• --- TA R 1. • . „ n• • ivarii , Kno w No "" ; , .A - !.. -, :r'.•:,`,?:;:' ,- .,..,:,:1' -- - - ;: , : , ;"(.., - - • • .''?'::c.liiTgli4ribtf,iiiiittsi,io.cirs'oi... --, ..; . i* , -,; •. .ii - , -, ;.... , , , , ,. ' - ,. , r......,.. , •:./, , -.. , ,..:::... -. .....'.. 1. .. .'.. ' VERMi.II: ,-.,• - . refiltratienr (tin er a others) ere -LP.:"-7;,l!'llitiertfretn rojeohe.", out of their hilles to tile," )114.11iit atiiititCra est4lislie4 in N. Y.• City 0 1 4 ir: 7 tlb• City Poit 01Sce. •:',Virmiiy-•tike City Prisons .sod Station ilouses tradh r —cier bteamirs, Shirr, /se. . . Dad tr.th City A1m...110u see, Actele-- sAstor',-- 'St ''• ?Icroikt iiy*4he boarding Hoarse, &c. than 0,600 'ideate Tamil ie *. " • Oritei so4a* foophi, press,' end .1) oat or en y. HICNRY . COSTAR.-e-All the 'summer I' biii..:6o‘o6abled.with Roaches and Mice- •I . inpt *Shamed of .the. house; for the 11latiOpeo everywhere. :I.purcheired a'box ilittOOF.l.okatinitsii and tried it / : and in one ~ :took Aire:ins nota Roach Or 'Mouse In the 111400.i.4,;.../ottie'n. Give" 9.1..E1tu 4 ,IIE9IIIIEREEPERS---troubled :with vermin, no : biker,- if they.'use.r.Corran'a". tfrmlpato. 5..; 'Nice' tried. it_ to our isada= ' • ',..fittitAi'in sl ( 4 box cost . $5, we would have we had 'tried Pelson!, but they effected but COrtirm's article nock a 'the breath .4'4oool.itilfse..:Mice.and :Bed Sill, 'finielter than ito,nsW . avrit r eit. great demandall over foloisoia. , ,jtridims . (0.) ()maw.. . . PORE ,GRAIN. and: Provisions are deem ed Grant „County by vermin, than puffer I,ool'ot:this 'Act and InseCt Kii- IliweemareC Herald. J , • , _ 1111111Mr-R..;.COST AR—Your .Extirrninator • h.. vonajnoil; used,..and pronounced • a decided *w o g, k box of the way fl'. Sattr...M4 Hire ,uround _our %premises "raised 11040! . .tbatltilbt, was caution 'sinei.then .pot a• FOR or MoUse has been heard slloterholl.er: . eelier.—Magregor '(n:a) Tiines. likrt Inart . SELLING—Tour Egtirmi• for the loot year, and find. it a suss own • • ,Driggiet,Cardirigton, 0: • 'WE . ELL NO-,-Your. preparations litY• ..IN berry*" thor have been used, Rats, ,solkebes, end . Vermin disappear immedi . 040. ETOO/11111, Druggists, Now *Atm, ate. 48ed 50. ,: 'TIP,!ory."7, gethit ~, Alt', be , • l iiithpwr- t and insects. fasecti on des of yet 1 0•11 " 1 " . sin. , 'Veetaw's" Ra'.llOneh, ito,, Plain:Lb* Bedbug Fatirminatov Eletitrro Powder for Insecits. s.llli'AO.'iiNrk $1,00 4 BOXES; Boreyes AND $3 and,Cs sizes TOS.PLANiA ... - ,veims;Stims, BOATi, HOTILtir tie: . . • • .: , •;1 0 3104.1Seret s yhatere..7b7 " • • All Wholesale litugalite in large eitlei. , h M AR Retail. Dialeti.—GroCars.:-Sterioksepera, ; 71te: ths•Paited Stites. Wtioleside Agouti , k i, ‘iiiiiiii •ii Co. Brat: ..& Co 4Pialits roilt.liall tic C 6. v ,, X.1114 . Rands Sr Co. Wheeler Hart. '11016 616 0 1 Co - 4 t i, . 011110tac el &. Co. r1 166 ' ralloi. 1P446114 P rkei b go. thidifit afford. I', .;;AND OTUIti ...4.0,14,054,44 • kat:Shoemaker 81 c Altaboestipsk k o . . d Toivas h UNITED -STATES. ,~AFi:. • •",-innpiati;4l:2 . . • • PHYSICIAN 'AND- SURGEON • .• • • • • • • Having - perrnunentlit locateid himself at ,' ' POftr 'ALLEGANY, creditl respectfully. inform the puldie that he itrprepared to attentl,tO business.inall branches of the Medical ' 1 -Profession . :. Particular atten tion '•psid.to Secret • Dis . eaties,' both Male , ; And female, they..ivill tie - ttentediri .: atcordanc# Nyit.h the latest nuthoryies and pra 'ctic'e of both Eu rope and' America.. All secrete intrusted 'to him; in his practice, will. be- strictly kept by spite of . rnoney,•latF, friends, eneinies, relatives or, neighhori, • (7 . • •• . Port'Allegany,'Mareh 20th, p';36o: = . . WAN - TED , . " • , • ..• 11011 T ROO pounds of Maple Eigar, iv oacbaileilor furultere...• . •• .. 0 . LYMAN; • . - • • , • ' 'Mechanicsburg. Cobiuot .Ebop. ' Smet'atoort; •.aprll I', 1!t1. . TITS PEOPLE'S, - COOK 1190 K... • MODERN C 0 OKERY IT TELLS YOU !few to choose all kinds of Meats, Poul• .• . try and flame, with all the various and • • • . niost approved modes of dressing and • . cooking fleet and Pork ; also the bent • •• and simplest way of salting, : pickling • and Miring the same. . • IT. TELLS YOU All. theti• varione• and: - most approved modes of drags og, conking, and boniest • Blutton;.l,stiab, Teal Poultry, sad . , Gamenf.alikinds,' With tiao different .' • '•' • Dre.al lain, 0 Civics :and litulltuga ap. proprtat,e.to each.' IT TELLS YOU Dow to cheese, clean, • and - preserve ' • • Fish - of all'ltinde,- and hew to sweeten • : -it when tainted ;•alio 'all 'the various. 'and unit - approved.roodes of cooking,. • with the different . Dressings,. Sauces,. . .• and Vlaverinn,a aperopriate-in each. T TELLS YOU Air- the various and most approved • • . modes of preparing over fifty different • kinds of Meat Pish, Pow!. Qame, and • Yegut Bonen, Broil* rand 'Stowe, , ' • • 'with the;Ralishes and licasoninge up ' • pro,priate to each. ' • • • IT TEVGB YOU All ; the various. end most approved , mudes'of - cooking Vegetables of every . • . description, also bow to prepare Pine • .• " Ont.. 111) Itud 'Tat-ilea of all kin to, . • Potted „bleats; Fish, blushreome, an., : IT TEIsI4.YOU All the*, various and moat a pprairvd modes of preparing bbd' cooking all Mailer Plain and Penny Pastry, Purl. •., Mugs: Ofnelettes, Prittera,Oakes4 en lectionary.. Presereea, .',lellien and 'Sweet Mabee of every deseriptiuo IT TYLLB YOU All the , various and most . app; Mend •rne'den'of making . Broad. Rucks, Muf. , fins and Biscuit, the beat. method or : • • • 'Mewing COffee, .011.Mo - tate and. Tea, • . . . ' .apd how to make Syrtipn, Cordialaind • . • ' • Wines of varionalinds. , • ' • • . IT TEI4B YOl7 'Vow to let out nod ornament a Table; • ' • ' how to carve all kinds.of Flash , • • , or Poll, and In abort, how. to vo • elm . ; plify the whnio art pr3ookluit; AO to ••bring.theehoicest luxurifiaof thetabla • • ,- • ..within ever; body'e.reaCV; •-• • The borilt M3114113'4 418 paces,and 'inwards of twelia butidrediteeipts, , all of which re the ernults of actual experience, having been fully .and carefully tested under the novenal. perintence of the' writers.. It ts:printucl his clear and open typo; is illustrated with appropriate eograiringi, and will be forwarled to annaddrars. neatly bound, and postage nail, on receipt Of the prise, 81,00, or in cloth, extra; 111,28. :.•• , , -$ 1000 A.YEAR inade ed. , enterprising . men where, is the above work, our inducements to all• Such baibg very • • . . • iron stogie copies of the: bock on for terms to agents, with other information. apply to er address JOUN TOTTER; Publisher: •' • • No. 617 13 - aneont Street, eolladelphla, Pa. ' , November 16, Op •24 ::....•-. - :!-Lkit:t0' . : Tuvi.Es.:‘ . MADE:...*A.SY.I ONE MILLION DOLLARS WORTH WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER. :PLATED: WARF.I? AN ENTIRELY NEW AND ORIGINAL PLAN. ! ii;few York Boy. . . Risley & Co Bush, Gale & RobisOn ~M..Waroll, Close & Co WlCisson & RolAins; -D. S. Barnes & Co. , 'F. C, Wells & Co.. All persona desirciuso( securing Agene7 Lazelle, Marsh &-Co Hall, Dirton& Co. Tripp & Co. Conrad .Foir. Should send on their names at once, ehelosint a 3 cent stamp to pay poetage, and - ieceive by return mail . • Coataining IMIRE cmasiscv MA.R.E 'MONEY vritboni ri.k, fogethet.with INISIMMLIBS 4 140V PH S11 VLIAN 1 4 'TO inadte indtopt.suit !isitisraetotity, direct, all ,Odets to . : '.". Etna, • . 430 cheibpt it., Philadelphia: • • r,,!•1 :‘4 •In all ite 8ra:2011646. cAnOotty REVISED BY MR.S. B ! J• BALE Good News for the' 'Unemployed; 1000 CHANCES TO.OIIIIIE MONEY To be dieptised of oie NEW ENTERFg, rnEairimpi CATALOGUE Our Inducements, 4 atbkibil to this SPRING TRADE NOW OPENED, 'ol.acitH NW GOODS AT THE' ONE Tjiiiot REGULATOR II TEE . OLD rt,'ACE, ME CHEAP STORE 4. GREAT BARGAINS CAINI , I3E. - 4Ab .AT.:*I4E, ONE': PRICE ..EGULATOR ! We ere'Vete ,, mlned 'to Viider.p.lo:ll, MARK THAT 1!:! OLD FRIENDS' KNOW: ALL . ,IABOUT IT Ones Tint Come Anil : kip For Tlrtirtellcs One purchase wjll.satisfy the mast skeptical that there is.only one' place to buy . -firat class goods, at very low price's, and that place Ys-the, ONE PRICE REGULATOR, The . one pries system gives the best satisfac surtRIOR 11100DS, NEW FASHIONS, fi.Oß` PRICES! EVERY THING YOU WANT AT THE ONE PRICE . RFAMTLATQIL:, andthe grand:Emporium of every thing new neat and stylish- If you. have the CASH and want to buy the BEST • • DRY GOODS. GENTS EUEN/SHING GOODS, HOUSE. FtrRNiSHING_GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND. SHOES, GO TO THE Which 'afford ONE. PRICE REGELATOR, THREE Val:: ,find'will goods remarkable fig tIZ beauty, ddrability, aupertir manufacture and • • • to you atthe lowest possible figure, the first time, and from tau kite' there can be 11O.D EirrAl lON Itemember;--One Priee—low Prices.4le% iltyleit-"Striet Inteirity.*CaSti. • THING & ' MIIIR Oie April 23 DoN , r MISS IT DON'T ,FORGET ELEGANT:STYLES, OLIi :FA VORIT ES, LOW PRICES, /-: , _!A7CY.G : 001)..% CROCKER e EVER LOW PRICES Tbey will be offered Ntiner)Tl , • • C. H. THING N.. $. lIUTLErs, .=MIII -.......—. . , . , . . . . NEW CASffSTOII.E . ,--..'• ~ -.. .. btss . op:rTior..l ...,:..:-.: • , .. ,:itlt , persona. not beferi.keetininted With the tart, will . ... .. . . ..,.. . - . • • . plena. - notice' that the Copartnership In the lumbering . , 4. -- • -a- T - 71.- A . -w..-r• ....._.,,—,' ' Imalniaa In Caineton•conntv, Pa a. In the name of Men. A:Z."l.j ...n.,,,L.1.17.41. , pnic l-4;L..7 5 !- . . 0 ,,,m0i.i. az. 0,:;. or Mitusstlimi, ?amnia', .k. ti.,a• • . • ~ • .... .• , . • . , - ... .. - BOWER Wes dlasollied.,lir. the death •of M. ilenjamin ... - .- . , - lAMES G. •MERSEIAU- ' •174 RD TINES ; MADE EASY '' .'• . ' • Feb:20,4562.. . . . d.would ream. etfully.announce. to the citizens. of 'McKean 'and adjoining countieti t hat they can do eS 'well in Smethogiti - in thi Stove and Tin-ware . as .o,leait,. shall,. at all tithes; live on hand a' Jorge stock of • COOKING, PAELOB, & BOX STOVES ! - , • TIN-WARE, pinlp . e'r7l\rar'ci, LEA DP 1P E.. A N P (1:41 S, llookiroia ai 1 - IIo0e:10pers Nit IV are' . :Sx, Si ~.. Job Work ; .:'. -..-'1: of all-kind's. done vrith , iiiipatch,a and in , a satis tort' mapner,.ai the•VOA:est• possihle.priees. . Orders rrnmptly attended to, ' . ' .. Give. me.' a: calf—at t ho htiddins ken as : the* Stpre ---,oppOsite; the Pcist Office. .Sirfettiport, .Pa: . • • . . March 29, 1862. •.' . • • Proprietor: SMETHPORT.LIVEgY gTABLE. - .. THE Sll7..tSCßlßk,Rba's opened 'a . new Liv ery.Stabfe in Sinetlinort; at 0 . . .11. - Ben. Stand,..on'Main street, just eagt , ot Mchanies';*.here.ean be .fOundl.he, bestol'Hor- • sea . and Carriages at law prices.. Ileintends.to inalte,SmetlipOrt a perrnarient residence, .and asks a share, of patronage. :• • • Srnethport, — .Aup,ust 2,1; 18130.. •., .1123t1.. NY7.• \"‘ T ., 5 l,O.HErt,• - 11 ; 1: ,GERMAN PHYSICIAN de SURGEON (PE7.3SAN6I:III.Y LOCATED AT•I".)LE+2I:t N. I:l,ga - trove to inWrm the:.r r itiv ns of..Smetnpori and vicinity; that.beAvill ba-nt the • BENNETT BOU§E, SMETIIPOBT,- ' Pn the. FI.HT and FIFTEENTH. of each month; Where - he,may be consolfed by the afTikted: Peitieulai...ntrentinO paid to all 'Oisre , ses. of the EYE and •SKIIV, Also:.all CHRONIC D,DlSE4SF.S; . and'bucho.reliecitliar to both. To - Co n sturiptive 'r 'SHE kdvertiser t -haring been restored to hedl•li to a' A lOW real. by every simple renieilY, after baclog suff .red'soveral years with a ,nevareliing affection. told that dread diabase, (7.itiumption—ie noxious ,to. make hounds to Ide fellow-sufferers-thcrineens of cure. To all.'who desire it; be will send a copi of the preaciip lion used (frve of charge), with the direelions for pre• pai init and .using the same; which they will, fi nd a suns CV611 . 161. C01690611.710N A 671 . 7116 dc.C. The - only 'et of the Advertiser in nendloo the ...reticription 16 to betilit lhe• afflicted, awl spread information which hd eprieelvei to be invaluable, and he hopes, every Ref; feirr will:try hie remedy, as it .will coat them nothing, and may prove a blessing.• , . . • ' • -- Parties Wishing the preswiption will please address • • Rsr: ADWARD A: WILFON • • . • Williamsb • (nr•llm.) • •'•Kings County, New York . HOW LOSV i HOW RE TORED ! ! .pest . Published, in a Scaled'Envelope.' Price Six Cents. LEOTURE ON THE NATURE. TREATMENT; AND &Mimi, Ours of SPerinatorrhoen; or Seminal Weekor,sx; InvoluntnryEnaf.aiOns. Sexual Debilty. and Impo.innents to Marriage generfilly. 'Nervousness . -ConsintPtion, lelay and Fits"; Mental tad Phveical Incapacity., maalt • hig froth 1:elf-thuse. Ac. --ity Dont. J OuVriawar.l., D . ihe.G re m..b-6,,k, , ~ •.• • • Thaworld-renownud author. in this adniirable Lecture clearly frores.from his own experience• that the awlul conxertaancen of Self-alatai-may be effectaallr'removed wtthout medicine , and without dangerous surgical opera; tionsi hoagie's,' ihstru aents, tints, or cordial.,pointing out a mode of cure at once 'certain and edertnal,:;by. which every ..uffurer,' no naatter.W hat. Ins condition play be, may cure himself' cheaply, privately. and radically. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thou . . Sent under nerd, in a plain envelope, to any address. oo receipt of aLc..coute or two pootage atempe. by addreaae faßr Lor.CLIAE. J C. KLINE, •' • .127 Bowery, Ngu: York, Post Office Hoz, 4580; AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST For the Farm, GaTtlen,.ai! . 11- lioniebold . . A TH9A:TITCII;OOIN..6, RELIABLE and PRAC TICAL Journal; *voted to the didertint' de partmenti Of god culture, suclfas 'griming Field Crops,• Orchard and Garden Fruits; Garden Verze•tablei and - Flowera I Tre.e r a,' Plants;'• and Fluwers the Lawn or Yard ; care of Po mastic Anirnals,..&c., .&c., And. to.Houseliold Labors.- It has:also an interesting and institie• 'tire depa riment• tor childien and yonth._ . A: full Calendar, 01 Operritions every' month. • Teree . to FnUr ; Hundied, or inore,.illuatyatlve Engravings in'each •Twelve 'Hiindred plain, pracfieal, st . ructiv'e . artrclevand useful items,' are' given every year.. ••, • • ... . . . . The•Fiflitors an!' Con;ributors.are all prac tical'Woiking Min: , The Oatiziarm .'of the A9RICtiTURI 9T are.con ;Vied to no State' or 7 oitory,'but..are , adapeed to the wants of alt sections of the: con»try—it ir, as its Wo Me: indicates, far the who it AMERICAN C ' • A GERMAN EDITION.is published, of the same site and price- as the Englishoind con•' taining all of its reading matter, and its,nume. roue illustrative engravings. • TERMS—INVARIAISLY IN ADVANCE, One copy, One year, $1 00 'Six copies, one year 5 00. Ten or more copies - one year •.80 cents each... to the above. rates: Postage to Canada :6 cents, to England and France, 24 ecnts ; to Germany, 30 cents. • Postage anywhere. In the United States and Terri l eries must be paid by the subscriber, and is only. Alta cents n yea:r, if paid in advance at the office where rectlived. ' • • ~ .tAll.business and other eminriunicatior. be' addressed to' the Editor and Proprie , ni, ORANGE. JUDD; 41Park-Row, N. ,City KOLOCK'S DANDELION COFFEE, . . . . • Thia preparation, made from the best Java .Coffee, recommended by 'physicians as'a superior NUTIIITrOUB 'IIEVKItAGE for general' Debility, Dyspepsia, and all bilious (Murders.' Thousands who have been compelled leitbaudon this use of coffee will use.t his without iciuri• gas effects... One can contain the strength of two pounds !I ordinary coffeo. , Driee 26 cents; ' KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN; naiad and beet lIAKIN6 ?Mtn known; for making light;* went and. nutrition, Bread - and cakes:, Price 15 cords. : • ' ~. . •*. • - 14PitiFACTIntED EY ' M. 11, , ICOLLOCK,: • Chetniat; • ~ *, Corner of Braid and Chest:inn Streets; . .",. " I'iIIf.ADELPIII, .....- • . . . . . • *Ai:o . 69la by. all Diuggiats and GXOOOT,II MMMMIEMI . 1 .Tllll °THY . SEED. • BUSEjEL:S'nf 1114 .I) , !'s,f irrily•Sgsp, raied'by.nnd ro t Fnle at.. ' • • . •• • • L fl 01,LE vp Port-Airpgany,.vec.ember KENDAL-CRK HOUSES KENDAL-CREEK, ELKEAN CO., PA., . . . - 'TINE SubserjtiPr'having purchased this . Welt . 1. known stand, itnd. re-furnished and ted the House, iSlirepaied to entertain Boa!d.: `era and. the Traveling public. , .•' . 1419 lIA.R I 3 ABLE: Will be.Aie , 4l.sapplied, :and evirliing-dene to inerit a liberal share oryiatronage... ,Raft irien always find the "lafeh-strine," . oat. 1": M FULLER.. • Kendal.CreelC..laheary 2, 1860: . st Call. . . A LL petsons knowing theinselves..indeliterl . .11. to the undersigned. ore hereby notified' to call and , *settle their accounts immediately; et cOsts will be made Des. 40,, 1600. . . • A. K. .301-INSON. • '.• 0031 AI ISM ONER FOR' TFIE . STATE . OFsE ETV , YORK . to tako proofs 'and . acknosilettguieuts of. Doeds•and other instrunientA to be used and recordedip said State,. and tc aZiniuitte'rostlitt . ur atErmations ptirausnt, to the Tatra Of Said State, Convayancur, !kn. Offien to .Laud Of. ice of .I):.EitataLttry. Bradford, McKean 1.3(i , Pi: March 11, 1861 -6111,1, • , ,• • .• ' , , . . . • ,-. , • ... '. r..rtiOMPS()N'S : , DANK NOTE' NOTE' BD 1011)1ERCIAL .iIEPOPJp, Circulation, 100,000 '3Ol-1N THOMPSON QaAtations, c'or . rect Peby . '.l'.ifo:4l , soN • IJttornEus, 2 Wall Street frublishecl by CHAS. .BLO . NUF.LII,' 1 . 17 Fralcl'n St r6a3.o..o.sunsbniaTtoritis fiovattc.r.; • TO'rnail SubFeribeis " Ectnt.tnonthly,....sl.l .To Petite - testers Or others, who torte 'Clubs and for. wet d ON the trnney . te advance. we. wit' send the ltepor-' ter. rob; Chprt.lfanuah and -Llsscripgre List, Iowa: . ' _5 copies-of the. Weekly - one Toar;,•, OS .5 coples - of the Setni•ntenthly 4 00 10 copies. of the' Monthly—l.:- ....... . ...,0 00 . 'V'te will. forward ifratuitou43 , to any• 'person sending a club of ss2o at •the altore I rates,•ei any one time, our Anieriean Gold , Coto Test Scale A ddress, . 'I7iiO:I4I"SON BROTHERS; Bankers, . No. 2 . , Wall St.' N..Y.;.P.roprietors. COURT PROCLAMATION • . WHERtAS the, Hun. Robert G. White PresidentJudge;and the lions. Dar': line . and N; peabody ~Associate Judges of thi , Courts of Oyer.& Terrniner.. end' Genet:al Jail' Delivery, Quatte . r .Sessiona of the Peace, Om' nnane Court and, Court of Common 'Pleas for thelCOunty of M'kearthavelasued tlieirprecept; bearing• date r.Fritlay, the siventh . day .01 Marcy. .in_ the year 'of . our Lord. one ,then.• sand eiglit'hundred and sixry-ten; and to me directed, fot holding a Court of Oyer, and Terminer and General. Jail. Delivery, Quarter Sessions 'Of: the'Tel ? Or'phins' Court, and Court of•CrirnMon Plena,- in the Potoug,h. of SmethpMl, on Monday, - the 30th day.ot Jude, arid to continue one week. • • • Notice iv t heretorahere.by - given to - the Cor-o ners, Justices of • the . Peace and . Constables • within the'reunt that they bu then ,and In their pioper persons,'at o'clock• A: Id.- of said day, ‘vith t heir 'rolls,. recerdQ;.inquisitions, exanniniaionsi and other'remeinhranCea, to (In those - things 'which - their offices appertain to, be done. And those who are bound by their rec. oenizances totiroSe.cute -the prisoners that are or 'shall be in t Neje il of said 'county.: of 44.'icean; are to he then: and 'thereto prosecute !.-agairtst then as will .be-just. . • -Dated' - at Smethport, ihis.7lh i 4 j,. of. Varch :1 . 862,.. and the 86th-..year of the Irdepend - - ince of the United'Stats of - America. • • Sheriff.' PROSPECTUS Or THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, THE 13EST NECII . ANICAL PAPER' 1:1 .THE WORLD • SEVENTEENTILYEAR. ••• Volume New Series. . • A nqw Volume'orthis widely cireulated pa per comrr,ences on the 4th of 4anuary. Every number contains sixteen pages of useful infor ma,tion. and from five to ten original. engravings . of new inventions and discoveries, all of which are prepared, expressly tor its columns'. • ' The- SCINTIFIC AMF.RICAN 'deVoted,to the interests of' Pnpular Science, the Mechanic Arts, Manufacriires, Inventions; Agricutture, Commeice and the Industrial Pursuits - genet.. ally, and is valuable and initructive net only in'the Workshop and ManitfactorY, but also in the Household, the Library and the Reading Room. TO The Mechanic and :,Manufactured No person engaged in any of the •mechanira pursuits should think of doing . without. the SCIENTIFIC ASIEII.ICAN• It costs but four . .. cents' per week;' every number contains from six to ;en engravings of new . machines . and invert `thin's, which cannot be' found in any other pub lication, It is an established rule ot -the 'pub lishers to insert mine but original engravings and those of the first *class .in the , art, drawn and engraved •by experienced persons - under their own supervision. . • • • • To the InVentort • ' • 'the SCIENTIFIC • .AMERICAN Is .indis= pensable to every inventor, as it not only' con tains ilimstratO descriptions:of nearly all the beet inventions as they come: out, *but' each. .number eontainsatt Official List ()Vibe Claims of all the-Patents issued from the.l.lnited Stites Patent. Otlice,ituring*.the . week , previouso thus 'giving a correct history bribe progress of in ventions in , this' country. We are alicrreceiv ing;'every week, the best scientific 'journals of Great Britain,. France, end- Germany; thus plaCing in our possession all thatie transpiring , in mechanical:science and , art in _these old *countries. VVe contimie• to transfer to our columns copious extracts from -.these jour nals of whatever w'et'reay deem of interest to . Chemists,. Architeets, Millvitrights,". And FARMERS! ,Tba SCENTIFIC'..A:NERICAN will br found a most uselful Journal to them' .All the new .dieecWorie'N of science of ehOrnistry Are MEM given in,iti.COltinans, and: interests of thrt., are'hiteitand earPenteir err not oveylookni;•all , the new inveritione:aild disioyeries apPettim7' ing to these: purstai published 'from, week to week,: Useftil.antrmartical tion pertaining to'the interests Of millwrights end "mill-owners.wi l he found P.ublialiefii in. the Setzavitiq' Asiewicsn which information .the Y.. ' cannot, possihly obtain from any;;other' Source., Subjeets.in lA : hietritianters hnd fanners nre in feiested , ,lll be Mond' disrussedin the Seine,: Tule A atant9ati; most of the Irnprovernents in . agOilturul implemen . is , bekng illustrateti in its. . colum . . 'To,majl aubsciiberi:- , -Toro :Dollars a Year; or ;One. boiler Inr aix'..montlls.'„: Ono' Dollar' .paye for one .complete volume . o . f 416 'par.esi,- two, 'tolumes comprise one year. Tne “)1: tinneti commence on the • 6r.st of -January anct . . Five copies, for six Months Ten copies, for Six Moi the - 7sB Ten copies, for,TVrel.ve Mcinths - • $l5 Fifteen copfss,lor Twelve Months - $22 ===l2Ml=fM For . alt clubs of Twenty antforer, the._ year: Ly subscriptinnlionly4l,4o:' Names can be sent in at different 'times and from different .Po,t-Offices. Sperimen ‘ iopietf will besent gra. tin to any part:of tbe country: , Western and Canadian money of : Post-office stamps taken at par, for'stihscriptions k : pin/t -itian subscribers will please . to .remit 25 cents extra on .each year's' subscription to pre-pay _ _ . . . J. D. 01'TO . . . . . !'he Copfogsions andExperion'oe .. . . . . . • - ! .of cn.rn.valid. : • • , , . . . . pLIRLISHED FOR THE . RENEFIT AND AS A WARN- • Ind:int-a caution to young men'who Fuller from Nee cone Dehilfty,•Framature Decay, &c., Fapplying at ttia. .same time the means c.f It.elf•Cure , -Drone who h'ea cured nlruftlf after briny put to great ergot. Fie ihfin gh medical, :'..topfnttlon.and.quackoryi. ity encloahot post-paid ad• drePacd norelope, smite: coetali• maybe had of the thor: NATHANIEL DIAYFAIR,' EN.:, Redford. Kings County, N: ' ' . , .......siAl - .T.1-Tppßai .... CO.Xi.'OVIB:IB-7-4 A NEW ARRIVAL AT A. B. ARMSTRONG'S AVING . thel4roptletor' of the. Bro - H•eerrand.P . rovisibo Store, lately.oeciipied by 'B. y.t Wright, ;method of in forming my. friends that I .'have . 'just received' the largest stock or • • : " ' •.FAMILY GROCERIES, • ever,•offe red the'.peonle •of ..M'Eatt''eounty at prices which would seem .any ;other establishmept. I keep'on hank , 'bud, ink; . in the.daily,raceipt of *:: '• '• FRESII 01:0IIND FLOUR, FEED AND MEAL. '• : PORK,•FALT; CODFISH, • . . MACKEIJEL, WRITE Ma, • DETTER,, LAI , D. 'I ALLOW. CANDLES .ItIO.E..STARCII, NUTNIEL.S; SALEAT'ES, • .. • rFrPER,..... *Nor% LlaiNAmoN, • CLOVES'. CEACEERS.. TOAACCO. , .RA/SINS' • M.llB. OF. ALL SUGARES CF ALLICINDS; ' CDFF.EE.II . IIOI7ND, . AND UNOROUNDi ' .SYRUPS. A OLAsS.ES, •KEll O $l , Nt: • CAMIVIit:NE, FI.I7TD, • • •,, CANDIg•Si TEAS 'My stock is 'full and (!drnpl.ete,.pnd 'from - the best in 'the:liiarket, ':1'4111 and'exAni. ine price and gu~lity, and yOu trill not' tail -td A. B. ARRISTAONG smethport, May 30, 1861. OLP i“?,y.sToINESTO..O, J. K. COMSTOCK ESPECTFULtY ANNOUNCP 'TO' HIS R old friends'in McKean County; that he is on hand this Spring as usbal,.with the • • , • LARGEST AND BEST - • Selected stack of Goods in the Olean Market To . Wholesale Cash •%via I Would Say, I Can oiler you•better inducements than you can.get west of .New York, • • '• • It . makes itcidiffiretice what you want; any thing in the line 91. • • • * . . GROCE,RIRS 4. PROVISIONS, Call', at the OLD KEYSTONE 'And you will find the article fresh and cheap.. It's no use talking .the always has and ilwayi will take Jim lead, and regulate the market in. • G feria - and: .IProvisfotu!, OLD FRIENDS AND NEW ONES, Don't (ail to call - and , see me when you visit Olean ; 'shall not hurt you, but shall certainly try to do you good Olean, May 23d, 1860 JOl3 . PRINTING, NEATLY, OPIUM AND..zarampowsq DEMOCRAT OFFICE MUM CLUB RATES MUNN' • • N . 43 '37 Pa rk -iow Nriv ..kosrk AT 0LE.,4 AIN STILL TAXES TTIE LEAD! KEYSTONE STORE J. K. COLOtOaK -3-3 ()IF EVERY DMORIPTIOri 'MOOTED AT TILE MEM