M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, May 03, 1862, Image 2

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    .t:.4.:1;:,,..;.,,- - ,
Tsieriaal. `II 'LA —Fi d lug .• t hem
eel ',co . nteitesipgle•hatttl'efi with
the trafted
vezieii,fo ::elOact. to tkerr *Linda rd Snit
• S'nfi. :frafitienia unettiflied
poPtivil : pert he For 'the
, atfkinment 61.:tia_cibjealifhey are willprg jes
thiktihe Oesierate
. hetu re
..theiricitttinesr-Aequlie. he, name- of
'so ptqch - praeqUenee the purpose to; be ac
tailipliatted,74:'iilitiely; the rescuiug the
heal ,tarty. (knit deleat' . ..and theavoidunce of a
the: - Dettioirstie party.
ThfilAirevi,:siiga ciliation is'designed •to em-
Istikaksikillikitelold all -loyal.anpperters of .t he
who; are. in, favor, . 'of
'l44lkateltieg,":tliesrer 'fee successful,terrn,lna ,
the ii,allol4.eritodeielve . t he pp bl ie.. -Andes
'POI cotthe plan, all Jrtan.whis refuse to suCeen.
• detatsiiseretion to theleaders who 'fiave.bra't .
.fitcomition.lq the verge: of bankruptcy. through,
. . •
• • thedeprodigacy; ore to besclenounced is traitors
-- --tistilsaithonntry,-secesaionists and -”Breckin
. ":iiiihrieDernotrata." a.Hotthe real, purpose of the
?Nepablitasrleaders have in view is, to screen
their-past _operations frilm merited Crit c lime,
and enable them,.to phrina their. infamous car
:veered" plundering until thefare fully surfeited
with government patronage.: • • • ,
.• - -The china in. order to entitle him to fellow-,
chip in; thin new party, must establish his
actor for losiolsifi by agreeing to abstain; honi
- doing certain things. For instance. he, , must
4 b*Oltireifintlal on the subject of governmem
mental - ecteraption, and yield lyvilllng assent to'
"everything done, in the name of , the nation , and
of liberty. sliernay be thoroughly, convinced
that Raimenr and hit California friends played
a bold gime of.;Nohlsery at St. Louis, - but so
%rig as the path-finder enjoys the conffdence of
• the 'President, It is best to avoid hie ugly.lcask.
• in/ Operations,vrhile in •command.of the West.
lie Department.. .Let by-gone, be by.gones-
• sailitliti a' patriotic end , loyal "silence—don't
for the'world say anything that might .create
dissatisfaction or disturb the qaiist of the Pat
, ridte who'hadu hand inithis business. 1
, - Agaifs "the . titizen- maybe convinced that'
• CAincadecia transeetionwrire tainted with .car
•,topticitt:'arld favoritism, and that" hilt appoint.
iiient - to a foreign mission is: not exactly the
- Meta, punishnsims he shouldjecteive.' Bat he
'moat not.verilure to express this conviction v if
bitheans tO act with the royal.' party, for the
40,1 ,party Won't , suffer iny. such indiscreet
blabbing. Let the citizen give this indubitable
asvidence of his want of "conficience in the Gov.
eriment and the leaders- of the new.loyal or
goal-titian willforthwith bind him hand sand foot'
/olt, NM' into ooter darkness of sgMeckinritige
Demecraty." The unwary of f ender will soon
tfistoterthatstwe loyal men don't ''suffer such
insidious. assaulti upon the Government
, -to piss unpunished. 'P • " -., •
If a. citizeit of this United States, unconscious
' hiving-tommitted any offeike against the
• Itioverinent, is Suddenly *unmated without war. ,
'4lllstofliaw, Ids papers examined,.and his per
'ooo Mearearated hta fort; and if-the citizen
thus treated appeals to the law '• for redress,
-ssiabist. 'the author .
of the. outrage,
' lefulty.dOmande that tie should be demonised
gala traitor and•a- malignint, assailer'of the
lerovernenent. !Weida doe, he protest-that,. he
t loyeliniMand- demand a judicial trlel of
lidaolterseeeas.well - as itidieial.-redress for his
injdries. , Nelnatter,s he -is a traitor—don't
'ileitis to bim—wway with bumf' •
Thirleyal citizens, to entitle him fellowship
veitik,the mew .party, must not say d'this man
*tight to atrial, He may, be innocent, and .
'the puniihment inflicted upon him'. is, advance,
re f iy key,..,•been aiunjult as it was arblirtry."
' The expression of an honest American 'feeling
like.this 'would arcince exclUdethe unlucky in
-% siividtial irons the ldyal ems n iza t ion.
,Are ire beginning to understand. the. precise
'perposts iff tbs. loyal organization which • the
Republican leaders are endeavoring. to effect.
is designed Id cover tip (rand, and" gigantic
•-..peeulation. lea leaders are those who have bad
4 hand in - rohbirig the-Governmenti. and desire
emciincealtheirinfamy. • Silence on this sub.
tjidt would stilt 'bents exictly.:LPatrios 4- tie"
Sintraanma.—That. vittuons ± individual,
theihiterestinganif chaining , Forney, whose
whole, life hie heen one of pious devotion to
prirteiple,.ie just s now tireeking his 'eusceptf-
'Wart:over the, iecent arrest of
.dimnn Cameron
.on thp.complaist uf,Fierce Butler. -The indig
,.,statit,fuineY sees irt,this arrest anothet • trick .
if,,thef.l3lreckintidee , ,-Dernocricy." Butler's
arms..; iticarceration last summer for noth.',
tng, were all right; but. his attempt now ,to
protre.hialOysltir to his governuient at the , time
he wis suspected, is monstrous outrage, be
catiselt is likely to , inconv'enience a suspected
slml"cliscarded 'puldic functionary.
.'Puttliia humiliation will not . prove . fatal' to
att•SoCretery: Ale- will survive. it. We re
rgernhei: that when. the General and Forney.
7iiii.e . :„.ii . iiiii.aiiclii4fes
,i:Or t . h . e: United., S(7.tes
' . :Oentitit4bicitt four , veer s ago,' ,the latter, pub
,rerhiniscence .in the Philadelphia
going to shoW that hia eOrripet
::itor.eughtliot to be .elected, .hccause . of some
-',ifiiafitcjel :tricks he had played: 'successfully on
But' these revela
tlsmet'never, annoyed the thick,skinned. Came
be veal elected over honest John; and
t hcsiApc twelvemonths after, Raney, instead
of w:~tting,lsangtn" about cuceesshil•rival,
himself;; to: his complete vindicitiOn.--
In tiiisS . 'tilthOugh"the Miserably stultified writer
not ceeect Piirging Simon, he succeeded
• hie.piedere that, he was himself,
Yt atrtirites ready to.vilify, or praise ; just as it
soiterthieinterestt . ,and purposes.: By the *ay,
we beveri't beard ficimilse. pious : Forney for
• ietieral Weelisi. are'aMrious again to , have
. , ,
&nopportunity for the ' r e n e w al of our ""most
. profound'eonsideration)?- 7 Pitetlyerg Post.
' - : • ' CHICAFO,
April 27.
'''A special from. Cairo to the. Times ' says.
h an
' • Pas en' g' re from..Pitteborg rePor Re bel
8 :1' -e- - 'ihitta deserters troth the
. thq,!'-''Y ° v er — .
• aiet4 g ged , fi;. be eh
ititny'atiterlitt our ' camps .
pops, They alt eittrobere,7
'.'''' . tfatlO'l liiTi t i L .°l- . lr ni t . e 'eoeiti e d thelitly before rela-.
:';,l.l4t,klbe st "' ' ''" -- ' ' ' t t • h.) by.the rebels' a . their
'.''.lkl'4l.'"i'''tlie' e!acu % P asserted that Bei4u"gald'
7,',llread,atr9titillariattnn'..alllneon'sitiellibte.Pertitiffi.gf. -11:1
• 'ti :e fr Os ilefeeett of,
,?tetili , h,"., A i i, 29. ,
- itlytfrilitifirSkiiveailite afternoon from the
.. Of , , • - 1 'importance, and
-0444 PaltiAiritssl'n° ° .Th born.
''.•,.' <4'''T` 4 'l.ratiersge (le movements . . e . .
• I t'''lliPti„L',.` iten't—up by ' the mortars • at long
:j0.1.1414Me,. .•-Till:,_ ..!-,,,,,,,,;'.;•.,; -'. •:,-. •:, ~.'.'
.: .
~.,6,' “fi#04414;:-Iv'l'T'::, • .. 1 '• . , '' ' ..' ,
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' . t t4OIC C
~..,,TYt Mo., April 2€t •
----,.• him::
i . 3cl *X. hum vd; hi,... erne, t
' lietartOit4ittroa og? the
1 1 , 4 - - .3 - ''m -....!. ;th"i- ittiticipe!.
.It4lllli, 0 1 5,1 : -. At f 0 , , L4 'ii,iiii el
4' f "..ol4lt s l t li t F f ''''' 4ditiiitt
hr ! elittrifefl " ' '' 1 /b.. Pv,k e'' ' • ti'
' , :J. , ;ei.iiimt,i:4 , i pik ,Liielt i :lt i. ,
444, ; : ri0i - oltOile I6u;
. 'iforaitefilaint so .
‘A'litetit , dottpiv. illotorrat.
Saturday, 1862,
The. public'are awaiting .vrith.iriteneeinter
est . the
,newri,of imbending . battlei, hoth'aff the'
Potomac grid ri'vers; - iNhich are,'
Perhaps, even, now: raking,: . That rhervrill.be
bleodyi.the desperate eeterrnination sbo‘yn
'both armies, plainly. predict,.. Who does not
wish that. the
. nation might be 'spared this
horriblicsaerifice to . :the ..d'emona of abolition'
and .iecession'.• ProbablYr before opr next iseue
one or. mm ore'' terrible battles 'will have • beep
fought; . . . ' . - • -
We last week stated certain feet; which were
conclusive,- to ourself, that Slavery;' so far , is
the general Government was, antratill . rema ins.
mitienal'and As the ' Minor • had ,ehal
tinged us to dothie c return asked . that
paper to controvert :.those points, if .it could.
•From the legal as sell as scientific :.reputation
°itthe:genius who presides,*. it was. expected
-that the public would ,be teeated to a lengthy;
logical treatise on the subject. But the Papee
appears.. without en attempt to reply. • ft is
therefore nbvioes that the editor . conaiders
himself - unable to' do it. We. hope that Paper
Will now confess 'itself the organ of an -uncon.
stitutionel and' fanatitial party,. pnd - seek to
atone for ice error by-a 'sincere repentance.
W'ashington is said to be 'already - . crowded
with applicants for appointment under the new
tea bill: When' it shall ;behome - necessary to
select' tar gatherers, there will be a vast army
, ol willing souls from which to chocise;,-.
THE FEARFUL - 44D1CTMENT:- Dawes, of
tfasischimetis, in . his speech , in the.Honse of
Representative s 's on Pridak last;'ltrdefenee
the COnimittee on .pontraCtS agairist the itnpu- .
'tattOns of the* cOrruptiOnists uttered these.
uTlie.gentleman must" remeinher that in the
first year , of I Republican Administration,
which came into power upori . profeesions of re
form and retrinchment, there is Mutable evi
dence abroad' in the land' that somebody, has
plundered the public Treasury,' well nigh
.that single , year as mochas the entire. •current
yearly . expenses of the. Government during the.
'Administration which tile people hurled from
poWer.because of its corruption.'.' :
. During.the last year of Mr. Biinitari;:es Ad;
ministration, Which denounced , by, the
Republicans'as unparalled In its cis:irruption, the
entire expenses of (tie Governinent amounted
to the sum of , $69,000;000'1 - and .now Mr.
Pawas ) a. leading' Republican member' of Con
'gressfrom Massachusetts, tells'us with shame
and: mortification that in the, first
,year' of a
Republican Administration soiriebedi hal plun
dered the. ptiblieTreaaury of a sure sitflficient
to defray all the expeoses of Governinent for a
whole y4r in time of peace... And tidimon;
ey, he it remembered, was not abstracted final
an overflowing Treasuryi but was hoirowed,at
high rates of interest for the purprises of sue
tithing OutGoveinment. against its arm'ed,ene;
mieis; *and mast eventually he reimbursed , by
taxation .upon the p . erperty and iiidustry of the
Whei the people realize. how they have been
plundered and swindled by conspirators in the
girb cii patrtots;.ii there anriveroler that they
give expression to their honest indignetiOn;and
refuse to remain silent at the biddisi . g of, the
emissaries of these same Plunderers. , --Pot, let 4..
'Nano , Oath PARRIEIIi.—To an impartial
ibserver the legislatiOn of .Congress seem's to
be'directert to. the one end .of weakening* the .
canoe; of the Union in the'elaye States.,.,Not
riniimpertunity offers but sortie , measure; is pas.
Bed' calculate(' to embarrass* and crash out
What little loyalty still :remains in, the South:
The speeches and votes of the uncrininromising
Union Representatives from the Border States,
showa s th'ef they regard the policy of the maior.
itrinCongress as disastrous in its effectsupon.
the country. 'They have begged of the radicala
a little . moderation ' and . delayiri carrying Out
their negro ,
.equality projects, and have been
answered bytaunts and sneers fromthose par
ticular friends of the, negre, in opposition to
the intereits of the white man. The abolition
of slavery In the District ofColturibia, this
particular juncture, was a measure fraught
with great evil to the' country; hfif this .was
not enough 'to satisfy , the'cravings6( ,Aboli
tionism; the Senate have since passed a' bill
to removirall: disabilities of color in carrying
th 'mails—aiiiier. totally uncalled for by the
. .people,,and which has not the slightest relation
•to the.war meas Urea . of , the day,. and, cons!.
quently, cannot have a shadow of an'excuse.
'This has, fer years, been a pet measure of
Charles Sumner, .and now he has become the
leader of the Reptibliear. party.in the Senate,
.he most prese it through, regardless of the er. ,
fectit niust'have.“ upon the country. ks the
Republican , party of this State and; his county
,in favor otsiich a measure Some of theM,We
knoW to .. be their representatiVei in the
Senate, almost toe isian, voted for .it; and, in
all probability . , these , in'theironse will do like
wise. Let , then, : no longer, then,' claint to be;
the 'fiends of the poor whito.man;
,foe those.,
who seek to advance the intere.sts,of. the negro,
at the. expenseof the wbife laboring Man, have
no riglit: to imeh•'ClaiM: this bill cannot be
smuggled thioOgliyas others have:beeri,, under
ttiV.trYr`itill aecessary.for the, Prosecution of
"thelwar;" big; withthe billfor the . .abolition
tit sliverfin iKe DiitOeti i'dao4-,
raltalc t r die r R to
4 ? ems "teen
14/afest . poisible aimroa . ch tonegro enfranchise.
meta end equality.--Ckxesilersbneg 271714.
Ilienews . froni, New Orleans is . r.OW:contlict•
ing and not trustworthy, atfd We . are quite at
sea will be recrollected:thaf . the.first
repasts stated the t•the 'Federal fleet hid fussed.
fort 4.ackson. NoW.it ;wciuld seetnThat• thO
raderel : yeseels, had not passed the forts; and
, .
that those of the fleet which'iiipeureil before'
the . city . reached Oita 'piece by way of T
irem , Mobile
says theta!) the g forts on the lake were evitcu
ated,on.lriday: , kis teeiercire
the,.repo'r.t. concerning.: the' reduction. of , Fort
Jackson_ was prernature;.and-thetth'e
taken by the . attacking party, on. Lake Inick..
Cannonading his been heard in theAirection .
of. fort' , .Wright,.andj.t. 'iv thiMght that an en;
gagement'may.hae taken place . bet.Ween
rebel gunboets'and oar oWn.
A dispatch.from Cairo . reportiaseriona
Miab between the advance of the'reiletal:Ar
my,,.s,ooo'strongi ands large isody of rebeli,
five miles from Corinth. • The Federalliocips .
were victorious. 'ThisjsthOught.tohave been
theheginriing of the expected battle in the
South'west. ' ' • .
. t .' • , • •
'. It is. reported ' frorn-rebal sources; that :the
GoVernor of. North . CarOlina has been arrested
enif:inptisorted at Itichtnon4on.accOunt of his
Union sentiments..'
Gin; sherman bee been. nominated to a Ma- .
jor-Generalship;jn ticcordancr. with the . t.cpres s
request of Gen. - . llefleck, for his bravery . and
visluahlsi sarvice . iit Fitisliurg Landing:
• In.the House of. Representatives, the .series
'of icaolutioris presented by.'.the 'Committee on
GOvernment contracts. was acted on. The res
olutions, as adopted were In brief_ as.follows . :—
An agreementto adjust, at $12,50 each, the :
claim• against . the' government :for the 5;000.
Hall Carbihes purchnied by Gen. Fremont a
declaration that a.'person accused before an in
retitleming, committee has a right to know the
evidence egainst 'him; . ah..expression of repro.
bation censuring the practice of 'employifig .
responsible agents to: make. government pur 7
chases; a vote of ceneure'on ex•Secietiri Ca m
ero'n. A. similar. vote of censure' upon 'th'e
retailr'of the:Navywas'rejected: •
Again we say have you tried P. De Land
,fe Co.'s Chemical Saline tus If• not,
perat once and be astonished at. its hippy re
is '(or sale by allreliabli wholesale
and retail deafers and atwholes'ale by the man
ufacturers; at .Fairport, Monroe Co„ N. Y.
..•: Tile May issue of the.. Aglii , tqtiiris' will .be
.found: . fulli. enpai . ta any forrnerHnumber. ' rrti e
Calendar of operationsloi the month embrace s
hundreds of hints for the' Fafm,.and
in tiel . eartien,'... In addition, this single..numbet
contains over,lso articles and, items - for . the
Tarn;;Garclen, and Household inciuding . .a $25
Priie'Article on Apple tulture I a:riashing re.
pOrt . Onllanurea''' by the 'Presidept.
ot Tenn. Agricultural Coilege r etc.; etc.; Among'
the enerevings . are. a beautiful page cut entitled
tislteep-Tentling";."liow in Hold and and Drive
Horses''; "'Beautiful Leaved 'Plants";
turbe'd..rcup'i; i•sluidowe 1 on the Wall;" etc .
Minute 211qpi
. .of the .River; ..the
'Country fro'tdrirorlulk. to •Richrmind. including ,
the topography .Yorktown;: 'also' Savannah:
and•ricinity:. • •
Os'wris ON r4Ohn Thade
us Sitepkirlis of Pennsylvania; occupies the hinh
end responsible. position. of Chairman of th i s
Cotinenitfee of - Ways and Moan's hi tit'el,fation
al flouseof RepreSentritives—a position which
Should' constitute its p eSsess'or'gnartliati of, the
public TreaSury. : • Ittippears•lhat one Simon
Stevens:atiephew of Thatleus,obtaincrhit very
Pat epritract from Gent Fremont for'supplying
the GoVernment • with arms wherebyr heexpect•
ed fo.realize the snug- lit tier Sum. oh .
The Comthittee on Contracts got .Wirithof this
transaction 'tind.exPased it. The uncle of Si
mon, who•had before reg'ardeti the labors of the
Committee withintlitTerence,.if not with •pps
itive laver,' changed bis'opinion suon.as: it
struck so near hint; and ernbruc . ing an occasion
when 'the Committee 'Were absent trent the
1-Inause; . denctunied it us a scandal-hunting tint!
lyfng CamOttee. l M.y..Daw.es,replies
Thad" in',the"following words: •
."Now T'VVisil to call the attention of the
Elouse distinctly to t he motives which proMPted
the attack of Monday last., When the klouse
I and the, country come to knoW, as the Coni
mittee knows, what 'prompted this attaelt,..theY
will appreciate it quite As will as the Commit
tee does. • Tl4e'Comivit tee encountered'im such
opposition from the gentleman 'ffin
vania, the chairman of the Committee of Ways
an d Means,: in the early stages of their investi
gation. It Was.: only, when the ComMit tee . in
.the way of its, duty, came. to. throw. itself be
tween, the Treashty of the United States and :a
. .
private speculation in.which one Simuh,stevens
was interested, and thrOugh which $i.10,000 was
to be taken:onto( the Treasury of the United
States; without a dollar of eonsideration; in the
simple. sale..antl. repurchase nf • fire thousand
arms'hy the United,States,- that the Committee
encountered thefoundsition. Or the cliairatan of
the Cummittee : of:Ways and Means. It first
manifested itself in 'delaying the appropriation
to pay the expense. of the Committee, and it,
then brought out a speech .in thp House
ling the Committee, and the Committeeltrefforta
to rescue the. TreaStirY'ercim tile' harpies 'that
hung aiound and hoveredrover And last Of .
culminated in 'arra ttack.bOn
'the integrity amid charecteF:o'f.., the'Committee,
:an& thst, too, afterthe gentleMeti from Penn
sytvania had been 'duly notified that eveiy.
'member: Of the Committee was absent Sit d ;could'
net•r s eply,.. The amendment °fret ed by him to
the second,resolution• - looks to the same -end."
• •
• A recent letter , (ram before ; Yorktown, from
an experienced °dicer, speaks of the coining
ariillety attaeknprin that place as of a cbarac
ici'parfar 'in the iha'rle an yprevious achielie
ment:of that deer:0000 riinrry.
.0 ice; however strongly entrenched, can possi.
;My.stnnl eginst it•for.-any long 'period. . •
. .
• CnioAcm,.April
A Special. tolheXiines. from Cairo to.day:
?.Pittsburg itifiiices of, sunday night say;that
'the roads:afe.irriproving, and preparation for_
the comingibattles are . progressing,steadilk;—:
The pickets .of tho,fwo armies - areMow,"ohly .
half - a:mile apart... ,
There is much' sickness among iyur . troops;
.the'resutt of fatigue :'and exposure, and un
.hesithy climate.,.:.
. .Refugeisr s port ihat 1 1,1111Pinge is still
in command at. Fort Wright ; and
.has a force of
six or eight thousand . men. . T he guns from
North .ItandolPh haVe been taken there. . A•
late nuMber, of negroes,,are . cOnatantly. at-work
strengthening. the taiti - •
There.i.ca report which is deemed ieliahle that
the rebel guinboat fleet is coming tip the river
•o '
attack our flotilla, end then will 'make a ,
holdattoke for the; poss'essiciel of the. Missis
sippi'...on)he reception, of this' report a.stea
mer. was'immediatel 'despatched to Island No.
Ten haVing on board gunners, sufficient to man
the batteries there.'
• General Prentiss, And ihe other Federal
whO had been at Memphis, • received
marked atten . tion.from Unioh
. •people. lie was
t a ken : to 'Tuicalunsa . Fort Hai is, just above
Memphs,• has - beenoverflovved by a crevasse,
•and much damage' caused to• the • surrounding
The Tribune's Cairo'. liespateli .says that
rebel cavalry had: appeared in considerable
force on the river, 20 miles' beloiv Savannah,
and agunboat had. been sent down the river .to
watch their movements. All the Tennessee
river boats now '.carry brass 'pieCes. 'in' their.
bows, and each-side, is also armethsith a guard
.tiOlurricisne d.eplc. to . return any.fire frdm
guerilla bands. ' • .
SXai rs; . April 20
The retell. front St . Louis to.darattributing
,the OVeriend to the:employees'
of the Company, le entirely: destitute of tOnn- -
dation, P.ersons with , whnin.We are.persOnally .
icrinainted haVebeett,in.the.fightswith the In-
Aliens: On the•l7th'in Mr... Flower's division,
the agent, nine men; wiih. two coaches with
the mails, Were 'attacked by.the Indians ; •near.
Split-Rock. bix men were•woun'ded,.and com
pelled' toabandon'the mails, 'coaches••andtini- .
mals, ~The Indians afterwards burned.Piant's:,
station. The' wounded party lett • Pacific
Springs the. night' belOre.rast. .The teygreph
operator at Pacific :Springs and another•person
hail-a fight withsonte Indiaris„ and narrowly,
escaped. • Their animal's were hitieveial times
'with arrows. The Station. keeper •ut Green
River was killed a few—days since while en
deavoi•ing to protect' in•iil property; ..ThuSfar
tour emploYees of the Company haye-b6en
Althciiigh 'the .greater part Of their
• siockis gone, the' i!niplOyees siill remain. ; A
force is being raised in this eity..by''Brigliain•
Young, under authority of, the President, for
thepfolection of the route.; • ,
. FORTRESS Mot:ROE, Aptil 28
To HOn. T.. STA:V . I'OIN • "' •
. News of the oceu nation of New Orleans by
the federal: lorees-is.conftrnied to -day. .
' No lurther, news:. •
• (Sianedj • JOHN E. IV,OOL,
Nfajor•Genpral Commanding : To THE Assocwr-•
A flag of ' truce today brqught 'despatches
letieis to prisoners. ?iu. papery reciv.
ed.. .
• .The tel.egrSph 'operators'' having
,left New
'Orleans . , there, is• no..rieves from there. The.
operators attempted' to return, but, jound'l4c
feisty orcirpierl,b this federal forces. .
Foittittr ! , MorrrioE,, April 28,
A flag of trtice' to-day took desratcltes . ad
'letters for the 'Upton pr1,b0111.11 , . • Is; ew spa pe
were. received, or arttrast "none carne.into. the
hands:ol the renotterS for - the press. •
The city. of New . &leami .hai. been, by
the Union forces, The telegraphic 'n,:peralor&
having left 1 here,.ai.previousky repOi t
particulars ha,l,been . received It is stated,
howeverol;at the operators subsequently' 'at- .
:emided to : return, hut - nuu9:l - tcity, it! posse's• .
sion oi the Union troops: It is pi - ohahle t lye
sbrrerulered withoiitjeslstance, 'after the
fleet fitade iheir .appeefanCe. There is a repdit
that the.enemY'.s mtielr boasted iron ' , gunboats.
built there us 'a second :‘ , le . rlitnac, was, while
'on its. way, destio - yed• 1 ?) , ate .united
sleanlcr .Pen9cohi. •
. . .
The weather at - 0 tittrio;day have , been 'very
foroio , ble for the renppearahee.p(ine Merrinytc
in flampron Rontls,.bot..phe still delays cooing
. .
, ..
• •..lt is '.reported ?hilt sortie rebel. gnnbottis in the
James River , tempted 'this foreriotiti. to shell
sonde of otirsti
nips this side of Warwick.
.-.l3rir(*r: Yoiti'cro.ss'ir ) .2thh April
. .rt? the Pre.se: • • • •
The I:Ethel:ate ,pparr;fitly just reallithg
fact that G.;n. MeClealhn ie making. extensive
- preparations .to open the Sj!contl.sieg ' e of: - York
down. Up to yesterday, theworksolour troops.
hayn :steadily plogres-,:ed directly : tinder the
enemy:s eyei without any response: from:their
suns, excepting an occasional .shox - Sent_, to in••
(prep us.that t:hey were' still thara,.::
• • Otti.eeithworks are' now tegnuinig . to preient
a vary forMidable appearance - to the enemy,
and all day yes.erd..tY and last night-,they' kept
,up a brisk fire nn them,..with a view to, drivingthe Men nut. Qicasio'nally a shell Would come
so close its:to make.it ..unpleasant, when they
would lie close to the ground.until it 11,id pass•
ed o'Ver.• No one was injured, and.the work
.pro'gressed as tlio,ngh no enemy, sere within
range: . • .
•This morning the rebels opened ivithincrea
ied•vtgor for about three hours, from , their-bat- .
teries near the river, but 'receiving no response
. Yesterday q . en. Daticock went Out With a
portien•olhis brigade;lor the purpOse of . dri•
vinglhe enemy.frpin d piece of timber' which
they occupied iirclesenroximity to our works.
Our troops advanced through hn open 'field, on .
their hands and - knees, until' they. carne'ivithin
close musket range. •• •• •
. The rebels . who:were secreted.b . ehind stumps
and-trees, were anxious .te get our men .on
Ode:feet,' and'th , accomplish this-the captain
in corrirnand . •of -the enemy •shouted• at -the
height'ofhii voice to:.•ChargebayonetS,
sing that our frightened troops would instantly
jump to their feet and 'run . ,'but - th ey were mis
taken in the men - ,' he Command '.being given
the .Secnncl time- the'-. rebels aloseCwhen our
troapS 'peeked:into . them' a well directed-ire,
causin.: - them to.retretit, leavingt beir.dead :and
Wounded te'•ber-cared - fol afterwards,. :During
the skirmish a ne - w . battery . ..vrhich the 'rebels
had .elected during Sunny night; and tshich
interfered with,a working party •of •our men,.
was most effecthallis.lenced and the guns dis;
mounted. . • .
.. • •
The . weather, is - more..laeorable for Military
operatinns. , ... The time ie drawing close when
the commanding Peneral will corenonce' , the
task of .redueing' the enemy's - work eieeted to
iMpede . theadvanceof the Union 'troops:: :All
are linguine an to' the'.result and the_ troop aro.
sager to be led forward: ... •
WitditiNGTONi . A 1)01'27
The from' New' Orleans., which has.
.. .
comer . threugh siiverat rebel sources, is deemed
here..ot the Most'importance,., • '
What Ord England failed tn'dri.with — all'..her
power, ha'S• been 'handsomely. necOmsiliribed by
Newtrittliind. The manner in which.the.s-ne
test n't.Forts Jacksorr.arid St:Fhillips was fol.
19wed.uri , ishighly'eommended. jn.thitty,hours
our brave Men consurnarecl their victiory,'and
'appeared before ,the greateitk of the Southyrest.
tcr. receive , •:..-
. kisartisotranni3; Ahrll 27:
Yeiterday'a tett:loonlie pickets. of Colonel
Donnelly's brigade Stationed -eight, miles henci:
larke fnrce'pri'Ashby'S .teat'gnarit'and
back. Oneinin•nomedAsase Kefly, of the47th
i'r•rinsylvania Regiment, was killed, and three'
others•Wounded:rThe reserve of,the 46t ond
tiserifon of Hampton's 'battery hen adyanred
-and rePulseiFthe:rebels: •-. They ; retreated to
wood, where several ofnuEshellS'hUrst in their
midst, and a•Witgon Was
,seen Oatterlnkup and
. carrying their' &ad and *minded. • •
Owingfo the hdrrid state . or the roads he-,
tween the tmoni .and Donnelly's enraippinenti
and, the imposs.ibilily of JOrivarding firth - sup.'
plies;: Donnelly has been oithired to take. up a
new• yosition nearer the:town. until the roads
get in a better conilition.'. ; ' • • ,
J.a.ckSon'o farces ar e . mainly enramped . miar
the'east •Irend of the'Shenandbah.. The :liridce
over the.river.is sttomily,pirtifed.by. filth and
is underlaid AO h.intlarnable 'Material; ready .- to
united nn-the approarh (dour tronnii. •_ •
• 28rhNew . YOrleregl- -
ment,is, performing. tio . tittly of Provost Mar
'shal 'in the tuWn. The oriltirly ;deport molt of
Our troops, is co'n One in,, proof, to the ingiulattoir
that 'our object is 'but a . misshiwor'peare, and
.the secession ISdies 'have"been • etn''''
misrepresentation and duplicity toWirds' them.
. .
.AU the churCheswhrpse:li,istora are not in the
to-4ay, •an4 . .the town
wears. the
,aripi.arance 'of.' •Nor . t.h . rn country
, • .•
. •
...Wasitiscrps, 2p. ..•
following. Was iliteived.'to-da'y at the
Var nrpartirent •
April 28; 18Q2, .
Five companies of our 'ea Valry
ish tivith.the ehmey's eevalry'two miles.in
trance of thifi. The- enemy, retreated. Five of
them were killed,' and..a - lqu'inr,•eightevo pris:
oners with hoi-19!s and arms; were captured and
are now camp. One of the prisoners,•nam'd
Vatiehnovas formerly foreman in the of , lice of
the Louisville 'Democrat: We.hail one man
wounded end none Ofr:.lorces 'ln
capital spirits.•• The prisoners say- the enemy
have upwards of .po ow) -,men, Corinth and
ivillfight; and that 'they are : busily entrench r
ing and :mountinglsrge guns', .
ParsTiylici LANONG, April 29
A'nother. cavalry:recontoissance. yeisterday,
itieta•rebeil foraging party near Monterey. A
sharp skirmish 'ensued,' resulting in• the:deith
of five rebels, including one Major, and the cap.,
lure of niOeteen• prisoners . . One rnan , was
'wounded on - our side. Heavy,rains fell last
the'roads are again in bad condition.
l'he•river is very high and rising.: Brig.• Gen.:
Cullum; Chief
.ot .the Stall of E. , gineerS., has
arrived from the Mississipni.River,. Where he
haseenengaged in placing the defenses of that
. „
river in order. , : • ; •
. .
The steamer Baton, whith left • Bittsbnig tast.
eVeninie,•has orcived.ii Generals Halleeke Buell
anti' Grant. have moved • their headquarters to
near the. fronrcil our line and personally super
ails - attending. the• advance .
-the 'it hole :force breri: fel' which are.hourly ex
pelled. Gen. Pope's advanced:four
miles :cin•Surilak*, amt . :are . 'now .encamped in
light of the,enerny'/ camp • • -*
Rebel jeserters who tithe in ••on Satirrilay
•had beard rumors 'of the fall, of ,Ne w: Orleans,
which.witshoiVevet, ' contradicted by the Oil-
The pickets orertsionly ekchangii shOts.. ,•
A later arrival to•niaht reports'our whole
tinny rjtoviog forward slowly. • . . • .•.
Contr.ihands•and - deserters .come.within nor.
tines and . r.epeat '•the hroviohs . staterrientslhat
Corinth is•beingevacuged..., .
P . vrrsjivitC April 29
Thera was • heavy firing aeross Lick Creek
lhid irtornbaccaosed by artillery practiCe* by
Oor,ativaneed Guard, who attersl . ight sk'rmisl? ,
ing, in *nl'ol.w ciiptored several prisoners,
recopied Pea . Ridge.. A t nine o'clock we
Nitmterey; 'f•‘Velvd• or fourteen milcs,from,
COrint h. •
A yerY•intellige.nt.Sailoeof Boston, who dri-".
.serted•Froin Abe-Rebels this, side of Coribth,.
reports that th.eicaptrife ofNetv prleins was
'generally known in' the; Rebel .eamPs the
mornirisr of the 27th. • •He 100 slates that on
..the 18th the time of two Loilisiatia•.regiments,
enlisted.. km .12 months:, expired; but, by. the
ronseripticM In w, wire required to serve
po years lonsier';' on being so inforermil,hoi
regiments laid down their mrms . nrurretiised to
Beadregarti ratailed.touf'reg•
iments',l'otzwiril•them as, prisoners.' It,ty.aq riot
known tha.t Pen. pallet+ is, in command here,
but the general .impressinn arisong the rebel
troorei was that General. Basil is, and that our
army is retreating to Nashville. .• '
ViNsulivcrroS;.. A p! 11 2.5
The ratification of the Seward- and Lyons'
treaty for the suppression 'brthe shive trade
iviil-soon he exchanged.: The main points are
a mutiral right of ierfreh without :iegurd to, the
number of..vessels to he'ernployed,nrid the earn' .
mr!ry trial and punishment.of those engaged in
the.iliegal truffle.:
ISTAsir!Ncrori, April 25
"Commode re,Foote,,owing to
.the wound re•
eeived in the.iiattle:ai Port He'n4,4nit.ukeil to
hereliUved frdm the command the We tern
fieet,.but 'the pi pitrtrnent•ha!, it is understoOd ,
Mdered to the
squ ninontis . :hi..seeond in cornmandi thus
ing him frorii meets of the physical litho!. of .his
responsible position. .
INFLIIX OF CONTII.ATANDS,—jIISt .1111 :alit' these
days there seems to, be quite an influx of stra
nge colored persons in our is . tett ,
ing some large story about his . escapo from sla•
very, and, his sufferings. These' persons come
here expecting tO be be taken car of.by..twhite
?olks," Andolisappointed. in ,. that expectation,
resort to.nneans:fOr a living' not countenanced
in this'corrionunity. l'wo'dr . three of thespeci
es.ere..before.the police, niagistrate this morn
'jug for vagilisnci and c'brnmitting petit larcenies,
rind vvere'siiinmarily disposed of by sending
.them to the penitentiary.: They are only plac6
ed tihere they cap earn .their living,. tend not
sponge it ontof citizens,—.Roihnsor Trninn,
OriE of - the', humanitarian movements of our
times although litileknoWn asiuch,. can hardly
be: over-estimated in .its,,lOnportance upon the
well.being of our . widely icattered scoininuni
ues. The , population of the Amerieen•Ststes is .
in many see'tioni' so sParse, that skilful yhylf. ,
eiahs are'hardly available to theriri...Vast num- •
hers of our.people; are obliged to employ in
siekness; such medical . reliefs's they , Oan hear'
of from cash other, or hideed any they can. get
from any. quarter._ , ' Henc arises the,greatcon
• ••,. •
sumption .
of•Patent . Medicines among ns, greater,
by far than •irf nn of ihe 'old countries, Wheis
skilful 'physician:s. are'accessible to all clauses, .
'Unprincipled men.haVe long aVailedthernselves
of this necessity, tcf,pOlm off their Worthleia
nostrums,: until the word has:hecome synonf.
inous' %jib imposition and cheat.' One of mu'
leading Chemists in the East, Dit."Aysa,
pursuing a course which defeatithii iniquitya
He bringe not Only . 'his . own, but the best skill
of our 'times to bear; for the production of the
best: remedies. which can, be made.. These are
• ..
supplied te. the world, in `a convenient form, at
low'prices, and the people will "no more buy .
poor medicines' instead of ' good, at, the same
'coo . , than they Avill-bran instead of floor: The
.• • ..
ine . vitableconsrpience•or this i h .thatthe
'compounds that flood.Otir country are discarded.
for those which honestly accomplish the end in
view,—which 'cure. Do
imprirtancei in . Velieving that this preipect.of
tip 1.11 antini .t he by-word:rnedicines; . With those
of acfiial• worth and•virtne, is fraught.with
tnense cons * ,:quence. lor:,good to the masses
and Chi.diiile:Piru, la. - •
Liit of Jurors Diaim for June Term,4669
4'n Simpson
. .
Bi);ol , 4l,—AiJ, Isloiiree, W. Y.'lgnCoY,: and
D. V. Shepard. '.:,.
R•rirdfoiii.—Goir. Brown, Benj.,Flikeen;.-11,'
.D.•Thrher, John Corwin. • .
' Eldred —. 7 D. E..Ciirpenter,-G. T. Dennis, A.
A. 13.irilen,•Elisha Mundy. ,• •
leeatiirgi = •T.. R. Tubbs,• Gardner' Barrett.
Ernstus Curtis - ,..1. T. cittor'4. J. Otto; F..
po.—Wai. H.. Sp'ller,. . '
Slocum,, Wm.-Hoop
.LiGerty.—Calvin Pails, J. A. 'Bright...
All'uln".—Jaines o.'Neil,•lsac Tubbs, S.A.
Gleason,F. F. Bishop. , • •
B.mv‘gh.—NoihOniel Abbey.
. . ~ .
, BiwilfoPe i.- . — Trdman Sherman, • 1.... Drake,..T.•
E . . Barrten,.S:l3. t - lawins, Phila Ackley, P..H.
Storms.'.: , •' • - . ' . -
Circa--LThoinas Gilbert,. E. J. Barber, Nim
rod Llimphiar.. ' , '
Eldred.—Oscar Carnenier, Chas. Svrrink.
• K ent i ng ,Eogene Ditliy, • • Daniel Lenox,
Wm. Wdliam's, Arnold Southwick. • •
• Li berty.L. . M. Eapwood,.Wm. Sherd►ood.
John , Ca mnbll, D. Woodcock. A. N
L.. M.. Eastwood, 0. qriffin. •
Pulcam. . ' , ; •'
. P. Dennison, A: L. Rifle..
Ira mil . A. Anderson E. B. Libby. .
Corydon,—.E. S..Sunderlin, Thos. Conover
"brio.—.James Twomnbly. • . -
CAIRO, April 29
On the 30th ult., by the Rev. C.. toinfotthi:
Mn. N.T.".To.:ms, to Miss ap of
Smethnnrt, Pa. . -
• .
. •
In..T nrmPr's' galley, on Ttie — sda . y, night,'the.
2991' uit., .wife of Hon.. Joseph Otto,
aped 80
• mfr. heartsigain cej olce '
How egtet'•will be ear heavenly home,
Dear in;;ther Lahen thy gentle voice
. Shall softly whisper ~lovel ones, come."
ftllOlt OF
111 s at D a l :l 9 1 1
!ia r r '3 e ga n g!? i N n - e B. ln i lle .
wo rm; Cobtainn the !argent and finest Irmthion:Platin.
ihe.greateyt noinber..of - fine Engravings, the' West and
meet reliable.informatioo, thre.e.'lull4lzed Patterim for
Dreassen, and:a sheet M new tirade-Work and Ernbrof ,
Bering Pa:Lerns. Every Mother, Dressmaker, Millener
nriT ' Lady , should finve it Published Quarterly,. at '4,7,4
Broadway, NOW York, Rohl everywhere cent by man
. at 25.euntn. • .Yearly sl,,Veitli a valuable premium.. .
The'Suumfar number now ready.. • •• ; •
It ,la . hereby ordained' and. ;enacted by the
Burgess' and Town COuncit of the... Borough of
Srtietbport, inCoancil 'met, that all Sidewalks
in enid 13'orough . shall .he pot. in good order and .
repaired on or .before the Fifteenth day of May
. •
. .
Approved Ariril'lth, D. 1862 . .. .;
. .
J. C. .HA M "StC'Y
. . ,
JUSTICE OP TFIE. PNAC E 'and. Oony,yatteer: Ala.
Attorney. and Couneelor at Law. Particular attentiov
gtv , •n to Collecting. Ofliee,one Law.,
lb. BOO*
•nettll. nee, 'S•onthpot
Al!' peisona are, from this date, forbid har
boring or rrusting my wifei .Betsey Cornea: u.
she.has kit my bed and board .. without cause
or provocation.•
Norwich, April 24, 1862
Obserri,ng these Facts
• , :• and I think- I: Am not
tira,tinurtion.l eay that nearly al/eye:ire experleitee•bse
in how to one them iticcesefully. ' •
, , Watches can' bp safely and 'inientillealEy. repaired
nt Smethnori. • No matter how fine !or difficult 'the fob,
an.l ram det4rrnined to*,knip pOsted -up, and belifiny pre
pared to meet, every and any Me. . • . •
RePair . ed 'on etc r' iintleo an' reaeonitilo; toms.. In the
Store of A. B. A r.,,atrong , a. Shin of the 'ilea (wpm' ,
. w. et. Imams.
•, _ ,
N• 13,--I guarantee . My, price's for work to be al low AS
at any Other well rauulated and raspounlbleshai.owd low
or than at many. Please give map cell' : W. H. P•
tiiret rate brick.foYails.• In
Vire or
Smeihrort, August 13, 1860,
• [lO-3.1
'tat.. That I am parT
manently ineated
2nd ..That I keep eon
ahantly,On hind' a good
iupply of the biat
materiall,. Tools ;
ko., for. repairing the
varionn parts of differ..
'ant' kindipt .