M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, June 28, 1862, Image 1

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    . .
VOL. 4.
ttenit Cottittp Elenioirftt
PUbLISIII;to \linty sArumiAlr moitmNu,
TERMS: - :.sl'so in A"dvance
Rates of Advertising
1 c o innin one
"-- - •.^. l ... .. •-•••••-• • •
..1 ' •• six ....
.'•. ..... ......
One aquare - oYl2llnea or leaN 3 InnOrtionm,...:,
Hach aubseqnent
ituainenkUartla. with papnr
• Mule or figui:e'work r: Nrlll'Ve double the above raten.
'wolva !lugs
. 11re%ier type, .or;uight• Itooc Aonpaieil, ix
rated anq hare . ..
••sJJ These terms - will ho strictly
Business Mirecturv.
DR. W. Y. IiTOY,
S;i4ethrport,..l.'; , !
. .. .
.. . , .. .
.Plvalcion: sod Surgeon, •§lnetliptirt, Pa, wiilltttend .ti
. allprofeSsional calls with. vropptoons, 011 ice iti,flrt
well Mock, ieCond floor. . , , . • -, -,
~ .. , . .
P.: .1, fl..tattg. Propriotor,—Allegltoily
,Ililllge t M'Kean
.. Co,Fs; This Itonee in situniOd about nine m i tre from
. Sineliport 'on'the road to Olean,i
nd will' be found a
-tonyentetii stopping-place' . . - ' . . •.. • .
,3 Oeneon Proprietor: Ridgway. Pa. !rills .Motel;
new And 'furnished In modern style, has ample.
and IA: In all respects, a-Virat Class
Ridgway, Elk Co'. Pa. May 24.1'8 . 00 I . • . '
. .
• • • • •. • EL . DREIiIIbTFI , , •• •'
Yong Vista, roprietor. This ,bonse ..altuated bai
..waybetyeen Smetlipot and:Olean.' eonvenien ,
an commndinna bona attentive .and"obliging 'attend
ants, .and Idsv.pricesc •• •• • • •
.111dr • ed,'May 17, ISO.: • . • ,
'.11.y T. tioooWite..-..Thin is altpated abont;gie
from Stnethpoet. On'tke real to Olean. - Plea s ure'pnrt i
• ii nd 'othe..acau be aci:ommo , ,lated oh the shortest Not ie.
POEMS' 110IISE,• • ' '
ppen,. 'Co.,. Ps: N. L. DYNE. .Proprietor
. .1 4:0111111(Iii1)11/ 1 nnil well-furnished hour, Strange:,
*-- and pavelers will find good nce(iminodzitions.
. . . PORT ALLEGANY HOUSE, - .' ',, ,
B loint 11...thit.t.ev,' Proprietor,. at Port ,Allegany. ,te•
Kean t)iiiinty Pa., nig hio tel isitwited at the' jlinc
thraof the-Sinethinirt and Allegany River I . oal.ls,nine
•„ miles east of Sturthport. '-• ', , • , , •
- . .
.• '. . . - BENNETT HOUSE, ... • - -
. .
Stnetltport,3l , Rean Co., Pa; E.. 5.. Illau . ox, ProprlOtor
—oppouite Vie Court netlile,,. .
A odor. largo, 'conuriodi
olio and well- furnistml bouxe. : . .
. . •
OSWAYO 40145 E,
. ,
J: J. Minoan Pioprietor, Ceree Ea.: Vida [tense le lifted
aubatantial and comfortable style: and every pl
.teution will bp paid by tile proprietor - tb.tlie comfiirt
.and taste of his Vests. .• —June3,lBBl
• . ,
Fronting. • the Ptiblie Siviare, Olano. N.,' Y. Texas M.
Tht.ot. Propiletor. • The Fobes !louse is entirelk.new
and built and 1, fllrlliolled in llindein
The proprietor ilattera himself that' hie areomtnndti•
lioneate not surpaseed by any lintel in Wittern.New
Tort. Carria'gea rut to and (tom the New Yoric.and
Vrtctical. Mechanic, .Millweight.; c
fart Allegheny,. 31 , Itenn county, PA,
.. • .
. •
Surveyor; Drartman Conveyance.r... nrirl ,Debt Estate
Aunt.' Sinet.!iyort, \f'fiea.n county, Pn. .. '
• .
, • - • , • DENTISTRY. •
dlu .• .1. Sril lt• nu IA ri.,ipeO.fially auiinti nee t tliP
citizen. of Ekulythport and vicinity,. ILxt e Las [URA
'11.1; au - ,,iri6(y, and I. p . reitrerkto. attend l • I)ll,liii`Se.
pratution: .%rtirtnial teeth - inserted
. 11p11(1
• :I:, An prl..,`l . Ve the natural ev
pres,lon.l4 the lace .111Uperations , iti I.)etxl.:tl.Surg , ry
dpnaln a shiliful tn>tu.ne.t.• . • Tat
- - 7 ..• - -
. • .. . 'W.II. BAICEB. . . .
Ctwnl.i•vr., East Si.lemf..t lip Puhlic Sqotre, 'Second nnor
North r41.1w, Ilemocrnt 0111ce Smethpnrt. l'a•,• Dealer
In Middies Clock's and Jewellery'.' Itepwrlng tleatuly .
Execuled and Warranetd. • . .
. . .
. . .
Dealer in Stoves , Tin, Were, Japnitne.l Ware, &e., west
end of the Public Sipa*, einothport l'n, CllBllllll
. work dono.te order unlike ehorteet notice, and Jo the
"hi ont eubstential manner. " . .
.. , . ..
14: , B. 'BROWNLL,..
. . •
'llealerin - Dry 09o.le,11rocertee, C rockery. ItlrOttaro,.
Boots, Shoes, Ildts, Cain', G Inds, Hills; Oils, 'dc If., &r.
Emit 'side of - the' Publlo - Sqltare, Sindthport. P A . • •
"Wholoaaliand Until Deiilore dn Staple and Fancy Dry.
•,Conds Uarpotlngi Ready Made Clothing, and Callow
Thirnio ' hing anode, Dante' and Shoes, WM and Window
Paper; Looking Mama ka. • At Olean. N. Y.
, • . • 11YRON - I); HADILIN, .• . •
, .
ATTORN •AT • LAyr; SmathpOrtt,lWKollll C:olltity. Pa.,
Agent for Home. Kehting '4 l c. Cote Loot, • AltendB
.expeetally to the Oolleotion, of Ciainon flymninntion
Land Titles; Payment of Tuxes, and all business rela
ting to Real Rotate. 'Caen in Hamlin Mock. •
. •
. 8. C. HYDE; ' • - ,
ATTORNP , ..Vr- WIV, tilnothport, M'Keati .04.. l'‘.
gullectionti promptly attended.to: .• • ' relr',l4,
.. , . . . .
AttOrnoy and Con nsoilar it.T.aw. Stillman, Pa.; will at
. total the Courts' of Pottar, I . cli.iiiita. and Elk countiea;
. Prompt :attention paid 6 ColtiMtiona. 0111ce; East
• end Nall-Block—Stmond VIO6r. . .
• •
'To Those Interested in
• •
Mineral Lands: - . • • • •
A ir IIARNICB offers hie Kervieos 'for the examine
'• • tine of Mineral Lands in Al`liern And Elk' coun
diee,-and witl giveThoski h eiengagi opinion- we to the:VAs
Will L OF
' MINES, &a. 'ng 'hie receiveserviee
all neceseary and reliable information.. Residence at the
'Bunker Hill Mines. , .
. ,
dergeint, ISL'itentt Co.', June 31 - 1, tE!,59, • *.
.. . . . •
• . • -
!] UaTIOII OP - TLII.I PLIAOE . and ,Conveyancer. ' Ale n
Attorney and Couneelor at i f aw: Particular attention
, given to Collintlng.•. - 0111ce Una Door .}: mat of the Den
• nett-Muse, Benethport, Pa: - . . • •
.. ' •
. . . .
. . .
. to toko proofs and Oct notiladantents- of Deeds 1110
Otillie inottlinlento to bu - usod and recorded in:said Stato,
ond.to drnondottir oaths or anirtnationti oursuOot to the
laws or mitt Slab; Qour . oyoncor, .1.13: . Onion in band Of
ado an Kingoictry, Oradford. Mcli;can Q ,',Pa. 1 .
• Mara /i,./P 3 i."W". , '. • . .•. .
, . .
' .
Gov. Andrew, who, when 'called. upon for.
trOops:toprotect the Government in'a crisis of
tteat:apparipnt,danger,: replied . :that he would;
Cheerfully fulfil , hie Ohligations,l( the-Govern=
meet' would forget its' one,. andlalloWa par- .
ticular line of, unionstntional action, '.which he
indicated,-was so rebuked for his conditional
patriotism, that very little has berm heard of
frteni.him The people do not (dyer con
ditional patriots . .. . ' •
One of the Worst forms in which this'qualified
virtue preSents' l itself,A.s . that of the class who
say:that they ari in faVor at 'restoration of
the Government and Union, , it Mod
ified to suit their Wishes. . The 'secessionists.
took this' ground first ; rindwonld have sub
mitted. to ;the GOVerntrienty'it they, were per
muted to alter a •feW•-of. its fundamental fee,
hires. I could.so shape the Constitution,"
said Jeff Davis; 4 4that cheerfully. obey
it.and ioyally•livennder tut', t , l.conld so'im
prove the • GrpverqMerit,"says'Greely;. l 4hat
should'be.wifing to see it restore," We have,
disposed Of. the rebel revolutionists, and the
nextenernY tan:wet' is the Abolition destruc
$l5 on
. 00
. 12 00
20 00
• 12 00
•' Ifill
... 5,00
.'.-Therelisiamual weakness .and perversity
in , the' . .tnodes, by . Which.theallegiiihee of the
people', of.. the North 'ii sought to'be • diverte'd
from the.Uniciis,•that it is diffieult to meet it,
except by. contempt or iitlicule. It only eicites .
indignatiOn, When . weconteMplate its Purpose;
and itsTearfulconsequenee.S.. iteatf,'fer in:.
stance, the ImPeachment which , thel'ribune;
after searching 30 years of National History,
brings against' the Government; . .
But do not you desire the restoretionof
'Union As it •was ?" we are 'asked, . We nower
that weare for. "The Union • as'• it. Was," 'if it
cannot be improved, but we.'greatlY„prefer the
Union as it ought to be., ,For lustance :
• I. prefer the - Union se.consti Detect that
a blameless and beloved President • elect•may
travel through , any and every Stateon his way
to . the Capital - Without incurring . the peril of .
'assaisination, arid witheut,heing compelled . to'.
anticipate and choose darkness:for any, portien
of his journey. '
IL "We prefer a U.niOn wherein the formally.
chosenanilduly accredited representatives Ora
tate proceeding to'.ahother State to test there'
thel,legality of imprisoning its
Customed and -unsuspected, of. crime, may,
be hunted:Mit of.that other Slate like a loath
some Criminal, and compelled totibendori his
'Mission to save his life,' : • ,
• III." . :We:rirefer a Uninn 'wherein every up=
right, inoffensive citizen, trtsirspected'Of
.may safely' count, en :the: protection of the law
and its ministers 'in every. portion of oar cod!).
try, and onlrbe subjected. to detention or -in
jery Ahrongh the qUiet and peaceiul, Operation
of the laWs. • . . ' •..
IV.;' We prefer a Union in Which a Senator
of the United-States -shelf. not.. be subject:lo .
ruffianly assault and beating . on the door of the
'Senate' for words-void Of .personality rind con-.
seientiously Spoken
We Prefer ti .Unicio wherein. every in.
noceht Man shall be : entitled receive
wages . hf his own labor,: and ;not see his wife
and children sold.aunY trom him..wbenmeither.
he 'nor they are accused. of any wrong.
rong., •
' VI. We'prefefa,Union wherein the praises
of freedom shall not be shouted . by : men who
stifle liy violencethe 'expi e . ssion of 'iny senti- '
ment 'which condeinns their-Iniquities; and who
make iI a crime to teach room; childi eh to . .
read and write.. • .
In Short, while.we desire and ettuggle for
the•restotation of the. Union at ell' r vents, we 'l
prefer that it should be Uniformlily a 'Uniori of
lreeme'n. , Whit can ih,ougtitfully wish it, _
tt f' , Union,' o slaves' than freitineir.
sp'ealt; for. him'haVe '
• • HO'keasy it...would be to parallel all 'this ae...
. •
cusation by _recriminations! 'How easy to.show.
that no nation has been so free as ours front
the verrerithes here alleged', whielt attach not .
to our Constitution:Or conditions of truion, but
to human nature itself, If the hypocrite and.
denigogue sherild cry out tfdainst, his country
beeinse he.wanted a governinent •where' sick..
Resit, apd.'sin' and • death. shout l not enter,
awhere mothand:ruSt should not corrupt, nor.
ihieVeS breakthrough and stlN;i;".lie . tvoilld be
mocked at Tet Ithat. better. ii the•accuintion
of the Tribune.? Disloyal and ,hypoeritic in
the aggregate, it is false.in 'every
Examine the counts . Of the indictment •
• .I. ttlV.e Prefera Union in which =a - beloved
yresident.may travel
. without perilyof assassi
nation:" This is an attempt to revive,' by. in=
Sinuation, the silly story ofd plot against Mr.
Lincoln's in February, 'Gt. Mr. Lincoln, .
himself; Showed his contempt of:Ore.:story, "by
sending his wife.and children upon the railroad
train .WhiCh was. to turnish. the'. 'scene of the
conspiracy !. Attempts, were • Made to-asSaSsi
nate Gen. Jackson 'under the Old Union, •birt.
We•never heard of a Democrat who resolved to
abandon:the Constitution on' that 'account, •
....11..4cWeprefer a Unidn In-which Mr. Hoard,
of Massachusetti, maybe permitted to plead
the cause of negro rights in
out mob. violence.", 'Yes; bet-why not' udd--
Where Smith, of SouthC'arojiita, can 'plead 'in
Boston the rights of a:Southern mastsr;,
out- reqiiiring the'ahl.of the Federal soldiftry
'protect him in his coursei ;
• 6 6 1Ve prefer': a..Unitin where
. a citizen
shall be deprived. of his liberty only through
'the operation of.the yes; and where:
no Tribune will be heard advocating'thob,vio
ience.against newspapers br free discussion,
or exulting over , the arbitrary arrest and ini
kisohtnent of citizens wilhout proeeis.of
IV. Wa 'Kati' . a ..Union Sumner
sball'net be caned for, i.iturdb.spe'ken.ie.debate:"
The Man who caned §:unntie'r . wits4;xpelledfrom
Congress,' indicted and fined.. We'shoUld Tire.
fera. Union in Which a Senator. Should. he elec
ted upon rcirne•clSisn 'other:dhen•
been Whipin.:ll:, • Bet h• xv hat-grace does this
complaint. come frOM:ri,print. which Pit radii&
the threat that Cori
greys .should dare . to'whiSper - the..subject of
compromise' in. the Uouse;' ) :the'll'obr.Wouldhe
reddined•with blOod." How Aare a prinGWhielt.
revelled 'in terrorism a Year, ago, thus snivel
over .an expiated oltenee six years old i•
prefer a Union, where:an innocent:
man shall receive his wages . ..." Yes t yon
hove passed .yOnr.:life• conspiring against : the
landrer, 'sacrificing' his freetioni' of trade, to
your s schemeS of protectiop: 'owing to -,yonr -
Policy; .the .farniiabOreis . or • •tnechanio: . Whi)
sends . a . eargo . ..of provisions 'and mannfactures•
abroad iworder. to buy foreign it oods' io 'return,
.fin'tis one-lb:0 of the'retorntrargo taken by the
dovr' c rnment . ..fOr . atities, in order to sustain or?
astificial system, for the henefit of New - Eng-,,
"We prefer. that no
forcibly sepera'ted.". Sodowe,Whetherin the .
',Union or out of it; hitt we 'ha Ve•seen the sys.
t4m of 4ldyery radually:r;,:terminated in over .
thri.e4fOnrths :of the.
.territories. of the ~Union,
and we will not ask revOltitionize. a govern_
* molt which.,, in done
VI. 46We prefer a.Drion'wherein the praises
of. freedom shall not, he
~shunted by men who
stifle by violence' the''epressioit of :any senti
ment . which
.condemns their. iniquities," • and
who ma ke„if ; a crime •te teach young children
to rcad.and write. " Yes, but it •is yeti
have IfekM•stitting by violence, the e'xpiesSioti
olopinion. It is you Who have made it
nal in newspapers to publish unWelcorne ttuths ,
who have.tfirowaetlitors'into risen, and stop:
. ped thet.ranslt of •journal% through thestnails
and•thiswitlieut evidence or the process Of law.
You want, in fiiniti Uriion in which negroes.
and, wifites shall be on aecqualify. Ilegie . tbe
work' et ,home t - Place negro compositors
yew' printing rooms, end' bring negroassibtanis .
to your editorial corps... Adroit negroes to your
pewi in church, •io' yOur:orpnibuses -in the
Sfreets;te your scliools.', Do riot go into North
Catalina to enforce ri-systeM of ripgro•teachine .
their, at•the poinf of tliC bayonet, .when,: in
Your, own pity, not all the bayonets of the•
militia could Jorce the, acceptance •ol 'negro
pupils, try your. free' high schools
and ladlei' academies., • - •
The old . tfnicin and,. its glorious Copstitution'
appear 'better and brighter, as ..we's . view :these'
microscopic' spots' upon the surface. It woe
desig — ried'io 1)..! the • Unian amt.co-rrarivieraldpof
States, with .differet4 , and indepentleMS'iystenis:
It has worked nobly. •It ii.turizi‘'es the double
consitiraCy of, sectionalism against it, it wilt
yet. he, the model, to which the..nationd of the
Old IVorld kill look, and:Which will . ; leave to
eioch its autonnini, lIMILyet the.whoie in that
harinday and peoCt.,
,which,affords•to eneh.rfrt
the lii;erty. of its freest developnMent:—Alldey
Union Coriveution in Washington .
. ,
. t'eunry. K..enfack)'.'pal6ed..dniong-allters. 'the
reSotittioas: • ,, 3.• That the course p 1
• • rnile .•• ,
the radical me n in Congress—tne. , ar, 1110
3VIIAOIIS.and Ihe Lovejoys:— s , 'to
convert the glOrions t'rititnphs•cif thr nation. into
harren•vialtries, emit hat in' fin,. opinion of,. i his
ineeting.the meaiiiresiiropeseil4 three Intim i-•
ca I men are. •inoruilangefnits' to our instil ti flows
than all the maul efforts of 0-meitteliel.ciii cow
tlict with_ the nilliott.
.We, therefore, tleitninic'e.
them astraitois and their proposed legislation.
as tlenson. and We. indorse and ap-.
pluud.the pat rtotie. efforts of on'. venerable and
able Representative from t jet, the lion.'
,C. A, Wiekliffe,.directell'against their .mitlig..
fiatit and treasonable. antl.revengefu'l
nd'We'alsoegterid otir hearty appfohatioit. to
the,eniireKentacky. delegation in 'Con'itreses,
with - the.Hon.Garret - Davisin the Senate,'und
we here avow that, they truly represent the
sentiments of the Union men of the State:
"-I. That 'the restoration of our gloriuds Union'
tipoO ally other priticipleS that thnve oftheCon-'
stitutioll as it is, Mid the Goveintnent as it w as
is ittter4 : . iinpOssible: A consolidasted dlnvern,.
merit may he fohned, with' a-standing army to..
'Sustain it,.and ruffian soldiery to execute its
diets, but not 'a tree Government. And with
all the energy with which we lave our count ry,'
its peace, its prosperity, and its.happinesS;
appeal to
, the President and 'to 'Congress; . •and;
we. dernand 'of • them • than they stand
by the Pledgest they hav'e giVen . us. We „call
'upon the wholepeople'to rally. to. tho" support
of the itistittitions as they;earne to, us from the
hands of oarttlustrid'us and :venerated . ancestors
and by conventions and public 'addresses hat
they.itopial, to the men in power to ' withhold
their hanil4 before, •it the: madness of party
triumph, deitro . y this most •glnrinus.lahric .
of human' freedom, and cause the, noblest institu
tioniotthe earth down into the, dark
night of an
.-A RK,III. AND 11-11.11) en.i.s;;:•:..L-One of the
most nreinitient" end otigaciOns or the
or northern imlinnit'.writes., tisRA
think thq.sicieS lOok bright with jug. Every
thing appears to intlic . hie u real', and . ..rapid
change in popujer sentiment upon the sectional
questions which have' hitherto
Oistressed the vonntry, - cause'" of the
Union ndvelleeS;- . -1//,diatte, •
Enltstineptss In.ttie Army
(rep,) dr N. .Ij., introduced :a bill.
relative in eidierinentii the_ rimy:
yrOvides: that' - s.shen necessary to .
make forther: enlistinentsiih'iiPreelileht:' is an:.
..(heriied;'hy;pr:tielerorition.,•to call oir atjtiersons
AO hunt distinction' Ofrace; . etdoi.or .6anditien
to 'enliOt
'The:. bill 'forther.provides 'that:every slave
enlisted wider speli'proclannition of the. Presi=
dent shell he ever ... thereafter free, and entitled
to 'all. bountlee,privilegee,Rie., of otiter.suldiers'
in the a riny, ' ' '• • • • -••
The.bill..wril referred, to, the ,Committee on
Atilitn'r : i A lfairs. •
• r
ißy llr e • abov e it appears,that J. he .
licensed Abolition bufhion.of the. Senate,.' has
liihroduccil a bill, inovidini for the enlistment
negroiis—both free anit slave,' and of. all the
. 6ffscarrinf :soelety i .intd the regidar army In
what. light the army:May : vii W thiabaieassatilt:
upon its.herrtnl'ore tnternished - honer.,sve are
not prepared BOt we• ilo not hesitate :
io . .a . sse rt. that' the. §'e nistor - . :Who has the efricni.:
tei•yi anflhardihoCe.l to:, tirorioie ancli d bill for
tbeaupport Oint•neceptance of Senators !eke
sentitig white :permit.; is not only 'veitjof com a
men sense, but evinies'a total Ignorance .of the
high sentiment s 'of.honer and patriotism :1,04 . 0
have distinguished the character ofthe:officers
of. our regular iirmk; and have re:0(4;1.1(1'11mi
army so capable and.ea . A . vorthy . to supfroit y .et
home 'and tihraili:the honor of .the American.
attenipt, on. the part of,e dorpiea
ble'apd tztov'F;ling, io.dignice the
brave Men r.i.ho have so tiloriously aphettl thP
hepoi aptl:integrjty of the, UniPP iv ndilitinnal
evidence, evidence were: weitteiVoldlie
iirstute fatiaticisip•of the•tiumeronS,legislat'ors
in Cong . 'ress,wito dila) , prove. themselves' by
their leitislatjotra dis4race,th their eniintryand
to thetr:Plyn rare.' , • • , •
This:wholesale engralling :the negro Pie.
OrirUit into our army, as proposed h:y the New
Humpchire Senator, •prrsages revOlution : ln
our tiiiiitary , and civil:organization, MS tilsellSt
in.% as it wouhlprove,disgracelul.. IrprOmises
future negro officer'sin ccirriniiind'of white sol
diers—promiscuously mixed • tip in the ranks
with mulattoes and negroes !
it prOmiSes to our AbolitionjUdies negro ne.
'social es'upon Ihe bench I •
Irpromises,to oitr Abolition representritives
riegrO ..colieagues in the Senate and in the
It 'promis'rs our Abolition lawyeri: negro .
*rantilero at, tho. bar, and to our AbOjition.par.
scnisnfro brrublers:in the • •
.It 'promigeg to INIT. Abolition. pl4ricians,,not
. neiro patients, but. riegro rivnls in the" healin,..
It promises' our white.laborera . : negro Compe
tition.in eV err 'departmeiit of itichistry
It promises oar white' women negio hiis
hanila. amalgamation and the deterioration end
degradation; of the ea iie4s4ln race! , '"W hat
-does it promise, thatiti.not'ilispe'ragiiigi'fittmil
idting:disgraCefolGu tile white 'Man tike
however; kit at the' hottOm.af.P,irolor'es
I;ox;itMalees one'redeetni rig prorniee to a merit
otiose,' and insulted pe'Ople ; het the
Iptien oriAholititin etlitois in the place or : the
White,IPTI('VIPS, who'. Worse, Aliaa•nigger sea.
venzei.s, : daily wallow in !lie' filth tif . r iltitir
ttf. rada t io Pat
- Ttsr.irs• ITT . STAR VINd -ViirilM .1.-Nrif•llltlinici
—Si. • Louis. June 10.-James Itl. - - Yeatmatt:
.president of •theWestere Sanitary . Comneksion,
this Arterning.. reeeivetl f riAlispati.h..fr in Gen..
litilleck,stating that the lihnilreds• 'o as omen
and iihildre'n in .t he v,ic. •• inky 'of his. operations
. •-
-are in a starving, condition; their husbands and .
brothers,haVing elf been pressed: into the re • bel .
'servjee and rObbed of eVerything, : .and appeal,
i • hg.(cy the citizens - of St. .I..nujs for :relief - for;
the sufferers: . Mr..Y . outman - laid GeneralHal
leek's dispatch before •the Union 6 Chritnliur of
Coremercei . and $2,000 .Werth of- 'previsions
'were -immeOjetefy Subscribed, 4n ti ti - :comtnit tee
appointt4l to 'receive and :collect food, or Mon
ey tn 1 , 4 it with„ - . Similar .. .peoreedings 'were
.had at tlie old Chember•of Commerce, antjlib.
oral subscriptions' of Provisioner. aril - money
made. The citizens generally. are also fur
nishing. large sepplies,.rMd frotri present appear
antes' the' hospital steamer. j.tinivesii, which
will leave for •Plitshurg Landing to-morrow,
'Will be • heavily laden
~.w ith food Ter . the
•sufferering. southerners.:-- - Contributiohs
fin Mother points addressed to :Brigadier Gen
eral Collum, chieJjof•etaff -at Corinth,
.will be
properly-distributed. . • Money k not required,
as there are.no provisions
. intlie country to purr
time. has come when the men who are
,for maintaining',. the 'Union uotkrolcen, itt its
whole territorial extent from Canada ta.the
Gull:of.Mexico, and front Arsine to California;
Moat anite•inlhe common effort cof that glOri:.
Otis object. , In . .nn'other.Way can it 2be achie
ved. .-Disunionists, Ninth :and South are,a'ct 7
ive, vigilant,. and' us the — war apparently : op -
prOaches a termination,:tht;y. become 'more:de.:
termined to seek its.prolougation and',lo.leep
up a . .imstile • feud between the' secliens, wiach
shall end in !.lie4istiointion of a pOitiMi of'.the
Stales. Apinst the constirnation uf .this tin;
. . , .
holy Scheme good and true WAOn men most be
united. tysuc•union ..4310 can: the suit's•'
6i"ists"o 604.6Y111Patitize-rsind the Aboli
tionists and their.sympathizers be toilet .and
the Unitin saved; • •
4.4 •
Sim:rm.:RN correspondent
tht. arm} , ol Gen.
~. ..mr,iiritinerejli.ltilti:tr u nsao oo li in ..11;lenni,hs
thit rtilimie 13f ai.hfilly irahilieb 0; ...ctipies!
sold liin..newshoy
ienueent IMnitetliidittlp.uNhiii a hear
ter in payni;nt thernrof..:lle•'look the'yoin in
his .fusto . nighe4l,look :at it, .•iind.
•thiugt breeches: pocket, 'with tlia r,
marl ,•+iHoirit Pef;n - anjr . or' 'them , forsn
Py . e.foiint . how :sihey ..To : : make ihe
elinnge; pptikel
.IMrienonee el w hieii
made me atlirst believe inyselfin the preseite'e:
of a millitruyrire.• •
• ftc careless manner .of tooth:,
remhokd tee, not :t4 , but of
a wealth) furnuerot droveri,who hall just Atie- .
['Used' of a year's . crop 'of . .a .thOuvand • head' : of
cattle: thought, hi hitd mistaken the value
of theledin:l.had WM . eMI Was' about. to
give me 'saute eteiongo .
t4ked him how .rotiehMaimy he hadi' nut know:'
irig - but lie % 'might. have. contemplation the
Ourchise of..the Feder fleet, • or.some c)ther
&Orifice. enterprise. He Mplied;', , .f4‘tween
three' mid four dollara,:".et the:erne tithe hand=
Ing , ' me, three soles of .the cleridrninetion of: ffi.e
cents each. myifery, wee now eoiv'ed.-6
Before nee iraw:a : double handful of corifearate
The'effeit. °ranch' ns this all bu.r
siness man inlheNorth will rendily'underaiand
The.priens' of c;yerythin,;:toi:. Months' hn.rn been
inflated to anexteht:ulMost f4hUlous. Tw!;nty
fur hon . rdirig that con•he had in
6.iucinnati 'for lipi--thirty...dollarstor a pair • o r '
bout's tint trorth.six, nifirle - .o!- dint
and clothing: in proportion rutifederate noted nt .
par; but gold and sil s vor sixty per cent . , pie..
one ulthe unfa.bnrnahle' mysterlis of
Southern finances: cI . . • • ' • •
T.Ocn . rioN .131:st : r.Tini;171:631 A1101.1 ; r1ON:alt in
. .
becoming more and, vivre imparent that among
the other:' evils brought upon . the.cjiuntrY :by
ebolition politica'and indfigife. fnuat,ie counted
ckceasice,.t . ax4finn: The' preient ':Congress .
have'voted one, inillionAjild 'dhoti . . for. the'negrO
'in the District of *.tol . thn s Ida, besides other • toP-..
pr.opriations Jor his benetii in quantity yet
know. this, Must be raised by taint ion ;
Then, it. is eitimattUi. th'at iocopo blacks ate
:in the aggregate in c'irted by.doverninent . at.
varioli points; in tattiest. total idleness. Say
ing nothing ot.elothing, She "'rations" of ' this .
at a:coat of 20 cents oaCh, amounts to
120,001 a .ady 'orstil..3r . keyed of ..401-
latiper annum-and this vast sOin must also
he raised by taxation, Money being
spent,evil paytnent.must be prOvided,..
4s.llo"egrapirw,the specioliA
the (onus in which- t tax. inn coricealedt
is.stirefo'hdirop.sed, an./ sure to:fall.eo the,
ce . of the North. 'The laburs!' of the.
Adoditioifisfq and ultra Republicans,
tall fld- black tmin,7: may be aninme4l . :tip,
then,.ac 11irough::tvbkh'
iitipo,C and Lik hoidens furred by rrtillioph
itn Noi them carntal . and Northern InhOrJ. • •
. As do .off.,,t !di his ; what [malt iii Fcalify
. oecofifi , lbdied for. the ne'gio't j.et the danrir
gogues - iriake up their awn inventory know
no . t.wlioie to 106 k for hem:llls . to. the' •hlachs .
equiyalent ta.llle !iistnters
to white Lraio 7I• •
• SI.1VF.111" 'firkg. CA o 1 tile: .
hoe 1 1 0.
eorrien invorkte•rirgnhient wiih certnip A boil! i
olikts that .‘ele very. in the cause' of the war,
au!s therefore slavery tolet:be removed in orthir
:1 1 0p . to the war..' Weltenrd theorit.ii;
. meet very happily disposed of by a i‘euthttl
plisson. " • Ile Ill*PITI:e to understand the nnern
ion . of, I.IICII a • rinkitjon. said
he, in vernacular; “am' Ob wur, nn
OtlV,ht to wintimiii, den de if iglin atn :caws
olvsleee , y'ao':olytt. to wipe •not
!liar %contd, he nn war vvidout Ala . rin.
An' di! nig
ga T ' 17,11t0 keer itru .yon don't :no.
. . .
Nr.mro letter It urn nn int•elligen
Officer of Own - I.my says there nre two'sides to
the negro spy question.. IVe have siiffred
More thaii we have gained from them. • 'Many.
Of .the inost intelligent of theitt.huve-iie'en• in
dui habit ..al visiting. both ''nitniesottril II va
carried nit rot irons :information to: the
which have beetiOf grant injury to us.'. 'Sritnr%
0 ( ti l er() have been for a longtime .Most suc
egssfolly-dsarl by.the. rebel genc;ralS.:as
and from this spilt ce they, hove. 'derived match
of their valUable information,' which it'-has
been'supposril, was communicated' by traitors
at. Washington and eliewbere'.. There. n re' only ,
a very small portion of the:gontsabands;.how r .
ever, who are to be relied upon,
,as a .gertirril
thing, by either side; and of 'coarse the retbeisi
'ore able to pick the . bust,' so far as intelligence
and reliability are coneerned.--portost Tty'gepr.
SWAIL)Ig •OP 4,CONTIIIUANPS,"--Ttle. C'.harri
bers!:) . rg ( r o .y sa3is: .
. .
. -
. .
' During :the last Jew . Jaya the roads leading
from the. Virginia line to this place 'have.betin
.4contrahands,”'l calciii,v, their way
.North. .:Numbers of, them, ten; have passed
throii 3 O on the railroad. .They. are:of •all ages
colors and sizes-:-from :,the gray-haired -Slave
tjaya of usefulness to his
master;to the infant in arms—from the ebony
hired to the light olive hrown- . ..and are of
close tjeAreeS'Or many, of then . )
quick- and knoWing, others lazy and
pid. - Seine'• of theindiave - passed throngti .het
!ninny are still 'quartered 'among..the iiegre'es 'of
the town, 80111 e. of the houses being crowded
almost te..sull*ueatioli, - _ • •
d lc a riled 'll latnirdicteoi
ni g lil B , and '
..Y•oo 19: I . 11111 1111/1111" 10 • colltesi 'dn. and Ian): O. a
titian *yot 041 lisp. I "r
was told that his lqed rot) , ',1,%;o11 1 (1 put an .
1 . 1111 v iy n 4fdild (top coup dry
Trib;;';,,iiii urge: tnaj y ofl'ie . ;v
l ' . ,. )fli,ll4:4lold(clin I, nrlur e coiifrrped it:' , ' I dori ' t:
pretendto kilo 'rnocii . myselfc.but . I' a.tippobid
our .lcudetilotii; grid 11,1)eli e'rcd t . • .
I votei.Clor ,Lincopf,
t .
hettiti thim evt.r if FrifICOPI ii , tis added. 'llntir
bill thAt'f.,might betler hove the l .
which would Pighi:. • : • •
1 nin'not'n• (* . givO: -
inyjand to . my
them to. li , ti:;oa:fs'inn. L ....Tha li•ad . ortt , told me
that-each of tny.hOys.:shilltl.:.hiivO 160 , attain
when Lincoln.: ‘s;a e . uree tea t ' , :,I,l l nOr ladO
. or• thew sleeps in. m 411. 9 .01 1. at Fort
and the othot' in in , the..tiopttal arillipttnd : pit
• Alterineol t ed. tiOd t fairly
tho ..Crittenden . couiproinifi •
adoptoih. hut Ilia leaders persuaded
that.. Miey aske..d.tiOn ...i.if:t.,:wanted • to:
fiea nninliood;" lirenit tho; .!.c.4ro . at
poily ?.'-' • .; ..I. , .;tII‘IIVI S nor' , -what • to
, .
Then .they' the South wep . only
"'gusting'," and ,that ;w a could 1191.:Icicii.her. out
of the tbliaa,;;ltl:we. ehauld ,try.• ..T.liat. ail the
,secession 'theta was ,only *Taper teeeMsioti,:"
and %void 'etatni: to no-1h ingi-.'•:..Ttia they
ahnuld tie'eede, we would-be biitterwithotit : het ;
nod thnt . if . .%;‘;e•-*antedher buck, it o'liiJ only'
be the.job of- half a day toi Ityit§h her into
That the whole Warld,Cetite'eially
England and Fiaßee...wOuld
aidea ,*ththe":l4'rtli f • All this, : twil''inueli
171 0,je or !Ilq , mooe, spit, .our,loetders
• waa : deeelvoil o ,,iitiil•letEircirn.one ter -
tible iii ' l§takt) to anoth'er., - . •And'ull
and upop ail of' I bes the :
Democracy tail : me the ttutlt:- 'll would) . - /inve
been '•innell.bei tar n'tefand '.forlbitco•antr,y ,
II I; and, alt • of 'as,. ha, been: Pemoetatti!-,-.
The•n•pulilinan•Aliolitioti. idetr, which .the.:
ilisoaottists . .contiattaily'liaf?oPontia, .that.the,
pettmeratic:patt y nod tiirt . Volowilf•e'.dead
t ether. "f hey thiaillotitifk•th'O'::)ik.e;Of:ihe.
Union witiithe'Vtfeofl4l;Detticterakparty,--'
Their'aims and tlejr:Oroilv.afe.dirooted io the.'.
destructiot.olbotit. :.Throagh'l.4a Democratic,:
partY.theY,aim a tleatit,bio'iy-at'fhe'Uhlon s7 —
Cali if; (hey.
Any eno.neyer be restored'. , • •
ibis • fiepoblieun'-Abolitiati tear ''upon,' the
Democracy is a wnr i npon the..l.lniorr. All troO
nail KenuiOn friinds
in ace this as 'cica'rlY ;as they: : disOorn tiro sun.
light,anil hence, t hey arn..raltylng
and ten timustt'atis)u . the i)eomeratin . standard,
pnt,fOr'tao sake of. Patty; ,li'nt for`the sake of
the nod ;the. :Coos fiintiOn r
BOuti, rice'
ilig to destior:
t .riminiv nett ( . 7illmielA:gliby:s kj11.604.
flirt !ate. citgrtamylon(ripArlfarrisoiibufg,' l 76.;
the Philqll,iiptilti:/i1;111/1(ie reiniirks •-•
the conimeneetnent . of the . rebellion,
Ashby lies' beim:orisi • (4 1 -the 'most, formidable
Opponents' with whom our ton'tfhave,lieen called'
upon 'to contend.. Perini,lahle tio(ottly froukthe
and. - dar . itig• of his comman d ,
tindibered, accordini: to tebell (hority, 2$ full
companies,.. hut .arso on tqcOtitit of,Ohe ;Oat
,eotirdkii; nhillennsrilnent
" popiils,rity
among the eithensiif the valley
'A I waya the first' in' ihe:ailyauc t o,iyas:ever
in the rear upon "relt.rtiat,.Shil.•e,V , e . ti, our own
troops here teal iniOny
Ashby ,yb,k yotinp irto'.wefililijrreEthient
Vitiittler eonuty,
es commantlet of •n shigleCOrnpans',...
ploits soari gaitte4 hinri notoriety;and the -
men of the voiley . 11a - eking: his . statute ril, .he
soot fiOnd.himsell'in..command of a .regitnent. •
. .
C .. R.I.IIINA.T. itr.Cortoriss's'.--All day .
teas diactisaing
,whetlicr 'Or
not Mei. Lee's,.fioase should he ustiiEns a Mili
rary,hiispi!sl, and' whether, or not qemilittike
allowed conirabandsuiside in• the army wag:o r ris'
SPleitil stihject these for the tli4Play tit States
manship I Such, debates, hoinir! - iree; 'ate. lhe
principal ot . .ciipatinn or the :eontemOtifiliqiiii"-
conip „o p , ot corig refla
of Jeff Davis has received more aid and corr.)_
lot t horn the : abolition legislationand . :CitrAtiil::
trilling tit pteseat jaelr.ass c)iintirrisS4finit
(relit• any other Northern 'agencyreieepqn . g,.
perhaps, the todirnl ribirlition Itarty',.Crkicheoh‘;
trots Congress, 'antt tries to 'control .. the:Presi.:
d en t.: li. all; matt.obtuinetUttfeir:•
,Centtresameri .wnithl.• rare likierbadly in this'
and - the:next../V:
A.NIkIIEW J. .ti,i.T.Alololl4Pl o , brother , . :of .01 e •
member' of Congress fro.m.Ohio, has , treen'tsken ;••
auClinion, .Missouri;'eharied horse Steeling,'
drivingrobbing, an 1' on't Union :men, ' end.. % Me. •
randini, bush whenkink,
ally.:—Vesterm • 0 ,
' •Th e'above, ns far no' letetei,tsith'eefrnerki
ber of,o(n,:greSs'froli) . ohfo ".'l3-43 04 .. T0 4 •
04 . m hisrlciuitt , /}retheT. ;•110'...hrinbes.s•.
alt-'lWe in Ohio ; atny hja4elt. 4sinest
men, 'anti have ve•ney",ir.' i.e . p.be•eiy,teilly s cif4lolstiskf ,
money fro•n 'ht. 1, flitc,J,Slagni• 0(001 1 X,.77 „
11101$ '<V .If
NO., :1;5: