M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, April 12, 1862, Image 1

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    • ; 1..
. .
yoL.. 4.
..o.tti.ii . i'..: . 44o.ii4fi:p . i . oo'i.i4.
'By 11:
TE,agg; . 81 GO iii Advance.
Bates of: Advertising.
• Oolaneis one on
41" '••••••• • 12 on
.f . • NIX .. ... . ..„. 20%0
ie.: . g ,. ..... . .. •; ... 1400
•G. aftwarceil2 /it Lees, 3 insertions ' - ' 150
Nash subsenuent nee Mon, .
Badness Cards, with paper • '• • '.... 500
Role orAignre irork will.be double the above 'rates.
Twelve lluSrAlrevier tTpe,. or eight lines nonpareil, Is
rated 'a entuere; • ' •-• • ' • . •
4" ThOse Tonna:will bo strictly.edhered
! . .1300in0q:,1Wt0 . 0:02 .
I °notion Preprletne.. • Ridgway; Pa. Thin Rotel 'ls
new and r mashed in modern style, haa ample noncm,
' : •', and In, in all renpdate, n Fired ,
Ridgway, Elk Co. Pa.lpty .. • ' . .
Jogs' Warm', Proprietor. Title hawse le !situated hal
wal between Smetliport_ aod Olean. A .-ionvenien
as a iamodlous hour), atteatlie and obliging• attend
ante,, and lea priers.. . ' • • • • •
. Eldred, fdal . l7, 1880. •-. ,
. .
. ,
• .
• • ' - .•. ... AA). ILAELI2f,. - ... - •:.
Surv•ior, Driftnneiv.Cotivey . a.cer. grid 'Real Neap:,
..Agent.....timethp9rt, 11 , Kcan county; Pa.. - ~. :..
PructlcAl Blichautc, -3cc
Port Allegheny, WlCean county; Pa..
J. L.:l3Rowx;
!Unto Agent; Utfibe, 4lk Co., PennEa
• * -• •• •., • ~.., C 6FICRIINCES'Chapin
'Chapin it iloyle;.EF.:ol.,
Ilan Thinuan
W. Brownell, Esq„'
lion. A.
°MAYO' 11011,5 E,
.$ J,.8 mina Prnbeletnr. Care , Pa. •: This Houle la fitted
. ' tap to al'pit•tdtfal And eernfortable'etyle. and every at
tention will ha:pall he the proprlet9r to the comfort
Wit Wit, brio' KuOtf. • . .: ' 3.1861
fronting' the POIIIe Bqnare. Olean. N. :. Y J 45165 M.
Peenrieton...• The Fobealroueete entirely nee ,
an I.l:milt of brick. and le:furniehed in modern, tittle:
The 'proprietor flal.ler himeetf,tlat hie acentunoMo: .
'finite ate not arirppiemtl by: any hotel to Weerern N .w•
. • York. ,c; mine* run, to and' , rem the New York and.
Erie Rail•ftnal.. '• ' • 38-tf. .
. .
. . . . .
. .
ATtontear•ar :latil.Smethpnrt, WlCenn County... Pd.,
Agent for bleserß. !Santini - oe. Co's Lands Atten la
aapeolally•to the Collection of ClatmAi Hilitnlnationa
Land TIlleo; . Payment of, 'rearm, in t all nominees relit.
• tint to Real Po ate. Office In . ll,Linlin. liloek. • . '..
. .. .
. .. .
, At'nrne:y and OM:menet 'at Lew,' Smethport. 15I'Keen
- County,. Pa.'Bug noes entrusted to hie - care fur the
omen/lei 'of 11Pliteen,. Pottei and' gllt will ',be promptly
attended te; Mace In the Courthouse, ieeond floor:
DZ. L,...R.,WifiNERt
.., . .
Thsidelao and Surgeon, - Stnethport, Pe, will attend to
•. all professional calls with .pruroptnesa... Office in dart
, well Block, second f100r...
. .
WhOlesale andlletal .Dealers In 'Staple and Fancy Dry
• GoAds r ,OarpetinK, Heady Made Clothinc;and'.oenoral
Far& tans (Minh, Sante and Shoes, Wall and Window
• ..-Faper,.l.noking Cllisecskc. At Olean, N. Y, • •
JOHN c. B4csus,
, ....
. ,
Attorney and ConOaellor at Vali, Smeth port, ai4Cean Co;
• Pa, ...vig attendio all boArielatin 111 s. profewilon In the
' ...counties of M'Kear4 Potter and Elk.; Olden near U. K..
Sartwel $r,.. - 11rotliers , - Store. '• ' .: ' '''
. ,
. .
. . .
.. - .
. . .
oOrnilt al Secatrland . (in:ratty 'Amain, Warren Pa. R
A: Minoan, Proprietor:, Traveler+ will firdgoodiic
. • eanmin.litinni and raainnable cliircan. • . ' • • . ' '
• . . .
IL 'talking, PrOprietor,--Allegbear , %fledge:, 'lkintean
Co '
Pa. - This house In Rilulted about Moe mileafrom
..Ikeethpert on the road to Olrap, and wilt •be found a'
.eoureuhnit atoppieg-plase i .-• ' '• •- ' - :' ..,••. •
by T. Goal:mos. ..Thie house Is eitdatedabopt dye mile
fromSrnethport do the road td Olpan. Pleagnre.parti
. and q tlwoipan b'sabqipmadated on : the shortest Notre
• - ~'
Dealer la Dry 'Goods Groceries, Grockerj, Hardware
. poets, Shoes, Ilets,,Osps, Glass, Nails, .011 s, &c., Ice
Dart side 01 , the Public Square, Sroethport,. pa; ...
ragrolutria Hotta,
Ailippen,. Co:, L. 'DYKE, -Proprietor
'A commodious and well-,furnished bause:.:Strange
'and Oaarelere alll find good oacommodationa.
• PORT ALLwera H0U84,-
, .
root B. Dohuar , -.Proprietor, at Port Allegany, no-
Man County is.. Malletsl ledituitted at the •jono-
Mon of thifintethport and Allegany Myer toads, nine
:toll's east of Bmethport. - .— .. . :,..
To 'Those Interested in Mi n ing and
- •
]Mineral Lands:
-txr 11..BARNIES offers hie . iervicee for the examine
e Bon of Mineral Lends In M'Keen and . Hlk coun
ties; and Wilt give hie - opinion as to Ake VALUB•OF
.ace Those enraging hie . eery ices will receive
fill neoesiery and reliable Information. - Residence at the
Bunker Bill Mince. ' • • • '
elerieent, 51!Been Co:, Jtini 30, 1850. •
•,.: , - . .
- • .. 1, C. HYDE • : , '... :. -
Art ototstrakr-LAw. Smethpoii, 41'Heati Co.,t. '•
. Oollootions proziaptlyattexided to. • iett - 14, '
. .
inethport,MlCeso 00., re...4x. 8: hlteox.
—.opposite the Oolirt House.. Knew, large, eotui4idt %
one and..well"funsished house. • , • • •
OEO. H. hq.SON,
. .
. .
. ,
elet. in Stoops, Tin Ware, JaOpined. Were, dr.e.;.wesf
side of thic Publio.tiquere;, Ihnethport, Pa: Custom
, • le irk 'dotter to order on the shortest notice, and in .the,
'most subetantial molder.., • • . • •
• DENTISTRY. • • •-•" •
A.:,iseßAGoist iielia-resprefullt.annannieed s
citizens of ihnetdport and vlelnithy that he' tts: fitted
• "Wm cane, and is prepared to attend to all business
ID his profession. Artificial teeth Inserted' upon pi
' entitle principles, laden an to preserve Ms natOtel•ax
: praesion of thalami .• All operations In Seutul Surgery,
done In II . • '• 1"
A. 3: NOME:
. .
Dialer in Iltoves..Tla Wari4-Jappaued Ware, nest
And of' the - Public Nears, ilniethisort. Pa' Otteloni
:irarititirie . to order oaths shortest notice and la the
• most substantintarsoner; ".
"• • • • H. 1 1 : HACKETT: •
AUClfiloy aid Counsellor at Law. Bhippm4Pa.i will Mr ,
• Nml tho Conde or Potter, McKean. and PO donation.
Prompt attention paid to Ililleatlone.. Office, East.
' end Ctleck—Seemnl Ftopr. '' • . , ~ • ,
~ , •
wow's, Wait SIMI of thr. 'Pphllo Iktiftre; Second Door
. -North of the Democrat (Moe Elmotoport. Pe , . Dealer
In' Watches Olooko and Joi!ollory. , -Nepalis,: prate,'
• Xieseted and
• .
D1.W..1'; M'COY,*,
Salathros; Pa.
ThefolloiiitiO is' thelt#port of the:majority
.I —eig t.Repeb:iceeti- 7 1O'ihe aMtier of the
tested' seitt ,iietweengmralt'.l..Myecs and jOLIN.
Buse .Thii..Repert; eceordini 'a, rule of
:the.Legislature, 'hat decided the case : •
. . .
After a l a borious .end 'patient eiamintition by
the Committee, of a treat mass of. testimony,
in*depositiOniand'dochments, and every Oppor
tonity being 'giVen.te the respective parties'
. Comniittee de•
terinined fcilloWi; two'voles
were rejected by ' the . election . , •Officers in said
oounty r which'ehould have been 'counted for the
Contestant, and Which would make the num
ber :of votes .for to.be. 2655 r. that ihere
were•received anti counted for 'the .Contestant
,by thieleetion ,offieers, ten -votes which mere
illegally received and .counted--Which — heing
rejected would matie the true number of. votes
that:should'have been returned • andcontited. for
him. '.2645 that. there.'vas rejected by the
electiOnollicers of said' county one vote which
should have'been caunted..for,the Respohdent,.
.(Johnßusbeyj which would 'malce the - number
of votes for him 2656; that there•were received
and 'c o un t e d for :the ',Respondent two 'votes
. . .. • -
which were. illegally r e ceived and counted,•and
I.vhich being
,deducted froth his' vote,' :Would
make tihe
.. .true number of 'vot . es vhich Should
have been •returned . and counted for the Re
psondent, •11majority of nine, votes over the
Contestant....A majority of the- Committee;
therefore, repert, that
the said John. BUshpy
had the greatest r of. legal .votes; and ,
ought. .to be. admitted to his seat.as a.inember
of the House of Representatives of this Coin . ,
Signed • - . . • • •• •
Rici giv,.sy .Pa
• ... .1 1 7 ierio. Pa
sort, Pa
Buena Vista. Pa.
.1. A. Hipper,
W. V. Aall,', •
IL G. AlcCfellan
„The•f . ollowing.jo the report Or Dr.
,hely DerrioCrat on the.CoPimittee: •
To: Hutt 'John. I?oto , i;;;Sprok;,r of the Ilo« 3u of
Thellotleisigne , l,'irilemhor of 'the Comipj
tee .to which was 'referred the con'ested
election cirse of Myerd've,'BusbeY, begs kali,
.to iubinit the reason which influenced his re.:
Tusal to 'nign the• Reportadopted and'presented
by a majority of said
Bushey ciainied to haVe .received 2655
'votes, and that Mr; Myres had reeelved 2653
votes; and that he Wes .entitleil to Ms seat by.
a majority of 2; votes. •
It appeared in e . cidenCe before tri,'Cind to the
satisfaction of the Whole. CJrnriiitte , ., that two
vote's Were illegally cast and counted 'for the
said John :13Usbey, to wit, in' Capt. Pleifler's
Compdny,' voted .by twominurs, 'Adolphus
Rather, andThomas.j.:l4vlgain.. It was..alai) .
establiihed,, to the satisfaction 'Of. the • whole
Conemitfee,,that2 votes 'were rej.,cted for the
said i Myres •hy the officers 'of the
election, which should, have been. Counted'for
said Myres, to wit, a vote polled.in Hunting..
tor,township, having.the name . of John Bushey
erased' and the name Of J. Niro writt,:n
instead thereof,. and rejeated because it was
not Henry 5. Myres; • nog 'vote polledln Ox
ford :township,, which was. rejected from the
count by the election officers, beCauSe along %
with the other DernoCratic.Candidales for. the
Several.olllcesiupon.the same slip, was included
that of “President Judge, :Robert .I.'Fisher"---•
Whirb, deducted from votes' for 'Bushey above.
described,would• haVe . changed :the result, and
iiven'the said Henry J. Myres:a majority 0f.2
votes over John Bushey; the sitting, member.
A majority of .the Committee,' however,
agreed to COunt.2. ballot', found in the , box of
the 18th district, .composed 'of the township . of
Buller, each Of which' contained the:•narne of
John Busbey, which; from . the testimony, in
the opinion.of the undersigned, Were,. sci . de
ceitfully. folded.togethpr as' to help : direct; via.
lation of, the 73dseciien of the Act of 2d July
1539, Which directs that such' tickets shall be
rejected and not counted among the 'votes ..'
Thebomitteerefused to reject a vote cast
for'John:Busbey in'the 184 i eistrieb;coMposkl
of the township of • Buller, by Gcirge:ShUltx,
'who,. acrordirig to the testimony of his,own
faiher'end . that ofhiinSeli, was over the age of
years when 'he voted, had 'never paid
Stato or ceonty tax, 'and 'at the . , preceding
eiectipp had voted on;age. '•
The Committee also refused _ to deduct a vote
cast by Lewiißerkley for John 'Buibey, in the
4th district; ( Bunthigton township;): Whereas
it clearly appeared , from toe testimony of said
Lewis Berkley, as frOm that Of others, thathe
never had been naturalized;and,if anything;
had done'no more thin . to declare Ns intention
to beeime a'citizen:, `
.' And IC farther appears
from the testimony Of.aaid,Burkley, that that
was.. his first vote 'in said towoshtp-=that he
had resided in the township 'a little oyez& year
.L.that his Vote was objected to because he was
not. a naturalized citizenthat he. produced no
naturalization papers, although the sidle were
demanded at the pollar—thua votiniin direct
violation of the provisiotis of the ' , Act of 2d
The undeteigeeit concurs , with . the majotity
Win; Flut,hmarr,'
Aeprets,irtativei otPiisylpanits
c',.• - ~:,.... '.' ..-
5.....:: • ~......-....
... ; . 0 .....,;:, :: ::.- ' ... ' '.:.--..,;,,
. ,
EtH,poii7L-;':471:'..p.AN,..:0_0F : in7Y,,P:A., - ,.5.0..(Ti0), -. 01,: - 40 . #1.::,:0;',-,;. : *.40-
orthe'Committee Iti•therejection ofthe . yetee:
of §ylvester Itidet.and,Franklin . Kuhn;who,
aeccirding.to . thatestimony,,:voted.for.ltenry,J.,
Myties- 7 .,were above age'cf.o,and never
had paid a' State or county tax. . :It is alleged
by Ilvpondenr-that a ticket polled in the:bora'.
of Gettysbiirg,.havieg his name on Was :a .can.
didate for; Attembly, aid. that . . of Robert .J.
Fisher for President ,J.ndge, 'wee rejected frerrt
the count by. the' officers of the election: ',ThiS
• •. .
specification - was not ' It was proVed
that 1; ticket having same, of. John .flusbiy
for Aisemhly; • and Cochran for'
Fresident Judge uponit;-,,was rejected.
Inatinuch as the.CMilestent was rigidly con,
,tined to the'specifiCations, )n'his . Tetition,:ed
also - should .the R-tpondetit to, have been :con.
fined to :the specifi.cations in hie answer, 7 -ant+ .
yet,. themtiority. 4 .of the Committee included
this vote.amongt hose counted fer•John - Busbey
~ . .notWithatandirig the . veriance,between . the
specification ; and the The..midersigned
will not raise i.technical objection 'in this case
but, believing that the vote Was improperly
. • .
rejeCted by the officers'af the election, concurs
with the majority in allowing it to by. 13ushe•Y
• It was :further -,arleged'.on the part of,. the
Raspendent, that a certain Charles'Dorsey- was
en . , illegal voter, /Icid, that ,he had, vnted
Myres.) :From the ' . ..testirn Otty, it
efe6rly appears that:be had . tai right to vote—
but it..itho just is clearly appears that instead
of voting Hanry . J.• Myres, the said pors'ei
voted for 'rohn Bushey. • TherWore said vote
should haveheendeducted from the count
Soho 'l3ttsbey-*-4Md not as Wa!idotie by the Com•.
mittee, iubtracted .fro'm the imint of Henry`J..
~ . .
Respondent's answer further repreeen4, that
one"jehnGilliland was not a resident& Adams
county; but a citizen of the State of Texas,
apilthai he votedlor Henry' J. Hynes.; Where.
as it clearly:appears' from the 'teat mei:ly, that
said Gillifand.had been a citizen of Pennsylva•
nia prior, to his remo . val, to ye.tai—that he re.
turned' to . renosylv . ania,.and . at the time be
voted 'for Henry). Myres, had been in the
State, of Perinsy . ivan . itt over.six months, I with
.no intention of leaving the State.—that he•had
,assessed and owned a firm in said enmity:
'-and paid' a,. State.andeounty tax. Having
thus.rekained his eitizenship,.and.being Othei
wise properly quallified, his ‘Mie l in. the-opiti
con of the undersigned, should not hai , e been se;
jectedby the Commitiee, as it was, but counted
.tor Henry .1:: Myres. • • • 2. • •
-It is further .' alleged . by Respondent, , that
Beighley, Natry and "Samuel
Linn were Persohs Of Unsound mind - and crazy,
and that they voted:for Henry J. Myres, . The
deposition Ora phYsicialfwas produced !Janie
the . C,cunroittee,. to show that the : persona
named were not entirely sane, and that he'cOn•
sidered them of unsound.mind..--bizt this Physi.
cian gavenoUrolessional or good reason for en.
tertaining such 'belief. On the. other !taint, it
was . 'proven by"tho4i in. Constant intercourse
with.thern,- that theYWere trusted Co: . go from
piece tn.place.=:to .execute criminissicns--that
two of them were aged, for ihrit reason
physically infirmthot . their votes were' re
ceived by . the elect ion officerswithont objection
—and that they had the 'good sense to 'stair for
'the Democratic ticliet,-;-and yet these three
votes were deducted from those enumerated. for
Henry. J. Myrea. The undersigned htis yet to
learn or.theetrisience - of. any law Which would '
warrant or authorise.. the disfranchisement or
any such voters. In the OPirilop of the 'under.
,tbe evidence upon which these votes
were rejected•Was not sufficient to'Vrarient 'any .
inquisition in finding . that, thC persons named
arplunerica—rnitch less to deprive : them. of - the
right to vote., The laW erects noluch
aril as disqUalification. :Such evidence would,
annually interfere With the Organizationof this
• ' Thimajority:Of the Committee also; errone
onsly-rejected,, in the opinion of, the under
signed,,from the votes .for Henry J. Abires,' the
vote of Heniy•Snyder; who voted'at
..the polls .
for the District of Oxford township, on.th'e
ground thit he was a.non-resident. .Tbe . ev i ..
dunce shciwri that he was gimerated from his
wife—that she'livedin lidno'ver borough; Ithitz
counlyHthat he lived • in Oxford township,
Adams county, where he bad'been regularly
assessed,the7District in .. whichbie - voted and
his legal residence. •••
• It Was ••further alleged,. in 'the answer or
-11espondent that Emamiel 7,igler, of: E., had
not paid laxee. However' that. may be„the
evidence does not show tot whom he 'lilted, and
therefore' the undersigned cannot agree -wish•
the COmmittee, Who : have deducted. thit vote
f:om the , count of Mr. Myrei. • . •
- , .•
. .
IMthe case of Solomon Powers r to whom it
was ol,lectedthat be had not paid taxes,•-it is
ciear frorn.the, testimonicif2Henry.o tip, ,the
collector, who produced kmemorentlum 'show
ing that Powers had -paid the required. ttic,• - 7,
and yet , said vote was thrown out and ' deducted
ft* .
,the, count of Mr. Myres'en the ground
that the memorandum was in pencil, althitigh
ideittikedincisviorn to , bythe Collector
. , . . .
wee further contended in the answer of
. ,
Resperident, John,l3usbey, ; that the votestiolled,
hi, - citizens of Adapts coun ty, in the Company
o(Copt.Chtittinin,llltti tied' yolueteired in
support . ; of the ,GOveronient, Were illee 1.
` 3 l . f.!,`,'""z 11
u _ • ••
With the . tnajOittlt of the ornenitteeohe under'
t aiincd'dianurred.lngiv' r . idi no heeetci, ob:
jection.;but . ...ergded Jhat dhe,Vote.s:of ;that
company khoeld, ..be . 'ineloleti . in:the returni
they were cast fo candides Jespeetiialy.
.The . undersigned, ii i view of.he'foiegoing
hrought..,irrealstibly ie r the
'Report of. ; .qua is : erroneoits,
and Ibis!. Henry:J. igynei au w l egally ideated to
• ,
A' seat in this HOuse by a majority. of :the titt
.•. , • •
,ified'e'lectorsOf Ain
das•conn dy's 'and . to present
dhe result , Overly . , :niaktis the folloWing - re.
uripitulatjon, retaining, •for 'the; reianni . rally
hereinforeshi iorth;in the eount , Or return for
HenryJ. gyres, ; the votes polledfor hirn
;Jtih Gilliland, Geo. Beighley, Nathaniel Naliy*
Samuel bon, Henry Spyder, Solomon PoWers,
and •without .
,passingupon.:that-Of Enianued
Zeigler; of R„ aa.neither the. majOrity nor "the
dridersfgned had :anit knowledge coy whom be I
the re6rni 40hn.,1,3u0ey . htig 26.7A 0 ' vote
Add tote rejected to
'beibOse t 6:iiarrke of . 4phn pit!t.:;,
bey %yea tllese;izie general
ticleet with,Preside'rat.Judge,
From these deduct:. • . • •• '
.Votes -4110011 i Itothe,r .ein4
arrd Thos. J. IVTFLiiniminorks
is Copt. Pfeiffer',. Company, 2.
Ticket deceitfully folded togeih-
• . 'e'r . in Butler township,. 0 • 2
Vote of Gid: Shultz in ,Butler
Vore,of•Chailev Donley,. • .
" of Lewis" Berkley, en uit-
'naturalized Citizen, • '.• ,
,could lesiv' Mi: tut-
linry J. Mires, by the ,returr!,
had - ••• ...". • • . 2653' votes
4tl(lNote ii Huntington town— . ;
Ship,,r'tlected}ithe ofileere • . •
electiOn , because. •the.'
only of Mr, Ayres, christi ! in
• name . were-Used, • •• I
. „
'Vote in Oiforti township, rejected' • •
...by the"; officers ofeleCtion.be
• cause upon'. the. :same general
. jicket • wai „the candbiate for
• Presideritln'd ge r • .. • . 1:,„ -• ,
But deduct from thia -the vote:of
Sylv.ester Rider and that of
Franklin 'titbit, •
And it: is plain that • gems : J. Myres wns
Aseted b'y a majority of 4.soteii,.thero. being
20,13.1egar.votes polled for him, and .hut. 2640
fur his competitor,' Mr. Bushey: .
The undersigned liftr been particulai. in set•
ring forh.the facts. which have moved him to
hikeonclusion ! Jri this he has has.gisen his r,ea•
.oni for the : faith th'et is in.him, and has not'
follmVed the.course.adopted.by. the majority',
in not presenting in detail the votes r..jected
or'allowed. , •: C. .R. EARLY..;
The Kitig is bead. Long Live the King
We had hoped that the idea of Mr.Surrner;
and 'the abandoned,plan of the . Cooper Institute
meeting . t' agent be revived or. become
• . .
the- necessary subject.. of discussion. No one
has fargotten , the eMphatia-istatrM of 44aidtrs
and abettors of treason" which Mr., tilairgrive
to its organization, and; seems too plain,: to
reodiri argument that- no one cap hold to 'the
doctrine that the States'are dead by secession,
except bY . holdidg . , te'the •legral validity of the .
acts of . secession'. tut the Tribune' reviyes'
the diic.nssion, printing long extracts. fiom . a
speech of Hun. , Mr. Biaghtim of .Ohio, and con
dudes by asking a statement of the doctrine of
these who oppose.Mi..Dinghatit's
Mr Bingham's whole argument
. is in it' tint- .
shell. He says that,. by the Constitution of
the United State?, . ; .
"The' .Legislature 'of . every State' in the
Union, and all thejoiliciallind executive offi
cers !hereof, must be boUnd by oath or affirma
tion to 'support this constitution. Without this
obligation taken and accepted, they, cannot.in
law exist as the officers of the departmtints of
a State Government in the Union, There can
be no State in the.Viii:oii.withOut these several
departmentse, , •. , .
And,he argues that, inasmuch as no Southern
governors 'ca. legislators have . talteri Alto oath,
theretorethe States have . ceased to
This is no law, nor..; is , it .good'.tense.:.A
State does . not ;exist . by eirtne'::Of its "depart.
ments or :officers': It only manifests existenceetitance
• k;
tevinesse bonds
would ~.iir r oiialiy.app. e.
.State is not plan' Jo. lei
houndaries he a traitor.. :For the. doctrine
which he_ . teaChealuaiiitue , not only eecession,
but repudiation. by, future_ governments : in air:
neusee,_on.the principle thet,the', Old Stite
lead anil.gone toreverli,:lioerWould Mr.. Bing.
ham Charge on a nevr•govertimeit the debts' of
a dead anti the - Tribune after
quoting Bingham some, length at
thoel who-,',denounea. this view so
fiercely. WoUld only,' favor us ',with as clear a
~ „,
~. , , ,l ~,,,
.., ~,,, , ,,..1;; .; 4..•1:,.i • :44^, 1 ii i:...:' "-'l'. '
'' t ' ` l l '.' ''''
' ' ' ''':'. ' '''''''
: ' .' ' " '''''''''
" :I :'' ' 1 ,, 4 , `
. _ - ,- TAT , iPEA O- .3
~ ~ .. ;, - ' , ...,..4. ' -' ~ t`, ,:'‘ ' .•.'..''''' - s';
, ~
~ , _ , ,
~t , ,-, ...741:1,1,i,i,,v.;r:&';',F4P,41,1e;,,Y
' '',,",- -
. e. :0 - . , " ,-. ",`' ' 0 -.. ', , . ,'• , , + 1
.1,, : : ,, i....F.; ' Z . 7 ` , :, 0,
statenert .theic oyq doct r ine g:tile
d out to
fisiegiyimate reselt, wkwoulsrecetvryt
• but' either' their - peSition' is not thee.
clierliidefiriell or we' ate 'unti
ble:feoAO P eeitir
prebend •it..
,To Tennis:lei - is to;
day iSiate '-th'i•Union, then,lstreib 0. Harrii
in her..rightful, ' conititutionab tiosOrnor; rand
Might .tolheYespetted.as; . Andre*:
Johnson, shiuld surrender Sll,Metensions to she
character and go about. his business, if :bus/.
dean hi have, 'Vs recoenize Mr Johnson
her.GoverMie subitebtisyy 'on Mr: Binghiun's
'Mit:Of:Mt take way that, and. we should not.
know how to .jestify", his 'rift to the station.
•itut,oni object is .not tollogmatite, but' to set
forth fairly and full* Whet Lie stigniatited is"
the view of this gravisubject. %Let it
be caivnssed fromaiiery point olvlyW l / 4 until ,
the tvhele truth Shalt:be made p lain:"
-• •
•, . •
The challenge. is offered apparently with sin . ,
: and though others can bate: defend
the,. great. principles whicli s underließui national
structure, we propose t o do it iwourown way.
• •
We believe. that, argument'.may' remove frOln•
lame toridtiloubta 'on this , subject, ' and„ may
• •.,
give to:others a clear; and definite' idee of the
rights and powers of, the States arid . tke United'
Statet. It is a pure legal quistien, net a polit
ical; or' so moral question.. The inquiry is,
what is the law, not whato .
d. We wish ts:naka
ui. take a. Nothern .loyal State:at the .
'exaMple; Where our minds Will lie . free frOmall
prejudicial IntlUences. NeW York'is:one of the
thirteen original ' . States.. .She'may serve . our
purpose . Her sovereignty ie indisitutable;--
She is "ihe Original owner of every . inch of coil
within her limits. . . " ,The
,right of, eminent do..
Main makes - the . State the absolute, original ,
oWnir:Of . the 1(114 and she takes tht4'whiches.,
cheats to her by 'reason •of an alien ' • purchase,'
or the.death of '
,a 'Citizen owner leaViOg. no'
American heirs
Noiv this. Stour is an existing a.poWer;
we mak'perhaps say, a'person.. "It .matters not
whether there ie . a Goverrior . pr. a Legislature
or any other official: - The State dOes hot ea
ist by its officer. _Sweep everyone.of them
bin pestilence,and the Stataremains That.
lie , 'end o'f . ftfr';..llinghaM's argument. Be"
would make tho.firrilted States heir to the prop.
erty Of a deceliaed State; an'il deciare dead,
becatnie its executive - olliCers were dead.. He
might, us , well have done the lame ". thing
they ull went' from,NeW York •once"on, .ex'
cursion . th.Siindi Hook , Now; Jersey; Go'ver.
nor, Lieutanan't ! GOvarriori LegisJatura and all • .
If. 4ingliamPs. theory. 'weracnrreet ,the
State..was.then daintier,. and .11nitedStapm
might hate stepped la to administer on its—el
fectit Joking.; The 'argument
dear ) ,und tha conelusien .
;Sut what. is the;ifelear ate terrientorour doe
.trine 'carried out to, its legitimate results,' , '
which the fribur4 alike._ It is this eipressed.
in the old and well known phrase- I .q - 4
•,,,e ! e!.. '` r•lits King .is. deddi
long live ihe:l,l9o l , For ihe Icing iesi'er.d4;s.
The• Royalty is never for. one instant
Treason clioriotelhi it, i; cannot ahtlicate,..it.
2649 votes
2665 vo'•ee
,20'53 votes
, .
cannot lay clown or, bo,flettrived itsetown;
until I?yc , onquest, Or-bymi4glng inta'anothor
nation, the•pi•ople'(4 one nation 'collie. io.haile
ai•parate..exiteitco. . .This timple anti annnd
proposition of low i wall. - known to every tktli•
• .
dent of• the subject,, underlies this w.hole'ques.
tiori 'which is now befrire •us.' . The State o f
Yoilr is ihesucCessnr . the ;Royally ' or
. The,sernh.prineiple, that the king
never dies, is• tune Of. the State. The Spit , .
never dies At a 'given hour, all, er.. offirials,
all her represepta tive • tr. executive . oflicrrs
cense to• he: inpayer;and hecome
, ae other citi
Hen herald might cry on the Capitol
""The Stale is. dend,'!buf he • wedld add with.
ihe Some breath "Lone live'theSrittet" (or the,
.uspension• of. the viyihle life fs.no iilipension
of the existence yi•hich.in law ivitornortel. .
. • . . .
Nor, it n - State doe's•or. .is there
any law by which itte United Statei:Wimitl
herit its powers. or pi r ciperty. It is to be borne
in mind, that - in America the State sOVereignty,
is the original sovereignty, .and - no Siate has
ever parted . mitt; itit royalty:'The thirteen
States granted certain powers to. the United
States, hut - reseivedall not expressly conveyed;
end . tbere,is,no N5Ol/le W'ny'fn which the ,Uni
ted States could - hecome possessed of ,theStute
Capitolaud grounds; at Albany, or the Erie ce
nal, so as: to be able: to :make valid ;deed
• . • ••
- grant and . ,
tO except by Con
quest, or by grant front 'New. York.. 'lt , thus -
Wei:Ties plain . .tbat the United - Stateslwill•not
Succ'eed:ai heir to'New:. York s in::the event of
cessation - Or : obr State existence. ,It , is not
necessary litsif ,who Would be: the .heir.—
Enough that Alleppite4States'NyoOd not, un
less.she-seixed ()11 . 0q inheidtance'lq force, •
Now suppcilethafNeiv• York should ca a
convention and pass i;eecestion ordinance, tied,
•niembiirsof the chovSntion should gO.home
in . 'pearie, and every thing go on as before. Is
'it not plain that Nei. York . remains New York?
the l iiet'cir this • Codyerition It is
void Q r ,iieklc Tr rlirtirnot.iissttoy, pzeiv , York.
It tions not , terminate, her, exititeite. It ,ie
mete waste psper.o 1( Governor. Morgan were,
to reside: In dneh'a toeventini,. 14We:told not
cease to.tie governor. - -.To;go littfe furtheri.il
Is' cdnviintioh cif the':;§titte
callcid:to, - make Coniti!Otioni - and' elioold
dlopl c'potituticifi,'iwn,o;•,..tiuop . ' of y!hih(l,e.
cliir 40: thi §ti4,lj l 9l l , o . o iie air ,9 ( ,tho -110,4-ed,
•thaiei,ihtlictit '.iiii iiiilientioli.‘44la iiii(l:4
'ii' l; iiuliii,''_e *es' iii'itiiit..iii . i r ta's! .. .
I i': . eb - tiiiii',4
'.""l'F'.' ';'.?:''''' ';'',.- 4 '.•••,•- , ;:' , ' l' , .. -', ~"_ '.: ..'-. , ..':'•-:,-, 1,,',',".1..,•::.
. ~ i, : , s .t.;,,,i.,,:.
thectinat upon 'or dtBtatihl, Wi Statinifitzia
embarrass i t,
would then btreli.leenits , ettirtiaitheftlo . oooliiiir:
40 . 14.10 e convention But ; the Stitt }' ed►iiii.
ilivei;thetigh • eyery. , *ert.i..tif:::;44 7 -iteil%'iiitift*ii'.
rofion were triisOn
if..lt',wpre so. •then' ery 'lot& mrottlii - ,b(eA
itY 3 . - an d.theald
. COnit
Thessi ritinaiplei ; are : viett:jtii*j#4,
• We: now qo a'step further, a ind s u ppose that
the Itizene.of New ; ork should :'; ipitkii'.tvYrt •.
the titiift
apt ton • judged hi 4;: '
of .
thin... Ith ta t be teal
a State for reasons. :eee; , ivi
. nitrata...'. The decrtia;tif'COtirta ; tli•4o;:the - Illite.;,.
;gal acts Of • royalty,•
The, inethoili paniabint;tediVidinslir.#lAit 7 ; •
ferent, anal o, r e C1F.044.1 1 !!'05'.6 4 . 1 ,J!‘ . (1!4 of the
;%;Q , ,y let is euripnte,OeyeSitoz,sereakiiti:
a rtlif 'NV ijS:4beSte4e::e 0414
Ile would. :thereby. becomesfitiMinil . ?'ltelost.:
.1 helaWitind • lialtle'rti;in':intileititial-ttiiitinfiki
NeW yo* - 3101 .4 to imp0ic4'4:':4:404.0 . .,'
or until be is' driven from the. Sta State, or until by'
provision. of the,
or'ipcepnciated for holding, office.: ``'F`or exam- .
e, - rst aai peried: of:tit
'Mg 4t.lii!tipn..prisoner irritate 0fia01;::4404,.'
his, pirdthi - Woo hi be valid and could • be pleaded
'Ooeerdor: it hie
contravene the'll6iterl
;ions State,
he Valid.ilictl . ot.ther'StatioSiiit , titridOlioltitite.;
tt ii,:eCtlaitili;elitietteseo,.'faZ - 4er:lti':44*ori*. ' familiar '' principleof ' latr; .t tha t an acting, Gover
'nor. iocart;ene4is t4o . lo6o : :4oketoo:i . 'iiiioig
been neitliet . s . 4l';q
Now: :come to the knott rpoin4 , et,eu4 Teal .
• nettale what .
,we he ve said ^is.trite,
Comes. inattlfeat'.. sill'96strnlsz of
tenntsiee, straegeas the . Trititine'mayriiipOZor
,:thst ; itete,,iselaiintioneif;4. • •
that : •
he thenri that ;lie .the -
()Mee iddliverdei, end .
N 14 No. 0 . kno Ws - tits; fac •
iiiiihtety; and tor., the eilre: . .sif
Ilne of , 'airgliment,:WP, Will iliilri : 4:4 l :4'o ll ,"'
soil that iHarrie hash" 'o . .T . iitrroOti:iii.itcfn.. •
abentlaneti ,
heti . Setitte 're nissiie,bi. the.' President to, . •
art aa' iSI iy Possibly lb* •• •
Preshignt •jirarioits
aovertior;..'but irre.ap•.;
tire herni ;that' he is 0n1i.e. , ; nernidl44 . : l . o,l4aiy .
Geeerpor., , •i. ;'ln proCiamationite:44i...not . .:
profeleio'eeeedie the - OfficesolStaie:9eyerriete .
'lei*: risiebt
ebetit . .t . ‘ title
•day,. tidit'WeNeen4dre'tbe . ,4epe4i!lork#rjb,..l*il(ll
;10 not know enr,saek offietc r tn,Ameticl!iofive • ;
or i try, 'lt vve.eoppot •
ieviectl:bY the Oiesideo - rci•ptt sir open=.
111thom!.h. We . have •
President's Views , and.,,may , wholly,mistake
hiy theory ; we will venture ' s tbeory ' of Oro ••• •
parent incorniiiterichetweliti ,theittOterit":9l: - .
pnvernor . .fohnson. ; and also
to expiaid'ibe.Piesideni!e',:poegible : . idoaliSO in...
the app ointment - Otiin
mission to tt,dneasOi, , ,. . ~„ ;• •
To do this we'most go into: the:eubject otthe
Mlation of the States to the United States: jf
Part of the citizens of-New :York Should cap,a•
convention, and*make a new State Constitution.
in which•anothe l r port of the ciiirene, hati s no
OW, andthus two Oonstitutione and l tioro Stitt! ' •
Governors end Legielatures should;
existence, who is to decide bet Ween • •
Ito legitimacy I ;:titi",nityesi Gitiiirispyot • •
Stilte or of the: Vatted, Stater w0u10 . 111. , , ;
lig4l decision; tint .11;11'
erice, it is , pialtithat'the Unitrd,S.tiitits_liuthnt•
Ries alone blviioserr,i4detl44 , ,:'!Rt4tsity,s
established by • '
controli A kink , ira•kints, 4, nation eliats_
an soohJwailo asch b
nAtiorie:• A State;',,in-'thiii-ountry,iiiliiiii)stbiid
!)'• 1 3 0 . C9nStittiPotiirrt)iiiiiiiiii(oreiWiirs ,' .,,
tilos, or LoYing-foteigk .I.U.stio it took
S to te teCrair
:Ignyrtr' l 4firOotr , ::"!':!!s!7".ll ,,
StatergOlt l ommrat and a > " disloyal,' bit
PrO164. 1 10000.0 10 0 15,,. :
' 1 1 34 '0 00 ' , #0. 1 4/PII
affirm :6142**, 4 . 0i , Y40* - 4041 ,0 4 0, - '2 ";
Stiiter "!,##1,114.: