M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, June 07, 1862, Image 1

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    . .
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VOL. 4.
• •
By F. 8.• :. OVIATT;
S PQliy . , • N: COP
mfrien,s. Obws Eit SQUARE
- Sl- 50. in'Adv.anco
Rates of. Adirertising
,f;l5 tie
20 00
1.2 Oil.
•20 110
np.,gquare oft? I inee or If!: , s, ;;.iip+ortion4 .... . ) fit)
4n1....0.itt en t insertion, '
I;iiritioAs CA.r.IN, Witlt paper, . • . • . •.. • •• • 500
••11 , 11c nr work ‘vi) I 'ho 'rtttrq..
To; , , vo Mien. lire vie r type,: or 91;1.a •11nes nonpareil,
J ' 1.04 e l'ertni.e . i In strictly
n ne . year
Ki C ❑lohlbh
.b l .lli)iitc.s,g„..,..Mitc,ctbri),.
••••••DR W.• 7. 11'00Y;• . • • •
• S • C)UTEI'-EA . s'l' CORNET, , ATAIN •
• .. •• .;
I :fititLiittott.: ;t 4 too'tliport. Will n ttim , l' to
". 311 prortoodott.ibettiltt zort•
•Wdl.l Block ttoeood Ildor .•, ' • .
4, • Thi F
I! itt .itiii I o..ti d oil. nine:iniloO'ritoi
F'netduoirt roil Divan; odd n ill bo found 0.
' ottoirtittioot stoppingliiiite ' •
. • . TlY r ifrg HoilSt;• • ' • - •
Piortrtotor:' Hi ,Tway. V. . Tfflg,llntol is
'now !Lod forobtltiol •11 1 modoott hog noiple nocom
nttititiotoi, and I, ip rtizoecti,:n roott Coon note!.
• Ridgway.-19k •!1. .
. . ~ •. , . . . ,
JuuN Went , Prriurit.tor• l'lli , luilisuiif: situ ated hall .
' 'ivity tu , tivell , l Saiiutlifitirt , ind. 0i ,;.n. 'A 'ciiiivettlent
.:1 9 uuniU 6 ndlup,nit. r, :1;..IC , 11 . .IVII and obliging .attund.
etits. an ,11 . 1,, v1 ,1 i ,. '"'''.. • • . ' . , •.,
' I:l,lreti. Ntay 17 ,', 1 z..c.iJ ; . - , '
. • . •
• •
. .
' . ' FARMERS' VALLEY •.H.OTF.L, .. ... .
It 7 •' ..G.)opw(s.. T,ll' A 11 . 101 . 10 i-li I 11.!f:li . 0•011t, Itie Mil,.
GumGumittllthrketrt 011 I 49 , 01 , 1 t.l):QiePll2 . y I ea,n 11, tqwrii
and , Itil , ).s ,:in to :pco lir'n.. , t4t.: 1 uti ilhii 511i)rtett:;•ok le
. .
• •
. .
. .
Snippen, 'Wl:nan 'rot, l'.. :S . : 1,.:11YI: F. .:.I . l.oprit! or
-"A wymqvi ii 1 , 14. 1,1 N0 , 114,1[11i , 01P.1," lIMI.n.' Strailie -...
'till t.ll,C,llPri ,viii tin I e, e, :tru-nmlll.:vtatii!ll3.' • *
. . .
1 ,....:,,,,;,,,n, fyli . ,,,y, pr,i,lors'r.t 1',..1 ,111 qt Iny . . Mt
•ii,,A,, 1;.,,yjey'.1..1,..",'k1i511.):4 ,1 .•i,•••11.wtt , •‘1 . tt the 311 ii.?.•
t'....n..0f :11.c.:•:trw.illport :t.i:.l .111^g•tuy River) and 5.11/1)C
Itlile , i nave of §nlethport.. .
, nethpnrt.M'i . i . .ean C2Q... Pa. M Propr' , t.t .
—atqlnalte Van Cfl.trt II t.irsti. large, cotpinolll
- and wQII, .
dswAYo .H9IIF;
. . .
G J ..ftittnett Prehrieter, Ceeewtht. .thi.4l . l”uie 'II ill tel
... •lq, i.ig..o4tatt.O.Ll and o'enret'l ,IJI" 4 tyli:. 1 , 1141 everY.,tf
tentinn p 111 he paid he tlan '•pittpl4ett,': ti time ^ er;mforf
;',tit - I t tcte of 'lli3•Lttie•tm. •. ' :lune A. ISel
. .
. . . .. .
Fe ..
, 'ltin.z. On P;nl.lie. '..irign.r.. - 91.•an..N. - V. JAMLa M.
*MILLtiII V rlprikitr. , 'VW, Yob, H , Jll+O ii entirely nee
, e,1)..1.61jh of Oriel:, net 1,4 f11 . 411101( 11 1 I,tl:ilteld9rn style.
, the" prop6eler Ile,iere.hiTewlf t.t•et ,tic neeo,eleiede•
ri,,,,,,,,i 1 et se rrie,eeit 1, , y one hnlel ,111 Nt', , et ern N'•es
' Yt,elc. C irri.,'ee , rue to and ', rout. tine Sew York aid
. ii. Fie nail 1100.1. .. '.' ' ..- ' :79-tr:
I'rictir it ).1,c11111:) . ".+lil.ll , j2lit , • 11.-irigo.imn
1 5 :wt. .111.1411e11y. Fionsniv.• • : • •
. • .
A: P. iIP_IILIti,
I)rart , ill".” nna' Boit{ F.,..atts
$111o0port; Vl''Kean o,,tinty, 1.. L.,
. .. • .
iiii;".ll, A'. Silt tiii,*!:', ia-.oit.lil iii ,-, t“-et rally niujounceit a th°
• • 6tizou.lcif Fursthpiiiit nil i viiiirittii. 'that'll° ha; fitted
.- up atvolticii, null. prehartiil to a kteliil twi air, laihiiio'''7
iir lii. proleision. Artificial tenth in,ert.eil
dtlN.upan .sci- .
elifilli• principle:. nivi c' aii in.prP:eryo'flio atILPX:
:111-04 , ti0 n'uf itiiil: rnee - Ali inairitt lona in.fliattatirlurtri.iv.
. iliiiia•iii a, iltiltral Jun litier, :
w. H Alan.
• - -
t•I ..
.. • .- . .
WEI.LEIt, EFtcf Sit° of POhlto Sloort;,' Serona Denir
.• Notrth of tho Ilemottott OfTwo Soti'tpbrt . l'n .. . Donlnr
In Waunltes Onlokn owl levollary. • 'ltiTa.rsi•;; neately
. ..Exkieuted and . Wairanettl. . ' , I , .- ..
A. J. 1101:14SE
bealec.in Stores;Tin . Ware, Japrot
ad of the , Pnbile :gntro,' Smothport, Coal am
work done to ordch onthr shortest notree, and hi, the
• •.trioitt substantl3l nirinner:, • „
71 , riler in Pry Grind:, Gvolieriefi..Cockeiv,' flardraro
. Q:tri4;
kltet.sili.Lol tit* t,
ca'rpetiti,..4:,'ltra.ly 'Ma;ll. Clothilmttml...Ront , tal
Gond,. Ilnut., and ihoefl. IVnll P irdOW
-'l"aper,,,Looking .At ' .
A croeNEY-AT.r.,, , rlStnetpleirt, M'Kean ' eetintr: Pa.,
. rer Me.yhri.•Heatin r.ros Lan,ig .cto.wis
esponlally to the pnlleotion of Claims; Eiatninetien of
hand Title.; Pafnnent of Taxes'..ike I all ho,inege . .roln-,
ling to Tteal fat ate, OM no in Munn n Mock.' •
AT1 , 111,6:1" • 1T -I, :ill10 1 .)11.1rt , • :11' Non n. Cn,. rt.
coirei ions prcuvl c.tt curled to. • • itel, .1
. .
. . ,
XV orney a n.l. Ccrir'a,•ll,r at lia‘r z .S•llippen, Pa.; will at -
• tatt•l'llta Caort,or Potter.. Me Karla, an I Elk enmities
' . ' Prolopt alto trim paid. to Calloaliona. OM eci,• East
OA Fall: Block—lice, od. Floor. • ' , . .
TO Those Interested in: Mining .and
• . •• ...7.gineral Lands:
Witlnn nt`Mlnrr;tl Lands in 11. 11.\RVI olTory his
services a ( n o r m t i .l (l ll• l " 4 l.4tn i t i, t o i i o n o
shoo,. Att•l -trivo' hit' opinion ;is to ttio•TAI,VE, OF
Atc.• ett.:Agititt liis ;:0 CV let , still reorivo
ial . nocott - vtryttn•l rfliablo information. 11,mi-tenet , at the
tiottlcerliill - ?Moos; • • •,
SortolMtt, Nl'lcottoJbollo.l.B69. •
-••.. . . . ,
J ,USTICE". OF. TOO P FAO ?;:and' cloOvoyaocor. Also
Attorney 'not Counselor al.'Law. Particolar atteut ion
gls , op to Collec..tiog. Moo one Door East a the Ben
, nottalwase, floethport, Pai . •
. , .
. ..
4.1013,:PR1NT1N . G . ,
. •
. . •
o c - J.ttA.T: OF Ric.: E. -• •
03nn9s1oNifil Fon ,TIIE . STATE,OF 15DTV, TORE.
G'fn take - penofs neknowledgm nt
re Deeile end
other inmtru [wale to housed itud recorded in maid Sttite,•
and Io a•!ndnie,teenallus ar affirmation:l 'purrmnt to the
laws ot C s onveyencer, .t.c• Office In Land Of'
'See of D , Kinifshe.ry, Bradfer;l. 4401Cenn Co ,
,!larch 14 „1.961. • Oen.
0 'D
1;:.17,0C I? A T IC 11 . 11:311113 k!S' 6P CON
" TIPP F lto C Y nt
fif.ouri cofititi•rile'rnfinils, it . hal we should .re,i(sop
tags( her;'. Part 06;11 riot; riettql.
in a . nil indeed
jai. fa the preservation of-.public
‘Vithoiltil . thy heatjinyyrorherif would' soon
soon .
fiegynerdieHnicYithyworst of - In .
.ieSixitisins•the. chief - ifs& of po i wer - is
ug ln our oivtf,ecieni y •
the, experience last t ve.in oil ths prunes
more Than a niy lessOdrin ihe fieei.ssif y
of ruirt . Y . o.r.gailiz•ation'. The pfekylit A (fn . ) itis:.
at ion: yi:as ellS4en by 4patly,:nlid
i'verognia . ni.,..niul slily
ty-nni.l obligations' to ;that p4tty.•
must•anil . will be en opp2Sition. The
publi' safety kind gem! demand it he
n new ole.ailizatfon OW 011 a ? The
nerd t'ie• part v sva4 s'ixty•
alit. It has 'fleverbeettflf
'flay it tiuinfiets
sand yleetdrs : the S..alei 'still loyal to „Hie .
elyyt ions iii the - iil ll"
Still es prose ten'
months State Convent 'ohs and. nom,.
.t icke.ts iii every Fi
State; in thY . lfuion..
le flie..p.spliblicafis .ead thy s.atne...lie•aidi •'
• • • ••§11,11.1.: TIIF DE . :\IOCFrAy.IC itiOitry
1 . .A ri; kis: hoci.fit
plttscirtus wroott.7 t tirr th.y 1 Lei - it
spr'ak t :
That the A.inericau—DemiictaCy
placr thcir fret t in tie the, p:orit
. • .
'arid the . Idiscrirtiinatifig of the
A in.fican ,
'lint we rettartlll;i3"as - frdictinctict'Jcatiirc .
iti otrr prJrtiril.rrced, Which•t%e:ar. proud t°
rilahitain before •grea't
goy.' fitment.'
iilid 01,014 1)3 the. : roccf.:‘ and w.
c'ontiast'it a l it creed and prirtice.of
eralisnc, utOirr whatever 11•1(rie or ta1471 whirl
seeks to palsy t6c.tcill. of the,ronstitirr-nt; and
' -.-.•
I'ltat the Ve4 . l . criaGOverniii.nt is one of
powe'r;:del ici t i';<sol s 44l• - roir? ill Co N ,cip .
- - rt.: - Co - qi; nips tile
id be strictly constrii... , l by all the
Iltio Govittrptnori' quoit
lot it is ifittxp , :dierit•a•til'il.o'll..rolis'tO
doubtful consattitkowilltowets." .•..•
AIA ;15f . '::111.1flat"I'.y . fig thrsv. till. • Gllovit,:i
koni .11r. jKi'i'Erisp:i's.fir.f,t.in.nitural
all Ibt it t i . ..u i ts as 111...m05!
. ciirr:rio . td a
t rat nit of a:ir'doni.;4llc:
i'ml , A•arhi a t :hi ti:t 11 , i-t eptiblirA iidencjoi.;..
t h . t;:(1.0VEI:
at:arin.i'a.wbol e ..r trtinna)
thra atctof of Olmprr.cr, at home P:11(1 safety
11 . ?; ile
~ 4 1. 1 1};. SVPIIK.NiAeI- 71117!'(-161.
mmiTA rtY• • •
"Economy in the . publig expense;- that lalor
May • •• •, •
.• :'•.
tinne:o payment of our ilettti,.anitt.il :
Grid preserv . Mion af.the . . pithlic .
F.M.:Erli . 3 . r or RI S A:Ri 1(04 Tlf.g
PnEEs, •istsususDEß }:nntrx
'NON ur TUE . icAnnAs'coiirr, A:0.1111AL . Dr ttf
RIGS I;slr.i
Stich, peinnerats, are 66 principles •of
Paj , ty, essential - In
ailininistrat ion Govern,
'rrtent, , .al6e• in peace'and war. 'They - are the
principles upon I.;Chieh - ihe constitntinn,r9pl the
onion 'at re frnfinled - r.antl,,lindo - the cottioi of
a paity which adhe'reito•Ocrn, thetonstitntion
be•mainta6ethand the Union could, not
• • ..-..
Ile di.s of
. •
Is 1.10. i!0t.:16.• of the' Democratic part) wroug
hat. it should be' diihniole'd '• • , •
, .
Its pdlicy is consistent'' witlLits pritrififcs;
and may be . '..sittorned tip, iron 'Ow . beginning,
iv; foiiow The, support of liherty'asa4ainsi
power; of t Itepetiple• againsd t heir agents
and servants; and . of Stiite rights as against .
yonsolidation end •Centralized itespoils.m . ;. tt
grivernrnent; no public debt; low tiiXeS;
no, plVlCtlyq •r(i . fzner:ll system' of
. internal intprovenients by Feilettifauthr . trity . ;
no Neationall.lank hard !hooey hir the tedeil a)
titles; ito :assumption of .State' ;
expansion of territory ;. self•govertintent :tor
territoritts, 'iubjact ont2ito tb, Consiitctitni ;
the absolute compatibility Of a anion at Stiites;
;Tart antl:part free;" the, adtrilssiiin of
now States, witt : rnr tvith . ont ei ivrrv , as they
may elect'; non:interleretice..by;the
Governmimt with 'slayer:) , in State
tory; 'or—in the I)istricd •of Columbia ;: and;
111'11111C; as set..forth the :Cincinnati Platform,
in .1856, and: reaffirmed in IStiO,itibsolute and
eternal "reptidjation of At.i SIiCTIONAL
ADD ri.nitFC/101ti concerning' domestic slacety
which seeks to embroil the Statt:i and incite.to
treason•aiiil armed resistOnee to law in the
ritOries, an . d whose ainnped ‘4nsuma.
ted,'lnust end in : civil itizr and di'snnion." - :
~. • .
..Such Wai . thi:aticient atidilte • recent policy
of : the Democratic
. pat ty running, through'. Tie
ij o d o f ',.sl; c l ) ..yegrr-- a. ciii.,istrnt.with
. 1 1 A., SAT LT 111) IX. JUNE. 7, 1562
the prinrlples nf •tho Constitlition,..ll . rnl .also
•Intnty.ve§entiaf:tr 'tile . icr.. , seri;nt of the
• ]?rtes 1111•.. isTnits• ortfit.fDemnristie
prove p - . 12 lit 11) .,
their•fruits shall ye: .
partiys, not nchievr Par
sixty yi.uis -. .frortf tit! , inituett Fa I:.of Jell'Vr.on rin
thin ;tilt (I . :ti . a rrh..
jtitl:o;,Sts,.'contr ,, lyti the 'ph i‘7er nqJ
.the policy of Ihr. Federal Gisvrritmrrit. , For
forty..ridht ye,a'rSTritrtf t y, Democratic.
meo titri t t• t tie count year . x . :and
pi Ott 'imittihs IYFt ntot.i al iv p! - ,ltry . iirr:viril;.(l:
Dtrirg', hiS tirtiictri
silr cr;s icily
'annexeLl to arett more
that Os l icp•aslarge nt 716111:en.
tiglit . •iir,r. • 41(1'.
strictly I) etttot'ra tl
tine' nprpmlt r- he';Vdiftirlit . ralititi of F
j ! ` 3 , 6 ls )fi miflitins, the . poptilittfrit:' ;NJ In
rhirty,oor; ?nil! in !is
w as fit
slti , r:e'S'sitilly os, , ru tf:t); h
Isf/ saiit it a iiriy . hti..l ivithrtnt
s tispenSion. of the hattPas enipuei . ‘410 0 )111•9 . 1te
'inlri'ctinn' n( ; hoot one
nsurp.ttLnn of pv.ven. •%yi r how. npprrSaiu„•.
editor ; wi;hbut : fieerto:m .0, the
pr,r•si, orotit 10. c'oni.:ll.S . S litit• in
the midst 4t he gros's . pst •ahtme f:both ;* soil
' , .l;ithr;9t hr •Wrrest le raiipr,*:tholio
sit 'on' , of the
1 0 110,.';111;1, sonilto,f the
tie my '[; 1:F:TOVIL: RS WI 111 Fit,nnnv
It S. \'l,ti Tlt TO . 11051:1 T.1111:1::
. .
this tine
nesciif smil••il
hit r.i4ry sidC, 111;CPS ere Faces Veep. ,
e.NO; th ii 11le Sim! Mar- :
k!.L for oLre,ll. pyri , lor t
pulliclinerly ai • ,ts :51•ClIfe,
tnthed_;.et•enp'man'a boost; Ir-. 5 his castle; tLi•
courts as'•'to pissphrta for
no — se:rri no pie,, no informers,
.01 the right
to lielitiOn ;..ireeiThm of feligiOrt,.
'sp , reh;, a nee ; 'anit alj
ttiqstjine the Cons - i u!ion and, 11,,e
1 . 1.9 inn of Ihe,States
. Sueb•were he choice, fi Denioera
prilieiple;.....and policy, out through the
tcluilr period t..mocratjle
party..heh.lll. wor,tvpl niliniistere,hthoTed.
:Such bran
thii . t patty. I: liiiion . pnrty; for it , pie
reed the by wisilorti;,•peere and coma
T . lien iteitttrr the ancient pi'inr ;pins, it H;
icy, nor •.'past:liistory or. it
nor 'Pt.; ify
•Isthere etivtittm.; itt ix:h . ich
drntntids it ?: ..The rf)III t! i /I) Media t 1:.15,111!
>rse/i!fp/ii, rJe ar "it i and . 1 . 1
alorig fig! , Ustiorg a., 'it lids . : " • • ;
T,s. mainteln respi.et .
the tilos: of the St es'arttl th liLy rtjes'rit) he
cit It is to tadhere f.i idly' to he veiy,
itriteiploi. and the I.jt;ritoetatie
party. has itrofesed I;;l.l•rpere Feit 7,
tety. Let' its, hi,tortip..l. reselts;
itiove..wltttlte'r it ins pra,etieed .
tt i em.,, 'We ilplie.lll , l'o9' l .liy, to the reeenl: ,
The (init. step totivard.:tt testordtii)itml,.
Ufiioit as.it wits 'Fit to.ninintaitt thot•l:bostititttap
a's 15.....501011 , itS it teas et aiwair eil •in fact
a-nd not h infidetio . tt ktot.
letter, a.cte,tl irrimitio . tit,...the Utinin' tray
otibroken. ' • ' : . ,
restore tlie.t/tiitio, it is essential,. first, 'to
giee:ass'itraoee to•every Starr and
,to the petipte
of every serflo Itibtit. their tighsatoflihe'rlies
Mid pt'peiry•will.he s-kt.;tire within -the Union
ender the Cons' 11,a, • 'ti:.`,lll' . .l7lCT an
(1911143 . ' sure as tlte:ieitortion to power rd that
nneit . tht ,eonsnlidated. Detoorrtrtie ,
party which ror'sitsty Years did herniae the pro.
party, righti, and Til?erties of the Staites and of
rite eople t and dins aid maintain the Cole,ti
tution.and preserve the . Tioron,- and with. them
the multiplied bleisingq'srhi, 4 h distingttishell lis
Above all other itationt; / ' ..•',
• To restore the Union is to crush out section
alism Neittli and South.. Tn begin the great
work.ef restortition through the 'ballot-hex is
to kill abolition..• The bitter waters of seces 7
skin flowed, first and •iiin still from the
foontaio of alilitirMisto, •
.Thet touniain
inii:t he dried up.' :lirtninS' may hreak town
the the Conledera tf. Go ern ncen t
the Sr nntb; tat - the Of lestoratiOn can
cartioa qii orailiza •
tion mud the ballot inure North : arid yest.: In
this grelit . vorfc w . t; enrtlia!ly incite the roni)r
intinicof .Men.of every panty wino dres'or.
ri . nsed , to the 0111th "1 ti.bolit npir, %Om..
In sincerity, 'desire I,„he , ConStii tit rOflas it isond
the. Union no it ‘‘•ns,
its - (lead. Rally, Invers'of the •Uhion, line Con.
st it piion; 'and of • Lilcity, to Lite stet • td-iril
Democrat IC pa ready . n 't he field and con
fident of victory-. That-patty is the naturist
and persistent . .sn . o,isy of abolition, Upon thi s .
question its record as a national . or'ionizitiinn;
however it maji.'"diave been at limns with par.
ticalar men nr kit partt.culair Statei ;, is cleat' itipl
unquestloiable, From the begiuninr of the
anti-Slaynry,t o tbe p'Crin.l. of the Last
DA . d . arra fie :National :d'nUveuditirt it hiiit
hiit Oflp: `Li.t I ilo•
..., ,, flec6.'re . d, r Tll,ll,Ciiligres4ll:l! , no
. power.urt.
.der J'r, • r*C . itrisiitittion In luittr.lera with o.r..ront,roi
idie.ilti'moatdr.ihstinitio'na4)l.,the Severn" §l:l.(est
• • •• , , . . ..-•
tint' hat .sue Btati.s or," tht• soh; aUtl piolier
jotitos. everything , opprld,tinitt;!,*) dkeir own .
a filth sf,not:lrrohibitett by tdieCon<dit.Otdon ;
all•! florts. - or fhe n hr ts rna de
C7,uiigre•Sa interfere it ions
of.•gla v'ery . ,• Or. to dar;o•ti•O'•a, iii Itton
theretn,•o re ettlphlate'd:to lead to"iitt . .itioat.alitr.
nine artidtlajtikethus routre.tykruce, nurl tkt. uli
.surla'4 , flortq hit•ve •inttvdt'ablr trut-pry to tli •
rnitti,lr the hattpine . ss of oe•propte'arl.rodaucrr
tilhility nd - perthaueUry . rif the Union, and .
• •
ought..e.nt to liernontenhoretl..hy•ituytriend ,ir.
our p6liiit al itiatitod'iotri."
liii ai'rrtldtra.
to,altiarry,•ran:dhe restorel;
alitt.•rdi3 other Union exc'ep . tjha . Ur:11 • or DE.t.:
turrts,, , ,r; !nit, br multi a h'ird '.- in thi , " rout Cry r
.ardthis cue iat•hercrlitl,•,
' . l.oth our 'our fut tittirs, Out' user. sOrreti,
But it iF . 81611' tfi . .at • Yon . .!iitiut-(lisbafid:th.'
Democratfc*.paily. , tn!iitppnrtth;.',Goye,rinniqii.!
We nnsivi•r thrit. rho payty. halal•
.w . pyp.s?pnort,;,l ;
eds in I•ni,v , q.prf4e . rv.;(l.ll')t.! . c..;n'rCrtiiront in
ifs' vip,nr .. nd integOty, no:
: hut . . I .llfiki
irnever, 40 . admit, an!l' nrvrr'K•ill,..tiint 'this
Allit4nistration,:or pay
Gnverrtnent;" 11:11(1,114, and
that. the. -Fedor:al: Griveinment is the riD•at n'
{u prnpl r. of thr .vatal Stat , :q entrpniinz the
Union ranFiF Is: of tllreedi.itlact
iilrtmentA.-11.e Lagisra tire, the, r.txacnt and
ihr. tha•C*;v.-
erarpent, and .etiiitilt'entitted tp !oho
and. .or the •.:F1 trq . :a l w! -O : );,.,-;ple•; - +awl
11'141 it ' in slw v.eiy.-1):It riot tn. s,.) , :t4tin
theFeveral diTar•!rilents-af '11)e 13 ) , .. , arntriaat in
the.e'xerei:e.nl. all the rotioi . intion'al,rin'weri cif
t.ha.liregetyrtinnnt,t Govarntripaltip its
eiOli?.',,anll:. in ij3 1,110
fa:n4 to
rol;resenti . ilr G . oernnlnocthe:.Unin'n and ti,e
rwin ry •
... In this sense. tU..D . eritterittic .. party ., ha . s. al
' •.vilys : siistiiir. , •ll, a rtit•S;lll tici.s-sitstsiti,.Tlts.Goy
, •El:S . :itits'l'. 0 caink ill Ions; bt , ho'lrte ii-sabrithili,
in the Noe thp.t.thiii 8.)141), open nt;Coit . fittleill,
in,ofTlee 'o..oit of iiifto.e; In : rift nit n't ii,wit r.
If this is sv:list' t hi? 11 . -iptihiirtih'psity.iiietrihy .
siiripo'riititt . the povi,iiiiii.;tit: it is frii idle, thin
itli. it b:i oiltin lui'e:olrl awl I rieiti Di•Jitoc is i i . c potty.
I wh'icli lot •ii . l .- "aliy . .)t. ,
itTs tin:il . th ray' gip sc.f riliiiy
tirialqsitiirto'rliiii, pf - tisr . rifett infil:..titiiititftiti , id thi•
i.(loi.ip. rnipeittcif .the thlinnr , But :if
,ilir;ir, i - rnil
I po'lli9q. • be:iniiid the nt.ruient'v uirmi' , . I'd - It 1 1 ,
11,firi . ocrn cy jusl,l6verthizi".llli pi•eFein . C.'tihStiin.
u lion amt horn a govervitionr, and, niolrr : pr,
te-nre of a... , .•FiRT fly,. t..TrziPlC....tn.etot`: Ii ‘Frnrii:-
. - ~ ..
' 'rei - IrNii•is•ci' (l'espm . . iird oft its ruins :liii—D)iitin.•
''erratic p.ltly - willyi . .Sis,t iiletTi •as . ..the I . ,votist 'mu"- • 1
iny.to the Cinistittitirm . .hml thit li.iiiiin, .s.iurtif
fre . e . ii,ovh =Nit c.tif.rrywheiei'.. .‘,........ 2 .H . .i
lye do niir,riropuse.tp.conkitli , rnOw tlie'corus-s
, .
which Ind tp
the.pr!'sent.oubappy civil war. A.
aittei ; rime Will•eoMe IteC,4ftar for such
lid' comrOiu;%tisi: • fi Rcwi
months ctoo ivntiiJ, have saved .it, Repealed
clil;rts. Were niii . de of i be, :fast session of the
h rod.' Al evory
stage, .the' great' mati.i.urthelSontb;.writh .tb'e
t perty'n( :the oNnt th
nnifed m riVirrjol: •iirnindinan!s:in Oft.
Const i tit( ion,.-aind etlier anion 4 tbeen ; 't be well:.
C . it' yr cEDEN• Panc-yai
Woul , l have averted war inu Id
thy:-"Union. A v q ,ny stugr,nll proposed anii:lol
nclhe.r.hkeago Plat fclrol were sijnifilonsly nst
tinanitnintkls rasktwl. awl .I,4ratwl by the
publiCan party: Thr! , Cryttenite'n
-never received a single ttepnbliva:ii ei'
i!ptise.-. Fur the proof Ap . ppo! to the'. Jfnui•-•
.14 Is ..nf eongreq and to" rho L ' ollg f.S.1:111111.1'
- ‘\''e l .grorn' to -reply to - the char:4o that the
beinOny.itig-iwrty ii oPposn.l to .graotinz aid
and support.4n the .Fe
•niaintaining iis, safety'', integrity, and . cOnstirti.
tinnril S . lollleina . ey, , ;61(1.111fayor 61 - .4-;f dislintaring
r' - nr streentribing The
nharwn...is libellous owl fal:n.
,No - man ha , ' air,
vono t 'ntl ant' such propos i Democrats re.
•cog.tlin it as Ornir a . .s :pat riots to stippolt.
the - Gm-vino - wilt in till enfiltitti ionnl,
and propnloll'.,ris:to
..ond cot;ititUtion'al authority but lii th-n
-sa rip! ra7l ibey a re.' julblcarl p.opposetl
War .igilills(any oft tor Stiii; , s'oriPt:ople
in any spirit, Of.oppre,siori, - or rot:
any pot pose. of -tioog , rek . . Or SO neat io1;0of
ovnlib rowing or intertari'ag ttiil6 . i , he tiglirs nr
e,tat li=bed institutions; of: n y
bel)nolOcratin,rpar ty t.t he
Ailinittisti'a4ium iii anytbing . .wbich• kn.ks.
lend.stO it'le loss nf. our•-;rOliltcari iu•runini
ri2:los . UrUl lihuriius,iir: a.chnnge of :our pret•oft.
.• - .
delnocratieol lotto 'of.l.vpiernonr.nt.' .
. liut,nn, Dettipei%\lii; it' :k nrittho..support. of
the GOv! 6 irimont which
.party in,p t iur.~ ,rec o ire . of ..yoi). You
o~ked to gi6.. lip your prior
'hard yo . tir : patty, h!1 ti, cinhd•lty Ilia Atitnifil:
ttelino iti•pnsweic:ht, all ifs
if I hh
'vviihho:',lll l ll thelr
' . enn . • , ltiet of e - y1.1"3' k 11111,".Iyat
nshril tpr..tlenohnee ni•
Ond the chief Gne- .
etonlentL- .rl.4clit to. ho,4l.l,ithlie . .in)yetutn:.nnnyn,-
sib"; to ih6f!' i;i , ;vt;ll "' ih , e
iii•eiensaffv!!.. hrfoohroldn to the tomntitunnt ; )the
enorierrl'Ora,llll , lL'llberd rrerYlliltia( : l . . of,, ..;I'll/.1!;"/"..1O‘:
to ' tail . / Vgm ' s phi," r ihn'atoi.ns on;l'l:7Ohtin•mnr;....
i It Ia
li niel .tersiol ed he' wn 0f.1 . .1,11ereh,1•
( ~,r oi, e - w ithin the tloits , ; and :out' of al t o
all 7;410 . ; (11 titer.
rfl,are:,:lltid ' of nl/'tinu.:.!, :right . 9 , 7:
the .
fight :inniflornbla .
tn..)he'pe'oPrei find 'forinilloble to tyinh . l4i
I I..ev•j'thete •wati lima when' i ex,it , tence
an en .
tfie Pemneoftir Port): , nun,
pfinriP . lel a o s d wan vitn ne'rei , :itlr'•
In pohlic.A6ll piiv.ate lihrrty, tt is.np'SY,; . •
Tower to the'severals . Depor'toni!nts' Of.. the On t:- .
qrornerit to.. cfirry r im . 'ven strictly subject tn'its
proliisions;enif, ro.'c nee nt; civ %I:W . 1'; irj . th . pf:f-
IPet security to r'iti-t.en.of the' 4)110 Stilt
•Eceey ect nerie!sary ,for,• t lie "satiety ;lint s cfii .
ciene).nl the GoVeionietit",• owl '•cruilpfeto•
am) v it!oron4 rial''nl tt.r'envlll, ' ye t
en,ll•slit rot •ob3er3 . :/tOf?e nY evfety
provision of Ihn4 inantmeni, ;61.1' nt the Idas in
j,nri.n'nni•eof it, it ,tint snit! ninlicf . , ,P-Of.thosejo . .
,Posx.eri's.ere the scopP.reßs'iOn.oft he' “rnhellion,!l
t.o'ronre... • Arid yetthe.shisOin S• of tfie•Afl ..
:for Ilse ferelvri inniith4
. Pont.ho r ,
'been itn•r i i,tnry rdrepoeteit
nt , tirpationg end:
Of .
of viiikor;„ For, the..pro , 4"ixe nrr . •ul to (ruts
too' to need ',ere,ntt ten' (Inv not
roil heiti . u.s rnlm isiefreti , ,:e• • tiltich We,
Propoje; iects• !.V1.1'1! d0:111F. n tut ailikr
pursued in Ill& .thi'eatened I' hi fit .
I ritn'ee iar. t hri A lame until iih•
t qeme ultitiiate porpot , e. Flof lir'.the or.
hi s ee the penplit !greed there fnio, on. bon',
iChle"Pei, Ott;
and a l it, na 'of 'pnicrt,.'vinr)ic it d the:
lion, anti turned over. the I e leral (In‘rerrirhrlits,
t o the . 1 11 .11160 es and Pnlicy•of,l . hn
ssvpprill: (1(i
efor!, - ay r l ballot wf
'Now whet tgnin in lilr t e;nuil . •v49,l , oct
• flnt..ireve.ry Detno'rat _cOlcu.tretl in .the
iiy or prosactit tha iy.t .fo ihr 9tter..soltint
ca 14)t) the. Sor11),. fp! ,ilt,e'*ttbi. - stiion'n!.
her State Government' :her
•W•li hoot a Con.Vention'of the, litais; hi! . With.
t • tin octrit.4e for Cf.. ';bloat! Jost tib
iii' (Ikbaipliog;rii .the De'rriri,
arittia partyy.. It•ii the olily pal ty: capal4o' of
rarryitrz or a war i it• hi the Only.. p.; ;
has ev,:r rothlote;il y Wdr 14). a
the.•ool y 'parry wiiit-h has..ilone it WitiOost
abuse or power, withopit. oitiAtn Ono to, the
l ight:: of aoy.elass' Of ; citizens, owl
re4oril to fennot . ny. 't his ictins ; tlOhe t. nil
this, if 'hood able to If' soe,
loin,. ..s.mdt ry• rioint .of viow.
quired,. the 'Democratic. : p,:irty ohmic curt
ntnnii if.
. . •
To conclude.:' inviiiihz . 6 . 11 mep; without dis
tiOrtion of Stat or p.tri'y, who are. for
tir,ciinsfitutiori.'as it 'I; •iviallo
teas, cn unite whit this Meat ivOtk . nrion
. „
'ILP: I,•! , toraiirmi ILie ;.wityvht , r
lhtriugsh p•qt.:1!..(?1" by arhr, delfl4loS,
timed oreituiz.ttiotrand, stircess of .11;t• Demo
• •
• .
cr'atir. platy ; •
.... - , . .
Ti,,,A; ( es,ivatinncif Ilif•Tarotittitioil glernanill
• • . '.1•4 1; .' r fl 'aintlinane« donto.
tlltt";it•al t ht itt , t ol.; it I . •
'lto'lto •destor,,dinri.nf ,
'pntivy ftemnntlF' ..• '• • • ' •...
I:conorny :; n d 'in • e . ,:r".rr•
11'0,ifec, nnviat ;die inte.nf - finyr
14.0: .I . dat,,Weniand it ; ' • ~ •
• 1114 . rapi I iie.rttt.trtuhtl'lrn•pl . atiol,ttiong and
del;Ciatre;niy . 'nrie. 11 ; ;;;; 5 :.i li t (pillions' II ; it•rllarv,
and in th i .;•,.
to 1 , , , t;tt0
. 1144. •01 . 11 • errant
ditact nail iniiiri , ct;
Srn re AI tti I hadY. rqure'ihnn two him
drrcl• of- • 3' , .. 11 1,ent
.% aha to he peopt . e, ••iiugmeuting, •eyely
year, dernandm• .-•
••• •
. prico,..ll . Ppresiinn al
trade, -Ft:4l.ov qt ouch, raid
iniptititiring ruin no '.;vi•ey it-; -"
•-• And, finally, ti,c caste anion of .the t•iti,cortl,
;:tootl fearing, :ht.( pipsport-ty.tf,fattner.
ibinitialx• • ••-tliat • i p . ,:r.f.,eca 'lep , . ty •haa it
r.nAilttilineil• and rnade virtokion,c.'y • • .
• TUCEI A glISO:y, of
••• • • A L ICS.% PV,
•••• • C
.1.011;C:f;A W, of lotto
• • l'OfttlflEES, of littliatta.
• 'I,V A,T,LEN, of Oht o ,
1341 , ,ti NOBLE,
• . F:o.. Et, PEN P1.1.;;I:ON; of . Oti
• • • JAS. Ti MORRIS'.
Plift LiPlotitcsoN;'.6t
S E•,k.:Nte;ON A', of 1" , . n 6",
GV.O,. E: S[ltEL, 9f. Or'e,;;Q•ti.
Nora.—The. nattit;s of eli699t menOt.sti roil .
corrjoghe the nhevelie...ofruct.th . ho th 9
yhiet e4lit ion of thhi:A‘hire44'..:l
ril•ittle t
hn r:111021 pdild'im q 00:t.f .11t);(111if (.0
141 ~;:r'. AVttivitioife.ti,
•.ipthwes II,•
ti,.. it
Ile NI I ,;( 1 1 1, , '1)0•141t.
J rid po(ii),i:ri'oo)o , rospop.o.,..'f,;,*v,,-( - 11 i l3 ,
Illnt-trin . r . ,.!rnhik wit.s
....06.1::0(1: tirnirketi rtrovri
PVrinvy I va.v n tilmPo:or
hr rrquiri•il, ntid
4 1 1 01 , 1 Plicr an t .
ty, jO,l IcVy , ron, WTI) 1111. •
ntsh• fr!tititolll icv •
11 . 4 pf f li,e. n 1 ; until ull,hypglrr
hll illf)rt• 11 :1110 fj 0. 141.'
Sin mu 1: 14)1.1.'0 AN'tiii it` itVr..of 50,000
Alue; 011 •
• I . ll . (ii,ler; tie ist trieiLkt Uiti ri9 . Xr'rti=
ii. (it'd uri.rt.'lttni;tilb ,
4;lll krvil •niottlim ,
: ph y.-_ 1111 hp in Ili, 'tit atilt i•i 11.;Sny„tinifo, : ,theip ..
nr..Hail . my qt rtlaZ rit . r I ;
.iipt for, S'moni•y, iewnid
On: : it, ' 1
• wrpi I
frir. Ihrini rl it.a.Lo t.
hplit inn. of, the mr . .mvxpt. , .Tieut.hil,opil . Fliwroii,;,.r<
t. tvri .
‘Voilhl 1 1 9
loiiiil pp*, • I ti:(i . lo!.p v
w•0641' v nib nth nil 0. rin'r
tr. 'he irofrodi • •
ra r v. l dor
•to'mll . l-,!.!-; Ion!:
000r..I.iii d iifeeiritptinirvt nn
11j 47
D'otti's Tinc,i4,,p.i!d•
or•IOAP'0 0, Off
rFitild's. rtn "Anvo lld 'rinids•
,:tronstyrne,c4. with' nrlillely slipliniigll 11,4nfs.
T rf,rtn.,,l4; .ennniirnl•etl inOt.. , ing• fi ttn•i:r
Birk li; :s:t. kihddy. .! '
13.0 n nu-1(0'n . ittnl 111,a gir,, w(re rt Cnittiill
.T.J.,....) . ei•citt I y ipu . ldiAl!ed 'card 'ol.l4e!•6iti . i
newspnp . r piri pi,!ide.,lor r . liq't!r:r.c)sir.nr4
r t
1.11( (011.• tidlo . olC.` hint '
he. rt - rii:t STe.At• York pres 4
14-1 .'401' 116, i! 'lltithirig, - .:iii'eltlAi:llPri.
fkot .coliti.a•kx6/1, except such
ti!'!!1/111 , 11ek 'lO . l fjprf . 11,4
y .. . , 14.!{11 . ,1:,11 ' 114-
11111 . iwe.(J . v4 , r risociptco, press .' on) y:
1;1!;;:9 are •tif h'. couirhhdrril
‘V.l.sr . Nbi•r* , .., Jii)ii.:.;.!
101!!.i . vjpg (11Fpn t boi9 yea y
the AVor rcply y
n't ttic , ho4on.r,ofbers;llll.kT
it'll:et ieelti!r(l, lett! rg,.11o(11,111nri.:
for thil 143 t t 0.0, . • •
'lll, e,,mmone c .,! rii
ull4' dii"Thht...lay
ttiOtt,,but.. in 2• . roilt , lll:l4tr,'rvi ntl.imnierfte n
!Int p:npuily .WJA
No have: 9 1 10 •
Irvin Iler!e:t)
niilesi tat en . • • •
• (s.'•;•ilsotc) • • .
nviiofai G'ommonditig;
. .
ilnjt 1 titi a
. . . .
. • • -. 11 . .1 , 1111NCT NM.
11..4'par t
ltlar,f),•ll : l . ifritol/r : •
or 1 st,'
iv,. Itov; ,, Avoro flejporo,. toil tie in tihiofi
rorp. Siltr
K. yt.s.,liay t sppP .
0p;. , ,"( , .110 . ri1y, Joking olli•notavy
nLtt terriblo fb?ofiffq.t be val:,
le}' hef.,chie hrn /14!Ito4 , 01tr ' tf - op . p.f . nn
-ibo "lab (Aar*. • Geo. Ge•ory'A ( 11vfoino
;eadiu t
caloll. a Iv - ai.Paty
wiliffb, 1110, goo,s and hoirvi ! ,
were bo;r,blit flf,bltYletriffit'finfl•Kff a
'oov.fnii , t I:alffint iy bro.aff,lit 00.111iFr
•At the lo fir:. i buivyetti; cceoflyfl by
_roast vx,•rt ii;o• brifigifitf,.
drove ba r k. t hy
.:nervy of the thr, cowering
the mit h 'his !lead. .• '
is tYaipt Nl' to .r . :oriohf.
.111 kt W.l \ : 1') y
. • •tv.•nuitywhom
is • •
Our 't
hat .of.
'S'ii7i t too. of q.,.,,:casprs. ! livision,
. ••
'fi nit vroet 00th vr bettottisid...
Tho rood Excv jot 1 gii irnt tnalfr: t kyo :to
G F.:1? H. Nr...c.1,1•:1,1, A N.:'•
:..G,.;ll,l'ra 1 Com ilia nt!iiiq
• 11,':‘,=
. 11r , ; . a'roN.,'.T ti 9 . 4 .1:
the the hattto n 1 This trincri=
bi;lf.:Non, wag nverionkifig
Irvin an s.nrritivit• of uhdnt ti rr ,
r i „ ot. r'nwifinnic,a t io'n .
.frnin'ilit,•ballti 6 n in f;.'n: NlSer%telilin,'ilini in
dil...et.rriiin , ctinit with 11.1;. - ifillit;IF?"ivir..%.wo.
~; (; eos. . .iofy
ar.tirul ()pet a.tor.
nt..nt of lila ..tn.sny wasollyipus, and 'in tautl.s:
„ 1
re ,„ f e d,
..I ,l k k to•be it.ivhich
.a t•rtAblk' i 11... first
i n. whic•ii 66;111 twen•• . ..
t,%l,li,heftitOhi•-iiit repair:Oil tnoveriwnit , .of
i•)P•my of• trattli.: Thy..
st.li..ilkite to t.; ,. ll;leek.ili'in "V;i b"n
,WA:i . ii . , !.‘i.ri . vti'ilinie , 4
Ir foro'lat ion -sS•its rk , ei veil.. at .1.11 , ;• • War
par'? ownt ;kris nt.tjui:;',thttl' , Geit. Fre tu'otit
rort;tintttr ,, l ''arttF. telt Strasburg. • -
ft rtinuii irttl this itiornittg,•,a paa t of
.1•11449A'1..11 (vhig:o4 111Prep . ..at: ' •
ilvivetr •Iroto my. of ttie ; PLtfrqn -
041. t runoitt. Ott I.tt7r.t •has' . l•;ep'
ro Our Rctt,:qtit?,tt i•onttirter:
bly .trotti or ; bri pnoinn pre.
ViVliq p tii;r 441 11..! •
if/ ig.eni:;it . rc!,teivf,;(l t9 7 flay
ai tfio AVzkr Doliartirirtikt.;iiof:i%:t•hecbring car-
Lsrafrr,".. , • . -." • •
.1' TO,
iN LC.