• ..4 ; ',•-.,;!.'•'''•'St'''.' tiliktri }NT, 'Ait'O' \itriiiirWeeknei4, .., ,ittAilopoiroZ•iii. - -- ,Afire, iiiiislip'ptrr;•. Md. 'aPU: A6IIO,WiTIL-17.7;;-fill'itgZiT'D•4uatAreiltjArl.eis.P SRC .?;;'',,.: . _„, , ~.):'l ' . ..,.., ell, 'l!liAtotiln . t!l.S.A lit‘ntraVe Lecture , 1 - q ' 740 'fliv•lFlDlClttli•iivniesperlencli•On.t'llitio-w4ll 0144 iSit-' • if•Libii*iiiopbe - elreetugpv roloore otitt d 1 , (9 . ~ v :.. 1. . thulge an.aurk ca opera -, - .• 410 . mli 1/044-4 3 41, iir•'-eiqdtalg ppillting, • • ".•'13 1 4 -; " ",, ~; - .: ~11;,iitlitter-*,4)rtalu'aild tiffietticil, by MI ','• •:::',ll ' 'O. 1 1 . _ 4 ,,,,. 10 01044.3vlint , hiicqnititiciti.t iA Y , ... lAii... .•'. ~.. ' •'' os,oll , .,..iiiiv*tely;. ouio roOlially.;- '." 5 ' I bPoalCibOlipanito. tatd. ttroa, 4,...,,f1i i ,%:-,,,,' ot Ititalii,g;',;4i,:i . ,",!i . fai.eili , .jiii . elt.plit.',..o' tiiiirii,4.r4iftgo stpil;'y.ddrag*- - 4 ,, N 4.,,p;.-..., , ,`' pi,:on,a4;4 , (I,...hiti, •• . -.•.'.•-:::-.7•llifilliiii,iiii;•*iiiiiVaili;V;in °Mc q .114, asso., ' - :liiiieqmssik,l) , •io ~...- .T. , , , , -.....- - '. • - ' , • 104741tAlSr: AGRICTILTI7RIST:. , • itl 1;1. I I*. pardon, and v. o'..kiiiTlS-Titeititqcoitso; RELIABLE and PRA(:-to the different de,. and culture, such is growing Field ottStlf .110 Oardeli s Fruits ; , Garden 'lrelatelilea.:ll4l4.Flowerti :sTrees, Plants,. nod Lawn Or Yard ; care Of Dot: &c.,-&c., and to Household '-ft,bas .. ;elSo an interesting and itistruc '.', rive; tlenaiitneat,(o. children ant; youth`, ;A:ftill,'Calender.ol'OMrationa every month. . 'Yerae io Fctuf Himdted,' or more,. illustrative each volume. . • :,... - -,; - over,',:s.e;elve :Bandied nlain, practical, in, .;-'aiiriOle,e'artiefee and useful tn ites, afe given '.,; e iotyetso, : . . Diltori!arid, Contiibutere are all: pmic: ticiWerhing 'Nen. • ,74, 11 - Afpga. of. the. A rialCUTUßrar cri;.ron .44o4o').iii:St4teor,icoito4, but , are adapted to Oa wi .* ngs alLisetiens of the country—it is, as •its';utlntl iudieates,..foi the tihole A atenlCAll •. "": • . • 4,GEitIITA:N EDITION ie published, of the same - eize' and :price Os the English, end con: • re-tiding matter, and its ciente , lone illuittrative . engravings.: • • . TERMS-4NY.ARIA,BLY IN ApvANCE, A*ll4l4.4ss.6Tniiear, $1 00 Six'Copies, one year •• • • 520 Tenor more-copies One year 80 cents each. ribove rates,: Postage to cstaada.„:l3-cents,, to, England ,and France, 24 : !. 8611 C I r .To‘,Peresany,, 013 cents. , . any*liere In' the United States and TerrillOries.muit be paid by the subscriber, dud "is Only arsisenri.is:Nser, if paid • is advance 'at • the Mace `White receiird, All, business and other Communieations should. aodressed le the Editor and Proprietni, ~O,WGE /ODD, 41Paric•Rorv, N. Y.City KOLLOCK'S DANDELION .COFFEE. . . , This peeparation, roads from the best :rive Onfrue...fit reeentmeedeil by physlibids as a Superior NUTRITIOUS BRVRItAGW.for General Debility, Dyspepsia, . site atl bitten' . dleoidersi• - - Thousands whit ,hare hoed compelled tiralimidon the toss of .Collhe will use ibis without irjuri.. 'ciatteffeets, Ode can contains the strength of two pounds tiroitthwiry celled.. Pliceittfi cents.. ' . !‘O,4p.c . ist,LEVAIN. I . . . ' The, varcet wild best- BAKING 'POWDER ;moire, for isiakteig sweekand..natri Nous .Brea4 'and cakes.-- • . NI AN tiFACTTIIIAD: SY • • DC 11..KOLLOCK, Chemist, igerzserofilread' and Chestantlltiedts, , MuLdniatiy Pruggies and Cirocors. '..4IIRIEEKLY JOURNAL. OF COMMERCE - . • TO.Orriu StrBSCRIBEILS: . " sonimencement 'of a new, year is good • 'this for4itnewing sitbscriptions and increasing thee,itiCulatios'of: the Journal of eitinmerc'e.. 7 , • Ourselves In !he - old readers ofthe ittiper, 'with entire confidence, to their:willing. •noes tit kind - extend' the irifluenee 'of the • Sosnd conservative, principle and morals .which ,• ,. .,haye•ti'ithertooharacterixed:and will hereafter characterize'this paper. :EVERY SU . 11Selti6ER to losirnal . of 'Commerce. might do' a great •, • seri,ice:4l,ii,tbese - pvinciples, Sod strengthen . us •iri:Our 9bilit.y toeupport and circulate them, by , • • sending us the. name•of at least, *onti new sub ..." scriber in-his town., • • • •- - 2• - •!OVtlited'.(trMlT'as eds haie•been to our court. • • Ivy,'eJistetatiti, and; having, tong been' called ttr e r " as a terM.of,reproach, we are andl'slialf•be'the fi r m r upholders of •,' •• .•• • HE . , D • • •T UNION . AN • THE CONSTITUTION :;eitilicising with. lipid and pen every man, South or' ,North, wha fa, an enemy to either. ..Every form.ot disorganisation and. revolution - will find • utiready'efOr.the'com,bat. Among thedoes of -the 4ifieylion,l76l:, ! nd American principles, we rank, sitle,q.stae • • • • • • • • ABOLITiO.NIrSIII- ,44,1 VD -SECESSIONISX, and We•prcipos'el•with, altour strength to defend '• nation against the' at tar ks •of both. : • . ~ • .•• .• ;A .L IBERAL . .enecierage•. these whO may volunteer to Ilia' 'Organisation of Cliihs, vie hereby' • -offer,,aff extra copy. of the.WeeitlY to every pet, ,son - 'Who'shall•forward twenty new subscribers • With the .money.• oLtn3s . . . me . may,. he organized in . communities with great 'elleatl*tn;'.,'..qie.prettant is, the hest period for • thiii 7 tchninetinerrient. 'The terms on which' are at follows :-- takfng. .• • • •. • DOL1; A R each C pkee', ; ....11PlEEN DOLLARS. 3 copies' ITgrlec3 cop ea -• :run) • , each " be addressed to diffe.ren: • peritines'atAtie lame Post Offleeijf*,desired, 'ex ? of :clubs Of ~ 11 or mote copies, whlcl . will, be. Milled to oneaddsess,, : ADDITIONS .0101188 ' . „ml4*e',Mi`frlsfar !he 'following rates : , •;-Papers edde'Ottq,:o.,Outi'durirtg:the%firtst:qoarter of . Vie. climb's t he: origi ! fez n' , .:Yeser, doting:the' second quarter three titantiginal'year's rate; during '.!.... f - PljP,,.ijefikerialiellalf,',end dude 4 the last 'abe eAsechaubscriptions will erat note with the year of the . original • • • neiatiCip'4.; iieiiOcifeale POC:office dfrecteil . .to' One' wes co( ,t club al .'an i,IXA t IIPft.S ) wit ht 'llOl,O, tof handed to the . 0 , 111914 1-l i oB t4';ihekr.: Tel4Sl-MeklY:Aewapperi mt.liff ' 62 04'. where, Ptiti. l . . Wri - of .roumol Collo. otrooe,mi,'rork. ,ITAVtiIigALLooK,„ and Proprietots, 'W .- ;#: 1 1, , .•%.: A)/BSOISONO/ I L!' ' • • .." `Art: An'ii.litoitacti,i4iitticf•With hie:jut, milk Aiollisn',thve.-11.10. : Opkrtiloreltify in the 1 9 mboriug be iuiad ,3n CknwiGti T . otitity, , ,ku a in ilia Imam, ofsl ,6* ; Cii.,,'or•Mssiguai.ieti2 lllo 4 lol t stove'rAi.,!*i±a . .d to noboul . 14:the:dente. - 'Ontijaanin lauirgWeri •••• • kelt: 20; 1802; • • i f 111 OTHY E • i rty.: A uSii.,CLS, th'e , .17 viiii.:s.4o;:raisell'bY' , !nd for fnle CT P9i•tAilegany • Dec, 2%1861.: • „, TCIRED . HOUsE . gENDALdI3,4g, - TirKßAlt C 0,... HF . Spbberibe s r Mtyinst purehesed, this well T ret rnished :an& re-ft terl:tfie prepared, to : entertain BOard 'ers and:lle.'Fraireling ••' 'HIS 1:3A.11 .AND A.13r1A.1, •. • . Will be.welFriypilfied, everything (lone tri,merit'st 'ittare.opatronage:. Ita?fk men will . si*itys'fintLthe trtateh-string".ont. ' ..; FULLER:. Randal Creek,'laimary :1800 - • . A pfitsona 4nowitig . thOiselyea 11'to.the Are liarety notified to call and.iettle accounts ithmqdiately,.or costs will be.lTade. J. 8., (irro. • •••• • . . CII4IWIONER FOR: Tur:sTAT± or NEW 'TORN. Ato toite'proors suit acknowledgnio - nts' Of Deeds , and other iiietrutnentrto.be uetd . and recorded in Pald'Steto,' and.to faminteter•iinths or effircilatibne puFau..nt te;tho laWi . of eaid.Btate, Onoeyencer,' &A." Office in Laud Of • .fice of D Eingetinry, Bradford; . filcKeep CO , Pe. • • '. • • :March 14, 1881;4n.- , • • . . .•, ' BANK . ...NOTE.:AND: O.OIIIIEIICIWROORTF,It EDITED BY.-JOHN THOMPSON • Qutitationa•roreted by. Tliour . soN 13npytIER3) Ptiblisliaii by tIiAS. i 7 rall'ry.St - ' TEnsts : Ofi.sllßsCll.ll',floSl IN ••sity.stfct;; .* • • • , .To 'mail' Subteribera • • . Weekly,....s? I t . To PositOsiters o'r'.oth'ers; Who foini Clubs lin , ' tor. weld us t.he money Jo advance. we. pill mud the Repor, ttr Coin Pharr ;Maud; and /User/mime List, us fol• ' • 5 cordon of the Weekly, one nn • ' • 5 repies o'r the Somt•innutbly....... 4 . 00 • • . 10sopies of the.' Monthly 0 - We Will foriN:ard aratuitously , to any person .spnding . a nl4• l ' .• of t2O ,the above' raft4l, at Any cine•tirlie; our Aniarieart . gold . Coin: Toe TLIOMPSON BROTHERS, Bankmai • .• : • Wolf St. ,1 , 1...Y,-, , Proprietors. . . 1 • COURT TRO.OLAXATION.. I'ATHEREAS the Hon, -Robert, G.. White ' v y Preaident. Judge, find the:Hons. .J.Dar • linspand-N.-Peabody Assoelate Judges of the Courts's( Oyer.4 Terminer ,and.• General. Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions'of the. Peace; Or`-. phase' Court and Court of Common Pleas lei. the County of M'Keanhave issued their precept, bearing date "Friday, Friday, the : seventh day ni .March in the. year of our. Lord one -thou-- . senttelght hundred and' siXty.twm. and to. me directed,...fot holding ,a Coml of Oyer 'and Terminer and - General Jail' -Delivery, Quarter. , Sessions .of the Peace; . Oiphans' 'Court, and Court..of Common Pleas, in the . BoroUgh of Smethport,'oa Monday, the 30th day.of ; June next, and to continue one week. -• Notice is therefore hereby given to the C'oro nera, Justices 'of the Peace ,and Constables within the county; that they be then and. there , :in their Proper,persons, at 10 &clock A.. M. of .said their Tolls, records, imitiisitions, examinations, and. other.. remembrances, le . d 9 those things witiilf their °Aces appertain-t be done... And thoie who . are bound by their rec.. ognimees to prdsecete the prisonersthat shall be in thejail of said county of M'Keen; are to be then•.and. there to prosecute. against thorn as will be just. . ' Dated .at Smetimor .4 ., this 7th day of March 1802, and the -86tit"..year of the depend ence of the United Statei of America.' . - 'JAS. E. BLAIR., Sheriff*. PROSPECTUS SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, nEfi psi F;cit,ii;:tc.t, PArJ n ..:• SEVENTEENTH •: • • . . . :• A neyv'volume of this widely., circula te d pa-: per.i.ortimenetta On.tha ot . Januark: , - Every number;cont_ains sixteen pages of .useful . infor• . rnatien ntni from:live. to ten original engraving's •nf new inventioni and diicoveriesi,•all of which. are prepared eXpressly'tor its columns. • . .• • • • • The-5f,311 , , , TT1E1,C AME.I3IpAN.i sde v ot ed •to . . t hi:interests of Popular Science,the . Mechenic Arts, Manufeetures,..lnventions, Agriculture, Cornmerce'and the :Industrial . ' Pursuits genet., ally, and is valuable and. instruciiye.:not enlY in the WOrkshop and..ManufaCtery, buralo . in the frousehold,Ahe. Library •and ;the Reading To The Mechanlcan.d. ItiShninctured.. . . Na'pers'on .engagedln. any of:the meehanica' phrstiits.•should: think:M - 4°lllg without the .smm:ritic AMRRICAN'..' I‘ costa:l)olpar cents per week;' every number contains from Ox'tri ! , en 6 NifElYings of•new Machines and inven , tions, which cannot be found in 'any other puh lication;. It ic'en estahlishedrtfleof the _pub licher') to insert' noire Mit engraviOgs, and thoselot the first claQi, in the art, drawn and engraved by experienced persons !Uniiler their own supervisinn, • ' • • - ::.• , To•the Inventiirt ' : . ..SCIENTIFIC.. AMERICAN" - . The CI AME RICAN is 'indis. •pensable.•.to every inventor, , as it not only :con talint illustrated - descriptions of nearly .all the best 'inventions •ns they come out, hut olio.; number eontoins ail Official Listof the, Claims. of all:theilatentsissued from the [jolted States Talent bfftee dining. the week . pieviou's; thus ;dying it '.cilirect 'history of the PrOgress of in ventions in' this' country. We are: . also.reeeiy mg; every;oreek; the best.scientiOc- journals of Great. 'Britain,:FratiCep and Germany; • Op placing in oue.possession all: that is-transpiring in•'iri 'eeience . ., art in ; •theie . . Countries, -We shall . continue:.tii transfer, our scilumns copious extracts from .these.. jour nals'Or whatever we-mai deem of. ittleiest - to !altr.resdere. . . • .o!:l's . ciOii4;' ''Ai'c'kiie,.re', ,‘ .I . 4lll'wrigl;tri,:._ . ' Anil 7 • ,7 • It 114 ENTIVICv: AbIEItICAN will bp found'[ mpg usfelful:Jou s rnal'lo . them. , All' the new disCoveritt of science of chemistry 'aro, Lfi,§t Call. Circulation, 10o;olso MIME OF THI!. MEE given in itg:oolomtoi t and . tb.e . inter ests of the ,architect a rid:Oirrpenti4' iireicot 'ovetlookedt.all 'thee new in.l.4.ritions ilte(oy . :eries !type' tam. sing :AO t h e s e heing: publii=hed from %yeeli to isrek, Useful and Inar.tical intorr.)a ifein't;ei tainting ,to the. intwrests .. of. millwrights, and' mill-owners will be' found . pnblished•in. the .SCIFINTOIC • .Which infornjatiOn . they Cannot possibly Scibtili friim ady . other ''source. •Subjeets iit Whieh ;dont:firs and farnieis tire' in. ieresteds Will : lie found iliscuised s iri the : , -5C . 167., 7 : 1E:/C: .ANEfIZICAN• Most of the , iMprovemf;iits in agriculture:l imnletnents tieing Illustrate . 4.iii. its TEDTS, . . .... To.rpiil .i.P4icjihOrsi=TWo .Dol,fars•tt•Y•ear, pr.:'One ,Dollar.for Aix . month's. • One• , Dpilpr 'Tplys'fpr.6np . . epinp.lrte :yoftirile, pf .14 11 : page's; tvi.O. •voltiro.l.comprise one, STprt , ..tn6 v6l - commence or- . . the 'fin( of January .and etcl3 RATES Fke Months ' .: . -St .Ten copivs,:for Six Months 'ti , n . popie,s, far TmiPlvelanifis . -:•,•••:- $l:5 Fifteen copies, far Twefvft Months .- • - ••• $22 Twfrity copier; for Twelye . Alonitis . .;:-:- $2B . Tor all efubs of Twenty and . nyer,:t .year ly r hubscription is 6nTy.51;40.. can • ,be sent in at different.. and from :lifferent PO , t:ollir - . Speeirripti crmie eirt gra:. tin to tiny part o f the count .We'siern .and.Canadiup ten.rip's taboo at par . . inr . s4ht3ciiriOpn's. -Cann, dtan•sub . scribers - vrill pll;ise'i(Y . .retnit fp, cents 614.tra . io,n:each.yetli's .aubscrlption prelias, MUNN & CO.; Publishers, NO 3 . 7 *Palk-row New York • Scrofula . or King's Ev.il i 9 'a constitutional .disease ' a corruption .of the blood, by jwhich• this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor, Bang' in the'. circulation, pervades,. the whole body, and-may burst. put in' diseaSe•oe *any •part of it.. NO. organ is frep frOm its attacks, nor is there one wtich it may not'destroy: The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low •liring,• dis . ordered 'or, unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy :habits, the tlepressin vices, and, above all, by'the, venereal infection. 'What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in . the Con , stitutiOn; descending 6' from parents to children unto the third and ihurtlfgeneration ;" indeed, it seems to be the 'rod of Him who says, !.1 Will visit the Inipities .of the -fathers upon. their children." . • • . - Its effects Ceihmence by deposition from the blood'of Corrupt or ulccrouamatter, which; in the lungs,. liver,. and internal organs; is termed 'tubercles ; .in .the glands, swellings;, and. on the surface, eraptibus or sores: This foul 'cor- Tifption, which genders'in . the blood,. depresses the'cnergies.oflife; so that scrofulous constitu - - tiona .not only iffffer from scrofulous coin plaints, but they have.far less pawer:to }with; stand the ..atttcics of other diseases';. conse quently, vast numbers perish .by disorders which, although not scrofulous . in their nature,, are: still rendered fatal by. this taint in the tysteni: Most Of the 'consumption Which de 7 LI - mites the 'human family has its origin directly.. this scrofulous contamination ; and - niany. destructive diseases 'of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all: the-.organs, arise from ;or arc 'aggravated bk.the Same.cause...: ' One quarter of all.onx people are scrofulous; their persOns are 'invaded by this lurking in fectiOn, and thi3ir health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the System we mutt renovate the blood by 'an. Alterative medicine, and in vigorate it "by: healthy food and. exercise. . Such a modicum We supply in • *. . • . • . . „ • toinpoundlitractof Sarsaparilla the most effectual remedy which 'the medical skill of our.' times can • devise 'for this' every . where prevailing ruidfatadmalady.. It is.com bined frOm the' inost active remedials that lave been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder fro the - blood,' and' the rescue of :the system from its 'destructrve sconiequenceit. Hence it should be employed for the. cure of 'not' only scrofula; but alio those. other' afree;- tions, which , arise from it,.such" as ERUPTIVE and SKIN DisusEs,' ST. ANTIIONNIS ' ltdsa, or ERYSIPELAS, • PIMPLES, PUSTULES, BLOTCHES, BLAnkliand DOILSiTUMCiL9.I . NrkED: and SAT RHEUM, SCALD Ilmi.o; Ittßowortir,.. 4nEtimATissi, SYPHILITIC and MERCURIAL DIS EASES, DROPBY,:'DYBPEPBIA,. DEBILITY, and, ietleedi COMPLAINTS ARISING PROM VITIA TED OR : IMPURE Moms.' The 'popular belief in iinpueity of the. blood :' . is founded in truth, for Scrofula is degeneration Of .the blood.. The particular: purpose and virtue: of- this. Stirsapa- Tina ii.to, purify and regon&ate thisVital.fluid f • • without Which soiind health is impoisiblE in contaminated 'constitutions, '• '. . • • • Ayer's Cathartic Pills, • 'FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A.FAMILY PHYSIC, are 'so edit:pied : that .dieertse vvithin the range -of their action can. Varely withstand or evade them ; Theis: .penotrathig properties, search, and . cleanse, 'and invigorate every. portion of the human organ isM correcting its clamed action,.and.restoring its healthy ritnlitics." As la consecjitence . of these properties,. thajmnlid who Is bowed down with' ain or.-physical debility is astonished to find, his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and . , • ' 'Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every. 'body, "hut , also many inrmidable and dangerous discaied. -The agent below named is pleased to - famish gratis my American Almanac, -Om:Mining- Certificates of their Mires and' directions 'for-their use in the following complaints: Costive ness; Heartburn, Headache arisingiroin disordered ,Gtomach, Nausea; Indigestion, Pam in and Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Fiatuteney,. Loss of A ppe tqe, Jaundice, *and other kindred complai nts, arising from a-low state ofthe body or pbstructiOn of its functions._ . . flyer's, Cherrr Pectoral, ' rot TIIE turn) CURE et , Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, .Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump.. lion, and foilhe relief of Consumptive ,Patients in advitneed stages•- of the disease. So wide is. the field of its Usefulness end maw; morons are the Cases Of. its 'cure., 'that almost -every section. 6r:country abounds in persons pub; licly known, who have beenrestored from alarming 'and even desperate • diseases of the. lungs .hy its tise. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of itslind is too apparent to escape observation,:and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate. what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous 'affections of the pulrnonary.organs that are incident to our climate. While'manyinferior remedies thrust : upon the `community have failed end:been .discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits . on the afflicted they ican never .foiget,:and''pro. duced . cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. :• • • • • • PREPARED BY • DR. J. C. AYER & CO, LOWELL, MA:SS. . . Co.;• H. tlainlin. & ; Smetliport ; Os good, •Bradforq; L. H. Dolly, Port Allegheny. and by dealers everywhere. • TREASURERSIALE Of '.:Unseatc4. Lands for the . Yetrg 1860 , and 1061. . given th'it agreeably to Act of Assemblyin sOcifectia*Made send, Movided; following tracts'of _Unseated. Land in „M'KenticoOnty . be exposed,` to miblic sato, for arrears of TaXes, at the• Court tionse,in said Courny j 'on tile second AtoMlay. . . . Cerra rorlshfp. , WAIOT SUIT ACRES. SUPPO36I) 0. 2.230' 29 A T.llarden •.;2 47 ' 2220 ' • 55 S.A •Ileekus '• '''4 68 3479 • 150 Poonelly IlOust, • 1273. '4325 atl &n.& Wood ~ . '• 702 ' '4329 .. • • '3O John Zing - . 2'53 2130: 7O Joseph Bush ••• It 06 • 4720 • -'' 947 Adams • 20 . •• 3145 .:• ' ..',• ..150 boorgo 11'Stoddard 31.98 ' 25.rionme ER: Shinnons 2.13 Eldred . . 10 • . - 200 OT. Ward - •• 12 50. .528: . ' 200 01, Ward • 12 . 50 6122 • r. • ,660 N B Eldred ' .- .41 ' 331 " • 201 3 A Backus' ••.•12 09 3162 60 Lyrian, Flarrle ' • 3 13 0120: . '5O Jerome Nuttiiig . • 313 ,4322 401 ChateberlalnA.Rea 25 44 4723.' - 153 Chamberlain & Rea 11'44 2066 83 Chamberlain & Bea '5 19 3163 • . .114 Cheruberlale& Itea. 650 • • ' •Gliq' Town.chip. :. . .1015 1100 Olein Lumber'Co . 71 50 do :do' do' • • do pifm do •• ' ' 207 71 • 514 . 9' 1100,11 W Dein'7lso 8353 76, 0 • W. Dariett • • ..", ;6 40' 208.0. ' ' :'53 Hobart Barton' • - 4150. 5551 • ' 103 010 Ftertwidi dc-Bio 22 63 , do - . 3,71 Peitou & Co. •• • • ,60-18 . . . . .'; • • ;• Brirdford Township.: .-• . 1100 Raibb.Me, Charles 105 00 3909 • • • 700 and Others', 62 50 34 , 14 - .7100 •„. '• do . • -• 82 'do apoo.. • • 400 .do 5.0 LO 3530 1160 Chamberlain and • • • ' . • ' Fenton • .765 00 . 4005 . • 560 Ilan •and Barr •• • 82 50 ; 11542 •.. 130. • • •," •'. • '• 076 . 140'• • • • 10 50 -4005 „ 550 Tuna Lumber Co. 115 50 4006 1160 • ;• ,; ' do•-• 4057 do', •. • . • 173 25 400.9 • 3406 • - 041" , .69 81.• 3406 t • . , 479 , • • 00 . 30 3 07 4536' ••• ' ;000 SW 'Bradley . • • .169 00 4536. - • • . 700 • . . .147.00' 4337 •. •:‘ • , 1100 - • . • - 11550 4338 • -do' - • . • .231 00 4319 do' ,' • • ' • ' 1.1560 30.08 do D Kingabory - 03 50 3105' 222 • • .• •• • .18.7 '4136 • • .285 54 23 3907. 1050 -..• ' " . 89 25 73350 • • .575 ' 49 89 33 1 1 •5p -,„. . 45.22 '3066 , •: • 151 , 12 84 '3316 3~0. 1539 • 2285 . 567 • • . " :ONO 314, ' 29 24 437 , 37,15 . . .3120 781. 60 39 .31.41 • • 0822_ 3107 .424 '8317 'l5. 128 3332 ' • • 7E112 3329 • • 079 — . • b 3 22' 2181. • 9131 D * Kingsbury • Bl 09 3120 ' • 503 D 'Kingsbury •48 03 3410 • • • 614 D Kinufsbury • . 5319 '3309. .. 740 D Kingsbury. • .62 90 02 2 7. ' '.790 D Kingsbury .. 67 66 2284 . • 410 D Kinrbbury • .. .37 40 3313 • ' 033 D Kingsbury, •1981 • 3310. • 427. D:lilngsbu I y .• 36 30- 3905 •141 D Kinksbury • ' 2809 .1421 . 'llOO 11. aud.B. R. R. Co. 115 50 3129. ' • ••• 505 ll,•:atid,l3. Th.. It. C 9. 69 33 3120 ata 11.•ana 11; R. 111,00. '4B 41 • 3128' 487 11. awl 11. RAI. Co; .•.51 14 3125 ' ' . 081 D. and U. R.R. Co. 103 nu 3125 .• 7018. 73 61 3120 • ' 11110 Lee nod RopkinS. ...115 50 '283'8 P Beecher 21 23 3110 • 399 S, P Beecher 14 53 2288 • 566 8 013secher 4245 • • • • 106 0 7,4ffirtY ' • .*. • 14 7.0 . • • .100 8 Walker , • 750 2312 ' • 500 111 1 1 r9ntiss .•5 23 3317. • • '139 Moon Lumbet Co. •• • 14'60 '2286 191 D . KlnOburikokhers 16 41: •.• • Corydon. Towliship. 4876 • 521 D.Kin - mbory 57 31 .1007 10131) Kin g sbury'll4 73 '4l l OB. .• .51( iormbu ry ' • . '3O 03 4910 • .". 105 , D,Itintoibuty ; . : 21'46 .4509 . • .10;13 71 Itingehury, • •.• 114 73 3609 10:10:C P Bailey • 11000 3720 . t) P Bailey do .3721 ; do 'C P . Halley •• do 3702 uo 0 P•Railey . do ' 3704.d0.' Wm. II Pratt •.•'• do . 3731 . do Wm. fl Pratt. • .do • • .7: 420 Wm', Wilkleon / 47 19. •8 : 499 :Famiern , ater and ' . • Conklin 47,10 do ' .do . • 23 60 • do do.„ - • do . 12 ~ do ‘ do. • do. 3711.. ; 1005 • do " 110 60 66 bo . 3715, 1000 G A Miller " 110 00 3716 : • 5OO, do • ' • ". .55 ; 00 '4908 ; 7011:en and I.l4klna 83 71 3705 '• 161 Unknown' . • •. 17 7,1 3“17 • • lta p ,'do ' • ; 140 00 3731 , 700 : Phelps ; • .77. 00 10 100 .1 Andel:mon . ;, ~ 11 00 ~ do' •. • • 200 Jer Bean'. • 2200 • • F1'07)1 . . 412 • .9910 415 Wllkiaron and'Co. •bb 74 . Litiarty..Toion'ship. •15 zri Vladimir aro • • • Rockwood • `.1608 • 173 ", • 160: 'do' ' ..1 14r6 .2 4'16 0 4 0 4 244 „500'8 Ross • ' , 80 00 2014 ' 900' • • 141 o'l 3,51 ' 161 Res end Elarile": 3:80 • 1357. dp • . • . 16 00 2165 .116.. ,do . 2920' 62 24 *., . *do 215 Jacob OuSe . ' 7231. 2158 70 • do 20 65 1290 • 35 do 10 38 1312 " 23 .do • : . • 970 • . 60 Peltoif and - Halsey Bxi '230. . do • . 27 60 .120 J 0 Colemin . 24 00 2175 • . .82. • do. : • , 656 ' • 2471. ' 94. do ' • • 36'3 .2166' "- 10.1 A N ' 800 • 2441' 25 • do • ' '•.2 00 2174 .63' do • ; • • 6 08 9435 ,- 26 do' ' 2 00 . 2474 204 T 57 Winans • :-'• . 16 00 .31171 - 3000 W Rea :• 36110 • 3150'.. :360-... do • . • • 43 20. 2327 • .25 do 400 From Secited: • • 100 Timothy Chookon' 125 50 W Vandilse : 83 ICauti lig . Tortiqslfr.ip! 2003 .80 Arthur Young 9 60 2075 • 32 do, • : • 320 2148 620 Bull and Mono 74 40 2265 , •, • 654 •• do • 7848. 2259 •• • • 200 •• do • • , .21 00 2091 . 162 . (4 W Rea . 1./16 2261 . .182141101m0s • 1468 ' ' • • . From arated. • 62 Tine. Quirk 08 L.feryeete Towqs4ip., • 8094 • .130 9 Y DoeobOr • • -9 75 2277 . - .168 " ' -.. do -, • 13.60 3186' , • 413 8•V R Watson 95 31121 . `• ;118' B.i 11 Watson . • 3436 .1 3600 ind otheis •• : 61000. 3245 1418 Bartwell , 21 , 15 2/57 . 74 ' do , -11 10 3389 • - • 93 Joseph Dronh . 1395 , 3431, •. • 'l' 123 Davis *ndoo, ~ 16 95 2251 /, • 2256 $ 100 8 B Lee, or Ilawklbs 15 00 3116 1000 D Kingsbury • 75 38 3901 • , 303 ,• ''do . • . 22 73 , 3437' • b7d do 85 50 2277 - • . 021 - 'do .69118• .2276 ' 1100 do • 8250 ' 2278 561- ' do . • ' 42-30 - 2275' 089 ' :df • • • 74 03 2274 . 982 do' 15 3422 • 93 • 'do 13.96 2404 . 'lOO. do .15 00 , ' 3408 . 1100 111 F ox Estate olv 50 .3110 ,do •. do ' do 3432 528 • . do . . . 39 45 3433 708 do • : ,'.9000. .1248 • 177 S Morse '. • .26 65' 2213 • 850 do , . ' '.97 60 '2248: • 4105 hull and Moiae 90, 75 , 224.7 • 739, • • der • r ll . O 86 '2263. -. 588, '•do . : 8.700. 2251 , _ 508 'do , ' 75 90 2257 • 245 do • ' • 3675' .2258`..• 306 :do. . ` . '52SO 34-4 • • .05 1711kirmon& Plimpton 488 3137.. ' . •30 , ;do ; . . 225 • • 11,1: - 3137 "469 do 31259 '3136 90... do ' • Hamilton Township. . • D Kingsbury .• ' 603 Wm; Brackett' - , • 1043 .C.Braker 1723' Warren Co. Bank. s.. , ...1043':L ilousleit C Arise , do' .1 Flagler do •W Oager. • 100 Smith Law 134. • 113 do , 4 : 537 do 5 . 147 22:5 : D. Hitiper . 7 3,43' do * Dunning 1 • ...130 S Laing •.• ' • ' 225 E Hunsiker 3 ..91 do do 4 531-1-1-,Brackett 5..'.121` 113 . • • . • 3 * : • 100 A Anderson :: • .133: 225 Asher .Wright 150 do .0 11 . Childs, • 6, 126 1681, 0 M Slocum, 7. .141 . 113 Isaac :Jackson 9: - .131 : 225 Lyman Locke: .. 68 . do J 14c4ib's'Esfate o 140. :do , • : do . 145 do . do . 15 ; 1.48 dO do •• 15 1111 do • • • do' • .. • 2' 384. Jerßean r 7 141 ll3 N VenneSs 12 • 96 .225. Thonias Boyd 7 142 do ' • . 88 W. S Oviatt /2 ....•1413 vv.s Oviatt' o 123 .225 C Palmer': . 124 do . • do .. . .3,30 do 'do 43 ',93 225 R G White' 32 95 225 W Seofidd • 69 .138'.' '125 p 09 .Icx 100. P Shedd : • 96 128' 225 11 Allen 69. 132 225 T Novtoin . 13 • .94 225 D McCormick. /2 ' 100:1 Seeley' •• / 56 . • 200 A Warner 2' .200 . T and .1 Batley 1 . .205-3 Lewis '• 0 • '2OO Warren Bank 1 150 Warren Bank • 5 • 125 Walren Blink' • 1 200 Unknown • 3 • Ellsworth 3 68 J•A Anderlmil• 5 121, 113 Payne or',Phelps 9 137 225 Wetmore • . • 'Wottoielt 'Township 75 Brandreth or.P.aine • , 500 . . . 94 A Seeley •, 654 J.Nlnning . 47 C.lYerby 2588 4557 • 2.116 4 • 2417 28 I 52 W Gallup • 4 6 . 4 Cluirlea Tinker 2862 . . 120 94'0 J Hamlin ~ • 188 Fi'n . ney and Co. • • . 94 R Hollieter 2462,. .. 890 Rdc . W Ifalsey ' -80 ,10' 2451 1-16 . . - 13 14 2394 • , 200 Smith Winans and Co. 36.00 2386 . 170 ' do. 3O GO 2802 • 961 - do' . 172 98 '2443 .880 . • do ' 144 00 ~ • , 110 15 do • • 270 • .: " 111 19: . do • 342 • 119 • 170 do • :21 GO 120 146 do. , 26 58 121 96' - • ••• 17.28 39 175 • do 15 . 75 2381 -23 900 d0.....-• 81.00 2455 ' 309 • do 27 81 • 94 N F - • S 46 188 Gar rt. tson &McCullum 16 92 141 Thomas Robbins .2 12 69 2393', .• 2386 2330' 30. 2583- . 8 .2583 9 .2438 . . 94 F Lathrop. 197 H;Hamli'n' . 40 HHamlin' 94 'Alfred Seelei}i Township 900. Hillsey!i.. 100 Jones or Finney 94 Jer Bean 124 George . Wiggan • 30 George Wiggan 121. Gt•oige .Wigg9u do B D Hanitio: do B D Hamlin . 30 B t) Hxmlin 94 A Bradner do A' BradnPi 153 Zack Hiiwkips • :47 Zack Havrkins 50 Horace Starke 1.00 .Wrn Ripley . 8 75 20 Winans and others 1 75 617 Winans and .others 53 93 546 Winans and others 47 78 520 Winans and. others 45 50 607 Winani:and others 53'11 365 Winans and ot hers 31 94 778 Winans and others 68 08' 900 . M'Kein&EIIC Land co 60 - 75 000 do . - do 900 do do do 800 do • do.- • 5-I 01 480 , do • -do 30 38 900 do • do 60 75 do- do .- do do do , do • do do ~ do' di,. :116 do : . do do: do' do . do do dO do .'do do do *do ,do. do • do ' do , - - .dO • do do do , do 'do do do do .do• do , do ~do .• •do do •do do . dk do . do do do , dO' . do do do do do do •doi. dO . do do • do 'do do do • 'do do • do do. do. do .. • do do .• do ; do • do - . do •do do - do . do , . dO do' do do - do 3132 • do. '•• do •,. do' 3607 , 5.00 do do . 33 75 3692 . - 9O - " do , 60 75 ' trotmos .• 2571 • 181. - . GC Seeley 542', do .do '39 G R Partturf . .. • ~312 • 2394 218. ; ''225:J - Harbeck . '. _.'18:00 • 2400 • . 188:,. Thds : Bey4 "466 2567 263' 225 • Thoi.toyd: 2555' 229.• ; de ':Thias .136y4 OO. 2568 .221 125 Anna Fulsons 1000 . 2391 . , 311..'.112' Thos•lowis 2555 . 219 225 : 00 . 2587.. : 301 'do .TBites ' - do d 0 .," 304 do iliates ' 2391 293 •.1.25 . H A Cainp: • : 10'00 2571 'lBl 56 Henry Omit : 448 do: 182 ' "112:"Henry Oct 1) 896 2395 297 .225 . Simons and:others 18 00. . do,Simons and others . do • do 30$ do .Sitrions arid others ' .2318 309 do Simons and others,'. •do 2399 .. 230 'do:Simons and other* .• . dO 2392 '337 • do, Simons and others do do 347 do Sirrions ind . othera .. •do •.. 'do 33.6 167 Simons and others 13 36: . 2310 • 349 225 Simohs and others 18 . 60 2572 - 371 . do. S4ner.s and others. • do 2452 213" 125 E.E.Backett • •' 10 00 . 2397 ' '172.;225 Gideon-Irons, . 16 . 06 2452. 214 . .113 .1 H.Phelps - 904 •. 23 94 227 225 T Struthera : : , .18 09 2391'..'312 do TStruthers : do' . 2390 215 113 Hiram Payne ' • •9 04 2399 . 2.16 137 Hiram Payne , • • 10 96 2452 231 ..`ll3 Hirarn.Payne ..9 04 2452 214 I'l2 .Hiram Paine . ,•8 96 , 2597 259 . . 225 Hiram - -Payne : 18 . 00 2395 .298'.225 Hiram Payne' . 1350 .2:585. .299. ' do . Hirain Payne . .. , .13 50 ,2582.. 430. ', Payne 13"50 2466 .431 -do Hirsin Payne. • 13 50 2466 432: do . Hiram Payne'. ,• 13.50 2582' 429. do' Hiram Payne ' 13 50. 2662 .339 do HiraM.Payne: 13 50. 2562 • 346 do Hiram Payne • • 11 50 .2575., • 179 do S"L "Gregory & . 18 96 257:5 180 . B Gregory.& `Co"' .18 00 . 2397 .189 .dd S B Giegori & •Co 'lB'oo 2397 • 190.' do:8 B. Gregory& Ce .18 OD 2465 . 269- 225 S Terwilliger 18 00 2400 • 178 do L.Bartlett & Co' . 18 90 .2460 * 187 .do I, Bartlett &Co , 18,00 2497 260 do Isaac Hobb's Estate 18:0P 2563. 267 •do Isaac Hobb's Eat • 'lBoo 2.587 302 , :do laser Hohb's Est .-• .18 OP 2587 - 303 do Isaac' Hobb's Est 18 00 2574 174 do .. Isaac Hobb's Est. 'lB 00' 2467 ' 352 dd. Isaac Hobb's Eat 18 00 :2320 . 375 do Isaac Hobb's Est. - -1800 .2389 .' 382 do 'lsaac Hobb's Est - "'..1 800' 2:390 .422 .do !sane Hohb's Est. , .18 90 2320 389 do Isaac Hobb's Eat . •18 00 25 55 44 02 76 14 52:78 3 65 7614 do do 7 30 8 25' 3020 1643 38 98 $ 25 7 30 1643. 28 03 21 39 8 25 16 43 113. H .1V 225, Henry" Sanger 100, Henry Sanger' 28 Jn.stus.MilJer: 150. N Smith 100 F: H.Fnlsom 2582. 2390 3759 3704 300 F D Kidder •. .. - '24 00 225 H A Catrip . 18 00 75 H E Holland '. ' 600 do Jll Phelps.& Law 000 100'L H Hall. : •.. - . 800 100 J P i3ascom .. 8 oo.' 100 H T Bradlee 8 00 225 . . . 18 00. 58 C.W Newell .... ' 400 225 E. i Fabes . • . 1800 112 Src;pben Hall • ' '8 96 225. Hart & Phelps • 18 00 200 . Hart & Phelps .. ..16 00 225 IrWood lB 00 -112 H.Wood ' '.' 8 96 100 Wirren Bank . . B.oo' 210 Warien . Bank • ' 19 20 225 Powell & Briggs ' 18 oo . 225 Powell & Briggs ' 18 90 50: Peter Allen • • ' • 4OO • do. A Morse . 225 C Wightmari• . '. • 'lB.OO do .T. Struthers . 18 00 do T•Strathers . . , 18 00 225 TG.Banks -- •• . 'lB 00 80, Samuel Coleman ... . 640 25 Geo Bostwick - . 290 225 Geoßostwick' ' . ' . . 18 00 175 Seth'Haekett .' ... 14 od. 225 H H Brackett - .. 18 00 Sergeant Totans/tip. • 90 Childs & Carter 16 64 goo Warren Bank . . 3040' 120 Hart '& Phelps . " , 21 84 990 Chas Hebner - , 90.09 do Chas Refiner . 180 18 do . -' ' '' .180 . 18 'do ' 18018. 100' John Glover - , 18 20 990 Halseys ' '. 90.09 522 ', 1-1418, 1q • : .. ' : 47 32 990 Balser: • • .90 09 . do HalSeys. " - '9O 09, - 746 Halseys ' • . 67 89 188 A I Wi1c0i.......34 22. '6B. A I Wilco* ' " 12 38 41 W H Barnes .• . '3 73 42•'W H Barnes' . .' . 382 123 G'l3l3ackus .'.. -' 22 75 564 M'Kesin&Elk Land Co 80 09 , 900 M'Kean&Elk Land co 127 80 900 M'Kean&Eflr Land co 63 90 900 M'Kean&Elk Lai d. co 127 80 900 M'Kean&Elk Land co .63.90, 790 I%,l'Kpan&Elk Land CO 56 09 .690. M 'Kean&Elk. La nil co 48 99 524 M'Keun&Elk Land co 37'20- 900 M'Keen&Ela Lando° 63 90 do M'Kean&Elk'Land co 63'90 do M'Kerin&Elk Lain! co •'Bl 90 do M'Kean&Elk Land co ' 81 90 do M'Kean&Elli'Land co ' 63 90 do M'Keau&Elk Land co. 63 00 690 M'Kean&Elk Land co 62:79 900 M'Ketin&Elk.Land . co 63 90 300 :M'Kean&Elli Land co 42 60. 900 WKerin&Elk Land co 81 90 'do M'Kean&Elk Lamle& 63 90 do'M'Kean&ElkLand co ' 63 90 dO M'Kean&Elk Land co - 63 90 • do 'M'Kean&Elk Land co 127 80 900 W Wernivail • ~. ' 180 18, 940 %- 'do : ' 171 08 874 ' : dO .. .- . 151 . 97 45 50 824 -,' • dn . ' .. ; 149 97 755 - ..',': do . • 137 41 510 •• . do , • '.. 98'28 Ho .' . •do . . 180 18 990 . •do •' ' , 180 181 990'' ' ' do , • ' - ~ 'lBO 18 999 . ,do •• ' 90.09 810 ' do , 73.71 250 " .' do •• : • • 4550 990 ',, do . ' 205 " 'do . • '' • 3731' 191 • • •.do •- .. 34 76. 160 13 D Harnlin . • ' . 32 76 .67Winans'and Cs ''6 10 • . .: - Wal.';lC . KING :- Triosoros. TREASURER'S OFITIOX, . ... ' . ' SMETHPORT IWOICIAN 60; . . , 1 .P*.:March ;It, 1p . 62..*: •• , ..f. ( 563 8 46 1692' 8 46 2603 279,7 2934 2675 2729 2345 2513 2684 2685 2076 2723 2695 2471 10 85 2 63 10 85 do 8 00 2 24 12 00 boa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers