Itirl,‘ ' : , . ' ' 4' • '".t sl - ,{;,:, 4, ,4 ' .... 43,1t1 . 12 . 7. 4 . „-fit ... 1 PPro.a V!la l lift,sp. ~ ; ,.;‘,14 , i ', l '1 '' t iiti'k I Silk r 11ifikl ' 610 ifOy '' ' ' '' ii; tI141; '' 66ii s it V '' ' t lii. I hPt W ( ' Vgi - ,,n.dive' 41,t9P4..i, I:, iy "'l. , 71 ,,0 1, " 4 : Y - L'lW:'n A ~,,,zi,lt, 1,-,tlrtr,t(lare , '.- - If 'll4O i i, F , Pi' f -g: g t,•qwires tOt• e. , ,,,i4,t Ci-' ' ''' , X ittt;,,itit Ili CltittitroAlciri 44 a 'tit" '4 t' , i- ,, i 1 s :. , , a 4.... ',. ', •,..I` - t :' 4 4 1 4 , 444.414.1r5,.. ti e , ,,15'4 , ..-_":_WYEeI4^.P! .0;41 i j, ' ':eitee`,4‘"Govirpol" .1r:Imon, wo ilit4,llii t 0 I;iiiitl;rti4.;§';o'.nity 0;,,,,,,r !. fin 4. - . f - -.• i , -. . ,g ....f.,(A,-t1.40 the , f . u"YP9 )ll ' . .. ' 3077: t 3 . 1 4' ' .4 : , , , 10,11vii r W 4 qli kbl Ypf' t q t. ; 4.rt.,,_olruPe4:ol.ppir or .T. 0 ri II rkf I,e JAW ;1111t, .)!,il9:lreLliAiPitnetfg4l-Y ei`loling p , . mfmki 411r40t*,,...,,141 , - , , f , , ILli ar,r i a, ~t wt '' 4 : l o .11061041144''1aPP04)1,,,otrultrie some wklio . ',, ' l wo th i 00 thin Trincirie 1 0 5 . c ,t , oak , ,i N ' ~ . W1X441111019/1 900 in g',. 171,001 ~, lit ies,_ may y 44411''.4111"illgattiottattlitini legal bolder of Alio oflicg. Oittiiipttiltir44°Yrilt 4ennes.eeti it ;cl.l a Con Asistaiirson. hovotheivVike, I, a rued Governor A, f , tll Ifitito,itsbrisoto wilt tit-lance: tecogeim him as - Pr 04VittiVri.AllittOriiCiple ,we , bave laid „down. AssidifCtbe r pitriotict"Johnson , shall succeed ill ',ll"ifikAll'itill:t..lm g etr to °orily; a loyal gov -4ii1444e1d Tantnissnek that goVernmeat, being I„;i4i;olpn,:eirlik . he recognized bit tho United ttillsiitatitilluitilovel'itment. of Tennessee, (as Arilintiliilllll"loW'OrnOlized'in Governor Pierre_ ,-400liattlitPartitter, rearlisla , and the other Vir. fglinatitin and , Representatives,) and ,will; 4iiiil4llEHlaiti ..ip , ionic authority, be the actual itiWediflitiOni, in^l thee Strete: , Ity , thls Alin of Vistaisitituitni,fivollitions in" favor cif loyalty; and ieraOkiitakirig r sueh 'revolutions, the - President iiitilibistql'impeilmo see each of , the Stales inc. seonelivtirplitredv im'communication 'with th e filatdinal4kiviriirrient. , 'And ' the Pew govern. 04110 i-will tiltresent•the old -undying ' States tratili*ertlita their VDU' ers find assume their , Apstliibiilities. '—'.rottritra of C'brninitHe. . , S' 'Aiilii4^tliivri Pgiiiirrcato —since in almost ' 46)040•pireoinet in the , United states ,news come stlnstalof Qemoctatio success', the A bol i tionist.s I,TOrlitlf9,9 l litig-VitY hildl.Y al9rmi'd, and are iip lil a kr'4 t ?.., , tf Pt !ktklqbfirlatid , , vYliii all the energy' : key penness, ee' to, keep united' and stand by i Aftltifee i li.os the embodiment of eli moral , ealititotre—thC grand focal center- from which 3;ol4 l s:end light. irratleate—and•tbe excellent vollentlexpo,uncler and sanheiltim of ptlitical excellence. Of ni iheselveq, they know their • ftle'errieseiileil, iirl rn irutiless they cab seciire the l'tniopeiaticM lif , Itepublicans, they are DWllre• Alatitheitl lace for .evil is ran. or the Denim opals, Ihey,are sensible, they can expect nail,- in'-‘7llo' toot (j u g in g ( rem the expressions of - lilie: peciPle.) they have little to expect from, itti e di r dei. r bg thaPßepublican party. \VellaVe 4neintaiontly excellent rneri—ftepublicans—ex cppitagiaegreat and 'abhorrence, of ' the 'principles • / ligitleptitticils of the Abolitionists as the most Ylt,ettble DemoCrat' Could; Indeed we h ave 'Sal l Vtt . ‘'iefir ' ea 'the litinest 'declarations pl qpraililiht l itietitibliCdal, in our halls or L , .gisla o nn ets'eer,lndot4able.evidence ol this kitit,)MPSkon7r9 9 , 9 9 ll for the, predominenra of Damigtats at this time (ivith' all respect In the '01111116(111)11111!..1 15 ; 14 Ole' rectiiii kg eonfidence '.'loll4o*,i'ill - thi'li marisiternent or public nf faitt. Ad. evidence of (1'11 . 1'1500051y of ,expres tilliti,l44itiik-the, dissenter to contrast•the ye. . -aibtatitititflinistretions. , Sea 'too, all good Dem. tfIIKVII v9l.4 o . l 94ng,ar k Qu' ll t the Prehitlept; with t! !past „ iOt of a ,pal`riot he disengages himsell M'il a t n i,' 7 (hOtAidarri 'of' A',lmlittonlsin with all the "ritic . iftillleirMl iniwer tbill a lion' shakes the dew • ,t 4 loplifedrii,bior:rnisrpi. iP.itrint-R4piil?ticaris ljdri ''. -.4014400 trijri, , ,liimp,-1 0 ,Yttl, Demt ) cFi!'i B, !•vi't hi, 1 . 11 1 Ai k cityp i af t 'ike# : ,t gl r i i.„t,i e.l o t'p . tif ,FRi:i ntr , y, , th e, ..P on '' ctilitiign;.st i fil s ttiel:sws,• eql ly wide; i 'his' haq9Pr l' . 2:lll"%trn\i'ir,"6l!. ii f itiiiii, •tilinow ,- Uy;'nlieVitriol ,ilit4isiittliKe'i; - `DO Aholitirmists do this , 1• it toe s ~ not dottosileiireeiitt e 'the irtte,ll ige,tice, of the pro, 405 ii. kOtfi i is,?fitg,el:,t.-) 14 0! tli 0 tit eY , ie a i hi! , and 7 11 40,IirOtr° 1, 1rc tive' rf . "' , .t)rmill . t- thfiii. bearte , .10 64 , 4111,11`ii*; o, ri . piirtiiim•l . .ndrioss,: I'6 the 1 vgoll4ooeliss•nllcthinines.s of : the' Democratic ail. ' n iminlitiistigh 4 .., Is,it , ,st t4nge their, ' : we n . gain : )11 . 11ii':gthill':f . t.tilaWIC1T!i W 110, 5 ,3 heafte ere 1114-(I • . ,Ivitb i ge , 9l.ltrspist,oi3l(l eek in cobccrt with other :,, i,f,, i fll fIrr•I 'l 'O„. 111 044 : to . ' other 'allies ?• ' - . 6-441q,,,afitibit; t . I.'d mion, n fil e'of4, he 1',•;,. 4echlll,,e`',Y6'tofisii iflPtintiorti-':9:tink , tilColi the Is ilk. . ~11iiveliat*itiiugh'i, n ow'',. of,the teachings of Amply i5n4.114 ~(kr w orlEstrls, T ;In Jinn ve n 's, name .. ~4Rqkpfike, - ,tuit t .. l;bfi (;111, .1 —! 1i.9: - . ileSOlifird 110111e15 ‘.. . 7 ,....itiv 'ecniAiltin ',' Of' our . belr6ye - cl eciontrythe ''' eSsp4thie s i'ot c riiiliiiitii !- , rt Ire .e'xlieu s ted • Treasury '''Y'-'•:4oit9,;liriiioiial 01if,,, , atill--ilie .enortnoti.4 •ta x• • • •lisatl , ..R.btnnittg,.upirli)sd? , : Did ~ Pemo:crsts ,ever ~.-dITOPoI, O '"i:4 ll iP ' ,!..7P ll ; t) i tti t ,' a ve - ~ e ' 't r o t I ' d i jbe4eet)!o4t ef the country t:ur'ingmsaily t wo ' tiiii,di . Wils'l , iilteirep:' - . •• ~: . • . . • IVPilje'enfAloiselleilin the conviction ... that • '-4s'llll 4 o . oeilfseof:A.tiolithitiists 41 re sadly. in Naill. 'T4141)1‘19(R10. /Rte. of , , emu l e. a n(I, exne t jes. Art,t9„ajW,:smsy,,,gl 99 tps_ vi yid iy . and too enilear.' il L tuiTy„.lipel,,.ltislittn'its - iit ibe jnionle be limner , ' - iiiiiiic.`byliii , o , iiii , l , ici'phistry'of those ,who m44illof,iiot4iijkp - ;4V kthd•pait.of. , an, •assa,sein-- , I,liestsplisktidttitligiOrlheinorringe:pf our Heeyetilk kslitAlkiltq#,P)tt#sit....tleAMepc,am ni elgaation; anti • 114010, , teek'ep•th infeiior'ia( 4 n . pararnount to the `. eepeiior-eFen at, the:fincridee s3f. our hallo Wed Ptimmilts(tionr4 - -Oterhes.aestrue;ion of our beloved 1-Te 4 iottraftit ,7 4-4,rii,ra/si ,- _ : . - • ' • "ch - si;`,)f , f44.4•# ./•'••• 7 . ....r..,2-.....--.--_ __. __. •.'4'. , l... , iitir - f , .:l:'k 3'1,V,1 , ,.! y.:,.., i. i,Cfraip iNX ATI, A pril 5. . :.;.• ,VP Jig4lol . l. , l 4 l:llprt , i9n 3 fll r g.J.l; '.S, Opera'.povse " 4 , 11 #* 11 4;44111- 1 21 1, 1. 4° fq al i . *: , ' *. .Everys 4 Valikitil6 spcit Y: i . [lie' Web ire *its -oe eu 1, it rni t '4 , IA'S.E. :. 1 , ) ,, ,,•':. fl ,1, ~ : - , . ~ • 1 ', 1010,1344614*Nvati . ' iAtreduce4l to.the and i 'WeEofiliOsepli,lCi•silti,titifnt•Pi*i4,9, nt- PC' the 94401:,•01_ , C..1**10 F 1i t kli , , fe'sr, , eirp:roOriate 'i• r 'T,0 4 '',"41: 2 ',,,: - ,-0' . ••:.' -,. '.,.,', • v ,,„(414 prronills4 , :tro!rent inniii..ii'epeeeli tt;anlc r 2, liipeVelitlistitei4e)f'ai•ffteieisir,rn'andA riend l'„feiWit:lkinsOilllinkkh iii?Orpeiien'e e; of i tio .41, :: ' .4 '? . .1 11i r*. 1 , fi0kr,40 11 °5 , .. -.l rc.sAi , t:T ' en'n'er;pe; '.'-',-il#lllooka...try.iti)i!'cif Pii:stt Itiii)riii:Or 'At i m. '' OA, t,,,,r-:oth.t.urit,: , o 4 l:'thitt iilf til! , - I ' ) e' - '04 . 13' ilti.: 10 0 0 . , ikt`.i.p** - 1!4 1 .1:t. , :ji ,- . ,..P}.4.,' o: . ; 0. .. . . 1 4) - • en4il .- - L , liixf ' - .1 i • .4 . L . ' •:.',,,,,,,.. • - eine,. ay wi ffr•-,.. :-..,:, tt, _ 4 ... ,' ''‘,.. ',:'-1, ' - ' ' . '.. e`T.:'?.' .. - .',7 '/:. .. : • ' i ' ' . :t , ' Y. : 4N: O'St S :«.T3P: I -. 1 . 8 •• ' -.: ; . 'O.' ' : 'T..(44111 , t if v . AP , ,iikW iiii if .114 eif ji! the i!n)i'l \ 1 tt , o 1 I ',.[ ~i r u it i's — r 1- in' : ..y va O .i 0 01 a 0,:r . , 0, ~,e, ei, ~ , .sr. pret p e ,,so ~ ~ ii on .i V614ii, 1 , th,4,§t - Ht.o i ,,'prta,e,,r:, F r milt); c,f.fpri.i.l . i kilic , k;iiiiii),.:,le, , T;; Itfjt , ii I a 4q , rfin,t , ~ ..4e•eOporiii,ii 1 iYil'n"1 1 ';0"4 arC 11 : I "r s ' 4in fil'7') , ^. 6e.ifiesi - :' 1. iiir;;Avdt kinOirtiin. al` eviri ,. ;, , iodo.'iii .: it ilkilk.liihia.;'.w.h.q. a iyOn f.t ct fin yo.iiik eo ~ - ain tro . . _,. linty! I . rvcent inimx' „ or , tpsuntdoot, , s.:-, ~ ... ~..• . .om.S.a . tiltday t%Fn per.soilo eitkopfeil to' Oireet il eo . ..iitiiyfy,q,eoopt. . ,Of -an.offieer-.:•.i0 Opt,.lN'Oee, i Y4 l c• Wl';',F,Y, , ". fT,''''• 111 a'Pt f,rn9 l - 11 !P • 1 4 F . . Y.t r IFOIO.'' Do,e,cted.-.10,.t0p!...,0rt,',, thily eim6 • neetf:,tr”inlt b .lioclied,ot.rvere rif.eileit by ilierililieiiii A • 5 , 93 .. t,r 1 py9s!.lllarldiat;',o4 Off ,:rl,•i and confined in tfie,C.e_idrol-tOOid. - Hcitioe., - • •. '• ". ' .: - '2 f ••• • 'Pkic,chn~fo,r . . atte'mpt..tri , srnimile , liquors overih'Po . icitir6c Mit ily:decrejp(l tilehnn exercised to . evade, tit!:, ; • Tbe Grind , Jn'ry.oll.l l 7.esh'ingtott: connty, bie 7 trict ; pl; Colamlijaon-day, i.blll'of meint llninr o Of tite.Seiv York rtnitl officere:, TliVliet,tiet4nr eliarge,.egnint• Mr..;Grei;lyig H. Vritrinn:, syerer Intititt dreely bitt Waite of etrni. 'on the port of the District ittorney. preYenti ; d the preitni4iiirt of rriore thanorm indietment.— ' Whan Why .4:i4fe.ntballf' froth a 'cannon Efitge*, fenee,.l . )roke • the legs or tfirea,meth and .stilf.iped. on its :ing was,....not. •n`ettr. spent 'as tiOrno,-.then's ‘Y . 11 go,lore • 'on Alonddf mofniflg! , S.; : • • . , • Both..ilouse , .C . oliireeB 'lava ovoid, repohjtibns advising t !to coporibEf planted this year'. `General Shielils appears 10..4p :alwa, tie po.4fOt is'in was.iwie,e. , i•Ou . nile.(l.lllM e ekieo-s-one , woutidihatteeed -- orie . of . arms,.. and being imperfettly silt at first, 'had to be, set .second: . , . . :Ifii:'.l)o , inning fti lid llintio.lit mil . init.' (hat' 'ive . ,:f)air.e:gor a C9olqf ra!tly- lirgr army I ban 'we' n,eo(l;.;and that we . mightl'ell curtail. num iiel s' and . t;xporse,. someivillit.:-:: : . . :: ,' .• . : . . . rneetin,, , t of loyal *citizens waS. held at . Jael . isonsill,''Fldrida, on the 20th tilt., and. a series of resohitions Oae:declares that the:Secessinti,ortlinance is void for "being in Ilirect confliet• wit h , 'Ol I he, United StateS., in never havihx barn subrriil tea •to t he, people '•fir• rat ificittion; another' that Florida is still en intergal part of ',the ',United Stares; and aito:her, re,conimends hat'a opnyen tion ot all -loyaLcitizeris'be•-eb,lll forthwfth, • for. the purphse'nf ,o,rininizing • i'tilate govern . 'ment of the Stale'of Florritte„ This 'is the he ginning. of a movement to restore Florida to her. Old position in the Union;; with' her repre sentatives'again in the'conitress ol the United •, . • States, • • . . , . , . ..:Yancey's -escape and safe..'nrrical n.t Nriv e:/rleans'apPears tohe cnti firmed by a . report of hia , ript , ech there,;' Says,' wOfully, that the South has - no friends. in:Europe, 'tear at North' :Forrign;ers' think the.Sntith "and besithia„.,the. i''.itropean nations want the right to 'go 0014 both' sectiOns are rninetl.- die•stiys th'eie no-horie of iiiirign.recognition of 'lite Confiitlerate ates.until it 'ls - seen that the . Soulli is about to contterjtsindepentlenCe: Sci.i\lr, Ye ncey •ad vises his . government le frill tack upon their'.dignity, recnli their sitmal g, rind . wait Al) the foreigners 'come, hat h . and; the Southern Con. The Illinois Democratic papers generullrap plant] lion. Wro. A. Richardson for'deelining a Fle.thinks the rebellion used, up, and that the great, battle of constit u Co be fought irt.'COngfess and. befnre the People:- ' • • •'A motirinrhas.hcen introllueed in thel'ltaisn.. cliisetts.Hooe intended' hasten• the trial of Stone; but' the Honse unanimously. rejee- The inilicatiorii ti're snit' to Lein favor of a . Orge cr.op 91 prichenthe • comipg New .Jersey, .' • A wotnan has •gone,into court at Harrisburg, for a iiiiforen 'on the ground that her inisband is a;reh=l, anti in.the 'contetlarate army• . • • a he.l\re.wlairypo!t , (Mass) Herald . say's . there 'will probably be a good demand fol. Mantle . ' la. - EmploYmenutitay not be so 'abundant 'in the ,cities and,. towns as in former Years; but the necessities ,of the, agricultural interest:will create u demand'which . the•cities shMild Goy. Buckingham of ..,'ci_nnectiaut. has appnin Led" th 18th' inst., ailay of fasting and prayer. . . The Nashville correspondent of the New )(orb Tribune . givesthe resulr of his sasocia. thin .With.the s negroeSlhere by saying:' . • , • . •• •• • . •. , . . . . •. i!pn.the otlicr hand I must own thatthe tip shot of , theft' ttilk . opon - thechnoge they expect. Vit.Was'ihat they' ,. .hopedto'be like their .mes tars; thot-is,"glivo well and work little.' • Captain Ericsson; in . a private letter, to . ' a Senator, says . can,yet form -no correct esti mote of the.destrtictive,power of the Monitor. The Yeisel.risiesse4 an,excess of buoYancy of twenty thousand Potinds,Snil is therefore certaL hie of stist(iirilnga turret' thicksii than the peas: e a. one, with guns carrying a quadruple weight 'of' shot to that..employed, against the Merrl: mac... .140 calls. attention to, the very; light draught of iyater of the Monitor. .. • •The Nitshvillejatriot says that on March ,25th,Gov..Jori,lioir directed a letter to the Mb% :Cials of ...islaih'vitle s requiring' them to take•the 'oath of allegiance,: but the:Commun.:Council— by a 'vote Of .16 to .I—refused tiklo soi„ The s i x t een declined on . the score that it'.was never cotiteMplated,that they should taki such oath. The,oone 4 yuho voted aye s(eid he woUlditibacribe toftiV9all4 batlmritediaii.ll); resign iitmort:intmovi ,on,tbs ,aubject of inter iiiis;lieeiv Made' by the con ;:which. has appropria ie tbatlrovii with loos fluff 'in ;140i:tierce , passapors, itifmel,..frOpg 2,4 fir htall dountp Maitortat;' 04tirday, April 12,;1862. • 9ur,' folk!, Pre utial?l geXOnr entire e4itjob the me if hiitglifst; - iiiii:m . ornittigOn eo . iii;;,q . uenee of breaking thdlir'ees while working the Inside . We:ir.a2ii ? tleb‘ed.'eathe.'cittirtes.:4:o the of'th'e "Miner who elhiWed to use hie. press; ' for the remniinlei.: °Pi pitscr:,--Ve *mild not recom mend -that .. ctreditori Cnforee their claims , by, due:cOtirieol:laUr; at this tinie; it they can . void' it; but thOse.who : steill ; furnished Wit h: tt.letterS ArtmaTrto'N'o, Esnr ;; vrli s o has received his 'cOMMIsSiOnas".T..P. and . is ryualil ed, to dis. charge lilt : and iingtilai of , Office; one dooi East nrtrie 'Bennett '• • . . A•l'KaAst MlNER.—We ' bild intended fr; . de'vote. a short article to that paper this week, but.the• details of the ibl terre ftght,. which. were•re celyed !sit ev'ening . have Our spare space.: stern faetS.of tke'''.(irrepreksible con. . •• . • . . fliet", that'Paper hits been laboring for, since its start, are of more : fearful •intereit tti our readers than anything we Might say.: This