TRY , SEED. , - n tt SeStili . LS . ! lf ' OP quality ov. rat "• by atioi for rale.of "1" - 'POLLEY'S. KENDAL-CREEK: HOUSE. III'iLEAN CO P 4. über having purchased ‘'thiq well • re-ftirniehed and re-fit , • tell thttramise is prepared to. entertain Board puhdie. V; 'l,7l.lll:',ivell-suPplied.,:and • everything . done Malik it liberal of patronage: . • 'Rait- , 'MO will ilseitie find the ..latch-steins" out. • ..• • " P. FULLER. . , . ,Kindal Creek; Tannery 2, 1860. ' . 38-ly JOB PRINTINQ; Of . 119ERY. DESCRUTION'; AATLY,:QPtAPLY.AND WEDITIOOSLY stisprun #T.Taz nEmoonAT OFFICE ah ..apanne. '" are, Stove Pipe tail Tin Cat Holea at MASON'S. • • .•• . jOHN... SON' , • . . r oallitssioNts7o*-TIIE . .aIt4TIC OF. I'IEW I . OIIIT. . 41 . 1 .to take prouti i d . isckuoirledgint , nte oL Oevis . ellillitladrit.menta to, be uged and recorded to Raid State; Alad te - aialtuf der ektbs or , ifflrmitiuns .'pursu•nt to tho aid elate, Conveyancer, • Offices in. Land Of . '-4siKD Itilohpry;•Bnutford, 31;Keui Cu ; . Yeeck 14 THOMPSON'S: Wit NOTE AND COMMERCIAII REPORTER. Ctrinlation, 100,000. EDITED BY, JOHN THOMPSON ,Qmomiiioni corrected by Mimi N .13tiontr,i4;, 2 ; Wia.Street. I'nblished by CxAs. BinNDEL., 117 Frakrrk St, OF lIDDEORIPTION IN ADVANCE; • 'To Mill Subs eriliOrs ' ' . • Weekly,— senil-rhontii,lyi..' I Monthly.. .750 ' Te r Postrnsatera ' othdre,, who terra • d 10.4 . awl fat. weld us the money in advance. we witisena the. Raver. 0014nts . Chare Manna, and Destriptive List,ws foh 5 napkin of the Weekly, eve Year ' .1 copies of the Senthmonthly.. soples' of the Monthly' . . . . foritiard grititiitotOy•to: any 'peran'h sending a dub of $2O at the' above rates, at. 'any onti.time,.our • .4m'ericail Gold Com Tao THOMPSONAAOTHETIS, Bankers, Wall SL'. . N. Y Proprietors ..• COURT PROCLAMATION,' • W . HEREAS the Hon. Robert G. White President - Judge, and the 'Hens., J.- Hur• ling end N. Peabody ' Associate Judges of the Courts af Oyer& Terminer and General Jail Deliverit, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Or: phins' Court and, Court of Common Pleas : for the Crienty oiM'Kein have issued their precept, bearing date. Saturday, the - seventh. day of December in the year of our Lord one: awn sand eight hundred and sixty-one; and - to me directed, fot holding a Court of Oyor - and Terminer arid General Jail ,Belivery; Quarter fiessione of the. Peace,' Orphans' Court, and . Court of Common Pleas, in the Borough of SmethPort, on Monday, the third day, ofliktich next, and toecintintie ones week. • • Notice is therefore hereby given 011ie Coro sere, 'Justices of the Peace and Constables within the 'county, that they be then and' there in their pro Per persona; et 10 o'clock-A. M. of said day, : with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and : other rernembrances, those tbings'which their offices appertain to be bane.. And those who are bound by their rec. egniiinies to prosecute the Prisoners that are or shall be•in the jail of said county of : M'Kean, ,art to be then and there to prosecute against them *twill be , jun. ' • • .Dated at Smethport, this 10th day of Erb rainy -1862,_ and-the 85th year of the Inde. pendence'of the United.Stites of America. - .. JAS. E. BLAIR, SherifT. PROSPECTUS OF THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN.. Ti BUT MISCIIIANICAL PAPER IN THE WORLD SEVENTEENTH .YEAR. • Volume VI.-- New Serieht. • Anew volume of this widely circulated pa per commences:on the 4th of January. Every number gentains - sizteea pages.ot useful :infor mation and from five to ten priginal engravings •f neve inventions and diicoveries, all of which aresprepared expressly ior its•columns. The . SCINTiFIC AMERICAN is devoted to the interests of Popular Scienge, the Mechanic 'Arte, Manufactures Inventions, Agriculture, Commerce' and the Industrial. Pursuits gener• ally, and is valuible aad .instructive not ,only in the Workshop and ' Manufactory, but also in the Houaehold, the Library and, the Reading To The Mectninie ind Minufanturer! . _ No person _engaged in any of the mechanica pursuits should think of doing, without the Scurtirrrem Asinitican.. It costs but four rents pep•week; every number contains from six , to tea goiravioge,of Slew machines anti inven firm; which canna be found in any other pub; lietttiea. It is: er r established rule ot: the pub. liehers to insert nhnibut original engravings, arid those of - the first class in the art, drawn 'ard engraved by experienced persons 'under superiision.. To the inventor! . Vl* WIE NTI}IC , .AMERICAN -is .in'die- Ponoable to evoly ,not only cop- taini'itluitrated 'descriptions of nearly . all the - inveriiOnsas they, ewe . oat, but - each stimiler:c.ontairis an Official . List o Ihe Claima .41:#!I'the P.. tents ianed. from the'United St ai«s. Mee during the 'week previous ; ofthi.::: pistaat 0 . r. hi,tory of the pro,r , ''` '', flaring I' " nee " I re W e are also recei v• '. . d ons its Ail 4°o °' • ' . 'fi e journals of •,,,..,, nt ,/.1!•10 . , wee k, the, boit own" . thus itt,ioPilkikiriarrYrirain 't rance , and CorrlianY,, ju" f f4=' r. " 7- - ' 'oseesion all,that• is trellsPirin,l i ~e ' ' ,M, t ur i P er i enar , and, art in 'be" _old. 14,,!.:4111, mipeneolc . ,. .liv6,ll,' co min ue ,te ,trenere . e ,7 ~. ' M.O. ',VT . " ' ...6011, • these jour ''4'"N ' 'catlc" '" tl " 4 6 I interest to ,' 440 , 010m 01 ,, n o m* i t i 4 t, +elm o 11 114 # W h it. ',., -' PlO ~4 • w i d ow . '- I: , • ‘, • m•ii, , , , rigLts," Anti 1:01011W ' 4 1, 04 ... . v,. , ~,,T7ARmERSI will 44 1 ig x t 47 , ligßiclivx ibe ''3 t.g i rriTlOlC,''"' , "- , ..iftie lh . A I the ~ :0 , 2.T-77 ... ...- iik,ottnet•te 1. , l,„114 re -- r - _..1 4 ~,,g eteice! of chemistry eP`..464OOOlCAir, " ' E L '''';', ~ 1 ;,, ,' • i ''. 4 r Al, . . . given in its etiliunnsi and• . the'..interests of the :' a rehite:et and,earpenrer are nut- nverlooke!it nil .ths; new inventions and.distoVeries trppotafpJ ing to these. „ pursuits being - published from week- . to week. Useful Mul ptaetical tion:pertaining to the intereste 'of millwrights. ' and inill.owners.Will be found. published in the A ONRICA ' N' which information' they cantioepossibly obtain , froth' any . other — souree. 'Bubjects.inwhich.planters and formate ere in. terested,will be Intiturdiscussedin thti Scinn: TIC . IC AMR RICAN; moirof the iMprovt.bments in agrieuftural implement's being lanai rated its TERMS . , . •To trail .aubsembers:—.l . wo Dollars a Year, One Didier.. fOrsix .rnonths. — : One Dollar paya'for one. complete volum'e' of. 4.16 ;pages; tw.o "yolumea..compribe - one year.' Tne vol.. Ornee cnairnence on the 'first of, Jannary and CLUB RATES Five cqpiesi fos: six -MOnth . s.. ."-. $4 Ten copies, tor Six Itifopihs - : ; $8 Ten copies, tor Twetce stonlbs • •-• $l5 Fifteen 'copies, for Twelve 1116ni ha $22 t*e!rity copiep, for Twel $2B For all chat* of Twenty and over, the': year ly SubscOPtion is only $1,46.. Names can be at different..ttrnes • ancl:'lro'in different .Pobt•offireF—Sperimen copies wi . sen gra• • tis to any part;of the:country.' ' .• . • WestarO athl tannilian' rionP'y or . Post-office stamps iol{Pa at par •for Caok (liar) aubacribeya Wage to, 'remit: 2 5 coats, eXtra on each ;year's aubieription. to, pre-pay postage. il4liigN•Bc:•CO.iry . lllllshers, - . -New 'YOrk. Ayer'sSarsaparilla cOmpOund remedy; .in whiCh hliye bored,to produce the' most effectual' alterative • that can be !Mule. .Itis a concentrated eStract • of Pore Sarsaparilla, so, combined with:Other substances'of still greater alterative, power to afford- an' effective •antidotObr• tlt di! . Sarsaparilla iarcputed to cure. It is beiiev'ed -that such, a remedy: is•wanted by those- who • suffer from Strunions complaints, and that whielcwill accomplish their. ewe must, prim) of. immense service to , this haw elass•of our afflicted : felloW-citinenS. I low compl y. 'cbmpound will do it been broven by•exper intent on many of the worst eases to, be fotuid 'of the following complaints —• . • • • :•Scaerel,.4. , AND SeltOkr- . 106: COM PIA I N'Ti f Pnrrrtoes aith..litierrAT DisrAso,• U1.0:10, -1 3 .611.1 , Eq l ttL9TOUES,' TU:11010, atur •Rniant, • Senr,u•lieno, •Svritims AND AP;. PECTIONS, 11.ALGIA. 01: Tto D.ooLoo4oox,.DliogaTi'., Ilss rsrstA AN!) IvbtnisTtoN, .liarstrUto.s, llosu •on.. St. ANTHONY'S . and biked. the .v,,holJ 'class.of complaints arising from .131vouti4' et.; This* corapountl' will, he found a great. pro: meter of health; when taken in . the Spring, to . OM foul -humors which, fester in the blood at that season of the year; By tho time-, • ly•emllsion of them many, ranklino . dliarders are nipped in •the, bud: • ISlultituires : cam by the aid of this remedy, spare them Selves fibm the endurance of ihul eruptions, and•ulcerous 81 , M3, Ahrollgh ithtieh the system will strive to rid itself ... of corruptions,, if.not - assisted to do this through-the-natural charniels of the body by .tin• ,alterative medicine. 'Cleanse, out' time 'vitiated-blood'wherievcr yow find its impurities btu:sting through the bTun in pimples, eruptions; or sores-, , cleanse it .when.yon find it is oh struCtedand sluggish in the veins; cleanse, it 'whenever it is foul, Mid 'your feelings will - tell onwhen. Even where no particular . disorder 'felt; 'pee* • enjoy better:health, • and" live, longer,. for cleansing the blood. • Jeep „the blood healthy, and all is ; but With this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting .health.; Spober . 0 later something :mist go Wrong, and the great.. machinery of • life is disordered or overtbroWM ' • . • Sarsaparilla , has, and deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing these ends: But the . world, has been egregiously' deceived by preparations of if; partly because the • drug: • alone has not. all • the virtue that claimed for it, but: more because many preppration; pretending to be concentrated. extracts of it,. 'contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or tiny: thing else. -• . :• • • , • . During late years the public have been led by large bottles, pretending to ,give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for:ohe dollar. " of these have '.been frauds upon the: sick, ..foi they not only .contain little; if any,; but.oftezi no 'curative. properties -whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointinent has followe d the-use Of the•varions estracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the' market,: until the is - justly despised, and, has become synonymous with imposition and - cheat— Still we Call this_ compound Sarsaparilla; Mid intend: to supply such ,a remedy ns shall rescue , the name : from, the IOOd Of obloquy' which . rests Upon it. And. we think we have ground for believing it:has .viitues which are - irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend. &I:to cute._ln order to - .seeure their complete, eradicationfOM the systeni, the remedy should bctjudieiously . takeu acCOrdiug, to directions oh the bottle. • , : . - • ' PREPARED DY , 3. C..AYE I & CO.; • LOWILL; MASS. rrice;.si per Bottle ; 'Six Bottles for $5. . . . . . . . . . ..Ayer'B Cheiry.:PectQra 2 . hais Iron for itself 'sneli a renown for the cure. of every variety. of Throat and Lung Coniplaipt, that it. is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of. its virtues, wherever it has been .etn ploYed. ' As it has long been in constant use 'throughout this section, we need not do inure than assure the peonle its quality is . kept up to the best it ever has 'been, and that ,it may be relied on to 'do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayei's . Cathartic Pills, FOII. , TIT C 11314 oF, " . . 'Costiveness; Jaundice, ..Rysprpsia, Dysentery, Foul ,stomoth, Erysipelas,- Iltodoehe, .IWe/4 Rheumatism, &options and .'Lin Diseases, 'Liner .Clo!nplainit bropy, 9ettrr, Tumors and Salt • Rheum, . Worms, ,GOut, Nenrohild; • tre ci. -Ditiner . Pill,' and for l'arifying the They, ere stigar-ebated, s,o that the wort renst five can take them. pleasantly, and they me the best aperient in the Itorlf.l for all the purpas,6 of it family physic. Prior) 26 cate.per Roxi, : 1'.0X03 for $l.OO. Great nurnbers of Clergymen; Ph esieian§, States men, ..and eminent persunagtts, Imre lent their names to certify the unparalleled ut•efutness of these remedies, but our space here not permit the insertion of them. The 'Agent's below named fur nish gratis our 411E11I0.AN AM,atA sac in trhirh thin are given v with - also Tull descriptions of the ;Lori complaints, and the treattnen•t that 6110111 d Ile•fu, lowed, for their cure. • - - • '. . .Do not •be put °Ertl. unPrineipled dealerS miff other *partitions they make more profit . ' on DetuattiLAVEit's, rind take no - °them The sicl lantthe baSt old there is for their! and, 'ey shoal; All our Remedies are for sale by. . . • & Smethfi9rt; C. r. On. good', BradAird ; L. H.'Dokly, POW Mlegh 4 en'y and bY . llloers everywhere.. • . . • , • • Slierift B : y . vutTUfi r of Sundry yrilte .of .I;"enehtign,i Expo. , tioi, °flint thtk of Court: Conirnon Blown( County.:an.l in me directed, Shore, iyil! he expo; aed to publle rale. at'tlia.C..urt' Bowie, In' the Borough ol Sinetportion litonday,.March HMI, at Iv'. The folinatog described' r.atiite: Beginning at a hemlock, 411 . 0' unuili..wailt earner. of Int , No, Sd. of the a'otment of the de ih loifayotie Mittean 'cortno :thence' areal by laude of &.ftlopei hive-tenth perches; thitnee.ooi ill. by Innth of. Janice blobp, one :,hund red and Xerenty-ilre iind-fiiiir ,tetithii'per'clies; thence Aontb 0 glity.elght ilegreeet east, pereliee; alionoe, • enuth .by I:inlliatille ofie hundred mut •rereittplliree and two tenth pure Ilea to the place of becinning, NWT -eight and. rale-tenth, acres, with an allu'irance of eta rur cent for undo, Sc c.. he the 841110 . . more vr lewi It being lot No. Si of the alcitinotit of ille.Bingliegi Node in Lafayutto. town.hip„ and part of warrants. piunherdd Belzed „tab'. n' execution' and 'W . 1,0'1401.1 the .r fop .orty of Nplarlaualt.•Periyirit the attiVof . .. • • • . •: • ...The folloiving dercri had lies; Estate, • beginning:if - a post in. the Stale toad, one hundred und.• ten pert:Ws east of 'the north egg corner or lot No 118 . , .-cf the al ttneltt of the I.linghate lands in Lafayette toWnship,• thence south by lands of Hull a: Noise. one'hurdr• d end eighty perches. Aimee . east by lends or Hull sc'.l4lorso, - ninety-sii.aud 114.0 on t h - pet char; tilt-nee - Along the Town Line north 'one.and one;fou rth -degrethi, oast One' bun', 'deed, and seventv;ilve and seven•tetitla percher; Thence slang the Stateltoad north, ciggly:reren and a-ltalf grows* :west, one hundred and rix , tinith perchre. to the place :of beginning Cheitaining ane hundred:and three 'and tWe t tentif acreti,:with .-anallowance of :rix pet tent for - roads c . bo,the.tdono Inure or ler” it being I,f No-, 117 of the: skit ment of -Bingham. Lands in • Lafayette ton whip. and. part - of warrants nu nib.; red - 2247 and d2l a. Seized. taken inexecution. and to . he 'mild Hs the prop. .erty of William An d er s on, at the se. tot IStughata True. .• • . The foiloylng. rleailritleil Beal 'Estate: Beginning is: he It net' of.tot 'ii)L•tinent, of Hingh tut lands in . Lahti ats tilefied east O Y. lot- No 0 1 , site butbb cut end perch , slut? - eight tentlio; thenee - inui h sip tiros and firn trittliperalissf Jipincti went and Bing-. hoot trot) a nit't FrtV and. ts , o• t(' oth 'l- 0-- cltrs..the,noe krt by' hi nglin h " unts etility•i roe - and se-tent poi alias to-the. pb e• n eu tatting: enntnitiing 61 snit [stalls iterea,. fin' niuwanee of six per sent ;for Plods c., he the Sa , lim or 1 , ' ,4 1- It bring lot'No..ol. of the ailotnient of the. hinellain hinds •In r;iyeitth ton nalii p, awl part of_ um:rant numbered *.t!!00. 7 set:o and utbt ti in ctsatultrUi and t" he no the pyttperty of Marsh ! at-the suit of Illogltant l'ltrrfolloTrinq rlenei:ned Heal FAtate; 'Tleginning ot a nor tanner of, Ni,. S 3, or the.ll9lcb ell: . of fre • tel:ita 1.1f , V..t1e . town , Itiri Jlienee t•ou111,101...1 , 2 roe= by lot 83. iwe lion? ..lreil arel • Lai lu-lipi'• 'Perches, .lill,l Illlllltr.' hoall: north.' ei5it1,...1.1).111 nut Oiree rouil olO:eee 4 is wd out, ulto!'; IT lot No.• 511, API He, and ”Ite.hati di qtr , s met eigltt•ll,l.ll, 11 , 1(.11.'6 thelleP !leak: and .111! 1111101,r , f;„, hi, osi, I I 1 . 1. e. el' lie , : h.- . • riing cont.oninyr 1;1110f-0AV' rind nere4 with nu alkmanee or 1•r Trent f0r61.1 4 , I.e nil' Owe mere el' lean. 11-lo•irg lot 1 , 1,1 51 or It o allottnourk of. the Itinzlit.nt 1aw.1.4 In lata3sette lown•Ilip; Mal Dart Id wirrltel'tfoll.liert , l • lsl • " ;old then iu r crew to•lp , 01 ,1 pa the prnpe.rly' or George of 1.410m 10 l'rualees. .I.‘Mllc E. 1 , 1..1111 , .SberifT. •. Surturr'i Of , tll Ir.V.llN . •l , llflirr:'l ., F. , —Tl. folloaivg altat , l .1 er , ona . 1 1 0 ., m o d 'hai r reip. , ativu•tplitioa for:a 'l'atiein.'-lit : e t .a.'..,ace,, dine to 111 W i • ',1'11041.4 hfili!•W IS. Ki...aki'mr ToWnALip, .' .8, M. l'lllaairi.s, I:ta , lruri•l'. , aa , l4, .. •• • . ..i* 31.rt•ti.a.. r , ' '• '•• ; • .. . . • n• V i.R. 111...Wswrr,'Sii,r;tbrnrf itnr , trb. . . trlti,e, my hunts.) t F. , , , 1 ~ .i• co3rt, at• vr .I ..w . port, Vetoradry lat.'; A. 1) 1't12..." , . ' ,1\V:.11 •CfIADIVICH, Clerk. ' ' .•WAI . C:111.;11, :Nr. . . GERMAN PHYSICIAN •CL : SURGEON (J'1:101 : %NEN:41 : Y OCEAN, :;;• Rugs leave Jo . ib.l*.tim ns of .BOriet:kport Lnd vicinity., Ihot ha call bh al the- . . BENNETT , jitOUSE, On.the• v : rusT and Firrilry'rit CO' Par it month, where Ire May. ire • Co'nsdlied Particular , atlentinn'plid .to all .diseri4i; ;r1 the .V.Y I.l.arnd bKIN. • Alrrn . ;ill' CHRONIC: pI)ISEX;SFS, r)DISFrirrSFS, !Ind. itich as . pectillar tq.butlr .• • • 'l\lrlyr 18:01. • :STOVES .STOVES! • Conlbinntion Brick Oven Cooking Stoves (Tire !..k•rnsT' Isv:ENTkoNc?r THE Ac; _ i t,. ICOLIRE respectfully' calls tfie'rilten. Li those .tvj,l)iFlLr !leo: CoOkirig Stnves to tpe'Fire Brick Elevated OVen,Conlittitz Sto , •e, hil'h : loi l ic the yinsr t.tvni'itnt at the Erie Co. •Fairiai•‘'vell as at numerous Slate and County. Fairs throOghout - the•Vnited States. • • • . .They'fire the most Purable tons .Coos.titmtctl And only one flint is eiialtO • ihe old.fash . Toned Brick Ovens, for . WAR itA Eb EN' , These Stoves sold at ereally ,teduced am sutplied , with all kinds of , . & SOX:StOVE§:! Together with rifullosortnient of TIN-WARE, shocit'lrol*4;''Copper.Ware,' &o Job Work, of all- Yindillone with dispafeh, - and .in a satis tory manner, at t . he loWest po.aible prices. • Oil Copperßaga, Bums, lea . tl,Fp‘l,ter, and . in f,ier : r'verythini yin have will be taken exchantte.for.goodseven to Cash. • •.• Give me, a call, at stand,,. • ONE DOOR . WEST, OF. THE ASTOR HOUSE: •Smethoart, , ,Jam..lo, 1861.. MONEY' SAVED • •. . , . . . . • • . . Obgerving - thes . ie . Facts . ..• .... . • . .. • . • . •• . _,• . • jet. That lam por• 4 , f-Nca - r:,.,17-.. 11nu tl . t lorated in, • Arc1i ,,..4., ...„. ::= : r,n,;0„„,1. -4, _ • . - 2nd, Tlott I keep enn , ...,„. , - ~ %. . ~, r ; , ~.... 1,1 0 1 00 I.tlo • I W ll. S'''' '......" . ... T ' . .*1 ''''' ' ... -7 t:4,. ") i (....: ) pellf i C . 51...u..pn1y 01 the h , tit yt.ll - •;-._ -,,,,, ......:_:.,....,, ~.0,,,,,, , .‘: I ‘, ty or .711 tterial . s. 1 o; 1 , • e . #. 2 --. •• :'.., ', , r -o- ' ~i l, „,. ,• c , for yepalelte.7 the :.0 ..*77:; : iit" 2 , 1 .-- ,1 r' 3 ' , f . . 60 0 .1,10 1 H .or. liiiro,r - - ..ft-.-. , —.41 r' 'rly . eat kittO Of .7 .. .. , , .• • ---. ''-'..4"ik"rj•""o • \‘',V1( .. .141 , ;;!4,' ''-'----' '7" , "..r• •• , . and 1,11,in t I Jun .uot le'Agline elleti I ....e that tiettrl , lit , t' , "ii 8 nxl , oriene°- 11 "' .ntudit ow how tollstt theer I eeeeß-fully, . • 31. II :tteleVi rein be a irelY•Orld •KCi , o.lllleo'lr •I'.'t hired et, :-.lpetheert 'NO Matter .1114 fllll,l 01. , 1111111..U1t :the' j,th: of, I nindot.rnifinot to tool, iee.ted 'tip, And lie fully: pro .'' jtred'ln meet e‘o's. e r el.oev'en s e. ... , ' •. . . • .CLQCKS,WATCHS JEWELRY.&C, • . , . . Repaired on short notice sin reacsindide ternic, In file Store of Artuitrong's. Sign of the • - • W, - Ids BAKEII guaranten my nriceCd'or work to,lso an low ac at any other sot II rinvilatc lan," recnoncilsie slion'and than at many.- Menne Mee one a coin 'BRICK FOR SALE. rl n rk firet rnte brick rnrenle,.' In I.DO S IiUV quire OTRANK BACKUS Smethpoo, August. 13,.1800 "COSTARS" VERMIN. EXTIRMINATORS. "Only Infallible Remedies iCitowrif,'. EVERY . ORN! AND SPECIES OF VERIVIN. . . These-pi , entiratioys.(unlike all'ot hers) "Free frotit ..• •thtngerniti to the hutnan..f, , nily.". come out of-their hole. to die:". tie 10 yearq more estoNl . s din pity Used by.- 7 14,ei;/ Post Cffice. tz City Prisons and Station Houses Olsd by—City Steamers,'§hips,.&c. Used tk—the : tity Hospitals Alms-Huusep, Used City 'Hotels= ~rlstoi'—BSl Nirholas,' 4-e U.ted ty —th•Bnaitling Ucti , ty—inore 6an'io,ooo Priiraterdmiiiie ..rll7"Seo.lirbat the-',P?ople, chi/ •Draleri • IlKisSitY R. COSTAR.- AII tin;..,soniiner Poinehes an,! .1, nsliArne'llni: the for •t e%;eryii here.' I . plircliaspd ,o.linx 01.3.p0r 'rip'', flied' it; and in 0111". WrOC, 'their Roach 'or :\l'ritte,, in the JoilN 11..61i.RN., No. 91 lilm St, • 110LTSI;KEEPTA1S-:-.1 h. kermin., 50 no i f • tin..) , EXiifinillolols: illiVt,i'iNV( l it to not lit'tir:n, nod 11. a I‘.erg 11..1 . !ried but '',they Cos . T . A .- eF . ,ari kin knocks (nit oi4iuits, Alice.itri.l Beil Bugs, rinirlc.rillan n ii,iiii2rni.ilorn s ond a ll..oyqr ry:—.l/qina (U ) Gaze/tr.: 4 : : • MORE. ;R.\ IN a Od . .Prrivislons tirr. rt , slrny 0.1 ..onnally in citaill Conl.ty 6y vnunin,-tban a'nubl pay for ti;i4• r. . ; •hI Es nv . R. C : 0 ireeivoll, prntnionred a C.teeeS, it hioc . ol: it, itptl the tray the Rats and a i ntorl-ou'r•rovriiisf.s ihat niaht was n enirt ion to slonlinis.-- ince-illi‘n,not n Rat 'sir hoard in Iti'tclien nr '('lota:.) Cindy, I IIAVE'IIr,EN Exfirrrii : nntor for the. 'and And it ec-ut: sum' Ortitr2io,.Cardington, I'VE • ARE SELLING -AI - nor. firPprirtition rapidly. •IVherever they hevP bporriiße4l; llnnehp.s, AT ply. l'..crrEn TLILITYER, Druggists; Ney •• .• • • ... To Destroy-Rats, Roache, &c De . Atruy--M3ce, Alokcs, Ret To Des:trop-7Bed lv Dcyl'oy—Moths," Flea 4, Tr 1)r . itrOy-.—Nlosq . !lit iues .Tp—Dest . ;•ny-LlnsPctsDri plagty,anil inserts To Des r . roy-,-InseCt's • on Animals, &c Destroy—Every forMand:species,of y "Costar's" Rooch, Extirmin'r 'Costar's" Bed-bug Extirminator, • "Bostar's" , Eteotric Powder for Insects, IN 25. 50c. Aso $1 00 POSTS. no rrt.ts AND FLASHS. ..$3 and •$5 sszss roll PLANTA"' TIONS, SIIIi'S, BOATS, HOTELS, &E. Et 7" So et y ere—by All Wholesale rirug'eists in large cities. All' Retail—grocers—Stare-keepers, &e., in, the 'United States. - • Wholesale. Agents , i n, New -Yorkiiity' . Shiilfolin & Co.. ITsrynl.l. &'Co F.iiiiPstock,[lllll Bush, GSle . & RobisonA .13.& D. c; !! ,6 &Co.. M. Word', & Co & Hart. ' & Robbins. Hess mon & I R. S.l3nin'es../(z 'Co. Ball, Rurk~l &.C.o. IF. C. Wells & Marsh '&• Co P. D. Or'ok.. Penfol.l,.POrkey & Co. Dudley & S tuffoid T: W. Dvoit & Co. 1.11Oht; 511nprnOirr At Co B.A.F.thOestock & Co; .French,Richartls &Co All the Principal. Cities end Towns in the UNITED -STATES:. SMETIIPO RT, V7Solli by - -. . 'And by , Drimists, Grkers arid Retitilors gen erally erally in City and Country:t • ,Q Country Deakra can order an above.-' Or' ddress oribirs direct-fur it Prices, Teims &c. is desired lig - Send, for Circular. to Derileis] HENRY R. COSTAR PiiNcirst•HcPoTl—No. 512, Broadway, Opposlie the St. Nicholas Hotel, N. Y FA, 21, 1861.-4 mos. : • . . N.T. JONES 7:!C.Woys Instiint)y EDX:I333 RaII. D xori, 'T.ripp'& Co. Conrad Fox Mliiilli Philadelphia, '.' • : GOULD'', '; ' ' ' ' .PHYSICIAN AND '.SURGEON . Having perman'entlyloeated. himself :ac . . . . . ... • . - PORT. 'AT.LEGANY, • . respectfully infornh : the 'public...Oat he ispreriared to -at tend'te . imsin4S in all branches of the A4ediiai 1 3 /e'reaionz" . ..Partienlai - . often, tion',paid . ta Secret • Diseases, - both - .Linda and' fetpale,;heii ,l l l . be treated in aecorda . nee wi' h the latest and .practice of both .EO: rope 'ara ,America." All seerets:. intrusted tp i; im , In. his praeti7e,', will. be strictly, .kent tly o . m, - in Spite,nf money,.(aw, I'l - joints, enemies-, celativeiovneighbois. • ..Port A ilegany . ,..l4lnrety 20th, 1860.- - :- • • . . . ... . --; • '...:wANTT-Ep......• :• . A • ildUT .... !j.oo ' ti'crund . l of 11 . 1 . 3, , p1 .. ii . 8u7 . r..i i n Axc . . exeha . n . g .. el , or . FupOtui9. o.i . . ItterhaniebLurg qsatioet -.M0p... ' Smenrort t .Apytt 1,186.1. ••, . .. . . ... . • . • ' .THETEOPLE's 0601 C BOOK.' • . MOD ERN: : COOKERY Iri all its.Braiiches.. • cArtkFoLt.v it'gvis,El? „ . . . . IT TELLS'YOU Now to chow.° all kinds of Meiiis.. Pout-. . • i ' .try' enl Game, with all the various ind .mnstappro eel anodes' of Artiariik and . .. ”. - ' • conkiim heir and Perk ;,also the host • • - mail simplest. way Of -slitting, piiikllng and ruriint the tante, :, . • IT TELLS YOU A 1 titre' ritrieus. hod i most iipproved, . ',. . • ' , . modes of drums og, cookinir , ai dtioniteri . ' — . lilirtiiiii, Lamb, Veal, Potlitrv.. - aed , :" . • ' (lame of mli klnita, 'with Aim differentl . - :Arty-iiites, 'Gravies and B:uffitigA tili., • • • • . promiidle to each.. i IT TELLS' YOU Ilea', to' 'elifin=e, , clean, and. pr.eserre . . ' .i. Rich .1 f.all.kloils, and hoe to sweeten it,,viieli.lithitai•l ; slot, all. Ilia yarioud , - nail int st Approved mode: of cookinir,' • - ~ with the diffe• eat llretiiiim , i, Satimiti,, " -' • '•• ' • ' and I'l:troll:rips n y phopti.tte. to 6;11.. • .T.TELLS•TOU,AII the„ I..triptis An I 111 , 1 ' It. 'PPP. nye 1 • • ••, . • • mules of lirerairln;.;. over fifty different • •. ' • •' . kinilii.olNleat F1 , 11,' Fowl. Game. Mal . ' - ' •Yeiret 'bin Soons, • mint l i a,,ind,.stawa; •• - .. . .. • -with the ,Itelislii..Q'and tiedatininga ap- ' , . • . , propriate In earl'. .. „ IT TELLS YOU: All Ihe 'vaajous' not' neigt , approved "-- . ' ' ' miallionr c”okin4, V5g.1)11•11es IJi every • . . . , :dercriptton, als. , how to pr , :pare Vie:. let. CO , itp and Curries of all kin It, . ,• ' • '••l'dited Mata.,,ll•ll. 'i\Tu , lir.oriniF„N,.,; IT TELLS . .YOU..\ II tlie • viii iiii.ri - told. tioi,t tinny ivial . • ninili, ,, of •rieicirine nod 'mink in; all •• - „ kimi..of pinin and Fancy Paery,l'ild;. '. dial:, Oliodette , ;Ftittel ,(.!iikes. I on . ..• . , . . • .100 intiePy. Preq.ryeß. Jellies • and Sweet Dishes of e..ery dei•eriptin I ••• ' IT TELLS YOU Ail ' tlpl • I . llri;qi 4 'and moo Apo 4-pi;d modes of yoaking )Trend 119.00, Itinf-. ,'. • ' ' ' fins and Iti.,,nit, 04 , hest method of .. . rirenaring, Coffee., 'ant Tea': , ' ten' how to leaky "ivrit pa , Conliala and' . . ... .' , . Wities.of vnrinut kinds. •. - IT TELLS YOU lloty'to set 1191: 'yid ornament' fc Vide, Joie- to 'ea ru' all -li.ndt dif .Fidt, Flesh or Fowl. awl' iii,diort. l i ii-to so: ~i! i ,. Tdiry • the who!" ar'.f of '..:orki n: ' its 1 , ' i • • -• • brilZ the iihoieral hi co ''ice of the table• • i' wit bin ever lii-de's'reatil:'. - . • . Tlie 1 opb o r r oam, 'ii 0,04 . atilt 01111,r•IS.Or WO ,',. hundred Recipes, ail of ai,hileh a-e the re.iiilta rit fie tont' ~.xl ie rience. I,,iviiej horn fully. and carefuly;teted under the por' 1•11111 ,•il par ifitiller of the .i.ritort , It. IA p • rin!.d in isobar and novo t vv.. iq,iliti•fratt.4 uPh appropriate pnuravings, and will by forivarled to nor a dd .i .r..,c.,,,,,iy r, boo ol,,arcl . post:ore paid, do rec,iipt 'of the price; t.:,00, or. in Meth, extra, Si ' 25 .. .. ' - ' ' • . '. . ' ' $ . lOOO . A.. Y E:VR -, he .I .'" l .' le b.)' en •1•1•1tY1.1,10Int Men. where. itt e',liroj.the above work, sue inducements to all such ht•inz very liberal' .' . ' - : .6'or.s.toolo collie; of the la)atc' or for I ernig to agents, with Othe'r information, tipple to n- Ild 're.a• . , • ' . JOON E. : POTTER. Publi•lter. i - ' "I'tf; 'Ol7 'Sarieitn Street, Poiiiiiielphia, rn. , , lovember 15, 1000 -fin —, i.• . , - • • , 24. .....H . A . 1.1.1).'1',1115 : : :. .....,„:.. -.MAI)E....EASY'! Good. News for the Unemployed; 1000 CIIINCES TO MAKE MONEY 1 ONE MILLION DOLLARS WORTH IVATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER - -PLAT,F,D.,'IVAUE, To be di.wosed of oo AN ENTIRELY NEW AND ORIGINAL PLAN ! All persons desirous of securing an .Agericy NEW ENTERPRISE, Should semion.their names at onre,eliclodoe a 3 cent stamp to pay postage, end receive by return mail • • • • ./1 nnhlPlm y CATALOGUE Containing Our ltedurethefiti; RiiRE CH•leirCE MAKE 1‘10" TE-17- without risk, with 1 1U114 1 .1Et512.29711611E34. • • Relative, to this , NOVET, PtANA To insure prompt and satisfactory dealings, direct all orders to •• .. • • . ••• • GEORGE G. , EVANS, • . • • 439 Chestnut st., Philadelphia. ' April 11, 1961.. ••: • mPRINGr . TRADE NOW . fI yPENED, ThiV 021/Ifiß NEW GOODS AT THE ONE PRICE IRON 1I TEE. OLD PLACE, THE CHEAP STORE,. GREAT BARGAINS CAN BE. HAD AT THE ONE PRICE EGULATOR 1 zire':'Detc;na4eld:ie.Und'ereel2, MARK .THAT !! OLD FRIENDS KNOW ALL ABOUT IT titiv . 1)11's Y.tiji:fcnie.And Judge roi:,llll,(rielioti One purchase will satisfy the most sjceptical that there is only one place to.huy, first class, good's, at very low - prices,'and that place is the• ONE PRICE REGULATOR, The one prlce syetemgives the • bestsatiefse- SUPERIOR GOODS, NEW FASHIONS, T.OW PRIOES, EVERY YOU. WANT AT THE ONE PRICE 'REGULATOR, and the grand Emporiuni Of .evEny thing .new neat .and . styli,h. If yuu have thu CASH and whnt'to buvthe BEST DRY GOODS, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, HATS *AND, CAPS, BOOTS AND SLIOES, GO TO THE Which afford ONE PUNE REGLJLATORi THERE Ve'l3 find goods iemar.knble.titicl beuuty, durability; eupe[~lCh to you at the lowest pUssiblt figure, the first time, and froth price, there can be .N . O Di' V.l.,A7.itiSh Rem'etill?er—One Priee--tow Styles—Strict Integrity—Cash ! THING. &. MILLR. Ole,. April 24 DON'T MISS IT. DON'T .FORGET IT ELEGANT STYLES, OLD FAVORITES; 1.9* pmchs; FANCY GOODS, CROCKEIti, EVERT 1111 M A, manufacture and P R . I C E S • They will be offered Formerl y' c . H. THING N. S. BUTLER'.