4t , .+45 utp . TAR '' . • Dertirsis laii4pti►' . ' ,; V et volcut iNNp pEdIES' OF . ' .Q.•••4:;3,5. • ' . TlnTiiipriiiiireficiris (unlike air others) are from Poisons." - Hilititariigerous toliie humeri family." -441tatit comikout of their holes to die." 10 tnn and mnre . "eitablistied in N Y 'City . t i ,e 0 7 :the City „ Post:Oka. Criiiiiy—the City Pauli, and StaiiOni-louses • *OAlzet . Alms-HUusei, • • - • • Vig1i...41-4 1 14,,City Hotels , Astor' tk44kr.; . trod 4—the Hoarding Houses Sri. rOsaria.—:Moist than SEOOO Private Farnitie 1)7:41.0.. wife thf People, ; Preis, wit' . Dmler: 'qv. -HENRY' R. COSTA R : -.-A 11 .the. summer I havobeen troubled with Roaches:and Mice. I wee actually :LL ashamed ,of, the. house, for the Roaithee.Watareverywhere. ',purchased 'box otAnkl'ExtliMinatite and tried it; and In one waellt:thein was net a Roach. Or. Mouse In the 11001Cio 4 .,'-;,Tenn B. Gtvirts,- No. 04. Elm St. HOUSEKEEPERS—treubIed:" wit h ..verinin, ineettbi volio longer, if they..use siOntraa's'' Extirthittatitts. We have used it to our Batts faction; ind.if , a box emit $5, we would - have it.:llfta;:had tried _poisons, but they' effected nothitigi hOt'Colltall'S article knocks the breath oUriditats,''Miertend Bed Bags,. quicker than we can write it. It is , in great demand all over the eountryllfe;linis (0.) oaptte. MORE GRAIN end . Provisions are destroy e anno loy,4 o . Thant County by vermin, thi • wirnM , pay 'Tor, tons , of tbis . Rat and Insect KU ler.ilearvesirtor.(Wia.) Herald. , . IMENRY' , "R. COSTAR—Your Extirminator is received; natal, and' priinounced a decided success'. We ymed a borof it, and the way. the Rati and Stice'.around. our premiees. giraised NiAliblbit night was a caution to sleepers.— tiiitdriot I Rat or Moase haa been beir-d -iistitehiti nr iellite.,=Maregor Orval Times. II HAVE BEEN SELLING-Your Extirriti nator for the hit.year, and find, it ,a 1111RZ anon every time. , • .... G*o'i Ara*, Druggist, Cardington, 0. WE ARE• 11E14 , 100-"Your preparations rapidly. Whpriver they. have' been 'used, Rate, Mies, Rosehesi' and Vermin disappear inornedi ataly. EnasVilr &roving., .Druggists, New VI/indoor, z , re ifsstroy 7: —Rati, Ruches, '&e /14ieroy—r_ttlice, Moles, ilets:. • 0 1V.Dueri# =Sed 3pigle. • Krit6DisfritMollis, Flees, Ants, ice. • nltp it ftrfAr 7v .NOnquiioos. , To Destroy—lnsects on plants and inueets ToDutroy-4iiseets on Animals. &e. '. - Wi r ion' .4 ii:;;Eiery form MA species of ver- . . WIZ ONLY "Coetaitej &0., Extirmin'r 'Voider'? Pied -by Extirminater. #lloitfolitieltleetrio Powder for heeds. CI hi WdOe t t.annlll,oo Bosse, BOTTLZI AND' and $3 sizts rat PLANTA.: 2101i11:611114;BOATS; tiOTZLN, &C. ' • i~Sz•t• ISOCEvelywhav--by .. • • Jlll' oldiiele Oruggistoin largo cities.. All Retail Dealera....4rocera--Store-keepers, "SeetlOllia Ratted States. ' • Wholesale Agate Shitllelin • Brae. & ,Co. :F•lsneiteek.ll6ll & Co. . & Co. Wheelie* Hirt.. liegamen & CO. Hill, Ducked & Co. Thome" & P. DARrtiatr ,7 ' ,* Penfol'd, 4 7en & ter 'Co.• Dudley & Stafford* -o'o4'l'l'l3P Phihidelphia,;Pa. T. W. 'Dyott &: Co. B.A.FilNpotOeVidoi 14-1,!,.A1 . ,14he 'Principal , Cities And .Towns in the UNITED STATES. r utelt.l-ri ' .SME r I 7 .I - IPORT; liS,,Amo6 - ,.:.:.i .. ,. , . . PHYSICIAN ANO:I.SURGEON ••• • Having perenanentli located' himself' at • :.• • POItT. • • would respectfully inform the puhlic.that be is prepared to attend•to business in all branches of the• Medical Profession. • Particular etten: time*, paid to • Secret Diseases,' both`. Male. rind feinale;•they will be . treated in aceerdance the latest. sitthoriiies and practice of birth. Eu ropetind America. ..All. sperets'in,trusted .to him, in his practice, will be. 'Strictly kept by' him, in•spite of monef,law, friend's; enemies, relative's or neighbors. - , ' .. • • . • . • Piirt Allegany,:Merch 20tb, 1.860.••• •. • • ••• . . . . -'• WANED. • . . A 110.tri• . pounds Of , bisple.l3agar . ; in exchange for Furniture. • : • • Mechiniesburg Cabinet Shop.. ihnithport, 'April I', 1861. • ' . -• • • . . • THE PEOPLE'S: COOK.. BOOK, MODERN. COOKERY IT TELLS YOU Now to choine'all kindeOf lifeste;•Poul . • " • try and Ganio, with all the ration. end most approved' odes of drawling and ' • • : cooking Beef and Pork.i . also the bait . , . : • and simplest way `of salting, pickling • 'and curing the same... • IT TELLS )(Ott 'All thee varleus' end' moat' apprised. modes Ofdresa og, coekinM and boning Mutton, Lamb, Veal Poultry', and . • • Game of. altitude, with .the different Dressings, Oracles and Stuflingiap• • :. • ' preprints to each. • ' • . IT-TELLS YOU Row to . cheese, clean,: and ::Prefterve ; • . Fisk Of all kindi, and how to sweeten • • • .'• !• .•• It whin tainted; aleti...ll the veriest& , • . and writ approved mode. of 'cooking:, . • with thediffetent Dressing's; Sauces,, ' ' • • • . and Flavoring. appropriate to each; 1' TELLS YOU All the various. and. most 'approved. • , • modes of preparing.over fifty different , kinds of Meat. Fisk, lowl,,Game, and . . • veffet-b l.lO Sound, 'Broth., and . Stews, , with the Relish,es and Seim/adage ap.' . . • . preprints% to each. ' - ITITELLS YOU All A° various end most apprOyed . . . modes of Cooking Vegetables of 'every. ,description, ale. how to prepare Plc. • • .." lee. Oat.up and Cornea of all 'kin . . • Potted - Meats, Fish, klu.hroome, ff.e, IT TELLS YOU •All -the, various and nioat.•apprneed modes of preparing abd • cooking ell • . • . • "kinds of Plain and Fancy Pastry; l'istl• • • . s ding& Omelettes; FritteraNakes. ten • • 1 lectionary. Preserve., :Jellies,: and • ' • Sweet Dishes ofevery description ' • IT TELLS YOU All the various and moot appioved • modes of making Brand. Rusko,l4nt . • , • . fine and Illecuit, the, best method .of • • preparing Coffee, Chocolate . and Tea. . and bow to make Syrups, Cordials and '• . ' •Wine. of various kinds... ' IT TELLS YOU 'How to set nut and ornament 'a Table, hew to mirye all kinds of Pick, Flesh • • or Fowl, and in short. how to en elm. • • plify the whole' art of :looking, en to • „ bring the choicest instal:ice of thelable . • • within everybody'ereach The book contain. 418' pages and upwards of twelve hundred Recision, all df . which are the results of actual superdense, having been Cully and carefully tested tinder the personal superintence. /if the Writers,: It I. printed' in a clear and open type,ia ;;;nitrated with appropriate. engravings, and will be forwarded. to any address, neatly bound; and peetage paid, on rece)pt of the price, 11;00, - or in eloth,. extra, 11,25. . • • $10.09. - A YEAR ecanz,hrpOrTsa4re.,bjmeen; where, In saling the above werk, our inducements to all such being very liberal • ' . '. • . • For single copies of the book or for termate mints, with other informatiim. apply to Or addre.s. • . JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher. ''• No. 617, SanmomAtreet, Pelladelptila Pa: Noiemberls,lll6o sem. . 'HARD TIMES MADE EASY! ONE MILLION DOLLARS WORTH WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER PLATED. WARE, AN ENTIRELY NEW AND ORIGINAL "PLAN ! in New York Bity. Harts'', Risley & Co. Buell, Gale .& Robison. M. Ward, (ilose&•Co. .M'iCisson & Robbins. D. S. Barnes & Co. F. C. ,Wells & Co. Lazelle,-Marsh & Co. . Hall, Dixon & Co. Tripp* Co. Conrad Fox. All persons desirous of .securing en Aieney Should send, on their names at once, ehclosing a 3 cent stamp to pay postage, 'and. receive by return mail - . . Robt. Shoemaker & Co -French,Ffichards & Co Containing RWIRE CH•6I.O4•CE withotii!iski together ,with , 71111012072264231 , td jt,gt.,il„eri gen. *Kis iborc ; 4 ,0 1 higelly Tenni 311144, 0 A244111 1 43 frOninfirti, ' • IT, 1949,4 pmenpl,ind satisfactory 'dealings, distet ord;tra ;Q. • ‘, • . • ;, • . < CitOliG2 G : EVANS,. . ' y 439 Chostast ft., PlAiltdalialia , • April 11.,.3181.. In all Ata nriankpheH. cAREFtituriItEVISED.RY MRS. B, J. MALE Good News fn the Unemployed: 1000 CHANCES ,TO MAKE MONEY To be disposed'of on NEW ENTERPRISE, ✓l P11E..7/1111.11 CATALOGUE Our inducements MAKE MONEY Itehalve to tbis NOVEI, 'PLAN! srwNq., - .TRA:pg .-':,o*,. 0ii,('N*..;...1-. ll'H &IMA' NW: -. ".000D5. AT.;.:` ;::•':'..:.,••••'........: ••::.: :. • . : .1• ::',.'.THE ..(iN -H.Plibp PECULATOR!! THE OUT •PtACE; THE. EHEAF! STORE,. GREAT BARGAINS CAN, 71.3 E, HAD AT" :THE ONE PRICE EGULATOR I ~Ve.cire - Dete»niinea MARK THAT .!! OLD FRIENDS KNOW ALL ABOUT IT kr, Ones Km( Coiip . And . 'Judie 'tor: Th riselvps One purchase will satisfy the most..siceptical that there is only one place to buy first class goods, at very low prices, and that plate is the ONE PRICE REGULATOR. The:one 'lnce sy!tem'giyes- the beat'satisfec- SUPERIOR GOODS, .NF,W, FASHIONS, LOW PRICES; FATERY THI\G YOU WANT .AT THE. ONE PRICE REGULATOR, and the grand Emporium.or evety thing new 'netitatulstyliali. If you' have the CASH-and want to boil.the BEST . •• • . DRY GOODS, .GENTS FURNiSHINO GOODS, HOUSE FURNISHINGGOODS, HATS AND:C.2%PS, BOOTS AND SUOES, Go TO:xar. Which afford ONE PRICE REGCL'ATOR, MERE •Val• will And good• remarkable fir 'di* beauty,. durability, supottr to you.at the lowest possible , •. figure, the first nine, anti from 1:4.a price there can be NO 1P8V1A2.104 •Remember-One Price—tow Pricet . .44 Styles-41irict • THING& Main,. • Oleg . 1. A prij DON'T MISS , IT DQN'T FORGET IT iLEGANT STYP;S, OLD. FAVORITES; LOW PRICES, FANCY GOODS, The Flitois' and "Contributora are all prac tical Working Men.' The . • • The teachings of 'the' A GIy.ICUTPMET . are ( - on: fined to no Stateor'lcritory, but are adapeed to . the 4oants".if all sections of the conntry—it i.t , as its :name ilidieates', for !he 'Whole ii..IVIKPICAigCON.' CROCKERI. I TINENT. • , . EVERY' manuficture and LOW PRICES They Will bi.ofteted Foimerly, . ' „ C.- H. THING N. 9. BUTLBD : NEW • • C AS H . STOR E. •• • . OLE A_NT . PRICES ! EARD TINES MADE 'EAS. ! ! would'kespecifullY. announce ,to the 'citizens of'McKean and adjoining ceunties that they. can do as well in . .Sinethport, in'tbe Stove and Tin-wire line:, as in • Olean. . shalli at, all times, have.an hand a large s t o c k C9OKING, PARLOR. & BOX stoyE! . • •_ . . . Sheet-Iron Crippei--Ware, LEAD PIPE AND..PUMPS; • Lop-Iron. ..11onsie.kupers' H ard . . • • • Job Work, .•• . - or air kings done With dispatch, and in .a. sans ' tory nianner,:af theloWest possible/Hens', Orders promptlY attended.te: 'Give . 'Me a call—at the budding known at 'the Williams Store—opposite the. Post Office. Smethport, Pa. . ~.March 29, 1862. ' * . A. NOUIISE, 'Proprietor, • SMETHPORT. LIVERY' . ..STABLE.•••.• HE. SOTSCRIBER-has opened a new Lilt eryy Stable in SmethpOrt, at 0. R. Ben nett's Old Stand% on Main street, `just east, of 'Mchanies!,- where can be. found the beat at BM:- ;es and Carriages . at . low prices. He-intends to make Srnethport a. permanent 'residence; and asks a share of ,patronage. . . . • • • • A. N. SMITH: Smethport, August 24,•1860.' n23tf. , w. wApHER, M. D., GERMAN PHY ICIAN Br, SURGEON (PEI9IANENNIMC LOCATED AT OLEAN' TO • . Begs leave to inform the citizms Of Smethport and vicinity, that he , will be at the • BENNETT HOUSE, SIIIETIIPOILT, On . the. FIRST and •fiIFTEENTII of 'Och month, inhere he may be consOlted by the afflicted. ;Particular' attention paid to'alli diapases of the EYE and 'SKIN. Also all CHRONIC DDISEASES,.and such as s t re peculia . r.to both To Consumptives. IrmiE Adiertiner;• having boon restored to Imola:Yin a -11. • lew',.weekn. by a very simple remedy., after haying' nuffiredaevisealyears With a Revere lung affection, and that dread dieemee, Consumption—is aosioun to 'make known to hie fellow-nufferern the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the.prescrip dims tined (free ofcharge), with the. directions for pro• paring and using . the .name.., which they will' find a suite extee roe Co;csusleTioN; ...terinct Itneseniets, lfc.c. The only obJeet of the Adiertlner in sending the i'restriptlon 111 to benefit the afflicted, and npread information which he condeiven'to hdinvaltiable,. and- he hopes every fief toter will try ltie remedy,, an It *cold thorn nothing, and' may prove a hle.ning.' ' • • .• • . • , Parties wishing the preanription will please' address.' ' Ray. ADWARD A IWILS.OII, • • . • ' Williamnburch. • . Rioge Conoty,.Plew YOrle:.• ROW LOST HOW RE:,TORED!! . „ Just POlisliert, in a Scared Envelope: Price 6ix Cents". • A LECTURE ON TIIE•NATIIRE,;TREATMENT, AND .Redieal Core Fpermaterrboert. orßerninal Weektures, litioluntnry Enshalena. Vexttal Debtlty, and liripedlmenta to Marriage generally. Nerentieriesa. Consumption; Epl tem ast.Fila; - Mental inn .Physteal Incapacity., result. log from Self-Abuse. Art, --Byttont:4 CuLyenwei.l., D Author of the Green took, Ac. . The world•renowned author, In I.hie admirable Locuire clearly, micas, from hm emu expeciende that .the nwlul coniequences of Sclf.abusa •may he'elfectunity removed .without medicine, aed,trithout dangerous nurgical opera. tiona;bougrien, instrumente, ringe, or cordiel4,' pointing out a mode of cute at once certain and effeetupl,..byy, which' every imfferer, no platter what Pm condition may he. may cure Honied( cheaply, privately. and radically. Title lectuie.irilt•prore aboo'n to thoUnands' arid thou. Bent under sell, in a plain eurelope• to addrewon receipt of six cents, or two . portage thatripn, by Undress ing,. .• - • ' • . ~Dr.CIIAS. .7.. C. KLIII.E, • . 127 Bowery, Ncio.York, PosiVtlice 80x,.1586 AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST For the and Hetisehiolth • •ATHORTUGir-corN, RELIABLF. and pRAc- TICAL Journal; de:Voted to the differ,ent de- Partments of sotl culture, such as growiniField Crops Orchard and Garden Fruits .Garden Vegetables and FloWers ;.Trees . ,, Plants,. and . Flowers 'for the., Lawn or ;Yard ; Care of,Jio mastic Animalg, &c„ • &c., and to HonsehOld Labors. • It has.also an interesting and instruc; tive department (or children and, youth. . • A full C.-11(.021 , 0i Operations every month. Teree taF?ur.llitridred, or more, illustrative Engravings . apriear . in each volume... ' . Over ,Twelve Hundred plain, practical, in-, strUctive articles and useful items, are given every' year. . A GERMAN EDITION is published, of the same size and price as the English, and con tafning all of its readirig matter, and its name. Tons illustrative engravings.. ' TERMSLINV,ARIA LILY IN ADVANCE. One, copy, one year;. $1 00...: Six. collies, one year . - 0 00. •Ten or.thore'conies . one year •80 cents 'each. Q. Add. to the above rates: Postage' to Canada 6• cents, to England and France, 24 eents ; to Germany, 30 Cents. • . Postage anywhere In. the united States' and Terri t ories must be Paid by the subscriber, and is, only six emir a year, if paid in, advance at the office' where received. • • All business and other communications.should be addressed to the Editor and Proprietor, ORANGE JUDD,AIParIi4IoW, N.:Y. city .KIILOOK'S ;DANDELION COFFEE; • This preparation. Made front the beat Java (Jaffee, 11l recommended by physicians as nauperiqr NUTRITIOUS lIP,VRItAGE for General Debility, Dyspepaia, atui all bilious disorders. Thousands who hare.beenuompelled to abandon the use of coffee will use this without icJuri. one effects; One can containwthe strength of two riounds of ordinary eoffeo. Price ZS cents. . • . KOLL'OCK'•S LEVAIN'• The purest pod beet BAAIRU• POWDER know . n, for makinirlight, • Sweet 'and nutritloue Bread and cakes.— Price 15 cents. " . - . ,MANUFACTURED BY • M. H. KOLLOCK, • " Corner of Broad and. Ch ‘ estant Streets, • rIIILADELI , IIIA, And sold 1;7 . 41 Druggiiti and Grocers DISSOLUTION 111. penning:. not before acquainted With the tact, will ,plcaee .netice that the copartnership. in the lumbering bcsinisa , in Cameron county, Pa aln the vine er 'LOA somEAcrißlooitic & (Jo., llsnestieAu,: Dionne, & UAR awes,- wee dimolved by. the death; of • Dtr. Benjamin IlariowerOn May Met. • " •.- JA.DIES. G. DIEBBEBAU. 'Feb.'29,4862. .• , • '.• . ' ' • • 1,n5-v4.] . . • ...TIMOTHY SEED. . . IFTY- BUSHELS of. the beat quality T.nur F OTII SEED, raised by and for eale at • • - . , ' •• Port-Allegany, Decomber ,•1861..- ,KENDAL-CHIC HOUSE, KENDAL-CREEK, I,II.'KEAN CO., PA., Hl Staiscribev haying' purchased ; ..this Well, known Stand, and . re-furnished and re-fit ted the House, is prepared to entertain „Board. : ers and the Traveling . . •.: •HIS BAR AND ABL vVell suPplied,. and everything done to merit. a...liberal share of patronage.. . Raft men.will alwAy's find the ''latch-string" out,, Kendal. Creek; January 2, - 18e0. • . East Call. A LL persons knowinvthernselves indebted A to the undereigned are hereby _noti , fiedle call and settle - their accounts immediately, or costs.will be made Dec.' 10, , • •••••:•.A.. JOEINSON • COBISIISSIONER:I'OR TILE STATEOF NEW TWIN, to take.proofs* and acknowledgments 'of Beeds• and other instruments to be used and 'recorded in said State, 'and to administer oaths or affirmations piirsuant to •the laws pc said State, Conveyancer, kn., Office iri LandiOf tice of D Kingsbury, Bradford, McKean Co Pa. • . • . Mara 14',1861 -6m. ' • ' ' .• • • . 1 THOMPSON'S ' BANK NOTE AND -01111EEEIAII ItEYORTEIt, Circulation, 100,000 EDITED `BY JOHN THONIPSON Quotatiop's corrected by .ToomesoN BooToErts, 2 WEiI.I Street: iublis.he4.lq..Cll4ls. BLoNpncL, 117 Frakl'n St • TE1131.-01113SbILIPT1.0N IN ADVANCE; •.. ' • • To'nail Subscribers Weekly, SOmi,:monthly,....V M0nth1f....75e. To Pristinastera or - others, who form' Clubs amt for. ward us thOhioney In advance, we' will Sort the Repor ter rein Charrillanuel,:and' Descriptive Lish as ful .1owo: .• 5 copies of the Weekly, 'one Year;.. -- .... 00 ••• &copies of the ....... 00 • 10 CopleB of the. ISlontltly. ! •.' 6.10, We will forward, gratuitously to, any person sending a club of s2,p at the ; above rates', at , . . any one time,,, Our - Ainhricad gold .Coln Teat Seale... Address, ; • , TIIOIViPSQN . IittOTtIERS, Bankers;;.' No. 2, Wall St. N. Y., Profiriefors. COURT PROCLAMATION.. 'WHEREAS. the lion. ,Robert G: White VV President Judge; and theHons . ...,J. Dar • ling and N.:Peabody. , Associate Judges•of the. Courts of Oyer & Terminer . and General - Jail. Delivery, Quarter. Sessions of. the ,Peace,, Or pipes? Coiirt and Court of *Common. Pleas•for the County of M'Kean have issued their precept, bearing' date Friday, the 'seventh. day' ol March in the year of our Lord . one 'then iand eight hundietl,and sixty-two; arito:rne directed,: foi` holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,.Quarter , Sessions of:the Peace, Oi-pharis' •Court, and Court of .Conimen Picea,' -in the Borough of •Smethport, on Montleyohe 30th day of June next,-and to continue one week. • 'Notice is therefore hereby . given to the Coro ners; •Justites of the Peace and .Constable's within. the county, thatthey be. then and there in their proper person s; at . 10.o 9 clock A. M. of Said day ; with their rolls; records, ing , uisitions, examinatiOns„and Other remembrances, to do those things which their'offiees appertain 'to be. done. And those Who. are bound by their•rec.; og.nizances to prosecute the prisoners that are or . ahall be in the jail of said' county of M'Kean, are to he then . and there, to. prosecute a g ainst them as Will be.just.' .Dated` ,at Smethpo.rt, this 7th day of March 180, and the 86th 'year or the Irdepend ence of the United Statea bf .America: ' JAS. E. BLAIR.; Sheriff. PROSPECTUS OF TH N. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, T7l E . BEST"MFCIIAIfipni.PApEn IN:TO .W0111..b SEYENTKENTII.YEAR. - . • VoiurpeNf.-,Ndly,Seriis. • A 'nOw yolume of this., widely circulated pa per comirenscescin the 4th . .ot January., ''.F.very number contains sixteen pages of .useful infor• mation arid from . five to.ten.original engravings of neiv inventions and .discoveries, all of 'which are prepared expressly for its coluinns. The .SCINTIFIC AMERICAN , is devoted to the interests of Popular Scienee, the Mechanic Arts,.Manufactures, Inventions, Agriculture, Commerce anil the Industrial Pursuits gene' , ally, and is valuable and instructive. not, only in . the Workshop and'.ManufaCtory; but also in the Household, the Library 'and the . Reading Room. To The Mechanic and ManUfacturer! • . No pericM - emzsged in sny.of the mechanic's pursuits: should. •think 'of doing, withotit I he - SCIENT,iFIC AMERICAN, • :It costs but four , cents pet week; :eyery nitinbei contains from six to ten . ,engravings of• new rrischinei.• andinven tions, which cannoChe found in any otifer,pub lication. an'established rule:.ot the pub lishers to insert - .none but original. engravings, and those of the (lst class in the 'ail, draWn and engraved.y experienced-pefsons .under their own Supervision, •• • • .• Co the Froieni94l : •'• • The.'SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is .indis , pensable to ...veryinventor, as it not only eon, tams I,klcrii,r'.(..i. descriptions of nearly 'all the 'hest inventions a's. they cor , e out, but each number containsan Offirial -List orthe of all the Patents issued from the United States Patent (Ifrice.daling The week precinct . ); thug giving a:vorrect country.., the .prngress . of in ventions in this cciuntry.. We are also receiv ing, every week;the.best scientific journals of Grcat Britain, France, and . Germanyi thus placing, in our possession all that is transpiring in mechanical. science and art in these old countries. 'We shall' .continue to transfer to' our. Columns coPious.extracts. from ,these jour nals of whatever we may 'deem of interest to , our readers.' • . . ..Chemiets, 'ArchiteF!.l, An( FARMERS! • The' '..SCENTIFIC AMERICAN •wili 'be found a most tiselful.Journal. to them. All the new nieces-cries of science of chemistry are given in its columns, and, the. interests .of the , architect and carpenter are not' overlooked; all the nivv, inVentions:'.and discoveries %appertain- . ing .to these pUriruits"teing published' irdiu Week' to week. :Useful and practical inform tio'n.pertaining to the inter,esti of millwrights 'and.mill-owners will be found. Published in: the Sum:mite' A marlicsx 'which infoimatinn they *cannot possibly obtain front any. other source. Subjects in.which planters and. fanners are id terested will be found disetisied . in the -'scrior- Trern•Amseronzir . ndost of the • improvements in agricultural. implements being illustrated in it's . '. To mail subscriberv—Two Dollars a Year, or, One . Dollar 'for six' 'mptiths. - .." One ' Dollar .. • . pays for one coniplete volume of .416'pages . ; two volumei comprise one year. • Tne vol. ,rimes commence. on•.the 'first of : •January and Five copies, for sii Months $4 Ten copies, for Six Mouths' =* - - $8 Ten copies, for Twelye Months ..;" • - . 515 Fifteen fora coPies, welve Mont he - • - -.522 vventy,.c'opies, for Twelve , Mopths . . $2B . Fot all dubs of Twenty and over, the year ! ' ly. Subsc,riptiOn,is only st,4o. Names can% he sent in at dilerent- times and from difietent Post,on)ces. Specimen . copies will be seritgia tis to any p.a . rt of the country. 'We4tern and Collodion money Or-Post-officis stamps taken at par for subscriptions. :Cana (lion subscribers will please to remit 25 cents extra each year's subscription to .pre-pay Pasta_ J. D. OTl'O Scrofula, or King's Evil' is a constitutional . disease, a corruption or thei blood, by which' 'this fluid becomes. vitiated,. )veak,• and Poor. 13eing in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may bnrit out in disease on any part of it. • NO organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may • not destroy. The scrofulous taint *variously =tied by- mercurial disease, low. living, dis ordered or: unhealthy food, impure air, filth 'and filthy habits, the depressing yices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. 'What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation indeed, it seems to be the. rod of Him who saYs; ..1 :will visit the, iniquities of the fathers upon their children." .. .• Its effects comnienee by deposition from the blood of corrupt or. ulcerous matter, which, in. the•lungs, liver,. and internal organs, is termed tubercles ;' in the glands, sivellings; and 'on thesurfaec, eruptions oriores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life; so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer; from scrofulous corn plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the • attacks of...other diseases; conse quently, vast numbers . perish by disorders which, although not'scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by; this' taint in-the. system Most of the cbnsumption which de,: ..mates the hutnan.family has its origin directly in this scrofuleus. contamination and. many destructive diseases of the litter,. kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all.the organs; arise from or. are aggravated by the same cause. • One quarter of all.our people are scrofulous; their 'persons.are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is underniined by it.' To, cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood .by nn alterative medicine, and in vigorate it • by healthy food'. and exercise... Stich, medicine we 'supply in. . AYER'S . . ' , - Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most :effectual remedy which, the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady, . It is com bined from the most active rcinedials that haie been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the, blood, arid the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Ifenee.it shoUld be employed for the cure of • not only scrofula, but also those other. affec-. ; , tions which arise from it, such as Enurriva and SKIN DISEASES, ST. ANTHONY'S Rose, Or. ERYSIPEEAS, PIMPLES, PUSTULES, BLOTCHES„BLAISTS and BOILS, TUMORS, TETTER. and SALT RHEUM, SCALD BEAD, RINGWORM, RHEUMATISM, SYPHILITIC and MERCURIAL DUI. EASES, DROPSY, 'Firsrsram, DEBILITY, , and, indeed, ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING PROM VITIA. TED on IMPURE. BLOOD.. The popular. belief in itnpurity of the blood". it founded in.truth, for scrofula is a degeneration Of the blood. ,The .particular,purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa;. rills is to, purify and regenerate this.vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in eontaininated..constitutions. , • . Ayer .Cathartie. Pxlls,. FOR ALL. THE PURPOSES OF ..A FAMILY PHYSIC; are so edmposed that disease within the •range of their action, can rarely withstand or evade thorn Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of•the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these properties, the invalid.'Who id bowed doWn with hpain Or physical debility is astonished to• find his ealth or energy restored by a remedy at once so aimple and inviting.. rot only do they cure the - every-day complaints of every body, but also many foemidable and dangeroui diseases, The agent below named is pleased to furnish. grab's nix, Atnerican Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their use in the following complaints: Costive nesi, Heartburn, Headache arising from disordered Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain in and Morbid ' Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appe tite,• JaMidice, and other kindred complaints, arising from s l ow state of the body or obstruction of ita functions. • Ayers Cherry Pectoral, • FOR TUB RAPID CURE OF Coughs, Colds; Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bionchitis, Incipient Consump. tiOn, and for the relief of consumptive Patients in advanced ,qtages of the So wide is . the field of its usefulness . and so rnt- InCroua are the!, eases of its cures, that almost every section o. country abounds in persons pub licly Icnown, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate. 'diseases. of, the lunge by it. 1,0. ) , use. When once 'tried, its superiority over every of r ' .dicine of its kind ii too apparent to:escape serve n, and where its virtues ,arc known, the public' n longer hesitate What antidote to employ. for the d stressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that ore incident to our climate. While many. inferior remedies thrust.. upon the community have failed and been discarded, Shia has grtinrAfriends by every trial; conferred benefits on- the :afflicted they can. never forget, and pro duced.eures too numerous and too-remarkable to be forgotten. :• • ' - ' PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER dir,- CO. 'H.; Hamlin Sc Smethport ;• C. E. 0.. gdod, Bradford ; L.:H. Dolly, Port 4Begheny . and by' dealers e v erywhere.. TERMS CLtA• RATES' RIUNN Sc CO:, Poblishers,' • ' • \o 37 Park-row . New York lOW ALL, MASS