M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, May 03, 1862, Image 1

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    . • .
. . . •
VOL. 4.
tin Emit dottittp• ;Democrat,
TEEMS . :`; 8150 -' 8150 in Advance.
Rates of. Advertising
(3' o l %t o l s a e .yenr.. 00
20 00
' sin .• 20.00
One square of 12 lines or tens, 3 iugertions, .... ...,• 60
•164.2 k eubsequeitt insertion; 2.5
BIIIIPIIIIII Cards, with paper,..; • .. : . . ;..6 00
.. Stile figure 'work will -be .double the above rites.
Twelve linen Alreoler type, or eight linel nonnirell, is
These Terme will bo stiletlY adhered to..
- 13401004. -.')Pitectott:".
63400oPrprtetori .Itiarpray, .•ris Itotel is
new and furnished'in modern style, has ample aCcOin
kaodations,tod is, In all 'respects, a First Chris Hotel.' ,
Eidgterty, Elk Ca . .. Pa. May 24; 1800 • .
Joer'Waia. . .
Proprietor• This 'house fa situated half
• 'way between Smethport and Olean::. A. convenient
' Co clramodjonahnus f, attontive and . obliging, attend
' au t,C, and low prices. • - • .
• • Eihred,.Mikyl7,lB6o. • • • • •"•• • •
. .. . .
'A. D, HARILIN,• - , - .
Burtfyor; - Draftstnen• Conveyancer, 'and *•Real. Estate
Agent . ., llort,tiport, \l'Kean county, Pa.. . • -.
. . .
Pyacties . l.,Meaimiic,''slll.l . wright, tlridge-builder, &c.,
Port 'Allegheny,' 111 , 1tean.cotinly, Pa. ' .
sinivayou, nmtrissr AN; CONVEYANCER and Real-
Estate Agent; Office, Willitonaville, Elk Co., Penn'a,
. .. •
•• --11E1 , 61113NCE13—
. Chapin At Boyle, Ercea.,.
nom T.11,31na9 Struthers,
• W.-S. Biownell,, Esq.,
Hoy, A, 1.
J bkIiDER Proprietor; Core Pa: Title 11011 AP is fitted .
hp In liubstantial'and comfortable and • e • very at
, •tention *ill ho paid by the prOprietpr to the • comfort
•anftasto of hie Oasts. . June 3; 1881 •
. . .
Fronting the Public:Square: . ()Jean, N.' Y..
Slim= Proprietor.. The Fobee House to entirely new
. and Millt ofhriek,, and Is ruynished•in .inodern
.The 'proprietor .flai,ters himself thit hie ae.eomnitide
• Lions are not surpassed'br any hotel in Western Now
• York. , Carritigen run'to and from the New York and
• Ent. Rail Road. , , , • . •
. . . . .
. . .
ATTOINIST Li' Le4;•Sniethport, Al'Kenn County. Pa.,
. Agent for .klessrs. Keating
•& Co's Lands. • Attends
especially to the Collectiba.of .Claimsr Rxamiriation Of.
Land Titles; 'Paynient of. Taxf4, and all hualneea rela;
Rag to Real Ilsts,le. Office in itamlin 810 ck.... .
. . . , .
- • •
Attorney and. Counsellor ,at Law, Smetlipert, ltltKeao
• County,. Pa.. tlitiOness_entrustitil to hie care fur the
counties of Sf'Kean, Potter and Ellt.torill be promptly
attended to
. .,Pitlce to the Court Ifouse.second floor.
• . . ,
Physician .itut.gurgeon t 'l3lnetliona, 'Pa s -. will attclid 'to
all professional calla with peonptoese:, 0111ce to Sart
econd Moor. • •.•
THING. &-$11.1.R,
Whalehale and'lletal Dealers in Staple' and Panay :Dry
.Geoda, Carpeting . , Iteadi . .idade - Clothina, and General
gurniatling9ooda..Booth and Shoes,...)Yall and Window
paper,.Looklng Glwaes ,VC. At Glean. N. Y. • • •
. .
. .
. • . .
. . ,
Attorney and Cnunseltnr at Law, SnietliporNM'Kean Co
l'a. ' Will attend t6all.buninesain bin profession In the
, eounties orM'Kean,l'otter and Elk.: Offee,oYer U.K.
sattwilit*. Itrotheeo Stere.' . . •
• • • • . .
HACKNEY' HOESE .. . • . •
• •
. .
. .
Corner of itLegonfl and I...ibertf streets, Warren, Pa..' h.
' A. BARBrat, Proprietor. Travelers will find goeidae
• ennthiodations and reasonable charges. ' . ,
• .
. . .
U. L - sn. 4. DS le . P roprie tor,—Allegheny 'Bridge . -liitKetin
CoPa. Thief boueo is situated about ninemiles from
Sine‘bport on.the road to Olean,.and 1111 be found a
cOtiveuieut stoppicig-place .
.. ' ' ... .. - • ~
Ity T.Sloonwrn. ThlB bouso taattunted abont five mile
' froroStnatlaport on tlao road to,Olean.. Pleasure parti
and ,otlieza can be accommodated on the atioriebt antic
. .
Dealer In ,Dry Goode, Croceriee, Crockery. flarOirare,
Root's, Shoes, Hata, Clips, Glass,Nalls, 01111,'&m, &c.
East side of the Public Sqoare,.Ernethport, Pa.
shippen, ISVlCeait oo.i, DYKE. Pioprialor
A cominodloVis and well-furniahed haus°. •Strange ra
and tAavalora will and, good aaconituodatiatai.
. . ,
E lodn B. nbta.ir,, Proprietor, at Per! Allegany... .
Kean County. .Pa. Thiallotel issituated at the pine
'tioh of the Smothport and Allegany 4iver Loads, nine
rallea east of Smethpqrt. , - .
. •
•.To.Those Interested in Xining an d:
Mineral Lands: 2 . • , .-
W.n. BARNES Offers hie services for the exainina
• tion . 'of Mineral Lands in 51`1(ean - and Elk coun
ties, and will give, hie opinion 4e to WO VALUE OF
MINES,- Ac Thip,i3 engaging hie' cervices wilt receive
- all necessary and reliable information, ltesilence at the
Bunker Hill , blines.,
, .
Sergeant, 51Mrean Co., June 30, 1859.
• -. .
. :
' S'. C. HYDE, - • '
'Arrontityrk*T-Law. Smothport, M'Kcan c 0,., -Ps.
• Collectionn promptly otteotled AO.. . • Feb. 34,
Smithpori,M , 2ean - C0.,1 Pa.,. P. g, Masan, Proprieto'r
,—oppnaltu. the Court Ranee. A flair,' large, conuodl•
one and Rull furnished howl°.
. , .. .
Dealer in Stoves; Tie Ware,. Joel:mood Were; &e., west
;Aldo or,the Public 'Squ.re, Sinethport; l'e: . Custom
w irk done to order on the shorteet aotioe, and in the
moat .tibitontiol manner. ' . . .
. . . .
_ .
pa. g. A. SpaAoti6 would respectfully. announce to the
Oltisetts• of SMethport and vicinity,. that he. has .fitted,
up in office, sod is prepared to atter:kilo. all puninesn
"in Pi. profession.; Artificial teeth inserted uPon • mei
: entitle principles, end no an to..prenerre the natural ex ,
:; presnion . of the face . ' All operations in Dental Surgery
. done in a skillful manner. '... ~. , . . - . lot
. . .
• '.. -- :.. . :. A. L. NOUItBE. - '- • .. .. ':* ..
. ,
Dealer In Mores, Tto Ware, Jaryeaued ,Ware, &6., watt
eat or • the Pubtlo, Square, Smetliport, ,'Pa - Custom
work done to order, onthe, shortest. notice, audits the
roest . substarttlarmanoee.,. . • , .. . . - •• -
•. . .
, .
Attorneys's! Counsellor At Law, Shlppon, Pa, will at
tend thelknArts of Potter, McKean, and tlic counties.
.. Prompt' attention paid to Colteations. Office, East
and Ifsli.plciek—Seeond floor.
, .
. ..
isest.t.eit, East Side or the ['chile Square; Second Door
', Noriliot• the Democrat Mice Smetttport. Pa., Dealer
In %Vetches OloCka and •Jewellery. •
.Reparlng acutely
Executed end Warranetd: • - .
DR.'W. Y. M'COY, •
83nethp . ort, Pa
Back of the•error . that slavery IS the cause'
of the rehellion aiukthat ita•semo . valitinecea•
nary to cure,,lieti,the grave and terrible 'Mis
take which' has been:made by these.who have,
supposed the slave to he the grand 'object of.
sympathy: and of benevolent consideration, and,
who 'ha . ve regarded slavery aS' the 'subject of
moat political , importance, when in reglitY. the. '
negro, the colored' race, , is the true subject of
national andelftiVitableeffort.. Irwas lohg.ago
.plain that it was not half so impOrtant to 'con;
sider how:to remove slavery as how to remove
the negro.: The great problem teward:Which,
'men.should have directedtheir lab Ors and .
veetigations, was how2,to treat. arace: that is 1
amongui that mixes with our
populaiion, but cannot rninglawith. our blond.
This subject involves to some ex tent the gen-,
eral subject of slavery, . but only as the greater
includes the less. For years, the, earneit,
ive mind of the nation, not the fitful and pas
sionate mind of radical reforms, but thaititel...
lectual force which formed and which hai
reefed the • course thegoverprhent,.in its
great. work of benefit toManyind, has regarded
this question as connected with the nation, and
attemptertto keep,the national counsels di.
rected toward lt, instead Of toward the irifetior
questien of the posltion'ot aportion of the 'rac e
while among us.' At is conceded oiterywhere
that the race is inferior; 'whether by reason of
its long experience in barbarism, and its trans- -
ler to -a p'osition, of -subjection:in a civilized
land, or whether by nature, it does.not concern
•. •
us atpresent . to inquire:. The race is now of
of a, lower order, antlthe eXceptional,cases
Which are (torn time to time brought forward,
only Serve to show.. more distinctly the sad
truth in relation to the whole negro family. =
Being inferior they demand our, sympathy and
oar aid. Th..y cannot be in.lde citizens,, of
'equal rights with the whites '
, 'unless we ever,
throw the order of nature and at once adopt
amalgamation. 'This.may possibly badisPuted
'but tbere is.nO dividing line. .For'example, if
the law should :declare the: negro entitled to
equal rights; he may not only demand admi.s.
Ilion '
to the same hotel (for the law compelathe
hotel to receive. the decent guestO but if it he
crowded, and in a place where it,,is the custom
to put two or more in a. , roonn;he may demand
admiasion to . the same' room with :the ,White
citizen, to the:same table,-tothe .seme ;steam
boatstate roam, the samesleeping car, in short
he may by law demand everything. that a white
inert' may.demand. If tie'may rightfully de.
,mandall would . absurd and impes.
sible to deny his social equality, even to the
extent ofintermarriage. We do not dwell on
the argument, which must. be plain. The in
stunt'a distinction is drawn between the races,
as to Marriage, tables, hotels,. railway cars or
. .elieWhera, that. instant it' superiorittand
feriority 'of races is declared. No.' man ,
consistently ad;Mcite the,equality of the negro
and ihe white man in rights,. without
advocating social equality also. Whether 'a
decent negro .is not a uetter companion t
han d
dirty white • mad has.nothing to'do with the
question . ..l. We
,are not 'discussing :natters of
taste...l'ersmtat preferences have nothing to
do Kith general principles. • We have ourselves
no prejudices on the subject .whatever; rind
.that our motives may not be misrepresented, it:
is proper to say that there are colored. men to
whom we are pe:scinally artached with yeti ,
great affection, and who are better fitted -. to be
.companione 'and frinds, than'a . vast. nntriber of
nominally respectable..white peraona... But
theseirerY periOns are mostfirmly convinced of
the dependent 'character of. their.people, and'
Most anxious for the opportunity of - trying, on
a national scale, the question. Whether the in. 7
ferterity is natural or the result. of
stance.. •
.:....., Ridgray;
Supethport, Pa
Buena • Vigta. Pa
The problem, then, is;what. to' do with an
interior.race,'..throvin among us by. the . will of.
God; and given by Him to our care': ‘, Make'
theirt;all free 6 begin with;'"'Saya the, philan
thropic anti=slavery mans But what ..is nee"-
domr •Is'the poor starving'negro in neveYork,
or in, Canada, really; much more free .'ihan• a
slave in Virginia ? Take a 'Case. We know
a coloredroan with a family, who was an hon
est intelligent man, with good wages in a me
chanical employment a year or so ago, who
thrown Cii.trOl work,.has been most 01 the year
dependent on charity for:his family,and is now
laboring eighteen hours
: a 'day, in a bw.hole
where, no :white man .woalddo the Work , for
twice the pay, and is earning
lance, wholly ipsufficient to ke . ep life 'in his
.He iq.a brbken dawn- :man,• anxious
to work, but compelled to lead a life of:. want.
He would not exchange his present life.for sla
very, perhaps, but, would amen cared-for slave
exchange with him?: Would any one. advise
the lave to Maketlie•exchangeto:day? 'The
result of the cOniparison filet to
rernove.all thesliviefroin the present restraint
'of masters, most . bef 'considered instead of
Mere 'change to freedorin, as a'change accompa-.
flied with a removal or:theneaster's obligation'
to take care ofilae : aeritatit and ,his family.—
While, tb.e.re(o,re, the servant is:thrown on the
World, free to chOose . his course, thrown
into' the novel position of being compellea , :tO
.work at anything :that. turns up for a .
and is not 'certain : of 'obtaining the work that
will earn the living... Prom ' , state of forced
work and certain Weirs, be is suddenly trans-.
SM . JVIHP . I;iIVI',..'NVii:EAN::. : cO . UNTY Pl . ; SATILTRDAV I .:M.- .3;.:18Q4.
(erred to a etate of uncertain yrork,,.uneertein
wOges, and hit in it 'a possiOility of
otaroation ~iOhich it never, .h.aci &joie, n eicknees
or ii , enictiese; or kny:othe'r contingency.
We-do' not state this is.an.argumentin-fa,
vor of the perpetuation of slavery; but 'sol'ely .
as•a,reason - against its.abolition, unless accom.
panied . by a provision for .the protection' of *the
poor -inexperienced race suddenly confronted
with the possibility of perishing from want.---
i3efore abolishing slavery, , means must be taken .
:to provide for the colored race.;. 'With every
'plan of emancipation should . be connected a
plan of 'taking care.of . the *negro. To propose
emancicatioO without providing colonization,
is to destroy the negro race,atul to injure the
race at the same time. FroM all this it is plain
enough that the disposition of the negro race
is the main question preceding.and controlling .
'the question of slavery. • .
In forther years, the best
,men.of. the • South
were, agreed with those of thelslorth.on this
Subject. When the agitation of the minor ques
tion made the discussion of the 'whole aubjeet
unprofitable, they.fell •bacit to the true ground
of reasonable Men, that :abolitionism Was a
,dangerous, principle,. dangerous to the .white .
race as to the black, and the grand. queStion of
all, the fate of the colored`' face, was suffered
to drop, in the 'presence Of. the fierce s discussion
Of abolition. - • ' . . . .
'We are now on the verge of a period when
the itiinds'ofthe North and t he South must be.
harmonized in someway, if the ccnintry.is •to
be one. On the subject 'of thelieliTrace,,lf
the . discussiOn of abolitionism ..continues, the:
hatred: of :North and. South will be eternal.— .
The abolitionists can never make unity out of
discord by•any oe'their mad schemes. Their
'iniceeSs would , be '.,public : and' private ruinoo
black and vihite:...Proclamations of freedoni
ca'sting.millions of free negroeson the-charities
of•, the country, Weald, perpetuate 'this negro .
question and make it, more intposaible ... of solu
tion than ever. The. Northern mind must There..
fore abandon abolitionism, and, r a the future 'of
the nation calls for some disposition'of the col.'
ored race, the Northern portionofthe country
owe it, to themaZlve . s, to the - world, to the ne.
'gro who is oPpreSsed and ground down in New
York,is much as in. Charleston, to. provide a
refuge for the' free negro,:in some aCceptable
country..' • • •
. .
. .
The real queation before' the nation to-day is
not • how io
. -remove 'Slavery as the supposed
cause of the war,-but'how recericile . Massa.
ebusetts and South - Caroltua; one,a'free.ahil the
Other d'slaie State. Thii the grand problem
.ot. the day.: • Will ,
.Mas.sachusettslive in the
tinirM with a sla've State? Will South carn•
[Ma live in the Union.with•it State'Whieh re
fuses return fugitive'slav'es,'arid whose citi
zens preach that slaVery it the anal of All'
lanies V.. •win..eitner• State l accept, the negro
as a social equal? ilo s w, shall' the 'oppaspig
elements be 'reconciled . ; and the oil and water
'Mingled •It is easy to say, Let Seutb,blro.
lina give 'herislaves and the' cause of cliSa..
greerrient is reinbyeil. It is just as easy to s.iy
let .Missachuselta restore slaVerY to'..her .soil
464 . thetwo States . can agree. Neither. will
do it; and-one is jitst as diffiCult of accomplish."
ment as-the Other.. This may herbrubterl, but'
the remark ' : is South carolina , can no
More. get !id . of slavery ni. Once, than Mass.
chusetta. earl
,restore slavery at:otice. EithE!l,
then, the negro,qiiestiommuat.be dropped en
tirely;, yhiclr cannot pethaps heexpected after
the events . mf the past. year, or Northern and
.Southeriininds unite .on a reasonable and r oti..
serVative view of It,
.. : which- will. remove it
whollY, , •from .the arena of patty.
Within the past,fw weeks the North has with
singular uniroirnity assented to thelPresident'S
Plan of Emancipation byChinpensaiion, with
colonizatiOn. ancient plan of theCalorii.
zation Society, may yet,'liecome-theinterMe
diate groin(' on which men Will Meet and'tigree
to .dispose of the negro question.
. lii. this.connection we notice with interest
the speech of Mr, Blair'of Missouri, in the
House, April 11th, and we .regard it ns more
important beciaPse we. have reason to-suppose
'that it gays expression .in some degree to the
views of the President. 'Withoutilesigning to
'affirm the truth of all Mr. Blair's statements,
we, invite a careful, perusal-of this extract from
his, speech, as'repteveoting . . the policy of Mr.
Lincoln, ond alsoas indicating the superior:im
portance. of the gerro question, to the-slavery"
"To superficial' observers . who believe , that
the•rehellion grew out •of slavery, and iS,:as
they term it, a Slaveholder's.
.rebellion, and
When'it i.s.known to be true that thejnon.slave.
holding regions of the Smith are for the Union,
it is natural that.it should occur to thorn that.
•ihe' proper conrse : ,tia carry al[ 'the , non.slave•
holders against the rebellion would beto.de . cree
,But a closer scrutiny demon
atrates the contrary to be true; such aecriitiny
demonstastes; • [het the . rebellion .oiiginated
chiefly . .with the...nornislaveholders .resident' in
the strong.holdeof the instittitionolot springing
however, from-any love.of slavery hut from. an
antagonists of race and hostility ta the idea of
'eqUality with the blacke,invo.lv.ed . ljn, simple
emancipation. This idea among non-slave.
holders was Maturelly , oVgrenter intensity in
piopoetion' to the number of :slaves eptiont . them
and its force in extinguiehing:Union feeling di.
minished as we-approached.the high end moun.,
tain.regionaWh;re the. slaves ere few:.
' 4 , Boari men itequitiOtad with tlttj'ael‘ mows
,hat %t. it fallociout to toll th.is'. a litaiwholdsvi! ,
r skst/itiou.' If.sueb was the facti.twa divisions
of Or, army could have suppreSsed it.without'
difficulty, .thinegrogi tbeinselves. could easily
the.tWo 'hundred end; fifty thousand
slaveliolderr . 4 butati.;,..a minter:, of history that:
-tliesliiveliolders,• as a body;were.th •and
most retortion to join the rebellion. ~Tlie:'repre..
•sentative men.ollbritinterest, like• 'Badger of
N orth Carolina,.Aiken of South.Carolfna, and.
Alexander H. Stephens of Georgia, struggled - as
long.is Thera was hope 'Against...the rebellion
and for. the 'OhYieus: reason'that'the.,entire
terestio(the slaveholdder. Were put in .extreme
jeopardy, 'lt was :the negro question,:
'the: slavery 9 oenion, 'the
—questions entirely different,' and requiring
entirely different. treritmentrind
airy to,understand the distinetfort to enable us
to ,deal - vvitti suteessfirlfy; as. that,the
physician should know- the diseasi;'-wnich he is
calledoe tostreat and to Cure., If the' rebellion
Was made byr wo. hundred and fay , thauarind.
'slavehrilders, for . the sake of perpetuating ilia. ,
very, then -it . ' might be, 'a complete remedy, to
'extirpate th e institution; but if the rebellion
has' grown.' out of • the abhorrence of - the non—
ilivehalifers for:ernanciptition and imalgerna,-
tion; . and their dread ollnegioequality, ) . how
'will :their . .discontent, be cured . by the...very.
measure the mere' appr•eheasion'ofWhich has
driventhern info,rebellion ?.'
• • ,
.""N o wise' man desires to'increase the man , .
bar of enensies . t . o the State within the hostile
legions, or divide Its (Hindi outside; • 'Mr.
Lincoln knew that a decree of emancipation
simply would.eertainly have this effect . .. Such
an act. he knew was.caleulated to make rebels',
of the whole of the' non.:slavebolders of the
Sotith; and , ~the
. time to weaken' the'
hy, of. a large numbei' l of the working,
men .of the:North,. Who are•not:ready tp see
their brethren in' the South - put on an : equalitY.
with mannmitted 'negroes. . , . '
rein ticcordance with thia.view of the Object,.
proclaimed before he was yarned for, the
deney, he has acted since he has been President.,
disarm thelealbasy of race, which he knew
'lay at the' bottont of the rebellion', he reepin.
,in his prat annual message that: halite's
should be.provided in some neighboring county'
far - such of •the blacks
r as'should.he made free'
by the'events the ronteet . . 'While-vve art.
.that the chief cause of the rebeffion was the'
antagoniam or . race, stimulated by . the' disap
pointed enddefeated . politiciaits who had made
it . the soarce of their newer over the
ment, he, alicisaw that the progress of 'ef.t . ents
'had 'affected arid wouhrstill .further affect the.
class who had property interests in the subject.
And While it 'was true that,' that chits .hed not
originated, the' policy 'which colininated.in the
they:were how friveilved in it, many
:of' them, actuaily.engaged, 'and' whether
syrripathizing with it or ,not,:haVing theirpro,
perty staked on , it; and therefore :lo dauger
being dratvnintolt: ' To do justice to. those not.
eagae . d;•id the rebellion,
,arid to prevent thorn
'hero' 'being drawn into it by :their 'property in-.
lerest, and invite their co-operationiofrididing
the ponntrY of this . disterbing, elenien, he. non'.
propdies 4 measure of compensatioh Toy their
interests."—Jpuinaf of Commerce." • ' ,
"Those iyho, in times like ticepreient, talk
of the right'of.habeas ccirptisoympathize with
the rehls." • • •• ";,.
. Sad indeed is the cobtlition.of•the contry;that
stich:nn utterance:couid belieard in the'Senate
of the Llnited•States li'•einanatediof course;
Irons u ITl6Mher of tKat . fatili%a Whose .
objeei'seents, to be the systematic underthining .
and destroying of the Constitution. An yet,
BEN WADE, who, with'ltie.abo%;.evoitls, - ateirk;•
tited .. to intimidate the patrintic'senaioF :tom
'Cakiccirnite,..:Vlcpouna,l4., is not even yge•'of the
worst . •
In'ordertobu able to folly •appreciafe he
audacity of those • who'.try to' : establish ari
actual.teriorism againsi.such Members' orCon
iriess as still cling faithful to the Constitution,
itstptistlie recollected:that DicDouaerl..ty as e
:of the : first prominent Demoerat ic:leadCrs,' who
came to the aid 011ie newliepublican Admin.
strntioir. o dUi iriit he time outts greateit : distrW
rat& einbarraSskent, and, lorgetlul of party
limits;gave,itthe:'rpostineenditional ltipport.
.Not even a ilrudow ofa suspicion :: of "disloyal
ty." can , rest upon him; end thrit such an
nation cutilthhe hurled rigainsteue,h ir inch, ilem•
misirates the degree of impudenco%Vhich...ba . .
been reached ,by the Abolition: jUlall in Con-:
True, when NicDouo. , :t.t, P. ndothers put them.
`selves at the disposition 'of thtir former polio•
cal enemies,- they cherished a.hope that theltif:
ter likewise would act as patriots, mind,: drop•
pins party perju 'ices and 'fanaticism,.keep in
view only the one great aim-=the restoration
:of the 'old "Cla lot: In this they have:been .dis 7
appointed. They are now wantedto believe in
the nno Uuton--:the Sumx6ut—Tantittior.h7Lowc
,toir Union," wherein' the old ChnstitioN withall
the rights it gnarantees to individual "Stites
atid.cittzens, has been aholished, and:replaced
hy the :arbitrarinesa of a despotic
Whosoever dnes not tihscrilie to this new
progremmei'.which would pervert the • war for'
the Union
: into a reciciess party—rtttiggia, is be
ing 4.trinunced, CH ittmnitited an&terrorized •••Fl
ta.cke , t with the most galling insults and perse.
edted by 'the most. infa'mous intrigues. This
has been the lot of . ..the patriritic. SanatOrs and
Rer.esentative 9 of I.be- Border States, the
of the Commander•in—Chief ni the..nr my; and
with +itch , means it has beeivtried everi:to force,
the President.over'to the radical side. .
• , It'is. time . that the people ahtiuld understend
tvhat is going on in Washington, and what of
orti are made to deprive. them of the rrilitis of
their' enormous sacrifices. The - people have
quietly submitted •to everything, even to a
temporary and partial abridgment of th'ei! Tiber.
tiesi botthey 'have not dono . this for the.purpose
that their delegatis.i.ntongress should proclaim
the' sObole Constitation , void, end stamp as l t res.-
. .
, .
. .., • •
. ;
. . ..
:, . -- • 4 - „ ~,.. . ;f:...,4,,,i..1!...-5.%
• -. . .
... . ,
..... . " .
. . -
. .
son fhe . reSpect for the .supreme' laws
.of the
. . . .
It woOld ..appear . :that.the • deniegogues - .
ashingfon- . 'rrostiderstoo..the.
leniency of the people to judging about certain.
'extraordinary., actions of the. Government.
While making, nlloWerice'for the' existing djin-'
ruffles,' and being inclined to exeeptia;fally 'items
t he.assumptior of eertain
. doubtful, funetions l on
account of • the embarrassed. condition of the
Govetement, they. 'never thought, of,' atrolvsfig.
any of their. .funetienaries representa
froM a due regard.toltheintulanientat law of the
land. " The . .pec;pledemand,'now' evel; tha t
the -Work the fathers, which
_, they still . : hOld
seared, shalt he ...treated with reverencii, - . and
haver authorized none of their ieroanti and . agsol,,
to trample upon it. . . • ~.•
. .
• . If the legitimate'Goveynment, either throu g h
actual necessity and embarrassment, or,' eihas
•happened ntilesi• freqeefitly, through:- merely
imaginary dangers, through, awkwardness .atio
- Want of judgment, .has been driven to fransgresa
in certain cases. its strictly:Conetitutional limit s
it does•not, follow that Jib is ho longer a . traitor,
and an'enCmy ,to. his country wbo'syeteniatieal
1y and deliberateiy striSea s io remove the coiri
stitution and to ripen the gates. to an irrespon
sible tyranie . al sway. • .
What:is:the meaning of the insulting sen
tence with';ivhiih it was intended 'to deter a
loyal. Senator from the .defense of emnititutional
i;ights4if,oot the, same theory alsO tt'vowed by•
Fremont, thar.rttirers no.,vadrg 4 legitimate
iovernmvse"—nothing but a sort of oligarchical
dietatorshiP,lhat may dispose as it' pleases of
the liberties, the rights, the blood and the pre'
peaty of the people? If you :do net submit, if
you dare. to raise .your voice in favor of Right
and Law and the'old Union, you are licensed of
'sympathy with its armed enetri lee, agd r if pos
sible, reduced to silenee by:force. : .
The term 4cyrteb" -begins' to be rather . in.
definite... There are. 'Ewa hinds of .rebels we,
have to deal with ' :
• those who, bearing'arms,
operd,y,,keluse• the recognition.of the old Union ,
and those Who have chosen the safer and more
cowardly way of perfidiously destroying it with
plots and intrigues and iiiiididus atta'cks... The
one • we„ meet_ on*, the. battlefield ' ; but what
. he the iesult:of all 'the hloody strife, if
in the.meanfirne . the.tithrshouldsuceeCtl in de•
priving tie ofthe prize for which We' are fight_
ing ':The .dangers . threateriing•irom the ene
•are known ; . hut if the people . dono!. soon real.'
ize the more cor;ceertled dangers
,arising ftnm
the ~ther;a- n d do not in time. pot ad end to the
work of thesa:traithis in the:mask of unionists.
the' . :Rrpublic ii -hOple.Ssly•dOoffild.-- 7 -.§tirsia-
Zeitn;!g: (German:), •.' .
Mr. Weed's Letters frota Europe.
• , Nnis, kpril, 1662
. . . .
The bright•surr and.spring-lilce weather ren•
der: Puri; very beautiful, - The Champ's'F.lysees
and wqcul of BOulogne'attraalcrowds' of .every
rank and class, ficirn the Emperor to the,peits
'ont.,•.. I . should 'fail:in anytitle:mit to
t Of the, w o od of Boulogne; Ai for'eet
Intir or trifles in-eirrumferroce, 'laid 'out and
adorned at grent expense. and exquisite' taste...
..,The First Nepalenn's tastes were Mere Men
tal. He adorned Paris with trophies oh viclOry .
cinch ii the.Colurne of.'Vernfome, the''Areh of
TriuMph,. the Obelisk of Totror; Sec. Napoleon
111. is snore practical,. seeking to improve as
'well as adoresParis,'' llis reign wilt be distiri
guished by Relorme and',.Frogress.• France,'
under his auspices,,lins been rising and impre;
vine in', its' 'A gricoltti rrl, • 11441ufacturiog 'a'nd
Conimeraial pursuits 'and, ream/,-year while Pa.-
becoming, the roost beautiful:city:in:the
wurld. The opening' end' linprovarbent of
'streets is progressing liipoira.avale .of
. ..For4;xatriple the
Boulevard Sebastopol, cut tfirsulr (heliport - cif
the:eity, itx;endt from thin Port St•Denis . to Ftu
Riyatio,kt is already up' with palatial
grandeur, 'This - broad 'avenue .is rotinectod
with the 13OuleYaid'StraSliourg, nrinalry' mag;•
n itl een t,',.nding at tin , Stiasboutg Railway sta..
non. 'Oir the flouleVaid• Italian, a new lintel
hovering tocire-.thatran• a.hall, and
eas t Hotel ': retO the shade, 'has
risen alniost as'by magic. Perhaps the best
idea may be given of }lds Hotel saying !bat
it is larger than the t•Asior," the "Sr.• Niche.
lust' and' the ~. 11 fis.ropoiitan," together Would
be!' Adjoining this flotA, three iteres
b een d et i m ii,med, Feparatory• to. the
erection of an . Oria limn's. • . ;
Around the floterde Ville, Winre•thnn ttrn
ticre's•f buildings 'are being demolished, 'the
ground on which they stood In he thro'ivn 'into
a Park.. This will include the • site of the
itMorgue,"a place of so anany 'u'nwritten h is
nri,is of
,misery looked into this
r,ecePtaele : Of the unknOwn Dead yesterday..
.The bodies-of, 'tviio. wretched beings who had
•i.shuffled.ofr this mciitalyoil lay there, wait
ing to' bi identified andclaimed ,by some. of the . '
hundreds who were crihataotly. looking 'into the'
. .
Nearly oppnnite the-‘i . Morgne,' on . the other
ide . .Of,the . .§eine; and lacing : it, stands :the ,
house long occtipf.qi by Voltaire,• nod' neer if,
that in the fith . stniy orwhich the• First Bona-
Parte resided when lie wai•a'Ca . ptain or Ara
:eiy, „F 781.3. The• resent Etrperor. : lnts
placed a:tablet in thriwall - recording
'dentin. the life of, his iTtiole..
Wn_wtMi this: morning to'pay a:tribute—Of ,
affection and gratitude, tmthe tomb of La
eitet who reposes in ihe. : cemetery of. the ..esSa
c'red Heart of Mary.": This remetery.is but ft.
short'distance from the site of one of the
lotin'es, in the days. of blobt1;, and the splt cwt . -
seerated bY . the remains of the good Le Fayette.
enntairii the : hp . ndleas hodies of - thirteen hen
'tfred and sixty victiMs of the' Revolution, that
- were. thrown. into a pit ig for the_ occasion.--
1.. t :is noW
. .thriabotle of penitence, piety and
pueee.'• Some of - .t1:16 ~v!!re; at their devo,
tient in the•chapil, 'Others' . Wit re - walking
through the beautiful GaHrria..• .*4 7' W.
%._ T . )10 rolt,?viliigpree),lini:!irticleii tik,i)ltoni
th. 9 sviY6ik..ri . bie4 f r';..ii:liell,oiiiiiypiiii 3 O'tif
la.iie.C'jr:c,vldtin, i1! . 1(1 . , : ...gte0( ii.tl4lt!gii;' , :- 41:f . 4
cillrates SOUrl.d..c . osntit».fiona),do;fi,i4 . i..;:. : i ;,":; i:
• In . the'Senato n/. .the United. ?Stites last
week', 'when.. the arreit and:. iMprisisnment
General. Stone were undyf discussionySenator
While's reply to the argument that Gen.:fitaie's .
'rights, tinder* the Constitution, the comnfon)aw
and'the military !elicit the country i , , hairklisidn .
violated, N . !1111; that the .Goiearnment,. lit tido
great exigency; is bound.to protect
. itiselk end
that the (ontititution is..vittually repealed until.
the Government has become 'able to rettore its
,authority in the rebellious •
.• We fi nd . this the.teportof the .debatisiit
Congreino—it has been before'tbe public ,for.
week or more. without eontradlelionwa:copi
it to .fasten the eyecof.the nation tiponit,..aa
the highest avowal yet made Of. doctrine:that.
is Working ; " radical change the thebry.of
our Government, and rapidlyiransfolimiogit
intcrit despotistri-otibe tvorst•ppieible type and
form; ~1 11111s,doetrinel, so disttoetly:' set
by,Seioitpr .Wadc, and-which 'nisi irk
equal boldness avowed by geriatorEldniner and
other diet itiguished abolition leaders, behoines
the policy anderee&of the ioitntry;•our Ger.'
ernment; like (gibe bsselesi fabric.ofri,dreem,"
is gone,,antionly a miserable wreck Is left; be-
Be'fore" this t henry of Senator 'lWade,ii
rnitted tc, we would do well to try the question
before the,Siipreme..Coutt, and..if that:indica
tory. a intros it as•the law bf the land; it will be
ourpilvilege to choese , between subtrilssion to -
it, and:voluntarytoliberia or.)a - pain.; ' We
frankly' Confess that WO Woull4 , ' prefer . the des.
rintism ofi pifion prince . to that til.a•naoh.'llf
Mr. -Wade'e doctrine la sound, withaverio Gov
ernment' -but :the wilrof .the.inen who viields
I he 'armY and '
navy, rialfOrdif4l-of the . .COnstitu••
tine which he , is, set' and .sworn‘ to uphold by
• Mr. Thomas, of Missaihusetts,.has ably and .
nobly risen up,. in'the spirit-and , with much of
the pirrer of web . ster, to :throttle this .heresy.
Fie hay ma in tniiked, the supremecyof the-Con
st Ration . and the' inthordinat ion ..
of the govern
ing power to That. sovereign and sacred insru.
merrt;• and witlf . eq - unl eloquencitand truth he
significantly points to the authors of title 'new
revolutionary doctrioe and declares r stln
ing to. change the Constitution by forcte of grins
we become' the rebels-we' are ittiVing to .tub-
:.The Canstitution wee 'not made' for, fair
weather only. gimti for time of peace and •
Vetter still for time of 'War. 'There islittle
tined of law when men are wining to obey; but
•when Wei...breaks the peace and .security.M.so
eiety, when' the.passions of men are lasheddato
rage,. anti tbemation' is Auddenlppfurigett into
the vortex of strife, then the rights,bf
communitlearind indiVidualstire in.dringer; end.
•itie only protertien which the loyal citizens'en-
jOys,.is in the Constitution. of his coantry. it is
a grand mistake, which evoh
. good men•some.,
titres make, that the 'arparent 4:eitssity of the
hOttrittitiftes a ruler in the usurpation of•illegal •
POwer, This. Willey Is the universal apology,
which tyrants plead. '. By this abuse'of power
the,libeiries of nations have been blotted out,
and the lives of thousands sarriflesti. ,. • '
Wha't we 'tvent now In. Contras/J, is a spirit.
of devotion ' _ to , the laws and principled of 'the
tiovernmeht ; spirit.nr patriotism.' far..
above the ',behests .of• party prejudice, and ig
florins utterry . nil schemes of ['resident making .
or Ittrimakine',. While the energies,of . ninctand.
'lie materiel resources nt the country are sum
mpne4.to the single
,purpose-Of restoring the .
Union to the - basis of the Constitution. •
It Seirator \\r tee hernmeithe.tileork
of,the Aver, there will he no more conititutionit
liberty in.the Itepnhlie at the West. •
A - SAD CAss. ; --011..Wednesday last, is LIe11C:."
Nan Armatt, of the Illinois, Was, ,
paSstog . near . the post'office, lie writ; accosted, by ,•
youttif,“ viromitn,.Who said that, seeing' 'the'
figures, , tsS" on 'his hat, she hoped he 'might be •
able to .tell hoW she could get a letter, to
officer: in that' regiment: He said he' wOuld,be.-
hanny'lophlige. her if he Could. She said /she,
hud.wtitten . • several letter's and received 'nui •
answer. What is the neme'fi' inquired Lieut
Vim A rmati, riLieut. Fife," anSwered the bi
dy. Fam, sorry to say that, Lient. -Fife is
dead; he-was: killed at .Pittsbitrg,'.' 'Said Van
Annan. •The effect was" Alinnailti
stantly the lady sunk to"the' ground,
When r.stored waii.most'distresiing, .
',joie:Fife' Was her. husband. „.13tit Unfortunate -
ty the, sad 'budget of dews we's not all told:'' I t
apnea rs that her fa the r' p.n.s; captain Kurth,.o f
Co. F. ,Regiment, and her 'Uncl •
was First Lieutenant
.Ic.irth, - and. her husban •1
SecondLicutenant of the same Regirnent. Hi 'r
father is now n itrisitier, with the most of h 's
.i . egitn•.itt in the hands or th.e rebels, end' hi .1.
nude ' IN di; wounded severely in the' engag
most. It is rarely. tiritt Such .ti coneentiatit
'of rnistart'une falls Upon a single family,.-0
Sar.nir.da ;I)isaitaca.—Gen. 11allpek :It As
sent tber4,l l 43,l;'slth and 77rh Ohioregitoari tsi
.who ran in a
,panie from tile flak' . at R • ir
tstura Lantiing, in disgrace, to,•garridon 1. ort
DOnriscin: .2 • • . .• •
. ,
Sonrt'wsTun of :•WArt..--filiree helf
do4ely.nrititeq' , 6l ,, inni,of the MiesOrtt
,-,,,, of last ther . .ntto,..e4
of sick and tvetinled s!iltlieesi recently? artiy eil
tif:tliateit'y.anti 01: Citrinniiti- ad.
Coirb, rho . stly:.friqii :the 't
. battll6.4i.eld 017,..,
Dr. who was wottailed at .Pittsbarg e
by a Miaie , hall, t says theataaatii3a#na
to that 01,a-4rrirkrt.hlaW , ,there_iknotlii9g..of a.
tenriag•.flaint ,
,miasilaa•tokiag the hPrJes. : ar~tiri•ly,byaui}xiee;.
and tfeatkniag the arijCicent
. partaherar)
lionn ca •
• .
1;114i to 9(11.4; oy:t
rou4hylpir (Chi
of 0110S ; ; ?.b.i.,
Doric eanie g r
. .