..-:-.. !.or.['.All-.57.: VERMIN .EXIIRMINATARS; "Only Infallible. Remedies “Known*" De.ltroye lnstantly EVERY FORM .ANP.SPECIES OF VERMIN. • . These'prepirations (unlike. all oitiers)are i Free from Poisons." deligerOus to theilumen ebrne ouj of their lioles:to die." .f 0 years and . thoie r estiibljshed in •N: Y :City Used 4—the city. Po - it Office U.lsd&y—the City Prisons and Siation,lloases &Wit by—CitySteapers, Ships, &c U.lO pie—the City, Hospitals, Alms-Houses, by-41 . 1e . City Hotels 7 'Astor' 691 Nicholas,' trial by—the Boarding 1-I . dusee . , bcc Med by—:more. thait 50,000 Private TANI le . . . .CC:r.See what the 'People, Press, an& Dealers say. . HENRY R. COSTAR.—A II the-,,sumriter' I have been troubled with Roaches and Mice. I • was actually . ashathed, of the house, for the 'Roaches. Were everywhere. I purchased.a.box .of your Extirtninator and, tried' it, 'anti in one week .there was not a' Roach or Mouse in the Jotter' 13, GivEN.s, No. 94.E1m St. • HOUSEKEEPERS 7 —trimbIed wilh vermin: 'need be so no longer, -if. they use_ ‘ , CosTAE's" .EztirtninStms. We hove used it to our satis faetion,-and if_ a box east $5, we . .would have it.- We 'had!tried, poison's, but they effected 'nothing f. but CosTAa'S article knocks the breath out- of 'Rats, MicO aid Bed Zees, quicker than we can write it. Itis greht demand all over thecountry.÷.ll/edina (U.) Gazette. . • MORE'GRAIN slid' Provisions aredestro)ed annually, in Grant. County .by vermin; than would pay for tons of this :Rat'and Insect ler.—Lancaster •- . HENRY R.-COSTAR—YoUr Extirminatoi is . received , used,'''and pronounced - a decided success.' We usetla box of it, and the way the Rats and Mice around our • premises. "raised Ned," that night was a caution to sleepeil.— Sinee then.not a Rat or Mouse has been heard in kitchen 'or cella'r../11 - agregor (Thwie) Tinier. I HAVE BEEN SELT.:INGYour Extifmi stator for thelast.year,, and find it a SVP.S.„9IIOT 'every titan, ' , . : .... • .. - DEct RosE, Druggist, Cardington,D. WE.2-ARE .SELLING—Yubr preparations rapidly, Wherever they'have been used, Rats, Mice, ROoefiee, and Vermin 'disappear immedi ately.. E6KER & STOUFFER, Druggists, New Windsor,.Md.- To.Dratroy—Rats, To Deistrar:l-Mice, Melee, &c To Dottroy—Bed Bugs Te DeJtroy-Mosquitioes i'o'Pestroy--lneects on plaiits•ancl insects To:besfroy—lnsecfs on .Animals, &c To .D.rtro'..Ev;ery form and` species of ver- 'Tostar's" Re, Roach, '8co„ Extirmin'r 'Costar's" Bed-bug Ettirminator, "Thistar's" Electric Powder for Insects: , 25, 50c. S AND $1 . ,00 Bores, BOTTLES AND ,‘ ."' FLASNS. $3 and $5 'SIZES VOA MANTA TIONS, SHIPS, BOATS, HOTELS, &C: • • 1:17;SoN .Porytehere—hi. ~ • • • Ali Wholesale tirugeisti.in lar . ge citiei. - AU Retail Dealers—Grocers—Stare-keepers, .&e..in the 'Uniteil States. ,* • ' • Wholesile.Aqenti 111 New , . York Bity,. Shieffelin 13rns.'4 Co, .Harrall, Risley & Co Fahnestock,Hull &Co: Bush, Gale.& Robison A. 8.& D. sands & Co. M.Ward, Close &Co Wheeler & MlKisson & Robbips.' Hegarnan &TO: • , D. S.Daruis & Co. Hall; Ruckel & Co. • F. C. Wells & Co. ThomnS & Fuller. . Lazelle, Marsh & Co P. D. Orvis. Hall, Roxon &'Co. Penton!, 'Parker . & CO. Tripp & Co.. Dudley & Stafford: I Conrad Fox. .• • IMXIMIDE Philadelphia, Pa T. - IN..Dyott Br. Co. • Robt.ShoemakeikCo B.A.Fahnestock &Co. I French,itichards 8c Co All tile priScipal Cities and Towns in the UNITED STATES. SMETHPORT, (17"5:' old' by And by Drugaists; Grocers and Retailers gen • erally in•Cityand• Country. WeCoUritry, Dealers Carr ordei as above. Or address orders direct—[ca if Prices, Terma Ir.c. is desired Ur' send' for Circular to Dealers] HENRY IL COSTAR Pitiocuar, 612, Broadway, Opposite the St: Nicholas Hotel, N. Y Feb. ill, 1861,-4incS, S. 8..:,G.0.LJ1AD, • • . • , • • PHYSICIAN AND * SURGEON , • .„. Having'permanently located. himself at .. . PORT • ALLEGANY, — . would' respectfully infortii the'. public that he is prepared to attend to businesain all branches of the' Medical :Prefession.. Particular Sites, lion 'paid to eciet..Diseases, both: male :and female, they'will be treated in accordance with the latest authorities anclitritctice of both &- rope and America. All secrete intrusted to him, in•his practice . , wilt' be' strictly.kept by him,.in 'spite of money, law, friends, enemies, relatives nr neighbOrs. •„: . . . Allegany, March 20th, 1860. • • '• ANTED • A IlltUrnTi'Ve..pourilii of Maple exchange for MAN • • . • • • Mechanicsburg Cabinet.,Shop. • • .' • - • • THE PEOPLE'S 000 E. BOOS. MODERN-COOKERY In. • • . . . . . . IT TELLS YOU.frror to ahnosnall kinds of bleats: Pout . • • - • • 'try and•Gainetritliall'thewarlonsand . . • • -. ..• • ' inoet , approveat modes of dressing, and Cooking Deef.and.Pork ; also the belt . . • . . . . : and simplest way of salting,., pickling . .. . • . •• .... , • and curing the tame. . - .. , IT TELLS Y 0.13 All then ,various and most: approve d . .• f . .'.. , .'modes of dress.ng,'cookliig, and bonier . • . '.', / , ' dltitton, Lamb, Veal,. Poultryi., sad. (Janie Of ell kinds, with Abe different , . ' Drevsings, 0 rartee 7and . Stuffings ap• ... . , .. • , - propriate to each.', . ~-.. • " IT TELLS.YOU 110w..t0, .cbenee • creim, ari .preserve .' •' . ' :'.. • '.. :, Fien•il all kin ds, and how to sweeten It when, tainted ;, oleo. all .the Verities ' : . •• 'arid-picot, approVeffniodea ef.cooking,• , • : • .. ' ...with the 'difftnent Dressings, Sauces) • ' -.. • ' . .• and FlaVoririgs appropriate to each. T TELLS YOU 'All 'Abe .• various; - and -meet,"Uppinved modeinfpreparing over arts , different . . • ' ' • ',. }clods of Meat riot, , Fowl. Game, and , -. 'V • • eget•ble Soups, Itrothn,•atid-Stewe. .. • • . ' '•• - • • with: the Ilelisheaand• Sea/timings' sp: - . . ' . ' propriate to each. • . - -• • • " • IT 'TELLS YOU All the. various, and most ,approved • " r modes of cooking. Vegetables of every - • .• - ~. • ' description, also how to preintre.flea •• ' • ' • les. Catsup and' CurrieS of all .kin is; ••' . '':•. ' Potted Meats, Fiat.' Mushrninne s ; am - IT naa.,9l - 0.0 All the. various nod' ' most ` approvPd modes' of 'preparing- and. cooking ell . kindeof-Plain and Pitney Pastry, rod, • . • • ' dine•s..Ontefottes, Frlttere,Cskee. t on .• . .• - t - tectioneryt • Preserves; ,Jellies, and : - 'Sweet Dishes of every decriptiou , IT TELLS YOU. Ail the various and •'mast, ape:eyed • • - : modes of making Dread. !leeks, Muf ' "'fins and Illecuit, the beet method of • . ' . • preparing Coffee, Chocolate and Tea, . , - . and haw to make Pyrupe, Cordials and ', • . Wince of v'ariodekinds.• . , . . . IT TELLS YOU Ease.to set nut and .ornament . a . Table. • hair to the , . all kinds of Fish; Flash . • . or Fowl.-and in short. 'how.te co sign: . • •plify the whole',art of ;looking, an to .. • , • , bring the choicest luxitrieeof the table ' , within ewer% body's reach' The book contains 41$ pages . and . upwiirda of twelve hundred Recipes, all Ur. lath are theyosults of actual experience, having been fully and•carefully tested under the per.onar I.uperintence . of the writers. It'ta printed in a clear and open' type. is illm , trated with Appropriate e.ngrayinga, and. will be 'forwarded to any addreis . . neatly howirl, and postaueriaid, on receipt of the $l,OO, or in cloth. extra, $1,25. , . . .‘. . . 11 . YEAR ~s'looo:dart Ne made by en. . - enterprising • men whore, In se'.ling the o'bOxelior1::, our inducements to all such being veryliberal " • ' .• • . . voi. single _ copies of thii book or for terms to'sgonts, with.othorinformation, apply to or adAress. • . • ' • SOHN E. POTTER, Publi•her, . . . . No .617 .Fansoin Streot, , pnilivielPhia. Pe. :Noyember..l.s, 1860 :Gm, . • . . - .. •.. _ . 24 ES ... , HARp.TIm,,.,.-: . .r.. MADE EASY.! Good News for the Unemployed: 1000 CIiANCES TO MAKE MONEY ONE MILLION DOLLARS WORTH :SY'ATCTUES,:' : 1. i:..; . ::, • ~.-:....,T KNYELRY, SILVER PLATED: WABE, To be disposed'of:on AN ENTIRELY NEW AND ORIGINAL PLAN ! • All persona desirOus of, securing an Agency NEW ENTERPRISE, • Should:send'on their namea.at once, ehclosing a 3 cent stamp to•pay'postage, and receive by return mail.. ,•.: .eR E.inurum CATALOGUE Captaining Ogr . inOucentents, RORE cHasii•Cll MAKE ;-:NIONE-Y, without ri,k,,togeOer with TZ72.2 1 1; itelative to this NOVEL PLAN! • . . . . . To insure•prompt and satisfactory dealing., direct all orders to • ~ ' . ' .GEORGE G. EVANS, , . • • • , 439,Chestout st.; Philedelphii . ii.,:pril.ll, 1851: - .. . :' . • SPRING: TRADE . NOW OPENEID, :z0: , y0z .. 4 , 40. Nw.: : :.GOODS : : : AT...',.: : . I: T0.E..9n..P.0;4, REGULATOR I I THE OLD . PLACE; THE CHEAP STORE, . • GREAT BARGAINS CAN liE HAD AT THE. ONE PRICE IGULATORI ara'Dotorniinod to U nfler9oll, MARK THAT • ! ! OLD rRIENDS KNOW ALL ABOUT 11 Nor (IiesILIA Cite Ad:J . llllp F.or Thtfivelil's:. • One, purchase will. liatisfythC4nost.skepticgl ihai there is hnly one, place to buy first class go'oda,, at very low, prices, and that place is the ONE PRICE REGULATOR. e one price system gives the . . "best.satisibc: SUPERIOR GOODS, NEW F?iSII/ONS, LOW PRICES, EVERY YOU :WANT ONE PRICE REGULATOR, aid the grand eveiy thing new neat and stylieb.. It you have the' gAsrt want to buy the BE*:r • ••••• • DRY GOODS, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, 'HOUSE T:LTRICISTiINC;r;OODS, HATS AND .CAPS, BOOT'S. ATO 5.1017,5; Go.TO TUE Which it6r,d ONE. PRICE REGULATOR, TARF.E Of; will find . aoods remarkable . . LO IV PRICES ' ' to yan:at the lowest possiblc . .first : time, tod' Iron, L priee, thetecii,n lie N D,..S'ir.r A 2 1 . 0.4. RetitentbetO'ne .Price—tow • Print.-. ,16t i : Styles-Strict.lntegrity--Cash. •.• -.• , . - • THINGAMILLR,, April RdN'l ,Nllss :IT DON'T FORGET IT ELEGANT STYLES, 01.0 F AvoßrrF.s, ,LOW 'PRIC.F)3, :FANCY GOODS, CROCI;.R IMMENI manufacture and They will bo offered Formerly; . • C. THING ' • II: S. BuTLEE. NEW 'CASHTORE S , ,- OLE . AiN -PRI caEs.r., I W9llld.rpe,c it tfully..tploapt'e to.tlic citizens of 'll4clCein"priq litijoinitig''coutities - that'they can do as . well - iii.,Smcthport, in - the S:.9ve:ani,l Tin-ware Litz, as in .- 914 n.. 1-Nhall; at i~II time,:have un liadda 'cit' • bOOKINO,,PAREPII ROB STOVES I • TIN-WARE Shoot Iriiri o:a k iip•?i.- Ware •`;' . ;- LEAD PIPE AND PUMPS, Hooplron and :Housee-keepers Ilard•Ware, &c. Job Work, of disparch, and n - 4 satis tory manner, at the' ftWest possible'nrienp.. Orders piomptly attended to. . Give me. o the' Icnimn rip the Williunts Stote-r-oppoNite the Post • Office. Smetbnorr. Pa. - • • 1.. . • ./114arb 18C2, A...J. NOUPSE.,'. • SMETHPORTAIVERYITABLE.... IIE,SUBSCIWIER has openednew T .erylS“ltilt , .ip Sfritiviapcytt, .at 0. R. Br -it neif's 0111.Stantl,- , oh Main . just ea4t ol *Mcflanics!, WilTe. - eali.kidouild the best ol,llor sei a t“l'Car (rages at .I;a%%;prius'... • Ife intends to snake Saretl,port, a rat rritinenCreaidenqe; ;anti . . asks a-share of patienage.. . . . • ' 'A. SMITH . • . • ti 231.1. • • - NV. WA, CI iE.I2, Dl.-U., - • • dERTrIAN P IYpICIAN .84. 'BURGEON. • (PERMAtiriomi .- LOCAID Brgs.leas:o to inform tl,o ritiz , n4 of Stnethport. .andvicinity,•tbat the yousr. ; S3IETIIPbriT. .On the •anti itiTEtss•rn of Where lie may; ho-r ',the afflicted. •••• litfPnt ion to all Itlionsog of Also all. •CHRON L IC DIASEA4ES, andl,uch are pe . cpliarlo biith sexes. • •••• . • ••• • . May 1801. • • . • • To Consu.nipt-es. . . 1114 E Advertise}, .lisint beon eryttoyott to heottldtn ft ten trook, , . by ft'very inroplo remedy, alter 1110 , 11 g Buff red ..evori&yeAr. wit 11 o Severe lung offek. tton. 'ono. 1114 dreitl vise} to , su lap t anzivuo tv ,thalo kdivtrn 'to nix fel Ivw- , tuff.zr e re, the ttie,ine of cure. '• .. . , • To all who dusted 11.itto trill.setl a eupyt of . ,t.tie tr'escrip th , u used tt rec., 01 charged, OiLS • tho ditert tuna Ire pro. 1„,,,i11. 1 .;',0 asi av the same. aSi VS the r aill . And A filltS CORa rot , i:' , Kgcmrrruti, AS 1110 A iISrOCIIIIIS. A. C... Th. , only - oli - ct'ttf the Advertiser in senthne trio .'resnriptir.n I , to.hehttftt.tho aflltutud, ant sitrenl infurinattott which the condi-109s to .ho titarluattle , and "ho hnpao 'every suf. foreessil I try his remedy, as it. ?tin t coat them nothing; and may . proSe a Ltireatnr. .-. . : • . . ~ . • • l'artiae wish.ng the • prCat.riotian arill4ol4o nildroas ~ . .. • Alas. ALWARD A.,' Witi•SON, ; 't . . • . - .',.. . Villfttinab Y.tit. . . . .(c7.rtra .) ' . - • • • Rings County; is'orr York HOW 'LOST. ! HOW ;RE TORED I ! jF it. P 14.1.1i.qted ;in a Seisle<ll.'7ltelerc : '. Trice Six Genii A I,EcTuttn - bN'Tiir. NATUTIf:. TLEATMEN'r, AND' Ilnditut 'Care of Spurtnal,thae,t, or sonaio3 l . Nivt%.kn. so, lovninuinry Emi slnus r eno ti Defultv. ant Itof. , U,linmug •to )I:l!rtAge Fe o , irellv. , Nel rt Ininusg (.'oruoimption, F: 1 1 , lepa /ice . ; M enial siral scsolt , ingfrom Ar. —B‘. liont.3 •CCListrwr.Li., y. ..Amboy 'Erti, Ac. • • Tb. inirlif.renotln,l'.:;u:l,iii . : 121. Alf.nlrhble Loinu•u. ~f V r I.` r: . brs fly? ae 01..!".%,]f• ilm=q 414, rr11111 . 4 I 111, - ;,t;,:;:a, , , and V 1: 0p,..z 1, 0 9, I , bucio.4.'inittotill,;J. F,!tol-.. I n it 's In- do i 0 0.:)rt; c.•,;.;11, riP-'- toil, olff re.,•• I`.o'.ln . tVer rit c•al.litt9h nut, I , e, co.ty.“‘ru cm. kph . . nnd•rndi - er.fy..; Tlll+ lcc=lire R1,,1 to, a 1.,<, I.lroll.!mids tiitot;• , . S.l , !U,li,ler f C . ,', • ': l i, ;0 ,Inol...(l—At.'lo any ',Wrest, on . ~ ip .. 0 f, , , K cc,.:? . E.,.1,•, r, ~,,,, •1.,,, 1 •. by ,I , irF:l9. ir:-. - . - - Dr cil.i:l J U.. K I.lNt: . 1?.7 . ,13etwei7'; tie.v:l' , ..rk; Pest 0iitce1i0x,..1596.. AMERICAN 'AGIIItViTURIST , • . . . • . • • • , • . . . . . . 'Fur . thn Kaisii; Garllin,'n.rill -.llntiselold . • A BLE and TlC:lL'Juu;iial, drvor'rd to the d'iil4rent de lla' I mi , pll sod s'!ii it. 11 ,'s - de as sSdrw.rield. Ctop.i not , ; Galil eo Vey,e tdes. ;Ind Flrciy Treq, 4 , lanis; Flow.eri iny. the. n care.nf Do, nod . tollmisehoM alsoart'lnt , .l(stri,e,'n'ad tos.truc tiv.e 4el-o.errnoit for c.ttfl,'lrell nod youth: . • A. full r 01 . Opera' every month.: *-Ter'ee to Four .I.lutrti Englityjnv nprcar in uiclt volume. •• r 'nye] ee- • prae.tical.in struCtive articles . . . . . . ... . I'Fw ; Etlitors'and Ckfnikibutor4, are al; vac. tirll' \‘'.'(4l; in. , 'Merl,' - ' .— ~ . '.. Tho: le.irltinszs . ..of th.o.' Acl RIC'!.:"ITIOST aro r,, , ,,- flood tono State or 7 c;it,ipp,7,fif , i7>:e - adaiwii to. .tits To.vrts of 01 ,r . e:ions',of tho, - cottlar9- 7 i( is, as it,, ,10 ur 4 i 1 1 ,4r4te,i, f u r Of W11(110 4:d r. II 1c A s '( . .7 ON • • • A pp:Riki 1 1?:\i IS pildliiihed, of. the 53(119 ize 911' pr I.c o:• s th o con ! tainind Ali of it:, readine, matter; amt its nzinie: rous'ilinctrative . TERMS—,INYARTAIs-LY IS ADVANCE. •• , '• One copy, one'foar,. . Six rojiies,'one year , 5 00 • ..Ten or more copdiis.one year 60 cents each. •11:7' Add. to the ahov.r— rates:' Postiia6 to Canada 6 emits., to _England irrid Ft's:ice, '2 d ern; ;to Germany,. 36 cents.- , . • • Post:um:anywhere in the United staies and Ter ri r oricp miist,h,e paid liy„thr!. snhscrih r, arid is - orlsr-*Afx; own. paid in "adita nee' at , All bl9‘l9oMS,49 , lool , rf.(9Tllll9oC ‘ aliolyif.hbulil n f lgi r'ioa:od to the.tifir4r.and'Proprieim:,.. OR ANG JU D.L),,dl,P4r o kii,Rom:,' N. Y. City KOLCCK'S .DANDELION • This pi-ennratinn. nvtde from the rn(f ! ' o. reColllllleDde by P4YZiCIIPI /01 . a.:1,0petiQ'r IN ITT RI r Otl9 it PV I;MM for '0, , w. , . 1."41 , 1)ebTiy, I')4.llfsiSj:l, and nll biliotin.rl IpOIIECrE. Thol4 , Mtliti frk, bf , ' en ro [lett est to abailden tbo tzen of eriffei,"will 114111ii4.461111 , Ut oux egeets: ,oi)ee!if. en,t?taiuN the st.tngtit of two poutple ord4taiy . enftel: • Riiee • • • • • KOLLOt K?S•••LEVAIN • Tho plitertt attd )ate Towntre inv.wn.:cor roakhg lizbt c^r o at zo3 ,ntitrOoup .13tocul and eaire..- Pildo lb cents. :; ' •. M. • 11 ch"r"i' t, • evrner .93 Broad 'vivid!' ChOtant Street,. • ' . ' ° . 4 ' • HILADE.LPLTIA," , And, n." 1.1.15, a n .1 I :”.•nri.t..ati and iirxr3fer • ' • • • Al! Pe r=e Pe. not be s rere Lic..o; anti Witt, the 'entrfittierthip loti,horing .1:0, 1 / 1 1.1 ht Climeoeit t iepit l'At,s.in the hem4{ el Mile ,"" {P, Mual: &r . ' Jii) - tun- Holcri, Orr the tleNth , 1 1, ,te. 310.y1et. , .I.4IMES ' . .f.'eh4u, 151;2.• • : • • . , .SE ED r irFtrnusflE,t,s begi;vBlo , T4.1 , 7 j. - .Tiot 'Sat?, raised noLLErs , . :Ont. : Aile'gnni'Decettiber 28; " -• ' ..; • KENDAL-CRIL NOOSE,. KENDAI 4 '..OREg 71X'gkAit PA. T Bubscri . ber havinti.purehaSed;thia well , knOwn stand, and. co-in rtiishe'd . and reifit ;tea flit'. prppared Jo 'entertain Board 'ars and the Tfavelitig • .•' • • HIS BA. ft A.D4 ABLE - • .• Will be well supplied, and everything done to merit a 11f)eful. share of patronage.. Rift; men will always find the "latch.string" out. FULLER, Itendafergek . Tanuary 2 . * 1800 • 38.1 y .. • Last. Call' . •-••— . . . A"pei .16(19 . hun\ring -l'hemselvei 'indebted - to We untleytigned.ife hereby. notified to ft . . caan(' sattle their account ,immedifktely, ar cosig.will-he.made. ', , J.D.. 01'T0... Dec. to; tebd, '• ' -.... *. . • • ... . ~. . ~... . . . . 'JOFINSON GOftt FIISSIOSint FOll Tan :311Ati; OPISENV TORII% to takeirprooN trod noknowle:dgmeita . .of OeStln 'and 6116. Inatromeots to tie used , And vecorileifttrosid State, nut to.Vniini4ter 'ontlii of allirtnatione Turti” , thi . to th e I.m .of said 'State, Ooliveylioner,. 'O lire In Laud Of • lice of D. Kingst,ttr.y,' ltrtiklforit, gclican .:.-,. ..'1 . .-TIIO.3IPSON'S . ~. : • BANk.iial',s,:,Ap:.: 1)31111E,1101,-..tillORT4.. '00,1)00 EDITED *BY JOITN 'THOMPSON: QuoOtion'i . c . O'rre.cteti!.by . .'iliOMp s ON 2 Wall ,strcit P,lllll6l,tid I,y dicas'i'llLo:::ii,L,.l.l7.}.,t:alCP.A'St • , .T2inl.s OF SV . IISCATPTIOIJ'iIi•ADVANCE; • mail SObicribete • •• • vcrekiy,.... j ..75e.. To r041.419.4t0re Qhibe and tor: 'ow(' n 4 tllo 'annoy In osivonee:-Sre as•no she Rrpor tir t'Oiri Chart•Manud ,• and Destripeice List, ati Joao; • , •F eciploe of Jh . O Woolrly, Toer fa 0 o.oop'ei or the Seml•lnn n ..... . 'Oll, " 10 coples -of the Moathli • ' • 000 wiliforward grui uitOuily perion 4ending.n'elOtt ••ot $2O at the shave rates, at one . tjme;, ; otir. ilutcricOp. .Gqd Co;?' .Tc.o EIP.VIPSQN ROTF,I.F.:IIS, i3npkers . , ;•••• • • • • .• No.. 2: Wait :,Fro.pitefors: COURT PROCLAMATION: . . VA.TIII;REAS the, the 13.` .V . l' President Judge; amt.:the Hansi . :Jii...Dar;'. ling 'and N. Peabody .A.ssociate:JUdges of. the ColistsnlOyer.&:',Terininet• and Oenatal' Jan Delivciry,.Quarter Sessions of. Peace , Conrt and bolitt'of - COMmon •Pleas for the'Coun4 Ml\ ha ve issued. t6jr, irreeept,- bne . r ing date - Friilii,y, the -serentli day s ot Miirch in ~the - year• of our Lord .one .thou sand eight hundred sixty4Am; and to: me itCricted; a Court :of*" Oyer. and Terminer:llnd D'eliv'ery, Quarter. SlsSiritis :of, the' . Pea.r!e,, Orphans'; Court;:;ami Court: :tonitanty Pleas, B.Motigh. f cOf IVlO'nday, the 30thr'daY-cif neat, and to' continue one 'sraek:. - Notice- ii therefore he'rehy.glv,en.to the Coro ners,, Justices of' tlte. , Peace. apil',Constaides within the county,tharthey theiVarid'there in their, proper persons, at ,10 o'clock said eat, w'i'th their...l-oils, records, inquisitions, exa,,,inaticips;and .othei'leistembyrincep,.-..t0 thiiio,,l which tip•ireifit'es aPpe . rrain to be dnnr7 ', And t6ure' who ore bot.nik ay,,tjreic, reef oat rnnzancos.t o prosecute the pihriMers that s"iall. be in the jairnf county or Al'Kean, aie tii•he their and therp to 'prOsecutis 'agriinst vie! • ' •,• • ,1761 ed an Siiielimor!,, this 7th :lay of March IS!2. nail the 86th Of t tie e ace Artridricii.x . .. • , • JAS..':oLAIR, Sheriff: ... PROSPECT.US ENE • • • SCIJ".NTIFIC.,,AMERICAN. Tar 33 urvr' rc ri A.N P.v.,ER; ri.;T0r......,V(1?#t.1? sr.vi.:NTl:ENiii . .YEArt Val urn 6. 111.4.,:Ni.i0i Seri . . . • A ito.y,volutPC o( this %vitiely circulated pa• percordif:aticaa on the -, 4th : Ot:janpail.:, Every . n:utpher cortraina sixteen page% o?. useful infer: ~,triatiiittatid:(. r orti: five to tqn,Orjgipaleyngrusings , nitAlnyerit'bmi and *:clitcpvarieft, rill of wklie„h ate proparcd expressly ior.its Th'e.SCINTIV.IC.,,A:gL:IIICA.N is de , ioted to . , o",,;•i i i t 'pr, ls ts., o t•Pop,ll ! ir Scicncc,.the ITec4apie Arts, Aviculture, Inclubtsial! l'uroplcs :genet . : NAN aod'.lilsi.rir .ttvei 6 41 only . .. in it,o Workshop apil ~ A.latittfai.tory, but also in iiielluuschuldohe.4ilirciry . . and •the heading ~„ l'i)Tfu; Mecll3ni . c. nod Aantifiletprgi! N 9 p,9- , 0i . ..en. , .1:4;!51 . in" toy 'id the rurehanira afioulii , ,,thiok; of, doing 'without. the tottitif hut foui rents p-i wer6 ev:r . y.nutrib!!r conteins frotrasixto ten engravings of, dew', traehiriiis . tines, whirii eannot found in tini , .other:pLib• licaficiu.• it i+ :in established rule of the- pub• ushers to in=ert nenelitit'origivar eugraviiip, ;,11.1 tho=ii of the first clans ; v in. - the art; ilriWn . _ and eneved ,by,. rre . exrienFeil persolis their oWn .Inventor! A?IERICAN . ric!,.. ? attle et , ry.inventor, as it nor only .con: riritions of;pearly all, the be.st.int;:entiOns ee'eh numher.r.nntains Listof the Chtirns of hil the Bat.nt.isitied front the United SNitos 'F i ,ttent dUtintr, the weic- peevionit rorrert history the ! progress, of rentiOntiln I hit.entntry..' - ,. 1 y.e Ore' also•fac.iy. tv , •fic. the; bust scientitidoornals Britain, France, Goytnanyv:thtis in onr frit , sessiOn all that is "tranSpirinc• in,.niechiinhNit setepee • a nthit rt in 'tthene..;ol:a. rontiiiiie to, ni trinsfei. tn . . our colnng copious . (rpm these jouf; r:als of othaievei'ive may .deem of interest :Jo niur[readers:.. '•, • . • • . . . . . Chemists, , A,rehitecis - , Nillscri,V.4,,• And; A RMEIZS! - • - ' . 'Tlie SCV.It'IIrIC•AIbreRTAN” will lie found h most ase ourna 'lful J ournal ifo 1'1460 Allibr naw ellomistri. are _ .• • . . . . . jyen'itil,t:coloriini4 , anti .the 'interests .of the 'ire ilf%V. in Ve 11)10 itod,FliVOA(rtg") 4l 4 l Pritin! l , tiorp . •wFiik bils:krAd; t n i a i l Q a ' • ton mgrli ontl.tnill,ownnts will I)e' found io • tilt Sclizttple /oinnipiii Which. informs riot!' Cn,piloiliocgibly . Obtninfroin any' •ot4er SOPITe. Subjrctain.Whichiptentara'and . fattite.ler.oretM . . (eresteil will be fotinii.disctiaspci in'the TIFICZAkERICA3i.tnOtt agricultural implements Lein illuattatikid ; it! eolumna, . - - st • Ttitms. , To.meil: so bsr ribers:. , —Two Donets a Yeat 0 ...... nr One.. Done Joy six iniin One ' P 46 for.. One . :. Co'rnOcte :, v tMe., t ..yolomes• eomptive - ..one ,yrar,„.„T'eels: bores co en tnen e,on , `thy t lot ,4est‘4o,. , ,lipil .". . . .(;LtB , RATES: , . . • Ficopiekfor. ....Ten copies, fo'r Six Monihs • • • . Ten - copies, for .'we've Months • Fi (leen. copies, for, Twelve Mont ha. - • - -s2s • • TWenty COpies;tOi.TWelfa 'MOO .01018 • ' . rot all.clubs , of Twenty and , overi. ' tha jrei ly Subscription is only s.l;49 . .":Nitnies.'iiirliti sent in -etr . different" tuner:; add ltpsn„,..,olll,tlPA Post:offires. Specimen coplei brient gm* tis to tiny parl or the country.. • . Weitern.and Canadian money or:Post-441W strinips' taken . at par Jar stibieriptlons: diet) subscrihers.will !dense to irets,)4*.c:rilli. extra on 'each l odes subacilpitoiti` to"ilisi4l7• postage ..; F MUNN 8c CO., Publishers, 'No 3 . 7 Pirli'.l - 0* NOW r•rii; Tum C oil famstomm anti ExparikitteeliA- , of an irivalid. ''l , '-' 1 .:.. ,. .. S D VOR TIIELDENEIPIT AND AS trati " - eblndatn.lllAEcnittion tril ounit men who offer %INN' ' VOUli Debility, Promititro Decay, ike‘i mippliottittlot ft mime time the Teens of Self•Oneo. By ea. w pd ir o c„ , filmset( lifter, twiny pot to orient eefieelle thro ii . , 'inpoiotion unit quackery, -Be l 0100814ot I' Oil 4 A Oreised on/elope ' einoi.n noeillt ntey to•hiid of ib ir i I t hnc, NATIIaNIXI., MAITAII. lioq.,.l3oltord • ,, j ill flounty, N. X. ' , ' , "l -- .i.., 4, , ,, ,(04104 . CI :',21.(:;0!.'6,111160'''' NEW 'A. B. ARBISTIXONCit 1... rr A VINO bocerrio the Iliciptietoi of theihrii 11 cry n;vlPivvisiob Store ' la'tely aettriiialc 13 by .F. Wright;el 'take 1111 e .metbod•sit-40a' rorrning my ,frichda.tbat I; bliVe pit,toropirlifi the largest stock of •, .)c s. ever offered the people'„ef bliifeak,.loMs#r; at I)rices whichwodlcl lief a . 14, 1 otAer eata bkishfrient, 1 keep vnrbu p d . , 1 , 4 M•, ", ;t in the ikaily,rec.eipi ?f, , inuu, RQUND,II.4OI, 4; AND MEAL, . ,• DOllll, CODPTPU, C MAoBgliJilt„lVHll! 14 Tient ;1 ' CAND L ES R N I > C ZATARt, 4 e .-111.1, • ' movits ORAVILSRIAth`f. TpIIACCO. NU OP All SIrDF SUCIAURS Cr ALL UNDO, COFFEE. OttOtNA, --- , ' AND UNOEOI.I,,ND, BVIMPS, , MIIOI.OEIepi I . K ERnSENE OIL, - C#NDIES;Tr4s.; 4e, • My' stock is •full ni3d 4 tomprete,:an4ift*o4 from the best in the ,tnarktt. Cill and ono in!. price - iliintity,qinif,'44lEforleiri. buy. • , • • , A. B. /ARSlBTittfinY P.metkiPPrtENN,r. 4o, . • • • , • e.••••,) , •4•:11; z•''..; • 'l'/4 Q.L.D . 4„qIC§T.O,/s . al . AT OLEAN-V , • •• • STILL TAKEEitECEIMI I . K., _ , ESPF.CTIN7LiVANNOUIWVI'I4gt;iPi, it, old friends in'lvii 4 lCein , Coanth r Jima' is on ha'n'd thief ptip a's ' LARGEST. AND BEST • Selseted stock of Goodi di* Olean Market. To Wholesale, rash %leo ; ), ff •IR • . I can offer yon.tketplr..4l4l4cPPlL.l4 ll P 7" can get wCit.of Nevi.rork.' . • • It malteo . n6 difference shit youwrt,iisty thing 4i - 04:J418'4' • ' iti) iSii),Tai'::•7 .0011-eit , thed - a..0::, - .O.YT,PPIF:i.I A titl you «•ill find the • article frodiami ebesp. It's no Ilse' tnll;ing; the KEYSTONE orroix,,,,' aler:sys has.and lekd, and regulate the market in .5711 Grorerieft and Provision, OLD FRIENDS .A.ND NEW 4orics; Don't foil to tall and !es ma whateilltiyipit Olean ; I shall not' hurt you, bat.abalicarOililly try'to tlo you.goad ~ JA E. COMSTOCK. ' . . Olean, May 23d, 1560, • ~ . of.IRVIT InbeignICIIIVVV I 7.11 , ,4;411.1: t.l 01143 We'gl4lit TO wi r a , :14,1°17,1P 11 , 13.11 irmsfooßilitlostonesio ja 041 fifult4' 14)1 c'',l ':,. ,:,:::.v.,Ct.,.,._.:.T
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers