ SALT, coi)..kisn, • • „ mAckEREI,;• - wittTE • • • BUTTER,' Limn; TALLOW. • • CANDLES, RICE, STAMM; ' • NISTMEOB, - SALRATUS, • ' . ..• RODA, INDIGO, PEPPEB; : , ' oitccAmoN;- • CLuvEs. CRACKERS,' . . r - TOBACCO, BALSINS, NUTB, OF ALL KINDS,' SUCIARRS OF ALL KINDS, COIPPER. GROUND: AND .UNGROUND, SYRUPS, .11101,MMES, KRROSENE OM; • CAMPIIENE, FLUID, My stoat in lull . and complete, ant gefeeted . from the bent - i n rthe Call and exam ine:tirice end quality, - and you .will not tail to buy.- p: H. TFii;VG N; • A. B. ARMSTRONG briletitpuft,' 'Ent CialL COURT PROCLAMATION, jA S. E.lif,,Al t Invalid SMETFIPORT W ARRIVAL.. AT A. B. ARMSTRONG'S. . . ''l'l 11.; oi;i..i.kif.Y.S'fi)&-1.: 4 i ll'oiz,l , . _A:V:OLI:I3AN, T .- - - .:: STILL TARES THE LEAD COIVIS'IIIiCK .•. •. • . , • ry . ESPECTFUL.f.Y• A NNOLINCES old`frierul's'McKenii . Ciiiinty,...thitt lie is . nn huiul (hiS , Sp . t.idg as usual' , -with the • • : . LARGEST 'AND REST • Selectedgtoik of,Goods . in.the Olean Markel . . _•• . . Tii .Whol6ate . ..6sll.;llnyiT§ .. l:lVoi tai', .c . on'ofll7 you ins uce_tneolit Than you cnn 'pit West of Noy,,yprlF.:. . It rnake9-tiotliffere'nel..l,qat.you vOnt,.:nny. thini in the line of • ' • - GIOOERI,PS . 4- . ,PRO VISIONS; .611 af the OLD KEYSTONE Acid yop .A;111 find the iirticle.fr6ll6o It's no'use VI; e KEYSTONE STORE nlis;ays has atidatv,4iyA takp' ,t he lead, frgninie the. market in . Grocerics . :antl OLD . MENDS AND'NF..w ONES; pon't fail to eet' . and see rnO when your" visit Olean ;I &hall. not hurt ynu; but shall certainly try to: do, pill good. • :•• • • • 016 n, May 23d, ,tsoo VIE lEEK4 , ,JOUIINAL . OF. c0113111C . E: •• TO OUR. SUBSORMRS,' • --, • Ihe comrnericaMent of ,a .new year is a good time for - renewt•ng subseriptions and incycusing die eireulatiOn 'of' the Journal of Comineic.c . ,— . ..: We address ourselves to lhe'old readers of the paper,.,nith akin. confidence tb their 'nets . tri utd'us, and extend. the influence of 'the sound conservati've principle and tnorals.which have hitherto characterized and hereafter characterize this paper. SIMSCI:1111:11: to the Journal of Commerce rnlght• do • a great 'service' . to' thing principles, and. st rengt hen ns iu otir ability to support arid circulate. hem, by Sending us the name Of 'at least' one nesVisub scriher in his town.". • ..• • ~ . . . • Devoted firmly as we, have heen our Conti itiferests; and having • tone . been. .called "Union Savers', as a term of reproach ) we are and shall s,hall.be,the firm upholiters'of, • THE UNION AND •THE CONSTITUTION opposing with hearhind pen every man, Smith or .North,-..who . is •an'enemy tneither.: . . Every. form of disorganizatiOn and reVolution . will find 'us ready for the'eoinbat.. Among the fors of the American Union and American principle's, wo.roolt' . .side by . side ' • " • , ADOI.ITIONISM AND SECESSIONISM, atul wo primes° strength , to 'defend lbt nation against the attacks of both. • A - LIBERAL OFFER. .To .citcourage those ..Whri,tnay vo)unteer. Hitt, in the organization of Clubs, Ave hereby Utley an extra copy of the:Wcekly to every pet. son . . Who shall fortiard twenty naWsubscribCrs . with the money:. ()I . lie organized in . .corrimunities 'Oen edvamage. •Vie &tient is the best period their Commencement.: •• The ;.terins.on '•whic we cittl.fernish the paper are us.follows 'To i•ornriaiiies taking' •. eopiCs or upwards. .ONP,DOLLAR earl 13 copies " • rtv nssx ook.i.sos. • • copies , • I• 'TEN- ••" • 4 copies . • . Tlx : • , • 3 copies . „Under 3. copies •• . • TWO each • . The Papers will :be• addressed to-ditterenl 'persons at the same 'Net desired, ex rept. incases of.clabs of ~13or.mmte copies which' willbe mailed to one address: - , • • • ADDITIONS TO CLUBS • may be made at . the following - rates :-:.Papers 'added to aclitb during the .first . ituarte.r.of. the club's year pay the.fidt rrite'off the 'origi nal club for a .year, during the second. quarter: three:fourihs of (fie original year's rate; Miring. the third quarter one half; and deringtbe laet guarter•-on&fourth, - such-subscriptiOns will terminate with.the year of the original Fromjloarook's . . , Where packages ' of iteuhpapersot, periodicals are received at any post , office directed to one address,- and the 'names of the club of subscri= bees to which they belong, with_ the postage (or a quarter in adVance, shall be handed to the postmaster, he shall deliver the same to their respective owners. ~ . . . . . But this does apply to, weekly .newspapers which ehettlate. free in the county" where ted and patilished.. . . 077. Addies,t' . .Editere er the Journal of Com- Uteree, No. 91. Nall street Neto,Yerk.. : KUM:, STONE,. HA LE'& . • Edittirs' and Proprietors THOIVIPSON'S BANK. NOTE AND 03131ERCIAL REPORTER. Circulation,' 100,000. EDITED 13Y JOHN.TFICiMPSON: Quotations 'corrected by Toomeso3,l3noTileis; 2 Wall. Street. : • rublbstipd by CHAS. Bt.prati.i,, 117.14akl'n St •.' •. T.ey.ms. OF aIIfIatIRIPTION IN aDVANCII;• .• • • To' inailSub.scrib6rs I,Veekly,, , .':s'2 I .oothi,monthly,.,..sl 310 tithly • to PotitinoBteio or o . thorn, who forni Olobx and . for , vard 'no the money in advance, we. will mend tho Ripon. rt. Coin Chart .41faduel, and DeseriptikList amfol . . . . • 5 coptem of the Weekty,• one. Year. i 5 copcos of the t oupleii of the. . ... . We will forward.gratnitnusly to' any - person sending, a:elub of. $20 v af the - above rites, at any one time,' our AmOricon Gol(4 Cope Test Stale. .Address; .• THOMPSON BROTHERS,. Bankers, No: V, Wall St. N. Y.,•Propriit.nr's. Noutie; MeCoY, and Shepard: • • • • •• ; : ier a diard.,-Cnit.:lltown ; .`Venj. Haven,' IT. D/I'o7ift.ri Jolla ' Ehireir... - -Der: Carpenter; U. T. Dennis, A.. B4rdefi, Elishn Moody. •. • • • .ICeo T.. Barrett', I.lrastus T. 9116, Gallup. • • . 0tt0..--)Vai..fi. Spitler: ' • .••-•'. Slocum, Wm: H00p... ~tiberty..=7;:Calvin i•Auei"n:—,Tlines, O'Neil, Isajte Tubbs, • S. A, Gleewri,,Y. Bishep; . • ' • • . • A4l)ey-• . • . • Sherman I.lhafor4.— . ,:yepmail Phiro:Aekley; Stdrms. ' • • . • . • Ceres.---Tt;ottins Gilbirt. E f .J..l3arbei.; Nim • rile D'art) , , Lenox; Wm. Williams, Arnold - S(1mill ir.l• . . . . •NI Eastwood, Wtri . .. Sherwood, .rohri Cairipbell, 1). Wngdepelt. N 1,...M...1 , .:118N , 00,. O. •Gr • Griffin- • Piit,La • , ;. • 'Ararinick.- 1 -1 V ...P.:Dennison,: A Rifle. F. Libby., Stipleilin, Conover • . Otio: 7 -4ames :•• . A picurruott-“onsa;,RELIABI.,Fand PRAC TICAL Journal, devoted to the Alifferent de partments..of culturP, such as growing Field Crops, Orchard aril -Garden. Fruits; Garden Vegetables .anel• Flowers; Trees, •Plants; and Flower's. for'. the or . . irard.Lcrire'.of Do-. Bcc..,;:aini to HOOsehold Labors. 'lt has also arCinteresting and iiistruc tive'departinent for children and youth. • . A full, Calendar of 'Operat ions 'every month. '•Tereera Four Hundred, or . *rnore t illustrative. Engravings appear in each volume. .• •. • • Over, Twelve Hiipdred-' .plain, ;practical, in stractive articles and useful items, are 'given every year. :I'he Editnri and Contrilufors•• are ,all, prac; tical Working Men.. ; .• ..• The: . ieacleing3 - or the , AGn'ie te n 1 ST are-ion fined to no. State i or lelitary; but are arlanee . 4. to •t/,e natitts of all se'eliOils of . the. iyan!ry—it is, os .its 71111/111 . illiliCates, : j'or Witae . AME . IO CA N , COS- .r K.•CONISTOCK.. 5.3 • • A •GEIIMA.'N EDITIONis. puhlished,.nr - the same. size and price as the English, And con tai.ning its•readititonattey, and its snune mpus iPustfative engravings. • . H • TERMS-INVARI A BLY ADVAnE One copy, one • - Six copies, 'pos. year. . . 'ten or morn copies one' year 'cents arta, rr.Acid fir the _above yme.S . Li . Postage to CaOirda vents . ; to England 'and Trance; ecotS ; to Germariy, ;VI cvnts,:.. ,PoStrige anywhere In the United States'and Terriories mast, be paid by the subscribri, arid is only 'i.e ictifis a.year, if paid. in ailvanee:at; the office ‘Viiiiretieceivell. • . All business and other communications slinnit) be addressed. in the .Editor and Proprietor, • .„ ORANGE 'JUDD, 17:.-Citjf:. • TIMOTHY; SEED. '1 ... r IPTY BU F.1.5.0f tbe best 'quolity Tizt . .1 best; a, °Tux SeEp, raised by. and lor sale. t • . . . .• i. -• To restored to health in a '~ ,Jew weeks. by it Very alulplu 0,,,,7y , after haviug suffered goveralluarA.ttit lett seeere lung affection, and 'that dread dhitautti,' Conanuiptlon—S-la 11.11\101151 to !hake, kti t iwn to liia.felle'il:-.4tlToiera the titeans'of-eure. ."• all Who desire it, ho;will send it copy of the iirtveriy 'thin aced froo. of ultorgoi, with the dir,eettothi fur 'pro= laving lOW using ilia ,1111 e. whieb thet will hint x t t iiita; ceno roa'uttaaoweitiou, .11 , 1•11 ,i Thr only object ti the•A•ivr•rtiN,r ill sendin,' 4 .th,, t.„1.,fen.4 the. nlllicted, and Sprout inttio.nat.jig, u.bia hn coneoivos to Ito invaluably, and lie broliom every sui r . rgyer . v, I try . bla t•oiontly, m it . .. ill' cost Liit nothing, and ioay prove g'Liem.iar:' • Parties Wishing the I.res.ripikle 1,111104 . 1 W ,, It4blrg . .,i• ' ADIrAILD 1511.;••,0:si. • . • . (o7 . •:.1111.)'• • • Riegii County,'NOW York. 1 i;wrAigellS: , : lol,P,ll;l3ll . .lM Wont'," , ' S I EVENTEENTII YEAR; • A new volume of this widely 'circulated pa per commences on the,4th of Januarii, Every number contains sixteen pagesofuseTtil infor !nation and frorn:iive to 'tea origiohl.eitgroyings of new inventions and discoveries, all'of which are prepared expressly. for its 'colunins:: • The"..SCINTI AMERICAN is devSted to the intereSta of •Popular Science, the Mechanie. A rts;.Mo . niftitu'res, Inventions, Agriculture, :Commered and the industrial Pursukts goner . - ally,. and is.valuable and. instructiVe • not' only. in . the Workshop and:.Manufactory, but idso in the Household,'tha. Library. and the', Reading Room, , . • . . . pelson", engaged in 'any of the inechiiniCa pursuits should . think of doing with Out the Screx•rn=rc AMHILOA:V.. It costs but four: cents per week;.every number contains from six to ten engravings of .new machines and inven tions; which cannot be found in any. other pub lication'. It is an established rule of the "pub lishers'in insert ,none but original •engray.ings,. and those of the first-class• in the art, 'drawn and. engraved by ,experienced .persons. under their own supervision.. • . . • • The SCIENTIFIC . AMERICAN is lieestible.to every inventor, as it not only con tains illustrated descripiions of,nearly all tile best inventions as . 'they f conic hut, but each number contains an Official I,ist of the Claims of all the Patents issued from -the United States 'patent Office doting the 'Week previouii. thus giving' a correct 'history of the . progress.ef in ventions'in this-country; We are also reeiiiV; Ing,'every,Week, the best scientific journals of. Greet &kale,''France; and Germany; thin; placing in our 'possession all that, is transpiring .in mechanical science' and• art', in. these. old countries:'. ,We shall* continue ,. .to transfer to. ourColUmnscopieus extracts- from' . these jour-, nals Of .whatever ' , deem of interest to . our- readers. . • . En!=====l SCYN'CIFIC A rtl ERIC AN will . bit fdnnd at rriost.melful Journal, to Olean. Alt tla..! neW disCoverhib of , science ..11,:cltuirtistry arc Cist'olAuriirs pr.riwii fur Ju' A Simpso El= • Carpriilter‘,..Chnii; Swrink AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST . . ' • •L. 11. DOI.LEY'S Port-Ailegany, Deceinbef :28,, 1861: PROSPECTUS oi"rfir. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. volt.uie:yr. New Series. To Thp • Mechanic and .Manufacturer! To the Inventor! FARMERS! lien in its :coluirtna; and the interests.. rthitectitittl'-tttritttnter art . ..not. otcrlnetlanit alt . the nett', invent ions, arid tits( citerics. pri ink., to •the'se. 'per.s4its fiont wick ITs'eftil no•pi !ion pertairtiOg to the: int.:treats 'Of millwrights ainfirnill t ri*n'itra will be: in Ain , Setr.N•rtiial:AlV!ittitonx., which inforniat inn', they, 'cannot pOsaihly obtain fromtither. solute; Siiii„ittc,ts in `which pictiters'erni fanners are iti ipreoeir will bc' .tho rt,: • new T117.5!* of the iinpt'o.i.inttits iri agiicititurai.imptctnent. hertigillustrateil in it's .• • TERMS. • 'To mail sobscl 'Dan a' Year • or (oe Donn r • for si•x: . month's.'`Ono honor 'prays lor. now completo.volorne . 0f..116 pages;. w 6 solumesfrompribe • ono yyti limes Toe. yPS CoMITICUICe the. hrs.( of lano4ry ,• . • GLI:B-• RATES Five eiipies, for §ix:Menths Ten copies, for Six Months Ten copies,. for Twelve ItlOnllnt Fifteen . copies for Twelve Rontlis - . . Twenty copies, !Or Twelve Moi).Thi For.all:elitbs of 'l'iVebti [ind over, the yetir . - ly subscription is only $1;10'... Nnmes can be sent in:at different times and filial different Post,otfit'es . . • Specimen copies:iill 'be sent.pa- . tie to any part of;tfie.conntyy ! . . • • • ' • . . . . . . Western nilq,. Canadia n . :h - .oney'or Post,i,illie stamps, taken, at par for..subscriptions. Cana diansobstriberswill : Please to . remit .25 rents 6xlrit'on each year's., Subscription' to pte-pay: postage. . .- ~ ;-. : ... • - , . . NitNN & CO: ; N . Q . n 7 Park-rdiv NeW loik Ayer'sSarsaparilla , A compound remedy . , in whiCh we haVela:. 'bored' td . produce the. most effectual alterative that can be Macle.': It fsa concentrate!). extract Of I.?tira Sarsaparilla; so' combined 'with .other . substances of Still greater alterative power as 'to afford effective •tuitidote for the diseases Sarsaparillais reputed to cure.' • It is belieVed that such a •remedy. is wanted' by thoso who sUffer . from'Strunious c'emplaints, and that one 'which will' accomplish their cure must prove of immense' service to this large Class of, our afflicted fellow-citizens. • 'llow completely this compound will do it has been proven by.exper- , . talent on .many Alio worst cases to be found. of thelollowing • • SCROFULA AND SCROFULOUS COMELIFNIE, ERUPTIONS' AND tIILIFTIVII DISEASES, ULCERS, -PIMPLES, 'DLOTOMES, TUMORS, SALT ItliEUM,' SCALD 1.11L0), ,SFFIILLIS AND SYTUILITIC AF-, FECTIONS, MERCURIAL DISEASE, DROPSY, Nee-., RALOIA Olt TIC DOOLOCURCIN, DEIDEITY, DES 'PEPSIA AND 'INDIGESTION, Sr., Asino>y's I'uui, and indeed the whale class of complaints arising from . 1-UrtfltlTY OE . . This compouncl.will be found a' great' pre tinter of health; when taken. in the, spring, to ; expel ,the fOul humors Which:. fester in --the blood at that season of.the year. By the time ly •expuision of, them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud; Multitudes earl; by • the aid of this remedy; ,spare,themselvea- froiii . the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous 'sores,. through sVhieli the systein will strive to• rid itself 'of corriiption.s, if not' assisted' tie do. this threugh - the natural chanheliof the-body; by: an alterative. medicine. Cleanse out • the • vitiated blond whenever you'find•its imPuritios• bursting. through the skin in pimples, eruptions,. or sores ; cleanse it .Wheh you find - it ,is ob- Strinted and sluggish 'hi the veins-, creansa it whenever it is foul, and your. feelings,. will ftell you'when: - Even : where no - partiettlar disorder, • is . felt, peoPle- enjoy better health, .• and Jive . longer ' • for. cleansing . Ithe , "blood.. Keep', the . ., blood healthy, cud is.well ; but with this • pabulum of life' disordered, there can nn lasting • health. Sooner or later. something mat' go wrong, and the great,. inaehitiery of life:is disordered or overthrown. ' Sarsaparilla lids; and :deserVes - mtieh, the .reputation, of accomplishing these. ends . . • . But the World hits' been egregioutsly . deceived by preparations . of 'it, partly 'bectruse..the • dru!-', alone-has not all the virtue . tll4 is claimed fur- it, but 'inure because. many preparations; pretending to' l e .concentratrd eXtracts of: it,. Contain butdittle:of the Virtue of Sarsaparilla . , or•any..thing • , • • During late years the publio' have .lieen mis led by large bottlesi pretending to give a quart 'of Extract Of have dollar, Nest. of. these have been. frauds upon the. sick, 111 r they not only contain little, if any;•Sarstipa -rilla; but . Often.no ouratiVe properties Whatev er. hence, bitter and paintul disappointment has followed the uSe•of the various extracts of 'Sarsaparilla which 400 d the ruaiket i. iintil the Milne itselfisjustlY.desPiscd, and bas become synonymetis with imposition aiu cheat. Still ye call this coMpotind.Sarsariarilla, and intend •tb supply . such .0 . remedy as shall rescue tkle. name from, the load .of obloquy whiCh rest* Upon it. And' e •think we have . grotind /94" believing.. it has virtues which are arresit3tibl•P liy the ordinary run of the diseases it:is intend-, ed to cure. In order to . secure.their coniplate. eradication: rom the System; the remedy. , should _he judleieuslytakert according , til.directtotis csk the bottle. •.• • , . PREPAIIER,BY DU J. C..A.YETC, dc CO. • LONVELt,.MA%9: Price, $1 per Bottle ; slx Boatel; for $5.1 Ayer 's Uherry Pectoial l . . has won for itself such 'a renown for the cure of every variety of Threatand Lung Complaint, that it 'entirely unnecessary for us to recount...the , evidence of its virtues, wherever it has b e en ployed. As it. has ong. been hi' constant: use . throtighout this section; we need not do more than assure timpeoPlo its quality is kept up to the best • iteVer has been,. and that it may be relied on to', do for their relief all it hat; ever been found to do., Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR TEES Off= OP Costiveness, Jaundiee,':DysPepsio,. Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul ':Stomach, -Erysipelas, Headache, Piles; Ilhaimatism,.Eruptions and Shin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy; Tetter,• Tumors , and Scat Eheum, Worins; Neuralgia,as . Dinner Pill, ( Meijer. Purifying the Blood. They arc. sugar-coated, so that the most. sensi tivo can take.'them pleasantly. and they are the hest aperient in the world for rall•the purposes of a famlly. physie. • Piice 25 cents per Greatiumbers of Cleigymen; Physicians, States- Men, and eminent personageS, have lent theii names' to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these 'remedies, but ottf space here will anot permit the insertion of them, The Agents -below named for-7 nigh grails ou'r Am But CAN AutANAO In which they are given ; with also-full description's - of the OHM) coMplaim • r 'id, the treatmeut that should belt) ~ lowed for their cure:. .• , : , . Do not be put off brunprincipled rleelers velin other 'preparations they make more 'profit on. Demand. Avart's, and take no 'tubers • Tim 'siek. 'want the best aid there is, fur them, antL, ;ey should ' :AU our Remedies,are for sale by • • . H. Hamlin & Co., Sinottipoyt; Osgood, Bradiurdi L.•H. Holley, Port 'Allegany arid by dvale:s eilOrrtvlwre.' Foxes for $l.OO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers