M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, June 07, 1862, Image 2

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~ • . , .
• .
7, 186;2,
it! ?e 1 ' •
dolig - Yesi , .. :Read .rinki reflect.:.
;.: i,t he o.l' . .‘k•i•ii, on .1, L.
. : ' . oropora rily' s.
PV,1010111!.14t1119 • efirii Ty) en c \ire learn,
ab f r.reapiie!or. hi t nntr..e t:d for in he .
artielondritd fdel;.' itll three
bniiAied and wen ty expected, t ha l ?
re that: dent h , On Id it
ana,eoirelia‘log,the.%:Fork in 'eitargc
.'• hidden • '
'•' • • •
bliim N.' Hayne s . ‘y h n been .
meMber of Coner?ss in 'the Ninth'. fits.'
, Met gf,lllinoiai to fill the vacancy made :
. A • •
on, o en. o n . is ..a • em
fierYid gallnntir in the battle. of
• Pittsburg Landing, and reeeiveda'wonnd
• ‘itaidgied him. unfit. ;to. le:formitary . ser vice.
• - .. • -
•*, 5.2 ••••".• • LATtaT : DIEWfi ,
, . .
On:flanday; May,.2sth, Fterriant 'left
Yesolilip, and by Severe marehinX, croceed the
-:Shenandoah. Mountains, .ft distance 0f .. .0ne huh
dritd miles ...Art . tying on . Sunday at a point-five
miles from '$ en_eburg; he,Caina upOn . Jae.kson,.
e army, was ni . iep i,lly se
• leasible, moving the road from inc iesier
!teritraibtirg.'- The rebel 9enarel .opened with
artillerY`istied..the heed of our column
. - - riciern ail it came - in • sight; hut the . main body
;was .brought quickly up and . the line of battle
Armed. • : : Then Jackson declined the proffered .
.41 glit,. tit tea t ing his chief force,.. leeving
only si,auffiCient, number to engage our-froops a
short time. After breaking these in piecesi
,ioiSi.'rremont..tollowad'on.after Jackson - , occii.,
['piing • Sitashutg , on . Sunday, night,. at !.which
:gisiietie'!was close *in the , retreating army.
the.official, report of. the , expedition
against thelfobile - and ,. Ohio Railroad; -which
yet Out frtnOen..,Pope'e command on the.2Bth .
;:,It rea c hed Brinieville on Friday,:e let a
`" sayers 'march, and pioceeded- to dierOy the
.burnin . g . the• station, and -locomotives,
ionstiming a • large quantity . ..of auppliesi . and
.tehing.more •priponarirhan they could guard.
rebcla endeanrid to keep Cpl. Elliott,
commanded 'the expedition,'froM faCcom:
ilGhing hi. purpose, they running. cars with a.
targis force op : and do Sr n; the line of theroad. ,
' • ; ;.."There Wei:great excitement at Charlesto n,
on be 26th tilt,; owing to the approach
of the Federal fleet to within, eight miles, after
.giaaiiitittlicbatieries on Steno river.'
- . , just S
Vera from Gen: HaHeck's army i; exciting.
• • Ari Oteistdespatch from tie General himself
• tho. War DePart merit 'says Can. Pope.
Frith 40,000 men, had made his way in . pursuit
cif the,' - enemy fiat is, thirty, miles South of
• C4?iillthrood.tharhe had taken 10,000 prison
• 101,'„ 0,000 stand of tiring, 9 lociamotives and .
• ".etaar.oars. , A despatch from Cairo, says that
Gen. Grangerhas also taken a great number
of prisoners, but it ia
,notquite certain that the
• • rerairter had not confounded the operation of
Geri. PoPeand • one of the other offieers, ma
.kidgatt amalgamation. • • ,
' • Nowa . tram the, retreating JaCkson is not
wery explicit. - It is understood that Gen.
:toy sttacked•his rear guard on MondaY, a mile
'and a half beyond' Strasburg; that the enemy
held his ground and retired in good order after
ward.' ,Ifackson's advance' was at Newmarket.
• ' Thus, it:seems, by our advices to this'. date,,
• '.thit he has not been fairly overtaken:
• Gen' Dixhas assuained•at the command at
, :fort Monroe; he has removed 'the ,restrictions
on` .trade with Norfolk 'and Portsmouth, a'nd ha;
• Orderd - theAlscontinuence of the'post Ace ex
' groinations of letters 'which would appear to
tieVe been made. '•• • • •
• •In the Senate, yesterday, a joint resolution
oilseed allowing a premiuin of, two dollars for
every. accepied recruit to the, regular army,
initpermitting soldiers to receive their firit
month's pay; in , advance. -
,A joint resolutko
W . es, alio - pissed suspending all payments to
persons employed in .the' thipartment of the
• Virest, under the act authorising such payments.
~,.• the TA?C th en u p, hill was taking and e•tag of
halfet a po und cotton.wasta id; the at
. a mi
, „leapt to reduce. the tax on receipts of insurance
gomp;niei failed at first, but by a :reconsider
...ye-110h, finally, Prevailed... Some other . 'amend-
!petits were passed , on, and the Senate adjourn-
.`ln the 'House of Representatiees, the °motion
to reconsider the vote by, which the Emoncipa
iirinibill'Wea rejected was 'taken
,up. Mr. Por
. „ . •
who,mailcOhe motion, stated that he desir
ed the reconsideration in order to have the bill
•recommitted,: and e,substitute reported. • After
sotne.turther . discession'the motion,. to *on..
akder 'prevailed; 84 against 65. A barring
rebels.office.holderslroin.federalefficea forever
tatfirpassed by 31 majority. . •
..• BALTIMORE, June 2,
. ,A,.
respeetahle citizen of paltimore hes .jest
airived herne.frotplifincheaterl having escaped
Worn, thereon last thuriday;• .110 states that
..,oOtonal.Kenly and alargo portion of his..
Oland Were prisoners there tied that the teeny
rumors. ; that we hase'received with .regard to
• tile brutal : treatment ` of this regiment ere alto.
• ' , Either utilliondOd. :thelitories of burning the
•.. with them iivaltogether uotrue,
'''••••' • nettherof the buildings having been in jured .
J! - Ate!tiii'ii.oolOnei'lf,..erily. sitting up,in bed, w i th
Ort• hie beta: A number of offi eels of
k•• , • - ', :.'4,lll4'Skciiiitilks4ilondkigrere ot . lgrge on pa ,
rol. Tho ,
Pll b tiy7l," . .ilk in 4 .
_ . 5,0 0 0 . .
Rrls9 flex",
ffromSte (h•eriiw . Wtoehettm,
r. ti! Wikret the
1 1 4 1 1:iii;ik:4 1 t to:, ei Salerotug
!•M•t 01'4 YltOkteiii't . bet H.
HO, 41kb 441 61
~:f o mote
-t: w, as it
Will. Una t
• .
, • „
. .
•' • tiittr,annr.i.•it • k • ; June 2.
Iron. tens . rap..
.?nr,!et•n(T . .q.bnilo.ion. !ho,Lini!eil
:bn . ntillinpen..n (tor n - e, five bonts,•on the
I,l;tr t tci . Poit,. - li.dynf. n i I ed .
Q.:4lelknnp.: sni=t;
Aot•Engineei; Jono h , ;ntns.nnr'
•o* nt
'Ergin6 .on
:Hercargo. - yonsien of I in tiors,:tfon, nuolieioo9,
Enfi,l4 Shi!, brii4s mails
mud three
. , . .
. .
7 . )u . iiui the.cohfloi,tra t ton of .Cun ton, Uamerrhy:
lhe,..bOrnbardnient ..oPthe : extonaiu'e tue'ilionl.
ivarelotiso of our countryman,' Di: J. CrAYkii,.
o f lowell,:,(therdpimt• of. his ChP.rry . pectoral
a`ruf:Oarila'iriePill., i' nr Chlita)..ivat, tc;ially . iiel.
etrOke , l.. He nriw makes a .ifern,ind 'orlon our
GovortimOritlor• ihdeinnity,frorri the hiss of:,his
. ..
. . .
,trhneity . , and. henen will eraw,:a nat her . nut, . to
.craric with.ne~rother....johnny:•Stirk f 6
it Dortni; it :,if out Goverpriint . .rriatntain4
'our tights wite“iir.y r oitr.Pilts . -.atiln!. l . we than
. 01,15... b. liii(o . fer red on trams that are very bar..
'rah. ittefortner,„Trenton, N. J. .',. • •
" To,Eldre%l toivoship, June..olh;•VisLlN9A,
f Joseph Stull, .aged ays, moictk, unit
20 dap
, . .
Drstl,—ln'Warr.n, May- 30th 180'2, .0 . 1 Con'
stirrviion;:Mr'..ROSlVELL:BA TIBPR; ia:tit.
sociate'Edi!pr amt poofsher of ~ne:MclCran
24 yra'is and 4 =milli.
. . . .
• The deceased 1411.1bnin in Niagara Co., N. Y.
lie remove!!to this place . w hen riiiite..young and
was raised'and. educated 'among us, 'A student'
Of peculiar aptness, lie ' 4eqeiret. , an education
. .
such was 'scarcely ,eeialled by, any'of :his_
associales.,.. lie entered the . offiae cii .the War
ren Arail,lhen . .tioder..the , managernerit' of E.
Cowan, abobt s t be year 4S5:i . es , iitt apprentice
Yrorn 'alai time until he was driv.cn frorn it by
disease,- he yeptinneit in•the Printing busness;
1 in-the. Spring of 1.855, be became assoilateii
with .Y.. 13. oviatt i : Eitq., in.. thae . diturial
. and
huainess..management of the McKean County
Dimocrat. He continued hiacannection With
that.parier, „w,hich , tlaritig.„hia . admini!•tra.tio
watt atliterl with signal. a
lowing Spring, when 'the divra e Which . .has
. destro;yed . hislife, adthonitheir him,. to
seek rest irem, the confining and
.engrosing la
bors of a neyvspapqr Since•thut time
..he hes not beriohle tb engage in active:eni
plojrrnent. Gradually the pitiless, - disease that
had ..tastened Open his young' life; has' been
tightening Jai getup upon him.. He bore all
his sufrerings .Akiih herdic patience, and set
himself with philosophic confillence about the
WO* of preparing for his (ate.':
. met
Destroyer,. when he. came with unwe.i.ering
faith, and as one. •
wrap. the , drapery coiacbstout, him
And 401 , 4% to plop:kilt driatua. ,)
promising and .useful life, an intellect of
unuonialicateness end, riower, end a Warm and
generous heart, hive • been given to the
ion of the grave, , by the aid elient which we
here record.' Piaci to the ashesi of our !
Although the above announcement comes not
entirely urierrpectediit . neverthelese
Puling his . brief 'Minn among ni• . Mr. Barbor
won tbe eatiem andNfirrn friendship of a large
circle ...of arqueintancea; Who . , now's have to
nintirn his untimely .fate. •• • ' .
h..mentat ability and marly de.
ceased was richly • iradoWed, and would; had
he *enjoyed health', have succeeded tri a sphere of
honor and uSefulnesi: , from our 04 accquain:
tancs. with him Was:.evid•M.thei ccniump .
lion had : mark : id .him as hrii own, and 'his !lays
were already nu . m6ered; indeed,,thia wee hie.
own .eoriviction. He however never corn.
Illained o
,r nurrnured,:but hor s e up under the de '• :
eree of fete c etrivint to discharge life's chafes
to the best of his •
• or..4v;AasT.pßior.,i s
• .114E.D , TIMES :MADE EASY ! • •
•••, . • •
twould respectfully announce to the citizens
of McKean end • atljoming counties that they
ean . do as• well in 'Smethpnri,in the Sve and
Tin.Vi•are line..as •in Olean." . I shall, at all
times, hive on hand a large : stock of •
Sllcot.-I.roia: C cepporsi”Wariae.
Rol Iron. . House.keepers liardlare, &c. &c..
J6l) Work, • •
of ell kinds done with dispatch, and in , a sans;
Tory, manner, at the lowest possjble prices.
,Orders prorimtly attended to. • ••. • •
Give me • rt• call—at the buildinst known as
the Milian)* Store—opposite the`Post,• °face..
Smethport, Pa.
March 29, 1862. J. NOURSE,
• . Proprietor.
rtiu•StIBSCRIBER has opened a new Lie
* . ery. Stable in Sinetliport, at 0.. R.. Ben . ..
nett!s Old Stand, on . Main streei, „just enet of
Mchaniee', where can be fotindrtie best 01. Hor
see and Carriages at low priess.• He intends to
make SmethPort I •perrittinent .residence, and
asks a share of patronage. -."." • , • *, •
Smethport, August 24, 1860.• . • n 2311.
. ,
Aul,best and .ni , ist • r 16tble Isehlon Mega toe Di . the
le)rld.: Deist the largeet Mid finest Pashlen• Pintas'
Der greatest number]. ot-ener Engnivings, the latest and
meetrellable Information, three full-ailed • Patterns for
Dresseelee., am/ a ektoet of new tirade-Work and : 'Bram'.
der./141.11AltfOl. /leery Mother, Dreesmaker, Mitlenor
an4Aedy ;should hive It. •Publistted, QtiarterlY, at 41d
Dratederay, time Tork, eald everywhere or cent by mull.
at. tents. Yearly $ l., with a vahiellsepremlum. .•
: The Bummer number now,
Trial List for June TP1111; A. 11.' 1802. •
C J t9 . 1 . A . VA Wm LGibooti , .
DA Easkorbrui , k, , yri 131111101111 td
'obion• •• • I . :y:4.11 1 i V1,'511.0.-0.14 • , •
AOlOl ShO4 ••, ' ' $i • I) f•Ongto•trlo : •
sam,o'utip . ofj C vq.Jared•Curlik • - . .• ,
QtieUrn •,, -% 4: J. fl Bid:Lo o k. co - , ••
tr Pi ••1; o ' • s •Croemgo •
ToCin'n ATM Utbre.. ! Cotton •• •••• *.
Fl4l li aolth , , .• • 'c:iSoinMonllo.rt - wi•ll •
J p • Cfark' ' • ' - FrankliniPtilicr: • •
Gideon Iron , .'A.'f Aldrich clll • •• '
Shool-Gistrict of Itradforil • •;••••• Jos le Clark , • • •
.heels .* s: • .• Win •
Chi< " '- • • , •vs Geo S. Cortt.on •,.! • . '
Wm Iteach• • • IlirnmPayno • • •• •
liumbot Co •. vs 1. t Fonter • .'
Wm ft Plel.ca John 'King .- , • :
•• va baniellirngslidry.. • •
- flank of Port Jei% is .• • • •
. • ..
Wallkill goOls • • .vo • m u te . •
S ilrowu Conde. of Walker.va InKlzhohy •.; ,
1.1 cl Googol) tino•ofJoKilli. l . • • •
Moon ••Vert • lV Mvoher• • • . •-
.John , ••• . c.'s / Cnniel Kiloolthry .
I; Btantoll:Adin'n" • • , va , J A AtaWriOn • : , • •
.J Coen for KoatiNcet Ltiw,gon el:d11 .• •• • -
J Norse Ilito • oheriff for 11 . f t• • •• • • '
.• • :44 Con v.• Corwin niol - McCoy
.Ilay - dnlc• use of Oho Fiuldo•vs, U . It . • :" • •••
• JZIO. K. Protli,y.
May 4, 18112
, .
. . ..
- AllAle . es,on's are, :from thi date', forbid Ilan,
borin'z'or IrostiOl,.my.. wire,D,e'ts.ey C.Ones: ai
she.' has lea my bell and board
,wit 11(10 eauie
_ • _
• .
pievocaticin: COMES.
.A . prit 24, 1862:.' • •;•.
1 - AT .H.E.REAs.Oe-)10.,.. 'lobe rt• Yl'hite
. V V presiiientlifilge,•and 'the pone. • J.-. Dar
Assoc . iate . Judges of:the.
Courts is . fOyer Terminer- anti 'G ! meral • Jail.
Delivery, Quarter- SeSsions . or,:the. Peace; • OrL
phalli' Court and Cntirt . of ;•Cotritnnn Pleas for
thecoutity of INl?lteatt linissited theirprecelit,
date,. Feeentht day •of
Mariihydn:.the -year - of . our Liiid 016'1110w:
Sand eight hundred and aiaiy-two; and to me.
.directed; foi a•• Court•lif Oyer. and .
Terminer •and ,General -"Delivery, Quarter,
Sessions 'of the Peace, 01 phana' Court, and
Court Sof
. Cmornon 'Plea's, in •the• iforoUgh' of
Smetliport, on Monday, tho.3otii'liair of June
'next, and to- continue. one .Week.
• • Notice iii . therefore hereby .given to the Core
ilusticeso:fr the - , ,Peace.tinil C'onstables
Within•the county, that they be then..and there
in, their: proper peracins; at . 10. o'clock:;41 „ N. of
said day, with their. rolls, records, inquisitions,
~ exifininations, and ..other remenibrareer, Ito do
thrise things Whieh their officeS appert nib 'to in
'done. .And thOse- who are bound by their, ree 7
ognizaricei to . prrisecnte the pi isoners that are Or
.shall he in the. jail, of , Sabi : comity 'el It'llCean,
a re .? r) be, then and 'there to lifoseCti te ,:against
them as' will he•jiiiir. . •'. -% • ,
Dsted at Sinetliport,. this 7th dig nCMa'reh
:1862, and the 86th • year . • of the IrApentl--
; euce of-the United Stiites:of. 'Arneric.ar, •
•• • • • • . Sheriff.
.:.::..., MANHOOD:; -- '
. .
just Published, in a Sealed Envelope. Price Siz` Cents
A littyruitn . ti:v TITY, NATITIIE.I , IIEATHEfiT , AN)
Radical Cure of ripermatorrhoea. or Seminal Week n. 511,
luVoltlinery Seanal Dnbiltv. and Impedlinenis
to Marriage generally. Neiv..utiness onFunnitloti.'Epi •
;tipsy ind - Yita; Mental ind PhYsical , Incapacity, resull.•
lag frouvSelf.t.buan. kc. host. J .CuLysawct.t.,lll:
. nf the Greenlloole, '• • • '• •
• The world.retiowneit author. in this admirable Leotero
clearly yroi , es 'from his own experieriee that the evriul
conlequelicee of il;rilf.aliuie mayl4 effectually removed'
without rnediclne, and without daegernue eurcicsl erre..
tions, bongles, Instru nentS, or cordial.. pointing
ont .1 rode of mire. at once' certain and effectual, 'hy
which overy...nffiror, nn matter what . hie condition may
'he, may cure himself cheaply. privately. and radically.
TIM lecture will. prove a bunn'to Abousauds and
;. .
Sent tines,. seal, In s'plain envelope, trt any address on
receipt of six cents, or, twe poetene stamps. he addrilis
lag...". Dr..t11Ati , ..7 C. MANZ, '
127 BoweirYi New 17osttlifice 110.1, '1586.
Tho. Coral:fpsions' an d'E:r:perienoce
of an Invalid
• .
het ant a caution to yoUtur men :rho, eufferfrom Ner
vous Dohflitv, Premature Decay, &0., eunplying.at the
seme time the tneene of Self• Cure •fly one who hal cured.
hhnielfafter. 'neint pot tnereeteepe*se through.pedleal
Ampnqition end tinaokory, fly enelos(nei poet-paid ad.
dieFsed•onvelope alms anpita may he bed of the su•
them.. NATHANIEL' 31AiNFAIli, .Eeg" Bedford. Ignite
County, N: Y.
(fitMO(6 I 2IBT4
. • A. B. ARMSTRONG'S. :
HAVING become the proprietor of the gro
cery and . Provision StoVe, lately occupied
by Wright, I tiike this method of in
'forming my friends that I have just received.
the largest stock of
ever offered — the people of . .MlCean county.
at prices which *unlit seem ruit.Ous at, any
other estahlishment. I•keep on , hand, and •are
in the ilailY_Ceceipt of • • ' . • .
TnEsrl nnouten PLOtilt, . ' ,
•• '. • • CLOVES. CRACKERS, - •
•• •• CANDIES, TEAS. &q., &a.,
My, stock is full and complete, and selected
from the best . in the market. Call add exam
ine price and quality, and you will not tail to
Smettiport, May 30, 1861,
' . 1 . :1" r;:: 0 1:;D !Ii: ..)r.S.'..I'9,NI::;ST,O,RE'
I - K. COMSTOCK.' :7.!
. . .
I old friends iu AleKeen . Ceunty, thitt -he is
on.heetrthis Sp; t,be . •
••... • '• LARGEST AND • DE§T.,••
Salaried sioc'k.otGooda ia:lhe-Olean Market.
Te Wholesale Cash Buyers I. Wouhl Say,
..1 .citß offer.S.cnr . htttter induceinents than yon
can.get west .New York:• ,
It tmakes nn.tiii!!renei•tvhat ynkyvant . ,. any
hing in the line.of•• • • •• '; : •
Call at. the
And y014 . .wi1l findllhe - article fresh end:cheap
It's no.usertalkieg. tbe
'aliveys has atid'alvrays will take the lead, and
rrgulate the market
. in • •
'G . e(yeektes:.4nit . l•PrOvisions,
Ohn'i fail to cell aee.rne when .yon' visit
Olean ; Vahan not hurt you, but ahalleertainly
,try ;to do"you.good, • ,
' • K. CO..M.S.TOCK. •
Olean, May 23d, 1800.'
.-.The commencement of a new year is a good
time for. renewing Subscriptions and increasing
!he circitiatiiin of Th.; Joninal 'of tornmerCe..—
We addresivorselves to' !he old iieaders'of the
Paper; . with . entirit con fi dence to
nesa•to aid us, and extend
. the'infloence cif . the
spend conservative principle and mnials which
hneelithertdch9raeterized and will hereafter
',characierize'this paper. EVERY SynWitIBER 10
,tho-.JOUCRIIfof Commeice might 'do agleat:
service to thise principles,,aad:orengthen ns
in our ability io 'suppoft ancicifoilite therm, by,
sending as the'rinme of:acleast one new sub-'
scritH,r.in hie town. •• • •
. . ..
• Devoted firmlypa We have been to our coup-
.trv. l s interestfi;•and having
,fone, been called,
"Tinion.gaveYs7al. a'terni of rejnoacb,'we are
and shall bedhe Um' vpboiders of
. . .
Oripo.iitg with,hearl.atid pen every man,• South
or Noith; who it an enemy to. either.. Every
form pl diaortcanization and revolution will find
us ready for. the .combat.' .Among the foes of
the American . Union and AMerican.prineiples;
we_rittik side, hy side • ." ..•
eid•we.propose with . all,"our strenethio defend
the.petion againsi - the at iarks ril•both., •
To..encou . itige thned who may volunteer to
aitbin the organization of Cittlis,.. we :hereby
offer ari extra-eopy' of the.WevklY•to every pet 7
stho shall loritVahl twenty new aubscrtbers
tbe..mangy:. • ..- •
inn . ): he organized in..Coinintinities with great
advantage. The present' ia the heat period for
their commencement. The ferms on :which
we can.filynisti the, paper. are ai follOws . :—
To'companies taking • •.* • . • •
. •
20 copie s or . upwards' . ONE•DOL:Le?.R.eacIi
8 co pies . , • ' TEri .
4 copies ' ~ • rti • "
3 eqPie3. . , •rtve • "
Under 3.iopies . .rwo each ' •
'.The "papers will he addressed to different
persons at the sanie Post Office, if desired, e]t•
cept in races of -dibs of 13. or mote cepies,.
wbicb. will be, mailed lo one address. • .
• ,-' APDITIONS• TO CLUB S' ' • •
May be muds at the.followirisr rates.:—.P.upers
added to a eluh.durinc the' first • quarter of , the
club's year trill pay the full rate of the orki
nal club for a year, during the ..second quarter
three.fourths of the original yeat's•rate, during
the third quarter one half,•and durirg the last
. quarter, one•fourth, ane all . such subscriptions
wilrterMinate with the` year of the original
From Holbrook's U. 8:-1Vr..il
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hers to which . they belone, with the postage
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postmaster, he stall deliver the same to their
respective ownets.
But this does - arip , ,ly.to' weekly newspapers
which chcidate .free in the county where grin:
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8:77 Addiess• Eflitorfi of , the
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-mer'eA,•No: 91 Won siroet•New . •r•
Circul at ton. 100,000:
QuOtatioue corrected by Tuourscm 131toTtrees,
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Subr . cribers •
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To Politmuiters or others, who form 'Clubs and 'for•
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ter ran ChareManua, and. Descriptive. List op
s'coptes of the Weekly, one. Year.......... 513 04 .'
-5 Copies of the 4 00
10 copip.of the Monthly ' 600 '
We will forward gratuitously to .any person
sending a'oltib •of• $2O at the above rates, at,
any one time,. our American Gold.Coln Tart
-Seale. Address;.• . •
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, .• , .
ro pg/1.,L, A „Y. ;Nour!,e, 1Y: Y.•lVlccoS', and
D V: Shepard. ''• .
fßrodtorei.—.goit tizown, Haven, 11;
1;!: Tilener, John . •
• S . .‘ • ;
• Ehlre,, —P. V. c rriertji!,r; A.•
,A1.0'0;• ••
, .
Garilßer Barret,
Eilistiis•Currift,'J. T. 'Otto.; 'A. .1 -, Otto;' Is:
• •'
Liberey.. 7 . --Calvin,pitos; . Ji A'. Bright..'
Annht.L—Jarrres CPP.;:eil, I aat.,..'l'ubbs, ',S.. A
blea.4on, 1 ..F. 1.3 ishop. • .
.A „. •
E.'Ba'rden,,S. B. Biovids, H,
Cerns..--Thomi Gilbert. Barber, Nim
,cid•Lamitheitr. • •
. , .
CarpPrOer,:Ch , aq.
• 16 , ating.-:.--Etigene• 'Dolly,,. amid - • Lenox',
Williams,Wm.' Arnold 'Son thveielr. •,
Easlwoi,d, Win. .Sherwood.
.John.camribel . l, WWoodeoek.
E o d , .
. ,LerfayOtte.-L•Geo, feu aril..•
Wi.riviek.-,W. PI DPnr4on, A. Rifle. .
A,., A lulerson E. B.'
Otto. l 7 ,Ta' - nes twomribly:
,• :
. •
TICAL Jotirnal, devoted . ' to'. the 'different ile••
putt tnentti ol soil -culture; Siicb as growing rield
Crop;, Ortilard ',nod Garden ; .Garden
Vegetables' and ''Flnweid'; Trees; :Plants ? 'and
-Flom/era . tor ..t he.•Lel is-n or yard ;'care ofTio•
mestic" AnimalS, &c., and to Ijo'niehold
Labors. It has a l so tm•interestine andinstruc
.. ..
live - depart nrietif•lor- children.end :youth.% •
• 'A
full CaendaP.oi Operations every month. •
Teree - to Four: Hundred - ,'or trierp., illustrative
Ens,r . ra't.:lnt4e appear in each volume.
D •
eer Terelv - e. Hundred plain; -practical, in
stroctiye.artlcles at - la.:useful item's, - given
' every. year. . „
Editors. and .Contributors are' all prac
tient Workinw Slen.•,.. : •
••' The 'frarhings• of the .A icriunT ST are e'pn•
feed to no Slate or. bat are odajlevri 10.
the' m r
olts of all tertions . of the rountry.—ii
its path"' ! "tiditotes,forthe'whoto A mcnicAnl CON-,
:TINENT. " •
. .
• A 'OERMAN EDITION ts . pablitrherl;"of the
same siz Rritl, pi Ice is
rn. the,Ettglisht, and con- •
tainin nf its-reading, matter, and its [tome . -
rotialllitstrative onartivinvi;
:.One, copy, one year, • $i
Six copies, rine year . • 5 00
Ten car more 'copies One year 80 cents each.
t 3 Add to the above.' Poritage. ttt
Canada 0 'cents, to
,Engl,tind. and Franee; 2I
eant to. Germany, 30 ccnts. , •
POstal.e anyvidiere..fn ithti• Uniled Statea and ,
Troti 3 Ortes must s he paid by the subscriber,. aryl
is Only $i
. 27 Ml's a year, if iri advance at
the office Vviterefrecttived...
• Alt hilqinetts and othetertmmunieittions should
be 'addreq'tottit ta tlie ; Dliiny and Prnpriorot . ; •
ORANGE' RTDD,-411 5 ,irk4tol.vi N.Y City
VIFTY-131.1,51-IE,LS nr• th . 4 .brst rtelt6t TIM
— . . - oTtilr . .SEEn,•raibeil by mut for et •
• • • •-• POLLEY'S.
.Port-Ailegtiny, December ..8,.1€031. ,:•
Ailvertinev; triVinit Irtm . rentitirett to heath to:
JI -tee' by a very isim . ple•,reitinily, after hacitig
ruff red --everal ye iv with a. severe , tiny affee
that 14.1`,Ifitinn. , ..ifl:lliX101. to make
Ituown to liin Ittltow“tiff rent the in.itnti..lcure.
Tn all thri tieeiceit, 4enil . acopy of.the ri-eatirty
thm lised (Ir.'e ni charge), in tilt the dlceeliona I cr pre '
folio an I urine the tidier', which Hwy : v.lll floe a 0100
Cuitt roe StIiNA.•VIIIINCI , I7I3 he :HI.
01.1ly ut if et of the tilt:m.llsec in nenn.tli Ito; •'rekrit•ti••n
in to ten lit 'the - aftlieteil, an timireail informatinii %loch
he en • e.•itien to an& 1 ohni en 'every suf.
te.Yer will ley hie remedy; an it will cent them nothing,
and Way prove a LGtre n,l . . . '
pireteiritniMi will plonscr nthltes3'
•tiny,. ALMVAItb. WIISON. •
11'illiltmsbur h.
• • • .
(n7 , 31n..) . , .1 . .Einga County, New Yotk.
• 'l,oltitne ,
A new volume of this , tvidely cireolated,pe•
per commences, on the of January, : Every
numher'eontains sircteen'pattes of usyful. infor• •
tnation'and from five to ten ofiginal'eneravirves
of new inventions and discoveries, all•*of which
are iCreparecL. i.xpressly lor Os' columns.
the interests ot .Pentilar Science; ttift'ltleehaniv
Arts, Afaniitectur.es,, - Irorentions, Agriculture,
Commerce 'and the, frnlastrial; Porsulis • grner
ally, and is valuable. and insfructive not only
in' the Workshop and M anufactory, bia also in
the. Household, the Library and the. Reading -
Room:. ' . .
No person eneaged in any of the meehanics
piirsuits should think:of doing without the
AMF:RICAN. It. costs . but four. :cents
per week; every number contains
. from .six to
ten engravings of .new machines . and invert,
tions, which cannot be found in any other pub
lication: It is an established 'rule of, the : pub.-
toinsert none but original , engravingi,
and those, of the first class in - the art,, drawn
and engraved by experienced persons under
their Own supervision.
Editors , 0 ori Proprietors
pensable to every inventor, as it not .only con•
trains illustrated descriPtions of nearly all, the
hest inventions ns theV corne out, but each
number contains aFOlficial Lief of the Claims
of all the Patents issued from the United Sfates
Patent Offiee during'the week prevfous; .thug
giving, a correct history of the .progress
ventions in this 'country.. We are also receili•
every. Week, the . bestacientifii-joUrnals. ol
Great. Britain,, France, •and.Gerinany; thus
placing, in our poseession all tbat is transpiring
in ,me'chaniCal. science and art in these old
countries. We shall continue to:transfer to
Our columns copious extracts from tlhese Jour
nals of whattiver we may deem of interest •• tn,
our renders. , . • • •
ehemister% Architects, •MillwrigLts, And
'found a most 'lselin] Journal to them. All the
e w discoi , erien of science of chemistry are
poi of Jurors brawn for June Term, 1.562
To con . surniSives.
. .
Or THt.
To Tb4'9leClianlO and .Manufnctuted
To the !nventor!
giv . en'in its . eolismns nrrd 'the'
interests ' 9f the
architect erul - enrpenter are nat. nverlookedt,..nll,
tlr new)nventions :arid
. Clis't oyeriei appettatn- -
ing .'lO .these' pm . ..nits . brim pnfilishett.lrom
week to:Week. Useful
oirtaining. - ant) pi actieW itil'cirtia
tion -':
to the intorists . of Millwrights:.
end mill:owners: Will : lte fonrUl e pithlishegi in., the
Sdinsyriiic Jnitiftiessrwhich information .they,
cannot p , )lsiblii - olttliin'from any
...othr;r . source,
Snhjects in .w.hfrh plantt4s , niul farmers nre', in—
t.erested will Monti 'ilkcliSSell in the -Sons.-
T INC- li 310:10i . tv, , . most . of the.iniproenments_in
agricultural i m plemen ts being illustrated in: its
columns. `
.. .
• •To mail .subserlberat:—•-Tvvo•..Dollars a Year,
or 'One Dollar for sik months. Ore..Dollir
.pays for pne complete volume,: • - pages;
two yetii: Too. !Pol.
ttmes•lcoMmence on the ..first of. January •alot
. . ~ ..
. .
Fire copies., fn . ! six'Months . -. • :
Tim 'coniek.; . fnr.Si.k .1‘14 . 31 tht ....•:: -,
Ten enpieg,.for TivelVe rllnntliq:
..Filteen . coriies, for Twelve 'Alcinths ..,-. .
TAeoty copies,.l or Twelve, $2B
For akclubs if Twinty'.and:riv . ir,...tbe' year . -
sitbsCriptiomis only $1,40. Name's: can be .
se.nts in 'at • titflarent . trines and franc:different
Pb=t.'ifikce,s. • Speritnei opfes.will be sent'gra;
tis tai any•part of the countiy.' • '—.;
Westerni ntut. Canadianmoney or Post-offica
stiMpS' taken . it par for Cani
ditto subscribers. will pleaseto remit • .24 cents'
(iitra on each .subscription'to. pie-pay
• Ng '37. Park-rOw:. New York
A' conipound'imitedy, in:4hich.we have. la.;
bored to preclude the most effectual alterative
that can be made. 'lt is a concentrated dared
of Para Sarsaparilla,. so combined with other
substances of still '.greater alterative power 'as'
to afford..an effective antidote for the diseases
.§arsaparilla‘is . reputed to cure.• It is believed
that such's' remedy is wanted .by those who
'snifer finm Strampus complaints, and that one'
whioli will accomplish their extra must prove
of imtnense service to this large class of our
afflicted fellow-citizens. how completely this
compound do it has been proven by.exper
iment on many of the worst cases to be found
of. the following complaints .
.BLOTCITESi T 113 1 .0119, 'SALT 411gIL11,
' SCALD .11UAD t ...Ski'llILI AND STPIIILthe
BECTIONS, MnacuniAt IhSaiss, Daorsy; NEU
RALQIA on Tic Poui,ocasox, DEBILITY, Dye--
•on•'Si. ANT DONT'li T I li.1;; and indeed the•whole
class.of complaints arising from litmatriv 0),
- - -
This compoUnd found a.grent,
moter'of health; when tukeli in, the spring, to
expel the fOuL humors which, fester;in. the,
blond at.'that.season Of the year. • • By the time- -
ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders'
are nipped in: the' bud.. Multitudes can ~by
the aid of this, remedy, spare themselves 'from ,
the eriduranee of foul eruptions and uleerous
sores, through which the system 'strive to_
Corruptions if. not wssisted to do.
this through the natural, channels of the belly,
by an alteratiVe • medicine. Cleanse out the
`vitiated bloodwhenever. You find its impurities
bursting through the skin in phnples . , , Cruptions;
or sores ; . 'cleanse .it 'when you lied it ii.as
etructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse 'it
Whenever it Ls foul,. and your klings . will tell
you when:; Even where no particular' disorder
is felt, peciple enjoy.' better . health, and live
longer, fur: cleansing -the '.lilood. • Keep the
.healthy; and' all is well;. but With till.,
pabulum' of life' disordered; there can •be no
hiking health; Sooner or later something
Must go wrong, and the:great :niachinery. of,.
-life is disordered or overthrown. • • • , •
.Sarsaparilla has,' and deserves much,, the
reputation, of accomplishing these ends... But
:has ~been :egregiously deceived - by
preparations of it, pnrtly :because.. the • drug:
.has not :all the • virtne..that is claimed.
for it ; but more. because 'many Treparations,.
pretending to be concentrated extracts of it,
contain but little'of the virtue of Sarsaparilla,
or any thing. else. • • • . • •
. ' During late years thepublieltaire been mis
led by large bottles, pretending to-give. ri.quart
of liktmet of Sarsaparillafor one dollar'Most
of. these have, been fiends upon the' sick, for
they not only contain little, if any,..Sarsapa-•
hueoften no curative pioPerties' whitey
cr. Hence, hitter and painful disappointment
has followed, the' use of the various extracts of
Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until, the.
name itself' is justly despised, and has income
synonymous with imposition 'and . . cheat.: Still
we dial this conipound.Sarsaparilla, and•intend
to' supply Auch a' remedy as: shall rescue thei
name from the :load of obloquy :which testa
upon .It. I ,And we think We hate . ground. for
believing it.has . virtual . which .are irresistible
by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intexid
ecl to' Cure. In order tonecumtheir complete
eradication from the system, theremedy Should,
be 'jut - Heim/sly taken according, to directions on.
DR. J. C. AYER - it CO,
Price, Si per Bottle t Six Bottlesfor 1115.,
Ayer's* . Cherry Pectoral
- has 'won for itself such a renown for the cure of
every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that
it is entirely unnecessary 'for us to recount the
evidence of its viatica ' whereVer 'it has- been em
ployed. As it has long been in constant use
throughout this section, we need not do more than
assure the people its quality is kept up to the best
,it-ever has been, and that it may be relied on to
do for their relief all it has ever been found to do.,
Ayer s Cathartic . Pills,
• l'on THE emus-or• •
Castiveneas, jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion..
-Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache,.
Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptirms and Skits Diseases...
Liver Complaint; Dropsy, liter, Tumors and
Salt Rheum, IVorms, Gout Neuralgia, ca. a ,
Dinner Pill, nod for Purifying the Blood.
They are sugar-coated, - so that the most send.:
tire can take then%
,pleasantly. and . they ire the
best aperi6nt in the world for all the, purposes of a
family physic.., • , .• • •
Price 25 cents per Pox; Poxes for SLOO.
• • ••
Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States-.
sum, • and eminent personages, have lent thek
names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of theirs
remedies, but our space here will not permit the:
insertion f them: The Agents below named ha
nislm'f&tis our ASIIIIIICAN ALMMANAo inwhich,they..
are given; with also full descriptions of the aim,
complaints, uml the treatment that shoills be fid
lowed for their cure. —
Do not be put , off by unprincipled dealers snas
other 'preparations they make' mote -inoilt on„
Demand. Men's, and take no others . The .siels
Want:the beat aid there is for them, and ey should
gave it. ' • '
All our llenicdies are for sale by . • ' .
H. Hamlin &Co., Smetbport; C. F. Osgood,
Bradford; L. H. Holley, Port Allegany . i od b y
deale!s everywhere. ' •