M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, April 05, 1862, Image 3
:' - ..u . 0..N:v4.75,77',5A ~,.....'. . ,,,•.: , ....-;:,, , •::;..;i:..., .13 . x ,• .: • : Observing these Facts , • Mandutly located ju me,tlipOrt. , .. • TbotTktep con. otantly °minim,' u good • Opp ly, ut - the hot gual jjy of matorivils,-Toole .• for the, '. witrinuo ottito of differ. lent kind' of. • WATCHES, ice.• I tlito. am not ,beleting when t that nearly five, Years exel , o 4 cu taughkom how. to use then) ruceelifullY. • • WatchesOan' be liefelrend •sclentificeillk repaired' at dateth no rt.. lad.mattar. how One or difficult the , job, • ae tam detmnined to ke'p panted up, and be Cully' pre. .pared - to.meet ovory find any ease. . • ' CLOCKS - WATCHS .• Repaired on short notice-..an reaionablo terms.. In ,the, • Store of A. 11...armattnag'a..Sign klie g RIG. LOGE.',•>: , • • rt..11.-4,guaranteepridee for work to.'he.as low aa akany othorwell reaulatOd find 0111 , Ibie shop and low-. ar than ikrunny. .Pletise give nie , a ca 11... It ; • • = , -&A' 1:,;;;41- -0:?; _ -r . • BRICK FOR •SALE.. • . .•••: • '''' ••••• hest rate brick for Tn 100 5 00 u _ _ Sti . leth . p9rt, Atigt - 1,3i 1800 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. 13 7V.IRT . VE.ol.isne/iss..,brder issued ~from,..the • Orphan?s . of . ...McKean 'Monty, fknsylvatiia, to , me.directedjshallexUnse'to. puttlic sale'at the .. Court flouire; in the 13Orough, Smethport, on Wedtiesday.tha•Mitth day ..of E.;•1862,'ut ii!clock,. • l). M.,' and stiall . ‘sell••the same'for:the hest price that can be: had, the.lol . loviriog•described.Reill Estate•to• . . AD. thal.pieCei or porcel Of land situate it'rihe township or,Bradford•• in..:,said•,County;•'cbrii• . menOingat'a po ,t,•tviTtity..seven rodS easterly • tife riiitl,.froar.the east . cornee•of a rot own- Ephriam. Barnes, , •and running. (hence north 2 . 61,4th.' degrees west 50 rods,.-more. or less td a . l3eech tree.an 'the north line of Ine'Ne: 127;, thence or' the 1t00 . .0f 5.,.1(1 lot 8 7.10 . rods.rnore 'or less to opost; thence soot Ii 01 1.4 degrees, east 55' roits,:toore Or less," to post. on ile.tradford..and Stnethpore roml;..ttielice. : h3'. the laid - road soiithi'•o3 34:degrees west, B . .rods snore.oi•Jess,'to the place:of beinning.;'• twining two'acres.larict 130 - square rods inrire or less,:oeitig part .of • it lotNo; :127., situate in ar that other certain piecr orparcel land situate in thelownshipttf lirpillard afore•: camiriencititt.at a Beech tier, the Noll h- S'isterly boned s :of the fitst.describrd lot, and running' tSrtiC'e' by, said lot, south 26-I'4 degrres. east, rods,, mere or lesS,.to a past on the raatit. 'thence by said road, 'south' 0 . 3;4 grees*West,. 15; roils more or, less to e post; thence south .26 1.4 tle4rees. west, 6.1 rods, mare or less, to 'a posr„the corner'of land. said to.E Lary, tlience - enstrriy ti6rth' line at. lot no. 127,1.7 rads, more or lest, to.the - Plitge 01 .beginning;, containing kixa'cre.s . .9l land, tnore :or ;less, tieinic.rt,irt of let1VO:, 127., nituate, ja warrant N0..3-198, Late the estate of Harriet .111: Kn'ox„.de'c.easd.': •, • Saiethpo!t,'Mri 18, 1362 Al!sqinei • ,opp;,riiniiii tur 1/46 11,14(ki 12rgi n n t .AVING.h.en autholized to establish a Re- . H S'ioio,m at tirr.`. General Oriter',No; Head . Army—D , c;34, 1881—.1 am •nnil , preiiii.voif to r.eertiir. rill ,mio///:edier-iivii,d. me/i i l ifiver 18 initlet 45 yearf.oll alige;,,,,imiir for the, • , n't or for tiny Volanteer fieg.irneht, (either CavairY Infantry or Artil ery) , now in the, field..'" desirous of .serving their tMiintry;. - 0 fighting under :and•for the.oldstarred . and.stri . per' hanner, : havamow the very best oppm,tunity 'offered them: Men t''Patriitsl ennielOrWilt.l Land Il i your. shoulder. to. drive, the Avieked brothers' in !he field have met and deie rted the enemy at every. 'mild . within. the last : .th ree months• they have 'made you proud Of . their -courage* . and.valor; hut. if,. weexpect new . vie. tnries, we ...Must , maire.neoi efforts and ',mire .generous sacrifices. 'rhoiigh °Pennsylvania ha. ,armed antlequipped and•seneintothefield rnbre men than any other State,. she has yet much to'llo . if eilewoulcl,win new . laitrels and coyer .herielf with fresh glory.. 111 order to fill Reif: . .Metits arready.in - thefield' to. l. the maxinium . 'standard, we . ..must' have ..10fi0 ,reertlits. • Then . rally,lreemen I. your country you to arms ann 'Who . yould' not be ari ;American soldier and fight for the Union P Those tiesirotis . to 4llist .ean:'do so by Calling'upon C. 'CORNFORTH, now at Smethiirt, at this rendezvous . .. Board and lodgings'are furnished for •i.eeruits from the daylof •eplistrtietif.' Transportation will'..be'farnisheirfroni the.place of, enlistment' to the .General pfiot. 'tHafrisburg, where ell recruits are..unifoirried an& forwaided to the ,Regiment for whieii • they' enlistedwithOuf de lay. communications from adj , dning court- ties proMptly hit - ended 'Andres's • • • INALLAOE W. .• • , let : -'•'' Ritcruiting Feb.,1E1,18132. WilliaMsville, Elk doil'ei . SHEILIFF'S'SALR'' BY `I4TUF, of writ of' Vs/retitle/a Expo: . .fferissued out of ;he. Court of Comm°. PleCs.,of tbe County of Dauphin'. State of Penn 'Overlie, and 'to me directed, there will be ex °prised to public sale, at the Court. House, in the Borough of Smethport, en . ; Monday,' the - 2tl day of.,April A. b.' 1862, at 1 o'clock p. — The following deicribed Real Estate;'Begie ninget a Birch, the north-West. corner of lot No. 44.;and in east - line.of lot No;:46;conireyed to Horace' L. - Doubleday, in Lafayette town' 'ship,, McKean . county , Pa.; thence' north one and onefourth of a degree, west.by east line of sai+lot.and unseated Ands, nicety,--five perches to,e post;' thence • •eaat,by .unseated. land 'one hundred antf thirtylbree 'perches and nine= tenths of a perch, to, kimet in west line of lot No 47,; thence, south 1. and.orie-fourrh ; of'a 'degree eantity.,westline of said lot, .'ninely-five per.; cliff:tit:a post; the . enuth-west-corrier.ot lift No' 47) Afence west by line of said . lot No. 44, one' beirOred and thirty - three perchea and nine perchplo Ahr, place.of beginning; ''eofqmpingseventy4yeecrea,•,tin, th e g am ,: mitte ; arrinsei with4he usual allowance of six per,,ne.4,.for, roads, &c., being lot No. 48 of the allotment of landarof. Snntnel.llCyFrix o in LOT; ette township, and part of - warrantico.4.• 34.73 ; WlCean county,.Pit, ; • . 1 ' • ;, , . • . Az.so r —One other piece or parcel of land, situated and described as follows: Beginning at u!r . li!pi VZ-111: *post; the e.K. s'O'uth-west Of. lot: M . O.- 47.,' of the illotroente'of laird in!,La6)oife :township,. Niean criunty.' Penny.; [betted .West i by smith, line ofieaid tot :No. 46,0ne handred and thirty.: 'perelm,Xand nine tenth ' s 01 , a. 13;..ech - , tbe:ininitb:ore'st corner lot:No. riS;arill it; east Nor 46,..COncrtycti to Ihrraee [;.:00O1;lerlay; . :thenCe, St.ukh by_ - east line. saidlo4eighty-eight 'perches rtniltwO.,tenths a perch to, n post; th.e..r.orthomest corner of. Int . 'No. .thence east' by. 'north • line'of said lot; two Imattred.' and , sixty t.v • ro perches and nix -tenths Of a perch to II postin-the.'east 'warrant No. 3.02;. thnnee'northorie'de:7 gree and one -hall_ at a degrCe ea•t by 'east . line Of • said :warrant, ti.c.e'pereites •• and dine- Jeriths if a pereh.th a post, the south ; Past cor her of.lor tivesi., by , south ,line. of said lot N0.''4.5 . , one' Imndied and trsetaty seven perches anti • two-tenth of n perdu, to a post the soittil-Wett'coiner of sai d lot; thence. , . 'north. by .wesr..linit frity : .two percher and three..tentlinof a pe'rch, to the Place of ,be . - •gioning:. containing itinety.,seven:ae.res;be".the 'napie more or:less, with the'irstnil alloWanceof six per cent,. for - roads; Sc.c.f being lot of the allotinent of Linda of' tho..estate of uei 111: Fox in Ltiiyelt , tnwnsiiip; nnd 'part 'Of, 'warrants ,N 0.3134 ond .3 433M.McKein coon ty, Pa ' • . . . . . .. \.•./ir.s.cr,-'—One other' piese'orPriasel o( land 'Sit !Are amt . :described an follows: Beginning at'ah '64, Sugar tree', .thessotith-east confer, of war. rant.o.:3-13`41.;11)!.nce . north one . ..degree..anti onc. l oll.llel.irce east hy 'east. line. of Tsaisl. WO r: 'raj - art sixty-four perchs to a:. beech; •thense west 'ly. south line ..o'r . lands '.of'ihe. f 3 ltlgh 66 . estkre.,iniC hundred and'olin.sy six perches and ons-ten'n . or it perch': to s•ir . Ai g ar tr e e . Ibense* .nnth Ity` : tho unseated land sixty' perches * rind '.five-feet''; of alrersh•to a post iri sOurldirie of 'warrant 110..3432; thence south sighly-eight dugrers'anhono.half of a . duaree. east' by south 'litre of.sa:d‘varrani, one - htindred•und njnety ri ye. perches \oil - onir•ren th •ol: a 'perch , ' to the' phis.° of helinning-, .sontainint; ', seventy on , . acres 'and'niril,tenths•ol. 'an acre, he the sutne more .or I.ess, lir 'Ph the ustial...allowans.. of six percent. tor - r.iuds,..4c:;, beink. Jot Nn. 49 of .rhe.•allotinent oi\laiors ol . air...estate of B arnuel, M.,.F.0x, . 1 n.'1..a .1 .et re.towns hip, • and . part''.of Witrr.io.. No.:II.I' 11 . 11( o r iinco‘IntY, Pa. ' - ....ALSO,Otte.bth • rnese'of land lieginnins... at 'a'' sOgttr .Co. nut' .0' warrants slumbered ' : 3 .'215, 2253 , 31. 31 3.132 ; I . ll ;,cce by 'cast line nif warrant' \ 3432..n0rth.0ne detzee uast, ..ixty.four perches In the swab Illf. 'of loWo. .4 I of the•ollntment J. of the Bit krlturn lanths, Ur , keitp . Inwn , hip,' 'cKean's...loy, 1 1 ,I.; 1 use'hy•ti;rid line er;tl l'i.v.eialit perches aril fiNe.re.nrn, nra pr4d)•:0 . . 1 . if.heurit; ibence 'south tnNy'.tWo . purchei aid rniee,renths Of ' a perch;'the 'Crest two hun dred andjirty I n iir- p t. r el s . 'a' , six-tenths .6rit perch; th.unce . hartil.l otUnty.',Au- perches'•und seseo-tent ha of n ,perch. in • IN ,. solith 11111 .of warrarit Not 31:12; . thence by s'y - line: south i , i.hrv-rfine degrees east one. hunk!trandnine. tp.fiCe perches tn• ihrf plarnof •b...tirrn U., son, raining fifty 'nine acres and Seveli.l r l is 0 /. „,„ acne .with the usual 'allowanse.of six‘ t, , e ,...„ /. 'for roads.; 'he the •saroe.tnort:t oi . 'l...s•lit lining fat No. 37 of I hi. allotment or..the i tig h arr ",. I.inds, in I,sl.4reire toW..ll9lliii, Itrefi,.a.),,tiotv; Pa., ant part of waifalits No. 2215,225.5 and 3131 - • N. F. JONES A t.50 . ,- . -A nothe'r .at the corner'of '80.4 merits aforessid t -ronveyed: : in :Lii , her•Ds . viii., thence by' linett . or 10t... ..77,.south, seventy • nine perches to a I..4yee}; • arid ea S} fifty=lain' perches and rdi!.ld. tenths rd" a perch •to idrirrtt: tbetice south lort.y.petriies and ,three r tr , nths of per eh, - %keg one s Pi.o l .6leitihs of n'Tie'reh rh a lieedi, Went corner,..of lot Na:. 79; thence one hontivad and two wn-tenths at . a nOrTh . .eiadvtylseyer!.i):erches and threetenths of a.:plreh,•to. a ,hemlock; •enst 1111Y .2 t40 perclp s aryl '..three:teriths , of 'a . perch; "Ifenbe • onith:seventy..: liree.,pe t elies and .One. r-otti , (d •rell herol:tei , ;•ll-1: ee'st Ir fir i tive-t.;t016 of a •pe t to tlie,west Si) tho..lin‘e of sai , l lot - sou! 'ioi e. p:rrhes' and . p.;;reh, mid • east .tti•enty;tkvo percheS' and live-. tenths'ola .percdt . to the place of beitirininGcon!irititne one tnindred andtoriy t.woaefes an two-tenths of 'an acre Vvith the islru for . . nstlsl allowative.ol ?.ix percent. Im .. .roads, &...e; be the qaine • oloie orlessi'being lot 'NO ? 79, If; imi1 . 412: of theralloiments . of.the Bingham • lauds iii I.iopyettetown:ihiri. M'fiealt county, Pa „and irt of . warisint.No. 9 245: • :Abso . ..-:— . Another,diegineing in the aouth line et': lot. o: 105 . , ronveyril fainter, iiventy•fotir • perches - and . seven•tentha of a 'perch, from : the .solith-West .corner thereof; theni , e by line.orlot.NO: 118, co vi ro Hull and Morse, south ont; .• hundred and twenty-one lierehes.and nine -tenths of . 4 i;reli,..and west one Mindied and two perehes . and• sevenEdentbs• cif a PPrch.to the past line of, let No.. 83: thence by said line . and east dine'of lot' No: 67 north . one'hundred.. and twen:y•Mie perelie§ and nine. - triitlis,..•of a • pertli; in, Part by the Voila] line of lot N0:',105 - eforesaid, east one hundred and ts.vo,perelies and seven-tenths of a perch' to the' place "of beginning; containing . seventy 7 three 'acres and ; eiget tenths.of ar • aere WWl' the usnaliillowalicel,6l six pereent . .•lor &c.;, be the 'same triode or. less;lt I)Pi n g lot No.• ,101 of the, allet rnents of the Bingham lands. in Lafayette township, itrli...`ettO .county; Pa.;•and pert of warran's hjo. 22'51 and 2257 which said . tracts:Of land numberjespectively; 79, 111; andlOt•EontainingWo hiindradand • sixteen bel,he,,aatne morp..or,deas4,the.property 0( . 861 - onion .. • ~• ~• , •. other .t tact 'okland beginning at the southwest corner. of a. lot conveyed by Jno. Denting Sr. Co:, IO B. D.:B‘. .H.:•. , 12; thence south fortv perches' -to a' post; thence . east two hundied.and thirtyffnur Pert:hes'to the .centre of• .04 road; thence by the thud, north twenty-sic degrees west, forty•cour, and five tenthi pet:ehes to a ,stump corner' in thesouth line otsa.lot.formerty•of.A, Brock*ny, deceased; thence west by , the line ol said ilioek•way- and. .Harnrin lot one hundred and seventy four and five- tenths perches, to . the place of beginning,' containing forty .acres:and.. one-tenth of an acre, strict trieasur , !'; be' the same•more or,less;• being lUt. N0..43 :of •the . allotment londs'in Keating township, ancl.:.part 06, warrant No,. 2058, being t he undivided one-hail - of the inter- . est . . of,GbOrdis, • ' . i • ALso,—One otber tract or parcel of land, sit . - litited in . Mechanicsburg' and . knoVvn on -the town - plot' as lot No. 6, containing sixty.fooi .e•quer'e perches; all improveili.onn . frame hotitie. Lot 'No: seven, containing siitv-four square perches. Lor i‘lo. 12, Containing ninety siplarif perches: Lot No:13, containing eighty agnate ,perches.. Lot2No; 15,` containing, eighty.. One and livo.tenths'srp.are perches.' Lot N0..0, ;containing eighty square .. . perch'ns; Lot' No.' contaii.ineninetY square perches; and One. opt lot containing about ,- three acres; allitn proved; .and - •orie (it herrout lot or island, con-. tainin'g eight 14reiand riineteen square perches fibimproved; the undiVided one-holt of' one other. lot bounded as:-follovvs t, the west by Me= ehitnic • street; .on the north by Marvin creek; . on the east by lands ofN. F. Jones ; on • ' , HY.' south:. by lands of Roigliind Bortlick . Off Rnrpan Lutz,,ootitaioing iibOut;tkireclicrei.iro impr .veil;' one.frdme' honse,''nnif oiii`ohop; Jim !property . of Gijoitlig gorw 'O.. !. •'• ..Siried Rod, taken in exf:Cucion-eini . l to colt kt'n•i..lle'pript,..rty Gtiordi's Cor•win nod Solorrpiii: Sint•rlll,'otihe'ouit of the C.onomontvettlfh ofi P.ennsylvania,. 2 lyignii Saiivve)l G ,' florais.cOnyin; . oncl Soiornon Sortureft. • . ' • • JAMES E.• snyt t re s OrricE, 1 . • Dlarr6 18, 1832,,.'.:.:: , '• The ~.zk. n .fet,isiOn' s and .E.. - peilenocia . • • of au 'lnvalid. • ' . -. • . . . . . . . . , 113T,PIIIED. FOR TIlt:111 , 1s1.11VITAND A. A WARN . itol KA i a caution to•yeune inetrihe golfer : front Net- . 'iourfiobilit r..,Prematu re Moray; A. c., nopplinir at' the snow time the manna of Self .Cure . 'lty'o'ue trtio'has cured h Irene 1r after•bcloe put to - grant eepir, mei through inedicril Impioltirm end quackery, • By enelosioe a pont-paid ed. 'd retpd env Onto , - stxut.U'CUPllB •rnlty,.be.tind orthe 'au'. 't hor,: NA 1 ' 11 AN11:1,111A1'.FAIlt;: Enq.'; • Bedford, fangs ~.. • • . :S.NE.VkTII -- T - 4,--0.R17 77 , A NEW:' ARRIVAL .AT • A. B: ARMSTRONG'S; • • •• • TjAVlNp.brepmethe proprietor of the.Gro -11 &Pry. n(1 . 'Strife,• lately aecupieo V: Wright,' I. trice this . ..method •01....in furining'-triy friends that T .have just received tile largest sttielc:of • - • • • • FAMILY: . GROCERIES . • • • ever...offered .or : 1 1 1!Xeati coun ty, •at *pikes • which mi . , 0(4 . 1!1t any nvhei - eptablihment. t keep n'n,ltand, 'and: are in - the ilaily.receipr of , •. ':•: • fi!IESII (3EOCD FLOUR, •• ~ • .; •• • FEFYI.ANO.JI EA L. •" • . ' • . :* • "?' • • PORK, SAL,I', • MAVItEItEI., 'WHITE , • • . • 'BUT:N.:It; LAUD, TALLOW. :'• • CANDLES. 'MOE.: ••• • • • ' .SALTIATES, ' • ; t00,v. • r , Nnwo.• PEPPER; •• - . ' •'," • • CLOVES: CRACKERS. • ' • .• - ToaAcco.• RA IMES • • •• • • • .* . tS, LIP ALL. KINDa. ••• . • ' Oa' • COFFEE . GROUND,' .• . ANI).•tINGEOUND, • ' '.' • • . -* • bviitfl.s. I, !)!.a 4 sEs, • • : • •• tinios4:N I; . OH, .• • ' ...EA3II , IIENE, . •• .• •.• • CANDIES, TEAK •. ' - My.stoelc. is 'hill and • enmplete . ,.and selected' from.the itest in.the !parker.. Call and exarn. , • iiie price und'quedity, and you not fail to • ." A.•11.* ARMSTRONG. Smethpoit, May 30, ISGI. Combination Brick Oven Cooking Stoves (`THELA.TVI§T INVOTION.OIf :TILE AGE.) ANOB TiFiErespectfuily callsethe atteri, tiort.pl those sck . hing.hew (Took Stover to t beFire Brick Eleeisied . Oileo Cooking SJose'; sshich took the iJttsrt ill:silos! . at tiie. Erie to: Fair, as well as at . otioirrolis'Siate ancl•CoOntyr f'aiFe:thiougkout...theVnited Ste.tec'. And tha'Only One that is equal to the old lash . • , ioned Brick ()yetis . ; tor:Baking; • NVA ItitAiti" T D :' PT YEARS! Tkae 'Stoves will be•;ttolit at areatli.fedu . ced Pri\a. 1 - am • with a.foll assortment of . . . . . . ofd C•21)1;•.ri Ra's, BrOis,lead,PPlytof, Oati; " 6,1 .. i" J.' ovr.ryrhink,,yori.havt..-w;11:bo raken i" '' ' ';•‘ .h "r"qor - gorlervon ro Cash. . . : . • :GR . " Ch''•rril, at tfir. Old' sloryir . ' ::. '.o.Wii-.DOORWST OF THE ASTOR HOUSE- '• L•; , orrthob: l l . ru lo; Id ? . 1-136)• ••••• ' •-• ... • • . PLD 4T:4 , hkAN-1 OTILL MIPS TIM LEADI '',r ..Kcot:s.rtotK. . , A NOUNCES TO HIS n , ESPF.CTFULLy rt, old ft iends in AleKeatc.ettnty_ .he is . . on.hand this Spiing as mutt' w ' ji b the ,LARbr.ST AND'. r , :sT Selected stock of-Goods in.tbe4ean Market To ITholesale Casli Buyers 1 ', l a Sav, • .. • . f•ear . ottrr yirtv-betterinduee men' than • you 'banget 'weot•or New Y0rk..,,: \ .• ft makes nodifference svhat you ism\ any. hing in the linpof . . • GROCERIES 4: PROVISICNS, OLD KEYSTONE And you will find the aqicle fresh and cheap It's to - use talking • the KEYSTONE STORE always has anal'alwaYs will take the lead, and regulate the market'in. Groceries and .Proviiions OLD FRLENDS AND NEW ONES, Don't itit to call and jee me when you- visit Olean ;. 1 shall not hurt you; but shell certainly try to do you . good. ." • J. K. I •POMSTQCK, 5-3 Olein, May 2nd, 1880. JOB PRLITTING, OF EMIT DESCRIPTION, 'NEATLY, ' CPEAPLY 'AND . EXPEDITIOUSLY VizooTED AT ERB • DEMOCRAT •OFFICE. TIN' CHUMS and lapanned'Ware, Stove Pipe, and inCut Holes at MASON'S. (0TA.457. -. f , ,. VERRIN-EXTIRMINATORS "thily, Infallible Rempdies tacniiiL Delit!roy,-initta VETIY FORM An D SPECIES OF ~~~~.l~~pl~. l'hesa pi”parittione (Unlike . all others) ate ..Free,frorn Poisons." • • .• "Nor dangerous to the human family." .• come out of thefr holei to die." • . . . . . . • O yeais anti mOreAestOlialieil in, N. Y.. C uint 4—the City Poet Office 7.7<ed ha City Prisons and Statioii Houses Utsd 4 7 —city Stc.amers,.§Mips,'& ,V. 1 .11 by—the. City, .410ip,i611,, Alnts.:l2lotHies ut;:d City. Ifotels•—•±A.itor'.--!a Nicholas,' 4c U,ed'by=the BpardirigHouse.s; Med . by— more than 5 . 0;600 Private Fomilie . • ,- .07 1 'See iohat the, Pipplei r PriO, .a nd .Pealer:tsny. HET'RY 'COST AR:—AII. the:aaminer I. e hav'heen troubled with Roaches . and Mice'. I . was actually asharned• the purchased the Roacire.were everywhere. porchased a box °floor. •Extirininator and trietljt, and iii; one week.,,there was not Roach or Moose- in 'the ':JouN.II, giVEXPi Nu: 94 Elrri St. lIQUSEKEEPERS . ---trolilded. with 'vermin; need:be So - no .lortzer,• if' theY , use.,c 4 CoSi,tit's" Extirrninatois.. 'We .liave . osed it to ot(r salts. laction,.-anil'ir- a box cost S 5, we would have it. .We hiul fried poisons,: bat 'they. effoeted nOthine bitt.CosTan?..s article knOclts thetirea out of Rats,.Mice and, lied.Bittra,, gni - eh:or than 'we CBfl Write..it.. " It iss,itigreat demand all over the rpm! . ltlelina •qqz,,gte.: • MORE GRAIN, and Provisions ar - e4PstrO,yed atinnelly is Grant'Connty hy . Pertriiii,' than ;would pay for tor3 .- of :this ,Rat and Insect T,tin rower (Wt.): HENRY ..k.. COSTAR—Your Eitirminator is• ree . eivt'd,'usel f : arid ProtiOlinCed deelik'd success. • ..We'lised'a bOx of itond the way the Ratsiand Mice' around. oar. prenifiles. raised Ned," that .niaht was a rnation..to Since' then not a Rat or.MOtt.e has been heat& in kitchen or collar,--/trogrezor. (Inwa)• HAVE BEEN SELI . ANO—.Your Extirmi.. - nator for the last year, .and find its * same asfor every time. ' • ' • • . . . • Gko. Rpse,Drliggist;Cardington, 0. • WE " ARE ' SELL TlV' o— "toili' P . r P Pnriticul° rapidly...'Wheroier.they. have he.en used, R , it.g, Mice, Ronehes,. And. Vt!lmiry & •New Windiar, Md. . To Df,troy,--Rats, Roachesv&e. To' . ...Destivy---MiCe, Molea , tse. To Destrdl, 7 -Bed Bugs, To:Destroy:L.Noths,.,..7!eas; n Destiny-1 naects oh Manta linclinsects. To•plsfroyL:lnsicts To.l)a.itr'oy;--Every form ifnd species of. ver DIEM "Costar's" Ra.'Roa oh, &co Extirminir '.Costar's" Bed-bug Extirminator. "Postar's" Electric - Powder for Insects. • , IN 25. 50c. AND_$l.OO BoxEs, BOTTLES AND FLASKS. $3 and $5 SIZES FON PLANTA , TIONS, BIM'S, BOATS, HOTELS, 4C. • Cr.;* Sold Et; erywhereL-by . : , • •' • All , Wholesale Drpgelate lir large • All Retail Dealers—Grocera—Stoiekeepira &c.'in the UniteilStates. Wholesale Agents in Neiv York Herron, Risley & Co Rush; Gale &Robison . M. Ward; Cl'wan & Co M'Kisson & Rolphine. D. S. Barney & C 0... F. C. Wells & Co. • " Lazelle, Marsh &.-Ca. Hall. D xon & Tripp & Co. • . '. Conrad Fox. ShiqloHO' erns. &.. Co - Fahni.Sfock,Holl &Co A. 13.& & Co Wheeler '& Hart. - * fleas mao & Co. Ruck , ..l:& Co.. ThOrring & . FuHer. • P. IX Orvis. ' • Penfol 11, Parker & Dudley & Stafford. AND . artitis; . , Philadelphia, Pa. • Dyott & Co. I . l2nbt, Shoemaker '& Co ""'plinestock & Co. French,Riehards &Co • Ail trincipal, Cities and Towns in the - I #E,IITED . ''.S.TATES =EI ~~TTFORT; ErrtSol.cl i by And by - Druggists ' Gro ' • • alloy in City , 14n4 Retitilerit gen. Nountsy. 07 - Country Dealers can Or address ordeis dfrect 46 . 1k ! "... &c: Fs desired 07".aend for ut Prices, Terms Ilar to Dealers) HENRY - R.:COSTA . ,' PRINCIPAL , DEPOT- - No. 15'12, ' Opposite, the St. Nicholas 1 , 4:7 'Feb: 21861.-4 mos, • N. Y. 11. GPPLD. ...',.'.PHYSICIAN-:.AND SURGEON, ipt.i4n,g.permanenily PORT - AtliROA NY; , would tcistieetftiltr' inform ~ , the .publie . .thst: he is pteparedlo ettiMillo:busineris itt all . bratiebes 01. the Medical ' Pro . feesion. • Particular 'atten tion; paid to 'Secret DisesiMe; both' mitre' and . female; they will be treated'inafptdOne'e with the let est.nutheitit,ies sitd.pr'.edtiee,ef Vail), En.' rope:and: Ameriea. , 'A II seet,ets intrusted :'.to him, in his 'practice . ill he 'strictly kept by. htirt,.in : spite et inpriey, law, friends, enemies, t'clatives .oi'ne.ighboss. • • . , . •• WANTMED . :::: i • A DOIIT exchange tor 11 Purniture., .. • '- U: LTIIIAN Dicel44l . 4bura. Oubluet "SligP• • • gthethiiort, . • .::. .- • THE TEprp , 3 COOK DOOR..' .IVIODERS', .:00. ()KERN' R6IPOLLAi'itIqISCD • . IT TELLS'YOU lfow l'ichotwie all lamb' titlfentit; POIII - . ..„. try'aOLOante, ivlth all the %%Winto? meet approved illolloP et drosaing and • ..•• ceekind.lleof anti' Pork ; "nliothe beet • - •.• and elniploot way of • - and-curing the vtlatlfl3 • • ' 'IT-TELLS YOU ' Ail: tlion : various - nod . ' moot. appYtteed • - .modes elsdruda pg, cooklng,aod honing • • Ilutton. ,Lamh, : Yoitl, l'oultri, and . ~ • all kinds, with the dif ferent • • • . . Oraylutv . and Egiliflugs ...propriate fovea: - ••....r • . IT • TELLS,YOI Iltiw..to choose, Mean,. and••preadrve . • -• • •.. • of all klude..and hew tooweetitn •• •• y', It when laintval .slap ' all the various anti Vont approved modem yooking; " •-•. • • • ,with thOtillre••Mrit Drettainge;.• Sauces, • ' .• • • • rind Plavoilioni appMprinle to earn. • . T TELLS YOU Al` the' variant' end 'nett - approved. • "nodes of preparing over fifty different • ' • . • kinds or Meat Pialt:.Fl , wi. UP•rn", and:• • • , .••••,•• •••Veeel ble'S(7llrol, Itrothc,•nottlitiore.- • . • •• With the •Itellehea lloanenlogotp : propriato to each." • .•: • IT:TILLS you. -All 'the 'furlong not moot itypieved .. •., • • ••• ',mode , ' of calokit4 'Vegetables of every •• •• „ deicripflon, tie, tOprepare • .. • Catvup mid I:tortes of all..kie 10, •I'otted Meal, Eloh, Alunhrniwnn, TELLS YOU All the various • and meat. approved . ,••••, modem or•preparfna and cooking ell • , kinds of Plp)n and YencY Poetry. ',tad :: • . • ~ OmMettoi, Frittern,enkee, t on. • : lectionary. • Preserves, Jellies, and; • , • Stveot Diebee •ti• every deieri pile'. •• . IT TELLS YOU - All -the w . arlowv„.and' moot nprOeved • • . yowler" of "nuking *end. Ileelte,.llltif .••• fine end 'Skeet, the b eet' , inethod of preparing Coffee; ,Chocolate and Tea( • • . • •-' and how te.maka Syrups, Qordlale And • - •• `Winos of c a rious k .• ': • ' 'IT TELLS YOU now to ant. 'not end ornament a Table, • . how to carve ell 'kinds • or Fowl,:•and In short, low to N),111113-, . . . • • pill'' , the wildie arta? Ottekli4,ll.._•to .• '• bring timeheireatluxurles of !Getable .. • • . . ' within evert tody'o peach • The hank, enotalne 418' Noma' and. ti riwoido . of twelve` hundred Eacipoe, -nil ortritfeh ere the revulto of artenl experience. haviOg been reily, a nd carefully te,04..11 . tinder ,the. per Ge• (110 ~niters, It le printed, inn choir and atom type. im illustrated- th appropriate, angravingedind will he. forwarind toany addreve, neatly lamed; and ;Menne Pa 81,. on receipt of tho prfoe, Sf,oo, or to cloth-, extra., $1•,25,' r • • • a i; • $1i.)00 , A • YKAII, 2 1 :,4,1r7 1 41 4 .1 T y .m e e n i; irhere, in'oetling . th'e above . Work, utir•lnducremento ouch heing very liberal • • . , ~ , . . . .. • Pot.. oinglo Copies of tno 'nook nr _ for tormuto agouti wittrotlt,or Inforniatlon. apply to or odirois • . .. • • :- -- • ; .. - : .. JIMIN , F). POTTER . pubiloior, ' ..,. •.' . No 617 s4lv.oni Stmt., Vnilkdelplals:nc, Noieinberls, ill6O-04n. .-' ' • ;" ' .24 HAIR. - .llmEs MA,DE : .:EASY. Good Neirs for tip Uneinployed; 1000 CHANCES 7'6 MAKE MONEir ONE. MILLIpN.I':DgLARS.:.,WORTH ..... ~. . WATCI3ES;::' ,... ".. .: J.ENI4.(:-.L11,..Y,, LVER PLATED WAnE To be disposed Of Oil AN ENTIRELY. NEW AND ORIGINAL PLAN ! •.All peri c ine clOirousof securing' Agency NEW ENTERPRISE, . , Should send on their - names at once, - ehclosini a 3'cent stamp - to pay postage,,and . receive by return'mail ... . J . PRAVITIUM CATALOGUE cohtaining Our indueemeOis RWIRE CH•laa'CE MAKE MONEY without risk, together. with .; linna nmuirkimais Relative to this NT9VEL:',,P . EAN! To,insure prompt•and asiisfactory dealings direct all.ordera to • •• • - '‘• ,' GEORGE G. EITMS, •• , . 430 Chestpat et., Philadelphia. .• Air!! 11, 1861. • - • - SP,ItING NOW. opri - gtc E _ N WGOODS Ai , THE OLD PLACE, 1 ' TilE CHEAP STORE, OREA.2' BARGAINS CAN .1314 HAD',AT THE QN. , .PRICE..EGULATOR.I WO a.rorlpete,-mineillSo Uaderselia OLD FRIENDS. KNOW, ALL , ABOUT IT Ncw Ones 1413 i ,Cole And ` Judge For litmatlns. -- One.parchnee will sitiory. tki s most skeptical Llint there' is only one.place to hi , first dais g4ods, 6t,vgry low- priceo; and that plass is the ONE,-PRICE,,, REGULATOR. The one plea eyetem.ilves the beet latishe. • , SUPERIOR . GOODS NEW FASHIONS, LOW PRICES, EVERY •THING. YOU: .V7ANT • AT THIC ONE PRIOE,BEOI7LATOR, . . , and the .grand Emporium of evety thing - pew Peat and atylish. If 'you been the CASH asid Want to buy. the I!ESt, - DRY GOODS GENTS . FURNiSHINd GOODSO }must FußrnsplNo„,4ooDs. HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GO TO THE Which al7Cird ONE PRICE REGOLATCR,. THRSIC:IOO .Nll . 'fili.ii , ii944 ,. .inii46l.it,*:::. l ..'' . . beauty;' durabil!ty, iipedbro' L o They Will be offeied •• • to,yqu.*Ct e.joweit -• • , fi gur il &a r t titpe, aid from .•pii - 4 , tl.4,.4,'•ii,',!i.i*i:i'ii,i',i4.o:*4 _. v.— , p ico—Low Pricw`r7' Remember- + oa6:; f ' ~.. 0 A ~-.$ , " ' .... .*::-:.:Cish.' " ,t, ow• uy g W tyleil.:-Striat Int4,rhi - ~..''. . ,,..,2 . 4 , •••T,'L THING & & •__ l 1., -4y ,,,.,, ' * q ' Mill ' •••'',;-','.:: '' - i'l:''.` 4, ''' TR ma - C l /. 53 APfil", M== 1 , j:' , t • 1' „, .:; , t! , :, , 4,; ., T,' : : Ttig -. oNRritr' . - DON O I . MESS rr. DON'T FOROLI''. IT; IV.!A,R4.THAT:I4 .. ... y( t'.. . ./CLEGANT WilLl63l cax -iivaarru. LOW PRICES, tAI4C.Y • G001)II. CROCKE4, EVERY,VfiA6 InanufaCtuire and I'.N.I4II:ITLIS; `...,:.'„:. :'..,-.-,..*•:',,:::::-;,-.:,AP.'.?