M'KEA\ VOL. 4. fillicatt County Ilkutotrat, taLISHED EVERY SATURDAY HORNINQ, By ; J. 11, OVIATT, SMETtIPORT, , k'KEAN COUNTY, PA. OBPIOE,B:E.00IINEROE POBL IA SQUARII TERMS: - • - $l 5O in Advance . ... . . . , . . . . . . . ••• ' .-.. Rates, of Advertising... •. • . . . . . i• Colimn' olio yinir........ "......." ..","..,..." ":..."$35 90 - ,ki .:•,, a ~ .. -:.........,..... •- . .,-.,....,....20 00 x.. • i , . • , i - - a-...:-.....:.;.-.,-,:..-................- 11 00 1. .. ' : Rix moiatlis.."" ..," ........" • - .20 00 12 00 o us squ ire 0 (12 lines orlesa, 3 Inoortions.. ~ ; ~.. '.1.00 Fiat, subsequent, UnsertiOn,:...:— .......: ..."" .'... - 25 lin .104ige Circle, viii tit ri0per,...... :..., 1.. ... ~ .. :"... ih 00 Role hi lighre work , will lio.i.looble .the above rotes. 'l4re.vo linos Brevier type,' or night lines nonpareil, is . . ..&!.Theie Terms will iiii'strietly.ailliere'd t0.,:D1 -= ' -,--- flotties6- . Eliticto.o: HYDE HOUSE, • . . . . . . , 1,. J . . °wool) Peeprietar.. Hidgeray, Pa. 'This Hotel is . nee 'and furnished In nindern•styls, han smote necorn, : inailations..an4 is. in all respectiya Fitst OlassHotel. '.•. Hidgeiiy, Elk Co. Pa. May : M4. lb.all ...- : • . ' •• ••• —:..* .ELERED HOTEL • : • Jowl .WEirt,•Proilrletor, Tlllo house 4 situa ted tail( , w4 . libetw . eert..SmethpOrt and Olean'., •.A ckivonlent ,•• an o bnimodious h0u03, - ittoirtivo 'BO obligiag littoral'. mit% -trod low prices.,'. '. .. ..' . .• •. '. , • ''' :•Elhred, May 17,180. ..' ~ .. :: • --. '. • '..• • A. D. HAI4I.IN, . • • .Surveyor;' . Drartsmg.n ConN;eymr cur.' and:- &tate Agent. Sinethport; Nl , Kenn county; • • -• WILLIAM' WILKIN, ' • ' • Practical Mechanic, Bridge-builder, Port Allegheny, 'AV.h.'ean 'county, Pa. ; • • I, L.' BROWN • • SURVEYOR, -DRAFTSMAN, COSVEYANCEBand.Bee. 1. "Estato Agent) Elk Veuil'e, --I:IR9EELENCES— & Boyle lion l Thoma , Strotheri, W. .8. Brownell , "Esq., Hon:' A. 1.. Wilcox, ,f ()SWAIN? HOUSE, . . . • . . . . . .fil J. liinotn. Proprietor, Ooreq Pa. ' This House iii fitted tip in sithrtnotial.ond coreartahle style. nod every at-. tention will he poll the proprietor tn the eitirdert • awl taste of his cioats. ' • . ' ' ;unit 3.1861- • • • . • '. POSES. lIOTISE • • • . • fronting the Polio Square; Olean. N: T. .J.cllffe . M: • MR.t.sp..Proprietor , Tlie Robes !louse ie entirely new atit hoilt of brick, and is.furnished modern. style, 'The pr6prietur ilailers !diesel( that; hie nrcommoilii fions ore not .surpssseiii.iy. any hotel in Western N•iv ' York. Carriages - run to end•iroin the. New York and .. Erie Bail Bowl. •• • •.• '• • •'• BYRON D: HANitIN • . • " A77OIINRI ; AT -LAIR; Bnrotlincirt,' M'Kenn County: 'Agent for Messrs. lileattnl & 00'8 Landi .1 Attends ',specially to 'the Collection otClitims;,Essininstion of Ti.tlea; Payrnent of .Taicrs. owl all I-pla ting to Real' Estitte,' (Mee . • .• .E. 1101JGHTON ELDRED; • Jat'niney and Clounsellni at Law, Sinetliport. 111'Reen •. Onnnty, nci3 eat rusted to his. care loathe counties'Of Potter and Elk will. be prohnitly attended to Office ir.the ijour,t -second'llooy. DR. L. R.VISIqR, Physician ,iul Surgeon, • Snlothro rt. Pa, will.a . Oend all professional culls ultli•prpingtneee. ' Office Sttrt., well Bleak, aecend t190r,, , • - 'THING tc 'MILLER - ' Wholelnla and Metal. Deniers in Staide and ,Pancy ,Dry Goods, Cametinq, Ready Made Cloakinn: and Genorql . Furnlei.ing Udnds, 110nt.,, and.Shoes,'M'all and Windoir Paper . , .00kingGlassea ece....:At Glean. Nt. • JOHN C. BACKUS, ' - •.. . . Attorney and Counsellor nt Law, Snietheart, ki 'Kenn 01 ,Pit.', ' , VIII attend to all titilnees in iiii procerelnn in the • counties, of Pet.terand Elk. 011 ice over C. K. , Sartwell & tirdthers'Stare. - ... . • - HACKNEY. HOUSE' • o.,rner of Sacral , ' 4 , 1 liberty street+,, Werr9 , ., Pa. II •X. Banana. Proprietor. Traveler .will Lind gootl'ar . enteren4l;itione hail reasonable elmreee.. '• ' ' LARABEE'S ROTEL; Et : Lie Oat, Proprietor,—alleulieny'•/tridue; 31,Ii%ean Oo , Pa. This bailee is situated about nine toile:ill-mm . e tli po rt on the road .to Mail,-and will ho found a' convenient siopoini-place • . , • FARMERS' VALLEY i,I.OTEL;• . • ,• lly Goomvo....Thiebonee to 9ituated About flee mile f raniFhnethoort odttae, road to Olean. Plea•oine park • in °the:Bean be aceommodated on the shorteat antic • - •.• • • W.'S, •BROWNELL, '• • - Dealer tn . biy.:1311(04, Groeeries, time4ere, flartlware Boots, Shoes, Bate, Csils.olan's, Nails. Oils, &e., - &e • East . 'side ed . the Public ..squaill, Slnetitpokt. •-. • . . •.. • :EMPORIUM HOUSE, . - • Ethippoit,,M'Fichn Co„ 1'... N. j.: 1481 E, 'Proprie!nr A culninlitlinuk and well-furitislie4 l .11m1P13. • Strange •El 'and ,tawnslfqn . will 614 Efm.l :Ocommodations_ , - —.—_— POST AtLEGANY•HOUSE;,' .• ' Eynon B. DdLIAY, Proneletnr Port : Allegany, .Me ktein County. • This lintelsii,situated.at thu june; tinn of. the srrethnort nod Allegany. Rieee toads,plue maw , enat,of §thellonrt.' . • • To Those Interested in Mining and Mineral Lands: if.:ItAItNB3 offers his servlctrs.for the (cantina Wo .fien nntlineral Lands. in "as 'noun - AlAn, 411 a %ice his .'ohiniirn as to On VAI,UII OF, .511N111, •: 1 / 4 .0 Tho-to onzautna• his services will receive all nettestary awl reliable Information.' Iteeilouce atthe Bunker Mill . • • ' • .Ser,re tut. Nl'ltean On., June 30.1959.. • ••• . •.. • .• •B. C. - I,I,YDE, • Arr l toTaY.A.E.-T . .tw.-9methport,.l l l'Kurin .co.. Pa." - Collections promptly'altvndell tn. ' Feb. 74, • • •. BENNETT HOUSE, 8 netheort, Wltenn - Co., Pa. E NlAino, Preririetor ' .—eppnAito the Calla llouge, A new, large, co:211110th ode well furnished house. • 7 " - • •• • : GEO, IL MASON-, • . • . . Dealer hi Stoves, 'fin Ware, Jeepaned Ware, he., wed aile' et' the .1. , 10110 'Spi.re, 'Srnetieort, Va. Custom' 19.'0( done to order on the aliortest.uotice, autkin the moat suboCantial manner. . • • . , • . ' • . ... - . - DENTISTIII. • • ; • . . . D 4. My A. SPIIAGIT6 - would.reeprctritily ann o u n c e to the Citiatirei of Smethport and .ricinity, .that.he , hos' DUO ' "0 au'olfine,nu'el is prepared to. attend to ail euninees .. io 101 profeaainn: • Artificial teeth. inaerted ,iipan ed., entitle prinainlea, and en an to nro.‘erve the natural ex. Aresiinn of the Nee ' All operations in Dental Surgery done in a Bkillful .. yoanner: - . '.' ' • 10t . .. A. J. NOURSE Deafer In Stoves,. Tin Wa r e, .lnppaned Ware, &o'., west it snof the Pubee Sq limnthport,' Pa 'CUsloni siiirli'dOne to order ontht , 11 hortoit -noticeolnd in,the most sithsto nionfier; , • , B. F. HACKETT Atternerand Coil minor at Law.:Sildppen, Pa.; will. at tend the Courts' orPotter. IlleKoan, end Elk. enuntige Prompt ittlent liin paid, to Collections. Office, Bee end Poll- plook—Seeendlitoor: " .' W. IL BAKER 11WEILLICR East Side of the Public Sonar°, Second Dno North of the Democrat omoo Stoot4ort. Pa., Male; In Watchei Clocks and, Jewellery; Repaving neatory Eseented and Warrapetd. DR. W. Y. 11'00Y, , souTII.E,A.ST CORNER 'MAIN' STREET, SuleilipOrti,l V;•Et . . . THE • QUES'XION OF FORCED'LABOR. j . all the world advai , I ret rogade: The application of steam;,, improved niechanleal contrivancei,'and.chemical agen-• cies heVe, : facilitated the production. of sugar. and its2transpertition.to.Widenitig markets.— It.ought to-have 'advanced, but it his retraga• ded. ,The apologists of the negresay he pre l'ers to - raise pimento, plantains and :oranges An working on plantations . .. In. other words, be . prelera to make his Wile.and childreit gather sires crops:to . wce•king • not Work. Even for the 'coaling of vessels, 'the women ere compelled to do the work. 'And • what: is this but constrained labor?.``. • Thq one exception is Barbetloes. .7'6°th...the negro works; but under what:circumstenres? The island is twenty. ropes . by. twelve., has 130,000 'inhabitants—is more thickly settled than China.... There. is, not an acre r of wild or unimproved land; not. room, as Treillone says,;,,Tor a pic•nic." This land' is tronopo. hzed by , the whitest..and iindr rigid system of• vagrant lavirs,....the•black is :compelled .'ta work. If an idle negro . ,is seen ! ' he is itet to ',voick; at %%gee, or compelled to drag ' ; a ball and chain on . thehighw'ays::::' • When etnanci'pation came,' (here Was: no squatting gi•ottml, for the poor B4rhadian. He had still to' to work .and • make sugar—Wolk tulles hard as he had thine while a slave, •He had to do (hat or to starve. - .Consernently, la: her ilea ..been abundant in this island, hnd in hii island only.--Tiollop . " • How little men realize what is.goirg ; on,'in their own d4, - and in their-own midSt, is iilus tratcd. in. the :rise.and, progres'e,.bf .the Coolie ,syStern during - the last terfyeais.'• An:enforced ernigretion . of -Asiatics'has already transperted to the West India Islands, end; the neighbOring mainland more laborers.than,Were ever impor ted into tnis..Continen.front Africa. Yet no voice of churchor state has that fa r.been rai. sed.in remonstrance against this prticticer— yhen Napoleon attempted, to extend the sy:s- . teni:to African's,: and carry ihein off . to his. French colopies.as apprentices, there weie . muriners. - heard Efigiaad • 'item the . Exeter .Hall party; and. in deference to his allies; the courteous Emperurdesisted and turned his at. tention.to the Asiatic markets.. The tric,lish rendered callous to. Asiatic suffering hY l centuries of .persecution in.. India, 'accepted . . the; exchange, took - a share in,in the ..nterprise, and 'went on "philaethrOpizing as be- • :What is the'philoSophY of,all this? •• Arc we to. accept atd, the tact that San. Domingo hniteturned to the dominion of . Spain and:Flay . ti is'soon•to be' handedoVer to Trance, as Bence of a reaction in Europe on . the subjaet or free labor? They 'prove; certainryi' that . free. negroinsufficientfof the. necessary cul: tureel the European colonies. It, is impossible to• return t 6 the old ” , 4tem:ofplaver.y;.fitit'a ne;y system.of forced labi'r isinVented;, - with anew class•Of 'victim's. and 'rt . ..new: nante.• - France, 'England, Denmark andlibiland, 'all unite in 'the new. syStemi after , having destreiyed' the'oltd. .•WaS negro ermineituition . in the colopies•an error?'' The French: say it was. The English, who priiCone hundred million 'of dollars for emancipation, have elungastoitg as . possible to that-itthe belief wai: well spent.: ••• No nationn likes to give•ore hundred railliphe in . , Vain, or , wore still, for a"The 'geheratioitof pciliticianiWlidetirried into effect the schemes of Wilberforee and his..colle'agties,, end who clung .. to their ideas; has nearly 'diet :znd . itUother raCe'• of men - has• arisen;-who look nt the.vconomit'question involved, with a•pracli cal snit unprejudiced vision. . •. The L;ondon.Ar/temaum,.looking, at the .lone; working of the experiment, confes.tothis.co.n. 11.idiway; Pa . Wtrren. Pa .. Slnelli~ort, , % Pa :. Buena VIMa. Pa • The emancipation of the slaves btu... been a .blow to our 'West India colonies. Where Once, prosperity reigned, there ore note poverty and distreisi• fl-eortshing, to%ens have a si-urn•eit the character. of;' country lot have aetiin. taken possessibn of land once in a h4thstite of cultivatitim•tiionsiitids:of have been ruined or•hecime hopeies;ly-invol, tied; whilst 'oegri?; for whoNe sake t•actiti , :' cos so vast h a s. been made, has:hither-in shbwn no inclination to take ads antage of the.-fieedom . which the .nation :generously liesiiitved upon hirri. ; AH the ,predictions .01 our philatithM pfsis.h.ave been falsified. . heetro; unless compelled by necessity, will not • work. If he 'can make sufficient- motley in'e day to coyer the e'xpettges.of.a W.hole t,i•eek, he will , only work one day reit of, the' seven;. nod he , moreover, oyery %chary.of - enferiOg - into nnv .contract or engogerneOt that...can be enforced by . his decay extends: to Islands' where free Negro labor predominates. , which -produced thousands of bogSlieads of stear, now produces nut one. .Its .i kir 'mines., are not. werkeil;• it s•beautiful Ni•oculi,eboriy and niallog .. . . any, rot. in the %Oil where t bey .gi'ow, Trollop . c, - on' his recent visit'toJam'aica, says .that <' half file sugar estates; and I 'biditive ball. .the' coffee plantatiOns, have gone, back into .6 state'of .bush." . - • • ; .• . •- • ,•. . .SeiVell, in' his work on the 'ordeal 'of,Free Whieh he defends emancipation and, pleads' for still more extended privilleges to, the' blackis, says; of Kingston:, • '• There is' not a 'house in decent 'repiiir; 'not a what f .in good Oviler;.. no pavemcilt,.ne side walk, tie' drninages,•nnil -scarcelY.aily.. water; nit light. ;•,There-is . ihothing,• like work done:, Wreck rind ruin, destittition'and neglect. The, Inhabitants, take'', ell nra,iar, are steeped to the eyelids' arrimmorality. The pope' shows - Minatilrad decrease.. -exceeds le- Nothing is-replaced thabtime des troys.' If. n brick tumbles from the home to the street, it remains•there. Il spout is enrd_b'y'the wind, it' hands by il thread 'tail it lolls;' if liirniture.ii..tieiudentalli.litok•en, -the idea. haVing. it mYiided . . . A Gori.tor9atten place, without life or energy; old, dilapidated, sickly; filthy, cast away from the anchorage of sound inorality, of reason and of common sense.. • Yet this.wryfched hulk. is the capital of .an Island the 'most fertile in, the world.: It. is blesserddkithn:cliinate Mil most totting in,the shadow Of rtiottO tains't hat cart be •cirltibated from 's,frnmit.: to base with every product of tropic' and ternper ate••region.-•:- It is - the ..mistress of a •harbor wherein a thou saOd line-of-battle ships can tide . safely at aOchor..• .; Every travellereorrobbrates the pirtuie !,. .lt is in vain to say as does the Edinburg . ffeoietip, .that jamaiea never enjoyed its pretended rms." prritY,'and cite In proof that the planters were always ip relit, theieestates alwaySmortgaged. When sugar prOductiori yielded thirty to fifty per cent . ..profit, of .course the plisnter rnortga r ged.hts 'fixed properly to English' bankers 'at. Six or seven per cent., anii'plit: the capitol in sugar production. Ever" piesperonscommir dily s acti in the anmeway.,- . • •, ;Those who, by.h joggle, of atatiaticaottenint to show lhat,the produatiOn'ot that Island has not 'much decreased.since 1830, forget that these thirty •years prodnction'elseWhere, in all departments al industry', has doublOd'and tieb ed. For the Islands to be aiatiOnaryi while COIJATY S IVIETHPORT, , ' Mli:EA&‘ • COUNTY, IPA:;•:::SA'.ttii,RP,A.Y, :. MARC.R. : : 29, ::1 '8.6.. - He worked th,aome-ettect; too; . .for . the island ,ic.hiCh raised only 20,0Q0 ficgeheads;of'...sUgar in •1830, now raises -50,000 'annually. This sort glies to raise' the aggregate of fallacoue statistics, whichlhe partisans of :emancipatiori_ have arrayed to misleail the public upon this que'sfiop. But is labt.r thus .constrained hemmed in, and rewarded at the rate of- twen: ty-five cents adayi deServing,lo be called free? In Antigua, St. Thomas; arid • on .the Spanish-N(ll,n, Co'olie labor has' revivcd production; tiGiCe us Coolies; andiwe will give _you unbounded :'suppiies 'of siigar," is the cry 'of the pliint6 . s; and Triddad hasyur-up a, debt of- ..C1.25,000 to import these.' itsiatics.— J'amaira, wberdthe:poi it ical power. is in the handi of the blaeks, every itlempt,to encour-: age this irrimigration.baslbeen • resisted. But it have to conic. Even-Mr. Se'Well,.. the apologist of -the -black, admits that, ',if negro lobor iMmigrant labor must-te resorted 'Edingburg.•reviesver takes the seine groUndr and promises id return o f the goljen days of pros'perity to the• :Jamaica planter, When with Chine s e Hindostanese laborers; • e cull ; coriipete the . production: : of 'cotton with the' platters :of. tha . Sontherri "states : of As'to, the posSibilily of a coMmunity of v en .half: breeds, sustaining itsolf by ilVigstry, he SCollfiit altoir.ether: T.tie - rnerizy 01 the.the whiteinri - ni,the rival ryof,.the whit , man, and the truthhil,..couratee of . the - whiie Man. onee - ,witlalrawn - rroin• his contemplation; the negro andmuldtto.would re hipseinto that conditionwhich makes men-.of -vmlont andrextrein. opinions rejoice that...SG. Domingo - has reyerted• - to . Spain, and almost hope that-Jlayli may:revert 'to-Pion - ca.. What Shall we de,. who have four millions of Slaves? , Shall we, while the...reaction:or opin:. ion IS 'lbui.evi - Ont in.nll F.lir'opc against the . • . mo vement of e mancipation, nirdwhen; in ti e . 'places where tho periment :has -lieen . I lied, it is nbt - only . iirdnotincetl. a failure;,,iliit. new syS- . tams of conitrained labor aiti - ins; shall i.ve•go on? . Itinoks'aii if - that were dOterinined Orton; and that the - obligations .:6 1- the Coestitution wero not to .be permitted - to stand. in:the way of its fOrciUle execution by the Federal potver. But What •is to succeed ...the est abliskti/6).tof rree-bladk er, we• say;?ree bfack.idleness?- :Are we toresortto liihorl and. - qo':Wo.cou pre.hend all:that is meant' b . y . • 'l - nese Asiatic laborers are brought over, to the islands; dstensihly: as, free- labOrerX,fOr Certain terra of yeer.S,'itt verylomi.v ,: ages, and 'with the' priVileq,e of . .retrirning • home at'. ihV NIA of their apprenticeship.... But this is all a' 'fiction. • They are not free' laborers. They are kidnappell'.and carried off, or cheated into immigrations' - The fitteen..yarS' of nearly the averatte . :term of their : trail.liv.es, - for trotVir men are token , and. few.or do . women. So the race dies oor, and is replandd bY nets irdpart,;tionS—anti, as in' die early experience of the British colonies (in this respect n sreat . contrast to Jag), it is found. cheaper, to worli . to death a stock of neuttes,. 'aid 'supply . the plantations . witlinei,v importiitions, than to pre.serve • .• • Bet t..l.:rti if . humanity prevails, 'and' the Ilmdostariese and .Chinese wOrnan follows the inale, and brin , ;s:•withher,• her idols, her arts of. sorcery and poigt;ri; . Mysteries of aborinnation, and her infunti; inde, and-adds them to the. nlimeiess Vices. of her Oriental master, wkidt population , will We have in d'eentnry?..• ' • .... • . .. .. • Not the ‘dgoreus white men, now . predoriu nnnt.,•Wfth,'iiir)l'ity,'hiintellect, and . Mventi‘on, hot the negro squatter,' reverted; es now in Ja.. males,. .tto • Af , !een , barbarism. end supersti tkon,',and the w'orshippeys.of Juggernitht and . of the obscene divinities' of Asia.' . Let us not shut our eyes to the final e. onse queneee of the steps we . aie taking. Let :us not blind ourselves . willinzly .to Ahe reiulty 'elnsewhere of the experiments we ire atioot to . But inenting•these . wafni n n ga, r.fo we: pi.es . • • . plead for the. inmofability, ,of merman .sta iiery? No. Far from We believe 'there is a normal deitelopmeri.i of !Oyer); into free: dorri,,aria.to this Q 1 this'we shall speak more fully;hereafter . ...— . l\ l %.r. Aqui. CAUSE ANp EFFECT • We hold the truth to be Self•eVident that the rebellion of certain States of The:Union Vrouttht on thia Wur,•and that •it is, prosecuted to put rebelliuM Te Southey:is States. •iistfe sec .up.a . claim to independece t' the Gen-, oral Government'. denies .their •right'or their power 'to secede' from .the . I.lniott. and - form a aeperate Ghverninessi.. issue. is' oined:— Tne.'...rebel'aftniee sire' mastered to destroy .Union, and the Federal - tirmieri todestroy, ie•• anil•prViterve the :•Uniom just here a 'certain class 'o,f .Men in the . .,North,. known • us• •Abotitisinists, any that while it . is true the' Was prosecuted' tO put:down' rpbel, - •the revolt of . the Southern States , : is caused. by . the •existetice . Of' slrrisery", their limits,•anif that It should•not cease the muse of _rebellion, as well es the•relsellion itself is desvroyed.." . Lep us look for . a.mci . nrdiss. at this idea, eutertaisiod as it•is by a largepin• portion .the lil . orthern people.. , ' • ..We lou t s rebellion_onee its Pennsylianits•-',. It.eitendedoVera'numb rof Western•connttes. It was caused by Whisk}', of . more propatly speaking, a. tax dpon • whialc,Y. Wushington . summoned' an, army and• , roarelied . wdstward; Mit "betisre.he reached the scene el . _ revolt , , th. rebola:,dispersail;iindjhe rebellitin carne AO an and.' .The PreSident 'Was. satisfied with 'this result: • He did. net: say; , Ithis - rehellion was ~• aaUsed.by 'whisky,,and we' cannot Itime•fo r it there,ii a:gallon of whisky dis• tilled in, •Penrsylvaniti.'' He did not endea -Vor to remove the-cause hydeMolialiiint all the .in • Peansylvania.....He not say. Char while whisky: continued ;OS be distilled there was' 'reason to• anticipate peticislical. re• hellions. • Bid, bitsiness .was to enforce 'the laws:, lie did Chat. 'promptly and •autrilnarily, 'and considered the work .finished.' ''Now whisky wa's, undeniatily.a 'cause of this rebel lion.' 'Had there, be'egi no •whlsky..theri wool° esive.been , no rebellion.,,, Whisky was. as much thaaatise Of:that rebellion its slaVery is of thi, • We have never had 'another .reb; , llion•ofi 'ay count tit whisky,: and when thia'iebellioo is' put • down we will never have'another rebellion on account,of slavery. • • • . coiltelid that slavery is not, in a . certain sense, the , ca use of the preient rebellion. It is undeniably orteof II slavery had 'ney. , r • ekisted,' rebellion Would not: have, •tliken..the•shane it has.. anti., slavery' is another, cause. If • a political party the North: bud never seized - Unit moulded into. shape the hatred•ixisting against. - slaypry there Would he no ,;rebellion. Ambition,,arro- ponce., the lust for power,•are all causes of ,there pewee '.Mid gocid • would, reign petpctUally. 'so with n hun• dred other things••••• 7 we• can ,trutlafully say that if they' had ,never been, i'rehelcion would not. now he. • But it iS net•the Laciness of Gov. ernment to, deal witlirviimte or even with •Prok . imate-causea•or is•ievtilt.agUinst - its . authority:. Its plain and simple and only 'duty is tu 'lain its rightful'atith.ority, rind to. crush down vhiry opposing:obstacle. • • " •,.There. tiro certain great rules or. action at the haudifation• of. this ,Government upOn the observance of which , oursarety as knation•de:. rlepends. Those . .rules' ttre ',contained . in .the. conititutiOn . of • the —Unitrd It is . wdste of time to contend that that ;instrument is eiiher pro•slevery or unti• e lavry in its• : char.: enter. on e view it • rs utiri,lavery; for it: gives .a (i.e. : 3:oooWe this right to 'govern them:: is•freei out in itslighest,sprise. In another' view•it is-pro•slavery for it c.reitres• nathin.of •iiiverilign States, piovidis for the. `rendition of t4tigiiives from labor,". ilibi!s the itholition thP'slavct trade ror 11 - Hod of twerity„years. But we rare, tiot•whether it: is; regarded us •pro•Slavery:r anti-slavery ' ~ .one tact i 4 bekenditlispuie.:—.4 admits the right. oh:every State to determine and protect ant) just'-such domestic institutions ns.seem to it best adopted, to lee presperity, mid •the people..' Its distinguished characteriStie it'slOcalielf•govertinient, as rip. piisedrto eeptraliieirpiriver.., From emit ralizd. don groWs' despotism—floin the diffo . siob of p o we T , freedom. • '• • ' • •.• •• '• " ' When. the Abolitionists-ask' us to strike-' blow a t , siavery ttit - etttcrriate the institution caitse of the war, they ask to - take a sirid.' 'towards tlcipotism—they. .aslcus 16. tiet•trhy the . beauty and "sfrength 01 . rier •nohle,fahric of g u iternmerittlry ask us yo exercise power which-.We - do•not posst;ss— to becoruo us'urperi that itrgtoei may become tree. They would tiakte• us become - take tnyttc .inndarnenfal , •doctrine's oft tho Consiiiutton,by leYel - intka.hlow atthc; rights.of,the States, tin mindiul-Of the consequances of the parachial act, and-forgetful of the fact that' in destroying Cootitution we deStrne our own libct ties'. The Detnotrtitic party has been called i• pre slavery party. It is' not true: That • party is •a Constitutional. party. It is not a . partiele more prcoslaVere than'the'Cobstitutkin is. -. lt admits the right,of eaeli State to tnana:ge its own domestic concerns without molestation, and insists that this right'shalt be ritaintamed against 101 . assailante:. Upon the obit rilvt : goes , lion of slavery• theme is-rotbint; rvith ThirnoCracy and anti•slf% very:. 'We mae think that slavery is a?great evil in and KetitUcky and that thrnut States would .this dry be'tonty'prosvrotie piny ha &never been trod den' by servile feet; but, we have. no eoritrol r k 've'r t ,hnse Stviles. We.rannot - e'ssinne to die • !ate t Keit. lams , or institutions... •Ovirppwer on t:Ptestions cities tint extend beyond the tiOtintts;of P,•ansylvaniu and we'are effluent:that it is SO; liceatnie oitr rathPrs:n,rireeil'that . :each State should enjoy Ineelindepentlene 4 ' It ;is proper . 111$0 to say in this connection. (hat the',Deniocreic.party . is Bailie cha.dtpion or the. guardian-of. slavery. •If in the exercise of the Constitutional poivel'ot the pove . rtinient in'suhdoing , ret?ellion, shivery receives its death blow, liirelhind good. .th, Rebels ritn this risk when they..atternpted:to deWoi t . he.Union.— They have no right toelitim eicetription for .thk species of, tirotipity'from . • the -casuelities and cale . mities ttenling . every' ,kirid—of % propel ty .time Of war. Nor has the.Government.a eight to, ster'eside from the direct line of ditty: to. inflict is..blow upon slavery whieh . may ipjure • • • '.' ' ' '• ' ' '‘. " ' - " , ~ .. . . .. , . . . . . . . , . loyal es.well g . is ilisloyl'inen.. ~For.ehlvery we cure no'thikig; hut for . the preliervelio'n.of. that' power reserved.to the States ti y the Constitu tion by.virtOe of %ithieh eleyery receives local, siinetion.*We do care, - heeeuse tt is the•strettetth Of. our. Government 'tintl',.the'.goiirdien of :the liberty of every ioyiit S,tate... -...!....,.. . ...•,.: . . . NEWSPAPER. WhT is it that - moon . eery: occasion of ..a • V r ••a monetary nrissure .one-feurth to one • third of 'the city . oid' country newspspers and niegazinee ere forced ;to s r uarierid 'or 'entirely cease thirjritite4 --:qte veil class of melt ',who teach the .;‘,Voilil (aii to teach themselves so iippOrian t leison.fie eell•preser . veition, -- oe'seirliroeiiion Why is it that inintere--ttie ehov . e elosies--4nustli)e forced, to go'begging.; in i.y.tr times to .go fighting,. in . • . diaproporticiOito'nuenbers to i liny othSr . calling or. profession ':(We mean' nOt:to' isriarao their tieffiotrenn—were not talking or'that.) Why. is it . that: printers:r—evei for the pleuenreand proff . t . `Of ihs patrons, and:debarred. nr'!friy via eYfhli l 2 that woolscoot ri te' t:?.thrfr own enjoym - ent—firir . life of -drudgery, in, asVate, of Oentiry Let these.quesfioni be answered by n'tow Of thrre - thOusand and odd, weekly . news papers In• the United States, And-third do ` not 'aysenge 'a circulation exceeding' 700 cepiei . another third will. parbans . acarage' , l,2oo; and . the :erricining third circulate abOve that figure *Burallowing that :two-thirds -lot 'all newspapers' issned'dmvea. fultthousand'a elr Ctli!itiQll, • at least seventy-five of these, ?lust go to , lexchanges;" and about twerity-five to tiler' gymen, railroad, or other companies, ordead hend•instlintiOns—leaving 900 •nominally pay. subseritiers.9f these 000 at Ileast 100 ,magniiiiinouslycondscend- to read the paper so tang :as it is sent to them; but •who , iinagine that the editor's great glory of editing is fully sriQicicnt.renumeratioii,and.comsecjiiintly never take any notice of .an editorial Thua, with'n bona fide piiying'subseriptlonlistof 800 and allowing that the pUblithets get $,1.50 Per.' annurrifrom each subscriber—which is fully. up to'the average—their yearly income fret° that ineue rmounte to : exactly $1,200.. Now take the'a&rertising Patrontte.P of these ' 111 '9 6 n"' 01 " : is, the two•thirds-of the weeklies whose Subscripthin IncOMe is eolimated sl,2oo—and . what does it. amount.to 1. Of local . . . . . . . -dry goods grocets . shoemakeis, ,, carpontlitg, pitinturs; . . cabinet makers' .la' yera,,'dotturs, etc.— poi haft 59.0 thillar'ii* ,. .vorttt.; and all or. nearly must. be li'eltiblate'd in• tard'e.• You most . have . dry'good's,groceries;.jesS'elry (tor the nnasbingits frorn'the -rarpenter,.n : sign from 'the painter, a cradlC from Mo....cabinet. maker, n snit for the lawyer -,-peabaps a libel'Suit in vvbicii yogi :are heavily. mulcted—ishich makes you sick, the. . . iloctor'pays yOu, off ilifeeling your pulse's . few . Rime... Of State Or„County' pUtronage (roorc!. , . thin . half of you paver get either) 19 . rt,.yrm . ni!, say $3OO. XoU• fiup into :Ole job. . „ departmene.. On :07 - few, itia.. l pilitres ;" u fees concert and: bOodbillii a.iiovo or cards tiAets,. 411 Average total, at most, s . 2oo.•Thus ybu buye . For .Stibscrifitio9s, For 'Advvro• , :ing Fur Job Wiiik Gritnd Tdial ' . . The press, type, end. fircteC!.l of each of these offices will average ri-corij'siifoijy•s l ,6oo., Al: lew for rent...s 00; . for elit.r'ilsercilic . sl,99 o —they ought , to he Worth(aloe o;l'4' for t“'e journeymen, bilicarnor s ei'for fliree- or font . boys (who.dre' hsnelly l',uisancei-• in eny'printing :office reel rlc'er at city pike,) in board icy' each--=slsO;.wier firid teer t, materiril, nt leati( s^oo-4n akin!; a total:oothotii adding in the intefest oii the . ' original inceitnienf) of • .Thus ille.oetgo is 62;350 more then- tbe'.in 'comn; an ploriOtie be. the career or the will long - srandslieli a dr.til upon puyse..--j1 h. 6x6 one dorm ISor rnura thri,n•n, yenr nr'two eirccescivcly, 'nod [him' onlywith thn , hope nettine;• into some int office; where ye people unconslonslyroot the bill. If the e4itoi fails Inlgatting nn o...ince;or.fr . ontilmts rimes set in, los cacti is. sold to the'highost. bidilnri hrs printers . ore swindled ont . of-their just ilwis Mid itirpec(out; : b; seek; . . • elsewberß. • ' . • . ve . n i;titl. bat•, tie . wspaper, if only Ifx'2 , l,'eahniit he profitably issae.',l in a country town tit.riss: than st2;so .s3.pcy a. year, and the sOoder aspirots foredf; tonal honors loorn the (net; pint a: j i vitvtilin'atinii: 'opOn'theii Cabers, and depend less' &firm chance aOd,rogtiery- to get along; thrtSoorie.r printer's will'be • freed from a life of ioiligeriee'and offen oleOrsequentiofairiy. Above others, the. tlitorshauld bauble to survive :a; pante,•inild to givebroad•cast speit . couriarl that his :cotorinit: rtjay be . better and tio'betteilor his teach . And..espeially . shotild he'rerhembei• that: a goinii exiioirtlo of honesty ri.:"Otl fair 'de . aling,:, acted 'Oat itnpiarionri; will hate a.:fdr more •utnry effeet. , .than aitipiefuratLlesiOn: rwsibly pencil by drawing From 1)i, s imaginal. : - 15E . ,4 %V . 'sag:A . :sib "Tue: are trYitir,, convince the. Pe.eplethiif 4" ". conaeraati VP mito Ther e ribje so represaat'i - , theli ape Witati party 'aria Present . tlPne, that we are,l6tlaii;c) .tO'itir Of den.. ~.4 •in .. , fonee upon a time an-bOntrit led tbriffy.,lo mer, hail 'upon his forirra.noiry ens, able, but cross, and;dyfOgerrius 'rebirth der ; reason of ...their . per4fse; , natriieri;:tbeLfaitiee - , *waeeornpellea to'keep,in . .seitnirite a bleb were - adjoining,] ; strong and: . stibetaiilisl fence: . The time - ell ( ' couttantly 'brayiti . g . .tits the bitll .ariinfiietint. petty annoyances as cawed.-.e, quarrel, and in spite Of. the .reinonstrattliii . .0f.,.:t . the li*rm likeers Mit tloo'''insued 'Kerwin! : tire,' fence', until if bore: Marry ..irirtilts Of, heels ask bi tin uniOokr.blOwlhe .efip bloke the top'rail of the fence encl..iprartwirite the enclosure, indtiliftfg;le the. , . of free speeefl". and thp . yr a pp ro pifi l tiOy o f vate 'property,!! in violation , of the . . ' posed riglits;...iiteretipme, the angrY. a tteartrtare attackuPti . n. Oa: ass *hick teuk 1: fight and fled to its.. own eticlOsure;- eaeirefoaalY to ittiofm . - the farmer . cof trite , cal it state of affsirs.".' ti me fug dp.o Agepprote attack upon She Open l y: . ; and yas . aboutlo drinyoliskthe-same,,.whep the Ir ruler flew to' t hu.reseue . his* property and: ..engagertia deadly -coMbet . *itit tbe , ,aegry-bell, .while the . 100 k. a position a I::: iaf'e disiainie i ., anti standing erect , en•hi, •bitid legs di4C•retirsetl.uvomtheeverit in. thief wiring ; : am in no way responaible foitbolght, diuot commence ft..: You sito,:tbat fie le: m sra` ignorant, perverse avid ,uneketl - bull; tried to ... arlitryini more aed religion end tri leave bd.:: Cowing like.a hull and braY like an fee t : • upon he became enraged and lies mad! 111111.„-: . y voice le foy airs: not, tbe•ese wee, but the . min that Lem." .'• - ;low for the applipatient the `it: common country; 'the • frir'erer'•the 'Oempeildir Party; . the fence the Conatitutican• the the rebel or the South; • and the •rostha Republi Party, pc'isonatedin Ohio by i7sis gro4a; - tbat' . • •would hive the iiedple ,beliefe that < 1 1:11alloilt • the au . that r. : was; but the•men -that, 161, 0 , 1 "Eccr Hoiro:"—APilary's Crisis. • • Prt.t.oW EXPLAINS lA/lIX. FORPP 2 DONELSON W*s. end Plll9lw.both paoied this , pltice sin lytontlay of last week: They both 'made , short speeetee to the iseit great and dialog tleedk!or the future..;— ,A few of the people cheered, but most of them wauttul some eliitlence.—i guarsinteo of autos's. Pillow explains the.canse of tbe. - dost of the Port as follows: dle. (Pillow) .heid the eatterne,• left, Floyd the'centr'e, and :Buckner the 'right • wing. i3On• Saturday," says Plilow;wl.drOve the Lincoln army' int), hydnctrexpeCtinginek' . eel's assistance .119 t had , ordefed him to melt" a portion orhie foree .and march to: the assistance' of - Ployd..against .the, 'centre. "But ', he refused to obey the order, giving as'hittree son that the enemy then iatidirtg 'fro!): the, Loots would conta•up 00)111 over bit iireatt wcitlis.'end in. his' rear:" .From:tblaMotneinti. Starthay•rooreing;•• • ." Stiiknei seethed to• give up all be,pe, and about:noon, when the Ci t merals find a conference, he advocated i ter. render. Pillow: ohlectedy Floyd' Boot; minima' with ' . pucknet....Thery. PillOW asked` the Other:. two toturn ever. the wholelcommend,talitina and ho would fight it throdgh. Buckner 'not consent, sayin; theliveaoi bit men should : not beSiwrifwed. Floydsaid, ttGentleitten,.do. whet yea •plette; hat the Rort.mus.t• not be surrenderedwithme in it ; if ittshould I know 1 s hould be hung." •Su : they finalifegreed; alt'ar dinner nn Saturtiny.as followst Pl6yd would, with :his own privet,. troops, inalte,his,escape up the river Pill o w , wlth ctrl' aid; wonld:take 4 . small boat and arose .the, river. a tliovar Buckner,. would remain. and surrender On the beadderMsfie• - •couldlelt.. 'lnk wan the: programme which they culled . , . $1,200 700 200 $2,100!! . . .Nor collo( p g AD. , —skitor.Einronei.'r the-. y thatsontbern States_ and eitiaeas' ans. all dead; civily anc.iking,:reieived judicial. inter; partition on Wednesday ih the Supreme Court 'Counsel . held. that defendants in a 'certain case,,residing, in Savannah .and be int.t.unable tObe present, linder the. conditions Of nor were to be treated as daily deod, • and that the.assignove in the:rase were not entitled to etive.- testimony which 'Olpied to personal interviews.between the farties„7.ludge James overruled the defendant in this point, iaken.,,in connection with the tieta_in . tbe [louse QnWednesdaY, goes tn.shoye that i outh-. ern States and citizens are not dead rit: The Dot roit "Fere-Pints thinks the rebellion ,• anon Ur at an pod, bat, it well and ttuly toys, tithe causes of .ftiture,inpiirreetinno will' li „ g „r i n i h„ b a d'y Pokitia r ittatsti 1 6 t!g l usl6 any part of the criuntry the doctrines of eoedioa , . nr abolition are. tolerated. There tan • bir., , nti permanent Peace Wlirtn . itnen vete . nilnwad preach the:t taw conflict," or the right of- ,States toldiScy die ' - General Goveincosnc. All these, , ire:ttenier!-: able. They have bredettf,ti: War, enewnic.i.. o' 7. tended. to :bread kt." They... ataefiele4" 'W hi s ch 'passel& the, nal irna t ,n nel intiet:ktr coat out'. 4 we`would return' to o ur' o f t l..ttak)inssiti?o . • • • . • • • .. in v t tipio Irish: tiObfeman "10 loei!,lt you ti , o,er t' f ime-vvi!kiri 1:m114i:40 banes,. kon , 4 stay taare ;S r ' ~~tr;y ~~ :~ ;.~54. 41, ',"l 40.;ut ill ' "• , ::',. : ! - 1:1,'..r ' ~ 4 11. .• 'E, :, - ;i % !: 5 ;VI 'TA '.,','. - : ,., 'NOi-;,c7c. , i. , , ,,, , ,,., ... , ..,,