. . . . . . . . , • . . , . , • . . , . . . • ~.• •9 ~ ., . .4 • - 1 O'N • • 'o , ?.i . '‘ • y. , t, i , , -k. , tt. I I , ~ I i . • " • ' . ''' , i ,t , "4 I. : : • Q • . 4 4 P -1., , ~ t.ti ~,,, r .. . , ~ ) 't • •,,,, . . , 1 li t i , ) , 41 „ , , . ?„.. _ . . VOL. 4. •• • • ••. .Qinocrat . EVERY BA:II:AWAY MORNING,; By F. 8.• :. OVIATT; S PQliy . , • N: COP mfrien,s. Obws Eit SQUARE - Sl- 50. in'Adv.anco TERMS Rates of. Adirertising ,f;l5 tie 20 00 1.2 Oil. •20 110 np.,gquare oft? I inee or If!: , s, ;;.iip+ortion4 .... . ) fit) 4n1....0.itt en t insertion, ' I;iiritioAs CA.r.IN, Witlt paper, . • . • . •.. • •• • 500 ••11 , 11c nr work ‘vi) I 'ho 'rtttrq.. To; , , vo Mien. lire vie r type,: or 91;1.a •11nes nonpareil, J ' 1.04 e l'ertni.e . i In strictly .adlier,:ll n ne . year Ki C ❑lohlbh .b l .lli)iitc.s,g„..,..Mitc,ctbri),. ••••••DR W.• 7. 11'00Y;• . • • • • S • C)UTEI'-EA . s'l' CORNET, , ATAIN • • • .. •• .; I :fititLiittott.: ;t 4 too'tliport. Will n ttim , l' to ". 311 prortoodott.ibettiltt zort• •Wdl.l Block ttoeood Ildor .•, ' • . LARNII_EE'S HOTEL.'".. ' 4, • Thi F I! itt .itiii I o..ti d oil. nine:iniloO'ritoi F'netduoirt roil Divan; odd n ill bo found 0. ' ottoirtittioot stoppingliiiite ' • . • . TlY r ifrg HoilSt;• • ' • - • Piortrtotor:' Hi ,Tway. V. . Tfflg,llntol is 'now !Lod forobtltiol •11 1 modoott hog noiple nocom nttititiotoi, and I, ip rtizoecti,:n roott Coon note!. • Ridgway.-19k •!1. . ELDRED HOTEL, . . ~ •. , . . . , . JuuN Went , Prriurit.tor• l'lli , luilisuiif: situ ated hall . ' 'ivity tu , tivell , l Saiiutlifitirt , ind. 0i ,;.n. 'A 'ciiiivettlent .:1 9 uuniU 6 ndlup,nit. r, :1;..IC , 11 . .IVII and obliging .attund. etits. an ,11 . 1,, v1 ,1 i ,. '"'''.. • • . ' . , •., ' I:l,lreti. Ntay 17 ,', 1 z..c.iJ ; . - , ' . • . • • • . . ' . ' FARMERS' VALLEY •.H.OTF.L, .. ... . It 7 •' ..G.)opw(s.. T,ll' A 11 . 101 . 10 i-li I 11.!f:li . 0•011t, Itie Mil,. GumGumittllthrketrt 011 I 49 , 01 , 1 t.l):QiePll2 . y I ea,n 11, tqwrii and , Itil , ).s ,:in to :pco lir'n.. , t4t.: 1 uti ilhii 511i)rtett:;•ok le . . EMPORIUM 1-lOUSE, • • • . . . . Snippen, 'Wl:nan 'rot, l'.. :S . : 1,.:11YI: F. .:.I . l.oprit! or -"A wymqvi ii 1 , 14. 1,1 N0 , 114,1[11i , 01P.1," lIMI.n.' Strailie -... 'till t.ll,C,llPri ,viii tin I e, e, :tru-nmlll.:vtatii!ll3.' • * PORT ALLEGANY 11.031Gi.:, . . . 1 ,....:,,,,;,,,n, fyli . ,,,y, pr,i,lors'r.t 1',..1 ,111 qt Iny . . Mt •ii,,A,, 1;.,,yjey'.1..1,..",'k1i511.):4 ,1 .•i,•••11.wtt , •‘1 . tt the 311 ii.?.• t'....n..0f :11.c.:•:trw.illport :t.i:.l .111^g•tuy River) and 5.11/1)C Itlile , i nave of §nlethport.. . . • BENNETT . HOU E; , nethpnrt.M'i . i . .ean C2Q... Pa. M Propr' , t.t . —atqlnalte Van Cfl.trt II t.irsti. large, cotpinolll - and wQII, . dswAYo .H9IIF; . . . G J ..ftittnett Prehrieter, Ceeewtht. .thi.4l . l”uie 'II ill tel ... •lq, i.ig..o4tatt.O.Ll and o'enret'l ,IJI" 4 tyli:. 1 , 1141 everY.,tf tentinn p 111 he paid he tlan '•pittpl4ett,': ti time ^ er;mforf ;',tit - I t tcte of 'lli3•Lttie•tm. •. ' :lune A. ISel ROBES HOUSE., . . . . . .. . Fe .. , 'ltin.z. On P;nl.lie. '..irign.r.. - 91.•an..N. - V. JAMLa M. *MILLtiII V rlprikitr. , 'VW, Yob, H , Jll+O ii entirely nee , e,1)..1.61jh of Oriel:, net 1,4 f11 . 411101( 11 1 I,tl:ilteld9rn style. , the" prop6eler Ile,iere.hiTewlf t.t•et ,tic neeo,eleiede• ri,,,,,,,,i 1 et se rrie,eeit 1, , y one hnlel ,111 Nt', , et ern N'•es ' Yt,elc. C irri.,'ee , rue to and ', rout. tine Sew York aid . ii. Fie nail 1100.1. .. '.' ' ..- ' :79-tr: • WILLIAM WILKIN, • I'rictir it ).1,c11111:) . ".+lil.ll , j2lit , • 11.-irigo.imn 1 5 :wt. .111.1411e11y. Fionsniv.• • : • • . • . A: P. iIP_IILIti, . I)rart , ill".” nna' Boit{ F.,..atts $111o0port; Vl''Kean o,,tinty, 1.. L., DENTISTRY . .. • . iiii;".ll, A'. Silt tiii,*!:', ia-.oit.lil iii ,-, t“-et rally niujounceit a th° • • 6tizou.lcif Fursthpiiiit nil i viiiirittii. 'that'll° ha; fitted .- up atvolticii, null. prehartiil to a kteliil twi air, laihiiio'''7 iir lii. proleision. Artificial tenth in,ert.eil dtlN.upan .sci- . elifilli• principle:. nivi c' aii in.prP:eryo'flio atILPX: :111-04 , ti0 n'uf itiiil: rnee - Ali inairitt lona in.fliattatirlurtri.iv. . iliiiia•iii a, iltiltral Jun litier, : w. H Alan. • - - t•I .. .. • .- . . WEI.LEIt, EFtcf Sit° of POhlto Sloort;,' Serona Denir .• Notrth of tho Ilemottott OfTwo Soti'tpbrt . l'n .. . Donlnr In Waunltes Onlokn owl levollary. • 'ltiTa.rsi•;; neately . ..Exkieuted and . Wairanettl. . ' , I , .- .. A. J. 1101:14SE • bealec.in Stores;Tin . Ware, Japrot ad of the , Pnbile :gntro,' Smothport, Coal am work done to ordch onthr shortest notree, and hi, the • •.trioitt substantl3l nirinner:, • „ W. 13ROWNEL14 71 , riler in Pry Grind:, Gvolieriefi..Cockeiv,' flardraro . Q:tri4; kltet.sili.Lol tit* t, THIgG & MILLER, ca'rpetiti,..4:,'ltra.ly 'Ma;ll. Clothilmttml...Ront , tal Gond,. Ilnut., and ihoefl. IVnll P irdOW -'l"aper,,,Looking .At ' . BYRON IL.HAprrag, A croeNEY-AT.r.,, , rlStnetpleirt, M'Kean ' eetintr: Pa., . rer Me.yhri.•Heatin r.ros Lan,ig .cto.wis esponlally to the pnlleotion of Claims; Eiatninetien of hand Title.; Pafnnent of Taxes'..ike I all ho,inege . .roln-, ling to Tteal fat ate, OM no in Munn n Mock.' • AT1 , 111,6:1" • 1T -I, :ill10 1 .)11.1rt , • :11' Non n. Cn,. rt. coirei ions prcuvl c.tt curled to. • • itel, .1 B. P.' HACK]TT . . . . , XV orney a n.l. Ccrir'a,•ll,r at lia‘r z .S•llippen, Pa.; will at - • tatt•l'llta Caort,or Potter.. Me Karla, an I Elk enmities ' . ' Prolopt alto trim paid. to Calloaliona. OM eci,• East OA Fall: Block—lice, od. Floor. • ' , . . TO Those Interested in: Mining .and • . •• ...7.gineral Lands: Witlnn nt`Mlnrr;tl Lands in 11. 11.\RVI olTory his services a ( n o r m t i .l (l ll• l " 4 l.4tn i t i, t o i i o n o shoo,. Att•l -trivo' hit' opinion ;is to ttio•TAI,VE, OF Atc.• ett.:Agititt liis ;:0 CV let , still reorivo ial . nocott - vtryttn•l rfliablo information. 11,mi-tenet , at the tiottlcerliill - ?Moos; • • •, SortolMtt, Nl'lcottoJbollo.l.B69. • u A. B. ARTiESTRONG -••.. . . . , J ,USTICE". OF. TOO P FAO ?;:and' cloOvoyaocor. Also Attorney 'not Counselor al.'Law. Particolar atteut ion gls , op to Collec..tiog. Moo one Door East a the Ben , nottalwase, floethport, Pai . • . , . . .. 4.1013,:PR1NT1N . G . , OF:EVBRYDESORIPTiON, NEATLY; ,OPEAPLY . AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXE9IITEiD AT TII.P, . • . . • • o c - J.ttA.T: OF Ric.: E. -• • 03nn9s1oNifil Fon ,TIIE . STATE,OF 15DTV, TORE. G'fn take - penofs neknowledgm nt re Deeile end other inmtru [wale to housed itud recorded in maid Sttite,• and Io a•!ndnie,teenallus ar affirmation:l 'purrmnt to the laws ot C s onveyencer, .t.c• Office In Land Of' 'See of D , Kinifshe.ry, Bradfer;l. 4401Cenn Co , ,!larch 14 „1.961. • Oen. .A:DIDI.:IIIS44 0 'D 1;:.17,0C I? A T IC 11 . 11:311113 k!S' 6P CON " TIPP F lto C Y nt THE TT. S Cclditio'n• fif.ouri cofititi•rile'rnfinils, it . hal we should .re,i(sop tags( her;'. Part 06;11 riot; riettql. in a . nil indeed jai. fa the preservation of-.public ‘Vithoiltil . thy heatjinyyrorherif would' soon soon . fiegynerdieHnicYithyworst of - In . .ieSixitisins•the. chief - ifs& of po i wer - is ug ln our oivtf,ecieni y • the, experience last t ve.in oil ths prunes more Than a niy lessOdrin ihe fieei.ssif y of ruirt . Y . o.r.gailiz•ation'. The pfekylit A (fn . ) itis:. at ion: yi:as ellS4en by 4patly,:nlid i'verognia . ni.,..niul slily ty-nni.l obligations' to ;that p4tty.• must•anil . will be en opp2Sition. The publi' safety kind gem! demand it he n new ole.ailizatfon OW 011 a ? The nerd t'ie• part v sva4 s'ixty• alit. It has 'fleverbeettflf 'flay it tiuinfiets sand yleetdrs : the S..alei 'still loyal to „Hie . vietorf'es elyyt ions iii the - iil ll" Still es prose ten' months State Convent 'ohs and. nom,. . .t icke.ts iii every Fi State; in thY . lfuion.. • le flie..p.spliblicafis .ead thy s.atne...lie•aidi •' • • • ••§11,11.1.: TIIF DE . :\IOCFrAy.IC itiOitry 1 . .A ri; kis: hoci.fit plttscirtus wroott.7 t tirr th.y 1 Lei - it spr'ak t : That the A.inericau—DemiictaCy placr thcir fret t in tie the, p:orit . • . 'arid the . Idiscrirtiinatifig of the A in.fican , 'lint we rettartlll;i3"as - frdictinctict'Jcatiirc . iti otrr prJrtiril.rrced, Which•t%e:ar. proud t° rilahitain before •grea't goy.' fitment.' iilid 01,014 1)3 the. : roccf.:‘ and w. c'ontiast'it a l it creed and prirtice.of eralisnc, utOirr whatever 11•1(rie or ta1471 whirl seeks to palsy t6c.tcill. of the,ronstitirr-nt; and ' -.-.• I'ltat the Ve4 . l . criaGOverniii.nt is one of powe'r;:del ici t i';rse/i!fp/ii, rJe ar "it i and . 1 . 1 alorig fig! , Ustiorg a., 'it lids . : " • • ; T,s. mainteln respi.et . the tilos: of the St es'arttl th liLy rtjes'rit) he cit It is to tadhere f.i idly' to he veiy, itriteiploi. and the I.jt;ritoetatie party. has itrofesed I;;l.l•rpere Feit 7, tety. Let' its, hi,tortip..l. reselts; itiove..wltttlte'r it ins pra,etieed . tt i em.,, 'We ilplie.lll , l'o9' l .liy, to the reeenl: , The (init. step totivard.:tt testordtii)itml,. Ufiioit as.it wits 'Fit to.ninintaitt thot•l:bostititttap a's 15.....501011 , itS it teas et aiwair eil •in fact a-nd not h infidetio . tt ktot. jn letter, a.cte,tl irrimitio . tit,...the Utinin' tray otibroken. ' • ' : . , restore tlie.t/tiitio, it is essential,. first, 'to giee:ass'itraoee to•every Starr and ,to the petipte of every serflo Itibtit. their tighsatoflihe'rlies Mid pt'peiry•will.he s-kt.;tire within -the Union ender the Cons' 11,a, • 'ti:.`,lll' . .l7lCT an (1911143 . ' sure as tlte:ieitortion to power rd that nneit . tht ,eonsnlidated. Detoorrtrtie , party which ror'sitsty Years did herniae the pro. party, righti, and Til?erties of the Staites and of rite eople t and dins aid maintain the Cole,ti tution.and preserve the . Tioron,- and with. them the multiplied bleisingq'srhi, 4 h distingttishell lis Above all other itationt; / ' ..•', • To restore the Union is to crush out section alism Neittli and South.. Tn begin the great work.ef restortition through the 'ballot-hex is to kill abolition..• The bitter waters of seces 7 skin flowed, first and •iiin still from the foontaio of alilitirMisto, • .Thet touniain inii:t he dried up.' :lirtninS' may hreak town the the Conledera tf. Go ern ncen t the Sr nntb; tat - the Of lestoratiOn can cartioa qii orailiza • tion mud the ballot inure North : arid yest.: In this grelit . vorfc w . t; enrtlia!ly incite the roni)r intinicof .Men.of every panty wino dres'or. ri . nsed , to the 0111th "1 ti.bolit npir, %Om.. In sincerity, 'desire I,„he , ConStii tit rOflas it isond the. Union no it ‘‘•ns, its - (lead. Rally, Invers'of the •Uhion, line Con. st it piion; 'and of • Lilcity, to Lite stet • td-iril Democrat IC pa ready . n 't he field and con fident of victory-. That-patty is the naturist and persistent . .sn . o,isy of abolition, Upon thi s . question its record as a national . or'ionizitiinn; however it maji.'"diave been at limns with par. ticalar men nr kit partt.culair Statei ;, is cleat' itipl unquestloiable, From the begiuninr of the anti-Slaynry,t o tbe p'Crin.l. of the Last DA . d . arra fie :National :d'nUveuditirt it hiiit hiit Oflp: `Li.t I ilo• ..., ,, flec6.'re . d, r Tll,ll,Ciiligres4ll:l! , no . power.urt. .der J'r, • r*C . itrisiitittion In luittr.lera with o.r..ront,roi idie.ilti'moatdr.ihstinitio'na4)l.,the Severn" §l:l.(est • • •• , , . . ..-• tint' hat .sue Btati.s or," tht• soh; aUtl piolier jotitos. everything , opprld,tinitt;!,*) dkeir own . a filth sf,not:lrrohibitett by tdieCon