: , :• •• •: .‘!:o9S'llsAß,,s7'.' VEAMIN:XTIRMINATOR-S; "' Only : iiifOliW .Rciingies .Known," Destroy}. instiuttly F;VERY F ; ORM AND SPI;7;CIES.OF, VERMIN. These prepaiations all "Free, from. ,41'sZoi - danie.ratia ttytlialwiraa “ Rati aotne:iiuta,tleir 10 yeaig p.mrmoie estnblielied in . Y. City thrill;:y—the Qity :Po s t Offit.e U.ell —the. City Pris Ons and S[ntio lIOIFes 17x' sd by-City btearners, Shfis, Rcc, ILnl.b,-the .City 110=_pitat.. Alms-}lou net Gsa7 6y-tlie City 11ot •l -,-.'.~stpr' Nicbolasi' 4.c rlie4,? ,- yttie•Coarcling Rol ITredl in'or6',th;in SO ,OOO . Priv.,Dte'Fini . il it C27Ste. triad Pre.ts,:c:ll4. Dralcrs Say. HENRY R: COST A R.7—A II the- sorriener have been troubled with Raitifliej and . 11 ice:: I was ..actually . ashamed of the, liotise,; for . the Rciaches . weroaverywhere: 'purchased a' tio:F: of your . ' Extirminator and'ittetlit,'.and rn one 'week : there was nota:Rotich or Mouse In the. .1-Iqiuse. . 'l3:-GiyEss;.No..o.l4;lm 'l-10t5SEKEF. PERS- 7 -trcatbled with -vermin', :need'be co no longer,• if they itse•c‘crisTsit's''' itseditlo our setts- - faction, and if a bdx cost . $5; we would have . had tried ;pOisent, but they - .erected •nothirtiv but COSTAWS artie,Vknockstheliretitli. , :out of Bats,' Mice 'and Red Blitgs, quicker, than we can•writelt. rt:is in great ,ilemand allover •the country. —Ms4itris• (o.).qazette. • • 'MORT: G.RAIN:a m d Provisions are destrn)ed annually in . Grant . County by vermin, than pity fo r to q s.of this lint'antl• Insect Herold. , HENRY. R.' tOST„Aft—Yonr Elvrirninator 'is received', tried, 'and pronotte'red • a ilecided •-sitiCeess.• We Uo'll aliox of it, and the Way. the Rats and Mice • around: our pierniseit • ,, ritised Ned," -that night. was a eabtioir to sieepers.--- . '.Since then •not a . Rust or Mouse has been • heard in kitchen or cellai!.—Magre,uvi (fern) Tintcs, • T. DAYEI37.P.N . :SP.L.LINe - ;;--Yonr Extirrni .nator for the last year, 'and find'it a Stlik: SI!OT , every'titne. '•• •• • ReS , u, Druggist, "Carding ton, O. • . WE. .ARE . 51:7L1.4.NP-s-YoAr preparatihn. 47n . pitil..—Wherever they have been Miee,'Roaehes and Vermin disappear immeili= •.EcKr.R . & STotTvcit,' ,. Diugt.tists, Nett. Windsor, INd.• ''•• • •• tlo Pestres---IZate,Roaehes,'&c To Destroy-Miee, Moles,:&c. Ti).:Do,yrro-p—pfd !1g . % ' tci:lsetroli— , -',Vicillis, Fleas; Apt', &c. 7.o . Desir4—M*bitioes. 'rrP on plants in.sjctg. To .gesl y-insects on 4:ri . irna I i,•&.c. ... . , To Desircy—Ei'ery form, and . species nf , vet- MO= "Costar's" Ra", Roach, &c.,.Extirmin'r `Costar's" Bed-bug Extirminator. o'BoStar's" Electric "Powder for. Insects. ISt '25, 50c.•AND $l.OO BOXI:fi, BOTTLIIS ASIJ '53410 $5 SIZES l'Olt PLAN rA• :TIOSS, sitirs, 13o.vri, lloorm.s, &C. .CC7 . Sold:Everyerkere7by All Wl . tcilesale Drugg,ists .: ; t1 large cities. All Retail:Dealere—Groceo -- '7Store - I tee p ets, &Lt. in the United States. • , • Wholesale Ageuts . iii Ifeir York•llity. Shiefilelin Bros. & Co. Harralt, fti4leY & Co. Fahnestoek,Holl &Co. Bosh, Gale & 23obison• A ,13..fft D. Sands &Co. M. krard, Close . .&C . O• Wheeler &44ar;. i M'lgs.on Et•Robi;tin-s.• Hegaman & Co. • •. D. S.... Barnes &Co.. Hall, Uttekel & co.. • F. C, yells & Co; Thomas & Fuller. • Lai.elle, Marsh* co. r, P. 'Pall; Dixon & Co, . Penfold, Parker & Co. Tripp*Co: & Stafford. Conrad. Fax,- . . • .Philadelphia, •Pa pyott. &•Co. Robi. Shoemakor . ,Sl. Co Jl.A.Fahnestocic &C I o. French,Richards &co erincipo .Cities einft TOWO E. in ibe UNITED STATES, SMETEIPORT, tr7n7 o . ld by . . Xnd ,by Druggists; Grocers and Retailers gen , 'erifly in City and Country. . . . . . fr7Country 'Dealers can'arder as above.: Oi'addreas orders direct—for if Prices; Terms &c. is desired 077 send. for Circular to Dealer's] HENRY.IL• COSTAR' PrttNctrAr. DEPOT—No. 512,. Brooilway, Apposite the.St: Nicholas Hotel, •141.. Y Feb. SPRIA:O. .:•TiliAl).r4 • 1.. N. c.),Ay iopiii-i.1iN:E.:6,:",., NEW.G.OODS: - AT....'1..: 1 7 11W:ONEAP,Iii . 08 REGULATOR !! 1:11E . OLD PLACE, 111E . ..01111 i'• .STORF:., G A.RGAINS ,CA:C..131 - HAD AT 'l`l-iii: ONE PRICE EGULATORA . . , We : . 11 . 11 ' De MARK .THAT.!:! . : • • OLD . 1.001.1 T 'IT. Nc w .Oh es .Y.a s . i tome A ptl - . J hike ,For, Tlt r ir.t.,11..t5. One PtirchaSe frill satisfy the mo . k.sltepliCitl that'tlie're.js only.one place to buy -first class goods, at eery tow:pr.:ices, aiid that place is the ONE PRICE REGULATOR, The etre . price systcrn gives• Ore Irr+t•9atisi7ac st PEJ:I9R .rif.)ol)s; L:1,1'.“ ANt I Y.L NEW. .I.',A SIT iONS, F,\VOIZIT.ES, LOW, PRI LS, j ,.. .ußy .111ING YOU \VANr:AI."IIII ONE PRICE REGULATOR, and the grant) Emporiuin of every Thin neic neet'axd stylish,: 11 die..c.3sp.and W;ailtto Guy BEST ])RI GOODS, FANct Goops, GENTS FURNigHING qQODS, HOUSE FURNISIiING_GOOpS, RATS AND .CAPS, I3DOTS 'AND StIOES, if. vr.4 -;'. I iii ii. G, GO TO THE Qtg. PRICE REGULAT6R, 'T -ERE' v: will goods bga!Jty, tnantsJ:Letu'i'e and LOW.PRECES Tbekwil I. be elTi!red to yotlitt the loweit possible first time, and fr0in4.41.... price' there can be N 0 v r A 2 lON • Iternernliec.L9ne ,Price-Low Piker-I~evl Slyles—Strict. THING &,MILLII.. rormerly, : • C.ll. THING Oje! April 23. •. • •Trial hint for June ,Teriff,•.l. jf), Exeitafifi, 1/a , • • ••.. DAl:iisterle'liok- •' .• , • • et al • . oelos;le , • • • a10e05.e.91',./.f2 ItJeLe I',Ortk • nt.ff, I rso.. • • „ • p • ; '•1'6,1111,. t • tUtl , l4hl.t: (i.firn. Fred If tf , e-itli • • • :err 1 1. P-Cri L. '• • ; T; it (11. teen 1 rut . -V 14' 4 '• • " • 1 / 1 - .o.riel of lit'ay.fpt • ir., .)a-J. •-•• • Le , :vf4 \Vol : • and •••• S , 14•1'011.1.11" .; • . • %, 111rart,.1'.9 . PIMA, 1,1;1111iOr C,t . I. It 14t , i1.41 Ilaok •,: - lilop.'slokey . „: 114iilf: or Port ;leer's' • • sts , some •••• •. 1%',1111:111 • N IkrlsWn vviElo• Itt 'ILA; Defis'en;pse of jovial •.11afaf ••• • , •, • Geo:NV 1,1,,11..1. '- Jelin I! fttalinin ; • • es • 11 , A Apff eeaori - ' Cei,,,feo• !Coati es. 'I ',memo; et 'fit, po-Se late I-lea iff loeM If.: ' •• ,• ' '' 11,4 N ., vs . Corwin 1.10 , Maplule ti4t. itiViiAll.l,l4,l.,' I, It l/vekeS . ' • • • • " . f/.lt CK, • .1141,1, • 111:1-1W . . _ . . . . . ~ .-...,' :. .'.... :,I,tll t 4 c- ,1' ; :) : 11 . ... ....' ' . 1 . ‘ ... r . , r, Alel ‘.()III Ii . ,jIIIWVII .. g . (I,lel!lS . l ' •)ye,3 ' i11(1,1d .4 ':; i; 1113: , lii,iiiei.igliell.ar . .. hereby uplifted ,to call iiiiil 's.i.iftle tlieii - aetleunts iiiiiiii i iii a i i ,i y .... o eostis' will be made. ' 'J. P.. 01.0: boN , r AllS* jr t - A - T utEREAF : ,.. t 1 . 109. :Robert (7 ,: .Whit e - V ; President, tire. lions: Dar• line and N;Perrliorly: . 4..orrjrate ei . 1116, ('curie. rif Oyer kiTerroilir...arld. .(nil Delivery, laarrityr SessionsOf the Peace,. .phrinsl'florirt and CoaFt of Coaanon Pleas for I luecOriory oh 'ii Kean'llir.e.k si red their oyecept.; o f arrh'' iti :tire rear , of our Lord, ri"rfe t hou -smith aiglif huralred curl. si.k.ty-tivor :to 'll . le . for .holdiog. a .Court of . oyer. and TUrrniner.' orl . General Jail Dirli've6.,-Quartei. Sessioit3 of the Peat..P . , Orphans , Cohrt,:itnit Court of llororrO'n • i? the .11o(our.i.11 . of - SmirthraCtt,,..on AlorilsTy,,the flOlll -. lldy. of :JUDO next, and to. cunt intro one 'werdz.'...,..; DONq FORGET 11 . . • .Notice is-tlferclore lierehy'V,l6'llo the-Cor.o -ners;:.-.liistietis of We Peace :wi;hiP the comity;-thn-tthey-be then coil-there. in„their tlroPer . persons'..at -10 o'clock A. M. of said:day, ycitlt their' rolls:, records,inquiSijintia, extrtninatioris, and oth'er !() do those t.hintrs which t lieir'offices uPperisin-to hr. done., And those, who are hound by their neniianc'es to prosecute tht;triforieri that tire or shall he jti the jail of said..cutinty:of.,:%l'Ketith, are to he their and there to. prosecute Ugaitist. thorn as will he jitst.•. -„„ • • ' Dated at ''Stoet hport., 7th . day of •M aye 1802 f, and the 80th .'venr of .the It depend ence of the Unitinf State's. of America. 1,4; E;, . ....1"1,1:C11 7 1:E . ON ,15:3 13inlic 4 1 Cdr. , of Slicrinaliirtiliiica,' i ir.'rtnjtial 15:clikni I iivolunimy to Ma rriage generally, Nervousness. Liott•unitilliiri. lipi „lops,. and 31,41131:0at Pt, icnl'iocnpncit}'. result. int train &c. (Olaf, J .51, tior of the fitsca . 1 / 4 e. •,.° • , , • ' • The world. ronnyned•autlpir, in Mira 'admirable Laciiirn clearly rr.ivii4 froth i•xperik•nye' thitt the atvtlll coviserpteilcr , of litiff-aliftita . .inav fie elfeetnally reidoved aftlinut and without ilaitgVrianChiprgigal'oper.i: liongitis, ficitriotaints, riicrai or Out, ..111 . 111i0 . 0f ultra at 'once -coreala and litrahnal, which „f,tr,rer, nodadtter - yliat hits enii.l it inn rimy tie; inay, gun , : privatcly. :awl 'radically. This lecOire.will prove a bia..nfo, thenisawls 1111.11 t4ll/117 133114i1i, ntiolot p 9.91; in 9 j4rtitionvelopw. to nny luldersg;oli r.t an lif/Ft InO• Oititinlo, i ". 0: IthINE, • .'. 497 llowrri, New York : lkist Offtre Box, .1,1?6, Oh soliing - . Ifiae F (ie 0 - LOW C.ES, _ . . . I 0 . That T ant:per -i. 111:11104 ily liPt . Meti.in hmsthltrt., ' • • .- 210. Thall kePpcori titaßtly 00 11:11111 . a . 1:,..t1.! A,npr.l . V67 1110 110:Stql141-. 7tE its of ha.t.te"rialg Tioo, , f.L . , - c'; - n ',-. lot' repiiiHne• the . i•arinat.part,g •of ilitrer•• it - 7 ,- ' 'ent I: intl:.or •• .• - • • awl; I t hill': r :iot'rl;lt,' . . . . . . Iv a•titt;:: , hen. I ~.ty that nearly 1100+ r e ari . e .0 1.. 1,01 ..;." I. tatly ht "no how to ose them f neei , tNially. '.. :H. WAIrly,A eta ,. he A-1.1 . e1y and srit4iliti , ally reimii..t.l at ~ - liwthport. .N, Itiafter how, Coo itr .rolieutt' the job. a: I WI, 110tOrpli hl.ll til hap p0...te..1 up; flittl-hr runs, pre pared toll:ol.l..d”rv.an.t ,ar!e. e . 1..., .'.. ~ ~ • I iILOCKS WATCH.S;'JEWELRY . 81,C,' .1 W . a .4. r ro _ .; „!- : . v,: millet , . ail the 11:1" the "Prii (if)CK••, . , . . . .. , . .. • .;•• ; • ; IV; If , 11.11c1-llt. . . . N• 11,--4 - gnnrantrlr pry prier,. fnr . -. .rdr. to •he It. Inn n. , nt any ni her AVi'll'ioetilated arid repinnuribleshon,and,lnn. er than - At many. Prinisn g ive alit! II Vali' 1 V. IL II: , . . 'rho Con o • ' • , I • ,IND'AS A NV,IIIN% • hal an , l-a caption to yeritraz. mon.whn. auttio,r from Nor- Viols Dohitar, Preniajaro.lhoork; ~troplyitor at the sometime thonliO‘to, 0 - m• who ha. cored Main:dr after h,107 pot to great. oNpoar. thi‘ollalynedical lempo..ltion : arlmnanktory, opoltalinv la nt. rot ill ad. onviolopo, cunt. ti l eoenes may 1.0.1ta1l of tin , an thor, NA 'CITA:CIF:I, trtruty, N. Y. (n5-vl.). CO C) 2?',4 dROCKER L B. • A.RMSTRONO'S: '• • • - - . IITAVIN e G:becom.the pfoprietor: .nf the eery and Provision Store, lately occupied by' 13.4.1• Wright; 1 take this w method of :in (oing my friends that. I ha ve just received the lat,Lt.c'st .. • . ~ • • . • • . , 2.:11.1K1LY 'GROCEReIES, - .. . ever . cdrermi yeriple . ofl.llli.t,:an at prices %chiek at ahy other'estalliPlimen.t. keep on hand; and are • in or • ••• . •. • . OIt()UND , 1,1,01111,1 • • :•• ' • • PEED AND MEAL: . • 14119 i., SA la ~ PlSt', , • . .• . WHITE YISil,, • Burrku...L.s HD, ,T.%• .p•ANDLEs: MDR. STARCH; • • . ' 'WS, SAl,llAl'll$, • • • • .4'09.1. INIJIttO. I'EVPI,II,.. • •• • • • ...PIOT: i CINN.I,IIDN;". • •,. •• , CLOrES: ToIUCCO: ILAISTNg, CTS or Ahl. KINDP .61.XiAjtItS (.Ik' !fiNitS, • .• • AND itNonnuso ••••• • • • • ' 1111 P:. or:.tiss " , E g itogENO:. CAMPIIENE.•FLUID; • 1 . • CANI!II;B 2 .TEAS, &c:, My stock' is Nil 4nd .conqiletriarul.seleeled (rpm the'bes! in. the'l,narlcei.- : Call Fit) exam'. iup,prico,and quality, anit . .you will•nut -fail .to N. S::BUTLEb. 'A, B. ARMSTRONG. Smetrirort, May 30, IS6). COURT IrROCLAII4 TION 3 . A 5..1'.. .1.11: 3 i Ilt;-:Stir.rifl HOW LOST .! HOW RESTORED!! rONEY . A NEW ANRI:VAL AT 1 • t I .1) IS. I , :I'STA v:S 1.1 ti - N.) It Ft- ~\.'l'l - (- ) I , T TILL D .1. C()31:Cr()(1,K , . . A . 2 , ;:\:()UNC,I . ;',S• 1 . 0 1.1.1 S prd MeK(.1111 ..he: is. nii ha . n.l.lhts.Spithz t!!“lill, '‘Vlth the •• • LA B.(:1 , ;.S1; .*.s; Oi GOMIS 111 . t.11.. OlOntl .11.111,-et.4 To Cosll-. Nver's .- 1 400111, S'ay, . . . . .011o:r yon 1,- , 1 ler Ailcipeeinentrol - yot'i wr,st N'oy • •• • • Ili 11;•Iiim . co %%Alit(' you. . wiknt;'".itny t jii Ili rlillc of (4I )(; Ie I E y".I.S 1(1.17, OLD:. KEYSTONE '' Ind you will lirul , the niliciP•tret.lland.cilf.np li's nt) i i . Js( touting KEYSTONE STORE otvnys lend, old ry•izttlitt;e the rolirket in . , ; • (,:.J7ileei•it* and 041.?1;11' . i.E.D5 AM) NEIk iiisi:Es.; Don't fail 'ln cnll iltiO s'ee mss wheti you Ofr . ..ap•; - :I slljlll:n6t.l4rt 3'oll, ho . shall cartainly try tryila.:yo.6 gout], • ' . •• —• • .1. K.. coStsTr)c•K, • .7%tay 2:; IS!.10.'• • : ?. THE )ITEKIS..IOI;1 1 ,Sil, 011011.11E10: •• :..TO.OUR SUBS'CRI'BERS:' • •.. . Tho'corpmittictolttnt ofa new•yritc.is.altood tilne 'tor rntlet:viitg.sititt•criptinns,ond 111 tl CIT5i1);: t iutin I of cornmercit..L -IVaddle,Ts ottriely . e,s to itto. old rinidets the pitp , r,..t.ritli r.nuft.inoce to their neis•t2 aid Os.'itild ( ~ ,N,tentl' the. itifltince of the. otitnlc?rt.er'vtit:ive principle tiSoil have littrto_Cloratftetiptd find %yd.! . 1 . 10 !T 811 . 4, clniracte.rize this:paptir,: I.:vniti .. .,St•tiscitilll:l; to I he. Kit:tool n 1 .Continrri•it mi^lit do . .tit'grrat service :to,.lll'ese pi:int:4)6:s, and firrengi heir its in ot . tit übitity. to , uppott - and:cuel;hife setp:ing us the•notrie of- at OM . sole: srritier•in hi., tower.' •: .' • Devoted firmly as' - we h . ve been to oar coon, •inlerr:sts, and liren called Savels'' . aso•ferm repio4elf . o rte :ate! Fetid shall be'the firtn.uphOMerg of • . TFIE ITNION. A:O . THE. coNsTituTioN , i;ppo,itia.with;hr.art Find Den.every niiin, Setif!: nr No . rth,.who is ani eilemy•to either. form ni reeoliition will find . 115. for.'ibe - e6robitt. 'Xtopog.tb.O•loes -the' A meriyaii Union and.Anoelic:ao . .roincipies, ?.ve rook 51,1 e by • • :A eir,roo n • snegsslo,Vi.>7or, ;ma: we. propose with on n9r,s:trenttih.to dr , reorl' •the notion ligaitist the attarks A LIBERAL OFTER . , ....: To olic.fior,l2e fhoio-. who may l'plitotil.e.i , to aid 'in the ,OrZil IT.IZa 0011 iif pry iis; :I've, :71,,f;115 , - .ofl , r an.e.v v.,' i:Opy i):1' tli . e . W.Tklyip . 'evely 1,, , i': ,11 t.ho Ooili 4orwiittl f went v fit".w s.obii.thor,:• ”'ith 1 li• motley , . . C}l)i'i;N • ..• • may he in' •commitni • tiett: tt,rent , tt Alan .Theprecent is ha§ . l peril : 1(1(4)i thril . tmoirnetteMment.• The aerate on w i nch we can jurilish the paper ar . F; ite folifiwS To coolpaifie= tAliiiez - • . , . 20 . eopies . or ONE • A • 11. T)OLL each 1:1 eo • iti..S • rim EcN ' , coptes, •• ".". (711.1ei ••• ' - ettelt Thai. pa rteis • wil I to•rlilfiitent persons at the same Post Office, • if. ilesi . ro, ex, cept .en, - es of •Otths of -13 or name copies, 'u_hidh will -lie mnileif to ()tie 111141rei-: • •-• .• ADDITIONS CLUBS iriay ha ni~rlr; at , the 'rates :—Papers a‘ . 1 , 1e,10 th ti ehth tli:e the i•st (Oa rte.:. of the year pay.thr-fell rate of nail club fur ihtring•the three-fourths ntlille.mhzioal the Ibrrd quiefter Ane•half, and cieri ., :g the ht , t one-fnerth . ; ;eye all will terminate' witb.the—year 91 the prigipnl club..' •. • ' • • Pro,,: .1 . 11;11,1 ()DPW .:tr.,..5... )ii,:i . . . .. . Whorc rin(q;ages of . :nr7i,papr;t 'orperioiliealq .are received .nt any rukt pltice directed to pile addr . vss, .aitil the namesof the club nt sub.cri het 5.6. whigh they.bnlont!, with. the..riotne:e for a qti6lter id - adv:lore, shill be, iln!)0d to the postmaster, he.. 0:01 deliver the same to their respective °whom.' : .. ..' -. , ' ' - -'• • , . . . .. . . ` Hut thiF; does apply,to wePlciy, b.t.wspapors , which circulate free, tbeicourkty where.prin jed and pThblishe(l,'.• '.. '. .• ~. ' '•• ' ,CO7. Add te.,.v , ,Eilitck-:*- o: f - the . Jrwrodi 0 /... Cf;m mere'', .N . o: 91' Wall n'tees' New fork. •1111311::; Sl'.oNt; Jiditors am(Proptietrqs THOMPSONS TANK NOTE ...11 NI) - €03111Elle1111; ..ItE PO HIER,. ('i rculntlinn, 100,000 M:DI'IT,D 13,1'. -./ Of 1 1 . . i.. TI-I(4II'S.ON. !Ztio . tatibil§:Orrected by_ Tuc.itt‘sO.llywrituits Stfe(ii. by,CitA:':.,. : b'r.ozwmir„ 117 Ftlikl!ii atuistlititerlpa,lN.AnVaNCidtt • '• Tp rifejl • . 1, tierfli•inonthly,...:sl To'lleetiinister. or others,:'who ferin'.Clihe ant for loony iithhinere..NlT Witdr• Coin ('hurt: Moss rt• ,• suit la. 7 ' R rcillhedif. the Weekly, non a cnpics'of the .... .. . 1011 • Atdeopies .Elie MpOhly:v. : ,.. if uo • W .1 - 111'forwar'd -ere.t-Mtou,lrk to. any: parson seridin6; a r.,lttb •;0f.,52):1 - rit the atidye, rafes. at uny One time, our Autfrican: gidd Coin "I:rvi Seale.:, Address. • TROMPSON -BROTHERS,. pookers, • • .1' 2, Wall ',St. N. Vrcprietors, ; . .t) Itt:rieri I) ill, yit.:‘,l!; .11,r.01t4; • 1:1 • ;• . • . feCny•,: in d IfrJ rr; ...•1 - t - ; oho • 4.:41) t;. '1%4 chin• A. A:: r i 'l'. ()I to . „ '.Otto,- • .. 41; , • . • W 1 , • .'.• • WO , . S 10 ,(: 1 ! it!, ...",T....9,1')1N,•;; i 4. -- 1; Igm;,.. • ; " ritar fp , ;( ; MN); 5. B. I ravt-, In :Ai'fileY;.l). !';ill)(tir 4 F. J. ticbtr; Itirn MO I:0 :.• (nirpg•Q)r,7,.C.ll . lig. 51wt . . 130101- \Vi . p,...'W.1111h6 - is; A rool,ti.*Sotitliwie);. . F.as (wont! : Slrr•l~ww•nnd I). N L. \t; Eactwonfl, • •:-' • • k"il i,nn • A t• , • • . Id A. All(l. , e , nii,;l•:.„lLl.lkl;'.. (:.".ip/0 . p..-- 7 E. S. ;nog. Cminvoi% .1101!)) . ; „ ,• • MILERICA:N AGRICULTURIST, . . . . . mit .tlo . vi - ttt:4l. if, tliflorent !IO- N) tntenty . 411 . C. 111111 1 .1•0 os.'Arowitol Field t rd v ii* t Ori,llsFilOilfi.` ! 'rro,i,f(i VegeltiWe . •T nil : rtriwerg Flt.veri for the I,a,yvo or • l'ard ;•e.Are'of 1)(i; (Trestle A . to HOOsi(lioid I:rtbrirP. It. hos (ilso•itti iirtr(r'itsrofa nott:itrsfroc:• no•ot , Tor: chihtreit and youth. • :". v,' lIIII'C r IIIPrIIIAI' Or . rtifera thing eyery n - oth. ..-TetTt . e to 1 7 00 :1-149111Pc1 non', inot isa I i v:!; . .fli,eriivit,!is appear, jii , ' • 9ror •T)yelve lloothed plain, ,Toe iril, iO •st rortive item;T,; : io •10T,t(IT Porthilnitors kipg, • ::• Th et . 1J( . 1(4,101J.7.4 r,i thr kt;t; ( ; 1"r1•11 tp'r uir r;011 . - prd to no Starr or 70 ! ito l o nyr t prlopr rrl y i? 11y! :way I v oil .yroyOny of Or Ty.rOolt on or r dirot , qfr Yykolt:Am KR) C - ",:A GrIINfA 1.;111:1101ql sltixt - itt nilde,in tainingsitil:9l its, rttatljtitl.imittEttp . iiiiil nil roils illostratiye • I, . I)VA NCI:: .• • . One itortyoliw y t etir, $1 00 • Si> copipA; cute your • . .5, 00 • •Ten or (Mite enpips (inn yPar• SO olitts , C.:7" A•ttl to the above • rites . Postiuttt Ip Camilla .6 to .I.:ni;l•iittl Pratitte, irenis t • to Germany, nit cents: • •,. • • t he Otifrts and ri i orte.s must ail. stihscrit;ttit, ; is itrrly xiir, rrrNe 'n vrai, 4.111161 , in ailvitneit .itt• , • • •Atl blisiOssit6ll othrtr title Eilitnr. iiit• Proprietni ; • .011 A City' . Ti 01 1 1.1 Y S E . . . r;1 - 11 . v.•11.stritiqicy T . 1 31 1raq,641 by • L. 11..D01.1..1?Y:5 . ,.. .• Port-Aileuany; Derf.;mbej . . . rirci:(7, 4 -olisl tun f Itt!al'l3 in .1 taw -,ve0t.:...1.1 rt,nw4y, Siell4.ell. n ,Vere • lee..!, • eireellee, 011.1 C , ll.lllerteej—i•, , ll,/ %bald to )11.1k0 khußu 61' ilk feilfolV.NitiTeele,e Ole ll'Oelll9 ere4rl., • • il; a fops ul lltvitct , rtip tlon 11,'t-1 chargq, Milli 114;. .1h eclton,'l,lr -4.11nr: and 0..1..; Ihr•pyn,u. x lac!) thurb ill 'iind Ceelrl'ne.t . eN,OleeleS,,.%.,l . ll‘ll e • eie OP .%.leeeti,ee itenve t'l.!.• unlit:l.l; s'pritmil-intloomttion e • elleeiVe.4. le lie ill be ilel.e4 eVee, , 0 01 r Ito his as It, will 'ma.l then. itllting,' the 04 , 41'01 • Wirl/FON: •• %11nel...bet c.L. ' ' CW.116. NOW .Yorlt. PROSPECTU - S 01 ril l SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, iu: flrsT :\ t.: , •trAsicm.P.ti , vii.-.l.t . Ttit;:' IVoni .• • sEvENTp:ENTit yEAR. .• • F?e . ric4, . . . . A no‘v.‘•foifin..'ot pa. (.zwei..(r. 111. 0 4 1 . 11 0 In Every rdroiliffq useful, Nifor• from i .tp:ttli:origi iiaL o ugrit y,ipao all of. which ior, Ns: coltitniii;.... . . . . The SCINTI VIC • 'A M;P:file A N"is ilevoied In the intete , ts'ol.Pepelor F., , eience;' rite Meehan - in. Attu, Inventhinsr OW:. 1ip1110 . 11111 . , 14 , •ner 'ally, anitt.is i , a'.llifi I,le'and , in the ly . .,,[l;qhniLaild.;\l.intallettir)i s . IHrF al n in 'th IlnrseliohL I tie. Lihrrry anti the Ireri,linv • Meelt•inic and i'lilanuhiettireil •.No . person oneair,vd in. any:of - the 'inselinnira Oloi)111 ?hip:: : of 4lninir . t.Viihout: . the A....H:RicAN. It costs, ht!l four venG pt•w; , 1;; Ty Illinl6 . ey COM a ills from six to ten - engrav int! o s •ot .tiet . morhine's and. inven tions; nnot . be round in.uny oihrr,pub. lieatinn. It is ttilestablished rilln ot the :pub fishets to uncut nivie nibind : en,, ,, ictvirors, and of the first. class the ttod -erigri k t ved Ivy expori ellel ' `tt persons: antler their nivnsuporyisini)._ •••• To the Inventor! The Scl ENTIF it: A NIERIdAN..is • iullls pensdble every:inventor; at; 'it not 'only. cnn ~ains;'illpstrateil ileiteriptions.'ciftiearly all tile best inventions as'tlieNC , ,eiinte hilt 'each nittrilier yentains art Otlibial.tist orate Claim,: of all the Patents fst.tittil Ironi"the United States Pal of Oflice'dii,iii the %Vitelt previous; the. giving a ; correct history of .the...prbAress of in • .itentieng in this enfiptir , are , alsareee,iv, milt; eVery , week, the lie ! st.selent Me . joiirttal 41 Filinee; Attul 'plaring oar, lai•tiefgion all that tratisptriey, in. .iniielianical 'irieitee and art . .in these old 61.Int.ri:: i•outinne 'to; t• tr ihr e i.. our 'en] mons. coninus extritetit front). ,t hose jour nals.Of V•hoeyer we oflnterest . to ogr'reiidels. . . Arch , itgcfs,ld FARMERS! , The sci;:yrty[c A NI F.RIC-AN- I T found a . most uselfai•Joarait to the new diseoveties cienee of cto , rolityy ure I!II?. •, itim6lhoi in!!. t o - t ‘ tyff,O.c, and fthA T.;. ti \ !elf)! tilt; oh *. tbiy„ 1•Ivi oThp( 40016 , j1„"td.p);•7,1.:t10t1 fa rmei).:l3 re 11. in' fiejf'Sti •rlvie wit rd I I,qi, in its ERA 5 • • stills.r!iliorfi, T - 7 1,o,n„*1.1 ars • n .100 r,' or, ip!ttgf!ic.. : r, • Qo'fii: • Did I r. r goo: ~rpMI. I IP OP t; two on' i hr' Ilrsv of ;rantilny 111?(1 ,rI(IY., (:.: 11,,,RAT,ES:. Wier t:91) . 9,9, for Fig :‘199 firs . reerortto , ..,; tnr s it T...; for Vtriqve $l5 tutrirscfar tve oni At ) wQii ty; ,v,%T.lv9,.N.lciti hs ,- $2B . . For rhilis. of Ttvoilify:Rild over, f enti 1).• ,i . nlitt . (JUIN' vp,t irorrt different I t grti tiv 101111y' ptirt. of • Ibe rotiqr,y. r . • • chin 0011 Oittriditto Tenney or Post-race . dinn plen.. 4:ttti's.r to rotnii.• eitiiiin to pre.-pity., I , pl;lisherp., No. k:rOw Ne , :v Yoik _..2@..~i: f. Zoroft(10, 411.0 Evil, is•a annstitutierial clisenfteilltoottlyptipn.of !Ito: Milord ; hy.i'whiallYthit illuid thocomestvithitad,. l TyAi . punt . potir p ..ther. circulation, it yerrat4 : the:stlyde, body .cold Tarty f linyst.: out r &mi t ts° on:ani pait:of ;Co' Orivint bi•free l'• 11 r hf frau its tit t oaks; ndy toye.ont 3 • Itt: '1 may . 11 . 0tlicfrofillots• taint is-riiriOnsly. caused by' marenrial- disan. efi low OA, 'Or imilealtlir fOOdi 'fibintio .•airi 111th acid and, liboye lsrthhivaileyeal:tirdectionii•i- What , : rwee lie • its mil gin; it is lictreditaryi tiro. coll ., - t 9 t i, nt, d irk froity.poretitisPiteltildkn . • riirto.the thi i cl and tourthgenorration it, f•Ceini to be the . rr-1 .will "34,4 t. tlitY liktOkes tbb- ftlibiektv:upon their elyildrdnl7 '• • •ri. • •." •. ' • . 1 ts'effeets ebnimeticii by deposition front tlie blood ;of' cone pi Or.uhrotin !patter; .11...hielt, in .the lirer o aind internal 'organs, tuliacics; in. the glands, .itvallings and .on ,thy slur/tee, eruptions Or.soies.: ,'T'hio foul eq.:. • minion,, tvdticlt ganders itt the Idortd, : depresses' the anyrgies of life, IRO thlt ser4uiortoconidtirri. tious, .not billy .stiffaV.frtiiii. so roftilonS &Uri plaint ? , 10s:SN'ver . to with 'stand the ' attaoltS' 9V other' disdaits Oise crit7trt ly, -vest •..tutinbertr :perish : byy -dirSoidets • winch, 1'101990r 'trot scrofulous in tltciriipturie, ore ir,tlll..riintlaredi!frital ' 4y, .:this, taint. in the 'r:Vr4 . ll. .M(/4. of the .; pOoSitraf)tlon whit& 410.- , 11:o tl4:,lititn4uAullilo44 its pi o rigindiyaotly ut "this , cOntarnination ;••• 'anti .niaiiy aSt 0 diseases of We Iddlitiks; brain s iiitle'erl,' . of tlfe.'brgahs; arise from or ar. ..riggrayaterl ; by the same .causes:.- • . . . . -• ft ac "(waer of all our peoplenrescrofuleuSi thrir'pursons are inVadett hy., this. halting. in., fur tion, it. 'To' cleanse it .from the system we must renovate. •lha lalud bruit altermive:,mediclue,mul vigarate •it •by • healthy • 'food and exorcise. SllOl.lll twalicinc we supply in.. • .• '• AYER•So • • • . tOjiipoiind . Extract of Sarsaparilla, Cllbetual l'ciredv which the medical of . our :thties devise for this ;cur) . 15.1 I.`ril preyttiliug and fatal malady. • 'Jai cent. Lined roan the moot active•remedinlithat haie : tr•ca cliveovered for•the"expUrgetion of this foul • 'clivolivr-front the blood, and the rescue of. the i . 'yteitk front 'its destructive Consequences:. 'icor, it Aould• he employed for tho. cure of qot only. F6'01 . 11111; but diso' thcse - other .aileo•;• alms which arise , from it,-'such as .tttrrivrs . • 111(1, I)lpl.lAfts 4 , ANTRQNT i g Fifty. '1111,1r,. ar rudvra4o R uMitl4/43 ' TETTEIL an et.; tI,T 101 o.l:itel' Mnfk "'EA* 4 1 N . 0W 01 ;56 bt T tOt tifintixric d' IllunputiTA Pis l!nor•Ar, - TYrarEritlit, •Dantrari, 'and; ill deed: , 0413IPLAiN.TRAli9INO . 7110 4 g•• VITI;1 1 . 1 Lip t/ It •1M 13Loon. belief ii t iwmerity rft tire &unclad in truth ) fir r:ri arida u degeneration of the blaad: .The . port ieular purpose and viittie•OU § . lintilla i I ir. ulAit i and regenerata t illia,vit4l Nl I "betilth . jitibrOsolo 711' 1 eCnititti . ilitittM lill&t4t0i01/ . . . r ALL , THE .PUItIISES . OF A FAMILY roysio ; 06.,,riinge. of .1) irip , :itlim t ego, torelyAiithst4o. or.Ovat!e j).Leeirolniir properties senrelt; matt . t.ndlov . ifterinolevcl.y portion Of •the i ;Li f, ten' ilr ita' dt§eaped deadaction., innt "restdrtrigu cong o iltlebCp.oti4e B C . poy,ed o ar. tiltp4al depiiily is astonished AO, 44, Jos -I.lo;.iiill'or • o VetttY rtstOp4 a - remedy et 'Ghee' so • : 01 0 1)1Y. di/ .tliey cnrit the every-day' enmplalnts of ilvry body, . bnt . also .ninny - formidable' mad d,thgermis diachsthi: l'hCr Agent below named „is pleased lo • furnish grati4. my Ainerican Alumnae, • •coOral i ui im evrtitiaat es of tlteir.6utes'and directions f.//' their Ilse id* (hi! folloning 'coMplaints.:''Costive- • ' , .V B ', (Ira boso, Isadoelie arisinyfront diforderevb, Stoma4' N,f 114ligestion; Pomit! Soo Morbid' blootiroPqr the liincet.cji'lato &nett, Lou Appv-1 t We, 1111(1 other kindred cowl:outs, art.ing from it lOw.state of the body'or obstruction of its ftinctions.,..: • .. ;:„ • Ayers ; ...elierry.„ . Pectoral,. - C'ourhs,, Colds, Intlutoza, .11oitysenew Croup, Brintithitk, Incipient.Cotieurop: lion, nod for the relief .01Consuinetive Patients in: :Omitted • - sttges...,of. the bif!7ll4 • • Hi, wide is ..thefield of its usefulness - and so.n.u -•lii.ert)llS• nr6 rases of its eure.„„that:'.eintoSt.-' :every twetiiin c.: cow stry abounds-it.: persons. pub.:: lirl knout, who littiv. bcen. restOred frorn.alarang nl4 even desperate (linens of the lungs' hr its • :11'hen once tried,. its' suPerlotity oter every nthcr itimliving of its kind isloo.Upparent toeimape.. olmeriation, and where its:virtnea.are, known, 'the.. public no long,eihesitalh'what - . aididetelo ernplbi for the distressing • and clangorous affeetientrof 'Me puhnonary:Orgytatluit-Itro.inaillent rifle many v krtfurion,retnedies t,htitib,,itrain the ennuennity have failed and been chScaided,,thic; has gained,friands every trial,*thiferred?berieets On , he !utllictO they. I cew. never larget,ithit-friei-e: dueekeilrus,eitk 'n . tutr w ous*tur ;too remariuttges , , foigotteri:' . . ..; DR. .14 , JlLYARtitAria ..oO3' LOWELT., MASS; . . , . • r , . , nradhird; L.' H. AnllPy, 'and 14. .dealo:s everywhert. • A A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers