*ws a .__:,..: 0 , A4 4 , . - it . _ ii•hen titOf et rimacsornes . ,‘7..eiti,40641., r ad ru" /t tbfbn. , • ~,, ~,. , : - k..l#fre . ‘ariadrar. td: the Vets°, Tinspf, statei '• '. 'Allie: iiisieieeithas'ile§ Rd to itrialte i-tiito ft • ' '' ''''' iii ' f iiit dlipet:' 'OP . • ;.- :. '•', :W " iii*:l34 .411tm.1, ! cyliiiir,..tt bout ',*as,,iii - ila . ', foutOitie tinii, past a prello,4i tiii- I stia til a-IP4)4llllution. .- . , ' • ' ' .--, . • C- i - t •' i•• ':i,f'V y ... i ; tt " ie ,, ffa : ' : 4'. • a : 1 1 f , e tt f - i ;''' • ' 1 p ' 4o . 0 - 01ees , e r ' ebe tw •- ea r fifty altlt,liatiesrF rebe , rtioopi ' - bet Wee) ' ; '''. 4 • - • i- 4 ,'N - • 3 'o l o`iti' ,i el iq,l ';••'•''... ,z, ~ ~,.: ' ,if,r,,,,,• 4lgaina,', repreaeat , that , a rffmktl ;ma eLeite i . 'Chariest*, with, small quite ti . Alia: IWiltoittilegli'ailfrehcheirthat port' -', .', ',• -;MiliskiltAff,Afr rtia„fr -. 1 , - ,, r 'f: ' 7 t;, , i 41 ,;I - ~? - -,•• i , ' .• . • ,„ 00, .-` 111 •-, , eSlPON'#lo.lik,t-ql.diaf ge9tlefpaa th,a! ' • • aii?aialfillaineil 'to weiaht, . ore! twe iv a 1/e;dei, Arie '';lltitieeiS.:;lte'•', hoe , lett' i he' iita'r iiiiit(iit4ttt• The grillit'AtibrikittotiffijAiavgain'ealf, mac h plait • •,. tjtrii.Veltiels at l'bri Royal had al smart ' . h i' T. I.lit A t d •tt" II ' 't 1 • '- 01151allitt•••P'I ~„5 1. 3 , .. atpa s „rebel flt : t Ila an•,011,100..i1p t*,alipareritly rn'a kin g.• - an aft : lo i th . tovipievtilopi ; into fort lid lask i. • lisitittifilsitiirit or Chns.t :Buchanan, who' died fiesittliPlebentV.tinrboard.theMerrimag, have, ,•tieihivittittikilifiir the ., purposw of having-his re . ardifll'ilifielditaMa4land,..where . .he. was horir:. -taa, l- . ta-,,, -w• , ..- •••.• .- • • • , ' • , •xy z aalki94top,,Sart4y• cl.reaict's was seized g , at.,,,.„.,,,,,,,,,:.„,,,,,,,,,,:,,,, „46.d.y, for. viola ''.tintAltßftieftolapLire.to,tiia publicat ion .0 r wit. rittitii. Vip,,efilar,,O,lA.iti,tvai.in unintentional' errefifrActiy4,iiit.,tri:do scr•a;a in, and was let iig LOPia't 'A , ,4ql , :i , ' . VS t' e''' : ' • . '', ' • 1 11111(111riab:et iCorittreisional . t(slection'!. was •hilf4o.4blaNkiithimpfon and ~, ectirnae counties (litaliataithito,ttdttiiq 'Col. , Segur —or: Segar--- whtifillaliiiihiVii•hatiti once •rej ec tad- by to n - 'griiiii'VAiiitiiin IC candidate; and received' a huddi'etinfizeo4l l -iottis.;! .. .! -.,•,- 1•• ~ .'-.: •' , ; ' • • kile."”trAL , ..::..i4:i ',. 4 ?Rx.sp ai cn t rlt ‘ Pg- rob, e - t 1 1 .- • a • rY - .doc . . me !. r i ifl tu l •Plep 'cil. thafiattle of Bill .iOcia;kiltw,4l/14Yat: an ,attsee..;a, meth= tatea (14ucW:efl iejii,Sarne.'time that Mc- Dowitl stqa eked '6i:rebels haite•been fOutid it 140iarat .t.,,,:.,ir . 5 , _ , ~..• • , • • • bringi :European news to thil47WiTiettrteielivf ;the: ,capillre 'of:-Fort ilieifittillAitarbareihed; ; England,.. and was re. EsAleit aiticAteryiiiipqr trent vietoryi and Amer.. adytineed: , .the LOndon s tifflda r however, deiiraciliteit the importancivol tho46or4;virttoillte., „There ; is a. new, Italian IffifectinstaitiplsoWtnixatitine •the tes,es'of pa- Ittigit.4l,l l Ktierl6P...9ofiilo at•Witehing agiftshmitrAit:etio,.wkroi wq intlnn. s i.in,itiondny,,last. pen. Dix, end . Judge teliin •Piete , eiTdlnfid't •'edihiniisionPrs; 61610,7 litittfittetti it thin add ell 'one of its own officiate to /hi 'Ettatiniettion.. •• The Itinveft'omenitteelif the Senate, su'dden. lyeciineitteittlatAttentfficieney.of , vessels like the , E repo r bill et once fat the appro priation ni fifteen ,milliondoll ars forqran4jild veseeli-ot-iiiii;.Afief the stirring: Road., I hiire ii no' doubt of thOttitindintiepteisige of the bill. . •rri•e•Gereial:"lfitetibas decided that.disr . . ab*Viiilllarit•hiiiiEllelFfeif - threelars, or during the war; are entitled to invalid pensions under is ll4.l.ak°c,hoo,l4.l.q 6l ','Ond that disabled ni en' ' the:three mOnthe valiiriteers;linder the Pres. ihtra'Allril . 15:1861, re en • tlithoistcfliesteitinii - antler the:acts or ..1802;and. Cs, I. 149 „th4t there'is.no la s w proi;iding 10r. pssAnticlauk,,tu,,.wirloyea and ;orphans, , Soldiers. wbirfiilf in the preient •••• • - • - •.• • • .'pae folloyring•is a tiocnoleut found in a de•• 1 .T,111.4, 6 1.;•i.f. • . • Al,foim . ydr,d,Yaulcee nccupy - into I . 4pujiltrifoynn...him,that lt.bis-ebstuna- much 'lifbor . had good chrifer• that' you ma y : have the (or rn issern en t t wo rube 411*4 4 410:1"fiik , F4sPg0011"0" Filitii , ets• • • • • ..•*.‘q•ciurs • •• •• • ' Jist FF1t . 06.30N" • . . . . • d'slor.66ltiasois haf.pocisated-liod .killed same oftiledost,rsteasate! of..theXansas Legislature 'AVM slAIT..( 4 PR 1 1 ) 1 104 0 01 1! 'fat- a • prison, an Vet ViCotptratiyit'airiCulidral. so'cteties, en act ippoi n g: a thigerioseettilqiitotgO.W.,Callarsorcy, to. rec op oAm p 44, t4ie (so* t4e . lnteriot Dept' r t span 1,;, 119/ ,t ,olStates Aonds..The Lea yea eigrtee•O'riiiiiiriiisWegys• •'. • • ' 1 •446 , 11. tiS;liiiegio :to echo the ipapellar4itilii`etle,)ohie h . proposes, a speedy atm hamptst.c l ooll4skoalo.the life . of: n opt.,; scouodte doveiner?' • • . . . m . . zglgiß iioistlifAv.Bita , !—'-The ,hoesteatl. , bill •WltftiV4,kftg.fi s ,f ,, 9fß..qPrenifqi v e 0 9 ; Ft I nab provwes.that , on,and'afte'r the first of. next . itOiratt,'; infiie;Piti: 21: . years a : ate,• whO s is'a diiiiini titlA,Vhbliiiiiiisidat4ll- his, infentiOn. to. be `aitc§,tind•mlieva.bisP - et.4o i:OftOlV:the ••land: 'and ISOV.i4elyttdcoieuKthYtai!,i, phall ' be - entitled to 160 acres,.upoir.the patment of .the. land , Offi:e lees titiel.s:lo to eovar the expenses of survey:-L. Thp t6. s osar f hit i i iil i e . i r i il i . iii .''t eiet*ei 6 id e i'd i i vi r all sett ice e. of %Sosoersiosirtriliringihe.iiese o t war.; . . . . 3Y1.411.)1 9 A?• ,. .5 ° J 9t i x9 PT E P nrtr I _WA:VMS. .SplinifiPldii)i., ':114141 ' s.—tile State COli sii i pttAttrg . F , lnAnntton „.. .: ll i lay discussed , the 'or. iii t lfi 4 l , l „ o 6., ,p , re . VetiO negrOes int' mulct toes "frittr-t9-OfiltiPtio!":°l!•.l4° S t ate , .... piohibits Vieth . .trm t mg..,..11,1 gi-the3lslpt Or suffr age, . andre .it#4ft 01 1 0 ereto '! .tVlA.e l 3;!4; , to 'peso' !awe to £.14.41i,914,11,1int Moo; otorp.o .- t „ et ~ art lc e. The ottielot was 'oilopta t ir,ii,y,-giat lons,' iii Coinmittqi. 4f iiiii'iVOri. 4. -114ini)141 l yi`kiithin'ssiit;mitted - ts - 1 1 ,,•ot 4, 1 - '1 ~ ~..), ',4-; ' to Ine - convention,, an con c urred : in by a -'vote e.r..fesiiiiitill!, 6k i' 7 ,'?''' %-•*:-.'- ""i :' '• '. - - ' • , - 1-' , ..v,1zk042, , 2,-, 1 7 . 0, - *. i ,- •'4. , :';':- ..• • : •:- ... •: - ' ' . , In qeiltto!L,....TlTAltiioS!i-Ori.cilO. TtTc!it of the . o lll e , *,',. l o l *.nifii.klkii.ti'af-i';:-. •q.,• , ' ....:. `. :, . . ~1. 1 4 . onitstf.l°Yi.ifikkf-, : ggn!a!, cOmPaPding 1 1 1 1.41rffoakil.q4iirv.e z qntleOvored .0 curry ;out I tvavir Tint4e:iniiinetiotte !ifv4if m4' 6y . t;-ini' ititifte;4 ViiWitiatie,"-hh4 ha s= fit , ..'eVeill illii i t iteOnkOnliOnguyellriooittnicienkiwith',ll-ht.'llntie : , - .4 ilb#t*we P. fix jnlutur. t0.,,n0tai1 , ,,,..the: remai n i n g .-. Tfie:Oni,V thinil have ltioea'iiil he' elinient ti.' Ihlr'dtsiliititehecl-!tiinif " Metiii`.44 - iiiihi - 'eit'''ffie riVeinilititi4 ego 1 ' ' ''.. ~.,,, - I!!! . !4*liig"irtiti r efi -'Of/citte A l itidg)it :6 leellirltitie - el . .' t P ie 9 eei . r f"i.l 4fiVii,"Orihi'irniili;Aiii kr * " '''''''rtii`; 6 ' . m: ,.. /. ~ e g . t , J ovorninnt' ' )47)ll4kit :- : r ioeli'P ia" : ih f l t, .1.4-to. **9*-tri54 41 :: 00 05'4,4. 1 ,T,7,1 •*,:4•/***l4:•,-.;;,:o;v-If'.,'• The CnptUrG ot Newberp, . •" The .caFktete yl Neyvhern‘llo..lhe•gickt,cr.edit -ohhi' afreirt;:tor,i'Ciur army thiit has yet , plllOO 4 e ()pontoons ryle re plajltieil,br were executed .!y 'the' 04Vii?e4iit Inn arl't 114 , *.A'rmy end 00 vy 'the most ~ , itiethodicol!.lo.l. h rlilliasiq. - auicoasfel ibeetner ; . 4 1he trtiopi, chaiihiphit renbh triente `deteildell' superior nonibere, •if i , rdayine .0 • ateady,valarworthk of veteran acdtlieri.', "- • Newbern 'le . a .town of ,odout 6,54.0, 'nimbi-, tan ts v ii teil At' about the. nitdiile of I hii.cotor br..Npio Carolina, :ou, the soul h .side of , the keitio'fieeri veil`stream', .tohieh stoics, southeasterly,-into Pamlieo The.;'teeun. is connected••Witti• Beaufort, tibout...- . 41) miles. to the .soktheaetcon ttid toast, by e(inilreed,•arid 14:.'nPike; which iuifalong Vdry'near;:.l . heisonth early "hank of . the i 'Neese;'• • The' rebels :had Planted batteri . esnaleng 'the solitherly - tiank ., of the' river to pretiontthepaitiuge'.of : Vetiseli;',and had. constructed Antrenehmenta.'..at Awe Pointe. across the railroad'anCturnpikestoreVent the passage of • • tudiday;the''.l . ..loif March', Majne•Gen eral•.':Berttaitle. em barked . .bbOut , 8•000' troop's' •Iyhich.were Roanoke 'Llsland, . s trinsporta and gunboats..under thncomtiriand ofCOmMarld er:Rowfan,• and:proeeedad. to the Neuse river ; advanding uP.the '''stream 'to within :about' 14 Miles Of Newbern.. Early in ;the inorningal the •1111 r the trooPs:ivere landed'onth..l south' side of.,.the L •river,...and itink .up : their.rnaich'for NeWhern... rho day : Was raiity,,the roads mod dy and the . narCh exceedingly 'tiresome. . In the course df the `day the lesser line•Of intrench: inents - siat pissed and found to be deserted.-- , At : t3 o'clock the. , evening the army arrived . within,a'short.dietance of the.seeend line, which is only, abOu(twpMiles below Newbern, This is a •breastWo'ik, with a ditCh'inTrent,'about 2 mileein•leegth,'extentlinglroln-theriVeracross• the.: railroad, far'intd=the•iivvrimp at•Thp south. The weary aoldiers,th : resst themselves upon the . damp upend and slept - thrOugh the night. The neit niorningi 'FrltlaY the IA th, the army moved forWard'in three divieLins.te• attack the infrenehments. ,General-Feeterht brigade : was ordered by the main Cou.ntry-roed to altack the, enemy's left; General :gene'. up . the railro,3ll to attack their I ht, •and d , iteral I),lrke to lollOW • deneral Foster' and ettricklhe enemy in f tont s : with instructions : td Support both :brigades:: -Alter he , attack, had vigor'. Onsly , cornmended .. on the..right aud . in front,Getteral Reno made a detdui to the• left ftir the purpose of tntriinit the' 'eriemy'S right' flunk; ,riot - km:owing:Ault the breast Work eat emhill en ':farlato' the :The.. troop,, however, when• they came • to the,intrerehment, deshed through the ditch. nd over:, the . breastwork`; the li,rillilol.paro4 . of the' enemy's force ha c. ing,•,beed drawn 'near. the river byftlie attack in that quarter. :Votir companies of the •Alas.a. :chusetts , Twenty 7 ,l irst far...in:advance of 'the other troops in their:entrancellita the ene; my's lines, and were 'driving' . the etterny hCfore them, schen they' were suddenly assailed by an tivertchelining force; Which' lashed tram ii little raVine, and were thriv en . hack, hoeing a:.few prisoners.- They: They were.. quickly a - upended, howeyer, t,,ksix other regirnen ts,. when:it she rp hand=to.hand - '.conflict. took' ':plaeo dverHhe breastviork,-'in ,which our; principal loss oil. , Curled.. 'Our trdonsr. stice.eeded,.in.,getting driving the-enemy before. them at-the , point of the bayonet. this sacceivencouidgeti 'our division. on the right, whieh else 'rushed fdr wa rd. to t lie charge, end. a general • flight of the enemy ensued ; a portion of the:rebel . soldiers into the. cars of a.' train that stand ready. to receive thern; the others ran. up the Trent tti .countrY.bridgn which crosied the streann above the town.. 'After those in the cars crossed - the railroad bridge over.: the Trent, they.setlthe to idge 'on .11relo prevent our Soldiers froth fol.-• . lowing thentinto Newbern. . ••• ..• In the Mean time our, gunboats 'mere sailing up the•river,.and driving the -rebels from their batteries.- As each fortification was approached Riy . ,511e113 - were.- (hopped :Into . 4,, when the soldiers of the garrison _quickly Feat te l into the'pineiwoOds in'the 'rear. ' The moat able' obstacle to the 'passage of the fleet 'was encountered nearly opposite the pit irenclitnenta Where-111,6 , 14nd, battle took • piece. At' this' point 22 vesiels . -hitdbein . .sunklo.ane.clitt . nnel of the 'river, While the other channel : had been tilled -with iron-tipped . maSta.pointimg . down:t ' stream, - and .with :explosiVe torpedoes. Two heavveolumbiada in a casemate , also coin. ;mantled . the 'channel. But On'e;of.the-cOluni, ':,biails':was.'rsoori' hit. at the . mrizzle. and .moanted ;- arid the 'fleet sailed'- right through ,the obstructions without:receiying ' - any mate= The soldiers: were ferried -iteress- life;-Trent intheimill boats of the fleet, arid took, pel :sessibrii of Newbern. The retreating rebels set 'fire to the 'town, but the.lciy.il inhat itants extinguished . .the, flames s , .ftb . ll3t! sio.of , • depral•••l3iuMside his oinclalreportsays . , .‘ , l3y Oils Victory our Coinhined farce hive ean• tured eight better:lei,. Containing fort posix beayy gull and ., three batteries of, light artillery of 6 gtins.each,•inalting,in 411 sixty-four guns'; two . 6terunliants. a "number, . of isailinv, veisels, wag:— on'," hoises. ja• large..quantity•of .amrritinition, commissary ; and• quartermaster's stores, for ages, o . e : entire:rump equipage of the label troops; a large , gitantity of ~reiin„ turpentine, coticin,&c., and over two hundred prlionera. •• fq:ftur loss;thus' far ascertained; 'will '.amount. to nir4y.one 'killed and four hundred and .64t wounded,, many, of them. mortally.. Anions these are some of our most gallant officers and Men. The rebel' lo.s' is severe, but not so eieni ai•our own, they being effectually covered by their works." •• • • ; .• • • • . Asti AniirrionaL•Paarett.—Tho following add i• • iional prayer has been issued'.', by he st,'' Rey. Bishop Potter,- to he reed•by the .elergy of the Diocese, 'When there..may be oco:asion., • V.ternal Pod; the shield Of :our : heft!, be; •netith•whose sovereign defence thy people dwell in safety, we bless and praise, we laud.and n'ifY ttiy glorious narrie, for•sll thy 'goodness ,to 1 1114 people . 0f . .. this. land and the success with vihich,Of late,.thowhast crowned our 'efforts to manintain the elithor i ity, of laws, and to resiere onee.noore_the blessings of union and peace. In -spirt! 0ar,5p015 with, grateful love; , lift. up our voices Of . th4nl;folnesa, ,. ; rnalr e us horrible' 'and watchrOl in . ouipiospefily, and prepare us for Whatever reverses , thou , shalt see that no nerd Give,wianorn ? and ; grace : : to,our'llolers. - pour constancyanitcotiriige, don chariti,twerne pll men, lato ‘ the,hierts i . o . - wards. u& those, who are ; now Allen:4o . tt appeOance:or',.in heart : , ann haat en,. 0 Lo9ln f hosts theineitsed day whenila one in:Ople''we' Ppg,9i),9(yx: 99 r e ' g i r 'f thOnl:s !het) in' thy • : 14!!.7..ghtYch; ph . 4l, by,s,'ur Op)* tqleit our MOO blase 11 4.L'aid and Seviour.,Amen.;':—. 411 jii.ao::Piii.ift Moio.t.,lat Saturday, 'arch 29,1862 . , . Itr.c'tisa . Cr:Ert . tiVinsrt.— A bill fins been intro d!ieed into: the Legislature to tea' he' . eler Why' not?. A part of them.take 'more Interest' in, polities than they, - do.in in anything else; as pire:to Parties; preach . politics, from the pulpit and write'politics` r newspapers. 1 We would exempt all frcim the-Tropoied tax Whe. lq'ep themsdves in . theline.of%tluty;:and, leave the' . politiettl puddle:to be stirred , :by"-inett . of other Professions'. The rest should' lie made, to , • .cotitribute . to the 'support of Government.--, Olocl4 l ,lldver,,ts.w. ' ' • , Sect X. J.-Notinsies advertisemenfiri another column of this paper; . . • • . MArrx ) Suami.—We—will'receive' Sugar of tlioaa jub-worlc; Tlione haya riromiieit usgrAiti will „conifer a I:Ivor by'brinking along: . Tite'llriqer says we aremiseillten' when we accuse it of having a ,c!knoWing e'ditor'." On reflection :we' have.some:misgivinA , s; and will, for "penc ' o . 1f.6" ac . kno.wletltte. . • .• • . ‘rtscyneo.L-We'hai'lereceiired the third . No. of .a neat rittaito, devoted:ln Grape culture: Tle)ow price, at whieh.the "Vinciard" is of 'fcred, mikes , it edeiiyable ackei.6ition to viery person having a; grape - vine. , r . . . • the first of 'e - vcry'rnotith; - at No. 11 E.z.ichargP 'Place; tu•ent! fiv . 4 trait:a plranroirn: Flub's of: 'ty-fir siibieri69is; the , PubliShers offer a copy of ~ t DOwriing,'s. - }';uits a.nd. Fruit Trees. of redc'E`c rtgxv.'•• f (El or of the illiu~r, it will he .rheolleeted;maile' an effoit'th, • Phiee himself, within the corrent : for thi; s'Constil titian a nd ifhe old We' thoug:iir • it unrfatilral and predicted w rrelapse.. -, W find by the.la'yt'iscue Chit the edi•or wag mistaken; isisteisil;hf Thecomstitrit inn, 'it' Was the 4 , pecliir• the present adminititrio ion was pitt a pa s r to .. .restoreihe - conniry.to . what it was during the Rev olniiiirlatx War: \Ve admit that-in many portiettlara the.strite•af :the.conntry t now . and .1 hen , , is similar; to, cairrhirt: the - . 'ComPari ispo, WC:think:tint neightsr would succeedfbettei Republican-party in't he Place . .of the Jig 14di •-• close ifudy,. of • the Deetarat ion eel the. tiottees and deifigns,*or, the founders.. of .onr .goveinonent. will idloW the editor, that . he nirsfalr'on' the. docnniopt:- Vt e Round sit, ft .I tie go instifoted by . .1611 . 9 "Brow rr,*;a's . o . rie according to his'fhie n The uridoubteil • ,: odd only object ‘pf ineiirpo ing.ing-tfiatportiOn of fhe:ditelar . ation .in. the , ChiCago.'rlntforiti• negio w . utilii.thnitit the editor to : . dint paper, .the •action.of •thelOundern df .the ,goverorneitt,,pr in the coostitution j 'anyttiing to sustain ihitr doctrine: The deelayhtion 'w*as made by. white was.otight .anii.weit.for white nine. •• • • - one of the ; enuies of • grjevanrcs .ag,tiolt the goveyhment was inciting . iniurrection ainciug slaFesi thirwrll might Be . nrgue ... tbe•in'tentions or :11)„ Southerii , r hel l ta. wake:the. hego. : with theiehitu , man. fleyoliitipn found slavery established .its • uree.ssful te . r.. mination'ttrougbt no, change.iP.tbat respect. Dining thewa'r slaves' bad been E. et. free by the British gov.efnmehi:: :at the 'close. the}' ti;ere returned to theia.maSterS, as othea'prop erty: .We see the McICE.Ax COUNTY C0.“:.-=Negiotiatidni . have been pealing betweenliartie . s . .interesled in Or 'coal lanai! and napitalkts,...of.NeVi..Yoil.:. State with a view to bnildini.l.• a. railroad' Yrom the erdnetcithe'canalOiriarder to•obtain coal for fuel on'the N. Y. .Central Sei•erral loniof, goal wera forWdrdee to. hochester .• few'weekit since,.and'experireigais were made which fully estahl . ish . the:yracticabilitY of Abe ; plan... In' . another be found an ex- . tract ftern: the . .] . li;chester ' Denteerati which• speals of the trial and resifit. ; • •'. Istniso No. Tr::l:—The attack on this:rebel Strooeh`oid, Wes,'lst last 'ilefes,.stilt 1 raping.— Gen. 'Pope occupies New• fre' - pared to cutoff their rritreet down the sissippii while the' main body ere bomba'rdi fig the enemy's works in .front.. Last night's re• ports would indicate that'the rebels were evac-. daang_the - ' The Hartford .Press .is ont against a ~r esto ration Of the ,Union as it •was;"because it fears that in.,sneh a Union a tiltepablienn. President cannot be elected." the - feeling of all 'they. have always: , hated the South mote than .they loved the Union.' - THE the. Boston Post Apks, is today watching thegreat army in . '. and OraYing:for: 01 - e:el/Cress of , the zood cal6e?, every loyal man in the nation, Who ICI day hopes* for.the deieet of: tqcClellan,• the.disarace of tha flag, ihe'destrOciion of the ,Arberican Union?. EverY aholitiOnist ' , faider and abettor of ; the, Southern Confederac,Y."•TlO is now so base as to ;fellow the' soldier with. !those and attack,. instead of prayers ; and cheers?: We Creely end the N. Y.Tribane.. pisonacaint. §aargas.The Lockport Uniqn gives -the`pariiculars of a dis order ly and . • • . • . sharnefal %scene in the Naziritedhareh, at that ,Sunday afternoon last, vrhick're'enited the.conaignment one„Alra. Tombliaoa, whom . that 'Journal , designates as a !"big shrieker," to 6612;1 . • XI3.E.STINGI ,EXPE4IIf Vitt?! ,MCKEriii COUNTY'Coki.."--Ve;lif! the lollowint from the ROChesteiDerrioCial'of Wednesdai:L2o expe; riniental trip wee Made .1.; - y ieferal .PrOrinent: iiolroad gentlemenyesterdaY,beirWeen thisCitY . and Pataviaillay,the purpose of testing the' parative,value.of McKearieountryc . oal..as . :motive fuel:' A ,freight train . :Wifs:seleeted . for . purpose, and 4 p'essehger•ce'r attached 'for the conv e nience of the,piity.. The, result, Iran highly satisfacteri, ni . We are informed--all on' bonrd being lolly entiSfied•of the,.excellence Of thecoal that was used,, sand conv . .inced.'of economy compared with the fuel leotrunOnly employedon the'impression was universal that it a route of transportation from: the . 117i1.10 to the; head of tii'e.benetre ca hal. could. he'oriened this coal would et once go into'gent4al use. DAVID . IJr•roti, :Master, Mechanic.on'the Western - bivisiOn, •• 'who' was' boaid the'trairt, and:under whese the:eirterienspt was made, has : Prepared-. a re porron the subject whicti well-doubtless he sub ; rnitted •te.' the priMeiltitherittes at: orice.—, The,atlyantagesvibich would acrue Eqkocester froM the.eonciruction of a - railroad bet wecnth o , .illeiCean county mines and GenneeCe.Valley ca nal; have oftenbeen discuss ed and the queStion ••••.• . . . • . is folerably:farbiliar to our citiiens 7 would open 'a , rielt . region ormineral and agricultural wealth to ai trade Which m'Ust find 'its ..fiatural outlet at at this point:. 11; as 'those, who_ w .nessed the esperiMent ypsterday seem to be 'cOnyinced, t'he MelCean county . pal is a better ci : ieai;er fuel than any et ber,:fOr, use on the Central..Railioad; thec'uterprisinii.- managers..o l . iireniie of comme;ce will not be 'slow to reco,nise the tact in-a . practic:tl man ner.,' WE NIIL. PHILLIPS, a m.ernlier of the political c 0.., is. ineaiulerini abdut'preaching his iliolltinntlistinion sermons. Lost Week lie:vya; in IV.ioington, Where he "de,' !leered ft lecture. atthe . Smithsonfarf . 'in ,which'we fiatf the • [s,‘..Noiv I loye. the Constii in I hav'e cursed it a build - led times,-and I.shall agaiti .if it does not, mean' . • justie'e.'. l'hitYe - labored dine seen yenfs' to take nineteen States. out'. cif this Unions and bas's.: spent nient,c;en . years to the mitisfactioti . of my Nitwit goriseienee, .it ivati those nineteen. :* •.. I curse d .',.7oit'st 'tut ion and 'the 'llhien;.' a oil eritl , avored to, break, it ;•and,:thrink C...;0(1, it brek'en.". • •• What'M l itstWe drink of so n'oforiouS'anda Yos . • .. ~ • wed' a disunionist.' as the •abovC declaration proyedPhillips to he'? 1f th . ere is a punishment fof.diSiiriouiSts and seeessior,t, no res . . son •why it slipuld not he meted out in . full 'to such itritane:'• . ,l'liere.ish . ) reason 'why theson• - thrn secessionist should be eonfined. 'in 'Forts . unit the . northern • - .dis-• unionist tint:. :We want .to' sea. Let Phillips nod' his abolition;allies Ue puujshild . in tho'snne mafirter';us the sontherd. secession= ist - A - reiclut lon' we's offered in the I.lnftse of IlepiesentatlYes of. lienneylraniadhia week to allbvv him the Legif•lntive Hall , to lecture, in, turf with commendable patriot isn't.the .nor . inhers refused Jo pass it; WhereuPpit. resolution• •Wfts off,:red in..fhe Senate toirrant hi-m.the use , of the . far.thaf;ptirposit,:whicli'eS.pator hy.a strict party vote: If ihp Ileiniblican party, 'as 'a'Party, is -tlete'rpined to' ally :themselves with such tUrblitshinic disunionittsps It must take's hepinfsequentes, 1 . . MAI.!6.NITY Tiiii Ano.i.urt.rmTS.Towalio • :1141P the Spider States.asgdoil . people hate the I)bvil.--, This is manifest ,!no'tigh.:, As .un.amuaing-illos trationM. tire fact; every distinguished firem• hor of .theK.entiteky .LOgislatitre 'whir. visited Washingtpu,%sevoral weeks . ago, tells as that theabolitionist•Cheever, in his Armlition course at the'CaPitol, - reserved, his scparti . crilar tbindor',' for the commit nitfes which,- With . a strong reminiscencerol-kis - aative'Down he styled the ""B-a.rol.e-T States,": and whit-h 'he served up, for the deleetation:' of his•inantly• *abolition budiencir oth a - yeAless „pungency. riot stirpassed even by that which, in the days. of KDOeceirOiles's Dist illery.,"•:.won lnr this rev . erend..a jail of Salem. .t\fr. at Feast; to ti fair refiresentatiVe cif his, class. They all -Mite the''; 13 , a-r,it-,e.r : States." . with •a.rancoi brichc'elcod,by.honesty ortrut Anti theroirson:ia. pfain.'-. We-have already . state.d it. The abolitionists. haft th - goiisti tution,ond : would glad!) , let. the TIMM) slide, rather than h.iVe'its moservatioa 'attended 'Sy. .the.prese.rvatiOn Of; he,'Qonstiftrifon • likeveise. They want . to, the constitution regard; less of'conseipsericirs; . urider: the(pietext sa ving the Union: ` ' The- Border S,atts, the contrary, want.to save the Union . hy saving the' Conitituilon,.' which*, they. believe the only' Method posSible . .'•:.The:Berder . .Siatea.being a omit laVor of this Policy-, naturally form the • head of tlfe.groathody- - of patriots who. rally: around the Adinfnistration that , declaies tied carries ottl the policy'' in defiance of •abolition ism everywhere. Such is the offence of the Border . States in•the estimation.of,the aboli- Tbo-verihep.d and front 'of Useir offooding: • extunt; us more.: ' . It is for'this, -and nothing else, that theY ale deneunced, decried; derided and defamed; by every' Abolition sPonter .. and..scrkblet in. the country.. • • . . s trt a word the.o;olitionist.•and secessionists . hare'the Border Shires for : the sarnit reason in different aspects. The AbolitinniSts hate the Border-States, 'becatise. stand- by the Ton.. slitstitUl just' es the seceSsionests hate the 'Bur. ilecSiates,becanse.they ste r n(' by the Union,. The Border:States as the .stemßast M both the Union 'and the. Constitiitionrarei the equol and conornon'enernics both, the aholi tiUniSts and secessionists... And In. t his. two• tolibenmity ev e ry true .patrint Must Let.the t iots,..or the North b.ear-in Mind this ekplanation, and the ernoinotes radidg of the of against, the Border States general and lientacley'in,pai s tieular, if it should he kept tip, will do..good .re t her thanhart. • We hope it is doing.no gre at hurt as the case is.— .. • . • . • • . Louisvilla Journal.. • - •,WitscnnS•rift,.lllnrch . 2l if•. In consequence of the forward movement of, our lorces, the reports 'Of, killed, wounded „and missing catild,not be 'aseertain'elt, but our loss ie . -from eightrto one hundred killed, tiflolig, ,nhom.Evere . one colonel,. n nil (bolt een- cis pi ins ano ;-lieutenanre;', The. enemy had' nearly five; hundred kil led • end. wounded; and lost" three. hundrid lirisoncra. , , • —, • . . . I . II • I3ATTLE OF PF,, , 1: 1111D04.---TITO hattle..of Sugar Creek lie.ll.l.wits the niost briWant vernent,of:flie .:.The ene . friy/ . Opproached onr.lorrefiwith double our,noinberinand An urn sequence 'of thisdillefenee were enabled t0 . 0t4 tftelc'uson all Sides,' The tightinfr, lvae , io some iii:ltapeee;deip'er'ate; •bitt'the.,Sup-riiirgetieral ship of 'Oie Federal ':airntc triumphed over:the• immense odds.: ' deifid not over. ,17,000, 'while', that of-lhelrebefs is' ark ocowltigt.4) to..htfvelfeen 23;900, including 7;900. Indiffnitititier 6tOrriand• of Atbert Pike of. t : Seigel:alded fresh laurelsto . his .alr. ready bright datOe.. . With Coro' regimenta %die twice ent.nis - Wity' . ihronfr,lrseven 'ieginnenti of the 'eneniy...Tifalten fOutfht like heroes ainl 1:16 oseap..cruinhurf.. Tho'Federal lOi - ; In killed' and vrdupded,w,ilCainotint to 1,00 ...The my's lossi be.yond,.dpaliti,2,4oo..„ and iNl4Entosh are anddabtklly:thiad, and rhany' yver . o 'and tvnunded. Our stidrpshentE:fs..picickntiem . .• oil withThO . nornber- of..pikoner's now iu.oor' liossessisiti amount,. to 1,,000,. and they are Still . eriming in: • :-Many : of 'Oct') ark takinv; the bath ;of and f king their clischarge,9tisfied: their . : C . abseis'o bad 'One and'bopeless. : . The'ltidionfonght . wi Ova:- tiae : fttry, and in-tbeir demPilical thirit-for white bliroil, killed and' sr Oiled:Aiwa! and foe alike. • ..Maitr'. of the - A rkansas.trcmps, .scalped and'di . ;embowletl.by . their saine, allies have' beer found 'on the -battle •Thrir,atr troCities are friabtiul: of_ the, rebel army has dedtO . Boston..Moiiii whi h erhey;ara•bt;iog. pu'fsued. ..They can be . par-. sued. no fur th er 'withour' presentfciree..and sofi filies.L.Puttstu74 . 1 . ?ecor;1-.. , , -• • - . • .. . • Afr.x.lCArr- Vera . lo !lie 4th ..iast . . . Eri g lishc.mitin g z..4it of tift,ailie• forces •Isaaving' the Freriat:oro tipaokti totcorry Ajia England,; howeve . r,..ll . 2raes to satte- . . tieli the proc.eediee . s of .. their. ferees.,', The En . glish.treepswill return in the' /.; , rhaude, to Karnes , , \vere roll 1,0 tlie French,•whe itttrted 'for Tehuitran A . put lion of the Spanish trnoj'ie had I:Ptittn, , ,l io Ca'act r antrthe expne.letl.l 7 ientAl l'eintorea : e mats.' Wef.! lo re . tarn %rill . t ' The eiiens ••iort. of the diplom•lt begin on 0.1 , 1' first of••AfTrA; at Cris. stl‘t'el o'l%ll, the. A'trierirAn flTinivtei• hn,a 'undertaken, ott.fhe...pait . of .the'Unit...d'Slate,T, that Jris , :o.vertifilent will or, , secure Cob payment of 'the 'intttest On the debts of .:)•lexi-. vo' to Fro nde..F.ltlatal nncl .s.lpa in. Th'!l Mex:Can I:overarrhrtli.tinetly.infprro:. ed.:fenetal f'fin.t hat • on attempt. to institute a, ovw er n ant: woe II 1.4 Itlfeoetl •to (or a. morn 'lit.' . :ritor ,, f`r it is . proliabl... that t , 'to ins? e.' , a .mon, arch}:, with Inco xjm in ,at it s; 'will have to be aha ip.loned...• l'iteno is eVer y rirospect,olYa restoratiOn of peacemble...l • Ai Ani . ericati Cit.iz,•;rt :11a5s:, ingion GovoiOn - r!.nt .Corwin, S' on tile . 2•lt g ..f . rfon 'Ver city of name was ; • . • , . Battle 9f• 11' . inchr,gtvi, - SVI! haVe 0113 day itelaieyt‘d.il i•ViCuiry. over:, rio • coinfiLied• lo rces of t Generals jaelouti, Snail h' an Lone.street , ' bnt lLc wasln • ittht (Our Mil 41; nee. 4t. raged from .It ilt-past ten this' : rnoriti - ag;atiiiil duel:. • The 15,000, - rind 111 e• strength of-our tray not over. 8,00.0. Our loss iri killed and %voila. Jed ascertained, it is The ne•rnit!a dptible. that • 01 • Ours.. We have- e • tipture . ,l a large number • • • or. Kironorsysoryie . ol:lheir gons:anq strewnwit.ll a lie a rtairs, t Rey !lave flarota:ii : away in Ileirgight., ' • ••, -.• • 1 • • :The 'en stiff) in pursuit of ihe*enems ! The partieulsrs Cennet he ;leertitiried until :klarcil '2l ..The i • ehel3 have.been-di leen . back to•Strag burd....• There. has f.heil - yer.y . lit Ile In:day In the skirmi , ,hin4 we had Just abaut tin killed and wounded. • : • • . - • Mr. Luce', assis.tant to Captein Albert,Type rapliicttl Engineer, was taken pris.oner by the. :ehels:.. We have captured more-411;64 thou , sant.:stnall arms.. • WAseniici,To-,.lll:arch.2'l . -A dispat ch from a'srirgerin in CienerarS4delris a rriry tp tlie.orlecirr Oeneral'ar Wasbircgton iays;in relation to. the battle of yes . t.;rkiay4, Oar loss' t 5 frorn:seVentk-five . to'one'rnincteec killed; and tivo'•hundinct nod fifty 'wounded, '• have seen hundred at iviienty•five of the. 'enemy's dead;'• •• • • • .• . . . •diipat* . from Wineh . eifer says our, fare.e to-day. pursued the. rebels with ext)aoriliturry t•iio.r:and e.Onrage.idwards Strasburg,. dik•ing • , themlike,frightenecl.sheep. • ••• . Ciscrx~.Arr,:March! Wendell' Phillips attempted to lecture at the Ile cornmenced by avo tying himself an'abolitionist and disunionist. 'Persens in the.galleries then bisSed, Yelled, and threw •and : .stohes,itt hire, some him.... The hising, was kept up scirne finally im•-m;:delvitnsilf• heard, and proe e 'ed e d until something again' objectionable was 'said,. :intl.again'egg's wets throWn; hitting him: 'lle persevered 'and thi ril time was heard, and a third •titne'Stuneli and egged. • ‘ The•erciivir now moved down Stair3:cryiri , „ 1 Put 'hi:it out, ". , c.Ta r and Ida they him, t' and giving grroanl;•fr. the "nigger; Wendel) Phill ins. 'Chet' proceeded down the middle'aiske towards the stage, m ,and ivere et .by Here a•-fight ensued Lrnidtt the greatest cUntil: sine, ladies screaming -indurYing, juMning en • chairs arierallin , in all directions. the fight Philllps' . Was taken off the stage by his. triends:. The. audienee'theyi moved 60. •• It i 5 now. teno'clock; nit& the stre'ets. in hb' vicinity of..the Opera Elaose..tiee 'c . ruiviled with excited - people. They araitinalde to find.Phil'lips. No one was sericiusly hurt.as we'can•learn. • - • BAT TIMORF rch'2'i.'• • ' All was:quiet at rortresii.Moyiroeyostorday. A si"tve!ti-north east storm ,has here: . Inr • the last t small. vessels ,hiid dragged 'their ancliors . .:and gone •tiOtor. i . hut—they would he gotuff,without it liietilty ,' •. Nothing lids hee'n heard:or seati-Ut'the'll.fer. ••- - • ••• . . The.. Monitor: oreapies . ,her 'psual positirin above the Ileo. She . /1418 received sorno ation and athittiens that will malerritlly add to he r impreitnithilir tr. —• • • The.televrapti lirie has beert'partially tinder. ran; but the bad, weatter.:haa put • a stap..to further operations, .. • .., 'BAT rt.t.: 11T• NtW' bet= 7 tie took :place rieorfFort.Craig; New Mexico, on, the' 2let : ulC.,:between a' roicq- teied ,troops and the' 'quiet' . :men' tinder .The. fertoef. c;c:cppie's • - the . her . glt4'. itc foss the Rio.' c; .!. e.mto, Opposite 'Pert. pro ig, here they. were. 'cots ofF from:the b'y alikteryand 4600. The flilit.ebtfithenceitiii the rrnirnin4. between, our thodpii . under,golmiel ,Roberts, arni the enemy, acriii,s' the' Rio' Grande i with' varied success, until l'or oN:lobk 'of that • • .- - . . . . . . „ . . Col. Canby thett'4Fi'osseirtho riyer * iiiT, iiiice; with a.battery . of. six. ..riieeei;' uh'ifei.;daritain 51.0jili'y, of-, ate etiA;stry,„ limt iletailad to....tite . command ofit he battery: '[.Col;..Canby alsiitook: with:him a. imatibiatery,ortiii..hpwitzers:... • . Tho , eliemy..Were-,Sopposed.ttibave,had. eiiht. •._ . . . . . ~.'r The 4attle-waS . .conimeneed 1), , - our artilfer y . and . skirrnishers, and.soon it beearte,geheral.:,- ..' Towards evening the guns oUtfieenemy were niferfced. • •They; . hOwever, rna•!ie a. despetate e.herge on our howitzer battery, but Were fa. pulsed with great foss: , ;- .' .. - ~. ' • . • Nlcer!.y!s•biiitery .I,Vas , defended' by Captain company of United sttes Infdntry an(L a .portion - of C(4. Prinee's reii merit ol New Mexica'n Volunteers. . • . The Texans . now •charged. desperately and torintisly , With.tiickeit mea,...abouf. siz. huildred. vrong,..*;en l‘lcqray's hattery.• They . :sivere. armed .with.carbitipi; revelyers i and lone seven pOttml. bowie'.Ef . nivei. • Alier.. discharging, their _ cdrbines-at cdosequarters. they drew their revo-• NHS and reaciii..d the hattary amid, a . storm. of crepe atid.ca n istrr." TheNe.wiVlegdaris-0f.c01.: Piriob's'rreeiment bficame. - •panicistiickeir, and in lorio , isly 11e L` . qapt....Tlimptcin j with the .Unided Stags I:tifaritry, stria id their grciund, - anc! than :Doe halt .were. numbered with the dead. '• . • grtilleryrnen:nn . lclown, . and ivith liiasupport•reportiltilloq., \voupiled, . lb/RT. 'from I Cdpt: ..McCray,adt down calmly and cinietly one of his :mos, and;,whth'iai•ol refirsiii4 to . firneclaseri•his pbsti hfifoTht cied like a tliff List inan at his guns.' , • Tile Texans terribly in.this charge. Of our officers greatly this clay:. ••• • 1.• • Alitinr:Hciha)&oh, who was chief aid 7 'ile,..carnP bra vety; and wa's conspie 11965 . in-every pa.rt of thc tiehl. His hbrsC r Was in.sever,il.pincea; but the' major' Was nut. . . , . . , liit C..(rion .was in.:comma 'nd of a rpf., , imrot of vohkoteers., who skirmishers: cornrponti .service durjog.the ;... • We hove. to larpe'nt the• Ince of. Lieutenants Miehler . ontl..Sinne; Captain :Mc do.llravely.ThAiptained the honor. of dot unt)l.the fart, and tli€4l:the death:-or IV.toy other of nor officers are wounded. loss is: nhout, tiro . hundred killed .and . lo=l of 1 he' enemy is believed, tp•be robeh. greater. - March 21 • A . 'letti)r .pola!idtrd 4in the 2rib,n y dated . Fortress Monroe, M.irch• sey . 9 that a let r. nn b.dirdtbe.steamPr,lit:_ 11L-Pnyler;ai Key INl;st:on,tde 10. th inst., ita tdv Oat the steahiOr Water-Witch capttir'etf t , on tke Sth inst. , a schooner WrniL: no board diF , gois,d.in sailor clot hei was, :reeogniv.A.aOll.4livered•over to the. ~ALA:r(IIIED . . . . . At the irsr ! krsceol .N. R.. Craddall,. in: 'A n - ilel , r A11 , T. - ..tny bi—N. Y., March .18, by Rev. .1. lietly . .in, Mr. WAI.T.C . R.' W. BROWN. of . Will' !I,ltliit'itio,. PA.; ROC' . IAIiSS ' ELLA . CRA;IDA.LI., of Ando;fer, N.. V—.Artner. .. . .- .: .. .' • - •. ••In - TIIOR:VTC.74 BAR RE-yr 'novll years. • NEW CASH. STORE OIJEAN PRICES! TImmrES.•IIIADE; EASY ! J would respectfully announce to the citizens of .MeKedn and adjoining counties that they can do as• 'well in Smethp'otl, in the Stove and. Tin-we're line. as:id Olean. i Stall, at sill times, haite.ori hand a large'atock of . :, • • •..• COOKIDTG, ,PARLOR & BOX STOVES !' . . . .TIN-WARE •., .Sheet.-Ir6h . LEAD PIPE. AND PUMPS, Imp-Iron ;id 'loose-keepers IlardiVare, &c. &c. JOb Work, .. .• . , . . . , of all kinds done wit h dispatch, and . in •It . antis .tort' Manner . .. at .the lowest possible prices. . • • • Orders promptly attended to. '• . -; Give • me a 'ciill,--at the building known et!.- the Williams Store--ofiposite the 'Post . Office. March '29, .1.862.. ' : ''. A. J. NOURSE; • - . • . .Proprietor.. To Coilaaiiiiitiires, Advertiser, havin!, been.rstored. to health lag A few weeki.hy a very sinpie retried!, after havinx• stiff: red rnverirl years with a. - severe lung affection, and Consumotton--ds anxious to make kmov n •tn. iris fellow-stiff.irers thelneann of cure. . • • • who desireit, he Will ~ end a copy a the lireeorlp Hon uAeci nf cliarge),:wlth the dilections fur'pre- Pa.ine and using the sumo. which then will fled a aunt Cann roe 00:;$1.1h1PTI0N,• lißdNolllll9, Sc.C.% •The.. only ant', Ord Advertiser in setiolinir the ereseriptino• is to berv-illt the afilictedoind 'stVread information which he enac ,, iverr to .be invoirrable, and- he hark every ant• rarer will, try his remedy ; as y, will' cost them ndthing, and may krive 'irier,stnir. • • • • • prosrintlen.will 'Amami - addrep • nay, AWN ARP. A. WILSON, • • Williamsburch . .. Qounty,'New York.. . SMETHPORTIIVERY STABLE; SUBSOITBER has . opened' a nein , ery Stable in Smeibpart, at 0. R. Ben" heft's Old Stinul,:on. Main . -:street, jusreasi• ;:qcbanies',.wbe're found the best of Hor soli and Carriages at , low prices, lie intends to make Smethport .a permanent. residence, and asks a iliaue of patronage . A. N:SIVIIT.I4. Smotiport, At3;;tist 24, 1860.. -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers